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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

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>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>493074191
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Do you EXPECT that you will want to roll on this banner?
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We need separate generals.
I expect it will be very tempting at the very least.
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Icy Milk Shake Thick Waifu!
You need to touch grass
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fates tribe is tied with bridal and desert for banners that are always utter fucking shit
Shut up
>Engage character from the snow country
>GBA Pegasus

The banner will 100% have this format, come back to this post in an hour and a half
Will you have taken a shower by then?
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Will you roll if Kilma is on the banner?
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Which way Kiran?
I will look the other way if Bluethorba is on the banner
Hey, now. Bridal this year wasn't utter fucking shit. It was like a 5/10 for once.
>Engage character from the snow country
So... Another Ivy alt?
Bhernie or Gullveig?
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I would like supplemental lessons with Ms. Eisner, please.
I want her to teach me all of her weakpoints.
Chestlets rise up
Sorry but book 8 killed /feh/ forever.
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Isn't Bernie like a D-cup?
You're weird
Gullveig. I like Bernie a bit too, but her schtick is overplayed in 3H, even if it's explained.
Queen Mikoto or Queen Lumera?
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Queen Rhea.
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Gullveig wearing Bernie's clothes
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stop posting those hideous chest tumours
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>look at images
>no Saphir or Niime
Why would Saphir be there? She's just slightly older than Shamir, and younger than Manuela.
Who even likes that fake 35 year old?
Alear or Robin?
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How do I make her useful?
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Need a Henriette, Lumera and Mikoto alt
AI slop for a slop OC kek
This banner is going to be total dogshit
Nobody asked for a Nils alt the first time, I think most people would've enjoyed Clear being on it but I'm guessing he's probably not
Maybe, she's the only Engage character that actually sells.
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>summer Henriette and Letizia never
>while we got an anorexic bat lady bride for some reason
Enjoy Duo Fjorm + Sniffles
>Nobody asked for a Nils alt the first time
devs wanted it
Rather have Hortensia dressed as a slut because I want to fuck her way more but if it's ivy I'm happy for you ivybros regardless
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The real question is, will Fjorm gain more weight?
Why do you keep bringing up sales? Are you Jewish?
I enjoy the bat lady bride. Her reluctance is endearing to me.
Hope that shitter isn't wasting a slot on this
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>Nobody asked for a Nils alt the first time
Glitter Valkyrie wanted it.
Simple as!
Bro thete has to be a gay pedophile on the team.
How the fuck every banner that has one male on it it's always a shota?
Could've put Saizo, Kaze, Volks or Rennace or Matthew to go with Leila and made Leila the TT.
Could've put Diamant, Alcryst or just bank of Barafags with Boucheron or Mauvier
Could've just done Hrid here instead of summer, or just any fucking grown man like Clear to get roasties and fags a reason to pull or at least a reason to keep the game installed if it were a free unit
There's more examples
Hope you donated at least $500 to her Patreon so she can +10 him, PartyPete.
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If Gunnthra is anything to go by, then Fjorm is still a growing girl.
You imply IS makes decisions based off of sales, despite us just getting a second Hoshidan Summer banner whose star units were Nepehenee and Lucia.
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Thoughts on Nergal?
You retards.
Nott is 100% on the banner since Dagr was on the wind garbage last year.
And it still flopped kek
Salesfags must realize that this is a passion project of IS devs not a cash cow
IS cares about sales, we know that from the legendary fiasco, it's just that rather than making content people want to spend money on, IS makes content only they want and try (and fail) to force whales to spend on it.
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>Salesfags must realize that this is a passion project of IS devs not a cash cow
So I agree, but on the flipside we just had that "You MUST roll for new Legendaries" debacle, and IS only relented when people pointed out that it made Forma Souls a non-purchase.
So money does have SOME influence, but we can also assume that they are "safe" enough to make constant shitty banner picks of their favorites rather than fan favorites.
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I hate both of these bitches
did you just get your figure?
We all get a free roll, so yeah I'll be using that. What a stupid question.
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Okay, but consider that a Round 2 would be REALLY funny.
Thats the neat thing: you don't.
>Life has many doors, Ed boy!
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Wrong schizo
Well yeah they realized they kinda fucked over people if they went with that Jewish practice.
If it starts losing money or not being enough to at least pay FEH devs (which might be less than 2 million per year) then they gotta pull the plug
Funny for whom? I'm not 12 years old
autistic frogs > retarded dragons

Holy based
Hope that slut is getting a bigger shitter
any last minute predictions?
Trailer when
zelkov is the obligatory engage unit

>TT Nils
Holy fucking GARBAGE
For once I agree with you - holy mother of garbage
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>banner is all girls
>Nils is the TT unit
>another male TT unit
Mad because they're all hotter than your ugly dyke "wife"
Fjorm always wins
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And ez skip
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You guys merged back?
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Gunnthra bros this is quite bullshit
Z tier
Kek got everything except the engage spam
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>Nils as the Tempest reward
You were wrong but I would've liked that instead of Thea
Do Theafags even exist?
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>Not Maeshima
This is the first time Maeshima has not done a Fjorm alt. Interesting.
No. I like Thea but not enough to +10 a premium version of her
i ain't watching this, someone tell me who the chars are
Flora as demote
not a freebie
not a prf

