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Previous: >>493240842

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Version 5.0 "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/w1BaF4fd1UM (EN)
https://youtu.be/uWhRg224Bts (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Waifuflopper, Waifuflopper, don't cry...
this is my teapot song
and will stay that way because natlan's ost hasn't been up to it
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With shields to keep (You) safe, I love Citlayler
safe horny queens of genshin...
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You lost.
I didnt call you a tourist, you retarded newfag
Natlan is bad because it doesn't have AIDS HIV anal worms and monkeypox like Sumeru.
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Fuck off Koult
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bro...the first quest literally tells you that graffiti is equal to fine art lol
Hip hop beats blaring in the background btw
And it keeps going from there lmao
You're on some serious cope if you think Genshin is anti-DEI at this point
>Tupac's Grip
At least admit it like the pozzed-troons who are constantly talking up "afreakan culture" lol
The Prison Whore and Femcelina.
What a fitting image for these shitty ass threads filled with stinky rancid ass pussy musk.
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Where's the japbros to translate this Chiori + Kirara douin?
So when is Citlali?
I don't care if she's a 4* since I'm hoarding blue fates anyway.
She's the only Natlan character left I want so it'd be ideal if she releases before I have friendship 10 with Mualani
Name a better investment than C2R1 Raiden.
Post a link and I unironically might if it's good. Though the last time I translated a doujin was in 2018
take your meds
it's only 1 tribe out of the 4
there are no black playable characters
god the female body is so disgusting
Ploppuchino the lamest of the Harbingers
Even Capitano is less of a flop than that shitter dindu nuffin


Post more porn, it’s not like the jannies are doing anything since the retarded femcel keeps spamming off cooldown
>the first quest
Isn't that the event quest where the dyke is a blatant parody of the stereotypical artsy neoliberal?
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>genshin is better than ever
That's just to pander to Aetherpags and their cuck fantasies.
And great
you are an incredibly low iq brainlet
china dgaf about putting woke shit in their games
are you conveniently forgetting what happened with black myth wukong?
do not breed, retard
Citlali is now said to be a 5* releasing in 5.3
I love loom so much
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
>implying they left
>get 4p collab merch
>get sumeru event stuff shortly after with the summer event
>more sumeru event stuff on the horizon
>get hoyofair art tease
Nta but iansan is black
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>we've now reached the point where /gig/ thinks that the retcon tree is better than Fontaine
what a surprising turn of events!
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sex with alhaitham
she is brown
There is white hip-hop. Art is subjective.
obsessed and mentally ill
How do we fix Chiori's lesbian tendencies?
Genshin wasted all of its potential it's unironically finished and the 5* bloat only shows mihoyo is getting desperate
only speedreader lorelets hate the """retcon tree"""
imagine being an asian femcel like kurumi and calling someone a manlet

