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Seven Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

first for Bazz from concord being the first guest character in deadlock!
is he the cartoonishly ugly fat nog? if so i'm in
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We have Bazz at home.
Bazz is the black tranny. You're thinking of Daw, who I'm pretty sure isn't black.
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What's the deal with the Baxter Society?
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Hag love
well whatever mystery flavor that ugly fat piece of shit is, put him in
Are Riot games like LoL and Valorant extremely astroturfed or is it just a feeling? I ask because I'm new to the scene, but shit like Arcane and the content guidelines make me think Riot has a fleet of paid twitch shills.
I don't think that's solo queue mmr hell, what's really happening is that the system gives a passive mmr boost for people who que together which causes games to have a group of shitters out of their depth get demolished, and sometimes you're just stuck along for the ride.
They should add wallrunning.
We should bring back sashes, they look cool
im a retard
what hero do i play?
Wow, it's already in beta?
can you use some less buzzwords so i can decipher your post you zoom zoom
Very likely. Riot has an official partner program for streamers and it's impossible to know what exactly that means without inside info.

Kelvin. Ignore everyone who says Abrams.
cool. i wonder if the kitty follows you around all the time or is an ability.
is it just me or are there a lot of prosthetic arms specifically, in this game?
it's over
Like the matches were completely one sided. Hell, I can extend the game if I absolutely sweat with Yamato mid game but it would only delay the inevitable.
Arcane was unironically kino. The rest of it is some astroturf. There's no denying that LOL was the biggest game of 2012 and it locked in a lot of rabid fans though, which helps
Invite anchor. I'm serving today.
I instantly mute every faggot "team captain" using his shit microphone.
I will not come and help you in your early lane.
I will not "poosh mid gais"
There are a lot; occultism usually involves sacrifice
The word "astroturfed" has been around ever since I've started actively using the internet in 2010. Can't say whether it was used earlier.
Astroturfing has been a term since the 50s and shills are simply those who take part in it. Those aren't buzzwords, they're accurate to the situation.
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Sony must sue for plagiarism
I just think they could switch it up, do some legs, eyes, parts of the face.
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thanks fren
>Movement matters most, then aim, then map awareness, then map knowledge, then item and character knowledge, then moba map mindset, then communication, then laning performance.

Communicating is second to last in importance, but these shitter "team captains" don't know that.
>hey anon help me gank
>anon? they're in our side walker farm...anon?
>ults and dies 5 mins later impotently

this is you
How's the hitbox in this game? In Overwatch you can legit avoid most shots by spamming left and right along with crouch. Can I do that in Deadlock?
kek, I wonder what kelvins winrate was when he disarmed with a 90% slow and the dome healed even more than it does now

It was probably 70%
tell me more about mecha break, I love all mech games

the last gundam game crashed and burned though, and I still had fun with it even though it was objectively below average. I hope mecha break doesnt flop. I really want a chromehounds 2
I'm expecting a pegleg character eventually.
it's... Fine. I dunno yet. There's something good there but it needs some work I think
NTA but mecha break is basically just a hero shooter with mecha and Armored Core controls, it is also, unfortunately, Chinese, and won't come out for a while.
By the way, Riot's history started with attempting to kill Dota 1 by paying the man owning Dota 1s community forums (whichxcontained a sub forum for community hero ideas). Then they tried to kill Dota 2 several times as well. They tried to destroy the game they copied, simplified and made pay to win.

With a beginning like that, using paid streamers to pretend not being advertisers seems like an unsurprising move.

You can check out this thread for some details on Riot's history

playing abrams at high mmr makes my fucking heart race man
i have to sweat so hard to do anything as that blue bastard, everyone knows the tricks
Mecha Break beta was really fun for me. It's a hero (mecha) shooter where everybody could fly, different mechas have different roles (tank, melee bruiser, sniper, support, etc) and the games are short but very addicting.
since this is a cyberpunk game that turned into a 19xx noir game it makes sense there's still a bunch of robots and scifi heroes left but i hope they change up their visuals to fit with the world
haze, paradox, kelvin, bebop, dynamo.... none of these fit at all
meanwhile shiv, grey talon, infernus etc are already fully redesigned and realized
You aren't climbing ranks by healing, Kevin.
It was a decently written western cartoon. They also pulled some strings to get pop music for it. All the true gamers were watching Edgerunners at the time anyways. That show had a Franz Ferdinand song as the OP.
Depends on how much the development team cares. Valve can be pretty low effort on making a cohesive and consistent fictional mythos.
tried immediate parrying after abrams charged me last game, doesn't work. he hits you first then you stunlock yourself by whiffing parry
And original league players were largely Dota 1 players who forgave/ignored Riot's assassination attempt on their own game or didn't know about it in the first place.

>The question is: how many DotA fans will give up their familiar beloved to try something new? League of Legends stems from the very pedigree of their devotion
High ping for maximum peakers advantage and sprint corners into ice beam rape, probably the next best free elo after playing Haze
She fits, she's a CIA operative
She fits and was designed for deadlock.
Will get a small rework to look more like his portrait
He fits and was designed for deadlock (he looks like an old-timey professor made of technology)
I agree he's a bit ahead time wise
>grey talon
Literally the only one that will get a full redesign on your list
Yeah I agree he's a fantastic design.
>he took the bait
fucking lol
If he hits you into a wall you're stunned, you can't parry the first melee in time unless you reduce the stun duration. Parry lasts while you hold it, if you just tap it you'll parry for only a few frames and then have parry on cooldown and get nothing.
As usual, Abrams is shitting on retards.
high ping doesnt feel very good at all vs most shooters, since its not hitscan i do have to aim in the future
>Parry lasts while you hold it, if you just tap it you'll parry for only a few frames and then have parry on cooldown and get nothing.
damn i didn't know this i guess my timing is just GODLIKE (it is, i'm a fighting game player btw)
CIA didn't exist in the 1920s
Dynamo and bebop are already going to get a redesign
No way anon you're black?
nah i dabbed on the black boys and made them mad as fuck at the locals though
they accepted me as their own eventually after enough ass whoopings
>CIA didn't exist in the 20s
Should've said glowie, she's working with the Occult CIA, which does exist.
>dynamo and bebop will get redesigns
They'll get slight design changes at best.
They already have finalized VN art that looks 90% like their in-game model. Bebop's face will get reworked and his pants will be chahged.
That's not how it works. It's all clientside hit authority, high ping is all aggressive advantage.
Thank you!
We need to campaign for rollback netcode in deadlock.
this is the reason vindicta is so aids, she has like 100ms advantage to pop up in the air before you can dodge
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>100% winrate with warden, 9 games played
It's so stupid lol, you just use mystic leap and press your wholesome chungus twitch stream pogger ult and destroy their backline and totally disrupt their teamfight. This game is too easy
it only works if you don't get slammed into a wall
if you get slammed, you're getting heavy melee'd and headshotted once for free
I just did a bot match to try to get used to the mechanics. I got 50 kills but still lost because my bot allies may as well have been afk. They really put a lot of thought into preparing your for real matches.
Now imagine the bot match, but you can't even get 4 kills. Enjoy!
so you didn't read the big red warning sign at the start of the bot match huh?
I did but couldn't muster them up well enough. We got into their base once but I got stunlocked. Once they got into ours I couldn't solo them fast enough with all the cover around.
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>I got 50 kills
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I'm tired of losing lane please help me be less shit. I last hit like a champ but I can't duel my aim is shit
Tell me anon, who doth you play?
get better at aiming.
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>max level ult
>Surge of power imbued
>Superior duration
>Superior cooldown
>Improved reach
>Mystic Slow
>Mystic Vulnerability into Escalating Exposure
how do i move on from going with the most popular build templates for each character, to choosing the items most suitable for my specific matchup? or just learning to play around with fun builds? it seems overwhelming
Can't you just play Dynamo or Ivy and buy a bunch of lame regen items?
stop panicking and overaiming, put your crosshair on the man and make what feels like tiny adjustments from there. aim by strafing too don't put all of the work on your wrist
Deny priority, then last hit and secure, then dumping your abilities on cooldown on the opponent, then shooting them in the head whenever it's visible and you're not doing any of the other things.
do that with kelvin, buy suppression, spirit lifesteal, healing booster, and healbane and then some charges for your grenade and its easy to heal.
You just play more, I guess. I haven't played any mobas before, but spent a shitload of time in RPGs and other build autism games, so it came naturally to me.
just keep playing, there is literally no other way
pocket wraith haze vindicta
>but spent a shitload of time in RPGs and other build autism games,
lol yeah, it reminds me of underrail or the pathfinder games. it doesnt come too intuitively for me though
okay okay got it. can i ask how much variety there is in what you can play around with? is the sky my limit?
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>Parry lasts while you hold it
>I don't know what to build
Read item descriptions whenever you die, simple as
this nigga said read
wigger spotted
Based Underrail enjoyer
He's very squishy, don't engage unless you have clear advantage or all your cooldowns.
She's OP right now so just aim better with her
USE YOUR CARDS and scare the enemy into fighting under their tower, farm the shit out of their creeps.
Literally the easiest lane harasser in the game (besides chief Prepping Bull) if you can hit your shots.
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>Parry lasts while you hold it
this one. If unnderrail didn't filter you, you got it
>Parry lasts while you hold it
I just tied it in sandbox and couldn't tell the difference...
Who has the best gun at level 1?
Lady Geist and Wraith. Bebop's gun is goood if he maintains range.
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Like if my team just come out of the laning phase not too behind and have somewhat know how to play some obj/lane/farm in mid game, I can carry. I don't mind if a few lanes slightly lose because I can help them recover mid game if I play yamato and get just a bit of momentum. The opponent's team not having strong tank also help because ADC's are easy for yamato to hunt
they're Monster Hunter gamers
some anon in a previous thread told me that pro fps players play at 400/800 dpi and i just tried 800 dpi and i literally have to move my whole wrist just to move the cursor from one side of the screen to the other
there's no way people seriously play at 800 dpi
>he wrist aims
enjoy your carpal tunnel
you have to aim with your arm, not your wrist.
Just a few more hours until Seven is nerfed.
dpi is meaningless on it's own, it's dpi and the ingame sensitivity that counts.
the only smart way to measure someone's mouse setting is how many CM/inches it takes for them to do a 360 degree turn in game but everyone abandoned that for some reason.
do you even understand how mouse sens works or are you just blindly copying good players expecting to be like them? it's a very personal setting and lots of people succeed with vastly different settings. it's GENERALLY accepted that lower sens is better because you have way more control over your aim but some people play with stupid high sensitivity and can still aim just as well.
no, i dont even like moving my wrist at all
i come from dota 2, i dont play shooter games at all, so im trying to figure this out
in dota 2, i dont move my wrist at all, i just move my hand around, my wrist and arm just stay in one place not moving
> - Seven: Static Charge cast range increased from 16m to 25m
> - Seven: Storm Cloud spirit power scaling reduced from 0.7 to 0.68
> - Seven: Storm Cloud now covers the entire map
i personally like a mid-high dpi around 12-1600 and a lowish sensitivity in game so i always feel I'm changing how i think when I'm in/out of games
I will simply use knockdown and metal skin to end his ult 2 secs after it starts
>As usual, Abrams is shitting on retards.
meanwhile here I am playing on featured matches and abrams always dominates
specially if he buys the new headshot item because shotgun users basically get it guarantee

