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are you ready for Demo Day? edition

>Demo Days
24 HOURS REMAIN: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>493159879
won't be posting to DD if PATdev is submitting again, don't want my game next to a tranny's game
It's actually just like make a good game now.
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Didn't know patdev was trans but I can't say it doesn't make sense
Today I'm gonna start making games. I'm gonna show you all how it's done. I mean how hard can it be?
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Well that's the question. Is not being good enough caused by mistakes? Is being unremarkable caused by mistakes? If someone makes a song that doesn't become a hit, did they make composing/writing mistakes?
>Is not being good enough caused by mistakes?
>Is being unremarkable caused by mistakes?
> If someone makes a song that doesn't become a hit, did they make composing/writing mistakes?
How hard? Have you tried punching through a brick wall?
I haven't. Surely it can't be as hard as that? You just boot up your Go Dot and then drag around a few sliders and you're done. That doesn't sound too hard.
Ok maybe you'll have to do some programming too, but Go doesn't look that hard.
yes yes yes, of course
I'm making all the art, It's not so much hard as it's going to take a long time to get through the wall even with a hammer
Soon I will be on a modestly lengthy roundtrip car drive with my dad. Will he bring up the gf question again? Or will he ask me how my game is coming along? Neither question is one I want to face. I refuse to settle for just any girl and as for the game it's current trajectory, should nothing change, is looking like a flop. Idk if I should've ever told him about my gamedev endeavour.
I wish my dad would ask me how my game is going.
Worse fat is being remarkably slightly, barely above average. That's the worst place to be.
i'm just taking a short pause, i swear.....
Aurasisters, not like this...
Just say that and tell him quality takes time.
I wish my dick still worked, being sedentary and making games and jerking my dick til I ejaculate blood (making an h-game) has ruined me
how would you spend 350million on your game? asking for a friend
>no actual criticism
Players are dumb, what else is new?

hire a few of my favourite artists and have get them in a room to design the world.
music, fx/regular artist, ui person. Then I would enjoy all the good parts. For the other 349.7million dollars I would just buy nvda stock
Personally hire Juan himself to teach me to master the potential of Godot he's hiding.
>hire voice actors
>go to college for 3d modelling because all the tutorials are too confusing and I'd rather not ask a million questions daily on how to do everything
>hire at least 5 actually skilled programmers
>sit back and relax just making the art and writing the storyline (very expensive, possibly the most expensive out of all of these)
>if one of the games succeeds in the slightest, register as a game studio
>apply for bankruptcy in less than 5 years
>use the spare cash to fly to and apply for citizenship in some barely 1st world foreign country after faking my death
is this real? I WILL become his biggest hater if so. lmk
Imagine if Sony gave each aggydagger yesdev 2 million dollars instead of giving concorddevs 200 million dollars
But then it would have come out of their own pocket instead of blackrock's
My plans wouldn't change, except I would hire more voice actors and more skilled programmers before faking my death and gaining permanent citizenship in a barely 1st world country
avoid hyping up your projects, especially to those close to you. If you’re not earning significant money from it, they will see you as a hobbyist with a pipe dream and someone who's wandering aimlessly in life.. not a good look to have. It’s better to keep quiet about projects that aren’t financially rewarding and if they bring it up just keep it brief and say you do it for fun.
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I feel like if i haven't successfully finished at least 3 game jam project, i won't be able to make the games that i want and like. I know that i can futher work on that game jam project after the event is done and turn it into a commercial game.

How do i work on my gamejam projects after my day job and 2 hours of commute though
I stopped posting my game here because it feels out of place here. You all keep making these baby platofrmer games with bright colours or anime hentai sex fucking games, while my game is set in a realistic world, with normal people where you use guns to shoot other evil people. It just doesn't belong here.
>I know that i can futher work on that game jam project after the event is done and turn it into a commercial game.
That's not true and you know it. You're lying to yourself.
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>> Progress
Algorithm now works properly. Still testing whether I need to make some tweaks, but player can now reach every node and they update properly.

Also, need some help. Anybody know how to write generic list functions in C#? I want to make my fisher-yates shuffle algorithm take a generic element as an input.

//Fisher-Yates Shuffle - shuffles a list
public static List<Transform> ShuffleList(List<Transform> unshuffledList)
System.Random r = new System.Random();
// For each unshuffled item in the collection
for (int n = unshuffledList.Count - 1; n > 0; --n)
// Pick item that hasn't been shuffled
int k = r.Next(n + 1);
// Swap selected item with the last 'unstruck' item in collection
Transform temp = unshuffledList[n];
unshuffledList[n] = unshuffledList[k];
unshuffledList[k] = temp;

return unshuffledList;

something like 'public static List<T> ShuffleList(List<T> unshuffledList)', but this is returning an error.
what is an "evil" person?
I'd make sony a new IP that rivals gears of war. a billion dollar IP. for only 2 million. sony, hire this man! *both thumbs pointing at me*
Save up enough to move to thailand or colombia or any cheap country for a year or 6 months. Then work your game full time there.
get an easier job, like remote codemonkeying
Political extremists, gangsters and NATO soldiers.
wot. game jams didn't exist for the first decade of my dev life.
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There is this quote in Bruce Almighty where Morgan Freeman said "A mom who is working two jobs and still able to make time for his son's soccer practice is a miracle." How do I apply this in my life? I have hobby projects I want to do even after a long tiring day at my job, all while making time for working out, socializing, and playing an hour or two of video games?
Those icons and doctrine thing look amazing anon. Is that part of some asset pack?
Well he's wrong because it's no miracle. A person with two jobs still has time to do stuff and it doesn't mention any details about the jobs. Really your problem seems to be that you just don't care enough and that's ok. Throwing in the towel is fine.
cum on faggies, pull through, give it the final push! you CAN do it!
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I'm already a codemonkey doing webslopping. But i have to be in office everyday
And no, being a QA actually has more hours and insane workload
public static List<T> ShuffleList<T>(List<T> unshuffledList)
System.Random r = new System.Random();
// For each unshuffled item in the collection
for (int n = unshuffledList.Count - 1; n > 0; --n)
// Pick item that hasn't been shuffled
int k = r.Next(n + 1);
// Swap selected item with the last 'unstruck' item in collection
T temp = unshuffledList[n];
unshuffledList[n] = unshuffledList[k];
unshuffledList[k] = temp;

return unshuffledList;
Yeah, various asset packs. I mix and match until I get the look I want. The aesthetic is just how I want it, but I'll replace it with custom art someday.

Pic related: original mockup

Solved the generic function as well. Should look like this.

// Fisher-Yates Shuffle - shuffles a list
public static List<T> ShuffleList<T>(List<T> unshuffledList)
System.Random r = new System.Random();
// For each unshuffled item in the collection
for (int n = unshuffledList.Count - 1; n > 0; --n)
// Pick item that hasn't been shuffled
int k = r.Next(n + 1);
// Swap selected item with the last 'unstruck' item in collection
T temp = unshuffledList[n];
unshuffledList[n] = unshuffledList[k];
unshuffledList[k] = temp;

return unshuffledList;
public static List<T> ShuffleList<T>(List<T> unshuffledList)
*nvm you got it<T>
I daren't click
>political extremists
are they not all people trying to do good in ways we don't approve
poor people with criminal records and drug addictions trying to make money while trying to make their community proud
>NATO soldiers
same as first one, are they not all people trying to do good in ways we don't approve?

yes, perspective. there's not much difference between gangsters, mafia members, mobsters, yakuza, and... someone in poverty born in the wrong neighborhood, maybe with the wrong skin color for the social climate and racial laws, but without a doubt, not a penny to their name in a neighborhood the police are more than willing to harass due to the neighborhoods crime statistics.

I'm just saying, why do a generic shooter when you can easily make it more interesting and unique with a classic "maybe I AM the bad guy... I'm just killing me in another life, in another country, with another set of beliefs", and then have him develop ptsd and kill himself or some shit instead of classic plot armor "hero always wins"
Good take for once in this place.
I could do better than concord at least
There's ways to avoid violence in my game and certain characters approve of different actions (well this is the plan, something I want to do later, right now it's not as pronounced). You as the player decide what to do.
>you may have the money but you must make a live service game
Blackrock wouldnt pay for that.
ok so there's like videos for making game and designing a game
but like how the hell do i actually fill the game with stuff to do?!?
so, basically every single "multiple choice" shooter rpg "but this time it's different because MINE has BETTER storytelling"

you could tell a story of war (like 50000 other games), or you could tell a story of inner turmoil and discovery, betrayal, finding out there's no point to war, that there is no bad guys, that nobody is evil, question what evil is, question why you're there to protect some oil plants from the country they're in, how "your side" has destroyed the local economy by burning fields of poppy, kicking off your own countries pain med shortage, and boy, are you in a lot of pain.
heck i'd write debra wilson into my game if larry pays up
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>there are ways to avoid violence in my game
I want this in my game but i cant figure out how to stop the cats being violent
I would gladly make Debra Wilson a kino sidekick if I had the funds for an open world 3D game.
Not anon, but you have a point. It just doesn't fit the agenda. It's easier to point fingers than it is to contemplate morality even though the world and society as a whole is closely tied to religion.
Maybe send them an email with some models/pixel art of some xer they/them.
I'm not writing a book bro. I'm making a stupid game that's supposed to be fun. Games aren't art. Any attempts to be serious like you just said will only result in confusion and rage from gamers.

Some examples being Spec Ops the line which was too on the nose, and CoD World at War where it was so subtle barely anyone even realized the fame har a message.
kojima already did that and everyone kneels to his game
In the most retarded, brute forcing way possible. Because otherwise (You) wouldn't even figure it out.
there's not enough yesdevs, we could reasonably have it be something like 50mil per actual yesdev
>finding out there's no point to war, that there is no bad guys, that nobody is evil, question what evil is
This would have been a smart and sophisticated opinion to have in the 80's or maybe 90's, but in the year of the lord 2024, the vast majority of media is already like that.
>I'm not writing a boo-
where's your script and storyline? You just pull it out of your ass as you go?
>I'm making a stupid game that's supposed to be fun
and that's why it wont sell
>Games aren't art
>Any attempts to be serious like you just said will only result in confusion and rage from gamers.
bitch what the fuck, have you played ANY video games in the last 20 years? metal gear? pokemon? MARIO? devil may cry? diablo? baldurs gate? world of warcraft? skyrim?
sure, sure, yeah, some people skip the entire story just to play the game, but theres entire YOUTUBE CHANNELS dedicated to deep diving the (sometimes unnaturally, for mario) serious storylines in these games, and they both have enough subscribers and enough views to make a living JUST deep diving into the lore.

