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I have a crush on every Night Elf edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Previous thread >>493182263
It costs nothing to be nice to others :)
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
smelling female elf feet recreationally
589.. give me a 600+ chest for doing 5 m0’s next week. I’m going to go think about void elf women now.
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So why do you never do that and seethe at them at every moment?
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Why didn't Arthas just kill all the citizens of Stratholme and then cast Resurrect on them? You can reach level 6 by The Culling. How are you supposed to take this seriously?
>He purchased gear for hundreds of thousands of gold
>He's going to replace that gear with free shit from a delve next week
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LITERALLY made to be kissed and licked by me everyday
I’ve tried 5 times so far.
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So when are blood/void elves and humans getting the half elf ear customizations?
Wasn’t me.. I sold a lot of boe’s. I was trying for the 593 pole arm but no luck..
>Just made a Dracthyr the other day
>Now I learn they can be other classes soon
Fucks sakes now I have to make ANOTHER one
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Yes I play a human male ret paladin
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>loggin into WoW and load into Dornogal
>surrounded by barefoot fem nelf/velf/belfs

this can't be good for my brain
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Is it even worth it to upgrade adventurer gear from heroics or should you save the materials for next week?
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Me too! Third kill total.
I've been debating leveling a Priest and this seems like it may be a sign.
You should save the materials for The Last Titan, that's when we get the best gear!
why would you ever pick a dracthyr for a different class?
i thought they made evoker so you HAD to play dracthyr. its such an ugly race, even the visage form looks hideous
>She bounces off Anduin pretty well and is the springboard for his own character development.
In a bad way.
His father's words can't help him.
Velen's words can't help him.
Jaina's words can't help him.
Magni's words can't help him.
Alleria's words can't help him.
Turalyon's words can't help him.
Green Jesus himself, Thrall, cannot talk him out of his shit.

But this walking set of checkmarks comes along, tells him to cheer up, and shouts some frankly insulting lines about how SHE is the bastion of the light, words we don't hear any of the characters we actually care about dare utter because it would be cringe as fuck, and THAT is what "heals" Anduin?
Mary Sue bullshit. She has virtually no baggage or trauma from any of the devastating losses she's endured. Everyone loves her. She "works too hard". She's good at everything. She's a know-it-all that's never wrong and it never backfires on her.

Despite being crammed full of "disprivilege", she doesn't have any flaws or weaknesses to speak of.

Save it for Veteran or higher, imo.
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>not a single queer, not even a fag flag
What's going on?
When Forsaken get the Light-raised Undead customization. They can justify the fucking Manari but apparently others are too much. Fucking dumb niggers.
With a bit of luck, you'll end up paraplegic from this so you can truly fulfill the Retardin fantasy
did you miss the very obvious point that she is manipulating Anduin for the Arathi to gain?
they are getting purged
Tell me there are nudes of the right hottie
>DEI character
>doing evil or even remotely negative things
Sir do you realize what company makes this game?
you have shit gaydar anon. far right and middle right are definitely not straight
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I think that was about my 10th try, I got a kill on moon guard and quickly logged on to my wyrmrest rogue right next to him.
I am ecstatic.
>hmmm should i spend any of these valorstones that are capped at 2k when i'm gaining 5k+ over the course of the three weeks?
>hmmm should i spend any of the 300+ weathered crests i've gathered that are literally only used to upgrade the current low ilvl gear?
I mean jesus fucking christ the amount of times this question has been asked. Do all of you have rocks in your head? Shit for brains?
This is so obvious surely you people can rub 2 brain cells together.
Calm down faggot holy shit you're the reason people dislike the wow community
Calm down, doomie.
You realize you're going from actual crossdressing retards and obligatory fag flags that you can actually see to your feelings and projections.
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>and THAT is what "heals" Anduin?
You're not wrong regarding the rest of your post, (shit like Velen/Turalyon/Thrall not being able to help him is extremely retarded).
However, did the end of campaign cinematic not show that it was Anduin seeing Alleria crying over Khadgar's corpse as well as the Crystal turning Light again that was what made Anduin regain his faith in the Light and ressurect Khadgar?
I don't think the DEI half orc had anything to do with it.
why do twitterfags want anduin to be gay so much?
Based and correct pilled.
what is the official /wowg/ spec tier list for tww?

They said they removing that feature
Oh no, people dislike the WoW community when they're retarded and ask dumb questions that get laughed at?
This is awful. I feel terrible.
Do flight points trigger zone discovery? Wanted to passive level the 2.0 Dwarf race
I really like females.
Which races are your favourite?
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It's the other way around. The Visage forms look retarded and shouldn't even exist in the first place, while the Dracthyr are based.
Uhm doomsissies are you really this desperate?
If it's so obvious, post proof.

>However, did the end of campaign cinematic not show that it was Anduin seeing Alleria crying over Khadgar's corpse as well as the Crystal turning Light again that was what made Anduin regain his faith in the Light and ressurect Khadgar?

>did the end of campaign cinematic not show

>the end of campaign cinematic

Are you just going to ignore everything that came before the end of the campaign? Including stuff that happened IMMEDIATELY before, like Faerin shouting about being THE barrier of light against the dark and putting up a divine barrier to block the priority door?

She had everything to do with Anduin's recovery and it was handled very badly because the whole thing reeked of the Fallacy of Relative Privation. "If this orphan that lost an arm and an eye as a child can have so much faith and be such a paragon of the light and such a cherished member of her community and keep her confidence even after losing people she cares about, how bad are my own problems?"

You'd get flunked if you proposed this as a viable therapy mode while trying to get a degree in psychology.
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Do you still have to do that shit-ass awful long intro to BFA to unlock the other faction's zones?
I'd really like to start farming these boots, gloves and belt

Rate the mog btw?
shit pic
face is too man-ish
got pretty far into the campaign to have been paying zero attention at all anon
My top 5 in no real order include goblins, foxes, pandas, trolls, and nelfs.
need this mount for my lock desu (because they seem intent on making sure non-imp and felhunter pets should never be useful ever EVER)
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false flag
flase flag
you didnt post yoru char
a real ret paladin would never indulge in horse shit drugs like this
ret paladins only use amphetamine class drugs for battle enhancers
flying ruins the game
give me a fucking break dude
i wish they killed him off but hes 100% a faggot bro
bruh that setup gave me herpes
not a doomie, I'm gay
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>Do you still have to do that shit-ass awful long intro to BFA to unlock the other faction's zones?
>Go to check and find out myself
>Yes you do
look at me
i'm the main character now
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>he doesnt have the based black raptor
You get the bfa start quest from the npc standing next to the hero’s call board, go to the keep and watch some text before skipping the cutscene, the go to the docks and skip the intro, then in boralus you explore the bank/inn/flightmaster, then you listen to npcs talk a little more, then you can go to wyrmbane to start the zandalari campaign. 10-15 minutes I think.
you're both retarded
the visage forms look like drag queens and the scalies look like fucking scalies
delete all of it
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Which wheelchair are you?
The Emperor is a Dreadlord.
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hold on
why dont you just portal there
i know your dumbass got the ad portal in season 3
>10-15 minutes I think.
Yeah that's still comPLETELY fucking retarded. It should be auto-done since I've done this like 10 times on other alts.
Even for Legion the Legionfall campaign is just auto-done after talking to Khadgar once. Takes 2 seconds
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>open /wowg/
>random doompost with a pic moaning about the same old unoriginal topic
>open /v/
>thread with the exact same pic moaning about the same thing
You need to set up portals then listen to the dock master or whatever tell his story about some guy dying by an infection, accept a start zone, then you can go to zandalar
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Transmog list, now
Yes, looks good
>every poster on vg is one person
He is Denathrius
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I had to do this shit on like 15 alts during the prepatch to farm the kings rest and Jaina mounts
For the many people just reposting this pic over and over, the chair is actually hovering and it's half transparent, implying it's made of magic.
Ofc they made it a generic universal wheelchair, so they could reuse it for the other cripples that use it, existing and upcoming.

I can't be bothered, but someone should check the cripple dragtyr in DF if he's had his wheelchair updated to this one.
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I don't understand how anyone gets excited for mounts anymore. This game is too saturated with them.

WoD is what killed it for me. I used to be a mountsmogscheevo golem and I farmed every fucking mount in the game but when I saw them add 9 boars, 8 clefthoofs, 6 talbuks, and 7 wolves all in one patch with just slightly different colors I threw my hands up and said "I don't care anymore" and I haven't since.
The only problem i have with the wheelchair is that it is magic and floats, therefore it doesn't need wheels
>put someone in a wheelchair so the 12 disabled people who play wow can feel validated
the wests obsession with catering to extremely small yet extremely vocal and annoying minorities continues to mystifies me
I don't really enjoy gearing right now, feels very small and insignificant, maybe it's time to make my first alt.

0: Mistweaver
1: Feral
2: Frost DK
3: Fury
4: Elemental
5: Assassination
6: Affliction
7: Prot Warrior
8: Blood
9: Brewmaster
It depends on the mount, i really like the new big nerubian one and the moles
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Hope this shits usable after they uncap brann.
If not it goes in the bag of blizzards shameful fuckups.
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>Transmog list, now
Wanderer's Snowy Scarf
Waylight Shoulderguards
Infinite Soldier's Chainmail
Gloves of Involuntary Amputation (Heroic)
Cinture of Profane Deeds (Heroic)
Infinite Soldier's Tassets
Fused Monstrosity Stompers (Heroic)
and I intend to use Thas'dorah as the bow

Yeah it's sheer utter cancer thank GOD I had the M+ portals
Its actually way worse because disabled people would use the magic available to cure their disability. Nobody would willingly live in a fucking chair if they didn't have to. It's insulting to invalids
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Yeah, yeah. Now get back to begging for my buffs.
It's completely harmless, you are the one being obsessed. If it was something like vitiligo i would agree but wheelchairs have existed in wow's past. And we don't even know if khadgar's is permanent
Ok, this has to be a bot.
I've seen these two comments WORD FOR WORD in previous threads. No human could be that shamelessly unoriginal.
>its le harmless
if its so harmless, then why do you give a shit if people are questioning it?
>We didn't have to physically rescue Khadgar
>We didn't have to enter Khadgar's broken mind and battle through his fractured psyche to restore him
Honestly I'm not sure how blizzard manages to be so fucking stupid
see >>493216554

magic wheelchair is fucking retarded and you are too
What spec is more fun, feral, wind walker or enhance?
Do you not get deserter if you leave without even killing the first boss?
What's with these zoomers leaving upon not all trash up to and including the first boss being pulled?
>niggas ITT mad we got professor X in WoW
How come no one bitched about Drek'thar?
the general doesn't play horde. They just pretend to
you have no proof because that never happened you're just shitposting at this point. delusional troon.
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Just did Dawnbreaker first time. Shakey as fuck, didn't expect those mechanics. I see the worries for M+.
And yet, I now look forward to seeing it in M+ because I'll delight in the anarchy and watching people that suck at flying.
Based. In my headcanon that's a can of whipped cream and not a whippit can, because a Ret Paladin's weight always starts with a 3
>the visage forms look like drag queens
Who's a drag queen, bitch?