I feel like this "abrams is le bad" meme is just mid mmr players acting like abrams isn't insanely tanky, insanely mobile and has a fucking 1.5k damage burst if you dare being anywhere near him
meant to reply to
Reminder to throw games with DOTA "veterans" on your team.
You dont need to tell overwatch cuckolds to ruin games, they kinda just do it of their own accord
*melee* abrams shitting on retards. Like you're saying, Abrams is good but he's building completely different at top MMR
how do they build him there?
Alpha and Beta have literally no meaning in the era of internet publishing. There's no freeze or gold.
It does mean a lot to people that are still coping and think Deadlock will receive massive overhauls in terms of art direction and hero models
>all my games tonight have just been the enemy team deathballing after one lane with a russorc fucking feeds abrams/bebop/kelvin and then they tilt into orbit speaking russian, pissing off the whole team, and everything goes to shit with the enemy having a 20k soul advantage at 10 minutes

i'm gonna fuckin do it again tomorrow too
>I have no idea what an alpha is
Alpha is defined as a partially feature complete state. If there's still large gameplay overhauls happening, it's an alpha. If it's only things unrelated to gameplay, it's a beta.
Infernus is by far the worst hero in the game.
280479740 thank you Bro
You already know who is getting redesigned or not. Character has a 2D portrait? That will be their final design.
Bebop seems like just a noobstomper. If he doesn't get rolling in the early game and able to hit his core build fast, he just does nothing the entire game. His kit also seems like just a hodgepodge of random things. Grab and bomb makes sense but only retards in low elo get hit by bomb being knockbacked. The knockback usually lets them get away too. Then the laser is just tacked on the end, having no synergy with anything else.

Everyone seems to fear him because he's Pudge but hook is basically all he brings to the table.
Or modified slightly to match their portrait (Bebop/Miku)
They’re chink owned, bugman shills are a dozen to the penny. No Riot product is organically popular.
I wonder why Lash has such a low play rate, he's actually quite easy to play and assassins/initiators seem to generally be pretty popular
why do dota players care so much about league players lol, I never hear league players talk about dota players
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better bebops know to turn before the animation finishes since they end up in front of him, so he can uppercut them back into the team w/ the bomb.

that being said, yeah he needs to land shit in order to be good, ie bombs need to land in order to gain damage. need to land hooks to actually be important.

reactive barrier can really stifle his output but no one builds defensive items early on unless they are already rolling the opponent
you could remove the bomb and the hero would still be good
I can see him being an initiator, but is he an assassin? He doesn't seem to do any damage, even hitting headshots.
This but Pocket
>throw coat backwards
>cold front so it's fully expanded when you land
>teleport to coat
The entire enemy team now has AIDS, a 40% movement slow, and just took about 400-600 burst damage. Where there was once a teamfight, there is now only a procession of diseased animals being picked off by your team. Optionally, you can buy ethereal shift or diviner's kevlar to stay in after the ult.
it's so fucking annoying playing a viscous that isn't brain dead
Even once you get most of his build, his damage is not nearly comparable to most other characters. You also need to build at least partially tanky to utilize his ult well (or shell out 6k for diviners) and if you are ever hard CC'd while doing his run, you just die. He isn't unusable shit and maybe a tracking god can make use of his long range dot harass since it kind of ignores damage falloff, but otherwise i'd rather literally any other hero on my team.

I legitimately don't know his winrate but I'd imagine it has to be in the bottom third of the roster while not being nearly as aim intensive as Vindicta or Paradox who are probably down there too.
Deploying goo
Warden should get the beginner tag
replace paradox nade with swap and give her weaver ult
it's so true, land any 3 at any point in the game and it's a most likely a confirmed kill
Yes it does, alpha means the game isn't feature complete, beta means the game is feature complete but not released. That's all there is to it.
i read this as women but i also agree
>you get arrested
>you dash jump and are a pixel away from getting out but it goes off
>you get obliterated
the most frustrating thing in the game that I've experienced desu. they should make the arrest duration diminish with distance from the center
He is perfectly mid with a 49% winrate.
The mods are really going hard to ban toxic people to prevent it from being dota 2. At first I was kind of mad they were making it so gay, but it's kind of nice not seeing retards trash talk every single minor thing that happens. And less flaming of teammates making the game cancerous and griefy. I still support in game tipping mechanics and voicelines though, we need it so bad.
There's already lines for killing specific heroes. I don't know what triggers it but Bebop says "Easy Breezy" sometimes.
I actually did exceptionally well as Warden when I started the game without even realizing how to use his 3. The game was so chaotic that I didn't understand you needed to confirm your target to actually use it. I just bought nothing but fire rate and magazine size items and killed everything without it.
It doesnt have to be from the hero. Gaben has dota voicelines where he says patronizing stuff to make the enemy mad
you can skip mag size items if you get qsr on 1, you almost have an infinite mag afterwards
I didn't realize this at the time either. I abuse the shit out of quicksilver reload on other characters now, mostly Wraith.
Oh you mean announcer packs? Those'll come once the game comes out 100%, and I'll play exclusively with the J.K Simmons and GabeN pack.
Game desperately needs the removal of point and click abilities, it's a shooter for fuck sake
This but just remove Grey Talon from the game
yeah I think an ideal warden build is assembling the following
>close quarters / point blank
>hunters aura
>crippling headshot
>lucky shot
>glass cannon
>qsr on 1
>extended duration, cooldown reducer
>leech / inhibitor / silencer
oh also fleet foot and slowing hex, enduring speed if they have slows
why? "My opponent doesn't deserve to hit me even though I'm out of position"?
your opponent doesn't deserve to hit you if his aim fucking sucks
he's fun with lifesteal. i also love zooming around with his sprint and hearing those damage ticks
dota died for this game
I unironically agree if only because the targeting UI is fucking terrible. Getting locked into some selection zoom feels really clunky. All point and click abilities should just be turned into a fast moving projectile that just shoots out at where you're pointing.
*mole stuns you so my allies can land their abilities without aiming*
I love fucking over wraith and haze players
And not a minute too soon
There's no feature freeze in modern development. It doesn't exist. The word means nothing besides 'early development build' which is exactly what Valve verbosely calls the game.
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>your opponent doesn't deserve to hit you if his aim fucking sucks
like you build 80% of characters in this game.
Lane stuff, flood of t1 items, stack of mobility items, an overly efficient gun item for damaeg, then an active to counter the team.
I mean this isn't like aim assist or anything, it's literally just that the projectiles are large
shotguns do a ton of damage if you build it right on top of slowing
I don't know what those are I haven't played Dota2 :^)
Grey Talon's charge shot is just a cylindrical bomb
>Talon, The Grey is secretly a Dark Souls 2 boss
Things are finally starting to make sense.
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rescue beam is one of the most underrated items on viscous. The cube and beam range is incredibly far, like basically 80% of the lane (between two towers) and the beam is decently cheap. You can also do goofy shit like this
We need more point and click abilities and aim assist. This is a MOBA for fuck's sake.
Seriously, just nuke Seven when he ults. It's not hard.
You can do all of that while Seven is ulting and it doesn't interrupt his ult at all, btw.
what if he doesnt do it
the game will probably keep the options to both outaim and outsmart (with most retard-proof execution you can imagine) your enemy, you are mad because you aren't used to playing around it yet
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>Seven ult
>Press R
He's guaranteed to be ahead of everyone with his farm convenient kit, at which point he can just buy items to mitigate everything while frying your team from behind. Sure you can still burst him down but at that point you'll have to turn your back against the other four.
Ohhh I see. Custom chat wheel.
my personal favourite is "this is a good opportunity to learn"
Does seven ult have unlimited vertical range or is it an orb?
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What's his name again?
good old source physics prop flying
Chief Prepping Bull
Chief Prepping-Bull
>resists out the waz, at range, doing escalating spirit damage with gigaleech
lol, no.
have you ever tried coordinated team effort to pick him off? like he's not immortal when you catch him jungling early-mid game, worst case scenario you will bait his ult which will grant you like 2 minutes to play around the map without fear of the nigger
Why prepping anyways?
explain the origin of this meme pls
Great Alan
You haven't even tried it. Meanwhile, I'm kill Seven all the time. Why do you think they gave him more bullet resist on Thursday?
its only possible early before he has any items. wasting your attention on that late game instead of just knocking him down is a troll
Why does Extra Health not build into Fortitude?
It's always "team coordination" when it comes to OP heroes in every PvP game ever. No shit any hero would lose against coordinated team effort, Sherlock. Doesn't mean they're not overpowered.
Abuela forma de vuelo
That would just make Fortitude 500 gold more expensive. Just sell Extra Health for Fortitude at 2750
is it a guy? i couldnt tell
>get urn deliveries
it's that simple
They better rework his entire appearance because gender confusion aside, he looks fugly.
He's fully Neon Prime like Yamato. I hope he gets a spirit bow and a pimp grandpa outfit.
you don't think it's a good DEI representation of an elderly gender ambiguous native american person?
Like, I know wokies are big on Native American third gender thing but I didn't expect Valve to really implement it.
it legitimately drains my will to play when my team gets walker or t3 towers and then just decides to dick around while the enemy team is respawning, fighting over basically nothing while shit like urn or midboss is up and all our lanes are pushed out. It almost always turns into a teamfight we lose or one or two of our guys gets picked and then it's back to durdling around for a couple of minutes.
He has* children and grandkids you schizos.
(*they're dead now)
no, heroes with farm convenient kits are especially supposed to be shut down and kept behind you fucking nigger, i don't give a shit about every pvp game i just relate shit to dota because economical similarities are too obvious
cunny will save this game
Stop abusing Seven and get good with other heroes, Ivan. Your one-trick is getting nerfed 100%.
Does Dota have cunny?
So is Geist technically a warlock?
there's no way to shut down a seven versus a competent team you are a dumb disingenous FAGGOT

