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anti-woke lizard titties edition

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Elder Thread: >>493124418
So did Molag Bal rape Serana or did she give her consent for the act?
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Thread's ruined
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>You claim to love the game, yet you play it .. modded? Then you are not playing the game.
tonight on tesg

>anon makes a ritualpost and is ignored
>anon calls for titty posting and is ignored
>anon posts a nice waifu and other anons call her ugly
>anon posts a shitty waifu and other anons call her hot
>anon asks anons to name their favorite waifus hoping someone will name his
>anon asks anon to name their least favorite waifus hoping someone will name the poster he hates
>titty lizard begs for some attention
>anon says skyrim is shit and todd is a hack
>some retard complains about modding being hard
>seranafag is an insufferable gay cunt
Okay, I love the modded game.

What now fuckface
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Those boobs need to be 2.5 times bigger at the very least
I imagine gigachad playing on his PS5 with an 80 inch TV screen, unmodded, unbothered, moisturized.
The ritual says the wives and daughters are offered to Molag Bal to be violated by him, so it's kind of implied they get raped. Serana was younger and brainwashed by the cult so she did it willingly since that's what was expected of her.

tl;dr her hymen has not been intact for hundreds of years
furshit is inherently 'woke'
>titty lizard begs for some attention
which one, there's two
You can't just go on the internet and make words mean whatever you want like that

It's not kosher
That's just it Todd
I love The Elder Scrolls
I don't love Skyrim
so I made some Alterations
You'll have to live with that
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She was a loli and got raped.
All these repeated episodes and someone will deny the cabal's influence
>oy vey this thread is organic!
she looks so happy to be baking
love happy lizards
>accuse others of what you yourself do, so they will be slandered in the moment and the audience will become desensitized to your own wrongdoings when inevitably discovered
Argussy immediately drew me into this thread. It's too powerful.
>anon complains about imaginary villains
>thread title relating to purple edgelord lizzer
He may not be the OG lizzer but he sure is getting to you faggots.
I have no idea who you are
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I've finally figured out how to get full parity with windows on linux. Using protontricks I got vcrun and .net binaries installed to the SSE wineprefix, so now Synthesis and VCredist dependencies work
By that logic if it were titled "edgy orphan characters" edition you'd claim it was about you because of your incessant fatherless behavior
Final some good fucking waifus
lol got em
Why are vanilla fags so insecure?

It's this way in every game too. Vanilla fags are always super insecure about other people modding to make the game more fun.
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Why does the purple highlighter rustle you so much?
because they derive enjoyment from posting about their mint product on the internet instead of enjoying it like a normal person
usually because they are too simple minded to imagine going outside the boundaries of the base game, and the idea of it scares them
Perfectly sized lizard tits
Nah that isn't it.
It's like they're trying to prove to themselves that they aren't missing out. Usually this comes with the cope that the game is perfect as it is.

Seems like a possible factor.
>outside the boundaries
The only boundaries you're stretching are your waifu's pussy LMAO
>why yes, i solely play the 2011 edition, how could you tell
yes. and?
Name your 5 favorite waifus
Name your 5 least favorite waifus

Anons guess your waifu based on that
5 favorite waifus
5 least favorite
There is a thought perculating in my mind to find and install og Skyrim before any DLC.
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I can't decide on what survival mod I want bros.
Starfrost has some great ideas for implementation, basing hunger on the duration of your passive food buff is a great idea vs the food points of most survival mods, and the clothing standardization seems good, but I get the impression that it's going to be way too easy. I looked into modifying it myself but it's difficult to tell exactly how it works without really digging in and I can't be assed.
Survival mode improved seems good aside from the fact that the penalties are totally stupid and easily gamed. I could try modifying this one too but jfc
Sunhelm has similar issues with wack penalties and it also adds drinking which I think is a needless annoyance.
>want to download a Nexus collection
>1500 thousand mods
>I have to click on two different pages to download each one
Are there even 10 different people in Skyrim?
That dark elf with a huge behind
And uh I can't think of any others
Any mod that lets me build my own village?
Fallout 4.esm
The Frozen North (cold) + Vitality mode is top tier
Not really
The DB isn't a person
None of the companions are people

And that's about it
You funny guy, I kill you last.
Yes one exists that let's you build a village in Falkreath but I can't remember it's name
I can't do the old script based mods when SKSE alternatives exist.
I was using Vitality Mode for maybe 100 hours but I removed it and script cleaned after some seeming performance issues that were echoed in the comments
Could have been a false alarm
How will survival mods work in TESVI since it's set in Hammerfell?

In Skyrim we have cold to hide from with fur and fire but I can't think of how it'd work in the aridity of Hammerfell
I don't think I had any issues with it or script lag in particular in a few 100+ hr saves but I'm also open to try newer mods as well
the newer mods are the ones I mentioned, survival mode improved and sunhelm which are both made by the same guy, and starfrost which is derived from survival mode improved and made by simon.
>1500 thousand
face mask. fuck im thirsting for a sandstorm with arab music
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> Be me ordinator of the Great house Indoril
> Penis spear god dead
> sotha incel god dead
> crazy waifu god dead
> Have to worship cringe azura,mephala and boethiah again
> Great house hlaalu is dead and replaced with puppet house of redoran

Its so fucking over.
Focus on thirst and shade
> Be me
be reddit
So how many dwemer children has Erekishgal given birth to to restore their glorious race.
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sorry next time ill post a liveleak link so you know its 4chan
does the mohawk come off that ordinator
nah its attached to the helmet, the ordinator helm is designed to resemble nerevar. Picrel
>anon calls for titty posting and is ignored
Now That's a tragedy
All this time and you still can't get her name right. You retard. You absolute buffoon.
that's how I played the game (I'm autistic like that)
I played the game completely once some years prior without any dlc, then later made a new playthrough once I had the dlc and played that to completion. i'm comfy feeling that the game is the precise same as it was in 2011 and so on, only the outside world has changed.
it's a shame your waifus are ruined by awful cbbe bodies
Irileth, my beloved.....

>bush but no armpit hair
close but no cigar
Erect Shigella
I woops
Never liked bhunp desu
Thats a big no
Had a friend who was really shitting on me for modding toddgames
Like not friendly banter just actual insults and anger with some tangible seething
Had no idea why the fuck he was like that, and then he got a new PC and instantly started modding Fallout 4

Yep, previously he had a 20 year old laptop that couldn’t run shit at all. He was just genuinely seething that i was modding the games he couldn’t even play or barely run vanilla and it was all pure cope
So now Nerevar was canonically wokegender I see
It's called "sour grapes". Have you called him out on this in any case?
how many perk points went into her bimbo skill
It's a racial bonus
I can't believe this gigachad settled for almalexia
Calm down, Anno
Yes, he didn’t actually admit to it and claimed he was angry with me “going too far with it!!” and not just modding itself. But then he modded his FO4 quite heavily and told me how fun it was now so I accepted that as his concession.
hol up, is she a self insert cuz I'm starting to draw parallels
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oh but I AM playing the game unmodded so that later when I DO mod it, I appreciate their improvements so much more ;P
Frightening creature. Is this the final boss of the Dawnguard DLC?
>Del to interact
Leftie? I thought my controls were weird
There's no way she'd be able to go anywhere in public without some dude pulling her top down with ease
t. some dude
>sour grapes
Americans always sound like Incels when they say this
Okay now this replacer actually looks like Serana
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>After installing 2 terabytes worth of mods they claim Skyrim is better than Cyberpunk.
I'm checking out Starfrost and since I'm already using Gourmet and it looks pretty good, I'll load that in for my new save
For a first playthrough it's fine to not use mods.
skyrim is better than cyberpunk by default, the gross dystopian caricature of a setting and painfully embarrassing tryhard dialogue make that game unplayable.
>you come home
>your waifu is dead
>your children are dead
>an Orc is eating them
How do you react?
Took 2tb of data to generate this preteen version of nascar or whatever her name is
Reload an earlier save.
in your titman expert opinion which waifus have the most based boobs
Kill the orc
Bury my family
Begin orc genocide
You're playing Skyrim for fucks sakes. You're not allowed to give your opinions about settings or dialog. You clearly have shit taste if you're here.
>skyrim is better than cyberpunk by default
Not really
Cyberpunk is more realistic than skyrim and has real people
He easily kills you
Source? Because I'm alive right now and he isn't
put a bucket near his feet. the physics on it will flip the fuck out and kill him.
>posts an AI image
>look how good my game is guys!
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>Ayo N*rd I'm gonna eat yo
the elder scrolls setting is unequivocally superior to that of cyberpunk, which is literally the lame fantasy of a fatass nerd negro from the 80s. The dialogue in skyrim is obviously terrible but in a stupid, half-baked way, not in the embarrassingly bad way of cyberpunk where everyone talks like what a lame fatass nerd negro from the 80s thought was cool.
Honestly, I have 400 hours in cyberpunk and it’s not even better than Skyrim Vanilla.
Good idea
You can the scoop up your families remains with the same bucket
based, an anti-woke edition
wtf is this supposed to be? looks like a green ape with failed nipple piercings
Nigga what
Do you think Sweet Baby inc will try to ruin TES6
>wow elf
Why ruin the based tes knife ears like that?
You're gonna make the ai bros mad
Anyone here using Requiem (or another similar mod)? The deleveling appeals to me, but I'm guessing it's not compatible with a bunch of my other mods that affect skill trees etc.
Has people
Doesn't have people
The gen x dads as bethesda are too accidentally based to let sweet baby inc tell them what to do. They'll include what they think is inclusive on their own, but the player will still have plenty of options to live out their nazi power fantasy because bethesda doesn't actually give a shit
cyberpunk has nuclear weapons grade cringe and a shitty setting.

