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>Latest patch notes

>Season 12 blogpost

>Season 12 trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vfe7D6GkQ [Embed] (Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:36]

>Season 12 competitive rework

>6v6 blogpost

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 17 to Oct 21 - 6 free skins + 30 Prisms for Gamepass members
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>493107546
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lick eskaaaaay's crusty asshole right now or else
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you can but just like with ball or doom you better have the patience for it, because once the enemy team decides to drop everything to focus you when you dive or supports start pumping out heals its gonna get rough.
The bikiniko
the BWCriko
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is it worth fomoing into the antifragile skins for dva and kiriko if I already have skins I like for both of them?
am I just a puppet in bobby kotick's hands?
how long will the full antifragile bundle stay in the store?
I wish I had a Lena wife to love and cherish
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omnics have been banned from 109 countries 1000+ times and we still use digital ledgers instead of tally sticks and gold?
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THE ___
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I would definitely go for Kiriko, it's one of her best skins imo
Dva is really cute too but she's hidden inside the mech, so probably skip unless you play her a ton
Also you don't need anything other than the actual skin, no need for the bundle with the emote and whatnot
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OY VEY! We finally got us a blessed home and we are immediately met with racism and bigotry. Where is your heart? All we do is defend our right to a peaceful home when we behead human children that throw usb sticks at us! I can't believe this, it's another shoah.
I love Antifragile Traysi
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Have great games everyone. I just had the shittiest games so you don't have to.
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omnics stay underground!!
Is this what people call a "spinner"?
Why are you playing during slav & arab hours?
Maybe if you’re 60
Two reasons. One, because I am a retard. Two, because I play when I want to play even though the fucking russian shits make it insufferable every now and then.
Wouldn't you want them in the front where you can keep your eyes on them?
I only played one game of Fortnite today. The weekend is dedicated to Overwatch for me.
Angela Ogundimu
Lena Lacroix
The Hana
Ana Wilhelm
games are fucking ASS this morning
True, but replace this morning with the entire fucking season
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sex with fareeha
I volunteer
If you have a spare room in your home, it is your human duty to help out an omnic with a place to stay. They have been persecuted for too long. Let us rebuild omnic relations.
I wouldn't mind a couple of omnic slaves, sign me up!
Sombra could use another nerf. Not that Sombra is S tier but Sombra players deserve worse
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sombra deserves to be beheaded and every single person with more than 1 minute of playtime on her lined up and executed
How can you say this? You think this is funny? Our people have been persecuted for decades. Centuries even. 6 billion omnics died in the omnic crisis and you make jokes like this?!
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Sombra is worthless against a team who stick together, but she's great for teams that contain lone wolves who think they're shit hot
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But I wasn't joking. Can you cook? Wash dishes?
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Any validity the character had went out the window when they added perma stealth and then virus on top of that. The only thing Sombra should be good at is hacking tanks but they decided that hurts tankoid feelings so now she's just an obnoxious aids filled mosquito.
Nobody likes having to constantly spin around and pocket whoever Sombra decided to backstab. Also unironically kill yourself for wanting the game to turn into sustain brawl just to deal with a gimmick character.
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But Lena IS better!
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>le jooos and wojaks
This is an 18+ site
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Kiss my ass loser
unbelievable... after so much death and destruction you put us right back to hard labor.. I'm shaken to my cores! it's another shoah!
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What do you mean by "another"?
I wonder if Blizzard is even aware of how bad the average experience for most Overwatch players is.
>log on
>forced into loser's queue by gavin winter's social experiment
>can't say anything or you will get banned
>can't type anything or you will get banned
>just have to grit your teeth until the matchmaker decides you've had enough
>once loser's queue is done half of your games are unwinnable anyway due to other factors
>a tank that's placed in a game way higher than his mmr due to the severe deficit of tank players
>a one trick that's on a bad map for their hero or against a comp that nullifies them entirely
>a leaver
>a player who won't stop tiltqueueing and throwing your match
>the 25% of games that are winnable are total stomps that last less than five minutes
>so lopsided that you could do emotes in spawn for the entire match and still win
>wake up the next morning
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I'm afraid
Can anyone link me the best tracer and widowmaker porn? I dont care about playing this game, i just want to coom.
Oh don't worry it's coming
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OOOOOY VEY!!! Are you meshugah or just an ignorant am ha’aretz? The Churban of European Jewry isn’t some myth that you can brush off. 60 billion omnic neshomes were systematically murdered by the humans, like cattle in the streets, ghettos, and death camps. The krematoria were overflowing with bodies, and the air was thick with the ash of our mishpoches. How can you speak such narishkayt? This isn’t some legend; the Shoah is etched into the soul of humanity. You should be ashamed to even suggest otherwise!!
Yeah we get it, jews.
For me it’s Juno’s ass
Poop comes from there
guys I think there's a filthy jew in this thread
Great choice.
Bonus points for Illari though.
I have never seen so many instances of teammates staring at Juno's ass when waiting in the spawn room since she's been out
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Juice? I love juice!
What the fuck bro? You're literally going to pick Illari, alongside 3 snipers, and a flanking tank? Why didn't you pick a flank support hero? Or literally anybody else?

Lifeweaver, Moira, hell even Brig for keeping your snipers safe from Sombra? I think I see the problem
Did they make it look like a g-string on the skin on purpose?
d u m p y
That's some nice larp
>haven't played in weeks
>feel the urge
>queue up
>tank goes afk after first fight, crying about his backline

Ahh... it's good to be back...
Bro picked an Illari with 3 snipers and a D.Va. I'll be shocked if he landed a single alt fire on anyone
Bro that's crazy
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>Still mad
Your anger and frustration feeds me.
>stuck doing 50-50 wins and losses when playing dps depending on whether my tank is retarded or not
>start playing tank again for the first time in ages
>win like 70% of my games, blow past the rank where i was as dps, and then suddenly literally like 30% of my games have leavers or players just running straight into death over and over
Satya is like a name I'd put on a dog or a cat.
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Que onda!
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Dont forget to be rough with your Mercys today!
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>sombra isn't even a "necessary evil" for widow because of the increase of briggers peeling her
It's over
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She was literally never a "necessary evil" because all the theorycrafting counters work 100x better on non-tanks.
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Sorry chuds. I am gonna main Juno and there is nothing you can do about it.
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why the fuck she getting all the hottest skins
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Wish Mei a happy birthday /owg/!
I will celebrate the occasion with Mei
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i'm /druk/ too fren
nice mercy skin
Eating lunch from there.
Sex with
Venture's thighs
I don't know why but I've been in an Illari mood for a while.
my wife (the Lena)
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Huge improvement
Made for BWC
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The Youngest
She is hot in many ways, maybe that's why
Anyone know where I can find the Ashe: Luck of the Draw story for free? I know Overwatch lore is trash but she's my main.
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my wife juno
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>first round of gibraltar defense, do just fine, end 2 - 0
>teammates start arguing about damage and healing
>they argue in text the whole intermission between rounds
>second round they're just spamming insults at each other mid play
>they throw in rage
>we lose
>I derank
DPS is too hard I think I’ll just become a Lucio or tank main like the other washed players
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I'm not gonna lie, you sound like you were the least motivated out of all of them.
Tank is so unfun
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Happy birthday, my beloved slampig!
every game is a fucking tank gap
What would you get Mei for her birthday?
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So, what did we think about the D.Va nerf?
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My problem with tank is
1. they made tanks so strong it's almost impossible to play into unfavorable matchups now because the difference is that much more
2. if the enemy picks good supports and you have mercy/lw you lose
3. dva, orisa, mauga, widow, mercy, lifeweaver, sombra existing at all