you'd have to be the worst farmer ever to get caught out on the opposite side of the map near lane 1 while your team pushes lane 4
nah, just a small woman
Yep. Blood warlock to be exact.
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uhh how do you deny creeps?
stacking blinks and invulns on pocket to piss people off as much as possible
no not really, ill also accept small fairies
you don't. you just shoot the orange orbs that come out of them when enemies last hit them.
Enemy last hits a creep
Little orange sphere floats up
Shoot it before the enemy to get half of creep value/all creep value after minute 10
it is funny seeing the equivalent of "dies to removal" being used as excuse outside of Magic the Gathering. Like yeah man, obviously the problem doesn't exist if you can kill it. That applies to everything.
lots of these players come from LoL or OW where that counterplay doesn't exist so they're used to just getting rolled when a fed carry comes online
if everyone in the game doesn't have warp gem then you're in low elo
>people still building knifes on shiv when you can turn his 2 into an immortal cruise missile
its actually insane that warp gem is only a 14s cooldown. Honestly I also apply this logic to Kinetic Dash too.
Finally at the elo where I can just play Maurice & Krill and my team will just eat every stunned enemy I hand them. Refresher and do it again. Elo train.
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it is fun sticking someone with 4 long range knives and watching them die though, they dont expect it. but i agree the 2 is better
It really doesn't matter. All shiv needs is (spirit) Lifesteal and he becomes objectively the most broken thing in this game.
knife shiv is still nasty even if it isn't the best build
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After having played every hero this has been my experience laning with all of them.
WARNING: may be highly retarded
massive retard
Characters in no order within tiers.
>bad laner
opinion discarded
jesus fucking christ man
pretty retarded
warp stone is the most retarded item in the game, please make feedback threads in general gameplay to get this piece of shit out of here

bullet resist, bullet damage, and a blink. what the fuck are they thinking with this piece of shit item. I am so tired of having the fights look like a bouncy ball pit with all the jumping around
>Geist no longer deals damage to her own spirit shield
>Fortitude passive changed to 11s after not taking damage from enemies (counting creeps)
pls and thx
>is slightly ahead
>Teams did everything in order to throw such as 3 man push a walker/deep tower and hand multikilled by enemies ziplining in
>Got a mic to tell a dumb ass ivy and another shitter to grab the urn that right next to them, which they can carry in like 5 sec with ivy ult
>They ignore it to push a tower then give double kill enemies returning to lane then lose out the urn as well
Why the fuck are you trying to push deep enemy base in mid game when the team is only like 10% ahead in soul. Even if you wipe like 2-3 people, they will respawn before you get any good base push. Just do the fucking map obj or clear some jungle to get ahead
>bad laner
How do I play carry gun Ivy? How should my engagements go? Do I try to drop on them from behind or just front face them?
>play a five game session
>feel significantly weaker in all of them than before
>get caught/run down multiple times
>lose all five games with middling/bottom stats
can't even pinpoint what I exactly did wrong compared to before, frustrating
everyone seems to be ignoring pocket because of his design like he's not a S tier broken piece of shit
nah he was just nerfed, he's still good just not ridiculous
I made my own

I am also retarded
everybody knows he's a briefcase nigger
I hope you're not building spirit anon
It's just a game, man. Alpha test. Stop trying so hard.
The -15% spirit resist genuinely counterbalances what an annoying faggot he is
>it's a laning against mgnigger episode
good luck hitting me I'm behind 3 blinks
I go gun and spirit, I refuse to build the shield items so I dont play him cause it's sub optimal (but very boring)
>difficulty in laning
bro what
>sprint jumps to the coat
>heavy melees you
nothing personnel
>parries u
now what mr roleplay
>does a last second scripted 180 turn so you waste parry
>punch you to death with silence glyph active
eat shit pocket boy
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>Majestic Leap in
>Cloak out
>Warp gem in
>Dash Jump out
>Phantom Strike in
>Ethereal Shift

>does a sick kickflip 180 and activates ethereal shift
ummm where's your veil walker sar?
Most of your time is taken up pushing the lanes your team is ignoring so that you don't give up free flex slots. With your ulti you are the best person to leave the group and run back to any team fights that break out. Plus if you show up late you can pop heroic aura and 2nd ability so that your team gets free kills by running people down.

Alternatively just gank random people who are pushed up. Drop a bomb on them, statue form them, and then run them down at 12 m/s balanced movespeed. If the initial volleys go badly you can run away with the movespeed too.
What items are best for movement speed on her?
watch the fuckin video
I just told you. Heroic Aura is what you need to slide without dashing. Enduring Sprint or w/e it's called is good too because move speed slows passively on every shot is dumb and you can't go without reducing movespeed slows.
>enduring speed reduces shooting self-slow
what the fugggggg
fleetfoot does, not enduring speed
Should I even bother with mobility on Geist or just play around not planning to get caught? Feels like you need both extra stamina and enduring speed.
fleetfoot removes it entirely
Ivy already has fleetfoot built in. I mean all the slowing shit people put on you in this game will ruin Ivy's game if you don't have a way to reduce movespeed slows. 1250 dollars is all it costs for Haze to spray you at max falloff range and put goo on your shoes, not to mention the bullshit that is Warden slowing hex.
viscous is legitimately a middling laner if you just dedicate to the dive and not keep dicking around allowing him to use two or three splatters and fists on you
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ctrl or c for crouching?
lots of people are losing lane matchups by default because they play passively when they should be attacking after the enemy wastes a cooldown.
>diving a hero with a healing save ability
ok dumbass
>shoot infernus
>he runs under his turret every time
>barrage warden
>he spams all of his rolls immediately

amazing how much of a pussy most people play even when they have a better lane matchup
after 15 more games of shiv im finally a menace at laning even after the shotgun nerfs