I know
Also Deus Ex (I & II)
epic moment when you find out even the competing coffee chains are actually owned by the same company
Just post it retard, what's the point of posting here otherwise?
People like stories because they're entertaining, not because the message of the story is profound or unique. War stories are particularly entertaining.
>what's the point of posting here otherwise?
To laugh at retards like you and >>493233556

You all are uniquely entertaining in your own way.
No, morally grey media misses the point. It only reaches the first layer, but doesn't get in deeper to where it matters. There is no point to war at all. It's a futile concept of the past that people still try to justify in the year 2024 because imagining that instead of progress through war games that it is possible to settle disagreements is beyond belief. Good and evil are too concepts of the past. Many elements from the old world permeate the new world and it's a poison. A world with no war would mean conflict is possible diplomatically without useless actions. This would be perfect to set a video game on because the wins and losses are real and knowing that things won't divulge into war makes stakes real. With war, there are no stakes, you kill everyone and you declare yourself winner. It's a losing game from the beginning with the only conclusion being genocide of the entire species. Without adhering to good and evil, we can have more complex characters and actions since people won't be turned off by "icky things" that hold video games back. The entire power of creativity in our hands and it's like we're constantly living with one arm behind our backs.
Sup guys I need a GODOT meme asap.
I know one of you has it

It's depicting a scene from some battle manga (naruto I think?) redrawn by Shen Comix, the hero is depicted dropping weights titled ANIME and GODOT to avoid becoming a nodev
When someone stabs you anwsering with stabbing him back will just lead to both of you dying you must try to solve the situation by kindly asking him to please stop doing that and if he just says "no" and keeps stabbing anyways you must let him kill you without fighting back so more people survive that way.
anon is right thoughbeit not in the way he thinks he is
it's not story
it's premise
a hook
>metal gear
so there be like weird machines and shit?
animals but not animals?
mushroom kingdom but like pipes get it?
>baldurs gate
all the same shit of kill cool shit to get cool looking shit
you wouldn't play a game where you use a banana to open doors because it makes no sense
>People like stories because they're entertaining, not because the message of the story is profound or unique
... I forgot how entertaining the bible, torah, and quran are.. oh and let's not forget how purely entertaining and definitely not profound or unique edgar alan poe, drive, fight club, blade runner, dune, star trek, naruto, dragon ball, the boys, joker (2019), her, etc. etc. etc. etc. all are, shit, even twilight, harry potter, and whatever else womanslops been put out, definitely weren't peoples favorites for both their entertainment and their deeper, profound, messages

oh, but those aren't video games, so....
yeah, people AREN'T playing baldur's gate, undertale, dark souls/soulslikes, yume nikki, visual novels, text adventures, or anything similar for the story on top of the entertainment (or sex scenes), they just like wanna shoot n stuff. all that story stuff is just background noise lol. Katawa Shoujo? one of the most popular VNs? just popular because disabled girls hot.
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>Katawa Shoujo? one of the most popular VNs? just popular because disabled girls hot.
It is. What, you seriously believe anyone actually discusses the narrative of that VN? No, they goon to the fanart of disabled girls hot because 95% of humans have the mental capacity od a dog.
Damn anon got fucking destroyed
you zoomers disgust me. if you didn't shed tears and held your katawa shoujo in your arms as you both overcome the world together, you don't know anything.
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Adding a Buckler to the game that replaces the dodge with a parry
>you wouldn't play a game where you use bananas to open doors
I'm telling you right now, ANY idea just needs good execution

>you're a banana with amnesia lost in downtown new york
>your goal is to find your way back home to the banana orchard
>but where is it?
>go out and find the other bananas to help make your way to the orchard
>adventure exploration puzzle game, Raytracing and VR!
people are already eating up all of the "you're a cat/robot/man on a mission in the future/past/a city wandering around being a cat who has to go up here/down here/to your owner!"
Show the parry in action when there's hundreds of bullets on the screen.
Only literature has moved me. Videogames, and especially VNs, have never. I get that you want to validate your "hobby" as a serious grown up medium, but it will never work out, no matter how much you try.

Jonathan Blow put it quite nicely in one of his clips why. I'll link it if I find. I'll only add the fact that games that try to be profound always end up either being a very small niche success or doomed to obscurity.

But keep living in your fantasy world where everyone thinks your fanfiction is something profound.
>quotes Jon Blow when he's the exact person that wants video games to be taken seriously
The YA industry would make you think otherwise
Nobody reads books anymore except for college white women who go to Starbucks and fantasize about a Communist revolution
All the "classics" are indeed "classics" because they're from long ago
People probably read books more nowadays than ever. Just because they're not holding a physical book doesn't mean they're not reading. E-books are great and much more convenient. It's likely people read more in general with all the information there is now.
Women fantasize about being dominated by strong Aryan men.
what kind of retard would try to say vns are magically not literature? other types of literature are not magically better
He's a smart guy but he's doing a fool's errand. He doesn't want to understand the fact that the videogame audience will never accept actually serious games. And I mean actually serious stuff, not "shallow seriousness" like Metal Gear Solid, Undertale, or whatever shitty VNs you beat your meat to.
>but *I* don't like it, and *I* am the default, perfectly average person! *MY* opinion is the global opinion

things you have to lose from adding any semblance of an interesting and deep story, which, is more than likely skippable by pressing space/A/X/whatever the easiest button to press on your keyboard/controller is
>a very very small percentage of people who don't want to press that button but hate your story anyway
things you have to lose from having a generic ass story about how fun war is
>every single person who already hates any generic lifeless war game, a substantially larger percentage of people who can't figure out how to skip your cutscenes
>a decent amount of money that would be there if they didn't refund the game
>a decent amount of would-be positive reviews
my game is finally beginning to look like a game and it's so magical ;_;
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It's funny to see how you project your insecurities on me and my own project. I never even said it's a war story but you seem to actually think it is for some reason. Maybe you should review your own game if you're so deathly afraid of "generic" stories.

Also, I'll provide two examples: Ultrakill and Gloomwood. I barely see people talk about the story, and most of the story in those games are generic religious stuff/medieval stuff as a means to facilitate gameplay scenarios. Those are well received games. Clearly it is because of their stories, right?
>muh real literature
>no one reads anymore besides me the world has fallen
>zoomers/women bitching
>people don't take video games seriously
Do you really believe it? Have you seen the world in the past ten years? People will quote movie lines, follow trends from tv shows and start working out because their favorite Japanese cartoons told them to. It's media in general, video games being a part of it. All the remasters and remakes? We're the Renaissance period where the people of today obsess and appreciate the old just like it happened in Italy.
but you are a woman
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anyone can recommend some good names for a WWII game similar to X-Com (pacific setting, might expand to italy later on thoughbeit)

also asked Chat GPT and got the following recommendations:
> Pacific Front: Tactical Command
> Tides of Valor: Pacific Command
> Steel Horizon: Pacific Tactics
utterly soulless but better than nothing
The Kievstar Principle
All right /agdg/, if you're such intellectuals, post the last book you finished.
>A History of England by John Lingard
The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab
Bunker Escape: Adolf's Last Reward
>no.... that's not a story, thats... thats... uhh... thats... oh. it is a profound story with a message.

still in early access for the last 2 years, and interest is already dwindling. I doubt the dev is here, so we can't even ask him if he planned (more of a) story or not, still, theres a deep and gritty story there in the beginning of the game.
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Does manga count?
Eden by lem
Retrofuturism is so sweet and nostalgic its unreal
>a 20 minute video of a youtube imbecile gorging out his headcannon fantasies
Couldn't you have found something actually from the game?

>and interest is already dwindling.
Because there's no new gameplay content you fucking snoy tranny.
not that anon but how can you tell it's a headcanon fantasy if you haven't watched the video? seems like motivated reasoning to me
look at that body language. An agdg dev if I ever saw one.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
I have before. Most of it is ridiculous extrapolation based on bits of info from the game. That's not the actual narrative but a retelling. And, it's a youtuber. Those aren't known for making particularly good content.
Faust Part 1. The writing is so phenomenal I almost feel like learning german just to experience the real thing.
I still think the VN Sharin no Kuni is one of the best written works released in the past 20 years. I have yet to find a single piece of literature after Brave New World who did dystopian society as interesting as it.
look man, just give up on making a game. at this point I'd be amazed if you actually managed to write code for more than 2 days before giving up with how absolutely retarded you are.

>play game
>visually see story happening (burning buildings, people dying, people living, plants growing, architectural styles, colors of peoples skin, the biome, the environment, quality of furniture, food available, etc.)
>auditorially hear the story happening (accents, music genres, ambiance, noises, they verbally tell you what is happening)
>contextually figure out the story (things weren't on fire and now they are, I did things that put out the fire, the fire had to start for a reason)
and finally
>get confirmation on what the story is (written word, people tell you, you have a cutscene, etc.)

this is genuinely, genuinely, one of the most important things to making any game, as long as you aren't making pong or tetris or pacman. making it have some level of profoundness or relateability, some deeper message, even if that message is "hippy dippy peace and love" or "we're all monsters in eachothers eyes" or "drugs aren't cool" or "the american dream is dead, lets all have an orgy" or "good people do bad things, I learned to love murder", is equally as important
Read Real Japanese: short stories by contemporary writers [free CD incl]
It's funny how you moved the goalpost from "having a particularly deep, profound message" to "have any message at all". Every story has a message by the virtue of being written. I understand that and can't work around it even if I tried.

But unlike you, I have no delusions of grandeur and I don't think I'm the second Tolstoy. I have realistic expectations and work on what matters for my game, whilst you will spend years working on some shitty VN, all cocooned in your delusions and when it comes out and nobody will give a shit, you'll kys or throw a tantrum like the YIIK dev.

You need to realise what you're making. Low brow entertainment for manchildren. You're not the next writer who will move generations with his books, AND THAT'S FINE. You don't need to be.