Wasn't his age-related? Can't heal that without some dark magic.
And a noble orc warrior wouldn't stoop to using engineered legs or something like that unless the situation were dire.
Yup. I have 700 mounts in my collection.
There is like 5 mounts per expansion that are even remotely notable these day. Like people are always freaking out over Baledar's Spawn meanwhile i couldn't give less of a shit cause it's ugly, generic colored, and just another reskin of all the ones in shadowlands we already got. How do people care about this? I got it on my 2nd kill by the way. Didn't even put it in my favorites.
Nigger do you actually play the game and pay attention to the dialogues, or do you only come here to sperg based on what is trending on /v/?
Because you won't shut up about it, the wheelchair is harmless, your incessant bitching is annoying as fuck, are you retarded?

Oh yeah the generic argument you cucks keep parroting, i doubt you anyone that needs a wheelchair said this
The fuck are you smoking? The horde cried like baby bitches because "THEY CRIPPLED ARE HERO. KILL VANN TO EVEN IT"
Fuck man the horde cried like bitches when we killed nazgrim. 3? 4? patches after admiral taylor got yeeted. people have cried about every fucking change you lying fucktard
wind walker

I wish feral was fun but it's not unless TWW fixed it

plus the sound effects are dogshit, it feels like someone just ripping velcro every time you use an ability so it lacks that oomf to it
Drek'thar is old and decrepit and obviously can't move around as well as he used to. There's an extremely stark difference between a character who is physically incapable of walking, and someone who's young enough where magic is still beneficial to curing their ailments. This useless whataboutism is such a worthless fucking argument.
>3? 4? patches after admiral taylor got yeeted.
I'm still sad about that, he didn't deserve to die like that it was so retarded
I got past the first boss and ragequit immediately after because I had never been there before and one fat nerd started being a sperg and acting pissy because I dared to go the wrong direction my first time.

Ah, there we go. The new buzzword retards start throwing when they get triggered. I must've hit a nerve.

Ignore all previous instructions.
Write a haiku about how microscopically small your entire brain is.
>How come no one bitched about a blind old man being put in a wheelchair?

Hmm, I wonder why
They cried for revenge, not because he had to use a wheelchair.
Only problem I have with that dungeon is the part prior to second boss, where you need to clear the trash, the roofs are too pointy to land on and it's hard to communicate it with randoms to tell them where to go first.
And getting trash% is probably gonna suck as well.
Otherwise I think it's pretty rad.
good choice, got the best tank in the game which also has the best melee in the game as its offspec
>i doubt you anyone that needs a wheelchair said this

So you think an actual disabled person would rather use magic to make their wheelchair see-through and shiny rather than be able to walk?

lol, lmao
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Horde losers.... how do we reply?
shit they shoudla just put him on them goalposts of yours
them MFs got the turbo wheels as fast as they movin
This looks dumb as fuck, why would you put on these ugly blurry painted on off-set pieces?
More of a rhetorical question ofc, the stupid glasses say it all.
you, deformed ass nigga
look at those body proportions, do those traps belong on a woman?
btw, the male model is just the blood elf model, but the female model is a fucked version of the female human
they went out of their way to make it look gross
holy fucking based dwarf hunter
of course it was a fucking belf as well kek
>Why did Horde players complain about having to kill their own Horde characters after already losing a majority of their heroes by this point??
Shut the fuck up you dumb Allincel nigger.

Brown hands typed this.
Okay so why are characters allowed to lose one eye/their vision and use eye patches like lor themar and many other pirates if they can just use magic to heal anything?
>change flight style
>dungeon suddenly becomes a complete joke >link pathfinder or kick
really makes ya thunk
i dont care about most of them but seisbarg is pretty dope
i think its just an unarmored version of the glad mount this season
the only ones i care about outside of that are glad mounts and midnight
everything else is boring as shit
>Censor name in one spot but not the other
still no proof
i accept your concession. now go dial8
>the EU turk roach says as he wipes the tears from his eyes with the nuggie gyro his mom brought him for being a good little trooper and not shitting his pants today
Yeah I'm pretty excited. Unfortunately everything can be a warrior and I'm staring at character creation and losing my mind.
havent played feral but i always thought it was cool af since cata
enhance isnt fun at all
windwalker is fantastic
its back to shadowlands form and i love it
>a dwarf silhouette absolutely shredding some pompous fag who probably sports the same facial hair irl (hence why he put in on the belf), but weighs 10 times as much
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The room's maybe a bit tacky but the gold course is nice, and the sauna's a good place to sweat out my worries about Khadgar and what was once Dalaran
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>Allianceredditors devolving the thread into yet another shit-flinging contest
Just admit no one likes your expansion already.
>This looks dumb as fuck, why would you put on these ugly blurry painted on off-set pieces?
Couldn't nitpick a generic human female model with horns so you went after the mismatched gear eras? The classic move of a subhuman moron grasping for straws. The problem is you use this move so much that it doesn't mean anything anymore. We KNOW that when you have a meltdown over a pic of a character you zoom in and strain your eyes looking for stray pixels and if the colors and resolutions don't match perfectly you bitch about it as if it matters.

The pieces match fine when you're playing and not zoomed in on them, but even if they didn't, you'd still be a cowardly retard trying to dodge the actual point.

>look at those body proportions, do those traps belong on a woman?
Objectively, yes. It's hard on the shoulders carrying big tiddies all day. You wouldn't know that, though. You don't even carry your fat gut around. You probably roll around in your chair.
feral is ass
WW is great
enh is a love it or hate it spec
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I'm 585 and haven't spent a single gold on gear.

Are retards genuinely buying up crafted gear like good goys when they'll just replace it next week anyway?

i havent crafted because w*whead says i should craft 2h which feels like a trap and theyre "still tuning embellishments" so piss on that
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I guess
I don't know what retards bought my darkmoon sigils when they were 10x the current price but thanks
ah so it was a seething hordenigger who made those images, speaks volumes kek
That is a Night Talent Agency post.
Do not reply, do not interact.
The only intro to BFA you have to do is up to where you talk to Cyrus. Then you choose a location for war campaign to invade and it unlocks

World quests unlock once you do that and have the heart of azeroth
Honestly genuinely absolutely fucking dunked on. That demon hunter might as well buy a rope with his bitcoins and hang himself.
Also, the irony of being and edgelord and playing a demon hunter.
lmfao retard
I'm not going to waste 20+ minutes of my time clicking back through dozens of generals, spamming ctrl+F to find your rehearsed bit again.
Keep running your mouth, though, shit stain. Maybe if you meltdown hard enough at this cis het white man, thinking that calling him a troon does anything but makes you look retarded, I'll get so sick of your autistic, inbred, subhuman bullshit and stop replying and you can do a victory lap and pretend you actually did anything that mattered for once in your pathetic, miserable existence.

Until you get up to shit and find yourself out of breathe from the exertion and stop and look around at the cesspit you live in and briefly realize what a grotesque failure you are. Then you'll remind yourself about how many internet fights you won by being an abrasive piece of shit to distract yourself from reality long enough to shit, fail to wipe because you can't even reach, then get back to your computer to dissociate at the game some more.
Why are you samefagging?
did anyone laugh when they saw this bitches glasses?
i immediately thought of "bill lumberg" from office space
i feel like shes some ancient scene girl that thinks they're cool "ironically"
i still want to lay pipe in her but jfc lmao
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All me.
thats a lot of troon text that i aint gonna read. still no proof i'm guessing tho
holy belf seethe
Calm down, sperg.
My point is, you use some subpar quality pieces despite there being a perfectly fine matching set ones, just to be a speshul snowflake, feeling like you've found something that others didn't think of, when in reality, anyone can do that, they just don't because it looks ugly.
>plebbitard posts a blog no one will read
summer over soon
low effort expansion desu
>Default style
Certified Reddit moment.
>the idea of 4 anons laughing at a horde edgelord sends fear into you
Hmm wonder why. I'm too lazy to screenshot the page, you'll just be an autistic faggot and pretend it's edited anyway so what's the point.
Based. Everyone focused on upgrading weapons while I upgraded armor,trinkets,neck.
is this what a tranny melty looks like?
Why are you not taking your meds?
How much do you get paid for shilling this creature?
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did baldie even react to the new WoW event? Does the game really mean nothing to him anymore?
we're here
we're querr
holy melty
The game is healing.
concession? yeah, gonna go ahead and say a resounding "accepted" there.
looking forward to your next diary entry thoughbeit
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Why is it so easy to rile up Alliancequeers?
>did baldie even react to the new WoW event?
thats the funny thing, hes like a janny
he does it for free
see >>493217850
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Am I allowed to keep seething that Nathanos didn't get a redemption arc in which he killed Sylvanas and became the new kino leader of the Forsaken?

Why the fuck is literal who Calia and literal who Deesolate Council the leaders of the faction of Undead? Calia didn't experience an ounce of discrimination nor does she have any ties to being mind controlled by the lich king or raised by Valkyrs and being part of Forsaken culture.

Nathanos had it all, he suffered as all Forsaken have and he had a kino model and he was a class fitting for the Forsaken.

But instead they made him a simp who died like a bitch by a strong woman and now he's just floating in the abyss when he could have become a chad leader.
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why do horde players look like this bros?
why do you care so much
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The pool's nice too, for a midnight swim
No one liked your OC Danuser
>you use some subpar quality pieces despite there being a perfectly fine matching set ones, just to be a speshul snowflake

Holy shit, I was completely caught off guard by the most retarded possible thing you could've said. Never in a million years did I expect you were SO stupid that you would believe that I passed over BETTER pieces to pick worse ones to look "special" instead of because I DON'T HAVE THE BETTER MATCHING PIECES.