it's crazy how good I got at daggers, if you miss these you are super screwed, and you need to hit multiple in a row he's a very interesting hero in that respect. I dont think even league has such a weird mechanic
>he doesn't know you can punch the cube
You're going to dive underneath the guardian to punch the cube only to get parried, good job feeding
The best part about Pocket is wasting people's fucking time by sending them back to fountain.
why would you need metal skin for that
punching the cube literally does nothing but set you up for his goo splash
Huffing the memesteam from Haze's smokey pussy after she's spent an entire day running a marathon around the map in her leather pants.
> Parry lasts while you hold it
Geist fucking sucks at denies/secures, her gun is fucking ass, I'd hardly call that free.
>using paid streamers to pretend not being advertisers seems like an unsurprising move
They killed my nigga tyler1 over some contract. Every stream he'll talk about how he gets paid per game. He was much more entertaining when he streamed for himself.
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what are you trying to point out?
The art on the left is probably old or something. The model looks far closer to her depiction in the VN than in the portrait.
Hello from /v/, bitches
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reminder of what?
They need to make late-game carries weaker in the early game, and buff spirit users in the early game. Early spirit items are too weak and the cooldowns are too long.
Can't believe no one is drawing r34 of her yet.
Fucking hilarious
according to /dlg/, no matter what character, you can't beat them
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I finally got my invite after like 22 hours, but now I'm scared of starting a new game that I know literally close to nothing about and people getting mad at me
Are there in-game tutorials? Are they any good? Should I watch like a video so that I know what to do?
idk what youre talking about dude, seven,wraith,haze,infernus are all pretty weak early and everyone but infernus has been for a while
Play a few bot games and you'll be fine. Everyone sucks.
I saw one of her taking abrams' big blue horse cock up the ass
just jump in, if a low elo retard yells at you for not knowing the game remind them they've been playing for ages and is considered by the system as shit as a new player
They have good guns that can outlane their opponents. Every carry should be like Paradox. Every support should be like McGinnis.
>but infernus
Just ban his passive skill for first 10 minutes or until Guardian is destroyed
*doesn't teleport to the coat*
*slips out of the briefcase and around the corner*
his passive is worse than haze's for laning by far, hers is cancer. infernus can be avoided entirely by playing smart. Haze can hit you with a single bullet from 40m away and keep 30 extra damage on you
paradox is good at laning though lol
Surely there will be an MMR reset at some point, right? Don't they do that for DOTA!
Thinking there isn't much reason for me to grind 200+ matches on my "main" character when now is the perfect time to familiarize myself with 10+ matches on every character
Paradox's gun sucks. She would be better with McGinnis' gun. In exchange give Wraith, Haze, and Infernus Paradox's gun.
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Should've seen pockets when his level 3 briefcase disarmed everyone around
use your abilities
Paradox loses last hit battles so she is a mid tier laner at BEST.
Abilities have long cooldown in the early game, which is the point. They should either buff spirit items in the early game, or give supports better guns to outlane carries in every single metric.
those people just suck, it was completely OP but not for teamfighting just 1v1ing when ratting. you forced 2 people to show up cause one would just get disarmed

he was the best obj pusher in the game cause of all the shit he could do, including buffing his damage with maxed 2
Nice 1,5k MMR match lmao
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they would all get disarmed and it was hilarious
games were from when there was less than 2k concurrent which had a lot less noobs in them, all of your 'high mmr' players were in these games
You're going to feed, but it is not a big deal, you can handle it.
If I buy Superior Cooldown for Pocket, which skill should I choose?
shiv's movement is so fun. he seemed mediocre seeing other people play him
play games with only the intention of learning the game and not caring about winning or losing.
if you've played any ASSFAGGOTS or shooters before this you are already beyond ahead most players.
I regret to inform you three of them are 1,5k MMR according to trackelo. The other two don't play the game/changed nicknames.
Briefcase it, your ult gets superior reach
>build says to buy superior cooldown
>doesn't tell you which ability to use it on
Obviously THAT skill, retard.
sorry pressed enter early. I mean reminder that I want attention because daddy left
The show with the magical commie tree that makes the rest of the plot and characters look absolutely retarded and their struggles pointless?
assfaggot sweats feel no joy
use your brain
>according to trackelo
stupid retard
>Viscous and I get ganked by the entire enemy team
>he cubes
>I punch him to safety and die
>he escapes
I hope he appreciated what I did for him
Least soulful Viscous kill
>the most popular guide
>just a bunch of random shit without any explanation
>less popular guide
>has explanation for every skill in the build
tracklock is literally useless, I have 55% winrate on pocket and over 100 games on him but don't have more than an 1900 elo, meanwhile people who have less than 20 games on their hero in noob brackets get top .5% of players because they stomped their noob bracket and the game hasn't caught up to putting them in higher mmrs
I beat people with better guns all the time in lane, just land your abilities and play smart you can win even if they're better at last hitting in theory
Builds are ridiculously annoying to annotate properly, the whole tool is just very primitive in its current state
there's only one skill to use it on
abrams also has his cig censored
Real. We're just playing for shits and giggles while those subhuman sweats try to ruin our experience asking to buy Knockdown or whatnot. Fucking tryhards. Buy Knockdown yourself.
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>Swarthy old hag makes a pact with eldritch entity to become beautiful
>Becomes white
Many such cases
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hey, dont blame me for the 4mb limit

here, take this
why did they ban match data harvesting? They dont want people to know how fucking gay heroes like seven and haze are? why don't they just nerf them

haze seems like it should be a hard hero to play like tracer but you dont even really need good aim you can just win with landing a sleep dart and surprise ulting with slowing rounds she's so versati
The funniest "guide player moment" are the ones who get ricochet as one of the last items
I curse combo'd your ass 10 seconds ago
Just a few more hours until Seven get buffed again.
Those people have 110 games and still 1,5k
resolution doesn't change the size of the webm dummy
what's wrong with ricochet?
first team game? just focus on yourself if mic doesn't work.
Brutal canthal tilt
Get back to drawing One Piece, Oda.
Getting it last and not early so it speeds up your farm and ult kill potentiall
it absolutely does, its just not the only variable
valve's fault for making doing objectives the boring play instead of fun play

there should be hostile and friendly objectives you need to take that are like capture the flag in middle between walkers, and it should turn you into some fun unit so people actually want to do it

running urn is boring
>shiv has a “rage” meter, implying that he’s short tempered
>his animations, such as hanging from the zipline by his feet and always using one hand to carry his jacket over his shoulder in a relaxed fashion even in active shootouts, implying he’s laid back, collected and confident
They should really rename it to a “style” or “grove” meter to make it fit better
If they kept it as a rage meter, having his animations and body language change as his rage meter fills would be amazing, showing how he’s taking the situation more seriously as he gets more mad
yeah no shit retard they have 100 games total with maybe one hero who has 20 games, the game is hero based mmr, if you play one hero for 100+ games the game will determine your skill better and put you into increasingly difficult games, starting on a new hero causes you to restart back in the noobs

regardless, even with the broken and stupid tracking system, it still has two of those players in the top 10% of all players, meaning you're retarded
Oh, overextending like that is a classic in moba
>Guys we took t3 tower we can back off now
>Die in their base
>played for over 100 hours without a single crash
>suddenly get an error midgame about a corrupted file, telling me to verify my game files
>verifying doesn't even work, stuck at 0%
>can't just start up again either because the game is stuck attempting to download nothing
>have to eat the abandon and do a fresh install
nice game volvo
no, it does not, because your limiting factor is the file size
it doesnt even make sense either, there's a berserker item that makes you get angry as you take damage so why does shiv get angry as he hurts other people
>Muh top 10%
Please play Pocket against real people, not botlike retards.
what the FUCK did you just say holy shit
I'd like if instead of always looking like a Japanese macaque all the time his skin got redder as he gained rage.
you don't have the first clue about video encoding don't even fucking try
I have a 50% winrate with paradox after 50 games. I win a lot with warden, wraith and shiv but i want to win with paradox. Paradox sisters give me your best tips!
>play against discord stacks
you're being facetious pretending that anyone reaches 'top mmr' in this game without stacking
post your trackock mr .01%er
I don't get this game
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If you're so smart, then tell me why I didn't hit his parry.
rush improved range on your ult asap, then just go full tank + utility items like inhibitor and slowing bullets
The models are actually seem unfinished with clipping, badly attached parts and see holes in the model. Just look at wraith.
all I know is that I've created a ton of webms and every time I resize the resolution to be smaller it fits in 4mb, i have no idea what the fuck you're trying to imply by saying making the resolution smaller wouldn't make the video smaller
How do they decide which character goes to a solo lane?
Is Slork just going to be Slark like Pocket is Puck?
That clip at 600x-1 was 4.3mb, at 550x-1 it is 3.8mb. You are retarded
matches lanes based on mmr, usually the solo laners are higher mmr
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>implying 1x1 pixel video will be the same size as a 4k video, other variables being the same.
your spin delayed contact to the point where his parry window ended and you hit him. seems working as intended to me.
because your webm is an allocation of bits over a duration, resolution only determines their density, not the amount

if that isn't the case with your shitty webm converter that's because it's shitty and hasn't been set up properly
OK but what if... Beeg pixel.
resolution only determines their density, not the amount
what the fuck am I reading
Play with the bitrate, you can get decent resolution if you lower that. There's a golden medium. Also, goo'd kill.
i couldnt even be mad at this, this is impressive
if your goal is to fit as much quality into 4MB then yes, are you retarded? why would a 4MB webm at 360p be smaller than a 4MB webm at 1080p?
it's pretty gay and the worst part of melee, winding up a melee should be enough to stun people, and maybe reduce the stun duration
it's the same webm at different resolutions, the bitrate remains the same
see, you don't know shit
game desperately needs some sort of anti save item, make it a 6.3k nullifier
or just give that to curse
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>after the yamato redesign
>Yamato your forehead reduction was a success
>someone volunteered to take your extra forehead
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You can also cast the fist on the skybox.
>webm is too big at 6mb after being converted
>change resolution to be smaller
>suddenly fits inside 4mb
checkmate, atheists
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>where his parry window ended
>visible blue effect for several frames as he takes damage
your converter is shit and not optimized for MAXIMUM 4chan shitposting at peak quality, time to learn ffmpeg
I'm not even that anon lol I'm just diluting the discourse so you all shut up
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Need to play deadlock Now
this would be because of the refreshrate of the servers, i think
>being elitistic about the 4chan equivalent of tiktoks
>look at the time
>slav/muhammed hours
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I know, but the skybox has an inconsistent height depending on where you are in the map so I usually dont bother

the answer to every question is technically "netcode"
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Here's two different webms with nothing different between them besides the resolution
I swung a hit at pocket yesterday, his char was standing directly behind me and i got parried i think i have a clip on my desktop
I don't know what you are trying to prove, you seem to lack the understanding for basic logic
>1920's New York
>No BADA BING Italian
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nothing changed between the two besides resolution
Bionicle looking ass
I've already proven to you that I can produce two different sized webms based on nothing but resolution and you're sitting here saying it's not possible
The 4231 character, very epic, much wow /s
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just stop talking to him, its my clip and I will continue to post it
the shopkeeper
that was actually 4 1 3 2, wouldn't expect you to know tho since you're such a noob
drop a code and ill join
>Troy Baker
nobody said you couldn't, just means whatever you're using to do it isn't set up to deal with file size limits, if your goal was to prove you're clueless about different methods of encoding then you were successful
let's go back to what you originally said, autist

