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Happy birthday to Sussurro!

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Hi, that was me.
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>people tell me Kal's my daughter
>fap harder
My soulmate...
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>complaining about the first artbook being barebones as fuck
Just looked up a video of the first artbook. It's not that bad but I don't know what the original price was. There's a lot of unnecessary white space so maybe that's it.
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>just realized oripathy is inspired by nuclear hostile art
>fits oripathys concept too
My 2 cute daughters..
it is nice to see you again
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I predict getting every character tomorrow in about 50 rolls.
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That was me too. Some guy posted a centaur nearl recently and I remembered it since monmusu manga was going strong back then
I predict at least 2 people getting Blemished tomorrow and needing 120 pulls
I wonder how many of these demands were actually listened to in the long run or were coincidences. Some did come true regardless like nyodules, Ch'oom's E2 art, IS, and we know they took the art book feedback seriously at least.
>but also it was the lack of meta units.
kal, gladiia and skadi2 released all on the same event not that long before it
metakeks were wanking themselves to death over ash 2 events prior
this was the era where saga was also somewhat tier T1-2 due to trivializing the cancer tumors from r6
also ch'en2 was literally meta and the reason they were crying, making this entire argument fucking nonsense
that was unironically the most unique event in the game so far aside from IS1 tho
it also gave us THE most dangerous enemy in the game and IIRC to date the only one that has true damage DR
also why the fuck does the site think c h e n without the ' is spam
Here's a memento.
if I can get every character in 10 pulls I might have enough for mumu
How does the banner work tomorrow? is it random or is it like how the old R6 banner was where you got the next op on a guarantee in a row?
An eye for an eye
A cheek for a cheek
Same, when she shows up in chapter 1, she totally looks like she has a horse body,
But actually, I think I was influenced by anime.
If the Choom “controversy” was actually a big deal, they wouldn’t have created Walter in her current form.
I'm sorry, was i too fast for you?
I wonder if the new Aceship fork will ever update the broken/missing audio
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What operators do you usually choose for each starting team in IS modes?
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Good luck on your pulls tomorrow
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>1. No more summer limited banner.
>2. Promise no more producing alter characters in a lighthearted way.
>3. Decreasing the 300 guarantee limit until 120.
>4. Cancel this limited banner and change it to Mizuki single banner.
Gay and Ignored
>5. Change holiday Ch'en's E2 art.
>6. Update ALL the old character arts in-game, i.e. Theresa's.
They did update art with HD versions
>7. Explain why Amiya's "Planter" skin and Eureka (the spokeswoman for this event) has G-Dragon's "PEACEMINUSONE" on them
>8. Demand Wei@W to explain the issues concerning the in-game character arts and the recently published art book.
>9. Readjust the contents in the RMB 198 package
>10. Explain why the pink doggo has been delayed all the time
Ignored, but was obviously because of the Thorns incident
>11. Promise that the new module system is F2P.
Ignored? HG didn't sell module bundles until after years of complaints
>12. Do proofreading to ALL the previous story dialogues and wordings
Some stuff did get censored, but mistakes still make it in a bunch lmao
>13. Stop releasing event reruns in one shot.
>14. Give a maximum deadline for releasing each new main story arc and speed up the process.
>15. Explain that will there be new roguelike events and will they be permanent.
Was already in the works, corners were probably cut on Phantom's event to rush it out by NL though.
It wasn't, just vocal complainers. HG mostly ignored it and nothing changed besides her art.
didn't read
cute leizi
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Whoa that's fucking cool. Had no idea hostile architecture was a thing till now.
>that was unironically the most unique event in the game so far aside from IS1 tho
Yeah and it was shit and was recepted as such. SSS is pretty unique too, doesn't make it good.
No, I'm pretty sure someone at HG has a fetish for scabs or crystallisation or some subset of corruption or something. It's kinda weird to go from "structure built to warn people about nuclear waste sites" to "magical cancer stigmata on your face"
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Half of the list was literal schizo nonsense.
1 was ignored obviously.
2 is also ignored.
3 was also ignored until like 2 years later when they slightly reduced the spark and only for very old limiteds.
4 was ignored.
5 was done.
6 was ignored unless you count theresa being released as an op.
I have no fucking idea what was 7.
8 the artbook was considered and taken into consideration.
9 dunnoi.
10 was ignored until she released.
11 was always fearmongering.
No clue about 12 but that was when most CNfags outed themselves as proud skipkeks so who knows.
13 was fixed by thorns iirc.
14 was somewhat fixed but they were still slow.
15 is funny because iirc IS2 was announced and advertised as permanent literally the same stream choom was announced.
>Now we left beaches and went to Egypt with no alter and more serious subject matter.
>more serious subject matter.
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u 2 Anon
mating press
You know, it does bring me some sardonic joy that CN also, somehow, has proofreading errors and it isn't exclusively a Yostar thing.
We probably get it way worse though.
Reizi Reizi I love you Reizi!
So what do Loopshooters do?
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a big goober
her token is super cute
I choose random start every time. Generally I'll choose someone like Horn, Archetto or Dagda to start off with, other options generally include Specter, Bena, Quercus or Goldenglow all depending on what 4* and tickets I get.
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Astegenne and Astesia being born a year apart was funny as fuck, but unironically it's just part of sifting through miles of text.
