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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>493195282
Will you roll?
Reginn is a new hero type, marked accel01
What that means?
We wont know until new heroes banner it seems? Doesnt say anything else
Why is she the boss
Is there anything I need to change on his build with that new refine?
Eitri Friends, giving how whelming her B-remix is should I just give her Resonance 4 and call it a day
Who won the refine bowl?
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Probably keaton no contest
Nils got more alts than Marianne kekaroo
Keaton or Chrom since he's still one of the best units in the game despite how... tame... his refine is. But if we're going solely by effects, it's Keaton.
What are other hero types marked as?
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Such a flop she didnt even get a new one KEKAROO
Enjoy your ban
Yeah I'm not gonna read those. Keaton won the refinebowl. Eitri the powerbowl
Uhh, mods?
Cant remember but she is also called reginn2, lif and peony were also marked like this to hide two new hero types
I'm telling
>Eitri the powerbowl
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Goodnight stupid heads
I hope you die in your sleep
I concur
Should I build Keaton or Glen?
Is Seliph's refine actually good??
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Imagine her refine in a year
I figured as much, but Tacho is hyping up this refine so much.
>released 6 months later after male avatar (the only lego female avatar to be released after male avatar)
>still worse than her 6 months old male counterpart (the only late released avatar lego to be worse)
>refine still didn't make her better
>only brave unit in the history to be the "initial loser" and "loser of the refines"
None of her alts are good
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Nah Eitri still folds to stuff like EIke. It's fun seeing these stat swings though.
this time last year we got wind claude who showed up on AHR
other than emblem ike, do we have any other candidates yet?
>50% of that was explaining how canto works
>25% was how beast transformation works
>actual effects are only a minor portion
>nowadays >>493231182 we have chrom with the longest bs imaginable, but eitri is even longer if you include keywords
Even her remix was weird. Scowl but only on offensive special. It's like they expect people to build her as some sort of tank mage
That's not new. Summerleth also had that. And they gave all of them 30% dmg reduction. 30%
Ok thanks for the answers.
Why are there so many typos in the refines?
Eitri and Chrom both have one
Scowl on nukes is actually a good thing because Ike and Alfonse exist, it's the only way to survive in combat now since specials are so front loaded.
They were probably last minute ideas lol
>Seliph EASILY won, it's not even close
??? What is he talking about?
She's not beating either Ike or Alfonse whether she has scowl or not. And that was the point. Her offense was mid. And instead of improving that, they just tacked on mid defensive skills to her existing mid offensive abilities. Ended up sucking on both fronts.
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>tt+ story:https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Past_King,_Future_Queen_3/Story
>Eitri is a man that flopped so hard he isnt even showing up
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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>putting DC into Tikis weapon
Wow IS still hates her so much. This makes no sense. DC Dragons seal released with her and was her seal. Now she scores worse in arena if you don't want a dead seal and IS still values DC way too high so she got way less effects in refine than she could have had.
At least she got some res scaling and dmg reduction piercing which was the absolute bare minimum.
Annoying fucking pedo company with a vendetta. Go ahead and make another powercreep pedo alt and have it place #150 on sensor tower.
That's not Alear
They are not gonna make her suddenly be able to one shot EIke. It's been a while since a refine made an old unit immediately meta. They learned their lessons from LSelpih.
So... has any CYL refine made a unit relevant or not?
CYL6 remains in the shitter as the worst.
Remember when they framed Young Tiki for their bride harmonic in the little icon for the newsletter?
You just know some pedo dev stomped his feet and had a tantrum when the rest of the dev team told him they're making Adult Tiki the front of the duo lmao
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Worse in what way? Cause Chrom is still running rampant in all modes.
>Fjorm Superboons: Atk, Spd
Hell yeah
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Yes I do remember that horrible paralogue making me not pull on the banner. First time that happened. I was ok with the idea and found it kind of cute to have past and future self as duo but holy shit did they make that little shit unlikable and pushed her front adn center. Not just the alt itself but the entire paralogue warped around that fucking backpack. I can't imagine Robin fans being happy about that either.
Meanwhile Bridal Embla behaved so cute in her paralogue that I went from skip to using way too many orbs to get one copy.
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Fuck I want that crotch to grind on my dick mercilessly

Superboons: Atk, Spd
Superbanes: Hp, Def, Res


Superboon: Spd
Superbanes: Hp, Atk, Def


Superboon: Atk
Superbanes: Hp, Def


Superboon: Spd
Superbanes: Hp


Superboons: Atk, Spd
Superbanes: Hp, Res
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Why does this little niglet have two alts? Who are they made for?
>Who are they made for?
Gay pedophiles
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nils weapon
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That's no good, Anon. Can't open 4chan while your gun is loaded.
Women pedophiles of which there are many
>They really made past Eitri a male
How do you feel about that
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You will like Fjorm
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Nils fodder is awful
Isn't the dragon range2 effect usually at the end of the weapon? Piercing on f2p weapon is nice tho.
i think it's funny
Did they buff Nifl tits? She wasn't THAT stacked in her past arts
If heaven exists but the reward is just feeling nice and content or something I'll be pissed. I want sex with anime girls. It's so unfair.
>Piercing on f2p weapon is nice tho.
that nils 35 attack though...>>493234782
Not as bad as disarm trap 3 on the banner unit.
Right here>>493234028
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>catnip and spur in 2024
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>chapter 12 clearly states that Eitri was a man when he first met Fafnir
>/feh/ denies the words on screen and copes through various ways
>book 5 TT story releases
>it confirms that Eitri was in fact a man in a previous life
>*surprised pikachu face*
I wonder if those retards were the same folks who denied that Cleobulus was male.
I wish Flora was the TT unit, I still have an arcane dagger to give to someone.
Wasnt res cantrip only on a peony alt before
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Anime girls sure got your head in a dizzy.
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>Not as bad as disarm trap 3 on the banner unit.

>I wish Flora was the TT unit, I still have an arcane dagger to give to someone.

i would have build Flora if she was free with a prf. Sadly. she is pretty much done on arrival
I assume "accel" stands for "accelerate"
I don't have a good feeling about this....this game does not need more acceleration
Will the ice tribe banner be worth sparking on? Are the units actually good?
>free seasonal with prf
Reserved for m*les, unfortunately

