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Previous thread: >>493226215

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rolled the EGO and Sang. Sparked Ryoshu. Feels good bros just 200 rolls. Also man a lobcorp "redo" where the sinners are all part of the facility would be great
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Daily reminder
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I imagine Skullbro was saying Ryoshu to NOT do that kek
Or maybe he endorsed it? lmao
So how hard did we win today? I'm thinking we're on an insane roll of IDs these past few banners and it's only going to continue.
tfw no ryoshu to sp heal you when you're feeling down
I love KJH and my faith has not wavered.
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i don't get it, shouldn't gregor new ego clear this by himself if he shoots only 1 enemy?
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Will a full Lobotomy EGO:: team work?
Nahhh they should remove the "evade" animation for clashing
Sometimes an enemy wins a clash with the evade, and I have to do a double take to see if I mapped attacks correctly
jesus just use the worst skills on full hp blob
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A question for you, /lcg/.
Did you get what you wanted?
Did it take too much?
I did.
I costed 60 rolls.
>Literally had 7 statuses on the Obelisk
>Hard mission still not completed
I am going to bite my monitor screen
Had to spark for Spiershu
Got gregor, Hod and sang from rolls, alongside 2 other announcers
Think it was the Chefs and Molar gang
>90 pulls
>got everything except Hod
>still have 20 free pull tickets left
needed 200 rolls for this bitch 0 announcers
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any drawfag here?
I got all IDs and the EGO in 60 rolls, then kept rolling for announcers.
The event is so fucking funny holy shit
has someone drawn Ryoshu banging Red Eyes and Penitence together like Dante does with Agni and Rudra?
I did that for flavour
it's not terrible. yi sang, faust, ryoushu are obviously good. outis and don are alright.
>Did you get what you wanted
>Did it take too much
I thought Hod may just have been around the corner so instead of sparking I did 60 more rolls.
Then I gave up and sparked.
Her voice is very cute though, good rapebait.
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>First roll
>bullying Ishmael is canon
We should honor it by bullying Stinkmaelfags itt too
I got Ryoshu on my guaranteed 000 pull, so I'm content
I did waste 160 pulls to get the new EGO though
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You think changing anyone with Ishmael Sloshing or Sinclair Red Sheet would work?
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To celebrate Hod, please post hod sexo.
I beat the shit out of Erlking earlier with the walpipi ones + suncliff. Thinking of going through RR4 with them. I guess I gotta level/uptie sinclair then
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ah, looks like someone else had that idea too
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Got literally everything, so yes. It did cost me 171 pulls, but I still have some lunacy left, so ehh, could have been worse, and I also got a lot of shards and thread. It's not like I use lunacy to pull outside of walpipi anyway. At least the Walpurgis dispenser section is finally empty.
sinclair could maybe replace outis or don
Not yet, but I'm not upset about getting Gregor and Rodion's Walp E.G.O
Got everything but took 200 pulls and pity because fucking ryoshu didn't feel like showing up
She's ryonabait until her supression.
>Did you get what you wanted?
I got all the gameplay relevant stuff and Dawn Office as a bonus, had to go up to pity for Solemn Gregor, though.
>Did it take too much?
eh, I already went in knowing I'd go up to pity. Technically I could throw even more pulls at it but it's probably best to save up for the next one
What's the braindead way to fulfill the +6 debuffs in a single turn conditional now that half of Sinking debuffs aren't working and I don't know if next-turn application counts?
You have to inflict them on the same turn anon
Just don't use the butlers and use some other fill ins?
That's fucking cringe.
I had to spark Ryoshu, but I got a bunch of non-Walpurgis EGO and identities, so it wasn't all bad.
Hello guys now that I've uptied both the new IDs to 4 and threadspun the EGO to 3 can you tell me if they're actually good?
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I can't draw, I can do this though
I would take Don and Sinclair together for the rupture atleast sync
It is what it is
So tired of rerolling hard Violet with solo Gun Sang. If you don't roll two S3s, get them both off perfectly AND get too many Perceptions he staggers and you're fucked.
I don't get why they didn't make his def skill a roll, desu
personally i used
>faust's hex (2 debuffs guaranteed + 1 on heads)
>buttersang (sinking on clash win + butterfly)
>forest for the flames (inflicts burn dunno if next turn debuffs count)
>pathos (inflicts rupture)
guaranteed 6 debuffs
You used them all on the body?
yes just in case other body parts didn't count as the same target
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PM realized how busted dodges are and want you to take guaranteed damage if you can't win a clash
when was the last fucking dodge ID we even got?
Dieci Honglu
Heir Gregor
Butler Outis
off the top of my head
Can't you also dodge unclashables to meme on some bosses?
>Did you get what you wanted?
Yes, I got everything
>Did it take too much?
200 rolls, which is what I expected. Now back to saving for the next Walpurgis.
Ryoshu edging
130 pulls for everything
So you just let the slate hit you with the hands?
190 for all of it, did an extra 10 just to snag Hod
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You were useless, Hod.
I yearn for the day we get a +5 coin power buff EGO, or a forced heads EGO, for LamentGreg & Wingbeat.
useless cunt
Thanks, I finally got it. Sort of not worth it to be desu
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[Ignore her]
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take your pants off and i'll think about it
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be nice...
Should I put her on my bleed team?
She is loose and her pussy's sore
She is always wanting more!
Slut! Bitch! Useless! Whore!
Just talk to her and you'll always score!
*rapes you nicely*
>the eyes open up
that's pretty neat
ryoshu is too chuuni to be cool
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>ryoshu is too chuuni to be cool
It don't count if she do have those powers
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A lot of art of Yi Sang getting bonked.
no i get everything but hod and ryoshu but yi sang and gregor lament are fun as hell.bonus the anouncer for phillip is surprisingly good
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she's the coolest
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Don't bully Hod
>everyone wants to bonk Yi Sang
Have yet to use Greg yet, still poking with the others and past Walpipi I missed. How do you use it/maximise it?
Do the announcers yap as much as Angela tho?
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I think this is funny
because it is
You use it at 45 SP and uhh that's about it. He is more or less consistent.
if only she inflicted more bleed on her S3-2.... losing all your charge for a fucking 5(+3) bleed is really trash
You gain coin power +1 through Linton's skill 3 if possible
Then unleash it next turn
Simple as that
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How the fuck do I do this
Her bleed application is weak and needs to rely on other IDs for it
However she hits like a truck, and has solid HP and SP healing
The best clapbait we have gotten so far.
Now I just need KJH to add shelter cheese.
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I've gotten 3 non solemn lament EGO on walpipi. I'm a newbab so I couldn't shard them all to ensure gregor's.
get to 45 sp and plus coin up form cuckgreg to fully optimize it this thing is an aoe too i think pm redeem gregor
ESL sama...
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I got everything but those after doing a solo hard buttsang run.
Still have no idea how third one didn't register when he was the only unit.
There was a bug
Maybe the same glitch where if you kill a unit with bleed/burn/etc it doesn't count to the kill daily.
>400 rolls
>literally no walpipi IDs or EGOs, not even previous ones(00 excluded)
>like 5 cuck office announcers