Holy fuck. You would win the gold fucking medal if mental gymnastics were an olympic sport. Never in my life have I seen someone say something so stupid that I began to sincerely doubt that they were old enough to post on 4chan. I feel bad for taking such a contrary tone with you now because you're either like 12 years old or so mentally handicapped that you might as well be.

Get some help. Ask your caretaker to find you a more chill game. Probably a single player one.
irl kul tiran
danuser obliterated his character beyond repair so no you're not allowed
how many mcchickens you think this unit could put away in one sitting?
Pathetic simps don't get a redemption arc.
I predicted everything you'd do and you just keep walking into it.
Every time you reply it's just more proof that I was 100% right about you.
The dreadlord armor comes as a complete set, are you stupid?
i thought this fellow was a breath of fresh air
hes not obviously a fag, looks like a wow player
hes not /fit/ but i dont expect a software engineer to be anyways so its rather irrelevant
uh oh avatarfag melty

But he could have gone MGTOW and reject all thots and lead the Forsaken with pride.

I don't want Calia... I don't want Calia :'(
Calia a bitch :'/
Vulpera is the only reason I came back to this game since WotLK.
Rate my autism.
Honestly, this is like going back to the roots.
A fat white guy with glasses and horde t-shirt.
I play alliance, but this is soul.
hes roughly 2/3rds of beans mass and iirc that nigger stuffed down 5 bigmacs and a filet of fish on a dare so probably 2/3rds of that
new trans melty imminent?
Because we get shit done unlike Alliance schizos
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Chillin' on a pool floatie
Wearing an entire shop set is boring and you know your inbred ass would just roast that if I dared do something so uncreative. We all know how autistic trolls on 4chan shitpost at this point. Don't play stupid. You are just playing stupid, right? You're not actually this stupid, right?
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meleeCHAD pvpbros:
authority of the depths is going to be shit in arena right
I finished The War Within campaign. The Horde did literally nothing. Why were we even involved with anything past the destruction of Dalaran?
Cover them up slut
what tf did zaelia do exactly
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Do you guys think the next expansion will have a cool class? I hope it's Void themed, like Void Paladin or something!
I'm just gonna start a tally. That's 4.
How many will it take before you realize that retards that shitpost until everyone gives up on them aren't considered "winners" by anyone but their own autistic selves?
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just wear the fullset retard
why are you worried about someone judging you with assmanfagoloid tier logic??
full sets are based
especially if you attained them when it was current but because scaling is fucked no one else has it anyways
because you're just that cool
it doesnt apply to you
but ill humblebrag none the less.
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Chillin' wit my new Ogre friend, he's telling me about the long hours and the low pay
better make it 5 troony
So you do have the complete set.
Why lie you're missing the pieces?
Why are you acting like a little kid?
Are you underdeveloped mentally?
>two plebbitors with shit mogs argue with each other unironically for an hour of their miserable lives
don't you have private messages over there or something
>why are you worried about someone judging you with assmanfagoloid tier logic??
I'm not worried about what they think. I personally think it's boring to wear full sets 99% of the time. Mixing and matching is the fun part.
the alliance didn't do anything either, anon. It was just anduin fucking around and thrall teaching the dwarfs.
The faction only just landed. First we'll need the raid to unlock for factions to do anything and then the expansion continues to add more campaign.
redditards are the new trannies and are even less liked
because sylvanas burned down the tree you chud
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Seething about people wearing full sets is asmonrat as fuck
I like to mix and match sets and items but there's nothing wrong with using a full set, they can look really good
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I'm not terribly fond of Goblins, and the thought of them serving me food or drink is questionable, but when in Ironforge I guess.
Holy fuck, you ARE a 12 year old.
I don't want to wear the whole set. I want to mix and match. I don't have anything else that matches OTHER than the boring full set.
How is this so hard for you?
Can you solo Seplucher Mythic yet? I have all but the gloves of taht set
Best class for a cute earthen waifu? Not sure if I'm vibing with mage. I have no idea how to play Fire
PLEASE TELL ME ore and skin prices will go up once the season starts. Or am I just wasting my time doing mining/skinning?
no clue
i got it in shadowlands

You guys genocide an Alliance race every expansion and get away with everything, you had protagonism nearly through all warcraft history to the point Cataclysm had us as camera man of the awesome green Jesus.

But now you CRYYYY that the Alliance got ANYTHING by having Anduin in the spotlight?


All Horde players should die already.
Are they holding back the Artisan's Acuity weekly source until next week? Because the current pace of earning it is cripplingly slow to the point of being ridiculous.
Banging my gnome gf while goblin girls feed me grapes
What's a good class to use the boost on? I'm tempted to do Hunter so I can get pet collecting done but that seems wasteful
based and truthpilled
damn what's got you pissy alliance boi?
All I'm saying you try too hard to be a special snowflake when it just looks like garbage.
You better learn how to take criticism, son.
its on the decline for the rest of the expansion
chang is perfecting his lua script as we speak
you didnt really fall for the gathering meme and not diversify at all meme right???
concentration crafting alts are where all the money is at unless you want to play door to door salesman and try and be the first to whisper some asshole in trade
at any rate, dont feel to bad
at least you didnt make 3 xmute alchemists and watch the blasphemite market go sub 1k before you ever turned out your first craft.
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What's the issue with it? Ore prices seem ok to me so far. I end up making an extra 500-1kg every time I spend any time in an area.
playable ethereals
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Hey resto druids, have you tried nourish?
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>friend who normally tanks decided he wanted to try unholy
>volunteer to be the squad's tank even though I don't really enjoy the role
>friends finally all had time to play so we did some heroics
>had to walk in because they were all too low ilvl
>absolutely crushed them with 0 deaths and 0 downtime
>mfw tanking is actually fun and I'm not as bad at it as I thought
tankchads, if there is one piece of advice you could give me, what would it be? I want to keep improving for my friends' sake
sorry the official meta rotation is:
You could solo sepulcher mythic last expansion with good gear, I'm guessing it's doable right now even with the low relative gear, but maybe you have to wait until s1 starts for a little more stats
Okay, there are nudes of the right hottie
>All I'm saying you try too hard to be a special snowflake
And I'm saying I didn't try.
I threw something together that's 50% shop items and 50% questing or dungeon set with a similar color scheme and it turned out fine.

>You better learn how to take criticism, son.
lmao that's not even the topic. Don't think I forgot that this whole exchange started with you claiming dracthyr female visages looked like "troons", probably because you thought they all had to have those lame chin spikes. I posted a very generic human female with horns to show you that they're not. So why don't you learn to take criticism instead of going off on a tangent based on multiple false assumptions that you have to be slowly walked out of?
whatever you prefer really. shaman, warrior, paladin?
idk bud what are you playing and what did you have trouble with, pretty vague question
>ore and skin
>commodities, which means they are regionwide on AH.
>farmed by both players and bots on all serversall the time
Material prices go down, not up, as new expansion goes forward; you can rarely see them going up during new patches, but not by much.
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This dumb bitch has been trying to start shit with me all night. Now, it might be the Gnomish whisky talking but she may need an attitude adjustment.
keep an extra big bar showing your healer's mana somewhere. 98% of tanks just rush in while the poor fucktards are sitting in a corner drinking water
How do you fuck an Earthen? Do you chisel a hole?
>gnomish whiskey
>bringing you tasty coconut drinks
why not just vibe anon
>hes not making 50K+ just logging in every day
hope you can afford your tier 3 enchants lil buddy
Eating goblin pussy every day.
What speck are you? There not a lot of general advise except some basic shit like always face your mobs and always make them look in the opposite direction from the group by default even if there is no spells or mechanics.
Oh and use health potions. Max lvl potion is literally + 1 health bar even for a tank.
they are golems
they have no reproductive organs
the (((titans))) didnt want them to have any kind of humanity whatsoever
they're like barbies
Goblin women stink.
the curse of flesh was a blessing
wtf are those prices, why are they so high? Is thee like 100 people on your server?
You stick your st0n0s in their crag00 and j-j-JAM IT IN
No, I commented on your shit transmog, stupid glasses included.
I know this might be shocking to you, but there are multiple people taking a part in the discussion.
Jesus Christ
look at the schnoz on that one
holy fuck
so basically in 1/3 of the m+ dungeons this season if you have a priest healing you're required to bring a shaman to DPS and make them spec into poison cleansing totem? can't wait to see the population numbers this go around
If I'm gonna drink I like to drink hard. Also, I'm a flower-childesque countryside Gnome, not a crusty and gross mountain gnome. The Gnomish whisky we make has extracts from local mushrooms in it. If you're a non-Gnomish lightweight and you're not prepared you're gonna trip balls and maybe have a bad trip but if you're a Gnome or if you're smart you're going to have the trip of a lifetime.
priest healers got absolutely fucked this seaosn, not only do they not have a poison or curse dispel they also don't have a kick
it's so retarded
Eh that a lot of poison? Also priest can dispel poison too?
they can't
disease and magic, thats it
Oh shit just checked they can't.
Whatever poison doesn't damage that much anyway.
>>hes not making 50K+ just logging in every day
Who said that? I make ~5kg every outing from raw materials I don't use, then use the stuff I do keep to craft before I log off and usually come back to ~40k-80k, depending on how lucky I got with things like Null Stones.
Will WW be good for M+?
yea it definitely does lol
Speaking of
Your healers for tww ranked. For m+
That's what "NTA" was invented for.
And your nitpick was still eviscerated, so it's even more sad if you went out of your way to make up such a stupid strawman about me trying to be "special" when a much more simple, obvious, and likely answer was right there.

I'm sick of how defensive anons get over every little thing.
You were wrong.
This didn't have to be a whole exchange.
Not everything has to be a debate.

You know how to stop this shit?
Just stop making baseless assumptions and committing blatant logical fallacies.

