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Miao edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.2.2: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-522
Patch 5.2 Devblog:https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/29-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-2-dev-blog

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Pharaoh Hotfix 2.0.1. :https://community.totalwar.com/twp-hotfix-201
Concept Art: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1829541017567256915

>Older Titles

previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/493065545#top
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I like shotgun units
Reminder that Miao Ying isn't her actual name. Her cervix is extremely weak to BWC and she turns into a cock-drunk pleasure-drowned mewling slut in bed. Some gaijin once told her she's "meowing" and she misheard and has built her entire personality around being "Miao Ying" for burly foreign devils.
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that's clearly a rocket launcher girl
very cute I might add
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Would weak(think no armor-piercing, low model count, something like dorf flamethrowers but longer range and less damage) rocketlaunchermanii be OP or would they fit? I'm surprised they don't already have a lord option that uses something like that, similar to Empire engineers and their grenade launchers
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>No more Skaven dlc
>Stormvermin never friends
>Verminlord never friends
>Skaven reworks never friends
>Thanquol NEVER EVER friends
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It's dumb as hell that they have this extremely oddly-shaped bit of map here that seems like it would be the perfect place to put the Chaos Realms but they don't. Literally just copypaste it over from RoC and toss some one-way or daemon faction-locked teleport gates leading to the material world and you're done.
I hope they find a way to shoehorn the chaos realm battlemaps into immortal empires.
All that work goes unseen now and it's not the maps fault they were stuck in a shitty campaign.
i poste again :)
Whats the original pic without Thanquol edit? The art looks really cool
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Time to take out the trash, and by trash I mean Morathi's 20 black arks.
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No clue, never seen it
>new in 2 hours
Where will yinyin be on IE map? 3 dragons already in china she will surely be somewhere outside but where?
>sea dragon
inb4 m*rienburg
A new landmark in Maelstorm. Sea Dragon's bones.
Once Yin-Yin gets released and she ISN'T a blue-haired anime girl like Aqua and is instead a fugly middle aged bitch I'm going to laugh
could stick her in myrmidens to give cathay a start in the old world since its a big trade port and to kill us dogs of war hopers
Why would you laugh? Nobody genuinely expects her to look attractive because CA is pathologically incapable of not making every female Warhammer character ugly if not mediocre at best.

As always, Modders Will Fix It[TM]
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1st they have to open all the unused space.
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We already have stormvermin, dumb ligger.
Week 1 mod fix. If not day 1
>Katarin and Elspeth seem young-ish and have decent faces
>Nun clothes that conceal all hair
YJK there's some fat bitch on CA's art team that goes through all the women designs to make sure nothing hecking problematic and objectifying gets through
really should just shove more regions into that top right corner for chaos fags to play around in
would do wonders for uncluttering the map even if expanding the whole map upwards by a province or two would be more ideal
>likes to travel
>kind of a fuckup
she's an instathot
>>kind of a fuckup
NTA but isntt this fanon?
Do you think she's grown to hate Koreans and Chinese?
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See >>493249740
>>>Stormvermin never friends
Stop projecting, ligger.
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Yin-Yin in the Southlands bowl!
oh no no no no
Should put her in Sudenberg desu
Right now Repanse and Volkmar gangrape all the TKs and wipe them out with ease every playthrough, they can do with some competition
BUILT for ratcock and lizard hemipenes
Hotfix in 41 mins.
if the have drawbacks, in this case a lack of AP damage and being vulnerable low model units, then no they wouldn't be that OP
Yinyin peed herself again.....
>gets rekt in Lustria
>gets rekt in Araby
>cities full of Tzeentch cultists
she's a good girl, but a bit of a mess
They will make Yin yin a guy. You saw it here first.
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>Stormvermin never friends
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Yin-Yin is going to be a great lord and super fun to play and really cool
when her trailer comes out everybody is going to be like "wow Yin-Yin is super cool!!" and everybody is going to love her and her DLC is going to be the highest selling one to date!

trust the sea dragon plan!
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Yin-Yin will never be released from captivity. Miao Ying and Yuan Bo locked her up because she was too big of an embarrassment to the family. She spends all her time in human form in Nan-Gau NEETmaxxing, reading yaoi scrolls and playing board games.
That's what IEE did
She's still allowed to eat humans, right?
Exclusively humans
Nope, Miao insisted everyone was needed for the war effort so she's been forcing her sister to eat normal food as a punishment. This far inland there isn't even any seafood to be had. Poor Yin-Yin...
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You know what, who cares, all ratniggers looks alike.

Now ignore the part where I looked like a bitch
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ngl, I want to apply correction to those cheeky Asian female NEETs
1 i reocngize this pic
2 that's unironically a guy (a """trap""") jsyk
not a neet
not a guy
it's 40 years old woman
its a picture you retards
Zamn! Yinyin looks like THAT?
Most fun suggestion for me would go full 'Yin-Yin's lost again' and have her start in one of several random coastal spots on the map.
Then I'd put Li Dao in the darklands, going on the offense against chorfs, until about 30 turns in you get a message that Zhao's let Gelt take over part of the southern provinces.
Who to believe? This is clearly the work of Chi'an Chi.
more like
>This episode... Yin Yin gets lost again... IN THE CHAOS REALM
>Smash cut to her running away from a bunch of daemons while looking for a coastline
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I'm closer to falling to Slaanesh over these Cathayan neet dragon girls than Tzeentch
does Yakety Sax play as she's running away from the demons?
we need a comedy series about her misadventures outside china
or a top gear show with Yin, Miao and Zhao as hosts
I volunteer to impregnate all the female neets in Japan.
All I ask in return is a lifetime supply of Famichiki.
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New in 5 min or 1 hour ?
It's ogre.
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>Empire Total War on mobile
Pharaoh had a video yesterday, so it's probably next week for steamed Warhams
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Dear god, never fought delves on max diff before, they're like the strongest enemies in the game now. AP 360 machine gun crossbows, feels like something out of a mod. Lost 100% of my chadtosans, including those in my starting army, the one who basically solo'd the brutes of the hound in Skarbrand's stack, and the unit that fought off three units of furies single handedly when they were eviscerating my caster. Lothern shall hence he known as "City of the Thirtheen-Hundred. Rest in peace, my godly friends.
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how do i join the "Cult of Pleasure" irl?
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Dude, you are literally have T1 trash against 3 stacks, what else do you expect? CA make AI back to Wh2 days with stack spamming. Hire better armies (not nessesary doomstacks, just better) or suffer heavy losses. This is how it should be, player shouldn't roll though map with starting trash armies with shit tier untis, it's way too easy.
Ignore that autist, he's been using the same faction and the same army for years.
>almost entire army of tier 1 shitters
>no ranged
yeah no shit it's hard
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3k bros, do you put ranged units in non-strategist retinues? For when u want ranged but no strategist in the army..
I always have a strategist
it's how you get the good shit like the chu-ko-nu and the trebuchets
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Thomin want's you...
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yeah I just got a treb on my other stack
but fuck, both commander n vanguard are cav-focused...
>exile some dude because he cant work metal and stone instead of finding him a different job
this story created by WHFRP is directly contradicted by other things, at least most of it is
skavor likely has nothing to do with skaven. it seems he existed but, beyond being a dwarf with the power to "shape flesh", nothing is known about him
his power is also completely unique to him among dwarfs, how it works and what it even means is not known either
if the equipment in TWWH3 is anything to go by, he didn't even have any special powers, it was actually from a set of magical gauntlets
>t. increasingly nervous rat-thing
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jesus every important char is within 1 province of me the horn of china is a clusterfuck
>dwarf myth
Made up nonsense with no bearing on reality *tips tiara*
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shes dried up as well only gave 1 child and its a girl, where tf do I get concubines need male heirs
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That's the Central Plain for you
How the fuck do you use Bloodletters? I try and use them as a hammer to my Warrior anvil and they immediately die as soon as anything sneezes on them. Autoresolve shits on them too.
you get a bunch of them
a lot of bloodletters
and you charge all of them directly at the enemy
Today I will try out SFO
SLAYERS (armored) enjoy
Unironically just use more warriors
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does the dragon mean anything related to liu bei or the han or is it just a cool dragon
You guys are making three kingdoms look fun... I might have to buy it sometime...
watching the show took it from "what the fuck i don't care about any of this" to "holy shit its that guy and I can play as him", great show and intro to the setting imo
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I still cannot play as this guy
I onyl use Overseers so I can hear some more great Chorf voice lines like 'Hashoot drrrengi dreng!'.
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you dare step to the white dwarf?
>all that flames against khorne
you're fucked
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uhh where do I get more characters? For stuff like administrator roles, I got 8 slots rn, huge
i dont see any fire resistance on any of his units, only physical and magic
How much is their fire res - 25%? Cause that don't mean shit, the same way you can melt the Dwarfs with spells.
>playing Changeling
>ally vlad
>get corpse carts because their bonuses actually work for ALL units, not just undead(it would specify if it was undead only)
giving +5 MA/MD and permanent vigor to chosen is OP
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that's such a huge oversight and it makes me mad! So easy to fix too (specify units with crumbling).
Yea, this armies built for farming treasure islands but they suck in sieges. If this was a map battle it would have been closer but trying to get units off walls is impossible. They keep running back. Ironically for coast thought I think horde tactics might be my best option against these guys. They'll drop crabs or depthguard just as fast and artillery is boring as shit.
Dance macabre works on living units too. Might be lore or tabletop related.
Are Irondrakes really better than Thunderers for that kind of massed spam?
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Don't underestimate these guys in her stack though. They can get pretty monstrous. This was from earlier in the campaign.
sacrifices were made