what the fuck?
Bleed Greg can gain coin power but bloody mist won’t buff it. Heir Gregor can gain coin power far more reliably (and if given 2 skill slots reach scary numbers). Burn Gregor gets coin power and final power with Sooth the Dead and it does count for his ego, but there’s no good Burn Sinking team yet. Blunt Gregor doesn’t really exist, but if he did, that tier 3 ego gift that gives coin power to blunt ids and even more if you lose a single clash with a blunt skill sounds funny to pull off
In a sinking team, you want to use Hong Lu’s Land of Illusion to lower the amount of sanity lost from his Ego and increase the Sanity Gain from The Living (much like Wingbeat Ishmael of course)
luck is a skill
Usually it happens when dot damage does the killing blow, but I made sure sang shot it's last hp. Not sure if butterflies trigger mid attack.
Should I waste time trying to dispense all the wallpenis ego or just get all the ID, only ID im missing from Wallpeepee is Magic Bullet and I'm missing Sanguine, Wingbeat, and Regret ego
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I like how she gives you LobCorp gameplay tips
Do you think zena would give in to rape after a while or would she keep fighting back to the end?
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i see
I don't think, mate
Fuck no, her bleed application is trash.
That would make so much sense. I usually completed the kill 100 enemies with 1 MDH run. But I used the last 2 times a burn team and I only got around 60 enemies killed.
obviously focus on magic bullet, but the EGOs are all pretty nice, sanguine is core, regret makes meursault not a shit sinner and wingbeat is a meme.
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Rape is God's gift to women
Use S1 skills that inflict rupture, bleed, sinking or burn on the body of the boss.
rape doesn't exist in the city
Sinclair, translate
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Spitroasted on ryoshu's sword and don's lance.
How the FUCK do I kill a fruit of understanding at 80%+ HP with ONE skill? Can I do it on easy or won't it work(since it's a hard mission) ?
What's Rodion's best bleed ID?
butter sang s3. take a support if need be.
A single Funeralsang S3 nukes a Fruit out of existence
At least you didn't get 3 Ryoshu dupes instead. Saves you some shards in the future.
You need to do it separately for easy and hard. Just put Solemnsang as your Captain, he oneshots it with S3 at full ammo.
this is the easy mode mission anon, that's the issue
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*eats your dupes*
Costly at 290 but it came with some good spooks and a shitload of yi sang shards
mine is at uptie 3 and I can't one shot a fruit, will take a sup thx
>director updates Lobotomy Corp with random events
>a random group of uncontrollable nuggets just spawn in and start suppressing your ordeals for you
>they're accompanied by this strange clock abnormality
>clicking it just offers if you want to retry the day
>says nothing, does nothing else, just occasionally pops in and wipes a department's ordeal before taking some enk boxes and leaving like some budget but nonconsensual Rabbit Team raid
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They mentioned there was a bald agent handling one of the areas with the ordeal right? I wonder if it's meant to be one of our guys.
Where is the issue? Just use the S1s. It's that simple.
Yeah. Tough EGO Ish as next LC ID is coming.
The bald guy is in Yi Sang's uptie 3 art fyi
Doubt a sinner would be one... But Ishmael as BALD IS AWESOME would be funny
trolling shitmeal with bald it awesome devious the slander material will BTFO all ishtard
Thanks for the tip on doing the buggies with only Yi Sang, trying it with the whole team was very inconsistent because sometimes he killed and sometimes the enemy would end up at 60HP
New Yi Sang = God Tier
New Ryoshu = Mediocre
>had to spark Yi Sang
>no Hod
>in fact 0 announcers on 200 rolls
>got like 9 fucking Ryoshus
I could use the thread
Fuck Hog
>max 30
they really regret sinking deluge
>hit Pity for the first time ever
Fuck. Well, I got Yi Sang from rolls so I had to pity Ryoshu. Not spending that shit on EGO or an announcer, I'll just shart them next walpurgis. On the bright side I got a fuckton of thread boxes from all the dup Angelas that showed up
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name one (1) bald non-nugget pm character
What team did you guys use for the event? I tried to go sinking but it felt useless cuz no sanity on the Abnos
you mean reverse spitroast right
Are you retarded
Sinking becomes blue rupture on enemies without sanity
good morning i love hokma
<I would never do that to Don! She's family to me!>
What is the meta for defeating hard mode in 12 turns? i have all Walpurgis stuff expect sanguine desire and lament Yi Sang
For whoever wants a maxed Buttersang for the mission or just to have.
ButterSang and thats it
I don't get how people are struggling, did this while win rating under 7 turns. Don't even know how to do it
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Dear Manager Esquire, you seem to be mistaken about the direction of the rape.
>No Lament Yi Sang
That's the key unit to make this incredibly easy.
Without him you'll have to use RingSang which has a extremely similar all-pierce, sloth S3, immense damage setup.
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The fuck guys I thought EGO were supposed to be rare or something?
What killed the hype?
the maid IDs not showing panties when they jump
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what the fuck
that reminds me
>Wild huntcliff and Erlking had a manor full of maids to conquer and breed
>Doesn't because muh cashi
was he gay
Huh i don't have any bleed id besides Ncorp though. I suppose i could dispense him and lvl up him to 44 but what team should i put him in if i don't have bleed ids?
In 102 pulls I've got two announcers. And two EGOs and three 000s from standard pool.
Finally got everything out of every Walpurgis. I had to pity Yi Sang and almost get me out of lunacy.
Also I fucking hate these missions
No what you should do is just borrow a support butter sang and just use that.
<Kill yourself, Herman. I know Don well, and there isn't a single mirror world where she'd say that.>
>Bleed units
He doesn't need it. S3 always deals massive damage, and S2 only needs random debuffs like Nails, Tremor, or whatever really.