Can only attack once their projectile returns to them. Faster attacks the closer the enemy is because there's less travel time.
They don't scale with attack speed which also means they don't get dumpstered by attack speed down risks and the like.
If you can block something next to them, they shoot very fast

Also neat decel binder range on a sniper (can shoot BEHIND them woah)
>her token is super cute
post it please
They're melee snipers
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here ya go
I missed Muelsyse IS squad last month, is there a way to somehow read her story?
Just like Ela?
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Happy birthday Sussurro!
Nigga you had an entire month
They all unlock when IS finish updating or you can read them on the akg site.
Once IS4 is complete they'll all be unlocked.
I got tired of playing IS.
Yeah in a couple months when IS4 is done you'll be able to pick any of the monthly squads to do
is co-op coming back for the R6S 2 event?
last time, I remember that a lot of people had bad connection issues
but I was fine since I'm an American
will that be fixed? if we ever want a permanent multiplayer mode it will need to be fixed
I was a slacker and never finished IS3, so I'm not playing IS4 until I finish IS3
I pick random squad every time
the free premium op is too good to pass up
but in IS2 I always went with either Lava, Spot, and Archetto or GG, spot, and Kroos
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Rainbow Six> Dungeon Meshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [MASSIVE POWER GAP]>>>>>>>> Legends of Luo chinkchink>>>>>>>> Monster Hunter
I want to sleep with her...
fat snakes
Oh thats cute.
Doesn't she have some kinda reoccuring thing where her companions always end up leaving her for some reason or another?
Guess that plays into this, also cute that she is worried about giving doctor nightmares but he already gets those so...
Monster Hunter was a disaster collab.
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With pathetic tails
I missed co op because my internet was too shit to connect at the time
so my enemy pokedex is bricked unless they bring the enemies back somewhere else
>Rainbow Six>
lmao even
What about 9CD, the space thing, WWF, Destiny, and National Geographic(?)
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The snake no one cares about
True. The story in those were kino.
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lmao even
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Are we ever getting co-op again? Even a revamped version?
After chapter 14
The rainbow six collaba are the most soulful ones only rivaled by Dunmesh collab
Why do people hate the MH collab?
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Havent gotten that old co-op mode back as of yet
But there is a different one coming after ch14
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I'm going to steal Melantha's woman.
Yes and sportsball pvp
>Bland monster choice with no costumes
>Extremely shitty story that made Yato kinda bitchy
>Yato impacted the meta super hard
>Not even efficient to farm
Please rerun Kirin Yato
Siege la liberada and Allerdale negra
Would you roll?
Looks like they're going to play some co-op with the poor Doctor
oh shit sweet. Did anyone watch the chinks play it yet? Is it good enough to eventually become a permanent mode?
Yes but only for Allerdale
All collabs are equally trash
>Not even efficient to farm
Classic Monhun experience.
I love that part.
These things happen
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>Allerdale negra
100% the welfare, but I would roll for Siege.
Its... interesting?
Dunno if i would personally say its good.
Doubt it will be permanent.
God forbid a female be meta
>Bland monster choice with no costumes
Wrong, post invalidated. The Terra Research Kots got a costume.
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who said
Well it was more meta in the exact same roll another hyper meta op was just released in less than 5 months ago while being hyper limited.
I think the problem is that she's a super-limited which may never rerun no da. Not that she's female.
For me it's the fact they were too cowardly to make the kots a 5*
I'd even take a 4*
why the fuck did they think people would be excited for a 1*
When the fuck are they going to announce a new story chapter anyways?
Not enough, or any, skins of operators wearing monster armor
Just a bunch of yukatas
>no monster girls
>took space of a collab that could have had new female collab ops
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I always really liked Yato's redrawn sprite, she looks hot as hell
Has nothing to do with Yato's vagina and more so her being an ultra limited and an alt that nobody wanted for her.
The cafeteria did wonders for her legs
Trailer with half-anni
This is from the perspective of someone who played MH. When people think Monster Hunter, they think of the monster selection first. Then the weapon skillsets and armor. Then the hunter. Somewhere in between there are the npcs for coom.

Monster selection was sparse. Rathalos is a flagship monster but should have added more. No weapon and armor skins for other ops that emulate the gameplay of MH. Like a hammer operator doing the classic knockout golfswing animation. Basically, they could have done much more.
Well, we do need more yukatas. As well as slutty miko and kunoichi outfits.
No mask so it's shit and soulless
They gave her an edgy form, id say the chances of her being a 6* aren't low.
People wanted Gijinkas
Yeah, 6* welfare
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Actually, the Kirin R armorset comes with Divine Blessing, which mitigates minor damage taken. Since Yato's eyesight gets damaged from the sun, it prevents that completely, therefore making her able to go without the mask.
They just turned Yato into a slut, that's not sovl at all.
The hell class would Allerdale even be
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It's hilarious how big the guy who was making Gijinka's for the event's account has gotten.
why not?
is there any way to get the green and white Amiya skin?
I like the green arts
I think it was supposed to be for yet another "save the grass" group collabs that happened a while ago in CN
I don't remember it ever appearing on global, but if it did then I probably missed it somehow
Probably a marksmen
Siege has an edgelord form? Did she finally use the sword?
