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I bought umvc3 because of the sale, and because I want to play with phoenix wright.
I'm a total beginner who only has experience with dragon ball fighterz, am i fucked?
When it's at a video game tournament where the other attendees wanted you dead obviously. Tbh it's more shocking how people admit to it so casually. Dark shit desu.
start running... NOWWWwww
you are fucked
but keep fighting for justice
>300 players
It should be fine. But you'll have to dedicate a team to Phoenix Wright.
I hope Nen Impact is good… I normally don’t like tag fighters but it’d actually be cool to make a troupe team.
i think you people are exaggerating that situation there is no way they happened,
nigga really asked how someone could be left for dead at a tournament when a bunch of trannies just got away with sending death threats to people with a "zero tolerance" violence policy
VF6 is never happening
So... Timantha won against the nigcels? I guess we know the tier list now.
Not a single one of you are white.
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I'm a proud member of the white race.
thank god
most of us here are indian
baron, cheez, ellie-
all indian
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why would i want to be a timmy?
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>combo breaker done
>evo done
>ceo done
When's the next big FGC event?
sajam slam is on right now lil tim
is ourgirl amour winning?
not every at the event is a tranny the slave of one. at least one persona would've helped.
i would be jealous of white men i paags were more common but thankfully they're <1% of asian women so it's nothing to lose sleep over
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Gwen's keyframes have been completed for all standing normals, command normals, and crouching attacks

Now moving onto jumping attacks, then special and eventually supers.

One of Gwen's supers is Hunting Party, where she summons her three sisters, Anna, Blair, and Catriona to strike you. But I actually never got around to designing them.

I still haven't designed Maggie or Gertrude for Alice yet, either. Still a lot of work that needs to be done.
You can read about it, it did.
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Lies bitch ass nyiggah. I love white bitches a LOT that like makes me white LUHMEOOW
BrianF fucking sucks at this game, goddamn.
What's the deal with trannies wanting games to actively become worse anyway?
>>300 players
damn mvc3 still has that much? might get into it myself
This might be because of the discount. And there is an active modding community. I know someone is working on Blackheart currently, among others.
What other fighting games let you perform juggles/command throws/air combos on huge ass robots.
Examples that I’m referring to are:
>The two giant characters in TvC
>Blitztank in both ABK and BBTAG
strive and its popularity has been a disaster for the fighting game genre
Guilty Gear with Justice, though she isn't as big as the PX in TVC.
Also, Aganos isn't a robot but he is way taller than most of the cast in KI, and he is a war golem so...
Cyerbots, but you are also a giant robot in that yourself.
I'm going to miss this outfit
You mean how they've been made easier for people to understand who aren't part of the fgc? Sound pretty good to me.
Smash already does that tho?
why so?
specify your claims
the game and its playerbase are ass
how would you improve it?
Bio women are faking being femboys and trannies and all you're talking about is some party game?
remove trannies
remive happy chaos
male elphelt twerk after she wins
smash teaches you some things but because it's non traditional, and purposely deviates from the genre there's still a lot of things it can't teach you
gay ass nigga wants males twerking smdh
Strive is the FNF of the FGC
>male elphelt twerk after she wins
This should have been phrased better.
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... MANTHA RAY?!?!?!
>first game that appeals to casuals and actually got popular
>every game released after it has been complete dogshit
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Male Elphelt?
smash is pure neuch though
if any of them bothered to seriously play fighting games they wouldn't have too much trouble. only riddles and leffen seem to care
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Get in on the ground floor, you want to be at the top when the giantess game topples the fighting game skyscraper.
we're gonna be like 50 years old by the time that comes out
blades and beasts will have more players because there are more furryfags than giantfags
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is this what you... humans do all day?
oh the guy who publicly villainizes trans people every day? yeah hes finna release a smash hit of a fighting game
sounds based
Hogwarts Legacy and BLACK MYTH Wukong did that and everyone loved them
There's still stuff it doesn't teach you. Like you have people going around calling a reversal DP a 'mama mai' as some new found tech.
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Why did Skullgirls need 150k per character, but Arcana Heart could make a new character for just 70k?
>Like you have people going around calling a reversal DP a 'mama mai' as some new found tech.

the fact that you even think that's real makes me think you know nothing about smash
Let me guess, you think you're gonna release a transphobic hit game, too?
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Ono will save fighting games
If we can turn Sonic_Sol on Brian_F, we can turn baron on psychojosh
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
timmy... you don't understand economics at all.
Japan is basically a slave colony. You work for no money and get treated like you're nothing no matter how hard you work.

In America, we believe in paying a livable wage for skilled labor. Because of this, you can't just pay someone peanuts for hard work like making the little sprites you love so much.

This is how a business works. You get what you pay for.
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do you really need to pay some tranny six figures to copy and paste a move from a 30 year old game?
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At Combo Breaker 2023, Sajam showed Nitroplus Blasterz to thousands of people both in person and on Twitch.
Because of this, a large amount of people that never would have been exposed to it otherwise now know what it is.

Being presentable is far more important than being the absolute best player, especially in a dead party game no one takes seriously. Posting about your weird republicantivaxxer schizo conspiracies during tournaments is not being presentable, beeteedubs.
You may not want to admit it, but most normal people would much rather watch a player that isn't the best, but has a good personality/is charismatic than a "good" player that acts mentally unhinged or like a complete robot on their stream.

No one wants to sit through 3 minutes of some guy ranting about how he got wronged in the desert 20 years ago and swore eternal blood vengeance as he snaps his fingers to show off his le epic combos when they could watch a nice, funny person play the game at an above average level even if he's not the best basement dwelling combo lord in the west.

No one wants to watch some weirdo talk about his weird fetish furry oneshota porn comics to see the advanced high level techniques when they could watch a charismatic person show off the cool combos in the game he found and vote on them even if he's not the best of 3 players in America.

No one wants to watch some freak schizo yell about how everyone hates him as he yells over getting taunted and how he didn't get early access to a game when they could watch a regular person stream the game even if he's just trying it out and isn't the god of the northern hemisphere yet.
I know you didn't want to hear that, but it's the fucking truth.
optics matter more than your "investment"
They're not gonna partner with some schizocel just because he presses buttons good.
He is bad optics.
Having good optics matters more than your skill.
Try being a decent fucking human being and maybe you'll have better luck in the future :^)
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based and true
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lil tim.... you really don't understand art or animation at all, do you?
That move is not "copy pasted"
They had to redraw the entire thing from scratch. It serves as a reference to Jojo, but they had to actually go out of their way to redraw it with George on top instead of Dio

Do you really think the road roller just popped out of thin air? That was several weeks of hard work just for that one attack and Peacock has many, many other reference sprites that they had to draw.