>Support works on this mission
Nevermind then, just get a support Yi Sang
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Finally about to do RR
Is the new shit good for it?
Catherine is the ideal woman. Imagine wasting your time on trashy maids.
I only got ryoshu and no buttsang or buttgor
I'm so fucking pissed
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Yes, it took 200 exactly but I got the two 000’s, the EGO, Hod, Yesod, and Diesault as well. I used my pity on Malcute instead of Wingbeat or Red Shoes because I can box those later.
I sit in the ruins of my carefully hoarded stash, and am content.
It’s nice to have a big thing to blow all your saved Lunacy on in one go every few months, whist being able to box everything else from the battle pass.
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Yeah, he just pumps out damage, it's insane.
You still got like 100 rolls it'll be fine
Fuck yes. Butter sang would destroy the envy peccas with his sinking and Ryoshubud is a better Wryoshu
Bros, we keep getting stronger and stronger IDs every two weeks... The powercreep...
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How does this look lads?
...put butter as captain
I don't. 140 gone. Nothing left...
Like a crime but it's the easy mode so go nuts
Just realized that Director gifted us 300 lunacy instead of 1300
He's finally learning?
Why Butler and not Yi Sang?
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This girl is so cute
Any suggestions anon?
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Remove Butler Outis
Echoes of the Manor is currently bugged and does not work
So you're a lolicon.
use a UT4 support butter yang in slot 1
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limbab to limbab communication
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Keep your eyes buttered till the end!
How do I build up Red Eyes properly? This shit is always stuck at 15 and everything is dead by that point.
Change Dawn Sinclair to Mariachi and change the team order to Butterfly Sang, Wild Hunt and then Chief Butler.
Maybe put Tintang Hong Lu for even more damage on high SP
She's worse than Wryoshu.
Say buttsang instead.
Did victorians fuck their maids anyway?
You use Contempt
Then press win rate
Started too late. Is there any way to just buy an account with the Angela announcer or is it over for me?
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you dont want that yapper anyway
You can spark her every Walpurgis.
They were considered lower class like the servants they are and such actions would have seen badly by other aristocrats. So yes, behind doors and the main source of bastard nobles.
Fun fact: some theorize the reason Heathcliff is adopted in the original novel is because being a bastard son of Mr. Earnshaw, due to a similar scenario
What the fuck is Contempt?
The Head-approved City Ammo
>weak shit
The ABNO butterfly ammo
>gibs shit dead
Anon, technically the sinner Heathcliff has access to all that too
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Yes but it was generally seen as desperate and immoral thing to fuck them since they were lower class. Sorta like taking a homeless woman home and fucking her homeless pussy in exchange for giving her food.
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buying account for angela are you retarded
Literally a man.
he's based
cause dongbaek is a genderbend author
I just love her so much.
I started too late I don’t have enough pulls for that. I guess i should save all my shit for the next one but I need units to watch the story which is the main reason I got the game despite the gacha. I like all the references to the last two games.
Acquire prudence first
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>buy an account with the Angela
retarded fuck, you can still get her via walpuris
Seeing how outis's damage is close to him, I would say it's a (You)'s problem.
I would buy an account with a Binah announcer if they had one too
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/lcg/ i need your help. Im going to karaoke tonight and wanna sing Tik Tok by kesha, but need a PM character's name to replace "p-diddy" that still rhymes with "city".
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I take it all back, you're based
What the fuck is Awe?
angela did literally nothing wrong btw
Ahh this one. Can't do. It's not my bleed team. So I only have Gregor with his S3 for the chain.
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Based Angelafag, stay strong for your waifu despite the haters
how much money will you willing to pay for a digital 2d voice
I just wasted all my pulls and got those stupid office fucks instead of any of the LC announcers or the new units. I’m never getting her bro my luck is shit
i love when dingdingsang shoots for his clash
You don't need to thank me, anon. I know I'm a genius.
B-bwos, is there already an id stronger than Erlking? Has my king already been powercrept?
The King of nothing.
Yi Sang always wins.
Bwo... did you do RR already? I think with those + weeklies + walpipi mission rewards you can make it
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>I just love her so much.
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I don’t know I’d need to find someone with it
Why did director have the three tease Ishmael like that, did they just not understand what she was going through? It's kind of shitty.
Tankier and better clashing, but with less burst.
>bleed comp improved
>sinking comp improved (goodbye spicesang)
md speedrunners eatin good
I literally only have walpipi missions left and some paid lunacy
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Ryoshu is charge team unit thoughbeit.
Spicesang can finally rest after carrying Sinking for an entire year
woman moment should always be called out
150 Rolls and I got Hod, Seven Heath, SL Greg, Glupo Sinclair and THREE fucking SL Sang's instead of Ryoshu.
Atleast it was almost a free UT4 since I got plenty of threadcrates through announcement dupes. Next MD shall provide me with the final pull. Director has plans for me.
What the fuck is Contempt?
the new ryoshu? why?
Activate Windows. Didn't realize this option was there, I could've sworn it was 3x Ignore...
SHITmael gets made fun of
Faust saves Dante again
All is right in the world
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>230 pulls
>absolutely fucking nothing
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Red Eyes and Penitence are both unique charge. Charge transforms into them.
No... it can't be! My glorious king will never be topped! His power is limitless. He is limitless itself! A nugget being anywhere close to him power-wise is simply unthinkable!
Worth it to uptie Ryoshi to 4?
Real funny. Did they just lose any sympathy for her ordeal for a shitty punchline?
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i really love how much art this game gets all of it is so cute and soulful and creative
that said, bleed comp is still fastest, right? so it just got better with the addition of new ryoshu
This woman "Ryoshu" takes so long to get Red Eyes
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It's about time the bitchass boatbilly got the treatment she deserves. Hopefully all story content from now on will feature a healthy dose of SHITmael bullying.
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That's right it's Snaust!
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what's the biggest woman moment in project moon?
I'm honestly impressed the community remained strong despite game being rather unpopular and having 2 controversies in a row. My feed is filled with limbus art and I don't even follow anyone who directly posts anything about it.
My arknights feed on the other hand...
Why are ishfags like this?
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hawk tuah
I just tried Buttsang from support.
Why is he so strong.
do we have a railway guide?
Carmen killing herself and then making everyone distort for the fun of it
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>biggest woman moment
>biggest woman
In event or outside of it? Event is made to shill him.
How does Spidershu interact with buff giving charge MD gifts
Like Nightvision goggles or Curriculum vitae?
They pretty much accepted being immortal by this point. At least it's not Sinclair who being bullied for nothing.
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>extract frog sinclair from walpipi banner
>get frog hongers right after from the next 10 pull
rigged but cute
Fully trained nuggets are equivalent to the Rabbit team, making them Star of the City level.
>Event is made to shill him.
I'm aware of it but how, is it really the sin and attack types? He feels so strong.
Read her passive
When she gains charge count she instead gains either penitence or red eyes
I got them aswell
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Americans, please explain this new "meme" of yours. I keep seeing it, and yet still have absolutely no clue what it is supposed to mean. No, I will not google it.
Shitclair gets bullied because he's a worthless oxygen thief. He deserves so much worse.
Post your accounts before you talk.
Still a shitty excuse to turn their trauma into a gag.
spit on that thang
Go back to twitter you troon
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So how win rate friendly are the new IDs? I don't feel like reading
the purple boogers are 2x sloth weak, 1.5x gloom weak, and 1.2x pierce weak
Its literally a charge id, the charge gets converted to red eyes or penitence
Sinclair should have gotten shot with an execution bullet instead
I think 20 from tickets and 14k lunacy. So about 30. Haul
>bzzt Hod and Malcute
>LC Ryo
>LC Yi Sang
>4~ LC Don
>Solemn Greg
>Fell Bullet Heathcliff
>Dieci Meursault.
Director saw Ishfags being uppity and decided to put them in their place.
Why are ishfags like this?
I mean he gets so much SP that his S3's reload leaves him on a net positive, and the extra S3 in favor of S1s leaves him to basically one-shot most Fruits without any issue at all. The event is definetly skewed towards him, though you should equip the Bygone Days EGO. The enemies use exclusively Blunt/Envy Skills and while SL Yi sang is Blunt Fatal, his base ego is Envy Fatal unlike Bygone Days.
Though you'd only really notice that during a Solo.
Would Walpurgis featuring EGO gear of Limbus abnos hit or nah
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feels good
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50 for everything. got hod on the last roll as a bonus
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*shoots you with shield bullets after you've already died*
snaust did good
>despite game being rather unpopular
it is popular THOUGH
headpat hod! telling her she did well! showing my appreciation for her!
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Insane levels of projection, I believe
Something close to 40 pulls. Definitely under 100, because I only had 8.5k lunacy to work with, plus the 000 ticket that I haven't used yet.
Oh, and I definitely did. I got LamentSang, Budshu and Solemn Gregor.
limbus abnos are worse in every way
Hog would 100% do this
how about YOU go back? It's you fags trying to push the "ishmale" joke. Reeks of some sort of psyop.
So it's totally fine to just let a character get reduced to comedic relief because "I don't like ishbabs." Post your accounts before you talk, secondaries
>ALWAYS roll tails on an EGO when used at 45 sanity(after clash)
>ALWAYS roll heads on a much lower sanity when EGO gets reused with bull coin
>Ish fairyshit EGO rolling heads-tails 90% of the time
>combined with the various shenanigans of wolfcliff rolling all heads on -36 sanity all the time (been using him since his release and I've seen double tails ONCE)
>or enemies rolling all heads on -10 sanity if it's their first clash
>etc etc

I absolutely refuse to believe there aren't some behind the scenes shenanigans fucking up rolls
There is NO WAY it's 50+sanity% chance, the code has to be fucked beyond repair
Every sinner gets made fun off, Outis dragged Sinclair's trauma over his family death at the start of Canto IV. No one is off limits
you can look at your pull history on the bottom left of the banner
kissing hod!
telling her i love her so she gives me more enkephalin!
beating her when she doesnt!
Yeahhhh I can't do hard mode. Even with Butterfly Yi Sang.