how garbage
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Banner would've been equally as dogshit as what we got though.
You vill only habe shotas und you vill be happy, straight roastie/fag
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Most forced bitch in the universe
So now that we know TT units can be officially doubled up who do (You) want to see as another free hero?
>ANOTHER free homo faggot
God what's wrong with them?
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Summer Fjorm to Ice Fjorm might be one of the biggest art downgrades in the game
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Homosexual post. *yawn*
Kek it's kinda retarded that Kagero had nothing to do with Wind but they gave her the duo instead of Fuga and Hayato
And this being Flora and Felicia's home turf, they don't get the duo.
So are any of these units esports or is this a flop combo of characters nobody likes + units that aren't worth rolling for
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When's the last time we had a female TT unit?
>as far as I can remember the previous tribe banners weren't exactly characters who had huge ties to the element(Lyn/Mordecai/Tana with fire, Kagerou/Claude/Dagr/Catria with wind)
>this banner is literally all "ice" characters
>previous banners only had one representative of the tribe(Rinkah/Fuga)
>this banner has both maids
>Nils is getting a second alt for no reason
>this banner was very clearly made for the sole purpose of giving Fjorm another alt
I genuinely really hope this is the biggest flop the game has ever seen
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KYS Delbox, you fucking terroni wog.
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Since when was Nifl this busty?
This year? Kana way back in January, before her we had Tailtiu in the teatime banner, and I think it's already been a year since that one
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Why does it look like the heads where photoshopped onto the bodies
Since another artist decided to make her busty. most artists take liberties with bust sizes. See Summer Caeda.
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>free dancer
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I've never seen a more forced character. Absolutely shameless
Aaand it's nothing.
Her tits grow in winter
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>Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard said this
I will never like Fjorm!
Fjorm's tits deflated >>493206680
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the outfit designs are shit too, none of this has any basis in the ice tribe in the first place
these banners have just been an excuse to ram more fates down the throat of a fanbase that doesn't care about it
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Good news for me, that means the one unit I want is the one unit I don't have to roll for.
Fjorm should be good in SD/SDS with that Duo skill but she looks like she needs a BoL4 partner or Heidrun near her because of AoE's threats.
>no characters or skills i want to roll for

Lol look at those saggy tits on Fjorm, she took her pads out from her summer alt
Bernie isn't a chestlet though. She has a big C cup/small D cup
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Banner is shit. Fire arrows.
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How many more banners will it take for you to admit Book 8 has been the worst book of content FEH has ever had?
Someone with the likes extension let us know how many dislikes this dogshit banner has
Nifl's got some really nice saggers, the artist has taste
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My vision is bad, but I did read Fjorm's new title as "Creaming Ice Pair" instead of "Gleaming" and spend a brief time thinking about it.
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Uhhhhhh where is he???? You can't convince me roasties wouldn't have rolled. They gave us Fuga on the wind banner so what the fuck
please for the love of god end the fates tribal theme
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Ever since they wanted you to love Book 2.
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I prefer her sister but I like her.
I can't judge until we have all the banners. But between CYL 8, Hoshido and now this dog shit it's quickly FLOPPING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SALES CHARTS
Someone needs to stop Fjormdev
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It's shit
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>Flame Tribe was all generally based on Oni Savage but all of them looked unique
>Wind Tribe was somewhat based off Diviners/Onmyoji but had the windmills and the peacock theming

But look at this fucking shit

Felicia and Flora are very clearly just palette swapped maid outfits meant to have an "ice" theme, Fjorms is just the maid outfit with cleavage. At least fucking Thea is somehow the most creative by being a pegasus knight outfit with the maid outfit combined

How the fuck were they this uninspired
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>Gunnthra bros this is quite bullshit
They should have made Gunnthrá the Tempest Trial unit. Instead they chose to make Nils the TT unit TWICE.
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Yep, shotachads WON
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I dont think there was an earth tribe so we should be free of it now

Unless they wanna do a Fates Furry Cultural Exchange or something
enjoy your all beast seasonal wolfskin/kitsune banners for the next two years lmao
They gave boobjobs to Felicia, Flora and Nifl

Meanwhile Fjorm got her boobas decreased
Maeda is such a stupid cock sucker. Fjorm will never win CYL.
I hate the banner but Nifl is so fucking sex holy shit
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Shotadev needed his fix, please understand.
But real talk, he would've been cool and seeing him interact with his daughters in the paralogue would've been good. But I guess it's because he's not playable? Then again that never stopped Ursula and Selena from raking up alts
Update? I only care about the refines.
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nude edit when?
damn................... he was dead on........
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Better than Juno again at least.
Version update doesn't drop until reset for some fucking reason
It would've been forgivable if this was based of Fates dark mages, but instead they went with this ice skater theme
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book 6
>the second worst performing fallen banner (lilith/gustav/ninian/rhea)
>the nailah desert banner
>the phantom thieves banner
>the flame tribe banner and the beginning of the tribe cancer
>the worst ninja banner that had camilla and nobody else you remember

book 8
>nabata unpopular gba shitters who already had alts, worst performing seasonal ever
>shameless powercreep magvel valentine's
>engage easter
>legendary male alear
>attuned azura worst performing banner ever
>worst fallen banner ever
>hoshidan revival (banner that bombed in 2018 and bombed again in 2024)
>another shit fates tribe banner

for me it's already worse than book 6, another shit halloween banner like the timerra one would just be overkill now
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>when was Nifl this busty?
The Ice HAG was quite stacked in her Summer alt.
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"random GBA pegasus steals an alt slot" applies to so many of these fucking seasonal banners and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't
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ice banner
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Instead of Thea they should have done Juno