Once again, do you not understand how business works? Should you not get paid to draw the thing just because it is not a concept you envisioned yourself? Do you think the drawing popped out of thin air?
>Do you think the drawing popped out of thin air?
if they just used ai it would've
It's funny because the retards that made Skullgirls wasted a bunch of money on dumb shit to make their game, now every redditor really questions how you can make a character for less than the cost of a house in Hawaii
i mean even capcom said it takes them like 6 months to make one character
i think pj is going to have a redemption arc
and become trannies' greatest ally
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AI didn't exist back then.
I know you gen alpha kids have no frame of reference, but the world was a different place in 2011. You weren't even born yet.
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Capcom is also wasting money on retarded shit. SF6 looks horrible and they are wasting millions on getting Indians to model the individual muscle ripples from random body builders they hired
This is why we get one less character per pass now and why they're so focused on the avatar crap instead of real costumes. Their 3d techniques are made to look like a hyper realistic creepypasta, but it doesn't serve the style of street fighter in the slightest.
^new Lab Zero light novel
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Based german TOs.
RIP this super
He's going to EU? I'm more surprised about that than anything else
Two mid games everyone stopped playing after a week? What next? Are you going to use Stellar Flop as an example?
People stop playing singleplayer campaigns... AFTER THEY BEAT THEM?!?!?!
>these riceniggas got curryniggas to model that ugly bitch that took MONTHS to finish
*pukes* YUUUUUUUUUCK. What the FUCK were they thinking? Waste up to a year on a Brock Lesnar ass nigga
i liked stellar blade...
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He got his hair back?
its always the germans that have to be the first ones to revolt against the ultradavids
the saudis should have invited infiltration since the trannies already hate them anyway
KoFXV was a single player game, I guess
If a single player game is really good, people will optimize speedrun routes for them for many years to come.
But I know you don't actually play video games and just use them to argue over your imaginary culture war in between fapping to Korean JAV, so yeah, not shocked you were not aware of this.
>If a single player game is relevant to people's childhoods*, people will optimize speedrun routes for them for many years to come.

anchor terry, trappa
that game with the furry girl with the big butt made a million dollars because of speedrunners
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>soive player
>palestine flag
lol, lmao even
anyone who claims they arent a racist should play against a Brazilian person in any fighting game one time
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unless you're spicnigga with no choice other than a life of crime, fighting games have no value, you should play something that isn't a dead genre infested with trannies and drama
I play with BRs on fightcade all the time...
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the reason infiltration will never apologize is because he is not obliged to kowtow to THESE people
what genre should I play?
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tf does he need to apologize to the western FGC for? do these trannies think he was their friend or something? lmao
>AGDQ manthas made indie low poly game with a curvy anthro protag a million dollars
wtf? source lil nigga thats just cap
any suggestions? i really wright and frank in one team
Just visit the JoJo's lobby on FC. it's the same experience and the same amount of racism
Why should he? He has paid his due to his ex wife, the rigging was bad but nothing that important and the nigger thing was funny as fuck.
There are sex offenders, stalkers, pedophiles, socially akward people, all of that in Cheez and we are banning Infil because he fucked up. We know he is banned because he is great at pressing buttons.
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If you come to OUR region, you need to apologize to US. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why do you need to be weird about it? Are you retarded?
Do you think you're not suddenly a rapist pedophile because you ran away to Canada?'

Think, monkey think!
i don't think infiltration was raping kids...
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Didnt know Neco-Arc with a fatty is hilarious.
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till I seen it. Good shit*
Is this the most homosexual post ever on /fgg/?
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Why don't you guys just make some weird fetish fighting game to get free money from the guys that like that fetish?

most of you have zero shame anyway
shooters or league (realistic answer). other suggestions: DDR rhythm games (time to lose weight chubs)
only furries have money...
I hate teams, can I play card games instead?
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...do they?
These guys made a furry game and even got supercombo to shill for them, but still didn't reach their crowdfund goal
whats an untapped market that isn't a suggestion from the two bozo devs here with their furry mickey mouse party kusoge masher and giantess fetish masher?
party loli masher
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If they were smart, they would have put up ads on Furaffinity and e621 instead of a news site with even less readers than eventhubs
hell they should have just went with eventhubs anyway, it has more readers than the 10 trannies that still read nu-SNK since they have a comment section you can shitpost in
*nu SRK
I remember the good old days where SRK had the completely unmoderated comment section and people just made fun of trannies and called people faggots, was hilarious.
They had some article with some tranny that cospalyed as bridget talking about how unwelcoming the community was and a bunch of people were going GOOD, WE DON'T WANT TO WELCOME YOU LMFAO
that's safe furry
>party loli masher
arcana heart bros...
What's safe furry vs real furry?
Pyra and Mythra are my hotwives...
arcana heart doesn't have that many lolis
The good times. When the worst thing in the FGC were just the 09'ers.
i walked up to this nigga hotashi at evo and said and this dude looked at me and said "Who are you?"
How much did he get paid for this?
Why are you forcing this meme of Clayton? Clayton mogs real celebs half the time, pretending that he is ugly is deranged. Especially considering his own haters have begged to have sex with him as we've seen plenty of times now.
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if the low poly furry big butt platformer can get a million dollars, then the giant monster girl game can, too
Excuse moi, that would be Homura and Hikari you uncultured f-
Thank you, I agree.
Skullgirls blew its budget on its animation and got into the Guinness world records for most animations per character. I had an animator friend who was going to work on it but then turned it down because he didn't want to keep track of a quadrillion lines of action.
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>Two mid games everyone stopped playing after a week? What next? Are you going to use Stellar Flop as an example?
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>Two mid games everyone stopped playing after a week?
Picrel: How the devs of those games (which sold 10s of millions at $60 a pop) sleep at night knowing that people stopped playing their games after they beat them
Dromarch, Morag, Bridget, Zeke, Pandy, Aegis, Malos, Jin, Elysium, Architect, Amalthus, Uraya, Gormott, Mor Ardain, Indol, Tantal, Torna, Argentum Trade Guild, Morytha, Leftheria
>one hour later
What's the matter, anon? Butthurt?
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I was busy masturbating inside of your mom
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>What's the matter, anon? Butthurt?
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sfg: The sajam slam is amazing. nice to see so many new faces get interested in the game.This will bring more and more attention to sf6


Wow, I wonder why no one posts on this dead mickey mouse general anymore?
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I miss poking fun at the jive colony here in fgg, it was like knocking a stepping on a red ant colony
hundred dollar nigga turtles
cheez that girl is like 16, why are you gooning to her?
hundred dollar nigga turtles
hundred dollar nigga turtles
hundred dollar nigga turtles
niggas in a half shell
more like never going half price
how is your million dollar concord killer coming along?
sonic_sol was not invited to the sajam suite
concord died without cheez having to do anything, luhwoof
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The Revelator is here and ready to go! On Saturday September 14th at 2pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Rev2 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below as all are welcome!


