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Previous: >>492689473

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[8/31-9/13] Summer Rem (Limited)
[9/15] Emilia/Rem Gacha Rerun

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[8/28-9/11] Gindaco Highball Bar Collab Story (Part 2)
[8/31-9/24] "Re:ZERO - Summer in a different world from zero" Collaboration Story Event (Summer Emilia Free Unit)
[9/4-9/9] Abyss Battle (Dark)
[9/4-9/9] Dark Element Platinum Gacha
[9/4-9/10] Normal x2
[9/10-9/15] Investigation x2
[9/15] 6* Emilia/Rem/Ram Added
[9/15] Caravan Season 6
[9/20] Suzume UE2 Added
[October] Battlefield of Memories / Ultimate Refining

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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>tfw still haven't cleared my light/dark DQs
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Low tier cutie
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Light is easy now
easy like your mom lmao
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These sorts of comments are why Pooplets is still not a top 1000 clan
and these sort of comments are why your mom goes to bed with me and not with you lmao
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POV: my Saren plushie finally arrived :)
Too late...
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so sexy...
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This is not allowed.
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It's over...
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It's not just her birthday, it's also her voice actress's birthday.
Is she for (You)?
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You should care about Remu
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I'm feelin' like a star, you can't stop my shine
I'm lovin' Landosol, my head's in the sky
I'm Kyaru I’m Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru

Yeah, I'm feelin' good tonight
Finally feelin' free and it feels so right, oh
Time to do the things I like
Gonna see Pecorine, everything's all right, oh
No Kaiser to answer to
Ain't a fixture in the palace zoo, no
And since the tranny's off me
I'm livin' life now that I'm free, yeah

Told me, get myself together
Now I got myself together, yeah
Now I made it through the weather
Better days are gonna get better
I'm so happy the tranny is gone, I'm movin' on
I'm so happy that it's over now, the pain is gone

I'm puttin' on my UE to cover up my weakness
I'm jumpin' in my team comp, I'm headin' to CB
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru
I'm pickin' up my staff, puttin' it on my side
I'm jumpin' in my team comp, Korosuke at my side
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru

It's spelled Karyl
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It's spelled Kys
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>It's spelled Kar-ACK
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stupid kot
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kot game kot general, simple as
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stupid fatfuck kotturd
kiss yourself hiroshit
creepy kokk
Post the cute kot.
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luv priconne, luv kot, luv /pcrg/
simple as
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What's an easy team for 4-10 if I have neither ST.Kurumi nor O.Peco?
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>check TL
>"all units LB"
maybe later
that's just what they tested, not a hard requirement
None of these use both
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>have to pull for a shit character from a shitty LN/anime written by a embarrassing autor or you fall behind
dogshit game
dogshit collab
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yeah, worked out with just one ring for maho
It's definitely a low point for Priconne.
You don't have to
Re:Zero fans are writing death threats to KMR
Meant to say DIDN'T have to.
Priconne fans should be doing it too because he didn't add S.Misaki this summer
pedos are a loud minority, hags carry this game
Misaki is an unpopular character
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Now I only have 5-10 wind left, which I won't beat in a million years because I don't have any wind mages
rem is cyore
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Her bonds featuring a contest to sit beside her between (You) and Subaru only to have (You) "win her" was peak
and? does that even matter when she canonically fucks subaru and (you) are still a virgin.
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I self-insert as both yuuki and subaru so I win no matter what
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>she canonically fucks subaru and
we all know that's not happening blue hair losing heroines are just bound to fade away
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Another day, another stream of NTR fantasies in /pcrg/
Commissioned by HHH
he should commission a priconne version of this https://exhentai.org/g/2827212/503f922b30/ except it’s pecorine yuki and yuuki
re zero fags are funny in getting mad because they'll never compare to idolfags seethe
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oh mama, that was hot as fuck
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nhentai link?
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Here you go bud
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I love Emilia
Shards required per UE uncap needs to be lowered to 5.
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Check out what arrived for me. Which should I try first? I was thinking Summer Hatsune.
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Priconne is BACK
baggots eating shit yet again
KMR probably got a deal on the Re:Zero cast with their new mobile game launching. And the game is making a killing on merch, acrylics are money for old rope.
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Aside from a particular character...
my babiwife
Some sort of continuation of the Peco picture I drew around 3 months ago.