One last Juno alt for a VA who is gone permanently

At least Juno has bigger boobs
Anon these banners are just an excuse to force unpopular Fates characters onto even more seasonals, not even the devs care about Fates lore.
What happened to /feh/
>the outfit designs are shit too
I kinda like the Magical girl vibe they give off to be honest.
>story is even more dog shit than usual
>90% of the banners have been awful
Book 7 was better
>Could've had duo Flora and Felicia
>Waste it on fucking Fjorm
Is Fjorm the most shilled character? Always thought she was just okay. This is her 6th (7th if you count the Laegjarn duo) alt
The skates are cool
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I like Fjorm's outfit It's cute even if it almost feels out of place.
even the art is kinda ugly
I miss her
Tell Maeda I'm not rolling for his shitfu
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Didn't Juno get one this year already? Or was she last year?
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>>nabata unpopular gba shitters who already had alts, worst performing seasonal ever
>>shameless powercreep magvel valentine's
You keep crying and I keep laughing.
Fjorm's thighs still look nice.
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>hmm yes these outfits we give to indentured servants because we want them to serve our prisoner and that we have multiple of in the castle when fighting them on conquest are actually the cultural garb of the famous and totally unique ice tribe, don't you know it's traditional and they invented maid outfits while living in sub 0 degree weather

So what, is fucking Jakob part of the Ice Tribe? Are all those maids you fight in that one Conquest chapter with Iago all part of the ice tribe?

All this does is highlight how actually garbage Fates world building is. Flame and Wind at least tried to make an effort. Hell, they could have literally just made up outfits and said it was traditional ice tribe garb and nobody could say otherwise, but now trying to imply this maid shit is what they actually wear just makes them look fucking stupid
my beloved

>protects Corrin with her prf

Absolutely based
>Leave /feg/
>Heroes content still
>leave again
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sex with flora
I will say, Fjorm always has delicious thighs. I’d kiss ever square inch for hours. I do like girls with short hair/miniskirt combo
See you tomorrow!
How is the mamui incel reacting to this?
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Nifl's hips
It's not a Hoshido theme so it's instantly way better than the fucking garbage they shovel out for those.
Why don't you ask him since you're so concerned?
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I love her
Do you have his phone number?
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>Shanna alt and resplendent
>Juno two alts
>Thea two alts
>Zealot has an alt
>Noah is a premium unit
>Sue has nothing
>Sin not in the game
>Dayan not in the game
Ilia won, Sacae lost. Sigune will be this month's ghb.
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Anon literally no one thinks book 8 is good. Even the tripfag has given up defending it and just keeps insisting Book 7 is worse.
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legendary male corrin was so shit. they made a felicia to boost him
I left it in your purse
What a loser
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>Didn't Juno get one this year already?
She was on Nabata but I would have liked another.
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The tripfag obsessed gacha cuck is here
That guy who self inserts as Mamui is gonna have a field commissioning porn of Mamui plowing Felicia and Flora in their new getups.
I'd pump and dump Felicia
I don't care what other men do since I'm not gay
We're discussing a gacha right now?
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Felicia and Flora's outfits are only granted because they're actually the princesses of their tribe. The rest being given copies of their outfits is just pissing off everyone.
The scourge of Archenea vs clumsy maid
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Forgetting someone.
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When you grow up you'll learn that not every banner is made for you
Do you think FEH will rebound with Book 9 or will content continue to get worse?
Book 6 was awful too but things turned around with Book 7.
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She might be on this years fe6 banner. The only girls left are her and Ellen, unless I'm forgetting someone.
>I don't care about pedophile gooners
Can you say that again for the people in the back?
Sure but fire tribe was oni savage based and wind tribe was Onmyoji based, so...
F*licia should have been the demote without the prf. Maeda is so gay
Yes but the recent string of H-F tier banners don't seem to be made for anyone either.
>They gave Shartjorm Robin's CYL winner's Ice vein
>Nobody has Hrid's [Frozen] bullshit
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It's only bad because there's no coombait OC.
Them wearing outfits based on maid outfits is fucking retarded in the first place
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If Yoshiku comes back with some Gullveig-tier pandering it will get better, otherwise it will get worse.
>My boy Gatrie can charge Aegis with his slayingless prf instantly and recharge it on retaliation with Shield Fighter

Maybe I'll roll after all
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>just get back
>/feh/ is dead
I missed you guys! It's been... 4 years? I think? Maybe 3.

It really was weird how that place's post speed dropped by like 80% overnight, was it really literally one guy spamming?
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They did not pass up the opportunity to make Felicia titties bigger