Only Fjorm looks like she'll have an impact. She's basically Xmas Byleths but updated.
I can't promise they won't release a counter to defensive specials soon though.
it's accelerating to EOS
Fjorm is alright, but the rest of the units seem either situational or mediocre.
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the seals
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I hate Fjorm as much as the enxt guy but gotta respect the lewd navel window.
That's a peak coomer design element and I want that on every female unit going forward, and soem slutty boymales.
I’d like an upgrade to Winter Byleth, but I really don’t care enough about Fjorm or anyone else on this banner to motivate me to pull, ugh
Fjorm as unit and fodder and Felicia as support. First outsourced NCD is big.
Eh even spdres finish is still a finish. It's alright.
Spd/res is a good stat combo for speed tanks. Remember how everyone ran Spd/Res Solo when that seal came out, this is the modern version.
What's Eitri's most disadvantaged matchups? Gonna try and get her to kill them somehow
Should I spark Felix or Alfonse next since I already sparked for Robin?
Felix is more fun to play with, but dunno esports
Who do you have in total?
Imo felix is best current unit and has my favourite fodder but Alfonse also great and if you got any tanky horse you want to build then his fodder will be extra fitting.
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Would you say this is worth it, considering I only get the free Forma Souls? I don't have any special love for Deirdre but I like her, but I got shit ass skills all around
I have a +3 Robin and two Alfonse. I'm using the Alfonse unmerged tho.
Felix is insane if you're willing to Galeforce him with Celica Ring. He can dismantle teams on turn one by himself.
Then Felix 100%
Do you need her for limited time clears? You got a ton of formas tho so it should be ok to use 1.
Honestly does he even need Celica's ring?
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Wow that Chiki really hurt you
Nah that is just whale tier investment. His Even the Odds Tempest works perfectly fine for now. Maybe they will introduce more stall units tho.
Oh, cool a Thea alt. I’m happy, to be honest I was really upset when she got backpacked to Catria because I thought it meant she’d never get a shot at a real alt
>42 attack
What? Is this 2020?
Remember that she reflects damage too so that'll probably be where most of her damage comes from.
is there a list for FEH girls cup sizes instead?
not really, no, missing Crystalline Water Askill and Atk/Res Ploy Cskill
>eitri has a male brain
>we can now chat about dragonballz and tekken for hours
sounds like a net win
>special jump +1 before first attack
>scowl hits special -1 before first attack
So am I understanding it wrong or is Legendary Byleth's remix skill still useless against scowl?
It neutralizes it. Just like how heavy blade and guard counteract with eachother
So Manleth with creation pulse will literally do her job better in every way?
They needed to sex it up like Fjorm
I'm going to rally behind Hel for CYL just so these fuckers give her SOMETHING

Any spooky granny enjoyers here
Doesn't fyleth grant an insane warp boost to her and her allies
Maybe but at this meta, both of them are literally jobless leeches
No. She gets air orders herself. She doesn't give anything out. And no one would call air orders "insane warp boost"
>brave robin already got powercrept by the mega dev favorite waifu that nobody actually likes
no wonder this game is fucking dead
>the mega dev favorite waifu that nobody actually likes
Who's that supposed to be?
Maeda would rather have IS closed down then stop shilling Fjorm.
Kagero. She didn't get an alt so I don't know why that fag is talking about her
Wtf do you even use Keaton for?
theyre not even the same unit type
Obviously Camilla.
>Both do completely different things
robin has a poverty version of ice vein and fjorm got the actual good one
>robin has a poverty version of ice vein
Yeah cuz she not limited to one turn like Fjorm.

Also that's not the only reason you bring Robin anyway.
/feh/ niggers really have negative IQ.
>unironic maeda dicksuckers ITT
>One's a supporter/attacker
>The other is a tank
Still not building Keaton
So Fjorm's Ice Vein blocks Felix shenanigans right?
Since it affects all tiles in 2 spaces and doesn't leave gaps?
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>Says something really stupid
>Doubles down
So Nu Heroes will be Ascendant/Rearmed Reginn?
she's yet another type apparently
Apparently, Reginn will be a new hero type
Every Book heroine has to debut a new hero type. Meaning the Cow will debut a new hero type in 2025, and Seidr will debut a new one in 2026.
This banner feels like they wanted to do some sort of magical girl figure skater banner but wound it back to generic "ice tribe" because they knew it was too ludicrous
When you go to the Ice Tribe in Fates at no point are people wearing leotards with flowing skirts and fucking ice skates
because the ice tribe had no unique outfits
they just had to come up with some random shit
New year's Tribe banner is gonna be the Kitsune Festival.
Oh, yes. ISIS will find an excuse to shill a tribe that's Hoshido-adjacent.
Yikes. A!Tiki fags really are FAGS
Honestly i'd be fine with a kitsune festival, It'd be nice because we'd probably actually get the promoted versions of the fates beasts
Brave Tiki got the worse refine so they are getting uppity.
Why does he like Gullveig horse penis so much
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Nifl has inflatable tits, they sometimes get bigger even on the same unit
Raul's retard attack dog.
He must defend ShamirAnon's honor.
Fjorm's tits are so pathetic. She unironically pads her chest.
I want to drink Nifl's milk
I can tell where Nifl's nipples are, is this intentional?
I think they're tiny and cute
Eir was ascended. Lif was rearmed.
Her chest is cute and her ass and thighs are sexy.
Yes we already know lif was the true protagonist of book 3
He said heroine....
>fjorm got a music video
>lif got one
still counts i feel
wonder what her gimmick will be. rescue?
She looks cute. I like it.... Just wish I had the orbs to max her out.
fjorms titties need to be smaller. her small titties are hot and cute
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blatant shotacon bait
nifl's tits grow bigger when she rolls around in the snow, like snowballs
if she rolls in a specific way one of her tits gets bigger than the other and she can make a boob-snowman
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I wouldn't hate Fjorm if her personality and looks were changed to be just like Nifl
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Why did IS have to waste another TT slot on another male? This kid's sister is right there, and they still went with Nils.
Remember when dickrolling was a thing? I remember that actually working well for me more than once and getting the character I wanted on the first try multiple times. I feel too weird to try it now though.
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quotes, if anyone was interested.
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IS's 5000 IQ move was to create the shittiest possible seasonals so the engage seasonals look good by comparison
Doesn't Shield Fighter only work on Fjorm's special? Or like, you need a def. special, slaying AND Marth's ring
But this banner doesn't even have Engage seasonals. They didn't even shove Ivy's other retainer as the TT unit for this lineup.
I constantly do it. It works sometimes. When the slutiness is high enough
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I don't think Mystery Nigga would have fit into an ice tribe theme. Though him standing out as the blackest dude in the bunch would have been funny. Summer TT next year maybe?
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>*Mentions The Summoner*
We are never safe.
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All she did was mention an ice sculpture of us..It's over, or something, bros.
Not to worry. We have a Gullveig. And a Seidr. And a Kvasir.
The only Fjorm that didn't mention/gush over the Summoner is Ninja Fjorm.

And that's only cuz she's with her jealous gigasimp.
>spend x months to give OC a epik sword to slain book V antagonist
>get a lance
Maybe Dagr will get it...
They make these on a yearly basis now
So desperate
Yes got pirate Vika. If only she had a normal alt, but I'll take it.
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Why do so many seasonals this year have an unpopular shota on them?
Tormod, Clanne, Nils
Gay pedophile on the dev team?
>Gullveig. And a Seidr. And a Kvasir.
>All ranged
Odds aren't looking.

