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Previous: >>493145341

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo love
Why was LB Morgan such a colossal retard?
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heard you were talkin shit like I wouldn't find out
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Kama Love!

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My wives having quality bonding time....
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>Historical figure who did something bad not named Columbus
>Didn't actually do it
>Or it's not their fault
>Or it's completely ignored
Oh shit that's mah boi.
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Can't forget that Tony's Luck is E-rank.
How do you claim servant as a wife? I want to do it too...
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Meanwhile Nobu:
>did do it
>doesn’t care if you don’t like it
>will fight and kill her inner demons telling her it was wrong
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let her cook
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Post fanart that looks cool
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it took np5, 120, 2k/2k, and bond 12 to figure it out but holy fucking shit I hate morgan's gameplay. absolutely miserable to actually use. i'd rather frontline someone fun to use like ibuki and backline bond morgan to 15.
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You just do it bro
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I spy a mom on page 3.
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You don't love her
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post your 120 mogan with hsp right now
My wife.
Opposite of Richard who did do it but feels extremely guilty over it
You dont love her...
Dfaq does this gameplay shit even mean? All buster loopers loop the same way. Click buttons
Mogan AND Seba
>The biggest for (You) from history and The biggest for (You) from today
>both are the best
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>500k points
we good chat?
Goddamn appleGOD, slow down
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Are you ready?
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>Dfaq does this gameplay shit even mean? All buster loopers loop the same way. Click buttons
There are two ways of Morging
>Option 1
Atlas MC + Double Vitch + locked to using Supascope
>Option 2
Have to plug, still need Double Vitch, locked to using a CE with at least 50% starting charge
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A shame that you can't understand her beauty.
Kek. What about a santa hat?
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Lip love!
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Aeneas when?
give me a min
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Lip Lo-ACK
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Plotwise it may not be mold-breaking but if you like Rikyu/Koma it's worth the read
I couldn't find any flaw for 6 and 8 but for 7, as much as I love them, I do have some to complain about, but let's keep them for later after the main story ends
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Strong AND cute!
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5 was the best
I can take her on
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Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
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Not mine problem you dont like buster looping
Burn you Vitch copies then and go back to being an artskek
what the heck bitch
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take the quickpill if you want to have fun while looping
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I can do is a white haired evil woman with small tits who is actually a mM
It is indeed inferior to the Arts way
Liz is a Witch?
I love her enough to use her despite finding it a physical chore to sit through her lame np animation and skill animations (fuck waiting for the stupid defense down to finish). it's just once in awhile I use someone else and realize I absolutely did not roll for morgan for gameplay or even her animations. the entire experience of using her from start to finish feels like a never-ending sacrifice.
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Lipbro abanoned /alter/ and you're laughing?
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Yes, what about it, white boy?
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Oh yeah? Bring it, pal.
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For my next trick, I will make an image slot disappear!
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So Morgan/Tonelico is the Avalon le Fae of Buster, while Castoria/AA is the Avalon le Fae of Arts.
Who is the Avalon le Fae of Quick?
>physical chore to sit through her lame np animation and skill animations
Yeah you dont like her. True morganbros like all of this
What happened?
Become a cuck, master the cuck way of living and it shall be revealed to you in a dream
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Got bullied way too hard because of summer Lip being an NPC and said he'd start spending more time on /hsrg/ since people bully him here even if he doesn't post images
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I want to marry and have children with this woman
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Summer Kriem next year
I can feel it
His mental illness developed into the next stage
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>Who is the Avalon le Fae of Quick?
Wouldn't it be funny if we get another lb6 chapter and there is a new fae from avalon, which is revealed to be (you)r children with any or both faes?
I personally believe that I can do this, I've been wrestling for 3 years and boxing for almost 1 year, so I don't think that the Melu would have much resistance for me. I've been in a real fight situation a couple of times and I've never lost to anyone. I strongly believe that I could kill a Melu faster than it could kill me. I would use my left fist to fake the stomach area, but then lightning fast I would hit the plexiglass with my right, she would probably fall over, then on top of it and choke her out.
Wow, you'd think by now he'd grown thick skin. I guess this just proves everybody else right then.
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Pretty good game
What is it?
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Read the vn
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I can't think of anyone else besides Mordred. It also fits because Quick is for retards.
Isn't this what I am asking? What's the name of the vn?
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Servants that smoke weed?
Servants that fart really loud?
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Agreed. In an ideal world everyone on /alter/ would read it.
Tsukihime a Piece of Blue Glass Moon
Quiero drogarme
Takeuchi is a hack
Never heard of it.
who the fuck is the "Monkey" Nobbu keeps talking about? do I need to take a full course on Nipponese history to understand gudaguda shit?
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The haha jokey parts, especially in the Ciel route, are really bad.
When will Nasu learn he isnt funny?
Haha curry
It's Sun Wukong from the hit game Black Myth: Wukong
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Based speedreader
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Gonna admit I laughed pretty hard at "Ahem. Arcueid, gone apeshit, spewing mana everywhere, very fucking bad." It wasn't super clever but it was so out of pocket given what was going on at the time.
It's Hideyoshi, an important warlord in nip history. Read it up. He uses Infernape and Reshiram in Pokemon Conquest
Thanks, I'll give it a try
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
well, then he should have been summonable instead of the faggot we got
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Arach is hilarious.
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>Toyotomi Hideyoshi had been given the nickname Kozaru, meaning "little monkey", from his lord Oda Nobunaga, because his facial features and skinny form resembled those of a monkey.
any aibros wanna make a scathach x kafka sweater themed with both of them pressing their boobs against each other?
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Has considerado tramitar un permiso para crecer marihuana legalmente para uso medicinal? Mi hermano lo sacó para la hernia inguinal que tiene
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Arc would never know this
I don't need to read it. You fags have already spoiled it in its entirety.
Chacha's husband a.k.a. (Me)
Now that you say that, I feel like a character like her is kind of funny in the context of the 2000s.