Felicia started as a 3*-4* while Flora started as a 5*, it's only fair
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Old manbros...
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if anything. thea should have been the prfless one. she's pretty much filler here
There was never a justifiable reason for a split in the first place, FEH supplemented talk during downtime between major game releases.
When you grow up you'll learn that a lot of Book 8 banners were made for no-one
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You're mad and I'm happy
They’re figure skater outfits. Notice the skates. Coincidentally, figure skaters also wear short, wide skirts
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I understand that very well.
It's the other misbehaving children who must come to terms with the situation.
post sum wolf/sedgar
>Engage spam
>awful OCs
>Book 2 spam
>giga powercreep
It REALLY doesn't help that 7 was the book before 8.
He tried that during the summer and it flopped thoughever.
Did you already forget?
Not to mention it's the same damn shit with the same damn idiots. All anons do in peak times is flinging actual shit for no reason other than speed up the thread. It happens on both threads that they realized splitting them is borderline pointless.
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After the end of book 7 /feh/ started slowing down. I think it would've 404'd if not for schizos bumping the thread the same schizos who moved here and bump this thread during morning hours now around Lyon's release since the meta got really bad and made a lot of people uninstall. A lot of us are hoping Book 9 will pick up again and maybe /feh/ can be remade, but personally I doubt it because IS are retarded and would rather double down on Alfonse shilling.
>You'll learn that a lot of Book 8 banners were not made for me specifically
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The continued failure of Book 8
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>book 8 has been the worst
this year has been draining my orbs so It's good for me.
Where are the refines?
Twitter likes it and that's all that matters
Yeah I'm sure the feathers under the skirt, the cuffs on the wrists, and the neckgear that are all carbon copies of the maid outfit are just coincidences

Come the fuck on anon, don't defend this garbage, they look nothing like figure skaters.
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>T-They were actually made for other people chud just ignore the fact most have been colossal failures because they are, in fact, made for nobody
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Where is resplendent Felicia
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>they're literally wearing ice skates
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I'm convinced that retard just wants to argue for the sake of arguing. Literally engagement baiting for free.
Where was that in Fates lore?
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Are we really getting a SECOND f2p infantry dancer nils?

Really? For real for real? no cap? On god?
>raided by homotroon discordtrannies
Against a special ike ring fjorm will have 87% special DR from her special
Funny how every time IS bootlickers claim "this banner just isn't for you chud" its always for banners that end up doing horrifically badly making it obvious that they're bootlicking and nobody likes the content
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I just might
Flame tribe was the only kino Hoshido cultural theme banner
Why does Fjorm get to lead every duo?
Who cares go kick a football
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She was backup to her girlfriend though
>3 of the 5 are riding mounts
>they're ice skaters bro
It's a lazy as fuck banner, anon. Don't dicksuck and defend IS just cause I'm insulting it
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>Reddit trannies mad that it's an all-female banner

Literally who asked for him, some faggot with a basic Sorcerer model and outfit?
>least pedophilic Nige Jouzu animator on the right
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Book 3 was the worst in terms of content
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This is the one banner I won't defend
Everyone was hoping it'd be a Nohrian culture banner but we get generic ice skaters that kinda makes it feel like it was just an excuse to give Fjorm an alt
And not a single new character that hadn't gotten an alt before
Do you like her yet now?
Powercreep status?
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Even Lyn couldn't carry this tribal banner idea, and there's no one here near that popularity.
They out Fuga on wind, so many were asking for him. It would've been better than Nils, since no one ever asked for his first alt much less this one
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was Nifl always that stacked?
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Mamma Mia!
waahhh waahhh shamir is not getting an alt faggot
The mounts can skate too. Source, me, go fuck yourself
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Imagine if they gave this to a girl people liked.
>Ice skater lyn.
Would've pulled for that. Since this shit is just generic ice skaters why add ice themed characters to it anyway. Might as well have done popular characters as ice skaters
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>Sloppy Fates Tribe
>Solm New Heroes
>Engage Halloween 2 as punishment for the last one bombing
>Whatever Book 8 Mythics they haven't finished shitting out yet (nobody knows)
>Another Fates seasonal

Only a few more months until Book 9, bros...
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>Release L!M!Shez like 5 days ago who already has trouble killing meta threats
>He bombs and IS proceeds to try and kill older Legendaries in order to try and recoup some sales
>Completely backpedal when they get shit on from everyone
>Then proceeds to release another armor unit he absolutely won't kill
What was even the point of him?
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Im just waiting for Braphoggr to finally arrive.
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>Don't dicksuck and defend IS
You WILL like Fjorm.
Sabotaged by devs mad Shez keeps outselling Alear
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Its over
making love to nah!
>>Solm New Heroes
>>Engage Halloween 2 as punishment for the last one bombing
Finally some kino!
>>Another Fates seasonal
What do you expect it to be? Whatever it is it's probably more royal slop so I don't want it regardless
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lol in case you were wondering why Brave Robin randomly had an ice terrain mechanic, here is who the devs actually made it for
September onwards is always the roughest time of year because the themes are all terrible.
>Release new hype unit
>Shortly after release unit that hardchecks new hype unit

Many such cases!

what happened to fjorm's BBW body? She's slimming down again :(
Is anyone able to give me a fucking answer?
You just know
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>Fjorm is a blue lance armour with save

They made Felix a problem and now made their pet the solution

You WILL roll for her
I do.
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Since when were Nifl's tits this fucking big?
Good thing he has no fans to care about any of that anyway
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She only bulks up when she is imbued with the Power of Nifl.
How they could have made this banner at least somewhat decent

Ninian+Nils duo
Only one of Flora/Felicia
Nifl, no fucking mentioning Fjorm
Make the outfits more inspired

Would still skip it, but it'd be a lot better received than this shit
Fuga's a playable character. Kilma is a one chapter boss. He doesn't matter and anyone thinking he would be on the banner was delusional.
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She's a far save tank whose Ice only works when pressing the duo skill meaning he's still gonna zip around with that Celica ring, killing everyone around, while she does nothing.
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>Since when were Nifl's tits this fucking big?
She ate a lot of during her Summer vacation.
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Are green focus units still the easiest to roll?