Fjorm out for blood this time.....
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all right fine i'll do one SDR match
>enemy has a +10 brave alfonse, +10 brave felix, supported by seteth and nergal
wow that was a lot of fun, i literally couldn't kill any of them if you gave me access to my entire barracks, great game mode
Women pedophiles on the team
We also got a bunch of unpopular hags each banner
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>He wants a female TT unit
There's a fair amount that don't do shit like that from what I've seen. You can just surrender if it looks like cancer and go to the next match
You will take your axe shitter/shota and like it.
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back in my day, that didn't used to be unheard of
Tacho overhyped Nemesis of all things
Do you get much trait fruit from keeping a feh pass? I recall that being a thing but can't find much specifically
>playing SDR
are you a retard or a masochist lmfao
Yeah, that why I was asking, I saw PenisMaster video for a guide but my luck was shit getting those skills, so I settled for the closest thing possible
40-60 a month, I think, though IIRC it's a loyalty reward for subbing for 2 months in a row. I'm not sure on the exact numbers.
Elincia is an even better example because she has god tier tits and arts, and she still was a TT reward. I suppose we get something good when the others are the TH trio and Micaiah
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>female grail units in 2024
1 is purposely unattractive and 1 is arguably came out in 2023.
Absolutely the worst year for freebie units.
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absolutely brutal
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epik revived nott will have it
Nifl took all of Fjorm's booba
>no Sigune
I liked the /feg/ banner prediction lineup more than the real one
>Back to back Fates themed seasonals
>Except the Ice Tribe is really a figure skating banner and doesn’t really resemble the Fates ice tribe
Could have been a separate banner with good picks but Maeda had to force on the sloppy maid twins. Wonder if he’s smirking now thinking it’s “unfair” that Ninian isn’t here so they can have a second Fates ice banner and he can force more Fates alts down the throats of the fans.
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She can siphon other's boobs into her own. Don't let her near Camilla...
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Don't forget, November will be Hoshido Ninja and then we'll have Hoshido New Year
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Can't wait for Ninja Kagero
Drowning is a sea of slop …
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You will love Hoshido
You will find yourself a japanese wife and bolster Japan's birthrate
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>New Thea shows that Bridal Catria was only good cuz of Thea
>Implying they want gaijin to do it
But I want hoshidonxnorhian wives
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Post your +10 Thea
If only.
Is arcane nihility inheritable by any beast unit or just cav beast units?
who has the biggest boobs?
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As you can see I need better skills.....
tit pics or gtfo
>Nah Eitri still folds to stuff like EIke
Since they are adding a new unit type it might be a better idea to wait.
>So... has any CYL refine made a unit relevant or not?
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Why does Thea have 2 versions and a backpack?
This literal who didn't even have an English name until CYL3
>Brave Byleth's refine is decent
>But mage fliers have the absolute worst skill restrictions
New rearmed when?
Grope chiki
because you're gay.
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Spd Preempt/Vantage 4 when?
Maybe 2 years ago.
>mage fliers
Dagger fliers get even more fucked, don't they?
>Not knowing literal fucking mythology
Please pay attention when school starts this year, kid
Daggers have been getting new shit that only they can equip for some reason
Heavy Boobs Naesala
>for some reason
daggers get excluded from a lot of skills, or at least used to, and nowadays there isn't much reason to bring a dagger unless they have a crazy ass PRF, but perhaps that could be said about anyone.
Only cav beasts. Enjoy continuing to wait forever for other beast arcanes
Shut the fuck up and post mbyleth milkers
>Múspell gets to be his own unit on flame tribe
>Nifl backpacked to dev's waifu
I just wanted an updated Nifl to use her cool dragon form. I'm so tired of Fjorm.
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>Fjorm is clearly leading this alt but the unit was given to Laegjarn to not raise suspicions
>now Fjorm gets a proper duo
>she's basically the first unit to lead 2 duos
try and defend this bullshit.
>he hasnt tweeted anything
We lost....
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>ytiki leads in halloween with ninian backpack
>ytiki also leads brides
She's not the first
That your boyfriend?
You want to know the hilariously tragic thing about her Remix/Refine?, her entire kit screams Divine Pulse spam.

And they gave her Atk/Spd Finish.
yeah but she didn't
alfonse actually backpacked both sharena and vero
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This is firing off every one of my neurons.
so, how do you kill brave alfonse and brave felix
brave robin onetaps them
>BoL4 is only for Keaton himself
Who cares? I don't use fateshitters
use your own brave alfonse/brave felix/brave bernie/brave frobin
>complaining about (you)r canon wife getting to lead multiple duo units

get a load of this guy!
Oh shit is this the first time a character got 2 refines in the same update? I forgot she had a brave
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>Brave Felix
All Felixs keep suicide charging into my Fallen Julia in VG.

Turns out no one is smart enough to give him NFU.
why would I want an anons load..
She's not my wife. I didn't consent to this relationship.
How is YTiki supposed to be leading the duo?
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Bernie bear...will win
Brave Felix isn't immune to debuffs.
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They're here!
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Because she's popular
The day before a tempest trial is so barren. I just want to finish sparking CYL but there are no orbs until tomorrow
She doesn't even have divine pulse, what are you saying?
she's been added to engage?
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I'm saying they COULD have given her Divine Pulse, not that she has it.
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No. people made some Engage ring art/edits.
But he does shake them off by moving and getting his free galeforce.
>Clearly leading
>When Laegjarn is holding that huge fucking bow
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I want them to scout my ass
Yes, BUT if he has the Celica ring on he can still Warp PAST the blocks (not inside tho)
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>Fjorm is just blue Duo Byleth that ate Ascended Amelia
>going to be the gold standard for AR Defense and Offense both in the future
>need to roll if you want to keep your wins rolling
No thanks, IS, I will never love Fjorm.
Feels like everyone lost in terms of refines
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Um why are people saying this banner will flop?
It has Fjorm, and she made last year's summer 2 banner sell bigly, right?
Unless..................someone else sold that banner?
The only way she loses is through last minute rng bullshit. Everyone loves Bernie, they just don’t care for her smell (she only bathes twice a week).
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She won
I just got here after dropping the general for 4 years, where is /feh/?
>Chrom gets to give himself and anyone that uses an Assist on him Null Half DR and No Foe Bonuses
>He also gets to deal +16 damage for free
Chrom won by far tbqh
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>Have to give up Excel or Reopening's true DR to get Canto on my old shitter Tibarn

Near trace echo when?
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>Ivy rank 4 female
>Tharja rank 8 female

>Fjorm rank 50
>Nifl rank 271
>Ymir rank 290 + Eir rank 251 backpack

Yeah I wonder which units sold that banner
>Fjorm with a fuckton of inheritable powercreep
Last year's Summer banner was actually halfway decent. But no, Fjorm didn't carry that banner.
We are one, /feh/ and /feg/. It was simply time to come together again (and get ready for the FE4 remake as one /feg/ family)
good riddance?, I was a fegbab since its inception and always thought the split was dumb since fire emblem rarely gets releases and FEH was going to slow down eventually, now if only we could force the stupid YGO faggots to merge their shitty generals too
I love Fjorm.
yo where's the ass
Good morning, /feh/! What a glorious day to ejaculate in Fjorm’s ass.
Unironic retard
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This is /feh/ now. It's not /feg/ because no one is talking about any FE besides FEH and hasn't been for weeks.
Fjormfags need to learn their place
I love you for who you are, anon....no homo.
You're my little shitposter.
true, nifl was the year before, but that's understandable with how forgettable she was.
Gee, I wonder if the fact that the last mainline FE game bombed has something to do with that.
People talk about FEH because it gets updates.
Oh you're just a fag. I'm sorry for your problem
/feh/ moved to /feg/ and assimilated the entire general, /feg/ is now daily /v/ fire emblem threads
Unironically none of the characters in this banner have fans
I'm far from an expert when it comes to the Norse myths, but I'm pretty sure Thor isn't usually a girl with giant boobs.
Guillveig loves you unconditionally and she has big breasts.
No, there's a Feliciafag. One. Out there, somewhere.
Would have rather had Soiree back.
Well duh, it's an ice banner.
She's pure shit
Felicia getting a new alt has made me pick up FEH again
You're just guy and you're not going to spend.
If your shitty favorites not getting content made you leave in the first place you'll leave in like 2 weeks when you're bored of the new Felicia
Book 8 killed it.
He's not the real Feliciafag anyways. The file names don't match up.
Why was this deleted
Man stop dick riding.