If you got a question, ask it.
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You know, I never found out who even drew this Kimbarly picture
>it was like knocking a stepping on a red ant colony
English only pendejo
Gun to your head question. Sex with VickiViper or Bailey Jay?
I love Jam
Why would you swap him to a girl?
That second picture got me thinking if I should put this GigaMaiden in a similar leotard/jacket combo or keep her in this cocktail dress.
holy shit cheez you really still think that's what sex is?
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Overwatch sells because of the sexy characters
Concord should be a lesson for every gamedev out there that nobody wants see ugly bitches everywhere they look
Apex Legends is ugly and it sold well
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incel logic lol

Overwatch sold because it was a competent FPS

Concord flopped because it did nothing new and provided nothing interesting

Not everything is some psycho conspiracy theory about ugly people or whatever mind virus you put in your head now.

Meds. take them.
babytron please
>Overwatch sold because it was a competent FPS
So was Lawbreakers.
Merely making a "competent product" isn't enough. Number one rule of appeal is having a hook, and the hook can be sexy girls. Without the porn Overwatch is just an even more watered down Team Fortress 2.
GigaMaidens isn’t that original because Primal Rage 2 let you play as 2 giant bikini women idols
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Explain your coyness.
It also never actually came out. What are you trying to say?
Concord is so ugly, even the generic low IQ leftard trannies don't like it.
The only reason they accepted bridget is because the character was designed to look attractive.

If Bridget, Testament, etc looked like real trannies and were a reflection of the audience (Baz from Concord), absolutely no one would like them.
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Concord, overwatch, Sonic, Pseudoregalia, Genshin impact, and Nikke

I didn't know these were all fighting games, but fgg talks about them every thread.
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Don't look at me. If I had it my way, these threads to be 100% GigaMaidens discussion.
her hammer is a guitar?
You got any younger looking characters?
Who and who?

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As in the fighters, or smackdown? 'Cause I know y'all don't touch Battle.
That game's complete busted
2XKO is all but guaranteed to flop from an objective standpoint when it releases, what else fighting game wise is worth discussing?
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For a taunt Naoko plays air guitar on her hammer and music/lightning comes out. It's more just character flair because she likes metal.

I do but just to be clear I don't lewd the loli.
I'm talking about original april on the right


wasn't me
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>I want to be smushed between the toes of some giant kaiju hoes
>but my degeneracy draws the line at cunny
safe furry - no brutal rape
real furry - lots of brutal rape in every orifice

simple as
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Did I stutter?
Rouge the Bat and the more recent low poly indie goat anthro Sybil
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safe furry
safe edgy
safe ebw
safe loli
safe horny

what else is safe that I need to know about?
What makes Sybil safe? She has a big butt and a snout
j cole said "some niggas make millions some niggas make memes" and niggas were really putting him in goat convos
add in a few more
safe rog
safe futa
safe grappler
safe domme
safe fetish
safe streamer
safe futa is just a strapon
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My friend Yilx who is a character designer on the game is into drawing giant lolis though.
I'm not a moralfag about it, you can like what you like, loli simply isn't my taste. I prefer big titty bitches.
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Remember the MVCI reveal 7 years ago?
is it true cheez thinks sex is the same as masturbating
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no real bara character for the real gayfurry niggas (like 90% of their community), just the fucking bear from talespin
Only faggots are gonna play a furry fighting game anyway, might as well have tried to get the shuckle audience while you were at it
>She has a big butt and a snout
The barrier to entry is low for safe furry. All you have to do is give it enough curves for someone to latch onto it. real unsafe furry would be some one jacking it to charizard or some crazy shit
I asked
I care
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He does
Which sniff do you think cheez +1s to the most?
If that basketball american baron had even the slightest bit of brain cells working at full capacity, he would put that low poly indie goat in his game as a guest character just to salvage some sales in his furry masher slop
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I think that's a lil bit closer to bestiality....
Neither is you know what
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No prize?
This but SF6 instead. It's a dogshit game that has other companies like SNK copying subhuman shit like "modern" controls so vtubers will shill their game, it brought in shitters/casuals who unironically give a shit about single player, and it made Capcultists even more insufferable than they already were.
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Why would a successful indie dev who's already a millionaire want to be associated with some psycho ape from 4chan? I don't think he'd get that out of pity even if he begged for it, lol
i still remember yipes yelling "MAVHEL players getting PAID" at some point
the guest should be Nicole Watterson
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safe jump. that was free. unfortunately, safe divekick doesnt exi-
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Finna steal these designs for a fg

And TF2 sold well because of cool dudes. Imagine making a fucking game that has neither sexy bitches or cool dudes LUHMEEEOOOWWWWWW
does blades and beasts have slime rush?
It makes my slime rush
Shinomiya, why is your p3dobait waifu divekicking an innocent jewish man?
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if any of you made a fighting game, it would flop harder than concord and dustborn, let's not lie to ourselves here
Does anyone even play fighting games anymore?
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if baron's game fails, I will shitpost nonstop for a few weeks with Bridget and Testament pictures.

If baron's game is a success, I will post vegeta kneeling and say that I always believed in him and that the trannies were retarded for doubting him

I'll have plenty of good content to laugh at regardless of the outcome.
>8 years in development
>200 million budget
>100 players peak
>shutdown and refunded after 7 days
yeah, nothing will ever flop as hard as concord
But the real question is, do you really want to champion as the /fgg/ successor? PJ's game or Baron's game?
both are just hypothetical ideas that will never come out, so what's the fucking difference?
I will buy Baron a packet of oreo cookies and a large pizza of choice if his game actually succeeds, screencap this
no matter who wins, we all lose because we allowed two grappler players to design a fighting game.
I will steal that pizza before it gets to baron
how will you quantify success though?
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Juggernaut and Abigail aren't grapplers.
Barba-san? Innocent? Hahahahah no.

Just as innocent as SonicSol grape face here. Here ya go. Let it haunt your nightmares.
correct, they're much fucking worse
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They're fun big nigs.