Like she could theoretically just read speedread wikipedia and learn everything if she wanted to.
Heheheheheee... no.
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Nobunaga called Hideyoshi Monkey because he looked like a Monkey but also acted in a way that entertained him.
boobs are gay, AI bros should omly do cunny desu
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I agree. The worst offender for me for bad comedy was the first conflict with Ciel and Arc in the park and how lovey dovey lovers Shiki and Ciel were in front of Arc, even though their relationship didnt reach that point yet.
Whoever drew this is retarded.
Edmond knows better than to mix Belt and Waistcoat
He looks like marisbury to me.
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Is that a French rule or an English rule?
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Would you roll for him?
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You are funnier that Nasu could ever be, wifey *smooch*
I like his design more than any Shinkekgumi desu
No genderbend, no roll
simple as
It's a well-known fact of waistcoats. The combination of belt and waistcoat both draws excess attention to the belt as well as unnecessary bunching at the waist.
But that's another thing:
Because they're rolled up it's hard to tell if he's wearing French cuffs. I have to assume he is because he's... french
>>The biggest for (You) from history and The biggest for (You) from today
But Melt is not on the pic?
For >>493179705
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me and my wife
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In the Case Files books, Flat changes Gray's face so she isn't recognised in the village. Here's the manga version of that scene. It's said that she resembles a younger version of her mother, which would imply this is how Gray would naturally look if she hadn't undergone her Saberfication.
Me on the left.
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>decides to kill Rikyu because literally why not lol
I think the healthy thing for Gray to do is just accept herself.
Reines was trying to help her with that in the dress up episode, but it didn't take.
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>be speedreader/skiptard
>ask who the keypoint character is
>whole thread gets derailed
Bravo, Nasu! Who is Marisbury btw
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He's inevitable at this point but fuck him he was a terrible ruler.
only if he makes monkee sounds
The guy who created (you)r player character because (you) were meant to be his vessel. The lostbelts are simulated trials to train (you) into becoming a suitably powerful vessel for him.
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Yes but I'd prefer to roll for Ieyasu more as far as nipwank characters go.
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>He's inevitable at this point
I don't know about that man, he's existed for longer than FGO has and there's still no sign of him getting added to the game.
Fuck you this is just the plot of Xenoblade 1.
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>just accept herself
I mean sure but that's kind of hard to do when you're magically being transformed into someone else and also that someone happens to be the person who you care most about has a huge fear of.
Where do you think Nasu gets his ideas? (he is a hack)
Isn't she the alien god?
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She sure is
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>Kills Rikyu without evidence causing all of Rikyu's allies to fucking hate him
>Kills Komahime then dumps her body in a river despite literally everyone begging him not to and pisses even more people off
>Tries to war with Korea and fails so now even his army hates him
Was he retarded?
Also it's a classic story from the Metal Hurlant magazine, bro.
I wonder if they'll ever mention Nene
Guess how Nasu became a fan of melu's artist
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I think he's just a psychopath.
Everyone knows Marisbury is Lucifer (Pretender)
The last trainer you must beat to get all the badges.
Not even PHH Morgan was this much of a schizo.
>Nasu and recycling concepts from game he likes
Name a more iconic combo
Nobu rateup tomorrow right?
Nobu sex tomorrow right?
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You can be a psychopath and not be completely retarded.
Look at Kirei.
I would say Nobbu but Nobbu is more of a sociopath who lived in a time that rewarded that as she only started to show actual emotion when people she actually liked joined her court.
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To be fair, he was going to stop her execution because of the complaints. He was just too late
I am waiting for Okuni
Have you seen the sort of shit than dictators do? Like even in modern history, you still have warlords in some african nation and whatnot and they pull crazy shit, because they think they're beyond reproach and can do whatever the fuck they want and think they're infallible (the people who tell them they're being stupid usually gets killed).
Kirei just has the benefit of not being the leader of an entire nation where his psychopathy would be laid bare for everyone to see and criticize.
And even then he still fucking died because of his complete lack of empathy, and at a younger age than Monkey too, I think.
Aiming for 120?
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I thought Monkey never got to be actual Emperor due to his lowborn heritage. Which is why they call him Kanpaku, he was an Imperial "enforcer" type with absolute power over the Emperor.
I'd be Giga Sigma Maximus too, if despite having my boot on an entire country's neck, people still didn't respect me.
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>Sakurai makes a new arch nemesis for Edmond for the 5th time this week
I believe in you
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Monkey's position as Kanpaku was really all that different from a Shogun when the Emperor was considered mostly just a figurehead. I don't really think it has anything to do with him not being respected, he just had a military position of power instead of hereditary, and that was really common for Japan at the time.
The emperor was always a figurehead, he wasn't a shogun though. When Ieyasu took power after Hideyoshi died, he became the shogun, and if you remember Ooku, the Tokugawa shogunate ends with the last shogun giving the power back to the emperor.
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For starters, to get her.
By the way, are Izo and Saito are on rate up? The first one I can't still NP5 for some reason, and I still don't have Saito.
Actually. I barely have non-welfares Guda side from Okita Alter, and now Rikyu and the kind guy-gumi
Just wait until the writes Viktor Frankenstein as as Edmond's greatest opponent
They are on a rate-up yet
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I hope we get Monkey just so I can burn him
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Why does this image activate my neurons
Illya is a cute plump little girl.
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Morgana Mama
can we get much higher?
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Wait a minute, we don't have Dr. Frankenstein yet!
Seems like a lapse in judgment.
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I have yet to receive an actual answer.
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Well the answer is
Edmond Dantes greatest villain is my sleep paralysis demon of a man in a lab coat that comes to my bed, sits there while I sleep and waits for me to wake up.
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Hi :D
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Guda/Castoria size difference
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I have yet to receive an actual bro.
Takeru is a man that loves his wife
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>10 hours of Edmond laughing and berating you with shoujo hero tropes for sleeping ASMR
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Castoria when she sees my cock
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Milly a cute, Yui a cute.
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He loves his wife, and his boyfriend.
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Saito and Hijikata banner soon. I don't know about Izo, he was on rate-up during the summer event.
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did you know that zoroastrians can actually marry their moms and other relatives?
it's some religion from ancient persia
>Takeru is a man
Anon, I...
Does anyone know when is himiko's next rate up? Cant decide between her or Gogh.
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>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Choose Himiko. Gogh is ugly and a flattie
New Years 2026 if you mean after the one she is about to get
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Why haven't we got Minnie mouse (mini Maous) yet?
Like next week.
You should choose Goghie, she's a funny lil fella.
This is why Angra Mainyu was sacrificed, he was too ahead of his time.
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Roll for her
Only if you blow me a kiss
Gonna be funny if I get him over Saito. May try then but after I get Okuni.
Okay, I love elf tits