Who cares.
The DRHalving and Lull effect are only for chrom.
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>Duo Seidr has Heidr teasing her unknowing parents
>Duo Gullveig basically talks about a threesome handholding with her, Seidr, and Kiran
>Duo Fjorm barely mentions him besides the sculpture from Mjolnir Strike
Did Fjormdev actually relent as the love interest in favor of just getting alts?
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>Misplaces/gives back her legendary plot sword
Now she's a true FE lord like Marth and Ike.
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Guess the cancer
The symbols for type are clearly displayed as
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I love Shamir more than anything
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RIP Gramr.

You killed a schizo manlet and made Reginn look cool in cutscenes.

Enjoy your 4 move Felix
If this were true, we would have gotten Bridal Seidr.
So much for granting remarkable "ice???" alternatives to characters in this "special" summoning banner.
>Nah, we'll just repeat the same ice characters we always have.
>For the 5th time.
Didn't even bother making Nils a different color. Just made him Blue again.

>The "guaranteed follow up" ice dagger will work GREAT with slow daggers, now, though, amirite??????????
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Yikes! Talk about mentally deranged!
What was it
Maybe Fjorm dev realized there's more ways to write a character than to just have them be self insert pandering incel chud fantasy, something book 7 tards have yet to realize



Well the one I saw was Celine ass and pussy. Not sure what the others were
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I mean Bridals this year actually did better than last year and actually had a good reception for once since like Lyn, so there's a chance IS just takes that as doing more OC's with either Engage or 3H next year
>"reduces effect of 'reduces damage by X%' skills by 50%" is now a standard effect doled out to every unit
this game is a joke
>Summoner Duels
>"warp + OHKO"
>"block any motion"
>"preemptively ends other units' actions"
>"OHKOs again"
>"different unit warps + OHKO"
>"OHKOs again"
Uh huh.
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>"during turns 1 through 4"
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>99x2 damage predicted
>0 dmg appears
>7+0x2 damage predicted
>137 dmg appears
There's no point.
Yes, but it really doesn't take much effort to do that. The reason Bridals did better is because it, for once, mostly rid itself of the "Not for (you)" characters it's had since Bridal 3.
I hope they keep this pace, but Seidr should have been on the banner this year if we truly were ditching the Fjorm ship from the devs. The only reason NOT to have Seidr on Bridal is because she was a backpack like three weeks later.
>Still beating around the bush
Seidr asked is to impregnate her. Fjorm should do the same if she wants to even the playing field.
Certainly not more than you love seething at Gullveig.
Wonder why that is. Probably because Shamir's just shit.
"Upon her third rebirth, she began practicing seiðr and took the name Heiðr."
So in a way Kiran fucked his daughter to give birth to his daughter over and over again
doled out to every NEW unit
if your unit came out before March 2024, sucks to be you, they're perma bricked
Lol, maps are essentially completely decided on turn 1 and 2 now due to the extreme warping, reach, and extra actions of modern units anon. This isn't even an actual restriction.
Not if they have a refine coming up :^)
If they already got refined then yes, RIP
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>Canto 5
That's not what she said at all you illiterate RETARD. She asks to make a fake child. Chudran never fucks Shitr
Yep. Anyone with a Celica ring can warp halfway across the map and certain characters like Felix can actually cover the entire map on turn 1. The game has become a joke this year.
>Unit is marked as "infantry"
>Unit is marked as "armored"
>Unit is marked as "cavalry"
>Unit is marked as "flier"
>Unit is marked as "dragon"
>Unit is marked as "melee"
There's genuinely no point, now.

>Does *unit* have *OMG PRF*?
>No? You lose.
Chudran lost BIGLY
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This little slut needs to be pounded.
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>canto 5
It just keeps going up, doesn't it? It feels like a lot of canto on newer characters are getting 3-4 every turn or a minimum of 1 extra space.
>Like Reginn's new art, outfit, and she looks cute in the style.
>don't get to see a lot of it as she is in her big horse mech
I'm a bit miffed this time.
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Felicia is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!

I love Felicia, I will only ever love Felicia, I could only ever love Felicia, my heart belongs to her!

I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, I can't wait to roll for her she's so beautiful I love Felicia!!!
>Felix can actually cover the entire map on turn 1
On the one hand, that could be neat. Extreme scouting, see what he might bring to his team.

Triple turns the entire map AND, oh yeah, OHKO everyone and TANK everything.

C'mon, ISIS.
Does anything think they'll introduce "map fog" to this game, making scouting reasonable?
I missed you, FeliciaAnon
And the man to do it? The KHAN of the West!
>bros look at my my Lukas, I gave him a def refined slaying lance and steady breath with bonfire, he takes 0 damage from everything
>magic and dragons? Well no unit can tank everything that's why we have a team of 4

>man it's crazy how high level arena is all armors, I must have beaten about a thousand black knights, Gwendolyn, and Hectors

>I fought a cav line in AR today, it had Reinhardt and a firesweep BLyn but I managed to beat it with no deaths

Back when things were simple
At this point im just gonna pretend they fuck offscreen.
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I've still been around just not in the threads. I have never stopped loving Felicia and never will!
You commissioned a Felicia plushie right? What artist did you use
It almost seems like the amount of bad shitposting goes down when there's actual content
how do you like the new alt? It's neat how her prf is designed to help the corrins.
Wow the immediate asshurt.
>Feliciafag uses a custom self insert instead of Kiran shit
Unfathomably BASED
The unit's movement type has ceased to matter anymore since E!Celica's existence, except cavs still getting warp cucked by tree tiles I guess lol. Her ring is basically always going in your initiator and after initiating most maps are pretty much decided
The keyword is "almost".
half the "content" ends up invoking more shitposting than if there weren't any to begin with.
he's still not over kiran fucking tharja even though he dumped his waifu LOL
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I commisioned a ton! The recent one on the far left is from plushgarden/plushanon on twitter. I'm super happy with it.

