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Flan edition

>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>9/05 (Thu) Update

>Increased Rates
Eligos & An Offer You Can't Refuse Drop 9/5 ~ 9/12
Politis & Knowledge Seed 9/5 ~ 9/12

>Mystic Summons
Pirate Captain Flan, Lionheart Cermia, Judge Kise, Mediator Kawerik
9/5 ~ 9/26

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

Previous: >>492975915
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ermmm can you not bake a new bread next time? thanks
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W-why not...?
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babibwo... please come back to netori...
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Bros should i commit to this Ran
me on the left
which eEPIC seven girl is the cutest
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the lucklets experience
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nyes, just use speed imprints if you need to race
i salute the rabi
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Alright i'm just unsure on how to play fast now that i can, can he like kill a Politis or nahk if he goes firstor something
Real luckleters will go in anyway
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Love Emilia
i shit on the rabi
i wanted to make food but the meat went bad
it's over
Man a whole wave of people I know are burning out around the same time
it's like we're all feeling the death knell of this game, and it's sad, you wait long enough for something you're passionate about to be better, and eventually love/hate turns to apathy. There's no recovering from apathy, that's doneville
we can bicker all we want about teams and chaos zero nightmare and personal beefs and whatever but ultimately it's meaningless if no one cares anymore because the game never updated
>doomschizo is reposting more dogshit from stoce/reddit
unironically this sad fuck will kill itselfs before the game EoS
that sucks bro
i salute the rabi
bwos I had to get up today to go to work...
how can ran even compete...
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its ok bro tomorrow is friday, stay strong and you'll make it
bwi I haven't gone to work in over a year
I can do it for one more year and then I will kill myself
>still no ml5 from free pulls
is rig...
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please join lucklets
bwo dont give up, universal basic income is coming you just have to last until then
ui mama...
next tme for sure
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i took vyvanse 2 hours ago so I won't sleep today and I can reset my sleep schedule by being up for 2 days
and my vyvanse has just kicked in
my molagoras stopped working...
>up for 2 days
you trying to kill urself or something bro
bro please remember to eat and stay hydrated, legal dwugs are dangerous
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who are the epic seven
at least she is new bwi
face it, they need a sequel asap right? why are they wasting more good designs on this dead game? at this point they need a project KV where the main talents depart and make their own studio and rip off E7 designs but in a better/newer game
Why would they want a sequal when RTA paypigs are keeping this gook garbage alive

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He is The Shadow Elf
im getting bored...
Got him, is he good?
bwo she's the worst unit that ever came out because if ayuppie...
would you say epic seven has a good story bwis
No, not really...
no he probably wont kill but you pick him with things like eda mudwig jack-o c pavel MLroana, even silver blade ara or light cidd can work, just anyone who combos off of ran taking the first turn
Why is dlilibet so shit?
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congrats bro, it seems like today was hot times and I got something too
yes bro, he is pretty good in cleave, you may need to have the right heros to setup but when you do he'll definetly help you in pvp
yes bwo, i really like it specially the first 3 episodes, the only one i did not like was the 4th, hoping 5th finale is good and ras is back
hey story bwi why is the game called epic seven
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bros how come epic shit dont have test servers for CCs and invited people, where they have balance patches and new characters before they release them to the general public, that way they didnt have to walk back the pflan buffs and have actual good balance instead of trusting the shitty balance team that thought ml hastes' buffs were balanced???
Without spoling too much its because the world hsa been reset 7 times, usually when the Heir of the Covenant (Ras) loses, Epic 7 is when this cycle is broken and Ras prevents the world from being reset.
>Without spoling too much
bri I don't play the game don't worry
which girls are for Ras
play the game and find out bro, its the best time to start
meru and solitaria
bro mercedes went on a vacation alone for some "time with the girls", there is no way she is not coming back with tyrones baby in her womb
bwos why do we keep playing e7 even tho every girl gets cucked
we self insert as the girls bro
why do you phrase it as if thats a bad thing? the average seanig dick size is like 5cm, you think they can accomplish the job themselves?
cute roana
kek you just listed a bunch of shit i don't have, guess i'll pick pavel or eda on the selector
bwi you are an adult male why are you writing stuff like this
its soo sad how we been slowly losing artists to other gachas, they do a BA, nikke or hoyoverse game post, it blows up in likes and just side eye E7 afterwards
no real incentive like you said, pretty sad that the winners of the e7 skin contests are pretty much just smilegate plants who've barely drawn e7 before the challenge while actual e7 artists just get runner up prizes
thats the reality bro, artists has no loyalty toward any IP, especially the better ones, they will always draw whats the most popular.
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banger wtff
Nice bro
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in reinx we trust
Why are debuffs in this game so fucking cancerous? and there is a very distinct lack of good cleansers too
cant believe this shit outlived dragalia
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e7g guilds for this feel?
the problem with cleansers is that they dont do much besides cleanse, healing is nearly useless as well, they are just in a really bad place in the current meta right now because everything is hyper aggro
a cleanser needs to do more than just cleanse to become meta, they need to deal damage or disable the other team in some way.
which is why im surprised that ppl dont pick shuna more often.
i like e7
Laia and Destina are still solid cleansers bwo
yeah just pick eda on your decked selector, and use her combat readiness buff to push the rest of your team up. if you're really new and dont have her also get politis, shes not cleave necessarily but she can be built with damage and can control enemy combat readiness. basically after eda any two good dps can finish the job but you need to draft a second character that does her job. if you pulled frida she can do eda's job but doesnt really bring damage.
grats bwo
Yeah that's my current grip right now, i have the opener(Ran, ML Luna, Nahk) and the bridge with Frida but then nothing that could really take advantage of it
Don't think harsetti will be next bwos
more time to save...
bwo being a cuck is seen as a bad thing I think you guys are too deep in e7....
yes bwi it's gonna be light ml cunny rose
BWOS someone broke into my house and now has my cat at gunpoint he says he will shoot her dead unless I give him 10 female epic 7 characters that are confirmed virigns please help bwos I love my cat
>10 epic shit virgins
im sorry about your cat bro...
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me looking at all the new cuties that arrived
any account not level 70 is pochi in disguise
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It's easy bwo just list the nuns and the female characters from politia, nuns and robowifes are virgins
>i pick candy
>she sleeps soundly
>opponent picks candy
>real shit! she counters by just looking at her
this game's rng is quite something
That’s not true momo had sex with krau and his horse

