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Previous Thread: >>493176607

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 16 | New Coalition Unit: Alina - Narciss
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Aug. 15 - Sep. 12 | New Coalition Unit: Gager (VWV Model)
[Current] Aug. 29 - Sep. 12 | Theater Season 13 (MTR: L9A1)

[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | New Major Event: [Singularity Immemorial]
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | External Search - [Seeking Stars] (Xinghuan)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]
More:https://pastebin.com/tku9zdRz (embed)

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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sprites https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=neuralcloud&no=424051
cgs https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=neuralcloud&no=424054
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lovely sol....
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How long is her revival gonna be this time?
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I'm bored, so I'm gonna make some webms of previous Live2Ds
>I don't want pandering in my game
gfg really is gay, huh?
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Long may the Sun shine
lunasia and klukai already did that, who's the next character pandering for (You)s?
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No im just not a person who needs a .png to tell me she loves me.
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But does she revive as normal or we get ANOTHER alter as Entropic?
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no way theyre gonna give us three cats.
>"I need girls to always be pandering about me! If I am not the focus then its the same as NTR"
Self-insert fags need to die, good think SKK has a confirmed look now
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>first thing in the event is a quote from Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>lunasia and klukai already did that,
That's not enough I want them all

>who's the next character pandering for (You)s
The next doll who gets released
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now, now, the real question is, does persica have a plot device like what sol has with her necklace containing grass in a tiny tube?
Then why are you playing a gambling anime girl png collection p2w game?
>sudden NTR mention
I think its either the nga guy or more likely since he isnt having a mental breakdown someone larping as him
That is not how self insertion works, retard.
God the bunnysuits are so shit, they're as bad as race queen outfits
>>"I need girls to always be pandering about me! If I am not the focus then its the same as NTR"
No one mentioned NTR except for you, retard

>good think SKK has a confirmed look now
Why would you think that would stop anyone?
Other games have Cannon looking MCs and that stops nothing?
curious how good or bad that book is?
Never understood the unhealthy obsession with NTR
Literaly cause the setting and plot are fun to me, YZ schizophrenia-and-daydreams induced worldbuilding has every single trait of the stories i like, and after a couple years in these games the only thing I am interested in is total William death
'ate pandering
'ate lewds
'ate coom outfits
>Plays gacha games only for the story
Holy retardation
>nooo you must be brainless coomer and not enjoy the story
holy retardation
These are the only gacha i play. I play them despite the gacha part
I like the way Girls' Frontline does the pandering moreso than other gachas
>main story is serious, The Commander is the main character
>small instances of clear affection from Dolls when appropriate during the main story
>keeps all the romance stuff locked to costumes and side event stuff
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I love this argument of basically you can only enjoy one thing and not the other thing.
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What a gay homosexual hour
I'll wake up when straights are in the thread.
Retard. I like the story but if I'm paying to collect anime girls there needs to be pandering.
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They did put emphasis on that and her sword being all that was left so I'm guessing it'll be relevant. Though if it's true, it also means nobody else can be saved since I don't remember such items for Hubble or Persicaria.
>>keeps all the romance stuff locked to costumes and side event stuff
Until Lunasia came in and broke the serious tone of the main story
Just average snogger beha/v/ior.
>snogger mentioned out of no where
>there needs to be pandering.
Genuinely why? I dont get this mentality, it feels really fake to me
This all started because I said I wanted more pandering, and some anon took offence and brought up NTR for some reason.
I think thats fine and makes sense where it is placed in the story, Machlian felt more pandering honestly but due to how rare it felt to have stuff like that take precedent in the main plot I gave it a pass and I give Lunasia a pass too
>no one mentioned it in this thread
>that means context from past cases don't apply
Why else would I pay money for cute anime girls?
Pandering Hate!
Grossa Hate!
Yuri Love!
I guess since i dont pay i dont care about it. But you do you i guess
What?! You hate the story then?!
Hello /snowg/
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W-What is doter doing?
Kill yourself y/u/ritroon
I haven't played in years, I just jack off to pretty dolls and put pieces together of what I read here and then make up my own headcanon that I regurgitate as actual canon
Would you still play it if it was only yaoi males?
Why should the devs care about your opinion if you are a f2p leech?
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GF2 pre-reg when
don't you comm cute art of your dorwife?
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Mankind survive and evolve through pattern recognition >>493239749
IF the main plot and setting were the exact same yes.
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Do you like strawberry shortcake or tea?
I'm genuinely sorry about making that post now.
I only desired SKKJ expressing a bit extra concern when sending someone off, or sounding less impersonal when he loses a doll if they were oathed. That's really all I wished for, but I know it can't be done.
Hopefully not too bloody long.
The fairy you just can't get enough of!
I think you are lying.
Two more weeks
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We have autism
Your "context" had nothing to do with the current except what YOU thought was appropriate. It was in your own head. How does "I want more pandering" equal "Everything is NTR" you schizo
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I barely even cared.
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Can I not have both?
GF2 preg when
As long as there's no official fag pandering, since such a premise will unfortunately attract fags and fujos only interested in shipping.
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Both of these were me btw, goodnight /gfg/ MWAHAHAHA
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LTLX Live2D model doko
Don't bother trying to deflect it,
"people" who actively demand more pandering are the same one who see everything else as NTR. This is just a fact.
why is this meme so used over there what the fuck
Vepley did it
Jiangyu did it
Now tommy too
It's in more games than 99% of gf1 dolls
Homos are getting uppity
Oh you were baiting. I should have known.
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TL doko?
Imagine my surprise when the geriatric general has a relevant amount of people that dont care about pandering like a bunch of teens. Why are you guys surprised again?