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The people demanded Odagaron.
Duelist. She summons a smaller, modernized Steam Knight to wear (has an extremely edgy design).
Those people are delusional if they think that'd happen.
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They couldn't even give us 1 monster turned human form.
it was allerdale that came back as an edgelord
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Yeah, she can use the sword now.
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I just started using Arturia in Shu's event to kill the mosquitos and damn is she good.
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>the space thing
what space thing? haha..
Oh you mean the skin that came with the vol 1 artbook?
Will future collabs continue giving us anime/manga characters or was Dungeon Meshi an outlier and we're heading back to western ubislop?
Neither, Romance of Three Kingdoms is next
It's wild how some artists draw armpit creases like actual vaginas
Goblin Slayer collab starring your wife as the Fighter girl
>we'll never get this
>we'll never get the home screen that comes with the lorebook
how do I keep going bros...
And Ascalon has a wristblade but they Viviana'd her playable incarnation
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Her application to the popular snake club has been de-nine-d
Ask again in 2025.
O wise White Wolf of Victoria, when will your skin rerun?
>And Ascalon has a wristblade but they Viviana'd her playable incarnation
They buffed her while placing her in a less shit class?
Have we really gotten that many western collabs? Feels like most of the IPs we've collabed with are eastern.
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>I hear you guys have an elf problem
>I can handle that if you collab with us
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Spending some time in other generals helped me truly appreciate this place, we have it easy with the schizos
>And Ascalon has a wristblade but they Viviana'd her playable incarnation
More like Choom'd her. Fighter Assclown would be nowhere near as cool.
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...I don't get this one.
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it came with an art book?
the skin literally says planter on it so I thought it was for a save the earth collab like Purestream was
if I buy an artbook now can I still get the skin?
What is my wife is mountain
Huge rape goblin 6* true limited soon
one westoid IP is too many
You would have to buy it from the official yostar online store and i dont think they have restocked that book since it was initially sold.
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I called her being ambusher back during chapter 11
What kind of game or other medias would lowlight like to collab with?
He's a big fan of Final Fantasy XIV
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Destiny, FFXIV, and Minecraft
this shit again?
I dunno
BaraGODs feasting
He has quite a shit taste
yeah, the people here can't complain about the people complaining
who did you betray us with bwo
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I'm surprised we don't have an XIV one yet. R6S and MH are also games lowlight likes alongside XIV.
Guess FF are too protective of their branding, they don't really collab with anything besides their own games, cafes and merch.
Getting shot in the balls is way worse than getting kicked in the balls, this however does not mean that getting kicked in the balls is something pleasant, it's just the lesser of two bad things. akg is an example of a lesser bad thing, we might not be as bad as some other people, but very much are still shit and deserve no credit
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Expect it to happen a lot this month because R6 slop satisfies no one aside from getting meta ops so they need to fill that hole with dreams.
He also loves command and conquer
The stigma comes from HG's original plan to collab with Destiny 2. Even though that collab is dead, it still shows HG's willingness to open the doors to western stuff.
I would not be shocked if we suddenly see an Apex Legends collab or a nu Tomb Raider collab.
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Buff Rosmontis.
>aside from getting meta ops
that will be obsoleted within a month no less
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force
>this however does not mean that getting kicked in the balls is something pleasant
Next collab is with a wuxia franchise and he'll pick one that you guys suggest. Source: Lowlight is my uncle.
I spent a few weeks in gfg when I was trying out Exilium on the CN server and now I spent a month in zzz. The former was pretty chill but at least 4 times slower, the latter is a complete fucking cesspool.
That crazy puppet theatre wuxia thing that's been going on for years.
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Good morning.
based, thunderbolt fantasy collab would be kino
>Apex Legends collab
We've already had it
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Tales of Berseria, at least according to his pixiv bookmarks
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Nya'll nyaggas nyeed to take the chill pyill.
Why does sussurro keep hanging out with little kids
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Yeah everyone borrowing that meta op Ash all the time oh wait
Can't collab with Taiwan
This would be the worst collab to have. We revive them from EoS back into the gacha space and now we have kotposters here indefinitely
We've only really had 4 full event collabs, 2 R6S ones, MH and now DM.
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I was just about to post that question. You'd think she'd get bored of hanging with 12 year olds, especially since she's like in her early 20's or something like that.
She's their babysitter.
My wife wouldn't job to fucking goblins
Isn't Thunderbolt Fantasy a chinese show made in China? Surely there's no problem with that.
Next collab is Wukong
CaoCao Doctor skin for the base
Zhuge Liang Kaltsit
Lu Bu Amiya

Diao Chan skin for the coomerbros
You sound like a guy whose wife would totally job to goblins.
It would be very fucking sad if you were a grown ass adult and the only people you hang out with are preschoolers
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well she's setting a terrible example.
Nope, the writer is Japanese but the puppet makers are Taiwanese and even a bit nationalistic iirc
>Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Seekers is a Japanese-Taiwanese glove puppetry television series created and written by Gen Urobuchi
1 second on google
>and now DM
Darknights Memoir was a collab?! With who, GFL?
We have a race of slime people (or one slime person with multiple bodies). I need a playable Damazti.
Doctors status as the only monkey...
MajSoul collab when?