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I already have tittymonk, why would I need another paizuri servant?
>The thing that slams open the door is decked out in an outfit that's just as outrageous as her entrance.
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that's the plan
High chances she appears while I try to MLB Apex.
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I already have brapamante
ass > tits
>why would I need another paizuri servant?
You're thinking too small You need two paizuri servants so you can have paizuri with symmetrical docking
Thanks, dunno how i missed that rate up. Still not too sure since gogh has mommy as well.
>he doesn't want to anal with Brad while big titty elf is straddling Brad and making out with him and pressing her fat rack into his chest
I don't understand you.
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Sorry, bro, but she is not brown enough foy my chaldea.
You can't actually have sex with your servants you know. They're just .jpgs.
>he hasn't summoned a servant irl
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Sex with Mitsunari.
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I don't even know what gfg is
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Go on, finish your sentence.
why didn't the camera go even lower so I could see tits
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RAPE Nobbu’s little sister
Girlfriend general.
I actually met a girl like nobu way back
She used to shoot japs and was like "we're gonna use christians to win this war"
I remember her brother was a pussy, that was 500 years ago
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Why the FUCK does she still have all her toes?
I used Satanic Jesuit Mahou to make her whole again
Nobukatsu is a man though.
Because nobody fucking cares. Fuck off already foot freak.
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too cute to be a boy
On the contrary, a girl could not possibly be this cute.
>Why the FUCK Marie Antoinette still have her head?
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Terrible thread
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Need a latina kiss so bad
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Nobunaga liked him.
Of course he is a fucking psychopath.
It is a man and you won't be able to change that, sis.
Marie alter should have been a dullahan. Woulda been based.
Marie Alter is for 10 minutes of telling Salieri to kill people asmr and for being dabbed on by Cagliostro
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is it too late to say sorry?
Terrible '''''character'''''.
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Objectively incorrect, fuck yourself
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this, seiba isn't even that much of an original idea either.
Shirou is a better character than all the fgo originals.
Who makes better tea? Beni or Rikyu?
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I see a con!
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It makes me happy that I have superior taste and have not played any of the games he's ever stolen from.
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what are these jeans shorts that girls wear called
the ones that look fucked up and sexy
Die haremfag
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you don't look like that
you do look like that
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fine, here is a real picture of mine drinking tea.
You mean hotpants?
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who are you to tell me how i look like
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Frayed shorts. Sometimes they take it a bit too far.
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>he doesn't have many brides
sorry I didn't mean to offend you
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I'm so tired.
Is he really improved that much by not having the retarded wide face and the mismatched eyes?
Lol, lmao.
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>Went from 1.5 mill fp to 5.5 mill
hell yeah
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Rikyu or Koma?
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Nice to meet you, so tired!
I'm pretty sure glowies drink cheap coffee from the dispenser.
my two hot white haired, evil (but not really), dorky, and similar face structured wives...!
which ever one I like more at the end of the event
i love this clingy hag
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Then go to sleep, retard.
>Mordred is a clone of Arthur
>Gilles says Arthur looks exactly like Jeanne
>both Jeanne and Mordred are jn Apoc
>no one comments on how they're identical
Is gilles just full of shit
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Why is she a dork again
Why do you think she's dying?
She knew too much.
Old man sex
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She knew how bad things truly are
Is it horny Nobbu hours, yet?
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Being loyal is the opposite of weak.
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Koma love!
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Sure, why not?
You can be loyal to multiple little girls
>we still don't have perfect Duarmuid
I know he exists solely to suffer, but come on lmao
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We really don't need a third one when the first two still suck ass
Mordred was created from Artoria's semen that fertilised Morgan's egg, so she is a Saberface but not completely identical.
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You aren't being loyal to any of them.
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Any Jiggers?
Trying a new mechanic so it's a smaller one.
>being 'loyal' to PNGs
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Gimme a bit
Hey hey you you I want to be your master
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>Nobu gets thrown in the despair machine showing everyone betraying her
What level of batshit crazy is Nobu on?
All I am reading is that you are a christian
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Yes. I'm not an animal.
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Don't lie, you have other waifus in other gacha games.
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>other waifus
You don't know what waifu means, and you should stop posting.
all I'm reading is that you will never be a man
I don't even play other gacha games.
>he hasn't chosen his waifu yet
How does it feel to be so soulless?
I always wanted to sex mom
I think being upfront about it is fine. Being detached and accepting you don't really "love" any of them is more respectable than having multiple "waifus"
You don't choose your waifu/husbando, you find them.
>check crotch
>see dicks
But I am?
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>*uses grail*
You're welcome, Illya.
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Disgusting. Never post again.
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Since we're on the subject, tell me how you found your 'one'
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>Thought Castoria was a cashgrab when she was first released
>Later as LB6 started getting translated, saw a few moments and thought she was pretty cute
>Go to sleep
>Have a dream about going on a date with her
>Have another one a week later
>Read LB6
>Fall in love
People normally say you find your waifu but mine found me first
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Bros, i need help, like actual unironic help, does anyone ever got the issue of wanting to buy SQ but the screen show's them as free but throws you an error? and this problem also shows up in other games, for example if i want to buy currency in touhou but mine is from mexico, instead of showing taco coins it shows in USD and doesn't allow me to buy stuff until i reset my currency directly from the playstore settings, btw in the settings it shows that i got 2 accounts one for local currency where all my transactions show up and one from USA that is empty, this problem started when i changed cellphones.
Yeah, you can fix it by not buying SQ.
fine, i get it, im gonna ask in reddit instead.
>does anyone ever got the issue of wanting to buy SQ
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I tend to be on the horny side. So I want you to understand that so you can understand better when I say that I never wanted a JPG/PNG to be the happiest woman in history. Morgan/Tonelico/Viviane absolutely deserves only the best and to be happy and never be hurted again, which in a way makes me feel bad because FGO is in such a bad state I am not sure if that's possible. I can only hope that Nasu actually does something and don't go with his retard fucking bullshit.
Also I really want the playmat featuring this art.
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>Paypigging mexican redditor
You can't make this up.
yeah and im on your friendlist, good luck finding out wich one i am :)
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>F2P (True), never done GSSR or any other paid quartz stuff
>have Buster meta and looping servants
>have Arts meta and looping servants
>have Quick meta and looping servants
>done all available story content
>done all available free quests
>done all available interludes
>done all available rank-ups