Pandering is only ok when I like it and if I deem it is too much then my opinion matters more because I spend the most money
>be doll
>my commander is into cucking
Too bad for you, it meant cuckqueen.
There's something about her eyes. It's like they both look dead but also vibrant.
Those that don't care about pandering are less likely to not spend money on skins or other stuff so they don't matter
Half the posts in this general definitely feel organic and definitely dont feel like a raid at all at this hour btw
A huntress who has plenty of experience hunting ELIDs, but as a result became an ice queen who people can't along with, so she ended up at G&K
>the only thing that matters is the company rakes in as much revenue as possible
Yep, recognizable snogger behavior.
Very good
Truly living up to the gay fag general name
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is this the meltdown? what a letdown, i was promised forced marriage is feminist mk.2
Family Friday soon, post Lennas
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Hes rangbanned apparently so he's probably tired after finally finding a way to get back on here so we pay attention to him, nothing came out of his important date btw
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Imagine the smell
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as expected
How many unread messages did she send to SKK? how many did she delete?
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>Savior of GF2
All you need, baby
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She was always a canon wife btw, one of my many since SKK oathed multiple Dolls
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Why is clunky even popular she's a jobber and has no personality.
I have no idea.
>Has no taste
Your feeble mind will never understand
She had a pretty unique design early on and was different than 45 and 9, CT gave her her moment to shine and CT for 416 was better storytelling than 45 and Deep Dive
I prefer a cold coffee without sugar and ice cubes, please.
tldr for the past 4/5 threads?
I wonder why?
>has a relevant amount of people that don't care about pandering
lol lmao
Clunkers probably won't even like you irl
Duh, she likes The Commander
You do realize that Robin tried hard to save Machlian as a tool to help him cure his precious logistic officer Kalina?
EOS for PNC soon (real)
The closure of asylums was a disaster for the Human Race.
She would
to be fair, who wouldn't ?(yes homo)
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I'm going to surprise you, but they are not real
SKK seems like a cool bro to get drinks with the way hes interacted with K and J he probably would have been a cool bro with Light as well
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Need more interactions with skk and the dudes (no dolls allowed)
Also cant forget when he sat down and had a drink with Batou during the GITS collab which was easily my favorite part of that story
SOP would like me because I would take her for walks and feed her
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We'll finally give Gelatin that KJ correction that she needs. I'm sorry.
Feels bad to be born so many decades or even centuries before dolls being real.
But at the same time, there's no guarantee the future ones would be as adorable as our dorks.
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Chayka on the 9th page!
How the fuck do you fill up these threads so fast? I better see GF2 prereg date in the last thread when I'm backreading.
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>GITS collab
>not having SKK vs virtualSKK mirror fight as the best part of the event then shooting himself to confront Shimamura
>playing a VN for the VN part is... le bad
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The collab feels like a prototype to Angular Gyrus or something
The most boring featureless girl is always popular with the NPC masses.
Just like how Ann is the most popular Persona 5 girl, despite being easily the worst female cast member to anyone with an IQ above the 80s.
I will greatly bully this dork when the sequel releases
Post the screenshot of SKKs winged hair daughter stating she doesnt want Vepley, she wants Colphne
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I don't know if anyone told you this, but instead of putting images through shitty websites made to create versions of gifs, why don't you edit it all yourself?
This glitch gif, the various vepleys, make them yourself next time instead of funneling them through 3rd party shit.
LMAO this nigger trying to say futaba is worse than anyone
Okay you got me, I forgot about Futaba
Futaba is indeed the worst
Ann is close second
The face could use some work and the torso could look a little bigger but holy fuck that ass and those thighs
I don't know about that Makoto is easily worse than Ann. At least Ann has a personality Makoto just exists and has the most bland personality.
I knew we had a tourist problem but holy shit. Devil survivor 1 is better you plebeians
Even that is wrong.
Haru is a who until the spinoff action game since it takes to olnog to get to her, and unlike Futaba, doesn't get an entire palace to explain her.
And makoto is not the darling you think she is.
I don't think you know what tourist means
I've been here since beta and my UID is lower than yours
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Post em
The only SMT/Persona game I ever played was ERAMETAGEN
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>Not SJ
I like DS1 as well as Persona I have 100% clear of both DS games on the 3ds, You can't beat that.
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I'm not dorxing myself but here's my brownoid with her top 5% scope
Sj endings are kind of ass, shame cause i love the rest of the game. DeSu sticking the landing(s) (minus atsubro wtf was that) puts it above SJ for me
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Only neutral matters and you know it.
>I am a day 1 player
>Which means I can talk about games that isn't GF
You do know AW permaranking dropped a month or two ago, right?
I don't believe you
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I haven't looked at it since I have no reason to, but surely you can't get the AK skin from it?
You can get the top scope from the permaranking but not the skin
For DarkStar in her 5th relationship line she asks about a telescope you're holding onto, and then remembers it's her old one. Persikot probably has something around too, maybe her medic bracelet that she discarded when she took up Sol's sword.
But we're jumping to conclusions. Need to know what happens in the actual event first and how if at all the little herb does do something.
>Mother(Lunasia) have schizophrenia
>Father(SKK) have PTSD
what kind of mental illness their offspring will have?
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Just woke up and saw the news and SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH Malkira
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Lads, I think I can believe in love and hope again.
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Again, I need to fondle and rim this darling
way to out yourself as the secondary retarded tourist
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New Vepley
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GOOD GOOD Hokor, I'm glad you understand we don't need that piss shit of Grossa, there is a new doomer in the house
Twin Suns...What the fuck is going on?
its analgram for two hopes
Don't mind if I do.
I want to be sandwiched between Sol and Black Hole Sol
Ever hear of binary systems?
Hubble Oath story or Edgy Sol voicelines
oath story oughta shorter than character voicelines
I should have asked this way earlier but what's the best way to explore GZ? Do all the high value nodes then reset or rush the boss and reset?