I love it, it's really pretty and seems like something she would enjoy wearing. Since the localization was badly handled and ruined her endings people forget despite the situation she's unknowingly in she really likes being a maid and wants to succeed as one, I like that she has taken that into her outfit. Gameplay wise she look really fun to use, I'm looking forward to it!
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If I put a bonus unit mythic in my final defense slot can I get 7 units for AR chaos season or is it capped at 6 units?
Someone needs to update the Emulation Guide in the OP.
is "plushgarden" their name on twitter? The one on the left looks nice.
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Who did this one
Why are we pretending we ever liked Feliciafag all of a sudden
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Am I sloppin' yeah I'm sloppin'
Book 8 just can't stop floppin'
Don't help him, he's gonna tell you that all of your comms look like shit
How much did each of those plushes cost you?
How come I don't see beast assault 4 suggested for builds on beasts much? Does it suck? I'd think negating DR would be useful for beasts
They probably realize they were tame in comparison to our current shitposters
Fierce Beast and Threaten Beast exist.
I never disliked him...
and yeah compared to the other thread personalities? he's fucking mother teresa
>Fjorm and Seidrveig are both omega-flops
Should have asked the queen of life to revive the game, baby, yeah.
This whole banner is nothing but characters Maeda desperately wants you to like.
Like who?
The Beast skills are kinda bad.

Like so bad IS made it a seal.
Seidr explicitly asks Kiran if he’d like to make a baby the ‘real’ way.
I don’t have the pic saved, someone else probably does.
Fjorm would probably like to make a baby with Kiran but she’s too obsessed with anal sex to make it happen.
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Yep! "@plushgarden". I beleive they're opening commissions in novemember.

That's the "Feliciabeanie" from ariannadi a few years ago, also on twitter. I actually bought two so I can sleep next to her and display one! Sadly I don't think they make them anymore.

The plushgarden one was $250 and came with extra goodies like badges, stickers and 5 keychains. I won a giveaway for a free one (I chose a character I see as a daughter) and decided to get a Felicia too to come home with her.

The big Felicia in the middle is a one of a kind prototype the creator made to test plush making and by sheer luck she still had her and was willing to sell her to me! That person doesn't make them anymore sadly, she made me a Kana in a similar style.

The big sitting Felicia was abut $40/50 but I don't believe the creator makes plushies anymore.

The little crochets were around $25=30 on facebook, that was a long while ago and I'm unsure if the creator still makes them.

The big picnic Felicia was around $150 I believe, also someone on twitter who I think has stopped making plushies.
thank you
I can't name a single time a Gullveig flopped.
The closest you can get is NY Seidr, but that was fucked by an act of god, and even did great in the US.
so is Fjorm like Myrrh where I see her on AR D and I basically auto concede because she's immune to ranged units?
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lol, lmao even.
Please continue to cry about it!
Shotas and HAGs will just keep coming!
>baby making sex with Seidr and Gullveig at any time
>anal sex with Fjorm at any time
>Alear essentially proposes to him, implying baby making sex at any time
>won’t be cucked by Alfonse because Alfonse is in love with him
>drinks mead straight from the breasts of a beautiful goddess
Dam, I wanna be a loser too.
just hit her with a melee unit.
No she does not LMAO
>Seidr explicitly asks Kiran if he’d like to make a baby the ‘real’ way.
>I don’t have the pic saved, someone else probably does.
Anon that was a fucking edit, just like that cringe as fuck edit where Seidr goes to a nudist beach

If it were real you retards would never shut the fuck up about it
>So anon what do you want to be wearing while holding hands with your maid waif?
>Uh yeah just draw me in sweatpants and a hoodie lol
>inb4 her prf is Seiðr Shell MK.3 which is just an even better Seiðr Shell(+) + lets her act again like Felix
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Can't breathe without Eir!
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Heiðr Shell
Fierce Beast is better to run most of the time, and infantry beasts get Laguz Friend which simply shits on any other option. The only real case for it is Assault + Galeforce I guess and the unit that does that best comes with assault already (B!Embla). Most older flying beasts have to give up DR or Canto to use assault (DR lost from excel if using Mastery+assault/trace lost if using excel+assault), you can argue for cav beasts the most but the 100% pierce on fierce beast can decide match ups. Armors need armor skills to be relevant at all anymore and Fierce Beast with the Ike ring or Hardy fighter builds are Caineghis' best builds. F!Edelgard needs her refine, but also can use assault with galeforce I guess but she isn't hitting hard anymore with that and you're likely better off running fierce beast or an armored special
I have a few ones where I'm wearing a butler outfit to match her or generally matching themed outfits but I wouldn't be wearing things like that all the time, casual is nice!
Seems lazy enough. This will definitely be what it is
>Sadly I don't think they make them anymore.
Ah well, I was just trying to see any potential candidates while waiting for my #1 choice to open back up

Have you considered commissioning a custom figure?
>Soleil's birthday passed
>No fan art
Uh Soleilbros I thought she was popular?
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They could be holding it back for another alt.
That would be high on my list but it seems like a rather niche thing, do you have any suggestions for creators who make those?
Raquel said we should make /feh/ again
IS never gives her alts, so her fans waned.
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You just can't help getting in the way of everybody's FUN.
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>I've been waiting for this moment for a long time
>Only 2000 orbs
Where is the rest of the orbs?
You should have way more than this.
2000 orbs should be more than enough to +10 unless he's unlucky, in which case he can probably use the power of credit cards.
Not them but weeks can pass before I logon to do shit desu
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>I have never stopped loving Felicia and never will!
At least this fella loyalty to his waifu is real unlike Tharja-anon. Oops I meant to say Shamir-anon.
What are those stones bottom left'ish?

Also not sure how into r-18 you are but getting animations or a doujin of you and your waifu is also something I'd recommend. Especially since you can print the latter and have it on your little shelf
I have around 1000+ still banked in uncompleted story quests, I'm not super into modern FEH and only here for Felicia so I went dorment after hitting a number I was happy with.

New years Kana was a grial unit too which helped
Soon we'll get "reduces effect of 'reduces damage by X' skills by 50%", trust the plan
Also I can't exactly recommend that artist since I have not commissioned them myself, but they're one I came across while searching and they seem decent, I'm sure there's more/better artists out there
They're little crystals/minor gemstones I bought for one her birthdays! She cannonically likes them so I wanted to give her a little collection.

Thank you, it's really cool that this is a thing. I do think branching out into unique things like that would be really nice.
Look man, shut the hell up ok
>IS never gives her alts, so her fans waned.
Funny how this definitely real non-cope phenomenon only happened to Fates characters...
Neat. I don't know how good your memory is but years ago I linked you an artist that could print Felicia on a mug and if my monkey brain remembers correctly you did show one at some point.

Good to see you back, friendo. Grats on the cutest maid getting a new alt.
>Twitterfags: Fjorm is le lesbian!
>Fjorm: *Slumbers on the Summoner's knob in her head every chance she gets*
>Nils presenting his behind
>His torn leggings
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Nothing I said was a lie.
You dumped Tharja into the trash as soon as something more...modern looking came along.
Which shows how fickle you really are unlike a true loyalist like Felicia-Anon or Ray.
>>Twitterfags: Fjorm is le lesbian!
What the fuck is the basis for that?
Kiran is so sexy that he cures dykes of their lesbianism.
Forgive Twitterfags.

They can't be normal when seeing two people of the same gender together.
Or two people of the opposite, defined gender, CIS or not
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Of course I remember! I have the mug right here, one of my first Felicia related things! It's nice to see that anons from that long ago are still posting here.
She breathed in Laegjarn's direction.
Have you considered commissioning a picture of Fjorm being fucked in the ass?
You're gonna shit yourself when you find out what his Assist does
Oh man that takes me back to times when this game was easier to understand. I used to be the guy with a +10 Peri but I've quit like three years ago or whatever but returned with a fresh account 1 1/2 years ago. With a different waifu this time, unfortunately.