>resolution doesn't change the size of the webm, dummy

You were proven wrong, just because you think you're right because some 'settings are wrong that produce this' you're still wrong, I produced it and you're wrong. Sorry.
whats the hz of the servers?
wouldnt it make sense for value to use their new subtick system
Why the fuck am I only getting sweat games now?
Enemy is literally snapping to every soul orb, constantly poking and ganking, my matchup is bad, and my team is retarded. Who the fuck wants to play this?
Geist has one of the best models, maybe THE best model. You can tear open Abram's neck where it meets his coat just by looking down with him, for example.
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>just means whatever you're using to do it isn't set up to deal with file size limit
wrong again, jabroni
Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll try this
I think I just need to spend enough time with the game until I stop just sorta running around and shooting shit and start actually playing, now I just wonder how long that'll take
I did play a bit of Dota and League, and a lot of TF2 and CSGO, if that helps
>the best you can do with this character is tank + utility
Classic sign of a garbage character.
she has no underwear, nothing, just legs
wasting your time making two useless webms to make a shitpost and I'm the autistic one for trying to educate you, okay, continue being ignorant

>will adjust the quality to attempt to stay below this limit, and cut off the end of a video if needed
>cut off the end if needed
if it was, that should never happen under any circumstance
I like Infernus but my aim sucks, should I rush ricochet or just fire rate/ammo to increase my chances of actually getting the DoT off
alright pal let's see your 4k resolution 30 second webm of the game
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per-character MMR, youve been adjusted. You didnt think that everyone posting their 20min 30/0 games are STILL getting games like that on the same character, did you?

your goalpost has run a marathon, you clearly aren't as smart as you think you are. stop posting
they're not going to art up anything there
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I want to go back to the trash MMR bracket, I'm clearly not good enough for the one I'm currently in
Ivy's a healer?
>pocket mashing majestic leap after he sits in E for 8 years
epic I like it
for what?

the goalpost hasn't changed, saying buzzwords doesn't get you out of an argument
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this is what i built on my last game as timewife
max ult then carbine, then wall
well obviously resolution has nothing to do with size of the webm so clearly you should be able to produce a 4k resolution webm that's under 4mb and longer than 2 seconds
Get better aim but also the two 500's, magazine and rapid, is core and make his 3 very easy to get off for the entire game. Adding Kinetic Dash and Fleet Foot and some sliding will be all you need for ammo and more fire rate.
why would that be a problem?
thats the thing, he can, we all can, but it will look like shit because of a stupid low bitrate. Now youre feeding him.

stop posting, both of you
>go on gif
>literally every single webm is under ~ 720 in order to fit
>retard says resolution has nothing to do with size of webm
She can heal but the gun build is better unless you are way behind.
we're waiting

for what?
get wall to max asap, swap people into wall for kills
glass cannon is bait, maxing carbine early is bait
For you to show off your high resolution webms, clearly you're a video editing GOD and probably have a dozen already in your meme folder, right?
>per-character MMR, youve been adjusted. You didnt think that everyone posting their 20min 30/0 games are STILL getting games like that on the same character, did you?
literally never had a match like that, and now I'm getting pro players on the enemy team
literally no point in playing
>pro players
lol you've reached above the lowest 50% of players and now you're not having fun because you have to try? The feeling of juggling a bunch of plates goes away after you play more, those people you're playing against aren't sweating or pros - they're just adjusted
this is what i usually do, i get 2 walls than ult. laning is great on her but the 3 other heroes i play do way more dmg later on.
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Fathom's gun is a short-range toxic flamethrower that switches to a poison dart gun when you aim.
she doesn't solo carry but being able to remove someone from a fight early is massive value
with cd reduction you get 2-3 swaps per fight later on so you can do even more with the ult
and that's not even mentioning the other kit in general+active items
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Im not saying its a good system, but that is the system. Once you are relatively high mmr on a character you will be put in lane with others that are also high. Idk exactly how team-wide mmr is balanced, but if you are the highest on the team of idiots you are matched with then you are expected to do well, same for your lane opponent. Take all of this with a grain of salt, I am basing this all on observation and a few cryptic screenshots of Yoshi on discord
>he can't do it
all that posturing and you literally can't even post a single example to prove your point, sad, next you'll pretend you have nothing to prove or that it's not worth your time despite you sitting here in /vg/
oh sweet infernus but more cancer
prove what exactly?
That resolution has nothing to do with size of the webm, you're being so facetious at this point I can only imagine it's just because you literally can't do it and you've already tried
I don't get the rhythm of this game

When do I buy?
why would posting a 4k webm prove that?
500 soul beginner items as soon as possible (preferrably just after clearing wave).
More expensive the item, the less you ae in a hurry. Cheap items really affect lane, and one of the biggest mistakes is delaying them.
>resolution has nothing to do with size
>but also I can't produce a high resolution webm because it would be too big
you're so retarded and facetious it hurts, like a retard who doesn't know he's retarded
You either push the lane and buy when you have 500, or you are getting pushed in and you are right next to your shop anyway. Spend your money asap especially in laning phase.
answer the question
the game is overloaded as fuck and not fun then
So you can't prove your point about resolution not mattering for webm size and you're literally just 'pretending to be retarded' to cope, well done
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>shark skull, so probably not from New York
god please let this be a funny talking swede that has to flip flop around on those flippers with a stupid walking animation
you've yet to answer the question
I can do this all day
Greedy Nordic, Kelvin is enough.
What question?
See, I can pretend to be retarded too
this one >>493252359
answered multiple times and you're just pretending it wasn't, you could easily prove me wrong about resolution effecting webm size by producing a 4k webm that proves resolution has nothing to do with size but you won't because you can't. Now you can pretend to be retarded some more.
it hasn't been answered, you're asking for something but not explaining what it would prove
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not the resolution autist, just pointing this out
assfaggot games aren't fun without doing objectives because they are not designed towards pointless brawl because of powerspikes and it's pretty evident as long as you aren't retarded, why you niggers won't just stick to OW baffles me every time
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>queue solo
>producing a 4k webm that proves resolution has nothing to do with size

so far only one person has produced proof of their claims and it's not you, you're just posturing
once again, for like the fourth time, why would posting a 4k webm prove that? really read the question carefully, three times if necessary
he's one of the few upcoming heroes with a voiceover but no animations yet
it's really mumbly and full of neon prime terminology so I don't think they've found a real voice actor yet
Why would posting a 4k webm not prove that resolution has nothing to do with size? You'd be the first anon on 4chan to do so! Thousands of webms on the website and you'd be the first guy to figure out high resolution webms
what monke power do the daggers give you? i just use them to poke but rush 2 and 3 to rape people
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Game is lost cause.
not an answer
>its another episode of shiv i'm laning against hitting every single knive even behind props
so you concede without even posting a shitty 1280x720, well done
Fun fact: the 500 dollar spirit item is enough to give Grey Talon 0.5 m/s movespeed. The ratio is surprisingly good. Sometimes I'm tempted to play this hero but then I remember that he has that terrible flight mechanic and slow ass windup on all his spells.
meet the pyro
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suddenly my teammates play the game
that'd be perfect if put through a breathing helmet filter, completely unintelligable
the rage seems like it comes from the device on his belt
must be an acessory that soaks it up or dishes it out to empower him
Maybe he's too laid back for his own good, and he needs that edge
people "being kind" set up big invite threads and anchors and whatnot which of course let in a massive wave of turd worlders with atrocious ping to fuck up the quality of your games
waiting for a valid answer, if you don't have one, you don't have to reply
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>technology makes the monkey agressive
society desu
>check out how hard I can pee
Are you really going to pretend to be retarded all the way to the bump limit? You know there's a bunch of people lurking here who aren't taking part in this back and forth who see you acting like a retard, right?
Why do people keep ignoring the idols, it's literally free stats...
warden, haze, kelvin and vindi could easily carry
very cute, still waiting for an answer
Yup, that's a dc from me
He should be a deep one hero
>i must have the last word even though I'm obviously pretending to be retarded

