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Previous : >>492682203

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

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I fucked up by listening to /bd2g/ and ignored Roxy and focused on Eris only, now I regret because turns out Roxy is a great magic nuker. So even if it was a rerun I would galdly welcome it.
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Fatty game
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Why? Loen and SEclipse are even better magic nukers, and Roxy already got powercrept by Morpeah anyway.
I feel like they made Michaela shit on purpose
>Buff isn´t that good
>Buff last too little
>The side effect its too big to ignore

Its so bad on a fundamental level I really don´t think it was an accident.
I have 200 powder but still kinda want to pull for Eclipse
ngmi bros, she'll drain my collab stash...
Always save for limited and collab costumes!
>Event has ended
So the devs can just claim either Eclipse or Morpeah won the vote and we, with no way to check/verify the rankings anymore, just have to believe them?
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I blew up my tickets and 15k diamonds... Not sure if I will make it with 60k of diamonds left.
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and it's over
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What the fuck?
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easy game easy pulls
Hot time? I'm getting in.
Do not pull, save for collab!
>get 1 teresse in 400 rolls, needed two dust purchase to get a +2
>get 1 morphea in 200 rolls... from dust purchase
>get 1 michaela in 200 rolls... from dust purchase
>get 1 eclipse in 200 rolls.... from dust purchase
this is pretty ass and now i don't have any more gems
Rou owes me one of her gloves
Hey there! I noticed that you spelled Morpheah wrong.

The Japanese and Korean versions are both spelled Morpheah. Though the Korean is a little confusing because their alphabet represents the f sound with the p letter.

Please refrain from misspelling Morpheah in the future. Thanks!
Fork out that credit card already, they're not releasing four hot summer babes in a row for you to get by with your free gems.
bruh i already spent more on this gacha than any other
i'm not spending more
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Alright, wait. I already got my diamonds worth in sluts.
Hey there! I noticed that you spelled Morpeah wrong.

The Japanese and Korean versions are both spelled in gookanese and don't have any letters. Though the Korean is a little confusing because their "alphabet" is gook runes.

Please refrain from misspelling Morpeah in the future. Thanks!
The portrait is much hotter than her actual in game face wtf happened there
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>Eclipse's touch animation is her prodding her tits with her sunglasses to show how fucking full and fat they are
John's final summer gift to us all.
And now, post your results. How did Eclipse/summer treat you?

Eclipse was +3 in 200 with three good spooks. Morpeah was my only "lucky" banner where I finished in 151, Teresse was exactly 400, and I gave up on Michaela after she is still stuck on +0 in 178 pulls.
So who the fuck won???
Currently at +3 after 261, and this is with my monthly costume upgrade.
Gonna stop here and just get her to +5 by November
Good plan, gonna do the same and then save for the onsen pack and collab.
+5 in 240 pulls
16k gems and 40 tickets left
This is good luck right? Usually we need 400++ for +5.
I was a victim of the Helenahoax, so John is just paying for his past sins
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welp this was at roll 190
yay me i guess
i'm illiterate, my 190 is for eclipse
What happen if you dont exchange your 200 tickets pity pull?
gets converted to the powder of hope you use in the store
Thanks I guess im gonna exchange ir for a +4 eclipse then
>And now, post your results. How did Eclipse/summer treat you?
I only did the daily roll, and that´s all I am going to do through her banner, daily rolls.

Collab is soon so I am going to prioritize that in case its an IP I like or if the units are useful.
Should i completely ignore going for more copies as a new player or are some characters only worth it at +5 etc?
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bwos what's wrong with my eclipse?
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It's over. I got her to +5 her in 200 rolls.
Do you have a screenshot of the japanese version? If that's the case, why hasn't it been fixed in the game? Morp has been there since chapter 6
When you guys say rolls do you mean each one is a 10 roll or do you mean you only needed 20 times on the 10 pull to get 5+
the later
so... how we doing in the fh department bwos, it's the only content we get
Boobstia is justice
She's pretty much carrying my ass in this FH
That’s godly.
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>got +1 nun from free pull
>got beach eclipse in like 40 ticket pulls
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forgot pic
she pretty much can get you to level 10 FH alone, no need for a second team.
Got to lvl10 for the first time since I started, really hapoy about that.
Alter Juti and Angelica carry this thing really fucking hard.
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>モルフエア (Mo ru fe a)
There is no "pe" sound used, which is written like this
>ペ (pe)
What the fuck happened to the previous thread?
so in any case it should be Morphea/Morfea
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last thread got nuked
the fuck is janny's problem
Eclipse crushed it with her massive 117 year old tits
Welp i spent 300 tickets for Eclipse, now i have 180 tickets and 50k días how about you bwos
So is the new Eclipse good? A shame that I started the game just after her bunny suit costume
I spent 40 tickets and after getting a single Angelica I decided to just abstain from pulling because it's clearly a cursed banner.
200 tickets and 140k dia btw
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Retard bro here. Ive once again come to ask how many Eclipse dupes should a noob go for? She seems strong like Celia and my Celia isnt even +1
Also i unlocked picrel with a free draw from Morpeahs banner, feels good
>pussy drawn in the bikini
I love you, John
The glasses don't even look like they're interacting with her skin. Why do these animations always look like a uni students art project.
Is this what L2D is, it's not really a drawn animation but more just a still image that's being rotated/moving/stretched?
>still image that's being rotated/moving/stretched?
I think thats exactly what L2D has always been
I mean not really
More like a bunch of individual still images being rotated/moved/stretched
I'll take it
Not like I know what a real one looks like anyways
Did Eclipse and her her master ever...?
Every day multiple times a day
Just wait bwo, John trying to do last minute manipulation.
imagine if john says refi won lmfao
Not as hot as Bunny Celia sorry slammers
What does this mean? How do I bound costume?
230 rolls for Eclipse+4...Should I wait until last day for +5?
Is +5 Eclipse worth it for newer players?
why not just get it with powder
Yes, she has the strongest skill in the game (900% damage) with the best pattern in the game (skip 3x3).

If you don't max out the newest Eclipse, including with tears, you are bricked. She is by and far the strongest character ever released and will stay that way for some time.
How do you do, fellow luckchads?
Alright. Thanks for the answer bro
>11 fucking cd
What's with the Eclipse favoritism?
Where is the 900% coming from? I only see 450% in the description
based eclipsechuds bricking newgluttis before the collab
it's 450x2
To put in perspective the slutty nun is a 1x5, 400x2, for 4 sp. The slutty succubus is a 3x3, 450x2, for 3 sp. She also has an insanely good bunny costume that is coming back soon too.
newfag here, how is this one different than summer dalvi? both seem like are nukes
summer dalvi isnt a nuke, she does her damage over time
Dalvi is small up front(comparatively) with a dot. Eclipse is just a nuke.
so I should get this one?
Yes. Her bunny costume is already the strongest dark magic dps. This just makes her even stronger. If you're worry about your gems then just stick to +1.
idk I have 56k and 112 tickets
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nvm lol
They're re-releasing bunny soon. The eclipse bunny costume is good too. So I don't know how you want to budget. But if you're going to +5, which isn't a bad idea, then only go to +3 until the final day. Then on the last day get the last 2. That way you don't get spooked for the next 20 days. Or if she's going into the powder shop, I don't know if she will, go to +4 on the last day and use 200 powder from the shop.
You have 3 weeks to farm tickets. Just wait until the last 1/2 days and then pull.
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what do I do with 160 points?
Convert it into cope powder
It'll automatically turn into powder.
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Erm.... So who won the popularity contest again? Eclipse had a very slight edge yesterday but we still got a chance to vote. They didn't really publish the result after that.
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>going through theresse's story
>can't use her
very funny
How come when I use Sammy as a healer, her attack buffs don’t seem to stick to my team the next turn. Also how does buff stacking even work in this game?
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I was wrong to doubt the Eclipesechads...
The enemies get a turn. So sammy's buff lasts two turns. Yours and the enemies. What you would think is turn 2 is actually turn 3. You always act on odd turns.
Michaela having no cooldown is actually insane
Eclipse winning the poll even when her banner wasnt on the spotlight, her milf power cant be contested
>All Eclipse costumes at +5
>All costumes fully teared
>Engraving maxed out
>Semen tributed
Feels good to be an EclipseGAWD.
Bikini lecliss...
Is that +5 Michaela?
Just base +0
For new players, how much do I need to stack buffers? I just got Elpis after trying some draws today but now if I have her on my team then I have Samay, Elpis. BA Teresse. Is that too much? My current mages are Morp, Celia, Schera. Celia isn’t all that good I guess, but I’m unsure of wasting my rank up mats to test things out.
Homo'd x2
Do 2 buffers, celia, 2 dps. Celia isn't for damage. She's for upping the chain, which ups the damage.
Where are the events that give SSS magic weapon? The last 3 events are all physical.
That’s fine I guess Elpis is not needed for now then. The issue with Celia is she conflicts with BA Terese, so I don’t see as much value with her/
Whats a good physical team for this? One that doesn't use teresse or diana. I got a strong yuri but my s.justi is only +3.
Is this shit still episodic with random nigger MC?
How to beat the android soul challenge stages? I’m on the second one and there’s just too many dogs that wipe me after I kill two taunters.
Well this makes up for getting fucked on Morpeah's banner.
Looks like morp won in the end
shopped, anyone can edit element tags in their browser
I don't believe anon would just lie on the internet like that
I left the url in the screenshot so ypu can confirm it yourself, but if you really need to be spoonfed
Which can be found using inspect element on the voting site
but if I confirm it, it could become the truth. If I don't do anything I can just sit here calling you a lying faggot until the day they rig the vote & give eclipse her costume
Skipping now, gonna powder her later
Them not releasing it by now probably means they're checking for botted votes like with Refi. Morp's vote went up significantly more than normal compared to Eclipse. I just wanted to check the JSON myself because I saw a Chinese screenshot about it without any sources (I fucking hate that Asians never share how they know shit as if it makes them special)
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oh my goodness you guys, it looks like there were just enough 'fake' votes to cause an upset. Eclipse wins after all haha funny how that works no we won't publish our process, that would allow bots to circumvent our detection next time
I'm just hoping that they find botted votes for Teresse and give Refi third place again
When does bunnies rerun.
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Mobile chads won again
Drop rou, replace with celia, sacrifice teresse.
Celia disables Teresse' buff with every her attack. Chaining just isn't worth it for Angelica's team.
Teared Ventana a bit, should have the damage for lvl 9 now.
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Help me clear my first lv10 FH
Who do I need to set up as a light magic team?
Do you have Michaela?
Mine does 100+m damage at +1.
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Are you in the official discord? In the "fiend-hunter-tips" section, I saw someone using identical teams and that guy has a step by step guide to clear lvl 10+. You should check there.
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This is an uncursed banner.
I have to agree. Already +2 in 80 pulls and teresse took me 400 pulls to +5.
You only need 191m dmg to get lvl 10 within the week. Your first team should be able to reach that or bring you close enough that it's trivial. You should sacrifice Teresse since her ability is only additive with the vulnerability the boss gets from its skills
Further proof that John rigged the vote and is attempting to sway the people into his revisionist history.
Not him but what is your Michaela comp like? My first comp is the same as that anon.
I just started focusing on my magic comp so I went something along the lines of: Elpis, Samay, S.Schera, S.Dalvi, and S.Michaela and the damage sucks as is to be expected.
Bro, gratz. Looks like you needed that.
So is the new Eclipse good as final LN slot?
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can I get a qrd on gear acquisition?
Just started the game
Am I supposed to craft gear? I have like a bazillion mats from the chicken beginner account. are they of any use? do I just upgrade them until it hits the right substats ala summoners war?
No, people only use Eclipse for this FH because most are old glutti's and have Bunny Eclipse. Bunny is where the money's at.
I just remembered I used her in Teresse' team.
She does around 50m with Refi, Elpis (I don't have +5 B.Helena), Celia (+1 Bunny) and Samay as a sacrifice
Shit, misread. I'd assume she's be great. Dunno if last slot great since chadthel has herb and promise of vengeance. Those would make him better than Eclipse.
>buying an account for a game that they can't bothered to read countless posts or guides about
Absolute state of players John is attracting
>Am I supposed to craft gear?
Yes, read the op.
Did John finally get rid of the spoiler message for pulling banner characters?
>She does around 50m with Refi, Elpis (I don't have +5 B.Helena), Celia (+1 Bunny) and Samay as a sacrifice
Guess I'll just live with my crappy second hit then. I don't have Bride Refi or any of the bunnies and my B.Helena is still at +2. Thanks anyway.
Magic chad here. I use Bunny Eclipse/Celia, Levia, Michaela and Elpis as the sacrifice. If you don't have the bunnies, you're in trouble for this FH. Helena is useless because you need a sacrifice and her magic damage boost is only 4 turns I think.
When are they going to rerun bunny Eclipse? Seems that every team in pvp have one.
How do new players deal with taunt? I need the power requirements for android soul challenge stage 2, but I can’t figure out how to kill two taunters and then wipe out enough mobs so that my team doesn’t die in one turn.
No, yours just got bugged
I have the same first team comp as >>493226210 and if you have tears on BA Teresse you should be able to hit 191m easily to guarantee finishing lvl 10 before the FH ends
I only have Schera, what do? Can I use Sylvia to tank and counter kill? Is she even worth investing in? I only have 3 3* shards at the moment so I can’t afford to test around my unleavened characters.
>I use Bunny Eclipse/Celia, Levia, Michaela and Elpis
Thanks for reminding me about Levia. Think I can squeeze out a bit more if I raise her up and use her. Though, I think she's just +0.
Who do you sacrifice in your comp? Rafina?
>I think she's just +0