Ayumisters currently has 1 spot. Join and I'll draw your pfp! The result will more or less look like picrel, just with your pfp instead.
Disclaimer: Deliveries will be slow.
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Isn't that Regina (?) from Dragalia?
>yuiturd is a dragturd
oh my
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Nothing new really, by the way my favorite character was/is Elisanne!
She's cute
Yup! And unfortunately she's lost in the void since that's the fate of all gacha games and related characters that fail to leave a mark ( and are handled by Nintendo ).
what's after this collab?
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Hope it's more Dragon's Nest.
And this + the new mode.
I expect Croce and Lyrael to get alts November or December too.
Probably for Christmas. Also a Moogi alt, I'm still hoping.
sex with deer
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Tormenting this ugly midget.
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cute voice
Project KV.
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I will send her into arena battles alone, underleveled and gearless just to torture her.
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I just realized how much stuff is dropping at once on the 15th.
>Main story
>New ED
>Echidna + Echidna bonds
>6 star Emilia + bonds
>6 star Ram + bonds
>6 star Rem + bonds
>Princess Sheffy bonds unlock
Finally some good fucking food.
BY ME!!!
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Oh my goodness...
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I wouldn't suggest opening this.
I'm not going to open it, stop reacting like I should
It do look like that though, can confirm.
>Thank you for your skeb request!
WTF Matsuri mister?!
>EN EOSed before I got mine
>Albedo's sword
That sword middle bottom right looks like Zane's, are those going to be named equips of some characters?
I suggest opening this
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I suggest opening this.
draw your dick
in my wife then I'll consider joining
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who is this?
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I'd unironically buy a Yukari figure, I'm sure a couple of misters here would. Not spending money on acrylic crap though.
I'd spend money on acrylic crap
I already spend on jpgs
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Very fun side story and the alt costumes look great, always pleased when I occasionally get to use them in CB.
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busy enjoying my kamige before it eos again and I have to wait another million years before they make it again
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Inori gets all the cool costumes.
Why can't we get collabs with anime featuring sexy evil villainesses
Is this okay?
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No, she should be flatter
For the MTL misters
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Too big, and would be better with pubes.
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Double suicide gf
Banbutsu o ugate
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thighs not fat enough
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Do I even want to know what that is?
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>higher than ZZZ
They are used for sounding (don't look it up)
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zzz is a flop by mihomo standars tbdesu
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She is autistic
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I like this Rei posting. Twinkle Wish fans are always passionate.
A shame, it looks like they put quite some effort into it
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>new mode
>still low level
>borrow level 314 max Christina
>she dies in instant
What am I supposed to do?
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Try borrowing a max level Anemone.
Just hit the normal or hard boss
stop being low level
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u the crying retard that asks this every time there's an event? just stop being a retard and level up.
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the dude or the kot?
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>don't rush level cap
>"why can't I clear all this content?"
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We just don't know
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>rush level cap
>"why is my SKasumi still 3*"
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Just borrow her, she's barely even used, not even EX7 fodder.
I can't borrow her if I don't have SYui
Sounds like a (You) problem.
It's not a problem
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RIP bozo
not fixing what you are doing wrong and keep complaining is /pcrg/ core
I love Priscilla.
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My bracket has so many quitters
Where's the finalized art collab? Did collab anon get banned from McDonald's?
He's still sucking dicks to pay the bills give it some days
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If he did, he should sit somewhere outside the McDonald's and steal the wifi signal with a Pringles can.
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I've conquered all the chippys
I'm never gonna stop
Chips and peas and gravy
I've ate the fucking lot
Pepperoni pizza
And chicken vindaloo
I'm a big fat bastard
'Cause I love my fucking food
arrested for mcdonald crimes
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she's ok, they can't just kill playable character, she got somewhat bodied in that fight and retreated (to be fair she did very well in 1v1 because in my canon it took 20ish teams worth of bodies to kill spooderwoman)
Mister... she's 13...?
She is no Mimi but she will have to do.
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Out of 10
Imagining the girls with female NORF accents is hilarious to me.
How hard is it?
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Now there's only 5-10 wind and EX7 left to do
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Good job, mister.
Suck a big fat meaty dick hiroshita
>implying hiro has cleared 5-10s
Eh, it can keep her.
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I'm only completed fire, for water I'm stuck at 5-10 and for everything else they're at 4-10
Nice AIshit bro
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Do not anger the gacha demon
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Her face gave the picture an unpleasant feeling so I deleted >>493301878
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Hot (sfw)
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I love Crossing Destiny, it plays so much in the story in various forms.
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We need this
>take my time to enjoy the stories instead of rush level up
>why was I kicked from my clan?
What do you mean sfw, it's a picture of a girl spreading her pussy. My boss would kill me if he saw me looking at this.
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Safe For Wanking
If your clan was ayutroons they are chinese and not /pcrg/
Just started reading the main story of Re:Dive after finishing the original Priconne main story.
>Yui doesn't recognize me
>Suzume does
Wtf is Suzume the real Princess Connect?
Ayumisters hasn't kicked anyone besides one corpse before CB, and no other /pcrg/ clans kick for that sort of thing.
No, the main story happens after the bonds of most girls. (You) know the 3 guild members and Yui from the tutorial.
I'm talking about the first time Yui talks to MC in Re:Dive, instead of saying "Omg it's player-kun!" she's like "have we met somewhere before?" Feels like Yui's memories (and probably Rei/Hiyori's as well) have been tampered with by Mana.
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Why wasn't I kicked too, then? I do my dailies and CB attacks but I'm dead inside so I count as a corpse as well.
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The timeline of Re:Dive since you start the game is:
>1. OG game ending
>2. Re:Dive tutorial, you meet Pecorine, kokkoro, karyl, yui
>3. Most girls bonds ( their 8 or 4 stories )
>4. Main story & events
Oh so that's how it works. Gotta go and read those bonds now then.
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[Opening Narration] For your consideration. Witness Mr. Collabanon, a charter member in the fraternity of dreamers. A bookish little man whose passion is the painted page but who is conspired against by unfulfilling careers, bad internet, and the unrelenting hands of a clock. But in just a moment, Collabanon will enter a long weekend without bosses, rangebans, clocks, or anything else. He'll have a world all to himself to draw- without anyone.