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The Obersteins
Not even once
always rush to the boss, sweep the tower thrice, then reset
rinse and repeat it, i usually do gz once or twice a day
post inferno sol's translated lines
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Oberstien was the realest character in the show
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Painted nails!!!
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Poor dork... she needs a hug
you pointing out to the wrong hand, doroo
Wrong, It's Sol
>The Professor’s desk is filled with sweets. Huh, what’s this? Valentine’s gifts? Wow, Valentine’s Day is pretty nice. Can I eat this sword-shaped chocolate? Eh, you made it for me? Thank you. In return, this flame shall burn even more- E-Eh? The chocolate melted!
Dumb bitch as always
So indifferent of other people's feelings she won't notice or care that I'm just staring at her stomach and underboobs
You can't possibly tell me this isn't Sol.
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you can take the soul out of a dork but you can't take the dork out of Sol.
>E-Eh? The chocolate melted!
Why are my dolls so retarded... it's like how cats that take on their owner's personality
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Here's the Thief gacha DSR Live2D
As expected from her
Unhand me, THOT!
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You don't have a choice
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It is (you)r punishment
so that Persicaria moment
seems like she took over the Entropics....took control of them from malkira
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What's with this DSR-50 being related to Luffberry? Where does it come from?
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Lurk moar newfag
You've been saying its going to be big for the past year now
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ok Tranny, it's 6th already
You are a certified cuck and a transmaster now
the mica situation just got worse
mica is desperately trying to hide this
the new mica allegations are disgusting
yuzhong just destroyed his career
the worst mica allegations yet
>Imoko in the preview
Yes it got worse
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Deaths only have meaning if they're permanent.
Bringing them back for cheap thrills/money ruins any point in having them die in the first place.
Yeah yeah okay bakery girl
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The youtube clickbait title-esque phrasing was amusing
I can't believe I agree with a Jefooty poster
This but also with characters you just meet, having Them die in the same event is just pathetic and I feel nothing for them
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Bless me Family, and I shall hydrate in your name.
How is it that they have 7~ years of Live2D and their work is still subpar?
Is that the best you could do? One link?
The game is old
no u see, the tranny's cockmuncher has MASSIVE LEAKS, it will IMPACT THE GLOBAL RELEASE for SURE THIS TIME
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Nyto bless
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>SAPD's entropy buffs were justified in the story
Asian Kojimbo...
That is no excuse. Some of their Live2Ds are good but they can be counted on a singular hand
u-um family? th-that's not water?
small indie company please understan
I am conflicted.
In a narrative context I do agree, although it's nowhere as bad as say in comics where it happens every other week. In a personal context, I just want the girls to be alive and happy against the odds of the gloom world setting.
>goddess that turns back time
Yep totally
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But right now there is only ONE thing in my mind
Where is Croque?
The Live2D viewer that's recorded on is janky as fuck.
Bringing back someone works if there's a context behind it. We haven't gotten the story yet, so we don't know what the hell is up.
just this?
Strictly using death as a consequence is not only boring but uncreative. Especially when you're dealing with a backup server.
>conveniently forgets his avatar turning back in time to reverse deaths
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so there is timeline where SKK is Paradeus commander?
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Why did you already forgetting about me?
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Must DIE.
Do not forget.
I only want M4, not Lunasia.
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That would be an interesting story for a very specific timeline
The more I stare at this gif the faster it seems to go.
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I'm not a secondary, or a tourist. I am, however, a newfag.
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This slut wasn't this big, goddamn it this dorks wasting operands in their boobs
what if Yegorson get brainwashed like Mason
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>best friend
trust no one but yourself!!!
Who could understand you better than yourself
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You actually looked. No, that came after the memes. Anons were joked that DSR wasn't nearly as horny as she looked and just wanted to play chess but you kept taking it the wrong way
Sol can love and protect everyone, because she loves herself.
But she is THAT big
Dolls weak to rimming?
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fuck off retard
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>A belgian
But didn't we go to Avernus? And the dolls were walking outside with protective gear. Granted, they mentioned they still felt the radiation creeping inside, but they managed.
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>Evil clone of you on the opposite side
>Acts almost like you and the both of you get along great when not forced to fight eachother
I love this trope.
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Look at her go!
luv sopsticks
Belgians and anal stimulation.
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Vaginal mating press.
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I miss glowstick poster
Hell, how many anons we lost after all these years?
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huh, a bigger update for RC
a patch or DLCs?
When was the last type Type-97 got rerun in PNC? Also... how do I reset my proficiency tree thing.
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Caztizo futurism.
we have a gunsmith anon posting back in /gfg/ early days, but no one give a damn
I know an anon from /gfg/ was responsible for the engraving portion of my AK-12 build.
You might lose another one, but no one will know or remember me. Depends on how well therapy goes
AK-12's smug footjobs..
RIP Paul Harrell
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Never give up anon, we might not know who you are or know if you leave, but never give up on yourself
Presumably they meant long term survival. An operation lasting a few hours should still be feasible with the highest level protection.
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It's the same way as being a liquidator in a nuclear catastrophe.
Remember these three words: Time, Distance, and Shielding. These three will make the difference between dying from radiation poisoning or being mildly disturbed.
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Anyone got the Mech/Tank weapon tierlist? I offer this cute Beepo in return
PNC hours are the fucking worst part of the general
Jews will save /gfg/
>three words
protect your balls
i miss greenstripe anon
The fuck are PNC hours retard?
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Your words are appreciated, anon. Have a tummy.
Single mother tummy
They probably made a huge effort to avoid the most irradiated areas as well, which probably isn't too hard considering that there are radiation so thick that their optical sensors mistake those for moving entities.