And I don't care what you say I am going to have fun playing as my huge fat snake bitch and doing unearned massive damage that I didn't have to work for.
My Kaiju Giantess Fetish Fighting Game Goes Toe To Toe With A Rival Furry Fighting Game On A Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum To Determine A Winner And The Grand Prize Of Oreo Cookies And Pizza?!?! | Visual Novel
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/fgg/: anyone can make a game. Just get to work. study. Rome wasn't built in a day, just do it. Doesn't matter how bad it looks at first, just keeps practicing.
/fgg/ when baron posts about his passion project: you will never succeed no matter how hard you work you will never ever be able to make a game just quit and work at mcdonalds talentless ass nigga, ain't no one finna play minnie mouse blasterz

I peeped that shit snake ass niggas
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Me and Baron will have guest characters in each other's games most likely
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this is not the epic ownage that you think it is
Hey I actually hope those two succeed, I'm not that much of a black pilled edgar allen poe gooner to tell an anon here to go work at wendys or study hvac. This is a autismo forum image board first and foremost and we should act and cater to as such
All of Chris Chan's woes come from internet gaslighting.
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I would blast inside of minnie mouse
That was a funny discussion finding out the majority of indie fg devs (that all started with MikeZ) were bad at making competent fighting games because they prefer mashing with grapplers to begin with
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baron posts progress every day and gives us updates on the game and the system

pj just rants about trannies

I think we know who's gonna finish up first, lol
why does every nu-namefag just attach themselves to cheez or baron? that's the entire gimmick for half of the 2023 and 2024 thread personalities
PJ's been working on his game for a decade and a half and by working I mean commissioning artists to draw his characters
the funniest part is that he actually posted something new about the game in this very thread and no one replied.
but then you all started speculating and theorycrafting about it like it's some hidden secret thing he never explained on here before
Not completely true. I had a traumatic incident at the end of 2015 that forced me to pause development for two years to focus on my mental health. In the meantime I've been studying and accumulating skills.
baron has no money
pj has money
he can just hire some paki to animate for him
baron has to do everything by hand himself

trust the plan
Ah so you've been working hard since 2017?
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Isn't baron like 30? Why does he draw like he's 12 years old.
Baron is an ally and a friend and I will help him.
Everybody gotta start somewhere. Pyw lil nigga you won't
Yes, but it's had its highs and lows. Still a lot to do.
you will become cheez's lapdog just like baron
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our newest namefag attaches himself to................................................... sonicsol
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what are we going nuts about today?
uh...last I checked SonicSol is NOT Cheez
based and loyal
No but he is Shadowcheez
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deep cut /fgg/ lore from when SS had a grudge against Cheez and his circle and would routinely use the L moniker to disparage his name
how do you even disparage a 38 year old autistic manchild completely dependent on his parents for everything?
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same way you disparage anyone, call them gay
>homeless 50 year old loser that steals from children
>GAY homeless 50 year old loser that steals from children
peep the difference
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baron is 29
you beat him 20-2 after he spends months hyping his skills
how does that work?
I'll be honest I love the sajam slam because I watch it and I say "there is no way I am on the same level as these vtubers" and inspired to do better.
you become addicted to cheez's crypto cash
Why are you guys like this?
What are we getting him for his birthday tomorrow?
Help him with... what?
I will help him get off like a true friend.
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He's been "starting" for 3 years
That's not a good sign of progress.
PS, I draw exactly like this.
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this is a work of art, real shit
what's the difference between a mickey mouse game and a minnie mouse game?
mickey mouse game:
broken, but sees common play (MK1, DBFZ)
a minney mouse game hypothetically would have to follow the same rules as a mickey mouse game but have some sort of alteration. maybe dead, broken games? but theres already several terms for slop like that.
>furry loli templar berserker
who exactly is the target demographic for this kind of character?
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mickey game is bad but alive
minnie game is bad AND dead
do enough people jack off to dogs and bears and rabbits to make a million dollars off of them with a party masher anyway?
pj is already cheez's lackey
the moment they gooned together on discord was the moment his fate was sealed
luvcheez's trap
has the pedo panic gotten so out of hand that a 19 year old furry girl is a loli?
Literally who the fuck is cheez
Poor PJ
His purpose in life is now to Pleez the Cheez
common beginners pitfall you hate to see it
Luvcheez, the guy always posting as L
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Bleach FighterZ (motions, no guard button, 1v1) soon
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That character is clearly designed to be a loli, he just made a safe loli so twitter wouldn't cancel him.
And yet, she is still loli coded enough to make his intent obvious.
black coded
trans coded
loli coded

what's next
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I don't have definite ages for any of the characters in GM. This is by design.
niggas talmbout coded but they cant crack the code to getting no bitches lmaooooooooo
how is the fat one coded?
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Fighting games need more flat girls
what were they thinking with this new patch? I question the logic behind some of these changes
same as the last patches, just changing random shit and seeing how it goes. the piccolo buffs were needed though so i dont mind them
Jammer Lammy... BUT SHE SPICNIGGA?!?!?!?
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Who do you think Lunar would choose?
The "totally legal" goat girl
or the old woman character?
Answer truthfully
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Play modern board games. The game play feels so "gamey" it's unreal. Infinite variety in 1 good game, and there are hundreds of good games.
Rouge is probably as safe as safe can be. Her design is hardly furry when you think about it, she’s all skin and the extend of her animal face extends to a black dot plus she’s curvy.
how is fucking a 3 foot tall midget safe?!?!??
>kamiya left platinum
>itsuno left capcom
who's next?
what is the concord of fighing games
>lot of money
>no clear target audience
>caused an abandonment of the franchise
turd strike
DOA6 and soon VF6 if it ever sees the light of day
DOA6 turned a profit and had working matchmaking for years.
I'm going to say something, and you might laugh at me, but deep down you will know it's true
woshige knows how to make a good street fighter, he gave us sfv arcade/champion edition
it's matz and nakayama that pushed for the party mechanics and drive
nakayama was director of sfv day one, ono just kept out his retarded ideas in check
ps all stars battle royale
lunar isn't picking anything, he's permabanned from the fgc
you niggas heard about that celeb datimg app raya? does cheez got the funds to get on thaf?
Why does every fucking game need some braindead auto win universal mechanic and 80% health combos, why did changing to this style of game bring in and retain so many new players? Fuck man life is so shit I feel so jaded like strive, sf6, granblue rising, tekken 8, 2xko, all so fucking horribly trash its unbelievable

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cheez claims he's not 40 and then his first thought when hearing an app name was a joke form a 50s sitcom smdh old ass nigga
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sonic sol belongs to the spicy boys, not you newfag shitters
go find your own lolcow
Is Ricky Ricardo cheez's grandpa?
ok alog
do we... actually want that?
lmao peeped that shit
*counts my shekels* yes
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Lammy is already a spicnigga.
duude poggers yess I love fighting games getting more popular weee ZOOOOOM oh look im so merry using the brand new universal neutral skip mechanic ZIIIIP VROOOM yaaay dude I love when all the pros call our game dogshit and random but its ok because now even little jamal can play neutral haha WOOOOOOO yay im having so much fun with all my normies friends who definitely wont drop the game regardless in 3 weeks and leave me alone with a dogshit party masher ZZZOOOOMMM
Fuck no. SonicSol is Shinomiya's toy. Shinomiya's plaything. I break his will as I please for my amusement.
FGC went from an understandable drive to grow their community to inhuman selling out at record speeds.