So relax.
Whodevs too? I could contract an artist and coder to turn this sinking ship around.
>you used VNs as aan example so you must be making a VN!!!
nigga I'm tired, it's almost 5am, and my sleeping pills are hitting. I hoppe you make thew right choice and don't make your multichoice shooter rpg painfully generic. Hope you curate some screenshots and don't give up in less than 7 business days. goodnight newfag
>try typing laying down sideways
>fuck the entire post up
oh well, sleepy time.
>this is genuinely, genuinely, one of the most important things to making any game, as long as you aren't making pong or tetris or pacman. making it have some level of profoundness, some deeper message,
Yomi Hustle
Path of Achra
Buckshot Roulette
It's no wonder /agdg/ games never work out. You morons don't know a single thing. Not about gamedev, not about the market, not about anything.
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any REAL suggestions
I'm not really following the discussion, but I just wanted to say I'm entertained by how amazingly butt-blasted you are by the idea of people using software to tell a narrative.
Malazan 8
I started reading this series 2+ years ago. 2 books left.
Beton by Thomas Bernhard
Make a thread on /v/ for that.
it should have Storm in it
which DD games will you play tomorrow?
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got first item showing up in ferulorum, didn't gat anywhere near where i wanted to be for DD might sit this one out
Marmo bought a cosplay with all the cash generated.
Protocol: Paperclip
nobody will play mine... because i dont hve a demo
Good to see you making progress, don't need to be in DD.
>DD tomorrow
>better namefag as innercircle and spam all week instead of working on my game
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what program is best for 2D animation my frens
You are assuming I'm gonna post on DD
Im posting on basket weaver central of course I'm no dev
Pencil and paper and a scanner.
I'm going to start working on my game now.
I don't need DD. My game's releasing on Steam in two more weeks.
If Ira fine to do crime and murder people like those people do because their life sucks why isn't fine to murder them because they make life suck?
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why must you lie to me
I can't fucking do this anymore. I'm on the cusp of just calling in and quitting my job. I don't want to go to work every day for the rest of my life. I just want to go back to sleep.
If I had a friend or my parents let me move back in, I'd totally quit my job. I recommend anyone here quit their job and dev full time if they can. Fuck having your own apartment and working just to pay rent and insurance. Go home and dev 12 hours a day for 3 years. At least at the end you'll be pretty fucking good and can get a job if you fail to monetize your work.
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Where's appeal poster now? Just having cute girls in your game is not enough to sell.
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I'm also about to quit my job. 1 more week and I'm free.
Guys! I figured it out.
I was worried about being a wagie after college. Gamedev makes too little money to live off it. But what if I go to a thirdie azn country after I graduate? I'll be able to work on Gamedev full-time, live like a king for $12k a year, and have qts whenever I want.
If a game is sold on story and low resolution concepts like horror, then the preview better be pretty fucking good. Otherwise I'm assuming you're just dumping fucking trash on me.
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i want to rework the current tech tree implementation since it's pretty cluttered and overwhelming for the type of game this is, and because i feel like it lacks any unpredictability (you will probably just want to tech the same stuff in the same way). also i think i want to weave more specialization by "drafting" into the game

basically what i was thinking of is:
>rather than clicking a tech and then collecting research towards it, you gain the required amount for a tech and then you buy them off the tech tray
>instead of having a tiered tech selection like pic related, your options in the tech tray instead include 2 faction-specific techs (that your opponent cant pick) and 3 shared ones that are randomly placed on the tray (that there will be dozens of to choose from)
>whenever you buy any tech, it is removed from the tray and replaced with another tech

though i'm not sure exactly how to solve the following

>when you don't want to pick the early faction-specific techs but you want the later ones, how would you handle that? are you forced to pick the earlier techs or could you just press a button to move yourself up a tier or reroll existing techs? it shouldn't be too complicated
>not sure it's a good idea to let players amass research and then buy half a dozen techs at once, or if it's better to force them to buy exactly 1 at certain intervals

but anyway i think i'm pretty much done with the basics of multiplayer, like it actually feels pretty decent to play now. currently thinking of whether to double down on it or add some sort of simple singleplayer/coop stuff to help people get into it (it's VERY hard right now because jumping straight into pvp multiplayer is tough)
>Go home and dev 12 hours a day for 3 years. At least at the end you'll be pretty fucking good and can get a job if you fail to monetize your work.

no you can't kek indie gamedevs are generalists who aren't amazing at anything compared to AAA 3d modelers or AAA game programmers etc.
is this the multiplayer x-com-like with paradoxes? i was disappointed when i found out it was multiplayer only. i wanted to play against AI
I'd say I'd rather not live in a country where I'm one coup away from having my livelihood destroyed but non-African third world countries seem to be relatively stable nowadays.
do you read literary criticism? how often are readings what the author intended, versus what the critic read into it?
what is the game about?
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Fumbled so hard, bros. I graduated hs at 16, then became a neet for 6 years. Went to college at 22, and I'll graduate in 1.5 years at 26. I don't think about it often, but I have a lot of regrets. My parents still let me stay at their house and want me to stay with them after college till I save enough to get my own place. I wanted to do so many things when I was small, but I really let that lil dude down.

Went to sleep but i'm back to praise jon GOD and The Witness, his masterpiece that is perfect in every way (hyperbole)

Y'all niggas didn't get far into the game I guess so I'll spoil it. The environments themselves are puzzles, not just the panels, it's pretty much the joke of the game but it can't be advertised since it would ruin the joke. If you stand in specific spots and look in specific directions you will see the game world actually has line puzzles and you can click on them and solve them too. It becomes a whole new game.
As you can probably imagine if half the stuff in the island moved and shifted around constantly then those puzzles would be sometimes temporarily unplayable outside of the player's controls which would be bullshit.
This is why I like the game so much. It only has the things it needs to have and shaves off the rest. Music? No as it would distract. Stuff moving around the environment? It would occlude puzzles which would be bad game design.

Also the game's inspiration is fucking Myst which consisted of literally static screens, is that game shit and "not a videogame" too?
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At least you made a girlfriend in college though, right?
> at least we tried, right?
if your idea of making game mechanics is concepts like "pressing left makes you go left", it's not programming that you suck at, it's basic game design. If you can't program anything more complex than that, then yeah you suck at programming too.
gamedev hell is seeing the game you could've made if you weren't such a lazy piece of shit
I sometimes think how this would go with my past self, but then I remember I never had any real aspirations to begin with.
>woah, what a piece of shit of a game! The world is better now that it was never made!
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>is this the multiplayer x-com-like with paradoxes?

>i was disappointed when i found out it was multiplayer only. i wanted to play against AI
yeah, this appears to be a pretty common sentiment lol. but for a long time it has been difficult for me to find satisfying ways to implement singleplayer content. the last game i made was singleplayer and i never really enjoyed playing it myself. i think it was because "tactics" genre trappings.

however, i think since this new game isn't a typical tactics game anymore, and is more focused on larger-scale strategy, i am finding it a lot more interesting to lay down design for singleplayer stuff.
>enter a massive dungeon with your expedition crew, which is just 1 hero at the start
>gain more heroes as you progress, place them in your hero roster, slot existing ones out as you please
>loot weapon stockpiles, free mercenaries, use laboratories to find new techs to slowly grow your army and arsenal, kinda like mount & blade but turn based
>equip your heroes with new gear
>be a full-on military at the end of the campaign, with mass infantry charges and air strikes

and then for mission types
>skirmish missions where it's a typical multiplayer match but against AI
>siege missions where you have to use just your roster to assault an enemy base and destroy it
>horde missions where you have to hold out against waves of enemies while building defenses
>escape missions where you just have to make it to the end of the level before enemies overwhelm you
>etc. etc.

>i wanted to play against AI
i've been somewhat excited to write AI again ever since i rewrote how abilities work. implementing AI and making it smart would be fun and easy, since every ability is basically built out of small reusable components (which means i only need to write behavior into each component instead of each ability)

its like a weird board game type strategy + tactics game (with very placeholdery graphics)
The point of war is that if you win you get to take the other side's resources and order them what to do for your benefit.


alright see you guys tomorrow
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Since i was redoing the look of the levels, i decided to address the complaint people had about the ground texture being too samey so using 128p textures instead of 64p less noticeable tiling with foliage and more layers of dirt that are populated by trees, i don't wanna add too much clutter as people still need plenty of space to move about.
gaming industry is weird. i think it's because there's not that much investment needed so devs can do whatever they want.
if you buy a store and goods and have customers you really need to do things they like in order to attract them or you might end up in huge crippling debt.
but gamedevs, they never listen to players, dont give a fuck about anything, just do what they want.
like, name one industry that releases 100k+ products where 99.9% of these products dont make any sales.
imagine the car industry mass producing cars and people buy 0.01% of them.
its the most out of touch industry ever.
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Good morning AGDG, let's make some progress today!
>phylactery would be a sick name for an rpg
>can't use it because people would be understandably upset the game isn't entirely about necromancy
>over time your necromancer could evolve their own unique look based on what divine laws they've transgressed or what flavor of fel energy they've ingested
none of them, im protesting
Ever gonna make a game?
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>texture looks different as i zoom out

what is this voodoo
nigger you have bigger things to think about then theory crafting a name for a game
>not making phylactorio
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did you mean negromancy
why would anyone ever try to time his progress around /agdg/'s demodays?
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I am demoralized
how do i draw drop shadows in pixel art help
I get what you're saying, but you're wrong.
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dont blame it on gamedev, it's usually other issues, finding another hobby doesnt help as it'll end in the same situation
There are less and less retard filters. But at the end, like you say, the market comes crashing down on you. You meet the pavement eventually.
Sorry Marmo, next time don’t spend 10 years making a really cringey anime game that no one wants to play
DD54 had 101 entries
DD55 had 102
DD56 and DD57 both had 100
So is it just the exact same people showing up for every demo day?
What job can I get in an industry that uses UE/inhouse C++ engines and Autodesk/Zbrush/Adobe suite when I can only use godot and blender?
No one else is stupid enough to give their game away for free lol. If you want mine you can pay for it on steam like everyone else
Start working very hard now at whatever it is you're doing. You're not far behind. If you work harder than others, like work 60 hours instead of 40, and you'll leap ahead. It's not too late anon. But also strive to work smart. Min max when possible, but work hard. You're not far behind at all.
no because the numbers aren't exactly the same.
A similar situation is seen with film, music and literature. It's normal for some of these creative endeavours to not make money. Comparing games industry to manufacturing is retarded and only shows how out of touch YOU are.
>all AAA companies are stupid for releasing demos
Ok retard, enjoy your 10 review release
patch notes:
- fixed bug
Its Demo Day. You post demos.
They are
No I won’t
I happened to skip every other one. Skipping this one too.
Idk faggot just kill yourself I guess. Fucking loser. Like what the fuck are you saying, you're too retarded to do a few c++ tutorials to pass an entry level test? Well ya, if that's the case it's over for you, you're right.
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>add the unity localization package
>random shit starts breaking
Post game. Given your low IQ one-liners I'm willing to bet it's either shit or doesn't exist.
Speaking of that, did you pay for that? Is it worth it? I was just going to program my own solution for localization, but if I could just use an existing feature that would be nice. I'll look more into that.
>insert dildo into my anus
>realize i dont own any sex toys
>take pills
>realize i dont own any pills
>realize i shitpost
>still press post
>somehow the big bang made me do this
No you can just add it. Too bad it doesn't fucking work.
>poonity tards when they can’t just drag and drop the asset into the level and actually have to write a single line of code
It’ll be ok sweaty
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Yeah its the world to blame for being shitter every passing year
Funny shitposting but Marmo got 24 reviews
what do you guys use for 2D animation? Spine?
I'm going to apologize for going off the deep end, I shouldn't assume you were the anon who said I was wrong before. I went off because I hate negative people who make excuses. I hate people who think they are clever for building arguments against taking the hero's journey. These people are worms and disgust me.

