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previous: >>493121124
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>puck is a pretty lady!
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templar assassin in bondage when?
dota really needs a deer hero
>Thread totally dead

Heh....we had some good times boys. I guess deadlock is the new game

Really thought it won't be popular
How many games are live right now you fucking retard?
>ruins deadlock
>ruins dota 2
they really want deadlock to succeed don't they?
>If I insult him it'll make it not true!
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Dota 2 is dead.
thanks for the bump
Hi dotards, I was away for a few weeks, did I miss anything?
Seven...came....killed....everyone in d2g...uauughh
shut the fuck up you fucking faggot
new hero is broken

other than that nothing much as changed, bloatdota still sucks
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9class couldnt get in denmark, so saksa is in his place
you missed the worst series of bugs ever in dota history, the midas incident
deadlock killed dota
smurfs are back
cheaters still going strong
you mean sven
thats a cool jugg set.
this isn't Sven
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Surely they fixed the midas bug by now, right?
someone tell me if the international is good this year
half of my games can't even draft a proper line-up any more, what the fuck is going on
School year started.
>new hero is a skillshot hero

dotabowl dad players rejoining the fray since the tournament has started
Why do they call him seven?
Is he Costanzas son?
Very awkward to watch TI when the games are all in the middle of the night for me but catching up the day after
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The teams I'm rooting for are doing great in groups
i think that guy is the coolest Deadlock hero
Remember dotards. It's just a game, relax, and have fun.
>gets your forced 50 game with 2 account buyers on your team vs 2 obvious smurfs
Dunno this format combined with the price pool being shit and there being absolutely no advertising or hype for this TI makes it hard to care about.
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Haze should have a swastika on her forehead.
this unfortunately >>493224645
The meta is just shit too. I don't enjoy watching the weird supports and the int carries
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Icefrog moved on. Maybe it's time to move on too.
Sucks that dota has to die after the fucking facets patch because that completely broke Ability Draft and Ability Draft is the only gamemode I cared about.
Why couldn't the game die sooner?
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Why is nobody playing or posting the new hero?
Are people waiting for the Aghanim sceptre to be released first before they can play him?
i sense a connection between us
ringmaster was the last hope
but he just killed the hype
reddit hero, idc icefrog is creative bankrupt and valve too busy with deadlock to make interesting mechanics
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it's brooling time
Ringmaster not being a micro hero broke the game.
If he was just released a week after announcement it would have been fine. But they waited a year to release the most bogstandard support ever. Literally just stun + nuke, save, slow + dot, and a stun nuke ult
He is so fucking boring to play. Which is a shame since design-wise it's probably the best nudota hero
did the people hate primal beast as well? he is as much of a generic brooler as the ringmaster is the generic support
If they released him sooner they would also have to release the next hero sooner or make players wait 2 years for a new hero.
The next here will be the true savior of Dota 2.
boring + boring means there are now 2 boring things
sex with hoodwink
road to ti is up
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Who the FUCK is Nattea?
Primal Brool is fun to play doe, and wasn't he just put into the game randomly when nobody expected it? That's a lot more different than almost a year of people hyping up Ringmaster.
i hate shooters but i dont want to be out of the loop with Deadlock
im just dogshit at shooters, okay???
Just play Warden
His ult is literally Leshrac, you go near the enemies and they all fucking die without you even looking at them
And he has Ancient Apparition's Q except the range is fuckhuge and you can buy a cheap item that disables all escape abilities
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consensual sex in the missionary position with ephey while being in a commited/lifelong monogamous relationship for the explicit purpose of recreation and partnership
I think the movement is more important than shooting in Deadlock, it's not like Counter Strike where you just die in 0.1 seconds if you don't one tap your opponent. Game feels more like Dota and less like shooters the more you play desu
As a dota player, you will be a god because basically all heroes are 2 or 3 dota heroes mixed together
Like Pocket has Puck's orb and phase, with Veno ult
I like how he is a non-scaling hero.
All his abilities remain as is from start to end.

Well designed support.
I have finally pinpointed why invoker feels so terrible now.
I used to basically only play him but then took a long time off of dota.
When did they change his orb summoning to be on a slight delay?
I'm doing my spell combo muscle memory and yet i'm ending up with the wrong spell because I'm invoking when the orb thats being replaced is still in my hand
it really annoys the hell out of me
Haven't had one of those since fucking Grimstroke
Can someone post the clip where CCNC scratches and sniffs his ass while playing mafia
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me and my 3 weed smoking girlfriends
>recreation instead of procreation
You were THIS CLOSE anon...
would both (NOT THE CAT)
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Are there any games worth watching tonight

>tfw no chicken hero
why even live
>players talking about deadlock during the pause of a match at TI
Holy FUCK this game is deader than shit
marci wouldn't inhale shit. just puff that shit out, no buzz
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New meta
mostly true, his daggers do % life damage which stacks really well with spirit vessel.
great fucking planning, imagine booking a hotel with proper internet.
this Sven support is so ass
do you say pyoowah or pyur or pyour
anyone remember when he said that the carry role was his 'true calling'
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How many bracers does one team need
What a goddess, I'd worship her brown pussy
Imagine having a game for 14 years and not having lan support like all their other games.
Buff all armor reduction items.
There, pushing is now easy and strength heroes get fucked.
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> lan support like all their other games.
its not standard anymore, take a look at modern games and how many of them have actual lan support.