She should help. The bunnies are what truly make magic great for this. Hitting 14+ chains in one go as Celia alone makes a huge difference. Michaela's damage isn't great even at +5. Fatty, Ventana, Yuri all do way more.
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150 rolls for +5, spooked by Levia and Helena. Finally a bit of luck after Morp and Mika where I needed 100 rolls for +1.
>Who do you sacrifice
Team 1: Teresse since her buff has the least effect for the last turn and has a super long duration
Team 2: doesn't matter since I already had over 200m damage. I used Helena for auto attacks, so +0 works.
>Michaela's damage isn't great even at +5. Fatty, Ventana, Yuri all do way more.
Is she really as bad as the threads dictate? She's my first foray into magic comps after realizing that I needed to build someone other than New Yooti and Eris, lest I get screwed in that story chapter where the former's unavailable. Probably helps that I luckrolled her UR, so I didn't have to go through the song and dance of crafting UR IV gear.
I also thought that the -80% HP gimmick is a good enough trade-off to be able to spam her skill like New Yooti.
Post your team. You are new right? Are you characters leveled? Do they have ok gears?
>Is she really as bad as the threads dictate

She's good, not amazing. Definitely not worth +5'ing in my opinion. Problem is, she nukes herself and doesn't hit many tiles for this FH. 99% of the time, she'll more than likely be a liability unless you've got great healers.
I think you're supposed to use her with Teresse and Diana, she shows really good numbers with them in the team.
She's not super bad or anything, just kinda mogged by how fun and flexible morp is, Eclipse's bonkers nuke on top of her existing bunny costume, summer Dalvi being an amazing costume and free, Venaka with a fat nuke and free shred, Loen in general. A bit too many downsides and all she offers is pure damage, if she had a res shred or some other gimmick to make her more interesting people would be more optimistic about her.
I'm still convinced she's the start of the self-damage/low HP enmity meta and months from now there'll be whining about how overpowered she is when we get an increase damage at low HP buffer.
>Beach vacation 29 years old
>Dimension witch 117 years old
>Bunny 17 years old

How old will Eclipse's poll winner costume be?
We already datamined the winner. It's Morpheah kek
I don't really care about hag wars but I'd be happy with morpy winning because at least her design direction is fun and another summon costume would be interesting (though it's probably going to be a buff for her summons or something meh like that).
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>still waiting for Elin release

What the fuck is John even doing, this games been out like 4 years now.
Refi Michaela Levia Celia and Zenith for sacrifice (if you don't have her then Helena)
She desperately needs a turn 1 high cd costume so she can have full uptime on attack/pve
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>Zenith for sacrifice
what do you got from maxing tower of pride?
couple of achievements. It's fairly easy if you have the right people. Nothing mandatory unless you like collecting achievement points for the free gems.
Bro it'll literally be her winter costume where she summons drones
Too bad morfekker isn't winning anything. Helena should be getting another costume. It's just a shame everyone voting are either blind, gay, retarded or all of the above.
30 more ancient crystals per 2 week cycle which is a pretty big deal if you're into endgame minmaxing and ranking.
>Teresse since her buff has the least effect for the last turn
Does she really stack additively with all vulnerabilities and damage increases?
30 AC, 3k devil coin for engraving materials, and a gold trophy
Anybody tried ToP 2 with Michaela? How many dupes do you need to deal 1M?
The problem is her HP drain, if you aren't at full HP you lose points. I haven't tried it yet but Helena's heal ticks only if the enemy gets a turn so I don't think there's a way around it. There's Lisianne who heals upfront, maybe I'll mess around later and try it.
Samay, Arines, BA Terese, Beatrice, Justia. As fr whether they are geared or leveled, it’s a mix of green and blue. The second stage asks for 9.3k cp roughly while my team is 12k. I guess the only lacking point is I mainly made physical defense since I got lazy when I was progressing smoothly. My magic team has morp, but I doubt +0 is enough to counter the magic resistance so I haven’t tried magic team. I only have Schera as damage though besides Morp.
do the mobs change every cycle?
Noob here, how do I stop FH boss kill attack? Not the kill whole party one..the 3x3 one. I can only save 3 people from it. It said i need a buff from fiend to survive it? What buff?
C1 activates after you sacrifice a character on the second turn
It hits a main target and another 2 targets behind it
These 2 targets get an elemental damage buff
3x3 boss attack doesn't oneshot these buffed targets but still hits heavy so you need some gear for this
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>>493233015 (me)
Actually why not procrastinate FH to try it. It works (kinda) (+5) (light season only) (super autismo gear) (gacha weapon) (1 tear spent). If you love hags enough nothing is impossible in John's game.
Anyway, I'm sure there's a lot of theorycrafting and experimentation on this on discord so go there if you want a proper analysis.
I see, thank you. The monster skill description is confusing. Like it said it does certain damage based on your atk or increase your property damage etc. Idk if the YOU in that refer to our party or the monster.
I don't have PP Ange. Is Fallen Ange good as replacement?
>it does certain damage based on your atk
This refers to a boss' atk stat
So only level 6 score matter right? Level 1-5 does not matter?
No, it deals around 3-4 times less damage in this FH.
You have to max out the score for each level, 100k each, 600k total. Floor 2 is the hardest to max and it's usualy what gates people from full score and rank 1.
Someone said inspecting the page shows a Morpeah win by 0.3%, but after the Refi botting incident they'll take their time verifying everyone's votes. We'll probably hear it on the next dev stream.
In endgame fiend hunter you usually build two teams. So you can have BATeresse/Diana on one team (anti-chain) and Refi/Celia for a chain-based second team. Celia's debuffs also affect the boss.
John here, after counting the votes it turns out all the hags were botted too and the winner is Yuri. Thanks for voting.
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I voted for her. She owes me a thighjob now.
I mean my only way is either +2 Idol Ventana (idk if it's enough), Michaela and classic Gray + Idol Yuri +5 which for me only works in light season.
The plan was to bring Hello Elin back as a character pack, but now that BD1 eosd I think they are trying to write her and captain's story into BD2 in some way. Maybe the end to the Lathel/Justia arc is closer than we think.
Yuri was BD1's mascot but since it's dead and buried now I think we can all agree we need to adopt her and make her BD2's mascot instead. Rou is just too smelly (like old men) and the game would improve and be much more popular with a proper cute and lovely mascot like Yuri.
I'm using Ventana with Refi, H.Lathel and Zenith
+2 will get you 50m-80m (depends on other characters dupes and tears)
Idol is her buff costume so she kinda sucks without her OG
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It's Yuri who smells
Bro I'm talking about ToP
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BD1 has 4 stories so everything is possible
Why not just use RH Rou to absorb the damage?
Do you guys stop at +4 for a costume if you already did 200 rolls and then buy the last from the powdershop?
I'm just sparking the costume. Not a big deal if I get it from dailies later. But the right way is to wait.
There's that too I guess, or AD diana who costs less SP. Lisianne would be the cheapest F2P option if those are not available. In the end neither of them changes the fact you need to hit 1mil with just Helena's buff since they're all filling the off-element slot.
Maybe you'd do better with Refi instead of Helena outside of light season, then RRH Rou would be nice to not have to kill yourself trying to crit 2 targets. But I didn't even research enough to see if all these strats are SP viable.
Eitherway it's possible in theory but it feels like just as much effort and investment as getting a Ventana clear with only the bonus that maxed Zenith is not required for Michaela but maxed Zenith is really good in general anyway.
SEclipse is a beast in pvp. She counters one of the most common defense formations (solo left lane, one in the mid-back to bait bunny, rest mid front/right front) by sniping that Justia or Helena that Bunny would have missed.
I stop at +4 if the character is really good and pray the free dailies pay off. Levia was the last I +4'd. They need to be really good for me to do that. Only exception to this are limiteds, when I usually try to +5 for the sake of it. Aside from Teresse, all summer units can be easy skips. They suck.
>Morpeah who has 3 different reposition tools in one and redefined pvp meta on top of now being the best water mage
>Summer Eclipse with new bond stats that make her even more broken
Tell me you don't play the game without telling me you don't play the game.
Genuinely don't care much for pvp. Also I've got +5 bunny Eclipse. She's better than beach, so there's even less incentive to get her. LN, Lathel is still the best nuker in game.
>pvp slop
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I'm fighting Parakyr and Michaela doing her lewd paizuri getsure every victory is driving me crazy...
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Thanks for the insight. Im still pretty new so im not sure what that sparking this is. Is it picrel?
I had a question about that thing too. It says it doesn't work on limiteds so is my +0 Roxy screwed and not worth leveling at all?
>i don't care for pvp
>the pvp costume is better than the pve costume
You contradict yourself.
>>493240121 (Me)
thing* not this
Sparking is reaching 200 pulls on the banner so you can buy one copy. That's a monthly selector you can use to buy any costume you already own.
And yeah +0 Roxy is a definite brick. Maybe they'll re-run the collab someday.
Can someone that has done all the fiend hunts post their fiend hunt trophy collection? I want to compare it to mine.
Gotcha. Thanks for the help bro
I got +4 Eclipse after using the sparking thing so i guess i can just save now
You can get a guaranteed banner costume if you get 200 draw points on that banner.
I am pretty sure the MT anime is gonna be getting more seasons and the aurhor wants to write more shit anyway, so they are almost definitely rerunning the collab at least once more.
>You contradict yourself.