8681995123 if you want to add me (again).
My forma LSeliph with BoL4, forma refined LSigurd with Excel and Fatal Smoke 4, and my forma LDeirdre with Crystalline Water and Mystic Boost 4 and Atk/Res Ploy are gonna make FE4/5 limited battles a complete cakewalk.

I have to really hope Novembers hall of forms for FE6 has some actual good units that can be made completely busted. I need all the help I can get for those limited battles, give me Legendary/Bride Lilina, give me Groom Roy, give me Elimine.
Do you have any experience commissioning works from Japanese artists? There’s a few I’m interested in who I know accept commissions, but I’m worried about the language barrier.
Why Mystic Boost 4 for Deirdre? You couldn't fish a Resonance?
Olivia ceased to exist until she got her Summer alt, and she was one of Awakening's most-popular characters. And Soleil's grandmother.
I totally remember you! I wasn't playing too much either around that time, it all spiralled when I forgot about Aether Raids one week due to being very busy and fell out of T21. I'll for sure be playing now Felicia has a new alt, I'll add you.
Commissioning what exactly? Artwork? For that I stick to skeb, it's a lot easier. If they accept through DM then go for it, though if anything unless the artist also speaks a bit of English they might not even accept also because of the language barrier.

If you mean something more advanced like a plush or a scale figure or something I wouldn't risk it personally unless you're confident you can get the information you want across accurately and can accurately understand what they're saying.

What artists by the way?

I did get resonance but I felt like keeping her health topped off was the better option. Again she's only for limited battles anyway
It happens. To be honest my interest for FEH ebbed away this spring but then I got like a dozen pings of people telling me Petra got a summer alt. Guess we both got sucked back into the game, huh?
Keep being you, FeliciaAnon.
GUYS FJORM ALT! AND SHE LOOKS SO CUTE! Also wtf happened to /feh/
Nah I get that but that's why I kicked resonance for my Deidre because she isn't supposed to survive hits anyway. OTOH I couldn't get attack/res ploy on her so I had to settle for TP. I did get the same A skill so its whatever
Fjorm is getting art faster than Gullbitch
>the unit on the banner is getting art, and a unit not on the banner is not
>wtf happened to /feh/
I'll give you a hint: he's a Mexifornian
Wow you're really stupid hahahahaha
>Reminder it's her fault you got the Fjorm curse
Since you niggers will argue about anything

Which 4 units would make the best Fortnite players in a squad?
There are Fem summoners, but all of those are married to Alfonse.
I, the King of /feg/ and /feh/, decided to combine my two generals.
It copies FROM the target not TO the target.
Damn, you're right, I'm retarded
>First thing this fag does after waking up is hopping on his computer to shitpost
Man, you're pathetic.
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I talk shit about Fjorm all the time, but damn find yourself a girl that'd look at you like Fjorm/Seidr does.
I did :)
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>but damn find yourself a girl that'd look at you like Fjorm/Seidr does.
Okay, I pick Seidr.
Anyone remember fjorms terminal illness
Maeda? KEK more like GAYDA
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>but damn find yourself a girl that'd look at you like Fjorm/Seidr does.

When FEH goes EoS, Fjorm and Seidr will go with it.

Imagine them screaming for you to help them and crying in agony before it all goes dark and they disappear into the void. Their last moments of sadness before they fade from existence, believing only they could have given you the greatest love.

And then you play Awakening and marry Sumia.
No you didn't
Would it really be that hard to set up some fake server for it to connect to to make it run afterwards?
In all likelihood, Nintendo'll probably do what they're doing with Pocket Camp and make an offline game with save transfer or something, if not recycling the content to make a new game for eShop.
Was thinking about a lewd Gullveig from sethxzoe
But Fjorm is also in Dragal-

>When FEH goes EoS, Fjorm and Seidr will go with it.
Not quite. Because of CYL, "that time that a time snake won the yearly poll" will be a part of the franchise. As will things like Reinhardt's relevance, Veronica breaking into Dragalia and Engage, etc.
Pocket Camp has set the precedent for offline versions of the game sweetums
How do you know?
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one of these days...
I'm in your walls, I am your girl, I'm also a skin-walker RUN
That would be implying they would make more self-masturbatory games after failure of engayge retarded gullshitter
So? There's no reason for FEH to have an offline version when the majority of the modes are PvP.
Why is there so much porn of Beruka with black dudes? Not racist just wondering, ngl it’s kinda hot but Beruka isn’t the first I’d pick as a bbc snow bunny.

I mean shit, fates has Camilla, Kagero and Charlotte who make much better candidates
Modded FEH will have PvP and co-op and full maps.
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>give me Elimine.
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And Basilio raids, a mode where you have to stop a powerful army of
Basilio from taking all your female units. For each female lost you’re treated to a sex scene
Because it was all commissioned by the spic who was fuming at a Beruka waifufag years ago
This has to be bait
Unless you're looking at a different artist that page hasn't been active for years
Based American chad keeping his eye on the ball
Say what you want, RauI WON. Beruka cuck? Dead and buried. Shamir Chad? Lived to claim two more under his belt. One’s a loser who ran and cried, the other is the man, the myth…. THE LEGEND. Still here till this day
>"I'm not racist but....."
you are mentally ill
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You LOVE Fjorm!
The people who fetishize that kind of thing are often weird and racist anyway. There's often an underlying idea of the black male being animalistic or something.
Use Skeb bro, the translation is really good and they (Japs) aren't retards, they'll know what you mean as long as you post suitable references. You can use Skeb's auto-translate, then after check it with Chat GPT to make sure it got it right (they're of similar quality). I had to use my Mobile Banking App to enable International Transactions when I first commed on Skeb.
Are you memeing? Cause that sounds kinda pathetic actually.
There was an anon called CamillaAnon (not Raul, but Raul was part of it) who hated Jacques, a poster here who's waifu was Beruka, and used to spam Blacked shit of her. Turns out he had a Blacked fetish himself. He hated Jacques because Jacques hated homosexuals.
yeah i noticed that a lot of artists that do this also draw beastfaggotry and monsters
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>Berukanon moved on from this shithole years ago and found something better to do with his life
>the spic still spends every waking moment begging for attention from internet strangers from his abuela's basement and got humiliated into changing his "waifu" not once but twice
I'd say Jacques won this one, I think
Remember when Soiled Ass just to convince everyone he wasn't racist and immediately shitpost with Basilio not even 5 mintues later?
Pretty sure Soiled Ass was also a homo.
>Book 4 didn't get a music video
>5 seemingly didn't get one, nor a puppet video
>6 won't get one
>7 won't, either
>that epic takedown Jacques made towards Raul
>immediately followed up with an absolute chad smashing Shitjat into pulp and breaking a Fates damage record to get Raul bootyblasted
Please tell me someone has those saved, one of the benefits of becoming a whole /feg/ again, hopefully. That was thread history.
Getting BUCKBROKEN by a suicidal, homophobic frog must've been embarrassing for Raul.
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I have this in my Beruka folder.
Don't remember where I'd put the other thing you mentioned, and I don't remember where the old compilation of tharjafag trying to samefag colorfag would be.
He called me a nigger because I called him out for being cringe, so yeah, he's racist.
close counter seal yet?
They turned Laegjarn white and made her boobs smaller
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I'm on my phone
Not yet
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I think people forget just how white Laegjarn is.
Reminds me of when people say Petra is brown, and she's the same skin shade as Raphael.
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She is choco
That's not any better, loser.
I'm not clicking that
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>someone in 2015 calling him out for being a faggot for 2.5 years
>it's 2024 and he's still here
Click it or I'll kick you
>Raul has been here for over a decade
I don't know if that's impressive or extremely pathetic.
How long have you been here?
I intermittently check in every so often. I don't post 10 times a day every day with most of those being copy/paste posts
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I just came back to talk about the Seliph refine. Everything I said in the past seems more and more plausible. With things still being the same here, I doubt medication is helpful now.
I need pussy.
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I think, two years, that's when Yuliya will get her alt.
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It will never happen and I've come to accept that.
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She's basically the same shade, and the same tit size.
Methinks you're lying (lol
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>not only is Raul still at it, he changed waifus to a dyke, tried to co-op a dragon that cucked him for Alear and Alcryst in the gacha, and tries to shockpost everyone asking for Mamori lewds
Sometimes I feel bad about mistakes and bad choices I made in life, then I remember I'm not Raul.
I genuinely do not care what you think
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>tried to co-op a dragon that cucked him for Alear and Alcryst in the gacha
Bit of a weird thing to say
I need this general to go back the way it was before the /feh/ merge
Too bad. You left, now it's ours.
>before the merge
So the way it is now?
>back to the way it was
There's no going back, Etika's dead, bro...
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*Pees on her feet*
Honestly it's his fault for being obnoxious with a trip. Anyone can just go back and see how he abandoned his waifu tharja and became a lolcow once Fjorm was made to be for (You) and not Alfonse.
I want to hug Eitri and give her head pats
>ancient king has ugly troll hair and an incomplete kit
>evil giant leader has terrible clown makeup
>other two slots are for Reginn and Dagr, so we don't get to see giantmom or ancient Eitri
>no room for mythic Fafnir
I like Reginn, but her TT is shaping up to be mid as the kids say.
It's still better than Fjorm's, and we might get a dual banner at some point like Peony/Triandra got.
But yeah, this plot sucks and the new OC designs were lacking. At least Reginn's is great, even if she loses her cleavage window.
Ngl. In the past I had beef with Berukafag. Back then I told him I’d send him a gun to shoot himself with and he told me to test it on myself to make sure it works first