You've pretended to be retarded for so long it's made you actually retarded
paradox and kelvin could build support
projecting won't help
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>tfw enemy is throwing by not even last hitting their shit so I can deny it and farm faster
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>kelvin + ice path + fleetfoot + sprint items
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What's wrong there? At least it's not this.
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the game
tits like this are so disgusting
it's ok to be gay anon but you don't have to announce it
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Ill do you one better

my team was 3 shotguns
id rather be gay than be a slam pig loving porn addict
slam pigs are olev

already beat it.

games too shallow.

not enough content.

two games and got all the endings.
>sagging cow tits on a pig are supposed to be attractive
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you lost it
too small
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>he's lost the argument so hard he's just trying to 'last word' on an anonymous website
sorry about how wrong you were, kid
Yeah i like them
projecting won't help
>buy ethereal shift for galaxy brain plays
>use it
>nobody cares, team just bungas away and enemy team just waits and ungas you
>feel like such a sucker for even trying
We need a loud voice that says DOUBLE KILL and TRIPLE KILL etc when it happens
>anon in his cagie
i bought unstopabble to counter mo and krill ult and it didn't do anything
We have better. We have the Patron with unique voice lines for every character.
we need a cosmetic for the patrons that turns them into cute anime girls
we could get more(and custom) lines coming from patron
You can't parry the charge, you need to double jump over it and he can't do shit to you
like the other anons said, I like the sprees/revenge and unique lines
>killstreak with shiv
>"I'll be stackin' bodies all night" fizzles over the enemy radio
im going to mod my patron to be a cute loli!
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>match starts
>see this on the enemy team
it was a good rape
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I tried Abrams but something went wrong...
Paradox and Kelvin supporting Haze could easily get you the win
Warden is good early game but falls off later, he should be focusing on harrasing
Seven getting good items + refresher could easily get you team wipe
I have never seen a single good Vindicta, but as long as he doesn't go 1/10 it should be ok
one of those games wcyd
game already jumped the shark lmao. now that the meta is established its gotten to who is the sweatiest chess player. moving on to the next game!
Each game like this makes you stronger homie
I hope they let us edit the .mp3s to use our own voice packs.
I need my Dota 2 Glados VP here.
My excuse is that was my first Abrams game and I was on double lane against Haze + Paradox
Blame it on the other team being a 6 stack and move on
probably won't happen
back in the day we could edit heroes (like fate saber juggernaut) and add custom announcers in dota but they removed that
If you have played a bunch of games and then start playing abrams you're in for a rough time because it's easy to shit on a bad abrams.
BUT. Abrams that don't give up at that elo become gods among men
this is what they took from us
I'm not 0.00001% top mmr but I really don't see Abrams doing much at all in my games. He runs around trying to fight people but just gets kited. I think his gun should legit do like 20% more damage than it does right now.
Fuck unstoppable, just buy reactive barrier its cheaper and gets more use against him
>play a match
>alright, that's cool.
>close game.

>open game
>play a match
>alright, that's cool.
>close game.

>open game
yeah its gotten pretty boring with every game just being dominated by abrams bebop and pocket
>abrams bebop and pocket
people with under 100 games on their respective heroes really shouldn't comment on it but don't let that stop you from being retarded
are you literally me?
Which character reloads the fastest, this sux.
Abrams :^)
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze in a wedding dress at our wedding.
it's hard for me to describe my thoughts on it as an abrams enjoyer
basically, you can look at a hero and know exactly how they're going to disengage. then use that to punish how they go, and tailor your kit to support that. i typically go kinetic dash and extra stamina, abuse slides to magdump people in the ass until they're out of bars
Then dash-jump again to catch them with the shoulder charge. If i can't hit a wall, they'll usually parry, so shoot then melee...
Etc etc. There's a lot of mind games you play with abrams and premonition past people's initial ape responses helps you just fuck everyone hard.
As you said though, most abrams are still at basic twitch responses level. Just comes with practice and getting your ass beat repeatedly
In less than two weeks since going public the game has turned from something fun and chill into a complete autism fest obsessed over meta, stats, and invisible mmr.
>at our wedding
...with Paradox
Would be greatly appreciated anon.
He doesn't need more damage on his gun. if you build headshot booster, close quarters, kinetic dash you will shit on people early game to mid game. Just be sure to upgrade close quarters to point blank ASAP to keep pressure up the last slot you can fill with whatever but I do hunters aura

T. 40 matches with Abrams
Extra stamina, enduring speed, kinetic dash makes you hilariously fast as abrams and most people won't be able to get away from you unless they buy warpstone but even then a single jump-dash will catch you up to them.
it's called getting better at the game, everyone but you is doing it apparently.
yeah this is dota this isn't tf2
it's also easier to bitch about competitive games online than it is to play them
so a game like this is going to have a lot of that
t. 1600 mmr
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the baxter society has yo numbah
>fatebabs lost
I can't kneel any lower to Gabe... I prostrate myself
thanks for your input
>get 6 kills in a row
>S E X K I L L
Sure, she can be a bridesmaid I guess.
only with abrams
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Why do people buy warp stone? I see it called the best item in the game but every single person I've seen running it never actually gets away using it.
>inb4 your low mmr!
No one in low mmr buys warpstone because they avoid active items like the plague.
Stay in your containment lane, channy boy.
It is amazing how this game manages to be worse than Smite.
Solo lanes are comfy, I don't want some schmuck ruining it my lane.
you can use it despite having taking damage in the last 3 seconds unlike any other moba, so its the best thing since sliced bread for adhd kiddies
>some Pocket build has Infuser in it
What do I actually infuse though? Feel like 1 isn't worth it that much and gun is gun. The ult? God it hurts being new.
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Smite 2 is dead before it even came out.
>get comfy solo lane
>get to play for 3 whole minutes before the next lane over loses their tower, has creeps pushed up to the walker, both people of the duo are respawning and the enemy team's duo is invading my lane and making it a 1v3
ask teammate to swap lanes
enjoy your duo lane
infuse the refund button and pick a better item
i guess for 2 burst all in
i dont really play pocket but i can see a hybrid build where you play him like a burst assassin rather than a 3 cooldown tranny
i buy it everygame
Laugh at this retard without friends lmao
It's an insanely good item though
Since you're clearly in low MMR it's mostly people buying everything from the premade build without understanding what the items do

The price seems steep for such a item but yet again I haven't seen any GAWD gamers in action with it. I think I'm in the tier of MMR where people mimic top players without having the skill to back it up so they just end up feeding with the damn thing.
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Just now realizing that Deadlock is another fun/cool game that I can't actually play.

I can do alright with braindead tanks like Abrams and Kelvin, caster Pocket is fun, supports I can do alright with. Then I try to play any gun character; Gun Ivy, Haze, Infernus harass early game, and I always get consistently the lowest player damage every game. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I shoot people where they are or where I think they're going to be, miss, clip them with one bullet and do 30 damage max when they do the same to me and take off a good hundred with Haze. Go full gun build? Doesn't matter, no damage, no contribution to team fights. Just another game I can't get better at no matter what. Might as well just make fanart and be a secondary faggot or whatever since I can't actually enjoy 60% of the game's cast. Oh well.
Now that's just out of Pocket
>buy it
>20-25% weapon damage increase idr
>press it
>40% bullet armor
It's not so much to escape with but to bamboozle your opponent/reposition and continue fucking them up in a fight with extra armor
greatly appreciated
12k item that gives you two guns
I only played a dual lane with my friend who is entirely new to everything. Other than that solo only. And I maybe get like 1/5 games where the other person knows how to play. I've never once lost a lane yet.
>specifically go out of my way to get an invite to deadlock
>immediately remember that I hate online games and never play it
Why am I like this?
Thanks for the real answer I can see why its good when used offensively. All the people I've seen use it as a getaway tool for some reason
on low mobility heros its definitely core
you're a FOMOnigger
Are there melee items?
I like punching
play bebop
You could practice aiming if you weren't so busy feeling bad about yourself. Most people just have their sensitivity set too high for precise tracking and aren't willing to put in the intentional effort to adjust to something more suitable.
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lash works well for punch mode too, the knockup from level 2 dive kick prevents counters. that being said punching is pretty buggy right now
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Yes, multiple, and multiple characters with kits that promote punching.
I've seen Infernus, pocket's, ivy's running it are they retarded for running it on high mobility? Also I've had matches where the entire enemy team run it (they lost btw)
There are also warp stone shenanigans you can do with ults like Dynamo or Geist
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>typical vindicta warp stone user
>haze and infernus
>difficulty laning
Are you on drugs?
>a games quality is determined by how many people are playing it

woah, Clash of Clans is the best game in human history. thank you anon for teaching us this valuable lesson
i wouldn't say its retarded, it adds an extra layer to movement, for its price your cant really go wrong
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>presses F
>has turned
Spot on
Nigger fails to understand that extra movement is always good on moba games no matter the situation, especially in one where almost 1/4 of the items people usually build inflicts slow
>most people dont care to adjust their everyday settings for some trash ass moba
>bootlicking hirez after they sell the same game again while scamming players out of cosmetics they bought
>maybe try this
>No fuck you and this shit game
okay then
>i didn't want to be good anyway
lol ok
>practice pocket in sandbox
>alright I can do these combos now
>hop in-game
>0 contribution
>"Your life had no value, you retarded piece of shit faggot"
Woah, Valve might have went a bit overboard with the Pocket voicelines.
>I don't remember new york having this many minorities
this was a little racist, no?
i thought he was asian
I've got bad news
>haze spamming ADADADA and crouch while going in on lane
>misses every shot
>rush them on reload
>chunk them for 75 each time I fire my shotgun
>they throw a dagger, miss and burn 3 stamina bars backflipping away
why are haze mains like this
thanks for confirming that clash of clans is better than deadlock
you still haven't posted that 4k webm
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noooo anon you have to be a sweaty adhd autist about this totally cool new game that absolutely wont disappear from the scene in the next 2 weeks
I asked in /v/ and they recommend me to build Paradox around close range combat. Were they right? All public builds use long range skills
sorry, to busy playing the best game in the world clash of clans, it has the most players
>sweaty adhd autist
>changing your sensitivity
stick to lol
this is some advanced sour grapes cope