it's okay, we are anonymous here on 4chan. You can admit that you only flipped your opinion on cyberpunk from being a tortanic to being GOTYAY because you saw that faggot ass anime, just like every other weeb of your ilk.
Just use owl or arena
Cybeprunk is objectively superior
>Combat system
Cybeprunk is objectively superior
>Character build system
Cybeprunk is objectively superior
Cyberpunk is objectively superior
Cyberpunk is objectively superior

Silverhand > Serana

Just be honest, you like Skyrim because of its Tolkien setting and the 5 TBs worth of mods at your disposal, not to mention Skyrim is more of
a real RPG than Cyberpunk. The day the Projekt RED folks decide to make a Skyrim clone Betheseda goes out of business.
tamriel is landlocked
I was gifted cyberpunk and had never heard about it before you fucking chud
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What type of woman would he be into?
i use arena
the i use my own choice of enemy-related mods.
note that the arena author also made this:
which is supposed to combo with arena but it made enemies too strong so try out other mods instead

i think morrowloot miscellanea also have a similar delevel mod
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Skyrim is fun
cyberpunk isn't
No it's the opposite of that
>The day the Projekt RED folks decide to make a Skyrim clone Betheseda goes out of business.
Yeah after coming from cyberpunk skyrim really feels like a sterile world it almost feels like what a mod of a game would be like desu
Most of the anons who got there late had no clue how badly the previous thread got booty blasted.
not those anons, but why did that game suddenly gets praise when everyone is a third person soulstard fan and not into first person melee? i remember this was shitted because it's not in third person.
pretty sus
I was going to say
>probably not the kind who wastes her time on 4chan
but honestly he probably wouldn't give a shit
I love Skyrim, I love Cyberpunk 77, fuck you all.
this. no need for tribal shit
because of the anime. the opinion of the game spun on a dime the second after the anime came out.
Rargal the thrallmaster says he has thralls for every vampire's tastes. That's bullshit. There's only nords, maybe imperials and bretons too

No redguards, no altmer, no bosmer, no dunmer, no orcs, no khajiit, no argonians. And no children, though children might just be too fragile to survive
good looking but also niimesface

mix it up a little
okay and skyrim was only popular because of it being the only open world game
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I like Skyrim more because Cyberpunk is fantastic as long as you stay on the mostly railoraded main story path. And as soon you step outside the boundaries of that it quickly becomes a very lousy RPG and a horrible sandbox. There is a jarring drop in the quality of the experience that takes you out of the world, which is a problem in a RPG

In Skyrim the main story and other major quests are written only okay and the characters are wood and the execution is showing it’s age. But it’s fine because the overall sandbox experience outside of these quests is fantastic, the whole of the world within the game feels consistent and does not take you out of the role of your character almost at all and the quests flow together with the sandbox very well so the experience feels smoother, more complete and satisfying in general.
>muh combat
Yeah the machineguns and drone hacking definitely feels worse in Skyrim, the double barelled shotgun also feels much more punchy in Cyberpunk compared to skyrim
I don't need other non-elderscrolls games being shilled here, even if they're good
probably because most people don't play games, especially the games they pretend are the greatest ever. I would bet money that 90% of the people who worship cyberpunk have never actually played it or at best watched some twitch streamer play it.
Sitting on your ass watching a show is much easier than playing a game, so it makes sense that cyberpunk would get a sudden upswing in opinion once something that is actually accessible to the public like a cliche coming of age story packaged in a triggerslop anime comes around.

Same story for fallout really after the fallout show dropped. Tons of people who never played fallout and never will suddenly exclaiming their undying love for fallout.
I like both too, I wouldn't be here if that wasn't the case. The only difference is that I can load up Cyberpunk and enjoy it, but Skyrim requires a bare minimum of 300 mods for it to be acceptable.
>game from 2019 vs a game from 2011
lol? Even then skyrim worked better than CP did on release
haw haw he said CP
>And as soon you step outside the boundaries of that it quickly becomes a very lousy RPG and a horrible sandbox
The opposite actually
Skyrim like the rest of tes completely falls apart when leaving the main quest
He needs a woman who ejects high quality sujamma from her tits
>people only like cyberpunk because of a gay anime
>B-B-But people only like skyrim because of its gameplay!!!

OK? not the own you think it is there pal.

Shouldn't you be larping like you are some whiskey sipping badass out of a balenciaga ad right now? what are you doing on 4chan?
Serana does that but with Molag bulls nutslop
Cyberpunk is a FPS yet its combat system with swords mogs Skyrim and it's not particularly close. Skyrim's battle system is basically you hit me, I hit you. Whoever has more health points or attack power wins. Cyberpunk has timed blocks and counterattacks. Ducking, dodging, hiding behind corners, a real stealth system, etc....
I never claimed people like cyberpunk because of that
none of that matters when the setting is disgusting and the dialogue and story insufferable.
I wouldn't care if skyrim had worse gameplay than battletoads, I would still prefer it over that miserable cringeworthy slop.
If cyberpunk is so good then why do you have to come to the elder scrolls thread to tall about it? Oh yeah because your own general is one of the slowest, emptiest threads on /vg/
>rs when the setting is disgusting and the dialogue and story insufferable
Sneedrim has the worst of this
>Oh yeah because your own general is one of the slowest, emptiest threads on /vg/
In which 80% of the discussion is about the anime anyway KEK
Dwemer cybernetic boobs when
You get to compare Cyberpunk to Skyrim Vanilla only if we get to compare Skyrim Vanilla to Cyberpunk’s release state
Women in possession of at least 500 septims
The real reason these people love cyberslop
>finding a moth priest
>cutting bark from a tree while gathering the moth around you to read the elderscroll to find ariels bow to block out the sun
This motherfucker thinks that's good writing. If you like Skyrim's story you're not allowed to comment on other stories. I do not give a fuck about what you think if you like Skyrim's story.
If skyrim is so good why are you offended
>one of the replies is "mods fix it"
I mean, it's Litteraly Niimes if she altmer
Chudcel bring up that starfield mission about helping an Irish girl steal money from her dad to fund Africans mining shop on a water world
so true bestie, I just love the masterfully written questline about coming out as a transfolx in CP77. And they are so heckin' inclusive of the trans community with their character creator!
You're derailing a thread with offtopic bullshit. At worst I'm mildly annoyed
>i love house rule monopoly
An actual child's take on a hobby
Does this look like the shartfield general to you? You think anyone is gonna defend that trash here?
You really are a tourist. Why don't you go back to discussing cybertrannies in your own general? Oh yeah, because it gets 2 posts an hour at best KEK
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Am I the only one who can't have fun playing hybrid builds? In any TES game, really.
It's like it literally feels like something is wrong, even with mods.
Starfield is part of of TES world and reflects what TESVI will be like
No you simply have a functioning brain. Hybrid builds are inherently dysfunctional in basically every game.
Starfield has perfect hybrid buds
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Starfield is shit and the new Elderscroll will be shit.
I've been playing the Enai and Simon mod packs too long. Is it worth it to strip them all out and just go back to pure vanilla gameplay? Or should I keep something.
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Why am I actually attracted to this bitch who cosplays Cicero with her Night Mother body-pillow?
>. Is it worth it to strip them all out and just go back to pure vanilla gameplay?
why would it ever be worth that?
Half the vanilla perks don't even work lmao, let alone how poorly designed they are.
Because they're a woman and that's all it takes for most guys.
So you've completely moved the goalposts off of Skyrim? K
Um anon.... that's a dude
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>a man cosplaying as femcicero
Saw her on the Tok, it's a girl. Strangely enough a lot of women love Cicero
He loves his mother
>Strangely enough a lot of women love Cicero
more like she's a 6/10 at best and has to therefore seek out some pretty obscure niche interests in order to make any kind of money as an e-whore.
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>"loves" Cicero
>but only when they headcanon him to be 6 feet tall
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Left = Serana
Right = Some modder's bimbo waifu who was renamed to be Serana
>Left = Some modder's bimbo waifu who was renamed to be Serana
>Right = Some modder's bimbo waifu who was renamed to be Serana
She looks vaguely like this girl
strip them and mod ur own perks with ck and hookers
>it's a girl
Then why do I get this https://www.instagram.com/evil.religion/
when I search for this >>493251460 image?
false and cringe
sports? fucking esl kek
>based xd!
>cringe xd!
It's like some young boy discovered 4chan a few months ago. You have to be 18+ to browse 4chan. Leave now kid before I fuck your dad.
It's canon, follower Cicero is taller than the one in the DB (not that DB) quests
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that's cool and all but serana reimagined is still your goth gf bimbo waifu
I've seen tons of fanart with female characters carrying a small Cicero around, and other such things relating to him being short. I like Cicero, so I look for fanart sometimes. There are a lot of women lusting for him
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But neither of them look like Serana??????
He's a faceblind autist, so a vaguely similar hairstyle of the same color = a perfect match.
What do women see in him? He's a manlet and beta male.
>um chud why don't you want to fuck a man
It's not about looking exactly like vanilla Serana, it's about looking close enough to her. The right one doesn't look anything like her.
he's funny, or at least an attempt at being funny. More than can be said for 90% of the people who still believe in disproven wolf behaviour
He loves his godmother
>The right one doesn't look anything like her.
Neither does the left.
And the left one doesn't look anything like her either.
But of course you are autistic and therefore completely faceblind, so mid-length black hair means it looks like serana to you.
the only serana mods I'm interested in is mods that let me murder her
Just look around you, /tesg/ is surrounded by faggots who play as female DBs. They want to be women.
Doesn't explain the fan art, and the consumers of the cosplay shit are still thirsty fangirls
As shitty as vanilla skyrim females look serana is the best looking female to come out of that game. Is there a vanilla+ mod of her out there?
>Doesn't explain the fan art, and the consumers of the cosplay shit are still thirsty fangirls
those are the 3/10s and under who can't get laid by anyone they are attracted to, they have to lower themselves to the same kinds of cope as manlets or sub7 men for sexual relief.
You might be onto something, since I can't find her old content anymore. She looked different than the stuff you posted, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's a ftm tranny now and became a 'dude'