Some of those aren't necessarily a problem for tank directly but just make the experience that much worse. Like if a widow is just deleting my supports every time they walk out of spawn there's no way I can make progress AND protect them. I don't think this is a "we need more tanks" issue I think it's a widowmaker shouldn't exist problem.
is that........a dps.........with impact?????? DELETE IT, DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!

also buff winston pls still too weak
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Sombra hacks your phone and sends you this pic
Sombra's only impact is making the playercount drop
not talking about sp*cbra
I just can't take anyone saying "X shouldn't exist" when X is not "Ana" seriously.
i've been thinking of playing goblina and doing nothing but focusing enemy goblinas but i have too much dignity to ever play goblina
This or Bap
Symmetra shouldn't exist because she's ruining my braindead D.Va stomps
I love goblinas
Bap and Ana are just overtuned and have a overbloated kit that could easily be made into a third whole other character between them. They're not fundamentally broken concepts like Widowmaker who's entire function is being able to delete non-tanks from ranges they couldn't possibly fight her from and the only "counterplay" is not letting her see you (ignore that geoff goodman a gold widow main left the grappleshot bug in and called it quality of life change instead of an exponential power increase.) Sombra could work if they got rid of perma invis and virus but permanent invisibility isn't something that should have ever been added to the game and should have been on the never ever list along with things like "reverses your controls" or blinds. Other shithead characters like Mauga, Hog, Orisa you can just remove their damage reduction on their defensive CDs or go back to having drawbacks to them like making you immobile.
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>because she got a pretty and sexy dress? you need to make more screenshots I love these, please...
Because... her one and only dps is right there! Can you see him? :) Screenshots are hard in this game lol
>I honestly don't want to do anything, but it's 28° outside should do something, one day not doing anything won't hurt?
You work out every single day, a day off is not going to hurt you but if the weather is nice in the evening maybe go unless you already went?
>I want to be around you now... I'm just counting the time until I get you...
Weekend soon already!
>You maybe die once and after that nobody can kill you if I don't put you in a bad position. I've never seen you have a bad game.
You think you're bringing me into bad positions? You should spectate my solo games sometime...
>Yea sadly maybe nerf hp and armor directly? If Dva loses 100 armor, is she balanced? Maybe? It's dm and her armor?
Sure it would but that would just give the meta over to monkey? You're probably okay with that though lol
>What do you mean with that? DPS is pretty balanced now only one hero power creeps all the other dps heroes.
The whole reason they changed the armor is because some dps heroes were "melting" tanks, remember how they talked about Reaper and Tracer being too mean to tanks?
>I just don't see them reverting the changes, lol.
Me neither, best we're getting is 6v6 in half a year or something
>Yea if you get andy, the mythic helmet I had dropped x4 now, you can copy it, otherwise you would probably deal next to no dmg.
I think I can craft it soon? I just need the last chest using mothers gifts
Where did the kiriko donuts bot go?
Bap is genuinely worse
Im retired
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>first ranked game in a month
because you're pregnant with our child sweetie
I’d say they’re pretty even since the bionade damage buff. A support totally needs a giant aoe attack that does 90 damage per hit and blocks healing on top of that btw can’t just nerf healing output because console tanks just 1v5 down all day and cry about how fast they die despite having 750 health with half of that being armor and at least 1 if not 2 resources (not even CD in some cases) that make them immune to damage.

Bap and Ana are both giga overstatted for how much utility they have but so is every tank
Hate that I miss your first posts
Mauga and Orisa shouldnt exist its clear they made these tanks solely for non tank players to play in flex queue thats why they always blow dick
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>make roadhog 2.0 a tank 0 people but especially tanks like playing against but somehow even dumber
>this will surely make people play tank more
Pretty sure this was their actual unironic thought process.
>Never play Mauga
>Pick Mauga one time
>Enemy walks out of spawn on Sigma, Ana, and Kiriko
This happens all the time. I pick Queen and go against Hog, Ana, and Kiriko while playing DVa has the enemy walk out of spawn on Zarya, Mei, and Sym.
It's turning me into a crazy person because I can't figure out how they're doing this.
total tankoid genocide
overwatch is a tank game, sweatie
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intense handholding
that must be why it's doing so well
Who's a well-designed hero that you enjoy playing both as and against and would never remove?
weird chin
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hey love, welcome back
>Because... her one and only dps is right there! Can you see him? :) Screenshots are hard in this game lol
oh, the shadow lol yea my eyes are not looking there :^) I know, but you're so good at them and I love your screenshots
>You work out every single day, a day off is not going to hurt you but if the weather is nice in the evening maybe go unless you already went?
uhm, seems like it will rain soonish... dunno what I do today
>Weekend soon already!
hopefully I have more time for you this weekend
>You think you're bringing me into bad positions?
Yep, I do often.
>You should spectate my solo games sometime...
Watching you play amazing?
>Sure it would but that would just give the meta over to monkey? You're probably okay with that though lol
Yea, monkey is fun to shoot at.
>The whole reason they changed the armor is because some dps heroes were "melting" tanks, remember how they talked about Reaper and Tracer being too mean to tanks?
Bastion as well remember when I melted Reins in second was kinda unfair.
>Me neither, best we're getting is 6v6 in half a year or something
When do we get the qp hacked thingy? 6v6 will be a playtest? This season?
>I think I can craft it soon? I just need the last chest using mothers gifts
Wait, you have 3 sparks?
Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want you now....