Clarissa they forced her to breed with cats(that’s actually kitty clariss’a backstory)

Angelica has been alive for 1000 years you don’t think she got her holes filled at some point?
nyes gro, right side mlandy has been proven to be true in the e7wc finals.
for the time being you can make light adin your slowest and have her give everyone invuln while you wait for the turns to cycle. and we get two or three banners per year where you can pick a limited to roll for, if you're still committed to cleave then summer iseria fits that style well.
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"Returning"bro here (I'm not actually coming back to this game you tards), let's fucking roll.
leave my general right fucking now.
it will be light rose, then ml eligos and probably a rerun then harsetti
And it's fucking nothing. Okay time for ml summons

Leaving dnyim instead
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Wrong image but whatever. And it's fucking nothing x3
is 2nd pick right side?
which ever side isnt you is the right side bro
but i'm always right side for my opponent
he's bullshitting you bwo
join lucklets
BWOS pochi broke into my house and now has my guild leader at gunpoint he says he will shoot her dead unless I give him 5 female epic 7 characters that are for you please help bwos I love my cat
>guild leader is a cat
good, let him shoot it
if you are rank 40 check draft mode in arena, you'll get too experience all heros and stats are fixed so it feels fair
lol damn theres always tmrrw gwo
wtfffffff I'm from cope
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Quit during aespa and the daily summons have been a blessing desu
hey I got belian too
>quit during kshit event
>has belian skin
fuck off with ur homo larp
you can get it from the shop bro
congrats bros
didnt say you couldnt, just that anon is a homo larper gwo
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they're also giving skin stones, yeah. I have the old ones, but am missing all the new crap.
join serin
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lemeow mine are super effective take 70mg
sex with trannythedra while pochi (You) watch
why did I get this gook isn't she a welfare unit with free imprints?
well kinda, but at least she will give you purple lfowers when you imprint her
Wait how
they added her to rgb summon pool this patch
ml yuna soon
erm 60mg is the highest legal dose, were you just role playing this whole time?
u got scammed lemeow
is she coming soon?
she's probably the next ml4 bwi
does any bwo want to coop with me in space marines 2 while we wait for content
hello does anyone still play this game
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its over for me...
>Everyone getting ml5s this event
>Not even a new ml4 for me
Its not fair...
ground control to major tom...
bwos save ur ml summons for herisetti wtf are you guys doing...
What was the website showing the average gears artis and stats for a character at different elo brackets bros I can't see it in the op
here bwo
big if true
How does the quick match work for bot arena
Cheers bwo
its simulate the battle if you were playing on auto play and speeds it up, make sure you have your skills turned up for your units when doingg so.
What about soulburn, does it count or use that at all
Does it soul burn? Like what if you have mage luna
no, it does not soulburn it plays eactly like the AI would play when you auto, same goes with the stuff like Zio that target your fastest unit ,etc
Alright that fucking sucks and also explains why I keep losing to complete shitters sometimes
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Thoughts Nigwos?
um gro you need to charge your phone
looks solid bwo
charge ur phone
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ermmm gros is being a Heir a good job should I put that on my resume
no bwo its better if you put references that are relevant to the position unless its something that reflects you were able to mantain a stable position on your past jobs
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Netori status:
full of newbros
lots of weekly assistance
active chat full of newbros questions
last login 20h
result of the netori reborn project: success
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looks good
netori? more like nyet-ori and is “ai finished? nyet”
cope? More like faggot leeches
yeah ml choux could use that
This was before the great purge
woops meant for >>493313927
big if true
is this true netori bros...
join serin
um nyes gro
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I still don’t get how to use her
you can try with senya, opener/2 def breaker and bbk on ban protect
but Netori is known for sucking the life force out of newbros and once the gibs are over it will be a graveyard again
probably with more cdam
coop dnyim
Holy shit bros, Ml Landy has some sexy slender legs
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hello?? new collab???
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where did everyone go
even excuck quit
Not again....
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I have seanig blood in my hands
You're scaring me bro....
scatbro zatzgod is apparently the outerplane guild leader get in get in
is it safe now?
grats bro
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Bro? I think you're in wrong thread?
you guys woke scatbro...
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Best gear score I've seen from the goblin gear so far.
you mean on... right?
Why did you kill fedbro.... the opg guardian...
grats newgro, thats a really solid piece
I was at work and I called my boss “bwo” he just looked at me funny and patted me on the back… I think I need a break from e7 and this thread
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No bwo Zatzgod quit and gave leadership to rabibwo.
Nigggerwos is it worth it to start outerplane?
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You don't really have anything to lose. It's a pretty comfy side game thanks to skip tickets and with no RTA it's a lot comfier to just go through the story at your own pace. It has a lot of e7 in its DNA, but is PvE focused which is why it has its fans.
um bwo you're supposed hit skip every time story segments come up like wtf who actually reads all those WORDSWORDSWORDS
How bad is the gear grind? Is there at least bot arena?
>still this dead
epic failure...
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It's fun isekai revenge kino bwo. Chapter 1-hard is honestly up there with Camelot and Garden of Avalon writing. The rest is serviceable, more interesting than E7.