Asking for a friend
To take up space. Shez's only claim to fame is riding on Byleth's coat tails.
why does every other OC get shitcanned after one seasonal but fjorm gets yearly alts?
she has more alts than most cyl winners kek

imagine that, there's an entire group of characters who the fans have said "we demand these characters get more alts" and they get less than some random oc shitter
Don't waste your orbs on this shit. Save for 3H Christmas
The pool has overall become a lot more evenly distributed but Green Focus units do still have a tiny higher rate in odds to pull on Green orbs.

Not really worth viewing it that way anymore though from a risk assessment standpoint.
Funny thing is I think that Robin's ice vein is better.
dev bias.
and they will continue enforcing their dumb rule of Fjorm appearing in every Forging Bonds for the same reason
IS wanted her to win CYL and become FEH's mascot character really badly but have admitted to themselves that that is never going to happen so give her alt spam as compensation.
Remember she was the character who debuted Ascended alts which were originally pseudo-Brave alts for characters too unpopular to win CYL.
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We demand representation
how is it better
this one has double the ice
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Fjorm is lightning Andrew Jimenez
That one mamuifag is probably going to get threesome art with them in these costumes
He better pay a decent artist
Robin makes a new one in every turn.
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>4* has the least sexy damaged art
>TT is a male, again
This year has been absolute dogshit for TT units. Only Panette is sexy.
Not that guy, but Duo Fjorm only gets one use of her duo skill to set it in one spot, while Robin gets to reset it each turn. The spaces right next to Robin not being filled isn't that important when dealing with only 1 enemy - unless that enemy is a 1 range unit with Celica's ring or something

That said its interesting we're finally getting a vein with a turn count longer than 1.
Prepare for the floodgates to open.
ugly ass clown girl
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Made for big Kiran (me) cock.
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Ok, now give me the refine
Your mother
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Her special only works on 2 range attacks, I think there is a strong possibility Felix just runs over her anyway
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only the evil one
>They expect Fjorm to mog anyone with those small tits and even placed her near a milk truck to belittle her
No padding this time
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Actually looking at Fjorm's toolkit seems like she might actually be much worse against melee's like her Ascended form especially against an AoE spamming Felix
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Still better than every other grail unit this year.
Fighting in ice skates seems impractical.
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this is like when engagefags say engage brides was better than most seasonal banners this year, it's true but only by virtue of everything else being horrifically awful
They know Gullveig is better.
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They have 3 ice affinities right here and they don't fucking put them on the banner. No wonder IS doesn't want money
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It was his turn...
Kek you really were butthurt none of these ugly bitches were on the banner
>bring out the ice tribe units on maps of dirt and gravel
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>Fjormslop again
I'm sparking on Mia's banner I guess
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>the trinity of cool beauty oneesans
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I can’t goon to this Fjorm. No ‘pull’ means no pull. You fucked up again, ISIS.
>engage brides
It had a fucking dyke on the banner. It should've been Citrinne since the lineup already had Lapis and Alcryst. Who the fuck unironically asked for that dyke to appear on that banner?
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Actually it's a trinity of 4 now
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Triple Kek Blast
>When absolutely no one likes her
Cute boys.
Fjorm's gimmick is usually anti-ranged, not melee.
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> Who the fuck unironically asked for
I did

I rolled

I +10'd her

I built her with max flowers and florets

Cope and seethe
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I like Fjorm
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You're no one.
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This is the same person. Weird behavior.
It's been three years since Marianne won CYL and she still hasn't had an alt since then lol
Fjorm has had four in that time
Fuck engaygies
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I like her.
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You smell like shit bro
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You know the one silver lining of this banner is that the Marianne retards who expected her to be on it got BTFO. They'd have never +10'd her anyway

I actually smell of goth girl pussy
Wheres the Fire Emblem Movie?
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you know fishiwashi must reek because he's always projecting and accusing random people of not showering
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Grown ass man acting like a middle schooler
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Besides Raul literally no one
Wrong again little engaygie boy
Raquel isn't going to fuck you, bro
>if I keep posting these stupid memes I win
Sorry(not sorry) my taste is better than yours
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You already failed at life
I only roll on pegasus knights that show nopan
He's the only one that likes Shitfonse besides you. Maybe have a little more respect for those that have the same shit tastes as you. KEKAROO
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What schizo shit are you even saying retard?
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Oh right. You disowned Alfonse after getting your ass handed to you and claimed to have been a Felix anon the whole time.
Go suck a shotgun, freak
Not sure what he’s saying but what I’m saying is Engage flopped
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Fjorm KINO is back on the menu bros
You are both so deranged you don't even know what you're mad at kek
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You don’t know what your parents are feeling at all kek since they don’t talk to you
You're the only that randomly tells people they smell like shit. No one else projects with that but you, shithead
Playing dumb won't save you
He existed to make me blow 1500 orbs
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Fellatio Crew did NOT like having their princess being made fun of
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More schizo babble. Brush your teeth little nigga
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felicia won bigly tonight
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Kek I'm starting to think people always told you your whole life you smell like shit and to brush your teeth
Horiguchi is too fucking good
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Anon you obsess over replying to me
I love anal queen Fjorm
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My cock is in your mouth
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Top pega
Stop the fag posting.
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Rolling red is so fucking painful.
After this dud of a banner got revealed I decided to go back to roll on CYL to get a few more merges on my Felix.
350 orbs later and I only got one copy.
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Lesbians are hot
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One interesting factoid about Fjorm is that her asshole is three times as sensitive as the average woman’s clitoris.
Thrusting anything inside Fjorm’s pink starfish immediately brings her to orgasm.
She begs Kiran (me) to use her ass for the sake of preserving her chastity, but the truth is she’s addicted to anal sex.
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Stink Post: >>493216718
Nope. Cringe
People like her more than Shitdr
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Objectively not true
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Has more art on Gelbooru so yah it's true
The point is that her VA is dead