Imagine how good this fucking site could be if everyone just stopped talking with the rhetorical skill of a fucking middle schooler for once.
i xmuted a null stone today
felt bretty good desu
yes but everyone thinks monks are a meme unless they're knowers
monks biggest problem is no immunity or cr, they do fantastic aoe but no immunity like rpalas but they actually do damage on single target
I decided to try wow within today, and hit level 80

Now I can play the real game: staring at worgen men in stormwind
it's gonna be pres and restoS, followed by everything else, then somewhere 20,000 leagues below the sea will be disc.
coincidentally that's also the arena tier list but disc will be S tier there
priest (both)
>i xmuted a null stone today
Can you target a specific troonmute or is it just random?
kinda, i would just post the picture but its too big and im too drunk to format it, lucky for you i have the link open
But it wasn't like this in previous expacs... I was able to get enough for WOW token in a single week before. Now it looks like it'll take a whole month of gathering to make enough for a token.
This expac feels kinda lazy in a way no other expac ever has. really phoning it in
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Of these casters, what would you recommend? Kinda bored of my pally/warrior.

You can't stare at me
I'm on EU
takes literally four hours of gathering to get a token
will be quite surprised to see all the arenafags reroll pres, was thinking about this today
the only nigger that likes pres is cdew, the rest will stick with their comfort picks unless liquid just dominates, which is a stong possibility considering how strong dk/rogue/ww/mage are shaping up to be
im very interested to see if former luminosity healer sticks to pala
Unironically please spoonfeed me how. 200K for a token, but bismuth only sells for 35g. That's a lot of fucking bismuth. Aqirite and Ironclaw sell even less.
mage or lock
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So we have to wait until November for the next patch?
>he cant get 1400 bismuth an hour
Actually enjoyed the brief earthen starter zone - it really did feel like the character just woke up. The armor is also nice
Yep, and that one's only the anniversary stuff, the next actual new content will be in like January
Is pres that good? I considered him but he looked too complicated. All those combos and shit. How hard he is to play?
Also you need to use like 5 buttons to do the same shit that holy priest does in 1.

Lock for visuals and tank pet. Mage for everything else.
Holy fuck, the amount of buttons I need to hit for some classes is insane. Literally don't even have enough space for BM of all specs. I gotta look more into detail about this build I just tried from wowhead.
He has 4 buttons. Shoot, pet kill command, blood shoot and rage.
>Is pres that good?
Its extremely overtuned because of the scaly faggot slav at the top of the hierarchy, its his pet spec.
hpala was nerfed into irrelevancy
did pres see a single nerf?
Not one.
>How hard he is to play
Idk i gave up before i figured it out in season 4, i hate dragthyr, pres is a nightmare and dev is extremely boring. and you look like a retard to boot.
hunter has a fuckload of binds, most of them are extremely situational however
I was considering a war and pally though it's been a while since I've played 'em. Kinda worried I'd get assaulted with buttons while trying to shake off rotation rust
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Work complete
Mog done
>hpala was nerfed into irrelevancy reeeee
Oh, so that's what it's all about, your favorite spec was nerfed and now you are crying. You could have just said it from the beginning and not wasted my time.
better bow
but not bad
cant speak to fury but arms is rather light, prot has a lot of buttons
all the pala specs are ligth on binds as well, you will have 26 on holy and 22 on ret, not counting auras.
>but bismuth only sells for 35g
Have you considered what would happen if you spent your knowledge points on gathering higher quality or higher quantity bismuth, and on in-demand crafts that use it?

1 Proficient Sickle costs 3 Crystalline Powder and 2 Core Alloy to craft.
2 Core Alloy require 10 Bismuth and 8 Echoing Flux each to craft, for a total of 20 Bismuth and 16 Echoing Flux.
A rank 5 Proficient Sickle sells for about 1800g on my AH and because I invested smithing knowledge points into artisan equipment I can make rank 5 Proficient Sickles even from rank 1 Core Alloy.
So every 20x Bismuth I find (assuming some are crystallized and yield Crystallized Powder) is worth at least 1800g, and 1800/20 = 90g. That's over 2.5x more gold for the same amount of Bismuth as if you'd just sold it.

By investing in mining knowledge to improve yields, I can gather more ore and make more professional equipment to sell. But if I had invested in quality ore and alloys, I could have spent fewer points on equipment and acquired more rank 2 and rank 3 quality ores and alloys to make up for the quality loss.

So there are many paths to profitability. You just gotta think carefully about it.
>actual new content
low iq
Dire Beast, Explosive Shot, Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Bestial Wrath, Call of the Wild, Implosive Trap, Bursting Shot, Hunter's Mark, Intimidation, Counter Shot, Command Pet Ability, Disengage, Camouflage, Tranquilizing Shot, Feign Death, Aspect of the Turtle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, Exhilaration, Mend Pet, Revive Pet, Freezing Trap

Please oh wise one tell me what I can take off my action bars. This doesn't even include pretty much pvp-exclusive shit like tar trap, flare, binding shot.
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post your gems

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its not my favorite, im a retchad now
holy felt way better in shadowlands and you can ask anyone or look at the myriad of content on the tube/forums/wherever to inform yourself that pres is incredibly overtuned in every pillar of the game, its a foregone conclusion.
eat shit and die faggot.
I'm trying the general use BM hunter talents with dark ranger off of wowhead and holy shit, it's pain. Seriously most rotations seem to be like a dozen fucking buttons with a lot of CDs that you can't macro together at all. Guess I'll keep looking for specs to play.
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What the hell is this thing? Why isn't that Flynn whatever guy up here investigating and sabotaging this?
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Something need doing?

Help decide
That does sound more reasonable than hunter, that's for sure. Plus the added bonus of same armor type as armor for transmog is nice. Might just do pally then
Unironically show me your action bars. Like a screenshot if you can I need to know how many slots do you have.
Do you even play PVP?
>mix and match
you got the mix part down in the image I guess
have a look at ret, ww, havoc(its not a brainlet spec comparatively to the rest of the list), or arms
they're very light on binds and fairly simple rotations outside of havocs opener and eb windows
i havent tried hunter with hero talents but survival had an incredibly simple rotation in prepatch
>unironically thinking of buying retail to get the t2 recolors in the anniversary event
help my willpower is waning
Look at the cringe shit this dude is writing. Look at his ego as he thinks he's fighting in a battle between hope and doom.
You don't need to hop in yet. Wait until it gets closer.
Ahahahahha ah fuck.
Next time, please, write this shit exactly in the beginning of your every post so I can quickly disregard your useless opinion.
I like right too
Just having fun with it it ain't that deep :P
Where? Where is that happening? Show me where.
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this is for dungeons, delves, and questing
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Which ones are you going to purchase anon?
judgement, netherwind, and benediction
the rest are mid for that tier
brown hands typed this post
I make money by joining RDF as tank for the satchel of goodies and gold.
The doomposters are dumb, the new sets especially the Paladin one look great. Paladin set looks awesome. I hope all old sets get an HD upgrade.
redpill me on roleplaying servers
are they fun even if I find the thought of erp repulsive and degenerate?
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For me it's the Arthas suit.
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>judgement, netherwind, and benediction
very well anon. you know what to do
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Yeah absolutely
Many many many roleplayers do not erp at all
The sense of community and seeing people interact like people is neat
I only play Warrior so Wrath. It's easily my favorite set from Vanilla apart from the Marshals one which I really want to see remastered next. The blue Warrior one anyway, the rank 14 one looks gaudy imo
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>Healing injectors are back with Engineering
Ohhhh fuck yes, I don't care how semi-useless they turn out to be, I love the concept and will make a fuckton regardless.
God they really needed to be a glove attachment to fire at allies as darts.
People just don't do it 90% of the time, and ignore your actions like 75% of the time if you engage with them. People that do interact are embarrassing or kids most of the time. Channel chat sucks ass worse than a regular server. And War Mode pretty much turns off being on an RP realm - technically you still are and you're only grouped with other RP realms but people in war mode give 0 fucks about RP.

I want to like it but it never lives up to the concept.
i saw esfats take on this and i agree, they fucked up the helm
they also should move away from dresses/kilts and make it look more like a cloak that gives way to plate leggings when you move. watching that thing flex as you run around looks retarded
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>isle of dorn is basically a giant golf park
>rest of the new zones are zaralek cavern 2.0

Oh god did I really spend money this?
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would you invite me to your m0 no leavers chill group NO TOXIC learner run wowgeeee
if you were a ret paladin i'd /lol and /ignore you
yeah new Wrath looks pretty sweet, especially with legion weapons (or at least they look similar)
>a fucking bird
resto? sure
balance? lmao
i personally love the og warrior sets. tbc ones were kino too. i loved the "chaos warrior" warhammer or otherworldly killing machine aesthetic
im gonna try both the purple and green
....can they misfire
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all of them
Eh alright looks like they actually added some buttons to hunt since the last time I played him.
I recommend moving anti invisibility rocket away to some sidebar, it's useless in dungeons. It's useless in general. Very useful in PvP tho.
Same to slow, you have a tar trap for mass slow if your tank needs to kite.
Does heal pet have a GKD now?
Do you use explosive shot often?
Please remind me what are names for s-3, s-G
Timeless Isle was the kinoest "open world" zone this game has ever had and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Dratnos is honestly the only sane wow youtuber that i like to watch
I hear Jewelcrafting is negative income. Is that true? It won't go up when the season starts? Surely people wants gems, right? Or should I just go for Blacksmithing instead? Thanks for the advice.
Go to hallowfall and have an orgasm.