I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume you were serious. If they use c++, and you only know c#, then make an app or follow some super long tutorial or even just buy a fucking textbook on C++ and learn it. It's not hard. If you're really good at one thing you should be able to pivot with relative ease. Some places might not even care you don't know c++ and might even let you do the entry tests in a language you're comfortable in.
How do I make combat for a 3d RPG that doesn't suck but also doesn't force me to make a gazillion animations like dark souls
red goats -> failures
green goats -> delusional
yellow goats -> unlocked the secrets of the universe and WILL make it
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I'm gonna be ready for the next one okay!!??
You’re ready to give your game away for free? Imagine having that little faith in your ability to sell
im a bit of an orange goat myself
can it only be used for pixel stuff or also non-pixel art?
good morning Cris
true, thats why the great things were made in easier times.
I already wrote my localization logic in sql for dialog. It's labels on the screen that I need to add a system for. I might be retarded for using sql in a video game instead of just reading from a file. I like sql so I used it, but we'll see if that fucks me up later.
I wouldn't use it for non pixel art
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andrew gower could choose to make any game he liked
so he decided to make Runescape 3 v2
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Starting another cutscene.
I don't know if it applies here but something I've never quite gotten from the X-COM games is some sort of grassroots beginning
maybe xcom 2 was like that and I haven't played it but most feel either
>government level -> government level but bigger
>survivors -> survivors but bigger
instead of
>bunch of farmers with guns -> union of farmers with guns that's basically government-level now
I guess Terraphoenix was like that but you never really get to see the scale of growth, you don't command anything at the larger scale

I'm really just ranting at the wall I don't think an indie could capture that feeling of growth, and even AAA games suck at it because AAA games suck at writing stories like that
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>What are bell curves
Based yark
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what programs to use for non-pixelart animation?
I tried spine, but its expensive and I recall hearing that there are better alternatives
>c++ exists
>c# exists
>people use shit languages like that
i never understood
there's dragonbones, never tried it myself
Welcome to 3d dev
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Gamedev hell is spending years in a dark room all alone hoping you'll finally turn your life around with one released game, while other people are out there making memories and facing the hardships of life together.
>pixel sharters when they get .01% of the glimpse into the difficulty of being a 3D dev
Stick to your little cartoon pixel drawings little fella, it’s more your speed
nah i get you. though for me xcom has a lot of pacing issues with how it barely builds into anything past the early-mid stage point when you get 6 squaddies. in comparison, in mount & blade you go from a hobo to someone who commands their own nation basically

xcom also has that issue of being very slow to play (both animations and the odds calculation stuff), so any larger combat becomes drudgery to play, and that really weighs upon it later on.

to this game's credit, it is very fast to play. animations are quick and can resolve simultaneously, there is no direct RNG to calculate in the combat itself, and tactical decisions are usually fairly straightforward. the actual challenge comes from a greater strategic context, like which units and pieces of gear you want to use, whether you need to hold a territory or retreat from it, and so on. last playtest had both me and my friend at population cap, and turns still remained below 3 minutes (and because pvp is handled with simultaneous turns, there isn't that much waiting in general)
People who obsess over short terse code piss me off. “I can write this in a short anti human way that is hard to not only read but also debug. It has no benefit other than its short! Awesome!” Can’t fucking stand that shit.
its always webdevs making their own languages somehow
You play with the cards the gods give you anon.
You will not stop me from making my 2d pixel platformer anon.
Unironically having the reason why having more than 1 party of three adventurer's tackling the same dungeon together to make it easier being for no real reason other than that's the adventurers' guild's religion isn't contrived at all, there's silly religious stuff like that everywhere irl, it'd actually be rather poignant I dear say.
>greybeards used to name variable and functions like "crb_asfw" 40 years ago because you had a limit to terminal line length
>this naming scheme sticks around for decades because of legacy codebases and pure grognard energy
>20 year olds today read code comprised of all consonants and underscores and they think "wow, this code must be REALLY good" and start doing it too
why would I want to stop you? 1 less person competing with me for a successful game
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True, I guess I'm just bitterly flipping the table over the hand I've been dealt.
are you saying its contrived that the adventurers guild only sent 3 guys?

desu it could be explained that the guild has to check out hundreds of dungeons for the big bad evil lair, and your party just had the misfortune of actually finding it
the reject is using anime as a coping mechanism and thinks that a cartoon is representative of real life again! help!
lol exactly. I feel like a platformer game could still be successful. But it better be fucking GREAT. The art, the physics, the level design, the mechanics. You gotta make it feel as good as super mario felt to an 8 year old 25 years ago. That means it has to be 10x better than super mario actually was. Good luck.
Right. Once you get passed "Wow other programmers are so smart, I could never be that smart." And you just start writing simple code that solves problems, you then start to realize, wait a second, a lot of these people are just retarded....You look at that code and just ask why, what is this added complexity helping?
how hard is too hard for a game? will people refund if they keep dying before beating the first boss?
fuck it, it's good enough.
dark souls is proof they won’t
good luck with your transition
trips of truth
people hate unfair, hard but fair is fun
depends on how it's hard.

Helldivers2 seemed to want to make the game as hard as possible, but the main thing that made it difficult was the game-breaking glitches they introduced every patch because they have no QA process due to being swedish.

If you have a well-functioning game where at least if you die you can say 'ok fair enough' then you might be ok. Just make sure to add a 'game journalist mode' in case you make it big
>Just make sure to add a 'game journalist mode' in case you make it big
souls games specifically don't do that because it devalues everyone else's effort
i cant dev... i... i ate some seed oil...
It annoys me how people say the game lost all its players because of nerfs and buffs players didn't like. Ya that was annoying. But there were 2 problems that insured it's demise.

1. No diversity in gameplay. Eventually it just gets old.
BUT I'd say even with the lack of meaningful updates, it died a bit early because...
2. All the mother fucking game breaking glitches. You know how fucking frustrating it is to play for 40 minutes, collect all the samples, just to not be able to board the evac? That is fucking BRUTAL. Or more common you just drop and there is no easy way to get back in. You just play for 35 minutes, heading out, and you drop and appear back in your ship. That's why I quit. I couldn't deal with the constant game breaking issues that prevented the mission from finishing.
a game where you just have a good time with your anonymous frens :)
But I do want to say Helldivers 2 has some of the best game play of any game ever. Really cinematic and incredible what they did. An amazing game. Really has lightning in a bottle.
Looks very sovlful from that perspective
anon, if I added a game journalist mode it would just be a special mode that automatically posts the game journalist's home address and current location coordinates to twitter
kek this sounds exactly like Magicka back in the day (same dev)
saw somebody try Magicka a few weeks ago and it was still broken, after all this time
why is the entire level flat? cant you just import a heightmap and give the terrain a more natural feel? even if its subtle thats better than 100% flat. I hate games where I can obviously tell I'm walking on a flat plane the entire time
>why is the entire level flat? cant you just import a heightmap and give the terrain a more natural feel? even if its subtle thats better than 100% flat. I hate games where I can obviously tell I'm walking on a flat plane the entire time
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It's even worse than normal with gdscript since an array filled with Goals isn't necessary an Array[Goal]. So you need to have explicitly typed all those Goals before adding them to the array.
However, dictionaries don't allow for static typing, and the editor will sometimes randomly decide to break if you use it static typing of custom objects too often.

I really don't understand people who want it anyway. It's extremely verbose, requires tons of boilerplate, and the type of errors it catches aren't the ones that are hard to debug anyway.
oops sorry I forgot about all the tranny pixel sharters here who hate being held to any level of effort standards that are expected by actual people who play video games. my bad!
Imagine the comfiness of stardew valley but in a multiplayer game with anon frens. That would print money.
hard but fair, and also cheesable with mechanics that require extra time but not extra skill. Eg., collecting a bunch of materials to make potions and then cheesing the boss by having 10 potions during the fight. whereas a skilled player can kill the boss without taking any damage
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>Today I got the surreal opportunity to do a 30 min interview with the creator of Stardew Valley @ConcernedApe!!
>He's genuinely such a nice and down to earth guy! Can't wait to share the interview soon! ^o^
>Thanks to @Fangamer &
@ZionDood for making this a reality!!

We'll be eating good ericbros
didnt know they had electricity up there
It's crazy that I can tell the guy on the right is from the UK purely based on how ugly/inbred he is and how fucked up his teeth are
Damn must be rough that 99% of guys he takes pictures with are taller than him
oh like stardew valley
You said that two weeks ago, anon...
Wow didn't realize we had such creatives here. Way to see future opportunities.
dude imagine a game where youre a little pixel guy and you ave this cute peaceful cozy music playing in the background, youre not like really forced to do anything you can just do whatever you want, so you like start doing some little pixel farming on your pixel farm for some pixel crops and then... now check this dude its gona blow tyour mind,,, theres a CRAFTING system in the pixel cozy farming game right? so you farm, but then you CRAFT, all while listening to the most kino and based cozy tracks and smoking freaking hella weeed bro@
thats a jets hat and there's no way anyone in the UK knows that that is however
it's a matter of gameplay, you don't really notice the flatness with the 60 degrees camera angle, as you don't really notice height or lows with some subtle elevation to it either as it's flat shaded. i don't think there are any top down survivor games that have any type of elevation to their maps.
How are you going to make a survivors game in unreal engine? You need thousands of enemies and unreal can barely handle 20-30 concurrent AI because of single game thread
Marnix and Thomas are from Belgium though....

That guy on Eric's pic is Danish
Slower pace, more focus on movement and interesting enemy mechanics rather than large hordes.

It's been though figuring out how to do it decently but it's working.
wow looks cool
>survivors clone 4 years after the genre stopped being interesting/popular
why does no one in this thread have a single creative cell in their brain
nigga I'm boutta go OFF THE DEEP END
It was literally an april fools joke that people seemed to actually enjoy and wanted to see more fleshed out.

I won't be spending too long on it anymore, i want some release some updates get it into a state that could define it as a finished game and be done with it.
It really is bizarre. Like didn’t any of you fuckers grow up playing games and go “wouldn’t it be cool if a game did x!” And now I’m making that game. Other people are just like, wow meatboy did good I should make a meat boy clone. Idu how people can be so lame.
>inside the mind of every single agdg poster
>"I'm better than all these idiots. My game is going to make it."
I just want to eat cake...
Post gameplay? I would like to see how it works
This is me for real.
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Discord Day is getting close
ok fatso
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literally me (but my brain has also rotted)
Well, hey, it’s not like this is just an anon board. People show their games. It’s not a mystery what the comp is.
i didn't realize that Yark Survivors already released, congrats
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wtf are you me?
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Why am I different? It's because in my case it's actually true.

Thanks, early access ish as i pump out fixes and updates, i have some plans to set it apart from other survivor games aside from my addition of multiplayer as well ofcourse
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Cake is bad for you
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Thanks enbie, I'm starting early so it might go good.
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Did somebody say cake
sorry not sorry
I need money to eat cake.
I think my game both sucks and is better than 95% of the shit posted here.
>300 million dollars
>gf looks like a man
was it worth it?
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Im drawing tilesets
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Dirlindu.
Why haven't you applied for a big name studio yet?
I freakin love dindu he are my favoring charcter !
only a turd worlder would see working at a big game studio as a good thing lmao
Yes because it means they love each other and have compatible personalities. Notch's baby wife divorced him in a heartbeat
Any 3d artists looking for a collab?
I'd probably also stuck with a woman that kept my broken dev ass while she worked.
>notch's ex-wife
>a fucking weasel
guess that's what you get for ignoring physiognomy
The guy in charge of balance, Alex Kravchenko, was the guy who fucked up Hello Neighbour 2, turning it into a game that nobody asked for

The devs didn't play their own game, they balanced the mostly based on analytics, and if there was a bug, such as fire DOTS not working on clients, then they'd balance the game wrong based on incorrect analytics. Also not to mention they'd pull shit like releasing a battlepass that focused on fire-based weapons, and then nerf fire-based weapons at the same time. There was no point in grinding for anything because at the end of the day you've ended up with a gun that is just as shit as everything else. And it's a coop game so why are they so keen on tweaking balance beyond fixing things that are obviously broken?