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How could you family. I sacrifice my water bottle for you, and you return the favour like this?
Look what you've done, family. Now I'm losing hydration, in the form of tears.
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Remember those old 60s videos where they advertised the best thing against nuclear bombs was to hide in a corner and lie down?

I accept your G11 and provide you many.
Don't become a failed timeline anon
Thank you, this helped
Does GF2 have a release date for global/EN?
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who are the others?
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Do you see a date in the OP?
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I just want to play game bro...
Both of the games I play have to deal with angry chinks spamming on the daily because 4chinks has no moderation and it reminded me to check on GF2 development since that is THE angry chink game
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Huh what's going on in PNC CN now?
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the rest of oasis dolls, croque, antonina, persi
also lmfao
Cluck has her own team in the story, full of the dolls from gf1
PNC proving once again that nothing matters.
SEAniggers do be like that.
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Well sorry for you, but the game is not released in EN yet, comeback the 8 and maybe, jus MAYBE, you will see a per-registration without release date ofc
is... is veply dry humping him?
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Clucky's event has part 2 which is still not dropped yet, right? I do have something I worry about, that is if the event has no ED song like in PNC instead of GF1.
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i approve
How did 416 hide that she was such an anal slut for so long?

some small spoilers from the leaker, SKK/416 reuniting
But Le dark and hope story!
I sleep
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M-maybe they can save it for the anniv which will be the real REAL major event on par with GF1's Singularity, for more impact.
Absolute KINO
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Do you think they put all the SF dolls in the same scrapyard or do I have to go around and collect them from different places?
pull point
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My friend list is half empty and of those remaining, most are ghosts of a /gfg/ long past.
Please (re-)add me!
>well into September 5th
>all the ngaschizo could cough up is some single link with Chinese schizophrenia
>not even mentioning the 416 cuckshit anymore
Is this an admission of defeat?
What comes to mind when you see this image?
it's 6th in CN already so ye
his vacation ended
September 1st was 4 days ago now.
bitch is wearing shoes on the bed
Why do you keep giving him attention? Just ignore and report, it seems that every general is starting to nurture their own eceleb spammer and for some reason retards keep replying to it like if it was planned or something, at this point I'm starting to think that the ngafag is replying to himself with 10 different phones
we defeated NGA by doing nothing?
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Welcome back anon.
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17 more minutes to 6th technically.
>is developing
4chan has been a site for reddit, twitter, nga, and basically every other community out there to come here and seethe or shit up the place. Discussion is mostly dead on this site as a whole and all you get is drama, trolling or hornyposting
>10 years apart
>this is her first reaction after bwehing
She is truly all I need.
I take laughing at the resident clown over the usual garbage.
holy shit 416 turns me on so much
More entertaining than the usual rimposting slop or whatever other faggoty ritual posting
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This place has always had an obsession with giving attentionwhores and avatarfags attention
Cunning linguist
>it's klunky
>why are you laughing
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Wish there was art of SKK squishing 15's cheeks while she stares blankly as if asking what's the point of the action.
ribbon cute
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Dolls are doing it on purpose so they get corrected by SKK
Why do you keep giving 493265564 attention? Just ignore and report, it seems that every general is starting to nurture their own eceleb spammer and for some reason retards keep replying to it like if it was planned or something, at this point I'm starting to think that the 493265564fag is replying to himself with 10 different phones
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meant for
actually all of them are my other personality, there only 3 real anon in /gfg/
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Just two more weeks
416 revealing she found a way to get pregnant
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Do dolls clean after themselves after you cum inside them?
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Place your bets
>getting closer to November
>Dems say they will do it for real this time
4 more to STAR's killstreak
10 years of dodging alimony
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STAR is super popular
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My shining star!
>not cleaning them up yourself only to have them go bashful with "I can do it myself!"
AR-15 doujin was gold.
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My heart can't handle this
Seaniggers and /v/tards love dramaposting, and more of them will come the more gf2 news comes out for EN.
Which politician got shot this time?
No it was some little nytos this time
I trust he'll deliver in a few hours
4 dead and 9 injured iirc
Made for brother-sister incest
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Whatever unconstitutional laws they manage to pass need to actually be enforced by elected sheriffs. 99% of sheriffs won't enforce this. The war on drugs was an abysmal failure, and a war on Stur would be even worse.
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They will never get a filibuster proof majority in the senate to pass anything, and then if they did it would get ruled unconstitutional in the courts.
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Mp40, cease this! We don't need anymore children. Eight is enough.
>The war on drugs was an abysmal failure
not least because the government didn't actually want it to succeed lmao
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I, for once, welcome the rise of Kraut artwork and lewds with the recent 416 skin and mp40
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Had a year and that morning's heads up.
So task failed successfully
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Same with guncrime. Fear of guns can get a "person" elected, so why would they want to get rid of that? They need to carefully feed that fear every now and then to get that percentage of the population to vote for them.
Its even better considering the dude who did this shooting WAS on the FBI watchlist.
you know that fear of gun would make people arm themselves too
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Meanwhile in my country: Civilians must not have guns becase criminals will end up using those
Reality: Most of crime have black market guns involved
false flag as per usual
That's a lot of countries
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Everyone knows criminals follow laws just like law abiding citizens, silly. Criminals probably didn't know about those laws, so they just need to make more.
I'm glad you arrested that criminal bitch
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And the Sol is a EX unit, expected but damn, she also buffs her own team, so this is also a nice buff for a pyro team
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what the fuck that's MY vepley gif I made
fucking hokunt stop lurking and do your job
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new vepley just dropped
It gets bigger and bigger and doesn't stop growing WHAT EVIL MAGIC
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Snap! that's going in my skk collection!