Witty little esl fucker. I’d take him over what he have now
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The thread has its moments.
If that happens, she better be ready for putting out way more than the average amount of children.
are you capable of being a good father to a more than average amount of children?
Eh. I’ll give the spic a pass here. Colornigger was a faggot and got humbled by Silasfag of all people.
>Silasfag, Berukafag, Feliciafag, Windam and ZigTotalWar
I miss the old guard….
>replies to a pick of samefagging with more samefagging
This. The spic is absolutely malding and trying to falseflag now. Imagine being this much of a loser (capital L
Don’t mention silasfaggot please you may summon him. Now that we’re merged he’ll be able to Basilio two generals with one post
>he's barely been mentioned at all anymore
>suddenly "comes up" several times this thread
I expect another spam of blogposts in about 30 minutes.
I'll be there to always love and give them as much as I can!
All the Fates schizos were based
Too bad we only kept the Awakening schizos like Nowifag, Tharjafag and Ray
Colornigger, get over it already he’s gone. You’ll never get that W back
Even the black ones?! Yo do know Fjorm regularly visits Muspell, right? Her new flame womb tattoo? That is sealing magic, ensuring her womb will be perpetually impregnated by strong Muspellian men and any “weak” Askirian seed will be melted away
Fjorm's TT was cool in theory because you got to see the founding gods of Nifl and Muspell duke it out. Unfortunately it amounted to literally nothing other than curing Fjorm's cancer so she can hang out in the Askr library some more.

Literally the only thing people wanted to see for Reginn's TT was OG Eitri and Garm Reginn and IS failed to deliver on both fronts.

The continued failure of Book 8.
I think we'll still see Sindri in November or so. But if they really did make Sindri a male, I'd rather he just not show up. I'm tired of male OCs.
Yaba Dabadoo!
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Your favorite FE boy?
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Seliph, of course.

The refine he got could have been better.
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>+10 Emblem Ike
>Marth engage
>Laguz Friend still equipped
But why??
It works against 99% of teams so why not?
Is Marth engage so good it’s worth removing Laguz Friend for?
Was, is, always will be Sain
Incredibly low literacy levels
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I want to smooch that tum
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Why do they do this? Genuinely, why ruin a thread like this?
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>caring about book 5 slop
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Because they can. The mods won't do jack shit. Hell, they might warn/ban the people who try to report this shit.
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i love fjorm and i'm tired of pretending that i don't. i want her to have more alts and i'm glad when she takes an alt from some completely irrelevant nothing character that only homos and women like. i hope it keeps happening.
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I love Shamir
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You meant to say Shamirfag.
Tharja was pumped and dumped.
Thrown to the wayside.
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Adult/Past Sothis when
>Colorn*gg** was a faggot
The web of lies that you Discord niggas weave.
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He never even commissioned her with their babies together, that’s how little she meant to him after all this time. Just a cum dumpster.
Understandable, Tharja is shit.
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Should I give my Brave Chrom Flow Guard or Flow Desperation?
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>All the characters with Deadly Miasma are female
Imagine the smell...
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Aww look who can't say NIGGER
Ketes make me happy
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Shut the FUCK UP
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Flow Desperation
You know it's kinda fucked up they didn't give him tempo
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No. (You) shut the fuck up, soon-to-be GullveigAnon.
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Atk/Spd Link 4
Anon you look at my taste in FE woman and you really think I'd be into Gullveig? She's ugly as shit, as is Seidr, as is Kvasir, as is Heidr.
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Then what do I run in the C slot then? I have Alarm right now.
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Nigger she's literally most of the things you head-canon on to that dollar store Ada Wong slag you've been autistically screaming about for the last few years. I can put my money on it with confidence you would have been all over her if not for this one scene in the Book 7 trailer.
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I hate how this shit is constantly praised. The spic may be fag but this French wrist slitting nigger seething over gays isn’t? Like lmao why is this cuck so mad about gays, I’d sooner trust a faggot over someone so vile and predujiced
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>You know it's kinda fucked up they didn't give him tempo
True. I genuinely thought he'd get it, but nope.
Shut the fuck up faggot nobody respects you disgusting degenerates
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Incite or wait for the next busted cav C slot with a bonus. Surely you have a support unit that can outsource you the defensive stat bonuses if you care about them that much since there's no Incite Def/Res. Spd smoke 4 is also possible I guess but kind of sucks, same with atk and def/res smoke. Incite seems ideal
Do you think Fjorm would be popular if they made her turn into a villain?
I don't know, but she should gain weight so that she has Gunnthra's proportions.
Hmm... I do have a Spare Kvasir I can fodder...
Kek just remembered Fallen was always a top five banner until Veyle crashed it outside of the top 15
He genuinely has enough busted effects and can just copy it from some visible tempo bonus giver in the future
Another thing they could have changed his special charges to special jumping depending on the amount of bonuses he has.
These CYL refines felt very uninspired
Typical Engage effect.
>dollar store Ada Wong