Bunny Eclipse carries in literally everything.
I'm missing light Gridlin's trophy somehow
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Crab and Parakyr don't fit anymore so that's 17.
>Usually stop at level 10
>Missed a shit ton of trophies

There's 2 of the dark gridlin so I think that's just them adding the wrong trophy. You should have all of them.
You get them from the events tab
I see now
Ok it's the exact same for me. You probably noticed, but you also have 2 normal Gridlin trophies which normally shouldn't be possible. Seems like they accidentally gave the normal Gridlin trophy during the light Gridlin fiend hunt and as a resort nobody has a light Gridlin trophy lmao.
You get the trophies from the event rab for beating level 1, the only thing you are missing from not going higher, let alone above 10, are the resources and the titles. And the titles are the same for every fiend hunt monster independent of its element so you can just wait for it to rerun to get them.
You didn't miss anything basically.
>You didn't miss anything basically.
Well you do get another trophy for reaching at least top 1k, but these trophies are ugly anyway so who cares.
That's whale territory, I wouldn't even worry about it.
I think 1k should be achievable if you're playing since day 1 but you'll never display these trophies anyway. Even the gold rank 1 trophy looks awful, if they were sparkly and cool like BA plat trophies and you had more room in hour house people would be more motivated to care.
Maybe if you have been playing since Day 1 and have been SUPER optimal about your pulls. But realistically it's not happening for the majority of day 1 players. I could see some real tryahards managing it though.
>official discord bans aisloppa
Yeah, it's hard to say, but there were so many gibs early on like the 300 pulls for the first summer event, and so many reruns for the core buff costumes plus PvP shop, etc. that a whale starting now would need to spend an absurd amount to fully catch up to a day 1 F2P.
Also AC because even whales can't print AC out of thin air except the 20 for maxing out a banner, and tears aren't day 1 but if you got all the tears released so far you've still built a massive advantage.
BD2 actually really sucks for new spenders that want to get ahead because old players with full IV sets and tears are still going to run circles around them in FH and PvP for many months before they can realisticaly reduce the gap. That's probably why revenue isn't all that great.
I can't level 10 bros...only lv8 now with 50% damage. It's over for me...
Based desu
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Reminder to kick anyone from your guild who has limited Teresse at +4 or worse. Thankyou.
Don't bother, they'll delete their own accounts eventually, you can just watch and laugh at them while they're still trying to cope.
>why revenue is bad
You should play nikke if you think bd2 is anywhere near as bad. And nikke makes millions despite that.
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>Literally every node for beach Eclipse is crit damage or magic attack

Holy fucking shit bros.
Never played Nikke but the average gacha would sell something like 500AC and 10 tear packs for $200 with no limit so new gigawhales can just pay for instant top 100. Most of those games also crash and burn really fast but BD2 is very stable so far so there's that. But I do think BD2 leans a bit too much into rewarding long term dedication to the game to the point of making new paying players feel left out.
>and nikke makes millions despite that
Nikke was smart and put every single skin behind $20-60 paywalls on top of having a fuckton of other microtransactions from passes, store refreshes, and so on. Add up some collabs with massive normalfag IPs like Re:Zero and NieR and you've got a winner.

Though lately things are stagnating, people are starting to realize that they told out to sfw pandering and that fanservice or even actual game updates are no longer priorities.
I just do every limited costume at +3 as to not brick myself too badly in the many inevitable reruns.
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>paid pack for AC,crystal,tear
Now you got to the actual point. I was about the write a paragraph on this exact problem but was too lazy to bother. There should definitely be a paid way to get the things that would bottleneck the newer players. They just don't know how to properly monetize their game.
nobody is talking how her costume bond is OP as fuck
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$60 just for a skin is pure evil. Not to mention the newer paid skins have been tame and underwhelming. I still can't believe they chraged $60 for the burka maid emilia skin.
This anon gets it. You should at least get one copy just for the bond nodes alone
Devs! i'm tired of boobers, give me cute femboy shota
The only evil is the Reshit mouthbreathers that bought that skin because Emilia-tan is their waifu, enabling such maleficent practices. It's the same with preorders.
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I wonder who is behind this post...
Michaela strong
How long before next banner info? I want to go balls deep inside Eclipse. But, if the next banner is good, I'll be pissed with no tickets for it.
Next monday bro. I think they said base nebris next but there might be a rerun first since we've had too many back to back new costumes.
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Very funny John
Would make sense for a rerun. Here's hoping it's either Yuri, Rubia or DJ super ass
Say I want to slowly build a character from the shop.and max them out f2p style, realistically how often do those characters pop out in rotation? When will I be able to +5 them?
you can max them out in 5 months if you use your monthly selector on them
Fire season is next so maybe Rubia or Lia.
No one knows what will be on the next rotation so there's no clear answer. But the devs said that they would rerun the buffers more often than other characters.
Also if you keep playing then you will get spooked by a lot of off-rate characters either way. I even have +4/5 characters that I never pulled for.
Realistically speaking, what are the downsides of sticking your penis in a glutti?
What team are you using for Michaela? Does Limited Teresse's buff die when she does? Who are you sacrificing for this?
What is that? How do I get it?
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None if it's blue.
golden thread shop, you can buy a copy of any costume you own (sans limiteds) every month
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Sacrificing Levia. I think Teresse's buffs persist but she's too important for maximizing last turn damage to sacrifice her
I might try this with Ventana and GRafina instead. Thanks. Trying to cheese a bit more damage for a level 9 clear on day 1.
Do f2p even have the income to use the monthly thing every time? It seems to be based off pulls.
I'm f2p serial hoarder and I can buy it every month
I'm a f2p and even bricked myself by spending thread on ancient crystals
bought every monthly enhancer except one when I was hoarding hard for the collab, playing since nightmare winter
Those teeth look mighty sharp...
Just don't spend on random shit like the crystals and you're fine. Can buy out the monthly selector every month, the 10 tickets, and the occasional random costume or tears. Depends on how generous that month was, for the latter 2.
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I gigabricked myself by buying two element selector tickets to get Zenith (got TWO garys) and I could still buy the monthly selector
Ancient Cristies > Schera +2
>Some people aren't using Angelica this fiend hunt
Literally how? I would think she is perfect for this
Then can I assume this comes after I hit endgame? because I have 110 dust but only 280 thread and I used up like 20k gems. According to the sites I only get 6k gems a month so those 20k must be from my rapid leveling/early game stuff, but it didn’t net much.
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>that grin
she knows...
dias are kind of rare, we mostly get tickets from events and stuff
your dias should be your limited/collab stash, only roll tickets otherwise
I do
Eh but I remember using tickets on BA Teresse?
If your 3+4*s aren't maxed, then you'll get less threads. As for pulls, we get way more than 30 a month as tickets. Dia is rarer, but other than buying the BP it's just an extra source of pulls. Sometimes I use it to buy a few torches if I want to rush a potential for a new costume.
White Glutti suck terra out
Blue Glutti suck cum out
White glutti are male
Blue glutti are female
I should go for Rafina right?
So Homo Lathel got... you know... by a male???
It's not gay if he's cute
what about black glutti
They explode on touch so it's a mistery...
>they kill themselves
so they're trannies
I dunno, I've never been in jailglutti
Alternatively you can invest into M.Teresse or Zenith for their +4 and +3 in the future.
They're wiggle
Has anyone made Angelica usable without Zenith and Rignette (think that's her name) for this fiend hunt? If not, could Zenith, Rafina, Arines, Ventana and Angelica work? Also, why are people using Lathel over Arines? I'm guessing it has something to do with max teared Lathel.
wiggle is a tranny.....
So this FH is burst -> sacrifice -> boss buffs dps -> delay for the weakness -> burst again?
You'll cripple her if you remove Rigenette or Zenith, she can't hit all the vuln spots with her summer costume
Your party is weak without Diana or Refi
Lathel's buff is stronger and you don't really need crit chance in FH
>when you realize this isn't just in John's game but the whole world is full of low IQ people
I will always laugh at account buyers but laugh even harder at how they said it's no problem in their live stream.
Yes. Why do people keep asking this? The answer isn't going to change.
>bd2 next stop on the perpetually collabing rezero train
Cocytus is very slothful
>Also, why are people using Lathel over Arines? I'm guessing it has something to do with max teared Lathel.
Crits are guaranteed in FH after the 3rd hit per turn, so your dps will always crit there.
APOSTLE BLADE FUCKING WHEN??????????????????????
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I'm bricked by low Levia copies
The Zenith is tempting me and I would just be one away from being done building her.
Shit, I don't have too many dupes as well (serial hoarder), but I am not too far behind this and can't get anywhere near it. I guess it really is a skill issue, are there any good videos online about how to go about this hunt?