i just use them for fun and because grombrindle buffs them. they are super good but kill drench your own units in dawi hell fire as well. i normally just use a stack that matches LL buffs. belegar is still running around with miners and rangers
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forgot pic
that's all I've gotten from this thread, sorry
actually now that i think about it i should probably just replace the longbeards with more irondrakes since they have all that fire resist and use one group as bait for the second line to fire into
ETWfags showing their true, mobilefagging gachasucking colors now like the RTW and M2 fags
>with having only 1 shitty outpost settlement left, vlad turns an army of 4 t1 chaff units into this in 1-2 turns
where the fuck did he recruit all these units from? is the AI just spawning high tier units out of thin air now?
any mods I can download that just let me cheat-win battles? I refuse to play a game with AI cheats this obscene
> is the AI just spawning high tier units out of thin air now?
yes? Thats how VC work they can Raise units
brother... Vampires can raise dead...
how is he raising cairn wraiths, varghests etc while having 0 recruitment centers? are they are a horde faction?
vampires can raise dead in any province regardless of it being theirs or not, or having recruitment buildings
and if big battles have taken place with a lot of death, the units they can raise can be higher tier units too
so why do they even have recruitment centers then if they can just insta-raise a high level stack?
also thank god cheats exist so I don't let this bullshit ruin my campaign :)
because they cant raise infinite amounts from a province
they can only raise a certain amount until they run out and have to wait for the raise dead slots to replenish
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What brettonian units sued faction colors besides non-footsquire infantry?
rip AI cheatstack
>empire player
>NOOO WHAT GAME MECHANICS ARE UNFAIR *downloads cheat to win*
honestly? Not even shocked I cant even insult you thats how empire players are
I could've easily crushed Vlad's army with Elspeth's army which was in range, I just haven't played VC in depth and didn't realize they could raise an entire powerful stack in one turn, so I left Elspeth elsewhere. Why should I have a perfect campaign marred due to ignorance? If you're learning chess and you move a piece incorrectly, the other person will let you redo your move.
King, I kneel.
>AI using actual game mechanics
>NOOO it's a cheat stack
>he says while he actually cheats
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>Lost: 0
By The Emperor, my knees! T-they're bendin on their own!
from my perspective it was cheating, therefore it's cheating :)
>the AI can use mods
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God bless you CheatAnon
For the mortal men will surely curse you
>noooo you have to spend 20 hours researching each individual faction's mechanics by watching streamers!! you can't just cheat!!
umm so
the thing is
I'm just not gonna
spawning a fuckhuge stack out of nowhere in one turn is cheating in any previous total war title
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guys where do I find more characters in 3K to hire as administrators?
Average fantasoi can't handle what's normal in Attila or Pharaoh.
The game literally tells you everything how to play each faction on turn 1.
didn't play pharaoh because it was doa but in atilla, armies actually have to recruit units
>bro just play every faction in the game at least once
nah im good, got other shit to do
The AI got insane recruitment time bonuses on legendary and Attila would literally respawn his stack every time he died. But please keep spelling out you played on the easiest difficulty and never got to the end game with Attila.
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>get a game
>not gonna play it, got other shit to do
yes, respawning his stack away in his own territory, which is much the same as recruiting several armies at once and combining them which the player can do
not spawning a stack while inside the player's territory so you have no chance to recruit a defense
but please keep getting mad as fuck that I'm playing the game fairly :)
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cao magically pulls kong rong into his coalition and then makes him declare war on me even though I"ve been courting that nigger for the past 30 turns? epic
>history faction cant replenish their armies by raising undead
historyCHUDS btfo
this bait is getting sad now we've all had our laughs but you can shut the fuck up now
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the skink fears the stormvermin
im actually really enjoying the great weapon fimir's peformance, they've done great work against lizards
>has no argument
>gives up after getting mad
another notch for me
hell yeah fellow skavenbro
which rat is your favorite to play
Reply to people you pathetic worm, this is not /gsg/.
iirc you can invite people to your court from other factions
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all the factions, all the people and all their leaders in historical TW games are long since dead. Yet CA brought them back. As mere toys, dolls for you to play with. Mere shadows of ther original selves forced to dance to your tunes.
All historical titles raise dead.
nah I'm good
>Mazdamundi has taken the sword of khaine
is this part of the Great Plan too?
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no more scheming

is it possible to find a list of those or how tf do I find em conveniently
in your court, on the right hand side?
the plaques say yes
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According to the mosquitoes ?
Things I haven't remembered even after 100 hours of playing as the Chorfs:
>always put your dreadquakes on manual targeting and guard mode so they don't wipe out 2 units of your elite inf every single battle and then get baited into the frontline by the enemy
>daemonsmiths can heal constructs
>sorcerer-prophet and daemonsmith pistols give every unit they target 20% fire vulnerability
>infernal castellans have an up-close speed debuff
>skullcrusher trains are fun!
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thanks just noticed, made zilong the GOAT pm as well
>lord chili pepper
lmao liggers are so fucking dumb
some anons are really into playing the bad guys, it seems...
>British "Humor"
warhammer is a joke setting.
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huh so it's possible to have 2
lord chili pepper causing ass pain from beyond the grave
uuuhhh why are there rats in your elven city? care to explain yourself?
part of living in a big city
Lothernites know diversity is our greatest strength.
The skaven and elves discuss the great dwarf question once in a while.
didnt ironbreakers use to have fire resistance? why dont they?
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All according to the Great Keikaku*

*Keikaku means plan
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I fucking hate when this happens

and you just know she'll keep marching and i'll never ever catch that stack
I miss when you could pull hebrew hijinks in this game. They patched that out SUPER fast.
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is there a collection of all the warhammer unit soundbytes anywhere? Im trying to track down every variation of "they have wronged us"
Friday news day ?
Same Province ? Yes.
Same settlement ? No.
Why is that Amazon mocking the lizardmen?
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>Yellow Fang.
Worse, human pro Skaven apologists.
multiple provinces?
>skaven apologists
The Cult of the Yellow Fang think themselves and humanity as superior to skaven, and that humanity is the Horned Rat's true favored species.
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Open Lothern to human refugees from Old World.
They start to worhsip their dumb gods and stab people.
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This guy is literally sailing around, occupying a random settlement on the coast, sailing out, I can't fucking catch him, 2 other shit armies are doing the same and I can't catch them, what the fuck is thsi
>look up Magnus the Mad
>he was just some norscan retard who tried to invade Ulthuan with 200 men
You mean the same Unusual Location but in different Provinces ?
different locations in different provinces
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>download a bunch of mods
>play cathay because why not
>mfw i get raped by beastmen with minotaurs at turn 10
now that was a suprise
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3K has some cool weather sometimes though
I want to be the skink who did those handmarks on Mazdamundi-chan's tits.
those are human shaped hands... she did them herself
>play Taurox
>random beastman faction pops up right on the path to Naggarond
>it has 7 minotaurs
>it's from Khazrak's faction
>have enough beastpoints to force confederate him
>free minotaurs delivered to me on turn 10
Easiest campaign of my life.
So what factions can and cannot use locations of interest?
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> 200 men
Should have bring 19 mammoths
Wood Elves
>I don't know
Vampire Counts
Vampire Coast
Tomb Kings
Chaos Dwarfs
Only Order factions get locations of interest. Chaos, Destruction, and Death get theirs later.
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Why am I always fighting wars against five different factions at a time? It doesn't seem to matter how I play or what I faction I choose.
My kurunta campaign just ended on turn 23 because sarpedon declared war on me 1 turn before one of Hatti's vassals declared war on me. I had a nonaggression pact with hatti and they broke it. I beat 6 consecutive armies but still lost a settlement every turn before iolaos came in and finished me off.
The anti-player bais has never fucked me so hard as in dynasties.
AI uses turn counters to automatically force a certain number of wars based on difficulty. You answered your own question, anti-player bias is how CA disguises it doesn't know how to do difficulty.
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Mein Sigmar! Markus gets to fuck THAT!?!
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>Luthor Harkon has been my greatest ally so far as the Changeling
Crazy is drawn to Crazy. Thank you based Luthor for loaning me some gunnery mobs on giant crabs!
Is that one Amazon about to bad touch the vamp-admiral?
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wholesome father son rat slaying

Playing as Tamurkhan, I once convinced Elspeth to break all treaties with Franz. He declared war on her soon afterwards, a war that she won in a decisive manner

I don't know the exact mechanics, but once your faction strength is high enough, you can convince a lot of factions to break treaties (Grimgor, for instance, almost always agrees to break NAPs or even alliances)
This feels like the worst it's ever been. Not sure what to do really.
What does Mazdamundi-sama's uterus feel like
I imagine there's a brothel in Marienburg that specializes in cosplay like this
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these slingers are beast
So, Medieval 2 Remaster soon ?
Ribollita, Cacio e Pepe, Pizza
>Open diplomacy with malekith
>You should break your alliance with malus
>0.0 cost
What's that story name that basically a precursor for Prince Yuri Barkov

descent into the chaos weights? Along with Tzarina Katarin and Kostaltyn getting into the fight and tensions before the campaign, I want to listen to the audio on YouTube again.

Ripe for abuse. Again, I don't know the logic behind it (it doesn't always work), I'm guessing this is an option for a player who wants to ally with a particular race. Or it simulates a weaker faction agreeing to any demands coming from stronger ones (your). Doesn't always work but you can do a lot with what's available
Its a bug and its been known for ages, the devs just aren't ever going to be given the ten dollars from Sega to fix it
How to fix Druchii with a rework rework
-Make a choose one or the other building set in regions for either generating slaves or consuming slaves for income. income buildings stacks so building more in different regions in the same province is beneficial while slave generating building reduce income generated/public order getting in the way of profitability and stability
-add per army sacrifices that reduce loyalty of the non LL/Black ark commanders but gives good army benefits. (the lord is empowering themselves making them more rebellious) something like -5 loyalty and chance for -1 loyalty for 5 turns.
tie this in to murderous prowess which no longer passively activates.
-streamline cult of khaine and public order building like Morathi has
-har ganeth death night only provides buffs and starts at zero(maybe slight debuffs to hellebron at the start). you have to build death night meter through battles and you get enough you can do a death night sacrifice to move up a tier but has a significant slave decay rate to maintain. blood voyages is now is now a free upkeep army you can control under har ganeth faction that has high blood night generation. if you drop a level of blood night you lose the blood voyage the next turn.
-malekith has mechanics to vassalize any elven faction/race and gains more and more benefits as more LL elven factions are vassalized.
-Morathi gains slaanesh seduction mechanic
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so doomseekers suck and giant slayers are awesome?
Doomseekers are based and will murder infantry like nothing, especially with their axe swinging
Giantslayers absolutely massacre any large unit
Literally no one who has ever lived gives a shit about the dookie
I feel like Waaagh in battle should be available at the very start but only usable once
Always thought the whole point is that the initial "impact" of a greenskin blob of violence hits like a truck with all the momentum of them hyping themselves up for a big charge but if you hold out they start to fall apart
Doomseekers work best when you put them into any kind of infantry
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look at the little ants climb the wall
Trollhammer Torpedos aren't that different.
Has anyone else started getting that bug where everything freezes mid-mattle except for the camera and you have to restart bug again? I remember they fixed it awhile ago but it's started happening again and idk if it's my computer getting too hot or something
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The best tactic I've found for dealing with delves backed by a dragon wizard lords is to have Aranessa kill all of them.

I only get that on the sea map with the plateau. If you wait a super long time it eventually unpauses for me tho.
by chaos, i just want festus, ku'gath, epidemius and tamukhan to smother me in between all their as cheeks in a 4 way and shit all over me
How long is super long? I've gone and did other stuff while I waited and it lasted around 8 minutes before I gave up
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Back to basics. Feels good.