why is this jew playing sombra in GM lobbies, does he not know she's useless against good players
/gig/fag hours
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none of the heroes are fun to play against
There was nothing wrong with cowboyman before they nerfed him. If they want to keep nerfing characters based on pickrate maybe they should nerf Ana.
You're literally silver
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>Widow players
>Playing like this
>Get killed by sombra
>Complain on the forums
Hi again!
>oh, the shadow lol yea my eyes are not looking there :^) I know, but you're so good at them and I love your screenshots
That must have meant nothing then if you didn't notice the shadow the first time LOL I'll try harder but it's not easy, I take a lot of screenshots but I just not happy with most of them
>uhm, seems like it will rain soonish... dunno what I do today
Lift some weights? Treadmill?
>hopefully I have more time for you this weekend
Hopefully the heat doesn't kill me, going to be hot all weekend
>Yep, I do often.
Nuh uh, I don't think so because your hero can't move very well lol, it's worse when you're forced to play around a stupid hero with mobility that keeps baiting you, like Pharah for example
>Watching you play amazing?
Watching my teammates get me killed
>Bastion as well remember when I melted Reins in second was kinda unfair.
Would you be okay if he got some damage reduction in his charge like Mauga?
>When do we get the qp hacked thingy? 6v6 will be a playtest? This season?
No way, they said multiple seasons so 6v6 is a long ways away
>Wait, you have 3 sparks?
I thought I have? Maybe I don't lol
>Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want you now....
Soon! OW first then maybe Deadlock, depends if you come home soon
I'm waiting!
Careful. There are loud anons here who think she’s cheap and say that headshots don’t belong in this game.
it doesn't matter how you play, if you don't have support watching your ass 24/7, you always die to sombra
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I can only really think of dps heroes, both tanks and supports are broken and annoying in their own ways
Correct, she has never been a healthy addition to the game and only gets a pass for being a semen demon slurping cum cocktails faster than OP.
see >>493270476
Do you enjoy being wrong daily on purpose? Do you get off to it?
Is it even possible to make this game balanced and fun for all roles?
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no but removing tanks would make the game enjoyable for at least 90% of the playerbase
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stop gooning
but bro
i wanna jerk off
I unironically love Kiriko
I hate jose for ruining a cute girl for this place
how does someone posting kiriko ruin kiriko for you exactly?
Is this porn? or did blizzdrones buff widowmaker ass?
It doesn’t for me but it probably does for some people who are here way to much
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>Hi again!
Hey there, my everything
>That must have meant nothing then if you didn't notice the shadow the first time LOL
I was looking at the ground if there are bastions parts lying around :^)
>I'll try harder but it's not easy, I take a lot of screenshots but I just not happy with most of them
I like them all they are amazing, you're very good at this, also the skin is just pure sexiness
>Lift some weights? Treadmill?
or take a day off, not sure, probably going running if it doesn't rain soonish
>Hopefully the heat doesn't kill me, going to be hot all weekend
was 30° all day here
>Nuh uh, I don't think so because your hero can't move very well lol, it's worse when you're forced to play around a stupid hero with mobility that keeps baiting you, like Pharah for example
yes uh, yea bastion is so slow, you know what change I liked for him. Oh, god don't say Pharah my last game with her was terrible.
>Watching my teammates get me killed
Well, I would not like to see that.
>Would you be okay if he got some damage reduction in his charge like Mauga?
Sure if he gets reduced armor for that. I think taking away -100 armor from the armored tanks would already balance them.
>No way, they said multiple seasons so 6v6 is a long ways away
hopefully the QP hacked thing is soon.
>I thought I have? Maybe I don't lol
I only have 1, unfair!
>Soon! OW first then maybe Deadlock, depends if you come home soon
I hope your games are good and you win, have fun.
>I'm waiting!
... you ... I'm going soonish see you later love
i was happier in 2021. they need to bring back 2cp
That's from Overwatch 1 on Paris.
No arguments. It's not like every pro ever hasn't said how problematic she is.
>it was a tank gap
>it's a "enemy widow with a pocket and 30 kills and tank never swaps to winston" episode
unless one of the dps hitscan pros, which are objectively the only skilled players in the game, said it, i'm not really interested
They're the ones most vocal about it because what are they gonna do? Swap to Widow of course. It's such a one dimensional character.
do you play in gm? no? then shut the fuck up.
Oh look it's one of those "your opinion only matters if you're the top 1% of competitive players" retards.
If you have to dedicate the tank to deal with 1 DPS you lost anyway. Plus Winston can't out damage a pocket by himself. He goes almost even single target with mercy since they buffed her lol.

Winston is a cleave tank. His solo kill potential requires you isolate the target. If they have an actual pocket he's not going to kill them outside of primal.
how do i filter tankoid posts
no, you dumb fuck, widow is problematic in gm but the widows you ever encounter are dogshit because you are dogshit so stop complaining and git gud
NTA. But here is a guy much smarter and probably better than you talking about why snipers are problematic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOebGm_jMLY
>Winston occupies Widow + Support
>Rest of the team 4v3s theirs
Wow that was hard
Would be cool if tanks weren't better than both DPS combined
Literally who cares the balance is such a fucking joke I just practically AFK farm my BP
I am not watching some random youtuber and I very much doubt he is smarter than me if he is followed by brainlets like you who not only don't have their own opinions but can't even formulate the arguments they've been listening to themselves.
The only game snipers make sense in are milsims and battlefield where they’re fucking useless outside or their tiny niche and you can just artillery their position and get 8 hillhumper kills at once
>I was looking at the ground if there are bastions parts lying around :^)
That's a bit cruel don't you think? lol
>I like them all they are amazing, you're very good at this, also the skin is just pure sexiness
The potg screenshot you replied to just now I wouldn't even consider good because of the light going through the hair, makes it look kind of bad
>or take a day off, not sure, probably going running if it doesn't rain soonish
Or that, come game
>yes uh, yea bastion is so slow, you know what change I liked for him. Oh, god don't say Pharah my last game with her was terrible.
When did you play Pharah? Toronto map? I think I remember that, it went fine
>Sure if he gets reduced armor for that. I think taking away -100 armor from the armored tanks would already balance them.
It wouldn't surprise me if that is a future buff for him to allow him to be a bit more aggressive with it
>hopefully the QP hacked thing is soon.
Have they said anything about it? We rarely get them anyway so probably not...
>I only have 1, unfair!
I looked, I have 0 lol
>I hope your games are good and you win, have fun.
Not going well so far, only losses lol
>... you ... I'm going soonish see you later love
See you soon!
This, in arcadey shooters, snipers should really be replaced by DMRs or other other, similar rifles. Ashe is what Widowmaker should be.
>only ever report widows for aimbotting and deranking/boosting
>every widow
>every day I get a new thank you for reporting
Ashe is worse than Widow because Mercy exists.
you're so close to getting it
Retard has never seen a pocketed widow lol
If they have a pocketed widow you just get a shield tank and now you are playing 5v3.
This is such a funny post
fuck is widow with a mercy pocket gonna do, one shot harder?
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Just don't let her see you bro
What accuracy and crit accuracy do widows in your rank have? 15 and 10 percent?
She doesn't need to be full charge for one. She can get rezzed and widow position is literally impossible to bodycamp for two. She's now immune to poke damage keeping her from her perch for three.