bitch you are the reason your men are so short lmao
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Also C0R0 Raiden because her best build is full EM anyways. You can get the weapon if you want it for another unit I guess
nah bro, it's based and redpilled lmfao
A couple retarded spammers will never be /gig/
>bro...the first quest literally tells you that graffiti is equal to fine art lol
quote where it says that
>You're on some serious cope if you think Genshin is anti-DEI at this point
yeah no shit, the game has been about exploring different nations and immersing yourselves in them from the start. i guess some anons were too retarded to understand that. but to claim it's "woke DEI" is also retarded.
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Eh, on one hand I can at least certainly guarantee her if she's a 5*, on the other hand, I don't use more than one 5* on a team so I'll use her very sparingly in that case. Oh well.
these are the "straight" men of /gig/ everyone
I shouldn't pick jean if i already have xianyun right?
yeah here
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
it's a small handful of trannies gays and fat women shitting up the thread
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A little bit browner desu but pretty much on the money.
Only shitslurping faggots think the plot device tree is good. Erasing the core of Nahida's entire character arc and then using it to force Scarafaggot to be playable despite being a monster deserving death is ridiculously bad writing.
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rng cucked me
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My wife
there are seveal added this patch though, iansan, kachina and mualani not to mention several the sumeru characters too like cyno, dehya etc
c1r1 neuv?
maybe he doesn't even need r1.
nobody hates women more than men. they say and do the most vile shit
Is it wise to be exposing Lyney's pathetic sales like that?
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behold the femorrhoid flops that toppled the gaming giant
C6R1 Chiori, because no one else gives me so much fun during exploration nor did till getting her.
What are you waiting for bro, that's gonna look amazing once you've levelled it!
The only bad thing is that the tree wasn't destroyed. Such reality bending things can exist, but it must be destroyed, else nothing after really matters. The rest was good.
Chatgpt is probably good enough for doujins at this point
I tried it for an anime once and it was pretty close, sometimes even better, than the official translation
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It's clear that femcelGODS are more resilient and will inherit /gig/ in the long run
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I can't fucking believe my game has to go through 2 chinkslop patch so Natlan can flop miserably.
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>manlet melty
Uhhh Yun Jin off piece?
Now I have to pull for Capitano.
not enough, the whole game needs to be rebranded to haikaveh impact
Yes except brown
yep, a seething lorelet, I accept your concession
maybe you should if it's going to be c4 Jean
of course braptaino is a t0c0 must roll support to make dendro usable fuck you tiffany
you can't just post a random pic and then call it official
Good morning I love Wanderer
>#8 in JP
>lost to two auto-battler games
>new natlan release couldn't even crack past 100k views on twitch
>all the natlan characters barely gets any fanarts
>non-existent tiktok hours
>lowest trailer views on bilibili and youtube
b-but.. PC and console sales.....
none of them are black, are you retarded?
iansan is closest but she'll still brown, not black
why do you think there's a "boycott"?
not to mention Mualani's skin being pretty pale without the tan
Stop spamming, janny.
Bros do you think I'll be able to save 100 more pulls for the archon? I currently have 50 saved up, and I'm 90% done with Natlan
Gay* men. I would never insult a waifu.
>one minute apart
this confirms my theory that the rabid sumeru defender and the "femorrhoid" poster are the same person
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>Natlan is received well enough
>/gig/ has to fabricate its own schizo narratives to pretend it's flopping
C1 Xianyun mogs her in exploration though, I have both
to answer the xitter, because lefties push vegetarianism and it is simply incompatible with humans.
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I play Lumine
I think Mualani is hot and rolled C1R1
I enjoy exploring the Natlan region
I am Mihoyo's core audience
I'm a manlet with big dik
buy welkin
finished clorinde story quest and i find furina hilarious.
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I made fun of Faruzan and the stupid janny banned me.
How is this not abuse of power?
God I wish I could lick Mualani's toes
I still don't get why people bother with these made up numbers. If it EoS, it EoS. If it doesn't then what's the issue?
don't look at the violent crime statistics..
>ctrl f + "kinich"
>0 results
xe is coming....
The exact same logic applies to Sumeru and Fontaine though?
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you deserved it desu
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God this is embarrassing
2 more area unlocks before Mavuika drops
you'll be fine
ruined kachina
ok dottore
alrefuri spamming troon has been relatively chill lately why you gotta attack her like this
I agree, those regions were fine, too.
This place is just a shithole full of people who don't play.
>55 pulls per patch
>Mavuila is in 5.3
Real women deserve it.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SHUT UP
nobody cares about your InaSHITma and ArleFLOPPINO
nor does anyone give a flying fuck about your MuaFLOPni

eat shit and kill yourself, incel
this is why I dont browse this place
absolutely miserable experience, regardless of the state of the game
back to not browsing
fuck all of you
>inspect element
>you MUST enjoy [current thing] and if you don't, you're a doomposter who doesnt play the game

back to r*ddit I beg you
>inspect element
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Favourite male character according to men.

you should be asking yourself that retard, I support the boycott by not wishing on the characters cause they are too black, hoyo should learn no one wants these blacks, mualani might be white under the black but she still became black
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>he keep in posting it
Those are tribal markings, not tan lines. That's not how tans work.
This post reeks of flop.
>seamonkey from plebbit doesn’t even know /vg/‘s post cooldowns yet
Kek, way to expose yourself newfag
stop talking about black ppl
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Natlan is already my favorite nation after Sumeru although its not fair to compare when we only got 1 map so far.
kill yourself sumerutranny
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She's popular right?
Sh... she's definitely popular...
Why isn't she popular...
Any mentally sane people here?
Men aged 8-15 maybe
How many cheevos are currently in the game?
sup /pol/, are you lost?
do you realize the perception of any boycott at this point is because they are not black enough?
you are legimately retarded if you are actually boycotting it
according to sensor tower, people will tell you men don't sell when every hebe since Ayaka has flopped
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Genshin… where are you…
What's the correlation between enjoying Sumeru and hating women?
I don't like plunge. Also it's mostly for comfort during combat and some few extra perks. Since 1.0 to 4.5 only Ayaka was tolerable for me. Alhaitham was nice, but wanted cute female to be my front.
Also Chiori just ticks everything what I wanted from character and fit perfectly to my favorite team.
im here
xiao is the only one that counts
You can just post from two IPs you know. And if you have 4chan pass the cd is short.
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>sold more than blunderer
>btfoing blundererfag
>bribing neuv with bathwater
>actually winning
Feel like kneeling yet?
>chongyun and razor that low
Men have such dogshit taste
nope, welcome to lbgtqaibbq+ general!
not really they all bailed out years ago, what would a normal person do in this shithole
Zhongli and Xiao are genuine. Neuvillette and Kazuha is because men are metafags. No one would like them if they weren't meta.
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how can someone tell that an anon is a pagpag just from a single sentence?
Ah, the usual "r-reddit!" cope when called out. Yep, I hit the nail on the head.
I thought she was popular? Feels like it's only on /gig/ every character is claimed to be unpopular.
popular in the prison where she whores herself out especially to her boyfriend Wriothsley and her girlfriend Clorinde who he fucks both at the same time daily
only mond is better and thats not even a real region but was by far the best
sumeru is too annoying to traverse
alhaitham trended earlier skull issue
>Natlan is not flopping
[citation needed]
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It's really quite simple. John, Neuv and Kazuha are statistically very strong while having understated personalities rather than some kind of exaggerated moe trait.