Collabanon: And the best thing, the very best thing of all, is there's time now... there's all the time I need and all the time I want. Time, time, time. There's time enough at last.

[Collabanon goes to pick up a drawing tablet, but in doing so yanks the connecting wire with the armrest of his chair and breaks off the little tab inside the charging port. He slowly raises the tablet to his face, seeing it is completely broken. He is unable to finish either his contribution or the final collage of his own collab. He sobs, incapable of telling the participants.]

Collabanon: That's not fair… That's not fair at all… There was time now. There was, was all the time I needed... That’s not fair…

[Closing Narration] The best-laid plans of mice and men - and collabanon, the small man in the glasses who wanted nothing but time. Collabanon, now just a part of a smashed landscape, just a piece of the rubble, just a fragment of what man has deeded to himself. Mr. Collabanon - in the Twilight Zone.
Replacement tablet arrived late yesterday. The collab final product is coming out tomorrow in the evening. Good luck to me, as it would appear.
As an addendum, the ONLY girl in the whole game who had her memory wiped yet still had vestigial memories of Yuuki was Saren.
Everyone else either forgot him entirely or never had their memory modified (or managed to regain their real memories).
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We just fought her last CB.
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Medusa looks like THIS?
Nice flat chest.
God... I forgot to do the shits yesterday and missed 12 tickets
wtf she sex
I can fix her.
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Low tier cutie
I need to sex Misora so badly.
As an aside, why are nips so obessed with smegma in their doujins?
Is there a right way to rush the level cap? Just buy stamina and spam Very Hard nodes as much as possible for half a year?
Do NOT sex the evil woman
I wonder what holier-than-thou angel could be behind this post.
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I will
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She probably smells.
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now that's a woman
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I strongly do NOT recommend opening
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it's over
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pregnant kuuka doko
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normal/hard/very hard all give big bonus xp, just spend stamina on any of those, both hard and very hard are super useful for a new player since you need a bunch of units from there
refresh stamina up to 3 times a day(or not, up to you here), it should take 4-6 months to reach max level from level 1, depending on how much you refresh or use stamina on other stuff
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I don't get the appeal of having vanilla, consensual sex with evil women. But I dig the idea of raping, or bring raped by one. Leaning to the latter because I'm a worthless piece of crap.
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_____ __ ________
Gyame nyot gyood
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I caught up.
gyame gyood nyet?
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Finally, one I don't have.
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What a sad story
An oldie but a goody.
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I will give her at least 15 children
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i wish danchode would lick my pits like that
die kot
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bwos, I didn't wanna say this in front of danchou, but I think there's a loopturd amogus
it's the new member isn't it?
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Getting a job killed my arena tryhardness. I'm always working during the snapshot so I just do a couple low effort hits during my break and leave the rest to fate.
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I wish I could free myself from arena niggardry but the game won't cut me a break.
8th:Dive got translated:
>Commissioned by HHH
dyont open
get a job
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suck a dick
draw more art
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>Hiyori gets her wish
>everyone in Astrum falls into a coma and lives in a happy but shallow paradise until the end of their lives
>Rei gets her wish
>she becomes god emperor moderator of Astrum, sets a bunch of no-fun-allowed rules and causes the playerbase to get pissed off and quit
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You can clear ex7 bros, i believe in you!
I got to the second comp and gave up after it didn't work
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I already did.
I can't because I don't have XPeco, Precia, SpKyouka, SpSuzume and XAkari.
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I don't even have half of those units.
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I have no jewels
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Just roll for more
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Hey guys Manager Kun here, I bring to you the roster suggestion poll. I don't think we have enough time to conduct the poll and make the models for these upcoming friendlies but rest assured that at the very least we should be able to get any new models done by the actual league