Fuck I just assumed Lathel needed tears to be better than Arines. +4 as well so the sp is cheaper too. I'm an idiot.
Zenith or Rafina. I'd actually go with ass girl since she can be used with either phys or magic teams + pvp, while Rafina is just for physical pve teams.

All I can tell you is that having a +3 Zenith with all her tear nodes is a game altering experience.
Thanks bro
What's the better bond costume for Eclipse? Maxed Beach or Maxed Bunny?
Isn't magic attack basically useless in Angelica outside of her auto attack?
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Eclipse sloppa

https://files.catbox.moe/w8cmp2.safetensors summer eclipse
>summer eclipse, jewelry, very long hair, blue eyes, bracelet, black hair, armlet, slingshot swimsuit, colored inner hair, necklace, purple bikini, bangs, navel, purple hair, cleavage, thighlet, tanlines, shiny skin, two-tone hair, huge breasts, ring, hair over one eye, hair ornament
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Yeah I got all her nodes done, I just need the +3 so she can be at 0 SP cost.
It is, that's why you run her with a chain team (B.Refi/Celia/Zenith) or Summer Teresse/Diana.
What is BP?
This is the size she needed to have, I will never forgive Origami for making her smaller than her bunny costume.
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Nta but it's battle pass
+3 in 180, gonna wait for free rolls to finish off 200 and buy the last copy from dust shop
Maybe im getting the wrong impression but for new players is someone like Sylvia useless compared to Lathel/Wiggle/Kry? Or can I justify building her over those 3? She has a cool gimmick but so far my experience is nuke first wins so I’m unsure about making her part of my physical team.

Sylvia is incredibly useful in tower of desire. Kry eventually becomes useless, so don't focus on him too much.
Sylvia is kinda useless with just only her OG costume
You can cheese some early battles with her and that's it
>+2 in 65 pulls
>And a Kendo Fatty

I'm doing alright. Hope this luck keeps up. I've seen anons hit 200 on pity.
Unbricked by +5 Juuti
I wonder if they are gonna rework more costumes. I'll say cum glutton Justia landed well compared to her previous iteration.
How early is early? Is there an estimate on when I stop building her until I get more costumes? Cause she’s the only 5* physical I got besides Lathel and Justia who are free.
Anyone tried Eclipse in Last Night yet? Or is Lathel still the best choice?
There is a power spike after ch8, you'll need a really good gear to make mobs kill themselves on Sylvia as before
Recruit Liatris in ch8 pub, she's the best dps for a newbie
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Oh I’m already chapter 8 guess I don’t touch her then. Don’t I need to save for Diana though? I spent my last voucher on Olstein.
Her at +4 does less than half the damage of my +2 Lathel, which is still alot in my Last night team.
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Can you make her tits bigger?
Reminder that if you don't have Michaela cum cup you may as well not own her at all.
Potential liberations that require tears to fully unlock should be illegal
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hand over these tears, goy
Well, you need to reach Diana first and Diana is more useful for the endgame when your acc is a bit settled up already
Should I use the monthly costume and upgrade Glutton Refi to +5? Or, do I cheese it and upgrade someone who's on rate up for the free tickets? Or, do I just say fuck it, and upgrade Idol Ventana to +4 and officially make her my wife? I know plenty of you will seethe, but I've accepted that fact.
her body looks really soft...
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Theories on this?
Base refi hasn't gotten her character pass and you can still get spooked by her so I wouldn't use it on her.
Didn't even consider this. Thanks. I'm honestly tempted to use it on beach Eclipse now.
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I wish mature female actresses all but showing off their pussy lips in public were real...
There's a model for Eclipse?
AI is becoming too powerful....
What are the priorities of the fiend hunt shop? I bought the 3 years, ur claw thing, and now I’m working on tickets. What’s the actual list of importance?
Tickets, tears, UR gear > crystals > ability pills > slimes and gold > refining powder
AV actress
Does the UR gear include the decaying bones? It seems to use those to upgrade but I don’t know if those mats are rare.
You need 27 bones to upgrade it to +9 otherwise it's a brick so get those. You can't get them outside the event at least not until a rerun and that rerun comes with a new piece. The rest of the bones up to 45 are used to upgrade the SR versions which you can skip so you just need 27.
The engraving/awakening system is new but essences seem pretty difficult to get so you probably want to buy those out too.
So those other things like engraving. Ancient crystal, essences, etc, are not worth it compared to exp and gold?
Onegai on eclipse squatting and side boob.
Yes, you need 27 of them for +9 UR
Also they're unique and you can't use them for any other event UR
Ancient and refining crystals are both important, buy them
I forgot about essences and engravings, buy them too
Ancient crystals are super important, they're the timegate to crafting BIS gear. Should be one of y our highest priorities.
Refining crystals are nice to have but you get them from dismantling SR-UR gear so they're not a huge deal, more on the tail end of the list.
Essences don't add a ton of stats but your only other sources are the evil castle shop and powder store so you can't get too many, the stat increases from engraving are super minor but stats are stats.
Only buy the limited gold (10x100k) and red slimes, the unlimited 10k gold and 10 yellow slimes are not good, get refining powder instead at that point.
UR Gear is the most important one because it's one of a kind even in reruns. So if you miss out on it, you are giga bricked.
Check the faq in the OP
>Fiend gear isn't part of the collection so you can miss all the fiend gear and still have 100%
>But Roxy and Eris SR gear are and if you missed them which you did unless you're the biggest whale on the planet you will NEVER have 100% gear collection
John, why are you like this?
Don't be retarded. The max is 80% collection buff and that is all that matter, which you can easily reach without limited URs
Is it a Lora? I placed it in lora folder but it doesn't show up.
Wherever I go I must also coolect...
it is a ponyxl lora. try refreshing your loras in the ui
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>95k people have already attempted fiend hunter, ~40k more than usual at this time
>newgluttis in the thread and elsewhere
We're back to anni levels, Eclipse unironically saved us. Bow down before your queen.
Oh it's a XL model. What base model u using?
What are the limits / optimization of buff stacking? So far I use 3 buffers at most, but I see the buffs tend to last longer than the cooldown and wonder can the same buff stack? In fact I’m not even sure similar buffs stack.
All the buffs stack, stat limits are unreachable so you can stack as much as you want
There is no limit but having different buff types (eg matk, elemental property, dmg taken amplification) will do more than just infinitely stacking MATK for example
Does crit rate buff stack additively?
>and wonder can the same buff stack?
No, the same buff just refreshes duration. Different buffs for the same stat stack.
Is there a high res Summer Eclipse full body png somewhere? I wanna try photoshop remove her swimsuit.
Should be up here below Michaela tomorrow or the day after
Me on the right
or https://www.browndust2.com/uploads/_83fcd68b8f.png
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460 people already beat level 10, BD2 is saved.
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Like Eclipse.
So if I just started, and have eclipse/morpeah/Teresse and want to use them as my main general team, who do I focus my potentials on first? I don’t have any of their other costumes, Teresse is +5 based on everyone’s advice and anything else is saved for collab (Otherwise I’d go for Michaela as well). Also who makes up the last two slots? Schera? Elpis? Samay? Celia?
Based, we need more obese girls in this game
that's roughly how many people do torment on BA on the global server
I'd get Morpeah's cooldown > Teresse all > Morpeah -sp/Eclipse. For your last slots you can use Elpis until you get +4/5 B-Helena and then whoever you need based on the situation. Could be Rou for dodge kick, Celia for boss battles, and so on.
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Now that's what I'm fucking talking about
Have at least one good dps for an each element for a good start
Focus on potentials that give you a lesser cd or sp cost first since they're the most useful
Usual party building pattern is :
1 - decide what element do you need (pick a main dps)
2 - phys or mag (pick a stat support, G.Rafina or Levia)
2 - chains or no chains (Diana+Teresse or B.Refi+Celia/Zenith)
4 - fill the free slots if you have any left
what a fucking slampig...
How does dps get evaluated in this game? Eclipse has a nuke but it’s cd is so long, can she still qualify and hope to fill in with other costumes?
She's really good but her key skill is on the limited bunny costume which will get a rerun in a 3-4 months
Summer costume is usable too since the most of the fights can be oneshoted and her nuke is really fat
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Jesus fuck.
You can get Eclipse's base costume with a 5* recruit contract but it's not very good, still it's something to use if you need more than 1 turn. Bunny Eclipse will rerun on Christmas.
Most of the fights you'll have to do as a new player will be short 1 turn things so summer Eclipse is perfect for that, you can add in some knockback characters like Emma, Rou, Kry to manipulate enemy formations so her 3x3 hits all or most of them.
3 months of selectors left bros. I'm putting it all on Neon Lia since she is never getting a rerun.
Isn't Bunny still better for elemental advantage fights? Does anyone know?
Summer for pvp, bunny for pve maybe
need to test
>Neon Lia

