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Enya sex edition

Operation Midnight Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxr9tL73SNQ&t

Agave teaser: https://x.com/i/status/1823570240636379486

>Snowbreak 2.1 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 3 "Operation Midnight" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Aug 23 - Sep 07] Lifting of Fog - boss gauntlet challenge
[Aug 26 - Sep 09] Defense Line Zero - co-op wave defense
[Sep 02 - Sep 16] Aperture Eclipse - wave defense
[Sep 09 - Sep 23] Hero Games - co-op wave rush

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Vidya - Agave | Weapon: Bespoke Theater
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Weapon: Cinnabar Justice
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Cherno - Enigma | Weapon: Nocturne Fissure
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Enya - Exuvia | Weapon: Glow of Mystique

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])
h4yi7b2c (new)

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>493121242
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I wanted to use this image but thought it would probably get deleted like the last thread I made.
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Be a good person.
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The other girls will be known as one of the wives, but Fenny will always be known as the one who came in second aka first loser.
Fenny will forever be known as the first wife.
All others are just copy cats.
>want Adjutant entirely for herself
>"won" the marriage
>Adjutant proceed to fuck and marry every other female in the world, even Eatchel the dumb cat
Forever a cuckquean, Hera influence is too strong.
Fenny's fanny
by your logic every girl is a cuckquean, Maybe it's time for you to drop the game.
I'm a cuckquean?
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We're drama tourist schizo samefagging hater cuckqueans.
Dont tell me what to do, fennygger.
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Where did I get this?
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I hope seaslug'd release even lewder enya's skin in the future
From rolling the 100% banner a lot
Iirc they promised to add more interactions to her nurse scene. Not gonna happen now I guess.
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are there any 3* weapons worth saving?
you get one box for every 130 pulls on the weapon banner and one random character box for every 165 pulls on the character banner
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Playable when?
Technically the 3* thermal sniper is 5yao's second best weapon. It's still pretty shit and 5yao has fallen off pretty hard but still.
Why do you need fake not-kot, when you have real Tess KOTkin at home.
The "real" one is a psycho.
Remember to fuck her everyday and she will be fine.
Why settle for one kot when you could have a kot harem nya?
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whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat no way
there's nothing psycho about Tess
you're the crazy one
Did they remove the 50/50 banner for Chernyo?
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why is she like this?
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Unfortunately the Yggdrasil employee health care plan does not cover eye exams or glasses, Adjutant
No but seriously, Enya's ass is like, crazy fat in this. Have you seen her side profile? She is thicker than sin.
I want a joke/fever dream chapter where we get 30 years old Enya.
There's a healthcare plan?
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Damn the 5Cherno sig really makes a lot of difference. Or at least it feels like it does.
are there not enough Woden currency to buy all Woden event items?
Anon, I...
Who do you think paid for 5Siris' breast implants?
They'e all natural. Siris was hiding her two massive secrets all this time, nya.
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Hero games isn't out yet
Cherno trial is so dumb and funny. You just put your three balls on the spawn point and AFK
It is the strongest upgrade to its respective copegun in the game
>Snowbreak containment zone
>We have been outside of the containment zone for almost 10 chapters
>No snow
What did Seaslug mean by this?
that's what they all say
I refuse
That's Eatchel though
Cherno's trial convinced me not to roll for Cherno. They fucked it up, a character trial shouldn't work against it.
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I don't know if I'm supposed to spread it out among my different operatives but whatever.
ew fenny
At least GoS happened inside containment zone.
Is this the reason why they refuse to make it a permanent story campaign?
At least it's representative of your average 5Cherno experience
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So about that Cherno event...
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I am.
Wait, Cherno balls don't have lifetime duration? Unless you explode them, they remain deployed until the heat death of the universe?
25 seconds
we are no longer contained within the snowing zone, we have broken free
incorrect, the balls have a 45s duration
the Enmity dot stack has a 25s duration
ded game
ded thread
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Cherno confirmed
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what is going on with her shoes? she should be able to skate
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ano ne ano ne chotto kite
I still don't have a decent logi set for Agave. Shit rolls keep giving me 4%-5% attk substat or nothing. Fuck.
The good news is that you don't need good logis because she will never deal damage comparable to other DPSes.
>he lacks the information
She is getting buffed bro...
>he expects her to get buffed to competitive levels
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>One of Haru's weakness is that she is limited by her CD
>Agave has 0 CD
>Haru cannot break parts
>Agave specialized in breaking parts
Haru now has 2 shit units...
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Haru still is good on fiend....
>tells excellent jokes
>doesn't tell excellent jokes
Haru still has a niche.
Vidyaroo. Checkmate kangharus.
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>2 shit units
5haru isn't shit, just powercrept (and she's hotter)
4haru still shit though but still hotter
Sorry but that braid > ponytail
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I like both equally, if anything I wish the hair stayed dark.
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Both are good but braids need more attention in general
haru should die next after nita
haru should be pregnant next after meursault
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Nita should be deleted from the game. Poof! And no more pajeeta. Who is Nita? Never heard of her.
Saw that other anon ask about topping up in different currency, just triedy VPN and see i have the option, but surely there is a catch here? Do they really not ban over this?
God I need fritter gf
well, this is a shitty way to start the Cherno roll
thats a bad omen, better delete the account to be safe.
They're never going to ban paying customers.
la creatura
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Does anyone of comparisons for characters and their sig/cope guns?
I rolled once for the Mauxir sig and am not sure to this day if it was worth.
How is cherno's sig?
Also Tess really needs one badly
The general rule of thumb is 20-30%, the big thing to remember if you don't care for ns autism is aesthetics
just spent $1000 sister
Honestly, tying the game to a single weather type was always not a great idea. It's gonna look extra silly when we've got the title "Snowbreak" plastered over the summer patch where the title screen will probably be some pool or beach on a sunny day and the girls are all in bikinis.
yeah I got that but sometimes there seem to be special cases like eatchel/mauxir/marian/yao/frit? just wanted to make sure there weren't any other characters with a really worthwhile sig
Anons who want operatives to die should die first, then Seaslug can commemorate you with an in-game funeral. That said, I will not be pressing F to pay respects.
Uhh NTA but is eatchel really higher than a 30% difference with the cope gun? Surely anons here would not give me the bamboozle?
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Eatchel with no weapon is just passive healing basically. Eatchel with weapon adds a decent passive attack buff, although she is still below more specialized damage buffing supports in that regard. Unparalleled comfy though.
The exact difference is impossible to math since it depends on the stats and logistics of the character you are buffing and the other support but her cope gives an attack% increase which is additive to all the other attack% modifiers you have from logistics, etc. while the sig gives a flat 1k-1.8k bonus which is massively stronger.
Actually I'll try some numbers so I'm not entirely talking out of my ass. Eatchel's cope when maxed gives 12% attack. Disregarding the condition that you are at full HP which makes it worse in practical scenarios.
If we look at chernyo's detailed values her basic attack is 2270. 12% of 2270 is 272.4
T1 sig is 1k, T2 sig is 1.8k so you see where this is going, cope is really bad, rather it's a situation where both the sig is stupid strong and the cope is way worse than regular copes.
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How do I use a Cherno
Frito comes to us all...There is no escaape...
Press E on thing
Shoot thing
Wait until purple moon bar fills up
Hold E
Thing dies
Rinse and repeat.
this but with chernobutt too
A big motivating reason for getting Chen's sig. Her copegun's appearance is vomit.
I got straight up banned for less than this.
And she's getting buffed..
Damn Cherno isn't that good against mobile bosses...
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You won't abandon her for falling off, right?
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use E on cooldown and shoot to build your stacks, hold when full to explode them
goes well with Enya and Tess for bosses