I wonder how many girls who enjoy video games get told that they must be in the wrong body because if it
getting Ars Metallica instead of CCOR. Any other recommendations?
Yeah, don't get either.
I know it's the same person I just can't see him being originally a woman with that jawline.
okay, what smithing overhaul do you suggest?
Ars Korn
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Seranaholic 1.5 > both
>teehee girls like games too you guys~
>it's actually a tranny
many, MANY such cases!
Friendly, loyal, passionate, funny, has got an exciting and well-paying job, strong moral principles, good relationship with his mother, talks about his feelings, fashion sense, long hair. Cicero is the ideal husband.

Many also love the goth jester asthetic and the fact he's a psycho. His insanity and diary entries give him sympathy points as well
>It's like some young boy discovered 4chan a few months ago.
Congratulations, you figured out the problem with the site as a whole
Average skyrim modder.
>well-paying job
He lives in a cave
Like you look any better.
Some autistic girls have freaky tastes and anon can't comprehend it
>teehee girls like games too you guys~
Skyrim is the most mainstream game in existence, up there with shit like Candy Crush and Minecraft, and everyone here plays it like The Sims or Barbie's Horse Adventure anyway. Skyrim is not only a girl game, it's an actual bimbo slut game.
except 99.9% of the population of this thread is men, and if it weren't for that one single german chick from the other day it would be 100%.
No you don't count as a woman either tranny.
Ok? Doesn't mean there aren't a lot of XX females that like Skyrim.
"freaky tastes" aka they can't get laid by anyone they are actually attracted to, like I said.
Same story for manlets and other unfuckable men, you think they acquired fetishes for feet and bestiality and all that shit because they were drowning in pussy? LOL
>except 99.9% of the population of this thread is men
There are multiple women in /tesg/ though they just aren't the ones posting waifus
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You fags can take anything and spin it into a discussion about tranny freaks
Sex with Argoninan women
masturbate, now
I went over this already
>No you don't count as a woman either tranny.
Someone should make another demographics study and this time not withhold it after discovering that tesg is 89% unwashed female NEETs
Every town in Skyrim should be heavily fortified. They live in a world with zombies, dragons, vampires, and giant spiders, it makes no sense they would be able to sleep comfortably in a world like this without a bunker.
>after discovering that tesg is 89% unwashed female NEETs
absolute delusion
hate to break it to you dog but even unwashed female neets don't want your ass.
Actually people usually develop fetishes during puberty and it has little to do with the amount of sex you're having.

Pretending that people who have all the sex they want won't develop crazy fetishes is so out of touch that it hurts.
>after discovering that tesg is 89% unwashed males LARPING as female NEETs
I have no doubt that females play Skyrim, but they certainly don't browse 4chan. Women tend to avoid hostile places like 4chan. Only the mentally ill ones go here.
Each city is guarded by a never ending supply of restless armored soldiers. I think they're fine.
>aahhh you're a tranny and you're on tesg to get laid
Reaching levels of projection previously thought unachievable
yeah sure thing professor freud, that's why all the dudes who get busted as pedos or for fucking horses are all 6'3 gigachads right?

you read this stunning insight in some pop-sci article or somethin?
mans is right, I discovered succubi thanks to playing this game at age 13 and now they're my favourite sex thing.
aren't you here to get laid?
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Anon, there are way too many females attracted to Cicero for all of them to be unfuckable. Some of them are at least average

Is every woman who's attracted to the joker ugly? Women are into weird shit too, not just the ugly ones
How did TES turn you on to succubi?
and it's just a coincidence that you are also an unfuckable weirdo that spends his time on 4chan in the middle of the day, right?
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Nikitaa's succubus race mod. I deeply want to fuck a succubus so good that she forgets to kill me.
it is, surprisingly. /soc/ rated me as an 8/10. I just don't know many good places to actually talk about elder scrolls.
>there are way too many females attracted to Cicero
yeah the whole dozen you saw while scrolling tiktok is really an incredible number.
brainrot. mohawks were around long before woke shit.
post tits
Anon I'm a dude.
he's clearly a trannychaser after your bussy
did I stutter
Your logic is so backwards
Do you really think people who have lots of sex don't develop weird kinks? When you've done it so often with so many different types of women you'll eventually get bored with it.

You're retarded enough to believe a "Chad" is a real thing so I guess you do.
that fiery red snatch got dunmer acting unwise.
alright *sigh*


oh that goes without saying.
i'm a grill gamer, give me attention now while I liveblog about offtopic stuff.
>Do you really think people who have lots of sex don't develop weird kinks?
I'll believe it when you show me some numbers, professor. Go look up the sex offender registry and tell me how many of those losers AREN'T gross ugly ass freaks.
Are you witchertranny?
>post tits
I actually ended up getting into a long distance relationship after telling a girl tits or GTFO. I was saying it as an insult to her but then she actually sent nudes. Ended up getting her skype and the rest was history.
>Sex offender = fetish
You're not intelligent enough to communicate with
God I miss latinas
lmao scared bitch, go pretend to be an expert somewhere you won't get called out
almalexia definitely gives of crazy latina gf energy
Nah you're a fucking retarded hypocrite
>That's true because I say so

>What? People often develop fetishes in puberty and fetish development has no connection with the amount of sex you're having?
You can literally Google my claim and see that it's true btw
... do you often get triggered when people reference popular fables? I fail to see what any of that has to do with Americans.
>space marine 2
>bg3 patch 7
uhhh bros...modded Skyrim might be dead for the next couple of months
If you can literally google it then you can literally post it
>inb4 some pop-psych article from a shithouse magazine
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Teldryn Sero is made for big buff buxom Nord women
I've collecting Cicero fanart for years, on many different platforms. Over half of it is women thirsting for him
Should I drop Maximum Carnage for Dismemberment Framework?
Here you go. Read this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_fetishism

Also fuck you for being a hypocrite btw.
People that make this kind of argument are either unfamiliar with the setting or fantasy in general just as a concept.
Yes obviously
>wiki link

I can see how you acquired your illustrious credentials there doc LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Bit rude to advertise and then not post
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I fucking hate it when MO2 does this.
There's one schizo in /tesg/ who advocates hard for the DF mod. All of us have no issues with Maximum Carnage. It does everything as advertised and is more popular and most likely more stable.
Trolling is indeed a art
I don't like the fact that they took out the ability to bisect people horizontally or vertically.
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NTA but people's kinks can stem from just being wired differently and trauma and different emotions.

thinking sexual kinks ONLY stem from not getting laid is a plebian take.
>feminist hairstyle

Why is it that every time I click on a skyrim youtuber they sound like shut-in NEET, virgin nerds who are 4 days overdue for a shower. Can't think of a single gaming community where it's this bad.
>Does the exact thing I said he would do
It's funny how Wikipedia only becomes a bad source when it disagrees with retards.
You still have no evidence for your "'"theory""" btw
Anyway. Go read the wiki link and check the sources. You're welcome to read "causes" in particular.

I never pretended to be an expert on the subject because you don't need to be an expert on something to know about it.