+ there would still be pauses if the broadcast went down. tho it would still be better at least the players wouldn't lag and walk off position while waiting it to crash like last night.
god damnit I missread your message and now I look stupid. you said like their other games (assuming thats counter strike and.. uh? highly doubt deadlock has one hasn't tested tho)
i dont know how to make arc warden work.
he feels like a win lane lose game hero who falls off extremely hard late game
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I hope my wife gets picked more in the big leagues .... Or maybe not becuase then she'll just get nerfed more
Do we know for sure if the medium camps below and above the respective safe lane towers are able to be used to pull creeps?
I'm trying it now and so far testing is inconclusive. The lane creeps do not respond to the neutral creeps
The only fun part of deadlock is denies, otherwise dota is way better
why did they add fur to ivy
why cant i find anything saying when the compendium ends?
I just wanna know how hard i have to grind to get my rewards
>pick sniper
She needs buffs
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pay up piggy
no need to grind.
all i really want is the versus screen, I just wanna know if I need to max out the 12k points every week
Arteezy TA would've won the game.
wtf was that throw by noone
fuck deadlock
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and see pinned comment
is ringmaster available in captains mode
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hey its chicken guy. I've recently started looking into getting hens myself
Hey, what breed is that
Looks like a weird mix of a Pekin with a Padanova face
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Why is waifurunner so popular
people found out Whirlwind is not a meme facet
It also got buffed like 3 times because it was a meme facet. But even without it WR would be the best carry right now because lol universal
Most likely she's a silkie but with the genes for regular feathers. so like 75% silkie, 25% whatever

She's got a silkie crest and blue silkie ears.
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>stunning yourself on alch to farm stacks
This is a thing? I didn't even know the aoe affects creeps lol
3000 hp mid game and massive damage output.
Next big patch will introduce Shard choices
Each hero will have between 2 and 5 shards and you can only have one
Talent trees become actual trees with 5 vertical paths, you can only choose options on higher tiers if you have an adjacent lower tier chosen
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>no one gives a fuck about ti anymore
sure why not? you have -armor too so it deals a lot of dmg
Very cute
Group stages are always low hype, and this year they're purely for seeding purpose
Total snoozefest
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Woah does your birb just hang out with you?
I have chickens but they're backyard chickens I have for eggs
do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
exactly how i picture the players on the mic... this is 90% of ppl itt
I've never actually seen a plastic bag drifting through the wind, is it some sort of third world phenomenon?
Hoodwink is just bad rn, buffs will eventualy come
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lol quinn
Glepnir should build from atos + veil
it's very much the tumble weed of the third world
So which Deadlock hero will be added to dota, and which dota hero will be added to Deadlock when the Great Confluence happens?
I-it will happen, right?
Muerta would fit into Deadlock so easily that it almost makes me suspicious. Occult theme + Americas + guns
>Pos4 Sniper losing
Yet they keep picking it...
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>picking mirana
Is Necro good/picked?
Yes, no
Damn, I love seeing Necro played.
He needs the buyback disable on his ult
What about Marci feet?
No because pros know what Nullifier is
As long as falcons, gg, spirit and xg loses its a good TI
What about them
How did QuinnQuinnnQuinn lose to literal whos?
does whirlwind have higher dps against a single target than focus fire?
Thanks, I wanted to have a look at them.
Is jenkins trans?
No, 4 hits per sec max
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No but I think the problem with Focus Fire is it's too easy to save against and then the cooldown is wasted, Whirlwind is like fire and forget and still shits out damage anyways

She fires more than 4 shots a second though so it's less than that, it's still not as a high as Focus Fire
i cant believe they did that shit in the first place

reminds me, when you used to have the buyback %gold penalty, you got less for selling items during that timer after you bought back
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I need a fj from sellenmene
It was the only thing that made him viable and it is a necessity in the era of unassailable high ground
she cute and also broken as fuck
windranger first pick
Wait, Haga has been being picked as a support?
based zombieman picked
jfc can they stop talking over each other
the entirety of the commentary is some herald tier chatter and completely unnecessary
i hate esports besides ingame commentary so fucking much, 30% games and 70% useless blabber by literal whos
is spirit still the dominant team?
nah just a huge faggot, trying to be nOnBiNaRy or some shit
Yes. Every now and then.
That's been the meme theme of this ti, heroes like sniper sven naga being picked as support
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>NA Dota
sven support was busted and got nerfed twice already
sven has long been a good support, naga has always been a very niche support, but comes out sometimes. Sniper is a meme though.
Make sure to message your old friends and let them know TI is going on, even if they quit dota they'll still want to watch. A lot of mine didn't even know it had started
Sorry carry cuck but support chads are and have always been better at playing "your" heroes. You can have sloppy seconds after Valve is forced to nerf them because we're too good at them.
the absolute state of dota 2 rn
Why would a "chad" dedicate his life in service of another?
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I honestly have a feeling Act 4 is gonna be a lot bigger than the previous acts. Some big event, the bird hero, and possibly new arcana/persona is coming
bananashitstainslamdogshitslamjamma got crypto scammed KEKKKK, LONG QUA dynasty baby
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Sure pal
Yet the doomposters will insist the game hasn't gotten any content in years
>Weird psycho sexual mindset to the word support

You go farm in the corner while the rest of us murder the enemy team.
I, for one, actually like the idea of tradional core heroes having the option to pivot into being effective supports
Who the fuck is saika?
Carrycucks always get pissy about it. The terrorblade support meltdown was especially funny.
saksa with a wig
saika deez nutz
TB support was so fucking cool and I don't play support and I can't even play illu heroes. Killing it was such a shit move.
How does that guy look so much like a zombie?
Has medusa been picked yet? How is she in the current meta?
nightfall thought his name was so cringe he decided to change his name to something even worse

