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Previously on /pal/: >>490859593

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter

>Latest Patch Notes (8/21/24)

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Pal Models
Blender: rentry.org/t7bth9nh
Rips: mega.nz/folder/HCATDCIQ#aoE99tdPzJDhHlyW_3C-9g

>Breeding Guides and Tools
Advanced Breeding Guide 2nd Edition: rentry.org/md8pereh
Breeding Calculators: palworld.kimpton.io



>Server Setup

>/vg/ Server
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
We did it! We completed a thread!
install chikipi
God I wish I could eat pizza all the time like Pals do (and not die)
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Dinossum is cute
So... I had diarrhea again in my pants. I think there's something wrong with me. I was flying around going to all the chest spawns and the diarrhea just came out with no warning. My doctor says I have hypochronic cardiovascular diarrhea syndrome. I need tips to clean up the diarrhea faster, please.
Not my problem
isn't pizza just trash? the work speed buff runs out and then they don't eat for a while. I guess if you run em on brutal work pizza is decent
I won't share the pizza trick with you
i was about to actually draw something similar but yours is better kek
maybe ribunny or flopie instead?
ribunny is cuter
>Hatched 5 bellanoirs in a row
>all female
this is some bullshit, at least this one had a somewhat useful trait, artisan... okay IVs in the 80s aswell...
>pokemon killer thread
>at page 9
He doesn't know.
surely there are Male Bellas? SURELY?!?!
5 percent bro, and they always have shit stats. It took me hundreds to get a decent male.
Ribunny, they spawn in the same area and the tail/tentacles drawn limp could evoke a corpse better
Not like pokemon is doing much better...
Can Twitch tell if I'm not focused on a tab? This "hour" is taking forever to fill up. How dystopian.
I did twitch drops for another game and just left it on in the background muted while I played the game. You don't have to be focused on it I think.
It seems like having a free-floating tab is fine, but if it's among other tabs and isn't the focus when minimized it doesn't work. Or at least on my machine. Just give me the diving noodle Twitch!
Pokemon gets 4500 posts a day. This thread gets 20 posts a day.
Do you see how /vg/ gets 120k posts a day? And this thread is 0.02% of that?
And Palworld still makes Pokefags like you seethe every day.
/vp/ got destroyed so bad by shitposters that the whole board was on time out for new threads like a month ago or something
how am i seething, I just like watching people suffer.
I have 950 hours in palworld lmao, i've done everything there is to do in the game twice over.
the game can no longer support a general without constant bumping by autists including me.
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Drew another lunaris.
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can you do chillet with a feels good edit, i see no other face than that when he gets petted
Another great perspective shot, nice
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these were both just page 10 bumps
Your mom was a page 10 bump.
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One of these days someone's going to post the one where it gets a cock in its mouth instead and nobody will notice.
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Bro WTF?
Where tf did lamball get an AUTO pistol
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Thank you.
Pals are not food
humans are
everyone pets the lamball, we'd notice you wierdo.
I don't collect effigies because I like seeing the green lights in the distance
There should be marsupial pals
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agreed, i want a white-striped dorcopsis pal
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sloppy toppy
fucked up
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palworld modding docs have pic related in their list of pals. looks like future content
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>page 10 in 40 minutes
these were all page 10 bumps
Why was my post excluded.
did you make >>493392539?
if so it was likely a page 7 bump at that time
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No mine was this >>493302649
and it was definitely page 10. I also stand by my comment.
Can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong while trying to get palworld to run on my deck
Already have the steamdeck essentials mod pack thingie
Works fine for making a new world until character creation where the frames tank immediately and the game crashes
Any ideas?
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Palworld's modding scene is truly wonderful

these creatures were made for white, male, pal trainers and it's an expression of their true form
Never mind, it might be the SDE itself fucking it all up
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also i dunno why but i really really want a mod that replaces the armours with all the 80s US army battle dress uniforms. there's something about them that just looks cool as fuck
i wonder if the different rarities (e.g. uncommon, legendary etc.) of weapons and clothing in the game have their own unique model/mesh entries so that common models can look different from uncommon, or rare etc.
would be pretty cool to have the base rocket launcher be a ww2 bazooka, then uncommon is an rpg-7 or something. or uncommon plasteel armor being the US army bdu, then rare being another country's etc.
There's already a mod that changes the appearance of pals based on various modifiable criteria (Altermatic), so something like that seems possible as well.
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Fighting Paladius and Necromus was fucking hard
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I beat them first attempt but haven't been able to beat Jetragon yet. My special ed teacher says I might be retarded though.

If you are gonna quote them get all of them right
>even max condense dazi with 140 work speed can't keep up with two simultaneous furnaces.
Fug, can two power generators run at the same time?
Yes but not with dazzi
I mean, will two power generators running simultaneously actually generate twice the power? Or do they not stack. I think two of the work-optimized dazzis would be sufficient if they do stack, considering one is just a hair too slow alone
When one runs out the other gets used, simple as
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Did you make sure to watch your 3-hours of Palworld faggots?
>boot up palworld to see my scubbet
>please update nvidia drivers
>please update nvidia drivers
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I couldnt do your request because chillet's arms do not reach its face
not that anon but indefatigably based.
almost makes me wanna start practicing again so I can shitpost
Oh, I see what you mean, they don't stack but the second can be used if the first one runs dry. Will give it a try, thanks anon
Top quality Chillet. Saved.
Depresso casually walked out of a fuckhouse like nothing happened
i did think about that. was figuring it'd just be a portrait of his face and neck, and the rest of his arms out of view so you don't see how comically long they'd have to be
but 11/10 thank you very much
I love this game but I played it for 4 days straight all day and now I'm burnt out on it. I want to keep playing but I have no motivation
how on earth is the floppie gape still up? you guys are alright
Thanks, im glad you liked it.
So, I checked the server in the OP a few times but I was always the only player online. Do you guys play together at all? If so where are most people playing? Are there multiple servers going?
Imagine if Pokemon had a good game though...
No one cares. Waiting for more content
I think I did that for almost two weeks. You need to hone your inner game better.
different times of the day
I was playing another game. I'll hop in within a few days. I gotta prep to do raids.
You'll find specific people playing together sometimes. Make a mailbox and I'll shitpost in it or drop stuff
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when will i be able to afford another base?
I want Quivern to sit on me
Lv 10 I think?
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>tfw forgot to bring green balls
i see, thanks
Let it rest
Or move to /vm/

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