just get good dude
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mad cuz bad lmao
As long as you're happy :)
what too much 4chan does to a mf
couldn't be me
I'm literally just clicking creeps and clicking orbs in lane
shant ever see me harrassing as haze in lane
you have a skillshot stun to set up kills nigga use the long range options
Based farmpilled anon rushing tesla bullets to get out of lane as soon as possible.
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>sweaty adhd autist
I would understand you level of autism if this was someone telling you to edit your .cfg autoexec and configs like the faggots from tf2g, not from someone telling you to change you fucking mouse sensitivity and practice aiming.
If they tune down shiv some more I hope they buff his knives a bit; despite being a really strong character overall they're pretty much cosmetic
>anyone worse than me is a shitter
>anyone better than me is a nolife loser
now that thats out of the way we can have a wholesome deadlock discussion
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ok I lowered my sensitivity
I hopped into a game
I pop out of cover to shoot at the enemy. I try to use the weapon zoom and my lowered sensitivity (so low it's hard to turn around hope nobody ganks me from behind lol) to track and aim at their head. I shoot them and see the damage numbers as most of the bullets miss- 25/30 damage. Meanwhile I look at my healthbar? 200+ damage done to me in the exchange.

I'm not super underfed or accusing them of hacking or anything, I'm just so ass that I feel defeated. I genuinely don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is there some mechanic about the game I don't know about or something? I literally put the cursor near them and try to point it just where they're going to be since the bullets have a very short travel time. I can't shoot directly at them or else I'll miss. What else am I supposed to do. It's not fun for me. yes I know the answer is "just get good lol" but I can't even begin to understand how to do that if I can't even do something this basic. I'm just not going to play the game anymore.
Yes, anon, we understand that you only use your hand in dota 2. What the anons were trying to tell you is that you're gonna want to consider utilizing your whole arm to aim in a shooter.
Bend at your joints (shoulder, elbow, and wrist) and use your muscles. It'll feel awkward at first, but eventually you'll find that swinging your arm around to 180, then flick to a target will become second nature. That is, unless you're over 30. If you're old, you're fucked, and your reaction times will never meet that of a child with nothing to do but get good at video games
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I'm pre-making multiple "welcome back tf2 soldier" memes for whenever Rutger comes out
>I try to use the weapon zoom
don't do that
post match id little fella we'll sort this out
Post match ID so we can judge you
Other than rebinding my Z X C keys to my mouse side buttons, are there any keybind improvements?
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Sorry anon I was smoking that yakubian jenkum temu cart when I made that post. I'll think harder next time before posting and swapping over to galaxy gas nitros
honestly practice makes perfect and you could also lane with a friend to cover for you a bit or play a melee-focused character like Abrams
Oh wow!!! Another game where I dominate not only my own lane, but an adjacent lane single hadedly, and once again become the biggest faggot on the whole map!! But it never matters!!!! Because I cant win 1v6 because my fucking worthless rat team keeps being the five most useless pieces of absoltue dogshit the game could find for me. How the FUUCK does thsi happen every game? Every single game. Every SUINGEL FCUKING GAME!!!! Every fucking game I play It DOES NOT MATTER how well I play, because if three of my teammates outfeed my farm it's just pointless to even fucking play the game. EVery fucking game. WHY
post match ID or scoreboard
babby's first realization that mobas is actually a dogshit genre
>he doesn't turn on mic and become the team captain to wrangle the retards
this is why concord will win goty
They call me a tryhard and stop listening the moment I give ANY advice
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>you dont like our 0815 moba with pozzed troon character? keh, that means youre just bad!
Guys all of these games don't matter, when the game releases they'll reset the mmr and add ranked
I'm glad your at least trying anon
Try to not zoom and hip fire more/strafe like a autist around cover
Starting to think the best way to win is by attacking objectives.
fuck it just play bebop and laser fools
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Can't hear you over my coordinated 6 stack made up of pals I've known since elementary school
>posting a reaction imagine that has never been posted on 4chan in it's current hash

newfag, are you okay?
>he went for the dei schizoposting
>Starting to think the best way to win is by attacking objectives.
no shit nigger
play a 1v1 gun build hero like haze, wraith, yamato and just split all day
only join fights if it's both convenient AND profitable to do so
if your voice is low T they won't listen to you. This is FACT. Team captains need to have a deep voice or you come across as a redditor tranny faggot with no authority
its free 20% spirit life steal, youre probably meant to cape, infuse, tp, 3-space, 4, blast and have leech keep you alive
>haze/wraith dies to abrams/mo or other tanky healchads repeatedly
>press enter
>"hey buy toxic bullets and healbane or something bro you'll melt those dudes"
>buys something retarded instead
>keeps dying to them
>rages in allchat after saying shit team
i see, thanks for clarifying
many such cases.
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>i'm not dumb
>i know people hate me
people wouldn't hate him if he wasn't such an asshole :/
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I didnt see her the entire game what the fuck???
>get 500 kills
>game doesn't end
>Kill patron
>game ends
Wowwwww how was I supposed to know doing the objectives was how you win????
while you were pushing lanes she was studying the blade
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>guy who simps for pozzed troonmoba is also a foreveralone oldfag on le epic 4chinz
well, color me surprised!
this is pretty common if i play relaxed talking to a friend while farming the entire enemy team (i thought). see a paradox on map that ive yet to kill run in ult her with my fed wraith unload and shes still up and commences to rape me. at this very moment it occurs to me that while i have 24k souls which is 2x the amount my teammates have she has 33k and has been doing what i do just more focused.
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just had this game
honestly it's either this, or everyone, including the enemy team, is turbo sweatlord

I hate how in modern games there are either the "playing for fun" subhumans or the tryhards min maxing the fun out of the game, casual gaming is dead.
okay sirs thankyou sirs good morning sirs, your opinion is valued here thank you for taking the time to contact us
we can probably see how they handled it with dota 2 leaving beta to see what's going to happen.
i never played dota 2 so i don't know what they did with that.
Why wouldn't poos like woke stuff?
poos are hyperconservative
look at the caste system
they hate everyone except whites
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How does the game compare to Battleborn? That was my shit when it was still alive. Everyone thought it was an Overwatch clone hero-shooter but it was actually a moba
It's not about whether they believe what they're saying, it's the fact it's a newfag trying to blend in and hit buzzwords, typical shill marketer tactic
I always thought Mole-man was a pig, but maybe because moles always have black fur
this game wishes so bad it was Battleborn
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>team mates disconnecting after they "lose" laning phase (died once to the enemy and lost tower)
>They're equal in gold
>It's the first 5-10 minutes of the match
Why are so many MOBA players so weak willed and pathetic?
I can "get" the people who DC after feeding 5 kills to the enemy Haze I'm sure it feels shitty but even then like really? Is a match just 'not worth playing' if you aren't obviously fed and overpowered (in which case you can still lose if you're a massive moron which happens far too often)
his VA and lines all imply he's a no-nonsense merc tho. a style meter would be ok, but he has a gruff personality
moles just have slightly piglike snouts
Okay well here goes

Match ID- 8151544

I was the Ivy. I fully admit to being a faggot and rage quitting after losing and dying a lot. I got so fucking frustrated I basically gave up playing this game ever again after this match. I got laned against a shitty Haze player so I thought for sure I actually had a chance, but no, just fucked up everything again. Literally cannot even aim at this retard who runs in straight lines. I am so demoralized after this match I honestly don't really want to play the game any more.
Battleborn had some good designs, some overdesigned but reasonably alright compared to Concord

Deadlock has lanes, minions, jungle and uhhh runes if you could say
almost like people realize theres better things to do/better games to play
Daily reminder for EU players to complain about Russians on the Forum until they resegregate them
My nigga Maurice
download an aim trainer and play it when you aren't doing anything.
Krill would never stoop to such words
like whine on an anonymous basket weaving forum
BROOOOL is cool indeed just do it over the urn or sth not in the middle of fucking nowhere 3 times in the row with no additional farming in the meantime nigga cus im pretty sure getting team wiped on repeat isn't that fun some retards claim it to be
>The only demons I can't fight are my own
Lash really is a deep character. I love the idea of him being an abrasive asshole but a good person. Donating to charity and helping the weak in private but his autism makes him act like a douche around his peers
>nooo stop insulting my beloved game

Krill would say this
had a guy similarly die twice and rage, say "sitting afk in base" in team chat
But instead of the team flaming him we psyched him up and got him back in the game, we even won it.
it's mostly embarrassment of performing like shit from what I've see
$10 says those are the lol babbies
They always cry for a forfeit button in dota and never try to claw victory from defeat
Can aim trainers account for ping and projectile travel?
>s a match just 'not worth playing' if you aren't obviously fed and overpowered
yeah, since then what are you even doing? you are spreading your cheeks to be raped, for possibly 40 mins
core gameplay is just not fun, last hitting sucks, moving around sucks, fights are just blasting all your abilities, and if you didn't get the enemy with that, you are probably going to die
Mo if he real
Do you think Mo and Krill share a bed? Like not in a gay way. I like to imagine they have bunk beds and Krill sleeps in the bottom bunk for some reason