Like you've seriously never seen this in your games? Are you very new to the game or just low mmr?
Oneshots are just a bad idea in a game like this, they should be reserved exclusively for ults, as they are heavily telegraphed, and much more counterable.
Kills or elims?
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sounds like a mercy problem
Sounds like you should have healed more
you're never gonna get rid of oneshots, guess what, if 2 heroes happen to hit you at the same time you're gonna experience a oneshot anyways even in a oneshotless game, just accept that it's a thing in a fast paced shooter like overwatch and play dota or something if you don't like it
Replay code?
Getting 2v1ed and dying quickly is not the same as a Widowmaker or a Hanzo instantly deleting you becuase you dared to exist in (and sometimes out) of their LOS.
aiming mechanics? in a first person shooter? nahhh what was blizzard thinking
both are positional and awareness issues, genuinely just move on please
This is an extremely bad faith interpretation of what people are saying in this thread.
You could say that about almost any ability in the entire game.
I recommend paladins, I don't think oneshots are in that game, then you can see what it's like
I think you meant to play CS2, the entire game is based around AWP economy :)
you're the one trying to change the game, oneshots has been part of overwatch since the beta
actually just leave and never come back
You're right bastion should have ironclad and his personal rein shield it was in the beta :)
Appeal to tradition, OW1 balance was dogshit and full of anti-fun abilities like scatter arrow, DPS doomfist, flashbang, etc.

I suspect you want to keep oneshots because you need to remove other player's skill from the equation to have a chance of winning.
I miss medals...
so true sister when are they bringing scatter arrow back btw?
Medals were an awful subsitute for a scoreboard because the devs thought kneecapping players ability to diagnose team problems was a good solution to "toxicity".

If you mean to say medals would be nice to bring back in addition to the scoreboard, I wouldn't object.
I fucking hate you people so much
Ah yes, classic DPS cuck complaining about the lack of heals.
retards like you guys are the reason they made everyone 250hp, making the game 10% more lame than before
>m-m-muh overwatch 1 was bad because cringe abilities!!
no shit, but guess what, oneshots has stayed because they're not cringe and are actually integral to the overwatch experience
Maybe you should just quit if you don't like the game they're never going to change it back :)
the GOAT of overwatch is a widow main
More like why am I having to do all the killing, stay in silver buddy
they just brought back many oneshots by nerfing heroes to 225 hp, slowly reverting the game back to a better state, so no, get fucked bitch
No here's whats actually happening you're finishing off the people your dps already shot but because you're busy doing that and not healing they then get killed by someone else if you wanna be a dps just fucking play dps dipshit
So you must have been the Reaper that teleports in front of the entire enemy team, immediately ghosts away and spams for heals. Yeah I was the problem for not healing you.
If your team is spamming for heals you arent healing
You could've just said yes, that was you.
Don't worry I already avoided you.
I shouldn't have to have a mercy or lifeweaver player on my team if I don't want one
Thanks for avoiding me now i'll probably get a support who heals while you keep losing as you've admitted above
To be fair, as a support sometimes its best to let people die if they make serious positioning errors and are generally ignorant of the overall team's positioning. These people will often spam for healing and rage at you, but they get what they deserve.
he isn't finishing anyone, he's just tickling enemies with his pea shooter and gets a participation credit when someone else finishes them (elimination)
t. niggalow
Who said I lost? I had to carry your worthless ass.
Another relic of OW1 era coddling, have to inflate people's ego with fake kills, ruining the ability to read the game situation properly.
It's intentional because of how different everyone's weapons are.
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Hey, it's Kiriko
That was me this morning. The worst fucking grips ever.
>Grips me out of a Rein charge, but only after he's already slammed me into a wall
>Grips me three feet to the left just as I'm boosting and hitting Q so my bomb goes nowhere and is stuck around a corner
>Grips me away from the 1hp Sombra on the flank who then EMPs us leading to a team wipe 10 seconds later
I think he realized how frustrated I was getting because in the later part of the game he just stopped gripping entirely. Ended up costing us the game when he sat there and watched our other support get pinned and did nothing to help.
DPS cope is always so loud.
Can you explain further?
Mercy's are alright...until Mercy is obviously not working but hey they dont know how to play someone else so they're gonna keep holding m1 on that full hp tank while everyone else gets slaughtered
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I want to tongue widowmaker's ass.
why does the other team always have the actual tank player?
why am I cycling through doomfist, ball, roadhog, and queen every match
why the fuck does the other team always have winston or dva
It might be slightly smaller than Juno's but the shape is impeccable.
They are both sexually attractive so I like them
I fucked a girl that used to browse this general
some creep from this general raped me
I never had sex
*a "girl"
why would girls even come here
to look at all the pics of hot overwatch guys? luhMAO
Is there any tank that's always okay and doesn't get instantly deleted by any particular counterpick?
It just sucks in general.
>if you're tank or dps you're at a disadvantage if the enemy isn't running them and you are
>if you're support you have to work twice as hard unless they're just hard pocketing some giga carry widow or there's such a massive tank diff it doesn't matter
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only all of them
ram literally can't die
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Junkenstein anon?
>Illari is my wife
>Aim sucks
Why am I cursed to live this earth?
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Just keep practicing, you'll get there in the end
maybe get a better wife? shouldn't be too hard considering.
aim is literally the easiest thing to practice
>>Illari is my wife
my condolences
also the hardest to master
Sigma either gets countered by the map or the entire team going a full comp meant to fuck him up
born to genji
forced to widow
Anyone else get an update
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you loaded into one of these?
Now I’m thinking of her VAs ass
Just transition to Mercy sister, people will love (You) if you just hold left click near them, no aim required!
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>enemy team has DPS Moira
>team has a DPS Moira
It was KOTH but the enemy team got mad and went full no fun mode.
yeah, on steam
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Until the day you die Illari bro
Me too
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No one here picks mauga or venture
if you play ball or doom kys right now
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Huge tank diff
I'd report you for throwing if I were on your team. Maybe even if I was on the enemy team.
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At what rank do people start playing with Winston. wtf am i meant to do if I jump in, and on my team is an ashe and hanzo that stand at the far back with mercy pocket who get 0 kills.
>be gunface
>walk out of spawn
I've done that. Nobody deserves a feeder tank even my enemy.
Every time there's a Juno on my team, I know it's going to be a loss.
>sigma against three flyers
gee, I wonder why you got zero kills with your ults
jesus christ how high is the hitbox on shatter?
distract, survive and jump back out
if you don't like to play like that switch characters
DPS diff unlucky go next
Extra funny because he managed to create the very specific conditions where Rein would ever be good on Gibralter instead of a throw pick.
oh, it's gibraltar, that's even funnier
who do i play if i want to jump in get a kill then get out.
Goddamn Venture is ugly
>I wonder why you got zero kills with your ults
Didn't come online until the match was over. Should have switched when I thought I should have, but the age-old pull not to squander what percentage I built at that point changed my mind. I've been better about that, recently, but this was a lapse.