People wanted to go down to a planet, kill a bunch of bugs, call in some airstrikes and have fun. But the devs seemed to want to punish the players for having fun and/or being effective.
desu it's not like she had any other choice
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Eric's wife looks great. She's clearly some kind of 100% Aryan Nordic phenotype. They look like that
She doesn't look like a generic man though, she looks like Moot. Any REAL aggydev would be thrilled to have Femmoot as their partner.
Ya, that's what people say, and I think you're wrong.
I would like to castrate you with a hot iron.
>aggydaggy still doesn't know that 90% of women look exactly like boys if you take off the makeup
whole lotta virgins in this place
drinking in honour of dd58
someone dropped out of DD58
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>Eric's wife looks great. She's clearly some kind of 100% Aryan Nordic phenotype. They look like that
it's unmistakable
feel like the last was like 55
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Stay seething
This guy managed to make a 1 second long video segment of a text flashing and making sound into a 1 hour long tutorial.

Me and my friends would play a game. The chance of our whole team making it through a game without a bug that prevents evac, or none of us dropping randomly, was so small, that it made the game unfun to play. Or even just joining a random game. "Game is full" Ok then why the FUCK did you show it as a game I could join?

Complaints like fire weapons or whatever don't matter nearly as much as fundamental issues. Such as noted bugs, and the fact that after 50 hours of playing you've seen it all. There is nothing to work for. There's no single player. It's a pain to play with friends. It's a pain to play with randoms. Systematic fundamental issues. If they added a new faction, or other modes to enjoy, it would have lived on despite the flame thrower not working as well.
>the adventurer's guild religion says three adventuring gods made the trion crystals only work if there are only three adventurers in the party in the dungeon to preserve the profound sense of adventure they experienced adventuring together
>actually the trion crystals are just phylacteries created by necromancers who want dungeon divers to go get sick loot but don't want a large group of people with a respawn causing too much instability
>the crystals don't work if there are more than three dead adventurer's because all their souls will enter the crystal which can only create three bodies and that will mess it up
>also I guess all the players gear enters the drop table for that area that might be cute

Would you buy it? Am I closer to being done idea guying? Maybe forget the necromancer stuff and just go with the Gods?
blorbros... I'm not gonna make it to DD. Main reason is I'm travelling (I always have to travel at DD HONESTLY) but also the scope has increased somewhat and I don't want to put out something half-baked.
Bet you fifty cents that eric is very hairy
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ideas dont matter, only execution matters
no one buys good ideas
they buy good games
stop being a gay little faggot like we both know you are and just, like, make game
White women. Not even once.
It's blorbover...
Idu the connection between this and my post, but I guess I'll take boobs.
Who shit on your mini pancakes?
bro, EVERYTHING is half baked on dd. (except kalemonvo and PAT)
this shit is too meta
>(I always have to travel at DD HONESTLY)
how awfully convenient...
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i'll never forget the tiny skeletons and the dreaded door bug
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how could you tell?
a 2D rpg would be easier? Not sure how setting some keyframes is harder than adding another line to your sprite sheet.
I love making games!
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That's true, but I'm reworking the map so that it's now a continuous map like zelda instead of a starfieldlike with chunks you travel between, so I won't really have time to finish putting together the map that I already made.
im ngmi but im having fun
>party of noobs dies in the dungeon
>now no one else can loot there until they're resurrected

That's retarded just say a god did it and you can't team up on the same task with greater than 3 people or you don't get rezzed by them. Also it would make more sense if only three souls fit in the crystal and if it's the wrong souls THEN they don't work.
>Car mechanic follows tutorial to rice their car
>Oh wow amazing job
>Gamedev follows tutorial to rice their game
>Uhhh is that a hecking unreal asset flip tutorial?
"war is bad" is the mainstream opinion, retard
Today at work I have conceptually solved armor class and dice based systems
After my game comes out in 2030 even tabletop fags will adopt my system
We already played Undertale
did you play it with me?
There is no mainstreme opinion on war. It changes by the week. War is bad one week. Media campaign comes out, actually war is heckin cool. Ok war is totally heckin cool again.
War is very good as long as you can avoid the conflict like drumpf did.
war is peace
(peace is bad)
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You think its better to have the earth to the right or down?
The media does not represent mainstream opinions, everyone here should already know this.
am I retarded for making my own tilesets in a non-pixelart manner? I figure the art will add to the appeal but its a lot of work and maybe nobody cares
Hard but fun is always better than easy but boring.
Just have the camera move.

Does it have furry like azurdev game?
The first bosses in Dark Souls are not hard at all.
There are no charcters/people, only ships, its a spacestation simulator.
my demo is done for real
this is why you cant talk about a game's difficulty on the internet, invariably some autistic redditor such as yourself will show up and say
WIP music test
gonna put this in and get the build ready.
They absolutely create mainstream opinions. You might think "there's no way people believe this right?" But the majority do. You better start believing in magic, because it's real. Spells, symbols of power, it's all real.

Think of covid. Or one of the best examples the Libyan war. Everyone was an expert on Libya and demanded its destruction after a week of media blitz. To this day people are like ya he's a dictator! They don't know fuck all about Libya. People are 1 week away from being in a psychotic murderous frenzy. Your neighbor is 1 week away from demanding your death over some arbitrary bullshit they won't care about a week after you're hanged.
Right, that looks amazing, surprised we don't see that view more often. Down looks good too but that's a more common sight.
I'm being serious. To me, a boss is hard if you can still fail repeatedly even after understanding it. Once you understand the mechanics of DS1 you'll never die to the Asylum Demon again but the Four Kings can still buttrape you.
Guys... my life is too busy. I need to stop trying to game dev and go all in on real life. At least I have a few projects to show for it.
Oof you were just one project away from making a gazillion dollars. Ah well...
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Just upgraded to 4.3.. I don't know what the hell they did but it's tanking my fps from 270-80 down to 240's. The settings all look the same so what the hell is going on with the shadows.
Godot 8 will fix this. Stay strong sister
Congratulations on realizing what’s actually important in life

There are too many games and too many people wasting their time making more games. Stop adding to the pile of stuff no one wants.
>Godot 8 will fix this. Stay strong sister
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I'm not here to make money I'M HERE TO MAKE GAMES
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rock n roll gobbo
Will that live if making games really keep you going. When you realize how much work is left. Are you going to be fueled by “enjoyment”? I’m fueled by hate, bitterness, greed. You know how bad I want some faggot to quote me and be like “achhhuzually you’re wrong “. And I just respond with my steam income. That hateread motivates me. Hate and greed are un ending. Powerful motivators. When I see someone say “I just love games” I see them as being weak. A moment away from BREAKING.
Looking good. Especially like how the goblin falls down the hill.
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Is they right?
>Is they right?
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the last one kinda looks like hellsing if he was a fat gay nigger
How much does it cost for a low poly character with animations for walk, run and sitting?
1k? 5k?
bout tree fiddy
A nickel and some change
you will see many nolgorb cosplayers soon
Holy fuck my art looks kino on my new phone screen. Crazy how CSP runs on Android now
free, check out mixamo
yeah looks sick bro
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I've been watching youtube videos about the EOS announcement and they all go with the "THEY TRIED THEIR BEST OKAY?!!" message before trashing the game to not look mean because somehow gamedev lives matter now or something. Only results matter, can't stand it when people start bailing out the devs for a shit product. Same as how people still somehow cut gamefreak slack after pumping out garbage for 10+ years.
literally no clue what's happening on the screen, same feedback you always get and same feedback you always ignore
zero visual clarity
what if we all collab and create our own genshin impact
we'd be rich
wow man hey nice asset flip you got there, its cool because you didnt actually hand make a single thing in your game wow nice dude thats sweet
Nice idea, guy.
It's 100% true, there are many games I didn't really have any interest in playing because I didn't like the main character.
This is also the reason why every damn AAA game is full of cosmetic dlcs even though autists will insist cosmetic dlcs don't matter, people care about appearances, a lot.
Sounds communist to me. Communism could never produce a game as great as Genshin Impact.
So marmoreal2.
agdg has never and will never have a collab. Everyone's too autistic to work together. I've personally witnessed 4 collab attempts die.
NEET at 30+ here. Feels like my time ran out and will need a job sooner rather than later. I fumbled hard.
>bad degree
>never had a gf
>has no one to go hang out with (family doesn't count)
>no clue what I was doing with this current game due to amatuer knowledge of gamedev and thus took years on it, still not done
But yeah waging just to have your own apartment and pay off bills solely to keep the cycle going? Sounds demoralizing. I just want to make it off gamedev so I can sit and do nothing if I feel like it. So I dont have to worry about whether my new games will be well received, I still want them doing well but it's just one less heavier worry for a lighter one
>12 hour dev days
Yeah I doubt I could pull that off even in great conditions. 4 hours is possible but 12?

Years ago it was easier to pull off the gamedev to wagie at triple A cycle, granted the guy I'm thinking off, iirc also has a CS degree.

Nta but never.
Collabing just doesn't make any sense financially. Just work weekends at Mcdonalds to supplement your income. Hire a third world contractor to help. Start building an entity that produces games. That swears fealty to you.
4 in what timespan?
>its cool because you didnt actually hand make a single thing in your game

Is this a new kind of troll? Like you know I spent months hand making every single thing so you post the opposite to farm (you)'s?
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Salutes to the yesdevs.
sounds epic. like an rts commanding huge armies or something
did you make the font
can we collab together
Ill do the ideas
I might be hallucinating, but my skin looks a little more tanned, maybe what they said about becoming a werecris was true if you don't dev hard enough...
it's pretty clear
There's no text yet, when I do get to it, yeah I'll make the font.
okay whats your ideas
these designs are on the right side of history chud.
genshin impact but we add furries for that sweet furry cash
>Yeah I doubt I could pull that off even in great conditions. 4 hours is possible but 12?