My wife would do the raping, wdym
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I've been spending too much time on /int/ and not enough on /akg/. Haven't skipped a single login though. Has anyone here broken their streak since account creation?
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*ahem*, this is what it would be
Finally, a pig operator besides the LGD's
Hmm this doctor has a thing for siracusan girls
Don't set your wife up for instant loss scenario
I've never actually seen art of her hanging out with ONLY people her age or older that aren't Doc.
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IT WAS NYEVER IN NYEOS IN JYAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, not even when i deployed.
What’s our verdict on marcille?
Yeah I miss days when work is busy
It's not a race actually. It's a unique individual.
My wife jobbed to goblins
Really? I considered joining the Army once but I heard that they take your phone away during the first week of basic. I unironically considered the ramifications of that for my gacha addic- habit.
Please keep your weird fantasys to yourself
Those goblins? All me
My wife raped goblins
Most I've ever missed is a weekly annihilation back in like 2021 due to being in the hospital. Still managed to log in every day but simply wasn't awake enough to auto-deploy 20-minute annis that week.
your wife got gobbed? Sad! now post your wife.
I should draw her hanging out with the other young adult Medics one of these days.
R6 event mechanics
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Yes your phone is taked away during basic/boot for the entirety of its duration
But then again it could've changes since 2016 when i went through
usually just a day out of the week
>no pc and no phone
yeah, I'd die
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Nice. Draw her hanging with Honeyberry or something. That'd be cute.
newbro here, is there a way to get Tachanka with the new R6 event or nah?
Suzu has a lot of bad role models around her
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>taked away
>could've changes
Jesus christ did i have a stroke?
Been playing for almost three years now, never missed a day.

The original R6 banner and event will rerun after R6-2 is over.
Oh, so there was no Arknights when you went through basic but you deployed after it was out? That's a military career of at least 4 years (It released in 2020 for global iirc), you still in or did you retire?
Fair enough. Old Anni sounds like such a chore, specially making sure it doesn't desync. Did they also have the permanent Annis back then or was it all on rotation?
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Mumubro, actually. How does she do it? Water clones.
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Sona feet
You smell.
oh that's good to know, thanks!
thoughts on the new kroos skin?
Why do you keep posting feet of your not wife, you cheating bastard?
Rotating, I think it was this one: https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Flooded_Seashore
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You could just be sleepy. Personally I make all sorts of retarded mistakes when it's almost time to sleep. Why, I almost just wrote "mistkaes" as a matter of fact.
I find the thought that you might have used the money you got from Uncle Sam to buy rolls for a chink gacha very funny. Thank you for your service o7
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Been in for 8 years and running
Probably gonna shoot for 20-30 depending on career progression and high year tenure
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I have severe OCD and ever since getting hooked on gacha games one of my greatest fears is getting in an accident or other situation that keeps me from accessing my phone for a whole day and ruining my log-in streaks.
How horrifying. I'm happy enough just spending my PRTS tickets on the Lungmen stage every Monday.
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Wyell thyets fine for lupotards.
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Look doctor is short but i dont know if i would call him a goblin...
retarded kotposter
Jesus Christ. Life must be like a prison for you.
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Kots are the smartest on Terra.
Kots run this shit.
So long as the pay is good. Military has always been my go to emergency plan but these days it's probably law enforcement.
Accidents? Think bigger. I unironically put /akg/ on my will. If I die, you'll all know.
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>I unironically put /akg/ on my will. If I die, you'll all know.
Based if true. What do we get when you croak?
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>I have severe OCD and ever since getting hooked on gacha games one of my greatest fears is getting in an accident or other situation that keeps me from accessing my phone for a whole day and ruining my log-in streaks.

It can be worse.
I check my friend list every single day.
If anyone hasn't log in for 24h I remove them.
Make a mistake ONCE and you'll be removed.
I'm watching you.
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A picture of my death certificate and a short message saying "Dr.M is fucking dead". Basically what Paul Harrell just did in his channel. I'm young and don't plan on dying anytime soon though, maybe if the isekai truck takes me away.
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Im actually the Shawfag
Was just posting Doberman because her background is military related, though i guess i could've also posted DurNar (she should get a BoC skin like Doberman)
Also Doberman is a Perro

Not that im saying you should join the military but if thats the case just do law enforcement in the military or something easier, get your bachelors done on the militarys dime then seperate after 4 years.
They will entirely cover your degree as long as you are passing your classes.
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You've probably already removed me. I've noticed around 2-3 anons who removed me but still post here, even though I login 99.9% of the time...
>implying that lupofags don't play the game
>when 2 lupofags consistently posted their clears every single cc for like 2 years now
If you want to be a schizo then at least be right
I can handle this Donke
Oh is this guy still commissioning stuff?
I learn to live with it, on the other hand I'm very good about prepping for new ops I want to build and cycling my base.
That's pretty hilarious honestly. I hope you have good supports to make it worth the honor.
Doctor is stupid.
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I actually don't check my friend list every day but I like how insecure you've become, dumbasses.
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I don't know, these ones are old.
sometimes i remove one or two people at random just to fuck with them
I have like 20 doctors who haven't logged in for months. Some even years. I'm still waiting for them.
The El Gran Silencio incident changed us all... I made a complete list of all my friends in case it happens again
A Siegefag removed me once years ago. I cursed him and his wife.
