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Previous >>493199818

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 05/09
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>Gameplay Video of The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>A9VG article on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
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The 5th Anguis
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This is now a Shizuna thread.
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He deserves his own game
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Today, I will remind them.
bike date
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Its actually such a spit in the face that CN/Korea is getting a simultaneous release when English isn't and never has.

This is why I haven't bought a Trails game since 3rd.
This is the final Elaine connect event before Rene or Agnes kills Elaine.
That's the face of a loser
I just got the plat for Daybreak last night so now I have plats for

Will add daybreak 2 when it comes out in english
Didn't chinks complain that CLE translations are garbage?
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I, Rean SHITzer, COCKSUCKER of Zemuria humbly kneel to:

Lloyd-sama, saviour of Crossbell and my master.

Crow-sama, my one and only true love and other master

Rufus-sama, who singlehandedly carried my 5th game (it would be so shit without him...)

Van-sama, who replaced me and will forever be a better character than me in a better arc than me.

Arios-sama, who I shall never become stronger than.

Shizuna-sama, who snapped my tachi in half and will humiliate me again in Kai (god I am so looking forward to it...)

Towa-sama, who realized how pathetic I actually am and chose to follow the superior specimen that is Crow-sama

Julian-sama, who stole Fie from me using and is currently filling her womb with his manly seeds...

Ishmelga-sama, the keeper of my body and soul, who MINDBROKE both me and my daddy

Duvalie-sama, who easily manhandled me and the entire class VII in her Superspeed form back in Infernal Castle.

Victor-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my jobbing streak alongside my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Aurelia-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to men.

Argres-sama, whose incomparabily forceful attacks crushed my Zemurian Ore Tachi and my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear Crow-sama's children anymore like I wished to.

Loewe-sama, who is literally me according to Renne but better in every way and is not a complete BITCH like me.

McBurn-sama, whose power I was scared of and still can't defeat after an entire saga and proabably never will...

And Kondo-sama, who created me and turned me into a shitpost material for the entire franchise...
Which is more kino?
Agnes killing Elaine out of jealousy
Rene killing Elaine out of betrayal
>Rene killing Elaine out of betrayal
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>the RAT might actually be real
Pretty good. I've only done CS1-CS4 and Daybreak. Missed a chest in Reverie which made me stop and I haven't replayed the Crossbell ports.
>characters dying
>in kiseki
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The sky remake will save us...
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enjoy a picture of a retard because only you retards deserve a picture of a retard
Kuso Eaters will literally slop the faeces of Grim Garten with a smile while thinking "at least it's not Cold Steel"
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If Kai routes will be like this. I'm fine with that.
Haha...(it's over)
Rean's so cool.
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It should be 90% Shizuna pegging rean instead.
Fuck off faggot Cold Steel started this problem with Reverie Corridor in CS2
Is Kai doing the hajimari style route switching thing again?
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Looks great, can't wait to play it :>
It'll be more like
Van- 40%
Rean- 30%
Kevin- 30%
I love my husbando
>saw some twitter faggot mentioned kai 1
wait, it going to be sequel?
I cannot believe that Van is being cucked outta 50-60% of his final game. Kuro did not do that badly right
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Celis and Rion have a solo section so it's even more split since other characters might have it too.
With the way Kondo is talking, it also looks like Kevin and Rean will play a part in the next kiseki game too.
Yeah, the difference is the routes won't be split evenly.
If Kai were a healthy balanced dish Van is the vegetables, the necessary evil that no one really wants, Kevin is the fun carbs that make you feel good and Rean is the proteins that bring actual value to the dish
>Rean is the main character of CS and has a strong presence, so the development team was careful not to let him steal all the limelight, but he's still an important character, so he makes a return appearance. The Empire and the Republic have been rivals in the past, so they view the universe differently, and it's a noteworthy development to see characters from both sides make an appearance this time around.
It'll probably be a small section that will lead to Kevin's route.
Don't forget we're doing the gay doors/daydream shit, this is probably one of them
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Kondo says 50-60% belongs to Van and 40% to Rean/Kevin
He didn't say if Kevin and Rean routes will be split evenly. I always had an impression that Kevin will be more important than him in Kai.
There will 100% be a scene of Van with Rean, Yun Ka-Fai and Shizuna all reading his mind with unclouded eye and Van telling them all to get out of his head.
Why did Nisa change his name to Leon
>Rean won't be in Kai
>Rean won't show up in Kai
>Rean won't have a model in Kai
>Rean won't be playable in Kai
>Rean won't matter in Kai
>Rean won't be the focus in Kai
>Rean won't have a route in Kai
>Rean... will be LESS than 40% of Kai!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been sad seeing the Kurobros being forced to accept their fate over the months
Rean route in Kai is gonna be the Lloyd route in Hajimari equivalent.
I don’t know much about Kuro 2 other than it’s unpopular, was it a filler episode tier game or something
So it's gonna be garbage?
It's not unpopular, it's just a very loud schizo minority trying to force their retarded opinions down our throat.
Kuro 2 is completely fine, it is a good game.
I made this joke first on the previous thread >>493234351
As usual Kuro fans only know how to reuse material from their betters
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>Van getting mogged by nadia and swin game
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another Rean hating retard exposed
so this is calvard's major...
>sub 20% of the game dedicated to him, and it's going to just be a retread of his character arc for the 4th time while also dealing with fillerzuna the irrelevant
Yeah seems like it.
Rean will domesticate her through mech on mech action.
>was it a filler
Mostly yes. The combat improved but the story was total dogshit. It tanked this entire arc after the decent start Kuro 1 had.
i hope they give rean a reverse bunny suit costume
ROFL they just can't help themselves
>Kuro 2 is completely fine, it is a good game.
Lol what? How is it a good game. The story is dogshit.
weakest cultist
Better than every Cold Shit game.
built for crow
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>Kondo confirmed that they didn't really plan out kiseki after the end of Erebonia arc
>Kondo confirms that he still doesn't know how many games are left until the end of kiseki
>Kuro 2 is completely fine
In what world is kuro 2 fine
>"muh cold steel"
the 3 famous words that signal their concession
>Kuro 2 is not bad
>It was bad dude, KYS
>At least it was better than CS
I think you're reanbrained. game was shit and you're shit eating retard if you like that story
You all don't understand Japanese people
they don't give definite answers, it's part of their culture not to be definite.
it's embarrassing to see self-proclaimed fans of Japanese culture not understand this.
it still doesn't stop kuro 2 from being shit sadly
>>It was bad dude, KYS
literally no one has said this, you need medical treatment
They barely planned shit. Half of the series are shits they threw in midway or 1 game being split into 2
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>it's embarrassing to see self-proclaimed fans of Japanese culture not understand this.
have a bit of empathy, don't use that language while mondblut's wound is still fresh...
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love renny
>potentially 50% of the game won't be about Van
This is grim. He's getting cucked by Kebin and Beam
How does sex with Fie feel like?
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Van was supposed to be the light that shined upon us. He was supposed to destroy all reanspic coldshitters and cleanse this general. Instead he jobbed... Kondo doesn't forgive jobbers, so they ruined his arc with kuro 2 and now they sidelined him in his own grand finale in favor of the returning characters. It's over... there won't be another Van who could potentially give a fight to reanspic brownoids. Rean won, cold shit won, favela and SEA monkey won.
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so she is the canon choice all along...
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The combat is one of the best in the series. Falcom actually balanced the game for once.
Grim, truly.
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Games with great gameplay cannot be bad games.
Grim Garten will have a minigame episode where Rean has sex with Fie.
They inaccurately thought that "Rion" was simply Leon in Japanese. It's not. The names Celis and Rion are both references to Arthurian legend, referencing Castle Celis and King Rions (pronounced Rion). Fitting as Kiseki's Celis and Rion are both Grail knights sitting around a round table. NISA messed up.
>nisatards are unintelligent cretins
The main part of the game is the story, and the story is horrible. Kuro 2 is a shit game. Made worse because it wasted time. Now Kai is gonna be stuffed.
Didn't NISA translator said in the recent interview that they often consult with falcom when it comes to the things they're unsure how to translate?
>great gameplay
shard slop isn't good, anon
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my reaction to all the schizos
The main part will always be the gameplay and it was great. If Kai further improves on the mechanics and make it even more difficult it's going to be amazing.
Explain why?
>The main part will always be the gameplay
You're in the wrong general
Nah, Trails gameplay is better than most other jrpgs.
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Haladrin, why are you parroting my posts on falcord and not giving me credit?
rion sounds fucking retarded though
The main appeal of Kiseki has always been the story. This is not a hill you want to die on
I'm going to do you a kindness anon; what you are feeling right now? That's your ego shattering.
But it's not a bad thing, everyone has moments like these and they are how we learn that the world is much bigger and grander than our personal bias and beliefs.
The fact of the matter is that Rean is beloved the world over, by now he and his games ARE Trails to the average person. People are interested in reaching/starting with Cold Steel, it is THE 5 game long saga everyone is interested in.
Daybreak simply didn't pan out and attract people in the same way and while we can sit here arguing factors both internal and external it won't change anything, it will at most temporarily soothe your ego.
It's okay if you don't agree with the consensus of the majority but you can't deny it, it is what it is regardless of how you feel about it.
You have a chance now to gracefully accept it and your place as the vocal minority in the fandom.
Or you can continue this foolish behaviour of throwing insults and slurs at everyone who disagrees with you, pretending the fault lies entirely in South America and that every single anonymous person that engages with you must belong to a specific country, but that path only brings you ridicule and makes people perceive you as severely mentally ill.
This is the only time I have and the last time I will engage with you.
I hope you are able to appreciate this kindness and at the very least mull it over at some point.
If not, my condolences for those near you in the future when this behaviour gets worse and worse.
Has anyone asked any Nisa staff about this? I'm sure Hatsuu has an excuse for this one just like she did all her other daft changes.
>Kurofags being racist
Didn't know Jacobin is now working as a shitposter in some orbal network imageboard.
Kai is just Sky 3rd II and Cold Steel VI. What the fuck
Kondom preferred shitting out a cashgrab fanservice game instead of trying to salvage the mess they made with Kuro 2.
Not for people with brains who realizes how much complexity the combat system have. The gameplay in Trails is far better than its contemporaries, Only idiots don't realize this.
You have admitted to needing to use mods to fix the combat lmao
>Daybreak simply didn't pan out
Falcom were the first to do a seamless hybrid action-turn based system.
You are now seeing other games copying it.
Except Kuro simplified everything even though CS already did it.
cause Ys X needed an extra year of dev time
Cause he thought that kuro 1 underperformed because of the weak marketing and being only on ps4 at the time of release.
The orbment system in Kuro requires far more thought than the one in CS.
Day Didn't Break.
you don't need to think at all
I thought kuro did fine in the west.
God I hate this
The mod only improves the difficulty for those who wants more challenge after vanilla nightmare. But the core combat system is already great.
I have never once needed a mod to enjoy SMT's combat, must be a Kiseki issue
The problem is kuro 1 was extremely easy even on nightmare. So building unique shard skills for everyone was unnecessary.
Bunch of people still don't understand how shard system works lmao.
I thought hatsuu wasn’t even involved with trails anymore
If you don't you die immediately in nightmare mode.
Not really. You just give every character the same shard skills. Diversity in builds is dead. Like there's no reason why you shouldn't give every character Ark Feather.
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Just spam shield bro. You have agnes,quatre and risette(the best one) or just anyone with the shield arts(i forgot the name) to do it.
What ship is more popular in Japan.
Van/Agnes or Van/Elaine?
Not being able to move and position in combat already makes SMT worse and less strategic than any Trails games.
Moving is free in Kuro, the game you are trying to defend, this means there's no strategic value to it as you don't have to sacrifice anything to do it
I love her booty shorts, corset, lace and straps. It's such a cool, sexy outfit
The game gives you more damage depending on where you attack the enemy so there's still strategic value to it.
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The other new battle theme is nice.
She worked on Daybreak 1 so she'd know about Leon
She also worked on Daybreak 2 since both were done simultaneously but they are keeping that part quiet
A fun bit of behind the scenes trivia:
As you might know Ribose has an emotional dependence with floofy but floofy and hatsuu don't get along at all
At first Ribose kept things cordial with hatsuu despite this but during last year's Christmas company dinner Ribose got a bit tipsy and trying to hit on hatsuu only to be rejected
After that he stopped being cordial and worked behind trhe scenes to have hatsuu fired from NISA
He was successful in removing hatsuu but floofy still doesn't want him though lol
Free movement during turn based combat was a great addition, I love how you can quickly position yourself and have bonus damage depending on the angle of attack.
Turn based gameplay is dying in this series. fucksake
It's free damage since it costs you nothing to reposition, there's no strategic value it's just something you are expected to do to keep you from getting bored
It's a great way to keep brainlets entertained who think they are Zhuge Liang for hitting free positionals
isn't floofy like 50?
What about this one?