Lmfao. Fucking Bozo. What are you saving your fucking energy for, your 8 hour goon session? If you don't have a bitch, don't have friends, you can sit on your ass and program 12 hours a day for like, 6 months, before maybe you start getting worn out and then you can get it back to 10 hours a day.
can we scope down a bit... i cant model and animate and code all of that.
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Didnt include pic...I just want to relax and not worry about everything or be beholden to a job that only pays me enough that it'd take me until Im 60+ to retire. And by that same token Im under greater pressure if my games flop, it stings harder of you're not rich to begin with. A game flops and that's years of your life down the drain.
>but you got better and can make a new game quicker
If you quit then it feels like it was for naught. I just want to be able to finall
but you gave the idea to everyone else here, are you retarded?
Im out of the project and Im taking my ideas with me
can you weight paint some clothes for the project? my uncle already made them but he died before painting.
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Watching this on repeat soothes my simple brain
fuuuuuck noooo. :(
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HauntedChocolatierbros... New Lego set just dropped. It's so heckin over
>what is burnout
Top left looks like some offbrand low quality Doom armor copycat ordered from China
seriously what do you gain by posting footage from other people's actual successful games? are you hoping someone will say "le heccin epic maymay my fellow kind gentle sir!!!"
You shouldn’t burn out doing something you love. When it’s all you have.
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Would people get mad at me if I submitted Punch Monkey to Demo Day? No one seemed to mind when I submitted Munchin' Monkey even though it was a week old
Why should you care if people get mad or not?
His post is a joke hut I will never understand the anons who shill their ideas in a convincing manner. Sure the yesdevs are occupied with their current games but whose to say they didnt end up increasing their own competition or inevitable failure thanks to some whodev or redditor passing by seeing it and copying it all while making it better than anon.

This person cam watch yours and avoid the mistakes you make while taking all the good stuff from yours while keeping his underwraps to orevent yours from reaching parity to his in time
Hm doesn’t look very good at all honestly, maybe start by trying to make the pages of the book blow with the wind very subtly but as the book moves up the pages should all react to the movement like how it works in real life and same with when it moves down too the pages should move a little or rustle around it just would feel more hyper realistic which you pretty much need to have in a 3D game
I wanna be respectful
I've lost the ability to tell when I'm getting trolled
We don't know the final boss of Salaryman Shi, we don't know the final boss of Benbo, and we certainly won't know your final boss even if you invite us to look at the full game.
risk of rain guy
2 years without checking the thread i see you still dont talk about making games in here cya
Question. When I win my game of the year award, do I have to come up on stage to accept my award? I don't want all of you freaks to know what I look and sound like because you'll all stalk me.
I will shill a few ideas. But it's for games I have no intention of making. I also don't believe anyone would create the game I envision. It might rhyme. If your game is so simple that a short paragraph allows someone to truly copy your vision, you're kind of fucked. Even if you said something like "Make a post apocalyptic 3d open world game with a 1950's aesthetic" look at Fallout 3 vs New Vegas. Literal same engine, same setting, but two VASTLY different games.

Saying that though, for the game I'm actually working on, I'm keeping it under wraps because I don't need a bunch of hacks shitting up the concept.
>t.The guy complaining about little dev posts for weeks on end now
It's only socialism if you're forced to do it. Do you think if we lived in a successful socialist society where the farmer's actually did their democratically assigned work and grew everyone's food or the party had their AI robot farmer's running smoothly and growing everyone's food that we'd all be assigned to the same department in the ministry of game dev?
Not him but I plan to get a job while working on my game. That leaves me around 4 to 8 hours to work on my game as well.
i want to make a spyro-like
looks like shit
Man I was just making a joke since it’s a Chinese made game.
>4 to 8 hours daily
>with a job
You underestimste how many points of time a job takes up of your free time that aren't paid hours eg driving to and from work, lunch time, getting ready/unready for work
just let him do his little autistic ritual for the next 30 posts, he thinks he's "demoralizing" the thread or something
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Yeah I thought it was funny. Sic semper tyrannis brother.
Man you must take some weird looking shits then!
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Genshit being a heavily monetized pastiche of various jap games like BotW aside, do people really think the CCP is still akshually communist
>b-b-b-but its the Chinese Communist Party
Yeah sure, like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Same people who think the USA is a bastion of free markets lol
/vg/ is such a shitty board for game development discussion
i use AI to get inspiration
Go back.
It looks like the bastard child of the Blizzard and Final Fantasy art teams. Overdesigned with wonky proportions and a weird obsession with shoulders. You'd think so many individual unique details would create a distinct look but everything just blends together.
Chinese government literally killed Jack Ma (richest Chinese guy and owner of alibaba) you dumb retard. China isn't free
Ya and what do you want to see. Gay programming posts? What's missing Mr To Cool For Us.
game development discussion
Yeah all of them look like "what if popular design, but *gay black woman/old hag/disabled poc*".
we need wholesome devlogs about implementing petting dogs
I'm the anon who said to work 12 hours a day. Having a job is more problematic then it first seems. My strat is to wake up at 5 in the morning on weekends and work on the game. Some weeknights I also work. But it'll be real hard if you actually work 4 hours on top of your 8. Good luck anon.
>complains about agdg
>doesnt comment on any progress posts, also doesnt post progress
how curious!
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Finally got seasonal switches implemented. Had to update engine to 5.4 to do it without insane if statements in material graphs.
why would i post progress in the thread
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How do I fix this?
I am attracted to your pixelated female goblin character
Very neat anon. Was a MPC not sufficient for what you wanted to change between seasons? I'm curious why you needed to update to 5.4 to accomplish it
>AI slop
you will never learn blender
you wouldnt, because you dont have a game (LOL!)
is this a daggerfall like? I dig the vibe a lot. let me walk around in first person with a cool enchanted sword
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I am using an MPC value to control the switch, but somewhere in the 5.2-4 range, they added a new switch node with multiple inputs, allowing for the four seasons. Previously you had either an if node, with 3 possible, or a static switch, with 2.
no, it's a dev-wasting-time-like, it has the characteristic half-a-decade-of-work and a feeling of 5-players-at-launch-like
Uninspired boring response. Typical.
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Close, but not quite. It's a hybrid dungeon crawler, so you're exploring with free motion in first person, but combat is Wizardry style (RIP Werdna) turn based combat presented in full 3d, a la FF7.

Example posted
I always submit to DD if my game had an update.
That's pretty slick, thanks for the tip anon. I had hacked together a level theme switcher on a previous project by chaining lerps in the master material, which did avoid the cost of switches/ifs but was a huge pain in the ass to maintain.
The player can choose not to join the adventurer's guild and play on perma death mode but I was planning on designing things such that playing optimally to get the best ending would involve taking risks that would all but ensure the player's party wipes once or twice. Metal.
/agdg/ games need more goblin girls.
Fix what? Also, did you model this loli?
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You know, you're probably correct. But I'm making the game I would like to play, and if others would like to do so as well, that's a win.

I hope you have a great day, my man. Thanks for the reality check.
>How do I fix this?
With a noose
Hey that's the game I'm making. Game name? I want to play our game.
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Happy to help. Getting my head around the material graph has been a hell of a journey.
My game will have goblin girls. Ogre girls. And yes, you can mate with them. This has consequences based on your faction alignments.
Soon will be the age of the quasiroguelike tbjrpg.
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I just wrote a 20-page "Game design document" in 5 days, outlining a game completely from start to finish

are you seriously going to sit there and try to tell me that there's no profitability in such talent?
>first post complains about story side but likes the complicated RPG mechanics autism
>posting agreeing with him hates on the complicated RPG mechanics autism
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putting more than a year in a project is a luxury only people with notoriety and experience releasing complete games have.
if it's your first real game, you should put less than 1/10th or even 1/20th of your vision, because even that is going to be extremely challenging when you take into account every step of the process until releasing it to a public. In the end, doing 1/10th of your original vision but in a complete product, will teach you 90% of things you would have learnt if you had put years of your life in your first project trying to make it a 1:1 of your original vision.
it's only a "talent" if the document is good
now secure at least 500k funding with
>there's no profitability in such talent?
There *IS* profitability in such talent, but only if you are
-Renowned enough to get companies to trust you
-Well connected enough to get plugged in as project lead without previous experience
-A woman, black man, or another kind of diversity hire
At least one of these three is required to get a project handed to you.
As a solodev, it's a worthless skill unless accompanied by other skills, just like being good at graphics is useless without a programmer or a game designer.
Congrats you just killed stardew valley.
I forgot to mention that I also have the skills to build the game from start to finish. I'm not selling GDDs to other companies that's stupid
Cool story, now make the game.
>I forgot to mention that I also have the skills to build the game from start to finish
Then there is a big profitability from such a talent, I suggest you start right now since the design document is done
>b-b-but you didn't take into account the 0.000000001 of devs who became millioneries with their first game (it was their third b-but that doesn't matter!!), owned!!!!
actually I already have all the major systems coded from a previous project so I already started months ago
What do you want us to say. We all assume your gameplay ideas are stupid and you’ll fail to implement them. I mean good job at doing step one. But it’s assumed any dev that will make it has your skills. So why haven’t you made it yet if it’s good. I’m skeptical of anyone who even puts so much thought into gameplay. I’ve enjoyed like, 3 games in my life with actual difficult/complex new mechanics. Chess has like 6 unique pieces. Complexity isn’t needed. So why do we need some complex document when you’re the only dev anyway.
>so why haven't you made it yet if it's so good
because time is linear and has a fixed speed so I can't give you any apples from an apple tree I planted two years ago you're being unreasonable
then how do you know the apples taste good
Unless you're committed to doing a Waterfall development cycle where nothing can deviate from the initial design, a game design document is shit and should be outdated as you iterate upon the fun.
because I already tasted them from the trees I stole the seeds from
>he fell for the linear time meme
Just because you update the document as you go doesn't mean it's a bad idea
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HXH bros...
Well if you've never programmed anything of value, then the market won't value your ideas highly.
I struggle to make a coherent story that actually makes any sense.
Everything i write feels really cool when i write it bit then it feels like a fever dream when i playtest it and read my nonsense writing.
Should i just make a action roguelike or something like Vampire Survivors?
I wouldnt have to make a story if i did that instead.
shut up marnix, some people have vision
You can make a million games without a story. Even a game like Stardew valley has deceptively few story elements. You'd think a game where all there is, is a farm and and a town with townspeople, would have a lot of story. And it does have a decent amount of dialog but it's all cut off from any over arching story. "My moms a messy bitch" "Ya I'm an alcoholic, life's hard." It's a bunch of mini self contained stories a child could write. I'm not saying it's bad and I credit Eric a lot for his choices of stories to tell.
im in the same boat anon, i cant write or draw for shit, i only know how to program. so im making a simulator.
Are there any issues with making a Slay the Spire clone, except with cute anime girls?
Most people don't have a sugar mama willing to pay the bills while working on a pipe dream. Their advice is good for the person who needs to actually support themselves with their own work.
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Ya well why don't you. Why don't you have a woman. Why don't you have a family you can live with. Why can't you scrape some money together to hire a contractor to take care of art or programming. Why can't you do anything. Maybe you should reflect on your tactics that you are using to achieve your overall strategy and find a more effective way then just being like "Well, guess I gotta make a bunch of fucking shit to pollute steam with."
It's worse than that. A game design document is required only if you need signoff from management or money men. If you don't have that and you're doing it because people in the industry say they do it, then you're basically cargo culting a process that you have no actual use for.
If you say the truth often enough some retards will reject it just to be contrarian
The design doc is really just to make sure you don't dive into development with nothing but a vague idea in your head and a dream in your heart. You'd think nobody is stupid enough to start aimlessly working on a project without clearly defined objectives but it does happen.
Ya and what's the truth, that there's a correct path to game dev enlightenment? There's a correct path to making a game that people enjoy playing? And for some reason this correct path is to first make a bunch of shitty games nobody likes? "Hey man to get good at boxing you should first play Basketball, get your cardio doing well!" How about I just box.