Its just a small google form form (I won't be doing anything that requires email verifications shenanigans either nor or the future but verification questions will be asked in the future to weed out non general users so please don't try to ballot stuff, or if you do get creative with your answers to the verification question I guess...)
yeah no need to hurry them for friendlies
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I'm sure I can, but I just don't want to go through it. I'll wait for something like 10 full auto teams.
would eat
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I'd suck it out.
would felch
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Sniff, sniff
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Shoutout to my clanmates that commission doujin scans and translations. I really appreciate it.
Even the NTR ones?
Better than scat/bestiality
It literally isn't.
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male: horse boy, pig man
Azold is back?
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Comparing getting shot in the face or on the back of the head here.
haha yeah how lovely that they push disgusting ntr instead of having the good stuff translated its soooo good kys I'm on the verge of leaving this dogshit clan already
you don't even play the game baggot
if you had standards you wouldn't have joined in the first place
We're waiting for you in つるぺったん
And then what? Join ayushitsters? Don't ridicule yourself faggot.
We need a new /pcrg/ T100 clan that's hag themed.
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We have too many of those already
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we need another pedo clan
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how goes your pinking
the pinks will be invalidated soon anyway
Unlikely, the new equipment requires a lot of investment.
let me dream... I want to unbrick my pink böx
Just weapons (for now)
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what if I just stop caring about my PK level?
You are now an adult. Congratulations.
embrace the fun island life
What's her endgame?
14 kids
>Uma game is still not fixed
I'm scared of UE2 H Misogi
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oh fuck mimi as well, I still remember when she could teamkill
She made p.arena unplayable for me on EN.
Bunny-carrot go *swish*
I Wish shows what happens when Hiyori and Rei's wishes get Monkey's Paw'd like Yui's and...
Rei's (lack of a) wish causes Landsol to become a fucking warzone where the Holy Grail War becomes even more intense and drags everyone in, all because Rei decided to pass the buck and let the next winner get their wish granted instead, causing Shinatsu to become known as a Goddess of War.
Meanwhile Hiyori's wish causes... nothing bad to happen? The only person to suffer from Hiyori's wish is Aira who becomes an workaholic alcoholic trying to keep everyone happy in a world doomed to repeat eternally but that's not caused by the wish itself. Everyone loves Aira in her world and thinks she's a kind goddess.
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EX7 clear with 15* limited characters and no permas released after StKurumi except XJun