I only heard this battle theme in this first dungeon.
yet the gameplay is still better than any atlus games lmao
It's not dying retard, they just added even more mechanics to the turn based gameplay.
Pretty sure Turn based is dying in JRPG's as a whole.
The opening to SC is actual dogshit. I slogged through FC because Skyfags insisted it was going to get better but these first three dungeons have been more boring than anything in FC
Maybe this series just isn't for you then.
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I vaguely remember that there are lines that say Kurt incorporated some ELOB techniques from Rean into his sword style but can't find those now. Does anyone know them
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This is what Kurofags consider peak gameplay
>It's not dying
Pretty sure Kuro removed stuff
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They're both good. I wonder if Warriors of Valhalla is going to be like Destination of Fate in Hajimari where you only hear it once and then never again.
We're talking about Kai and it adds more mechanics to the turn based combat along with what was added in Kuro 2.
If this was your attempt at making a joke then you get 0 points. Kuro looks clean as fuck compared to whatever garbage you posted.
Action games sinply have more appeal. The monkey game outsold this entire 20 year old saga 2 to 1 in two weeks
Yea but Kiseki didn't need to follow suit.
Can someone post a link to the japanese Kondo interview?
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I'm gonna assume you're being facetious but just in case, here's Kuro's usable screen space
You are essentially playing in 480p thanks to the terrible UI
Sky reaches it's peak in Third. SC has some really good moments, but it's separated by some of the series' most boring stuff.
Agnes seems more popular now, but Elaine is close behind. They are much less reticent about the age gap than the west
is this the new schizo gimmick, complaining about something that's in every turn based jrpg ever?
The problem is I think most new action games we get are mediocre Wukong for example there isn't much technical skill in combos nor is there boss interactivity via ninja gaiden or DMC esque stagger its pure pattern recognition.
why did also blur visible parts?
kondo pls clean this up
What happened to not using the Grendel too much warning
You and I both know these aren't remotely in the same ball park, you dishonest bastard
... That is the point? I blurred the UI to showcase how little of the screen is actually clean and usable, how did you miss this incredibly obvious concept?
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ask her
It's the same screen percentage, Xenoblade 2's is all around the edges forming a center box while Kuro's is top and left forming a bottom right box instead
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You blurred visible parts of the screen to showcase that they're not visible?
Metaphor will save turn based jrpgs
Trails fundamentally doesn't use positional's correctly I think compared to lets say the xeno series right in the blade games its critical for your gameplan whether its break topple launch smash or break topple daze burst with still having more generic things like bonus damage or status effects.