Difference between us is that I can back up my claim and you can't.
It's the adoring fan's haircut
I had them both running for a while but I just grew tied of the little subtitle bug desu
why dont you quit your autismal sperging and just post waifu asses
>It's funny how Wikipedia only becomes a bad source when it disagrees with retards.
What's really funny is how wikipedia itself disagrees with you on this LOL
There's a reason why your 6th grade teacher wouldn't accept wikipedia as a source, dear anon
>Articles on less technical subjects, such as the social sciences, humanities, and culture, have been known to deal with misinformation cycles, cognitive biases, coverage discrepancies, and editor disputes. The online encyclopedia does not guarantee the validity of its information.
Anon. He's a retard. Anyone who thinks people who have a lot of sex are less likely to have fetishes of kinks is genuinely retarded. If anything I'd make more sense if the opposite is true.
what are you expecting anon its gaming, most of us are ugly betas.

if you want to listen to deep voiced men go watch a gym bro video or something.
>unwashed female neets don't want your ass
Most of them have probably been face deep in one
People develop fetishes because they watched the wrong cartoon/movie scene at the wrong time.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is responsible for like 50% of the inflationfag population.
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I don't think I would be wrong to assume that a great many women attracted to Cicero are also attracted to The Joker, and are in fact attracted to Cicero simply BECAUSE they see him as some kind of Joker expy. I likewise know that a great many women I know that are incredibly into The Joker have a near-infantile phobia of clowns, and none of that makes actual sense to me.
>Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is responsible for like 50% of the inflationfag population.
Yeah I'm sure a notorious flop movie that no one remembers or cares about was responsible for that.

Meanwhile the original classic film from the 70s that everyone and their dog that was born in the 20th century saw did not inspire a wave of freaks into such things, curious. Surely it has nothing at all to do with a huge underclass of men that can't get laid growing to a biblical scale after that time.
That bug happens regardless of having either installed.
Lmao still no source for your claim.

I could also link other articles that will show up when you Google "what causes fetishes" (spoiler, they all say the same thing as Wikipedia). But I'm not gonna do that when you can't post a single hint of evidence for your backwards retarded logic.

The single most psued thing you can do is instantly dismiss anyone who uses Wikipedia. That's the poster child of mindlessly obeying your highschool teachers.
Because only they say it and it sounds cringe
>The single most psued thing you can do is instantly dismiss anyone who uses Wikipedia.
methinks you doth protest too much there, little anon. lmao

If you can't even be bothered to check the sources on the article and post those why exactly should I ever take you seriously again?
that's not true at all
>grow up on 50's - 80's movies
>develop a fetish for muscular women, femme fatales and female action heroes
>reality dictates that any woman that isn't 4'8, built like a twig and has personality beyond cardboard warrants seething about
sounds like sour grapes to me
inspirational, I will try to do the same
I think most people wouldn't be mad about female action heroes with even a hint of abs if feminazis hadn't been so obnoxious in recent years. Of course no one cares about feminism anymore and instead it's all complaining about trannies.
>read the sources
Nobody who links Wikipedia articles has examined the sources of that article so why should somebody else do so?
I haven't run into it again since uninstalling mc
I know nobody cares since it's just internet drama but after all the gore situation it seems like skyrimmods was taken down.
I don't know why these fags are trying to gaslight you but maximum carnage is indeed a bug ridden shitheap.
It's not this bad in other communities, 99% of skyrim youtubers are cringe.
>If you can't even be bothered to check the sources on the article and post those why exactly should I ever take you seriously again?
Because that's just disingenuous? I'd just be posting what Wikipedia is saying but trying to hide it.
I effectively did the same thing you said. The articles Wikipedia cites ARE in that Wikipedia article. Why do you believe them when I'd post them directly and not when I post the Wikipedia link which cites them? Are you a lying hypocrisy nigger retard? Yes.

You'd understand all this if you weren't the real pseud.

Now go ahead and source your claim. Oh wait? You can't because you made it up? You don't have any evidence and you're trying to hide it by constantly changing the topic (yes everyone can tell you're doing that). Lmao go fuck yourself and try not to develop a humiliation fetish from getting your ass handed to you on the internet.
It's not a fetish, Cicero is well-beloved because he's fleshed-out and a memorable character. There aren't many important named NPCs in Skyrim and Cicero is arguably the main character of the best faction in the game. He's loud and odd and he's a prominent character with drama and plot twists written around him. People mostly want to fuck and actually selecting a target is secondary to the base requirement. It'd be weird if women did not gravitate towards Cicero due to simple exposure. If he were a woman he'd have taken Serana's spot as THE Skyrim waifu easily.
qrd on Gore?
>Because that's just disingenuous? I'd just be posting what Wikipedia is saying but trying to hide it.
>Why do you believe them when I'd post them directly and not when I post the Wikipedia link which cites them?
jesus you never made it to the 6th grade in the first place huh?
you just assume that every word on wikipedia is faithfully supported by legitimate sources, when wikipedia itself admits that it's hopelessly unreliable outside of concrete technical topics.

What part of
>Articles on less technical subjects, such as the social sciences, humanities, and culture, have been known to deal with misinformation cycles, cognitive biases, coverage discrepancies, and editor disputes
did you not understand?
>I installed the wrong version since I'm a mental midget so I assume all of you did the same
You're the only one having issues with it.
Annoying voice, though. He'd be much better if he were voiced by someone who doesn't make a Mark Hamill Joker impression sound like nails on a chalkboard.
Seems like it's still up?
He's a badly written character since he doesn't feel like he belongs in the skyrim world. Nobody else talks or acts like him.
works on my machine. I've been using it for years actually
Lmao still not posting your own source
Lmao admitting that you prefer it if I'm a disingenuous liar (only way you could hope to recover from this situation)
>it was deboonked!
Let this thread be a lesson to you, anon, that you can't blindly trust wikipedia anymore.
I'm glad that I helped you grow as a person, brings a tear to my eye.
>Wikipedia is unreliable
>Heres a Wikipedia article about that
No self awareness
the guy who wrote the study realised he was wrong and the wild social habits of wolves are a family structure with the parents of the pack as the leader.
enough with the df shilling.
they both work fine together
>Quickly tries to escape after he realizes I'm not gonna let him get away with not sourcing his own claim while demanding source from me (I provided)

Your humiliation fetish is set in stone now
I hope the next magic college quest lets me sit in lectures and be a teachers pet. I also hope it lets me advance to where I'm a teacher and give lectures to students so I can feed them misinformation and prevent anyone from ever growing in power enough to rival me.
>inspirational, I will try to do the same
The funny thing is, that is the only time I've ever told a girl tits or GTFO and it worked (though she sent me a photo of her pussy at first). So it has a 100% success rate as far as I know.

To this day, she still doesn't know I was insulting her by saying that, it was the equivalent of "fuck off".
I've come across a bald npc. I realize I have two replacers that the npc and that they are in conflict. Is this something I can fix in sseedit or do I have to remove one of the replacers?
Really what I was asking is if DF supersedes or works better in some way that MC. I’ve used MC for years but I’m going through my annual modlist update
Mod author gets metood (turns out he's innocent), and a subreddit's tranny janny piles on and doxes him. People want the trannyjanny to step down but he's the subreddit's only trannyjanny, so he investigates himself and decides he's innocent. I think he might have stepped down by now but I haven't checked.
It is now. I went to check if anything new came out and said that the subreddit didn't exist. Must be their servers shitting themswlves.
How did we go from Serana to Cyberpunk to Trannies to Wolf behaviour studies in one thread and how long will it take us to circle back to Skyrim
I set the topic of Serana, then I set the topic of cyberpunk. I know how to work you guys. Wow.
>mad no one liked the replacer he kept shilling so he derailed the thread as hard as he could
nice anon so proud of you
I want to try the Sofia follower mod but her skin is always a different color from her head. I'm using diamond skin.
Other follower mods don't have this issue.
His replace is good you useless chud
open plugin in xedit, delete the worn clothing record from the npc, then open the head mesh in nifskope and set the paths for the skin textures to your default path. congrats your mod npc now uses your default body and skin.
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when we've talked about sharks
>He's still upset after losing the debate.
Move on anon. Just install that modder's goth gf follower that you like so much. Any girl can be the real Serana if you use your imagination.
>samefagging on cooldown
holy CRINGE....
>he thinks he won anything
>he thinks only one person disagreed with him
serana reimagined is shit btw. 1.5 and simply serana (/ss/ for short) are the only ones worth taking
Take meds schizo. And take a shower immediately. You are overdue.
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Now I may be stupid, but you can just unmark a post as yours
See? I made your post now.
LMFAO this faglord actually changed his 4chan theme to avoid getting called out as samefag like he did in the last thread

But the filenames are the same KEK
It's up
>no voice acting
it's all in this note
Please tell me this anon isn't this dumb. There's a thing called night and daytime anon. People change their theme based on the time of day...you know what. You might be pretending to be retarded to farm (yous) so I won't give you one. Do better next time and you might earn a (you).
You could say the same about Serana. Maybe the truth is nobody cares about or wants characters that "belong" in the Skyrim world.
Interesting you're from Eastern Europe
holy fuck you're seething, I absolutely fucking NAILED your ass faggot, I have your fucking number LMAO
Want to make Serana a better character? This is how
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hey fella I did not give you permission to post my wife here
Uh chud she's an independent woman
>changing your theme based on time of day
you some kinda retard or something?
Is schizophrenia contagious? Because I feel like I'm catching it just from reading this thread.
he's obviously lying because he definitely was trying to avoid getting called out as a samefag.
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TBD superiority
wtf I didn't make this post
Wtf I made this post next week
>I use dark themes during the daytime because I'm a handholdless virgin nerd NEET who plays in his mom's basement where it's so dark I can't tell if it's night or day
Anon, I take showers and am I productive member of society. I'm not like you.
I actually sit in the attic and my room is bright because I have two active terrariums. Also my window is open.
>I take showers and am I productive member of society.
That's why you have been seething and samefagging for the past 6 hours well into the day about what serana replacer faceless anons you will never meet use, right?
Every well respected productive member of society I know does that.
You're a gay retard
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>decide to reinstall skyrim
>it seems they added a lot of shit
>"there's this survival option, you can die of cold and need to eat"
>sounds neat, try it out
>pick nord to survive cold
>do the vampire quest
>"vampires must have more cold resistance, right?"
>it has no resistance at all
>my character is thirsty for blood, annoyed by sunlight and also dying of hypothermia
>close game
wth... I'd expect they would make vampires cold resistant...
They got ice resistance like in the old vanilla, but not against climate.
And yea, this seems to be the current "vanilla"
skill issue
It's 6pm in russia
>Resorting to ad hominems
Hit a nerve I see? It only hurts when it's true. Take a shower IMMEDIATELY.