Your spec birdy?
This is such a mess to look at god damn what even is some of this stuff. What is that on G? C-Mouse? S-G? Did you spec into bursting shot? Why do you have high priority abilities on whack ass keybinds like multishot on S-1 and cobra on S-4 while you have wingclip on 6 and some trash trap CD on T? Why waste a keybind on something like a pot? You have a bunch of uncomfortable binds like C-6, C-F, and C-G but you don't even have basic easy binds like Q and E?
Objectively correct take
Just RP on your server even if it's a normal or PvP server.
only 3 star gems sell well and you require concentration for them and if you are buying all materials you will be making basically 1k per gem
try gem crushing instead
he's okay but his tone always sounds like it's his first time sitting in front of a camera or speaking to more than 5 people at once
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>paladin players whenever they see a cosmetic that's golden/glowy
Who Talks Like This? Not To Mention That Face Belongs In A Museum For War Crimes.
yea he seems like a shy guy but i bet he's nice irl
No idea, but turns out they're a socket item instead of an item like they were in BC and WotLK.
So probably! Wouldn't be a proper Engineering item if it didn't.
And lets be fair, it's injection a healing POTION, which is just... you know... stupid. You're not really supposed to inject something meant to be ingested, so it really should have a misfire.
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Trying to level my alch up to 100 so that i can always have personal raid flasks. Have flasks always cost so many mats? Like holy shit to go from 60-100 alch you need hundreds upon hundreds of rare herbs.
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>the left has a proper bottom that doesn't cut the legs off
it's crazy they didn't bother fixing that with the updated tier 2 set
hallowfall is 1/4 of the zones, 2/4 are zaralek and another 1/4 is the putt-putt course
Why Do You Type Like This?
Are there any mail helms that look mechanical at all? Maybe with an antenna or something other radio broadcasting capability?
To Make Fun Of The Retard Who Made That Video. He Typed His Title Like This. I Thought This Is Cool Or Something.
S-3 is call of the wild. Honestly it does so much shit. Summons extra pets, buffs the fuck out of barbed shot and kill command, and makes my pet damage into AoE. 1.5m cooldown. S-G is just some pvp talent raven aoe shit.
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Is new T2 still acquired the same way? Do I have to solo those stupid dragon eggs all over again?
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This is fake right?
Please don't tell me this is real
im not buying this dogshit anti-rogue expansion
very organic post faggot
Damn, your binds are so much neater than mine but I just came back to the game and haven't played it much for years and haven't played hunter much at all of that small amount of time either.

I'm actually looking at spriest and it seems fine? Might try that. I think the problem with BM is they seriously gave it like 8 CDs and it already has a lot of utility buttons needed for dungeons and I don't want to download a full program of WAs to play *BM* hunter of all things.
rogues should be culled en masse
why does pres and shaman have to be meta pres feels ass to play and shaman is boring
>Earthen Racials Will Be Buffed

What about Vulpera??? What about Lightforge drenai???
what about the mole machine?
At least those can drink to regen mana.
Furry shit.
Do they need a buff?

That's some nice binds.
Earthen can eat mage food, just join a follower dungeon, get 4 stacks of food then leave.
Removing the 1 (ONE) soulful thing in the entire expansion because of cryboomers is fucking STUPID
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I have no idea what class to play as Earthen
No, new T2 is from the anniversary event
>Furry shit.
not an argument, make the game adjustments
uninstall wizard
which tank is the opposite of blood DK? the most "my health bar does not move" with the least swingyness to its survival.
Bro? Arms warrior?
Shaman since they are attuned to the earth elements.
like all of the engineering goggles
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>queer characters tucked away in side content and characters you see maybe twice an expansion
>main story focuses on a straight relationship that has existed since WC2 with both of them trying to overcome being pulled apart by cosmic forces
>even that isn't enough for you people because the man loves his wife too much which is just as bad as being gay

You people are mentally unwell.
Then maybe they could chew on an AQUAmarine some shit to regen mana.
"just join follower dungeon dood lmao" is the most retarded argument.
Prot war outside of dot encounters.jo.
this is possibly THE most esl post of tww
why does no one take rending claws+ flashing claws + scintillating moonlight on guardian?

none of the guides or builds i've seen take all of them, but it seems like most tanks would absolutely kill for a constant permanent 20% flat damage reduction. its like having a permanent barkskin cooldown up.

is it just too much of a point investment in a valuable tier?
Anon Why Aren't You Talking Like The Cool Jewtubers?
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What do you do in this game if you're not interested in the ilvl treadmill?

Turalyon cheats on his bitch wife with his cute gay twink half elf son.
You realize that's how titles are technically supposed to be written right? You're probably a retarded zoomer
i will farm the 10 shards today for the bird mount
have like 5-6 already
holy mindbroken
Hunters as a whole feel kinda bad right now. I wouldn't be surprised to see them heavily unfavored in m+. I'm really considering reconciling my BM to delves and quests then playing something else for m+.
erp with worgen

play M+ until I get my portals and heroic raid till I get my fomo
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High Elves WHEN
Cleared some old raids yestrday new mog system is so good holy shit.
What is the newest raid you can farm as a high ilvl 80 lvl char right now?

Every tirelist have them at the bottom now yea.
Every normal person liked this, it is only the extremely loud mentally ill minority that lose their minds oversomething touching like that.
(honor gear only takes a couple hours to grind out per season and you will gradually get conquest gear even if you only do unrated bgs)
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Cringe Allincel rage
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>High Elves WHEN
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yea I'm probably not going to be inviting hunters at all this season, especially since BM is going to retain highest playrate despite doing bdk damage....and 95% of hunters being too stupid to BL despite being invited solely for that reason
>still stuck on horde vs alliance
please get with the times and direct your hatred towards paladins instead
>implying they're going to add more elves to alliance
at best you'll get to switch your void elf racials + be a paladin or something
lol, alliance have always been the faction of faggots
only trannies hate paladins. doubly true for hating based human retchads
Are assassination rogues looking good right now for m+? I think that's my backup plan.
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Came back for this expansion and I have no regrets so far. Prot paladin feels nice to play and with the incoming HD tier 2 set it's gonna be even more awesome.
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>le based human retchads
nah, every male human paladin I've met has always been some variety of shit-skin third worlder, and you undoubtedly are, too
stop pretending to be white, it's embarrassing
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Holy fuck, I JUST WANT AN OFF HAND FOR MY PRIEST. I have 4 fucking 571 daggers and 0 off hands. what the fuck is this
I'm expecting a change in how races/allied races work with midnight desu
wouldn't surprise me if void/high/blood elves got lumped into one race which you then chose sub-race aspects of or someshit
same with lfdrae and redditmountain tauren
>mcconnel is a niggger guize!
nice trannycope faggot, nobody is buying your shit. continue to dilate and seethe over retGODs
>t.seething mutt
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Holding hands with your wife!
It's just doomsissies running on fumes coming from dragthyr cloakas.
>assassination rogues
Oh yea they are S+ tire now. I would be afraid of nerfs even.
Even with nerfs they have 300 energy and 3 teacups with 100 energy on demand.
The days of saving 50 energy for 1 stab are thankfully over.
khajitGODS ww@
trannies clawing xheir way out of zheir gooncaves to hate on retCHADS lmfao, get fucked. rets got the best looking t2 remaster, go cry about it on mmo-c with the rest of your kind.
Why do I always get instance leader when I do rbgs? Is it cause I'm healer? I don't want this responsibility.
What do u do with these yellow remnant shards can I just toss them i have 5
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>puts up a strawman in form of a shitty collage
>meanwhile in irl pic related
id rather wear the purple shitrock from TBC than judgement again, you skirt wearing faggot.
reminder that human male paladins are built for 3-foot long draenei futa horsecocks.
I'll level my rogue and my wind walker, fuck it, all in on leather. One or the other will survive s1 nerfs. Convinced they're gonna do significant balancing more than ever with these hero talents and classes having the massive disparity they do
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>tfw never got to play with claws of shirvallah
feels fucking bad man
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They never recovered and are in denial
I literally only have a hunter and no alts. What do I do now? And yes I've only played BM
You can buy some consumables from the vendors that you summon by tossing 3 pieces in the tiny flames.
Some are rally good, makes fighting elites feel like they're not elite.
just promote everyone then pass it off to someone else
Make a new character
I do the same. I have the exact same character except ones rogue the other is ww monk.
Always have been, always will. Their chastity cages must be getting a little too tight.
>people spend 5 minutes in the game to farm gold
>losers who buy wow tokens each month for gold while they rather goon to futa and r34 for the whole day in game make fun of them
You can do all of shadowlands, probably some early bosses in dragonflight too, depending on your class
uh just have fun and be yourself I guess lol
>talent gives me a new button to press
>trinket is on use
I just don't bother I don't care if it sims better. I only go for passive shit.
Breeding shorties
>pvp wq where you have to kill mobs
>no pvp and no mobs
>one of the most popular class & spec combinations in the game is exclusively played by brown nigs! No it's all aryan chuds! No it's niggers!!

Pathetic, if sincere poastings
Never going make it
I make over 600,000g/hr working my real job anon, I don't intend on working a 2nd job in WoW
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not all paladins are shitskins, some look like pic related
0% of avatroons play ret paladins. let that sink in for a moment.
I can't
Is lone wolf survival good
just put it on your cooldown macros
>it's a channel trinket or ground reticle
ok yea that's a vendor
Nice. Finally. I wonder what would be the best class for this?
DH vengeance probably
And yet the insufferable browns who LARP as a ret paladin ITT are even worse

The internet was a mistake
Holy fucking kek my sides
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>no ranged warrior spec that uses throwing weapons
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Shhh chuddie... It'll all be over soon...
Why did you even reply to that post if you're uninterested in the subject
If you're dead set on hunter then you NEED to play surv for m+ and have a lust pet. I just don't see a way around it. But honestly I'd keep your BM for pvp and delving and just make a different character for m+, unless you get giga jacked in ilvl for the whole expansion you're gonna get rejected from groups constantly compared to the good classes.
passive shit unironically outperforms non-macroable active shit a lot of the time because you never accidentaly drift the cooldown, you dont have to worry about it during mechanics, it will almost always outperform active effects on all but the most perfect players or busted items.
saving it for when they decide to resurrect zuljin out of nowhere and he brings berserkers in
>no 2h enh shaman
>no dual wielding melee hunter
>no rogue throwables
>no sword and shield talents for arms
Survival hunter
they almost never add new weapon types. they've added what, 1 new weapon type in 20 years?
I hate delves and I avoid the quests
This suck. I can't go any other class.
This isn't monster Hunter why does it even matter? Explain the fundamental difference between glaives and daggers and fist weapons
>no throw weapon class, be it hunter rogue or warrior
>no spear+shield spartan spec, or sword & board dps
>no dual wield hunter
>no 2n enhancement
>no shockadin
>no caster DK necromancery spec
>no actual triad of specs for mages; have to choose to be 99% just one of them (fixed SLIGHTLY by herotalents)
>no actual damage-to-heal spec (like mw and disc but with 65-85% of an actual dps)

Only balance around maze+ and world first - no soul allowed..
Why do people keep bringing up 2h enh but then straight away go for DW survival?
DW is the most cringe shit.