That's all we really care about, being usefu,l not being a dick and not being a threat to our masculinity
>has to shitfling to deflect from the true nature of moids
the rankings are essentially the same for this poll between male and female users, only a few of the guys have slight ranking differences.
>tranemo characters
Is this a poll for 8year old boys or something?
she's a surfer
those are tanlines from her surfing
what makes you think they arent tan lines?
sumeru was shit
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>popularity ranking
>look inside
>tier list
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for sure, I am also using 4chanx so its real easy for me but I have flop filtered thats why its crossed out
Best boy Scara winning as always
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well enough to pay their employees lunch maybe
poor Mika...
I liked Sumeru.
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good morning chasca owes me sex
>people don't really like [character I dislike]
utterly risible
>can't prove me wrong
most of the people shitting up the thread are mentally ill straight men
then why are b and xq so low if its metafagging
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why do you save pics like this? trannies are like 0.01% of a population and yet they all live rent free in your head
Lmao the top 3 are literally all meta
Thing you like bad
Thing i like good
good taste, same
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Genshin died the moment childe wasnt meta anymore
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DJ Zen trended
sis come on I love him but x only shows us shit like 'dj haitham' trending with sub 3k tweets because we follow shit tons of haitham artists.
4 stars are always low
You have anal worms.
nah im not, I still play the game I was just joking, the boycotters still play the game too, not like they spend anything in the first place, ive seen all the retarded "boycotters" say they will still play just not wish on it like me but for opposite reasons lol, still, they are black
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Why doesn't Dehya get shipped with Tighnari?
They fight the fatui off together and she nurses his wounds when he gets hurt,
Yes because I have good taste and you're a bug living in my world.
5-star bias.
Genshin was stillborn??
Because they look and behave like faggots.
If it was all meta wanderkek wouldn't be this high.
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>wanderer that high
"male" players
Wtf bro we are an oppressed minority.
ZZZ won…
het ships for genshin arent popular because trannies harass any artist who draws them
you have vaginal worms
>straight ship
big lmao
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omg ur back!
Perfect for Xinyan.
Dehya is as dyke as dykes can get
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Natlan just need two things to be good:
>Mavuika being a B powercreep
>Clit saving cryo
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not true
>trannies are like 0.01% of a population
maybe irl but not on the internet
seriously every single /gig/cord i joined had at least 2-3 troons and half as many "femboys" yapping about their daily lives and spamming shipshit in #general
the wanderering ronin shit is one of the most popular beloved tropes. you and I know he's boring as fuck, but normalfags do genuinely like his shtick. that stupid stacking stolen hat meme seems quite well received
>black woman and ugly manlet
no one wants to see this
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Don't worry about those posters, it's just an outlet for them to "be naughty" by saying things and acting in a way that would get them banned in any other social media site. The actual content is irrelevant.

Said posters are suspiciously quiet when a person posting here claims to actually be trans. Often mildly supportive, even.
Seethe moid
Nilou her only gay ship is Nahida
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I thought that the easy saurian exploration would ruin it, but the new mechanics have been fine actually. And some of the hidden chests and puzzles have been really cool, like the ones where you discover a whole new cave by accident.
Black Queens are beautiful. Just like Black Kings. Go back to /pol/
What does she do for exploration? I was thinking about getting her in her next re-run.
Take me back to Mondstadt and Liyue.
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lone samurai that wanted to honour his friend, a classic story of loss and sacrifice (and retarded w*men ruining everything) men can relate to
literally all-powerful dragon, stoic, competent, fatherly and in charge of things, doesn't job or used as comic relief, all qualities men like in a character
i'm not the wuwajeet who loves to emotionally invest in Natlan's success in /wuwa/
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From the official Genshin event in Japan
The absolute state of Natlan's femoids' popularity
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Based chino
I think mold and yeast would be more appropriate
Because I genuinely pity the mentally ill.
huh, neat. i stand corrected. but still, only for a couple hours? is that the typical lifespan for something that trends?
straight people self-insert, shipping is for faggots and troons
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uhhh based
I don't care about whiny minorities so do your best to cope
There's a lot of Loom official swimsuit fanarts in these days. And that's a good thing.
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Alhaitham won bigly
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her kids are all mentally ill faggots and they bake dogshit cakes
she should kill herself for being such a failure of a parent
You should stop listening to what shitposters say or you will lose your mind like you probably know who.
Kek no wonder muttlani flopped
Don't think too hard about it, literally all tranny haters end up being chasers.
>"Xianzhou Slop" near the end of the patch beating Natlan
I support QQtranny from /hsrg/
Who did it best? You decide.
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She's growing on me. Not even to roll, but won't be calling her ugly anymore.
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Favourite male character according to women