*Prifes not included
online didn't work on release and now they said they fixed it and it still doesn't work.
your money in her account
only missing 4 units haha
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NTR is based though
die kot die
The Bandy Sisters are evil and must die. Yes, even Fubuki.
Ayumisters is my clan btw.
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I forgot to do my deep quests today
What do you mean today? Who does that daily?
the Chinese
People who aren't leeches
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>We have confirmed an issue where the skip results are not displayed correctly in the Abyss Battle.
>We are currently investigating this matter.
>We apologize to all players for any inconvenience caused.
Apology jewels or I quit
It's a visual issue, I had this myself and thought that I just blew 12 tickets on nothing. But I was still able to press the upgrade all button in my PK menu so I assumed I still got the materials.
It's nyover.
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Looplets is full again but there will probably be space after CB, one way or another. I'm thinking of slightly revising the rules. You'll see it in the next rentry. Also, there are 3 more books being translated at the moment. Also also, it's Friday.
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rats are powerful
fuck off
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ok not posting for a month then
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I got to use her today
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Aspiring artist here, which characters need more R-18 art?
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Nebia isn't so bad
Sheffy, Miyako, Anna
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This is the Princess Connect! Re:Dive Management Office.

We have confirmed a bug in which some game screens are not displayed correctly when you earn the score rewards of 60,000,000,000 points and 70,000,000,000 points of Princess Hearts (fragments) in the Abyss Battle.

*This bug is display only. Rewards and scores are reflected correctly.

If this bug occurs, the app's behavior will become unstable, so please restart the app once and check if the items are reflected correctly.

We are currently investigating this bug.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to players.

[Added on 09:20, Saturday, September 7, 2024]

Since it is difficult to fix this bug during the event period, we have taken measures to remove Princess Hearts (fragments) from the rewards.

As a result of the above measures, Princess Hearts (fragments) are no longer displayed in the score reward list.

Players who achieved the score rewards of 60,000,000,000 points and 70,000,000,000 points after this change will be compensated with the number of Princess Hearts (fragments) that met the conditions for acquisition at a later date.
*Compensation will not be given to those who have already received rewards before this change.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to players.
Wish they would fix the guild house bug
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full set comps nyo manual?
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You can use the characters in the second. Make sure Ilya has lower magic than Djeeta (in battle, not the status menu)
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It's over.
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nobody likes miyako
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You don't hear this song in the main story these days
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____ __ ____.
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Why so surprised?
i wasn't expecting danch's cock to be this big
Said no one ever
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so kissable...
So breedable...
Imagine the milk
Imagine her smell on a rainy day
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Very nice feet.
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I think this artist just likes casino guy
She wants to be Ayumi and have casino guy do all those things to her.
For me, I want to be Miyako and be DEAD!
For me, I want to be Grace and be DEAD!
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>Looplets is full again
Weren't you at 22/30? How did you do that?
8 more Z**** alts?
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I read some of Emilia bonds.
>Bond 1 is elf lore between the game and re zero
>Bond 2 is tanooshi party on the beach by making her have fun, everyone is involved
>Bond 3 is where it gets pander-y. (You) draw a picture book for Emilia about all the things she did this summer with the objective of giving it to her after
>Emilia is flustered and happy by your gesture and says that drawing the last blank pages together is also something she wants to add in
>The bond ends with the narration being "Emilia's heart danced as she collaborated with (Player) on painting her memories"