most dont even make money off it. they sell their asses for free. its baffling.
I love lucy is a timeless classic, vappa
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SFV is still King
My brother in Christ short stacks are a thing.
fuck back off to Vappa with that one. Wack ass game.
you sound like 16ers at most
are shortstacks just safe lolis?
vappa loves jive now?
A 16er? Nah man go back just a bit. Thats too recent. If I was a 16er, I wouldve been the this tard >>493237252. SFV SUCKS
imagine shinomiya is some curvy middle aged PAAG smdh this nigga SS lucky asl
do you really want some crazy asian chick calling you a "phaggot "all day?
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yes nigga
If we are talking about strictly fictional baddies then yes since shortstack is used to describe IRL. Latinas where I am especially.
...is this nigga SERIOUS. Ima DUDE. -_-
It doesnt trigger Elon's phaggy censors on Twatter. Close enough to the real word too. Not gonna use a euthimism for the same intended effect, thats gay.
They bitch about Slime Rush 6 so much that it buckbroke them into thinking 5 might have been so bad in some threads. Mixed opinion but popular enough for people to updoot.
nigga been here a day and hes already calling kuso 6 slime fighter
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Beats Sleep Fighter 5 thats for sure!
That kusoge didnt carry shit!
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Anal with Doveingly!
Nah you cant fool us Shinomiya!
YOU ARE a career woman PAAG!
why is sonicsol always involved with beautiful asian women???
You're saying that like Clayton would randomly sperg out about his past when trying to present a game. This is like saying we can't have james Chen present games because it might turn into a rant where he starts telling every one to suck his nuts ass hole. With that said I'm not sure why we are hating sajam,
It's Ruumantic now, shitlord
He's banned from evolution.
Honestly, you guys might be onto something.
>Uses emoticons. What guy does that?
>SonicSol has had 2 psycho chicks e-stalk him before.
>Shinomiya always trolls SS at slightly alternating days at the end of each month.

Shinomiya, are you on your period?
Wasnt that TV Show in BLACK AND WHITE? Holy its early in the morning for your timezone, you want to go to Cracker Barrel grandpa? Or is Golden Corral more your thing
He wishes he was. Chihiro cucks him.
So this is like Ellie, but real?
i heard cracker barrel is where all the old racists white people hang out
SFV is the only modern, /fgg/ approved fighter, newfags.
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Sounds like something a 16er would say!
Fuck off!
Why is an 09er shitting on the floor?
theres something effeminate about exclamation marks
Sounds like your average New York chick. Only thing missing is when they say to succ their non existant dic.
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>non existant
Sidetalk NYC. Thats all I will say. YouTube if you dont believe me. Its a real thing. When NY chicks get mad, they bow up and say "XYZ, succ my dic".
No because shortstacks are short thicc women. Lolis have prepubescent body types.
not the ones drawn with wide hips and fat asses
how do i get an english teacher job in japan like obama and jiyuna
lolibabas exist anon.
why do whitebois thinking living in japan is suddenly going to turn their life into an anime
They arent prepared for the inefficent overwork into internally dead depression issue Japan has. Main reason my wife left that country amongst other things.
is your wife caught up on the SS lore? do you talk about SS at the dinner table?
sonicsol wants to do that...
this wife is fictional thoughever
what would happen if you get some kid to fall in love with a lil anime girl when hes a lil nigga? does he develop the pedonigga gene to maintain his love?
my bad but you didnt have to ghost me though
She trolls the everliving fuck out of him too.
Nope. Luckily.
He can draw his waifu post-timeskip. Issue solved.
im watching one of the sajam slam streamer people play sf6 and one has been playing the same 3-4 people in platinum matchmaking for the past 3 hours.
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Work on your craft, make that fighting game.
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Stop lying, bitch.
Is Elena the only ebw where this is feasible?
forced animation
the slime dix experience
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I'm going to watch the Sajam Slam then play SF6 and have fun.
i missed it yesterday, how was it? is it happening again today?
Lots of mashing. Looked like a pro Tekken 8 match basically.
get to it
shes for FUGGS
niggas really be wasting a decade on creating a kusoge fighting game that will drown among all the thousands of new daily video games instead of making money in HVAC and playing fighting games
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I've never played a KOF game before. Just bought KOFXV. What do I need to learn and unlearn as someone who has only played SFV and SF6?
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you guys always say this, but then every time a beginner posts on here, you put them in your cringe compilation and tell them to kill themselves...
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our guy made it
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KOF is played pretty aggressively. Learn to hop right now. As for combos, the general structure is normal > command normal > special > super. So keep that in mind for characters as a rule of thumb.
Do the trials to learn the basic stuff for character combos.
But before you do that, learn the various input shotcuts you need for KOF, as some things are basically impossible without them.

Other than that, read DreamCancel to learn more individual character properties.

Good luck!
It turned its audience of coomers away, then turned journalists away when they tried to win the coomers back
the issue with doa6 is that it is worse than doa5 and doesn't have rollback netcode as well as tag team battle mode.
Thank you, I'll check this out now. It's a 4 button game right, that would leave 4 unused buttons on my hitbox, does the game allow macros? What macros would be the best? Can you use 4 macros or only 2?
Should I worry about teams right now? The characters I am initially interested based on looks alone are Yamazaki, Terry, Clark, Ralf, Geese, Rugal (if he's legal in this game)
concord never had a audience
concord will never turn a profit
concord servers go offline tomorrow
Clayton is the goat stop ruining every thread with your obsessive hate fantasies about him already. We get it, he beat you, he owned you, he had sex with your gf. We've heard it probably a million times now.
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>concord servers go offline tomorrow
exclusive plat BAYBEE!
i think we should ban more shitty people in the fgc, especially people who make those in marginalized groups uncomfortable
there have been some good steps recently, but we are FAR from perfect rn
being in the fgc is a privilege, not a right, and we should treat it like that more
I'm studying women's fashion to help me design characters better
a nigga named floats
akira toriyama did that.
I just studied whores on twitter
what's a marginalized group?
seeing the pawg android 18 cosplay led me to the revelation of how her design is so simple yet memorable
trans women
She will learn to enjoy the Cheezcock.
Why are you always trying to rape random white women?
I never said anything about rape.
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I read it in your mind and your hateful, lustful eyes
Learn to enjoy implies she wouldn't enjoy it at first. That's rape, Cheez.
That wasn't me.
That was me
she will be my slave
Begone, Timcheez
niggas really turned dbfz into omega mode to get them to buy sparking zero
should've gatekept the guy like you did with luvcheez and some other fgg tripfags. now he's in my twitter timeline and his tweets are all so fucking tone-deaf and moronic.
broski with another banger tweet
Broski grew up and became respected, its about time you all do the same.
>watched a tekken 8 stream for the first time since launch
People play this for money?
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Crazy that they made a game worse than Tekken 7
it's a more consistent game than sf6, so why wouldn't they?
but everyone respects cheez
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Who determines that privilege?
the day that leffen gets banned is the day the bubble bursts
That will never happen unless he actively pisses off some tranny directly
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COTW waiting room.
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>nerdy paag with big titties
Why didn't fgg play samurai shodown?!?!?
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what's up with fgg's recent aggressive push to get people to make video games?