+5 Neonchad here. Don't do it, both maid and rodev's Liatris are far better. Use them all on DJ venaka, the hottest girl in game. John said this btw, don't argue with me.
Depends if you're using Diana or Refi or neither I guess. And how much crit damage you have on the rest of her gear.
What a fucking slampig
>requires tears
Fucking devs
Do you never use her?
She's used a fair bit, but the 9 tile Rodev's star and NUKER maid are what makes her great. I'd focus on these 2 first. All 3 are very good though, it's just Neon is the weaker of the 3.
Eclipse fourth costume when?
No need photoshop, just AI gen it.
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Has there ever been a 3-4* that ended up getting 5* costumes in the future? Or are all 3-4* doomed to stay where they are now? Some of them have pretty good designs and even cutscenes. All it would take is a pack or two of side adventures to get these people up to speed in relevance.
Weak, Eclipse would have big meaty flaps.
>Has there ever been a 3-4* that ended up getting 5* costumes in the future
Not yet, but I think they said they were considering adding ways to upgrade 4* units to be more relevant on the stream, and it seems pretty possible for one to get a 5* costume if they won the popularity poll
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>swap Levia out for Refi
>Do 20 million more damage

Goodbye Levicucks, I'm a Refichad now.
So the popularity poll hasn’t started yet? Wonder what they are saving it for, maybe half anni?
Her master was a child.

The poll just ended. Unreleased results have already been leaked >>493220227
They will probably do a third one after half anni
And that’s why he died young.
Ah you mean that one. That’s gonna be rough foe them since they have every reason to get ignored besides maybe wiggle.
>Game crash during my best lvl 10 run
Fuck you
I have +5 every swimsuit
When is John letting us know how he's going to crush my balls with the collab?
Whose gear is more important if Morp as Eclipse are both in the same team?
They're both pvp accessories, use a venom touch instead.
Nier because everyone collabs with Nier, or Overlord because the main character interacting with Ainz would naturally be Wiggles. The silly but dark shenanigans is common ground among both franchises.

Or for the same reason as Nier, we get Rezero but I’ve never seen a good rezero collab
I’m sorry I used the wrong word. What I mean is who I invest in building more, or should I try to kee them equal? Like for example the free venom touch, who would I give it to since I only have 1 atm?
I'd say Eclipse if you don't have a juiced 3x3 nuker yet like Lia, Loen, or Bustia.
all those are terrible, I hope John never serves us that shit
Well how did you feel about Mushoku? I was just thinking of similar stuff or trending choices.
Honestly not crazy, but migger partially salvages mushoku for me so I wasn't too mad
Collab will be with Kobayashi's dragon maid. Fuck everyone here. Maids are pure sex.
Hey bros, I've been meaning to try out your game for the excellent babes for a while now. If I were to reroll for the new Eclipse, is there anyone else I should be looking for to start with alongside her?
Should I try to +5 with my newbie resources or no?
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You just missed Summer Teresse and the buffer rerun banners before her, so I'd say your best bet now is to max Summer Eclipse (so that you have a nuker) and are set for her bunny rerun during December.

I'd also pick up some copies of Morpeah for her insane repositioning utility and general pve acing, and then start saving for the collab and/or onsen pack.
Don't forget to awaken your Rou and Angelica asap

+69% Crit Damage, 4% Chance
+69% Crit Damage, 4% Chance
Speaking of, why are Anastasia's awakenings/engraving Crit.Dmg? Wouldn't Atk be better?
Gotcha, thanks anon. Max out Summer Eclipse, get a few copies of Morpeah. Wanted to get Morpeah too anyways, she's hot.
Sorry I already awakened Eclipse.
brap hog
I want to add to this that a good strategy is to wait until her last day (you may get free copies from daily pulls) and then finish her. You can also stop at +4 and +5 her with the powder shop after her banner ended.

I would recommend using your monthly selector (gold thread shop) on her but as a new player it'll be better to give it to your Diana or another good buffer if you own it.
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Is that her portrait mode? Mine doesnt show her ass that much, the animation should have focused more on eclipse on all fours honestly
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Hmm... nyo.
Eclipse on all fours getting bred like the fat pig she is
Bikini Rafina, Elise, Celia, Diana, Liatris, Sylvia, Rubia, Anastasia, Arines, Maria, Beatrice, Helena, Zenith, Ventana, Yuri, Levia and Loen bros, we've lost...
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I think Eclipse is the ugliest hag in the game
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NEWS: Local braphog gobbles up yet another fiend.
I didn't use J*stia this FH because I hate fat bitches!
What should Eclipse's next costume be?
And why does she have a :3 tattooed on her chest?
kawaii succubus
so you know where to aim when you goon
I would kill to lick, fuck, rape, marry, drink, eat, impregnate her.
Young Eclipse as an evil bratty succubus before she was corrected by her husband what's-his-name would be something.
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she's there in the datamine. Maybe we will see loliclipse one day
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Party dress
Streetwalker with fishnet leggings
With all her different age costumes so far, loli seems fitting. Would be nice if we got a side story where loli eclipse clings to Celia.
Celia STOP posting
What's your angelica team?
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Just the same one posted above somewhere. Zenith/Refi/Celia/Levia/Ange. Kinda held back by +3 B.Refi and no +4 B.Celia but eh.