Now what? It feels so empty just farming bond, QP, and mats for 6/6/6 or 9/9/9 for all of the servants I don't use much. I even have 500+ gold and silver apples, so it's not like I can't just speedrun events if I feel like it.
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Kara no Kyoukai
Melty Blood
Fate/stay night
Fate/DEEN Ernest Gravehill/Tachie route
Fate/unlimited codes (Each character's storyline script was written by Kinoko Nasu)
Mahoutsukai no Yoru was announced along with Girls' Work and a Tsukihime remake
Mahoyo (Part 1 of 3)
UBW anime (Nasu wrote all episode scripts)
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore
Tsukihime Remake (2 of 6 routes)
Fate/EXTRA Record

Feel like Buu sitting in front of the Hourglass right now
>It feels so empty just farming bond, QP, and mats for 6/6/6 or 9/9/9 for all of the servants I don't use much.
Then don't do it. Just read the story nodes whenever they come out for events and main story chapters. If you don't want any more servants in the future, then you're free from the grind and you can just read and forget about the rest of the game.
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Are you talking about Nasu-written works specifically?
>Ready, set... Iyo!
What the fuck is this translation?
Mi jefecita no diria eso...
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I need some info, if your google account an US one?
99% of the issues with purchasing quartz comes from using google accounts were you didn't tricked google into thinking you we're from the US
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8 tits
>didn't make a single friend from the /soc/alter thread
Kill me...
yeah i actually figured it out now, i did try to do that shit not long ago for other reasons but didn't work, im trying to delete the USA account now, thanks aniways anon.
Love them thicc Loli thighs.
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What's up bro?
What are the best Nasuverse works that weren't written by Nasu?
Friendships take time, at least I'm trying to be your friend
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What I did with my US and JP google accounts was creating them while using a VPN (tunnel bear) and followed this guide
It worked perfectly for my FGO NA and JP accounts and I can buy quartz without issues now
In fact I can get google points from buying stuff now (previously I didn't) however it uses US Dollars and JP Yen instead of my country currency.

