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Previous thread: >>493190468

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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new IDs status?
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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and i'm supposed to deal with this how?
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Rodya LOVE!
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Paus featuring Dante
What is all this talk about Ryoshu not being the mother
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>little baby spiders threatened to be crushed by Ryoshu's feet

Never has I wanted to be a spider more in my fucking life.
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SEX with HOD
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I guess this happens when you actually put sinners people like on walpipi
yi sang mid
ryoshu strong but not busted
protection, having backup members that can finish the job
i used erlkliff as my leader and he does 400 damage per S3 on the big boi
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ok KJH that was pretty funny
They're not top tier. Just ok
this is the second time he's used it
i'm straight up not having a good time right now bros i don't see how you can do this in 12 turns even with a full meta team
>yi sang reload passive is res
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>not busted
Which basically means "she's not ring sang".
She's pretty fucking busted, desu, it's just that Yi boi raised the bar just that high.

... you can and should run them on the same team, by the way. They're both bleed ids.
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>get fucking NOTHING last walpipi
>get everything in this one with under 1300 lunacy left
bwos... I'm literally can't stop clapping rn...
>ishmale bullying is canon
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>the two coolest EGO got wasted on mediocre IDs that only work on specific teams(and will be powercrept in no time at all)
defend this shit
Holy cope. She's just an average character.
He's so cool.
Certified SEAnigger post
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Just to be safe: there shouldn’t be any new banners after this Walpurgisnatch in the current season right?
The season should switch with the end of Walpurgisnacht?
I was legit wondering if they amped the rates cause I got greens a bunch of times. At one point 3 greens at once, with Ryoshu and Yi Sang coming the same 10 roll
Last time I only got Sinclair and that was it
>peak is limited banners
>even when players insist it's more refined and dignified than typical gachas
At the end of the day, the common clay love gambling
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You're using the canon team for this event right anon?
azur lane stole dongbaek?
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and with that balance is restored
i have all of the ishy gear i can possibly own.
please dont forget to shard stuff before pulling friends
>250 ideality
>only pulled gregor E.G.O
i got 4 fucking announcer dupes
got everything but ryoshu SETTHES NOT EVEN ENOUGH PITY
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>everyone rolls and gets their dose of dopamine/despair
>while I just got to work and will only get home in 10 hours
I hate wageslaving, see you guys in the evening.
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>all other IDs is just a sinner with a single EGO at most (and Sinclair with half of one because volatile)
>Ryoshu has Red Eyes AND Penitence
>Ryoshu that is the only sinner bothered to be specifically weakened from sinhood
>Ryoshu that is the only sinner that could react to the Shi assassination
What’s with the favoritism?
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>no lunacy
>everything from the announcers to the IDs to the EGO in my possession
>both easy and hard mode cleared
>UT4 both new IDs and got them to level 45
Time to hibernate
i nearly distorted and i was the same too
Gregor EGO + 3 announcers
had to spark for yi sang
>i used erlkliff as my leader and he does 400 damage per S3 on the big boi
With Dullahan?
yeah, silver lining is that i can spark yi sang but i guess i'm just not getting ryoshu. feels bad
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>just sharded wildhunt heathcliff for a sinking team with new yi sang
Holy shit why is he so weak? Yi Sang literally did 30x more damage.
A real der shooty user would be enough.
its easy to keep it up thanks to the SP stuff
>/lcg/ calling these IDs mid/bad
Never change you retards.
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>400 fucking PULLS
>Only got Ryoshu
>Had to pity Greg EGO and Yi Sang
Announcers in the pool was a fucking mistake, this left my lunacy hoard in fucking shambles.
I don't know how to cope now, this was my one year long hoard of lunacy lol.

>Greg sucks, shouldn't have pity'd his ego
>Yi Sang sucks anon...
yeah whatever, I just wanted them and not rely on support IDs
Why does Wild Hunt’s counter sometimes turn blue?
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No she's not.
She's rolls 12/16/17 without any preconditions.

She rolls 16/22/33 with all the (relatively easy to fulfil) preconditions met.
Oh, and on top of that she has shield, she heals sp, she heals fucking allies' sp and hp, and she can even inflict attack power down with her s3.

She also inflicts bleed with every skill. Just for shits and giggles.