In kiseki we moved away from the grid for free form movement but what have we gained loser positionals for bonus damage there's no greater thought process here.
this new gimmick is making you look like a retard, time to give it up schizo.
why is she barley in the games
>Brazil hour
If you were to look at whatever blurred part you think shouldn't be blurred you'd notice your eyes naturally pick up the nearby UI elements thus distracting you
Do you seriously not understand how this works or are you being obtuse on purpose?
This new gimmick is making you look like a retard, time to give it up schizzo.
>UI is distracting
try playing walking simulators, sounds like they're more your speed
Hopefully 4chan gets banned there soon like xitter.
>character that debuted in french fanfiction
Why are Rean haters like this?
Schizos will really try to find a way to complain about anything
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>in breathless frustration it resorts to childish mockery
I will be merciful and accept your concession
Squall called, he wants his Limit Break back
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oh lord
Childish mockery is all you deserve to be frank.
where did shitzunafag go?
Was thinking the same. Van really is just Squall
No one deserves childish mockery, but that is something you will realize with age
Thats Kasim. Personality like a wet blanket and whipped by a brunette girl. Also has a scar on his face.
it's currently busy donning a different gimmick
take your meds loser
The Kasim hate shit is so forced. He's not fantastic or anything but the stigma surrounding him just feels like zoomer JJK fraud TikTok culture bullshit
By replying to him, you automatically acknowledged that you are a retard and a schizo.
We accept your concession.
It's a favelacord/reddit thing so of course it's forced.
>JJK fraud TikTok culture
i have no idea what any of that means
My only complaint with kasim(van on a lesser note) is that most/some of his attacks are fucking laser shit.
I just detest laser shit when it is not mecha.
Van would destroy Kasim if they were only allowed to use fists, just saying.
He has pimp gloves. Perfect for him now that he's a pimp pimping out Celis at the race track
90% of current day unfunny anime memes come from JJK and its retarded fanbase
>van on a lesser note
Van has only 2 attacks that involve beams/lasers and one of them is s-craft, why are you not complaining about mcburn with his shitty ball spheres of fire? He barely even used his sword.
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>check ys x
>it‘s only 60$ for the deluxe
It's just Shizuna stans being insanely bitter that Kasim overpowered her
So what happened to the whole rewind/dead end shit from Kuro 2? Can the Genesis just not do that anymore?
His great balls of fire is a part of his innate ability.
Play Trails to find out
Cause i forgot about it.
Besides McBurn stated that he sucks in swordmanship when compared to Leowe and he's much suited throwing fireballs at people.
That hasn't happened in Trails yet. I'm talking about Kiseki.
they'll probably give a one line excuse and quickly move on
i think even falcom knows how much people hated the time loop shit
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It‘s a shame this outfit isn‘t canon and they went back to her kuro 1 outfit, why?
Localizers cannot do wrong
That was the work of the 8th genesis, it rewinded time whenever it didn't like the observation result and at the end of Kuro 2 it's observations should be over. That was the whole point of beating up Zolga.
Sure it could happen again, but it needs a new explanation and would likely be working a bit different.
Hopefully it will become canon in a future game
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Van literally releases his demonic energy in the 2nd s-craft so how is that different from mcburn?
Fanfiction is celebrated by NisA and Xsneed. Why the change of heart for Rion?
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I am cold hearted but even the Dingo notebook quest made me tear up a little.
Why did nisa change Jolda to Jorda?
Brain damage
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circumsizing rean
I felt nothing for Dingo and his death. He was barely a character in kuro. Falcom never gave us a chance to get to know the guy and his friendship with Van
Cassius will be in the ending credits of Kai at Rean and Shizunas wedding.
why did they change ranster to lanster to the point they even had to edit textures
To avoid Engrish.
They are racist
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Moments before cuttings reans ballse.
We don't sign our posts here, this isn't the CSA forum
I mean it would not make sense for a half baked spriggan van and agnes to meet since it's just like a blind man guiding another blind man when it come to underworld and shit, but man it was awful that the whole growing up from a shitty spriggan to become a top rate one just happened OFF SCREEN which just led to Van having less development since most of it happened OFF SCREEN.
basically you just want another rean game
The whole point was that Van was already experienced. They've done the rookie thing to death already. They just forgot to give him any development on top of that since jap retards think you're an old man at 24.
they stole your post btw
I love how sexy and revealing Shizuna's torn pants are
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I joined the discord but I still don‘t know how it works. I may be reatarded.
I’m glad we didn’t get just another game of the protagonist beating the boss and the boss just standing right back up like the entirety of Cold Steel.

But also the whole plot point of Agnes going to Van feels very contrived. Like the whole game wouldn’t have happened if she went to someone else.
or he could be the same faggot who posted it, fagcord trannies don't even hide that they're /fg/aggots.
We've had the whole zero to hero thing three times already. It's a breath of fresh air having a protagonist who knows what the fuck he's doing right off the bat instead of needing two entire games of training before he can fight a single enforcer.
Everything about Anies is contrived, and if they try forcing Van into a relationship with her it'll be laughable especially if they kill off Elaine just to make it happen.
the-eternal-rean-plan is the channel everyone uses now, that's where these dregs of society gather
you have to give them your phone number to be allowed to type thoughever
>the-eternal-rean-plan is the channel everyone uses now, that's where these dregs of society gather
Imagine the smell...
the original post is funny, something the fagcord is incapable of
Then it should've not been a surprise to fags that van has less screentime since most of it goes to his assistants growing from their immaturities(especially swin and nadia which is most people's gripe in kuro 2)
they never really planned this series and made up tons shit as they went along like how zero and azure werent planned at all but they at least used to have a vague direction to go in
like in cs you knew it was all leading to a showdown against osborne even if it took absolutely fucking forever to get there but with kuro they didnt even have that
you can tell after cs4 whatever vague ideas they had for the series were completely gone and each kuro game is made with 0 plan in mind for what the next one is and how it all ties together
the fact they keep hyping up how the series is ending and then they fucking admit that they have 0 idea what the ending of the series looks like is insane. falcom should never attempt any kind of long form storytelling ever again after kiseki they have proven absolutely incompetent.
Thanks for the (You)
Sorry I am new to this site, meant to quote
but they said they wanted to craft the biggest jrpg world of all time...
>Elaine dies
>Van leaves Calvard and disappears, leaving anieskeks seething
please do this Kondom
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I hope Van and Agnes make out on screen.
The whole Kuro 1 plot is the most retarded thing Falcom has ever shat out. And all of their games have that concept of fate in them, but Kuro 1 is by far the worst offender. Between Genesis just being Orbal Macguffins to push the plot "Oh, it's glowing so we better go there!" and characters randomly joining ASO, even if it makes 0 sense and Falcom knew it so they just played it off as a gag. Fucking Gerard had no idea about Van's identity till Oracion. And his whole plan required Van to fully turn into a demon.
Lets go harem ending
why is this general obsessed with screencapping literal who's opinions on twitter (now X)
Now xitter (dying site)
if mcburn does not make an appearance i will have /fg/ choose a kiseki girl's name to tattoo onto my penis.
Threadly reminder that the Sky trilogy are the only good kiseki games and if you like anything past 3rd you’re a low test cumbrained Neanderthal
because they are cherrypicked to support their shitpost agendas
Maggie Jones Lutey-sama, thank you for your valuable opinion. My life has changed thanks to you!

Total twitterfag death
I vote Fie.
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falcom have no balls to commit, they should've just bring pick your waifu shit.
McBurn's fire can be seen in the OP when Rufus is carrying his cumdoll
There won't be a complete conclusion because Kai 2 is happening.
I'm getting a huge sense of deja vu from Kondoms' interview.
Mark my words, Kai will end up being CS3 in a different wrapping.
If Kai ends up on a cliffhanger it will completely kill off kiseki.
There being a Kai 2 would be a catastrophic failure on the part of Falcom, on an objective level
>merge multiple stories because you don't want there to be multiple games
>extend it to multiple games anyway
Will Kai 2 launch exclusively on Switch since Falcom is leaving PS internal development behind as of Sky remake?
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The PC noob here from yesterday, still searching for a cheap used PC on Ebay to run Kuro 2. I don't know shit about hardware. What do you guys think of this system, will it run Kuro 2 in 1080p at 60 fps on high?