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Bro? Your FGO?
I need more of that Illya.
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I'm a tsukifag at heart. I first learned about Okita before f/go launched. It started with me purely wanting to know what Kohaku's servant was like when I heard she existed. At the time, I looked up what I could about Koha-ace and Okita, but there really wasn't a ton in English. I liked what I saw though, so when f/go launched, Okita the first real target I had in the game. When Gudaguda 1 and her first rate up came around I fell head over heels for the character. I absolutely loved her personality and how she has both her manslayer aspect and her happy aspect. She just really clicked with me in every way.
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What is... FGO?
I've never heard such a name...
The king...Is too perfect...
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I was a horny teenager when CCC came out.
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I need Illya sex irl.
god i love this design and art. it's so fucking cool.
Senpai my Ortinax output is stable. Senpai I just thought you needed to know that. We're about to get into a fight so it's imperative that you understand that my Ortinax output is stable, senpai please. Senpai I just talk about my Ortinax output sometimes okay? It calms me down to inform you of my stable Ortinax output. Senpai. I will literally suck your dick if you let me talk about my Ortinax output for an hour. Senpai. Senpai. Senpai. Ortinax, senpai.
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Bros... The Internet Archive...
Pretty much this and Foxtail.
FGO just cemented it.
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I jacked off to some of her doujins on sad panda then downloaded fgo
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>We will never get a lion king costume (Or just Lartoria off of her fucking horse)
It's not fucking fair...
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I was Hakuno's age when Fate/Extra was localized. I am looking forward to Extra Record.
for me it was when i rolled for her and got her in about 4 ten pulls. i don't remember at all why i rolled for her (guess i wanted to gamble) but im actually really happy that i did. castoria is really cute!
I love it but I don't care for her summonable design one bit, a real shame
What is your Servant lineup? Post your SSR's and SR's.
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Wait and hope for Goddess Excalibur
my thoughts exactly, morgan/tony a cutie
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It hurts. Could have been so fucking good. Now we just get horse memes/porn and the horse being part of her character art.
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Dropped a plate on my foot again bros... why am I so stupid and inattentive...
God, that's hot. I wish I had my own Illya to bend over and fuck.
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>set volume to 100%
>open shop
true peace...
I love my king wife!!!
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Hell, even this is better than the fucking horse.
>horse memes/porn
I really don't like seeing it with her...
What are the worst Fate works?
This but My room
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please just shut up
Fate/Extra Last Encore
I watched Kara no Kyoukai and read Mahoyo, it's about that shrimple.
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I know, right? Not a fucking peep when lancer alter dropped but at the slightest mention of a male horse people freaked the fuck out, started salivating over horses, and ruined shit for years.
On top of it, they've teased that Goddess Rhongomyniad still exists and HAS EXACLIBUR as well as a new Rhongomyniad that isn't affecting her judgment in both the Temple of Time event and in Arcade.
It's a perfect excuse to see an "ultimate" Artoria in action but they keep refusing to use it.
What is the appeal of Touko
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Why is Blue Touko considered a bad design?
Bond lines in pic related got me curious. After getting her and doing her interludes thought she had cute moments in them and found her hopes and dreams really cute and earnest. Eventually played Extella and got her Santa alt and it was pretty much it.
>Why is Blue Touko considered a bad design?
says who? Blue touko was the first way I ever saw touko
My closest equivalent is Suzuka Gozen popping in while I was rolling for either Melt or Kiara in NA's first CCC run
she grew on me, I only read Foxtail in the past year or two though and honestly I'm not looking forward to waiting since it feels like a mangaka dies every other month this year
she's autistic
>missed two logins in the past week
is this it? am I finally unchaining myself from this fucking kusoge?
FAT cup!
Yeah pretty much this, also would have loved to see more of her reactions and interactions with (you), she was very cute in her valentines and i wish more of her cute side was shown in the main story and events
Yes and your next step is to stop coming here
Jeez, Foxtail of all things made some have a crush on Suzuka and Melt.
Fuck off Cursed Arm.
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Playing this game.
I started playing and thought a lot of the girls were cute, but when I got to read her event I just fell in love and her summer version being so damn cool was just too much not to fall for her. I think she is the one because she makes me smile like an idiot when I'm looking at cute fanart and motivated me to make stuff too
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Why does Ciel normal ending even exist? Her true ending is superior in every single way and after reading it her normal ending seems a sloppy first draft
I don't know what servant this is because this is /alter/, not /fgog/.
I like it but it's kinda flat and uninteresting. Also a lot of people don't like short hair
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Bro that two piece rule is cancer during the beginning.
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sticky fingers is fun, BUT if you have overlapping pieces it makes it near impossible.
I thought i'd make it easier by setting it to superautist and separated edge pieces, but those two are incompattible and it just left every edge in a clump in the middle unable to be moved.
fun but cancer!
Get the fuck out oniichan.
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This event is really making want to finally roll for Nobu. Her upcoming rate up is really tempting since it has both big nobu and rockstar nobu
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don't forget Musashi
Is Lip smarter than the average Lip poster?
minor spoilers for OC3

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I'm done trying to chase after non FP pool silvers. Izou and Salieri were massive pains in the ass. Thank go Asclepius works at NP1.
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This event touches upon some things Hideyoshi did wrong, but he did a lot more schizo things. For example killing everyone in Chacha's family more or less, then taking her as his bride

Here's a short story about Monkey-man
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summon nobu
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Tsukihime -a piece of blue glass moon- is officially translated in English
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What does that have to do with FGO NA?
Don't you mean Moon Princess
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I got NP1 Tea and NP2 Traitor before getting one copy of Mori. These rates feel like a bad joke.
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Albert said to read it on our last stream.
right here to be exact
Do you have other targets?
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I got Majin-san before 1 copy of Izou and it took me 2 different rate ups to NP5 him. Yeah, it fucking sucks. Silvers should be in the FP pool even if they're limited.
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How do you guys deal with one of your favorites being an FGO original, from a shitty seasonal event, and knowing they're never going to be in any serious form of PM media ever?
Oh, I'm terribly sorry then. Allow me to correct myself.