for smaller enemies you can just stack her dot and it will take care of them without needing an explosion, you'll get a feel for how many stacks are enough to kill the medium sized enemies like the crusader guys
Enya no!
Haru's actually cute so she's got that going for her
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>The Chink screaming about le Shang Hai gacha cartel turned out to be a grifter and got punished by Shang Hai police
Glad that shit is over.
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>cartel says there is no cartel
cool but wake me up when the ngaschizo and /vmg/ radiers are perma banned
Only makes it more authentic, you know?
>gacha cartel bought the police
I'm gonna hold on to my 5 star selector and see if the rumors of the Katya alt for next patch is true.
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Why does she sleep like that? Doesn't she know how to use a pillow?
Haru is still good for Fiend, and her panty shot with the dress is cute cute
She's a good friend :)
In this announcement, the other two incidents are both referred to as "misinformation." Mihoyo's case, however, is only referred to as a "smear".
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What is the relevance of this picture?
Reminder that the streamer who exposed Mihoyo for putting selfinserts in their games got "disappeared."
Siris' butt > Katya's butt
Eatchel's butt >>>>>>
new ass physics will save katya's ass
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>Multiply by zero
Tess owe me sex
Tess is dead
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I'm f2p and can't really afford to roll weapons. Is 5Cherno's sig really that huge of an improvement over her copegun?
I suggest you save weapon tickets for your favorite girl as F2P
Is that Chocolate 5*sniper rifle worth anything except for decompose material?
Even a meme Tess build can suffice enough for me.
Yes, normally sigs are a 20-25% increase. Cherno's is 31% and it has a much bigger magazine than the cope gun
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>He thinks you can decompose it
lmao even
You will build 4Marian and you will be happy
wait, are you talking about the cherno cope gun being bad or eatchel's?
Should i even try going for 5Enya? She seems pretty ok to good for Cherno, but i don't know if it's even worth it.
Eatchel's weapons
The only sig I've ever pulled for was Eatchel's, and so far she was the only character who wrecked my heart to the point I couldn't resist.
Cherno? Wyfe? All using cope guns.
Cherno kills everything easily with her cope weapon, her sig is purely for NS autism. Our resident Chernofags either got it for waifu reasons or because they care more about theoretical damage increases than any practical value.
I would advise you to skip to be honest, unless you are in one of the groups above.
Fenny is my rock
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I scrapped useless weapons to T2 her sig out of love.
You've been posting this for over a month now. Are you okay?
What is she offering me to eat...
Which is better if neither has their signature weapons, and instead are using their cope weapons?
IS Lyfe or Enigma Balls? Lyfe is at M2 and Cherno is still at M0 since I've just pulled her but I'm actively working on it.
Also, for Neural Simulation, who do I put Starshine with?
The only thing I know is that IS Lyfe is better for mobbing because of her ultimate's mechanics.
I wouldn't get Enya just to buff Enigma, she really doesn't need it and has other supports that are pretty much just as strong.
The answer is always Cherno outside of specific bosses that are basically designed to nerf her.
Wyfe benefits massively from Starshine.
She is another top tier support, just for skill damage operatives.

>who do I put Starshine with?
Someone with ballistics damage. Cherno is skill damage, so starshine is not very good with her.
Next Haru will finally be good. I just hope they bring back the ponytail.
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Cherno has unique taste.
Well, I'm pretty sure I've only posted it once before....
So either I'm fine and someone else has been doing the work or I'm not and I've developed a second personality that does it while I'm unconscious
Eatchel's weapons in relation to buffing Cherno as an on-field operative.
Cherno owes me snax.
I will spank all my operatives
She is very good for Cherno, and also good for standard 5Lyfe, 5Chen, Katya and although she is not ideal for 5Haru, 5Siris or Agave she's still the best option for buffing skill damage.
She can be substituted to some extent by 4Chen since they share similarities in having a fixed area that buffs skill damage.
I'd say she's probably not worth get it only for Cherno, but if you also use Katya or 5Chen she's very good to have.
Nta, but how does Enya help Katya?
Katya's deiwos does skill damage and it's very strong so it gets buffed by Enya's circle and she's doing both ballistic from the bolt itself and skill damage from the deiwos pseudocrit so she can activate Enya's damage procs.
Mauxir/Enya is very viable if you don't have Kaguya or want to use her on another team.
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>Do some of Vidya's base story
>scene keeps flashing to other operatives and then back to Vidya
>She mogs every single one and makes them look like shit by comparison
How are they going to fix this? Update the old arts? They can't just have her going around mogging everyone.
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It's understandable Vidya being a yume, but they've made her really look like a yume's self-insert.
damn they sped up aperture eclipse by a ton
What is Vidya's god? Arachne? One of the Fates?
What if the Agave we see is just an illusion and the real Vidya is a stinky homely hag?
>I'm f2p and can't really afford to roll weapons.
Eventually you will dw
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I miss Vidya's old look with the pink jacket
It was a great look. They should release it as a skin. But its not naked enough so they probably figured it wouldn't rake in the big bucks
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Vidya's curvy belly
Maybe Lakshmi because of the Lotus Icon she has.
I really like underboob windows. Paizuri anytime anywhere.
What about the strings though? I'm thinking Clotho or Lachesis
But I just realized there are a bunch of other hindu deities with lotus flowers, so never mind.
Actually, they symbol of Atropos is the Nightshade flower so maybe that makes more sense.
Vidya's personality doesn't seem like that of a death god though.
>Should i even try going for 5Enya?
Next patch is the summer patch, so we'll most likely get a new shiny strong on-fielder to go with the free support of the patch. Do you have enough saved from attempting for Enya to get them if you want them?

Disregarding that, 5Enya is 5Cherno's best support as Cherno's kit fully utilizes Enya's. While you still get the 30% skill damage boost as you would any operative, because of the fact that Cherno's DoT counts as skill damage, and Cherno has a high fire rate in being in the submachine gun category, she is always triggering Enya's secondary passive, and thus her weapon and logistics effects.
It's entirely unnecessary for a game like this, but you at least have the character that best uses Enya if you choose to go for her.