You ok, Limbabs?
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Ryoshubros? What's the verdict?
not ringsang 0/10
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i didnt get my apology from the clerk here that called me a retard. I would like to receive it now.
Imagine being one of the spiders that crawled up Ryoshu's legs....
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you guys did get everything that you wanted from walpipi without having to hit pity, right limbabs?
Actually considering buying lunacy if these daily rolls are a dud/10
bretty good
solid at damage, EX tier at soloing thanks to her 3rd skill debuff giving her a full heal
>got everything except yi sang
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so much smelly bait
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here i made it easy for you to understand
>actually got saved because got pushed into elevator in time
ah, like good old days
<Meursault, Call him a nigger for me please.>
Yeah I'm not liking this. Director mentioned stuff about chain battles becoming the norm and that letting them experiment with more aggressive enemy stuff, but this is lazy dogshit design
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Objectively, this is worse than rolling a dupe of Erlking at this point
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im thinking we won
She's usable. But she's nothing special. The average new character is really strong now. She's a 7/10 compared to YI FUCKING SANG's 10/10.
>muh clashing
Every single time.
Damage >>>> all
Ryoshu deals 23/42/76 damage
Fucking Nclair who's not even that good by today's standards deals 16/64/90
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Holy ass
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i laughed, just seeing them enter the room and the portal manifesting was enough for me, but 'victory' was a cherry on top
do you mean ringsang or shootsang
>no sanity
am i supposed to luck shit all of my wins or something?
actually impossible to do some missions if you dont use meta ids.
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Is kill 3 enemies at +80% hp in 1 WAVE or over the course of the mission?
BTW borrow Lamentsang for these missions if you didn't get him
Lowdiffs everything with the captain buff.
I think it only count for whoever in slot 1
bro... she's not walking around in there barefoot
>Cl*rk execution is canon in every mirror world
it's over the course of the mission
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I like how the "Inflict 6 status effects on an enemy in one turn" is basically built for this team, very cute
>Nclair who's not even that good by today's standards
We're reaching levels of contrarianism that shouldn't even be possible
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What the fuck Gregor
bait so bad i give it a (You) out of pity
what is SH referring to here? the ego name for her other weapon is red eyes
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Okay, so why should I use solemn-sang over spicebush?
Bleed team member status.
Luck is a skill.
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>it's canon
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>update keeps fucking up at random
>I got perfect connection
Nice, a good fucking sign of my pulls if I ever get into the game.
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Are we really pretending that Ryoshu doesn't have a 120% damage modifier on her S3 plus a 14% on her passive + 7% if she has more sanity than the enemy + 7% if she is faster?
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Told ya
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She most definitely is in my headcanon, which is the only canon that matters.
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are they really that bad?
These new identities fucking suck.
They better do some emergency buffs or people are going to FREAK when they realize what they blew all their lunacy for.
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Uhh, how? Shitter dies too quickly
I literally have the exact same games installed wtf?
this but ryoshu i wish we could trade
I only wanted Ryoshu and got Bitchsang instead... trade?
got whored twice
im going to
Malkuth is a whore
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You don't have to drag a ID thats deadweight for 90% of the fight just so he can hit the S3 at the end.
Nothing will ever beat Sinking deluge but solemn+Wild hunt will solve the issue of ">Sinking VS human enemies"
any team recommendations?
restart steam nigga
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Yi Sang and Gregor are goated in this battle
Wonder how good this Yi Sang is outside of the event, I'm aware of the Walpurgis shilling buff
>bro... she's not [HEADCANON]
Got EGO + both IDs in 60-ish rolls. Needed to spend another 160 to get my first announcer and then had to pity the second.
Don't know if I'll be able to afford GTC when he releases.
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I was gonna bring that up, but I just don't have the energy to argue with literal retardation.
It just means you don't have much personality of your own and let 4chan shape it for you
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can i get a little belief
No, just facts. Ringsang's S2 outdamages Nclair's S3
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So, was the W Faust strat a meme?
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>didn't get the hod announcer
>forever cucked from getting it since you can't dispense them
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First 10 pull
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Doomp eet
I curse your rolls for 100 Walpurgisnachts. I hope you like rolling dupes (;
and people were crying because it's only +2 coinpower...
It's a minor complaint, but the mini burst being capped at 30 is braindead in a world where tremor reverberation exists
>3 greens in 200 pulls
are rates bugged
I got Lantern Don and two announcers out of 11 10-pulls
It's unironically over
The cash -> Lunacy conversion rates also look like DOGSHIT holy fuck
Of course they had to force their retarded reinforcement mechanic
its not bad but its certainly not busted
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LUCKSHITTER EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn I'm getting filtered by hard mode walpipi
how good is regret paust and regret meur? i got a couple of boxes i can spare for them
I got five Solemn Lament Yi Sang before I got Ryoshu jfc
you can dispense any announcer you want bwo
look at the announcer tab on the pity
I did and still fucked
Once an Ahab... shall be Ahab evermore...!
Huh, I was uptying YI sang and he went from 1 to 2, then 2 to 4. It never paused me to watch his uptie 3 story. Can you long press and get multiple uptie at once?
i cant fucking use suncliff as a leader
he gets too much sanity for free
fuck me.
could probably do it with some weaker IDs since they all get boosted in easy mode
The missions are surprisingly not as annoying as last walpenis.
Is Lamentsang better than Ringsang for the event?
Faust is a very important part of Tremor and Regret for Meursault enables him to not be shit on all his IDs but Kim and Dieci.
>the sinners monologuing assumptions about the sephirah
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Charge team or bleed team?
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violet noon got hands
OC Rime Shank then use shitty s1s on it
Keep in mind, Gloom/Lust/Sloth weak.
Boatmael, ButlerOutis, LamentSang S1s are a free 6.
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>200 pulls to get it all
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f2p suffering
They're right about Malkuth being a neurotic bitch and Netzach being a useless druggie at the start of lob corp though
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>Didn't let Solemn Lament Yi Sang kill the boss
I'm convinced the majority of this thread is bad at actually playing the game, you retards complain about the easiest shit.
you need to save if you want to be a f2p
Yeah make him Captain and he melts everything
so what's the new sinking team?
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Limbabs like the sinners never played lobcorp, so it is necessary to spoonfeed them, please understand
What's the best thing to buy if you don't mind not being f2p?
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Question: I can’t login but see posts asking over who to use. But don’t events give bonus to the corresponding units meaning you should use the Walpurgisnacht ones regardless of effectiveness?
How the fuck does it keep doing it, each walpipi breaks active players records, and they like double their profit the month it happens too, I get it's literally "the" event of the season apart from the Cantos and intervalos but man
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alright heres the heasu request ideas I asked for last drawpipi but didnt manage to do
might do the other ideas next time but we shall see
Only issue I see here is that putting any of the actual new Walpipi units in the team captain slot means you kill noon so fast you can't build up the 18 status effects it wants you to for the mission
Never thought I'd see anyone else who owns Luftrausers.
Are only only 2 eps of the walpurgis chapter? It doesn't really have an ending
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This was a fun solo run
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Berry nice Heasuclipus anon.
Have a star.
lobotomy corp was the better game and the players know it
>easiest way to beat the 6+ status on one enemy mission is to bring all of the Walpurgis LobCorp IDs
Holy kino
Looks like you'd have to do it again anyway, it should be easy with his baby version of Sinking Deluge. He did about 1,200 damage on the final turn for me
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I want to fucking die...
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what the fuck
Do you have to finish the fight to complete a mission? Got the 80% kill shit as my last one somehow even though Yi Sang's been nuking the Fruits
>he got 3 meursaults
anon is the most lucky here
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They work as well as I thought they would. Can't wait to try them out in the railway.

Beautiful LOVABLE Heaths.
Great love for us is a Rod of God.
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i would normally agree with you if i haven't seen such hot streaks of people getting all 3 in the same pull both here and elsewhere
I'm absolutely jealous.
The main bonus is to the Captain but nothing is really specific for the Walpipi IDs.
>doing an all lobcorp ego run
>monolith moment
>now a lobcorp + pequod run
wonderful heaths, big fan of the scout and redman heaths
they look amazing, really great job
music to my ears, lament yi sang is a permanent in my team
Shut the FUCK up SEAniggers
>no announcers
Forever keked
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I'm also F2P and I had to hit pity to get the one I was missing, if I hadn't saved I would be fucked
People who get fucked over are less likely to post, it's confirmation bias
it costs money to switch yi sang off spicebush and back though… buttsang forever boxed
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>/lcg/: Alfonso le bad! She makes employees beat the crap out of each other for the Tearful Thing as punishment and to make money while producing medicine that can restore limbs and the like
>also /lcg/: Ayin (literally me) is the best! Angela, get me my gun I need to kill some of my employees for the energy quota.
>gregor ego
I used Gun Sang (Captain), Ryoshu, Regret Faust, Shootis, and Wild Hunt Heathcliff for the status effect objective if that's what you're looking for. Regret Faust's S2 applies up to 3 unique status effects (Tremor, Defense Level Down, and Plus Coin Down), Gun Sang applies Sinking and Butterfly, Ryoshu applies Bleed, Shootis applies Dark Flame (and Burn if you got Dark Flame a turn prior), and Wild Hunt has Impending Ruin on S2. Yi Sang's Wishing Cairn also applies Sloth Fragility and possibly Paralyze if you hit Heads on it.
at least you got her!
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thanks bwos

I noticed I didnt draw scars for archer heasu on his hands and i made a stray line on scout so fixed now
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>get Yi Sang on my 200th roll
Bit annoying that getting the final thing I needed right on pity happened twice, but I'm glad I don't have to go further to get the announcers since they dropped on the first 10x
yi sang animations look weird
ryoshu animations look good
ryoshu won
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>Break the body of the monolith on the same turn it does its instant wipe attack
>It ends your turn instantly and the attack still goes off
Why is this mechanic still in the game???
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I put up the new IDs at UT4 lvl 45 if you wanna be my fren