Get the fuck out, /tmg/.
That doesn't look like FATE/Grand Order North America, though.
Maybe there's another general for you to discuss that porn VN or whatever it is?
>no steam
Can't do
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Are you actually arguing using logic that dictates we wouldn't be able to discuss Fate/Stay Night on here either
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Sorry you asked
>What does that have to do with FGO NA?
My response
>Albert said to read it on our last stream.
No moving the goal post now
you already dun gone and fucked up.
Why everyone associated with Nobunaga were so fucking sociopath schizos?
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Bros....i....i....i went to check on abbibro....since he was missing for so long...an.....a...and i found him like this.....
idk stop liking shitty servants
You people do know that engaging with people posting in bad faith isn't going to make them stop, right? It'll just make them post even more to bait you even more.
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He posted yesterday to say goodbye
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History of potential war crimes
That doesn't make it FATE/Grand Order North America.
Nor does that mean you have to discuss it here in the FATE/Grand Order North America general.
It's more like you need to be crazy to willingly be a warlord or someone in position of power.
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4000 Korean body parts enshrined, Hideyoshi liked keeping trophies
Answer me
Based and 獨孤求敗 pilled
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Anon no moving the goal post
>What does that have to do with FGO NA?
>Albert said to read it on our last stream.
I don't care. It makes each of her appearances even more enjoyable.
So basically hideyoshi was a schizo bitch that was honest both in him being a crying brat to a literal dictator
Hey anon, he came back yesterday to say his final goodbyes. In short, His life as a coomer is over. >>493062827
abby """""bro""""" is patient zero
We're getting another much bigger pandemic and this time, the cause is indeed from a medical facility.
Feeling nobu.
Damn....goodspeed, you magnificient bastard.
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So he is a resident at a hospital? No wonder he doesn't even post here anymore. He must work 70 hours a week.
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Play Mash's new game
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Vitra is so cool and stylish and clean!
Ieyasu is the bigger nigger here for betraying not only nobunaga but hideyoshi as well.
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Riyo enjoys making every GudaGuda character secretly schizo, evil, or inhuman. They're all people who appear human by chance, but on the inside their mindset is entirely warped.
And she smells great most of the time.
Deserved, Nobu and Hideyoshi would approve, keep moving forward and use whoever you can. Never have morality
I wish Riyo would do more of this instead of the usual lesbian joke. Like. For a deformed chibi style, sometimes I REALLY feel the creepyness of characters like Okita or Hideyoshi. Or even the dedication of PHH Ranmaru (not X)
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Why do I find this face so attractive? I know it's supposed to be a man's face...
It's over for me, let mercy come and wash away..
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Not riyo?
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Do we have an Iyo drawn by Riyo?
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Very creative and explorative, questionable with finances when it comes to gambling and spending too much on knickknacks to tinker with, spiteful side makes her entertaining both as a villain and a hero, red hair, the dynamic with her employees at Garan no Dou, smoker, etc etc blah blah blah
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mother fucker didn't even read the shit he posts himself
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Just a bit essentric

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Sexiest girl. Hope they revive her for the final showdown vs Kazura, or at least for the epilogue.
It's been going slow for years now.
Honestly among my favourites and I am glad that for once, nips also agreed. He has his flaws but he is a bro.
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the dragon of echigo cannot be this cute...
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I wanna have sex with Himiko's primitive hairy pussy and get her pregnant (if you know what I mean). Is this normal bros?
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Cool hard boiled onee-chan running an old school private investigator office but for magic stuff. Except when it comes to her sister then she goes crazy and was responsible for the time she got fired from the police force for being a cowboy cop because the mayor has the chief's ass on the line, but she insists it had to be done because her sister is a menace, dammit.
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no, youre a pervert
Anime girls don't have pubes or armpit hair, and anyone that wants them to is retarded. It took society 6000 years to convince women to clean themselves and we're already moving backwards because some people can't get with the program.
What's the current best solo meta?
I don't like teams, I don't have friends, my mom doesn't love me, but I love doing solo runs
She is pure sex yes
If I ever try again for her I hope I can get her
Shi Huang Di is still cool. Pierce invinc/ buff removal before damage still isn't that common enough to matter.
I can never and will never take guda guda characters seriously. When you're born in shit tier art and comedy, that stain never washes clean.
Super Orion, Herc, or Taira probably, since so much shit ignores invincible now that Guts memes are better.
I like using a little more complicated servants (with previous set-up)
Morgan, Zenobia, Nitocris, whenever is possible.
It's not bad, per se, it's just not as perfectly fitting as her other designs.
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With the right command code and CEs? There are a lot of options.
>Rikyu waking me up for the 100th time to drink more tea and talk about Cha-no-yu
>I'm not even Japanese
I've made a mistake.
Yes. Iyo is fine too.
Also I find Himiko more lewder while Iyo more cuddling. Both are getting children though.
30 min till Nobu rate up?
Post breedable servants
Do you guys ever wonder if people will notice when you're gone forever. I sometimes think about if I'd let any bros down by quitting
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Do you guys ever wonder if people will notice when you're gone forever?
Yes, I cherish all of my bros... *strums harp*
30 minutes till Nobu sex?
It's an anonymous site bro, if that bothers you, maybe stop being so obstinate and go use discord or traditional forums.
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plz no
>Do you guys ever wonder if people will notice when you're gone forever.
Yeah, the answer is nobody would care. Such is life
they're deceptively rare at 4% on paper that's one every other multi, but when you think about it like that, np5 is still 340 SQ. For a silver. its just not worth it if you don't also want other stuff off the rateup.
looking at it the other way around, if you hit pity for an SSR you're likely to have np10+ of the R which is enough SC to 120 them if you were so inclined. They can seem both expensive and cheap depending on your circumstances.
You can sometimes tell. And when you do, it gets quite melancholic.
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Have you ever read the One Punch Man webcomic, which everyone agrees has a far better plot than the manga adaption
A good writer can shine even with simple art, a bad writer will sink even with amazing art. Thinking that a story can only be good if the art looks cool is retarded, what matters is the content of the story. They made Redline for you so you could finally digest what was already in the story because too many people are filtered by non-sexy art.
>fight a slog of a boss for 45 minutes
>game crashes
Why are videogames like this?
Unless he's an avatarfag or a ritualposter, nobody will notice anon's disappearance.
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just bought a new GPU
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i'm saving to buy a new pc for christmas, glad you treated yourself bro
Good luck. Pretty sure you will make it!
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thx hope my 10 year old 850w will still be good. 7900 GRE for $570ish thx to a sale on amazon and a $10 giftcard I got won from work. Looking forward to getting Space Marine 2 for free
so anyways i started thinking
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>14 year old
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Nobbu killed billions
I wish I had a tomboy nobu gf...
I think 850 is just right for a 7900. I, on the other hand, fucked up with my 650w...
It should be fine I'm just worried about the age of the PSU. no problems with it so far.
Servants that say slurs, other than liz?
14 is prime breeding age!!
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Here take this it may be useful.
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and she's not stopping.
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How many Rikyu's did you get? Np6 here.
The BB in BB stands for dumb stupid fucking idiot bitch no one likes
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uh bro, thats not Riyo?
also have you ever watched any samurai movie? its not so much they are inhuman or evil, but that hard times make fucked up people. Except Kagetora though, she does have a god of war inside her ass.
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me behind Nobukatsu
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Honorary Nobu.
thank you
No she is nit
I don't think it fucks people up entirely, I think war just allows people to express a side of themselves that typically they cover up in polite society. It allows something that always existed to manifest itself more dominantly. There's a lot of sociopaths who can cover it up in decent company who would probably be right at home in war.