>actually the Shawfag
i thought you were a glowie
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All of my friends are from /akg/, and soon I will add 50 more /akg/ friends.
god damn. Honestly that's a pretty fun idea. You should include an Arknights-themed ARG with the reward being access to your account and all your Arknights porn uploaded to the cloud.
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>Not that im saying you should join the military but if thats the case just do law enforcement in the military or something easier, get your bachelors done on the militarys dime then seperate after 4 years.
About that. I'm only half american and universities are free where I live. I plan on finishing my degree here and either becoming a cop here or joining the military there (Already talked to a recruiter and he said my dual citizenship should pose no issue)... but only if everything goes south. But on the topic of Arknights and militaries, I should buy Dobermann's skin. She's just a base slave but whatever, it looks cool.
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FL expansion soon, gotta add more thread stinkies....
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Same, I have notes on all my friends noting that they are "akg".
Amiya sex?
It was meh
Now there's an interesting idea I never considered. Not sure if giving away my email would be a good idea but what do I care if I'm dead. My only fear is a poojeet trying to scam others with my name.
I let my date slip into 2 days ago a few times, so either you didn't catch me or you're not in my FL. I won.
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E-excuse me Doctor?!
[Post complaining about how much Amiya gets sexposted]
I didn't hear a no
Hmm, yes, I would like to sex Amiya
When's the update dropping? I need MORE SLOTS for MORE PIPIS AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
[Post complaining there isn't enough Amiya sexposting]
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Amiya fucking sucks.
Stupid ass Donkey bitch.
Unless jeets take over the world by then, I doubt any would put in the effort to solve an ARG just to pull email scams. Only a dedicated and autistic /akg/ anon would be able to prove themselves the rightful heir to your decked out account.
I only have sex with my wife... no one else.
The Doctor
I have unsafe sex with my wife...
She was hot but she deserved her death.
Who the fuck are you? More importantly, who the fuck are you to talk shit about my daughter?
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>tfw 81 tickets saved up
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What a fag
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FL expansion soon, 50 more chances to add thread cuties!!!
Honse needs a khaganquest and soon
That's a lot of rape.
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Oh yeah the skin is great, wish DurNar would get something similar since she also has a military background.
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It's essentially free ela
With the free rolls
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It's ironic.
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Blaze love!
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Where's the milk?
I'm gonna grab your fat nipples with my entire hand and twist them
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The creature...
I wish Dur-Nar would get any content in general. Who knows, Courier got to appear in Kjeragtent and Gavial got an entire limited alter. One day it'll be Dur-Nar's turn.
Isnt she not particularly interested in that as of right now?
Im more concerned about her gaining a fixation on something related to the doctor and not letting herself or him get sleep for a week.
With Zuo Le? Yes
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The latter is just /gig/ which in turn is also /hig/
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You wouldn't abandon your jerb for a human, would you?
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I massage my wife's feet after missions sometimes.
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Dat ass
I am married to my wife for political reasons...
Amiya is your daughter?
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Ice cream or sex
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Arturia wouldn't. She'd just send you straight to eternal suffering or eternal bliss with music, 50/50.
a footjob
It's the bare minimum for loving your wife
You're a doctor why aren't you taking your medication. Stop hallucinating about wives, you're single
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Reminds me of this set
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I will lick her feet through the stockings first then tear one and lick her bare foot ti compare the taste!!!!!!!!!
I miss my wife
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Look at my wife
your wife is your daughter
Ok Doc, time out. Take some Sanity Concentrate, you clearly need it.
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This world... is an illusion, Kalstit...
I do not love my wife. But I married her because she loves me, and I do not want to hurt her.
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What are those
I thought she was a bird
I don't love my wife enough....
I do hope they won’t banish this design in a shadow realm
High waist skirt would fit adult 20-19 year Amiya
I am my own wife.
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Wait for the next timeskip.
You will get 21 year old amiya.
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I'm your wife.
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Are you awake? Or still in a dream?
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>adult 20-19 year Amiya
She's getting so old. Where did my little girl go....
My wife and I are in a loveless marriage
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Those are her wings, why of course. You thought our little Inquisitor would stay a kid forever? She's growing on all places! Except, you know...
the bigger the wings to best embrace you with my dear
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I am the wife of the anon below.
Is this a discord game or something? What's with all these unfunny baiting shitposts?
Irene's longer wings make me want to mate with her
Cheeto stocks going up
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Archetto is sweet
Wonder if we will ever get to actually visit the monastery with her
You have a shitty husband...
Isn't this the secret queen
Oops spoilers
Iberian bikini armor on an underdeveloped Irene, you say...
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Hello newfag. First time here?
The hell's an Arkrim?
Just as nature intended
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anyone still have the link for this comic?
i think it was a bili link.

alternatively anyone have it translated?
Imagine the kind of losers that fall for the guy who falls off a burden beast
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love that bun
Post more scantily clad operators
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Sure hope Irene spooks me soon so I have a reason to get that skin. Though right now I'm more interested in Mooseless skin, Mooseless skin doko?
I think its cute...
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I hope moose skin doesn't have noodle hair again..
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Huh, her ponytail never really bothered me.