Like 15-20 min. Might not be the same issue if it isn't the plateau map with the memory leak.
Why is the aranessafag the only one posting campaigns?
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another day, another two lizard stacks killed in settlement defense
Doomkekers bad
Slayers bad
Giant slayers bad
Pirate slayers bad
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i should get more of these chosen halberds when against lizards, these two did 7k worth of work
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larping btw
She isn't, there's a medievoid and a Franz larper posting too
You now remember there was a black Karl Franz mod
True representation of Prince and Emperor
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Jesus. I thought fighting lizards would be over with after Lustria. These blue fuckers are taking over the entire world.
>grimgor got BTFO by Nakai
holy BASED
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Never seen this before, is it new?
No one cares about the drukeks
This sucks. Let's go back in time 5 years ago to 2019. Empire is supposed to suck, 3K isn't a real Total War, and Hyenas is going to doom the franchise once it comes out by making CA abandon it forever for hero shooter normiebuxx.
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its time for the new convert to earn his keep
Mods = cheats
>dookie lovers are ratfags
this explains a lot
To what ends
whats the lore behind skaven working with delves
I wish I was that rat, imagine going out to slaughter Br*tonnians all day and then getting to drain your balls into high-grade A5 wagyu Druchii pussy all night. The delf girls ordered to service you glare at you the entire time and are always on the verge of cussing you out, but they can't because they lost favor at court(which is why they're here in the first place) while you're considered one of Morathi's most reliable and loyal generals. Defiling 500-year-old clean-shaven ultra-refined elf cunt and flooding her precious "For Worthy Mates Only - DO NOT TOUCH!" womb, your stinky yellowish grody cum surrounding and bullying her egg in an attempt at cross-species fertilization. One day your bedslave will surely snap and slit your throat in your sleep but by that point you'll probably have packed enough rat seed into her that some of it has reached her ovaries.
the lore is if you have an immortal allied army lord under your control die of attrition they go into your lord pool and you can recruit them permanently when they recover
>but by that point you'll probably have packed enough rat seed into her that some of it has reached her ovaries
Genuinely, unironically have sex incel
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I watched Morathi chasing Tyrion's stacks around the map all campaign but never actually got a look at her army. I was expecting something... more.
By touching her so deeply it metaphysically corrupts her body so even after she's free from having to service ratcock and maybe even finds some lowly Druchi merchant who's willing to marry used goods, all the kids she'll bear will have rodent-like appearances.
The feared Dreadspearmanii doomstack
Warhammer is pretty channy in general but what factions are at the end points of the spectum? IMO
>Most chud
Obviously Dorfs, they even have that incel thing going on because there's like 10x as many males as there are foids
>Most tranny
Surprisingly not N'Kari or any DElf faction, I think it's actually VCoast in general, their "female" generic lords are obviously MtF troons trying to put on a passing voice and failing. VCounts stink of rot, but VCoast stink of rotting fish and we all know what that means
>Most channy
HElves are pretty much right in the middle, Cathay maybe as well
Opinion: CA should buff all generic Exalted Daemons.
It should never feel like a downgrade to go from a Herald to a Greater Daemon.
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An honorable clash of T1s. A blark somewhere deleted most of my army but Morathi definitely helped.
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I love the blue scribes,
Praise Tzeentch!
this is a retarded and I think you should stop
Basically when you ask someone to break a treaty with someone else, it SHOULD take their feelings toward the third party into consideration, with more hatred making it easier to break it for free. What HAPPENS is that it takes their feelings towards YOU into consideration instead and applies it to the third party
Definitely a bug and something that shouldn't be relied on because you don't know how long it'll stay in
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Treasure islands are the coziest total war experience of all time and were the best addition to the game ever. .
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DruKEKS btfo
>Superiorest faction shits on druchi
aren't you supposed to go mutalith vortex beast doomstack on changeling
Why does everyone hate dark elves?
That sounds gay and boring.
Most suitable faction for involuntary insemination
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everyone hates me except mommy wu and the southlands...
They are AP no ?
Would you like to estimate any of the upcoming lord stats?
You mean by asking to your ally one of their armies first ?
If ancient Chinese kept getting flooded by the yellow river, why the fuck did they still build all their settlements around it
90 armour
20% physical resistance

High health
80 armour
Has a ranged weapon

Above-average health
70 armour

100 armour

They are all melee-focused lords so I imagine they will be a little statchecky.
because it was also the best place to grow crops due to the very same flooding?
floodplains are very fertile lands
Have you seen the conditions in chink factories? They're basically retarded as a whole race, barely above pajeets.
If the British and French had nearly infinite reinforcements, WW1 would not have been won by Germany's economic collapse.
My country isn't capable of building factories. At least we have some cool rocks that are placed in a circle.
Nonsense desu, it's a magnificent and advanced civilization, they were even like centuries ahead in tech and beaurocracy than the japs back then, but today Japan catapulted in development, it's just the current of history that made the last few centuries unlucky for China, they're coming back these days tho
Fuck off Chang
Who was in charge of the German economy?
lol they invented gunpowder and couldn't even figure out how to properly use it until europeans invented guns.
floodplains are extremely fertile
sure you might get your house destroyed by the occasional flood, but it's worth the risk no pain no gain
also the Chinese figured out pretty early how to build dams, these help (except when the country has a huge civil war and there's no government to maintain them)
Terraforming has been part of Sinitic civilization for forever as a result. IIRC taming the Yellow River has been a major goal since the literal very beginning. They're also still on their bullshit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South%E2%80%93North_Water_Transfer_Project
>europeans invented guns
The ones guys that started using gunpowder effectively for warfare was mongols not europoors
3k armies look so aesthetic. I wish soihammer could have this kind of composition.
Europeans were the ones who invented actual proper smooth bore guns. As in, guns that don't suck.
First guys*

Yeah they're awesome but also there's only one race not like 10+, I bet it'd get boring quite faster than wh3, but yeah
One of my long-term hopes(or copes) for Warhams is that, running out of room to shove more "zoom zoom bang wahoo big monster/cannon!"-type shit, they'll be forced to start making deeper mechanics. It's sort of coming true with Empire getting electoral mechanics and Dwarfs getting a rework for free. Hopefully they keep going so the game moves away from being only a spectacle simulator. My ultimate cope is they'll make battle maps bigger and battles slower.
I'm pretty sure human-shaped hands have more than four fingers.
Just double-checked my minis, Skinks definitely have four fingers.
A reminder that Three Kingdoms had the greatest launch of any Total War game.
Whats the point of big battle maps when the fighting happens in one small section of it always though? If anything they're just an annoyance in Rome 2 etc
I guess. I'm just nostalgiafagging for when battles lasted longer and flanks went wider, I guess.
Positioning? It's not an annoyance in Rome 2 or Attila to actually have time to get to and utilize terrain.
I want destructive battle maps, cities that can burn to ash, civilians to trample, forests u can light ablaze and choke infantry, random buildings in the battle map you can possibly even use, 3k has structures u can burn and forests even burn tho, it's awesome

Rain is so fuckin frequent tho
Chinks are retarded because all the smart ethical ones died in the communist purges. All that survived was violent self-serving bugmen.
If there are no intelligent chinks why are all the news I see about them on TV seething about them
>Terraforming has been part of Sinitic civilization for forever
>they tried going at it thousands of years ago and are still failing today
Weird take, but OK.
Because they're outright stealing shit from western countries most of the time lol
That's just pure racist bullshit, the intelligentsia being massacred and mass calamity is nothing new to any major war in history and society always bounces back, people are much more maleable and a product of their environment than animals are, so you can't "kill out" ethics even if u wanted to, they just had a hard life under Mao etc it's that simple, the avg chink zoomer in 2024 living in smth like Shanghai or Beijing comfortably is no different than the zoomers in ur country
As far as deeper game mechanics go, I mostly wish for changes to controls/AI (like making skirmish mode better, and making more things similar to skirmish mode) to reduce the amount of micro you have to do, so you have more time to zoom in and properly appreciate the spectacle that is like 40% of the game's selling points.
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>watching TV
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Why would you do that? It's be like shoving your hand into a cold, dead fish that's been out in the sun for a week. Unless...you're a filthy heretic
I would seethe too if my clinically retarded neighbor was playing with explosives.
Those two statements aren't mutually exclusive anon, for example you've been thinking your entire life but that hasn't made you very good at it either.
> people are much more maleable and a product of their environment than animals
How convenient.
China is on par with most western places in the innovation index, and it's not "western companies" its American companies, you need money to boost innovation, and US has a ton of money, all the smart europeans and Indians and arabs and everything everywhere is goin to the US that's why their companies lead innovation like that, these days it's changing though and I bet China will start surpassing the west in that soon given how brainrotted and engrossed in fall of Rome bs the avg western teen is, while they still teach Chinese hard work
>its another "3k mentioned -> uh oh melty" episode
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>Red Eye Mountain, formerly known as Karak Ungor, or the Delving Hold is a massive fortress-city of the Night Goblins of the Red Eye Tribe, which was conquered during the onset of the Goblin Wars. At the Dwarfs' height during the Golden Age, Karak Ungor boasted one of the deepest and richest mines in all of Karaz Ankor. As the ore and mineral deposits were finally dug out completely, the Dwarfs simply abandoned the tunnels, never expecting the consequence of such ill-vigilance would have upon their kingdom.

this seems to be the reason karak ungol isnt the province capital and literally who khazid irkulaz is instead...i guess. although ungol *does* have a gold mine still, its just a minor settlement one

still ungol should be the capital and it should just have a special building of a depleted gold mine that does something

>they just had a hard life under Mao
And still do, even though Mao is long dead. The problem is not that they're chest-deep in shit, it's that they're settling in.
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That's North Korea anon you're getting your bugmen mixed up
>dont like working to fund niggers and importing more shitskins who hate you and ruin your country even more? you must just be lazy!

how boomer can you get dude? people are going to china because their companies dont have 80% nigger female quotas. its even going on within the us with companies fleeing tranny states like cali
Good. You should worship me as much as you worship the bugmen, then.
Wish Cathay got that instead of what their DLC actually was.
Many don't though, the rural population is still shit, but literally hundreds of millions of Chinese are chilling in pretty developed urban centers these days and it's only getting better, given how that country has more population than US + Europe put together they have their shit remarkably in order, Europe (still) can't even get the EU together and stop infighting
Chinks too, the only difference is that chinks have a bigger plot of land, so their explosives don't go flying out onto mine all the time. It's still dangerous, though.
Sure, the west is going to fall any day now you neutral, uninvolved party.
>Changs live next to flood-prone river so they have to fuck with it with terraforming for their entire existence
>Europe (still) can't even get the EU together and stop infighting
I know. Fuck those pseudo-right wingers that keep stopping the unification.
this faggot is the retarded miao smugposter isn't he?
I accept your concession.
Chink sales don't count because their government subsidizes and promotes slop for soft power growth, just look at how inflated the numbers are on the new Elden Ring clone while nearly 100% of reviews are in chink
Don't think it's gonna fall, US in particular is too big to fall, and it's still leading in every growth metric, Europe's hayday is long past and it's gonna be a geriatric old folks home eventually tho, while the American-Chinese block uses them as puppets

Near future events all depends on if Xi manages to snatch Taiwan before US can react, that'd solidify China's global rise
Who knows. He might just be part of a chinese collective of retarded Miao smugposters.
>Three Changdoms released over 5 years ago
>Still causing gweilos to shit themselves in rage to this day
You're schizo, the game is cheaper in China yes, about 30 USD instead of 60, it's popular there because it's by a Chinese dev and based on their most famous mythological work, hence the big Chinese playerbase, that game is nothing like elden ring anyways, it's not open world
>30 USD instead of 60 USD
And? 60 bucks is chump change for most Americans outside of muzzie illegals cleaning toilets for lower than minimal wage. 30 USD in chinkbuxx is a week's wage
>that'd solidify China's global rise
Yup, after they lose WW3 and become an American colony they will get aid just like Japan did after WW2. That will help them rise back.
I just can't wait for a repeat of 55 Days in Peking.
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is there some reason I can't jew grom out of gold to join his war? I can with the skaven, what's the difference.
He ate all of it
there should be a version of Godwins law but for tweggers and speedrunning irl politics and taiwan/ww3 from mentions of 3k
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Magister, apply your magical skills to this heretic's testicles
Given how much Chinese blow on gacha shit don't think it's a stretch to imagine the gamers there can spend 30$ on a popular release
WW3 isn't possible, modern economies simply aren't built for ww2 style total war, nor are Americans gonna be willing to die for an island of Chinese being taken back into the fold, and the small professional US army is good at fighting insurgents and proxy wars, not real ones between nuclear powers, basically it can't happen, if Xi snags Taiwan in a few days before US can react he'll probably keep it, if not it'll become a proxy war slog and might even collapse the CCP if it goes bad enough
> I bet China will start surpassing the west in that soon
a-any day now ...
>US army is good at fighting insurgents
>bad at fighting traditional wars
okay now we know this retard is trolling
It's kind of hilarious that all this started from some guy essentially asking why a civilization would base itself in a floodplain(which floods by definition) and we've reached Reddit-levels of "China is coming to eat my ass" discourse in less than 50 posts