Hard to say. I'm not a top player so I don't find the gear grind bad. As I said there's skip tickets so you never have to leave the game running for hunts and there's stones you can sort-of-farm every month that lets you reroll and change substats on your gear. There's also guaranteed craft once a month so I think the experience is better than e7. Top end arena it's probably all the same shit since whales will have perfect gear that you can't compete with BUT as I said you can mostly ignore pvp in that game.
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nigcari sold his account bros...
look up zatzgod i think he sold his too
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Shouldn't the accounts still be there if they got sold? I think this means they got deleted.
look up rabibro
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there is bot arena and you can also sweep it for ether income
Yes it has bot arena.
gwos i coomed in my pants again
join netori
dont join netori unless you want to coom in your pants daily
wtf when did netori become so based
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Will there be a hot time this weekend?
bwos im ready to coom again
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newbo0chi here is now a good time to start?
They should make it a regular thing where you get 5 ml summons daily. Thoughts?
im not poor
Think of the SG revenue bro...
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Night bros
mushoku collab next
>cuck collab next
i guess it fits the theme of this game
game deaded or what
are the girls for the heir(you)(me) though
the girls are for rabibro
My guildleader kicked me because I rejected him
>wake up
>do my wyvern quickies
>90% failure all of a sudden
uuuh wtff
nvm bros sigret had her skills off for some reason
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Luna and senya will be on there?
bread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvnwnf9UftA
Bros how do I get Bernard Bros I can't do rift like this bro
sorry bro ur already 6 years behind were moving on without you
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>e7 collab announcement on oct
>brownshit collab announcement on same month
its fucking joever...
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Whats wrong with bd2?
>gook games in which all of the girls are for other men
whats the issue?
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any day now...
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e7 for this feels?
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fuck you kys i hate you choke on your own dick get gassed
Congrats gwo!

Hey swo, we are all kwos here don’t need to be such a negative nigwo
ok gwo...

fuck you (lovingly) i love you *kisses you softly* i will suck your dick and sniff your braps
is my candy bugged or something? she literally never counters or salvos in both pve and pvp, maybe i should just ungear and bench this bitch
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>upgrade my unit
>a pack gets shoved in my face
>upgrade a artifact
>a pack gets shoved in my face
im gettin real sick of this shit
why the fuck would you ever call anything "brown dust"
Same here kwo clicking out of 3-4 popups is grustrating
welcome to non hoyo gacha
literally all of them do this
Does hunt matter at all aside from wyvern?
banshee = if you are a cuck
golem = if you are a giga cuck
caides = speed god
wyvern = speed god
azimanak = trans
banshee is good bro, destructionn is great for most offensive units
but I'm not a cuck
>one ee made bbk meta
>stene still sucks
its not fair bros...
Every girl is for (You). In fact you even NTR one of the male characters.
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luckletbros I probably only have a year of this shit left in me before I say fuck it, quit my gachas, and go gambling for real
how much do you spend per month in e7?
if you want a gambling dose then try rawdogging whores
wtf isn't the stene EE huge?
please dont leave us bwo, we need you
are the collab rumours true?
yeah me and your moms womb recorded a collab video
YOOOO lmao
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all me btw
big if true
frida nyoo
jesus christ that leg spread is chef's kiss
primed to be bred
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>8,403 victory points
>Champ IV achieved
good job cuckbwo
why would you call me that?
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huge gains bwiis
k schizobro u cant stop now
well done gwo
grats newgwo
i salute the rabi
please join lucklets
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E7 for this feel?
there is none
sir this is a homo game
>In fact you even NTR one of the male characters.
what the FUCK
god I hate seanegros so bad gros I want to twist one's neck
wtffffffffff outerbros are laughing at us >>493384712
>nerf a waifu to the gutter (rip hwa)
>canceled a potential ddr equivalent buff for a waifu (rip pflan)
>jkise "buffed" so many times and she's still garbage cause they don't actually wanna make her good even though they made both ddr and bmhaste giga broken
>briseria/stene's ee is so trash compared to arby
>atywin/ddr dominating the rta ladder
>upcoming new homos that might be giga broken, the twink elf from ep5 might ruin the game since he seems prominent so they'll make him broken in pvp
>50/50 that harsetti might be at least usable or complete trash
there is no hope for this homo infested game
but dota is kino
>brings up literal who twink elf
>ignores harsetti
bro you sure are obsessed with homos
>ignores harsetti
erm gro he literally mentioned her
gro >>493409358 is literally obsessed with homos he cooms when he mentions the word
doesnt count
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gentlemen, how do we ensure continuity of /e7g/ guilds?
>doesnt count
well this does *plaps you*
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How retarded would it be to mod the Crit Chance off this for Def% to make it an ML Bellona piece?
>listen to edm/anime music/trance
>think nothing
>listen to linkin park
>suddenly thinking about life and heavy things
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we don't...
How do you build Rabi
everyone says counter but it feels like people say to build counter on everyone and they're always wrong
Idk bwo I don't play this trash
Just play Outerplane. 99% of the cast are women and they only get buffs.
i would not do that
isn't outerplane even more dead than this homoge
both e7 and outerplane are RISING
>homo this
>homo that
no one cares about your cock fetish gro
the devs care bwi
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Yeah, I'm not sure honestly. Just trying to figure out if I actually have another Destruction wearing DPS that would actually want it before I mod it and give it to my very WIP Bellona.
I only get to 3600 Attack when I equip an Attack ring for testing purposes, so I also really need to get her imprints and max out Sigurd's.
Might have too many defensive stats on my gear as well.
>hanging out with a fat titty banshee and her hot teen daughters all day is cuck
>hanging out with a scally faggot and they/thems gay little snake kids all day isnt cuck
you fell for the psyop retard. try applying any amount of logic to the situation going forward.
Thread speed is about the same minus the bumps.