I really want an idol part 2 collab since if they're being like this I can just imagine the drama this time.
>I really want an idol part 2 collab since if they're being like this I can just imagine the drama this time.
You fool, idols will never come again. Only writers like Tappei who give KMR their blessing will get collabs. Think about the biggest collab sluts that will say yes to everything, and think if they would be a hit in priconne. That would be the next possible collab.
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It's happening
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Next year for sure
Can I make a suggestion for the rentry? In the mtl guide, it should be mentioned that once you install the patch you need to start up the game first in order for the _Preprocessors.txt file to show up.
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Light 4-10 without LMuimi or OPeco
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>Think about the biggest collab sluts that will say yes to everything, and think if they would be a hit in priconne
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>3 myore wyeeks of re:slyop
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but i can't beat 4-6
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Surprised noone posted it yet
nhentai link: https://nhentai.net/g/529010/
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Nice, gonna fap to this later.
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Why is Chloe obese?
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She was MIA for like a year though.
she's pregnant (by me)
Yes that's right YuiGOD rules even over porn
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Guess who's due for a new alt!
Holy shit
Please tell me it's not true I have no jims aaaaaiiiiiieeeeee
Tsumugi, Lyrael, Croce.
A halloween costume?
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gyame nyot gyood
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You never have any jims, Hirosister
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>have no jims
>new banner comes up
>buy jims
>roll on impulse
>have no jims
>new banner comes up
>buy jims
>another infantilization arc
someone on the writing team sure has this as their fetish
you're the gachaturd every company dreams of having as a player
It's the easiest way to write in bonding between Emilia and kskn
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i'm a big, fat, stupid kotturd aren't i
Don't roll without a spark or else you just end up with nothing
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Lots of misters using the content drought to finish deep quests and EX7.
shut up spork
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That's nyot me, I like the game
I wonder if he's seen the Matsuri birthing picture.
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Peco demands more blood and destruction
Name 5 posters who love this game
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>already filtered by the first 2 teams
Does collabanon even play the game? I know Nozomister doesn't.
slimeturd doesn't play the game
That's the joke.
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what a horribly out of shape witch
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Hehe...they all look so vulnerable...
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Elite Four Hiroshi
Gym Leader TeTe
Tsurupettan Grunt Zippy
Schoolboy Pasta
Pokemon Champion Teki
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Tell me about slime mister, why doesn't he level up?
Too much pink gear
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Uh, what happened to heart fragment rewards?
Did you all forget when petturds doomposted the game for an entire month because they missed out on top 100?
average tuesday
I can't remember, the endless stream of Looplets and Ayumisters shitposting must have covered it from me.
You didn't get them in time, they're gone now. Be faster next time.
Something about the score is bugged syo they removed it and will send it to players who didn’t get it
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let's hear how the element system is good
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>missing 9 units
It's fine if you aren't a slacker.
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it's fine even if you are, just don't expect getting into the top 1000
I think deep quests are a fun endgame challenge, so is EX7.
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We're not aiming for glory or ranks just yet.
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Need Ranpha girlfriend.
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Real /vmg/ hours
Wide Hips is almost top 500 however?
more like wide shits lmao
not /pcrg/
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Join Ayumisters
Still better than the guy drawing Misaki with grey old men
They're both disgusting.
Sorry, I didn't mean to post that picture...
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Why? Can't self insert into a tall muscular guy?
syo how do I get into casino business?
>only one more day left of deep quest extra element strengthening material
It's over
Yuisis I apologize I was mean I miss your tantrums that made this general faster please return to normal
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Not gonna happen, he hasn't been the same since the second lobotomy...
gonna be drinking again this weekend till i blackout...
He still lore posts atleast
I want him to make ayumisturds and baggots mad....
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Ordinarily I'd post about the story but I don't care about this event enough to read it.
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I missed you...
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I want to have sex with her
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Update and fix the age list already, baka
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I want to walk her home gently.
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Nothing to do with me.
This is what parrots who don't play the game think
yuiturd read and posted about the event
with early access to the patch
He's in Corneliacord
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No one went after me while I slept
that would imply that anyone posts here anymore
reminder he is angry because he can't get access to any of the /pcrg/ discords and has to cope with maincord and corneliacord
Nothing stops him from joining Looplets and getting access to their discord channel.
Pooplets is full
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looplets is full
For the moment. The alts that joined will leave again soon.
no alts allowed
maybe kick the 3 month old corpse
say that again and i'll move my four alts to tsurupettan and ayumisters
Fun Island is going to pass Pooplets...
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same. PK levels only cockblocked me for the first 2 or 3 CBs
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Why are ceremonial dresses so slutty?
how? weren't you 8 member shot?
danch used >THAT<
you know how
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Just posting this again to more people can see this post mentioned has the form as well alongside more details, in addition /pcrg/'s first friendly is on the 27th against /smbg/ (its me mario.) So I'll put the stream link when that happens
Inc. power still persists
We had to use >THAT<
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>already posting more than all his predecessors
good kot
Yeah, I like that you are at least giving the thread attention and making announcements.
never ask Looplets or Ayumisters where the new members are from
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Its genuinely depressing to me how I hear you guys disparaging Shafoe like that considering he helped me get everything in regards to the game set up and him being my friend is the other reason alongside Kot of why I started playing... Not even when I joined on /feg/ , which I would argue was the vgl version of the Detroit Lions did I have the anons their talk that bad about my predecessor. I'll remind myself to have a good talk with him soon