Still not as bad as when TWTK first released though
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dragonwomen of nan gau!
The US hasn't fought a real war since 1945, the one time they did in Vietnam they lost, and no steamrolling saddam hussein's mutinous merc corps of drunk arabs doesn't count, no modern society or economy is ready for a ww3, and you're a complete trog to begin with if you think a ww3 will be fought over some Chinese libs on an island getting ccpd
she ate millions...
>"My dad could beat your dad!"
>"No MY dad could beat your dad!"
>Both dads are fat as fuck, one has spent the last 50 years stepping on ants, the other has a model boat hobby
>Both dads are also faggots and are having gay sex RIGHT NOW intertwining their economies and deepthroating their exports and gargling their imports
Ahhh... /twg/...
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Why are my lions african american
You could have said the same thing abot Russia before 2022.
>still going at it
Meanwhile Russia is still buying a ton of western products through intermediaries, the west is still buying a ton of Russian oil through 3rd parties, basically nothing changed except some barking and poor saps sitting in some wet trenches to take uninhabited steppe, some war, Taiwan would be more intense I guess, but it's only a matter of time until Taiwan falls, they're literally an island of Chinese people that's 100km off the coast of the mainland with a rapidly rising global footprint, there's no way they think they'll avoid the reunification, that's why I think they won't even need to invade, but who knows
why haven't you stolen your cousin's land like you were supposed to?

I mean the way you have 3 characters with 6 units each. it looks much more balanced than 1 general plus 19 whatever.
can Yin Yin take Taiwan?
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Yinyin is pathetic fuckup the same way the PLAN is, she would get shot down before she crossed the midpoint of the Strait. Only thing she can take is ratcock and even then not very well
>ratfaggotry out of nowhere
Guys, hear me out...armies split between dwarfs elfs and men
>why haven't you stolen your cousin's land like you were supposed to?
cao cao invaded twice so far, both times when i was getting ready to either attack or court liu biao, so idk what im supposed to do, not cao cao is gone but not before he roped kong rong and man baoxiu into attacking me, now im dealing with them
Skaven and chinks are so close the association is natural. Cope
also no one wants to unify and they all hate me now for being big, im probably doing smth wrong by ignoring assignments 2much
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I just did the wounded hero trick but he isn't appearing in pool. What gives?
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>walls destroyed because I took this last turn and Rakarth's dumbass declared war and attacked me at the same time
>enemies attack the gate right next to destroyed walls
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For anyone curious, this is what a green necrofex looks like.
That's what allied recruitment is for.
Nothing better than a sturdy front line of dwarf warriors and/or longbeards, more heavily armoured than your wimpy state troopers, and conveniently shaped for your gun lines to shoot over their heads.

Similarly, There's no better companion to a line of elven archers and spearmen than a rocket battery or dwarvern cannon rather than a crappy bolt thrower.
true that
What are the best options for a fully-mobile army? With no slow dead weight to worry about. I find Bretonnian cavalry doesn't have quite the defences to do that kind of thing.
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what's the point of this map if we both deploy on the flat ground and no way to realistically deploy most of the army on the ridge
Good idea, that will help deal with those undead monstrosities and orcs and demons
It would be some kind of... alliance of sorts
You should ask the wood elves too, I'm sure they'll initially decline but they'll warm up in 2 years or so
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I've been playing coast for 18 million years and I don't remember EVER seeing this banner.
It's Noctilus' quest battle map, I think
And no, I don't think the actual quest battle utilizes the high ground either
Is there ever a reason to raze if you're not a chaosfag? Even the demons themselves want settlements
If you know you can't hold it but you don't want the enemy recruiting from it either. I sent a stack around Lustria razing all the major lizard cities and it gimped their recruitment. Then recaptured them when the competition wasn't so fierce.
Why do you like coast so much?
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Helves look sick in pirate gold.

I like the adventure/biohorror hybrid theme and the same turn encampment. I also liek being able to raise dead. I also love tomboys and cheap, vanguard berserker infantry.
hes obviously mentally ill and wants attention for it which is why hes always posting his boring campaign
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well looks like your entire race is going to get deleted then buddy
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I also like how it makes people seethe
wood elfs get the big bucks for razing
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dwarf clerics. yea or nay
>Supposed to
Do you have any idea how much that would drain your economy? He also has permafliers on quests you need some ranged or fliers
I really hate how the AI evaluates settlements in deals
no practical amount of money is ever enough to entice them to fork over a region unless its a T0 minor region ruin and you're really, really, really good friends with them
the button functionally only exists to allow the player to dick around and conquer land for an AI pet faction for lulz
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Warhammer lore changes all the time and you can tell when someone first became a fan by what they consider to be cool and what they think is cringe and woke

in 10 years your average warhammer fan will look at female space marines and age of sigmar as the peak of warhammer and think of tw:warhammer as cringe oldfag stuff that doesn't belong in the setting like dwarf wizards and half-eldar space marines are looked down upon now
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>very low
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I think we're in the end of the forced dei n woke shit era desu
>end of the forced dei n woke shit era
No, just a lull. It will return full force after the amerifat election cycle that decides netanyahu's fate.
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>half-eldar space marines
RuPaul Girlyman would never! Is this true?
dumb kangs took galbaraz from khorn behind my back while i was fighting skarbrand and a wrong needed to be set right
>tw:warhammer as cringe oldfag stuff
No they won't since Empire has black people in the roster now.
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like how fantasy fans look back on lord of the rings and thinks its dated trash right...

no non-insane person is ever going to accept your tranny nigger female fetish dude. just leave people alone
>he doesn't know about Grom
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works on my machine
I traded 4 settlements with wurrzag. Buildings and settlement level definitely contribute to value, and it seems the red military buildings are always the most valued, maybe because they're the only ones that always seem able to be converted to whatever culture.
>and you can tell when someone first became a fan by what they consider to be cool
>and what they think is cringe and woke
High Elves
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No idea how she lasted this long but I have new eliminated the last of my competition.
Are there any banners that give vanguard deployment?
Damn those grail reliquae are doing way better than I thought possible
Those are clearly pontic royal cavalry, idiot.
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Rest well dawi, you did yer best...

And this was the second attack they withstood that turn.
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In the truly character defining moment the Yellow Duke must fight his own kind of control of Bordeaux.Like two opposite sides of the same coin, one shrinks from the light while the other carries it.
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rip france. hopefully mongols clear the floor the the cumans theyre being annoying
good strat for dawi vs chorf?
Our hero fell in honorable melee combat with their lord but his heroic knights avenged him. I'll take it I guess.
Snipe their artillery and you win the ranged battle. Copters or cannons will usually do it
After that just shoot the most dangerous target
arty, thoondabarges, quarrellers, irondrakes. You can outgun and outrange them. Choppers aren't as good a bet because their BVLLS will easily...bully them.
Unironically despite the powercreep and how cracked Chorf artillery is, you can outgunpowder them
Inb4 coomer responses but I think the chorf LH(i forgot his name) would be decent
He's already from a slaving society but isn't top dog, more like an overseer, so I think he would adjust to servitude relatively easily
Any of the other characters are either too treacherous, have too big egos to be subjugated, or are metaphysically dangerous to be near
Forgot pic
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I call this my "Super Lizard Mega-Genocide Ultimate Holocaust Complete Lizard Extinction Now" army.
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The lost tech
I still wish they'd improved naval battles instead of giving up on them entirely. They're such a major part of warfare.
well there is naval warfare, protecting your coasts and stuff, you just fight it with armies instead of navies
The problem is that they chose a terrible way to implement things like boarding in Rome 2 (i.e. no different than boarding in Empire and Shogun 2) and implemented at the same time as "all armies must have generals, so if you take out an enemy admiral then next turn they get a free top tier warship :^)".
those bucks come pre-broken or what?
>rip france
I fucking hate continentals
simple as
Yeah but posts like this always assumes that because CA was retarded before it's impossible for them to un-retard the implementation if they had kept working at it
I firmly believe that Bull Centaur lords for the Chorfs are too good an idea not to implement. We ARE getting them, the hobgoblin khan generic hero, the hobgobla bolt thrower, the siege giant and the kolossus giant robot from one of the Black Library books. It's certainly a safer bet than the insane belief of some ITT that the High or Dark Elves who are feature-complete will be getting a DLC!
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Trust me, CA has been retarded forr a long time. The history of TW is basically:
>Shogun 1 and Medieval 1 are breakthroughs in RTT genre, but have a few small flaws
>Rome 1 is a massive hit that corrects these flaws, but the AI is retarded, Rome is OP, civil war mechanics are a mess, and a lot of units are fantasy or ahistorical
>Medieval 2 barely got made, most of the good things about it are almost accidental
>Empire is a massive overreach and linemannii are fucking boring to fight with
>Shogun 2 is a return to form, but effectively only one faction (because they'd have fucked up otherwise)
>Rome 2 we all know about
>Attila is a return to form
>Warhammer 1 was a bit of a mess
>Thrones of Britannia sucked
>Warhammer 2 was a return to form
>Three Kingdoms was a flop
>Troy was a flop
>Warhammer 3 was a bit of a mess
>Pharaoh was a flop
I wouldn't say "Total War was never good", but every single game has something you can criticize and hopefully that CA would learn from but they have the memory of a goldfish and not only are good mechanics lost technology but they keep making the same mistakes.
what sort of retarded faggot loser uses a term like "feature-complete" unironically?
>shogun 2 is the most spearmanni of any title
>is the best title

fantasoys, our response?
I'd actually consider that a problem, as while Ashigaru should be spearmanni, what that meant was that cavalry wasn't that great which is ahistorical to the period.
cavalry was ok, they definitely feel worse and less powerful in total warhammer. also that period was literally the one in which the power of nip cavalry was totally broken
Broken by muskets, though. Not spears.
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problem grom?
What motivates an army comp like this?
What's wrong with the army? It seems pretty normal ranged and infantry comp
>cao cao invaded
that's when you were supposed to abandon your starting land and slither away to shu land like a snake
Some men just want to delete enemy units on contact.
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is morathi the greatest girlboss in history
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Just so you guys know when you're being mean to the Satrosa player this is who you're being mean to, because this is literally me. I'm embedded in her stack, following her always in hopes of enjoying a single downwind fart, tongue waggling in the air to catch her every errant bead of sweat. While you're melding with your gaming chair her pale, clammy cheeks are clamped tight around my face until I tenderly nibble every last dingleberry off her sweaty back hole. While you drown in rage I'm enjoying a cleansing stream of her dark orange urine running down by face and throat, filling my stomach with salt and brine. When she impales your legendary lord on her titanic futa cock I'm the one working her balls until her victim detonates in a thunderous cumplosion. And it's me lapping up her precious spilt seed as it mingles with their splattered blood, bottling it like rum to chug greedily, or to age and sip slowly in our twilight years together. I'd have shared it with you, if you'd only asked. I am content. Thriving. I ask nothing else from life. I know my place, and it's here, documenting us, our rapturous dance of love across all of time and creation.
i want to cave your skull in so bad
cheap general purpose army used for garrison duty. grom caught me in a lightning strike while right outside the city so the garrison cant help. its normally about half the size since its meant to fight with a garrison during heavy sieges but i increased it to a full stack since grom had multiple stacks hanging around the city
naval combat was never good and anyone who claims it was obviously only played a land focused campaign where you barely engaged with the mechanic.
>hit end turn
>no less than 6 shitstacks attack you
>can't autoresolve any of them without taking unrealistic losses
>you must fully wipe every one or else they will use massive free movement to sail past your blockade and bombard your ports
>good luck doing this since the enemy will always deploy hugging the white line so they can instantly escape as soon as they take damage
>literally every single turn and the only way to stop it is by capturing every single enemy port
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Since I've had to have Morathi murder her idiot son there's a lot of witch elves that presumably need to be rededicated to Slaanesh so maybe work that into your rat based spank fantasies you lil freaky boy/girl