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My legal husband Alhandsome has lasting popularity!
then keep your discord drama in discord, nobody here cares about your troon obsession
It's impossible for a straight man to self insert as a crossdressing midget.
if you self-insert as loom, then you are a tranny
if you self-insert as pagther, then you are. a twink faggot
which one are you?
>haitham with ajaw
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>all my husbands in the top ten
good taste
>Everyone can draw
Biased towards the same artist
Japan really hates Natlan huh
if dawei was telling the truth about going back the roots we would have gotten this as a loom skin in 5.0 btw
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My response to the average leakoid posting their fanfiction
Do you have for the female characters?
100% of these were drawn by women
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what set/stats does dendro tabibito want bros? just em stack?
Men simply can't do anything cute like this without drawing a dick in it.
>xiao jumping blunderer on both male and female polls
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Meanwhile, in the real world
Natlan overworld has been exceptionally comfy so far, particularly the music which has a very relaxing mixture of flamenco strings and woodwinds.

I didn't mind above-ground Fontaine, but a lot of work had to be done underwater which is boring because it's slow and ignores all the basic mechanics of combat.

Monstadt still remains my favorite area, but unfortunately it's absolute smol and isn't getting bigger any time soon and there isn't much to do there anymore due to 1.0 being hardline LIYUE NUMBAH WON.
Emotionally and cognitively stunted retard who didn't notice Furina wasn't the Archon for 500 years. Liking him is embarrassing.
why is raiden trying to intoxicate alhaitham with her stinky rancid pussy
Wanderer is a waifu though.
uh oh shiptroon melty
Women aged 8 to 14
Also, wanderer not being first already disqualifies this poll
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C6R5 my penis. My will to learn reality. My C6R5 will to overpower anyone who stands in my path of that reality and the fruit it bears lets me have momentary moments of pleasure like with this game. One drop of rain becomes bliss.
>only for a couple hours? is that the typical lifespan for something that trends?
for 4 hours
i think so yes
stuff like birthdays and official reveals trend for much longer
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Wanderer and my baby Freminet are way too low
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What the FUCK was his problem?
Music is amazing in Natlan and exploration is fun.
Kachina sex
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Guys… is this why Jane Doe beat Natlan topup in one day?
I would like to wish all Mualani rollers a very dozen just to start but Xilonen's banner can't come soon enough.

Who the fuck is Kinich?
Already debunked. Cope and seethe
prob DW if you dont have one yet, maybe you can do instructors if you dont care about making her do some dps with DW
>xianyun, furina, faruzan behind his back
lmao, he's soulless metafag character now.
A troon basically is a crossdressing dude.
And that's exactly what you're self-inserting as, retard.
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He's gonna be male Eula. Mark my words.