In other news I'll most likely repost the link to the form/the first post on more time during this week before I either close it and or wait till the next thread to post it one last time there before I get started on the poll proper.
and we get away with it
sorry that your friend is getting shit on but it's kind of his own fault
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nah its not your guys fault, I just didn't realize that the situation got as out of hand as it did and when the people in charge of the entire thing asked if I was going to take charge or just be a co-manager I was fully expecting to just be a co but from what I've hear I guess I'll have to step up fully for this rebuild.
He objectively didn't do shit for a while, but that's done. Good luck with the team from now on.
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I thrust you
Ayumisters and Looplets have been removed from the Rentry
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thank you frens, I will say I'm a bit rusty when it comes the vgl rules+ the new pes certainly doesn't help but at the very least I can say I'll give the team a solid roster revamp (if you guys want it) and I'll get this rebuild up and running!
>look at the rentry
>it's real
That would require updating the rentry.
We got girlfriends and had them join
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It's not easy inheriting a team from Hiroshit I guess
But he could have also announced the matches
I think I used to but I may be wrong. I forget a lot of things.
I start to feel ill when I find one of the useless pink items
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I think she needs the hag treatment
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We got to see grown-up Kyouka's back at least
Something tells me she will remain flat. Unlike Mimi and Misogi.
Mimi will be a legal loli. Kyouka will be average height and flat. We already know what Misogi will be like.
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For me, it's Kyouka's mom
She has small breasts, that's how I imagine adult kyoka too.
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Why is this game rated 3+ when Kuuka is in it? I wouldn't want my kids to hear the things Kuuka says.
it's a different culture bwo
They are normal sized breasts
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Ayumisturds surrounding Misato.
I haven't played this shit since Homare was the last prifes character, am I retarded to pick it back up now?
Depends on how many characters you have
the game has never been worse
If I am brutally honest yes. Elements have been the worst idea they have had to make users spend stamina and only gigawhales can do good TLs.
>only gigawhales can do good TLs.
This is misinfo.
No it isn't. If you are far behind forget about clearing the game and CB will be garbage.
Elements are good. It's the PK progression system that's cancer.
"Only gigawhales can do good TLs" is misinfo. You don't play this game.
Don't bother it's the usual doom schizo who still pretends doomposting elements makes sense
let's instead pretend that it's a good thing
it revitalized the game
Elements are a good thing. They should have added JUST elements and not those stupid deep quests and forced progression systems.
I am not going to bother to continue arguing with you about this yet again.
You are completely out of your mind.
elements? sure
PK? lol
Retard is getting uppity about not having access to secret TLs again
Having to farm deep quests is ass but the deep quests themselves have been fun, even challenging. Need a good box though
If it wasn't a good thing the decline would have continued not stopped and reverted.
The false complaints made by faggots didn't work and the system has been digested fully.
I did, it was kinda tiresome.
"Muh sales" is not a valid rebuttal to a complaint about the game becoming worse especially for new players. If you add new avenues for spending to a gacha game of course whales will fall for it hook line and sinker.
New players complain more about doom faggots than they do with those systems
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As most of our chefs have already cleared all DQ stages and therefore lost their interest, the sheet is seeing less and less updates.

As such, we're looking for more contributors to help maintain the sheet. This involve testing new solves and add them to the sheet, update or mark existing solves as obsolete when they stop working after level / gear / rank updates, among others.

If you're interested in helping, please join the WorryChefs discord server and let us know your willingness to help.
To edit / add solves to the sheet, please DM me (discord: woooooody) your email address so I can add you to the editor list.
Why even bother when Gamewith exists?
You joke but GameWtih hasn't updated their DQ guide in months. They don't even have the 4-10 boss for any other element than fire
>If you are far behind forget about clearing the game and CB will be garbage.
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I do play the game, there is a chance I might even be in your clan, sandbagging your bosses and liking your guild house.

Collab is like 98% done. Just a couple detail fixes and whatnot left. This, unfortunately, is the McDonalds post for the day. I still have to finish it, size it down, and send it to myself on my phone. So that is going to be tomorrow’s project. Rest assured, this too will pass.
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I thought this was Kurumi with big tits for a second there.
YuiGOD could conceal a Yui anywhere even on another girl appearance
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You know what I just realized. If you feed yui corn and she poops it out. You clean and sanitize the corn from the poop and refeed it to her again. And you keep repeating the process. It is literally a infinite food hack.
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Hes not wrong
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>I might even be in your clan
wtf, I didn't know collabanon was in worrychefs
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kill yourself
Surely the corn would be devoid of any nutrition after the first run.
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Top bubble: Kishi-kun, that's me over there but it's not me! Please believe me!
Middle bubble: Fufu. Kishi-kun, I'm fucked starved. Let's pick up some McDonald's on the way home.
Bottom bubble: Sorry, Kusano Yui-san
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Geo Teogonia lolle
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Princess Connect! Re:Dive Management Office.