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Bird and shark are my favorite pair
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>that feel when you unleash months of rolling tomarrow in a few seconds
It just feels a bit out of place with the hood up. It'd look normal if she had no hood
Moos skin will have loose hair just like the next Exu skin will have long hair. Surely.
Man, Babel event was really short compared most modern big events
I wanted to see more traveling with Amiya and it’s the only event which would benefit from being longer
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>"Dr.M is fucking dead".
I have three Dr. M's on my list that all came from /akg/. Is your assistant ReedAlt, Mudrock, or Mr. Nothing?
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Darkblade bikini armor!
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Her outfit is already a bit overdesigned to the point where I can see her sliding her ponytail into the hood or zipping it around her hair every morning.
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Whenever I want the permanent 6* Operator on a limited banner, I get the limited Operator. Whenever I want the new limited Operator, I get the permanent Operator. I got lucky once and pulled Kal'tsit after pulling Skadiva on their debut banner. That hasn't happened again.
No translation and no bili link, but the original artist also uploaded it to a bunch of Korean sites.
Google Translate seems to work well enough. Crop related is Amiya asking Doctor if he prefers sons or daughters.
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None of those. Got place for a 4th Dr.M or are we waiting for the 100 friend slot update? Also the will does specify which Dr.M I am.
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God look how flat that is
is this font like chink comic sans? it's so goofy looking
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So you're telling me Irene's sex appeal is directly proportional to her wings' length?
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God I am so erect from her erotic flat chest
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That or you're attracted to the body of a boy >>493212034
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...what? hell no! I love my wife, I would never marry for political gain or money, only love. Also, she hates politics.
Now, by family rules and the laws of the land, I am considered a part of the Silverash family through my marriage, especially by SilverAsh, who requests my assistance in several legal and political matters regularly... which I partake in and properly fulfill my familial duties. That is all.
Looks like a male chest
Isn't that just a picture of ulpian? same white hair too
We've been doing this, for as far as I can remember, since last year
Shut it, she's just a late grower.
>Got place for a 4th Dr.M
Just purged three quitters recently so I've got a slot, yeah.
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god thats the good shit
He has bigger tits though….
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where... did you get this inappropriate image of Hilda?
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Cute cat
uh huh
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For me its Ratatos Browntail
It's all going to her headwings...
>tfw I should've built this setup sideways

>tfw also a Dr. M
It's appropriate though?
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Nyosmontis should be the nyain character nyof nyarknights.

Nyand she shyould be byuffed.
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A fine choice brother
I hope your wife becomes playable one day.
Gonna go purge a quitter of my own, then. Gimme a sec.
Hey, only 26 letters in the alphabet.
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I would like to sex the cheeto inside of a church
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Being doc is tough
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My 3 husbands
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Arknights Skyrim
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I love my Montis daughter
Wonder how many will build this useless chain medic. I am
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You just can't see her...
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I honestly would max pot her even if HG made her an absolute jobber of a unit
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She is now the second kot medic that I want to own and build simply because she is cute.
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>Two stopped on 19/6
>Another stopped on 28/5
Damn shame. I only purged one of them for now but if anyone else has a slot gimme a holler.
There ya go.
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in ra2 what raid is after the punch gundam again? the one after the half disk on crab island
>he didn't use the screenshot function for the profile and instead posted his ID
oh no no no no no
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It is incredible, shows off her cute feet and tummy and I love it
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Happy birthday to only non-jobber nyelite nyoperator
I will proceed to judge that Doctor's dorms.
I've posted it many times before, actually.
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I am already your friend actually.
>he's cooming to choomchetto
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Good taste. I hope she becomes an op too, honestly all the Kjerag ops should be ops and I would love that.
>Dies for no reason
Smooching logos on the cheek, in front of his all community banshee moms.
All our elites are jobbers
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>There ya go.
Cool man, and very nice maxed Sona. Wait, are you also the guy who posts her feet every day?
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I'm glad Leizi's sworn nephew became playable, even if I'm too dumb to use his archetype properly.
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According to the wiki it's Sailraider, hovering guy
okay these coomalicious Cheetos are too powerful
The feetposter is a Kroosfag
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Hm, out of my /akg/ fishfriends I have
>Dr.G (Forma non gato)
>Dr.M (Forma non me)
Whichever could you be?
>Wait, are you also the guy who posts her feet every day?
God no. I spoke against it once. Only once. Then I looked it up and noticed that feetposter has actually been here longer than me. He is a menace, unstoppable.
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It would be nice just to get kjerag characters that arent primarily silverash household ops
But yeah love Ratatos quite a bit, just hope with HG seemingly handing leadership of the Browntail clan to Sciurus that frees up ratatos to be an operator
Next time we visit Sciurus should've had her kid already im gonna assume
I'm glad Leizi exists
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You want to breed cheeto
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I'm right here
Is the great wingbeast the only No Man's Land worth running post-quests?
All the others seem to give materials that you can easily get elsewhere.
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Yeah a bit
But i would certainly marry her first
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You should post her feet next time. Don't cheat on her.
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The man himself!
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I see. I'm not sure how often I send you clues, I should send more clues to more friends more often. I'd send you one, but all I have is this 2 and I only send stuff people need.
Its cool, I lost track of my clue debts years ago.
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*smooching press*
I've ignored my reception for years and never thought about going back to it. It really is so much comfier not having to deal with it..