Personally, Enya being the reason I even got into this game in the first place and one day before Cherno's initial banner endedwas the main reason I rolled for Cherno, despite having 5Lyfe and other characters that could already use Enya. I just want to see Enya on my screen as much as I can.
I won't recommend f2p use any digicash on sig weapon. Don't forget why you decide to play this game in the first place.
5 Enyas support skill and ultimate are two of the best support abilities in the game though no?
Her little circle support skill adds so much damage to ability focused damage dealers. Like Agave.
>Don't forget why you decide to play this game in the first place.
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I dont remember why
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>Agave Buff Patch Notes
>Made Glasses bigger
>Made boobs bigger
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Take good care of your teeth.
the glasses stay on during sex
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This is where your Cherno should be by now if you have been farming her every day.
Yeah. even without triggering the secondary effects, an extra 30% skill damage is no joke. It also makes her 5Siris's best support despite Siris not firing fast or often enough for the other effects to occur commonly.
I rarely explode my cherno balls. Are the last two even worth it?
cherno can explode my balls anytime
I do miss the jacket and tie but I prefer her operative looks otherwise
You should focus maxing out your wife.
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Is cute
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And should be pregnant
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>I've been good today! Can I get ice cream?
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drinks from the toilet
I'm toilet
>Ice cream is unhealthy, Here is some kale.
>go in some pretty big glasses store to find new ones
>there's a tiny corner for men's glasses and the rest of the giant place is just for women
Another reason to hate glasses. Really want to do Lasik instead.
>girl as a lame mode and an actual good mode
Just make a Meursault alt already..
You heard him Meursault. Detonate them
You clearly went to the wrong store. I got sportive big glasses and they came with magnetized shades for me to use over them under the sun
>They can't just have her going around mogging everyone.
In ugliness?
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Cherno isn't lame!
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How to I made OBS fucking record Snowbreak without it being a blackscreen or having to use windowed mode + screen capture? Or do I use some other kind of program?
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So since next patch is a big one, what's the chance we get the pv a week early again?
>Run OBS as administrator
>Check the Anti-cheat comparability hook with game capture box
If it still doesnt work then I dunno
We got Marian's message, so where is Katya?
Thanks, I'll try it.
Use shadowplay.
OBS is a meme
Katya will give it to (you) in person.
Whenever I have to buy new glasses, the staff asks for my preferences, brings up to dozen frames more or less matching my description and lets me choose the ones I like the most, providing assistance and sharing their opinions if necessary. Probably the best shopping experience I've ever had.
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>Katya takes 1 patch off to train. Comes back with a new form
Is Katya our Frieza bros?
When is her birthday?
Am I supposed to roll Cherno's weapon to make her good? Because she feels like shit with the event 4*.
If Katya goes from Blue Bolt to Golden Bolt, yes.
Are you detonating your balls?
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To be fair, you need to have high IQ to understand the intricacies of Cherno Enigma.
enigma balls
Cherno, can you take 2 steps back
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>No Meursault alt
>No Edda
>No Caroline
>No Nozomi
You're on thin ice Mumu
Cherno. Stop.
From what I've saw on the healing center, Cherno uses 1 sugar cube on her coffee (per sip, not cup). How many sugar cubes does Meursault uses?
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this face is silly
after you touch her pussy
Meursault's pubes
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Meursault unbuttons Cherno's shorts while she's not aware.
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V smiles are the cutest
My current glasses are literally prescription sunglasses, dark all the time. And they made it just because I asked, so you really need to find a better store.
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holy shit mihomo has the cops on their side
Mine was like that too but it works perfectly now after changing... something. What's your capture method right now?
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then it's only a matter of time before Mihomo takes the organs of MuMu and ChongChong
>no Cherno
I don't think she likes me
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I don't know if I'm supposed to spread it out among my different operatives but whatever.
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My rights???
seaslug really dropped the ball with this one. disappointing
It's working now. I'm using game capture.
welp i got my enya, now finnaly i can use the skin, acacia rerun when?
I focus one room at a time, only moving a girl in if I can furnish her abode. But it's not like it matters.
>99 rolls for Enya
she fucking drained me, bros... is this my punishment for not starting when she was free?
how tf am i supposed to get enough camera rolls for all this
You missed the pampering session
Time for the punishment session
putting 4 characters in a short patch was a mistake
you get a nursing handjob for getting her tho
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The Chen?
shit ritualpost
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Doing a real ritualpost is too much work. I can't be in every thread
Null and void
I want a fps game where we play as the adjutant during the security days, with the final mission being the valkyrie games.
A cod clone would be nice, but it could be inspired by many other games too, such as ready or not, body cam etc.
It would be nice for a quick spin off.
At least I got to see that (you) found Cherno when she was younger from her personal files.
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I want to put Meursault in a jar
For some reason Cherno seens like one of those girls who like sexo agressivo, the kind that wants their pussies sore, back aching and weak legs.
Meanwhile Meursault looks like those girls who are confident, but full on attack and no defense. Then kind that actually prefers kind and loving sexo, comfortably enjoying each other, but it's too shy to say it so she acts full of herself.
It was really nice of the changed and those ball titans to help the Adjutant film his movie in that turret level. I hope they got paid, or at least a beer or something.
Very powerful SFX
You rike?
The ones who kept hiding behind the boxes during the moving turrent section should be fired and blacklisted
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You mean Blessed.
The curse of Fritia only becomes a blessing when everyone has it.
So no.
Managed to get 6 people into snobble with another 3 on the verge of installing.
What's your count, fellow snoggers?
I delete my account every time I roll Fritia or her sig. Needless to say, it's been an expensive ordeal.
Then, I bless your next 50/BOX with a guaranteed Fritia.
0, and I'm disappointed in them.
I tried inviting my former genshin friends, but they were surprisingly hostile.
I was a little sad because I didn't remember them being like that, but I said fuck it since who the fuck cares.
I just got my bro into it. He really likes Haru and Katya
I only talk to people on 4chan.
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>actually read through /snowg/ for the first time in a week
>thread's talking about an Agave buff
What? Is this shitposting or real? Last I saw Agave was considered above-average in strength. What would they even buff? I just want more info on Fritter's skin. I NEED to see it.
5Haru could join 4Haru at the bottom of the tier list, I'll still be her #1 Fan.
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As a day 1 player, I made it all the way to Eatchel without ever rolling a Frit. I failed the 50/50 on Frit, and even still, I love Eatchel. I've never been Fritted since either.
Her glasses are being removed
That sucks. I'm guessing they fell for the falseflaggers on reddit saying we are cancer or whatever.
Mine were interested because I kept posting coom skins. Once I had 2 playing it snowballed from there.
It's real. There was a chongchong or mumu post about it.

>What would they even buff?
No idea. Historically, Snowbreak buffs are more like complete reworks. Katya got a numbers revamp and her aoe mode was changed from a 5-arrow spreadshot into an aoe bomb. Eatchel was revamps to have an always active heal aura, an ATK buff (via sig) and they removed her rez ability. The Agave buff could be anything. It could just be numbers, but both of the previous buffs have been more like kit revamps than just damage buffs. Hopefully it makes Agave more fun to play, whatever happens.
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She was never "above-average", she's average at best. They talked about buffing her pretty much right after she came out.
ChongChong just made another post that they're working on it, but haven't said what is it about.
I don't have any friends who play gacha games and I'm not going to introduce them to a potential addiction
From what I remember, most of the CN guys want more qol stuff then actual buffs. Like letting you hold E to shoot your fireballs and removing the stack reset when shooting
Anything about increased move speed while casting?
No idea. I've helped "shill" it when it's already being talked about or when people come into this thread asking genuine questions or when I see people ask what gacha should they play.

I don't know anyone irl who plays gacha, and I also would never dream of recommending a human being to play a gacha. Personally, Snowbreak's my last one, then I'm out for good (hopefully).
>I failed the 50/50 on Frit
Seaslug's introduction of the 100% limited banner is one of the best things they've done.
Latefags you better do your lifting of fog/lone warrior shit. it's gone in an hour; you can do it in like 15 minutes
nta but I was surprised by this
she feels about as strong as Cherno, and has some other bonuses as well
there's some big potential with using her to fill in invuln phases or armor break phases, and ending it with a burst before switching.
Her support skill also provides a good portion of ATK% if used properly.