Give us one last Juno coom alt and her regular version can be a 4* uggo
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Vax status?
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...on opposite day.
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>he uses the female avatar
>”I don’t self insert, bro”
Yeah, it sounds like you want someone to insert themselves into you
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should we be concerned about the internet archive lawsuit?
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Fjorm no longer has her terminal illness, but instead Nifl now sucks away all her breast growth.
Fjorm is cuter with small tits anyway
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Yes. Its one of the few placed left to get rips of games that have been out of circulation for decades
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Yes, stupid
Stop with the troon projecting
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i thought it had to deal with eBooks?
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Fjorm's booba...
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It's for all kinds of media
well, I was halfway correct
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>Felicia and Flora are randomly on horseback
>while wearing ice skates
I know they wanna keep things diverse instead of having too many infantry units, but I still hate when they do this shit with the seasonals.
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I'll never get to be felicia and flora's new mom I hate it here
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Only time women are allowed to kiss is when they have my cum in their mouths!
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If the Engage manga introduced designs for characters like Ivys mom and the Brodian queen should those same characters be eligible to be added to FEH? Similarly, should other characters who are referenced but never shown(like Robins mom in Awakening) be given designs and made into characters? They're OCs basically but from established games
>If the Engage manga
Who cares
Why doesn't Fjorm have NCD in her kit? That was like her entire thing in her ascendant version. Duo Byleth has it but Fjorm doesn't?
So I can chip her to death
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Hi, honey, how was your day?
Its on her weapon, but only against Range 2.
She has it against ranged
I kind of like this ship but IS has made it pretty clear that Femleth is church aligned
Raquel and the fellatio cord are NOT happy with the new banner! They're all upset that Shamir didn't get another epic winter alt!
What happened to the good ol days of glorifying Marth's and Leif's game and Lynposting when we are horny? What happened to the good ol days of praising Robin's and Ike's games and Camillaposting into post nut clarity?
Oh okay
This is the closest we'll ever get to an idol banner
What the
uh, TMS units?
>*FehOwl and RoyHoenheim scream to spic to get to the emergency exit*
This part makes me laugh every time. Something about treating the thread like it's an actual meetup is so funny
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When I saw this art I started stroking it. I already had an erection (morning wood) but Fjorm's itty bitties and Nifl's ice dispensers made it something fierce
How cold do you think Fjorm’s ice powered ass is? If I gave it a lick would my tongue get stuck? Personally I think it’s worth the risk.
trip back on
should i delete my fe loli hentai to combat my addiction
She says that touching her is lice touching ice. Maybe its like icy-hot.
send it to me I'll hold onto to it for you
It’s growing on me.
You can kind of make out Fjorm’s monster hips.
Pity they’re not more prominently displayed.
Fjorm butt would’ve been appreciated too.
Nif’s tits are fantastic.
nils was built for dick
BRB, gonna slather my dick in Icy-Hot and pretend I just fucked Fjorm up the pooper
>ninian isn't on the banner despite having an ice theme
I havent been here in like 2 weeks why did /feh/ and /feg/ merge
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rape rape rape
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Who picks these banner rosters?
Why do they keep making TT males when nobody wants them?
The guy who makes both threads was upset that /feg/ kept constantly falling off of page 10, so he just stopped making both threads to force everyone into one thread.
All so he can spam his Nowi images here, instead of using his pass to spam in both threads.
Where is the update?
I would say that it's idiots who don't know what's good for the game but considering your picture I'm gonna assume you're a retard who thinks Seidr and Heidr and Kvasir deserve a million alts each so I'll just tell you to fuck off instead
Fire Emblem is dying.
I wish he'd get a different artist than bug eyes Kippu
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>"You know what we need? Not alts of CYL winners, but instead alts of Fjorm and Thea!"
I'm nobody btw