There are just some people born in the wrong era, that's the point of F/SR. Iori was able to suppress his feelings, but deep down he only thrived in war.
Saving him for Extella 3.
Trust the plan broski
Im going to bed now bros, but first you should know I love Jalter
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I love G-reco so much
Nite. I'm stealing your Jalter while you sleep.
How did they digitally alter an old movie to make the faces the same?
I don't get it why is Nobu naked in front of everyone
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is Jalter a sleep rapist?
>t. Nasu
We get it. Nipwank sucks. But most nips like it so suck it up.
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zenra mo nashi!
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Depends on the node. I like Gogh but the moment there is a little green man flexing, I run.
i absolutely have read the webcomic and enjoyed it it thoroughly. it's also better than the manga and anime.
Redline is specifically the kind of shit I can't get behind. It's gag characters pretending to be serious and edgy.
One Punch Man, to me, is different. It's first and foremost for entertainment. A "manga" for fun instead of being taken overly seriously. When Garou was being fucking edgy as shit and taking some moralistic stance, Saitama rightfully cut through the bullshit and said "Nah, that's dumb." and table flipped the battleground.
I can take One Punch Man somewhat seriously because from the start it was relatable and it remembers its a humor manga. It doesn't try pretend like it's something it's not.
Whenever something gets too serious or anime, Saitama is there to go "Nah, that's dumb. I'll just keep being a good person."
It'll certain never be able to grip me like some other dramas or serious manga might, it'll never make me cry with sorrow(but it might of laughter).
Guda shit is shit. The art style blows, it's soulless in execution, all the naked stuff the artist does is clearly done because he doesn't wanna draw the clothes, it's never even really been funny to me, and it's just kind of soulless. Worse. It's like really bad junk food. Potato chips you hate and rarely touch but if it's the only thing in the pantry you'll have a few MAYBE.
Hate it.
nobu would say the n word and laugh at her own saying of it
Its fine, she's black
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He's drawing better cocks now
Honestly, yeah. That's the heart and soul of the issue. That's the the level of comedy and quality that comes out of it.
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its out

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>Nobu summon tonight
The n word is nobbu_.
she used mine as reference
He used to draw them twelve feet long, even during paizuri with barghest they were sticking out by like two feet