did I miss something? Why is this the new meme?
fighting games are so shit we have to pretend we're making better ones
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A couple of us are actually trying to make them and that made all the backseat know-it-all gamedevs crop up and act high and mighty despite having never made a game or having any intention to
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Finna slide my BBC Jr up in this snowbunny

>just make fg
I don't get this push for making a fg. Finna put in beefy catgirls, NYIGGAAAAA
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This nigga....
Would she be a grappler?
dogshit molasses netcode
blazing strike in a month. Woohoo!
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Chun ripoff. Meows during her super
you cant say that word
SA is full of niggas
licking this sniff's ass clean
>act high and mighty
how do they do that?
timmy said i have to recreate pong and super mario bros before i can make the game i want
well did you
This and after she throat fucks me
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why arent we ground zero for the jive revival?
it's too hard
that's just his jewish trick to delay your fighting game to keep sf6 alive for a few more years
don't fall for his lies
that game trash
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Me beginner at marvel 3 me dumb
How do you reach the character from the other side of the screen after doing a footdive with Doom?
Let's say I'm middle stage and do an air combo, how do you get to the corner in time to continue it?
Ghislaine is a wolf......
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That's just the /ic/ trap of telling people you need to spend 3 years drawing 1488 boxes before you are permitted to draw anime girls.
PewDiePie ignored those crabbas and did what he wanted.
You can do that, but with video games.
If you arent good at something immediately just give up, hard work only benefits the naturally talented

it's up
But what if I'm not good at anything?
Get used to this safehorny costume, SNK sisters. It will be her trademark from now on after they get rid of her classic look
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>But what if I'm not good at anything?
You...practice? Wtf Howienigga

>just recreate the entirety of Mario Pong Blasterz to make PAWG Blasterz
Same as "just draw" crab ass niggas LUHHOWL
Then you were born to be a spectator, look at the artistry other humans are making and enjoy the ride, you won't be here long
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Remember MÄR Heaven?
who is this SLUT?
not fg related but yes
it was just flame of recca but slightly less stupid
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It had a 3d fighting game, that's why I linked the video....
anime arena fighters are not fighting games
they are gay and autistic
Reminder that this guy has everything going against him and he still chose to be based instead.
actually i guess in 2024 fighting games are too
nvm carry on
thats big...
I try to fuck with clayton every time he posts but I hope he doesnt die bros I dont want to lose any of our resident schizos :(
why doesn't clayton do a gofundme?
Let me guess
Another ramble of “bro I’m dying but im so cool hahah”
Ugh go for a walk clayton, oh wait
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Drawing boxes is important for learning proportion, form, and perspective. Badly copying floating anime heads isn't inherently noble.
RIP Rich Homie Quan.
But pewdiepie copied anime heads and he's world famous now
Is there a reason so many rappers are dying lately?
What in the world is going on?
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Just suddenly remembered Justin Wong used to sponsor people and they'd put "WongNation" in their registered name at the tournament
>so many rappers
>literal who
Another toothpick
Fatman Scoop also died recently
>allergic to testosterone
How does clayton manage to look so sexy and healthy during cancer treatment? Is he just that genetically gifted?
Rent free

He's too based.
Nigga really posted a video that he’s so cool…
Man would not last in 3rd world, enjoy that health care lol
He looks like he's on his dead bed in some of his older pictures.

>post video about clayton
>people talk about clayton
>rent free
my favourite fgg bit
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Hello Dark Ones, how have you all been doing?
Clayton's haters really are a different level of sick. Any other scene this guy would be the poster boy for inspiration, instead we have schizos like you seething about him every 5 seconds.
Dorothy the witch had me bricked up as a lil nigga
Clayton is MY inspiration
why does he have the pikachu
does he not realize nintendo could take him to court
if they couldn't get the palworld niggas, they can't get clayton
Not big enough
He might be the only one worth looking up to compared to all the other figures / entities in the fgc.
Not a snake
Not a shill
Stands on morals
Physically fit
Not an incel
Amateur yet genuine in his content
Tells YOU that you shouldn't give up because life can be so much worse

No one in the fgc really compares to him desu we are fortunate to have Clay
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could be you, make that game.
is this a bot? I don't see why you need to post this 3 times in the same thread
what is your end goal?
Really unfortunate that Toby Fox publicly says he likes Touhou to get the unwanted eyes from the mega autistic Undertale fandom squirming their way into the fandom to inject their tardation into it
Remember when you guys talked about fighting games on here?
clayton is paid by russia to spread disinformation about SF6
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anyone else find it weird how you guys post about how you should draw and make games all the time, but whenever anyone posts their work here, they immediately become a target of ridicule and hatred?
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Glazing her tits with cum
giga based clayton GODman may allah bless him with many more days on this earth
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niggas talmbout mai but they aint mating any ingenues lmaooooooooooooo
Isnt telling a group of men every time you masturbate and how much you want to cover fictional women with cum a little um…….strange?
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there's nothing to talk about, unless you want to gossip about the epic sajam shill party
There are girls here too...
What are y'alls opinions on trans folk? I'm trans btw
we love our trans friends here
Based I'll make sure to let my fellow trans girlies know this is a safe space for us!
pj said trannies are evil
we dont want to read it either actually
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>gay ass nigga from /sfg/
Damn SF6 is that bad huh? LUHMEOW

anyone else find it weird how you guys post about how you should draw and make games all the time, but whenever anyone posts their work here, they immediately become a target of ridicule and hatred?
Bunch of crab jewish niggas.

Finna make a fg with goat mommy DDR combos.
pj was right i hate this basil nigga
yeah but I know for a fact that she'll be debuting in JAV soon, so they'll less likely visit here often
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just make something good with mass appeal instead of weird fetish slop for 5 people?
otherwise, don't complain about negative backlash

pokmeon would not be as big as it was if pikachu was a mouse girl with her big ass and titty nipples hanging out.
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Who are some KOFXV streamers I can watch to get used to how the game works? English preferably. If there's any tournaments coming up too I'd love to watch that as well
>reddit spacing
Shaking and shivering
pj is making a literal fetish porn game AND its a 3D fighter, im not exactly interested in his view on morality
crazy how Toby hinted his hidden oneeshota fetish throughout the years...
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Trans folk deserve RESPECT!
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>strive gets a reference and sf doesn't
troon audience is more in line with snoy games
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*dabs on u*
niggas dont wanna see my sean in turd strike
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Eat a dick & do a flip
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how do we trade all the 'manthas for kweens?
they're there for the black men... so get rid of all the asian, timmies, hispanics, and timanthas.
There is no way these chicks have any kind of interest in games, they're just paid to astroturf
GigaMaidens is not a "fetish porn game" it's a 3D fighting game with giant women in it.
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lol? cuddlecore would 10-0 you
pj why are you like this
why do you hate women
the freedom planet and pizza tower niggas started out making sonic fangames...why can't yall make a fighting game again?
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Happy Sethursday /fgg/ <3
i work full time
many devs do, stop the excuses
>Sonic Fighters
pj did that and you all hate him
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Either donate to my ko-fi or shut the fuck up and stop begging, nigga
Fix Bison nigga
All of it is moon gravity mickey mouse party game kuso slop so who cares
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I don't expect GHETTO /agdg/ to make anything of value, to be quite honest.
this gamedev meme been dragging out too long. /fgg/ has never been so stale and flaccid
new fgg meme : actually playing fighting games
even the ghetto /ic/ arc was more entertaining
A lot of the fgc is like Varre in Elden Ring. They keep waiting for the time to come when they can actually play, but their perfect game never comes and they remain but spectators.
Elden ring pvp was gawdlike until those snake niggas removed chainsaw glitch
I do...
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crazy how one namefag can negatively effect the culture of fgg this hard
bro can utter literally anything (gamedev, Nitroplus , Hikaru, drawing) and then the thread cannot shut the fuck up about it for months
what do you even call this dark power?
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wish I had malicious fgg influencer powers....
you being obsessed with him
clearly that's affecting way more than one guy. he even pj to post here
no paag equals anger
God. I love flat chests.
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This but pawg