Let me guess, el beanerino is upset that her tranny gf didn't get an alt?
We haven't had a good game in 25 years. FE might actually be ogre.
Yes, the salt is enjoyable.
I would rather we keep getting popular characters that people like, and then get the salt of all three fjormfags.
Unironically the Nowitard.
Makes no sense
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Buzz off stupid heads I ain't do nothin' I've been too busy gaming.
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I want to feel a woman's touch so badly bros. I hate my fucking life.
I'm so glad I have a girlfriend cause being a lonely loser like all of you must be tiring. Especially when you shitpost and LARP as a Fire Emblem character (lol
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>blue lipstick
>I would rather I get characters I like instead of characters I dont
Yeah thats generally how those things go.
Nah, even if it's someone I don't personally like, it would be better overall if it was someone that a massive amount of players did like. Like I wouldn't roll for a Femui alt, but I understand that others would.
As it is, we have a banner of characters that nobody likes. Again. For like the fifteenth time this year.
Doubt it all you want, it won't change reality.
did you forget book 7 had:
>valentines fates
>spring karla
>robinsexual brides
>summer shitsmear
>wind tribe
>fatetellius ninjas
>another male TT
If you're on here then that means someone else is on your girl.
Not him, but that's still better than this year. Arguably the only improvement 8 has had over 7 was Brides, but that's just because Robinsexuals is a horrible idea on its own.
That someone being THE KHAN of course kek
No straight man longs for the touch and affection of a woman. Straight women feel disgust at the idea of showing affection to a man. You are actually a gay man desiring to submit to another man and therefore long for him to objectify you marking you as his territory.though physical conquest.
Nope. It's 2 am so she went to sleep.
Weird reply.
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>Straight women feel disgust at the idea of showing affection to a man.
Methinks you know nothing about women
Bro is arguing on 4chan while his girl is getting piped all night kekaroonie
dawg put the trip back on nobody is buying it
>still better than this year
only for the spic
last year fucking sucked
Nah, just wanted to pop in and call you all losers lol. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be as accomplished as me.
I wish Flora was the freebie
>I'm typing this at a beach btw
Goofy ahhh post
she won but idk about bigly her kit seems very boring and she'll be forgotten in a month
>Duo Fjorm powercrept Duo Byleth
Did she doe
>new unit powercreeps old unit
at this point, is this even worth saying
Your parents forgot you within a week
Kek clapped his ass
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Fjorm sexo gets better. From the dogshit ninja, to medium summer, to better ice cutie
I like all Fjorms honestly. Tasty flat or big boobed.
Why would you say that
My mom just texted me today
So is it better to spark on LShez compared to this ice tribe banner?
Sometimes I imagine myself as marrianne married to byleth and I like to pretend we have kids but I develop schizophrenia and neglect them
i happen to think felicia is cute
good luck rolling feliciafags
>update should be soon
Oh we should get an eitri alt then roght
Yes. She does everything he does, but better.
I mean, I guess not. It's just a bit absurd that THE best save tank got powercrept this hard.
How come I get more 5 stars from a 4% banner than an 8%? Am I missing something from the fine text?
After 9 months it's not that absurd.
My Brave Corrin on the other hand...
Also why did they powercreep Brave F!Robin's Ice terrain effect??
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because she has nothing to do with ice and likely only got that ability because they had it planned for the ice tribe banner
>literally 0 tribes left for fates banners
I hope you're looking forward to next years kitsune banner and the year after having a wolfskin banner
Ok but can Fjorm tank Lyon's bullshit without BoL4
As a man
8 minutes until past Eitri (male) reveal
you know exactly why, so they can say they are giving out free units while making the free units ones that would never sell anyway.
>look for /feh/ in the catalogue
>nothing comes up
>turns out the generals have re-merged again into one
What happened the last week or so? They were still separate when L!Shez came out?

>Spd/Res Finish 3
5 minutes until it's over
yeah, 3HRT killed /feh/
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What went wrong?
Any last minute refine predictions?
She *ting*ed Feyle's iceberg so I highly doubt any non piercing mage can even damage her. They did make her extra weak towards melee tho
My cock gets refined by Reginn's pussy juices
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>spd/res finish is the weak seal
>atk/def oath is the strong seal
IS should have switched these 2 around, but otherwise pretty nice
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ty ty
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Ok I want fuck Sommie now
Raquel said the update was tonight
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Who??? Either way, the update IS tonight, It just takes a while.
20 mins or so
Based Raquel
Raquel... I kneel...
>nils agen
Let’s see male Eitri
any of you have the image of manleth and femleth where he looks boring but she looks like an exaggerated frog
>New year keaton got breath of life 4 built into his refine
>Brave Chrom has warping now
>Brave Tiki can suck off a dog to completion
>update not available on android
fuck you itoddlers
Blame Google
Tiki got DC, 50% DR pierce, and looks like true DR 20% of Res
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Here he is
Actually its BoL5 with a bigger range and he got flat dr too, biggest winner of the batch
Lol this sucks ass, but he didn't need much.
>fjorm is flat, they said
what the fuck, you weren't shitposting
Her breasts are getting smaller with every alt
I thought he was memeing wtf
I'm genuinely curious why its considered so bad now. I assume its do with the massive powercreep we get now.

The last year of two I've been playing so comfy I literally just dickpull and don't even play competitive or pvp modes at all. Arena is the only one I interact with and I only do 5x lowest difficulty free win matches for the summon ticket. I'm unironically having more fun with feh than I ever did trying to actually play AR and score arena and all that shit.
Wow this feels really mediocre
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Of course the male furry gets the new powercreep skill for free lmfao. I fucking hate homodev so much.
Whoa nigga
You really expect me to read all that shit
It is. Probably by design tho.
Last minute predictions for new OC?
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It's several reasons.
>general year over year decline as people lose interest
>book 8 is so fucking bad literally no one cares to even shitpost it unlike book 5 which was carried by fafnir memes
>powercreep accelerated to the point we literally just ping pong back and forth between unkillable God tanks and untankable nukes (started with Lyon and Ike)
>iS spent most of the year shilling engage units and most people don't like or care about engage

/feh/ had sometimes 3 hour threads during book 7's big patches. Meanwhile it was basically 404ing every day even during major book 8 updates.
Malfurion Stormrage
Eitri's original form and instead of being a man it's a busty adult woman, which somehow enrages lolicons more than if it was a guy
>update STILL not out on Android
What the fuck gives?
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What is this garbage
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Lance cav reginn, full art too
It's a selfish version of BoL4 stuck on a mediocre unit so it's honestly whatever.