She definitely doesn't feel weak to me.
Haven't seen anyone talk about it. Sorry bwo
>changed from a 5-arrow spreadshot
What, like a shotgun? That sounds super fucking cool. I would've rolled her if she had that. I'm guessing in practice it was too easy to miss most of the spread or something, but being able to roll up and unload an arrow blast and phase through the enemy with a dodge sounds good.
Agave didn't interest me real part-breaker buffer soon ... so i'm not well-versed enough to know what players have issues with, but I am interested to see what they do if it's going to be more than numbers tuning.
¡Ay, caramba!
I see. Good for them.
If I spam the last one do I get more points?
It's over :(
Uhhh which one is that? I did the one where you fight that boss that throws purple shit on the ground last week and the co-op mode where you buy buffs last week.
>What, like a shotgun? That sounds super fucking cool. I would've rolled her if she had that.
It wasn't cool. The aoe bomb is way cool, more practical, and also easier to use. It was a 5 arrow "fan", with each arrow being very spread out, and it was very difficult to effectively use as an aoe tool, because the hitbox of the arrows were the same as Katya's single target attack, and now you're having to aim a "fan" (or "cone" of 5 individual arrows. If you got up in their face, you could use it like a "shotgun", but I'm not sure which did more damage. I actually asked that question in thread - does it do more damage to point blank the spread shot or do the single target one - and I don't ever remember receiving an answer, but it just was not practical to "shotgun" the arrow spread, because you needed to be much closer to the enemy than a shotgun in order to get all 5 arrows to hit. Like you need to be pretty much be touching the enemy in order for all 5 arrows to hit

>Agave didn't interest me real part-breaker buffer soon ... so i'm not well-versed enough to know what players have issues with,
If the bilibili video is to be believed, she barely breaks all of Super Joe's parts faster than Katya. It was like 2 seconds faster than Katya iirc, and Katya is not specifically a parts breaker, she just does everything, and Agave was barely better. Not better enough for that to be her dedicated gimmick. My complaint with Agave is that she reminds of how slow Zenyatta was when I played Overwatch for like a week. I have my E skill key rebound to my side mouse button, so I don't have the carpal tunnel complaint other people do, but she's just like a less fun Haru, and my Katya already breaks parts well enough that I have no reason to use Agave.
boss with purple poop on floor
>It wasn't cool. The aoe bomb is way cool,
The AoE bomb is really lame. When I was doing her trial however many months ago I didn't like the feel. Same thing with new Fenny's AoE mode I never use. I get the purpose and see its benefit, but I did not like it at all. Something about them feels wrong or off.
>because you needed to be much closer to the enemy than a shotgun in order to get all 5 arrows to hit.
>Like you need to be pretty much be touching the enemy in order for all 5 arrows to hit
Yeah that's what I like about it. Putting the crossbow right in Joe's balls for maximum effect and letting it go and being able to quick dodge with her funky dash. In and out around and around. That sounds insanely fun to me.
Though if the way it worked was that it only did one instance of damage regardless of how many arrows hit that's fucking retarded and the change to make it one big AoE is obvious.

>she's just like a less fun Haru
Apart from just not liking the design my issue with Agave is that when I always said I wanted a dedicated part breaker or someone who buffed breaking parts on support skill I meant that you'd have to still manually shoot at the parts to systematically break a boss/enemy down. Being able to tap a button anywhere and magically deal damage to parts goes against the point. If you're going to do that you might as well make it an AoE like Kat-

Oh. Oh no...
stop pooping on the floor
Sauce ?????
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Chen pics thanks
One nitpick: The problem with wifenny's aoe mode is that the number of targets it can damage is very small
Nita is simply incorrigible, I'm afraid.
>Putting the crossbow right in Joe's balls for maximum effect and letting it go and being able to quick dodge with her funky dash. In and out around and around. That sounds insanely fun to me.
I promise you that the reality is nothing like you are imagining it.

>inb4 someone shits their pants about Nonpon
It just wasn't good in any way shape or form. I wish there was more Katya gameplay of the spread shot, but shit on YouTube is so fucking difficult to find nowadays (they make it so that only like recent shit ever pops up, and you only get 5 results), and I'm not even sure how many videos of it exist in the first place
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That looks exactly like I was imagining it and exactly how I hoped it would work. I don't know what you're thinking I thought it was. I'm not talking about how effective it was, but how effective I wish it was. I'd want to be even slower to the enemy than he is in that video. Touching them with the crossbow. It's already how I play shotguns even though I don't have to.
THIS, however,
>damage fall-off is based on how close you are
Is the problem that I forgot about because I don't care about the three crossbows we have in the game and is ass backwards. Surely they could've inversed the fall-off multipliers for spread mode exclusively or something. Benefit of the doubt would be that they intended for you to only use it on big bosses where the spread from optimum range wouldn't matter, but that's still dumb. Especially when one of the Chaos Njalls is going to have the gimmick of becoming smaller and smaller the less health it has and another will change shapes.
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Eatchel no...
>I'm not talking about how effective it was, but how effective I wish it was.
>Benefit of the doubt would be that they intended for you to only use it on big bosses where the spread from optimum range wouldn't matter, but that's still dumb.
I really don't remember, but maybe the spreadshot did way more armor damage to Njall than Katya currently does with the single shot? I really don't remember, but that's the only thing that really makes sense for how poorly that spread shot worked around the rest of the game
One and it was unintentional
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That's definitely the vibe I got from the maid PV. Meursault fully submit once Adjutant pushed her down.
>ChongChong just made another post that they're working on it, but haven't said what is it about.
TL: "We have no idea what to do with her, please understand. We didn't expect people to care about a filler patch character."
>removing the stack reset when shooting
that would kinda break her flow
you're supposed to do your Es, shoot to recharge and then Q so that you're at stage 4 again. The only hiccup is reloading but that's fixed with M1.
unless you're armor breaking you're not really supposed to get all the way to 100 stacks