Unless you meant revenue then yeah. They tend to make 1 mil a month although important to note they have no rta yet so no reason for whales to spend.
Nice daily, who needs free ML summons
wasn't outerplane sub 300k a few months ago, how did it recover?
wtf why is nobody talking about this?
did my path i and didnt get brieg wtf smilegate
seanigs are so odious
>a few seconds in
>we talked about
it's a monologue you dunce
No it was around 1 mil last month too. It's because they opened the JP servers which gave a big boost too revenue.
Is there any rape in epic 7 lore? I only play rape gatcha
meru was raped in ep1
ml choux was canonically raped
congrats bro.

honestly if outerplane didnt release a month after HSR, it would be doing a lot better,
i tried outerplane and i dont think it's bad game, i just couldnt maintain motivation to play outerplane and epic shit at the same time.
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Do you still remember
What you showed me
A glimpse of happiness, gone forever…

As the flowers rest, and the waves reflect the stars above
The waning moon vanishes into the dark

My fingers reach in longingly
To get the clock ticking once again
With the clouds forming a track from me to you, and the wind rustling my hair
Your fleeting smile
Is all I know
outerslop is dogshit no wonder netori like it
is e7 better bwi
Outerplane also launched in a really bad state. It was filled with beta assets, translation errors, and the devs completely revamped the UI a few months later. It launched in Japan in a much more complete state so no wonder it's doing better there.

But yeah I agree they should've waited another year before launch because one people try and dislike it they won't give it a second chance.
are the collab news real?
i have heard of any
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1 new spot in netori
join now for the best newbro experience
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erm netori was the latest though
bwi what if I don't have a cuck fetish
join lucklets instead!
boxfarmer manager here, im having some technical difficultes because my new ISP is pants of their heads retarded, i may not be able to login for a few days or do the weekly missions, hopefully this is the last time it happen or i can find a solution before sunday
holy based
thanks for the update botbro, i hope everything is well.
What are the bots actually farming? Just pulls or something?
They do the guild weekly missions and donate gold
grats bwi
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https://cytu dot be/r/agleague
wtf I'm making a banshee team now
>25 ml summons
>25 elsons
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wtff rabi looks like THIS?
what is it about rabi that makes her so much more likeable than every other gacha meme?
this is Rabi with buffs
that shes dead
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rabi is love, rabi is life
e7 for this feel?
join serin
chinese guild
lmao nobody likes that tranny, fotm meme at best
doro has become a cultural heritage
essex is known across all boards
trannybi is only posted by 2 trannies from this general
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forgot image
calm down nikkebwo
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Rabibros are cool
Heir (me)
Hey bwos I need a flavor can someone pretend to the hiring manager at Walmart and tell my probation officer that they are looking to hire me?
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i wish i could bro, all you can do is ask some family members to see if they know someone that can pretend to be him
please join lucklets
i kneel rabigods
I'd play outerplane but the fanservice is too blatant like everyone has Luna tier tits
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who is this semen demon?
bros biboo is so precious
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its ok bro, you'll get em nenxt time
big if true
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dilibuffs doko
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bwos I found rabibro new home
what the FUCK
rabibro is a skinny brazilian gro
I don’t watch fat Thai women
Jwos how do you even get that green haired girl? Apparently she it’s going to have a sc but I don’t think I ever summoned her? Is she tied to story clear?
so this is the power of ai...
Amiki? you'll have to get lucky with your covenant summons or the elemental ones, she is a 3* so she is quite common
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hello bwos
sup gro
Ah never mind I see I already have her sss’d I just thought she was a grass element due to her hair
hey bwo how's it going
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join partyvan, newbros are welcome
ITS OVER FOR EPIC SHIT https://youtu.be/Tay9aHplGF8
its a poorly designed systems
tasks consume too much energy, the rewards are very garbage, progress between paths doesnt carry over so you effectively need to do 300+ runs per hunt, 100x labs etc
E7 is a good game
congrats bro
>canna is back
what happen with zzz
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epic7 for this feel?
nice ring bwi
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Damn kwo out of curiosity I checked and the highest gs piece I have is only 103