love your style man, thank you again
If Yesod was truly hated by his employees, then why did he go out of his way to play board games with them?
Explain this loretards
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cutest heasuclippus
Ayin is player character, thats it
Skill issue LMAO
>no maxed egos
No thanks, shitter.
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I fucking love how fast Yi Sang shoots
holy fuck
yesod is my favourite
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Do I have to use Ringsang for this? I swear I used SUDDENLY and it doesn't seem to count.
worked on my pc
For me it's his Skill 2
Holy shit why does he go that hard
I did that. I cannot be at fault for making the correct decision.
Post the bukakke version
Now I want the "we got buckets of chicken wanna do it?" with Heathcliff and the girl from the Hell's Chicken cutscene.
SUDDENLY only applies one of the listed statuses at a time, you're going to need either unique statuses (butterfly Yi Sang applies sinking and butterflies which covers 2/6 for example) or need to pull out the rings to beat that
You didn't break the body you fucking retard you broke an arm.
I think tremor for some reason doesn't count
That or butterflies don't count if you have sinking applied
>>>>>spend money
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just use any team for that, use EGO, IDs with unqiue/multiple debuffs. u dont have to run the same team for every missions
PM is a numberfag nooooo
decided to bring ryoshu in against cassetti
this ID may rival ringsang in terms of unga bunga
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he won
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Hod's voice is so cute and feminine.
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>He bout RoR2
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He made it.
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>Still missing Ryoshu and Hod (Who I wanted the most) at 180 pulls deep
I hate this shit
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I can sleep!
>special floor pack for this Walpurgis
Is the mission where you need to inflict burn/bleed/rupture/sinking broken? I can't get past six no matter how many times I inflict status effects on a single enemy.
She's solid. A bit slow on the ramp though. I'd say about 10lu tier
I just got it myself, so it must be something in your execution
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We don't argue with clerks bro, we kill them.
Like this nigger.
Can you dispense announcers?
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I don’t remember who Tiffany is. Is she the girl Benjamin exposed was accepted, killed off and still lived under LobCorp to explain the benefits of the Timetrack protocols?
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You can't blame anons for this
Nobody saw >>>Gearbox buying the game and attempting to re-code it from scratch coming
no she’s hod’s problem
Am I wrong or is Lamentsang's sinking application, especially with butterfly, fucking busted?
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Not them but RoR2 fun even with the shit going on
Luv me Risky like you wouldn't believe
Its just imitating Agent behavior you moron
Charge isn't real
the only announcers you can get outside of rolling are the paid ones (which includes BP once that BP is passed)
Butterflies don't count if you have sinking applied.
If you want an easier time, unironically bring all the walpenis LobCo IDs.
>Don has rupture count
>Faust has Coin Power Down, Tremor, Offense Lvl Down
>Sang has Sinking and Bind (base ego)
>Ryoshu has bleed, bind and power down
>Outis has burn and rupture (base ego)
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Why did this Walpipi do better than the rest? It only has generic agent IDs...
I have Lament Yi Sang, Wild Hunt Heath, Dieci Rodion, Butler Outis and Linton Gregor. I don't know who will be my 6th sinner, Dieci Hong or Molar Ish?
I killed the boss before it even started prepping this attack, what the fuck is wrong with your team?
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whats her problem?
>pointsang doesn't deal enough damage for the 80% health in one hit mission
wtf how
That's what I figured. That's going to be rough. I'll probably need to use Ideality on the next batch given how hard it's been for me to collect them so far.
just use lamentsang's skill 3 at max bullet
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Why do the missions only give 16 extract tickets?
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The power of Hod.
She just wants to help her subordinates.
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Because we got the best Sephirah's voice in it obviously
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how? with the arms perma breaking that doesnt seem possible
molar ish
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>they didn't know Tiffany lore
well, they'll always be there in future walpipis and its not as important as ids so yeh, can just save up to use pity in the future or get lucky
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holy fuck I might just have to use a sinking team all the time
Yi Sang's animations are so fucking satifying
they regen anon
this mission still looks like cancer though
You can only run 5.
Don't run anyone that isn't pierce.
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Yes, and I gifted both RoR1 and 2 to my friends. Now Randy had to get his grubby hands on the IP and now all its lost, I just want to play modded in peace.
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>Focus the arms
>Kill body
Do limbabs really
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>the fucking deformed star on the side
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>First Wapipi ever
>I got mostly dupes
oh, i guess i killed it too quick to see the arms regrow
i mean thats exactly what i did on my first try and the body still broke, but the other anon was actually useful
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I'm done with the event, I will do my Hard MD run with a sinking team. So I need 6
It says every part *except* the body, so you just need to break the arms then kill it, easy
nta but that looks like a sinking team, not event team
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goodnight charonbab
Slot 1 lamentsang S3 instakills any mob, unless it hits all tails.
Hitting 2 tails cuts it close, but still kills
Something's not right here
Yi Sang has never hit all heads for me. Even at 45 SP
>not as important
You don't understand Anon. Tiph is coming soon. The only thing that would be higher priority than that would be Nemo
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Conceptualise the aroma
That's not what a monologue is, retard
I got lament Gregor instead or Yi Sang fuck fuck FUCK I already ran out of pulls I hate gacha so much
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And will still make less money than the launch month lol
this is clerk behavior, though
lime smell, with a bit of rusted battery
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then its time to get saving, aint it?
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bald agent is in yi sang's art
not sure what suit he's wearing, but his weapon looks like lady facing the wall's.
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Shit is fucked until who knows when but the guy at least seems to keep the mod up to date. Unlock Regigigas is so much fun.
Huh, how come we have new EGO Gifts?
The new mirror dungeon pack for the event
Obviously. I don't spend Lunacy outside of Walpurgisnacht. I've still got a clean 100 rolls currently but I had to use far more than anticipated to get everything this time around. As more announcers get added, getting new ones only gets harder. They really should have treated them like EGO where once you roll one you can't roll a dupe.
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I have both new IDs in my company.
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Does Wild Hunt's counter also become his S3 during one-sided attacks?
Tiphy announcer should be next, right?
t-they'll make a Tiph announcer... right?
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I need to kill myself
i love getting free 100 thread though
Are any of the first-time packs for Lunacy worth it
Or any packs
For the first time ever I'm feeling the pull
Is it all a fraud scam?
get the daily lunacy packs, very good value and it lets you do the 13 cost daily pulls to stack tons of shards
There's 1 specific first time lunacy pack that's super worth it because it's basically 2 battlepases for the price of one or something like that
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I've gotten a fuckton of thread crates from announcer dupes, at the least.
yeah if it the one sided attack is faster than whoever you were "clashing" with that counter
Okay Lament Gregor is fucking awesome. Odds are you'll get the 5 rerolls by default, practically guaranteed with Butler Faust or Ring Sang. Damage is really good, and it makes the Plus Coin Boost from Edgar Gregor actually fucking busted. You actually WANT to get the sinking absorb now for the coin power and having a negative status on him. He's so good now.
In sad news, Yi Sang is count negative on 2/3 which is sad. But he clashes way better than Spicebush and does a butt load of sinking potency and damage. Definitely taking him along over Spicebush. Sinking can do a lot of raw damage even if you just use sinking for conditionals and not really as your main damage source. Solemn Lament/Wild Hunt/Linton (with Lament ego) can just output a ton of raw damage, the sinking on top of that is just a bonus. 100% need to bring Rodion (Rime Shank) and a butler to save your Count situation, then probably Molar Ishmael to salvage the count a little more.
what if the enemy is staggered?
Why would Tiph be next? They're obviously going to finish the upper stratum first and give us Netz
what the fuck? This makes me want to dump another 200 rolls just for some thread
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>I've still got a clean 100 rolls currently but I had to use far more than anticipated to get everything this time around.
>As more announcers get added, getting new ones only gets harder.
I had the exact same problem too, and hopefully gooks get uppity about announcer bullshit. It took me 372 rolls to get everything this time around