I think there's space to make the shooting feel better, for example if the E blasts mark targets with threads and shooting makes them explode for a little aoe damage, but if you remove the stack reset on shooting you're now stuck with a character who alternates firing and E until 100 stacks, and that kinda feels like shit even on Haru
I'm new, I only just unlocked the base and all that. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Should I be rolling? I've only used the little tickets on the standard banners since it looks like I could get one of like 5 SSRs by the end. I've just been picking away at the story but I don't know either to even invest in any of these weapons I've picked up or the weird talent tree-esque system or anything.
I don't like that Agave uses pistols.
She should've gotten a better weapon types.
Only use digicash to roll on the 100% banner
Also, since you are new: roll for Cherno
Ignore weapon banners for now
Don't open the weapon boxes you get until you know a bit more about what you need
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Only use digicash on limited banners. Preferably webm related because she's very strong and best girl.
Cont of >>493293040
You can still roll on the beginner banner, but just immediately stop as soon as you get the SSR
And I said to not use digicash on it because it's much better using it on limited characters
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Roll for Cherno!
In addition to what the other fags said, you could also save your pulls for the summer event, but you have time either way.
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oh i thought she died
there's still hope then
If you want to not really run into issues 5* Cherno will carry you through anything. It's one of if not the best limited banner to roll on as a newbie. If you like her you can pick up her signature too and be completely set until we jump the shark.
>I have no idea what i'm doing
You can choose to push story a little bit until your lack of levels gatekeeps you (a lot of beginner rewards early on as I recall), but what you should really be doing is blowing stamina on the material farming stage in the current event because the shop is by far the best way to get resources.
>have messed with - haven't leveled
Pick a DPS and build them. Probably going to be using 4* Yao as your healer since it's all you've got and you probably don't have two good supports. If you don't pick up Cherno the stock beginner DPS is 4* Fenny you're given. Stick a kinetic shotgun on her and level whatever you can on her/your DPS/their weapon as you are able.
>you're supposed to do your Es, shoot to recharge and then Q so that you're at stage 4 again
Her E deals unimpressive damage and how charged will her ult be with this rotation? 30 stacks? 50 stacks? That's pitiful damage, even with really good logis and her sig.
What are the best 4* supporters for Cherno? The only one I can think so far is Chen
fuck this cerberus boss is annoying
4Kot might work, not sure. You can build 4Marian as a support too for the chaos shred
4Acacia or 4Marian
Cherno caught me sniffing her panties
He'd be fun without the phase 2 ball spam. I love dodging his beam
I guess Acacia can give her some U energy or Marian can reduce Chaos resistance.
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>kidnaps you
Chen's butthole smells like chen
But what does chen smell like
Chen's steamed buns...
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Unfortunately none of my friends like fanservice and pandering like I do, plus I doubt many would want to play a gacha.
I can hardly get them to play regular good games with me.
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I would never forget mai chink wyfe
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Hold me bros... I've never needed to go past 85 before
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I got 3 people into it by posting a Fenny screenshot
1 guy quit because he didn't like the gameplay loop and didn't read the story
1 guy skipped the story and just did dailies for 2 months before dropping it
The last guy checked out the game, got the Enya skin and spent 40 minutes with it before never logging in again.
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Oh no...it's cleaning you out...Rip...
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Shouldn't you people have waited the rewrite. It's really awkward to recommend a game telling them ''it gets good after X chapters''. I know FGO started the trend but 10 chapters is a LOT
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All those gems will go into funding more experimental dishes.
It's a good thing both her event and signature support E, shoot, Q.
Oh wait, they don't, because they also cleanse all buffs on shooting.

I recommend they simply skip all story. That's what I did and it works out just fine. See text? Press skip. Easy and no downsides.
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All of this to brick yourself with a hold E unfun brat. I hope you have enough for her sig too.
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dead day
anyway I think there's a high probability that 6Marian is gonna be a Frost DPS
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incredibly juicy chen
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I got my Wyfe to M2!
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Naisu! Still working on my WiFenny's M2.
titan mode
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she's cultivating
It's what I did with the most recent chapter
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Yeah, mass.
Chenxing - Ethereal Counter-Strike Source Textures
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Story rewrite probably won't happen until next year

I thought they said for the 1.5y anniversary?
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It'd not kidnapping! Now get in the box, nya
What is this meme?
Now I want to play CS:S with my girls' models.
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>chernyo doesn't have a skin for sale on her banner
That swimsuit leak better be true.
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I didn't really recommend anyone try it, I just wanted to post Fenny.
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Where the fuck is my marian wedding skin
>Titagen has been planted
I want to port Snobble's guns to other shooters.
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Next patch
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Seaslug is missing out on a new wave of Chernofags by not bringing her chapter back!
Does anybody have a reasonable explanation for its disappearance? It's bizarre.
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The CN VA for Cherno and Meursault is so good! Go to the trial and get the red flask to ult two times as Meursault, her voice is GREAT!!!
I think it was treated as a side story because it had nothing to do with the board members plot but it basically reboots Cherno as a character and anyone who joined after will have no idea why she changed.
Doesn't actually advanced the main plot. Adjutant doesn't gain new abilities, no reveals about the directors, doesn't set up a new location, doesn't reveal anything about Edda's plans, etc. Still the best story we've gotten and it's still a shame it's limited-time content.
54 stacks per rotation with 1 support ability used
it's no Cherno nuke, but Cherno doesn't blast away armor or buff ATK
also keep in mind, my Cherno is M3T2 and my Vidya is M0T1 and I've hit a 700k ult with Vidya before
I think you get all of it back when you Q, right?
That's why you Q after shooting to regen
I think you guys are just using Q after E and then shooting and that's breaking your rotation
honestly it comes natural to Q after E to me as well, but you gotta learn to Q with full S-energy, even if you're going to swap afterwards
I guess Seaslug doesn't want side stories that don't advance the main plot to clutter the story tab in the main menu
Would be cool.
Who got Cherno to wear these slutty hot pants?
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They cover less than regular underwear would. Isn't that great?
Yeah, I can't play with one hand.
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Edda did it
You better thank her
gib more mersault
No, no, you don't get it, Vidya losing ALL the stacks from her sig after shooting is actually a good thing because... It just is, okay?
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Wheew... That was close...
Meursault please...
I've omly used the little tickets they give you, I haven't used any Digicash on anything.
I got the 4 star Cherno, does she count? I've just been using the 4 star Fenny, Acacia, and Chenxing so far.
>I got the 4 star Cherno, does she count?
No. 4 star Cherno is a glorified taxi and not much more.
5 star Cherno breaks the game over her knee and then pegs it after being overtaken by Meursalt.
No that's not enough. Use all your digicash on the Cherno banner.
4stars are different characters and most of them are bad. 4cherno in particular is only good for her support skill.
>you're supposed to do your Es, shoot to recharge and then Q so that you're at stage 4 again.
>I think you get all of it back when you Q, right?
>That's why you Q after shooting to regen
Her ult doesn't give anything back. All you get is an instant phase 4 normal skill which isn't really that much of a buff. The problem with this rotation is that:
1) you lose all the stacks from your weapon, which you gain by hitting enemies with your normal skill
2) your ult deals absolutely laughable damage
Right now Agave is a part breaker who does her job only marginally better than Fenny or Katya, deals damage comparable to ~30% of any other competent damage dealer, has a bare minimum of supportive capabilities and is, generally speaking, absolutely unfun to control.
Wait, Tess! Slow down! All those fatty noodles...are going to go straight to your chest!
5* Cherno, Enigma, is objectively the one single character in the game that you must absolute pull, else your account is bricked to the point your human rights are forfeit, null and void.
>your human rights are forfeit, null and void.
Tau said this is the case regardless.
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
>your ult deals absolutely laughable damage
I've hit Joe 500k+ last time he was up
it's how people get stronger in chinese fiction, specifically wuxia
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Thanks for the explanation.
is there a way to change operatives hairstyle to their 5* counterpart while in the dorm?
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Chen cultivating arc for CNY
What does Chen even want to achieve with cultivation? Bigger ass? Bigger tits? Tighter pussy? Pregnancy via Adjutant?
Where is Haru for daily rape?
Chenchibi are so cute.

Most girls don't even have proper underwear, bro.
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Yes, yes, yes and yes.