I do agree though. Truth eventually becomes boring and the mongrels grow restless.
"no rules, just right" is part of the fun.
Anon some of the best games of all time start with a core idea and a whole lot of vagueness. Fallout wasn't based on the 1950's until deep into dev. Companions weren't a thing til the end. I'd rather have a game with a settings screen, an intro screen, save systems, localization support, all that shit taken care of, before I worry about having every clearly defined detail written down. Stop acting like that is a must.
It's a way to put ideas in order
If it wasn't called a design document it would just be my dev diary or whatnot, it's still helpful to design things mentally before coding them
keep putting more months in your perfect first game that reflects your talented vision and passion anon, maybe you will release it by the end of the 2026 to the amazing amount of 14 players!
Ya I will. Why are you acting like game making is a fucking mystery. Haven’t you been playing games since you were 5? How much more fucking practice do you need.
my vision is 20x dark souls, thanks for the advice
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I'm putting an old school manual pdf into my game files as something to work on while waging since I have access to photoshop at work.
Tacky or no?
>Playing games is the same as making them
>We don't know the final boss of Salaryman Shi

apparently it's a housefly: https://youtu.be/ruV5vC6pxTk?t=1260
Not tacky but I think the font doesn’t match the art style/aesthetic
Without defining "core idea" we're just talking past one another. Some people would consider "I want to make an RPG" to be their "core idea" while others would have the whole rule system defined before starting to make the actual game/campaign that uses them. It's the former group that really struggles in development hell because their core is a nebulous cloud they can't really coalesce around. Fallout may not have had the set dressing figured out before starting development but they knew they were making a GURPS-based RPG.
It's pretty fucking cool anon
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>Haven’t you been playing games since you were 5? How much more fucking practice do you need.
your mind truly deteriorates when you put more than 6 months in a project, that explains a lot
For 2d is it easier to get something cool with drawings or with pixels?
very cool
Ya it basically is if you’re not retarded. “I need to go to school to learn what is fun” fucking bozo
I will make the next Minecraft tier success as a solo dev and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
Seethe more crab.
How is releasing 4 shitty game for 10 players each better than releasing 1 slightly less shit game for 14 when you can actually be proud of the latter?
my game good your game bad
4 times 10 is 40 and 1 times 13 is 13.
>How is making 1000 drawings a year better than releasing 1 mega drawing
If you have to ask you must not be an artist, and if you're not an artist you should go for very low res pixel art, because that's how you hide your shitty art skills.
>The impaled pastors believed that enlightment could only be found by running blessed spears through their bodies
Were they stupid?
I’ve been devving about a year on my game. Still don’t have basic gameplay or a “game play loop”. Fuck it. I e played games before. Whats there to fucking test. I’m not making a new genre.
He is not going to develop 1000 games in that timeframe
That's still nothing is my point
Thanks guys. I think I got a better font I can use but I get rights to it first
I'm much better at drawing and painting than pixeling. I can hide a lot of my shitty art with textures and lineweight. Pixels I can't hide it unless I use dithering which I'm still learning
>finally have time to progress
>feel violently ill in every possible way
Jesus christ wtf I haven't even eaten in two days because I was working non stop on my homework but I've been having diarrhea and vomiting, also migraines are bad I can barely look at my computer right now.
It's sun/heat sickness I tell you, I'm seriously considering to drop out of grad school just to leave this godforsaken state and work as a fucking janitor or high school teacher (homeomorphically the same).
Well they didnt just die they became living skeletons after doing that so there must have been some grain of truth to what they were saying.
pixel art is more like painting than drawing desu. if youre not that good at anatomy or solid forms then its a good way to hide your lack of skill
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I have a sister who's a drawfag and likes games, I can put her to work like a nigger in a plantation
Amazing, I have the same recurring thoughts for as long as I turned 18 or even earlier, where I'm asking how my younger self (7 years or so) would look at grown up me. How would the kid me react about my job, about my life choices, about my love life and overall the presence, face, behavior.
I'm afraid that my younger me would be appaled or frightened how the end goal looks like, but at the same time I think I've made some decisions that would make kid me happy, overjoyed even.
It's strange to find the same way of thinking in a comic strip from some random guy, but with a different message.
Ya my core idea was make an rpg set here. Scope is x. Combat pretty limited, mostly sim combat. Dialog system. Quests. Let’s do it boys.
>dirty knee
fucking slut!
I love this
Just use AI and don't bother your sister with your infantile gamedev hobby.
>oh wow anon are you a gamedeveloper with 7 years of experience?, that great!, i can't wait to work together and publish your game, how many games you said you released before?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Uulga shows up.
Yeah then they evolve like a Pokemon by shoving a consumable item called a sacred spearhead through their face so their onto something (no I am not kidding)
I can't believe anons need to be told that you will be better at something the more frequently you do it.
Love it to bits. but font is a bit small here and there
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Or that you have a better chance of success if you sit down and make a plan for your game. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
Explain Cris then.
Ya and by making a hard game to make you dive to greater depths. You reach higher peaks. That’s where you learn.
Cris literally never finishes anything and doesn't actually strive to improve, his schizophrenic ass thinks he's perfect already. You can study Spanish for 7 years but you'll improve and be even remotely fluent if you still don't know the different between "el" and "la".
Cris is actually very lazy and spends most of his time procrastinating, like reading books about baroque bullshit, and he hops between interests like the ADHD-ridden retard he is, which is very bad for improving, since you do need consistent practice. This is why drawing once a week will NEVER get you anywhere.
What are you on about? Cris is a master at what he does the most: coping
*you'll never improve
Perma-/beg/s and cris-likes exist in every field with a high skill ceiling.
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Cris already won 4chan. He is talked about on every board, a literal hero.
Thoughts on this system?
So you can get items that will increase your deadly sin or divine virtues and each 14 types will modify your elemental affinity
i.e. wrath = fire affinity
Or should it be that you get the sin or virtue itself as an item that gives the elemental modifier?
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in every single aspect of art and science, beginner gain experience,skills and recognition by doing many small (good) projects continuously, it's been like this since the fucking renaissance. Telling a beginner to just work in his dream product for half a decade of his life is a death sentence to his career, not only he will go completely unnoticed during that time, but his end product will forever have the curse of "this shit took him 5 years to develop".
Cris is already better than one third of /agdg/. Only 5 more years until he's better than half of /agdg/.
Cris, you're talking about yourself again.
You're infamous on 4chan because you're literally such an annoying bastard that evades every ban possible
didn't they even range ban the whole country at one point because of you?
Cris is better than most of AGDG because he actually makes stuff instead of just thinking about making stuff.
Agdg proven incorrect that small projects are beneficial over larger projects. Queue schizo Chris posts to repair their egos.
how big is her dick?
cris has never made a small good project because he never finished at least 1, not finishing a project does the same harm to your brain as putting more than 6 months in one single project
see >>493277882
There's only one third of /agdg/ that is nodev?
I just got an idea for a vampire survivors-like game with a twist that hasn't been done before but I don't want people to know me as a sellout making cheap slop for quick profit. Having integrity can be so difficult sometimes.
I still don't get who this game is for to warrant all this much effort and time put into it. But I can respect it. I like the black bar constantly covering the mc's eyes. It's a nice gimmick
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Fighting game but you're the judge
Im in love with Cris.
I just watched a video of a Russian man die in agony after his stomach was ruptured by a drone bomb and his organs were tossed around on the ground (boring and seen it before). I didn't even finish watching it, just skipped halfway and watched a cat slipping on ice instead (cute and funny).
Having different items that each increase sin/virtue that then increase elemental properties would provide more design space for items instead of just having the 14 sins/virtues as items.
I just mogged Cris
Cris draws better.
I'm following a 14 years old girl on twitter who mogs half this thread in drawing skills, that's not a high bar.
Honestly these characters would look right as NPCs in a not-Star Wars used-future open world game. Which I suspect Concord was, until at some point some executive slapped his dick on the table and announced that they're making a live-service hero shooter instead.
No anti-aliasing, too many jagged lines, 6/10
I don't know what game to make. My rpg that I started isn't even something I'm interested in and is way too much work just to impress people.
Why are you following 14 year old girls on social media...?
I like it
Because I'm a pedo of course, why else?
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Pretty based he gets to work on half life 3 now. Kinda wish he would make a risk of rain-like for valve and kill gearbox honestly. Maybe make team fortress 3 a risk of rain 2-like for the non-pvp mode.
is this AI? Hair and ear details seem a little inconsistent. Post 3/4th view if you're real
I'm not that other guy. Because she draws nice and I want to see how she improves over time.
>you are too good for /agdg/ you must be using AI!!!!
The tongue
The mind
nice criscore game
>wisdom isn't the accumulation of knowledge, but using the knowledge one does has to make good decisions, common sense
>wisdom increases basic attack damage

Its 3D model generating AI
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Going today to learn RGSS.

I wanna see if I learn rpg maker scripting.
It should be fun.
Sounds gay
How are you going to use the knowledge you have without accumulating knowledge?
Intelligence? duh
The problem is that I don't know to do
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b-but my single project has improved a lot in the past six months....
what the fuck disposable shit are you guys aspiring to make if you aren't willing to put 6 months into a single project?
the pressure to draw in a way that couldn't possibly be AI is weird. I feel it. Painting with a decent understanding of forms/values = it looks AI to 80% of people now
I think you might have actually gotten it backwards.
Wisdom is the accumulation of experiences over the years, hence why people say wisdom comes with age
Intelligence is knowing how to use them
Learn English
Well, my first project will probably take a good 3 years. It's a project I have faith in. It's a project that will stand apart from others in the genre. I have a marketing plan. I have a plan for a follow up game that will likely take much less dev time. There's just no reason to do what you say to do unless you're kinda helpless and confused.

And why is this shit all about learning anyway. You people have all these excuses to fail. All these excuses to not follow the hero's journey. And you prepare in advance to fail to and then have an excuse ready to go. "Well it's not my dream game and I learned so much!" Ya I'm sure you learned a ton.
>I'm following a 14 years old girl
Cris... stop it. NOW
You're inverting cause and effect. Wisdom isn't the accumulation of experiences, the accumulation of experiences contribute to one's wisdom.
My guess is that it is legal in his third world country.
Why? It's like having 14 more talisman/ring slots but dedicated to elemental affinities
show me anything he has done that looks like bokube.