The dark side of the brain activation, lil niggy
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attracted all of the two bit retard gamedevs like psycho josh and Cris
attracted all of the retarded furries like ram furry and mass reply sonicfag
attracted all the retarded drawfags like Ellie and the dinosaur guy
shifted the culture to make them feel welcome
most malicious force on fgg
what did he mean by "ill be that monkey"
and why is that a sentence spoken by no other black man in human history before him
3 Hit Combo!
I hat to break it to you but Josh and Baron are the smartest posters this general has ever seen
someone called him a monkey in the chat
platformer fans will buy a indie platform complete it and never play it again which is good enough for a platformer. fighters need people to stick around.
how do you quantify that? did either of them even go to college?
college is just adult daycare that puts you into debt
sonicsol went to college and his IQ can't be higher than 95
I dropped out of university because I had undiagnosed and untreated developmental issues
Imagine thinking paying thousands of dollars for a piece of paper makes you smart
just american things
Concord devs went to college. Look how that turned out LUHMEOW. These indie fg devs will make it
american dream
Retiring from fighting games to stream hearthstone full time
What are you talking about?
What did?
Im canadian
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Found out why /fgg/ posting has declined:
My pubes.
safe america
/fgg/ declined because of two factors, nubi and sf6, nubi would deny it but the peak of his subhuman schizophrenic posting was right when sf6 released causing people to make /sfg/ just to escape him and tearing us all apart
was nubi the tekken webm spammer during the sfv era, or was that someone else? because that person is gone now
yeah it was, I remember I came back to fgg after a long break and mentioned I thought tekken 7 was pretty fun and he spammed webms and that crystal crying with the tekken hat literally all fucking day
weird that he gave up when kekken 8 came out, maybe he finally killed himself and now all thats left is an imposter
Ellie talking to himself, again.
wake me up
when september ends
nubi nubi nubi activate
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is that your excuse for having no money?
when will you give up
something special about October?
i tried playing seth in sf5, it went poorly
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When my demands have been met
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fgg: the engineers
every other fighting game general: humans and xenomorphs
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would you rather be the blue towel or the pink towel?
I love MK so much bros
Concord was the unfortunate result of bureaucracy and a lack of advertisement
Even so, it still came out and people played it.
Do you really think that the same will be said about some random giantess or furry slop party games? I promise you Concord will have a higher peak than either of them, assuming by some black miracle of Satan that either of them come out before WW3.
which ones
MK1 switch port
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i can make good money without wasting 4+ years of my life for a piece of paper
>and a lack of advertisement
this is false.
new linkin park bros
Blue towel
pure goyslop
I didn't hear anything about it until you poltards went nuts over it
where were the ads?
They were garbage in the 2000s and they're garbage now
sony complaining about not having any IPs just make an ape escape where you play as a jappa bitch with a fat ass catching monkeys dumbasses
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>random giantess or furry slop party games
If "people" will buy Daisuke's Goober GAY shit, War of the Monsters(PS2) and Sonic slop they'll play those, lil troon

> lack of advertisement
Had Sony's full backing LUHMEOW
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Sounds good to me!
>people played it

More like person played if
For baron's birthday, are you gonna give him your mafia money for his game, or are you going to buy him a prostitute?
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just make a new rachet and clank except rivet's the mc with a 40 inch ass, how is this hard?
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why are all y'all furries?!?!?!?

What happened to just making good games?
*raises paw*

what about gravity rush 3?
Why can't y'all be like this chick?
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>Vtuber shilling saved sf6

Is Phoenix Wright/Frank West/Dr. Doom a good team for a beginner in Mahvel
who in their right mind would choose Kimberly Jackson over some random furry slut?
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this is real life, some of us can't have mommy and daddy and chad pay for our lifestyle while we move pixels around to make a donut model
Pretty sure you have to wavedash to get there fast enough. Like you do the 3 button dash, tap down, then do the 3 button dash again to get across the screen faster
>outsold by the worst performing NRS game in over 15 years
Not looking good, Capsissies.
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Is Broski the last guy left that still cares about SF6 or something? He's gotten 2 articles in less than 24 hours
anyone else have that weird arcade nostalgia feeling when playing late 90's and 2000's fighters. I feel like no one gets it as much anymore.
Tell me exactly why you can't just spread your legs for chad and get paid to play on the computer all day
I would refund this game if I could. Absolute fucking trash.
how would you improve it?
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i'm not a part of the overly radical LGBTQ community
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Delete the drive system. One meter system for EX moves and supers. No more slime rush or burnout. Delete modern controls (mainly because the input buffer is extended for them).