You're confusing me with the other anon. I was accused of samefagging and had to correct you. I've only made 9 post in the last 2 days.
>You're confusing me with the other anon.
I'm not confusing you for anyone faggot. Your last post where you desperately tried to deflect being called out for a samefag was 6 hours ago. You have been autistically shitting yourself over this retarded topic for 6 fucking hours lol.
>>decide to reinstall skyrim
>>it seems they added a lot of shit
>>"there's this survival option, you can die of cold and need to eat"
Lmao how many years what the fuck
Why are you always fighting about something?
The last thread was intentionally sabotaged with bots. This thread is somehow off to a worse start. I'm leaving for the Cyberpunk general. Do better next time you guys. Bye.
Why are you not you twink pussy bitch
real men enjoy conflict
It's probably the same schizo starting fights with everyone. Not sure which he needs more, to take his meds or a shower.
you know if you want to talk about anime you can just go to /a/, you don't have to go to a dead general for a dead game.
>Resorting to
This isn't an argument and there are no standards for replies. I saw you being a gay retard and decided to make sure you knew it.
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New Vex just dropped.
>dead game
The monkeys at the enclosure often enjoy flinging questionable projectiles.
Her pussy probably smells awful but because she spends so much time in the sewers of Riften she doesn't notice.
your anime general is at 7 posts an hour
this thread is currently at 78 posts an hour
cope harder cybertranny
skyrim is eternal
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game's looking good so far. Got some more stuff to download but my saves now actually load before OAR can finish loading animations.
I'm not a cyberspunk man
Eternally slop no matter how many mods
Shit game.
seething cybertroon
How do people make this effect where the background gets blurred when next to npcs?
you need enb for it, it's easy to find in the menu but I can't remember what it's called in enb off hand.
Think we should just make jannies do their job instead of carrying on
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not bad. bimbo aesthetics, me like
I admire the optimism.
she looks like a bulldog
bijin vex is peak why would you use that toad ass bitch
All these years I've wondered what the fuck the Stormcloaks are even trying but now it's clear they're just doing it for sport
youre right. on closer inspection, it seems like she's cross eyed too lol
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okay, less ideal. I'll figure it out.
ENB, depth of field and bokeh settings
ok you still have prides, herds, troops ect.
this aversion to "alpha" or "beta" is reddit basedence semantic quibble. call it whatever you want.

wolf packs are no different from other dominance hierarchies anyways, few males monopolizing breeding privileges.
god I wish I had the energy to bother learning what any of that means. Instead I just stare at rocks for hours.
The anons who spend hours arguing on /tesg/ don't know how to mod properly. Their game keeps CTDing and they've installed one too many shitty mods that ruin their immersion which brings them back here to shitpost.
The anons with good mods are addicted to Skyrim and only rarely come here to answer/ask questions.
only minimalist chads know how to properly mod the game, if you have more than 99 mods in your mod list your game is bloated and you should feel bad
ideologically committed to being a beta male lol
it means i get to rape you cuz i'm a sigma rizzler.
damn dude, original
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I think she looks a little bit... VEXED
this vexes me
What do you suppose a Nord cleric of Talos would have as their weapon of choice?
That shit is like a schlong slung over your shoulder, at some point your brain stops registering those as tits and tells you that someone photoshopped a pillow or a ballsack over the picture and removed the actual tits
2 handed war axe with an elf soijack
>How about you fuck off to the four far corners of the map and fighting some dragur instead.
There is no education in skyrim. Only war.
and the crazy part is those are small by /tesg/ standards
>knots your sigmoid colon with my deep red pulsating alpha werewolf hole destroyer
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Holy fuck I don't want to play through the Companions questline just to get the axe anon can I get a suggestion for a more generically available weapon? I'm after type, not specifics
something happened to my cat last night
I modded her into a Ohme but the headcanon is she's an alteration wizard and changed her form

Only 5 more days until Castles releases and saves /tesg/
Try posting a pic and maybe you'll get an opinion
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Fuck I forgot my pic
also, is there a way to make a follower a bard? like, playing flute while walking and shit
Solid improvement overall but something about that hairstyle and texture makes it look like she has seriously THICK sideburns
Doesn't exist
Thalmor agents can fuck right off
man i would annihilate an argonians histussy
the Ohme race has them fuzzy cheeks a la sabretooth
but I think I did a good job overall, thanks !
This setting doesn't have holy magic so cleric isn't available.
>haha oh no Im losing to wolves again..
No point getting upset with me about it.
Rudy with FTM weathers
Alfiq is fine, too
Be honest, have you even played this game or do you just use it as a posing simulator
the one you posted require too much dexterity to use though, clerics are not primarily fighters, so they use the most efficient weapon with less technique required
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I'm flattered.


Hello, tiddy lizard modlist enjoyer.
NTA but if you want to get real technical about it magic in TES is sourced from the Divine known as Magnus and qualifies as holy. Arguments could be made both for and against Necromancy thanks to things such as The Ideal Masters and the Necromancer's Moon.
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do niggaz even play this game or its just waifu screenshot faggotry?
We prefer to be called Cybergods
I actually talked to a girl irl who said Cicero is her husbando. Met her at a friend's Skyrim themed party. I immediately drew the connection to the joker, but she said she's not into clowns at all. Only jester. It was a big difference to her. Harley Quinn in male would've been her thing
He then killed her after this
yeah and trannies prefer to be called women but that ain't happening either.
go wank to your anime in your dead thread you homo.
>when I next meet that fair maid Nelly, I'll plunge my knife into her belly
>Skyrim themed party
imagine the smell
>Skyrim themed party
Screenarchery is gameplay.
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I build modlists with the intention of playing them but it never seems to happen.
Misery loves company
probably your brain subconsciously compelling you to avoid damaging your eyes with that atrocious UI
I kinda like the girl character's design. Got any more?
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>moon over june face
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no and those aren't small.
simmer down gays.
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Hahaha this is literally just /tesg/ tranny waifus.
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Gameplay used to inspire my screenshots but I stopped playing so no more screenshots from me
It seems some mod is overwriting values in my skyrim.ini in MO2, how do I find which one it is?
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the original ones from the mod look like fucking CATS - the movie with taylor swift

I play the game with 250 mods enabled, 34 FPS on average
just like Todd intended
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Any recommended tweaks for Pi-cho ENB?
like since 2017 or so
I'm not sure, I had this "new version" but never installed it.
I'ven been playing since 2012, yeah
they're both ugly as shit idgi
that's a weird fucking weird obsession. In an ironic way, she's as lonely as Cicero.
>tfw downloaded some cute followers off nexus but in game they're not cute they're fucking sex demons and I can't even play the game without needing to jerk off whenever I see one
Lydia and Marcurio I'm sorry I never should have abandoned you for these harlots
>MO2 has built in BSA unpacker
>no way to search for the over you want
>have to manually check where in the list it might be
You ain't playing the game right if you aren't pitching a wet tent.
Many such cases
Why is every attempt at a humor comic produced by a woman some cringe bullshit
is there a way to have a bard companion? I'm not talking about class and perks, just like
a guy singing songs and shit while I'm adventuring
Anon, who do you think plays the in-game music all the time?
Most custom voiced followers sing on adventures whether you want them to or not
There are good ones, but not that many with Cicero involved
Their built in songs are so shitty. It's as if some shithead at the studio came up with all the songs in an hour and called it a day. Why would you want those shitheads following you around.
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We're posting my bro Cicero?
Do I take him as a pet
YES! I'm so jealous
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I made Cicero a girl so I can fuck her this playthrough. Let's see if that mouth can do more than talking.
wtf how am I getting parallax textures? I don't have any parallax stuff installed and didn't even think it would womm
uninstall your parallax textures and unitick anything parallax related in ENB
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>I made Cicero a girl
bro don't
it's a path of no return
the parallax options are checked but grayed out, no idea why its doing this now, I could try manually setting in the ini maybe. Or is parallax worth it? seeing some of the textures I'm thinking it mite b cool if it works and I take the time to set it up properly
What skills to go with dual wielding barbarian?
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How do I avoid becoming a schizo like the guys on /aco/. One of them had their waifu on Soltheim getting railed by reklings for months.
He's roleplayed as a female being fucked by orcs for so long, he probably has negative testosterone levels and produces more estrogen than a post-op tranny.
Just don't coom it's not that HARD lol
Need help with a CTD. Going through Unslaad and I'm consistently crashing in a section of the Chained City. Taking the portal to Ysgrim's Seal crashes every time. Found a similar problem on reddit, but the only fix mentioned didn't do anything.
Does this webm exist without the corruption
yes, but my converter is corrupting it when I make the audioless version
So whats the problem here?
>How do I avoid becoming a schizo like the guys on /aco/.
Abstain from porn.
Masturbate once/week to imagination. Do it in the shower so it is more a bodily function than a pleasure.
I heard something fall to the ground i think
Did someone just lose their Dint BDOR hairpack 0.18 on their mega and wants me to help them look?
Surely it just rolled under the fridge or whatever, I'm sure I can find it for you
is there a way to trigger scenes with Ostim but just for NPCs/followers?
let's say Aela and Lydia want to have some fun while I sit in the cuck chair
I had a consistent crash issue as well at a temple, where I CTD'd 6 times in a row going there, then the problem just fixed itself. You probably could use a combination of the coc command to teleport around it or use the mission complete thing to remove that one objective in that mission that requires you to be at that spot. Could also be a RAM related issue if your PC isn't strong enough. Would close the web browser before going there.