Does anyone know what’s the highest gs a piece can get?
i think its around 108 or 109
there are people with 110+
The fuck gwos, I have bad gear….
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ermm bros where is our collab
dont worry bwo, realistically anything on the high 90s is really good very few characters need omega high score and even then a 80 gs 20+ speeder is better than some of those pieces for your openers
ermbwos he looks like a must pull https://www.youtube.com/live/KwPV5_61SMQ
>censored chinkslop female with a boyfriend whose not (You)
sometimes epic shit is alright
shes having sex with (not I)????????? WTFFFFFFF
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Frieren collab doko...
um who is the rabi of HSR bros? yunli?
>hsr player, eats dimsum with all his friends, enjoys life, always a bright day
>epic shit player, does wyvern13 every second of his day, has to min-max everything to 'not fall behind', eat alone-does everything alone, doompost in e7g in his dark closet
frierenbwos is she ok?

we were supposed to have new stuff to test but now we are left with nothing but boring predictable units that is supposed to be 'good' now. good job
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epic7 for this feel?
>censored chinkslop female with a boyfriend whose not (You)
just replace chink with gook and thats epic shit LMEOW
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newbro here, is this the best rift chest selection?
switch def set for counter or torrent
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this looks kinda bussin fr fr nocap
she has retarded opinions and has the voice to match it
they did lower the level requirement a lot...
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When do we start winning
when epic 8 launches
soo gwo trust the 20 year plan...
soon bwo, pc client just got annouced and we are rising like never ever before now that the newbros can farm goblin gear there also rumours about a collab
grats bwi
swap health instead of defense and nyes
penta speed doooot
5 minutes
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join netori
big if true
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I dont want another rabi piece

wtf outerplane won
why does it looks like buffed cermia will change nothing and she's still getting controlled hard...
the seamen demon is live https://www.twitch.tv/senpai
cause this meta is dogshit
give it a weeks bro, i bet KJ and khm will make her work
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i jobbed
get in getin
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>top 100 guild
yeah it was cooked from the start
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Any thoughts jigwos? Not sure what arti for her My unseen observers is on ml poli and all my guiding lights are spoken for too using this one to boost crit damage as I use her to cleave
Be honest with me bros, how good of gear do Riolet and ML Ken need?
Bwos, should I play outerplane?
I’m thinking about it too kwo, wanna do some meth and start the game together tonight?
it's NOT ok bro you better fucking STOP jobbing next time
really starting to hate the newbros, thread gets way worse when we "win"
Hey cuties I’m new to this game can someone recommend me a wyvern team using only cute males? I have a no vaginas rule since I’m a girl
its a fun side game
post meth pipe
you reminded me that I have an old account there
does it have pc client?
on gpg like e7
Breasts are too large in outer plane
>please awaken EIGHT more heroes to 6 star please
nigga look at my account...
when will the balance patch go live?
wait, it wasn't live already?
Depends if she is your finishers or someone goes after her bwo, candle is solid if its the second otheriwse misha/symbol/portrait is alright, also sometimes you may be able to use her to carry things like Sasha Itanes
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still looks the same bro
Riolet does alright with shit gear bwo and does not much better with galaxy whale gear while in the other hand ML Ken does really well with shit gear but scales better with whale gear because iwth enough bulk or damage you can start one tapping shit like ml landy's or surviving adin's if you are behind max mit unlike riolet which still jobs depending if he evades regardless of how much galaxy whale gear you have, the exception being those weird cheesy omega fast speed set galaxy damage glass cannon riolets but even that build its just not that good anymore
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Leave your guild and join cope bwo we encourage jobbing here
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I still can't get over of the PFlan buff cancellation....I hate e7 community so fucking much bros..
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when did they add atk buff to her S3? I can't find the balance patch notes
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revenge is all I have left
E7FTF??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G47lCAqiEv0
idk but it'd be a lot better if it activated BEFORE the attack went off.
then again I guess he is only a 4*
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here dwo
nevermind, I'm retarded
she's always had it but I forgot that it's after the attack, mainly because the battles over after she cleaves
what the FUCK are you talking about, you can see that she got it in the balance patch I posted
yeah three years ago
the only reason I questioned it was because I saw her new EE and though she got a new attack buff before he S3 attacks
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>three years ago
I've never heard of an Inferno Kowarawatever but all the reviews say hes good so yay I guess
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Is he back yet...?
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anytime now netoribros...
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goodnight bros, hope you have an epic weekend
save your resources bro, he is too niche
bwos the password for the chest that is expiring in 3 hours is e7wcfinal
there was no chest when i started. wtfff
he's really good in pvp when there's no ml luna, pretty easy to build too, all you need is 4k+ attack and 200+ speed and you can cripple 1 enemy unit in gw if they have an aoe. his detonate is really useful too because it doesn't proc ml senya's or karina's passive
umm bro he doesnt have enough loose skin i think its fake
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Night bro, sleep well
newbabs here, on the Tamarine recruitment hero quest, there is a quest that require you to pay 800 premium currency to unlock her story quest, if I am choosing her story summon banner (if I get this correctly, I am going to get her story event as well) do I bypass that 800 premium currency requirement? should I just pay and choose someone else? maybe even getting her through the selector from the dash event? I hear she's really helpful hero for newbie like me. Thanks in advance
I’m on abyss 102 is the climb to 120 super frustrating or worth it bwos?
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>shes here to stay
we fucking won
Newfren here, no clue bwo. I began with her of the 5* random ticket and benched her as soon as I got Frieda.
>27 viewers
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me in netori
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Wow epic dash for the win
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bros i jobbed my monkey got crit 5 hits in a row
bwos I almost jobbed but got lucky, I’m also retarded can someone explain why adin still cr pushes herself even if sealed? Is it an artifact or something?
read her skill tree dumbass
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bwos do I upgrade
Here’s hoping your entire family get run over by a drunk driver tonight faggot
That's trash bro. Put it in the bin
That’s whale gear hwo upgrade ASAP
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bwos this looks kinda bussin
i hope netori gets a bedbug infestation
If you get HP% or Eff RES and then roll again into speed that’d be ideal or def again
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Max roll too jwo!
gweh, wasn't that in france in the nyews? So according to logic all of netori should be moved to baguette, sacre gwo
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wtf are you doing rwo? go farm goblin
Great bwo that’s a pretty solid soul weaver piece! You should modify the crit chance to health%
post ur 90gs goblo set right fuckin now
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here my gwii
thats like 58gs wut u doin
Why did you upgrade this pwo?
I needed that bweh
it was cheap
I regret not having rolled for ml Luna but in her S3 she doesn't flop her tits around so it's fine ig...
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ermgwi is this it
yeah that's the good shit, imagine if it had perfect subs too
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night bwos
>maid event rerun
>no maid banner
>game is talking ML Luna
>no ML Luna banner
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bwo, 5 times blue devastating ml summons soon. don't sleep
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Night rein
ermbwos faker didnt make it to worlds
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Night bros