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I'm not old or stinky enough to consider that just yet
I would a catbird
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Well I'm off to sleep. Got some shitty test at 10AM, I wish my teacher would just let me do it online instead considering his tests are literally printed screenshots of a Google Form. Good night /akg/.
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Same. It's not like I'm dying for sugar substitute or whatever you'd buy with those credits
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Goodnight, sleep well
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nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks nyodule blocks
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gn bwo. Good luck with that test.
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But I only have the one picture... there is a tragically low amount of Kroos feet out there
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Cheeto stocks have mooned.
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I guess we're posting catbirds now
So many piercings...
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She looks like she's from 90s anime.
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cute girl
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Both hands on top of your desk, Doctor.
... where's the pun?
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I could get behind that.
This artist is doing gods work
I just need Ulpianus to complete the Abyssal Hunters set. Thankfully he's not limited so if necessary I can buy him.
>wake up to a bunch of Archetto posting
Today will be a good day. Although most pictures really don't attenuate one of her charm points: 152cm. Imagine.
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Oyasumi, collegeanon.
Not like that matters since you're posting the same picture every thread anyway
Same, i'm anticipating the event quite strongly.
We were wrong about Cheeto, we love Cheeto.
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There's no pun.
I just forgot to change the image.
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>152cm. Imagine.
I do, a lot.
You don't love Cheeto. You just love her bimbofied body in skimpy clothing.
Enough to make a man feel crazy. Perhaps even maniacal.
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I remember you and you are me.
We were wrong about bimbos, we love bimbos.
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It's just one earring with clips that go around the ear, I've been told
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Stop... question marking images you post, it confuses me when I can't see what they are.
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I forgive you
Should I skip Ela for Wisadel?
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I'm still hoping for a Dobermann alter who grants a buff to 4-stars or the alters of 3-stars
If you memelist stick to asks
Shame that she gets so much art with extra proportions. My favorite is by far is the full picture of >>493214298
really awakens the RyanGosling.png
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More... I need more non-bimbo 152cm Cheeto.... MORE....
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Smooching press
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Enough of your tricks.
Red, KILL.
Bro, that's a honse
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Where funny?
Ignoring cheeto. What operators SHOULD we bimbo-fy?
without looking it up can any of you tell me what's the CM condition of 1-7?
Happy birthday Logos
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oh yeah. It was next to a couple other Cheeto pics and I didn't look carefully.
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>It's nearing 7AM
>I have to be in at work in an hour
>I haven't slept yet
>I've been playing IS all night
>Only just now starting to feel tired
It's over for me.
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Slower DP generation, I think?
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if you're rolling tomorrow don't forget that the guard/spec map is open today and doesn't return until saturday, don't want to see you crying about not having enough chips
Accept my friend request, Sonafag
Tits 1000 sizes too big
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Yeah it's ___________ligma balls___________
who the fuck doesnt have enough chips after the fucking FAT ra2 chip drops?
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Explain further.
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Thank you
white dogtor...
L-lisa got so b-big! !!
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Another daughter lost to bimbofication....
Retards here pushed “RA2 has shit rewards” meme for a year
Would not be surprised if some of you fell for it
i see the amogus
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Stop grooming them to be like that then
You can get shards from Troubador, but Troubador is a bit of a pain in non-typhoon season.
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Hi also me, in reality it's just because Nearl has a dumpy
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I almost guessed lower starting DP, glad I got it right
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Sleep is more important than playing a permanent game mode, anon.
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Is Grani an exhibitionist?
anyother quiz, dont look it up
what damage type does lapp do on s1?
Are we talking about when she's attacking?
...has been destroyed.
She's a racing mare. The pants are steam vents.
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You tell me
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Grani.. Skadi... Cheeto... yep, sovl.
Somehow those eyes look utterly fucking deranged.
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Stinky bunny pheromones…
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Reminder there's a proper aceship fork now if you need to use it
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Behold a magic trick, I shall make a nyarturia appear!
Full nelson
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>he wants to trigger the desire sensor
No thanks
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Who eats with their gloves on?
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Rhodes cafeteria is important for growing children
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a lot of people do
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Your mom, and then you Mousse
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cute... sovlful... classic Arknights energy.
Operators for lovey dovey, eyes locked, handholding missionary?
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Thoughts on Platato?
Wtf that's actually unhygenic. You're not going to wash them before a meal.
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>owlGOD doesn't sleep
based and IC
Holy shit… I kneel…
The same ones that are for hair-pulling ass-spanking throat-grabbing sex
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Calm down, Weedy
Susie, she already has a stripper's last name.
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No thoughts
Head Tina
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You're... a Mumubro.
>There is a chance my account is archetto'd or moose'd tomorrow
Every new banner scares me
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What's her secret?
A body count in the hundreds
(She has killed thousands)
literal weaponized autism aura
Is it really a secret if everybody knows it?
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her bimbofication happened a long time ago.
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talulah is more impressive
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I hope you get smoosed.
I smooch this creature
Robin is next on the list then.
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that's not even close to what the ursus did to themselves
ESL taste
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>not wanting this
Manifesting multiple meese upon ye
Robin is a good girl
Do not
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>tfw Mooseless
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I wanna love this brat so much...