Install the proper version of crashlogger. Which will spit out crashlog text files. Then install this exe in that directory with the logs, and it will give you a readable version of the crash logs files
It's worth. You don't have to hunt parallax textures for everything either because there's a mod that disables it for meshes that don't have them so you don't get broken textures.
It's called Ostim NPC Sex lives, though you have to have specific animations installed for female-female stuff. For Ostim SA I've only tried male-female NPC sex which works perfectly. I only tested lesbian NPC stuff with the older version of Ostim NG but it was a shitshow since the animations weren't properly tagged so you had the male NPCs using female-female animations at times, might have been fixed by now though.
that never happened but nice try.
>Do it in the shower
Don't do that. You'll trigger a Pavlovian response to showers.
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are you asking for it or offering it? we're very slow here
Ostim NG had a cuck animation pack where you would sit back and watch as your wife/lover got fucked by someone but I don't think they've ported it to Ostim SA.
>Ostim NPC Sex lives
thanks, I will check it out
so far it's working real fine, but I want to spice things up
>then the problem just fixed itself
It really does just fucking work, huh.

For Ostim NPC sex lives to work you have to go into settings and change the minimum relationship to -4 which will allow any NPC to fuck regardles of their relationship or faction. Toggles the setting that says "scenes ends when found" since you want to watch them. There might be another setting that changes how frequently females engage with other females, but by default it is set to 0 I think.

Fellow cuck enjoyers...
Anyone ever had a problem where NPC - NPC sexlab scenes remove the interaction button from beds?
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not making the mistake of having bodyslide files on a hdd again.

shaved a regular show episode amount of time off batch building.
Thoughts on waifus with large breasts?
hate them. give me a waifu with no breasts, muscular body and a dick. firm ass too.
And don't forget a hefty ball sack
mmhm, hairy body too. a beard, short hair. still a waifu tho so it's all good
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out of the box mid-cho usually has some issues and looks washed out so:
if you're using lux, use the dark or default indoor lighting preset, bright is radioactive. That is a common theme with mid-cho, radioactive overexposure.
you usually also have to dial in (or dial down) the indoor light bloom to avoid big hazy balls of death...
it also likes to desaturate the night time (especially midnight) outside which is a cool effect but annoying at times
other than that just smash luts together to your hearts desire and or manually fuck around until you found the vibe you want.
sweet I will work on it.
so here the rocks parallax correctly but the grassy patch is very spiky and wavy, is that a missing mesh, or anything?
this mutant critter is easily the worst waifu of the year
holy shit it's revolting
post your revolting mutant critter
You didn't bother to make hot soups, did you? I don't go far north without 6 hot soups and 4 torches in my kit.
You ran an SSEEditQuickAutoClean individually on each mod as added, right? It'll clean up most mesh issues.
Silence you worm.
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stop hating waifus
I do not support big breasts on waifus unless there's a woman irl you can compare her body proportions to.
>>anon posts a shitty waifu and other anons call her hot
not yet I'll do that thanks
i dont think anyone called her hot, you must be reading the wrong thread
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you already tried this gimmick months ago
It's not as simple as enabling bloom/ depth of field in your enb. Depth of field will hurt your eyes if not setup properly. The ultimate emersion enb has really good settings for depth of field, which are subtle enough that its playable.
Depth Of Field. NAT 3 or PRT (I can't remember) has an option where you can click on object to focus the lens which makes it a whole lot easier than than autofocus or manual lens adjustment.
I might have? I don't remember. But notice how nobody has tried to challenge me. Wise choice. My V beauty mogs them every day of the week.
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Look man go back to the shitpost drawing board and pick something else, maybe put ideas in a hat or something, I don't know. this "grab a character from their general and shitpost elsewhere" thing is played out
The image had only been posted one other time yet you said I already tried this in /tesg/, you gaslighted me into thinking I did. Your paranoid schizophrenic behavior is worrying me anon. I think you need to take a break.
I only see one copy
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He's such a schizo that he doesn't realize he debunked his own claim.
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Uh huh, he grabbed some random uggo from their general, like last time, to start a flame war. I wasn't implying it was the same exact character as last time.
Why does every board now have schizos who cross reference every image and filename with archives?
How do you modify head morphs?
does scrlet widow realise she is whining about things that she hates?
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>4chin filename
>same post about mogging
Don't test my detective hunches, shitposter-chan.
They probably saw it when it was done properly against some determined autist and think they can get a gotcha in.
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Schizos and generals are a new thing on 4chan. The catalog is to blame for this, it made it too easy to find threads. In the past you had to browse several pages to find a topic you cared about which spread out anons. Now you have people who only go to 4chan to read certain topics. We have become reddit-ish. Generals are basically subreddits.
Because the same topics get discussed in generals you end up getting ritualposters and NEETs who live in the thread.

Remove catalogs and you fix 4chan's schizo problem.
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Mogged by Starfield chan
Alright I underestimated your schizophrenia. GG, I deleted it.
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Does special edition still need to be downgraded? It says it is version 1.6.1170.0.8.

All I wanna do is add bug fixes and make storage containers have item categories.
What woman IRL can be compared to bosmom and chey and synthia?
Breeding goddesses
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>find word wall
>new word learned

Why were the ancient Nords like this?
Looks like I just had to check the mod page. Some other people were having a similar issue and it looks like it's fucking Lux of all things. Goddamn, all this shit is is a pile of incompatibilities.
Who the starfield chick?
Who is the real life Lipples?
And the real life Tittywitch?
And the real life Yarti?
And the real life Tizzers?
I don't use HIMBO but I want the fingerless gloves from this HIMBO retex of the witcher 3 prologue gear mod

can i just download the mod and extract the glove NIFs to my game folder or is there more to it than that?
That mod is on my never again list. Half of my CTD crashlogs have lux as the culprit.
womm crashless
it'll be himbo hands under the gloves. you can steal what you want from the outfit with some outfit studio stuff that is too annoying to explain
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she used to be a headturner
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Sydney Sweeney as Yarti.
I'm keeping Lux Via because I like the new roadside lights it adds, but Lux itself is getting the fucking boot the next time I redo my modlist.
lel i wish I saved that pic of how fucked up starfield-chan looks ingame
You don't need to downgrade anymore. But for future reference, 1.6.1170 is AE even if you don't have the AE upgrade. SE is 1.5.97. But you're fine, you don't need to downgrade and every mod you'll need has been updated for 1.6.1170.
t. Downgraded to 1.5 97 for this latest playthrough and wish I hadn't bothered
Sydney Sweeney doesn't have an ass the size of a planet
Busty Ema or Maserati
Kailani Kai
None, she's an abhorrent mutant with no irl comparisons.
so where's the link at
Thank you. I've been having trouble getting even the most basic shit working. I almost started playing it vanilla.
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best I can give you is having followers playing instruments alongside you with Become A Bard
what does an argonian vagina look like
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so far my new modlist is about half the size of my old one. I'm not done yet, but it's shaping up to be pretty much all I want by this point.
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Why'd you guys have this shit ready to go faster than I could google an image of a cloaca to post for laughs?
>I like the new roadside lights
Everytime I walk next to those lights I fear a CTD happening which happens way too frequiently. They do look nice though.
nice butthole
do it anyway except post an image of the fossilised cloaca of psittacosaurus (yes, we really found one)
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oh hell naw, they comin for my oldrim
It took me a couple minutes to google bad dragon and find a lizard related onahole. Not that quick
The three remaining LEfags about to get devastated
well then
Nah I'm good, my LE is pirated.
I won the argument
if a mod requires HDT-SMP, will it natively work with FSMP?
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I fell for the wind ruler meme
Dark elves should look like this and be femdom. Would make TES so much better.
>dark elves
What's wind ruler?
i need to make a drow OC
>WoW ears
Long ears are kino
wind ruler armour, one of 4thunknown's. It's really popular with those big modpack "THIS IS SKYRIM IN 2025" videos.
Well it looks cool
I refuse to wear bulky armor for female DBs. If the outfit isn't designed for a women's curves then I don't use it. Simple as.
living skyrim is so much better looking than wildlander holy shit, it's like a new game
that is true. I was on the fence for a while but actually having downloaded it, it's pretty good.
that's fine but I dunno, I don't need to see their curves.
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>big modpack "THIS IS SKYRIM IN 2025" videos
>Flashbacks of anime souls combat, hentai screams, J-RPG combat effects and HDR blur
The horror
>played skyrim yearly since release
>only just now got the random encounter with the jude using a spell of icarian flight to touch the sky like a dragon
thank you todd
I mean to say "dude" and idk how this typo happened
I wasn't being antisemitic for once
you know his bdor hairpack is available for free right?
>breaking the one last refugee to sell more CC stuff
Todd has no shame
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Oh jew!
I have 1,000 hours and I'm realizing there's hundreds of houses I've never walked into or NPCs who I've never talked to because I feared starting a new quest. I like having no quest in my list.
just use the original
Have you tried just completing the quests?
Why won't that cathedral 3D plant autist make an aio for all his shit?
Found one really irritating bug: the TrueHUD mcm is entirely empty.
there are few quest endings in skyrim that give me such joy as the one that restarts raven rock mine does
Todd Howard here!