Radeon JXZ RX 580 8Gb
16GB Ram
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Sumanai, Ban. Elaine got in the way, so she had to die.
Falcom are beyond retarded so I can see it happening. I'm already losing interest in Kai I honestly don't think I can care about a Kai 2.
Falcom isn’t dropping playstation
If Kuro 2 wasn't a fucking waste of time, no one would really complain about Kai being route shit, nor would we even think about Kai 2. Falcom are so fucking incompetent at planning things out it's honestly embarrassing.
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>I‘m already losing interest in Kai
*cuts your ballse*
Kuro 2 is so bad that it ruined the entire arc. Even if Kai is somehow good it's still tainted by decisions made in Kuro 2.
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>This is your chance to leave our always unflappable picnic squad leader speechless!

Cunny chads, is Kai finally gonna be our time to shine once more?
I have no frame of reference for how badly Kuro 2 runs, I have a retard maxxed PC that runs basically everything fine
Are there reviews from Brazilians with specs around?
There's nowhere else to go with Calvard's cast judging by how Kondom is saying it's going to conclude their stories, so a Kai 2 would be another directionless mess like Kuro 2. It's hard to see how they could even make it work.
van's wife should have been underage tbqfh
the RAT
The Rat...
Masaka, so you were the real GUNLORD all along... but what about the virtuoso?!
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I watch detective conan so I know what those glasses mean…
Actually inspires me to get buff so I can get a kiseki girl tattoo like that pro boxer who has toph on his arm or chest
There's still things they could do with Van, because I'm pretty sure we won't get all answers about the demon lords and their role in the story. Idk if kai will also resolve Aaron/Taikun stuff as well.
Nah, Lapis looks to old now. Altina is a hag. We, the lolicon have long since lost our trust in Falcom. We thought they were the chosen ones.
Altina is not a hag. She is perfect
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They buffed her chest
There won't be a Kai 2 but there will be a Kuro FINAL CHAPTER
He also said some players won't like the decsion Van will take.
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WAS perfect. But her beauty has wilted. Gone her blossoming charm. Her petite features. Her youth. What's left is a mere carcass, rotting away. Indeed, time is the fire in which we burn.
People think he'll choose one of the girls but he'll actually choose to remain alone.
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estelle and her boytoys!
Cute little booty
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Na-chan and La-chan!
If it's hag Elaine I'll quit Kiseki.
Not that I had much interest left these days, with all the trans nonsense and loli erasure, but this would be the final nail in the coffin.
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>Kondo doesn't let me self-insert as Van
>>Kondo confirms that he still doesn't know how many games are left until the end of kiseki
That's because after the sky Trilogy remake they plan to remake Crossbell next and then Erebonia "hence" his unsure attitude his words being vague are extremely.
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I called it. In 2023, I fucking called it. Hundreds of cunts slammed me for saying "they're making' it up as they go along". Called me a cancer for pointing out that everything pointed to it and Trails is a bootleg Kingdom Hearts.
And now this hack, no-talent motherfucker comes out and states "I'M MAKIN' THIS SHIT UP, BABY!"
And after all these years of vague answers and *raughs*, trying to appear like he knows what he's doing, with vague allusions to percentages of the series' remaining length, and ignoring the main lore and mysteries for 20 fucking years and 12 games, with me only hanging on under the fleeting auspice that this man has a grand plan that makes the hundreds of hours worth it, he just admits it outright.
Why in the holy fuck should I get invested in this series again, play kuro 1 and 2, and kai, when this shit isn't even part of a vision, but instead a cheap, make-it-up-as-you-go adventure which render any fan-theory useless, since he could just as easily steal them?
Lol. Fuck this guy. He's somehow worse than Tetsuya Nomura.
The audacity to admit that out loud is the biggest fuck-you to the fans ever.
>He also said some players won't like the decsion Van will take.

That wasn't about the love triangle, but what will happen between the three childhood friends.
I'm surprised no one has put 2 and 2 together yet
Kuro 2 was mostly about the Genesis calculating small dead ends and ASO finding ways to slightly alter their approach to get the desired outcome
Kai is the same concept but on a massive scale, it is an illusion that will result on a dead end for all of Zemuria but this will allow everyone to know the correct patch to take on Kuro 3
Kondo is taking a massive gamble but it will pay off
I want to suck on Shizuna's massive tits!
>Trails is a bootleg Kingdom Hearts.
Kiseki is better than KH thoughbeit.
Was and still is perfect. Your hag schizoposting will not change that
her ass is so nice
>Nayuta got replaced by Van
Van is Nayuta... he and GM were lovers in the previous lives.
>Choose agnes
>fags on X and reddit will kill themselves cause van will fuck a minor
Honestly i've been blown away by the shit Kondo has admitted in interviews this year. Each interview is more damning than the last. The fact that he fucking admitted that Kuro 2 had no director blew my mind. Like I cannot believe they admitted that.
>Trails is a bootleg Kingdom Hearts.
Mental illness
>The audacity to admit that out loud is the biggest fuck-you to the fans ever.

I think the make it up as you go thing is good writing. Over time better ideas could emerge. It's stupid to set the ending in stone decades beforehand. A vague idea is enough. Write the rest of the shit as you go. Peak writing.
Agnesfags getting all excited like Elaine losing will mean her victory when in reality Jolda is the winner
the agnesfags are just cold shit haremsloppers in disguise and even more annoying than the elainefags are but they don't even seem to realize it
SO you're saying that Kai is another Kuro 2?
Elainefags always just wish death on people who don't agree with them. Agnesfags are much better.
I'm now convinced the Sky remake will not do well especially if it has competition from the new Atelier in every aspect that game just looks better like many have said Falcom are hacks
Why does everyone obsess over stupid pointless romance shit in these games? It's like 5 minutes of optional content per game at most that the rest of the game doesn't even acknowledge but it's all faggots ever want to talk about.
I don't even think there are agnesfags in this general.
It would just be interesting to see Elainefags screeching about shit like "holy shit man, this is pedophilia we should kill kondo for promoting it"
If Van picks Agnes he will be the laughing stock as the pedophile of the series.
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What can falcom even do with Van's romance at this point? Make Elaine canon, make the game about Van realising his feelings for Agnes or make them both canon, but falcom will never have the balls to give Van Rex's treatment.
That's what happens when your new game launches in 2025 and just for the switch too meanwhile Gust said their new game is coming to every platform now Falcom truly are morons
What balls? The harem shit was just cringe bait for incel retards. It was retarded and made no sense and i'm tired of pretending like it was le based.
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I like cute and canon
Kingdom Hearts is a classic loved by a lot of people and the games are fun
Trails is a niche series with a small but loudly fanbase with the worst type of people on internet and the games are all trash
This except the exact opposite
If kondo truly has the balls to do a main character death then i will kneel. Casuals will praise kai but half the schizo fandom will hate it. I SAY FUCK EM SCHIZOS
Rip don't remind me I rally hope they don't both get launched at the same time Sky will 100% get murdered by new Atelier.
“Yes. It was cringe... except with my favorite waifu”