i dont really know what witch elves deal is except not fucking cuz they love murder too much maybe thats not canon enough
You're probably the nigger constantly asshurt that the AI is able to use movement points to run away from your army.
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what, they're going to fix that insanely broken pile of shit and now it has a chance of being a decent game?
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>Empire actually gets fixed, with Napoleon style linemanni that's actually different
>it's an IOS port
>use movement points to attack me positioned to stop you from getting past
>get rewarded with completely free movement points that let you get past where you were supposed to have been stopped
it's a fucking cheat
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Real fukin comfortable
Oh she's baiting my blubber alright
How do you deal with a doom diver with this army comp?
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the grudge throwers were enough to deal with it but i also had that miner spell that acts like the rats lurkers below thing which totally sealed his arty. i was on a hill too so i dont know if that gives me more range or he just brought it up too close but i was able to hit it with the throwers
You guise do know that a month-long ban on playing Order factions is coming up in October, right? So what evil factions will you be playing over that month?
>Implying there's any option but Spooky Scary Skellingtons
VCount, then TKangz, then VCoast.
vampires (kemmler), as is tradition
I'm gonna start copying posts from here and putting them on the r/TotalWar subreddit as my own and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.
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dumb kangs has to be my least liked faction. i cant even bring myself to fight battles against them, i just always auto resolve
sexy nurse
I mean azazel
I haven't used this tactic in a loooong time, because TW AI is babby tier now, but can you still siege a settlement in Warhammer and enter battle, but not to take the city and win initially, but kill off the defenders?

Sieges have been an absolute joke since Rome 2 and the 5min battle days.
>Be you
>Gunpowder faction but without your gunpowder units
>Be not you
>Gunpowder faction
What now?
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>never gonna let you go
what are you on about? i never stopped dooting
yeah you can withdraw and attack again the same turn if you still have movement
Real life armies and formations.
Some of us have been playing since rome 1, and some cryptkeeper larpers have even played medieval 1 and shogun 1, bless their decaying bones. I would model my legios after real ones, name them after historical ones, and place them in their respective territories. Now we have fantasy and everything is just hamfisted in, and nu-players don't care as long as it looks the part, but it's not hard to absolutely shit all over the AI using tried and true tricks of warfare.
I fucking kneel
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Very good. I will dispatch a rider to commence the assault at once. Collect your bounty of body parts from the slavemaster at the end of the tent, and leave quickly before the assault begins. I cannot guarantee your safety.
All those historical battles where 35% of the army was made up of non-military mine workers throwing giant bags of explosives explosives.
Do you know what ashigaru are? War hasn't changed much, not even pixel war anon.
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the miner units are a trained militia....they are also fucking DWARFS
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In medieval Japan, they used to call "miners" ninja.
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General Schwartzhelm's 3rd Grunburg Light Regiment of Foot has marched right into two stacks of Vampire Counts led by none other than Vlad von Carstein himself. Mired in low ground afore open-earth strip mines, it will be a race to claim and hold the heights to the left flank of the road before enemy reinforcements arrive in 4 minutes and 25 seconds...
every dawi knows grobi bashing is part of the job. you don't even get hazard pay for grobi
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Oh no no no no
Are any Vampires considered strategical minds? All I ever see or read is that they raise hordes of dead as far as they eye can see and just wave attack. Everyone knows individuals like Abhorash are unparalleled tactically, but are they limited by the fodder they command or does a strategist exist who can work with even zombie hordes?
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A seasoned commander, Vlad has his forces remain concealed in the treeline, nullifying the impact of the Helstorm companies attached to the 3rd... Something must be done to draw the foe out of the woods before the second stack of undead arrive.
>exquisite vineyard
>cult of the exquisite cadaver
>some say, it's a really nice vineyard, stayed for the weekend gave it 5 stars on yelp
>chance for events to trigger related to this location
>related to this location
none of this is mutually relevant if I want to nitpick, it's just a vineyard, what am I missing here?
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Traditional military thinking places great emphasis at occupying the center, so as to limit the enemy's potential for maneuver while maximizing one's own. With his artillery dismayed by tree cover, General Schwartzhelm defaults to the lessons that were drilled into him for years at the Altdorf Imperial General Staff. Handgunners are ordered to station themselves around the forwardmost strip mine, with Greatswords concealed in the lower terrain.
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With his undead host bolstered by the arrival of necromancer Johann von Zherden's skeleton and blood knight reserves, von Carstein has his herald sound the advance. The opening handgun volleys echo in the distance. General Schwartzhelm observes from a distant hilltop with a bodyguard of Empire Knights, waiting for an opportune moment to turn the enemy flank.
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>he doesn't know about the patriotic tradition of satchelchargemanii
who falls for this? YOU WILL LOOK COOL SUICIDE CHARGING WITH A BOMB, WE SWEAR! fucking governments
AI likes to push its artillery in so its only using ~66% of its full range from what I've noticed
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...but it his his right that gets turned instead! Undead cavalry with terrorgheist support come out of the trees, forcing him to launch a countercharge against exposed Helstorm rocket crews.
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Stop bullying lizards! They didn't do nothing!
I had a kumon tutor who went by the name "charlie" and told me one day that he fought in the war and used to blow up bridges, he told me he would tell me stories later, but ended being distracted by the Korean kids he would give extra "tutoring" to with his ruler lol. Many times I would see him just staring off with a 1kyd stare of sorts, but he never looked sad or broken about it, at times he looked like he was reminiscing over fond times.
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crashed into the lizards flank with heartseekers hidden in the woods
some men cry in a foxhole wishing they were home
some men make ear necklaces
funny world
It's not so much that they're pushing the arty in, but the arty is having to keep pace with the rest of the formation because the AI normally won't separate it's force and leave the arty in the back.
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At least the center is holding. Zombie packs that come shambling out of the treeline are quelled with Imperial efficiency.