Getting 7 Yi Sangs before a Ryoshu and 3 announcer spooks before finally getting Dawn Office so I could ticket Hod peacefully fucked sucked
What I did was stagger the main body and then attack the arms, since it seems like the body has enough HP to take most of the hits and the arms can do the rest.
i will be honest with you
none of this is worth money
just save up 200 pulls for big events, and excess pulls outside of that are play money

use this team, friend
cute im so proud of them
netzach next dumbass
the announcer dupes only give 50 thread boxes so its really not worth using pity on a dupe imo
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MASSIVE Skill issue.
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Based tastes anon
>they didnt post it for shitclair
Would just smell like Opium, since Ekenphalins IRL are endogenous peptides made by the body to bind opiod receptors and neutralize pain.
Dieci means 10?
I'm so fucking retarded...
Ryoshu looks pretty underwhelming on paper, but in-game she feels pretty fucking strong for no reason
Didn't do any of the good luck rituals. About to roll. Don't tell me good luck or anything.
how? i had both new ids and erlcliff all at 45 ut4
Just grind the lux, I got insanely (un)lucky with a ton of announcer pulls.
>Ryoshu's feet are mentioned
>new Steam record
It's just that shrimple
I was luckier than you but also had to roll past pity. 220 rolls for my first announcer, at which point I could use Ideality for the second.
It's Dieci Rodya all over again
Why would she underwhelming on paper as well, all of her rolls are way above average
you can't counter staggered enemies anon...
Any announcers that are never leaving your roster? Now that Hod's released, I'm keeping her on forever.
Bwo... all the associations names are numbers in their respective language
Hana = 1 in Korean
Zwei = 2 in German
Can you not get Soothe the Dead by resetting the 500 starlight free tier iv gift?
>Ryoshu feet
>Solemn Lament
>Ishmael bullying canonized
They're gonna have to try really fucking hard to top this
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Not fusion gifts no
46888 now
Only purchaseable Tier 4s.
>Ryoshu looks pretty underwhelming on paper
wut? even the retards here correctly assessed she would be strong when her skill dropped
Are you not using ButterSang as lead? His S3 melts the boss, stacks sinking like mad, and that lets everyone else melt it even more. I'm not even using Huntcliff
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Good morning, how is my wife Ryoshu and her new ID?
>Spidershu is all blunt with high rolls
my EXP lux team expands
hod bloated druggie carpet muncher
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NTA but I think he means her skills. If you read her skills, it's mostly
>gain X
>gain coin power based on X
>spend X for nuke
I'm assuming he isn't a day 1 player, because this is the most basic Charge ID, which is why she's my new favorite ID
Fuck complicated IDs. Give me simple IDs that release nukes
did you bet on Ryoshu getting the red mist ID in the far future?
>how is my wife Ryoshu
>her new ID
Got Yi Sang and Ryoshu, should I try to luckshit Gregor with my last rolls or save?
ID is good
But sadly she's confirmed to have mommy/daddy issues
I got all IDs I needed in first ten rolls, ГOЙДA
it is
the church book dudes not having a vaguely Mexican feel is sad.
the partys are big over there but so is the church scene
She looks to be stronger than Janny, but I need to do further testing.
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it works fine on my screen
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Please tell me Lamentsang isn't going to become Der Outis tier once the event ends
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So because Heathcliff is the only Sinner yet to get a Walpipi thing, he's definitely going to get something in the next one which'll be Ruina related
We'll probably also see Don getting something because she's only gotten a 00 ID from the LobCo side of things, plus a third Sinner who has also gotten a LobCo related thing
After that, I'm betting on Hong Lu (if the Don theory turns out to be true) to get something for the next LobCo Walpipi for the same reason as Don
Then it's simply whoever got LobCo stuff gets Ruina stuff, and vice versa
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>I'm not strong because I wield you, I wield you because I am strong
Shittiest clapbait event fucking ever holy shit
What's the shortest time that it takes to go from Dawn to Noon?
I'm pretty sure I've done it a couple of times before by just spamming works but I'm not sure on the timing
Seethe chudcel
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xiao heathcliff soon
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now we need yi sang as geto and ryoshu as gojo
Running him in MD, I find him to be pretty good. Turn 1 will always be good for him because he starts out with max ammo, and he gains Clash and Coin Power accordingly. His biggest weakness I'd say is you can't use E.G.O all the time because of the SP drain, but that's not the end of the world.
>2 coin S2
He is...
>Running W Faust
>Not just running Multicrack Faust as Captain because the effect makes her gain charge potency from every single fucking skill
She was at like 15 Potency or more by the time I finished the hard version
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Once I stopped running a Bleed Team with Red Eye Ryoshu and shifted to using a Sinking Team with Solemn Yi, this Walpipi's missions were definitely easier than the last one.
The "hardest" one is the "Have 6+ statuses in one turn" mission but I just dumped as much EGOs with status effects on the boss.
What's the best team comp for hard...
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>101 rolls for Yi Sang and Ryoshu and no Gregor
Should I keep going for his EGO?
sorry doomkek, you can't argue against the player count
Anon the Walpipi banners have always been clapbait
You're not some kinda of stupid fella who only now realized this, are you?
>dodged both IDs all the way to the 200 pity
Was almost me but I got them both within the last 50 rolls
By the way what was wrong with Alligator Hunter Ryoshu? I got a full refund and I cant find the logs of why.
But enough about the next ruina whalepiggies.
It's pretty good against enemies without SP I'd say. >>493213450 was my screenshot
It's insanely busted especially with Heir Gregor's coinpower, absolutely get it
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>break both arms
>suddenly unleash an unclashable dealing 100+ damage
>my sinner got chokeful of S1s and no EGO
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>Great Love for Us still has the instakill move in the MD
They nerfed her
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>this is with Ringsang having 2x S1>S2 replacements
Fucking hell HOW
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>Didn't win the coinflip
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>Sinners at current power level are STRUGGLING to defeat a single noon monolith and need outside help
Bros... are our sinners still jobbers?
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>Lobotomy UI
she is the parent dumbass
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I can't believe Gregor Bud managed to get a permanent spot on the sinking team when he was about to get kicked out of it
Well RIP then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWNyg_2RbkU
They couldn't deal with the shockwave since it only triggers once they enter the room, unlike our nuggets where we knew it was coming in advance and moved them into hallways at least after the 1st time.
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I like clapbait
Good luck anon
Why would a parent complain about parents pushing their view onto their kids?
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>Lament Yi Sang does 65+% of total damage for the event because of course he does as the team leader
>Second place is always Dieci Rodion
Luv me stronk Russian wife
to be fair an almost maxed out nugget still dies to the monolith if they forget to get out of the way.
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>130 pulls, already ran the weekly and already got the event rewards
>no lunacy left
>no dead butterflies
i have literally every other dogshit walpurigis id except the one for my favorite abno. this may be the final straw
>Red Eyes Ryoshu is the better of the two Walpipi IDs
>actually shit on the event hard missions
regret from killing her own kid?
why would she get penitence if she was Yoshihide?
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How are you guys playing erkliff? Do you spam your counter or what? That one useful femboy lc creator stopped making unit guides all of a sudden and now Im lost.
shes the daughter retard read her recent uptie story
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Did the guaranteed 000 ticket we got randomly first
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>handful of events each year dedicated to gorging on clapbait
It's as delicious as it is shameless
Where's the daily lunacy pack? All I see is weekly and monthly. Am I stupit?
I love clapbait so much, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and makes me get out my credit card, plus clapbait is always guaranteed to be at least decent if not busted
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I think she's better than WRyo on charge teams in MD as well, gets an insane amount on red eyes and penitence stacks from ego gifts she starts shitting out damage with every skill
by daily packs he means the monthly ones since you get daily lunacy
Anyone with enough prudence could tell she would NOT be the mother.
I'm retarded
It's the monthly giving the daily
Kill me
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>trying to get the no body breaking mission as well as team captain killing noon mission in one turn
alright well both is certainly off the table for one go at it
the monthly lunacy pack gives you 650 paid lunacy up front and 65 free lunacy per day for the following 30 days
even in the shop limbabs dont read...
>He has to use THAT for these events
>Doesn't have enough Lunacy saved up naturally from doing weekly MDs
The janny... has been dethroned.
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>across all walpipi banners never got a single announcer
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So, does Bleed teams get an update with Red Eyes Penitence Ryoshu or do I still use Chef Ryoshu for Passive?
You can still stagger the body, it doesn't break it...
The sadly part is because mommy/daddy issues are a MASSIVE red flag
Clerks aren't people
>Both announcers
>Greg EGO
There go all of my funds.
I genuinely don't understand how you retards come to that conclusion when the only thing backing you up is
>Hurrr she said she hates parents that must mean she is the daughter!!!!
when it can be interpreted as Ryoshu just shit-talking parents because she WAS a shit parent
yes I know they don't follow the story to the T but they have kept the same story beats from the books and the main thing was Ryoshu just letting the Master kill his daughter at the end of the story because the scene so entranced him
By killing the boss faster?
Even without butterfly yi sang as lead you have THREE (3) waves of prep time to get your sinners to full sanity and the right ego resources/burst skills banked. The boss doesn't have any weakness phase (like bloodfag and his 8 fragile when you drain his sanity) so you're free to drop all your nukes first turn on him, or second if you want to do minor setup (Ryoshu base EGO for 2 fragile)
Missed >>493217492
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This fat fuck TANKS that
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She's really good.
Not Ring Sang of course, but Ring Sang was a genuine fuck-up on PM's part. So much so that they tried to nerf him immediately upon release.