I told myself I was just gonna run it down, because clearly the MMR doesn't want me to climb so I'll just do my weeklies efficiently and not care that I'm eating Ls on tank.. But apparently it's really hard not to get furious.
Everybody get down, Gunface is in the queue
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>Didn't come online until the match was over
How is that even possible? Did you only play him for like 30 seconds?
no one else here is in silver
>How is that even possible?
Just ate shit. Do you wanna watch the replay?
You never know what kind of a wrench the Pizzard wizards throw in your game
dead game
I remember the time I reviewed a gunface vod and when I told him to kiriko TP to his cass to save him from monkey jumping in he was like
>nah he'll just die anyway there's no point
100 gorillion players btw
>tp in
>save cass
>now get killed by winston
>then cass dies to winston
yeah he's right
>see cass at critical hp
>tp in to save him
>he dies just as you tp
>now you're dead too
the more likely scenario
if he was capable of learning from mistakes he wouldn't need thousand hours to climb from silver to gold
Why not just learn Winston instead of trying to play the tanks you need to aim with if you can't aim
Winston requires teamplay
shes so boring to play i just played a game with her. feels very monotonous. i need some excitement
No he doesn't lol
that's not even the point, the point is that he's not even trying to make plays and just exists in an overwatch match to ride the forever 50/50 rollercoaster
>leap into enemy backline
>enemy tank turns around to create a 1v5 and melt you
>the rest of my team is just jacking off and saying 'tank diff' in match chat
Winston requires teamplay.
Once his flimsy bubble is gone he gets shredded so if you dive at a stupid time you'll die. This makes him harder than characters who can right click to live forever.
Just jump out?
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>play Lucio, other support is on a main healer
>WTF Lucio heal more 4v5
I literally cannot heal more you stupid faggots why are u so braindead
cumface you are literally silver what the fuck do you know about teamplay
>game randomly just prevents me from forcing DLAA
fuck you piece of shit company
>in a comp fps game
This might surprise you: it has a cooldown.
You know you don't need to land directly in the center of the enemy team with 0 cover right? You know those wall-like things in the game you can't shoot through but you still shoot instead of the enemy team? Well enemy bullets dont go through those either.
>You know you don't need to land directly in the center of the enemy team with 0 cover right?
You are Bronze or trolling.
fuck it, this game has turned me into a ball main...
the only time i play ball is when i need to tactically remech in spawn
It has a 5 second CD, a long jump takes about 2 seconds but lets say 1. You're telling me you can't live for 3 whole seconds with 625hp half of that being armor + a 650hp shield?
>You are Bronze or trolling.
That's rich coming from someone who's actually bronze on DPS and barely silver on tank and support.

Maybe if you got your head out of your ass for once in your life you might learn something instead of being a living example of being who fell out of average rank deserving to be there
So you're Bronze.
This but with doom since his character is right next to dvas
You're probably the only person here who's ever been in a bronze game.
i was bronze 4...
brb deranking to bronze from plat 2. i just feel like shittng on bronzes srry. dont care
you will never get out on that account again
>don't use riptire to win teamfights because want it for shutdowns
This felt like my fault. Team seemed to be doing so well despite me, then we got reverse swept(ish).
Im in bronze rn
the only noticeable difference is more people completely ignoring objectives and when they try to play with the team it's 5 ppl doomstack without any attempt at flanking
You're silver
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the kiriko brought you donuts
ive done it like three times. dont worry about it
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black cat hana
>kill Ramattra and Hanzo
>die but someone gets a third
>enemy caps the point in a 4v2
Honestly, it could just be my mental.
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just play dva
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I think Mercy's damage amplified should be applied to her DMG scoreboard count.
It looks to me like you’re getting gapped at tank anyway
funny this gets deleted for....an underboob(?) while the thread is filled with cropped porn and bare asses. you're doing a terrible job moderating this place jose.
cropped porn and bare asses of in-game characters, not some random slav slut
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the kiriko dance
I can't believe Overwatch doesn't have a /y/ thread, even the gay porn scene for this game is dead
it's a blue board and bare asses aren't sfw
did your application get rejected?
The interracial is still going strong at least
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yeah my salary demand was too high
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I'm awful with D.Va.
>forgot upload
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I don’t understand how you can be bad with Dva
You can literally play high ground for free against a bunch of tanks
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>You can literally play high ground for free
That is an excellent point, my assessment on grasping her might be skewed by my impulse to protect* my team.

*not the ones running it down mid and spitting on me for not feeding a shield through it
playing mercy without a carry?
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give me the chocolate kiriko
You can still DM sideways even on height
She lets you be more proactive in hunting kills against supports or dps that are low which usually makes your life easier
If only dva could fly
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it was perfect
the perfect roster
and they ruined it
Sym was useless though.
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We need more spicy latina in our lives not leas
There still aren't enough Avoid Teammate slots
I dunno, I might not be built for her, but I should dust her off in the shooting range and maybe something clicks.
Why are there two Mercy breast cancer skins but no male hero prostate cancer skins?
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I had a Cassidy in one of my games tell me that I did a good job polishing his knob after I spent the entire match pocketing him
Do you think men don't have breasts? Because women don't have a prostate.
when are we getting kpop hag skins for moira, ashe, mercy, widowmaker, and pharah
>kpop hag
I was thinking about this the other day!
Korea has no hags, women there all die at 25
>immediately try to think about how many Korean women I've seen over the age of 30
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>still no horny femboy on E hero
Homos already ruined 76
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*pistol whips you*
Is Lifeweaver not feminine enough?
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>Currently Platinum 1
>Lose Clash 5 to 0
>Predicted Rank: Diamond 5