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The player will be rewarded for reading books
>open book
>skill increase
>close book in 0.2s
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>i have a plan for succeeding in a place i haven't never been before, trust me bro! i will take me half a decade but i am going to achieve success without achieving failure before, just like the heroes from my marvel movies!!!
putting more than 6 months in a single project is only you should do, BUT only if you already have experience, skills and recognition ensuring your time won't we wasted in a ugly flop.
20 Minutes Till Dawn was made in 2 months and it's better and more well received than the game people spend literal years on here
You have to read the entire book out loud and anwser a simple quiz about the contents of the book to get the skill increase(microphone required to play the game)
>nah bruv you shouldn't dare to spend a year or more on a passion project, 6 months max but ideally fewer otherwise you're just wasting your time! pump and dump baby!
>wtf why is steam constantly bombarded with low-effort slop and shitty tutorial games? how will my game stand out?
is this that poe-like that people keep dogging on?
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She's so lucky
My first game that I made while learning the tools was my most successful and it took me the least amount of time. Every subsequent game took more time and was less successful.
I'm a mobiledev though so there's a bit more chaos to outcomes.
More like if you are posting blurry low res inconsistent slop you must be using AI, and that's true.
So much this. If you dont want to release trash slop you're gonna have to work 1-2 years full-time on a game nearly everyday at the very least. God help you if you're a wagecuck like I was for 8 years.
the green words! the green words wont be read!
No that's concord, idiot
Not at all. He recognized and summed up and refuted cognitive dissonance in one word. I dare say they are based
you do read the blacked out words thoughbeit
>Same height as the goblina
Emasculation ritual
i cant wait for you to 41% yourself and never post here again
hes leaning into her
He has gamer posture
a new day, time to open unity and stare at the editor icon in my taskbar for hours before admitting to myself that I'm too lazy to actually get anything done and closing it
i don't think the spic that made last thread pong game as his first slop game in a week will ralease it on steam.
the low-effort slop and shitty tutorial games you see on steam are actually projects that took more than 2 years to make for the devs, they are so brain damaged from putting that much effort and time on their first slop, they believe it's worth money. most recent example is marmoreal, that shit looks like it was slop made in 3 months but...
his shirt looks cozy as fuck, i want a shirt like that
Yes but I have no idea why
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The good news is that the black stripes are fading which means amber washes it sometimes at least.
eric's or the other guy?
that's my older fratello.
are you a man of virtue or sin? (pride gives you lightning affinity)
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Eric is actually 6'2'' he's just leaning into the guy so he looks shorter
what the HEAD
yeah, I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?!
I'm doing this in my game too. How are we going to randomize the epic history of our realms in a way that people have to read it all to find the proper incantation to open the entrance to the correct tomb on the correct anniversary where the spell meteoric ultimato flare is hidden? I think just randomized names isn't enough they could just skip to the right pages.
Eric-chan is cute. CUTE
It can happen. I think it’s much harder. There are true geniuses out there that can pull magic from the Aether. It’s hard to reproduce. And it’s rare. But ya I respect the hell out of people who can throw a fun game together quick.
Pride should give flame affinity because flamers
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I worked whole 30 minutes on my game for the past four weeks and all of it was today
post a pic of your game character and I'll draw a pixel sprite of them
I have some time to burn whilst waiting for some friends
pic related is the player character from a game I stopped working on a few years back
>More work done than the average anime posting no devs on here.

Well done friend wgmi.
stop replying to the POE schizo.
(he clips POE and pretends he's a dev)
why does everyone look like a fucking demon next time him
I would never wish to have a photo with him
not every anime girl is a **** you retard
Is 3d art as hard to get into as gamedev in terms of career? My understanding is that a CS degree is the same a toilet paper atm, what about a 3d art degree?
because me and Eric are severely handsome men. It's just a mogging really.
I'm a boy and I would breastfeed Eric. He's the perfect height for my nipples
No excuse
you have to be 18 to post here
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why would I learn godont instead of using unreal?
tell me one (1) thing godont does better than unreal, and no, being "free as in beer" isn't enough.
The guy in the pot is him
portfolio is worth more. Just think for a second about what you'd be looking at when hiring a 3D artist.

There's not a government funded program that forces employers to hire college graduates.

No, you'd look at the 3D Artist's portfolio.

So many things can be solved in this space by 'just make game' 'just build' and 'learn as you go'
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>I still don't get who this game is for to warrant all this much effort and time put into it.
It's for me.
Right, but is it like CS where you need both a portfolio AND a degree or is it different?
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>my game is firstperson with no character
damn. cool spritework
A very concerning side-effect of the degree mill is that dumb people keep thinking they are entitled to a high-paying job simply because they've done the bare minimum at school. No, no kind of degree will save you from mediocrity.
Godot doesn't take 200 GBs and actually opens in one second when you click instead of like in Unreal where it takes 10 minutes.
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been working on the game for the past few days, adding more stuff in the core game, fixing (a lot of) bugs, improving the UIs and added a character selection -> stage selection -> "game begins".

maybe i can try to make a demo for the upcoming demo day: can i post the game even the 7th or 8th september or does it have to be there as soon as the jam begins? i'm very new to this whole indie game dev thing
>>493283215 would swipe left on >>493284630
in a nanosecond
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Every time I post anything from my game people think I'm the PoE schizo
art degrees don't mean much of anything they only care about your portfolio. don't bother making a ton of stuff just to fill it out, just make one or two really solid pieces and you can start searching while making more. every company that thinks of hiring you will have you do a small work sample for them.
the only reason art schools can be good is that they often are directly in contact with companies and offer internships and such but it's not necessary
I don't know, but degrees seem like a waste of time. Make a portfolio.
why are you giving him bad advice? i bet you are a neet with no game, prove me wrong
Reminder that "I've barely worked on my game at all" posts are psychological warfare by your competitors to trick you into lowering your guard and not working as hard. Don't fall for it! Your competition is working 12-16 hour days to finish their games and are trying to trick you into not doing the same.
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guys i made a meme
oh, and most youtube tutorials and online teachers are actual numbskull retards because the people who know what they are doing are working and not teaching. art school can be better because you tend to get people who actually know their stuff. there are good resources to learn online without going to art school at all but you need to know where to find it and not just go with random retards on youtube
you can upload it on sunday latest
:( maybe put something distinctive in it that PoE would never.lolis
>guys i made a meme
>Its a repost from reddit
AskJeeves "Ultima Online"
how do I make minigames which careful and thoughtful thougheverbeits would carefully enjoy?
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in a Lucid dream you can actually have this meeting by the way. It's pretty useful.
I just realized that stardew valley and undertale are rpg maker xp games.

because there's nothing in them that can't be made with rpg maker xp.
Do not make eye contact
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no you can't, i can't even see my hands without going into nightmare mode, no way i would try to see myself, i would probably see pic
almost fucking replied
You guys ready for dd? I'm 98% done, I'll finish what I'm missing and then I'll spend all night testing
>the porn Stardew has better art than the original
imagine what Eric could do with a proper pixel artist
in all honesty, when I became Lucid I also got a sickly dread feeling of things being horribly wrong.

I saw a duplicate of my dog and I wanted to immediately leave the dream. So I get where you're coming from.
To recreate Undertale or SDV in RPG Maker you'd have to tweak so much stuff it would be more effective to do it in a real engine. Not to shit on RPG Maker, I've seen some nice stuff done with it but it's inherently not meant to be used for fancy things.
wipe is tomorrow, taking the day off
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How do I fix this?
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Stardew has sexy art style
Taking this.
>"How do I fix this?"
>Doesn't describe the problem
whats this
fix what?
use godot like a real dev
game you're amazing.
just the way you are.

you ever sing to your game like this?
this big ole cock
By the way, the game dev is the male in the relationship between Game dev and game. The game ( creation ) is the feminine.

It is a symbol of Creator and Creation.

Sky Father and Mother Earth.
game where you build a turing machine
ugly lighting thoughever
Doing stuff in Unreal 5. So I have a Blueprint that is created and I want it to be able to be destroyed when hit by a bullet. My Character has a blue print for shooting a line trace and on hit it breaks and created a particle effect where it was hit. How do I make it check if it hit that specific blue print to delete it effectively?
Anyone uave those dreams where you seeing from 2 perspectives at once?

Eg I'm viewing myself from the 3rd person (like a video game where you see the character you're controlling from a distance) while also seeing in 1st person view. At least that's what it felt like but the memories are too hazy and not sure if it was just switching between the two.
Does my game really have to be good to sell? Aren't gamers too entitled lately?
it has to be multiplayer first, and then sandbox survival or horror
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already been done
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i just made a meme.
>Does my game really have to be good to sell?
Not really
Ehh neat but by the time I get on the pc and upload one you'd probably be ready to leave lel. Neat character tho, looks very good, outcompetes my level of skill.
I whisper to it don't crash don't crash don't crash
No, but a good game sells itself.
Complaints about tunneling as if it were an engine specific problem are ludicrous. Do not people realize that tunneling is such a universal problem that it literally happens in real life? Even in real life, if a wall is thin enough and a particle small enough, the particle can get past the wall to the other side.
Haha nice me me!
What kind of physics engine registers a collision but doesn't run your portal code? I'm guessing there's some async going on between the physics engine and the main game loop.
I know what loli facial proportions look like when I see them.
concord sold 25,000 copies.
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna learn how to do networking and make easy successful multiplayer games.
is it worth it to ask technical questions here or should I just be asking them in the 'cord
>loli facial
Pacific headhunters
Ghosts in the jungle
The purgatory brotherhood
Forgotten squad
annoy them with your tunneling shit
i don't want to see it here no more
that's right. don't like it? cry some more.
How do we eradicate the pedophile problem present on the agg dagg?
pedophile website
green text without the arrow wont be read either
if you ask here I will just ask AI and pretend I came up with the answer
>goes to anonymous free speech forum
>gets mental breakdown about not being able to control the absolute chaos
ngmi mentally
Working on it.
educate them
mama mia I love me a good plate of spaget
Someone make a new thread before we get an "Eric at Pax" OP
I am in fact, dumb for not seeing it was connected.
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I noticed that there's a lack of games with tall muscular amazonian lolis. What gives?
>he doesn't know
Error: Comment too long
Put anwser in picrelated
>tall muscular children
yeah I wonder why there's not a ton of those
the cake is a lie
mirin that back
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Girlz 'n' Games!
>Tall muscular lolis
So... men?
Know what?
wtf I was a loli all along?!?!?!
That is fucking ugly looks like AI slop too
agdg is one of the worst game dev communities of all time. the ratio of shitters to talented devs is so high, its a miracle if you ever get a single useful comment here. to make it worse, the abundant shitters are all profoundly arrogant, desperate to be right even though they have no idea what theyre talking about. coming here is a nihilistic exercise and nothing more.
you stupid cunts let the freak make the thread again
no wonder you cant make games lol
It's bad. but are the 'better' communities discords and reddit?
I'm too busy working on my game to be on guard to make threads man. That's the paradox of /vg/, it's always the shittiest members of the community that keep the thread going with endless bumps and new threads.
Bro shut the fuck up. So sick of nobodies acting better than other people without earning it.
What kind of animation? Hand-drawn? Then CSP.
Bone-based? Spine, Live2D, Blender or any 3d software.
Does anyone know a good, not boring as shit or painfully slow paced or excruciatingly blisteringly fast paced, tutorial/free class on 3d modelling in blender?
>it's not a game about eating ass
shame. false advertising

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