He has other chances
i did it bros...i got a ml5 from the event...
bros jenas talkin shit about e7 again
Ugh Bros how do you deal with the fact that you have to share the thread with ppl that haven't rolled 2 ml5s yet
made for bbc
retard more than 2 teams go from korea
was there meant to be a weekend hot buff or something?
hi I was told there was gonna be content this weekend? Just wondering where it is, thanks.
and? hes still probably going
bros jena is getting sponsored for a new game everyday wtf....
No collab reveal??
>epic shit used and thrown away like a cumrag
heh like pottery
no collabs i can live with...
but the reruns... please....
>return to get gibs
>checks SC
>ZERO (0) new SCs since i quit
hot time doko?
bwos the *everse 1999 stream is up
why is everyone sponsored to shill that game today
thats great but shions playing buckshot roulette
holy bwos they got kino englando vas
Do we know when we are getting one of those choose 3 banners again?
ermbwos the 1999 community looks happier than ours
What do they have that we don't..?
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starting now
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it should have been us
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meanwhile we will get another generic anime
we cant have a collab without homoworms, sir
Speaking of other gacha sisswos I’m considering the following have any of you fagwos played these?
Gameplay looks boring but character designs nice
>blue archive
Looks sort of interesting but I’m not a
Art style is dumb but tower defense sounds fun
Is it too late to start now? The exploration seems fun but not so much gear grind
Don’t want to grind for gear but everything else about this game seems good
it panders to normalfags and fujos more and more
>blue archive
First season is nice, but after that Nexon clearly took control, ruined everything and rats fleeing the ship(including the main writter)
ignoring the story, game is still fine. Surprisingly. But homos and horrible rateups/limited system creates a lot of problems. Dont even try to roll non limited banners more than 10 roll.
only start when they will add story skip, dont touch it now
avoid it
bwo any gear is usable in honkers, it's just you need e6 for the character to work in everything
pretty cool, more idle than epic shit but girls are hot and for (You)
>blue archive
i only read the doujins
>shart rail