This is CS mindset in a nutshell

Let’s be honest. All girls sucks especially Altina, the rean’s loli pet
File deleted.
Falcom has never made a canon harem thoughbeit, rean and lloyd's romance are still in a fucking limbo. I was talking about making both Agnes and Elaine canon in the story.
I do not give a single shit about Atelier.
We won, Agatebros
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Fie is Kiseki's best girl.
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Can shizuna even cut his balse?
Falcom can't compete with a company that has actual budget if their smart they won't even try
Proto Altina sucks
So did the Kuro 2 TL anons already say if they want to do Kai once it's out?
Ruined by Kuro
Where have you been bro
Altina is the worse sequel to Fie. It's been 5 games and she developed less than Fie did in 1.
They are Falcom fans
A game with a little more of quality than trails is already a game with budget
In other words: 90% of the industry
5 seconds of screen time vs a game with a full Trailer and narrator in the English direct? its very clear who the winner will be spoiler isn't Falcom.
Fie is already a generic anime girl
Altina is just generic anime girl 10x worse
she loves rean
>Slop eater
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So does half of Zemuria.
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>How will Van respond?
Oh, for sure. To a degree I'm okay with not having everything planned. But as it pertains to the main elements, if I'm going to invest my time and energy (and money, lol) into a long series that *acts* like it has a plan, theorising and engaging with it, then I'd like a level of effort and consideration from the writers that's commensurate with my own investment.
If it's not reciprocal, then it feels like a betrayal.
It Implies laziness and a lack of foresight.
Yes, they all are except from your favorite. The Cold Steel way.
Ok so let me get this straight. Van is a disciple of bergam who is a master martial artist.
But instead of using his fists he uses a sword.
Why is this series filled with so many characters who hop through weapons like its nothing?
Oh shit, I remember that. If you or anyone else has a link to the interview I'd be very grateful
since 2012 falcom have made 1 game where the protag didnt have a sword
theyre deathly afraid of not having a sword mc
Anon who worked on the last three here. Count me out. Maybe someone else will step up and do it.
grendel is fist
Pretty sure that Van didn't finish his training and it was mostly about self-discovery for him. Also his combat style is not just a sword or fists, it's mix of both. He was also trained by Kasim.
It would just be a spoiler to put McBurn on the promo art, haha...
That sounds worse than it is when it's just that they've only made 3 new MCs since 2012, with only one having a proper sword.
Van is a dropout, he never properly finished his kunlun training because of Barkhorn's "death", at some point Van was contacted by Marduk to test a new weapon stun caliber and Mare hollow core. Shizuna even notices in her connect event that Van's tendency to mix fighting styles will become a heavy burden to him, but Van just brushed it off saying "I'll cross this bridge when the time comes".
I really don't understand what it is about Trails that attracts the worst of the worst, even shit gacha generals have less asylum escapees than us
We aren't gonna do TL patch this time, no point if NISA are releasing it in 2025.
why do people think this is even a remote possibility
most people aren't in some made-up ego war with NISA and can see the writing on the wall
The fact that NISA already has the script for Kai and they have finished Kuro 2. Do you think they're gonna do nothing for 14 months?
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>even shit gacha generals have less asylum escapees than us
/gig/ and /feh/ are way worse. Even wokefag doesn't have shit on the absolute nutcases that are in those threads.
>Do you think they're gonna do nothing for 14 months?
Wouldn't be the first time. They sat on a completed translation of Azure for over 2 years
Yea, might as well TL patch NISA's translation later.
>that NISA already has the script for Kai
where was this stated
anyone who seriously thinks they're suddenly going to go from 3 years to 1 is delusional
Kai will be the last falcom game that takes a year to be localised, it will likely release Q3/4 2025. Sky remake is WW release in Q1 to Q2 2025 and Kyoto Xanadu will take NISA max 6 months
really sick of 4channel thinking my erotic shizuna images are spam
3 years was simply the gap caused by xseed skipping crossbell, no studio needs 3 years to TL a video game stop being retarded for fuck's sake
It's delusional to think it's going to come out in 2027.
Any goon post is spam, so that just means 4chan is working propely
Then why did Kuro 1 and 2 still come out 3 years after JP? Stop being a dumb NISA shill for fuck's sake
>Nisa - Kai no Kiseki - in 2025
What are you smoking? They didn't even get the script yet. 2026 at the soonest.
because you don't simply snap your fingers and undo xseed's fuck up?
either way 3 anons came up with a full complete patch for Kuro 2 in a single year and they didn't have even a tenth of NISA's resources
Yeah which is why it'll be 2026. The 2025 retards are just being delusional. Or they're dumb shills.
Is this real or just NISA shilling as usual?
why did falcom stop working with xsneed.
hatsuu said they wanted to localize CS3
I don't see it releasing the same year as Daybreak 2. Early 2026 seems far more likely if they don't wanna burn people out even more than they already have.
Fact is though, once they have Daybreak 2 out the door, Nisa won't have any more Falcom games on the backlog and won't have to play catch up like they have been.
We'll definitely never see worldwide releases with them at the helm, but we should be back to 1-2 year localisation times soon.
ok NisA shill
It'll be 2025, Falcom is NISA's big money maker. They're going to want to get it out as fast as possible. They even hired those Carpe Fulgur guys back.
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>NISA already has the script for Kai
NISA really should only pay for believable shills.
Because nisa told falcom they could do pc ports too, which xseed didn’t have the ability to do
NISA offered a faster service for less money probably
xseed are greedy as fuck and unprofessional as well
Copium post for sure
Those anons also didn't make a PC and Switch port. Or dub the game. Or had to wait for Falcoms approval for the script to start translating. Or delay the game to fit into their release schedules.
Tom was really enthusiastic about faithful translations though
Reminder that Daybreak 2 is finished. FINISHED.
Daybreak 2 is releasing 6 months from Daybreak 1 and Kai will release 6 months after Daybreak.
>xseed are greedy as fuck and unprofessional as well
Just like nisa haha...
>Or had to wait for Falcoms approval for the script to start translating
They don't.
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So will this ever play out haha?
>theres a demo with a single dungeon so that means the game is 100% finished
nishills are something else
>They even hired those Carpe Fulgur guys back.
So NISA wants to cut costs in the hopes he again tries to kill himself, so they don't have to pay? Clever.
NISA doesn't do PC ports either they just contract them out to durante
>Those anons also didn't make a PC and Switch port.
Durante does that in a week
>Or dub the game.
Takes 2 months at most to dub a game
>Or had to wait for Falcoms approval for the script to start translating.
Kondo was told he can share the script and as he edits it so too can NISA edit them in turn, this is an outdated myth now
>Or delay the game to fit into their release schedules.
Which is why it's coming late 2025 to give Daybreak 2 plenty of space
Ys X - Oct 24
Daybreak 2 - Feb 25
Trails in the Sky - May 25
Trails between Worlds - Oct 25
Kyoto Xanadu - March 26
Trails in the Sky SC - May 26
>MTL vs zoomer memes
What a conundrum.
Falcom were pissed off that XSEED turned down Tokyo Xanadu to work on Akiba's Trip instead (massive flop btw) so they stopped giving them first dibs on game licenses. Nisa swoops in and takes over. Rest is history.
Not anymore since they decided to feed her to Reankek instead.
You should really get over your hatred for NISA it makes you come across as a clown when you deny facts
>3 trails games in a year
lol people already complain that theres too many of these games coming out falcom would be retarded to oversaturate it this much
Durante is a hack all of the NISA games have broken audio balancing in the English dubs you have to turn it down like 3 notches between SFX and BGM for it to sound reasonable
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>Kondo was told he can share the script and as he edits it so too can NISA edit them in turn
>SC releasing the day after FC
We won, Skybros!
Didnt we have 3 Trails game in 1 year last year?
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Is she the strongest trails character?
How early will we get Kai stream?
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Yep. Here's your sept-terrion of time, bro.
What do we think Falcom's Fall 2026 game will be? Ys XI, Trails or new IP?
in starting to think this new ip doesnt even exist because kondo has been talking about it for like 5 yeara
Crazy that aksys ended up with that
They did horribly translating it too
Xseed at the time was saying they were done with vita games
Then they picked up some otome game for vita shortly after turning down Tokyo Xanadu
2-3 days early at best.
works on my sennheisers, invest in good headphones moneylet
This looks suspiciously like a certain relic from another Trails game.
Thanks, guess we have less than 3 weeks.
i hope they delay the next kiseki arc as long as possible instead of rushing into the finale and having a repeat of kuro
This is a playstation franchise thoughbeit
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Private Stripper remake.
the problem manifests more the higher quality your audio source is retard durante
Akiba's Trip was fine. It was successful enough to have multiple re-releases. It was Akiba's BEAT that was fucking trash. Also THE BIGGEST DUB EVER. Honestly, I dont know what XSNEED was thinking. They had a continuous source of revenue with Falcom as client and they decided to burn that bridge for an unproven game from a hit-or-miss dev
what if new arc will flop even harder than kuro?
facts don't matter to nisa
I just make sfx and voices half the volume of bgm
you sound too tech illiterate to calibrate your headphones
next arc will be the finale so it wont matter
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MTL every time. It won't produce this
Which relic in particular? The Ark?
I've been an audiophile for 6 years fuck off
you don't matter to anyone
*Dumps a bag of JO charged audio crystals on the ground* pls enjoy your snake oil
This is what happens when you let a woman localize your game.
Oh yeah. Remember there are eight mystic gears required to operate the Astrolabe, by the way.
true, and that's fine by me, I hope you are ok with being utterly irrelevant too
Akibas trip did really well for xseed, so they thought beat would do just as well, so they hopped on that train hard. And it crashed and burned.
Sonic and the Chaos Emeralds have been a disaster to video games ever since dragon ball
Astrolabe somewhere in space I guess, maybe its been eons and eons since Nayuta
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sex with rean
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I hope you all have played Nayuta before Kai haha.
why does she always squint her eyes
Will it destroy Nayutaschizo's mind if it is relevant in Kai?
it's the ntr face
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Almost forgot to add, Mare came from an oct genesis. After what happened in Kuro 2, it wouldn't be a surprise to say Mare is actually another AI being reshaped from using Van's Holocore as a medium, haha.
sex with me
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You're not a schizo with a sword
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thingken bout balse
I still have to play nayuta
I’ve been waiting for someone to make a trophy guide for it
Too old now. Hag.
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Just gamefaqs it
Smug look
You can 100% it easily guideless. There are also some pretty thorough guides if you actually need them on gamefaqs and neoseeker.
i played it for like 2 hours but it was really basic and boring
ill just watch the cutscenes on youtube before the stream
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sex with Van
Making you play a random spinoff in an entirely different genre just to get core main series lore is fucking stupid.
Leon Balthazar (voiced by Soma Saito)