Wave one always stuns me
Read the passive, she's a Charge ID. Charge gain via stuff like Charge Barrier or Employee Card gets converted into Red Eyes or Penitence
Anon finds out the sinners are cunts to each other
>when attacking units that are either in Panic or EGO Corrosion
What will sinkingFAGS do when instead of panicking, getting a enemy to -45 SP causes them to unleash their EGO nuke 3 times?
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At least I didn't have to do 2 sparks to get everything from banner. But god, I got like 4 SSR in those 200 pulls and that's it. And a single hod announcer.
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>Anon knows naught of the real world, let alone a PM world
preemptive lament gregor hydrogen bomb
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Your blind obsession with people not taking Ishmael seriously isn't healthy for you, anon.
seagull poop hair hehehehee
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fuck you bitch nigga
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got her hehehe
You can retry until either one of two things happen: 2 yellow skills, or one enemy shields.
If you split the yellow attacks, two enemies get staggered and you only get hit by the other, same in the other case.
Sinners that would hawk tuah?
Looking at it. It ended up being 50 pulls instead of 40. Close enough, I suppose...
Still, I'm glad I cleared it even when I had so little.
>sang doing gunkata poses
ishfags when the sinners simply interact with each other. Melty over a simple jest. Classic ishfags
Clash against big hitting attacks and get support passives that help him. Its pretty RNG what attacks the enemies will use but its completely doable solo with buttsang.
>Reeks of some sort of psyop.
ishkeks are going off the deep end...
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Can someone post Yi Sang sleeping in a minecraft bed with a smile, please?
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Bweh... Charon~~
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>Want to roll more
> Already got everything on the banner
Fuck my fakecel life
Your Don Quixote banner, sire?
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Gotta love how much these psychopaths changed from the suicidal murderers they used to be
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you can stop bragging now, there are geburyolets in this thread RIGHT NOW
I love how positive Heathcliff has become
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Here you go limfriend.
Both of you are fucking retards
Fine, I'll check it out through testing myself
Wonder if the buff is multiplied by 2 if both Red Eyes and Penitence gets sucked
Or it just chooses 1 at random
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How do I do this one
Only two more banners before season 5
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>bugmen ego
>acronym lady
80 pulls...not ideal
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Heathcliff LOVE
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most charge gifts description changed (adds 'unique charge') while nightvision goggles description doesn't change (only charge, no unique charge), so probably not
haven't tested it yet so feel free to prove me wrong, I would like to know too
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>it's 50+sanity%
Was this ever directly stated anywhere in the game though? People kinda just accept this as fact, but I don't think PM ever gave detailed numbers on how exactly does any of the behind the scenes math works. I don't think even the patch note that introduced the new sanity system had any, no? It's not like, say, HOMM III where all the formulae the game uses are known and you can literally double check the calculations if you are autistic enough. There definitely is more to it than just 50+%, especially since rolls in Season 3 and 4 feel drasticaly different - I've never had quite as many tails hit at 45 SP before as I do now.
what's the question mark for, this is obvious
You use Yi Sang and pew pew pew pew pew pew.
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>this is an issue
You're not special Rodya
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>Paus tells Dante to use walpurgis identities
>use walpurgis identities
>nothing happens
Am I doing it wrong?
Avoid using hard hitting abilities on the funny tentacle monolith
Ironically he is the sole one that Remembers Cathy even though erasing her is what made all others get better lives
You're the fucking retard you dumb nigger
Nightvision consumes basic Charge Count
Penitence and Red Eyes are Unique Charge
completely different status effect
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Did I win?
>dante says he has a bad feeling about this
>we will not see why until 20+ years from now
400 rolls for everything.
it hurts.
and you are a incompetent leader who project your insecurity on your employee
the fact that walpurgis has the biggest player peaks makes me sad because that means there’s a lot of people who aren’t playing for the story
it is what it is
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>Playing for the story
There's no real rush to complete the canto story, whereas walpuris is a FOMO event
That's my theory
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>Inflict Paralyze + tremor + bleed + rupture + Vulnerability + burn + coin power down and whatever the fuck all on the monolith

Does it all have to be on the same body part or something? The challenge says same enemy, so I figured it meant an enemy with multiple body parts could have all of that applied to it.
Which 000 ID would you say gets nothing at uptie 4?
That's the only reason to play a gacha though
t. dropped honkai when the story went to shit I fucking hate the MOTHs so much its unreal
It's just consecutive players anon. Gacha won't have most of the players log in at once to do the story, since that's always there. New limite event to get limited toys is a lot more enticing to get in on it fast.
it has to be same turn
you can't just do
>inflict burn/rupture/tremor/sinking next turn
>next turn
>inflict whatever the fuck other debuff you can applied same turn
it won't count
From the several runs I took trying to get it, I'm pretty sure it's on the same part, yeah.
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I speedran LobCorp because of Limbus months back: does anyone with better memory know what Ordeals are?
I know gameplaywise they were events to spice the game up since players would inevitably learn how to manage the Abnormalities systematically but lorewise most I remember was that they were some sort of reactive force against Lobotomy Corporation's experiments, seemingly something out of nature itself.
I think it was Binah that explained them the most.
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>110 pulls
>Dimension Shredder Yi Sang
>Contempt Awe
>Dimension Shredder Hong Lu
>Cavernous Wailing
>Dimension Shredder Outis
>And Solemn Lament Gregor

Still had to pity Ryoshu tho, lucklet
New player here. Any ids or egos I should prioritize dispensing?
>At the start of the stage, gain +3 Ammo
You mean the Attitude Adjustment?
fluid sac
what do you have and what did you get from walpurgis? Fluid sac and the key IDs of the keyword team you're building first are the biggest suggestions.
Binah explains most of the stuff
From what I recall Ordeals are based off of Ayin's memories?
> speedran LobCorp because of Limbus months back
kys worthless nigger
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How good are the new IDs?
How many boxes and shards do you have? Which IDs do you have? Who's your favorite sinner? Wanna kiss?
>t. latelet
Rabbit used to struggle with his ammo. That +3, believe it or not, helped immensely. It's basically a 1.5 extra skill from his uptie 3
Any of Sinclair IDs that aren't 00 and/or bare
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>>Dimension Shredder Yi Sang
>>Cavernous Wailing
I also got both of these plus another non-walpipi EGO. EGO spook rate up it feels like.
7/10 Don't roll them if you don't have to
Regret Faust and Fluid Sac
That's all really
His Yaoi ID kind of sucks though
>2316 dmg
>2nd most dmg
>329 dmg
So what's the best team for handling the missions if you don't include either of the two new ID's? I have both of them but I don't wanna run exp lux like thirty or forty times to level them up
Check the list in the OP. It should tell you the strongest IDs for each sinner
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I'm just missing Yi Sang's after 60 rolls, do I keep going or?
did we get a new peak on the steam charts for this walpurgis?
Yaoi?.. Oh, right, i forgor about that one; yeah, it's good only it's own team.
>40 pulls
>roll again
>ball turns G R E E N
>Look inside Hod
I now know why she was so hated
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Alright guess I'll search her dialogues
Whoever is the captain has their dmg boosted by a fuckton
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Just take ring Yi Sang along and watch it complete itself
>low sanity solo
>5 skills dominating 1 struggling
>surely he won't use the worst one first before he regains his sanity with the dominating ones, right?
>he does
>staggered and gibbed