Save this post for the eventual screencap.
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Assuming Hoyolab doesn't count (lol), do you have another poll showing how Neuvillette is unpopular?
They only posted the poll about male characters
when the nigga come in sayin UKUU UKUU I clap
Anyone below Cheld is literally irrelevant
you can't answer? why?
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almost the same as male one
Xiao truly is best boy and canon husband to still be popular after so long
>The more I dislike a character, the more women love it.
Whar does this mean?
no shit what kind of man still plays this faggot game lol
This is what happens when you let fags and foids run amock unchecked since 3.3
We use to be a proud general and now look at us.
Polls are retarded and don't show reality. If neuvillette and kazuha are so popular then where are their yumes? Non existent. Their fanart? Wanderer that is supposed to be "less popular" according to this, mogs both easily
femorrhoids flop everywhere every time
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the brown one, same domain as nahida artifact.
when in doubt for dendro reactions team, just spam farm that domain
/gig/ is the only poll that matters
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>be me, 18
>at an anime con drawing contest
>draw an original cute samurai girl out of my own imagination and she actually looks really good
>lose 1st place to some femoid who traced the cover of berserk (she also had her group of friends in the crowd to cheer for her)
I hate women "artists" so much
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Hoyolab is just russian kids
TIKTOK is the only real metric here since MOST Genshinfags use it
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Did you know that rats have disproportionately gigantic testicles compared to their body? I wonder if Jane fantasizes about taking enormous loads.
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I'm fine with that, I like Eula.
bad post
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Why do they keep changing her skintone??
Absolutely giga shit taste. The only reason I can imagine liking Neuvillette is because he is the only worm there who looks like he could be a rich aristocrat with Otome bait looks. Women are suckers for status. Zhongli also dressed sharp but he is canonically poor and a doormat to a teen girl.
You insecure and jealous about men who are popular with woman. Maybe because it reminds you of your own failure as man.
you are literally a mentally ill man who thinks he is a woman and wants to cut off his penis why would i waste a single second trying to talk to you in good faith lol
Hoyolab quite literally doesn't count, only kids and poorfags use that place
She is nothing special before C6. Female with perma infusion on skill, NA attacker plus teleport on E. Being turret character is handy. Oh, there is speed passive too. Not a great upgrade over Keka, honestly but Chiori simply was the Perfect package for me in every aspect.
Tiktok is only used by kids.
How do I play Deshia in burgeon team comp?
I will still roll for Il Capitano Lawrence
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Total homoflop
yumes are not a metric of popularity and they only exist for certain characters and neither neuv or kazuha fit the trope
cheld and scara are yume magnets, neuvillette isn't, but he appeals to a broader demographic
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Then what do you consider Art anon? Surely your refined taste would enlighten the rest of us.
ok thanks bros, ill just do the sumeru domain for a while and see what i get
Mavuika won't take a LOSER FRAUD like chudpitano. He got to actually stop jobbing to have a chance.
1) sunlight

2) what's with the wierd dicks?
I already have 80-90%+ in Natlan. I haven't achieved that in any other region so quickly. I feel like they definitely improved on the comfiness of the exploration.

I dunno, maybe I have a bias for more primitive areas rather than urban/modern regions.
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it's called ambient lighting dumbass
furina is such a airhead, especially during clorinde's story quest. can someone send me furina memes?
Furina is successful
She even makes femcels rage after her mistreatment such as Kurumi
No we didn't
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based Mika enjoyer and Varka self-inserter
Hoyolab is only used by kids, TikTok is used by everyone, even my coworkers use it and the y are 30/40
Bro the only excuse you have for still seething about that to this day is if you're still 18 or 19. Grow up, your drawing looked like shit that's why you lost.
>mavuika tops
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Natlan... home
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uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kachina with her hair down ToT
>moid overestimating his art abilities
>couldn't even beat a tracer
LMAO, nice L
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>wait until that bitch dies
nice mission
Maybe your art was just shit? Kek
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why do you dislike CEO?
tranny out of nowhere lol
I am asking you a simple question. If you like self-inserting that much, then which one are you? loom or pagther? still can't answer?
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Part 11 of Mualani's Day is ready bwos.

Happy cooming anons, morning arc should be coming to an end soon
>wrio almost ties with navia
how is navia such a fucking flop
Japanese men aren't insecure about playing as male characters like Chinese and American men are.
Chat is this real? Is Mavuika gonna wake up Celestia with her punch?
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Capitano's knees are weak
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based and true
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I'm mentioning fanart in general too, wanderer mogs them by far, kazuha is even just a doll used to fuck wanderer no one cares about him. They aren't popular not as much as wanderer who is "lower" according to this shit poll for kids
I mostly see Kinich?
It's my least favorite x.0 exploration wise, turning into a saurian is lame as fuck.
The only thing worse are the last 2 sumeru desert expansions.
i entered in a google logo art contest in 10th grade. i got nominated to the final round and lost to some meme shit that look like a 3rd grader drew it.

thats when i stopped taking art contests seriously.
>all this seethe about women when men voted essentially the same way >>493250684
mind broken
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Self-evident if you know how bloom reactions work.

Do you have other sources of pyro? No? Then make Dehya on-field your priority with as much EM as possible. She does normals so run Xingqui and/or Yelan with a dendro.

If you want to make Dehya burgeon feel strong and her feel like the most contributing factor then something like Nahida/Dehya/Xingqiu/yaoyao(baizhu) would be the best.
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>In same competition
>Draws pure Waifu from my imagination
>Loose second place to some samurai whore