and its fucking annoying because i keep thinking that the casters are just really heavily mispronouncing 'cyka'
Why didn't Valve just hire more devs so they're not stressed on making the battlepass for TI?
>carry hero is played as support
>carrytroons cry that carry heroes are being removed from the game
>support hero can be played as a core or pivot into a core after laning
>carrytroons cry that carries are worthless and supports are le op (the carrytroon has never bought a bkb or nullifier)
They should just outright remove the carry role, pos 1 pudge was the most based meme in the history of dota.
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>wake up
>it's TI time
how are we looking terrorbros
>Why is nobody playing the new hero?
He has a 56% winrate right now. Everybody is playing him and r*ddit is whining he's OP.
because dev time was better spent elsewhere
More like Retards
Should be doable.
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In what fucking world is the TriHard emote against moderation policies? I dare to praise Snare for his clear and accurate commentary, yet I am banned for "evading filters"... I even receive a heart from Mr. Snare himself, these fucking princess moderators sanitizing everything... ruining the whole experience. TI Unwatchable.. God forbid you praise an African.
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Imagine if halfway through this game Nouns pauses - the camera shifts to Fly just in time to see him getting dragged out by IDF agents, forcibly conscripted in the holy war against Palestinian babies
I don't think that's very likely actually
This is why I cannot support team Noun, Fly is a member of an Apartheid racist Genocidal state, and for that reason.

I simply cannot support them.

The Dota community needs to educate themselves and figure it out.
Lane creeps are coded to ignore certain creep camps, otherwise you could pull in mid or with side ancients as well as many other camps if you play a hero that can reposition the creeps.
lol no
Lv 3 Whirlwind is 11 shots a second so it's like 2.75 hits per second max on a single target. Whirlwind will drop arrows if there are less than 4 targets. Whirlwind *theoretically* does a lot of damage in a teamfight. These TI teams who keep running Whirlwind WR keep using it in solo gank contexts so you don't see the extra damage ever. Also sometimes they use it for ancient camp farming which is dumb. You can be all "wew so much gold ez stacks" but then when WR presses R goes in for 0.5 seconds and runs away for the rest of the fight to fire Powershots from a distance, it just makes you wonder why they even try.
>just ditch your carry with aegis to die
Holy fucking teamplay
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Which heroes mount would you... mount? If you know what I'm saying, mount mounting you is also an option.
Luna's wolf (post the pic)
>win fight
>drop aegis and lose barracks
Is it possible to learn this level of sharting
>buy aghs on grimstroke
>use on luna
Is it really that hard?
You need to farm 4.2k on grim while behind
This TI is literally the least hype one to date
He wasted money on a blink and glimmer already
this is always next year
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How do we fix this team
The camera shifts to Fly in full IDF gear executing ATF and Ephey for supporting Palestine
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>Yatoro is just 21 this year
Jesus christ
zesty ahh jenky
Solar Flare is actually good?
How old was Dendi at ti3
damn didnt know sumail got arrested
Why Luna is surging in popularity? I thought Lina was the hot shit.
is jenkins transitioning
whats disrupters mount called?
move to mena so we can have secret vs nigma every dreamleague/esl qual
His name is Fromuplandrood
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How did they kill it? He still has Sunder.
remember when these sorts of videos were the best content you could get for dota 2?
if anything it was buffed with the facet
>Batrider with Hurricane Pike and Force Staff
that's funny
notail quit dota ages ago why can't fly let it go
>expecting a jew to let go not winning millions
>shart spirit
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man I dont care about any of these matches
who are you guys rooting for and more importantly WHY
the days of the immense prize pools are done, i genuinely feel bad for any dota players still chasing the dragon for money
>pick omni
What is going on with Jenkins? Painted nails, eye makeup
Please shut the fuck up about your crush
what is there to explain hes a faggot
you got something wrong with winning 1 million dollars?
Speaking of, whatever happened to Zyori?
Why does NatTea INSIST on wearing clunky sneakers? Why can't she wear something like flip flops or high heels where only the tips of her toes are covered?
>tfw lotus orb lets you get a kill on a full health fed necrophos because he couldn't resist ulting you at 3% hp while being gone on by a slark and pudge and it did amplified damage to him because of his ghost shroud
>tfw we throned them off of that kill
favorite item in the game tbqh
How would that work, it reflects the spell not the damage
WR is my favourite and G2 is the only team I'm able to see live playing pos 1 WR but man, I don't like how they're playing her. I hate everybody picking Whirlwind and then doing no damage with her.

Maybe somebody is doing it right with Whirlwind, or actually picking Focus Fire to go with their "kill 1 person and run away" playstyle that all the other pos 1 players have been doing but I haven't seen it yet.
because you foot fags keep being weird
He's a support buying Lotus Orb. A mutual kill on a lategame Necrophos is worth it.
bit of a downgrade from 16mil. yes winning a mil is good, but thats split across the players and the org. winning 16mil as a team with an org is set for life money versus your chunk covering a portion of your mortgage or some shit

i dont think people understand there is a possibility he is genuinely shitposting. he's a massive autist, after all
i may have exaggerated the circumstances a bit given i was mid teamfight but the game ended and i checked his death recap, it did only 869 damage to him, but it was the killing blow
He's always done stuff like this, it's for comedy and attention, usually he tries to match up with his female cohosts, similar makeup, clothes, hair and jewelry. It's clearly an intentional joke and not some statement about going against gender norms or whatever.
Remember when Jenkins made grubby leave dota
But it wouldn't do anything on a full health Necro, I guess he meant the Slark and Pudge were attacking too
she wore open footwear at some event years back, she doesnt even paint her toenails