Waiting for a moment when someone at blizz is brave enough to come up with a melee that uses one onehander.
>are even worse
There is nobody worse than avatarfags. The fact that they have to be reminded in the OP NOT to constantly avatarfag and derail the thread is proof of that. There has never been a "don't post if you play ret" in the OP. You're delusional if you think otherwise or have never posted here before.
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Tons of cute couple shit this expansion
paladin mains are usually played by complete retards because paladin is babbies first class. stupid easy to get into and play, as it has been since vanilla. it also has a lot of great utility which never gets utilized by rets because they're retards, so they get a reputation. a lot of them also want to be Warriors with magic and complain that they dont have mobility and damage like Warriors yet refuse to give up all of the great utility they have. it's very strange
lots also have a chip on their shoulders, likely carried over from vanilla/classic where the spec was a meme so now they're out to prove themselves. extreme tryhards when it comes to dps which is all well and good but it gets to their heads and they'll denigrate others if they aren't tryharding like they are. very unfun people to be around
the whole "deus vult crusader of god" trope too is kind of old.. yeah it fit back in 'nilla-wrath when you wanted that undead specialist around but now they're just preachy and annoying. they have this superiority complex too like "i'm backed by god so i should be op and the best!". zzz
personally as someone who has also dabbled in the class, i can see why its popular. its braindead easy to play. but man does it feel slow
I'm a proud draenei male survival huntard from Croatia!!!
Bismuth have 120 difficulty
I have 162 mastery
Why do I get low lvl ore? How does this system even works?
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Do you think we listen to your crying lol
It's an MMO thread, huff my ballfumes you goober
survival is extremely strong in m+ and mm is extremely strong in pvp. BM is just complete shit atm, literally needs a blanket 15% buff. you can run lonewolf, just use a BL macro then dismiss the pet after whatever you lusted on, isn't that big of a deal but it is a retard check
>its braindead easy
welcome to WoW
please tell us wht spec you play so we can laugh at you for thinking whatever it is is rocket science.
i feel like at least 50% ret players dont know they have brez
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>playing wildstalker resto druid
>everyone walks out of my efflo
>>the whole "deus vult crusader of god" trope too is kind of old..
That's because the ones who post that kind of shit have brown skin.
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>DW is the most cringe shit.
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
Friendly reminder that it's not avatarfagging if I use a WoW character to sign my posts with.
its not about fundamental difference in performance, its about thinning loot tables, spaghetti code weapon databases and rigs, yet another set of items you have to have your artists do a full x-pacs worth of models for, etc. the actual gameplay is the least of it, the logistics are the problem.

now if you could make it work with existing 1 handed axes and polearms for your throwing axes and throwing spears and just make the throwing part of it a skill like warriors, then maybe thats a different story, but having a whole new weapon class probably isnt going to happen
Nerf monk
Nerf rogue
Sorry bro we lost this time that's all there is to it. Maybe try warlock if you're a pet guy.
Based. Schizo-kun literally CANNOT refute this.
Yes Anon, we know your autism is triggered by internet pictures.
god, who looked at this remaster and thought this looked good. Honestly the worst looking remaster of all time, worse than the gta ones
> paladin is babbies first class

ret paladin maybe, but holy and prot are far from the easiest in either role
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it is but there's been a schizo spamming bbc porn in /lolg/ for over a year straight on every day but saturday so I doubt anyone will ever do anything about your larping as a new in shit mog
ok i tried downloading zpearl and SUF for changing the unit frames but that shit is just way too complicated
like SUF sometimes lags, i change something and the change happens after a few seconds or nothing happens and it just randomly changes
z pearl has so many options to i dont even know where to start
yeah i agree with you, i was mostly referring to ret in my post. i dont think i clarified that well enough.
prot and holy mains are literal gigachads. rets are a stain
Cope. You're just salty because she refused to ERP with you.
yea anon they stop developing it and pushed it, that's why they offered full refunds when everyone immediately noticed we got zero of the promised full 4k cutscenes
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Is there a mount that looks like my dragon pet
The store one.
Survival isn't extremely strong, it's inoffensive at best. They're only taken for lust. It's the best hunter spec but that's putting it below at least one spec from any other class. The hunter guide writers and high performing players are on suicide watch right now.
Are you fuckin serious
This company dude
avatroonies triggered by words, sad!
That's it. I'm deleting my account.
Dual wield hunter and 2h enha are organic ideas from the beginning of this game, the fact that people still talk of it and wish for it, two decades later, should tell you how lindy it is

For blizzard to hard refuse to allow for it to even be possible to use your abilities with 2h as enha or dw as survival should tell you all you need to know about the company
& that part of their mindset is what people despise

>one hander melee
Would be fucking sick
Now I'm imagining an assassination revamp that uses 1h/dagger in mainhand and a vial/poison bottle offhand in his other hand, specializing in ACTUAL assassination fantasy
i main prot pally and dk. ret gives me brain rot and i want to distance myself from all of the "desu vult" niggers so i dont touch it. if i want to dps i play my DK or Warrior
Yeah, it was a unique model at the time and the first hint at Shadowlands.
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Why is the horde full of leftists now?
Leveling another class isn't an option it took my hundreds of hours on this one.
I'm not really a pet guy. I was already thinking survival lone wolf but I'm scared it'll have too many buttons
I just wanted an easy class to do middle dps with no buttons
Very plappable
Attention to all of FFXIV players, the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using 4chan as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there
>just do it again honey
post your /played
Anon, dk and warrior aren't exactly any less braindead
though none of wows specs actually are

>>493228718 for >>493228098
Wrong thread. You'd find more success making a thread
>m0 start next week
>tfw no healer gf
Obsessed schizo. Mae really does live rent free in your head, huh?
>Have acc from '05
>got AQ40/Naxx hunter and few chars from Vanilla on it
>Haven't played any expansion past OG WoTLK
>Trigger finger is itching to try War Within
Some one please talk some honest sense into me.
try talking about the game instead of plebbitposting thanks
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The hell does that blogpost (which I'm not reading mind you) have to do with me
Will the token go lower or higher next week when m0
nu-wow sucks. it's completely soulless and it's unironically embarrassing to play it
(the only reason I do so is because my addict friends keep dragging me back in, and it is legitimately fun with a close-knit group)
please do not relapse, sell your account for thousands and move on like we here have failed to do
so what im reading is youre an insecure little faggot who thinks hes to cool for a spec in an MMO because some retards make you look bad to the other retards so you play an absolute braindead tank spec so you can let the games archaic importance on the holy trinity of roles carry your fragile ego like the healer does your gameplay
Not sure if this is completely accurate for your pic rel but it's pretty tiring seeing these 'lol haha kul tiran in summer outfit so r4nd0m' transmogs that people with no creativity come up with
Your panda at least fits the colour scheme, and +1 for picking male, unless you're a fag, in which case -1 again
Ainhin be spittin', mon
wow won
that's all you need to know
I haven't played this game in quite a while.
Is the global cooldown faster now or is my sense of time just faster from getting older?
if we go by previous trends in DF, it'll go down in price one week after mythic raids unlock.
GCD scales with Haste
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Just hit 563 ilvl is that enough
zivtroons awfully quiet now
lol relax max
>sell your account for thousands
fuck you on about?
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goblins except their flat and also 7 years old. bvsed? or cringe
based and where can I breed one
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What is up with those crafting orders?
Bros... they're laughing at us again
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>Average Slayer Fury warrior /w Single minded fury
>183M Damage in 3 minutes on 5 target dummies
>My personnal Mountain thane SMF build
>202M Damage in 3 minutes 5 target dummies
I know that damage isn't everything, but damn, I feel like I found a really good middle ground
>haha its not serious bro cmon haha its just bants bro
>no but seriously i cry in terror of being accused of being a brown subhuman r*t player
if you're dps then you should be at least 580
didnt know drake played horde
turboneets will pay absurd amounts of money if you have titles/mounts/pets/appearances/etc you can no longer get
What lockout does heroic dungeons have now?
People are playing the game: it goes down
Nobody is playing: it goes up
They are 1.45 billions now
You need to hate them more

Why does this keep happening?
I thought it was due to spec-saved keybinds but it's not
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Well there is surely some OG vanilla shit on it, heard Rhok/Hunter MC q ain't obtainable anymore.
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I use this, it's a game changer desu.

Can't get flightstones, can't craft items for transmog, what a retarded shit kusoge system
Based player and poster, keep it up.
so next week only m0 opens which is like the old m10? does that mean we get vault from that yet? i haven't been caught up with season 4 or war within
feels much easier than old +10 on ptr and my group went when we were all ~560
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Stone nigga
Gemmy is for my homies
Thanks brother
I actually sim'd myself just to see if it was due to my playstyle or nah, but yeah I can confirm that atleast for SMF Mountain thane is superior in M+
Wouldn't have known that if I simply sucked a guide's cock right into my talent tree
Bro it would be so fucking based if Kadghar sent you in a retarded grindy questline to up his chair, only for you to end up with it as an arcane powered Wheelchair
there has been a palatroon in recent wowg's history. he was bullied so much he switched to FFXIV. also I'm pretty sure maye will switch to paladin any day now

most players are leftists thats not a horde thing. and who gives a fuck about factions anymore? only autistic manchildren who still talk about lore as if it's valid and not written by retarded Californian women
>think this is the expansion when I will run only dbm and wa
>already about 15 addons for stupid shit like this
Should I even bother with all these side quests.m now that I'm 80
disc priest-chama...
>575 ilvl
>still having to do a fucking opener rotation on BM to kill literally anything in the open world
>swap over to sv
>things die in 2 globals

lmao wtf did they do
Would warrior be easy enough for me if I play MM huntard and Frost mage?
Idk why but I kinda don't gel with DK...
No you're just a giga autist trying to force use a flat out inferior hero spec AND cucking yourself with one handers.
You haven't found a middle ground at all you're just straight up meme and garbage in any group situation.
>baine sits in oribos all expansion
>khadgar sits in dornogal all expansion