PM I fucking BEG YOU give us a god damn skill order bar
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I missed this Ish
Do you think Binah, or Garion, imagined herself to one day end up as Ayin's cocksleeve?
Ahab's white scar? Looks like a drool, she reminds me of Rick and Morty, he yaps too.
If you get injected with Cogito and fail to create an Abnormality, you turn into an Ordeal instead.
there is one. if you switch to single target view it flashes all clashes in order of resolution. it sucks but it exists
Why do people hate this? I think it's funny and I'm a ishfag. Also Rodya called her badass
It should've been Rupture... IT SHOULD'VE BEEN RUPTURE!!!
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Oh so that's what RED damage meant? I don't remember explanations to what the colors stood for
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it was one guy above that was crying about it. I thought it was fun ribbing.
Wait what? What did I miss?
If only. At least I would be smart enough about SHARTING my IDs. I got Rabbit reasonable late tho. Somewhere after RR1.
Rupture isn't allowed to have good IDs, please understandu
Ordeals are shit that come out of the river without any clear explanation on what they are, or why it's happening. Ordeals or white are based off Ayin's fears.
You have to be fucking joking
Nothing There alone should have been a dead giveway if by any chance you didn't get it until then
Dead Rabbit was the last Rupture ID we got, and he's without a doubt the worst 00 ID we've gotten since season 1/2
Wrong neighborhood whiteboi
Oh that would explain why they kept popping up
Huh. Well that makes sense
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I will murder (You) in your sleep tonight.
If it's a focused fight, the last skill "chosen" go first
So for ex. if I have the following attacks
1 2 3 4
And I "connect" them to the same slot this way
3 2 1 4
The first skill to be used will be 4
I think
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Fetucchini limbini...
How do I make a Support team?
Considering we have 2, maybe 2.5 if you really squint, good Rupture IDs, and the gooks STILL manage to break RR like their little bitch, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get another Rupture ID until Canto 11 or 10
enemy skills go in order of:
1) rightmost body part to left
2) leftmost skill to right
clashes are resolved in enemy skill order for the most part, then onesideds and defense skills
onesideds are resolved by sinner speed order, then the order in which you stacked the skills on the enemy
oh we did. 46,888. nice
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We love Ish and every Ish face.
you grab your favorite sinner and you put it in every slot
Hello? Where's the burn support?
You're going to have to be a little more specific
So what's everyone using for bleed teams now? I was thinking of using new Ryoshu and both ring Sang and Outis but I don't know who are the best ones to bring for the final 3 slots.
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Even early on you can see they gave tremor ID bloated stats because they assumed it was "bad" (Heath being the tremor base ID who has the best rolls). Now that Tremor is good cuz Piss tremor that design is obsolete
Newfag here, waited until Walpurgis to start, what would be the highest priority reroll targets?
Like, for friends to pick. I see the option for my code but not one for a support squad
Pick the strongest IDs equipped with the strongest EGOs
its your "company"
Which part of Grant Us Love should I focus on?
weird I thought the walpurgis event fight was also a floorpack? is it not guaranteed?
funeral yi sang
Burn isn't even allowed to have Liu Rodya doing more than 30 proc damage on her skill 3 lmao
probably ryoshu
It's all about Love brother. Don't bother with the Grant and Us.
Just nuke the body.
If you really like him I guess he's not even sinking core
If you've finished the relevant mission, the body to prevent it from buzzing your sinners dead, if not the arms.
lets go mets love the mets
The two new IDs, Red Eyes and Butterfly. Dawnclair is also really strong
For the time being, these 3 should be your highest targets
it is a floorpack
it is slow as shit and awful
Pipi Ryo
Ring Sang
Ring Outis
Captain Ishmael
QQ Cliff
Hook Lu
This is not true, I inflicted Tremor, Bleed, Butterflies, Sinking, HP Down and Photoeletricity on his body in a single turn (6 debuffs), and I didn't count. This is just fucked due to PM's spaghetti code.
Walpurgis Xiao will save me.
Check our guys tier list:
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Well the body does the big fuck you attack, so I recommend the arms.
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We shouldn't do sinner fights, all sinnerfags are fun addit-
Holy shit, an unironic troon touristfag who is too sensitive for some "comedy". It's hilarious how people like this exist and they think that people with mental issues can't be joked on. Let alone fictiomal ones.
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I have no idea which post it copied, I meant to reply to this >>493254083
Check these IDs
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>He can't handle light hearted co-worker bantz on your past retardation
>Not even trying to be mean about it
Are you pretending? Or did that legitimately bother you? That was nothing.
How did Yi Sang manage to get back TWO (2) busted IDs back to back?
>nugget in HE gear can't solo violet dawn
I'm an unironic troon touristfag. My favorite sinner is Sinclair.
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>Ryoshu says Malkuth is a retard
butterflies don't count if sinking is already applied
i dunno ask kjh
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What is the best way to do this?
It's the only one I have left
I equipped bygone days
Now I'm fucking shit up
Damn, you rolled the absolutely worst start. Nice.
Just reset until you get two S3.
I thought so originally too, but it was very unreliable in the past
I also tried it just now against Cassetti and it didn't work
Doesn't work very well, it just flashed my skills from left to right and then used them in a completely different order
The lob corp IDs. Yi Sang, Ryoshu, Don, Faust (Hexnail is great help too)
It needs to be in a single turn. Do it on Grant Us Love's body part
rings and nfaust would be good picks
apparently some people had success with an all walp lobcorp ego team but i didnt get it on my first run
T. Corp Rodya
Crack Heath
Meat Lantern Don
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>doing sinking mdh
>man faith would be nice for yi sang and erlking heath
>literally get it in the reward for that same fight
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Just to check if I didn't glitch soemthing here: I was searching for a Ring Yi Sang from supports to do the multiple debuff mission but there were only Laments. So I decided to upgrade mine instead.
When I checked in spite of being brand new he was max level uptie 3 onscreen. When I came back to the lobby it was back at 1/1.
Do Walpurgisnacht units get maxed for the Walpurgis missions themselves? Cause if so for now I'll spend my threads on the EGOs isntead of them see.
Butterfly Yi Sang, Ring Outis, Grippy Faust, New Ryoshu, Tremor ID
so stuff like nfaust gaze+para and middle don vengeance mark that gets applied "next turn", does it actually count for hte mission on the next turn it gets applied or the turn you use the skill, i don't get it
I noticed some of the support passives don't work anymore. Before, you could use Liu Meursault or N Heathcliff to inflict nails/burn.