cancelled for having dreads as a white guy
jenkins literally grubbed one out
I dont
>thread almost dead
>during games
wtf i thought euros maintained d2g alive
>BB drafts Whirlwind WR against Falcons
>Falcons get Omni + Timber
>WR gets BTFO and chased out of lane in 5 mins
>hasn't done shit so far
I hate pro players.
nobody cares about nobody players playing for unknown orgs
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There are no good guys to root for.
Hoodwink weak = esports boring
none of these matches matter until the 8th
Shit matches
Shit meta
Shit prod
Shit game
What was the best TI meta?
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>none of these matches matter
strongest heroes were ET and aghs mirana
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It's time to bringback necronomicon.
>el presidente of dota is not in the tournament
who cares
Falcons are choking super fucking hard. This isn't validation of their WR's plays. They're winning despite their fuckups early game. Did you see that 2v1 gank at 19:00? That shit is the epitome of Whirlwind WR gameplay in these series. They're winning DESPITE the handicap they give themselves by using Whirlwind wrong.
TI8 was pretty good apart from PL being busted. TI9 would have been great if not for Io
>mid and carry are archon 4
>enemy mid and carry are ancients
epic matchmaking algorithm :^)
This guy got absolutely memory-holed
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>Liquid/Spirit first upper bracket deciding match is vs falcons
Tell me this isnt fucking rigged
What, brackets aren't decided until after the seeding
repair kit
why did nightfall change his name to sucksai
That didn't come from them using Whirlwind properly. That was just Saika right-clicking people down while gpk on Tiny + the supports locked down the enemy team for him. That and the Specialist's Array is the one doing real work. I'm mad because they're (a) using Whirlwind like it's Focus Fire, and (b) not showing off how OP Whirlwind is.
holy fuck what the fuck are those """pro""" players doing
falcons are literally feeding one by one instead of just giving away one rax
then bb keep all in pushing with having zero resources left and as a result feeding too

im getting mad when my 5k retards are doing this but this is fucking PRO players playing at fucking TI what the FUCK is that
>didn't just hit the barracks to force them back
What the fuck were they doing?
the competent players left long ago
enjoy pretending these retards are the best of the best
The racks had like 20% health too, Tiny could have one shot the ranged
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gimmie source anon
Ranged rax is down now, just cost them two cores :^)))))
>let's dive t4 solo and make my team group in a 300 aoe
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i just want windranger to lose so my op waifu doesn't get nerfed too hard after ti
anyone same?
BB would lose this game
One more throw and they do yeah.
Frankly what's even the point, they're clearly not champion material.
Going to be full tilt after this.
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mason sisters....
>winning 200k is a bad thing cause people won more money in the past
for what
and how long
I love seeing timber press reactive armor and just ignoring three cores hitting him.
God bless players like Saika being so fucking useless with Whirlwind even when she used it correctly into a 5v5 fight.
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It's over...
>saika just wasted an entire ult standing in stun, then popped bkb and satanic after ult ended
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>Are you choking?
>This is the universal choking sign.
Save rage quit lmao
kya kya kya
windranger status?
What did he do this time
kick miero
Perfectly balanced, no need for nerfs. :^)))))))))))
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he is 2based
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>switch to tundra game
>female voice
>close tab
Why the fuck?
Who is responsible?
which country did he spit on this time
>shitting on /our girl/ Mox
I honestly believe she's just a diversity hire
they/them throat...
enchantress... front penis?
>casters too busy sucking off Whirlwind to justify its existence
At least we get tiebreakers
What are they saying? I'm watching another stream
that interviewer guy was fuckin' convulsing
Talking about a fight in bot jungle but 90% of it was them talking about how Whirlwind is OP because it hit Weaver in the backline for a couple hits when he got too close and was forced to Time Lapse to run away. It was about a fight in bot jungle midgame.
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>team picks TA
>I support them
Simple as.
sucks that 9class can't be here. but then, i'm happy to see saksa back too. conflicted.
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Sheever looking cute with her little ribbon!
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>Mirana carry
every fucking time
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Every pro player's use of Whirlwind I've seen so far, ever. Solo ult target, do jackshit, and often don't finish the job. Why even bother? Just use Focus Fire.
bros... the hype...
there is a potential for spirit liquid bo5
Why does Naga have an 80% winrate?
Enchantress exists?
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I wish NatTea would spit on my thang..
broken support
and can be flexed to carry if enemy doesnt draft a single illusion counter
how is she a good support if she only has two support abilities tho
Even as a pos 5 she can push in lanes by herself and set up teamfights with cc. In proper teamplay, she is very good to have on your team and very oppressive to play against.
Are people actually using Deluge now?
Hawk Tuah haha xDDDD
Someone post it.
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pieliedie playing (coaching) against cloud 9 right nwo on stream 3
Holy fuck just not good enough anymore, end this farce
They overbuffed it.

Current Dota "team" has no idea how the game works and is fucking it up.
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>no chicken hero
uh what is skywrath mage?
>huge snapfire hiding being a single tree
I'm falling asleep watching these games. Hoping the main event's games/segments are better than this.
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wow this thread is dead
while the two best teams are playing each other
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I'm scared.
>no tan athletic tomboy hero
why even play?
guys there's no build up or drama compared to the other TIs. Why?
Ded game
>win game because for some reason the enemy's beyond retarded drow picker decided to walk into melee range to get abyssal blade stunned during their bkb
based overconfident carries literally thinking they can turn their brain off and just win
>expecting shitquid to win anything
you need personalities and history to craft storylines
all the players that fit that are not there
enjoy your interchangable zoomers
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>Prize Pool: $2,420,620 USD