Also like I already said, Gullveig is ugly as shit, so even if she was well written I still wouldn't like her
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Uh oh. Don't show Raul.
Who's Gos?
>These CYL refines felt very uninspired
There's also typos in them kek. They were totally just phoned in last minute
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Don't get cocky
What is this, her first win out of like 5 gauntlet appearances. And she wasn't even dominating against Bernie the entire time? Pretty pathetic showings for a supposed popular character.
>There's also typos in them kek.
That reminds me I joined Bernashitta to cuck Gullshit again
currently playing path of radiance for the first time, Titania's so awesome
>tat massive spending spike
They might have just fucked themselves with that. It was alternating quite nicely, and would have had them as Weaker for the final hour.
don't tell the beanie baby that alfonse has been in 11 gauntlets and lost all of them
that's a lie thoughever
Can’t stop thinking about anal sex with Fjorm.
Voting Gauntlet BIGGEST LOSERS Update:
Edelgard: 10
Chrom: 8
Alfonse: 7 -> 8
Takumi: 7
Eirika: 6
Hector: 6
Laevateinn: 6
FRobin: 5 -> 6

>5 appearances, 5 losses
Xander: 5
Claude: 5
Marth: 5
Celica: 5
Catria: 5

>4 appearances, 4 losses
Minerva: 4
ATiki: 4
Gullveig: 4
YTiki: 4
MCorrin: 4
Duma: 4
Lysithea: 4
Hardin: 4
Laegjarn: 4
FAlear: 4

A biggest losers gauntlet would consist of Edelgard, Alfonse, Chrom, Takumi, Eirika, Hector, Laevateinn and Female Robin
He's so desperate to make it seem like Gullbitch isn't a loser lmao
I don't care if Alfonse wins or loses THOUGH?

But Gullshit has been in like 5 gauntlets in less than a year and has lost 4 of them so far.
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HAG Thread, yes?
She is much cuter than any kete I ever seen (besides Veyle).
Fjorm WILL WIN a spot on the CYL9 banner. Engayge will be shut out again KEKKADOODLEDOO
Why does Gullveig make him so mad?
It's been like what two years already get over it and move on.
abysmally dog shit taste
I went and checked the JP twitter trailer, and even they had comments like that.
Reginn is here.
So what was the point of Eitri's "I'll be back" rant if he's not going to show up in the TT
I can believe Engayge flopping to the bottom of the cyl rankings but fjorm isnt winning shit she can't even sell this banner, which will flop
>Have none of the units who got refines
Who's supposed to be next?
>fjorm isnt winning shit
Fjorm won a long time ago.
You just haven't realized it yet.
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>Why does Gullveig make him so mad?
>pointing out a character has lost every gauntlet she's been in so far is being mad
Man Gulltards are stupid
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Would ISIS really rig CYL9 for Fjorm? She's not even listed as being among the top 20 girls. The amount of eyebrows that would be raised from Fjorm winning CYL9 out of nowhere would be astronomical.
Based, have fun, anon! Titania stays good
I’m honestly surprised hasn’t won yet. She’s the main love interest after all.
The main love interest got 1st last year.
ten words or less, freak
Spic hate Kiran, Gullveig like Kiran, Spic hate Gullveig
Azura is going to beat Yunaka and Ivy next CYL, screencap this now. People underestimate the decline a game has after its first CYL event.
That was the past. Let's deal with the present.
You are being spiteful towards her and you damn well know it. Rise above the hate. It's time to let go.
Why is Dedue a grail unit now
Reminder that both Fjorm and Seidr get to watch the summoner support his actual FE favorite girl.
she's cute.
Because ISIS unironically thought that Clanne would be a banner seller.
>tripfag spends years saying that Kiran is cringe
He is, or more specifically, Kirantards are cringe

>as such, he sends home any unit that likes Kiran
Retarded take, I send home any unit that isn't one of my favorites. My barracks is still sub 50 right

>but he also likes big titted evil women
No I don't? If I did, I would like Ursula.

>he has to hate Gullveig, despite her being his type
She's not my type though? She's ugly as fuck.

>Gullveig is just an upgraded Tharja
So Gulltards are basically admitting all they see her as is sex appeal?

>several /feh/ posters DO max out Brave Gullveig
Yeah surprise the alt they had months to save for and get a free copy of is +10'd
>including Kvasir and Seidr
>they do it too
Except that part is wrong, only one person here has actually +10'd all versions of her but they also don't have the emblems

Gulltards meanwhile have no commissions, they don't even like their waifu beyond being coomers, and they deluded themselves into thinking people care about Shitdr or Kvaboring and thought she'd get top 20 in CyL(she ranked lower than Fjorm)
Which one schlicks to it?
They eat each other out.
Summoner Duels Favor scores for Shamir?
Azura has always been botted. If she wins it won’t be a legitimate victory.
They're basically stuck like this while Kiran fucks his other wives.
When FEH hit EoS nobody will care about the score of a shitty game mode that people auto battle, but I'll still have my commissions while all Gulltards will have is "show her the world" empty bullshit
CLAP! 500 points!
And you won't get back all the thousands you spent on +10'ing Emblems KEKAROOOOO
Still seething.
Th meltdown later tonight is going to be colossal.
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>"When FEH hit EoS nobody will care about the score of a shitty game mode that people auto battle"
But... then why all the whining about Voting Gauntlet losses?
Will people care about those after EoS?
Snek thread, yes?
>that CorrinxFelicia/Flora dude gets triggered by the mere mention of Jakob and Kiran
>says Kiran doesn't count because it's (You) and not Corrin and feels like NTR
I didn't ask so why are you telling me this?
It somewhat explains anomalies like the tripfag.
Again, who asked?
Actually I'm currently busy looking for artists to commission, something Gulltards know nothing about

Who exactly is whining? This literally all started because one of you retards decided to instigate>>493323913
Literally all I did was point out that Gullveig is gonna be 1 for 5 if she wins this and that happened to trigger all you idiots into screeching that I'm triggered
>CYL9 could look like this if Engage fails to get a single winner again
My hobby is trivia nobody cares about.
What? You literally claim every gull fanart is a commission. Are you now saying they're not?
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Bernashitta will lose
>Why are you telling ME this
This is a Anonymous public forum nigga, nobody is talking to you in particular
kek he really didn't think that one through.
I don't give a shit so put a cork in it
So are you dumping flags for Bernie in an hour?
Chiki updated the trailer
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Didn't ask stupid head
*does a dance*
When will we see Ei-tan?

New Thread
I got a new game today
Chiki already made one so we're using that
Don't wanna
Bernie will win.
Fjorm will win.
Anal aficionados will win.
Gullveig will lose.
File: Gullveig Sip.png (134 KB, 269x315)
134 KB
134 KB PNG
Clearly you are on the wrong side of history.
it's a bit foolish to jump to conclusions.
Being forced onto banners by Maeda while everyone else wants him to stop isn't winning

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