“Kevin, if you start going your own way, it is going to be a burden on us as well.”
It only feels basic in the first chapter since you haven't unlocked your abilities yet. If you 3-star stages you get a bunch of fun skills, plus the extra stuff Noi unlocks like the gear car.
The secret is that the people telling you to play Nayuta are NISA employees. It's not relevant at all.
Isn't Lloyd's fighting style a mix of eastern tonfa combat and police takedowns?
For me? It's pirating NisA nayuta then buying the CLE version. Fufu...
they'll explain anything you need to know i dont think even kondo is seriously deluded enough to believe most people played nayuta so im not gonna bother
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Long trailer when
Yep and he ate cement
Was it really 2 seconds?
What's caused this sudden increase in Shizuna spam
only big balled trannies say "fufu“
idk, the games never really emphasized about Lloyd's fighting style, but Van mixes shit ton of other martial arts, mafia goons at the start of kuro 1 thought he's a Gekka style practitioner after he threw his bullet coins.
If it was 2 seconds, then gameplay fights aren't canon, and enemies literally explode in sub one second.
What will nayuta have to do with kai?
Roido is all about toughness.
He would make a good masochist if Elie/Tio went full sadist.
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You decide.
Rean is so powerful, bros, he looks at cryptids and they instantly explode
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Kuku... You fell right into my trap
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Cement eating bitch
That's why halfway through the game McBurn will turn to directly face the camera and say, "Wow, this is just like when I was a young boy on Remnant Isle, in Nayuta no Kiseki," followed by a long pause with him staring into the camera, and a save prompt.
Bros.. Is it true that Kondo wouldn't commit to say Kai is only one game?
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What are the chances of Kai being the start of Trails turning into a space game? I want to visit different planets and stuff like star ocean
yes, he dodged the question
He hasn't since before it was revealed.
falcom should make a space opera im tired of the same fantasyslop over and over
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A reminder that a gacha game has already done the premise of
>world under a barrier
>this world's first spaceflight
>using ancient tech where following the lead means discovering truths about the world
a thousand times better
With 11/10 music and more elves.
No thanks. It's shit.
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>theyre pulling a Tales of Arise
Come the fuck on
>elves bad
shit taste
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>Kai sells well
we're getting Kai 2
>Kai sells poorly
we're getting post launch dlc for girm garten
Is that an exploded planet held together with chewing gum?
Nayuta did it first desu
Mare was the clearest sign that Calvard arc would be shit. Elves ruin everything. REMOVE ELVES.
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why is every single aso screenshot just them sitting on a couch or standing around
kek they really do have no plot in this game huh
Anything that has knife ears are honorary elves.
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you don't rike it?
they need to save 50% of the plot behind garden
everyone loves shitty dungeon crawler in kiseki after all haha...
that's just Van's route aka 60% of Grim Garten filler
meant for >>493269976
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what the fuck are they eating
sausage with… grapes?
what the fuck
Throughout the game, the characters and story tell you that the alien invaders come from this huge imposing planet you can see in the sky. Thr twist is that the planet is already dead and you can only see the undamaged, unfucked side of it.
i don't believe kondo for a second when he says kai has no filler
>1.Grim Garten
>2.Elaine fighting more white supremacists
We already know there's a bunch of filler
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Haha, we're getting so much plot.
Both Rean and Crow are so handsome.
omg?!?! is this a revelation for **THAT**?!?!
sex with na-chan and la-chan!!!
su-chan is getting cucked!!!
you're faggot
i love beach filler episodes so much i love hearing all the exact same jokes in every single one of them
Nadia just revealed that she's the first anguis, so duh.
Does musse ever acquire personality traits beyond being a cockslut for rean
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Why did kuro 1 have no dlc outfits for shizuna anyway
The only good beach episode in Trails is the one in Azure because it's plot important other than being a fanservice interlude
Kai should have a beach episode with every protagonist and end the game on a high note with another school festival haha.
Master Ka-Fai gives gives na-chan and la-chan his rock hard cock while su-chan is watching. It is training after all. They receive his old man cock cream to make them pregnant while su-chan is forced to masturbate to this.
If you don't pick Ikaruga you play as her for 5 minutes.
Kai be like:
>Some filler plot in the real world
>Unlock some important lore dump in Marchen
>muh white supremacists
>Fight against generic masked enemies
>Rean vs Shitzuna
>Another beach filler with picnic squad...
>explore random filler ruin to discover some foreshadowing
>haha celis and rion with f1 costumes
>not liking slice of life moment
A jrpg that doesn't have slice of life moment is not a jrpg

See FF16 what a boring westoid game
do they not have olives in Planet Retard?
this whole series is sol moments id like some plot for once
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Gonna take a nap /fg/, bye
I love beach segments because we get to see all the girls' butts. And the male characters get to canonically see all the girls' butts as well
hope you never wake up shitzunafag
olives don‘t get THAT big…
I'm gonna feed you my big olives you fucking whore
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That is unironically what Germans eat for breakfast.
long trailer next week
It's in 11 hours actually.
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>whistles for blue pickup truck
>autoruns along road to red exclamation mark
>*cutscene activates*
>Mhmm... character from 10 games ago... A cameo, gotta be.
>Come on, Arkride Solutions Office.
>Jaegers appear
>"Haha... it's the [spriggan]... Don't hold back!"
>"Here we go" *Singa track plays* *Uses earth guard and turns the game into a VN*
>Mhm... Jaegers pretending to be Ouroboros... Better tell the Bracers about this...
>Come on, Arkride Solutions Office.
>autoruns along road back to Bracer Guild
>"Oh, haha... you shouldn't have, this isn't your responsibility, spriggan. Honestly, you're nowhere near as capable as us."
>"Just some Jaegers posing as Ouroboros, here's proof"
>"Haha, here's the reward, the whole guild chipped in"
>1000 Mira received.
Die, vile being.
If given the chance I'd beat every single one of you within an inch of your lives
Nina was placed into Zemuria by Aidios herself for the sole purpose of recreational sex and procreational sex with me.
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Why is she looking at Van like this?
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My big hairy sweaty balls
Stuffy scientist that only cares about his research is such an overplayed trope but it’s like half the damn scientists archtype in kiseki
We've seen her butt
She's using her mind control to bring him under her power.
this but rosine
she should have been the main cs girl
You mean Rosalina specifically her adult form
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Van stole Joshy from Estelle...
Based no-nonsense pessimist. FUCK KONDO! I want y'all boycottin' Daybreak 2 once it comes out in our shores! NO COMPROMISE!!!!!
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You better watch yourselves.
Oh... my god fucking shits.... Kai might just be the fuckingest worst piece of shit tarded game to ever release in the world. AND IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING COME OUT SHITTING FROM THERE RETARDED ASSHOLES YET!!
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I fuckin' hate this incel series for retarded pedo neckbeards and it warms my cold little heart to see more of y'all exposin' this 'tarded fuckfest. Now, let's make Kai the biggest flop in gaming history, /fg/gang!
Forced melties are the worst. Take your meds before you shit your pants again.
haha... the aso plot is just too important to show off in screenshots yeah that must be it haha....
Trails is bootleg Kingdom Hearts with faggot retard incel japs objectifying women because they have mommy issues kekkk

This is why 4chan's friendship ended with Japan weebtrash.