She functions the same as other charge ids (gain charge, roll silly numbers on S3), except even with zero charge she'll clash quite alright.
She also has a bit of bleed and SP regen. And shield (for some reason).
As far as I'm concerned, she's "W-Ryo-but-better"

Honestly? I think Regret Paus is the best one.
a) Tremor team actually exists, and she fits in there.
b) You don't actually need a tremor team for her to work. She's more of a "AoE" id than a Tremor one.
I'm buying more lunacy so I'll have a surplus for the next walpipi bwo, if you buy the 80 dollar pack it gives you good luck
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I got it in 30 more rolls, I won
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Holy moly
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Fuck it I'm going to Ideal Hod, Ryoshu can wait for 4 months I don't care if she's more broken then Ring Sang
>didnt get the hog announcer
oh it is so so fucking over...
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So what's the go to team for Hard mode?
you fell for the coom bwo
But I just got W Ryoshu
You're telling me she got mogged already? FUCK
Well that's true too.
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So far we’ve gotten:
>Faust for Control Team
>Outis and Don for Training Team
>Yi Sang and Ryoshu for Safety Team
>Malkuth, Yesod, Hod announcers
So next Walpurgis we should get:
>Netzach announcer
>Two more Sinners for Information Team
Out of: Heath, Rodya, Gregor, Ishmael, Meursault, assuming Hong Lu and Sinclair already being accounted for with their Wal IDs respectively.
Who’s it going to be, and what EGO will they get?
Who could stomach working under Yesod? If you ask me: Meur and Ish, would seem obvious picks.
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To shard Phillipclair... or not to shard...
Linton Gregor is the best sinking count applier even without the EGO, discounting Rimeshanking
Wonder if that faggot who frothed at the mouth every time a Ryoshu ID wasn't literally W Ryoshu But Again can finally shut the fuck up now that she has a better one.
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Uh, Yi Sang, you're not supposed to be in this shot...
Just put Solemn Yi-sang as captain and he'll do everything himself, put more sinking so you can kill the monolith faster i guess.
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Do I slot LoboRyo in the Bleed or Charge team?
>Ryoshu's passive has TWO different sin resouce requirements because it's two weapons
Kino. I wonder if I can activate one before the other.
>Got the Hog announcer on my 9th pull
>9th Sinner is Rodya
Solemn Yi Sang/Wild Hunt Heathcliff/Dieci Rodya/Molar Ish/Linton Greg
Solemn Yi's S3 usually kills the purple nuggets and staggers the boss's hands pretty easily.
Wild Hunt is Wild Hunt.
No, that's Molar Ishmael
Solo Solemn Yi Sang
She's the girl who sucked up to Hod and made her feel like she was a good person, but was essentially just using Hod to score drugs before overdosing and killed herself.
Hod's soft voice tickles my pipi
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I enjoy that he also gets to be low enough on sanity where he can get his full 50% damage up from his passive which will stack with the 40% he gets from the enemy having sinking and the 15% from the EGO passive.

Such a cool EGO. I 100% recommend uptying Yi Sang's Bygone Days to 4 for the count issue. Setup echoes of the manor the turn prior and a full gloom turn with his bygone days can easily apply more than 10 count with a little luck not to mention everyone else on the team.

Only a person with no taste would kick him out instead of using him alongside WildHunt Heath.
How do you do the 80% mission?
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>Wildhunt, Solemn YIsang, W.H Gregor for damage
>Decei Rodya, boatworks ishmael, W.H Outis for count
Perfectly balanced mmmmm nyes.
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Woah, that's a cool floor design.
Borrow someone's Lament Yi Sang. Skill 3 melts them.
yisang skill 3 instakills them with all heads
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W Ryoshu's "big silly damage thing" is MUCH faster to set up.
It also has one more coin, but so far I gotta say - that part doesn't matter. Additional damage makes up for that.

Finally, one's slash, the other's blunt. Situationally, it'll matter.
hes helping his friends :)
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I do not feel shame
like she tanked those burgers to her gut
>1 gluttony
Selfless anon...
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Throw your shooty captain YiSang's third skill at any of the unhurt blobs and make sure he clashes it first
How many bullets do I need for the one-shot?
Red Eyes Ryoshu is fucking shit with the Hard Mode of the event.
Like, please, just fucking use a Sinking Team with Solemn Yi Sang and save the trouble.
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>be animal-based bleed ID
>manage to sneak into the high-energy, high-tech charge team just because
How the fuck did Ryoshudev get away with this shit?
I mean if you slot him first you could simply reload with his first skill and then use the skill 3. But really you don't need to worry too much. You get multiple shots (lol) at it.
i did it first try with her as captain bwo?
>Getting turned on by sinclair's corpse
>Notice there are other sinners in the pile
soiled it.
i wanna press my ass into sinclair's mangled body!
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I never pay attention to his ammo and he always instant kills them from full, so I'll say one bullet
Meur with Logging from Warm Hearted Woodsman.
Ish with Sword Sharpened With Tears from Knight of Despair.
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I got Angela (forma de thread del boxes)
well, sinners are loosely based on both the author and the character from the stories they’re from and akutagawa had huge mommy issues
also, i think spider bud/penitence may be a reference to the spider’s thread by the same author
thoughts on his pose?
next wapipis is Ruina again, or maybe finally some DD
Oh it sound just like high school
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Next Walpurgis is Ruina
One after that would be Lobotomy
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On the other hand, W Ryoshu's S1 will always roll 9, while Spidershu's S1 will go from 12 to 16, depending on your charge.

Yeah, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. She seems just almost strictly better to me, except in shorter fights, where W-Shy gets her S3 powered faster.

But it's charge, tho. Charge notoriously fails to "truly shine" in shorter fights anyway.

So - goodnight, W-shu. You helped me get through RR2, but it is time, I'm afraid.
meh, but his block animations are kino, using the coffin as a shield
the Director is a massive fucking hack if Ish doesn't get the red riding hood ID alongside Heath's Big and Will be Bad wolf ID
It's literally a match made in heaven

>Ishmael gets the red-colored ID with a suicidal obsession to take down a beast
>Heath gets the wolf ID about a beast trying to surpass his filthy nature and be good
>biggest sinner rivalry
I'm this close to ending it because of the status effect mission.
>had to pity both ids
i want to cry
next walpipi is oscar greg and whoever for the two pams
Jesus fucking christ
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>shoves blunt resist
now what
All-Around-Helper seems like a decent pick.
Hong Lu could also deal with Yesod's personality, although I don't know if he'll end up actually as part of his team.
So far, we know that the abnos that the facility has include One Sin, Forsaken Murderer, Meat Lantern, Fragment of the Universe, Der Freischütz, Spider Bud, Bloodbath, and Void Dream.
What is your bleed team? Poise team? I'm making them separate now. The only thing I know off the top of my head I'm missing bleed ID wise is 000 KKs. For poise I'm missing BLclair. I'm sharding Maidshu
Didn't they say they cleaned it up fine after the rock got dropped
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>people now thinking that Ryoshu is the daughter because of a shitty parent comment
What makes Ryoshu unable to be a shitty parent, who had a shitty parent, and roast other shitty parents because of being a shitty parent herself AND having a shitty parent raising her? It's a generational cycle of shitty parents and the City is built upon such cycles of shittines.
Contained Maggots is such a shit EGO Gift, fucking Christ.
This shit does not deserve being a Tier 3 gift.
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There-there, anon.
At least you've had the resources to Ideal twice.
oyakodon was referring to ryoshu being both parent and child
300 pulls and only got Gregor ego, got hod, molar, and 5!! Fucking Dawn office announcers, and then got Yi sang after using the pity on him at 200
How do I do 7 turns? Yi Sang slot 1, then Ryoshu, who's next?
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>4/6 female sinners got LC IDs
>1/6 male sinners got LC IDs