Which of the Coalition Unit resources is the best to stockpile? I'm new to the mechanic but have a returning player x3 bonus so I want to make the best of it.
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>community manager partakes in community happenings
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I just woke up, did the NGAfag finally deliver?
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Every minute he spends lurking /gfg/ for spicy memes is one less minute he spends working on global
what country are you in though because some places actually do seem to have a pretty tight lid on things all things considered
no, he only has a random tieba link of something else to offer
Full size image if anyone wants it.
He seems to have realized his mistake that Aphelion part 2 doesn't release for another week and his schizo delusions were actually about Gloaming Finale.
Yes, he deliver DISAPPOINTMENT, he truly has no worth not even as a lolcow
of course not
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how does she not get embarrassed?
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she's not programmed that way
hokor, these bosses look too hard and they all use multiple premium 3* dolls. I think they need to be nerfed so it would be easier for everyone to get the rewards.
red data
i still dont get why we don't use hinds. also I wonder what everyone else uses when they spawn at heliports. i guess paradeus uses those little hover things from avernus but there's no way those can fit the big guys
>croquette kot and sol make a great team
>antonina and simo aren't pyro
Antonina pyro alter soon
there is some deeper meaning to the main Oasis team now being fire based but I can't puzzle it out.
antonina pyro medic alt soon
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Operands have no set look? It can take any form, right?
>the entire team will be entropic alters fighting entropy by the end of the story
Petri dishes then basic data. Petri dishes will bottleneck you enhancing units, and for data it might be tempting to stock up on advanced data but most of the time you want to get as many of your units' skills going to 7/10 or 3/5 for minimum operational efficiency, rather than going all in just for a few small percentages on the last few levels.
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Doll for this feel?
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It means You're gonna burn all right
>endgame content for a few extra rolls and purple cores demands endgame rosters
imagine my shock
Operands are just a representation of the allocation of computing power in the server. IRL an operand is a number that is operated on in an equation, so in [1 + 2 = 3], 1 and 2 are operands. Which is why you hear them being measured in usual computing power terms (teraflops per second) in Cyclopes for example. Which is why they are a macguffin that do everything and anything, because they ARE everything. In a world where ones and zeros comprise everything, numbers are power.
Probably because G&K is primarily a ground deployment force and utility helicopters like the Blackhawk/CH-47 are more useful in that role than the Hind, which is too specialized for ground attack and has poor carrying capacity for its weight class
Thank you.
>m1911 mod
Fucking secondaries I swear
He most likely got it from the discord rats infesting this place and reposting everything there.
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F2Ps aren't even human
I see. I had small doodle in mind with that scene, where Sol plugs to herself Operand cable or something for boost and I wondered about how to draw surge of power effect.
Oh so now you like GF1 and their drop/recipe/roll system, uh!?
Which equipment should I be producing as a newer player?
If you want a pantyless darling you're going have wait for another I have in line.
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So what's going to happen to Vepley posting once global for GF2 finally comes out? Will it just disappear? What else can you Vepley post about? Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss it...
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Always did
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>once global for GF2 finally comes out
For a visual representation maybe something like the classic Matrix falling stream of characters since that is also an abstract representation of colossal amounts of data.
Thank you
I'll hold you to that
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Kraut ass sells
Scorched earth?
>they sat on this for over a fucking year
Why do they hate me
Antonshit isn't pyrolapse
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I still don't like this from a story perspective, but my heart just melts looking at this picture.
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You just need to advertise it properly and it will sell like hotcakes
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103 rolls with a spook by vanilla Hubble was kinda nasty after having to reach 180 on the choice banner just for 2 dolls, but at least now I can recover my stockpile.
Not really. It feels like I'm eating a cake sandwich
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Also if anybody missed Banxsy's tentacle rape during the collab you'll get a second try during GF.
I don't have Banxsy in general
2 more weeks
What happens if you already have it? You get nothing for that tier?
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I was thinking of something else, but that can be incorporated too.
I can't believe PNC is dead.
what's real is that you are a tranny
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You can only get a voucher that can be used to get 50 skin tokens or 1 oath.
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I forgot it was an election year
>Feds knew this guy was making threats, had him on a watchlist, and even interrogated him last year
Huh, that's better than what I was expecting.
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Every time.
Also, these drama trannies are obsessed with “overseas release” and are desperate to ruin it, somehow.
>She's actually not flat
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>but it IS real troons
We need to kill Solfags
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>uhh... the leaker got stomachache, he can't come!
>uhh... he dropped the leak file on the way here!!
What's the next excuse?
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
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So what you are saying is this leak never actually existed and he needs more time to make shit up even though he had like a week to do this beforehand.
pretty much
now he's also pissing his pants because xer's troonfriend got caugt by the police
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>he thinks some deranged schizo like this would be dissuaded by being ignored
You can filter NGA links easily.
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Does he really think that I'm gonna click that and read a chinchong forum?
Wait, Rocket isn't completely useless anymore? What happened?
I also saw that Shield got a nice buff.
>xhe started copy pasting
Blood pressure status?
Funny that they started shitting on futaba too
uhh bros, I don't think it's refutable...
>High Quality gacha for straight men
This might be the gayest shit I've read so far.
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Wait something credible was posted for once.
This guy seems to be part of the PNC team.
GFL2 is an anime inspired game and all these things are generic anime tropes between a couple who are falling in love or at least being shipped by the writers. Anyone who says "there's nothing to see here" is either burying their head in the sand or are just plain stupid.