Vlad, foreseeing the killzone that extends from the woods to the mining pit, has elected to take the high ground that Schwartzhelm abandoned, advancing behind defilade. If their push is left uncontested, they will sweep down on the unsuspecting 3rd and sweep them from left to right.
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The hills! They're coming over the hills!
And then, decades later I met another soldier from GWOT for a different type of instruction, highly decorated, highly skilled, whom others tell stories of how cheery he would be in combat. He gives me the impression that he's a little sad he didn't die in a massive firefight.
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The attempt to conceal the Greatswords on low ground would prove to be Schwartzhelm's undoing. The planned maneuver of retiring the handgunner companies to a safe distance while the trap was sprung couldn't be pulled off in such chaotic conditions. Handgunners heading one way and greatswords heading the other way wound up obstructing each other.
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The crack of gunshots grow sparse as increasing numbers of handgunners are forced to draw their sidearms for self-defense. Having abandoned the high ground to control the center, it is now the center that is collapsing.
>ahhh, to die in battle
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what did you just say? say it again, i dare you
I see your schwartz is as long as mine...
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I want mulan-style rocket mortars teams, with an ror that shoots actually colorful firework-style rockets.
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The right flank is saved, the terrorgheist and blood knights slain, but the center has given way completely. Greatswords find themselves fighting as individual brigades in a churning sea of undead rather than as part of a larger strategy. Helstorm crews abandon their posts to flee.
beware the man who wears two watches in a one watch game
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A short-lived defensive line is set up at the rear of the forward mining pit, but the front is moving too quickly. The general is nowhere to be found and the captains and lieutenants were last seen being eaten. The surviving handgunners can only manage a few desultory volleys before being noticed and run down.
Doomseekers are situational.
Giantseekers delete large and can at least trade sort of evenly with armored elite troops.
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The battle ends in a massacre. Though General Schwartzhelm and a handful of retainers and stragglers were able to flee, it will go down in history as a textbook example of Imperial gunnery being overwhelmed by numerically-superior undead.
they need like 10 or 20 more models
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vanguards(red) for cavalry and strategist(blue) for ranged, you can add green for spears to keep front
blue and violet also make best admins with green being food producers
yellow kind of suck
red cavalry and ranged troops kick ass especially in vanilla
yeah cao cao after taking all that have advantage over everyone else
best screenshot
really has the vibe of a swarm about to fuck some shit up
>The battle is won, as the necromancer fell, so too did scores of undead legions, falling to piles at their own feet. Bone, pallid and rusted armor, clumps of rancid decaying flesh with bis of hair still left attached, all into small piles where they once stood as an unbreakable wall the corporal thought would surely stamp over him in time. He takes a seat upon one such settled mound of flesh and steel and bone and looks over the faded insignia upon the battered shield this once former footman of the Empire once carried by his side. The corporal thinks to himself, that could have been me under the control of the necromancer, bound to an unholy will to bring destruction and chaos to all he holds dear. He hears the horn of his seargant in the distance and stands to his feet once more. It is then when his eyes snap back to the shield and he realizes. As his eyes lock upon the faded insignia once more, they widen til the whites both under and above are clearly visible, his jaw slackens. In the corner of the faded and worn cover upon the battered wood, he spots a small emblem, a fleur as it was called, and he realizes it was no fallen brother of the Empire he battled, but a Bretonnian! He snaps to look westward and that's when his grip loosened upon his sword hilt. Cresting over the hill was a mass of undead at least four times as large as the one they had just survived. Bretonnia has already fallen. He understands now, no help will be coming, there will be no reinforcements, no relief from the nightmare he and his men have endured day and night against the undead armies that never tire or lose number. He spots his seargant who has now stopped bellowing that damned horn and is looking straight at him, yelling for him to form up against the new threat. He tightens his grip once more and a faint grin cracks at the corner of his mouth. If all the world has already fallen, then this depression of corpses shall be his new empire.
just hire them, there should be plenty of them begging for employment
just like irl china with highest youth unemployment because its economy is beginning to fracture kek
they didn't get flooded often, before getting new crops from Americas(maize and sweet potato) thanks to Columbian exchange they had like few floods per century
after they got it, population exploded and they started chopping forested hills for more arable land and then rain was carrying soil into the rivers and river started flooding regularly(few major floods per decade)
before they keep it cool because both wheat and rice is rather demanding crop where maize and sweet potato can be grown everywhere
they were retarded before communism ever existed
Got wh3. For dwarves should I get the king and the warlord dlc, malakai or wh1?
this, he is a faggot and what is worse he is a boring one
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My vassals cancelling trade is what's really retarded. No longer is there a squalor stat, but I can sense it in their minds.
>CA would learn from
ca learn all wrong things from their mistakes
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>cryptkeeper larpers
I played shogun 1 when it was released
heck i even played Centurion Defender of Rome on Amiga 600(at my friend house)
>feral games
fucking faggots
Shogun 2 was amazing to play in it's prime. The jump in detail was like going from 2d sprites to low-poly 3d, doesn't seem like much, but for it's time it's huuuuge. The castles were awesome, the music was phenomenal, the voice acting was superb and hilarious, the art was real art. It even expanded into the next era so people could mix gunpowder against swords. We will never see the likes of it again from nu-CA.
I salute you anon. I only had exposure to some of those games through older cousins.
that is world problem, not only china
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yeah, I didn't like Shogun 2 much and still don't but I admit it was really looking good especially compared to Empire
my first strategic game was Hamburabi played on ZX Spectrum in school, before that I played board wargames mostly with myself
So where did Eben von Liebwitz go? Did CA take him out back and shoot him?
>female elector count
Woke shit.
roc is so much better than ie when the faction objective is anything but souls
Shiiiet da's Emmanuelle mang
not woke at all, she is rightly portrayed as the ditz socialite she is
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also Emmanuelle was never in the game lol
CA went full retard and pulled a reverse woke play that benefited no one
i need all the elector counts you can summon
WH1, you'll have more fun with Thorgrim and Ungrim than Belegar and you'd get Grombrindal anyways.
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who even are you
the wagon emplorer has spoketh pwepware to die shtunty
I imagine her as the kind of rich bitch that does the ohoho laugh
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LL for this feel?
The ai made the pits turn around in a docile manner, it just looks like babu is a hound master and is about to lead his dogs of war.
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They ambushed her while she was on tour around the inner island
no it's a high elf whore and her murderous pack of dogs, I'm telling you it's the everqueef
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Karl Franz, I dunno anymore
>Make AI Technology!
So true...
please tell me the gift is a 4" long clit
The gift is her feeble wiener disappears and is replaced by a functional pussy and womb and she gets to live as a real elven woman at last
Can I like beastmen and not be a furry?
>like how fantasy fans look back on lord of the rings and thinks its dated trash right...
I mean it is kind of dated trash.
>play as someone new
>just gripe and want to play as my usual LL
>play as my usual LL
>know all the motions and so want to play something new
I know the solution is just to play a different game for a bit because like I'm burnt out but still, I don't want to
>t. rings of power fan
why would I like that when I already said I hate LOTR. The story is just boring, something like conan is so much better.
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>lotr dated trash
>conan not
isn't that kinda like whining that war of the worlds is dated trash horror while liking rats in the walls?
>this guy says lord of the rings is boring and then praises what is possibly the most basic, uninspired setting ever devised by man
it's generous to even call it a setting, it holds zero value when conan isn't on screen, wandering around and doing random iron age barbarian shit
I dont know much about Conan but isn't it only really boring because it has the LOTR thing that like everything borrowed from it? Doesn't like the concept of liches in fantasy come from Conan?
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these niggers would have an aneurism from reading beowulf, gilgamesh, and iliad/odyssey if fucking liches are nebulous to the illiterates in this fucking thread
I'm less certain about fantasoi, but 40gay was 100% better in 2004 when I first found out about it.
no, it's boring because 90% of it is just a bunch of forgettable low fantasy iron age humans and then the other 10% of it is some monsters and extremely tame magic, it's just a background cobbled together with minimal effort to watch conan the barbarian beat the shit out of people and occasionally job
the grounded parts are more boring than real life and the fantasy parts are less interesting than actual mythologies
you might as well just set something in the actual iron age
What does that mean though, saying nebulous means nothing in that context or in relation to any post in the thread that mentioned liches
I'm not gonna give him a (you) if he's not actually talking to me, he's arguing with someone else
I'm sure you think that.
Yes and unless you answer then I'm going to take that as you agreeing with me, so, your call
That's fair, I've never read it and only really know about some of the aesthetic things of being like looking like pulp fantasy stuff
>Yes and unless you answer then I'm going to take that as you agreeing with me, so, your call
I bet this happens to you often.
So ye you agree with me, thank you. I'm not fully understanding why you replied like you weren't at first then
Yeppers, see >>493365750
Delusions don't count lmao
You literally agreed and chose to say that you agreed
>I'm not fully understanding
this happens to you a lot unfortunately
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm nyo
You're the one not understanding that I'm just saying what was agreed to
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High elf campaign (Teclis moved to Lothern and auto-kill and confed all other Helf LL)
>Raped by druchi
>Raped by Slaanesh
>Raped by Corpse Niggers
>Raped by Norscans
>Raped by French Niggers
>not understanding
yeah we know, dude
The vampire coast from the south and the STUPID blood voyages from the north combo make me want to cut myself and feel like I'm pulling teeth every time I play
We can at least agree Warhammer fantasy isn't that good of a setting right
>We can at least agree Warhammer fantasy isn't that good of a setting right?
Compared to all the other goyslop fantasy settings (especially the recent ones from novels like Fourth Wing), I think I'm happy with liking mediocrity.
doesn't that imply that it is a good setting just overrated? that's gotta be like every setting in general that is popular by now
it's better than most because it has guns. most fantasy settings are gay because they don't have guns. I am american and my fantasy is shooting dumb wizards in the face. settings without guns don't allow me to indulge in this fantasy so they are bad fantasy settings.
what about gun wizards
It is good for what it's designed to do
the only contender for better fantasy setting is lord of the rings
What do you think about disc world
What about military buildings do you bother with any? They seem unnecessary in 3k
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r8 my Grand Alliance of Chaos
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you should have made moulder a vassal
literally who
What do you mean?!
Skaven are best ally-friends, yes-yes!
Kill Dwarf-things, and they'll love you forever~
And boy, do I HATE Order Dawi~
>imortal empires has almost 300 factions acting in between turns
So what do you do in the meantime? Look at the map, post in here or what

At first I though nobody would play because of that, but I guess its just a matter of coping with the waiting
Shitpost on /twg/
of my sperm
thank god they figured out how to cut down how long it takes the AI to process its turns a little
Post >>493338340 to reddit and report back with results
couldn't they speed turns up by doing most of the calculations in the background while you are doing your turn? then when you actually hit end turn it only has to think about things that the player can directly see.
Their contempt for their vile patron could only be eclipsed by their hatred for one another.

Every night they would glare spitefully at each other from across the harem as their rodent host would giddily decide aloud which she-elf he would deign to "breed-fuck". There's no relief at another being chosen - scars from his claws are are the only way to prove their atonement to the Witch-Queen, to give hope that she may overlook whatever transgression sent them here. Such hope is faint, but, even as they cringe as the warlord chitters in sadistic glee, it still inspires a sense of bitter envy.

Picture this: A sensual den of pillows and silk, candlelit and incense scented, and at the center, a mangy, brutish rat atop a raven haired beauty - the Druchii's paradise twisted into a fetid parody. His mate this evening is a sorceress. With but a thought, she could turn him to ash, but she can only choke back disgust as he thrusts into her. The others caress and kiss them both, whispering a chorus of licentious mockery. She glances idly at them, knowing well what game they're playing. They want her break from the shame, to drop her own facade, to wail in despair even as she lets the skaven fuck her like a base whore.

She instead, with practiced discipline, forced a sultry smile. Focus on their hate, she thought. She arched her back and moaned as the vermin thrust faster, shuddering as a streak of cold, wet drool came down from his maw and dribbled across her breasts. His claws dug painfully into her as she felt him tense, his cock pulsing, his red eyes rolling back in ecstasy. She still focused on their hate, relishing it it, even as she arched her back and let loose a pained moan, worthy of a Druichii that would willingly let herself get fucked, get BRED, by a vermin.

Hatred. She felt it, as she nearly dry heaved as he came, desecrating her forever. Their hatred. Her hatred. Hatred was the greatest gift they could give her - only it let her endure this hell.
Jerk off
AI turns don't last long enough for me to do anything other than recover libido and stay hard
During my turn I'm playing the game so I start to get soft but I can finish my turn fast enough that it's never fully soft before AI turns take place again
It's a gooner thing, I simply combine both interests. I can keep going for literal hours, I've done it for an entire afternoon into evening
I autoresolve all fights until the end of the session when I fight one manually, it takes a while so I'll be completely soft by the time the battle ends. Then I take a page out of beastman anon's book and properly jerk off with the intent to cum not just to edge
This always, ALWAYS gets massive loads out of me but dehydrates me really bad so I have to drink water throughout
pic related
>gor-Rok campaign
>Nakai gets obliterated somewhere in norsca territory before I can manipulate him out of that
>faction destroyed message
>oh well
>defenders of the plan are still around
>go through the diplomacy motions to confed them later
>a dozen or so turns pass
>the defenders fucking drag me into a war with the sotek dwarfs
>exclaim loudly "bro wtf they don't even have armies"
>just then a full army of blessed spawnings emerges in view
>dafuq, is this legal?!
>Nakai just pops into existence on the edge of my territory
>defenders just shut down and don't do anything with their blessed spawning army chilling by their enemy dwarfs that I made peace with in the meantime because I like beer
What causes this?
incredible thread guys
Honestly since it's Cult Of Pleasure in that screenshot if it's really girls who lost favor with Morathi I wouldnt be surprised if she casts some Slaaneshi spell on them secretly that lets them become impregnated by that skaven just to fuck with them and humiliate them more
Skaven cummies
in Elven tummies
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The only reason I tolerate this thread is because I know women are overwhelmlingly into rape and I headcannon you into dumb femoids who don't know there's porn boards for this shit so we can have normal discussions in blue boards
If you think this is bad don't go to /erg/ because your headcanon would become canon
>shu land
you mean everything west of liu biao?
Write a rapefic
luthorschizo here
we got another cheese for you
if you want to steal a queen bess, bring 4 lords instead of 1
secondary forces can steal artillery pieces aswell and this increases your chance with rng
Why would anyone want to steal Queen Bess? It's fucking shit
shut the fuck up retard
just cuz you cant do math dosent mean its shit
go back to your reddit purple helstorms
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my tyrion campaign went bad, I'm about to lose at least 2 t1 settlements, I think it's over
now I need another retard friendly LL with fuckstrong economy to play as
Just do another one and win with the lessons you learned
I guess I could, I think my problem was focusing on making money and not building military buildings so my second army was just spearmanii/archermanii shitstack
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wtf is going on I have huge squalor happiness penalties everywhere despite having higher sanitation than squalor, sigh
This gets fucking deleted while the beastfag cuckporn stays up
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Nakai's faction can respawn randomly after being destroyed and he has a unique rite to summon his vassal a full army.
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pontus my only remaining friend, I'll leave them for last
How much do Pontusian women dream about Beastcock?
Military alliances count for the victory conditions, you don't have to invade them. The easiest way to win Imperator Augustus as Octavian or Marc Antony is to just military ally with the other by spamming gifts.
I don't want a victory condition on rome campaigns man I wanna paint the map red
love the deep red on those shields

calm down man...
Imagine just how you'd feel if you were the skaven warlord - you'd be returning from another victorious raid against the Bretonnians, scoring many slaves, and you'd be absolutely backed up from a month of being away from your prizes. For your entire celebratory feast, you'd be almost fully distracted from the usual poisoning of your by just how badly you need to nut in a tight, pale elven pussy.