>Tiph's floor and the magical girls are slowly approaching
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So, new ryoshu is dogshit and new YiSang is his best ID that noone will use ever because no sinking deluge
did I get it right?
wait wtf Huntcliff just whipped out 500+ dmg out of nowhere
He wasn't even the captain
>You now remember Olga and Rodion
I wouldn't hold your breath
take off ryoshu. yi sang only
you may have to reset until he survives first turn but he clears everything easily
Just put WolfCliff in slot 1 and use sinking team, it's easy as fuck
still a better mod than the malkuth one desu
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>turn 2 in a bleed team
Can only imagine how much stacks she gets in a proper charge team
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So you are saying there's a chance...
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Oh no.
Not even close
Painter Sang is still the King
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they wouldn't DARE fuck this up
that happening was my deepest fear going into this, I am sorry for your loss
I got the last one on pull 200
Rodion QOH thoughbeit.
bros... i dropped below 100k lunacy...
I always forget that he exists, only use him for the fox fight on thread
my bad
so both are useless dogshit?
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>Rodya King of Greed
>Ish Queen of Hatred
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Holy. I actually triggered his portrait phase in one turn.

He got pissed off.
I swear to GOD if they pull a Ruina and put someone like fucking Hong Lu in the QoH dress I will SCREAM.
bwos dyon already has an lc id...
To be fair, Roland looked sick in his King of Greed version, so the male sinners will probably look cool too.
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not having Rodion as KoG is almost as big of a fuck up as not having Don as QoH
anon I dont want to scare you
but hong already has a magical girl transformation in game
is just a matter of time before he gets the QoH ID...
no homo but I would fuck Hong Lu if he was wearing the QoH dress
The Magical Girls could be E.G.O too, just as FotDB is an ID and an E.G.O. You can have Lobotomy E.G.O:: Knight of Despair Heathcliff and then Queen of Hatred Don E.G.O
So Ryoshu is actually the daughter who probably killed Ryoshi or just ran away, we can agree on that right? After this uptie story its so obvious to me.
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Nuggets can change gear and layers. IT CAN STILL HAPPEN LET ME DREAM.
outis QoH
>Heathcliff King of Greed
>Sinclair Queen of Hatred
I don't think I'm getting the pity roll, lads
It's over
NooOOOO gunsang for me
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remember this anons?
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QoH this, KoG that, who would get Parasite Tree EGO? Elf ears EGO gift is mandatory.
Now post the one with 7 Rolands.
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am i just not seeing it?
>Charge notoriously fails to "truly shine" in shorter fights anyway.
The flying fuck are you on, the whole sell of good charge IDs is that they need little to no ramp up, especially with Telepole.
best uptie story by far
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So, do I use Red Ryoshu on Bleed teams or on Charge teams?
Does she replace both KK and W Ryoshu in Charge and Bleed teams?
Me as the red eye over Outis
Not too different from what we got by the end
his headcanon because he wants to validate his new shiny toy. though she will be good when theres a slash resist.... but that didn't stop people from running WDon/WRyo against Ahab.
You already know in your heart that it will be Hong Lu in the end
You are a retard
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I still have PTSD of this nigga reflecting burn
newpipis will never experience seeing this cunt appear in your burn run.
Agreed. The gift MUST be included
>No event
>No story
>p-p-please rolling this limited banner
pathetic fucking game
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full charge DDEDR > Serious Skullbuster
What team did you use?
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>Rodion not KoG
You're joking
>W-Ryoshu sidegrade for Charge teams
>Shit on Bleed Team
Damn, what is she used for then?
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get raped, idiot
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>that damage even through 10 protection
wew lad
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>The rewards give 16 extraction tickets
>Not 10
>Not 20
>Six fucking teen
I didn't get Yi Sang :(
Are their heads bigger here or is it just me?
I used all the lobcorp ego ids, with Yi Sang as my captain
Stop being greedy bro
>roll on da limited banner
>whoah green shit
>it's another Sinclair
>and what is the reward for dubs
>50 threads
Whoah thank game
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This id does a shit ton on top dealing comparable damage to WRyo, it's better for sure.
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should i run a charge bleed or sinking team for this week's hard MD
NTA, but I want to do this. I have all of them except Don leveled/uptied. I guess I was going to make an EGO equipment team anyway. Suncliff is leveled already, but I guess I would do Sheetclair as the last member
Is she also BiS for bleed teams?
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Bros I'm scared
What if it really does end up being shitclair QoH in walpipi (loop 1)
Didn't last Walpipi also give 16? I know I've had an uneven amount of tickets for the past few seasons.
I'd say only ring sang is above her, so yeah kind of.
how is the new yi sang and gregor
Made me reinstall this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvvkmfVPppY
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Of course it's going to be sinclair, coombait sells and he's the only male sinner with the hips to pull it off
its going to happen
have you SEEN the dev bent a knee several times during CHADlip.
Impossible, our gookcel brothers would take to the streets. It'll be Don after transferring departments.
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How is he anyway? IS passive seems like it'll be slightly useful for the new ryoushu at worst.
i still feel we're three walpeepees away from tiph layer
no ID that actually works in yesod's layer makes me think they want to round things out, no netzach abnos whatsoever either
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Team to beat this?
Is KK Ryoshu is pointless now, I guess?
At least I didn't shard her hahaha could you IMAGINE
>KoG Eldlich
Why I didnt think of that
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D-Don't say these things...
Welp, out of resurces, no yi sang for me
So what is the final verdict on Funeral Yi Sang?
I got greg on the first 10 pulls but the next 80 yielded nothing. If he is trash then I will just be running a 5 men sinking team with heath in the first slot.
All my ID sill at lvl 40, what is the best ID to uptier 4 for railway?
why would you shard a launch character that didn't get overhauled on tie 4....
i think we’re going to have sinners get ids that moved up departments at this rate
Did you have to stall to get all the status effect procs off?
So how do I buttsang?
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Her VA wasn't lying about this id having her longest lines yet.
What did she mean by this?
I figured "mmm, bleed"
But then I looked at her
Fuck that
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Pretty much, yeah.