Why even bother having a tournament at that point lol
We literally got Legion commander
Neither Navi nor Alliance are playing though?
why I just saw that C9 qualified through western europe
but their entire roster is CIS
what the hell, they dont even have a token westoid pos5. shameless
how much of it are you winning?
this deadlock joke game isn't funny anymore, icefrog needs to come back to dota now, haha
We literally got a tanned Marci skin.
can anyone stop spirit
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Liquid. Right now. You're watching it.
not a fan of the interview setups. am i watching a fucking true crime documentary or what? just shove the chairs closer and have one camera centered on both while rolling
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>same heroes pick and banned
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Topson from Tundra is the current gen metaforging memer. He's worth rooting for.
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Someone post lewd Ephey faces
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>Someone adds me after game
>He immidietly asks me who im voting for and then when im going to vote
>I tell him im voting for Kamala(even though im not voting for anyone im not from USA)
>I tell him you cant vote yet the election is still 2 months away
>Check if he was in my last game
>He wasnt
What was all that about.
>RP 4 heroes under your tier2 with your entire team hitting them
>Can't kill anything because of Tinker
Big fat mommy milkers
respond dotards
It's her knees
To what? This has been happening since like ti6 in NA.
he was looking for a 5th player for his tournament team you cant join ok please vote for his team on notscamesportscom.ru login with your steam account to vote please and thank you
but they always had a token player from the region
I know registering in certain regions is nothing new, but surely you need to have at least one guy???
when c9 nee entity formed it was around stormstormer mid. all the players were well known for being WEU pubstars. they've been playing in that region for three years.
>cant even kill morph with 0 help diving
wake me up for the next game
Is Morphling as broken as he looks, or do you just need to target everyone but him like an axe.
>Tinker is balanced
>Is Morphling as broken as he looks
He's almost as good as tinker.
he's as good as the one using him
I know fabric stretching milk tanks when I see them.
Tinker is fair and balanced.
>fight in double march
Fishman is an honorary Polak, who in turn are honarary Western Yuros
Tinker is richer than mag lmao
reminder milfs are not welcome in this thread

I repeat, do NOT post half naked thicc hot mommy dommies in this thread
uhh liquid??
god i love seeing brool get punished
these guys are diving into tier fours
dive t4 for what
grand finals tier
if I saw my mid chase from mid to t4s like that and get killed I'd call him a braindead nigger
That Morphling chase was hilarious. Usually after 1 blink or 2 you'd think Liquid would give up the chase but no, gotta dive straight to the T4s lmao.
those amazed at players just constantly running at opponents, no matter the outcome, are no different than those chimpanzees being amazed at magic tricks on youtube
amazed by their stupidity
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I hope so!!!
can anyone stop spirit?
>spirit playing 4v5 with naga
>still lose
nice team
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Wtf am i supposed to do in a game like this.
wtf was that damage, lina died in 3 hits
Is nullifier that good
int core
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what's going on in that room
morphling looks unstoppable now
>you have to push into kunkka mag
>you have to push into tinker tusk
I'd want to kill myself.
Thank a union member for this amazing friend
does tusk have aghs?
Morph with enchant totem has around 1400 damage BEFORE crit.
morb has 600 damage
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>+10k lead aegis cheese refresher cant push high ground

raddan is just fucking with them now
Free game no bitchin
who needs hg when you can bait
>Doubting Collapse Magnus
collapse magnus though
waternigger is a very fair and balanced hero
i love when a carry is immortal from minute 2 especially into visage who has fucking highest dmg output of all heroes in the game
Collapse Mag has to be the most iconic and clutch player/hero combination ever, Jesus Christ.
It might be a little bright in liquid's room
I'm never calling yatoro radahn
lost the game for playing too aggresive love to see it
400+400 attack Morphling
Pretty wild
spirit en la forma de ti
le balanced water man xd
Same, I don't know why the casters even entertain it. No one called Notail "Big Daddy".
Time Espírito (Fuerma Internacional)
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he had that name before yororo doe
Why not ban mammoth
What happen to TI prizepool?
deadlock won
You get special treatment when you're the GOAT, and BigDaddy is too stupid even for a player like Johann.
I mean desu Erika's current nickname is literally a JAV code so maybe we just don't care anymore.
valve stopped the subsidies
valve believes winning the aegis is prestigious enough now
It went to deadlock development costs
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valve killed the compendium and made it third party
really odd business decision since it was just a free money printer for some shitty community made hats
liquid last picked es btw
Does morphlings morph even cost mana anymore?
Reddit convinced valve that people only bought battlepasses to support the pros and the fomo skins were irrelevant, so valve axed the battlepass
Like 10mp/s at max level with shard.
It's not free, Morph just builds a fuckton of stats items with int.
Its not really odd
They can still print money with hats if they want to without giving a cut to anyone
At the same time they dont give out massive amounts of money to dotard plantation niggers
Its just a win win for them
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>No sticky
Have we finally lost the favor of the jannies?
there was no sticky for groups last ti
>cutesy hair bows
sheever you're not 19 any more
Why don't people buy diffusal against him then??