I really like the idea that Mo and Krill act like brothers
how do you even feed to haze early
her laning is shit, she needs to cheese kills with ult and rice for items
are they falling for dagger+charged melee?
who do you think is the biggest racist in the roster apart from lash
>all those hard aim heroes you've played
>still trying to play them
It's best to just recognize your strengths and play to them, but I'm guessing based on your pocket winrate you don't have good positioning or general awareness at all, downloading your replay now
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like you need to ask
whenever i play shiv and vs abrams in lane or vice versa, I always smile because of that stupid meme
I'll never forgive gear box self sabotaging battle born in the terms of marketing, it was niche but It would've gotten good footing if it wasn't for the CEO being braindead
he do be monkey doe
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Casuals exist only if the game allows them to exist. You'll meet many casuals playing Pokemon Unite, Overwatch, Fortnite, or Fall Guys. But you won't meet that many casuals in DOTA 2 or Deadlock because the games are inherently sweaty and skill-intensive. Nowadays casuals prefer short games (10-25 minutes) than neverending 50 minutes miserable games where they just exist for tryhards to toy with.
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>Be goalie
>Attend soccer match
>Opposing team scores one (1) goal at the beginning of the match
>"Hmmm actually, I'd be far better off doing a shift at burker king right now"
>Walk off the pitch
>Team has to cover for you but can't since they're down a man
>They lose
>"Heh, see? You should have left like I did!"
I assumed it was only bad in league because there was so many people playing the game that you'd naturally bump shoulders with those types more frequently but even in this invite only thing I've seen at least 1 every 2 matches or so, it's crazy
>it's mostly embarrassment of performing like shit from what I've see
Lots of oceania players must get easily embarrassed then cause good god man
Wouldn't know honestly since I haven't laned against her yet, I keep getting matched with Geists and Sevens for laning
>The whole game sucks
Then just don't play? Why queue up if you aren't having fun even when you're winning?
alright I watched for 5 seconds and turned it off in disgust

you're ignoring the lane creeps right in front of you in favor of doing 10 damage to haze, you're trying to shoot lane creeps in melee range instead of just meleeing them, you don't even try to secure half the souls after last hitting, you're standing on the front of the bridge in easy kill or harass territory, you're wasting your dash to dodge a few bullets

oh and I guess your aim sucks too, yeah that's a thing, not as much as your awareness or positioning
>need 1000 souls
>team is fighting
>run in, die
>Then just don't play? Why queue up if you aren't having fun even when you're winning?
Yeah, I'm dropping out, I quit 2 games today when the lane seemed hard. I'll only play with friends now.
>I'm dropping out
>I'm only going to play when my dumb ass gets carried
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>kek this guy has to rely on his team in a teamgame, what a looooser!
>Lots of oceania players must get easily embarrassed then cause good god man
notice it in OCE too. i even got a 'well gg cause x and x are feeding' before we even hit the 10 minute mark. like who are u lmfao, take a xanax or something
You were ignoring every last hit and deny and playing way too agressive, kills don't really matter that much in the laning stage in this game you should've focused on farming then you dove under tower and died
Even after dying twice in a stupid way you were still breaking even in the lane if you look at the net worths
You clearly don't really know what you're doing and aiming isn't your only shortcoming but I don't understand why you would get frustrated instead of trying to learn
Also Ivy gets dumpstered in a 1v1 fight vs haze but that's just my opinion
>no bro, you have to put in effort to carry your retarded ass team
>it's your job to make the game fun for everyone else
lol, enjoy getting farmed by other while you struggle for nothing
>take a xanny
I say the same shit when someone's tweaking lol
e sports leagues enforcing sedative micro doses when someone's heart rate gets too high when?
the shitter cope is real
Who the fuck describes their game like this. Why the fuck would Randy do this.
Downfall of any new moba player. If your team is taking shit bad fights don't jump off a bridge with them. I got shit talked by a dude with 12 deaths because I was pushing a lane while they were up 15k souls and he just kept looking for team fights (and the whole team feels obligated to follow). I managed to get more damage, 3 deaths, and the same amount of kills while having double his souls.

And no, my participation in constant losing team fights wouldn't help
basic priority of lane activities in early game for mobalet like you is securing your last hits, denying enemy last hits, trading hp only when it favores you and there are no easy creeps to farm/deny at the given moment, you keep this priority at all cost, give up t1 tower if required (remember to deny orbs from it) and start asking for help in case your t2 tower is in danger of being destroyed sub 10 min
This game is a lot of fun. I cant wait until its just like Dota and all fun is sucked out of it in favor of building the most optimized piece of shit possible and spamming it over and over again
>nah, I'M not coping for having to work to make the game fun for people on my team who don't deserve it
>nah, I'M not coping for being a pinata for the enemy team
>I'M totally having fun being shit, YOU are bad for not enjoying it
i think im at the elo where everyone is mildly knowledgeable and everyone is just talking normally and comming, its getting really fun
OCE btw
play a few matches and once you are out of the newbie lobby you will already get that
i hate haze so fucking much
take a midol and put your feet up already, god. you should take more care of your BP levels
>mid high mmr player in NA
>join oceanic server for funsies inbetween servers down
>90 spectators
i notice that too lol
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>ignore team fights and push a lane
>destroy their walker and guardians and go for the shrines
>enemy team forced to come back to base and deal with me
>leave before they can get me
>rinse and repeat
>not slaughtering the people that came back for you and killing the base even harder
Same, only because whenever I have to fight her she’s fed as hell from the team running into her like lemmings off a cliff.
I love Infernus since he’s perfect for this. He can pretty reliably 1v1 most people too so if you’re lucky you don’t even have to run away, but if you do he’s so damn fast. Split pushing is the ideal solo queue play style honestly, team fighting feels like such a waste of time 4/5 times
i ain't got the build to deal with that sorry
unfortunately true. im already wishing there were more
>ignore team fight and push a walker
>team dies in the lane next to the walker I'm pushing (it's the last one)
every time
How does one acquire the correct mindset to be based and chill in competitive games instead of stressed and frustrated all the time? Is it possible to learn this power?
that's why in all my games people want to destroy side lane first so split pusher will have a hard time
it's harder to split push mid lane because it's more likely to be ganked
nta but for me i just honestly don't care if i win or lose, i'm going to forget the game even happened five minutes after it's over so i might as well just enjoy myself
smoke weed
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just requeue and go next. after you lose enough games because of retarded teammates it stops bothering you
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if you remain calm you can have more fun antagonizing people in chat
For some reason i feel that some characters abilities look and feel weak (not numbers)

Like lash's whip strike, looks great, but not having a johnny test whipsound feels like i'm doing zero damage

It's like pyschological thing for me, if the skill looks good and sounds good it feels great, numbers also matter tho'

Like how the weapons feel nice and sound nice (Grey talon why are you loading a giant ass ikea box in your bow)

Why are people dumb enough to be close to the walker and get stunned

Lost an easy game because abraham wanted to Q it and ivy was close to it
I like this game
almost all the sound design and texture work is not final
proof? source? explain?
why are you shooting their feet?
Vindicta players are all mentally challenged.
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What hero should I pick if I play grapplers?
>Pick Vindicta cause she cute for my first couple of matches
>Don't usually play FPS games on keyboard and mouse so struggling with everything from aiming to accidentally fat fingering the wrong buttons
>Get so embarrassed floundering around as her I never play her again since I'm afraid I'll choke
Please don't bully Vindicta players...
>ask friend to ping before he ults
>"no I will absolutely not ping ever for any reason I'm just not doing it"
>gets mad at me when I don't hard engage right before he ults
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not me

your friend is a retard
I feel a Dr. Facilier type of character would fit this game but warden would hate him for more reasons

Aside from some talk anons have made, beast-type characters would also fit, the only atm are Ivy and mo/krill right?

Ah so thats why the viscous talk vs Kelvin

Would say bebop, but i feel people play him hybrid or gun most of the time
he's a plat league player
once I watched him play and his mid dove the enemy t1 and he didn't follow up so his mid just died for free while he stood still
>having a single spirit item on ivy
you're doing it wrong
concession accepted
i wasnt even arguing with you in the first place, i have nothing to concede. you're just way too tilted
infernus is black
abrams, shiv, bebop and even pocket. all of those have instant i win buttons and are a 99% guarantee you will win the match
>keeps coping
You have to be confident that your understanding of the game is stronger than your teammates and then ignore them. Deadlock is like any other Moba when it comes to the core aspects of it. Farm up early, get some early sustain and damage, keep farming and pushing out waves (making the enemy react to you), buy your mid game spike item and take a teamfight if its smart, if its not smart keep pushing. Buy your late game spike item and group up with your retards to push a lane in until the teamfight happens. Mobas generally loop like this.
i think im getting better at Bebop
his combo seems kinda simple, just hook someone, attach the bomb to them, then punch them away and shoot at them
post tracklock
If you play anything else but a gun carry you're not white and your black ass belongs in dota or lol

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