Well, she doesn't fucking NEED any ramp up.
You can S3 on turn 1. And she'll even get immediate coin +1 if she's simply FASTER than the enemy.
oh absolutely, we'd have legitimately no sinners left to take slots by hokma and binah if that weren't the case
Flattened Like A Train...?
no, I just bunga'd
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>Last pull
>Finally see green
>Get excited
>It's a fucking announcer
At least I got a Meursault out of this, but seriously fuck announcers diluting the pool.
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I didn't expect that bloody Gregor would be the best thing to come out of this Walpurgis.
After testing in MD, KK Ryoshu is still better (as a bench option) in a bleed team because LC Ryoshu's kit synergizes better with a charge team, if anything the bleed is only there for flavor.
if you were gonna use her on charge teams you'd use w-corp ryoshu instead, better fit on bleed
I suppose if you're running bleed without ego gifts hes bleed-core?
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That's the state of my dick after she's done with me
Now I'm just more confused, since it seems like the completion requirements listed for that mission aren't the real requirements. If I try to brute force I end up killing the enemies too quickly.
>Forsaken Murderer is part of Malkuth's department, not Yesod.
>Der Freischütz is part of of Hod's department, also not Yesod's.
>Spider Bud is part of Netzach's department, not Hod's.
>Funeral of the Dead Butterflies is part of Netzach's department, not Yesod's.
It doesn't seem like they're particularly trying to match the Ruina abnos to their Lob Corp counterpart departments, so there's a high chance that Tiphereth might not even get all the magical girls (She'll probably at least get one because her department is huge).
>I didn't expect that an EGO that rolls multiple times would demolish bosses
Don will get the ID
Sinclair will get the EGO
Limbillions will be spent on that specific walpenis
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Donfags would KILL KJH if he gave QOH to Sinclair
Don just makes way more sense to have it over any other sinner (Obsessed with justice to the point of mental illness and has a monster form) that it would be a massive fuck you
Does it matter which body part the status effects are inflicted to, or does it have to be a single body part? I need to do the 18 status effects + 6 unique status effects
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>stay in an elevator if you are cowards
>all viable starts against the most dangerous enemies involve elevator abyse
Ryoshu deserves to be incinerated by a green fuck off laser desu.
>suda's doujin is sold out already
should've bought it when i had the chance
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Back status?
Doomkeks currently being cocooned in Red Eyes containment
they need to remake lobcorp so it isn't so jank
Isn't Tiph a department where you get your first mandatory Aleph?
1) Don't suck and kill the ones about to explode before they explode, wtf.
2) Barebones sinking team or rupture team would work.
3) I think I got it with ringsang. Pretty sure multicrack or wild hunt would work. Possibly pirate gregor can oneshot with skill 3.
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>its 10k over keklip
Yi Sang skill 3 can kill anything at full HP
Meat Lantern + Yi Sang = 6-5 status effects on the same turn. Or, you can just use Meat Lantern since her skill 2 inflicts 3 instances of rupture
Decay is the AoE skills the enemy use. Just save your Yi Sang skill 3 until they use the skill
>You can S3 on turn 1. And she'll even get immediate coin +1 if she's simply FASTER than the enemy.
And it's not that good if you use it that way, same as Rip Space\D.D.E.D.R. Throwing away your biggest nuke t1 because you didn't fulfill the conditionals is very stupid.
I guess the miss is because of shield bullets?
Keep reading, faustposter.
Merge up and stand still.
Is this tier list good?
She was referring to her chest, which is flat as a cutting board
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>Lets give our most popular abno gear to the least popular sinner (No one cares Greg) even though it fits the most popular sinner more
Yeah I burn money for fun too
silent orchestra for ANOTHER sinking ID INBOUND in SIX MONTHS
No, use gll
Its wrong.
Use this https://gll-fun.com/en/tierlist/identities
Why did LCCB Ryoshu get reset?
>Yi Sang
What one
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>magic marker
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Ah, yes, rolling 20, getting enough charge to power your other abilities and having zero negative repercussions is basically the same as losing 20% of your HP, rolling 11 and getting dick overall.
>8 rolls
tf??!!! Is this real?
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Is there any SSS team build too?
The new one ESL-kun
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I don't remember if it's mandatory, but it's probably pretty common for the first Aleph to be be part of Tiph's department due to the point at which the game is at (although I think you can technically get one earlier, and you might be able to avoid it in Tiph's department if you happen to know what all the abnos are).
But I might be wrong, I never really thought about if there was a mandatory ALEPH choice breakpoint
Idk what to think about lamentsang yet desu, the event is obviously designed for him to shine in it so I'm not going to make the shootis mistake again.
Only got Yisang, should I pity Gregor or Ryoshu?
Now that the dust has settled please release some fun flavorful IDs for Gregor and Rodion (Sault would be nice too)
Latter only applies to Don. Ryoshu can lose HP and still nuke which is probably why she's better than Don in most setups in autism RR.
There's a teambuilder function in the page, yes.
It is. You almost always reach 8 coins if you use it at max sp, since butterfly heals sp a little for every hit, and it's impossible to drop below 0 sp unless you roll 5-6 sp loss on every single coin
We're probably diving into a mirror world for doing these Walpurgisnacht stuff too, so makes sense
Ryoshu if you know what you are doing AKA speedrun MD.
you can get aleths as early as department 3, but tiph opening up skyrockets the chance to get waws/aleths
Has anyone checked if Rhino and W Faust support passives work for Ryoshu?
t. out of lunacy and no Ryoshu
Canto 7 will have a bloodfiend pride parade
They've already made references to all the game mechanics of lobcorp like the bullets, and even ingame strategies like elevator abuse. What makes you think they wouldn't make a nod to how you can transfer nuggets between departments?
Ryoshu is SS tier in both charge and bleed
But i don't want to build it myself, i prefer to look at other builds, what is the best of best team look like?
I remember there are certain days in 20-35 range when you are forced to have an Aleph even with Binah's reset. 26th Iirc.
it depends
Is it possible to get a full pity for next Walpipi if the lunacy stash has been cleared? I am lamenting on whether to pull 40 more times to pity Gregor or not.
>same sinner now holds the two strongest charge ids
What the heck?
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what kind of bs is this shit?
You ARE using the canon team, right?
use the lobcorp team on give us love, ez
If you absolutely not roll on anything until the next walpipi, then yes you can easily get another 200 rolls in 4 months or so.
Does it matter what body part?
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>200 rolls
>yi sang
Ryoshu you whore your ID is full of fuck-you restrictions.
Just tell me, I have almost all the IDs and Egos anyway
do the body so it doesn't get broken mid turn and fuck you over
Rolling outside of whalepiggies is and has always been retarded.
After not getting One Sin and Olga, what makes you think she will get KoG?
Yes, I was almost completely out of lunacy and as f2p I managed to get another pity + 9270 lunacy by saving everything and only doing a few rolls here and there
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... Huntcliff benefits from killing mooks the most, especially with his coffin. So he's a mainstay for dishing out damage, alongside with Yi Sang and Gregor.
So, depending on what you would want, the first three slots would be like this:
These three are interchangeable depending on who you have and who you like the most.
For keeping Count, you would want Butler Outis, Dieci Rodion and Dieci Hong Lu.
Again, these interchangeable, and you could swap out DieciLu for someone else, like Butler Faust.
The last three slots would go something like this:
Butler Outis
Dieci Rodion
Dieci Hong Lu/Butler Faust
The final team would look like this:
Butler Outis
Dieci Rodion
Dieci Hong Lu
This is, probably, not optimal for some, but it is most likely a good Sinking team composition.
Shrenne would never say this
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based Malkuth
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>what makes you think she will get KoG?
My unwavering fAith in the TRUTH and the plAn El Director has in store for us and Rodion
i replaced solemn with ring and used cinqlair for duel cause i didn't level up sheep don
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>200 rolls
>5 yi sangs
>ego greg
>fell bullet heath
>5 other 000 spooks
>got ryoshu at 200
>pity used on hod
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>el director was so happy he had to make a twitter post about NUMBERS
See what happens when its not Sinclair director?
I'd call you delusional but most anons wanted sinclair phillip and we got it even before he was announced... this board also called for a swap battle with Heath/Cathy before the 2nd part came out too...
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Best girl.
Molar ish is the best sinking count applier since shes count neutral on every skill.
>three instances of Ryoshu's feet/legs are mentioned
>new Steam record
It's just that easy
i hate this pile of junk
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humiliation shard but at least i got the remaining EGOs i was missing both in and out of walpipi
aw fuck not the macro doujin :(
Why her eyes so far apart?
She stupid?
>Gregor gets a good EGO
>New player record
It's that simple
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You would know if you were worthy of talking to
All this ceases to be relevant when it comes to Rodya
bwo? your maggot apple?
Is the trigger for the great love team wipe breaking both arms or on a turn counter?
Alright, thanks.
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>humiliation shard
It really do feel like that
It's looking grim and i might have to open the wallet since i'm already so close to sharding anyways.
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>Bleed and Sinking already have the 2 most fun IDs to use (Pointillist Sang and Erlkliff)
>Lets give bleed and Sinking the fun IDs next banner :^)
Meanwhile I have to play the match the color Poise team since Im already done using both teams and my min-max autism doesnt let me use them again until they are at full stardust count, even after completing the buff tree
Anyone have the retard proof guide to RR4?
Managed to roll all the new stuff at 169 rolls, is there a point finishing the spark now?
Is it just me or is the dialogue for Walpurgis Night 4 absolutely fucking scuffed? The other three Nights didn't really have great dialogue either but it was at least serviceable.
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Is the damage supposed to be in a single turn or with 8+ skills? Because I swear I procced rupture with don enough times, not even including bleed and burn.
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Thank fuck I didn't have to do 2 pities. Also I got no normal 000 or ego from this banner, was that just my scuffed luck or did they change rates? I only got 00 red balls or green ones.
I literally have FUCKING everything from the dispenser but the Lob Corp announcers
there are so many typos in the uptie stories, which is strange because there really isn’t a lot of dialogue to make typos in
shrenne > samjo
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I keep forgetting that some tend to run Molar Ishmael for that reason, so I didn't include her in because with Rodion on the field, I am also assuming that the player already has a fully-threadspun Rime Shank.
In that case, then, she would also be good to replace any of those last three "count keepers" I mentioned.
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no one, just those 2 alone are better than any bigger team
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Who is worth sharding out of these guys, Contempt Ryoshu, Everlasting Faust and Fell Bullet Heath?
Just use Meat Lantern Don's skill 2 three or four times on a single enemy
Wait I just noticed
The noon at III? Wtf?
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I think it's the former, but I'm not entirely sure.
The fact that you also think that it might just be the breaking of both arms kinda confirms my suspicions.
Well they did allude to the noon happening so soon after the dawn was something very weird
not really if you got every announcer as well
Who the hell is LamentSang?
None of them are strong on their own, only if you're building a team