Being an Artist ahead of your time is hard
These incels are perpetually seething desu it’s kinda funny
The for you page is very different when you're 15 and when you're 40. I don't think 40yo blue collar workers are getting mmd genshin dances.
NTA, but I play Lumine because I'd rather be looking at a cute girl than some twink's abs
I don't self-insert and I am a straight man
stop creating a false dilemma fallacy
read my last post again sister
you are free to reply again but dont expect any more replies from me, you can have the last word, just like i will have the last laugh when you 41% yourself in a year or two lol
>daily anal wormer tears
how do they do it
Do you work for some charity where they have the mentally challenged do work or something?
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Anons, is this the correct final count or am I missing chests somewhere?
>why are waifuflops flopping
check your DMs
I use Mualani and Kachina to explore and almost never turn into a saurian outside of puzzles
this cuckship is crack and will get nowhere, mavuika is likely slight yuribait with xilonen and massive (you) pandering
you lost already
capitano's cock wears a helmet too!!!
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Yes, what's the problem?
Looks like ugly shit
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>open hoyolab
>first thing I see
The average age is definitely 12 LOL
Yes, at least according to >>493248996
>actually start making stamina recov and consumption% food when I get to Sumeru desert
It looks nice but goddamn there's so much Nothing going on here
ER EM Attack % for substats
Retard. Reaching the same outcome doesn't mean you took the same route to it. Men and women like those characters for completely different reasons.
Wanderer lost, flopped and flipped, xis. Get over it.
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Yeah polls are memes, you only see how beloved a character is when you see how much content they get
Are you a NEET that doesn't interact with other people? TikTok is really popular with all ages
He's working with Kinich he's obviously an asshole
Somehow still more mature than the average poster here.
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i finally got it
what's the point in posting ass shots of mavuika if you post art of her with another male?
Quick friendly reminder it really is one literal homo troon chaser
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seeing all those fatuifags change course into "haha they are dating lololololo" after capitano jobbed so that they wouldn't get shit on was hilarious to watch imma be honest
Same, but unfortunately you still need to turn into the green faggot saurian, wich not only looks the worst but also doesn't have a character stand in yet.
yuribro from yuricord falseflagging as aetherpag from aethercord btw
mualani = 6
kachina = 8
kinich = 14

It's funny that Kachina has more art in Japan.
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not what this chart says xister
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Thanks anon.
How are Cap'n and Mavs English voices? Do they fit the chars
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>average /gig/ poster
Sorry, but subhumans from some forgotten shitholes don't really count as 'everyone' as they can be hardly considered human
lmao this nigga still can't answer. lemme guess, you like self-inserting as pagther, don't you? ahahahahahaha come on, don't be shy
tranny detected
that's not a helmet bro, it's called a foreskin
japan is filled with lolicons
It is only natural Capitano jobbed, he is merely the strongest and only Harbinger number 1, he's not UNMATCHED in every single way.
Meta affects this kind of polls a lot. Even if you only rolled for meta you usually start liking the character more the more you use them. Not enough to draw fanart but enough to vote in the poll especially if it's a multiple choice one.
They are pretty good.
why are you guys so angry and hateful all the time :c
yeah, only ones that use it are kids and some troons (see the cosplays, it's awful)
sex with pierro
Isn't that just that girl from Naruto?
........................ KEKAROO
No, I just live in a first world country outside of asia.
I running Thoma/Yae(Fischl or Kuki)/XQ/Yaoyao if that help.
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Post screenshots with IT poses! Bonus points if you're using mods.
they can give a shitton of content to raiden but nobody would give a shit if she wasn't an archon
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It's his way of flirting
>t-tranny detected!
I am a man and was born with a dick, so no
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Too bad. Wanderer lost. Sales > tiktok hours. Arlecchino won. Don't cry, homoflopper.
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I'm going to commit a crime.

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is Natlan getting any chocolate beauties?
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Women don’t want me so I have to lash out at attractive 2d males
His character is bland and wishy washy at the whims of the writing team.
>keep getting spammed with verification codes
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if we get a 5* xl he will be back, trust the plan
Stop avatarfagging
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Kachina is really sexy
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this but unironically
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To be fair this is the art Capitano gets now
lbgtq crowd are losers in life
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homoslop flopped so hard that kinich is the sole 5* male in all of natlan
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omg the chartjeet is back! how was the train today saar?
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>Tfw newfags dont know why everyone hates Ballad
Please continue.
No, you're a neet. Everyone at uni uses it too
Fanfiction, she hardly appears and remains with the most content
>like Yelan, reminds a bit of Lucy Cyberpunk with the wires
>people apparently are pretty meh on her
What's the reason for this? Do they think she's an ugly hag like the Chasca shitposting?
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uhhh Xbalanque?
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Tsaritsa: "What is GOATHIMTANO to all of you?"

Pierro: "If I am Her Majesty's right-hand man, then he certainly is her left-hand man, which is befitting of his title as..."

Il Dottore: "He understandably disagree with my modus operandi. I try my best not to negatively stimulate his sense of justice. The risk of fighting him is proven to be unfavorable, for he is..."

Columbina: "He has a pure heart. Oh, and he's also..."

Arlecchino: "A mysterious man. But one thing is clear, he is no doubt..."

Pulcinella: "The honorable defender of this nation. Our people can certainly sleep well at night under the protection of..."

Scaramouche: "He's annoyingly popular. Can't they see the latent danger brought about by..."