>ngatranny or vmgtranny
you can only go down one path xis
WA while peeking on me have consensual sex with a nice dork
It's the same tranny
>Girls Frontline Line 2
>girls frontline line 2
can she cook
Its the same person
so they had too many employees and are optimizing the team, woah eos indeed
And don't forget, everyone is out to get them.
already posted these in his melty, or links rather
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>MP40 is getting a new costume soon
>AUG got a SPEQ (rushed Grey Zone to get it)
>PPK got a Mod III
>G36c got a Mod III
>Px4 Storm got a Mod III
>C-93 got two costumes (not that she needs any)
Almost all of my main two general use echelon members who didn't already have Mod III got nice upgrades (or at least costumes) during my absence, nice.
I'm gonna snitch and hokor will kill him.
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You wouldn't know my leaker she goes to a different school
wait, isn't like the NEW game a TPS or something? or am I getting confused with the talks we had here about it
what happened with futaba?
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love armpit dolls thank you king chong
Can you translate this into understandable english?
It's still completely useless and that tierlist was likely made with retarded ranking strats in mind that are so retarded they aren't worth using regardless of what score you're aiming for. It's pretty much only worth raising if you want to full clear gayzone every time.
Is it so hard to just ignore tourists until their garbage gets deleted?
Shield is the premier ARSMG fairy now
It's supposed to be a TPS or close to that since that was what they're asking for testers
Copy paste threads about chink gossips (while using gf2 as a cover)
TPS is merely one of the possibility, albeit a likely one. It could be PNC hack n slash, it could also be Overcooked rip-off featuring WA.
Post the original chink post so nothing is lost in MTL.
But why would I ignore you?
The new game being a TPS is entirely a rumor based on a survey question for recruiting playtesters that asked the surveyee if they had experience playing TPS game.
There is no actual announcement about a new game being developed yet or any information about it.
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The tourists are the ones replying
Sexo con la osa caliente
Go to the NiGAfaggots link, it's on page 2.
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Lucia Love?
>260 to 200 people
Really, that's it?
Sol belly. Erotic.
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Did they ever rerun the bingo skins in PNC CN?
Started a year after launch, feel like I missed so much content that I'll never see again.
7000 people were just laid off from MICA's PR department. 10000 soon to be expected in the coming days....
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Lam's sister is so cute
2024-09-05 05:09

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I dream of Russians
>can put the Panzerbüchse into the Panzer so I can finally use her and get to see her nice design without having to actually use her
happy end for her too
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translate it chinks
IIRC MICA has like ~700 employees
and remember that they now have 5 (five) games, 3 of which are active live service, and 1 of which is in active development.
>Sol awakening skin
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We need more singleplayer games
inb4 it's just a butthurt QA or HR/community manager nigger like h*kor getting the chop
Probably more languages?
Bros....I just was informed that my online shill position at MICA just got axed....
But my gems... no...
Insider just told me that VB is getting hired for a community manager position
So why is this guy mad at us again?
tranny behaviour, unironically
We made fun of him.
Saars I just got informed that MICA is hiring our company to shill their game
From the context he's not the one getting fired as he doesn't appear to be part of this project 2 team.
They should revive Thunder's game.
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Threesome with boths Sols, Solsome, if you will.
We are part of the international Shanghai gacha cartel that censored Snowbreak, fucked his mom, signed the great MICA/PM alliance, and arrested the one hero leaker that could stop us.
Imagine the smell
Is it over? It's over isn't it. Should I try to do a chargeback on all my PNC purchases?
I don't think i've ever seen Sol sucking a dick, let alone getting a dick put into her.
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Which character deaths would make /gfg/ seethe and cry and become depressed for years to come?
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I can't wait for all the Russian men to be mulched by Putin's dick measuring contest so I swoop in and pick up a Russian trade wife with my BAV (Big American Visa)
I wonder if Sol Alter calls the OG Sol "big sis".
>retarded gacha wars again
Yeah, see you tomorrow
SKK is the one kill Lunasia
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That is a female hand
Russian women are the most vain, materalistic, loveless creature on earth.
Congrats on the loveless fleshlight.
This is saying he's on an alt because he'd get fired if he was on his real account
any of my story-irrelevant raifus
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They put the game year in their company cards?
that picture hurts me anon...
thanks for the you, trannyboi lol
also see ya on next annivs!
>Russian women are [women]
Bros I think Mr. Pizza just killed someone
But I thought I was getting cucked Sept. 5th
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what the fuck is wrong with her
>no mistypes
Oh, it's some faggot larping as him.
You did get cucked, just not in game. The cucking was him baiting you to think you were getting cucked in game.
Apparently we belong to a multinational gacha cartel and we didn't invite his schizo ass to the inauguration party.
Mr. Pizza is wanted in 37 states, 142 countries, the UN, the EU, the NSU, and the URNC for human trafficking, genocide, and indecent exposure. A murder is tuesday for him.
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So let me get this straight. This dude showed during the peak of the Daiyan drama and was doomposting about MICA acting like a concerned player(actually never touched any of the games). /gfg/ made fun of him and he decided to double down in Daiyan drama, saying that the chinks were right and that there was actually more to the event that made the chinks seethe. He was monitoring the threads begging for tl and acting like a spiritual shareholder while the general kept making fun of him. TL of the event is finally out and it turned out to be nothing so he started spamming these chink links he doesn't understand everywhere and threatening to kill GF players, while also pretending to be a Snowbreak player(might actually be one).Did I get this right?
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Sounding kind of racist there SKK.
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What do you call this archetype?
since the forced marriage is feminist this ngafag always post in burger hours, the real ngafag already passed away from heart attack, someone else larping as him
Mr. Pizza is a weak
Dumb bitches that need a bullet or a mag full of them
Secondary bait
wow negro, I couldn't have resumed that any better, impressive
I find it interesting that the left girl is getting the most art out of all the girls in the project KV announcement.
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Not permanent death but it's already happened to me. Knowing that she'll never be the happy cheerful person she once was hurts deep inside. But as long as she lives, there's hope.