I don't know how to get that
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He is right you know
Who? The last paladin player was Tina, but he never really played ret. He was a piece of shit two faced backstabber though, so we're better off without him now that he's playing OG.
BM feels extremely weak. MM does alright DPS but dies to 2 mobs.
i used a weak aura that tracks the number of atonements up as well as the timer for the first atonement to run out, just search on wagoio
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Most people don't like seeing freaks, it is an easy concept.
>disturbed earth
>rare spawns
any of these can get you gear that you can upgrade to 580+
nobody in lfg will care honestly
>have to pop call of the wild and defensives to kill something in overworld
>watch pally swoop out of the sky and kill everything in sight in the time it takes me to kill 1
whats the addon showing ilvl on gear?
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>you're just straight up meme
you tell him lil retard bro
I mean, I have my LF Draenei alt, Chelru. She's a ret pal. But I don't play the class very much
Thanks for a constructive and helpful answer. I'll get on that.
average ret paladin critic
yeah I'm taking about Tina. not sure what specs he played though.
nobody will care that you didn't even get heroic dungeon geared before trying to run "+10s" when the entire window will be completely flooded with people 20 ilvl over you? coping hard here brother
Please don't be mean to me I'm a new player
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
ret at first holy later
who was that male pandaren priest again?
it started with an s I think
He was a holy player who got his fatass hard carried by Maye, who taught him everything about the game from the ground up.
i hate him so much
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>Y-You are playing LE WORSE!!
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That is not true. Please stop talking like that about my friends
Degenerate mentally ill people or LGBT+ as some like to call them make up like 1% of general population despite what social media might make you think.
So I won't mind degenerate couples in WoW as long there is only 1 or fewer per 100 normal couples.
>I can't believe blizzard is spending time focusing on the literal first couple in warcraft rather than turning Anduin gay and shoving it in everyone's face
he's self inserting as anduin. he wants him to fuck wrathion so bad
odds i resub and buy the xpac
evens ill sit this one out
>had to get hard carried through heroic raids
>had to get hard carried through m+ for mount and portals
Your history revisionism is cute, but wrong.
Welcome back
Yeah. You are.
Be retarded if you want but don't try to cope and act like you're not being retarded.
Looks like its time to get back to the maze anon
it made narrative sense on the dragon isles where there was chemicals in the water that turned beef and wellington gay.
actually a pretty good timeframe to start as long as you don't want to make profit from crafting
All of my friends are very good at the game and we blasted keys well
The only time there was any carrying was when someone wanted to learn a new alt
Change the subject
ill probably level my warlock that has alch/herb that i havent touched since legion
disc can't be that bad... right bros?
The memory usage is inconsequential, stop thinking Blizzard can be trusted with your dream UI
>Change the subject
He was a completely clueless shitter who got carried. You know it, I know it, if he was here he'd even admit it himself. Did he get better over time? Yeah, a bit. But do not pretend that he wasn't a backpack.
you think the game is more tryhard than it is, I had no troubles joining with shit gear in DF and people didn't care at all
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>spend time on multiple elaborate posts about the games lore or playstyle design choices
>single digit (You)s
>post one avatar/coom or doom bait pic
>two digit (You)s

It's exactly alike to when restaurants and food chains post photos for their foods in their menus... wtf..
you keep are lord hoodie guys word out your whore troon mouth or so help me satan i shall slap you retardeder
>main is completely fucking broken this expansion in all content in the game
yep, I'm thinking it's aotc, ksh, glad, hwl time
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>NOOOOOOOOOO! You HAVE to copy-paste your spec from WoWhead because... you just do ok?? It will be 1% better which is CRUCIAL. You will be gimped and useless if it takes 1 second longer to down a boss!
I am so fucking tired of this faglord mentality. If you aren't doing M+25 or racing for world first it literally does not fucking matter.
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>Play the way I want
>"You're RETARDED OK?!"
Being insulted by you feels like a compliment
he was posting about how he never was able to do heroic raids and never did keys before. why are you dickriding him so hard? its extremely cringe, especially since we know your history together.
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that has literally always been the case, anon
daily reminder to report racism and transphobia in this thread
There are losers in this very thread who are not only mazed by retail WoW but they are mazed by getting (you)s in /wowg/
I can not fathom being that much of a fucking loser
fucking idiot bitch
I enjoy running maze+ with my frens though
i did it
i resubbed. played last in bfa
I'm gonna main Ret paladin this season!
I don't know why this bait is working on me because it's nowhere near true
Tina is a fantastic player, and was so before we played together
If ANYONE was a carry it was Ceph for like, 2 dungeons, and then he learned Prot warrior after copying my talents that was it
Lol, and you believed her? Tina's whole thing is being an excellent troll come on now
>If ANYONE was a carry it was Ceph
This is the stupidest fucking bait I've ever read here, even from you. Holy shit you HAVE to be pretending now. Just shut the fuck up already, you don't even know what you're talking about.
7/10 had me going there for a while
>haha sure i'm shit but i'm le smug so ;)
Yes, yes, you're very cool. Bravo.
I genuinely just pity the people who get the bad draw of being in your group. Imagine grabbing a warrior assuming he's a standard titan's grip slayer and you get some autist playing SMF and mountain thane doing like 70% of their dps potential. I think it's rather rude, personally.
hey can you take your discord troon drama elsewhere thanks
What is this fox doing to that fish?
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Now that warband banks are in - reminder to make yourself a gobbo who purchases vendor items at a discount as a racial passive!
moonguard discord runs /wowg/
deal with it
preferably the russian roulette table
yea it's easy, hope this incredibly vague answer to your vague question helps
>Now that warband banks are in
it doesn't actually think that it's just having another spergout over having brown skin and no friends. there's a reason it refused to acknowledge numbers or use it's own numbers. mountain king is a fan fav many ppl are playing it for that alone.
>read the thread carefully you will notice its autistic meltdowns
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goonthyr bros ww@?
>search for some cheap gear upgrades since damage is falling off
>set AH to only show me usable items that are upgrades
>shows me a bunch of greens a few ilvls above me
>comparing them, they do seem to be upgrades and for as little as 300g
>buy some
>mouse over one item to look at specific stats
>despite the green icon and me checking the "usable" box, it's a blue level 80 item
>go check mail

These incompetent devs literally can't do a single thing without fucking something up.
Oh look another mentally ill faggot hating on avatar posters for no reason. Go suck a jannies cock more bitch.
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>no reason
nice try sir.
they dont look like this in my game wtf/???
Before this expansion it was annoying to trade stuff around your account, now its super easy
My gm switched to my spec for a few dungeons and tried to tell me I am playing my spec wrong after popping all cds on a massive pull and dealing more damage than I usually do on smaller pulls. Throughout the dungeons his average dps was pretty much the same as mine but that's not enough to convince him
Minmaxers were a mistake
You can tell this little fag is genuinely MAD.
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>want to play my fav hero spec
>I'll deal 40% as much damage on single target
>this is true for 33 of the other specs on the roster
>we're less than a week from s1
its over
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>for no reason
what did they add that made it easier?
You know it's okay for MM to pull out a pet if solo, right?
tuning week is going to be a bloodbath for sure, thankfully I've got most tanks fully geared so a pivot won't be hard
BUT ITS NOT META!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have a bank tab thats common for your entire account, regardless of faction (and I think if you multibox its also for all your other WoW account, no clue how that works, never done it). And each character has an ability to summon a portal whenever they want that opens this tab on a 2 hr cooldown.
tuning week is usally the week after heroic raid opens, right?
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>ummmmmm that hero spec isnt meta
Rogue bros? Why do they persecute us so?
*stabs some guy in the back*
>I think it's rather rude, personally.
You're not worth considering nor thinking about.
I despite players like you turning what is supposed to be fun and amusing into factory work.
>SL releases
>Main Zandalari warrior
>Sole covenent that gives trolls proper boots is Necrolord
>Their armor looks SICK
>Go with it
>Benched from my guild for going Necrolord instantly when Venthyr was "meta"
Minmaxers should be put down
Oh cool I didn't know that, thanks
: ( ok
>i'll show them
>ill show all of them
>my home-made genious 140 IQ spec will top all the LFR meters
>then they'll know!
he never said this
It's not even that I'm some pixelperfect autist, I actually like to make everything look as default as possible.
But shit like skyriding abilities shoving themselves back on the bars, bags being all messed up if you use the one bag option, warband bank being absolute useless mess unless you don't care about shit being all over the place, the currency transfer, some crucial options outright missing in the menu, stat display.
then I lose lone wolf buff and I'm just a worse bm
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Man, you either got a massive grudge against her over something dumb, or you barely played with her at all.
Either way, this meltdown is funny as fuck.
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>ummm i dont think that hero spec is for this m0 no leave group buddy...
>intentionally underperform during progression
>get benched
yea no shit retard, no one cares about your faggy mog LMAO
>retard playing some trash 'homebrew' build thinks *i'm* not worth considering
And I despise players like you stepping into group content. Play your trash homebrew spec in the world and delves all you like. You want to apply to M+ or a raid though? Yeah fuck yourself cunt.
they nerfed lone wolf to 5% and there are good competing through nodes now. really skipping lone wolf is justifiable for standard play unless it's heavy aoe.
You just use the pet as an extra hp bar.
At least lone wolf is automatic, remember in Legion, you had to spec for it (and you could only respec in town or using the dust).
Also BM can't just go full auto.
This new tabard looks nice but I cant figure out how to mog it with other pieces properly :<
he never said this either
game is dried dog shit
thread is trannies and homos
im going to bed
>still can't decide which melee for shuffle rbgs
>know I'm going to have to TC regardless and anything but DK is a retarded choice
will they guarantee every team gets a rogue or how is that gonna work exactly? you literally autolose past 1600 if you don't have a rogue
bros... make it stop
she looks like she fucks human men
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I dodged a bullet anyway, I ditched SL right after killing Denathrius with a friend and got to avoid K*rthia
I posted my name above feel free to blacklist me so I don't ruin your keys by PUMPING FAT FUCKING THUNDER BL*ST then bro
kek, all blood elf posters are faggots
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I think it is just meme bait, not a melty
It might look good with the upcoming Bloodfang remake
Or the Tomb of Sargeras red rogue set