maybe try zzz, its pretty comfy
1999 has everything for me but holy FUCK the gameplay makes me snore
>nikke in middle of eva collab
>coomlane announced toloveru collab
>brown dust 2 collab likely to be hot anime too
meanwhile its 99.99% guaranteed that epic shit collab will turn out to be a bara homo faggot franchise like fma again
I hope it's JJK
wow cant wait for jjk collab with 2 broken limited homos and 1 freebie chick
Top anime collabs for e7
Yuru Yuri
That one anime where all the girls are guns
Hunter X Hunter
Whatever it is I hope it's an original IP like Aespa. No more animeslop and isekaislop.
>yuru yuri
far to great for this shit game
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>start a side account because main account never gets any good characters
>instantly get all the characters i wanted
wtf bwos is this rigged?
Is Arby better than Stene after the EEs?
I never locked in my blessing, and I've already cleared Abyss which is part of why I chose Stene to start with.
arby gets picked more right now but that could change in the future, no reason to let either dictate your account. They bother get fucked by ml luna. i do use stene every month in nightmare raid tho
Yeah, fair enough. I've mainly been committing to the Banshee gamer life and building out turn 2 characters and slower strats, which is why I'm trying to figure out if I can actually really use either of them. Don't have many chars geared for PvP yet, but I've got ML Ken, ML Bellona, Aria, Riolet, ML Landy, SC Arowell, C.Armin, and Senya mostly done so far.
Just looking for more stuff I should build and add to my pile. I've got an ML Choux sitting on the sideline to be built as well, but that feels like it'll be hard with her needing about 260~ speed.
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bwos is pso2 a good game
I would say Arby, Stene EE is decent but its not a game changer for her as its just extra stats so even without the EE she can still be played unlike arby.
as for ml choux the 220-230 on ER and no crit can work too
I see, thanks. Might swap out Stene for Arby then after the free pulls. Was kinda thinking it could be funny to build him on a counter set, or just 0 speed Destruction.
well make sure you have enough currency to buy the EE first bro, that currency is locked behind challenging hall of trials and its not a newbro friendly mode so it will take a long time for you to get enough currency for the EE, i think stene being better in pve its probably better unless you really like arby
grats on your stacked side account bwo
JJK and frieren?
bros i think i just traumatized the fucked out of myself watching anal porn like that shit nasty as fuck wtf
its next weekeend and every weekend afterwards, newbros have one more week to get their w13 teams ready
Yeah, I've got the bit of freebie currency they gave us so I can buy the EE, no worries. It'll be my only one for a long fucking time though.
is the epic dash buff not enough for you you ungrateful piece of shit
Actually gwo, don't do that. Later, you get her for free via connections. Any other healer you could use until then?
We have bros in netori who are top 100 legend bot arena no one cares
yeah bwo, stick to vanilla
big if true
well bro if you like arby then go for it otherwise you may as well stick to stene and keep the currency in case a new EE happens to be released , personally i think arby with the EE is alright, but as the other anon said i do use my stene on pve content like nightmare raid and she is still really good for the abyss if you have not cleared it./
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Thanks bwo
e7 needs to collab with a kpop group again, im starving for some tight gook cuties
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These pen pieces from AI would work for a Riolet, yeah? I have a Lifesteal wep of similar ES too, but good rings are a nightmare.
Almost caps his crit with self imprint too.
Is the brown dragon sloot good bros
So like what main stat ring does BBK want? Eff res or attack?
Yesm those would work on most single target dps units bro, including similar units like adin.
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Based rabibro. Join netori.
you have to be a little more specific bwo, are you talking about ml ilynav, if so yes.
depends on the rest of your gear bwo, if you have enough eff res from the other piece go attack if you have too much attack go for eff res
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bwos this goblin event is so good for new players....
i can finally level my accessories....
please join lucklets, newbros are welcome
grats bro, remember to save your liefs for the super dash buffs which happen next weekend
what goblin event
sorry bro I forget every character in this game has 4 different versions but yeah the light one
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i bought this starter account and im just trying to get rid of all this energy trying to get a wyvern team for next weekend...
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Bros netori guild leader just got top 3 in outerplane!!
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bros /ourvtuber/ has a new song parody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u2_D90cQV8
>skips ml luna for ml choco
netoribros we may be forced to acknowledge her
big if true
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Are the gobbos gear viable for casual end game players like me? I quit 1.5 years ago. I think I was at champion
Top 3 of 3 player lmeow
are we winning bwos?
Not really bwo but i guess it depends on your gear, the roll at mid 80s at best so compare them with what you have (equipment now has an score based on how much stats they have so you'll have to login on your account to check it out) there is 100 free ml summon and a guarantee ml 5 though so its not bad to come back and play for a bit
They cost almost nothing to max out so you can try and see for yourself. Generally not for high end pvp stuff but you could get decentish stuff.
the mind goblin
if youre in netori then nyes
does anyone know how to get huawei store working in turkish lira?
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for new players really
the base is always max stats but upgrading it gives low rolls
lets new players get good/decent PVE right side gear with really low investment since its always red
also its like 4/5 charms shitty charms to get to +15
so you can give it to all your PvE characters and save charms for the potentially good PvP gear
How much attack does a BBK even want?
>Bad guy is revived exclusively by killing furries
ok this game is based
depends on your crit damage but at least 3k+ unless you are doing a counter bbk with bigger bulk
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Comfy saturday with my bros
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Guess I'll just hold onto this piece >>493411729 since I managed to make another decent one, and my Bellona needed bulk more anyways. Just gotta mod off the Eff for some Speed.
Could use it as an ML Ken piece as well if I went for EffRes, but I already have an okayish one on him.
do you ever just sit there, all sweaty, picking out cum from your tulpa using chopsticks and think to yourself "wow at least im not in lucklets" to try and improve your mood
should i buy/save ML bookmarks or there's never any events for those banners and i can roll anytime?
there are some event where you can select the banner to roll of but its not that great cause those units can also be found in selectors or the coin shop. if theres a new ml you want you should just roll for it, new ML take like 6-9 months to become available to be selected from events.
You can roll anytime, mystic banner is a little different as pity carries over compared to rate up banners so make sure you have enough bookmarks to hit pity before rolling on them (there is no mixed pool though so you can't get spook by a random 5* hero if you get lucky before pity), lastly refreshing the secret shop in the lobby its better than buy bookmarks with skystones (1.4x more bookmarks and you get 50 mystic medal every 300 skystones) only downside its that it cost gold, make sure you save all your mystics for harsetti though
galaxy or mystic medals? if galaxy then no you can use those whenver you want
are the green bookmarks the general recruit ones that you should just spend the moment you get them
ok thanks
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>green bookmarks