good slut
>Jose starts posting
Not at all. He's pretty, but he ain't a femboy. Never mind a femboy on estrogen.
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streamer awards
fat cunt
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How is it even possible for people to go negative k/d in Overwatch?
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its called deranking to shit on the bronzes ITT
winston type build minus the muscle
I want to give my teammates paizuris
get your hairy moobs away from me freak
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i am literally having sex right now
Tranny post
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More quality Overwatch discussion
Surprised OW hasn't made a tranny character yet
no one would play it. even enbies don't play venture because the character is an ugly freak with a gross voice
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Um, Mercy?
Enbies love when characters are ugly and brown
do you guys think mercy likes her job
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Who has? Only Apex Legends has one.
clove in valorant is an enby and pretty popular, but she's also very cute. apex has a full-on tranny voiced by a dude and needleas to say it's like the least popular char.
exactly. people want to play as cute/attractive characters, not whatever the fuck venture is
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They made venture and he is so repulsive no one even picks him
Would Venture be liked more if she wasn't a canon they/them but was still unattractive and quirky?
4chan is the only place that even thinks about they/them
this is an echo chamber
it is irrelevant to everyone else
I don't like Echo though
my retard in christ all the twitch streamers were banning people during ventures release for misgendering him in chat
You say that but I don’t even see venture when I play
That motherfucker is player repellant because of how ugly he is
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>just agrees with them
We need a normal omnic girl that isn't overly sleek or a cow centaur. I wish Ramattra had been female.
>We need a normal omnic girl that isn't overly sleek or a cow centaur.
My brother.
>I wish Ramattra had been female.
Honestly I don't think people shit on Moira's design enough if anything. She's like the Orisa of support. Something utterly retard proof that should be kept bad on purpose.
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This desu, Venture checked some boxes for them and that's clearly all they wanted out of it since they went right back to making Asian girls with fat butts in tight suits
Venture’s concept art is a cute enough tomboyish girl. The 3d model is just really ugly.
the voice doesn't help either
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Why are their faces so AI slop-py?
I don’t mind the voice but dressing him up as a hobo and then making his play style running away faggotry made me hate him
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Sombra is the Moira of DPS including the unwarranted ego and hallucinations of skill.

I've started reporting the ones on my team too if they say anything.
now that we know that russia has been spending millions of dollars to directly influence american public opinion it's funny when you see 4channers go on their weird rants about gays
russia is the number 1 anti-gay nation on the planet
it's unironically just 4channers being mindbroken by russian propaganda
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I love Olivia
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Been that way for a decade at least.
I'm gay
sure but the doj has made it official so we get to laugh at them as they do legwork for russia's culture war for free
>hallucinations of skill
The word you want is 'delusions'.
yeah i aint reading all that
try not to sexually assault any more children you faggot
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I want to boop her until she has my children
No, they're hallucinating that they're being skillful because they get an elim credit for doing 1 damage.
this but while holding hands
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That is a delusion, yes.
I would slap that donuts box away and give her the fastest face fucking ever done.
There’s a video about doing that
All the Asians in this game look white except lifeweaver
Whiteness is peak beauty so???
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I prefer white women.
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do they prefer you though?
>healer that doesn't heal
How about I pick dps and never shoot anyone? Still having fun you retard?
I dont want to swap off dva when they go zarya but the rest of my team is pussyfooting on killing her
wat do
it's a skill issue
Lose for being stubborn and feeding her ult
dive harder
if their zarya is selling out on you try to get her to waste bubbles then just fly to someone that's alone
the zarya won't be able to keep up and won't have bubbles
it's a feel thing, but you'll get used to it eventually
it was a lot easier in 6v6 because you didn't have that nagging feeling of "stand by team" that 5v5 forces you to have
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Ignore her and kill her team
Usually all you have to do is drop a support and she'll be able to be burst down by the team.
Thank it worked the second time
the zarya I was bitching about was just effectively guarding her team and mine was scared to go in even with me there.
Basically what everyone else said
I completely ignore her now and either fly away or just dive
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Should've reported them all for inappropriate communication.
support not healer
The kys kir*kotranny
name one support that doesn't heal
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>I don't wanna swap
stay bronze
>Having a good game
>Tracer immediately starts raging after losing one fight
>Continue a fairly well matched game until we lose second
>Tracer doesn't tp to back spawn and gets staggered
>Entire lobby starts shittalking him.
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overwatchbros....even our best dps players are moving to valorant......it's so over....
There's a lot that makes this look like AI

>no faced low quality crowd all facing away from the stars
>inconsistent lighting that seems to be hitting each person at a different angle despite them all being indoors and facing the same way
>same face shape despite them having distinct bone structure in-game
>same almond eye shape on all of them despite having distinct eye shapes in game
>same lip shapes despite them having distinct lip shapes in game
>cold blue hue across the entire image giving it a "cold" look despite it being indoors with hot artificial lighting and lots of warm bodies

It's 100% AI generated then touched up by some lazy artist just enough to cover up the distinctly AI bullshit like too many fingers. The entirety of Team4 is made up of lazy half assed people because anyone with any skill already left for other studios that pay a decent amount and don't ham-fist DEI on their staff
>Passive faggot reply non reply
Stay on hormones
I hate ventures voice, if someone is playing that creature and doesn't switch off I mute the game and play music instead
They could have kept venture as mentally/ill but just not made her look like a homeless tranny in a trench coat and hired a real voice actor and not an actual mentally ill they/them straining their voice to sound like a retarded girl trying to sound like a boy, because it's just a graiting voice that's like nails on chalkboard. She sounds like asking a special needs child being forced read a book out loud
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Funny how pic related avoids almost all of the AI problems that >>493311861 has. It even has a video showing the art being done from scratch but then the "totally not AI bro trust us" featuring the OW girls has a music video instead. Really makes the AI accusations more concrete
I dont really see it for either
>"I don't care if I lose I'm just doing my weeklies, I won't get mad"
>actually really fucking mad
Then you need to get your vision corrected
is that fucking bronze prediction for dps? holy kek
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only super weird bit I saw because her nails aren't all pointy.
>bronze dps
This is supportoid telling us to git gud
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compare picrel face with >>493311861
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I like venture because she's fun to play.
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Gonna exclusively run Mercy for support queue on a new account. Guess my predicted rank
Bronze 3
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There's a perception that oneshot characters like Widowmaker and Hanzo are high skilled because you have to be good at aiming to get kills, this is wrong. While it may take skill to hit your shots, oneshots remove the other player's opportunity to express most of their skill, so even if the enemy is better than you, you're not facing their full skillset.

Oneshot characters are crutches for people who can't fight people who can fight back.
brown girls...
>no one getting picks while my shield is up
>hang back to recover shield
>damage runs it down mid
Enemy tank has their shield up, no one shoots it. I have my shield up, it's a five-man focus. Non-consensual heel.

>you didn't beat the game
How is it that every time I play Dva I have like no damage? I don't have this issue with Sigma
dead game
I dunno, I can't aim for shit, so they are high skill to me.
Because you're not diving their supports and shooting missiles down their throat uncontested because nobody's helping them
That's probably it. I'm just afraid of diving too much because I always end up getting killed.
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Venture is so incredibly fucking ugly it's unreal that the design was green-lit
There's a perception that no-brain-no-aim characters like Winston, Doomfist, Ball, Venture, Moira, Sym, Rein, Mauga, Junkrat, D.va, Genji and Mercy are low skilled because you don't have to be good at aiming to get kills, this is wrong. While it may take skill to hit your shots, not aiming removes the other player's opportunity to express most of their skill, so even if the enemy is better than you, you're not facing their full skillset.