Is like theyre not even hiding that the entire aso plot is filler kekkk
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It's okay, Adol was confirmed for Kai too, he'll save Kiseki
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The HRT is going well.
Joshy with Emma’s swimsuit

Remember how people used to shitposting about Rean being MC in Kai. We are literally living this reality now.
estelle gets to fuck THIS??? GOD DAMN
Lmao the entire aso plot is just grim garten filler
meanwhile rean will get 60% of the plot kek
did adol steal that sword from kurt?
aso plot is just filler grim garten slop lmao everyone loves shitty dungeon crawler right???
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Love how shitting on Kai triggers this cultist.
Aaronbro killed himself
“Taikun will be relevant. Believe me. Look at this concept art”
You are my favorite channer on this general. Such fucking savage verbal beatdown of this shitty series we all hate now
>Highfives you and tips hat to your based screeds
welcome back, karin.
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*gets their character arcs relegated to filler doors in their final game while everybody else gets the main plot*
what went wrong
they out themselfs so easily kkkkkkk

kek cultists are REALLY mad today

theit entire arc is filler kek rean will be the main char for rest of the series
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You're not fooling anyone you false flagging cultist. Kai is trash.
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lol cultist are fucking assbleeding right now cos everything we are saying is facts

the only 2 characters that gonna matter in kai lol
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naked sex with altina under waterfall
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Van is so lucky...
Bruh why are cultists so desperete lol
Is it just a coincidence she looks exactly like Joshua's dead sister or is that where they're going with this?
Sky The First will have bonding events added in
Sky The Second will have romance routes for Estelle, including at least one with another girl
It's happening, and your melty only ensures it
Trampling on Kevin’s balls and making small wounds on his dick sounds so fun and hot
lesbian sex with anelace in leman
Reminder that Sky The First was outsourced to pajeets kek

>snippet in Trails in the sky the 1st
>The 3D model has been newly redrawn.
>You can move freely around the field and move between areas seamlessly.
>The battle follows the latest series and features field actions. While
>fighting in action battles, you can switch to seamless command battles at any time.
>The modeling of this game is very Atelier-like.
>It says "Falcom is doing a full remake" but it looks like there is a different developer. I wonder
>if it's possible to change the battle from command to action?
The rare octuple Jannetty, dimeless shitter faction
love how this was disproved 5 minutes after you initially started spamming it but you just ignored it and kept spamming it anyway
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Kincaid 4spgs Van to bring in Rufus who was seen in Ored and at the same time, the church orders Kevin to bring Rufus into their custody.

That's why Kevin and Van fight in ored, so the winner gets to take custody of Rufus.

My chink friend who was at the event last week told me this
vanbros... we're already jobbing in the prologue
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why does kondo hate him?
The fight ended in a draw but Van ultimately decided that it was better to trust Kevin with Rufus over Rene
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Is this guy actually having a melty over that, or is this another forced meme?
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Hope we get extra costumes in the Sky remakes
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You have to understand how many layers of irony he's operating under, much like the Shizunafag.
I just wanna see some cool Loewe content but they'll never bring him back ever ever ever.

But, actually it's probably a good thing, otherwise these localisoids would probably make him talk about white supremacists or racism or some shit
"Those people... They don't like immigrants... This reminds me of Hamel..."
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I'm done if there's a Kai II. Don't fuck us around again Kondo you already ruined this arc enough.
It's actually an attempt at negative reinforcement meme magic. You see, he thinks people talking about bonding events in the Sky remakes will ensure it happens, but if he denies it and lashes out at those that that make the claim, it won't happen.
For the past two games Kondo has been straight-up about them having a definite ending with no cliffhangers so him being all 'wait and see' about this one is pretty much a soft confirmation this game is a two-parter.
was there even any relevant plot in kuro 2? other than quatre being non-binary tranny DEI and other non-interesting stuff?
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i knew there was a kai 2 the moment they showed off those new animations
falcom are way too lazy and greedy to put all that effort in to only get 1 games worth of use out of them
which means kai 2 will be the fourth game to use the exact same assets from kuro 1 which is a new record of laziness and greed for falcom haha...
haha... i don't know...
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>calvard realistically only needed 3 games, but instead the fucking retards at falcom decided to fuck around by making kuro 2 directionless and kai routeslop so now the arc might be stretched out over 4 games
I'm honestly surprised Kondom hasn't been ousted yet.
Kai 2 can only work if they release it in 2025, if there's a 2 year gap, it's over for them. Even Kondo can't be that stupid... right?
Even putting aside the fact that making a Kai 2 would be fucking terrible, that means that Kai 1 ends on a cliffhanger that you'll have to wait 2 years to see resolved because we already know they're making TX2 and Sky 1st next year. That is so fucking bleak man. I hope Kondo is just being cheeky here.
where's the invite to this server
Kato's still there.
Also the Grim Garten shit is pretty evident that they're just padding the game out so they have enough content for Kai 2. Falcom are fucked man.
I think he's genuine, which makes it all the sadder and funnier
why make one game when u can just split it in half and get x2 profit
>Kondo starts out the arc saying that they won't stretch it out as much as they did Cold Steel
>Ends up bloating the arc just like they did for Erebonia
This company truly will never learn.
There won't be Kai 2, I just can't believe Kondo can be that stupid, he was just trolling with that answer.
There's no Kai 2, because the story continues on to the Sky remakes, haha
Welcome to the reboot timeline
at least cs1/2 had 99% different maps from cs3 and 4. kuro 1, kuro 2, kai and kai 2 will legitimately be like 85% the exact same maps between all four games. that is beyond unacceptable and falcom's fans should legitimately not put up with it even though they will.
Aidios nukes the world and we're back to the beginning
I cannot wait until Kato dies and his kids sell off the company to a publisher. It can only be an improvement at this point.
I can't wait to see that sexy thing in Rixia's costume
And then Falcom gets closed down within a couple years. There's only 2 japanese companies that wouldnt close down Falcom after buying it
As I said, improvement.
Falcom tried to reuse CS1/CS2 map's for CS4 as an entire Erebonia thing but were too inefficient with space to do so.
Kai is the end of the Kuro arc but it's going to be one continuous story from now on until the grand finale so it's not a "complete" game so to speak
no more new parties or MCs, just full on steam ahead with all we have