I'm doing a survey on the races for TESVI and I thought I should ask the various TES communities for their opinions

Here's what we have so far :

Wood Elf

You'll notice the Dunmer are missing. We've decided that they really went extinct after the eruption of the Red Mountain due to the Nords eventually rejecting them and the Dunmer having no other home.

But this leads onto the Missing Nord race. Because the Nords rejected these refugees we've decided that Akatosh punished them with Imperial settlers from Hammerfell and Orsinium leading to the Nord race fading and becoming a new race.

Our current idea for this new race are the "Norcguards" but this isn't final.

Lilmothiit have also been implemented into our current plans but we haven't decided if they will be playable but it does not seem likely now.

Any opinions or criticism is wanted from anybody here since the games are made for fans we need to know what YOU want.
that means the MCM didn't initialize and you have stack dumps in your save file
stop using deviously cursed loot
>find proudspire remodel that actually looks good from the pictures
>download it and see it in game
>remember it’s proudspire
I wish the anon that made that comfy attic home in Solitude made a version with a double bed. I tried but I couldn’t figure out how to fit one in without redoing the entire interior
what is that
>stack dumps
this is a new save.
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Hey Todd that sounds kino
You aren't Todd
Journal clutter is something you avoid on later playthroughs after finding everything and ruining it prior, it's an art.
Reminder that the Khajit are Azura's true chosen and the dunmer are just a side gig.
Khajiit has finally arrived. It only took all her money and supplies preparing her research this far. Terrible. Surely everyone inside is competent and can help her, yes? Not incompetents who would be embarrassed to call what they do magic like khajiit is.
The true chosen are the Dunjiit a mix of both
Checks out because Azura seems like the type of bitch to treat her stepchildren better (if you can call The Dunmer Experience 'better') all while Khajiit are nature's punching bag
Name your favorite /tesg/ waifus.
>inb4 the cabal list
She then failed university and became the cheapest prostitute in Riften
They already have names.
meant for >>493308645
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the one with huge bazongas
Please stop
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looks nice until you realize the skin texture is wrong and trying to bait people who like human women
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That looks more like Dhana
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do not trust your fellow furstock mage. he is an ass and will lead you astray
Add more NFOM relations
as long as i can play as a Powerful ORC that goes around pounding Breton women i'm happy

This one? But he is so handsome. And a well educated member of the college. Are you sure?
this might be a dumb question but why would anyone bother with 3BA or BHUNP if they don't intend to have sex mods and just want jiggly tits?
Stop degrading Breton women, fuckin faggot.
Because sex mods are janky and they just want to look at tits jiggle?
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Sofia is kind of low-key cute, especially considering the fact that she's supposed to be a comedy character.
Vanilla bodies and skin are awful. There's plenty of clothing that were made for 3ba/Bhunp. There's no reason to use vanilla bodies.
and now it's telling me there's an OAR submod version mismatch which did not exist 30 minutes ago. What the fuck is this.
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New TR concept art stuff.
Was Potema “the Wolf Queen” based on Isabelle “the She-Wolf”?
Because vanilla skin looks like shit and 3BA/himbo/BHUNP all have nevernude options if you’re planning on streaming or if you don’t want to see nude bodies. Even if all you want is your game to not look like shit I’d recommend it. Fuck we even had an Xbox anon in here dealing with a 5GB limit and even in his case I’d recommend using a skin like Lucid or Skysight
The real dumb question is why 3BA has fully modeled internals even when the body slots are occupied (without skimp)
I got her confused with Serana.
For surely only the most upstanding are here to seek even higher planes of knowledge and

Oh no.

Today is 'Wards 101'. Where has Khajiit come to? What is going on? I spent so much time preparing my research before comming here.
a bit too med, there's basically no ayyleid influence
what's the story on this guy?
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>Quest won't finish until NPC gets to location x.
>NPC takes forever to walk to location x or gets stuck on objects.
I hate this game so fucking much. Fuck JK's interiors and fuck you too.
>a bit too med
My first thoughts. It looks like Hammerfell
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nice blonde waifu.
It's just an Erandur problem he's old and stupid
nice butt
>what's the story on this guy?
Sotha Sil.
Add playable Sea Giants Todd. PS thank you for Fallout 4.
Errandur takes ages to get up there and if you have frostfall you WILL freeze before he gets there. And if you do he goes with you back to the inn and you have to do it all over again
Erandur’s boulder
maybe it was a good thing that almalexia murdered him
Anyone know what could cause random infinite stamina drain? No active effects seem to be the source. dispelallspells likewise does nothing.
I found some comfy lore videos to watch while wfh
He has a kino dutch accent as well unlike the other one who sounded like an aussie tranny
I have been out for a year, what is the replacement for additemenu?
Help (item name) 4
Player.additem (item id) (count)
He welconed it.
Also yes hello /tesg/.

There are two important discoveries that I have made in today's efforts. One is obvious from the quality of my screenshots. The ENB preset I was using was badwrong and I disabled most of it. Not only does the game look better even in screenshots, it runs better. The second discovery is some of my mods weren't activating in the background because I needed backdated ESL support. And they are mods I have been trying to use in past runs too.
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dmenu is the closest thing
the bees got another one
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>tfw no qt Sotha Sil bf to spend the night with and listen to his autistic rants about Dwemer machines
>tfw no qt Sotha Sil bf to cuddle and fuck while his weird machinations watch
>tfw no qt Sotha Sil bf to stab me in the back because his friend’s crazy waifu said so
It hurts lads
How do you fix that goofy bug where followers just keep sheathing and unsheathing their weapon and never attacking?
okay trainwiz
there's nothing wrong with sticking to cbbe
but what's one more fomod or build in bodyslide compared to having slightly better jiggies, moar sliders, and the vertex potential for skindentation

aim is still the goat but cheat engine was second best imo https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/70159
everything else either had no search, bad search, or slow search
She is. If she had just a little more variation in her lines I'd use her a lot more
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You already know what I like.
Both 3BA and BHUNP have way higher poly titties than the bodies they're based on. This usually (not always) translates to armor/clothing conversions made for them too.
Yes.. others knew too.. but khajiit did not...
Sifina has some powerful boobs to move the thick leather like that
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You think that compass is big enough? Dork.
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I ended up killing him to get the daedric artifact. That's what he gets for making me wait. I'm noticing a trend that whenever you have to follow a slow moving NPC the quest ends with you killing them to get a daedric weapon.
You end up killing that annoying dog
>The House of Horrors
You kill the NPC who ask you to follow him in markarth
>elf beaten to death with fresh sausage
those were perfectly good meats
We all know that feel.
I'm playing as a bosmer with the Imperious race mod, so he guts won't go to waste.
post nip slips
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going after him for my Dunmer coalition was on my to do list next but decided to get Aranea from The Black Star quest instead, will probably end up doing the same because who can pass up a free staff
Oh neat
for the love of Todd jerk off before you enter thread
Dark Brotherhood are level scaled, I have no idea why guards and guildsmen you are a part of don't attack your assailant. I mean it's not like their the Morag Tong.
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It's more fun if you take him around the world and listen to all his pleasant idle lines about his backstory and view on life and then sacrifice him to Boethiah for being a double apostate
Sotha Sil did nothing wrong because Neravar got in the way of science.
imperial knowledge is fantastic
I do prefer in-game stuff and segregating esoslop because this is no canon which he doesn't do
but he doesn't irritate me like other loretubers who put on overly pretentious voices

atmoran leather conditioned with dwarven oil ten-thousand times
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even better
I was attacked in the middle of a tavern by a bandit and nobody batted an eye. People here in Morrowind are FUCKED. I want out, put me back on the ship.
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Does my little jester hat piss you off? Does it make you want to hurt me?
One needs a compass suited to the adventure they are going on. Big compass. Big adventure.
Nah I get that I wouldn't step into to save a random, but like the guards and faction members should.
Not really, no.
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>exit inn
>see vigilant of stendarr murder vampire
>that vampire had a missive out on him
>the minute I take the dead vampire’s missive it counts as complete
>go see the vigilant that killed hin
>excellent you’ve done us a great service
>he gives me a bunch of free shit because I managed to gaslight him into thinking I killed the vampire he is literally covered in the blood of
nice armor.
oh sweet, the author threw a fit and deleted all his mods so now I can never see if someone else solved the same bug I have
>Nah I get that I wouldn't step into to save a random
fence sitter. either help him kill the random person or save them, don't be a coward. pick a side.
Gonna run grass cache while I sleep, that way I can run texgen over breakfast and dyndo when I’m out.