Ange herself is +4 with 2/3 pots by the way.
Ah, you got neon potentials, that's an investment I haven't made.
Just the one node I needed to access her 30% light damage but yep.
Send help. This is the best my physical can do. Not sure my +3 s.justi without exclusive wep can do more.
Bro your +5 max teared hottest idol, Idol Ventana?
>Not sure my +3 s.justi without exclusive wep can do more.
She absolutely will as she'll have a lot of tiles to scale off and always hits 2 weak spots every turn vs Yuri's 1 every other turn.
You should remember, our friend here has a 3cd cooldown on his Justia.
Quite a shame.
>Clear floor 5, forget ToS exists
Something cooking related would be hot, for that milf angle
Use gamer Rafina bro. Only fags use Yuster
Is this low for Michaela?
I'd be more worried about everyone else scoring so god damn low. How'd you even manage that?
No it's an edit that also removes all the wildlife
What so you mean? Celia and levia aren't supposed to do that much damage.
Just did a run. Numbers add up. Didn't realise Celia did so little. Swap out Levia for Refi if you have her. Did wonders for me.
Refi is needed for physical team though
Refi is needed for tending to my gluttis
Noted, thanks anon. Got an account with 1 Eclipse and 1 Morpeah within my first set of rerolls.
Think I should just keep, or should I get greedy? Also, what should my stopping point for Morpeah be before I just all-in on Eclipse? Might pick up a Michaela too if I hit my goals early. I really should have asked how many pulls you get early game as a newbie.
I'm using GRafina, Zenith, Ventana, Arines and Yuri. Only Arines over HomoLathel since he's not teared up, at all. Works good.
NTA but some costumes have SP cost reduction on +1 (and older costumes have it on +3), it's not the case with Morpeah and she has no SP reduction breakpoint and all her + just scale her summons' damage linearly. So get as much as you feel like, the more you do the stronger she gets. She's a really fun unit and can do a lot of neat things with her summons (I may be dumb but I just noticed each of her summon has a different diagonal knockback, you can really mess around with enemy formations).
Eclipse has the SP reduction on +1 so you want to get at least that, then same deal, more dupes = more damage. You don't really need that many dupes for story content but it's a very generous game so you can always +5 someone you like.
For nebwie pulls, there are so many one time sources of pulls now you can probably get hundreds if you play the game very actively.
You have tower of desire, 150 floors, 1 ticket for each and packs, which give you diamonds and tickets. You can easily get lots of tickets in the beginning.
What are the rewards for getting top 1000 in FH? Like 200 diamonds or some shit?
Imagine the sound
One extra ticket and another trophy that might look 10% cooler than the participation trophy depending on your tastes.
>He can't keep getting away with this
Surely still worth including Eclipse as a 2nd last hit in LN
I will soon when I gear her better.
damn light is probably one of the hardest if not the hardest element to top 100 for FH. How do so many people have teared ventana
Probably teared her up for pride floor 2 and figured they might as well go all the way.
I started working on mine when I think the tree FH came up. Ventana spooks here and there make mine at +3 for both costumes now. I'd happily +5 both if I could get the banners. Also my Zenith is maxed, so there's that.
Ohh damn thats pretty hot
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bless hag banner, free daily
Just got a reroll I'm pretty content with (Eclipse, +1 Morp, Reclaimed Destiny Justia, Code Name Elise) and have been exploring the character profiles since. I'm absolutely gonna have to +5 Morpeah, the dick has spoken - she's 100% my type. Evil women are the best.
Plus her summons are cool, I can already imagine this is 10/10 for cheese.
So like literally 0 women play this game right?
I've heard of a few girls that play Nikke of all things but there's no way this game has a female usebase above 1%
Super Justia has no cooldown either...
Probably a few gay women.
Justia is great too, one of the best physical costumes. Elise kinda sucks but she's cute.
See if you got Elpis (4* nun) in there, since she's the most accesible magic buff early on, more premium versions are BHelena and medical Teresse but those will be a pain to get until they re-run.
The Master of the guild i joined is a chick
It seems morpheah won the popularity contest so youre gonna get a free +5 new costume of her bwo
pretty much, it's gone too coomer, which is a shame b/c the cute/chibi aesthetic is up their ally. shouldn't have given in to the brain rot
Right on, thanks for the info. I do have Elpis it seems. So I'm guessing if I wanted to build a magic team I'm going to really want the Helena and Teresse you mentioned?
Wait, really?
Nah they should keep the coom but mixing with some cool guys here and there, honestly i'm still mad leonhard isnt playable, what a chad he was
Has nothing to do with coomer or not, women play Nikke because it's popular and advertised, they don't tend to pick up super niche things like BD2, it could have all the males in the world if it's not constantly generating social media hype it's not very interesting to them.
If John added some housing-farming stuff and the game gained traction they'd be all over it, only twitter warriors give a shit about big tits and they don't play games.
those women aren't there to play the game, they're there to ruin a hobby for men. no point counting them as part of the player base
It seems so, still nothing sure but she was head to head with eclipse and it seems she won in the end
Yeah, a magic team would start with Elpis' buff then Eclipse cleaving most of the enemy team with her 3x3 AoE then Morpeah's summons cleaning up the rest or taking out the boss. The other 2 slots are very flexible and you can fill them with more mages (4* Samay and 3* Maria are allright budget options, and there's Schera I guess but she's not a very good PvE character), or characters with knockback abilities in case you can't hit everyone with Eclipse.
BHelena is super-Elpis basicaly, more magic attack buff, more crit chance, also heals and her other costume gives teamwide damage mitigation and generates SP, she's part of what makes magic really broken. Will probably rerun soon-ish because they rerun buff characters for new players since they're so important to doing anything. Teresse is more complicated, mostly for endgame ranking tryhards.
This looks like shit. And I'm literally horny today. What's up with the animation
lets you do better then
Prob the weakest defense you could've posted
Damn. That's pretty cool. A free +5 sounds great.
Appreciate the detailed response, anon. I was doing some digging looking around the shop, and if I end up sticking, I'll probably buy the 2 monthly passes which actually lets me do the newbie selective draw where I can choose 3 costumes and get one of them - If I end up grabbing it, I'll be sure to at least put Helena in.
Glad to hear that they rerun stuff that newbies actually need, though.
Here's a last night example of s.eclipses capability since someone asked. Last slot, 2063 attack, 625 crit damage, max pot(s.eclipse), only +4. To compare my +5 roxy, dalvi, and schera do roughly 30-34 mill in last slot when geared right. So s.eclipse would be better than them all at +5.
So kind of seems like just might marginally be better, not the big dick thought she might have been
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you ARE going to 2 shot level 12 and 3 shot level 13 right anons, top 100 and your privilege of having your opinions considered rides on it
Yeah because her exclusive holds her back. 2063 attack is low as fuck.
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How much would it gimp people if they don’t follow meta? Say I only run swimsuits or bunnies, or some kinda theme, how much income would I end up losing in the long run? I’m trying to figure out whether it’s worth playing the game as a chore for more goodies or just to fuck around wit what I have.
I mean you straight up won't be able to play the game. All of end game revolves around element advantage, you can't just use what costumes you like. And this game isn't worth playing
>free Michaela (+1) from daily
>free Michaela cup from daily
Holy shit! This almost makes up for the 190 rolls I needed for Eclipse.
Fair enough, is BHelena and MedTeresse limited? Actually is there a list that shows limited? I don’t wanna go down the regular pool and guess when I’m unfamiliar with most.
the only limiteds are
bunny celia
bunny eclipse
cat/adv eris
resp master/succu roxy
swim suit teresse
everything else is in the pool
Hopefully she gets a costume that's good
Pool Party Yusti/Schera too
That’s a lot smaller than I thought, wow.
He forgot swimsuit justi and schera
summer dalvi and stray cat rou are also limited
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Any of these a must buy?
only rafina, she is a must have for physical teams
>So like literally 0 women play this game right?
>there's no way this game has a female usebase above 1%
Probably not, but its more than 0.
Chicks like hot chicks. They just need to go more sexy less slutty. Drunk diana is what chicks like, not 50 bikinis.
Just to let you guys know:
Teresse +5 teared allows Nebris +5 to top score the Wind floor in Tower of Pride.
Nebris-GODS...We Won
Thank you Teresse-sama.
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Eclipse has grown fat, so does her tits
Am I really worse off if I mix physical and magical resistances? Say a DEF chestpiece with a RES helmet?
I'm not too familiar with the math but all I remember is that I should aim for 90 DEF/RES and that due to how it scales, 90 DEF/RES is twice as effective as 80 DEF/RES.
90/90 builds are for pvp tanks only and they require gacha gear with bonus def/res stats, but maybe it's easier now with overleveling stats
For pve just only one 90% stat is enough
How do engravings work? I tried looking for a guide on the official site but there was not one.
>For pve just only one 90% stat is enough
Is there no argument to be made for half-assing it and going 50/50 on both DEF and RES just to be "prepared" for anything?
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im so sick of the tit monsters
im THIS close to quitting this game from the lack of ass focused banners
and no Teresse doens't count because the home screen is showing her tits too
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Are the new essence items worthy buying or should I stick to ability pills and refining powder?
Of course they're worth it, they're timegated guaranteed stat boosts. You can dump all your event currency into powder and still fail to take a piece above BBS.
Yes, you'll be just bad at both.
There are some situations when you need to sacrifice some def or mres for more hp but that's it.
Wait Morp is actually top tier? I thought redd- er umm I mean 4channers said she was trash?
But no really did she actually shoot to the top of the meta? Last I saw here people were still saying her skill cost too much for pvp
Lmao this shit always kills me, like I know what Nikke's audience is supposed to be but when people called this or Genshin's literal swimsuits (not slutty half naked Eclipse-tier shit) burkas I always crack a grin
Costs too much for ofense, you put her on defense with 90% def and now you have 3 tanks.
>Crits are guaranteed in FH after the 3rd hit per turn, so your dps will always crit there.
>Kry becomes useless
Man, I remember when Kry was the Diamond 2 KING.
Are there really any 3* or 4* that serve any purpose anymore besides cope buffers?
Way back tryhards would spend literal dozens of hours every day crit fishing with 10% crit chance and HLathel because using crit chance gear would drop your damage ceiling. Obviously this was untenable so they changed it to give you 100% crit rate once you hit the boss 3 times which is usualy your Celia/Rafina/etc that doesn't do significant damage so you don't really care if you crit or not.
Wtf sloppa is based?
Nigga you aint getting shit. Fuck what about the characters? You cant get all the costumes either and you would need +5 of literally everything
Rigenette is still core for FH every now and then since her target is long enough to persist through team swaps.
Emma still has a niche as the only lateral knockback.
But im the same way im just coping too
Lucrezia is a good battery/silence
what? Fucking slampig!
I thought DJ Venk was mid? Her only skill seemed kinda meh
Thanks anon. Guess I'll commit to one or the other then.
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Without the gay stink clouds
>naked apron
Oh fuck lol I didnt think about that so she basically forms a human (more like humanculus lmao) wall? What are the best ways to position her so they clones spawn right?
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Any news on the collab?
3 times as it chain hits or like 3 separate attacks from 3 different units?
In 2 weeks probably.
Leaks suggest it will be among DOA, senran or djmax.
3 hits so you shouldn't have problems triggering it even with summer Teresse teams.
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Gyaru Eclipse when?
Her clones always spawn on the first row regardless of where she's positioned, unless the first row is filled then they get spawned wherever the next free space is. I kinda checked out of PvP lately so I don't know what the hot meta tricks are to get the most out of her.
There are no leaks.
>DOA, senran or djmax.
Not really unexpected picks but at least they're decent ones if it's real.
Was the original BD collab heavy? From a quick and dirty search they did a few with Destiny Child, that Slime Isekai, and Trails. Not really a fond of collabs in general.
she rapes kids..
She's a huge nuker and magic resist shredder. She's very good.
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The second official collaboration will be alongside Gabriel Dropout. Thanks for playing
Just applied to CuteAndFunny, let me in bros
Is it a /bd2g/ guild?
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>bride refi fourth behind bikini skins
>nebris behind bride refi
Yuribros... *cough*
>Refi is still 200 votes off top 3
Kinda impressive for a character released 5 months ago
Idk according to the rentry it is.
What exactly are the benefits of joining a guild anyway? I never joined one.
50k gold a day so you already lost 3 mil brickgodbro.
We're getting a guild raids soon
>Helena, Zenith, Angelica

Fuck this, I'm uninstalling. Anyone who voted is clearly gay.
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Here's the actual popularity poll if we exclude the retards just voting for shiny new thing
Refi wins 1st
Ironically this is the biggest takeaway in my opinion since people natrually vote for the newest stuff when given that choice
At least the girls you voted for are in top 20
I still think the poll was rigged at some point. Eclipse winning would've given her a monopoly as one of the best characters in game. A 4th costume would've made her unstoppable and John knew this.
>no Glacia
>no Seir
>Games mascot
>Not even base costume

Top fucking kek bros.
It just shows the latest costume bwo, you can't choose what costume to vote
Refi represents the loli fandom so it's not that surprising at all. But rou being that low is definitely unexpected.
My spread was Refi/Rou/Anastasia before I learned that you could put all 3 votes onto a single one, then I went all in on Refi when she got into 3rd.
So poor Helena is the designated town bike? Everybody uses her but nobody loves her...
>Eclipse actually won the poll
>"Guys, it was so close we decided to make new skins for both Morp and Eclipse!"
>"You'll have to pay for Eclipse thoughbeit"
We see through your lies, John
Collab IP Reveal on September 18th, collab itself on October 2nd.

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So do gook games no longer celebrate Halloween?
Not after the incident, no. It's been straight out scrapped from existence.
Halloween event immediately after collab trust
>2 more weeks
What are we getting on the next week then..???
OG Nebris?
Fatclipsekeks btfo'd lmao
Didn't we have a hint for this in the secret area cave, "LEGENDS" or something?
2nd October is a weird date for the collab. It breaks with the usual cycle of patch-filler-patch. I guess we're getting two weeks of filler before it.