First two for Rupture
Second two for Tremor (will need Everlasting too)
Third for Charge

Contempt is mostly strong for RR and ehh on everything else
Fell Bullet is a pass
You can pity announcers that are in the extraction pool.
you can pity any walpurgis announcer with ideality you dummy
never really used w corp outis, but yi sang is great at rupture teams, so is faust, don can setup funny nukes if the stars align
do note, you will grow to hate tea faust's kill line
you're gonna hear it
it's gotten to the point where i stopped using her rupture comps at all
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lmao the new EGO gifts in walpurgis MD are goofy
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Lobotomy E.G.O.:: Solemn Lament Yi Sang.
Otherwise called "Buttsang" by some anons.
I don't care for the Whore Hod, I want Malcute and Brosod
I fancy running rupture in MDH, at least before bleed got even more broken or when warp train MDH was nearly unbeatable with bleed pre patch. WSang and Faust are core in that team.
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mm juice
Butterfly Yi Sang
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I don't have him, what about the YellowSang, Spicebush something?
I'd get contempt and everlasting desu
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maybe the audio will frickin work this time, if not oh well
Mirror Dungeons should REALLY let you check and see what specialty of EGO gift you can get before you choose which node you'll get. New floor has a really good bleed gift but the chance of you getting it when running bleed is comically low
What counts for this?
Anon that was over a year ago.
Huh hadn't noticed that fact, what I have noticed is that a lot of the uptie stories are really, short, or both. It's honestly a real shame since they really could give some cool insights.
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He is fine too. Mainly because of his Sinking Deluge.
If you've been around, or have seen those big-number screenshots of his S3, you may immediately realize why he's also a good option for Sinking.
Safe bet on Contempt and Everlasting since they are season 4, with the others you can get anytime
It's not delusional if it makes the most sense
What does make it delusional, however, is the fact that it's "Rodya getting something she deserves" we're talking about
I managed to really psyche myself out of it, thanks
I could buy several vidya on sale for these dogshit prices, what the fuck
>Red Eyes Ryoshu is fucking overloaded garbage
It tries to do everything and can't do any of it.
Can't bleed
Can't heal SP
Can't build the potency it needs for coin power
Retarded +3 speed conditional on an id with decorative haste/bind
Nukes her own SP for garbage payoff AFTER it uses its SP heal effects
retard dono...
I'm stuck at 6/8 too. I'm thinking this is a bug.
Is passenger Outis an EGO worth sharding?
>or have seen those big-number screenshots of his S3
this recording is nearly a year old but i kind of miss being able to pull shenanigans like this
Very cute and good. Seems third time really is a charm.
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why is my rodya using vacuity twice in a turn during the event fights
no, she is not team captain
no, i will not be reading anything
Anon you're likely talking to Coinshizo Doomnigger.
who else is on your team
it's not great
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She wants to be so special that she's bending the rules
Either that or you have Captain Ish on your team
I had trouble getting it to register with rupture too

Run a Yi Sang/Ryoshu duo and use his S1 only on the highest health enemy, that got it to work for me
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
ahabmael can make allies use their s1 after using her s2, chance is 20%, increases with resonance.
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so how strong is this guy
And it's still the second best Zayin EGO in the game
It looks kino as fuck, that's about it
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>doomniggers lost to hard they have to resort to calling the ids shit instead
I'm laffin
Newbab here

>Only had enough for about 5 x10s
>Got both Laments
>Also got Wild Hunt from the pass guaranteed 000
I'm happy as a clam right now. Time to build a Sinking team around these two gigachads.

Which EGOs/sinking IDs are priority for sharding?
45,000 bongys
I just woke up and got most of the Walpurgis stuff in 60 pulls (aside from the announcers)
only thing I ended up not getting was the Hod announcer, Solemn Gregor I had to shard and without having enough for pity I'm not gonna risk chucking in 100+ more pulls

only things I don't got now are Yesod and Hod
Nowadays, it's pretty easy to stack up Sinking like nothing, especially after this Season's Sinking-focused IDs.
I can't speak for myself, however, because I wasn't around to experience such hardships.
I joined when the T.C.T.B. event was live. Kimsault is what roped me in. I ended up sharding him because my rolls were abysmal.
That is neither here or there, however. At any rate, I thank you for sharing this video. I think I might've seen it before, too.
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>Which EGOs/sinking IDs are priority for sharding?
Rime Shank is really the only EGO you'll need for sinking, and because you'll be using Rodion for it, her Dieci ID too
>No paradise lost wing
Tetha08 sweeps
the worst part is resetting until your speeds and skills line up just right
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Sinners for this feel?
>Funeral Sang duel vs Dongbaek
>he who walks towards the future, vs she who desires to go back to the past
>the living and the departed
Do you still have the link for the blobbu zip file?
Jesus Christ in Heaven let me find a woman with big tits and bigger hair like Rodion that will love me forever and ever 'till Death do us part.
>169 hp
>6 9 bullets
n i c e
I hate the gachabrain. I am now considering waiting another Walpipi to shard Gregor and pity an announcer because I have no one from them and they can't be exchanged for shards giving them more value than EGOs when it comes to FOMO shit.
Butterfly is basically works as double sinking damage added with benefits. He is great for sinking team
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rabbit bros,wer losing
Uptie 4 with 10 Coffin has like 200% damage modifier on S3.

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