All commendable goals.
a personality
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Well bros, almost done with Marian, now all left is the M5. Yao still on 4/9 in her M4 node so maybe I go for her next.
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Just in time for new Marian bwo...
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>ppl bringing same girls to TD again and again, so it endless stream of 5Chernos, 5Harus, 6Fennys, 6Lyfes...
C'mon snoggers, show some fucking creativity... It's perfectly possible to score good results with someone else than Cherno if you put some effort in your game.
yes, I realize this is because dmg % is a only fucking metric aka e-penis size that is shown at end of a game and these girls are easiest at stroking it
>you can massage the other girls while wearing Lyfe and Fenny's marriage rings
This feels wrong...
You're a manwhore, you belong to all of them. Get over it.
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I wish I had more chippies
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Going somewhere, Adjutant?
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New Marian isn't going to use a sniper, so isn't a big loss. will roll regardless since I got everyone already.
I have only seen one Siris despite her being the best gatherer.
They'll feel the cold metal warmed by Adjutant's hot hands, and be more eager to get another ring on those fingers.
>not aimed at butt
one fucking job...
If I wanted to stroke my e-penis, I wouldn't bring 6fenny along for the ride. No, I always bring her to stroke my actual penis.
After jumping through hoops to build up the stacks. And then you switched out because Agave stops being useful the moment you break Joe's armor.
You don't damage the goods
I rolled Cherno and her weapon and don't regret it
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Last one
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There's no straight, heterosexual and white person that will ever regret getting Cherno and her sig smg.
Only thing you can regret is that you can't get her maido skin anymore
unless you mod it
>New Marian isn't going to use a sniper
I actually think, and hope, she will
Is the humming in the shower linked to sound effects? I never hear any of them but anons here have said they do that multiple times
Not all girls do it.
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I now have my 5*Cherno, her 5* gun, and the maid outfit
I have corrected the sin that has been haunting me since I started at the tail end of Cherno patch and couldn't roll for her.
How are you doing bwos?
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I was only missing her weapon, so I rolled the 50/50 and won.
I need Haru
It might be linked to sound effects, I don't really know. The music gets quieter when they start humming so that you can hear it. They all hum the same song, which is also the same song that Fenny plays on her violin.
I'm reclining. Kinda want to buy Enya logis, I love her and it feels like I'm neglecting her by using the comfortably mediocre freebie set.
skipping her again
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Why skip her? If you're able to be skipping her twice doesn't that mean you're a seasoned wolf? Shouldn't you be rolling in rolls?
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Anon will never get over it.
I've bought 40 Enya logis so far this patch and haven't gotten one that was better or even equal to the freebies
I also bought a bunch back when she released and didn't get any better ones then either which I was able to do because I skipped Cherno
skipping again
I can't believe Yao is fucking dead...
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Who was the Mauxir of Girl Cafe Gun?
she's boring to play and I don't like her outfits
This is a really beautiful brick, can I have it?
lets go nitabro
NitaGOD I kneel
Still skipping her too.
Who was the Nita of Girl Cafe Gun?
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T. Edda mad Cherno and Meursault lived and got stronger
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Skipping her because I already got everything the first time around.
I bought it when it was on sale
She just lowers her heartrate to simulate death.
Mauxir doesn't have a good parallel in gcg desu
Lida is just a more selfish Nita that somehow has worse self preservation
skipped again, don't like skillslop.
>but she actually shoots
her shots deal no damage.
stop mass replying, edda
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Who was the Edda of Girl Cafe Gun?
even Yao's heart doesn't want to work too hard
Still not rolling for Cherno
Probably Soshi
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Yeah, yeah. Stop being a homosexual.
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>her shots deal no damage.
Have you tried to aim at your target? It usually helps.
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It's over snobble has officially disavowed Cherno...
Who's gonna tell her CN VA?
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>Mauxir doesn't have a good parallel in gcg desu
So the larping chuuni autist is one of a kind?
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Any news on what's next? I've surpassed 16,000 gems again.
Too late, I've already adopted Cherno, she's here to stay.
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Is this loss?
Cherno is amazing but I'm too busy raising other girls every day already, plus I'm waiting for 6Marian
she's OP and sexo, but I'm not gonna get her just to have her warm the bench
I'm happy to let the OG strong Chernos do Cherno things while I play 6Lyfe or 6Marian when she comes out
I am a straight, heterosexual and white person.
I will never ever regret getting Cherno
Because I will never waste my rolls on her
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I love this one-of-a-kind autist
If only Seaslug would allow her to appear more... she's like 2 patches away from reaching Marian's record of not appearing in the story
It's literally one guy samefagging.
Fuwa~ Fuwa~
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>She just lowers her heartrate
Could Yao be related to "him"?
Her 4 stars gets a free extra outfit
She got a swimsuit
Mauxie is too privileged
Somehow Nita's model looks worse than the generic staff NPCs at the bottom.
I skipped Cherno because she's not mentally unwell enough for me.
ahaha imagine how sweaty her butt gets after being squeezed in that tight leather all day aha...
I mean, it would be nice if I brought someone like Eatchel or Enya and was able to heal the team, but not only can they not do that, the game is rarely hard enough to warrant it.
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How do i use 5Cherno bwos
If the leaks are real, a Katya and Marian alt.
Nothings confirmed though.
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Interesting. And this would mean that one would be free as well, right?
Guard lady my beloved.
Most likely, yes.
That doesn't change anything I said?
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You use your E and shoot
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I love how Acacia always tells it like it is. Best girl.
>Shoot until E is up again
>Watch for the halfmoon to fillup
>Hold E to cbt
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just want to let you all know
I don't spend my digicash on rolls and instead spend it all on presence and materials to max out all the 4 stars.
tard, read the motherfucking thread
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So that's where that fucker was hiding.
Prove it
Show us
Being bricked is a spook
does the adjutant hit them too?
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I forgot what I was going to post
Did you forget to post Siris too?
All except Caroline.
I don't believe in being bricked. I still don't have Katya.
damn, that's rough. she's always getting shafted with work and doesn't even get the shaft she wants
What's gonna happen when all of the 4*s are at max manifestation and players start accumulating unusable purple juice?
so what happened to the Titans? How nice of them to leave humanity in the meantime while we're on vacation.
You will believe in the brick when you don't get the limited costume.
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We adopted them.

Wyfe is currently disciplining them so they stay in line.
Lyfe killed them all and then she had a meltdown because the Adjutant got with Fenny and she wanted the Adjutant to remember her for 10 years at least and then she died and became a bird
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>Wyfe is currently disciplining them so they stay in line.
She can't even beat Ymir.
We were the Titans all along secretly....
Our vacation is their vacation.......
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Is more useful Skill Haste or ATK% on Chernyo?
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Ymir can't handle Infinite Sight. Ascended wife is too strong.
atk% and alignment index
her cooldown is already fast enough
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She can't beat Rozan tho... even with Fenny helping her.
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Rozan is so strong she could easy beat up Ymir.

Rozan is literally apex predator.
seggs with evil hags
we got into a raunchy situation with Rozan than any of our operatives ever what the fuck

not that Im complaining
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Our girls are young and modest.

Rozan is a hag who always goes for the kill. Hags are dangerous, they don't mess around.

>Tess after messing around with a hag
what chapter does this rozan appear in and why is she so strong
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so, the 50/50 didn't pay off.
why is the Base music lifted straight out of an Illusion porn game? like, it is 100% the character creator music in one of their later games.
She sucks out your titagen powers through your dick with her pussy.
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Something something ultimate biological peak of life. Joined the military as a challenge but literally outgrew the organization. Even chief General quivers think about how strong she was and how easily she bested the entire military. Only keeps putting herself in more and more dangerous situations to keep growing as a pinnacle life form. Adjutant needed to simulation dozens of different realities just to eek out a draw with her.