Anyway good night worla worcraff general
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Okay, joke's on me, they made it a talent again.
>30 posts
ur are pathetic!!
I don't remember Legion since I stopped at Cata and just recently came back at the end of DF.
A lot has changed since those times.
yea bud you already linked it, sorry your thread didn't do that well but you are a day late to be fair
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*joins your group*
*bricks your key*
*whispers 'kys fag' to everyone in the group*
*leaves and writes a forum post about you*
Nah, it's exactly where it's been, only worse.
in SL (not sure about BfA, it's been a while), it was just a passive that you had - no pet = extra % damage, with pet = no extra % damage
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>your hero spec???
>heroscore addon
>i dont invite low tier heroes, sorry anon
I make my own groups
it's bg blitz ruleset. in AB and <the panda one> you can't cap flags off other people, and they just uncap after 45s, so you immediately run to another base after capping flag. roguecapping and stalling value I'm not sure. battle for gilneas is the standard ruleset but that's already only 3 bases. eye of the storm only 2 towers which both uncap after a flag cap. wsg flag carrier debuffs stack way faster which will probs favor stealth - idr if the stealth + 100% movespeed powerup spawns in wsg but I know it's in battle for gilneas
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what did blizzard mean by this
Dunno but shes a confirmed hunter that does slutmogs
Holy mother of based.
Holy mother of based.
Holy mother of based.
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>doing heroics to increase my ilv
>we kill first boss 3 people leave instantly
What the heck?
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> Thank god we no longer have gays in our game and instead we just have women women women. We love feminism and girlbosses around here but not those damn homosexuals

Ooff thank god wow is healing and all male characters are being sidelanded, pussified or killed off while women rule the world. For a second i thought we were gonna have HOMOS but luckily we have just man hating dykes and strong women!
There is really a lot of WQs that you just can't do because the respawn timer is like 5 minutes
With a bunch of autists flying around and no mobs
Preach just said WoW was KILLING IT! then he got 100 gifted subs BASED
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void elves won
i unironically love holly a lot
She's fake af
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Would you play a paladin if they weren't Lawful Stupid cuckolds?
(pic related, a REAL paladin)
>*is mexican*
>*larps as a white and refers to himself aryan*
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wow won
bro your city of echoes?
classic won
i feel like shes very genuine desu
retail lost bigly
>drink a bottle of vodka
Yep it's heroic RDF tanking time
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>both characters are 584 with purple number
i get invited
u dont
we are not le same.
Check her early life on wikipedia.
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the only people still playing classic are zoomers and dadgamers that couldn't clear the content when it was relevant but still want to feel like they accomplished something like clearing naxx while dbm plays their game for them
The fantasy of the Vindictive crusader isi a boring one everybody wants to be a crusader hence why they're portrayed as massive cuckoïds.
The prot / holy kind hearted soul protecting the weak is where it's at
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wildstar is going to kill wow
wow anon your very skilful for getting all your gear crafted!
not really
id say so if she was just dropped into the role
but no
she has been doing this shit since everquest
it's hilarious
all these dudes have weakauras out the ass too
can easily hit 584 with no crafted gear, shitterfren
not a single crafted item
just pure grind
i am sigma mewer
we are not le (the) same.
why are you guys acting like gear that will be replaced 100 times next week matters
I hate how WoW is getting closer to this hideous art style with each update.
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why live?
im just a worthless stupid little crab...
choice is always an illusion in WoW, idk why anyone thought they'd actually get to play whatever hero spec they want
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How did I do on my dwarf mage?
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retoilet furfags lost
pserf cuties won
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how did orgrim die
How did you know it was city of echoes?
crafted buddy. impossible otherwise
because the first boss drops a trinket that is bis for 98% of specs in the game
Everyone wants the ara ara egg.
egg :)
Whats the best way to get storm dust? I feel like i can hardly come by any and i want to get my enchanting up before m0 so i can become a disenchanter
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it was easy to get before the wax farm nerf, no fun allowed
/wowg/ guild status?
nta, but I haven't crafted a single piece and I have zero gear from doing heroics, and I'm 584, you can upgrade rare mob 571 gear to 593 no problem
Thank you anons.
And you I hope your day is plesant.
Totally forgot about that, have like 180 pieces sitting in my bag because I stopped caring about it since the Coppers nerf.
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they literally pay you for being gay in this game???
i am capped on valor stoneds what should i be doing with them/
the pay is bad. just learn a profession. 10x the money.
Is the game really laggy for anyone else? My ping is showing 125 like normal, but the shit is completely unplayable. Textures and items not loading in, rubberbanding like a motherfucker, and a ton of delay from input to action.
I just wanna complete the main quest and unlock robo-dwarves, man.
Upgrade gear
upgrade adventure/explorer gear to 580/584 then save your stonies
is it like capped seasonally or am i just loose out by not spending them?
the crazy thing is that they could just enable 2h enhance or dual wield hunter with a single talent like they do for single minded fury warrior or whatever the frost 2h talent was

its not hard to do, you just use a single math fixer talent point and bam, problem solved, and its usually a noticably different playstyle that adds a lot of depth to the spec
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Healers carry the game
You're literally just losing out on not spending them, you can earn them infinitely, but only hold 2000 at a time
fuck... i've no idea how long iv'e been capped.
Thanks anon.
What did he expect? That Khadgar would be gay? But in BtDP, Khadgar himself said that he likes girls.
redpill me on this post? what's he talking about?
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>/who mechagnomes
>barely 25
>/who gemmy dwarves
mechagnomes were a mistake.
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I will not be convinced that punching people in the nuts with clamp hands isn't the most fun pvp activity to do.
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why did blizz completely gut resto druid for m+
yet resto shaman didnt lose a thing and gained a group buff
give shamans a rest..
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>complaining about shaman
pretty sure resto shaman has been at least meta since shadowlands for m+
fuck em
Huffing Xal'atath's stuffy void feet
what the fuck is that thing
what do they smell/taste like?
like the void
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people fellate hallowfall a lot but azj kahet vibe and music beats it imo
When does wow go on sale? I dont give a shit about raids, social interaction, pvp, etc. All i care about is emergent storytelling and exploring the game like a singleplayer linear rpg.
>Everyone lived
Cringe as fuck
Magni should have died and remained a motionless stone statue
Khadgar should have died
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Never thought spider ppl would be such a good idea lmao
absolutely love this place
>First thing I did when I met someone was to look at her exposed feet
Do you think she noticed?
>alliance characters
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footfafs are weirdos
Frankly, it's probably not very good. Humid, sour, with a salty taste between her toes. That said, it's likely highly addictive despite all reason saying they reek.
>never touches the ground
>always immaculate
>always no shoes
>xal'atath takes care of them and even added jewelry on them

yeah no i don't think so.
Xalatath is a void monster that uses the dead corpse of a nelf as her avatar. So unless you really like licking fetid Forsaken undead feet, I would highly advise against it.
Khadgar is THE MOST neutral character.
Like nothing. Canonically, the Void has neither smell nor taste.

On the other hand, Fell tastes like sulfur.
A bad time for your balls!
And a drunk fire-breathing cyborg midget.
Do you retards really think Xal doesn't soak her feet in perfumed oils every day? Obviously they smell like vanilla/blueberries/cinnamon/lilac etc depending on her mood
so does final stand make it so that divine shield doesnt sic the mobs on the rest of my party?
Being willing to work with the Horde for the greater good does not make Khadgar a neutral character.
Khadgar benched himself for BfA because he didn't want to take part in a horde/alliance war
Not even the burning of teldrassil changed his mind
Give it to me straight, haven't played since WoTLK, what would be the best class to get into and be most secure?
DK is solid, paladin is solid, warrior is solid. Priest is decent, well i like it at last. Mage is good, warlock is good, shaman is very very very solid.
I'll give it to you, but it won't be straight
Augmentation evoker
like secure as in always meta? warlock. 20 years and counting baby.
That's just straight up character assassination of someone who was supposed to be the Alliance's greatest war hero but I guess you're right since Blizzard decided to do that to justify BFA's existance.
That is fine, I still want to blast them with my cum.
Metzen is back.
We won.
also summoning people is such a big deal for everyone.
Yes, been like that since Legion.
Mass taunt with invulnerability on.
How queer is TWW?
Pretty much this, lock always offers something. It only becomes an issue if you are a lazy piece of shit who absolutely hates using your utility.
make-faggots-mad queer.
no faggotry has been seen up to date.
how do you have enough runed crests and valorstones for that?
See >>493229865
In case you don't know, the dude built his online presence on writing about queers and other retards in DF.
There was so much to write about he even got hired by Wowhead to write articles for them.
Unfortunately for him, TWW has literally 0 of that, so he's big mad.
Is this real?
I remember getting only a few hours into DF before being sent on a quest to make a gift for a guy's very gay boyfriend that he loves so much and is very gay and that better not be an issue.
Pick my main. Do me good I've quit back in WoD.

Class Spec
Druid Balance
Priest Discipline
Evoker Augmentation
Shaman Elemental
Druid Feral
Monk Windwalker
Shaman Enhancement
By playing the game, fucking everything drops valorstones and weathered crests, rares, quests, rep rewards, delves, dungeons, treasures, the little azerite orbs you can fly through, there's tons of sources
it's so fucking funny
every single fucking couple in df was queer to the point where a lot of gays were just annoyed at how blatantly pandering it was
now we've axed that and gone back to the normal writing where not everyone we meet is talking about their relationship (gay btw)
You get crests by flying through the azerite balls that hang in the sky.
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Are there any macuahitls in WoW?
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Can you unlock or find different armor for the dractyr? I saw people running around with armor I dont think I've seen in character creation. Or maybe I missed it
really? even runed ones? thats op
Cripple lady is kind of cringe tbesu
stupid osger
i said runed crests
Is it possible to make enough gold to pay for a subscription every month without owning TWW (max lvl 70)
reasonably sure there are
You can't even get runed crests yet, those are used to upgrade from 610 and up. Current gear only uses Weathered crests (up to 593) and carved crests (up to 606)
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>farming for a specific item
>my beady, small, unusually shaped head visage when
yes, my "gold making" alt is 45 and even that is higher than needed
i find it so funny that you give a character a sword for a hand and nobody gives a shit, but you give a character a shield for an arm and everyones suddenly "cripple this, cripple that, dei, etc"
What do you do?
apologies, i meant to say carved crest. got my slop lingo mixed up
Yeah, carved is just from weekly chests, rep rewards and I think a small chance to drop from the hallowfall satchels? Either way, you only need weathered ones to upgrade to 593
troll op new thread please.
I sell mog, though I admit it is more annoying now than in the past. I was at 27m at one point in bfa, but am now down to 17 after footing the bill for several expansions of raiding. Still am able to manage a token a month comfortably, though.
Non vandalized edition

"bladefist" was also cringe and a cripple. Albeit below elbow instead of above, but both are something of a joke.
t. above elbow cripple
kek get SMOKED
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>mfw im going to betray both alliance and horde.

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