Desu it's the only one that isn't somehow even blander than BA girls.
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He might play snowbreak because he posted his shit there too a few times but snoggers made fun of him too and now he doesn't post them there anymore. Might still play the game though.
designated milf with soothing vibes
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Noa is a good girl, she's not a walking red flag like the fanbase seems to imply.
I know this is /gfg/ and we don't read but for real where are people getting the idea that Gloaming Finale is the actual end, when for GF1 they explicitly posted a big roadmap and made an announcement that the end was approaching. It pretty obviously just means a big payoff and end of the current story arc.
sit out your vacation
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Your dolls have needs, SKK. Are you neglecting her just because she's a non-meta non-Mod 3*?
BOCA is a good artist
the ML movement in Chinkland using snowbreak resurrection as their foundation hence why these chinkcel are using snowbreak avatar on chink forum.
your future wife is getting fucked right now so technically you are getting cucked
I assume he's talking about GF2 and nothing about PNC then?
I would say why just Snowbreak but forgot Manjuu/Yostar is apart of the "cartel"
Why are you thinking about that?
From the name "Finale".
That's it. It's just like when Eos first revealed as an NPC for IMR, we acted like real end of service is imminent.
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dumb bitch pipeline
>when for GF1 they explicitly posted a big roadmap and made an announcement that the end was approaching.
EoS confirmed. It's all over.
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>TL of the event is finally out and it turned out to be nothing so he started spamming

>Begged for Daiyan's event to be translated because it proved him right
>Event got translated, turned out to be a nothingburger
>Got assblasted so hard he started spamming shit /vmg/, /v/ and other /vg/ generals
>All the boards laughed at the schizo, grubble, botes, even Mihoyofags
>Even fucking reddit
>Got so buttblasted he started posting nothing but single links to NGA
>Multiple posts with single links
>This is the point where his grammar went to shit, posted about his heart rate
>Atleast a full month of being banned and deleted on sight after each schizo rambling
>Gacha cartel meme happens with the announcement of Chink Akihabara
>416 event is announced, says sept 5 is the day it all comes down
>On Sept 5, anons are seen furiously masturbating at the thought of their favorite character dying and Mr.Pizza coming back
no I'm rejecting her because this dick belongs to Helian
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Pull points
The real Hubble is out there anon. In fact you might have a chance of meeting again as total strangers than expecting anyone but SKK to leave the server at the end.
Fucking moron.
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I don't think it's the end, but what is there else to do?
If I understood the spoilers correctly Malkira dies and Persicaria assumes her power to control the Entropics. Part 2 will likely be about putting a stop to Eosphorous' reign of terror. What is there to do after that? I don't see them cooking up a new enemy out of nowhere, unless the server has some condition where "if Entropic = lose war, then execute Order 66" where the entire server gets submitted to the same experience as the Jiutian Sector - inevitable destruction - and it becomes a race against time to evacuate back to reality.
You can always Vepley about content
WA peeping on my daily WA fueled masturbation ritual (I do it on purpose)
It's AK-15 fucking a shota.
Gloaming means 'twilight' so the event name is literally just a fancy name for 'sunset'
just change your location on pixiv to japan
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change to Japan.
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I read WA peeing and immediately got a boner
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Good work Essex, maybe you'll get another skin this anni.
Vep is the Hastened Tree of GF2
>the end of the time when the sun is gone
>the next sunrise is imminent
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They can just pad out a bunch of events over the next year just to build up the final battle, kill off a few named characters here and there etc.
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You can't post that
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what are you talking about you gigantic doroo, I'm talking about picrel for GF1 where they explicitly gave the upcoming events and their dates that wrap up all the side plots so Blazar Backscatter can finish it off. I mean that if PNC was actually about to finish and hit maintenance mode, it would be strange if they suddenly did so with no warning when for GF1 they were quite open about it.
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Sunset confirmed, EoS soon to follow.
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My dolls wear panties for the express purpose of being taken off by my hands
and she eats it anyway because italians actually dont care about pineapple on the pizza
You're stupider than shit you know that
Entire deal with arcadia, the deal with coccoon project, the deal with faction led by N
there's still plenty of stuff to do
Little do dolls know that this is what body guard duty actually is.
The 'nothing in common' trio
>dumb bitch
>Dumb bitches
Commanders that call their dolls this, are liable to be sued for defamation for up to 20 smooches. Learn the law
Machines have no rights for me to be liable about
You should use them
I mean IMO the obvious direction to go is that
Irida and the Arcadians are NOT as friendly as they seem, and they have been so secretive for good reason. Maybe Irida became disillusioned with the real world and doesn't want to leave.
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If you don't esports oath for theater, they can be decent budget picks on nodes that stack ARs and/or SGs.
She ate it because she's a fatass, SAT8 would never
All normal units and ringleaders are dumb bitches.
Babby's first existentialist book. Actual highschool reading level.
we still have no idea about the the neural coccoon stuff, what was the wipeout incident too/spoiler]
Arcadia ain't as good as we think it is
Green stripes........
>Learn the law
SKK Law: Dolls have no rights. Until they kill people.
Speaking of rights, am amazed that in such a dystopian future this was actually passed.
Mr. Pizza was spotted in every site that had a major incident with the collapse or relic tech
ATM comes in handy, beef steak is purely a b urslef pick
I don't think anyone really believed it was the "END" of the PNC story, but more like a nice reason to talk about the current state of PNC story, because yeah right now it feels like there's not much left, or rather not much left in this arc
Who knows if they will try to do something with Irida(probably) and how she didn't want to leave the sever or something
That would be a funny twist, but how exactly is she going to fight the combined might of Oasis, Sanctifiers, Entropics and the various sectors without a gigantic asspull that was never foreshadowed?
so this is the September 5 they referring to?