Look closely. You see a woman's ass in the background
Haha... I can't wait to spend 50% of Kai II running around all the Edith districts again for the 9999th time!
Nintendo needs to buy Falcom and have them co develop Pokemon games with Game Freak. They could finally pump out 10/10 games.
joshuafag gib me invite to the discord server plz thx
would be for the best
why bother making new parties when they aren't going to get developed at all
just use what they already made and end it
oh good god not that fucking hellscape, does /fg/ not have it's own discord at this point?
Agnes is a vessel of an arch angel
Agnes and Van will seal themselves away for all of eternity by locking themselves in an eternal conflict in a different plane of dimenson.
why would we need a discord thats what the fucking thread is for dumbass
falcom games aren't mmos we dont need shit for signups
/07th/ has one why can't we?
>Agnes and Van will seal themselves away for all of eternity by locking themselves in an eternal conflict in a different plane of dimenson.
reminder that hakuleg's pairings are canon
rean x towa and van x anges are official, othergirls don't even bother
Discord are for trannies. Stop trying
it add soul to the community though
well go on and start one I'm sure a few of the particularly ill regulars here would join it
I was thinking more stargate ark of truth
>no more new parties or MCs
So it'll be just Van, Rean and Kevin? Or they'll add all protagonists for the last game?
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/07th/ is also the most concentrated collection of mentally ill anons on this website though
Dad, is this my present? A dark haired handsome Erebonian gentleman!
but it kills anonymity and I will be too embarassed to say my altina fie nina feri la-chan na-chan gentle rape sex with discordbros...
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How hard will you be in Kai when Albert confesses his feelings to Agnes and she turns him down
can't wait to have brutal yuri seggs with kloe as estelle!
I can't tell if that's Rean or Lloyd.
Rean since Lloyd doesn't have an ahoge.
joshua being a cuckold is canon
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Can't wait bros Kai is gonna be so good
But the back of Rean's head isn't like that.
So... no new MCs until the end?
Just Estelle, Lloyd, Rean, Kevin and Van?
Kai 2 will be in the far east and Kai 3 in Arteria for example?
it's the new character, Rroyd, the protagonist of the Crossbell and Erebonia remakes.
Next MC will be Cedric and Shirley
Kondo said that they haven't decided on the new protagonist yet, so there's a chance the last arc will be hajimari style all the way through.
Cedricbro... since 2018 you are repeating this same shit
Cedric is an irrelevant character
It's Rean and Lloyd's child
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>want to catch up on trails
>last trails i played was the 3rd
im just gonna continue shitposting instead
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typical /fg/ anon haha
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bad anon
finish the series and don't come back until you do
'd rather look up na-chan smut
na-chan sucks
Na-chan is my favorite
don't say that to my wife
my fat unwashed cock!
How we went to charming Sky/Crossbell characters to anime generic characters in Cold Steel 1/2 (Old Class 7) and then Trash characters like New Class 7/Picnic Squad and finally the useless cast (ASO)
What went wrong?
>Crossbell characters
All of the female characters in Crossbell are the same exact shit as the CS and Calvard girls.
*Next MC is Gilbert
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I love the picnic squad
I love… Weissmann!
Is Kai Kuro 3 or Cold Steel VI?
hajimari 2
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>Players: I'm bored Kondo, give me something new.
>Kondo quickly rips the label off Cold Steel and slaps on the Daybreak one
>Kondo:Alright here you go. Daybreak! From Calvard
>Players: Score!
>Player plays it for an hour
>Players: Heeeey wait a minute... This is just Cold Steel again!
>Kondo: Haha... you got me.
Falcord post
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I'll time how much pov Van has in Kai. If he accounts for 60% of pov like Kondo said, I'll consider Kai as Kuro 3, if he accounts less then I'll consider it CSVI. There's no middle ground.
AKA Cold Steel 6
why would kevin screen time count as cold steel
Nayuta 2
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What's the Engage of the Kiseki series?
The one people hate for being cringe despite being one of the best mechanically? Kuro 2
Kuro 1
Rean haters function in binary if something isn't Kuro then it is part of the cold shit vortex
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Since Kai is going to come out soon and some anons already declared not to TL it, I decided to help out with an MTL approach.

I have subscriptions to multiple LLMs including Claude and I have vast experience translating VNs with these AI with effective translation style prompts I engineered myself.

If anyone is willing to capture the text I could do the translation rather quickly and in high quality (near localization quality - I can change the style however I wish).

For a Kiseki game I could do the entire translation in 2-3 weeks. Perhaps faster.

Is there interest in this?

To provide a sample and that I am not shitting anyone, here my current project, Amairo Islenauts. The translation is by Claude 3 Sonnet. Unedited.

I could do Kai no Kiseki in the same way, given someone provides captured text once the game releases.
Kai and the whole ''cameo before plot''
But Engage at least is a good strategy game unlike Kuro slop gameplay
depends if kai is actually good or not, i won't waste my time if it sucks ass
Thank you, fren. Most people here hate me lmao
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
>"Go to the sky?"
Claude is still dekinai it seems
It's Hajimari 4
hajimari ruined the series
"I want you to go to the sky" VS "Go to the sky"

It's the same.
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Miss me?
>like engage
call me when van starts shouting shit like MARRIAGE - ESTELLE WOMB BUSTER then fucks her magical ghost in the middle of the battle for a powerup
Kiseki will end before its 30th anniversary, so I'm guessing around 2030 we'll the get the final game.
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absolutely love my canon wife
Mare and Grendel
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I loved Hajimari
Maybe I should have stopped playing kiseki after Ao...
Hag grew taller. She is my bride no more.
>tfw won't be able to headpat altina on demand in kai because they removed the combat end animations
>van 60% rean 20% at most, probably less
Kuro 3
Rean is such a fucking manlet lmao.
they're saving that for Sky remakes, where she summons Joshua/Kevin/Olivier/Agate/Zin/Loewe/Kloe/Anelace for that.
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The curse...
That would make it kuro 3 yes, but Kondo's words are something that should be always fact checked.
Kai Altina is perfect
I can't believe Estelle will fuck Ishmelga to save Kiseki
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Average Trails fan
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I love previous altina I love current altina
just don't ruin her with boobs like fie
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Picnic Squad is irrelevant
No End No World…
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They ruined her. Fuck you Falcom.
pfp checks out
Thank you Alexandre de Moraes
I don't need to see shit like this anymore
Should I actually finish Reverie before playing Daybreak 2? Lloyd's route is so fucking bad that I just want to end it all.
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kuroriin is getting pushed too btw
Do you seriously not see anything wrong with talking to yourself?
Average trails in the sky* fan.
feena - nina
nina is actually aidios sister
ys is same universe as trails
it's all connected
They're just sitting beside each other.
Average Weissman fan
the straightest reanfag
Perfect height now for hugs
Kondo planned it out all the way back from when he was getting mind broken testing the Dark Fact fight.
i reached the underwater cave in daybreak
how much story is left?
looks like average FF fan to me
then why does /fg/ always get mad that they hijacked rean's and van's games
The Longlai cave? A good few dozen hours.
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is she talking about aidios here?
is she gonna nuke the world for "better future"?
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Game from 7 years ago (west) vs game from 1 month ago (west)
And Berseria has less active players than Arise
TalesCHADs keeps winning
I only see Vanfags cry about that. They want Kiseki to be Ys, but with Van.
>underwater cave in daybreak
I don't remember any underwater caves in kuro or you're talking about Langport offshore cave?
velvet is so fucking hot i want her to sound my dick then bite it off into pieces
seek help, shizunaschizo
OPfag is fucking late.
I unironically like Berseria more than any Falcom game. It's a shame that Berseria is a standalone game and not a franchise like Trails.
reanfags have been malding about the route poll from hajimari for 4 years
magussy mogs 95% of trails cast alone, it's not even funny at this point
blaming vanfags for shit reanfags unironically sincerely want and do is my favorite meme
Rean should be with Jusis. They have actual soulmate energy.
...so you want her to turn you into a tranny like kurt?
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That‘s not me, sweetie. Rentfree.
same, would like berseria 2 but unfortunately zestiria (sequel) exists
unless they retcon shit to make zestiria worthless
Berseria is soulless and uninspired.
are you sure youre not playing ys vi
Rean has a better chemistry with gaius, machias and jusis than Crow
>Daybreak villains:
Absolute garbage writing around anything involving them
Entertaining but puddle deep HAHA WE UR EVULZ shit
Bait and switch not-a-villain(?)
>Ixs and Jolda
Complete nonentities storywise, they're just there for you to fight
>Letter between D and B
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/fg's dream Kiseki game
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new Atelier has blackrock money backing it
>dubshit issues
Whatever you want to believe
Do your best Agnès :)
ban doesn't care about Anies like that

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