Jellyfish love
if she is such a good girl you are gonna accept her application to join your bodyguard team then right?
she would be what, the 5th member?
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Robin is doomed
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>ESL taste
Yeah, I would think the Higashis love her.
So what did we learn today?
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Psst psst kitty kitty kitty.
I learned that there's actually a bunch of people on NGA EoS posters are actual NPCs
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NGA has EoSposters?
Man its fucked up that Saileach is pronounced Cy-Lock
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She killed millions...
I didn't realize that 6* Jessica is slightly taller than 4* Jessica. I thought she was just old enough that she was done growing taller, but I guess I was wrong.
Too late she's just gone up two cup sizes.
It's literally 1 million, you second draft cunt.
Yeah, but did you count these? *splurt*
It's not like Say-Leech sounds better.
All nutrients went to her massive tits
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How are you lads on mats for the event? I'm low on reds/chips... wish that stage was open today.
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I'm doing pretty good. Think I had to hit 120 for Ash last time.
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That may be for other unspecified reasons potentially related to a few nights of rhodesflix and chill we may have had in my office.
Just a bunch of posters that endlessly talk about games declines wherever they can. There's a 19 page thread talking about dwindling fanworks because HG doesn't pay artists to make stuff enough and the Endfield doomer thread has a guy claiming Choom perminantly lowered arknights potential earnings.
I spent the last couple weeks farming chips so I'm probably good for a few months but I need red certs real bad.
From you? Some 2.5 half thousand.
Actually closer to 7k, but some of tham are missing chromosomes.
I have a pocket shark against your curses
>63 OP
That’s not EoS posting nor they are wrong.
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holy shit i love this
How is "game/community dying" not EoS posting? same thing.
sure thing dude
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I... spent it all on cute outfits. They got me.
Sales declining won’t eos gacha, gfl survives on pennies
You mean it's not Loff-Shiny?
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I haven't been low on red certs since forever . 6* red cert operator when, Hypegryph?
Amiya would be the one on top
People are feel free to express dissatisfaction
Sorry that normal humans don’t like fellating companies and every awful decision they make.
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Phantom gods
Extra large cup
Large Cup
Mid Cup
They are factually wrong. Arknights is bigger than it's ever been. In the top 20 of every single revenue chart.
Not to mention, Arknights could live on monthly pass subs alone.
Give me... just 500 of your red certs bro.
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yeah you are probably right...
I probably would, if I could.
Sorry, bro.
>factually wrong
Who are you even trying to gaslit here?
IC and canon
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...thank you bro. *sniffle*
>Ranks utility characters high because they're utility
>le epik double gaslight
Sorry but numbers don't lie
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Strong bunny
And I’ve seen those numbers
Go and gaslight someone oblivious, won’t work here when people spam charts every month and know that you’re full of shit
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I wanna fuck both these sheep at the same time
Retard, you're lying through you're teeth about something easily verifiable.
I pulled Moose when I wanted Arturia. I have no idea how to use Moose yet, but at least she's pretty and has a pleasant voice. (Her seiyuu voices Narmaya in Granblue too.)
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>bro, ak who is used to be top 2-3 gacha in china is now top 20!
Blatant propaganda/historic revisionism
She only killed a few thousands
Top 20 global, not sure about china.
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>I have no idea how to use Moose yet
A lot like Naru (dark) honestly
Arknights is funny, since it is lower than Top revenue contender gatchas so it goes unnoticed by the masses and is old enough to not be spotlight of latest fad of drama hawks that patrol gatcha space so it feels far more smaller than it is. Arknights being just under the top cut in comiket and art department, but does not feel like it. Maybe it is just global that rest on the niche territory, but all in all game must be popular enough to support so many fan works.
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It will be the other way around and you know it
It's still in the top 5 or 7, but Naruto and Mhy's expanding shitpile is edging it out.
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Actually it was top 5 globally as well
Decline clearly happened not sure why are you pretending it didn’t
It’s an old gacha that constantly makes terrible decisions
It’s actually impressive that it’s still that high despite this
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I prefer more mature
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Thats fine
I do think she is a sweet girl either way
Elves can't rape
>he doesn’t know about seras
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an elf raped me...
We need orcs in this game, it has a several lack of them
Tell that to my uncle
I raped someone dressed as an elf
The orc is (You)
Sarkaz are orcs
as we said the other day
you will get orcs, but they will end up an all female race for some reason or another
A vampire raped me..
For me, It's dark elves.
Bro, new games always push down old games.
Your eyes are open, yet you can't see Mt.Tai. Arknights revenue is the largest it's ever been.
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I mean it was probably your fault
Vampires can't rape you.
You always consent.
Just look into their eyes.
Whatever helps you to sleep
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I got to admit, this is just a tad too many rape allegations than I am comfortable with.
Just stating facts as they are spelled out in the revenue charts, an upward line.
No, you are just making shit up to lick corporate boots, trash. Facts, my ass.
Can't tell if you mean Warf or Duq'arael.
Your words are hollow. The proof in numbers completely rejects your argument.
The numbers reject your cope, moron. Every new limited makes less money than previous, every new standard banner has fartooth tier numbers
Are you actual schizo or just fishing for (You)s? Last reply
Kirnymph? Nymphby?
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U guys were posting so hard that you woke me up from a deep sleep

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