Sandrone: "... He's..."

La Signora: "His honor doesn't allow him to accept my methods, yet he's never shown aggression toward me. I used to know some people like that. Unfortunately, the tide of darkness had devoured them all. But he's still here, he truly is..."

Pantalone: "An efficient operator. Maintaining the army takes a large amount of resource. That's why I much appreciate it when he takes on personal mission alone. He has never failed, a proof of being..."

Tartaglia: "My goal. One day, I'll prove my worth against him, and rightfully claim his seat as..."

Everyone: "...The strongest.
Human beings are evil cunts from the moment they are born, they just learn to play pretend.
I enjoy when either Itto, Venti, Kaeya, Thoma or Gorou show up. It's usually a good time. Looking forward to Varka kino.
Humans are failed and hopeless route of evolution and it angers me to be part of it
change your password retard
use unique passwords/password manager
Why can't /gig/ be a place for heterosexual waifufags only? I don't want to share a thread with women and homos. They can go to twitter and reddit and discord to be amongst their own kind.
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>darkest character in not-hawaii is a complete asshole with a paedo moustache
based china
Damn, the west really has fallen to jewish woke marxism
bro your Varka?
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Something tells me Xilonen is as close as you're going to get to chocolate dipped perfection.
>new region
>top-up refreshed
>free gibs to lure in returnees
>cute new girl with wide hips and in a bikini
Why did Mualani flop harder than Emilie despite having the recipe for success?
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Thoma is an easier investment for burgeon but Dehya has way higher potential for personal damage if you get her cons. Plus if you build EM on Thoma then his shield is paper thin but Dehya absorbs % damage from the whole team and heals herself.
They're vermin, when they see a space they don't belong, they just have to infest it even when they're not wanted
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Pre-5.0 memes are funny
Chinese sales are right above, xister. Did you forget to crop it?
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You know this place is a shithole when the female character rankings exist but no one wants to post them because the usual suspects here only ever want to talk about the men never the women. Constantly shirring up shit and bringing up the homos then they turn around around and call the men here "obsessed" and "seething" at them. You worthless femoid shits should get a life already.
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your kind deserves no safe space
>gig is filled with such virgin incel/femcel NEETs that they don't even know that almost every normie young adult is hooked on tiktok
The biggest spenders aren't keen on non-white skin.
He doesn't know
based anti-natalists
okay SEAmonkey
i doesnt even have to be /gig/ specifically, i just wish there was a single online genshin community where women and other minorities were gatekept from
read it again raidentroon.
to make it simple for you, nobody would give a shit about raiden if she wasn't an archon
Please delete this before he throws a tantrum across the whole thread
my passwords are unbreakable, you could at least say change your email but even then you can request a password change off of uid alone, I'm on to your schemes hackerman
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>Flopped harder than Emilie
It may not be gangbusters for a X.0 release but she'll at least do twice Emilie's numbers.
who left this neuv here
Why did you reply to your own post?
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>meanwhile on /gig/ where the minimum age is allegedly 18+
>Human beings are evil cunts from the moment they are born, they just learn to play pretend

If you aren't trolling you need to get the fucker over your woe is me attitude. Most people you meet are decent persons, but something a faggot like you tends to not understand is that you usually get back what you give. I am unironically mentally ill, and I really struggle with keeping connections with people. But you know what? I got Medicated, worked on my attitude, and I am kind to most people around me. Now I have a job, and Nice colleagues that I enjoy working with and who appreciate me. And they don't even care that I am a Dorky anime enjoyer because I they enjoy my company
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i just uninstalled zzz
You lost in life
maybe when you respawn your brain wont be genetic defect. sucks to suck
That's here
Women are still a minority, we must only have like 4 biological women
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You are not white men https://files.catbox.moe/cv9k5o.mp4
He's so cool.
Chinks have been calling Yelan an ugly bitch since her launch
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i was 3 of these x
no content
genshin/hsr/wuwa won
>x-xher chinese sales are higher i-i swear
sensortower didn't have chink data during wanderer's banner. arletrannoid flopped despite being meta kek
please stop making fun of the male characters or he'll just start spamming gore
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Same, I've done my part
As if the thread wasn't bad enough without /pol/tards spamming off topic propaganda.
gay sex with orororororon
>Thoma and Chongyun lower than bennet
Is is an air-way opener on Kagina's nose or just super aggressive baked-in lighting?
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Looks like fontaine cast!
The one ray of light in the sewers known as gig
Never did I imply "woe is me".
I'm a cunt, doesn't stop me from having a good life and plenty of friends.
Also doesn't change the fact that humans are all sacks of shit.
same, and I am now saving rolls for Mavuika and Citlali
Yeah people think she’s ugly, dunno why desu I always found her hot compared to the other ‘ugly’ characters.
>flawed data
I accept your concession. Because that means you presented faulty data as fact.
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we need a psycho-analysis on this person performed by the state of the art available psychiatrists and criminal investigators
Damn. More for me then
why was fontaine women so trans-coded
>pissed off male players with sumeru
>pissed off female players with fontaine
japan is the place with the most slurpers in the world and somehow genshin still managed to lose them
LMFAO this is bad
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Feels good being the 2%.