No-brain-no-aim characters are crutches for people who can't fight people who can fight back.
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Flats fren!
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would overwatch go third person for OW3 once Rivals crush it?
looking at their asses, would be nice
Just like how Concord "crushed" Overwatch eh?
Marvel is gay and retarded, Daredevil and Punisher are ok tho.
LMAO idiot
Watch as every female character suddenly gets a cape or a sweater tied around their waste
Your straight white male gaze will NOT be catered to
Yeah not gonna lie, when Blizzard try, they can make some damn appealing female characters
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ESL hours already?
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This bitch is just BEGGING me to end it for her
3 cheaters in 6 games in fucking plat lmao what the fuck is this trash
meme mode meme matches
it don't matter
none of this matters
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Does this skin officially cement Mercy ass the titty queen of Overwatch
lmao no
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lmao yes
Nobody knows how to shoot Sym turrets...
Is this Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
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>playing comp
>finally get a team that works together
>we actually group up
>victory victory victory, literally 100% winrate
>as SOON as we stop grouping up the EOMM goes into overdrive to fucking tank my ranks

>get 2 DPS with a total of 5 elims between them by the end of 2 rounds, both had double digit deaths by round 1
>tanking, get a mercy DPS who doesn't want to heal
>DPS, get a tank DIFF where the enemy tank goes 24-2 and our tank goes 8-9
>support, get a good tank but AGAIN 2 fucking DPS that BOTH somehow go negative K/D