The new character pack was also due in the week before it, so this date makes me suspect that we're getting a proper pack for the collab this time.
Feathers are the obvious clue. Any guesses?
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League of Legends?
Legends of Heroes?
>legend of heroes
Trails in the Sky collab it is
Got to 85 million LN, probably around 105 million if everyone crits...still a ways off from the 110 million break point.
That's just a joke on us, the players, constantly crafting but only getting UR3. You can use the code WAITING4LEGEND to get a free UR3 Venomous Touch. Or maybe it's all an elaborate Arcane/LoL collab
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, obviously.
If this is the collab, I will +5 all Estelle and Joshuas.
They did mention that there will be a 1-week-only Berserker FH rerun, so that may be why.
Where is this cave?
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*Focus for the rest of 2024 is new Character/Event Packs (no more Story Packs until Jan 2025)
*Cycle is big patch-filler-patch-filler-patch-filler (repeat).
*A new pack (Story or Character) is released every 6 weeks.

[SEPTEMBER - Guilds Raids]
>9.4 Filler (2024 Summer Pack final week) <-- YOU ARE HERE
*Final week to clear Beachside Angels on all 3 difficulties for 30 draw tickets!!
Content: Fiend Hunt (Dark)
Banners: Summer Eclipse (5* Dark Mage)(3w)

>9.11 Guild Raids Patch
Content: Guild Raids
Banners: Base Nebris, ?
Others: Mirror Wars bulk queue QoL

>9.18 Collab IP Reveal / Filler
Content: Berserker Fiend Hunt (Wind - rerun)
Banners: ?

>9.25 Patch
Content: New Character Pack (implied to be Kimono/Onsen/Jap.Festival/Hot springs themed))
Banners: ?

[OCTOBER - Collab]
>10.2 BD2 x ?? Collab (1/4)
*Because we are scheduled to get the new character pack in the preceding week, the second batch of the collab story+character costumes may be set in/match the theme of the new character pack.
Content: Collab
Banners: ?

>10.9 Filler (Collab 2/4)
Content: Exclusive Fiend Hunter
Banners: ?

>10.16 Patch (Collab 3/4)
Content: Existing event rerun
Banners: ?

>10.23 Filler (Collab 4/4)
Content: Fiend Hunter
Banners: ?

[NOVEMBER - New Character Pack]

[DECEMBER - Nightmare Winter rerun & 1.5 Anni]
>Confirmed, exact date TBA:
Nightmare Winter rerun
Bunny Eclipse/Celia rerun
Free new +5 Morpeah costume (contest winner)
New merch available oversees

SP15 in January
Playable Olivier (Justia mom) and/or Eleanor (SUPAFECTO girl)
MyRoom x MyRestaurant (MyRoom overhaul)
SRPG Mode and/or Tower Defense Mode and/or Challenge Design+Share Mode
In the bottom right corner of combat area South East of the Beach pack
Thank you, I forgot to explore that map for chests as well
[Other Developer Notes]
-Most requested costumes: Hot Springs (23%)/Bunny Girl (23%) > more swimsuits (15%) >> big gap >> the rest (school, race queen etc)
-BD2 will 100% have no genderbend costumes
-Higher resolution for all clients is under development
-Mentions of a cutscene zoom in/out feature
-Thinking about a love/marriage system and some kind of self-insert
-Fishing system / Minigames sound fun and are do-able to add
-Most magnificent chars according to devs: Eclipse, Loen, Diana
-Dev favorites: Liatriss, Loen, Sylvia/Rubia & Dalvi, Justia/Olivier
-BD2 is not 18+ on all platforms yet, so they can't go full mature at this time
-UREX weapon dupes can safely be dismantled (no plans to do anything with them)
-Official artbook and various figurines are in production
-Focus is on costumes for chars without many costumes yet. 3*, 4* costumes and males are low priority.
-Mention of content where characters receive confessions (like a priest)
-It takes 3mo to turn a story idea into a finished pack, but they start 6mo in advance due to VOs and QA testing.
-BD2 dev team is ~110 people (70 game devs,40 on business and related fields)
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>Nebris did 9/11
They've already said that the onsen themed costumes will be either later this year or early next year.
For recruit tickets what is the priority list? I have Olstein, I saved one for Diana, and now I got another one and don’t know what to with it.

Currently running the part 2 Summer girls besides Michaela, who helps me most?
See the FAQ in the op. I'd get Liatriss and Rou.
Michaela is probably the worst out of the summer girls. Ranking is Summer Teresse >> Eclipse (nuker) = Morpeah (pve/pvp/utility) >> Michaela
Base Celia for the magnet.
>males are low priority.
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>Feathers are the obvious clue. Any guesses?

KFC collab?
There's no point in adding other males since we already reached the absolute peak of masculine charm and rogueish good lucks with Gisgray-sama.
We're getting a No Game No Life collab where Gray bangs all the angel sluts. >>493373120 would also be acceptable.
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Genuine bets on the collab? If the feathers are a hint, I think Cautious Hero has a chance.
99% chance it's isekai airing next season. Rezero, danmachi and arifureta is probably the answer. It's definitely not some dead ip like >>493373120
These collabs are to attract new players only.
I have no idea desu, I do not know what animes are popular these days.
I almost forgot where I am for a moment
You can have my long-shot guess of a Panty & Stocking collab leading up to an airing date for season 2.
We call them japanimations around here.
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I'm waiting. This could be really anything.
If we're talking about feathers I want to bet on Ishuzoku Reviewers
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Justi is in the lettering but I don't recognize the wing from anywhere.
Angel Beats collab!
Does Diana hold much value in non raid type situations? Like campaign/packs etc. As a new player I’m unsure of how to make use of her when I dir even have a full 4 of the same kind of elements. I only see fiend hunt being kinda useful but darkness is only weak to light right?
I actually liked that one, free +5 MC and Listarte/Valkyrie banners would be cool. But it wasn't that popular so I guess no chance
She's good for everything, you'll have a dps for an each element in some time
>no genderbend costumes
Wasted opportunity
>can't go full mature at this time
>this time
Are they implying that at some point in the future we will see Justia getting doggied?
Then does this game tend to mono element their end game stages or something? Wondrous she be pretty poor if a whole floor was mixed up like a rainbow?
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It's all just shit from the splash art, there's no hints in the picture.
You don't need to have a full same element team to use her, you just want your 1-2 DPS to be of a stronger element than the mobs they are facing. This is important in Fiend Hunter but also stuff like the Hard/Very Hard difficulty of especially character packs, where HP values get such bloat that you have to play around the element system.

For example say you're playing Firechip on Very Hard. Diana can really buff the shit out of Liatriss there, who is stronger vs. wind mobs.
>exclusive fiend hunt
What does that mean
Fiend Hunt
V/VH Difficulty Packs
150F tower
Guild Raids (element bosses)
Challenge Battles (Events)
That's about all Diana content I think
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Collab is DOA xtreme. Ss this.
DOA? More like dead on arrival lmoa
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Yes, I eat many sushis and do not watch many animes these days. Now please return to your daily scheduled "whatever is new" viewing kek
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There are some null-element fights like the magic and physical towers in evil castle where Diana can't be used. Last night also has no element so she's useless there. Also in the new roguelike things are way too random to assume you'll always be able to exploit elemental advantage though it's really strong when you can.
There was also a fiend hunt a while ago that directly disabled Diana's buff.
Now that there's summer Teresse, gamer Rafina and Levia there are a lot of ways to stack damage multipliers without necessarily having to use elemental advantage and Diana. It's still extremely strong and viable in 90% of content, just not as absolutely dominant as it was in the first half year or so after her release.
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Estelle - physical fire
Scherazard - wind magic
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>daily free draw
HOT TIME is live, repeat hot time is live.
Do your Eclipse pulls in the next 37minutes or regret forever!
I got +1 morp from dailies today
You're getting Olivier - physical light and Joshua - magical dark and you're going to like it.
I'd like Joshua, but I know we're not getting males anymore. Devs even said so.
I don't think that applies to collabs, we're getting whoever the IP holder wants us to get.
Whoever it is, the only certainty is that it is an IP with a substantial ecchi/nsfw focus. A sfw mainstream ip like re:zero or frieren would never approve of a collab with this game.
It's going to be RAID SHADOW LEGENDS
I'll laugh when we get Frieren shimapan upskirt in 2 weeks
>Another 40 pulls and nothing

I'm even jealous of that fucker who got lathel spooked. Bros...
Am I the only one who doesn't want the game to go full r18? Feels like it would lose all it's classiness
I don't need full nudity either, but I do find it strange that a starter 3* character has erect nipples in her l2d and every character since then has not.
They couldn't even if they wanted to so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
We'll likely just get more of what we've been getting with recent costumes, maybe more pronounced cameltoes and nipples, if anything.
The game still has to be able to exist on Google Play, so hardcore nudity is out of the question, and the graphic violence is already at a decent degree in the story.
It's gonna be Re:zero. Season 3 is airing on October 2nd, which just happens to be when the collab starts. See this from their trailer also. Mushoku and now rezero, tired of this normie shit collabs.
So do we need to invest in Morp now as she is getting the free +5 costume?
seethe and cope harder lmao
I hope not, that looked terrible! What kind of collab would you like though?
Mushoku on the same level as ReZero to me - they both are a normie titles I don't care about.
At least John can save it with lewd alts if it's true.
at least mushoku girls are hot
who wants to see Emilia-tan lewd alt? Certainly not me
Is Rezero any good? Or is it just for the waifus?
I'll roll if she's a titcow in a slutty outfit
Generally the reason these titles collab over and over is due to their owner Kadokawa. So perhaps expect the other titles like Slime/Overlord down the road because from Kadokawa’s perspective it makes no sense to let others collab just one of their titles and not some more.
John hates Kadokawa now
They didn't let him to make a good collab story...
If john goes through with rezero we'll get another shit collab with gutted story because you can't do anything risky with the characters
rezero is even less lewd than mushoku. If it happens, it means John learned nothing
This one the blame really should be Kadokawa, look at their collab track record. I don’t think any game they’ve worked with has managed to write a good story, just low quality overall.