That is no longer the case. The UI is also bugged; it does not show anymore the proper damage numbers on unopposed attacks.
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Clerk shit
why are you guys doing solos?
ID and Ego get threadspun to 3 for free in the "EZ MODO NOOB HAHA IDIOT RETARD" version
Is echoes of the manor still bugged?
it's fun
may i ask what you were doing for clashes/skill use
Ah makes sense. I'll have to use them then but that can wait until doing all the Easy missions and accruing their loot.
It's the best way to do the mission that requires you to kill 3 80%+ bugs.
The reason for an act is the act itself
Works for me
... best solo unit?
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Is it just me or was the "normal" mode more difficult than the hard mode because of the time limit?
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For example here, do you see the DOMINATING skill?
That was the last one I chose, and it's going to be the first one to "fire off"
Does the beginner rateup include Walpurgis stuff or should I just ignore that one and only reroll on the Walpurgis banner?
Butterfly Yi Sang's yellow skill has a high chance to kill an enemy at full HP, even better if you damage them a little bit first.
So have we decided what the best sinking comp is now? Obviously SolemnSang, Erlking and Edgreg are staples, but who fills the remaining 3?
Check the probability rate and see if those IDs are included
What time limit?
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Check probability rate as other anon said
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It's done. Thank FUCK you pick try to pass a check for two gifts.
99. There is mission that require to finish in 7 turns and 12 for hard.
Wow what the fuck he just killed two of those fuckers one skill each
Director, I fucking hate your autistic neeed to kill to team wipe as forcibly as you imagine each time.
Anyways, any tips for the 8 status on an enemy and the oneshot a slug with +80% hp?
All of us knew she was a retard
Hod is too, but she has somewhat good intentions
not sure which scenario you mean but if you mean the order flashing then it was 2 EGOs and 4 skills against Cassettis unclashable
At first I thought the EGOs fuck it up and they go first, but after the EGOs ended sang used a normal skill out of order
skill board was EGO S2 S2 S3 EGO S2
and he used EGOs in order and then S3
Could also be that S3 gets priority because they all get camera focus
Also maybe that unclashables mess with the order
You sure you want if for Erlking?
Skill 3 while riding Dullahan becomes weak
Will check her too
in this case it goes first because it's the only clash with a solo sinner
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>Brings out RingSang for captain's role
>sinking, burn, bleed, tremor and rupture
>must inflict somehow 6+ negative effects in a single turn
What? Must I bring the people that give ''defense level down and bind'' kind of effects to complete this?
>8 status on an enemy
Run all 5 LobCorp walpipi IDs, with Buttersang as Captain. Break monolith's arms, and then just hit the body with all your status inflicting skills. Should be easy.
>oneshot a slug with +80% hp
Buttersang's S3. That's literally it.
The status challenge was on the easy stage, but I'll try with that team anyways
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he proceeded to lose a dominating clash
oh new ego gifts. neat. will probably avoid that floorpack since it seems like a tedious one
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Am i fucking stupid? I've tried an N-Corp team piling on nails on a single enemy every turn. I've tried Yisang Solo, I've tried Echos of the Manor spam. I don't understand???
Rime Shank
It's extremely tedious. The last fight is 4 waves and all others are 2 waves of abno targetting.
So the Lobcorp UI was just a clapbait? I kinda expected energy bar atleast increase with the time as if people are finishing their work and this is what caused the Violet Noon. Meh...
You probably killed too fast to stack 8 times. Consider rupture.
Ah, I thought you were talking about the "inflict unique statuses one". Just bring a sinking team and hit one fruit with S1's very carefully then, that's what I did.
I don't think LCCB Ryoshu works on Butterfly. I've emptied his ammo several times and never gotten the passive activated. I guess his ammo counts as unique ammo, and LCCB doesn't have unique ammo in her wording
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>literally buried LCCB Ryoshu into utter irrelevance with a nerf
>it doesn't even apply to ButtSang anyway

>ryoshu blames the mother for how the kids turned up, probably hinting at her daughter being part of the fingers/the hand controlling them
>yi sang just hangs out with butterflyman because they are both depressed, tired and bored
Did i get the story right?
It is Unique Ammo
Why can't limbabs read?
UT5 will save her...
what are ego for duh?
They nerfed her because of Shooty Outis
you forgot to use the word SEXO in reference to Ryoshu
Also a future sinner's Walpurgis ID will be Bald is Awesome!
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Does it also has the "Grant Us Love" Deal 100 hit unclashable dmg?
He still gets the 3 poise thing, but not the 50% damage boost on his skill 3
Because he still gains the 3 poise, but I've never seen the 50% damage boost on his skill 3. Either one of them is bugged, or PM fucked up somewhere
canonically ayin kills all clerks on sight
we all know it will be gregor
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total clerkoid death
I don't know, I didn't look at the skills.
>will never in her entire lifespan get to 7 bullets
>nerf it anyway

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yi sang alone could floor the grant us love
Yes. The body has an even more bloated healthpool
you have no idea how busted it was so yeah nerfed
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>Enters the room
>Starts a traumadumping disguised rant
>Leaves the room with a good work result and 14 PE boxes
Lobcorp Ryoshu seems to be using Red Eyes as a way to self-flagellate herself over her past mistakes
>Also a future sinner's Walpurgis ID will be Bald is Awesome!
yi sang is so lucky
well duh because I've never seen her get 7 bullets where it would matter
Sorry, but I have the Monk, Mountain of Smiling Bodies and Big Bird in my facility. Fuck that.
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it is her destiny to be a bitchass jobber
It does.
clerk lives matter...
You could force it pretty easily. I did on my first violet dawn run just by accident, and it was kind of justified.
Instead of dealing 50% more damage to each target, it was bugged and dealt 50% total damage per target. An encounter with 7 enemies gave you a 7 weight 21 base with 350% damage to each target.
Dumbass, new content is getting longer
New schizo theory: Ryoshu is actually a spider.
the lc mirror world probably has big bird or monk by now if they care about clerk deaths
>all of these
>central department is not even open
>bullets already unlocked
Canonically, the manager is already on his new cycle.
Can they get bull out of the thread rotation? It sucks
>Killing enemies with corroded solemn lament makes them lie down in their staggered sprite with butterflies on their corpse instead of exploding them.
Absolute KINO
This worked and I have no idea why. Thanks anon.
>>Killing enemies with corroded
who, as far as i'm aware. Only envy pecattula can corrode, not a single other enemy.
It is literally impossible to empty Yi Sang's bullets
I just did 20 minutes Hurtily fight, purposely trying to delay the fight in order to empty his ammo and see if LCCB Ryoshu's support works on him. And I'm telling, it's impossible for him to reach 0 ammo.
He still gains the +3 Poise from the support passive, but he never once got the 50% damage boost. My best guess is that him dumping all of his ammo with his skill 3 doesn't count as 'using the last ammo'
So the verdict? I have no fucking clue if LCCB's passive works on him
Even with it getting longer, the set up is so incredibly long for a pretty lackluster payoff
Don't get me wrong shootis is great, it's just the 7 bullets part that's very disatisfying
You'd need to use S2 4 times (of course you'd first have to get them, so that's like 10 turns at least)
Then you need to either get rid of your S3s or actually defend against something (her defense skill doesn't work like the recent ones and she actually has to use it) 3 times
Just so then you can roll on a skill that will basically always hit a tails(on probably just 1 left over dead enemy, so who cares about weight at that point)
It's a great ID, it's just this part that's incredibly jarring
i didn't even read
Anon chan.....
>100 rolls
Malk and Dawn
No new shit
NTA but he meant that with YOUR corroded Gregor the enemies corpses behave differently.
>butterfly yisang is stronger than an entire team and clears faster solo