That is, if nothing monstrously stupid happens again.
Smartest member of the Vigilant.

Can't have a drink without working up a thirst first.
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That really is one of the sillier missives in general. You just stumble across them, they're easy to spot, easy to kill, and you get a bunch of goodies for killing them despite it being literally easier than the delivery quests.
I’d eat Sotha Sil’s ass
>can't cast fortify speed on NPCs to make them move their ass
the "difficulty" with those missives is finding the fucker in the first place. almost every time I have taken one of those I never find them because they fuck off to china or something. I stopped taking them just to avoid clogging up my quest log and inventory.
lolwut, they just wander on the road between towns and hang out in taverns
9 times out of 10 I don't even take the quest proactively, I just see one chilling in the inn and I go grab the missive and kill them
>It's as if some shithead at the studio came up with [it] in an hour and called it a day
But that describes every single thing in Skyrim.
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Does he use dwemer tech sex toys?
Flat chastity cage with detachable dwemer dildo.
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i don't even know what in my modlist could cause this event
it's not your modlist, giants see this zesty redguard bringing banana elf dickgirls to skyrim and get radicalized
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The dildo can come off, but the helmet stays on
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post big round tit waifus. no saggers
dragonbone armor looks stupid and ugly, literally reminds me of beginner sets in monster hunter, not something that looks like the highest tier
Any more pics of this lizard, I don't want to actually play
Skyrim's armor designer had some of the worst taste I've ever seen. Almost as if he's never seen what an actual set of armor looks like and has no idea how it's supposed to work so he just threw it together. Must be the same guy who made the toilet armor in fallout 4
>no saggers
nah fuck off
You can ask the Sofia follower to sing and despite being a comedy relief follower she sings better than the tavern bards
>Women get told that they should smile more
>sperg out
>Men get told that they should smile more
>spit facts
It's bizarre how bottom heavy so many skyrim armors are. most of them have some ugly ass skirt of random plates hanging around the waist and hips.

The creation club shit is even worse. I was just looking at the daedric mail one. It would be a great mail/scale armor if it weren't for the gigantic fuckoff set of multiple layered shoulderplates and redundant belts including a fucking canteen for some reason.
I tried to eliminate all the bullshit in outfit studio to just leave the mail part but unfortunately it's truncated in the areas hidden under the shoulderplates and I can't be bothered to fix it.
Firm tits are nice but you want some sag or tit jobs become hard for her to do, so does sucking her nipples.
>unfortunately it's truncated in the areas hidden under the shoulderplates
Also I have to laugh at how guys who make armors go to the effort to eliminate those unnecessary polys, yet the entire armor has like half of the polys of just the nipples in a 3BA body lmao.
If the dwemer were so smart, why didn't they invent guns? They even have free gunpowder (fire salts).
guns probably aren't particularly relevant in a world where you can shoot fire and lightning from your fingertips.
nice lips
Saggy booba with veins.
By that logic they wouldn't have invented bows or crossbows.
hammerfell ones probably did so we can have them in 6.
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primitive guns aren't a substantial enough improvement to justify the effort. They would be a half measure between bows and magic with a much lower rate of fire than either, leaving them as a highly niche weapon only useful against armored enemies when no magic is available.

nice, a new roastie made slut-follower you can bang

Isn't this the only that's literally based on the modder's wife? and he's adding the ability to romance her?
>announcement post for a trailer for the description page of a mod
>the only
the one*
the balls are totally touching here
By that logic guns would never have been invented in our real world.
Civil war overhaul probably. It added stormcloak giants.
there's no magic in our real world, and even then guns did not supplant legacy weapons like spears and bows for many centuries after they were first invented because like I said, their substantial shortcomings at the time left them as fairly niche weapons until the technology improved.
Making firarms even remotely close to a modern standard would require complex metallurgy and metalworking practices that are not feasible in a medieval fantasy context, even counting the dwemer.
The dwemer were able to invent AI killbots and you think guns are out of their reach? By your logic they never would've even bothered because conjuration magic exists.
i don't think i have it installed. it's probably associated with whatever mod added all the bridges and other locations
killbots that run on magic in one form or another. I don't recall ever seeing a dwemer gundrill or sine bar rifling machine let alone a metallic cartridge manufacturing plant so yes, I'm confident in saying that they do not have the sophisticated modern manufacturing means required to make guns to that standard.
Not him but Deadra ain't loyal and zombies are squishy. Robots are objectively an improvement in every way.

Guns are definitely going to come tho. one way or another.
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works on my machine
root builder is weird. the auto build feature is slow as shit
that's the opposite of what I said, read the post again.
You know those facilities come into existence only after guns are invented right? No shit they wouldn't have gun manufacturing facilities when they didn't invent guns. But judging from all their other tech, they would have no problem creating those if they ever conceived guns.
I hope the robots in 6 have chain swords and drill lances we can loot.
>But judging from all their other tech, they would have no problem creating those if they ever conceived guns.
yeah this is my point, they would not. Their metalworking is extremely crude compared to IRL modern practices.
It's literally not even up to a 19th century industrial revolution standard. Meaning the best they could accomplish would be muzzleloaders or crude breechloaders at best.
I dunno. might need to ask a tranny who knows the modding landscape
You know guns replaced crossbows well before the 19th century right? There is no requirement for them to have 2024 gun manufacturing techniques to make crossbows redundant.
what if we got guns with psuedo crossbows attachments to launch bombs.
crossbows and guns stronger together
You do know that there was no magic in the 19th century either right?
This is my point, when the absolute apex technological civilization in the setting would be capable of making a gun that is at best a situational improvement to bows in the context of having guys that can shoot lighting out of their hands the motivation to invest enormous amounts of time and resources into improving those things are pretty slim.
The novice sparks and flames spells are pussy shit that anyone can tank. They're so trash that nords were able to exist as a mainly melee-only society and scorn magic. If everyone in the TES universe was a sorcerer who could shoot lethal lightning from birth then all of society would be based around magic supremacy and even bows wouldn't exist because everyone would rather shoot instant lightning.

Magic simply does not make up for any shortcomings of crossbows that guns would surpass. In fact anyone who trains their magic to that degree wouldn't even be an archer.
Yeah I'm enjoying his videos. ESO seems fine since it seems to be confined to an earlier era.
We are talking about armies here anon, not random 1v1 fights between adventurers, because civilization scale conflict would be what instigates technological advancement not some assholes brawling in the wilderness over a treasure chest.
In the context of battles between armies, every party involved would have advanced magic at their disposal.
Your argument is even weaker in the context of armies because 10000 grunts with guns are cheaper and more effective than 10000 grunts who need to be trained to cast sparks.
Except a grunt with a gun is not equal to a guy who can shoot lighting, this is THE POINT. A single magic user is more deadly in battle than dozens or possibly hundreds of guys who can fire 2 rounds at minute at best with a 50 yard effective range.
lorewise mages are demigods that can solo entire armies. The games just nerf them so that warrior fags don't ree.
Guns can kill in a single hit. TES novice magic is objectively weak and would tickle their opponent before eating lead.

Experts and masters, sure. But armies aren't made up of 10000 masters.
>TES novice magic is objectively weak
>In the context of battles between armies, every party involved would have advanced magic at their disposal.
Not gonna bother replying anymore, you are clearly willfully ignoring anything that refutes your retarded position.
You don't need an army of masters to kill 10000 plebs you only need one.
magefags can suck on deez nutz nigga lmfao!!!
You're not even making sense. First you move goalposts to "muh army mass combat" then you say "ackshually no weapons matter at all because some advanced magic user would nuke everyone". So you're not even making a case for crossbows anymore, and seem to be implying that it's nonsensical for crossbows to have been invented.

When speaking about crossbows and armies, the implication is that you're referring to grunt peasant soldiers carrying lethal weapons. In that example, guns are objectively superior. If you want to move goalposts to "magic wins everything" then you're invalidating all your previous crossbow shilling.

I'll just assume you realized your fuckup and are trying to bow out now, a wise decision.
Shut the FUCK up.
eat a snickers
It's definitely a civil war mod like he said, I had it at one point too but I can't remember which. Maybe immersive patrols? one of those types at least.
If magic is so great why isn't skyrim conquered by elves? It's clearly not good enough to take care of some steel wielding barbarians.
could be immersive citizens, or maybe a guard overhaul
There are thalmor patrols everywhere, the forsworn control everything outside of the dwarven built markarth, and the falmer striking out across the rest of the region.

If anything, the bizarre fuck magic attitude that 4th era nords have has proves how fucked normal people are.
That's a pretty disingenuous argument because you're also calling every magical society trash if it's not 100% free of monsters and bandits or whatever.
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what mods
This is a better picture of the reorganized cheese

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