Unmarried hag's are just naturally powerful because it's natures way of adapting them to finding the best mate with clock running out so they go into overdrive.
Thanks for reminding me svs is out now
Rozan ain't shit
I could beat her if I wanted
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Funny how Rozan being a evil woman is hundred times better than Esther, she has much more personality than "I hate everyone, I'm DYING! Please Joe look at me instead of Ye!".
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Been there, done that...Three times. Least it's 100% now bwo...
She broke the armor, did 500k damage and gave my Cherno a bunch of attack on the way out
it's literally the best Joe team right now
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Yeah but...Esther's outfit is hotter so...checkmate.
Why yes, seaslug should add dynamic perspiration so that the girls will become sweatier as they move. There could even be a minigame where you can wipe them down in the dorm.
it's never explained why Rozan was naked while we were unconscious.
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She was sucking out your titagen for fun
I still remember when I was a newcutie and lost my first 50/50 on the weapon AND operative banner in the same day. It still hurts
headcanon. She was just out of the bath
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It's never explained why she wears clothes. The apex lifeform need not conceal her superiority.
My beloved
Redemption arc soon
Yeah, after the sex.
Doing morning calisthenics with Yao!
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Something feels off with this image....
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Daily hag post. She is COMING.
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Seaslug should have Edda join us and become playable.
I'm sure all the other girls on the base would be thrilled with such an adorable new friend.
Why does Edda samefag so much in these threads
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If Vidya was in this image it would make all the others besides Tess and maybe Chen look so bad
but vidya is in this image
meant to link this >>493313663
who spanked her
Hmmm nyo
Rozan is another JoJo reference
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I stopped posting this because of The Happening that began during it, but I'll try to wrap this up.


Gonna tally the final votes tomorrow, then make Round 3 from it, which will be the final round.
Winner gets a prize.
Rozan is stupid
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Well someone just voted for Rozan, so
Edda is a trolling chatbot fine-tuned specifically for samefaging
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Voting for yourself is pathetic Rozan
Nah, I voted for everyone. Except Ymir and Nozomi.
I just like evil looking bitches
Fuck you
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Love you
Lmao this fucking image is so good
What is this meme from ?
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Love you too τ
Enjoy your exasperation, Tau, as your death approaches.
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Post your funds
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Modak should have crushed her projector, but he's just too nice.
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I need Nozomi on my other team as Eatchel #2
Many people don't like Esther (bodysuit aside)
>I-its just weak chinamen, they can't stand evil women
People love Rozan tho

What's the cope? Could it be that Estherfags need to finally understand that no matter the cope Esther is just fucking ugly? Do you have the strength to finally wake up and look truth in the eye.
If Rozan had her suit people would beg and line up in the streets to roll for her but not your ugly Coyote cumsock.
Ye's gonna make it, right?
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It's been a year since Fenny blobbed Yes, I know I'm off by an hour or so
Nita5 will be Eatchel#2 but instead of healing, she will give you a constant shield
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>Nita5 will be Eatchel#2
God I hope not
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>6Fenny's skill already summons her from off-field and has her strike a pose
>6Nita might have her appear and strike a pose
>if it's her new skin, she'll dance like a harem dancer
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I want to thank Agave for being a pistol character. They wouldn't release two pistols one after another so that means Marian won't be a pistol user.
She has the Glock in her animations on the swift and it's really cool and I love pistols but I HATE how every single pistol op plays in this game.
If either Marian is still a pistol user, or if Katya gets a pistol I will be killing myself or quitting, in either order, they better not disrespect my girls like that.
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Look at 'em go!
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Sex with Caroline blob
>tfw I vividly remember the night I sloppily drew her like it was a month ago
I hate the passage of time. Please wish me a happy birthday
put agave in
imagine marian with a shotgun
Happy birthday!
Thank you for your service!
Don't dew yourself in just yet kid!
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Hpyap bthdraiy!

Can't, a squad can only have three characters and one kettle.
Finally, the berserker unit
Blobs will always be cancer
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>Next patch is neither Katya or Marian
>Instead you get Yao with a LMG
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Took a pic with my phone because I'm currently playing on my PC. But yeah, I've got enough spare cash that I could in theory make the reckless decision to M5 a character in a day.

I will roll
AA-12 drum mag sig weapon please MuMu
I love LMGs I will ro-
>Yao as LMG user
That's too heavy for her lazy ass to carry. Unless her gimmick is that she can go prone as her ability and you get to see her butt jiggle with every shot?
I could see it. The quiet and dainty waif wearing lingerie with a sawed off shotty
>Instead you get Yao
Say no more. I will whale.

More rewards when?
Happy birthday fellow blobber
>night I sloppily drew her
still looks great. My own blob took me days ;_;
Marian with a full auto shotgun loaded with slugs
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the adjutant is quite the confident guy
irl Nozomi a cute
Will she be an operative?
Could work since she loves to get out of cover and shoot things point blank with a sniper rifle
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Happy birthday!!
You deserve a hug on your special day!!
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>Marian up close and personal
>still get her british damage sounds
did seasun need to make her so ugly? she looks like female orochimaru.
happy birthday anon! how miserable was it from a scale of 1-10?
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I will never get past how absolutely silly this entire sequence was.
>Adjutant just decides to chastise Chen for no reason
>embarrasses her in front of her coworkers during a siege
>says he'll solve the problem himself
>runs off, immediately gets brainwashed by Edda, and walks in front of zombies
>needs to be saved
"Damn he's so fucking stupid, I NEED to fix him" - Chen, watching dumbfounded as this is all unfolding
A boy with a girl's name killed them all.
I actually always end up way closer to enemies as Swift than as Coronet lmao. Maybe we already got Marian shotgun in our hearts.
I want Marian to call me capo in bed.
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Chen's life changed forever after that moment
Imagine if her ass actually jiggled as well.