During the following period, we will be carrying out maintenance on the Caravan to update some of the functions.

■Maintenance Period
2024/09/15 (Sun) 14:50 to 15:00

During maintenance, the Caravan functions will be unavailable.

All other functions will be available.

In addition, due to the maintenance, "Caravan Season 5" will end earlier than the originally scheduled period.

After the maintenance begins, "Caravan Season 5" will not be playable.

*Please note that your progress up to the checkpoint and any dishes you have will be reset.

*The "Season 5 Caravan Shop" will be available as scheduled until 2024/09/22 (Sun) 14:59 after the maintenance is completed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to players, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1. The start and end dates and times of maintenance may change.

We hope you will continue to support Princess Connect! Re:Dive.
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Prinzessin Connect! Dies ist das Re:Dive-Managementbüro.

Im folgenden Zeitraum werden wir Caravan-Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, um einige Funktionen zu aktualisieren.

15.09.2024 (So) 14:50 bis 15:00 Uhr

Während der Wartung sind die Caravan-Funktionen nicht verfügbar.
Weitere Funktionen stehen zur Verfügung.

Darüber hinaus wird „Caravan Staffel 5“ aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten früher als ursprünglich geplant enden.
Nach Beginn der Wartungsarbeiten können Sie „Caravan Staffel 5“ nicht mehr spielen.
*Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihr Fortschritt bis zum Kontrollpunkt und die Gerichte, die Sie haben, ebenfalls zurückgesetzt werden.
*Der „Saison 5 Caravan Shop“ wird nach Abschluss der Wartungsarbeiten wie geplant bis zum 22.09.2024 (Sonntag) 14:59 Uhr verfügbar sein.

Wir entschuldigen uns für etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten, die unseren Spielern dadurch entstehen könnten, und bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kooperation.

1. Das Startdatum und die Uhrzeit sowie das Enddatum und die Endzeit der Wartung können sich ändern.

Vielen Dank für Ihre anhaltende Unterstützung von „Princess Connect!“
Danke, hiroscheiße.
die saison ist schon wieder fast vorbei?
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Caravan ends 10 minutes earlier
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Princesa Conecta! Re:Oficina de Gestión de Buceo.

Durante el siguiente período, realizaremos mantenimiento en la Caravan para actualizar algunas de las funciones.

■Período de mantenimiento
2024/09/15 (dom) 14:50 a 15:00

Durante el mantenimiento, las funciones de Caravana no estarán disponibles.

Todas las demás funciones estarán disponibles.

Además, debido al mantenimiento, la "Temporada 5 de Caravanas" finalizará antes del período programado originalmente.

Una vez que comience el mantenimiento, no se podrá reproducir "Caravan Season 5".

*Ten en cuenta que tu progreso hasta el punto de control y cualquier plato que tengas se restablecerán.

*La "Tienda de caravanas de la temporada 5" estará disponible según lo programado hasta el 22/09/2024 (domingo) a las 14:59 después de que se complete el mantenimiento.

Pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causar a los jugadores y agradecemos su comprensión y cooperación.

1. Las fechas y horarios de inicio y finalización del mantenimiento pueden cambiar.

¡Esperamos que sigas apoyando a Princess Connect! Re: Buceo.
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Poor Kurumi and Ayane have to do the class on their regular clothes.
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Release her...
Should I spend a fuckton of DAs and a UE orb getting PT Inori and Clear up so I can kill the horse in 4 blows (at best) or just use the magic cope?
Sounds like a big waste of DAs.
Although PT Inori is used for Dark 4-10, and Clear is used semi-frequently in CB, unless you have an abundance of DA's I would just do cope hits for the jims.
You can use them both 3*
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Content became good after the update to the rewards
No, I liked the deep quest, I want to keep them. having some difficult content I can check back on every now and then to see if I have grown strong enough by now was fun.
But they could have had them reward jims for the first time clear without the whole PK progression thing
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New element mats from the store soon
You liar!
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Dark 4-10 comp doko.

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