Their marketing budget is allocated to Deadlock now
Hags wearing juvenile clothes is kino. I would jack off so hard if she showed up in full on toddler clothes.
liqshit forgot to draft an agi hero
hags should wear skirts and short tops to show tummy
Extremely inefficient considering Morph has a huge mana pool and literally the highest EHP in the game, straight damage (preferably magic) is better.
Morph is just straight busted once he gets to 2-3 items, killing him is never easy unless you're Drow or have an ET that can actually stand close to him, which is almost impossible nowadays, even for position 3.
skadi/shivas/vessel still fuck with him
Skadi and Shiva's yeah but Vessel is dispelled very easily with Manta/BKB, maybe its enough vs Morph 4 but as core you don't usually care about it much.
And again, once waternigga has Satanic he literally doesn't care at all about those debuffs because lmao 1.6 BAT with 400 base damage without any buffs critting for 1,4k.
AA is the only real counter to Morph, since he tends to eat all other heroes that are good against him.
not as good as Nokotan
My Deer Friend Enchantress.
literally who
absolutely kino taste
>moxxi casting tiebreakers
What did we do to deserve this
>There's more Russians watching than the rest of the English speaking world
I thought they were losing the war and everyone was drafted?
>losing the war
>and everyone was drafted
Sadly no, also the reason they are losing
what did she do to deserve it...
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pos4 sniper
those are russians not in russia to avoid the draft
or they're kids
>same heroes picked and banned every game
>nobody is picking ringmaster despite him being broken
Why are pros such meta sheep?
rm is not in cm dipshit
>I thought they were losing the war and everyone was drafted?
lol listen more to propaganda
hello there tourist
The FOTM tranime for weebs this season
My nigga Collapse is still slaying
>seeding decider
For what fucking purpose
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That QoP set looks retarded
Same reason they made a dozen groups of 4 teams
can anyone beat spirit?
yatoro would have never leaped like that under tier 2
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lol I recorded his speech yesterday and uploaded it, was it because of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Anlpo_DT88
spirit doesnt even register liquid as a threat
stop calling raddan dead name
Dotards? You told me Whirlwind was shit.
rain all day dota all night
I dont understand why are fucking casters and analysts entertaining that fucktarded idea of Raddan and Saika, fuck off and call them they real names
You'd think Valve would have a problem with a player having a JAV code as his name.
imagine losing in ti to carry mirana
now if he actually named himself AIKA i would root for him like there is no tomorrow
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according to my research Erika's nickname is a reference to a VN
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>Tinker is now delegated to being a support
humiliation ritual
It's not an actual JAV code, retard
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rate it
Why do people even attack timber with armor on?
He’s really good at it though
>reclusive boy suddenly meets a bunch of hot girls that fall for him
how unique
Sniper 4 looking like complete trash, who would have thought.
>missing arrow against tormentor
Imagine having cooldowns lmao
this is the 2nd time liquid lost a team fight because micke didn't get the aegis
He didn't even say anything bad tho?
b-but it works on his smurf games! 85% win rate
I think this is more the xth time liquid lost a game because micke isn't a good carry.
at least micke knows how to smurf in low 8k games
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It's over the moment you mention the LGTVs
whos Radan? he plays way better than Yatoro im glad they benched him
I'm so tired of Ephey, her fake voice is obnoxious and she offers zero insight.
She and Jenkins is the worst thing in the Dota scene atm.
her fucking annoying ass voice is the worst shit
>Fake voice
Do you think it's annoying to the other panel members when the camera is off and she goes back to the normal voice?
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Wins lane and does literally nothing afterwards.
The fact that you can post this and not immediately realize how it proves the stupidity of the idea that she's faking her voice is baffling
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>No dude people would totally not fake their voices like that!
i don't know what that person is
Open youtube right now and there's a big chance his videos will be recommended to you
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not really
when does this TI get good
10 years ago
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>last TI
>aura meta+wraith pact
>this TI
>aura meta-wraith pact
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~7+ years ago
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Dota died when Valve removed the key economy from the game
Dota died when matumba left.
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so last TI
>No Puppey
>No Matumba
Pro Dota is so fucking soulless now.
Instead we have...quinn,"raddan"...yay. Autistic fucks with no likeable traits whatsoever.
ATF is pretty funny
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>EU infrastructure
No one likes the danish and I really mean no one
just because you have the most basic ass youtube recs doesn't mean everyone else does
nice game dotards
lmao free game no bitching
Sagan is going to be in trouble
didn't mean to reply to >>493268224
kek it still won't work
nice game dotards lol
What a worthless joke of a country
t. swede
apparently its a 6 months old bug ))
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why is the game paused? I had to cook dinner
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nice option select by tundra
mirana can't leap lol
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...and that is expected to change after a pause?
its a beta
And you wanted a sticky. The absolute state of this game.
TI patch btw
Thank you denmark
Thank you biden
this is gods way of punishing tundra, its time to accept it and move on.
one chance at life and you are born in denmark
this response isnt normal
and how on earth are they supposed to fix that mid game if simply reconnecting doesnt help?
dota admins can run console commands
huh so can I
you think those incompetent fucks from PGL know what they are doing?
at ti11 there was also a bug and it lasted for hours because they needed valve to wake up and help them
Why are casters so unfunny? How hard is it for them to find things to talk about in the game?
because they are the same people every single fucking event.
he means admin level commands
they're mostly left-leaning people, they can't be funny
yeah okay commie
Nice game dotards.
million dollar tournament btw
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just shut TI down at this point
Why did they get all the D-listers?
Goku, Tenshinhan, Cell and Krillin.
all the A listers were sacrificed on the altar of woke
free game no bitching, TI is still going on, Ringmaster was just released and there's lots of stuff happening behind the scenes
Read Lord of the Rings
post the brown one
Tobiwan did nothing wrong if you really think about it.
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>Using the dub name
His name is Tenshinhan, and he invented the Taiyoken. Goku and Krillin just copied his technique.
l m a o
This year's TI all-star event will be a deadlock match with the pro players. The audience then won't have a choice but cheer for them.
Get the FUCK out of my thread Tienrusbitch.
Yeah, I agree with his statements about GrandGrant
Dota putting the dead in deadlock


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Flight using Ki manipulation which is used now by every single character? Tenshinhan was the 1st character to do that in Dragon Ball, everyone copied it from him.
Deal with it.
What did he say about grant
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what was the game time? remaking cant be THAT much more embarassing than this
if this isn't proof valve doesnt care I don't know what is
Tobi really got karma'd after that.
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Campo Santo may have been diversity hires but at least icefrog kept things in check. Now that he's gone, everything has been slowly falling apart.
I don't really remember tobiwan saying anything except the infamous lame as a niggers baby, saying sheever had a irradiated baboon pussy and that he nutted raw in zooey multiple times.