I mean if Maruyama decides to go spin off mode again maybe he will be willing to personally work with John to write some dark shit for a collab, but that’s not realistic for a guy who is burned out on his own novel.
>it means John learned nothing
John learned that collab with popular thing gets a lot of revenue.
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This seems to be my limit without Idol Ventana. Could probably squeeze a bit more by swapping out my +0 Michaela for Schera or something for chains but it's whatever, was fun.
What + is your Justia and PP Angelica?
PP Justia +5 with 3/3 pots
PP Ange +4 with 2/3 pots (cd, skill)
Imagine if it's truly rezero and we get the cat "boy" trap...
>read guide on smithing
>reach refining and get completely lost

Is there any risk in refining? My freebie Venom Touch hit r9, but some of the substats are not very good. What precautions should I make and what should I should I be aiming for?
Pretty sure Refi would also count as "retards voting for shiny new thing" given she released a few months ago.
would the IP holder of Re:Zero be okay with the lewd?
Mushoku was already borderline an ecchi but Re:Zero have very little sexualisation, at least in the anime.
Refine as high as you can for UR III or UR IV gear. End game everything below is usually useless. As long as your gear ends in "S" then that's really all that matters. "SSS" is ideal but near on impossible to get. I think we've had about 2 maybe 3 screenshot posts for "SSS" since our general started.
So I’m copying the fiend hunter strat on dotgg, my ba Teresse gets silenced and dies as a sac on turn 2, but unlike the guide I get hit with the apoc wave instead of crap poison. What gives?
Substats can be rerolled using refining crystals. You get them from dismantling SR and UR you don't need and event shop, handouts, etc.
You can lock the substats you want, it does get more expensive with each substat you lock but it means you eventually guarantee having 3 crit damage substats or whatever you want.
For the free III ring since it's not exactly BIS it's kind of a waste to invest too much, you should save your resources and try to craft an IV. But you can reroll until it has at least 2 good substats, either crit damage, attack% or attack.
When you get an IV you can try to get 3 crit damage substats because that way you can use it on anyone, magic, physical or Angelica. Eventually you might want rings with attack% or magic attack% substats instead so you can optimize builds for characters that are reaching diminishing returns on crit damage but that's a very lategame topic.
For refining powder, you also want to save it as much as possible and don't invest too hard in III but you can do 50 or so refines and stick with what you get. On an IV you can dump thousands until you get BBS or something equivalent (AAA, CSA, etc).
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No need to read through paragraphs. Try to get score 18 (BBS,CSA...) which is ideal. Getting to 18 is not easy though. If you don't gave enough powder then get 17 at least.
Same. I want lewd, not pornographic.
My Venomous Touch 3 is ABC, but the guide said to only refine UR EX and UR4, what’s the difference? also the Rex Nail from the shop gave me SSS upon +9, but it included hp and magic resist.

Is that still good?
That poison thing only happens when 4 people or less are on the field. Someone needs to be sacrificed then play out the next turn for it to activtate. Once it does, have someone tank it, and the 2 spots directly behind go to your light dps so they get buffed.
>but the guide said to only refine UR EX and UR4, what’s the difference?

Ignore the guide if this is true. UR III is perfectly viable and plenty of us still use it.

>Rex Nail from the shop gave me SSS upon +9, but it included hp and magic resist.

All shit from the event shop is guaranteed SSS. the hp and magic resist can be rerolled for whatever you want.
Oh so even if I refine it’ll still be S? But it’s not a +3 right? It’s just UR+0, though I have no real idea what it all even means.
There are 3 concepts you're mixing up.
UR base quality: when you craft an UR piece it has a quality anywhere from I to IV, where IV is BIS endgame gear, III is worse but you have to use them in the early and mid game since you won't have enough IVs and I-II which are garbage and can be dismantled. This quality can never be changed so a III will always be a III and can't be promoted to an IV.
Next, the refinement letters give a bonus to the base stats, the closer you get to SSS the higher the bonus is but also less likely to obtain on a refinement, see the chart >>493391326 here. Refinement is simple, you just throw powder at your item until something sticks, it's fully RNG but at least your item can't break or get worse like in old MMOs.
Next, the 3 substats, you can reroll those with refining crystals. Even if your ring starts with def hp and res you can eventually reroll it to crit damage x3 or whatever you want. So if you level something to +9 and it has bad substats it's not a problem.
The event specific fiend gear like the rex nail doesn't show a quality but it's in fact an UR III item. However it comes auto refined to SSS which makes it around the power of a CBS IV, meaning it's very usable for a very long time. All you have to do is reroll the substats to be crit damage, attack, etc. if it didn't start with the substats you wanted.
UR gacha gear is not only equivalent to an URIV craftable but also has a bonus stat making it the absolute best in slot for that character with some exceptions like Eclipse and Morpeah's gacha URs not being suited for PvE.
Ok so basically you shouldnt be running any crit chance at all in FH then?
The original BD was not only non-collab heavy but, now that I think about it, it was impressively non-event heavy too. Like it literally had almost 0 events at all. The few it did have had basically 0 plot at all and usually just recycled like the same 3-4 story dialogue scenes. It's kind of crazy it lasted as long as it did.
After 3 consecutive chains, all hits are guaranteed crits in Fiend Hunters. It explains why Celia is a goddess and why she's the reroll target at the start of the game.
You can't just leak the collab like that
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Yeah yeah yuh I'm Morpin lil bitch

I'm Morpin bitch.
I'm Morpin bitch.
My dick so big it warp a bitch.
Morpin once, I Morp again.
My dick sting her like scorpion.

Lil niggas can't Morp.
Bitch as niggas just clones.
Ain't no small parts, just actors.
If she sweet then bitch like the wrapper.

Bitch sweet just lick on that stick.
Popsicle stick get split.
Whippin my fans like slaves.
Morpin each day till my grave.

Morp more Morp morph more Morp Morp.
Is you Morpin or morphin, Morp Morp Morp Morp
Open the poll again, John, I'm voting for Eclipse

Damn auto correct. I'm not trans so I'll obviously be voting for Zenith.
I think you missed the point
What? Who?

Who the fuck want fishing minigame?

Easily the worst part in any JRPG I played.
The collab will be DJMax.

Finally BD2 can have some good music.
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Is there maybe demand for a MIC TEST?
Morp doesn't deserve to win on account of all her votes being contrarian, without Eclipse's immense presence she would have rightfully been in the double digits area.
I didn't realize that you could set it to pause on skill animations.

This is gamechanging for the homescreen meta.
But she was first place on day one...
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I still believe
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eh, as an Eclipse voter it's whatever. She'll get another costume sometime anyway, what matters is that we gave off an irrefutable signal that we want more buxom and curvaceous hot evil ladies in this game.
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>Can't even half health level 10 FH

What's the Angelica team? I'm tempted to swap her in for Michaela. Thoughts?
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There's no way Morp won fucking rigged poll I'm done with this game unistalling this kusoge
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tfw dumb and bad
Last day spike was weird but devs probably just rolled with it since they already had another Morpeah costume planned anyway. Now they can just say it's the contest winner, saves them some time.
>3*, 4* costumes and males are low priority.

Can't they just release them without skill cutscenes? The 3 and 4 stars, they won't get banners anyway.

Feels like one of the reasons why we won't get them anytime soon is because they want to do skill cutscenes for every new costumes.
Thanks. I'm using Zenith in the physical, so I might try Celia, Refi, Levia, Angelica and Eclipsu
You need either Zenith or Rigenette for Angelica to hit all tiles so there's that. I'd try something else for your physical team, Bustia doesn't need focused fire.
>PP ange with pots
I just reached Parnir, my magic team is cucked right? I impulsed recruited Lia but then I realized I lack stars to rank her up. Can I actually beat Parnir with starter summer girls at lvl 60 for Eclipse and Morp or should I commit and switch to building physical?
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Lathel him
I haven’t even built Lia let alone Lathel he’s still stuck at 20.
Are you playing the event? You can buy a ton of stars for cheap, only the 4* are a bit limited.
Try Teresse + Eclipse + Elpis then
Fill the remaining slots with more dps or supports
That’s basically my default team just instead of Elpis I use Samay because right now I don’t have sp reduction. Otherwise I can’t Eclipse+Morp nuke under Teresse/Samay buffs. Putting aside whether I can one shot, the big issue for that stage is there are two strong mobs with knock back immune, the clone and Parnir. I can’t reach Parnir to kill him firsr but he can wipe my team turn 1.
It's time to lvl up Lia and Lathel then
Yeah, just a shame I’m missing both stars and slimes. Gonna have to slow down I guess, it’s the first time I hit a wall in the story.
For anyone thinking they can get away with it, you're wrong. We know you're a Zenithlet and you're time is up, we are coming for you. Love, Guild leader
Does anyone have this in high quality?
Raping Teresse!
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Sacred Justia has some hint of nipples on her idle home screen animation.
It's an old art from Brave Nine.
How long do we have to save up for this collab? I want to be prepared this time.
Collab begins on october 2rd
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well, re:zero is shit I can just save my resources
Rubia's doesn't even grow
The collab will be DJMax!
Would anyone actually like that? What would the premise even be? How would you lewd djmax?
didn't that gook bastard John say they wouldn't do this lame weeks waiting shit again on the next collab? what a fucking clown. also way too soon for another collab even as a paypig myself
that was a joke about crafting 'legendary gear' on the player base just like the firechip easter egg which is also mentioned in the room. stop believing every shit thing you read on reddit
Re:Zero is fucking shit and a shit collab that collabs with anything. dropping game if it's that trash
Hype marketing

Neowiz would like that, they did so many DJMax collab in BD1.
Does completing VH increase the resources you get from collecting?
in packs no don't believe it does. but in the materials/gem dungeons yes
I hope the collab is something I actually have read/seen. Also 500 free tickets.
If only...
If we do get it ill rewatch it for old time sake
I would actually pull on this since BD2 do lewd costumes im sure emilia and rem will get the costumes they deserve unlike fucking Nikke and its 60$ fully covered emilia skin
Im in the same boat as >>493421000 all I want are puffy nipples the rest idc

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