And fix the way armor works. No "sourspots" or holes in the armor.
i liked the separation of ex moves and supers on paper, but in practive its just more shit you have to worry about on oki its fucking stupid
I'm getting it hard just dicking with SvC Chaos, probably in part because I played it a couple times at an arcade back when.
armor isn't full body? lol, that's like Smash bros shield
armor is beaten out by lows i think? or is that tekken im thinking of
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Cris is the high school guidance counselor.
Rapes kids by day, griftposts on /vg/ by night.
Who says that you need to be gay to have sex with a man?
On Marisa's moves, the armor only works some of the time. And it doesn't cover her whole body, the armor hitbox is nonexistent on her legs, so lows will always poke her out of it. She has to spend meter on EX Scrotum in order to make it cover her whole body. And it still doesn't work a lot of the time.
i prefer the british mixed girl that makes blender vids
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>quit lucrative real estate job just to get a ramen shop job only to... 3d model ramen in Blender
Ah this should be ez-
This shit is hard af NIGGAAAA
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I made a model once in blender like 5 years ago do you like it?
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These people can only afford to quit their jobs because they were able to save up a shitload of money anyway.
They were in no real danger by doing this. No actual risk.
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is this guy a literal neo nazi?
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it's cute. Better than Cris's nutmouth nofund.
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party job ahh niggas
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Blender ain't that hard. I made two versions of my platformer catgirl already. Just gotta rig them.
It's pretty straightforward, but mostly just tedium. Retopologizing takes a long time but not that complicated to figure out.
why do you hate cris so much? did he call you bad names?
yalls sum hoes
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493325613 doesn't want to tell you that it took him 45 years for each model.
look up in the archives for "nutmouth". It'll answer why I decided to nickname him as such.
It's hard for me to hate people overall. I just wished he grew a frontal lobe.
pretty much what he wanted to say.
there's even a gamedev gene?!?!?
4-5 years*
Yes artistry is genetic, the only thing I can do is play music at a mediocre level and make my friends laugh thats the extent of my genetics, if I were to make a game it would be a nightmare
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I was already good at kitbashing in less than two weeks.
I doubt that. You probably have played enough fighting games to know what you like and dislike
worst case scenario, you could start out by cloning a character you like, then modifying it from there
Brother my fighting game mains are e.honda, jack-8, donkey kong, leo, and soriz, the fuck kind of gorilla slop you think im gonna be making here I dont know the first thing about fighting games I just know how to win at them
I’d dump my meter into her if you get what I mean
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A juggernaut, zangief, tager, and potemkin player made the best indie fighter of all time, doe?!?!?!
Why does her face look like that
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>Fighting game mains
>Donkey Kong
I'm never gonna beat Shin Akuma or Mr. Karate bros
smash has more fighting game fundamentals than tekken
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Return of the king.
Ult was fun as fuck before the DLC killed it, smash will forever have more evo entrants than gigamaidens eat shit
hottest fg character
Ultimate was dog shit from day one, Smash has never been a fighting game and why the fuck should I care about Evo entrants?
GigaMaidens will have its own underground tournament circuit like Rough & Rowdy Brawl and there'll be photo ops with hot cosplay chicks stepping on papier mache cities.
She’s on vampire crack
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remember when he said being a lolicon pedonigga was just like being a tranny and misgendering troons was analogous witn calling a lolicon pedonigga a pedonigga? why was he doing all that troon dickriding?
of course the pedonigga watches nyanners
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why doesn't he just get a lawyer like ZeRo?
ZeRo is still banned isnt he
he cleared his name but the trannies still hate him so he's banned
This nigga lunar is so desperate, he said he thinks vicki is racist because she uses 4chan lmao
he omitted that he also does
that whole smash cancellation thing is funny in retrospect. that one commentator nigga got banned because he had drunk sex with a drunk bitch and told people she threw up while they were doing it
that nigga nairo (who actually fucked on a lil nigga) is loved by smashies again
idek what happened to the kid who fucked his mom
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Is any game NOT a mickey mouse party masher to you subhumans?
how do you even quantify that?
these niggas only ever liked sfv
blacks cant be racist
>idek what happened to the kid who fucked his mom
chris chan?
instead of saying 4chan he should've brought up all the times that nasty tranny was saying nigga and when he joked about DMX' death
+R is a good game
there's multiple screenshots of vicki saying the n word...
Some tourist is claiming FF7 is not political because "Mako isn't real" and y'all are here pretending to make your own fighting game
nah, some smashie who was like "ive been fucking my mum for years", he was a lil kid
oh my god shut the fuck up ellie, please do something productive like open an only fans or something
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timanthas will call 4chan an evil nazi website and then 180 and say it's just a few bad apples when they get outed for posting on it, so he's right in framing it that way
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Imagine how much happier and more productive you all would be if you just stopped paying attention to random twitter drama altogether.
They can't actually hurtyou.
the nazi table
he did
probably cody he got abused by his mom or something.
Is this Ellie even in the room with us right now? Why are you obsessed with this random tranny?
why not just create a sleeper X account that activates after a year accusing vickiviper of brutal rape with manufactured evidence and botted likes
she's in my room preparing her lower mouth for entry if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge I'm about to penetrate her vagina hhaha
tabby almost plowed lunar through the hotel wall for walking into a room...
I should've fucked CJ Truth's mom
how many drinks for you to do tabby
They're claiming DQ3 is being "censored" too because... the playboy bunny wears armbands now
ellie doesn't have a vagina, reichan does doe
Ellie is a real girl, I have seen footage
you arent black if you dont hate latinos
"She" has an axewound where "her" dick used to be
so we had an actual cute white woman drawfag and nubi chased her away?
yeah, he's really evil
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You know what they say
If you have one nazi at the table, you actually have 10 Akatsuki Blitzkampf players at the table....
right wingers don't play.
>chased her away
she's going insane in this very thread right now with more twitter drama, she never left
Why did they complain about Luke being a PMC, but then bother implementing rollback for a game with multiple concentration camp workers?
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Trannies will drive out and ban everyone who disagrees with them, then proclaim they never play. Like, no shit? Who else would want to play with you people?
>actual cute white woman drawfag
Wrong wrong right wrong and right
>obvious tranny name
>tranny fetishes like sissification and futa (the latter she strongly denies despite drawing and even making audio of it)
>typical tranny art style
>typing quirks are that of a smug AGP gooner
There is nothing biologically female about her
The bikinifag and lolicucks ran her off by exposing her shotacon nature and the fact T8 has sexy bikinis. The fact you still let her live rent-free after this is pathetic
be honest, you wouldn't be able to beat tabby in literally any game
The scales are not a game, lil timmy
Ellie vs Baron in Vanguard Princess, who wins?
tabby doesn't even play anything, he's just a safe commentator for dead games like uni and melty
how does safe commentary work vs non-safe commentary?
*pukes* YUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. How the FUCK does this Timantha leave the house looking like that to go to a fg tourny and go “yep this is fine”
Luke is a troon slayer
Did you miss the time when baron and Ellie were dating?

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that before.
safe: sajam, james chen, tabby, robtv
unsafe: pre esports yipes, skisonic, zhi
all ellie needs to do is post her cooch
We need a compilation image of tabby, vicki, goldy, thiqq btch, eternity, etc.
no we dont
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nigga has TWO degrees and isnt doing anything with then.
"job market bad" is his copium. Nigga spent all his time on vidya when he shouldve networked on top of that. He has a LinkedIn, so its not like he couldve done that by now. Mans couldve have the stream and a IRL job. Double income MINiMUM is best play in todays world.
Facts. Trades is where its at. Soon to be journeyman electrician myself.

As for current thread discussion, fuck troons. Not literally. Everyone with that pastel flag is ugly as hell.
lunar is claiming a timantha that commentated at ceotaku had a vibrator on throughout the event
aint no way
was it the TFH one?
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So FGC niggas copying the GothamChess strat now?
it was some bitch named ivy don't know the game xhe commentated
That's that TransMaid troon y'all were going nuts over about a year ago

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