don't see the big issue with the guy.
>have consensual sex
>don't want to start a long term relationship with a known cheater
>you are now a rapist who will never be hired again
Free my nigga tobi
And everyone improved upon those. Leaving Tien in the dust as we've seen time and time again.
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>tfw real
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>Most powerful human
>Lunch as his girlfriend
He won.
He didn't want a relationship with a woman, that's literally rape
keeping bpd women from ruining your life is an artform
apparently the fix to the bug is simply letting the enemy have vision on you? lmao nice game dotards nice tournament too.
>Most powerful human
...is Krillin.
>Lunch as his girlfriend
Tien does not give a fuck about women.
He supported the witchhunt against Grant. Funny how the same thing came to bite him in the ass. His asslickers never mention this and just claim he's an innocent victim.
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tide is campo santo ex-employees trying to ask icefrog to comeback and help them
kunkka is icrefrog
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>Cell Saga
>Krillin does nothing (except almost dooming Earth and Humanity because a girl smiled at him) while Tenshinhan holds off Semi-Perfect Cell by himself
>In the manga it was made even clearer that Cell suffered heavy pain and had burn marks on him from the Shin Kikōhō when he stepped out of the crater

>Buu Saga
>Krillin does nothing while Tenshinan was the only human on Earth (besides Satan) to survive Super Buu's Human Extinction Attack
>Tenshinhan then proceeds to save Potential Unleashed Gohan from Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed)'s attack

But Krillin is stronger because Toriyama said so lmao.
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>beta game
>has bugs
wow, shocking...
Can you blame an aussie for being jealous of an american living the peak life of getting black out drunk after you get off your walmart shift and partying with only the finest single mother hood rats?
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Why everybody is disconnected?
>But Krillin is stronger because Toriyama said so lmao.
Quite literally yes. Who managed to land a good kick on Cell Max? Not Tien.
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Canonically the Dragon Ball Kanzenban Official Guide: Dragon Ball Forever confirms that Launch and Tenshinhan are in a romantic relationship and are living together as a couple. More recently they were shown to be together again in Heroes.
>the afghanistan would've never happened
What the hell is he talking about.
alright I'm back to playing hots this shit is taking forever
>one minute apart
>db forever interview
Oh, you mean the part where he's joking? Because he's joking.
/vg/ has a 90s post cooldown.
If you cant see how that was all at best playing with fire and unsurpisingly he got burnt, youre probably even less socially adept
>It doesn't count
I accept your concession.
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Tobi being the snake he is
Yes, non-canon material doesn't count.
I accept your concession about Krillin being the strongest human.
>The creator's direct quote doesn't count regarding Lunch
>But it counts when he said Krillin is stronger
>Offlane DK spends the entire game behind everyone else
>Somehow this is my fault
Sex with traxex
CHADroes is the only canon that exists, clown.
>Q2: Did Lunch ever manage to meet up with Tenshinhan?
>I wonder… Tenshinhan gave Lunch the cold shoulder, but she tenaciously persisted, and ultimately they were together! Couldn’t that be it? (laughs)
Maybe you have trouble understanding nuance and vague answers but this is not a "yes" by Toriyama.
>all this dbz shittalk
i guess i should have know this place is full of latinxs
Fuck PLG, fuck everyone in this garbage parasitic company, everything they make feels so fucking souless, not even memeing, watching anything organized by PGL feels like watching a VOD instead of a livestream, I hope this fucking company goes bankrup so Valve is forced to give the TI to someone else.
>Syndaren and Sunsfan casts a game
>they just make boring jokes the entire time and ignore the game
>Reddit praise them
its so tiring
if you understand the game you watch in client without commentary
if you dont understand the game you dont give a shit abotu what is being said anyway
This is all psgs fault
>they just make boring jokes the entire time and ignore the game
>Grant did the same as sunsfan
>/d2g/ praise him
it's so tiring
They used to be the best casting duo, now they don't give a fuck and treat casting like an extension of their podcast.
What the fuck happened? Why are there no games going on? It's not over for the day is it? I bet is PGL shitting the bed again.
bros wtf my friend who lives in denmark send me a message an hour ago that he saw fluffnstuff walking near the ti venue and now he wont reply to my messages wtf is going on
people disconnected I think
No idea what the cause is
D*nish internet ruined the match
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apparently a disconnect and the following reconnect triggered a game-breaking bug and now we're stuck here
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>"He's slimy behind the scenes, trust us!"
>"My GF said he was a rapist!"
And so, one of the best was lost...
I just arrived home 15 minutes ago, how long ago did this happen? Even other streamers are randomly just giving up and doing something else.

Is Valve about to pull a Blizzard on us and "accidentally" kill dota through sheer incompetence?
what the hell is this
welcome to 4chan lol
it's been like 45 minutes maybe? idk
I dont pay attention
so this is how dota dies?
Fuck they supossedly implemented "automatic" saves years ago precisely to prevent shit like this happening, they should be able to load a save from 5-10 minutes ago. There's no fucking excuse for this shit.
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>get home from being a wagie
>just wanna relax and watch topson play
>no dota, only circus music