But when you go up there, one of the druichii sluts isn't even trying to put on airs, like the other. You are aware, of course, of their little facade - the fact they have to go to such ends to maintain some semblance of their typical elven arrogance even as you pump their womb with your yellowish spunk just makes it all better. The struggle in their eyes as they force themselves to swallow both their pride before they part their perfect lips and swallow your throbbing cock is like taking a hit off a warpstone pipe.

This one, though, has something else in her eyes - an expression they have never borne before. Fear. You look, curious. Something is off with her posture - like she's trying to hide... you grab her and press your paw against her belly and you feel something that shouldn't be there. Something impossible. Something magnificent. You'd cackle, looking down at her vacant, horrified expression.

The others look now, confused, and then, slowly, horrified. You're diamonds now. There was one thing maintaining all the elves' dignity - the fact they could at least pretend there was something your degenerate seed could not sully within them. Something that would forever be only for elven lovers to share between each other. And now that's gone - forever.

At last, you'd start seeing their little, final shells crack. They couldn't hide it now. No more coy little whispers would come from them - they'd beg you to stop. They'd scream. They'd cry. But they'd still spread their pale thighs and give you their perfect elven pussies to fuck. To breed.
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unfortunately rome 2 units dont fly around
A real BLACKfur vermin filling that pale elven pussy with superior genes.
So, I decided to reinstall Attila since it's pretty fun and honestly my favorite historical non-gunpowder game...

What faction should i go for? Standard campaign since i don't have charlemagne or last roman. Last time i already played Byzantines, so I'd rather not be a roman.
go for slavs, the dlc is like 3-4$ on key sites I bet
you have cozy expansion in the east if you keep good terms with attila
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There is no reason you should never not be playing WRE.
Naw, my country's currency is fucked. I only even use steam because they have regional pricing.

Sorry, but i want to play something other than 'Defend the town with your shitty spears and scout cav unit', i already had plenty of that as ERE.
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that beastman is white
(You) there! Write and post a beastslaughter story!
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>Tzar Guard
??? You gay or what ?
I remember saw units fly around, not using elephant but cataphract.
He doesn't play the fucking game, he just cuckposts about the setting.
Sassanid? Maybe the white huns
I'm thinking of checking out this 'ancient empires' mod.

The medieval overhaul is blatantly unplayable and incomplete.
so these the high quality fantasy posts I've heard so much about?
this general really goes down the drain whenever there aren't Histchads around...
I don't recall any of this nonsense when people were playing Pharaoh. Really makes you think...
I saw that mod but why even play attila if you want an ancient setting, attila is tailored to be dark and gloomy late empire etc
legend has a real soft spot for majorkill to the point of playing games that majorkill covers on stream
tities too big.
its just one guy spamming off cd
Didn't that mod abandoned now? Someone picked it up and made the new mod called classical empires, never tried it though.
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So is that her canon fate now ?
Isn't it the other way around?
>raroos charge at me across the map
>suddenly, white phosporus and mortar shells begin raining from the sky and the ground opens up in a volcanic erruption
>they never reach my front line
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yess a chokepoint battle, I rarely see these in rome 2, I mean you can start it in the chokepoints on the map as I did, but that rarely happens

this reminds me of that legendary bridge battle in rome 1 put on time commanders
Attila is just a better game than Rome II mechanically. If i could play Rome II but with Attila's gameplay i would.
Have you retards never heard about not feeding the troll?
Beastfags are unironically worse than ratfags currently..that's a fucking feat and a half
No, the classical empires mod page said so.
The cuck poster is back huh? Wonder what triggered him this time.
but beastmen can't recruit trolls, anon

the actual canon fate is probably just like, turned into an Evil Chair or some shit so yeah sure
have jannies ever heard of doing their fucking jobs?
what do we even pay them for?
Aren't you thinking of Ancient Empires 2.0?
>but beastmen can't recruit trolls, anon
Even River Troll Hags worship black beastcock
elephant will further trivialize this battle.
>turned into an Evil Chair or some shit so yeah sure
That's Throt. I think Morathi just does nebulously painful and evil shit to your soul that we mere irl mortals cannot conceive because who the fuck knows what soul pain feels like.
i still think its some kind of bit done in response to coom posts cuz it's zero effort and not at all titillating
China getting insulted earlier in the thread probably sent him into a meltie.
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Step up your game beastfags, you're falling behind
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can't get em easily that north
that was a fun battle tho, what are the best archers in rome 2 anyways, is it rhodes archers? These germanic longbows I'm seeing seems super good
too far
report to an isocube

i think we've all felt a little soul pain on the internet once
Cretan or Syrian archers.
oh right its crete not rhodes
i'll try n get some syrians as well ig
>Morathi inflicts cringe damage on her victims.
Probably even mains LS in MH, the bitch.
Elspeth and Pestigor plague cum..
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>bag a' cum
interesting...so the power of raroo exists in the Historical Total War universe as well
what's the point of the chair
how would this conceal a minotaur
what are the logistics here i need a fucking diagram
The problem with longbow hunter is despite their 200 range, they don't have precision shot or quick reload, unlike gallic hunter but they only have 150 range.
It's not rhodean archer, but slinger arguably the best slinger alongside the balearic and the germanic.
No, that mod past updated in 2021 according to workshop log, the new mod based on AE called classical empires last updated on 2023.
What's a good mount for Alarielle? Horse or Great Eagle?
Can't decide which skill tree to go down either; Tradition Dictates or Blood & Fire
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cozy desu I'd propose to my celtic gf here
(if I wasn't scared of women and socially inept)
far as where I'd live the celtic settlements always seemed slightly cozier than the concrete roman ones
>rich bitch that does the ohoho laugh

k-kino! we have so much to learn from the nips if we but listen
my uncle works at CA and he says ur a faggot
its good setting for skirmish game or for rpg
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we have pharaoh at home
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Cool bridge that goes from nowhere to nowhere, Brettonians
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they let you mobilize fast and replenish losses fast
can be useful on frontiers
if you do well tho they feel unnecessary

replenishment would be nice, replenishment is damn slow in 3k compared to most games, but i think its dependent on reserves/population so itll only get faster
its quite broad term, i think what ''rape'' women are on are not the RAPE you think they are in
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And then the small-settlement Bret map has this hugely vulnerable backdoor entrance that seems like you just have to climb some rocks to get easy access to the citadel

I mean you can't do that ingame, its all impassable terrain, either way I don't know what the map designer was thinking with this
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autoresolve had me losing 50% of the troops somehow
desert fight?
probably heat penalty/bonus if its still thing on r2
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>pharaoh at home
reminds me of this pharaoh
can you guess which one it was?
well siege with them having that + a reinforcing army, i think it underestimates the power of the roman inf by a lot for some reason
Alright, finally finished downloading it...and yep, it seems to work

The real question is what faction i should go for. I really do like archers, so i wonder which faction has the best ones...
One of the women ones with that titty hanging out, so Tausret or Hatshepsut
you are right
for faster mobilization you want -mustering time
still forges can be nice
what, like, the rat buys her a drink after?
that's Caesar Domitianus Augustus, pharaoh from 81 to 96AD
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hit max imperium and suddenly due to corruption I guess? my income basically halved and I need high taxes everywhere to maintain my 9 armies + 3 fleets

I have too many enemies to start disbanding armies so its gonna be cancer for a while...
>Cool bridge that goes from nowhere to nowhere
Ze Lady wills it.
>I don't know what the map designer was thinking with this
It looks cool tbf.
Corruption mechanic is cancer, promoting character works nicely as a civilized factions, if you're barbarian it's just dogshit.
Why not starts on the eastern faction like parthia? Otherwise I'll go seleucid.
yeah it looks awesome as a setpiece, you rly want this games busted pathfinding making its way up that winding road tho? We take what we can get, our series is form a small indie studio after all
more like being forced by a man they actually fancy or is suprerior so they would not mind ether way
getting swarmed by some inferior beings is no no
It's the bulgarian, please understand.
-faction wide redeployment cost lets you redeploy armies for cheap
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I knew luthorschizo was just as much of a degen as the coomers he criticizes, pic related should have been a sign.
I am done with total war
Now I'm going for total peace
The hostility has fallen
Millions must thrive
Just finished a Tamurkhan campaign.
Other than the hero bloat and trying to tailor armies around them to get the most of their unique upgrades it's not bad. Mr T himself is absolute rapist that even dedicated anti-large can't deal with.
He's still got the classic chaos problem that 90% of their heroes have in that thanks to his starting position in both RoC and IE he'll mostly just be fighting other chaos factions for a while tho.
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welp haters gonna hate
I appreciate them putting him where he starts in his campaign book so you can larp his wraparound journey to Nuln but the fact that you immediately have to fight either Kholek or Archaon if you want to leave your starting province is retarded
you claim i am a "degen" and imply there is more than this picture to prove it
did my comment imply i'm a "degen"
please explain
3K bros, this is a minor thing but its annoying, whenever I set a unit group in pre-game deployment the cameras pans itself to that group, anyway to disable this? Minor annoyance
Campaigns where everyone hates you are the best.
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>news in 40 minutes
To add a caveat, you need to be able to deal with it.
Dark Elves = Good
WRE = Good
Rome 1 Numidia = Bad
Epidemius = Bad
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a grim fate
>Rome 1 Numidia = Bad
>he can't with campaign with only T1 skirmishers
skill issue
What pairing is there that Slaanesh cannot or would not make happen with chaos magic?
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strong legs
Reminder that GW cribbed the concept of a bunch of mummified Pharaoh's reviving at the same time from a Terry Pratchett book.
Imagine being leg locked by that
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its uncanny how they all look the same
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barbarian girl thighs crushing my Latin skull please
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another fight that autoresolve had me losing with like 5% odds but playing it out pic rel
James Workshop's settings don't have a single original idea, that's a widely known fact


why are girls so weak bros?
You can put runes on grudge settler units right? Just the artilleryt ones are for regular units.
Sometimes when i try to put runes on units, all of them gets grayed out both regular and grudge settler ones. Clicking 2 or 3 times on the name of the army sometimes solves the issue tho.
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I-I hope she likes my hat. I got an extra big one just for her.
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is that why the dumb kangs are the worst shit in the setting? so fucking boring and doesnt even make sense. at least if it was all under the control the akhan the blacked it would sort of work since hes a negro mancer
wtf why is her pussy leaking LMAO
>kinda wanna play welves.
>absolutely hate skirmish faction
girls cant lift weight and things like involuntary pissing and becoming infertile/their period stopping are symptoms of them trying to
Domitian wasn't a Pharaoh. Roman emperors just used Pharaonic imagery to justify their rule of Egypt. In actually Aegyptus as a province just had a governor during the Roman period.
>strained so much she pissed herself.
I love Astragoths voice acting. There's something about the flow that seems so much more natural than all the other characters speaking the made up languages.
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That's how i imagine female marauders of Nurgle.
Because Beastmen voices are too deep, so deep that you probably couldn't understand them even if they were speaking english, Lizards are too serpentine, it makes it hard to hear "words" and all you can really hear is hissing.
Basically Chorfs speak like normal people speaking a language you don't know whereas Beastmen and Lizardmen sound like gibberish.
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who was the shaper and what was the first bell?