Tiki won this refine batch and she's still shit. Tells you all you need to know about how much IS cares about CYL and the state of the game.
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>skintight suit
Not reading all that who won the refine bowl?
Weird face
>put BTiki into range of enemy's ranged units
>felix warps in from across the map and kills her
Awful refine.
Shes covered by the mech for all other art
>half the plot of book 5 was obtaining a mystical sword
>the app art was updated to show reginn using said sword
>never use said sword in gameplay
What was the point?
Keaton probably. Chrom sucks, I didn't bother to read Byleth's, Seliph is... okay?, Brave Tiki also sucks. No one has L! Byleth or Eitri to know what their refines do (lol
probably keaton
>gets the best skill in the game in your path
Tiki won the cylbowl.
Eitri or Lego Byleth won overall.
Keaton got the biggest powerspike but he's still kneecapped by being a fundamentally shit unit.
Chrom technically wins since he's still the best unit despite his refine being shit.
Feels bad.
Oh well I'll just pull cute girls until EOS...
So they just completely forgot about the sword?
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Here's Hat Wizard:
Where's the new Eitri sprite post it so I can go to bed
Who will be in the HoF?
No eitri this time go to bed
If you're lying I'm gonna stab you
Chrom will also be good but he was already still good so the refine doesn't mean as much
Ok but what kind of stupid ass "please roll to improve your other units" gimmick will she debut
I have a +6 Eitri and I refuse to read that
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>book 7 was so good and we all loved the story and it's iconic characters
even if you spam this every thread it won't make it true
retarded ass nigger nobody gives a fuck about this game's story and never has
the game is dead because engage killed all interest in fire emblem
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I love Shamir more than anything

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why you mad though
Where's the musclegirl
I never said it was good, just that we had faster threads and organic discussion during book 7. You cant deny no one cares about book 8 in comparison.
Does Chrom need to change anything about his build?
Meant for >>493228947
because you spam retarded bookwars post every damn thread like anyone cares you retarded cumbrain gachaslopper drink bleach
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i don't do that
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yes you do you fucking nigger redditor kill yourself
Fuck off
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Uh oh melty
Her weapon, internally shes labeled acce01, so new hero type
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why rude?
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Avatar fagging is against the rules
If you isolate yourself from the game then it might be still fine. But you'd quickly find yourself wondering why you'd invest time and effort into a unit that's not your favorite (which would be 99% of all units), when every month the orbs you spent for the latest powercreep are as good as wasted. Those premium skills you got? Also wasted. There won't even be useful as a bridge to better skills since they're t4 already. We also get way less orbs than before, except for year 1 of course. The game runs on autopilot when it comes to modes and banners.
Should I continue building Glen or start building up a NY!Keaton as my next grail project?
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>Alright let me check this bullshit he wants me to see so badly
>Doesn't even load correctly... God damn it, it loaded
>*sighs* Alright. You guys ready for another cringey commission? Here we go
>I don't think this is how they spent their time together
>Why do they have fruit? Where'd she get the fruit? She's in a cave. Where'd she get the fruits? You can't grow fruit in a cave, chat
>Why'd you commission this?
*sigmasensei cheerd x50*
>"She is stated to bring fruit to the Summonerd in the story text. I commissioned these cuz I thought that story scene was wholesome"
>Alright sure

Nimious proceed to read a comment posted under the picture

>"I honestly found the emotional core of Book VII to be pretty endearing,"
>You have to ignore a LOT to see that
>"because the whole story contributes to establishing a rich bond between the Summoner and Gullveig"
>A RICH BOND?! Have you been single your entire life?!
>"(and her alter-egos). That is something Book VII really got right"
>Please date someone
you are a fucking annoying cumguzzling reddit bitch that's why
take your shitting images back to where you came from
Them permanently killing off old legandaries says all you need to know desu. Can't wait till eventually old mythic don't count for score either.
They didn't kill them thoughever
Like the characters in Engage kek
>giving people a good reason to summon new things is le bad
Very weird
months later I am still licking summer clanne's tummy
And gay too
Okay what's with Ninian Celica though. Is this just a random crackship thing that there's at least 2 pieces of art of them or what?
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but they're cute
>p2w is good because.. IT JUST IS OKAY?
How do you build Keaton? Does he still need BoL4 in his C or does he run something else?
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>two years of namschizo
>he still doesn't know how to filter pictures he doesn't want to see
What the fuck is with IS and giving every refine only half piercing? >>493228328 >>493228178 and eitri's new b skill
Even the new unit Thea gets only half >>493208493
/feg/ killed the fire emblem series
having BoL in his weapon means his C is free for other support things, for example inf. nfu so that he can give nfu to infantry allies, or infantry pulse
If there was no powercreep you would also whine because there's no reason to summon
We've seen this with every weak banner.
Besides Fjorm this banner is pretty weak, gameplay wise
No powercreep, no good fodder

Not saying this is a bad thing, but it's how I see it
Dumbass, we're talking about the arena change...
So something like this would be good?
Sure. But make sure you're actually pairing him with infantry that makes use of that support
She looks like garbage
Eitri lost althoughever
What Status can Fliers get easily? Is it just Charge from Arion?
Proofs? Where's the new sprite?
probably someone thought it up and requested/comm'd art for it or someone just liked the idea and drew it, that's usually how it goes
Red and Blue cute :)
It was me
what do you have to say for yourself
Powercreep is killing feh, not the shitty story
Last for fe boy porn

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