if you mean friendship ones, spend them on arena flags and energy
nice piece bro
no anon I did not mean the ones easily identifiable specifically as clovers that are incredibly rare at the start of the game before you'd have knowledge of each of the currencies I meant the covenant bookmarks which are apparently blue but look green between my phone's eye comfort filter and this game's miniscule AI that they give you a ton of in the early game
>brain autocorrected UI to AI
I hate 2024
well you might save them all for limiteds or your feminine waifu. see here what could happen if you don't
>at the end of daily ML summons random 5* ML
Why random. getting a homo after all this long wait will be so soul crushing for the player
covenant bookmarks should be saved for limited, collab and custom banners never use them unless you have 600 to hit pity on those banners and try to always have 600+ bookmarks saved in case collabs or limiteds get announced, in general it will take around 5k to 7k skystones to get 600 bookmarks if you refressh the secret shop depending on your luck
it's your own fault for expecting anything else
bwo we'll get the ml 5 selector in november
that's just a bad advertising that will make a bunch of newbies ragequit
So you're saying I'm bricked
well it depends on how many of them did you waste and if you have been using your skystones to buy more directly, also how long have you been playing and what did you get with them
but yes the most likely case its that you may have bricked your account if its really new and you got no ml5 or limiteds/collab character or 20+ speeders.
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I wish I could give her non-poverty gear bros...
that looks good bwo
I've just unlocked arena and spent all of the freebies I've gotten, but spent no skystones
I've pulled an Inferno khawazu and Empyrean Ilynav
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>new azur lane toloveru collab
>new event skins
meanwhile epic shit is preparing for a homo collab lmeow
Keep playing that account then ML Ilynav unbricked your account, she is the most recent ml5 so you unironically won the lottery while being retarded grats, check the deity newplayer guides on youtube or the beginner thread in the OP if you need help, in this game knowledge is pretty important its not bad to check those resources if you have time to do so.
>Play Raid Shadow Legends for a friend because they had a sponsor
>Discover it is straight up an Epic7 knockoff
bro's only ever played one gacha
I play a bunch of Gacha.
Raid Shadow Legends literally rips off a lot of Epic 7's systems. Play it yourself for 10 minutes, you'll see that it's just Epic7 but shitty(er).
>the most recent
but what if she turns out bad
she is SSS tier bro, no one in the game has her passive and its the only unit that will give defense penetration to your team, all you need is to select Aria and Destina from the full decked selectors and you could hit champion in arena with full goblin gear. You got incridibly lucky
Also ML5 units are incredibly rare, they are worth way more than whatever amounts of bookmarks you used, just becareful with your resource from now on, you basically hit stupidly low odds on getting a meta breaking ml5 on your random summons, specially one that will not be avaliable on the ml5 selector that happens in november and unlock a very newbro/f2p friendly style of play which is turn 2 or tankdown
finally my loyalty to dragon pussy is rewarded
so? at that point they already spent money
welcome back bro
Wait should I farm the goblin stages for charms or what
bro homos can be cool, everyone loved ml ken when the game came out
that's only total newbros that created their account really recently, old bros should still farm Unrecoreder History if they need charms or even hunts/rift
>pochi and exscathedra are still larping
um this is getting old gros
join serin
not him but it seems to give pretty good supply of accessory charms which most things don't, maybe worth if you need those more than other things.
Reminder that ML Ilynav is a good frontline unit for PvE because she scales off of HP and heals herself for free with S1 and pushes herself with counter so you can run counter set with her
why would you use her over the million other better options?
such as
Explain the guild lore to me bros
any other knight? since she brings nothing to the table aside from the indomitable and cleanse
she is simply just shit for pve
basically this >>493566175 <----
Thanks bro, hope you get the sloppiest head
which guild are you interested bro, every guild has their own lore
thank gwo your mom already left btw
Any of them except the cuck one!
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We rise again
I'm talking for that newfag who just got her, ML Ilynav works fine as a substitute before he gets SC Arowell
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netorare and rage
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gros do you think i can dodge crit.c for a new Mellona ring
nyes,, if not then use it on ml ken
he could also just use a soulweaver or fucking brieg the king of pve?
>inb4 homo
erm where is your er bro?
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It's over....
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>unfunny memes that only trannies understand
jesus christ rabitrannies hit new low
i kneel rabigods
rip bwo
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is uberius tooth a limited artifact? i need this shit for my amiki
its the only artifact in the game that doesnt belong to a specific unit hence you will never get a banner for it
pray for covenant luck/mystic luck
emm i think wind rider its also on that spot
You can buy as much copies as you want of them when they are in the powder shop rotation for 180 dust each
can i at least get it from the selector?
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that pic was made by a japanese
soooo..... Suisei?
man i hate this game, why does it keep giving me ml5 homos
homos can make your female team stronger bwo, just pretend ml haste is a girl trust me
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Why doesn't Lorina have a nose?
all the nutrients went to her tits
Commander or regular lorina?
bwo delete it before you get a 3 day vacation...
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bros how come fatgun doesnt do what nicocado did and lose weight
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>buying advertisement slots on illegal emulators
they are illegal?
Who is this
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we lost
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bwos i think im gonna win
low rolls coming your way
the armpit is a bit much
ML luna is better
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what the FUCK
Alexa's basket is like that too no? I still don't have it would be nice...
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ermbwos this looks better than all my red pieces
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Hello? FC?????
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what it looks like when my bbk wakes up at 1 hp after the rest of my team has been slain and murders them
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wow this goblo gear is insane

Should I farming the goblo, bros?
erm e7g said goblin gear was a scam?
purple gear is a meme unless it's speed

max speed roll is 2 its trash
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rabi gear?
>crit chance on a character that guaranteed crits
arabi gear?
The moment I either get DCorvus or STene I'm immediately using my ML blessing on the other
thats very smart pochi
what in the attached picture gave you that impression?
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i mean you should always gamble 12+ speed purple
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>netori just got 7 new interns in the last week
that makes it 126 new interns in the past year
really makes you think
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where the fuck are the lucklet interns
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haha...I've been rejecting all of them so they can join better guilds
big if true
maybe he did bro, wasn't he on the mountains becoming a blacksmith
they are legal bro, all their official content creators which are part of the content creator program use them.

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