Jesus Christ lmao. Absolute bestest boy.
I wanted everything
I got everything
All in exactly 200 rolls
I'm not saying Butterfly Yi Sang is not strong
... But having any ID as Captain is incredibly strong
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I'm going to go fucking crazy
Solo Ring sang doesn't oneshot with one skill and Solo ButtYi does, nuff said.
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>no bro the other Wings are the evil ones I swear
This walled me the most as well, surprisingly
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Clerks could be here
Every wing is evil
Said who? Every single singularity shown so far is based on human suffering in some way
Are wingbeat and sanguine desire worth pulling besides being exclusive to walpiss?
Really? I got this 2nd try with Butterfly Yi, Shoutis, regret Faust, Kurokoomer Gregor, 7 Ryoshu.
lmao no
yes and yes
They're all evil.
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Yes? Niggers, cl*rks and especially nigger cl*rks have no human rights.
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I'll give you two good reasons why yes
you know you can shard them right?
It amuses me that to this day, Lobotomy Corporation is still the absolutely worst Wing to work for that we've seen so far. Literally everyone is put in the meat grinder.
Pulling? No. Can't you just shard them during Walpurgis since they are older?
>sanguine desire
well a bloodfiend themed canto is coming up and rodya only needs a modern designed bleed ID for this to be useful, so...
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Wait you guys executed your clerks? That's fucked up
I meant shard, sorry
I thought wingbeat was a meme
any specific strategy?
I imagine work at non-HQ branches was somewhat better
The HQ is just a mr bones wild ride of pain and suffering
Im tiny brained and very easily persuaded, I need your opinions on
>Yi Sang Lament
>Ryoshu Spider
pretty please..
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Some Abnormalities like the ''Magical Girl'' warranted it.
Love how unga bunga the new IDs are.
dieci rodya could solo bull, the fox on the other hand...
is clerk hatred a 4chan meme or a greater PM community meme
>breddy good
>breddy good
>you don't use single target EGO under any circumstance save for winning clashes and this one doesn't win clashes
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Wild Hunt is so fucking buggy.
it's common sense
Why don't you ask on reddit and find out, offsite faggot.
redditors are incapable of being funny organically so naturally it came from 4chan
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It's present in the wider community, but 4chan exaggerates it. Like most people thing Wonderlab was a weak addition to the canon, but only 4chan responds to every mention of it with seething rage.
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>180 pulls in
>the only 000 roll is dawn office announcer
I fucking hate this. Whom to spark, anons?
TCD, faggot.
>yi sang
Doesn't have deluge but doesn't spend 90% of the fight as dead weight. Hits surprisingly hard. BIS for sinking team imo.
Peak brainless clashing and smacking. Decent bleed. Slots into both bleed & charge teams. Decent support. Very strong clashes. Very consistent ID.
Can't clash for shit, but pretty good direct damage EGO, especially if you have LintonGreg.
hod announcer
The branches were slightly better since they are not part of the plAn. HQ is mr bones wild ride of pain and suffering on repeat without exits for infinity.
They are only "slightly" less evil since the carnage is kept to infinite clones
thanks for telling me
this is why you dont have a gf
it’s blue wingbeat retard
Tested it, nothing gets drained
Seems like for once PM had their heads screwed on straight
Whichever is your favorite between the two. Yi Sang is a stronger replacement for Sinking than Ryoshu is for Charge, though finds a strong spot in Bleed.
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I don't remember wingbeat clashing for 12 dmg
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>cried about it to anons
>uptied T Corp Rodya for that 40 lunacy to get to a 1300
>walpipi Ryoshu
Thank you Rodya, you really are special gal.
ive seen people say ryoshu is better as a charge unit and now better as a bleed unit
>live in L corp nest
>sign up to work in L corp
>accepted even though you don't have much skills for some reason
>thrown into a 10 year(real time) hell time loop where you die horrible deaths over and over again until you and the entire facility turns into light
>get pulled out and forced to work as a librarian
>now stuck in the outskirts
kek could be worse
I aimed to put all the debuffs on the body of the boss, since it's sturdy enough to not break too fast. Sinking+Butterflies from Yi sang, Faust puts tremor(and sometimes 1 other debuff), shoutis puts burn(skill 1 or two as long as there's darkflame on already), Kurogreg puts Bleed+more debuffs(and consistently can do 2+debuffs) and Ryoshu does def down/rupture. Ignore the next turn debuffs. If 1 sinner has to ignore the hand of the boss and take a hit for the skills to line up on the one body part then so be it.
kek I saw that retard
bud rosh...
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17 rolling he ego is fucking trash for clashing. Can we publically execute all brainlets who think clashing is all that matters in this game. No wonder RR4 fucked their brains so bad.
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You're lucky i'm the number 1 Ryoshuhead ITT
wingbeat clashing for 17 is basically the same in terms of ego
I don't know what to do with sinking desu
it's the easy difficulty anon
You press winrate.
holy shit, this is what I've been looking for
thank you a lot
Huntcliff, [CULO]sang, Gredgar, Butlis/Molar Ishmael, Dieci Rodion, DieciLu.
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I kneel
No Chief Butler outism?
I mean, it's up to you. Some pick Molarmael instead because of her Count application.
Personally, I just run Butler Outis.
>Bleed Greg can gain coin power but bloody mist won’t buff it
I think you’re referring to Pirate Gregor here? Bloody Mist buffs his skills just fine, I use him all the time as one of my mainstays in my bleed team.
Just cant enjoy how poor at clashing Lu is.
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You are not, you merely posted before I got home.
Cl*rks aren't people
I pull off the Insight trick once and he clashes alright, but you can swap him out if you wish.
Clashing IS all that matters. If I do not need an EGO to win a clash, I am not wasting time selecting an EGO to use in the first place because I am pressing winrate.
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>He is unaware
I had a brain fart with the Butlis. Is both MolarIsh and Butlis overkill with sink count and that's why people add Rodya for the Rime Shank? It doesn't sound like a good choice
Do the Insight cheat and he's good
>110 pulls and didn't get shit except for Dawn office voice and ids from previous seasons I didn't have
At least I sharded everything from the previous walpipi that I was missing.
N Faust + Hex Nail cover 7 debuffs.
Pierce Fragility, Envy Fragility, Curse, Nails and Gaze and Paralyze on her skill 2. After that you just apply Sinking/Butterfly and maybe one bind or defense down for good measure.
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>Edge pulling for 3 months
>30k+ lunacy
>Walpipi arrives
>Get everything I need in 40 pulls
I feel blue balled. As a new player the urge to pull is too strong...
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Every day I am fated to die. When I awake from the sleep I have been sleeping - how long ago did I begin this sleep that I sleep...
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>butt sang
>butt outis
>butt faust
>cuck gregor
>hobo cliff
haha sinking team is stinky butts. This post was certified True by True Bleed Patriots.
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Art, sovl
That happens every two years and kills your sinking. I did it for a while and it was fun, but Butterfly Sang seems better
honestly greg's ego is the only thing Im liking from this walpurgis
still no clue how ryoshu works
i don't believe you if you say that you don't like butter sang
Ok but don doesn't belong in a bleed team either
Rodya is there for the Rime Shank, yes, and they're both (well, all of them are) overkill with the Count infliction, especially Molar Ishmael with her S3/S1.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to pick who you want to field. Do you want more Count, or do you want more damage?
Former? Field Ishmael + Rod10n.
Latter? Outis + Rod10n.
>pull on normal banners
>get what I want within 20 pulls max
>pull on Walpurgis
>get fat fucking nothing in 50 pulls
You fucks baited me
he's good in the event but seems kinda meh outside of it
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>Why would I end the fight in one turn when I can end it in 5?
You're a dengenerate wasting your own time and encouraging others to waste their own. Normally I wouldn't care but PM is easily influenced by idiot masses so this behavior should not encouraged.
NTA and I have nothing to add to this discussion but holy sex
>faggots trying to gaslight anons into thinking that clashing is the most important thing
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Don only really belongs to Charge and Tremor
Why are half her 000's so shit/narrow?
Get ready for M Corp forcing people to sit inside capsules linked to the Moonstones and they take all they psychological trauma of their wearers for their own sake forever until the end of time or M Corp collapses
I think I'll test Outis and Rod10n for a while, see if the sinking stacking outside of md doesn't suck too much. If I don't like how it goes I'll add Ish
>2 IDs core on two teams
That's pretty good though?
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Her charge is getting powercrept hard, Tdon is good though
I hope Zwei west gives her a good spot on another team though, I don't really like the idea of running Tremor for Canto 7
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These dolls usually have big butts
don has to be the most tragic victim of half her fucking IDs being at launch or season 2 with shit like N corp possibly powercrept on release because they tried to shoehorn tremor in for no reason
BLdon is fine but poise is mediocre anyway, so her only truly good IDs are on tremor and charge-- they better make Cinq don actually poise with uptie V
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Depressed Roland is kind of a nigger to deal with
Bleed Don soon (5 months)
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>Forgetting her honorary 000
>Want to ROLL
>Don't want to permanently ruin my account with H*d
Post more.
Isn't the problem with this ID is that it's Tremor which is basically not even an archetype right now?
Don't worry. If you've made a plea to the Chinese Patron of Luck then you won't get her.
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Be nice to Hod, her knowing one of her employees hated her would make her unable to sleep for days
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i don't use rupture because I like using the newer units that aren't devyat rodion
I made a plea to Hong Lu and I didn't get her. I didn't get ANYONE.
>>Why would I end the fight in one turn when I can end it in 5?
Disingenuous nigger
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Holy fucking shit Bug Guy
This was Turn 1 in a non-MD battle
900 damage, instantly obliterating the boss
Solemn Lament is like Wingbeat but actually good
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I don't know if I'm just being a schizo but I think they actually buffed LCB Ryoshu, I recall she used to have sanity loss for a skill but that seems to be gone. Also her support passive gets an upgrade at uptie 4
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Not respecting clerk rights is reddit
I got fucking yesod.
I fucking HATE Hod. My heart BEATS relentlessly and my blood is brought to a BOIL whenever she SPEAKS.
Hod must die. All Hods must die. Behead Hod.
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These dolls usually full of C.U.M.
I still don't understand how it works but it seems to deal at least 200 damage in the event, which it has an advantage on.
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>Another ESGOO "I can fix" plea to PM
Needy little fucker isn't he
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>sanity loss for a skill
She didn't. She gained sanity, she never lost sanity
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Are we going to ignore the fact that Solemn Lament Greg corrosion is a 32 base skill EGO with an attack weight of 5?
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>Solemn Lament is like Wingbeat but actually good
And the best part? They will NEVER patch wingbeat to be good. Thanks for beta testing multi coin EGOs, boatbillies. Now go back to the bench and wait for your 000 HAHA.
Not my Ryoshu, that's a Fakeshu
we don't talk about that
But people here are telling me to spark wingbeat.
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She smiled because i hit my forehead with door
He's lgbt+ btw
You get it for collection. I genuinely and I mean genuinely, have not used Wingbeat after using it for like 3 times last Walpurg.
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Yeah it's nothing special
I'm telling you to spark Wingbeat because it's hilarious and I love gambling. It's very simple.
A max reroll Wingbeat is basically as strong as greg's new EGO, but WITHOUT any status requirements, it's just hilariously unlikely.
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I usually avoided murdering my clerks on my playthrough, I even shielded them. The only times I used execution bullets was when an inevitable death was coming, and I did have a few clerk lovers in my facility.
reddit nobody
ignore anyone who mentions him
Yes. Have fun hitting your team if you want to use it
>solo Greg
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That certainly made me smile. Do it again
Really tremendous ejaculation. Nice and vigorous. But one of those where I can already feel I have another load to spew out ready
>angela had to experience a million years of this gameplay
does yi sang have a last name? is it yi?
What's the go-to-way to complete the status (+8 / +16) damage missions?
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>45k players on Steam at the same time
Limbabs? We won?
I don't get it. Gregor's EGO is not that bad.
Yi Sang Sang Yi.
DOOMGODS will cope and say no because that means TEN YEARS of LIMBUS ONLY *evil laugh*
Yi sang, for the real dude, was his pseudonym. So it's not really clear if Yi is the family name of it or if it's one whole thing. His real last name is Kim what a surprise
Casual all-time peak nbd
I guess a solo Gregton is now possible.
It's good, it's Wingbeat that's dogshit.
>Just roll heads 7 times in a row bwo
And that's after EGO activation takes out like 20 SP, so you're working with a 75% chance of rolling heads. It's "strong" sure but it's single target.
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So FuneralSang is better for most content, but SpiceSang is still the boss killer, is that right?
>10 years of pure ludokino
it's over
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And I will play it until death takes me
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The new Ryoshu is exceptional on bloody mist team, as expected. The only slightly annoying part is her S3 eating 15 sanity if used on max SP, but she regains it super easily anyway.
>human boss killer
to be fair 90% of korean last names are either kim or lee (yi)
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OK, now I.U.H.S.W, NEXT.
I still can't believe more than 20k play this game more or less actively.
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So? Our thoughts on the new IDs?
is buttersang stronger than ringsang?
Yes, if you want to murder bosses faster, spice sang nukes, Funeral sang is generally stronger.
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I better get what I fucking want off this Whorepisspiss bullshit. I ain't buyin no more fuckin Lunacy ever a goddamned gain I swear to God if they give me some bullshit.