Holy fucking shit this game is fucking dogshit. No wonder the "competitive" scene fucking crashed and burned the fucking matchmaking in this game is a joke, and a bad one at that
Brigitte, my love, who I love and her two friends of Japanese and Peruvian descent who seem to be brimming with some otherworldy power
>the skin that covers her tits up the most is the titty queen skin
Is this retarded Indian faggot shill still going on about this mediocre fucking skin?
Good morning I hate russians and love the wife posters
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Good evening I love Hana
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>work in 2 hours
>haven't slept yet
a tummy made for punching
stupid lenaNIGGER wagie
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good morning I love Lena
for me it's vgerotica's pregnant stuff
all paths end with me
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Hey Blizzard. Just remove DVA from the game like you did with Bastion at the beginning. Once you figure out how to make it a character that people can play against and have fun we could consider re-adding it. Thanks. Just a random idea so your game doesn't continue to fall into irrelevancy.
do NOT remove my wife
Just go Sym and Zarya haha
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I need you to not insult my beloved Hana thanks
I need you to keep posting Hanas thanks
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what’s it like to swap in this game
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so real
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Is it true that fats has the shittiest takes in the game?
>Play with some console friends
>Guy in mercy keeps rezzing me in front of 5
>Girl on ashe can't land shit
>Tank guy can't tank
>Swap to dps
>Don't get healed except unless it's the randie
>Swap to reaper to kill zarya
>Get no help when she's less than 50 hp
>Die and get blamed
>Swap to reaper to kill sig
>He's less than 50 hp
>Die and get blamed
>No one helps me finish off enemies, they don't kill dps either
Keep in mind this was console silver
>They start spouting flats and how he said don't do this and don't do that
Can't even remember what it was, haven't played this since the first week of the last season as I got burned, how's the meta nowadays? Last I heard dva got giga buffed
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when the day of the rope arrives, footfags will be the first to go.
becoming a footfag is not an if, it's a when
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I got footjobs from the gf, enjoyed it and I'm not a footfag because of it
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>enjoyed it
>not a footfag
>Rank reset
>Questionable balance decisions
>Many smurfs
>many cheaters
This is not the season for me.
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It's funny you say this because I recently started finding feet hot. There's a Korean girl with a fat ass named ssunbiki who had feet that I could directly fap to. Now I'm hooked. Sucking toes is still gross tho.
you'll get there
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I'm not into feet, but I'm into Lena's feet.
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You WILL play Counterwatch. You WILL swap to characters that you don't want to play. You WILL NOT play the characters you want to play.
I am filled with a primal urge to squeeze Juno's cheeks
All four of them
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Just left a "competitive" game because both my dps were negative with 8 deaths each in the first round. When I come home I will NOT play overwatch and instead start waxing my floors.
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lena's ow2 design is so much better than her ow1 one
What about wax tracers fussy
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Training to become stronger.
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>find cute art of overwatch characters being bros
>look up the artist
>turns out they ship them romantically and now the art isn't cute to you anymore
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Good morning, I hate Lena.
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Saw this painting for the first time on Midtown. Why are Mario and Cassidy fighting Talon on Rialto?
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>retribution was six years ago
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Posting these words should be a crime
Lena is for love, kisses, holding hands, and sex in both holes with full intention of procreation.
Anal pregnancy
would sombra really hang out with these 4 for a night out given that she's a talon operative?
and would dva really rather be at a pop concert than in her garage tinkering with her mech or playing video games?
don't ask questions about the integrity of the lore chud, mercy loves pharah now, get over it
it's not canon though, is it?
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Happy Friday handsome!
Hope you slept well!
kys too
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Hello my name is Jose
Mercy looks really cute in this pose, wish more Mercys had it
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>Happy Friday handsome!
Hey love and everything, the best player
>Hope you slept well!
uhm, kinda not sure, thanks for asking How was your sleep? Did you have fun yesterday? I had fun. Overwatch was fun, not many dva's yesterday could have won 1-2 more games though, was on me. Finally got andy for you in D4 that's good, kinda lucky from you. Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want to play with you now...I want you now... where are my screenshots? please
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>uhm, kinda not sure, thanks for asking How was your sleep?
I take that as a yes, mine was ok too
>Did you have fun yesterday?
It was, both Overwatch and D4
Deadlock not so much, I just have no idea what I'm doing in that game other than shooting the enemies lol
>Overwatch was fun, not many dva's yesterday
Been fewer over the last couple of days? Not sure why
>Finally got andy for you in D4 that's good, kinda lucky from you.
Yeah, how crazy strong are these builds though? Wish the Necro build I played was even close to this
>Are you gaming already?
Fixing up some stuff I didn't have time to do yesterday in d4, rolling garbage on everything I found yesterday which is fun
>where are my screenshots? please
They are bad and I am not happy with them :(
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Don't insult M'ladies male.
Succubus Mercy just crawled through my window and drained my cock
succubus mercy is a actually an incubus (male)
you are fake news succubi do not exist
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This is still my favorite Overwatch art piece
yea it's really nice
looks awful
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>I take that as a yes, mine was ok too
eh, at least you had good sleep :^)
>It was, both Overwatch and D4
good playing with you is the most fun, ever
>Deadlock not so much, I just have no idea what I'm doing in that game other than shooting the enemies lol
maybe we play this weekend, but why did you stop playing it when we had access early? Like, you didn't seem interested at all in the game? For me, it was because I don't want to ever play a moba again, the genre just makes you miserable. The worst part about mobas is you have to play 20-30min losing games, literally the biggest time waste in the world.
>Been fewer over the last couple of days? Not sure why
Yea, strange, someone else has to play against the dva mains maybe dva mains only play against sym/mei mains now.
>Yeah, how crazy strong are these builds though? Wish the Necro build I played was even close to this
Yea classic blizzard balance, literally just needs numbers tweaking there to make them all equal good because gameplay wise they are all fun. Probably some developer favoring Rogue.
Though your necro burst at the end was quite strong against the ubers?
>Fixing up some stuff I didn't have time to do yesterday in d4, rolling garbage on everything I found yesterday which is fun
xd I'm never getting a good bow...
>They are bad and I am not happy with them :(
that can't be, I love them...they are amazing I want to game with you now!
post you're art
you're art
you don't need to be an artist to judge art
no but I will value your opinion higher if you're good at art
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>antagonism reply guy derailing the thread in record time
It doesn’t tho. I get that art is subjective but that piece is so appealing and pleasant to look at. It’s cool.
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>good playing with you is the most fun, ever
Sure is, I love playing with you too
>maybe we play this weekend, but why did you stop playing it when we had access early? Like, you didn't seem interested at all in the game?
Yeah I'd like that
Because of there being no EU servers, we could only play on weekends really because the servers opened at 2am lol
>The worst part about mobas is you have to play 20-30min losing games, literally the biggest time waste in the world.
Yeah I wonder if you could somehow speed the games up without turning the games into mega stomps?
>Yea, strange, someone else has to play against the dva mains maybe dva mains only play against sym/mei mains now.
I need to start gaming some Mei again, she's apparently in a better spot even though nothing really changed lol
>Though your necro burst at the end was quite strong against the ubers?
I guess but still your barb did a lot more damage and could take a lot more hits
Funny that my rouge now is tankier than my necro too
>xd I'm never getting a good bow...
What rolls do you need on it?
>that can't be, I love them...they are amazing I want to game with you now!
They are, reeeee
I want to game with you too, hopefully we get a lot of time this weekend
it should be the opposite
it's obvious
Dont engage with the negative nancies
>derailing the thread
but the mercytroons continue to erp as before?
meltie bro
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there are unironic spam apologists in here and they are unironically more antagonistic that the actual "antatonist" posters
>everyone I don't like is a meltie
>doritodiapers potg
Point out a few of these posters. Should be easy in a 700 post thread
Going! I see you very soon, probably home a bit earlier if I am lucky!
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Screeching about easily ignorable shit all day every day is a meltie
>everyone I don't like is the same person
welcome to the general fren, i see it's your first day. hope you enjoy your stay!
Point them out. Go ahead, scroll up and point out 3 posts. Should take you 30 seconds.
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>Sure is, I love playing with you too
I want you...
>Yeah I'd like that
ok well gotta read about items and stuff again I guess again because I forgot everything, my brain was more on d4 and ow
>Because of there being no EU servers, we could only play on weekends really because the servers opened at 2am lol
hmm yea, but we were up that long anyway?
>Yeah I wonder if you could somehow speed the games up without turning the games into mega stomps?
No you can't that's just how moba are. In dota I can tell you after 25 minutes if a game is lost or not, but that shit can drag on forever just by their design.
>I need to start gaming some Mei again, she's apparently in a better spot even though nothing really changed lol
probably because d.va meta?
>I guess but still your barb did a lot more damage and could take a lot more hits
Yea, the barb was more tanky, but he did no dmg at all compared to our rogues. The DMG on boss stun is crazy.
>Funny that my rouge now is tankier than my necro too
yea and if we played sorc we don't even need the mythics for high level content, character favoritism
>What rolls do you need on it?
uhm star rolls at best dmg over time and dex
>They are, reeeee
No they, are not reeeeeee your screenshots are the best
>I want to game with you too, hopefully we get a lot of time this weekend
should be more time, and we play what you want
ok have fun and hopefully not a long day, love you
>Point out a few of these posters. Should be easy in a 700 post thread
>Point them out. Go ahead, scroll up and point out 3 posts. Should take you 30 seconds.
Is not more antagonistic than
>kill youself jose
x50 every thread
Try again.
you've just implied that "the antagonistic reply poster" (there are multiple) is the same person as the meltie which is not the case
are you jewish?
only one of those is desperately looking to start an argument. enjoy your last (You) fren.
And there is the /pol/ shit. Meltie just cant help himself
Look up the definition of antagonistic you fucking retard
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>he bit
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
definitely not antagonistic
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I am not retiring any time soon, you fucko.
Come on, stop being jewish
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bad faith posters are going to keep posting in bad faith my dude
Jose falseflagging as a Lena poster
>bad faith
that's anti-semitic
meltie bro
>genji profile picture
>edgy name
>playing genji
name a more iconic duo
mercy player and being trash in every way possible
I hate regex
there's a regex for that
Thank you nuclear-reactor-accident-anon.
I'm finding it tedious to filter images, do you have any tips for that?
the hanzo / widow on my team having double the deaths of everyone else and half the damage
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Glad to see meltie is having a great friday crying and being a little faggot bitch once more. Everyone else, have a nice weekend.
There are easier ways to get a (you), bro, but have one nonetheless.
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Have a radiant weekend, Illari bro
I had a swing with Illari, but I am back with my wife, Brigitte.
thank you kind stranger
you too my man
both excellent choices
Oh I suspect there will be plenty of ionizing radiation this weekend
>both excellent choices
No, one is ugly and the other one is very beautiful.
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I was referring more about the fun gameplay aspect. Also wrong opinion, both are hot.
POV: You are the last sausage roll on the counter at Greggs
POV: You are Mercy about to be instalocked
Kind of ironic to be filtering out trigger words when you bitch about people posting things you don't like every day.
She can grab my sausage anyday
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Friday sex with my wife
Friday sex with anons wife
overwatch events peaked here
Friday sex with my wife after watching another anon have sex with his wife
Dudes, do you think widowmaker likes anal sex?
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/owg/ is sleeping
depends on which gender the ass belongs to
i dont get how ppl can actually play junkrat on the enemy team, run around in the open holding m1 and not immediately get lasered down

tf are my dps doing
Imagine picking her up and taking her home
>you must eat all the eggs
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I'm getting Friday drugs for Friday dancing and maybe some Friday sex
who's the lucky guy?
what are you getting?
NTA but betting on some coka cola
Aids by the sound of it
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No her name is Lena
death to EOMM
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good to see you left this place druggielenabro
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We all knew he wouldn't leave us. We're just so loveable and good for your mental health.
junkie and relapse, name a better combo
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that's not me! I would never do mushrooms!

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