Please tell me the artist made a bodysuit version
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Short my beloved
Antonina is activated as a sleeper agent.
Something that IMO is obvious is that she has much more control over Magrasea than KJ and the rest because she was a senior researcher heavily involved in it before it ate shit. Would definitely give her the power to be a threat if she can just sudo rm -rf your ass.
>Sharky is the real Lunasia proxy
All dolls have a right for at least two smooches a day from you
Sanctifiers have no real reason to get involved, I think? It's neither a betrayal of one of theirs or viral attack related. Maybe if their actions constituted being classified as Irregular Agents, but if Irida just wants to hole up and stay, that's not really a threat. As for Entropics, I don't think Persikot would risk the ire of the Sanctifiers by unleashing them again.
It becomes just a matter of inter-sector disputes, if it comes to that.
The super shorty doujin made by Kylin... when....
But why did she not do anything if she could do all that?
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Do not lewd your bodyguard.
maybe she needed both Malkira and Eospherus gone
>reveal that you have console commands
>entirety of Magrasea comes down on your ass
>half of them want to abuse them to bring final victory to their faction
>the other half want to use them to reconnect to reality when you want to stay in virtual fantasyland forever
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But you weren't flat before, they're exactly the same.
maybe because she is dumb bitch
>female scientist in YZverse
>colossal dumb bitch that makes things worse with her creations
it would be on brand at least
What if she enjoys it? watching Malkira/EOS/residents of magasea fight
and knowing this story has some hints towards demons/angels, she could have the god complex
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That would be a little odd since in the very scant knowledge we have of Irida, we know that she is a strong doll rights supporter.
I'm not looking to defend them, but the original PNC was a good thing that enabled the technology to backup doll neural clouds and their memories while also pushing for doll intelligence that could form its own initiative, so there's that to Irida.
Persicaria eh, I don't know. She did the neural cloud brainscan just to see if it could be done, but who's to say that without her creations, G&K and (You) wouldn't have met your end during the KCCO betrayal?
Being isolated from real people and being exposed to retarded AIs in a server for an unhealthily long duration would probably fuck you up psychologically.
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>gif 0.21MB over limit
With Persica I think it's safe to say that any benefit to mankind she created was entirely incidental as she seems super focused on making super AI just because she can.
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make a webm family
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I demand you post every vepley edit you have
GF2 doko
Pre reg doko
Release dake doko
Two Line Girls Frontline when?
What if she didn't want to be taken away from the dolls
She loves the dolls so much, and knows how the real world treats them, that she wanted to protect them, she also probably didn't like the fact that this was just people playing God with EOS and Malkira and something happened. "In Magasea they are safe, and with me"
Of course, she probably fucked up somewhere and everything fell apart
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File deleted.
you can't handle my strongest vepleys
IDK how to trim webms.
How about you only post GF2 dolls from now on. No left overs allowed.
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It'll at least be a pretty convenient way to kill everyone and end the story with SKKJ being the sole survivor so they don't have to explain why nothing of PNC is mentioned in GF1 and GF2.
My brain is melting
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Girls Frontline Line 2 Two Exilium Xilium Global English Nglish when?
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>file deleted
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I swear Hubble painted it on...
No one cared about Velpy until you put on Mr. Pizza
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That's a weird fucking guitar.
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Huqu has redeemed himself, we no longer despise all of him.
Why are her tits so small?
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I lived bitch
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medium is premium, sir
You can't handle my strongest sharkrys. (No image because she couldn't show up for her performance today)
I'm actually impressed that it's actually a thing
Total Vepley death
Hasten global
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She sold her large chest to offset her stock losses.
Huqu not going full gay is quite good
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Only for thunder
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Truly no one likes Sharkry
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Dear YZ, if you're gonna milk PNC one last time before putting it to rest, add Wisdom and give her a cute voice.
A fairy is all we can afford, thank you for your suggestio
I'll make the new thread on page 8
Everyone can handle the strongest sharkry, she isn't very powerful.
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I love Sharky
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I want to hear it WITHOUT other music in the background. Is this thing just adding a slight string slapping sound?
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please clap
Great taste
Another one takes the Imoko pill, what a shame
Rabbits don't clap, they thump.
Dogwater taste blud
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Welcome to the Imokogang, brother. Also great taste.
Dolls that will cure me of the crippling regrets of a wasted life?
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Good taste
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We love Imoko
We love Imoko dolls
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Dolls aren't real anon. They can't help you fill the void inside.
Let VRB inspire you. She took training to go to space, but never will go there. But that doesn't stop her from continuing to work for her dream.
Where is the Shark? you fake Imoko fan
How come we don't have any funny thread personalities anymore? The NGAfag isn't funny so he doesn't count.
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And her new dotter the HG
bro please be chill...
We never have any.
I remember when the game was new and there was no real story yet (chapter 1–6, Cube) we had some lore/worldbuilding conversations here about whether an Oath binds a T-Doll personally to you (like a retainer) rather than to Griffin & Kryuger, or if you'd get to buy your oathed dolls for their residual value after they've been deprecated, like a company car—perhaps when you retire.
Back then, retiring from G&K was still plausible…
I'm sorry I'm not funny, anon. I just prefer to give positive messages and see anons happy.
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Jack my beloved
all i do is spam
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Don't touch me filthy poser
Congratz! Prepare for sexual cultivation with your new wife.
bigger every time its reposted
I'm not creative enough to be funny.
>Back then
It's fully plausible now considering that's pretty much what happens.
Oathing ended up never getting any real lore other than the name (Tactical Doll Marking System) and that it's not equal to marriage.
Good, it should stay that way, it’s pretty fucking embarrassing enough whenever you try to slurp anyone with even an iota of a presence
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