Now, I summon the gods of /LCG/ to bless my rolls. Zenya, Zena Kot, Dondondon Poster, Mon Amour Poster, Angry Cashy Kot Poster, Angry Tiphereth, and my loyal Ishmael worshippers.

Total gacha supremacy
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How do we deal with the fact that by a mile (YOU) were the worst Wing CEO shown from LobCorp all the way to LimbComp?
I really dislike only ashes remain.
>Buying Lunacy to roll
Tell KJH he got one.
Ayin was a good guy actually and beloved by all.
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How big?
Unga bunga.
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She has all the worst EGOs and IDs now.
>but my Si-
No. Your greed is hurting the economy.

Next 000 will be meta defining and the new R Heath.
Next EGO is ALEPH.
Added new mechanic, "Sinner supreme Resonance", allowing you to appoint one of the Sinners to become super mega op for the fight and the leader. Ishmael will be the first character available to do so.

You've heard it here first.
I'm not Ayin though, I'm X and X did none of that shit.
But R corp Ishmael and the fire blossom EGO are good.
Don't worry, someone else is going to steal her
>Ally attacks with S1
soon. It'd be Rodya
Ayin had the best of intentions so it's okay. Also that schizo dude was scratching his skin to all hell so it was really for his own benefit
>Ardor Blossom is "bad"
>Ahabmael is "bad"
>Rcorp Ish is "bad"
Ishfags are really bad at the game, huh
Holy fuck Gregor's new EGO damage is fucking busted, 8(?) coins EGO is the shittttttt.
SL Yisang is pretty good
Red Eye is a strong clasher, yield good result in both bleed and charge team.
>Ayin was a good guy actually and beloved by all.
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The CANON execution bullets???
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Are you trying to tell me that cl*rks are human?
>Sinclair casually has the better negative coins IDs
yuro ryoshu already kind of did that
CAQUITAmael... te callas.
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Ring IDs+Hooklu+Rhinosault+some other low damage bleed ID. Rely on Ringsang's skill 1 not 2 or 3 since it won't kill the mobs so fast. Hooklu is just good setup for bleed count in 1 skill.
Get 5 bleed count with hooklu on previous turn(also get rid of your Ringsang skill 2s and 3s on different enemy) on enemy for it's first attack that turn then let it attack Rhino Sault to proc bleed 1-2 times. Next turn throw 2 Yi sang skill 1s at it to clash 2-4 times based on how many coins the mob got that turn and the ringsang random procs should do the rest. If they don't, you still have another turn to hit the mob because two Ring Sang Skill 1s isn't enough to kill it (it'll be on like 64ish health or something.)
I wasn't saying that. Greg's new EGO is fucking great if you have other IDs running sinking and butterfly. Wingbeat is mostly bad, but if you get a max roll it's basically as good if not better as Greg's can be.
why the fuck are you buying lunacy to roll and not the extraction packs
Human bosses yes, regular bosses no since they melt from sinking anyway. And FuneralSang is great both in regular encounters and in human boss fights, so take your pick.
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alright bros i'm going in
what ids do i want?
Honorary 000? What are you comparing her to? Nsault?
Yeah thats about right. That EGO doesnt fuck around. Glad Gregor has a decent sinking ID to pair it with.

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