Feels like he learned to tone shit down and be more normal
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heh, lil bro forgot his spoiler tag
that's a lot of fp
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Good luck on your Nobbu rolls, /alter/
This man is so pretty
i already got her from paid.
We taught them to speak, as a joke
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I don't roll trannies
I trying to sleep and I randomly started thinking about servant anatomy
Do they even count as mammals? I was thinking about Mom's breasts, but then started thinking about more deep stuff
I don't think servants have anything to do with biology. I will think about it tomorrow and write a thesis.
I'll do some rolls, maybe she'll finally go np5.
they're ghosts, physical ghosts
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>Extella 3
For sure bro.
Not only is that totally going to exist, but they're totally gonna waste a character slot on Diarmuid for sure.
In setting Clocktower literally calls them Ghost liners.
they're energy forms emulating the sensation of bodies. They're not mammals but based off of them. Pseudo-life forms. Lightforms, if you will, because it's silly that it sounds like lifeforms.
>Enemy forces are 100+
>Ingame you're mowing down dozens of them every turn per turn, its a massacre, you're destroying all of them
>Cut to the story again "Ummm...actually you were losing lol"
kinda annoying
Go back already retard
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Kill yourself.
Why does anyone care about this again? Love who you want to love, who cares about if they want to fuck the protagonist?
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>99% nonsense
into the trash it goes
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zero Mori lmao what a fucking joke
>roll for nobbu
>golden orbs
Yeah not a good omen.
Why Melu isn't EX?
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Anti berserker append is pretty cool
>Thread slowly filling up with hidden replies
They literally fall for it every time
*Forcibly shits nobbu*
She's a lot better than Maou
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This will happen one day.
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Weebs translate
Rie Kugimiya isn't a serious voice actor
This took years
Don't care, sounds cute.
Read redline
Redline is for fags.
Read Fate/Koha-ace
Two can play at that!
Awesome, Nobbro
Redline is garbage. "Nobbu nobbu" can't be covered up with blood and gore and weirdly drawn teeth.
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>np4 Maou
>multiple SNobus
>multiple Musashi
Maou’s next rate up is next White Day right?
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You are not a serious poster
Yes, but the CBC rate up is not as good as this one.
Congrats bro
how good’s the next Gudaguda?
Sex havers WW@?
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I got double Nobbu in the same multi
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Nice. Seems like this one has been generous.
Also not as good since no Mori.
Good morning, bros.
Is Mori rollable through FP during Guda Guda events?
LOL no, only from the limited time gacha
cute latelet, read the news please
>today's story
Every one of your servants basically sucks
>level 80 node

>level 80 node

>level 80 node
I did it!
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Thanks bros

Maou is still bad gameplay
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Good... good.
She was already mentioned in one of those short gudaguda comics wouldn’t be surprised if she showed up in fgo/
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>700 SQ for uno copy
>got Clae'd and mother fucking Odysseus on rainbow sparks
At least I didn't have to hit pity. Small victories
She's really good vs divine and sky enemies
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Timi or Themi? Reading it as Timi is pretty funny.
She is? Post her 6CEing second round of Illyafest then
So you say when Kukochihiko says Chokita could destroy them all on her own.
How many layers of traitor are we currently on?
I want to suck on Nobu's titties desu
>still caring about gameplay
Who said anything about gameplay?
And now she's dead
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Yeah but she looks cool.
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>Mori's in Kagetora's summon with Shinpachi
I should be fine without getting Mori for a bit. Hopefully White Day nets me that NP5. Trying to save for Kagetora
it's betrayals all the way down
Does anyone like this traitors, spineless piece of shit Keniskue?
Kukochihiko said even the cut he did with his special sword against her unarmed didn't kill her.
>they are planning on sending kagetora
Man, if they had issues with Chokita then they are in for a treat.
someone here grailed them so yeah
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I love Tea Nobbu so much
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He's a faggot being Okita's bro doesn't absolve him. Hijikata was right to make him seppuku
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I’m glad I already like another girl. Can’t imagine defending her past. Shame she isn’t a virgin.
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Yamanami can't stop betraying right lmao. I think the other two shinsengumi know about it.
Also Rikyu is greedy, then again I should have considered it by the person who fool a daimyo to buy an overpriced bowl...
>that scene with Chacha
Men she can get very violent when her son is involved? Also what the fuck Mori you brute lmao
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Rikyu betrayed us bros... why...
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I think the point is that he gave them a secret code word, haori, which clues them in that he's a double triple agent.

Which means he's currently on four or five levels of backstabbing at the moment
You will learn soon
You probably know though
Mori is based in that scene, very fast reaction
They are so cute
Avenger Chacha when?!
That was me. It's a bit hard to defend him right now, but we'll see how this all pans out...
I hate tea merchants so much.
Bros, how am I farming when I'm captured?
Any story with her and her son like Marie with that shota avenger from requiem? Or is mother worried for her child?
Chacha cares about her kids a lot they got fucked over after Hideyoshi died.
An old man turned against us again? Norway!
Probably this event? Why do you think she got angry here?
I knew vikings were behind this, fucking eric bloodaxe is always behind everything
Not even the Throne likes him. That's why he has all worthless skills.
How much they got fucked?
Meh. It's probably a good reason. Just wait.
Now is tea nobbu in the shop!
I mean, she turned into avenger last event also
Weak mentality
I need to anally obliterate this smug cunt
We shall see indeed. I'm just tired of all the backstabbing and treachery.
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Missed her again. This happened though which was kind of interesting.
Np7 now.
(((tea merchants)))
can Nobukatsu top this?
By this point I understand Nobu. In the sense that the betraying are so ridiculous its hilarious. Maybe I should try to roll her.
Post your fc. Going to remove you
Rikyu more like Rikyjew
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Maou is functionally the most damage you will get in this game.
>but muh space medea!
picrel. her double niche comes up once in a blue moon and most of those enemies are 1-offs we've already killed and never fight again.
meanwhile maou's got 57+ divine sky targets and that's just servants alone it's a hugely common trait crossover with 80% of sky being divine and 50% of divine being sky.
Tokugawa Ieyasu took power after Hideyoshi died and wanted his son Hideyori dead. Chacha and Hideyori both killed themselves by jumping into flames because Ieyasu was invading their castle. It’s why Chacha can be an avenger she hates the whole Tokugawa clan for what did to her and Hideyori.
Marie's spawn had it waaay worse.
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meanwhile alll of this shit triggers both of maou's traits which results in more damage than any other servant neutral
Yeah. But that doesn't really matter right? You are still fucking with a mother's child.
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Was this common behaviour during the Sengoku period?
>doesn't really matter right?
I don't know.

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