The cruelest joke
I just came back from buying a monster energy drink what happened?
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That's right, know your place.
>pause is over
The game literally paused so you could catch some of it live, anon.
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>14 hour thread
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its over?
They obviously zero filler content because PGL are turbojews who do the bare minimum and still cut corners.
I can already feel the seeth from IG.
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>long ass pause
>game instantly ends anyways
>mirana leap didn't even do anything
Tactical pause
Danish internet
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thanks anon
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Tobi actually got canceled by even Valve for having consensual sex with a grown ass woman.
Funny enough the only people that defended him were Russians.
This was legitimately some bullshit desu.
>pause was ten times longer than what was left of the match after unpause
>the hero that was bugged had 0 impact
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tobi left of his own accord
The West is run by simps, after all.
We know
Why do teams pick sniper and lose?
>tobi was forced to left
He removed the condom without telling her first. That's not cool bro.
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PRÖÖÖH :D hero when?
please buy the compendium guys... don't you want a hud skin and sticker capsules??? please... think of the poor pros... spend 20 dollars on caster voice lines...
by whom?
now post the webm of an elephant shoving its trunk deep up another one's ass to eat its shit
by valve and his former "friends" who took the whore's side (special mention to the diaper backstabber)
silence hero when?
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elephants wouldn't do that
>no schedule for tomorrow
I assume they're doing 4 series each day but they don't even say when they're starting
They'll announce it later when all games are finished, at least that's what they said earlier
Imagine the smell
Hello, am back for my yearly TI check-in (haven't played dotes since TI9). NA seriously only has 1 squad and didn't even get a direct invite? Well, we can claim C9. I am rooting for C9 btw. I always root for them in every game.
seeding deciders is dumb who cares about that
Dota isn't soccer or basketball, how are you gonna decide who gets first or second in a group? A coin flip?
It doesn't help the way it's set out is that it's the best teams against the worst, they're mostly going to be stomps, last year there were only 2 out of 8 that went all 3 games
Maybe don't make 4 groups of 4
Whoever wins the most games? How do you think they're deciding the groups this year too
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wait, did they remake the game? how did the pause end? I was only looking away for 15 minutes...
yes, they made a new lobby then spawned in the items/levels/game state, but everyone started in fountain
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must have ended pretty quickly afterwards if this really is game 2 then
>He says
>She says
>She's believed
>He's not
this has never been wrong before
oh wait
chris avellone
yeah it took like 2 minutes for tundra to throne after pause ended
perfect ending to this drawn-out joke
>gets paid a million dollars
>gets all his reputation back
avellone really won hard
I wish I knew. Even in d2pt you can see that pos 4 Sniper has a 40% winrate in Immortal pubs so there's no good reason to keep pushing this shit meme but they keep doing it.
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does anyone know where all of the loli pugna images went? I only have 30 saved currently
I've checked the major sites and they have slim pickings
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>trap everyone in the arena
>do nothing
Justice feels good
>Topson picks Invoker
>G2 calls 15 min gg
Topson so based.
Dishonest team. Dishonest players.
now we can all agree that lina is honeypot
>Both the worst thing to ever happen to dota
Makes you think.
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Huh, what's this about Lina's honeypot
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>2 hour pause for the entire series to conclude in like 20 minutes
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Redboard is a good source for a lot of it. Besides that, much of her is here and there, so let me help you out
disgusting images
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>report mid, carry and offlaner for flaming eachother and the offlaner especially for being the entire reason for the flamewar
>action taken against all 3
supportchads stay winning
my foresides sharpen!
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is there proof of Ephey faking her voice, or is it just a schizo theory?
It's real.
She got molested when she was little. Voice like that on a woman means sexual trauma.
obviously zionist propaganda bc shes not supporting genocide
schizo theory
some people think "wow a woman cant possibly have such a high-pitched voice naturally" and imply she's taking to sound like some anime girl
what did they update in dota?
compendium/translation shit or something worth noting?
Someone posted a video where she got mad when she got killed mid while not looking at her hero or something and she stopped using it, I can't find it anymore and I can't remember enough about the post to find it in the archive either
People have varying voices all the time
Definitely a schizo theory by someone who doesn't talk to humans on a regular basis
epheykeks getting uppity
i euthanise

crownfall has decimated my winrate this battle report
pure incel schizo babble
It's just because of her nosejob
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forgot the stats
Dude, do you really need proof? she is like 30yo
Girls sounds like that naturally when they are around 20. not +30.
,,,,what? unless youre a heavy smoker your voice is not going to change much in terms of pitch
you underestimate how hard women's body and organism falls off past the age of 25.
>mason got banned
Now who do I watch??
bro I am 32 I've seen plenty of women around me age through that period without major changes
you are clueless
which teams were eliminated?
coping roastie lmfao
this ti is so depressing bros
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have sex
We need BlackRock money.
None yet
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>It's real
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reminder people complained about this, now we would die for it
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fake 100%
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Oh nice that was me then
And I just checked and the clip got deleted
I reported him for saying something like
"indians? *sniff sniff* I can tell you're from india"
that was 2 months ago
so called free thinkers when there's fomo
next TI will be deadlock
going to cry about it?
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SAAAAR!!!!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU REDEEMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
hero shooters make terrible esports
lmao I'm not a jeet but it was easy to make a report like that for hatespeech
crazy that it took them so long
>lmao I'm not a jeet
sure thing sanjay. post hands
kill yourself
Retard. If women's voices changed as much as men's over time, there wouldn't be an anime voice industry because they wouldn't be able to maintain the voices over the decades but they do maintain the voices because they don't change.
ok simp
Voice acting is a thing, it's not like every voice actor uses their regular speaking voice for characters
TJD right after TKD
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I can only find 14 from him
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stay mad masoncuck
>pugna was officially referred to as "skeleton" "girl"
>blacker than Jubei
OH no no no Vihaan...
How old are you, your skin looks terrible
>Your skin looks terrible
lmao even
Red's skill range is pretty weird.
sometimes he does great stuff and sometimes his art looks like trash.
Because he has no grasp on the fundamentals
He just copies anime style and redraws what looks bad until it looks good (to him)
you dont know any women except your mom
is there an esports game that's like dota except you don't have teammates?
His faces are the worst
It's called the RTS genre. And Blizzard killed it.
bloodline champions
warcraft 3...
but you can control your creeps...
aoe 2 de is extremely popular and i'd say more than sc2 but for non rts non micro 1 hero game yea good fucking luck
bloodrite was the closest but shit still had teammates
Your best bet is sc2
here you go, some jap on x dropped his collection
mega dot nz slash
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my bade
he's chinese
(just where i found that link)
what a faggot thing to say
did BSJ get unhacked yet?
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Shit watch me nigga
>not dolphin porn
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i want this set, whats the best way to buy it?
do i have to wait 30 days?
stream on kick mason
literally built for Big Black Wolf Knot
Not sure if I should number the days, who knows how long these threads will last
You could just neck yourself so you never have to worry about doomposting.
that had me laughing pretty hard, ngl

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