I fucking hate that a homo game has more ass jiggle than we do. It's not fair. It should be this way.
It was a 0 on the misery scale, surprisingly. I had a great time with my family, my neighbor gifted me 20 bucks, my extended family wished me good and I spent the day playing videogames, closing it off with playing with my friends online. I had a blast, it's almost uncanny how good it was. And no, I'm not underage
For the better!
Put that cute blonde loli on the end into snowbreak! Gimme!
>4Marian in lineup, just for the Gae Bulg
Holy shit I fucking kneel Marianbros
What would Chen's reaction be to having her pristine butthole kancho'd by the Adjutant?
I have only ever paid for Tess Katya and Marian and I intend to keep it that way, but I like Chen so much, it's so fucking hard to resist abusing my wallet
If you did it with a mouse it's no surprise, it's usually a pain in the ass to do that if you don't have much practice. I have one of those drawing pads for computers so I could pop it out quickly since it was not that different from a random doodle you'd do on the back of a notebook. If you're interested in drawing stuff you should get one of those, mine costed around 50 dollars, it's the cheapest I could find
Adjutant would never kancho a girl who has a cute butthole, for fear of possibly tearing it or otherwise inflicting damage that would tarnish is beauty.
speaking of, wasn't it revealed in anderson chapter that they weren't a natural disaster but borne from experiments done by the board of yggdrasil? so since they are artificial there must be a way to stop them from spawning. why haven't we looked into that @ all?
the adjutant would never do something like that edda
>cherno forced me up to 97/100
>her sig wasn't much better
>the EVA girls in nikke milked me from 400 rolls down to around 60
I'm tapped out...
i was going to get this skin, but not now that it looks like i'm not going to be able to get her
Hmmm… I think I will have some fish cake tonight.
Edda said lol, lmao, and grew 10? trees all over the country/globe
>the EVA girls in nikke milked me from 400 rolls down to around 60
>rolling for collabshit
You disappoint me, anon.
Kaede as operative and Nozomi as her skill.
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when should I use these?
You keep them until EoS.
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The adjutant is literally me. God I wish Chen was real.
Now that I think about it, it seems like they're gearing up for a 2 in 1 unit as her gimmick, similar to Cherno but more distinct as they're literally 2 separate people. Probably their answer to people asking for Nozomi as an operative.
>ultimate is kaede lobbing nozomi's aux unit at an enemy to produce a thermonuclear blast
Tau as operative and Caroline as her skill.
Do not nyo
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Edda as an operative and hugging Adjutant as her skill.
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I decide to save these selectors until EoS because I don't know which to choose.
Based and same
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go away edda
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Only subhumans hate Edda
I look forward to Edda's upgrade.
>Cherno with her sig joins the game
>picks gatherer
>doesn't gather
Cherniggers are always the dumbest motherfuckers, I swear.
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 5* Cherno. The tactics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of spatial geometry most of the DPS will get lost in typical player's hands.
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75/100 on pity for Chen
But I'm also still missing Haru and Acaia and they should show up soon, also any potential new character.
Not sure if I should go for Chen with my 10k digicash and then not being able to get Haru and Acaia (+new release)
Not even sure how much Digicash one usually gets per patch or event or whatever
It's even worse since they can just drop their fat balls somewhere and gather while dealing damage.
F2P gets around 80~ rolls on a normal patch. Keep in mind this is a shorter one though so it's a little less.
follow your heart and use your head (lower one)
Katya is the best gather, she doesn't need to run around like Siris and can use her grenade launcher to destroy crystals all over the map afar.
It seems pretty likely that Marian and Katya will be summer's featured girls. Do you like them more than Chen?
Gonna be honest with you guys, I think the leak is bullshit. The only part that has a chance to be true is the swimsuit part
Chen is old, clunky, and weak
This is the game trying to save you from yourself
The moment you pick Cherno, your IQ drops to 1.
Oh so the summer characters are soon being released?
I actually am not much of a fan of Chen? Barely know her basically but liked the newest costume and her gameplay was fun enough but it's more about collection purposes.
Guess I'll wait then., thanks.
cherno is kinda cringe
but shes meta so i roll
Wasn't there a similar "leak" where Katya was supposedly getting an interactive mode for the office skin on the anni patch but it turned out to be fake? Amongst other stuff like a dating mode and whatnot.
It had the exact format too, from the supposed "leaker".
>I think the leak is bullshit
Marian being next makes the most sense based on plot, available information, and the fact that her 5* has been very weak since literally last summer event
Her and Fritto have been languishing in garbage tier for a very long time
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I'm a newbie and I only got to meet her during her 5* patch and I instantly fell for her and Meursault.
She could've been a healer and I still would've rolled.
She's a two in one combo pack of peak girl.
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>Fritia and Marian get 2 5*s before Nita gets 1
Katya getting an alt so soon is very believable, at least.
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Need Katya tummy skin
Need Fritia's [Leafy Secret]
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That CN dataminer is a reliable source and he also provided the text of next patch's teaser chapter. It's about Marian and Katya each forms a team of Manifestations to compete against each other in a reality show.
Looks like a fun patch if it's true.
Yeah, best to just wait and see.
Although, it does seem like Adjutant is getting a summer skin.
So the next patch being a summer one wouldn't surprise me.
>It's about Marian and Katya each forms a team of Manifestations to compete against each other in a reality show.
So it would be quite literally Verdurous Holiday 2? neat
There is a chance Beatrice comes back too
>It's about Marian and Katya each forms a team of Manifestations to compete against each other in a reality show.
Cute. I liked Agave's movie and this seems cute also. I like new Seaslug.
Adjutant - Nanpa
hmmm, maybe I will be proven wrong
It's quite certain our producer Beatrice will make a comeback if it comes to reality show. I think she will make an interesting trio with Vidya and Kot.
im a newfag
how did I "win"?
Old official comic
I'd rather have a Midnight Knight skin bro...
It's Joever...
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>out of golds
>can't level up logistics and weapon
Why my Cherno maid ribbons turn purple
>I think she will make an interesting trio with Vidya and Kot.
Way to ruin it faggot
man where did the dreamanon go...
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>Inb4 Mauxir doesn't get invited because she ruined the previous contest
>She still finds a way to get into the contest zone and both teams have to compete to stop her from ruining it again
Even dream anon was killed bro...
You used the hidden mechanics bro...
Beatrice just wants to get her job done as the reality show producer while the self-appointed "director" and self-appointed "scriptwriter" keep messing with the show in an attempt to make it "better" for their own tastes.
Beatrice is cool and all but will Dr. Doommelon make a surprise return?
Still mad about Star Master?
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Just a reminder that Nyanpasu's stories suck. The stories are the writer's blatant self insert fantasies that only cater to the writer's fetish. It's a good thing the writer was removed as the main writer from the most wish-listed game ever. Star Master is great by the way.
irl Nozomi? wtf are you talking about?
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I wonder who is behind this post.
He was talking about Kaede.
Who isn't a holographic projection, unlike Nozomi.
can you get the operatives of the limited echoes in the normal echoes as well?
I am always mad about star master. >:^( Going to correct acacia tonight again.
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>What do you think of my latest book, Adjutant?
No but you can get operatives from normal echoes in the limited echoes.
Dr. Doommelon is dead...
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I was talking about this picture from the livestream that showed the silhouettes of two skins.
The one on the left looks like he's shirtless and in swimming trunks.
The one of the right looks like a suit (?)
I'm sure he can get better with a little exercise
it's probably our vidya movie outfit
Cherno kinda cute
Cherno kinda looks like
The love of my life
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I'm researching a cure for the kot's autism. Stay tuned.
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It's okay, Dr. Doommelon was escorted to safety offscreen.
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Good evening, frens.
Fenny keeps me going everyday.
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Is it worth it to roll another Cherno gun?
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Hello bro.
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Good evening.
ew fenny
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fenny more like fennerd
Look at their faces. Kaede is Nozomi. I thought it was obvious.
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I would much rather marry a cuckquean than a woman who isn't one. Wouldn't you?
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Our wife is so cool.
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Evening bwo
The idea of my wife watching me have sex with other wives is compelling alright
The story literally told you what they are to one another
What are they?
I use 6Fenny as one of my DPS in NS.
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I got to Edda tier bwos
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Thank you for funding the server whalegod.
I came in Edda
Remember to ask for more rebate rewards on the survey
You can read the story yourself
Are they in lesbians with each other?
The message mini game was fun
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I'm a bad person.
I want to mind break Siris.
And much Siris' memories, we are forgotten.
Siris bread please
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Siris is the top-tier girlfriend material.
I can bake, give me an image to use
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See >>493353184
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Cherno time
Agave's mountainous bosom...
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