Nah even compared to the other chorfs Astragoth is on a different level.
Just make an all-melee army with them
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>no news
idk I just thought the Doom of Kavzar was just a Tower of Babel expy.
Maybe the Horned Rat was the man in the hood and the ringing of the bell and emergence of Skaven allowed him to ascend to a minor chaos god??
Tomorrow for sure.
they are just speaking iranian
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making the whole thing an elaborate and calculated ritual for someone to achieve apotheosis is actually a really great idea

interesting that i posted the dragon randomly were basically the same thing happened
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>saturday news
I doubt.
nope, they were considered pharaohs of Egypt by the Egyptians and used Pharaohnic titles locally
Doesn't matter, the chain was broken because the emperors themselves never considered themselves Pharaohs of Egypt, it was just any old province of the empire. Alexander, Ptolemy and his line considered themselves to be actual Pharaohs of Egypt.
LL for this feel?
nta but your argument is pretty weak and retarded. they obviously were pharaohs
What mod? Slso CK2 or 3?
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Vespasian literally went to Alexandria to be proclaimed pharaoh and explicitly compared his welcome to Alexander the Great's at the Oracle of Zeus-Ammon of the Siwa Oasis, Vespasian was proclaimed the son of the creator-deity Amun (Zeus-Ammon), in the style of the ancient pharaohs, and an incarnation of Serapis in the manner of the Ptolemies. As pharaonic precedent demanded, Vespasian demonstrated his divine election by the traditional methods of spitting on and trampling a blind and crippled man, thereby miraculously healing him.
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The fuck? This city just traded hands to the frog (human) over in lustria. Is that soem faction mechanic of his? Either that or Tzeench trickery.
Anbennar and it's for EU4
Elspeth is a futanari confirmed???

They literally did not call themselves Pharaohs except when in Egypt because the Egyptians only knew how to refer to rulers as Pharaoh. They personally did not consider themselves Pharaohs, Egypt was no different from any other province to them. It's like claiming that each Roman emperor was also Hegemon of Graecia because the Romans ruled over Greece, it's silly. Scholars delineate between the fall of the Ptolemies and Roman rule over Egypt for this exact reason, I'm not pulling this out of my ass.
they are build different, they can pee themselves in excitement or when under duress both mental or physical
women are so nasty
egypt was under rome but it was like private domain of emperors
Wissenland has been infected with the woke mind virus!!
President Franz will have to bring in the Reiksguard to restore order!!
"""scholars""" are telling you that a dude who ruled egypt and willingly went and got declared pharoah with all the pomp and ritual *isnt* a pharaoh because uhhhh the science is settled goy!

ill eat my shoe if youre not a vaxxie retard
Yes, Vespasian called himself Pharaoh and took the rituals because in the civil war that erupted the east was his powerbase. You'll notice in that exact same article you cribbed from wikipedia, he was the first emperor since Augustus that even fucking deigned to visit Egypt.
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It all comes back to you.
I just can't escape the call of warpstone
They weren't a Pharaoh because they didn't consider themselves personally to be Pharaohs and in the Roman system of laws and titles, which ruled Egypt, they were not Pharaohs. It's that fucking simple. I have no idea where you're getting this fucking vax nonsense from.
so...he was pharaoh?
>rules Egypt
>calls himself pharaoh
>is called pharaoh by the Egyptian priesthood and population
>they're not pharaohs because... they just le aren't!!!
do you also claim Charles III isn't king of Canada and Australia as well retard-kun?
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I hear the screaming of the bell.
I wish to overflow the world with Clanrats.
I don't want to use any Skryre cheats or Moulder hax.
Which of the remaining 4 is best for full stacks of Clanrats?
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If the settlement was in non-bretonnian control then it was SCHEME'D, if it was Repanse the frog might have confederated her.
>they didn't consider themselves personally to be Pharaohs
must be why they kept building temples in Egypt where they wear Pharaohnic regalia and offer gifts to the traditional Egyptian gods then
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youre retarded and have some issues to work out. are you just a dumb shitskin angry that romans who barely gave a fuck ruled your dirt hole and all the dirt people treated them like gods?
>Why not starts on the eastern faction like parthia?
Because Parthians are all about cavalry, and as I said, I'm more of an archer fan...a foot archer fan... I wish there was a way to compare all the archer units in the game and see what is the best.

The Cretans get a bonus to archer cost, sure, but are Cretan Archers the best? They don't have a skill bonus after all.
Once again, we have actual sources from Rome itself...where the emperors actually ruled. They did not give a singular shit about what the fucking Egyptians called them, it was pomp circumstance. They did not legally consider themselves to be Pharaohs, they didn't consider it to be part of their title, that's not how their legal system worked. Trajan did not consider himself shahanshah when he captured Ctesiphon, it was simply a new Roman province. Roman emperors did not consider themselves Hegemon of Greece, it was just a province.
I'm white. I have no fucking clue why you're turning this into some weird race thing, if I was a butthurt Egyptian I'd be claiming Alexander was an "illegitimate" Pharaoh. I'm simply talking about the intricacies of how Roman emperors viewed the province of Aegyptus and their legal titles vs how Alexander and the Ptolemies viewed their legal titles.
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literally by your logic if you creampie a girl and knock her up, youre not really the father as long as you dont think you are in your mind

That might be the dumbest attempt at a comparison I've ever seen on the internet.
we have actually sources from Egypt and they actually used the title you absolute mongoloid, literally thousands of inscriptions statues and stone reliefs
>b-but they didn't use the title outside Egypt
doesn't fucking matter, by your retarded fucking logic Queen Victoria was only queen of the Britain, Ireland and India because she didn't use the other titles in London
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another one autoresolve had me being stomped in
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What if we made Rome: Total War, but, I know just wait, but, what if, and i'm just spitballing, but what if we made it Medieval??
Queen Victoria did consider herself Empress of India, was granted that title by Parliament, and did use that title in London you fucking moron, that's exactly the point I was trying to fucking make.
luthor harkon will kill you irl
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you may be literary brain damaged
>they aren't pharaohs because they didn't fit a ''canon'' i had in my head
yeah and?
she was a empress of india, it was just the india was subordinated to anglo empire
do you mean that they can't be pharaoh if they also a ''insert higher title'' and Egypt is subordinated to them?>
>no you can't be father because you are grandfather
there are medieval mods in rome 1 and rome 1 reconstruction mod in medieval 2(it suck, phalanx don't work)
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>not Everything
its over
I didn't say she didn't use the title of Empress of India you illiterate fucking retard, learn to read before you reply
her full title was "Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India", so I guess the argument you're trying to make is she wasn't Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Malaysia, half of Africa and a hundred other places because it's not in her title
except she was, because she was a monarch ruling those places just like the Roman Emperors were Pharaohs
you're just a stupid fucking barely literate retard piece of shit who can't even read a 4chan post much less understand that when a monarch uses the title of pharaoh, builds statues of himself as a pharaoh, commissions massive temples with pictures of himself as pharaoh offering sacrifices to egyptian gods and is affirmed by the egyptian clergy as the rightful pharaoh, HE'S THE FUCKING PHARAOH
They can't be called Pharaoh if in their own legal system, which reigned supreme over whatever the Egyptians called them, they did not consider themselves Pharaoh, it's that fucking simple. That's how legal systems work. To them, Egypt was a province. It was not another kingdom within a broader empire which granted two titles as Ireland and India did to Victoria, it was a province and the proper "ruler" of Egypt was the prefect that answered to the emperor in a whole legally defined bureaucracy.
how did the battle play out ?
the rome ai isn't the best at flanking and in those slow grindy mods that's usually what you have to do
or is roman infantry just that strong and are the AR values wack ?
why would it be capitalized?
that is not true tho
egypt have special status in the empire
its just you are somewhat ignorant and have this retarded headcanon and refuse to see the light
how you even breath?
with a mouth probably
>Record heat wave
>110° till next Tuesday
God is punishing us.
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an ancient ruler that totally didn't consider himself to be the pharaoh spent a literal fortune building this monument, how curious
just you
Mors. You get a heavy discount in the faction trait, another 10% off for Karak 8 Peaks landmark, and also free Frenzy for them with K8P.
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salve amicus, this is me and my senpai
Canada, Australia and New Zealand were never granted as titles to Victoria because they were colonies of England and always considered part of her basic title as ruler of the UK you dipshit. This is entirely an argument about legal systems and how they work, because legal systems are how borders and governments are actually defined. They're not fucking real, the value we give them makes them real. So yes, how the ROMANS conducted the legal system in their rulership of Egypt is what matters.

Egypt did not have a singular special status, there were multiple Imperial provinces ruled directly by the emperor when compared to older Republican era senatorial provinces.
Map says all of Southern Commifornia and all the way to Phoenix.
I'm moving out of this hellhole in January.
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holy shit they're preparing the last stand

the AR i think underestimates either the inf or the upgrades/rank on em
all these battles when the enemy is attacking plays out the same, legionary line, archers behind, wait for em to clash, they get mowed down

meanwhile cav flanks where it can but usually it engages enemy cav instead
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trench is the only skaven lord that actually acts and plays like a skaven
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I accept your concession. Your meltie is actually really fun to watch.
where, that's just your average Latin gentleman no way he's presenting himself as a pharaoh
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you arm chair historians would be a lot less annoying if you didnt intentionally pick wrong shit to dig in and argue about because it makes you feel special to be one of the few "trve vnderstanders" of whatever retarded argument of semantics
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me? holding the title of pharaoh?
what gave you that impression amicus?
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you are just dumbfuck, I only admit that talking to you is lost cause as you are not able of higher brain function
you are probably not even real human, just some bot or some brownig
Retard, I have a classics degree and can read Latin. The only armchair historian here is you.
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depicted: not the pharaoh Tiberius, trust me bro
you are still waste of electricity and oxygen
Sure, ESL. Try to master English before you make yourself look like a retard by calling someone who can actually read the Roman's language an armchair historian.
pharaohs? hieroglyphics?
that's just Latin bro they didn't consider themselves pharaohs at all!
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this one is just nice looking
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you 'mastered' english and you are still retarded
you have no arguments, just your dumbfuck headcanon and confidence in your worthless degree
you are perfect example of a midwit with education
Bardus es. Me numquam respondisse tibi opto.
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damn steppe armies
>Basically Chorfs speak like normal people speaking a language
they have either a bellowing or a growling, sadistic sort of quality, depending on the VA. Their moods basically alternate between psychopathy and religious reverence.
What's a good mount for Alarielle? Barded steed or great eagle?
now stfu and stop bringing shame to any history majors you loser
bratty steppe armies...
horse archer correction required!
alright well i have a sociology degree and i declare you retarded. repeating shit you got told does not a valid argument make. first of all its literally an augment of semantics yet youre arguing like its basic math or something. do you have nothing in the world to feel special about that you have to act like some youtuber with a secret trve understanding of things? literally anyone with more than a few brain cells to rub together would consider someone acting in the capacity of X and being declared X by a legitimize source would consider that person X. do you think "pharaoh" is some real physical thing that the roman rulers didnt have in their pocket so it doesnt count? to the length anyone is declared anything, the roman rulers were pharaohs, just in different circumstance than the ones before (and the ones before in different circumstances than the ones before, etc)

tell us if you took the vax or not
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>What's a good mount for Alarielle?
Cum noscis Latinus vere, tacebo.
stfu loser
Mmmm, chocolate.
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lotta dead rats
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shit they are attacking again during the same turn
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