Now show me the numbers for masculine penis.
why did you install it to begin with?
say what you will about hsr, but to me zzz has to be the most boring shit, mobile-y tier honkai impact 3 shit game. this shit wouldn't even be this popular without the mihoyo tag.
Hope that game dies like wuwa.
Why are brownoids so obsessed with transgenderism and calling female characters trannies?
they actually don't exist. i remember checking the fav messenger profile on hoyolab several times but they never posted the equivalent survey for the female characters. you can check yourself if you like.
>>pissed off female players with fontaine
It's easy, designed by spiteful femcels.
this is your mind on HRT and reddit such as queensofgenshin
>remove females from gig
but how else will I get to talk to women...?
there's nothing trans about furina or navia
lynette only has memes about that 1 cosplayer
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Thoma EM build for burgeon yes. From what I reading Dehya is really bad as crit carry so I go with EM Dehya for now, and I need 1 more character for IT mode.
Can Neuvillette use his power to make genshin girls spray piss everywhere?
Stop projecting your insecurities onto everyone around you. Sacks of shit tend to congregate, and everyone else can smell it and keeps their distance. That's probably why everyone you associate with seems that way
Those friends of yours will dispose of you once they have no need of you. Human relationships are built on the concept of give and take, and nobody can give someone else what they need forever.
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same, i have 60 rolls saved up (no pity, no guarantee) after C2R1 and Mavuika is the next pull, should be able to guarantee her if she's 5.2-1 as expected
I know nothing about Citlali and I don't think I'll pull Xilonen. Definitely won't pull Kinich
>Niche site only used for builds
hmm but I don't remember asking about your opinion. If you can't even understand simple words like "not everyone" without making excuses like "uhh that doesn't count because.... because I said so alright" then your IQ might be lower than the average human being.
I'm very happy with fontaine
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Which of these is worth the time?
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Reminder that the 4.0 debut banner was outsold by a Yelan Re-run. Mualani is actually kinda winning in that she's not getting blown the fuck out by Kazuha.
that's the price to pay for posting on 4chin
these gays/trannies and women can't be held accountable anonymously
no we are not
i'm sorry you're a psychopath
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Mualani has MORE pulls despite having LESS users than Emilie. I'm very tired of pointing this out. It's almost like logic doesn't even matter anymore with how unhinged and straight up wrong shitposters have become.
If Mavuika isn't an on-field main DPS stronger than Neuvillette then Natlan is a failure and mihoyo deserves to go bankrupt.
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can i uhh get femcel uid's?
Majority female banners and everything after the AQ mainly revolved around female characters. Women don't want female characters in the game at all even if they're made to appeal to women like Fontaine's cast was.
You're just pulling my leg now I remember seeing it. Is this your way of making me do it myself?
>get an entire year of nonstop waifu banners
>still somehow seething
There really is no point pandering to incels since they just don’t know how to relax and enjoy anything
>pissed off female players with fontaine
Fontaine was S+ homo region though?
Damn this femcel really is seething since yesterday and replying to xherself fr?
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>pissed off male players with sumeru
why would this matter when waifupags don't spend
none they are all shit
clorinde is probably the least shit
>Sacks of shit tend to congregate
Is that why you're here?
you're the one seething here faggot
how about you stop spamming every thread
Clorinde and Arlecchino's are good
Chiori's is meh
Emilie is below meh
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I have 204 Fragile Resin, what to do with them? Keep saving?
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check your game
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So far on /gig/ I've seen tranny axe wounds, men shitting, monkey torture videos, and now it's just pictures of shit in a toilet
kek, what a faggot
Don't you get Arlecchino as a boss after you do her quest?
No, that was Tranjeetmeru. Fontaine has minimal fujobaiting and minimal male presence after the AQ outside the end where they shifted back to forcing Shitmeru faggotry.
Good thing that they are just Colleagues. I have a loving Family and that is more than enough for me. Besides that I have literally grown up next to my whole friend-group and we all play Video games together. Nothing else is is needed nor required.
I'm sorry you're not.
Where's /gig/'s Kavehtroon? I want to laugh at him. He always claims that his faggot is a popular and beloved character
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Only Clorinde's is remotely decent
The rest are garbage
1. mobile gacha games are saturated with coomer female games.
2. the games you pointed out are nearly 4+ years old compared to the newer male games.

once again, logic doesnt even matter anymore to shitposters.
on a completely unrelated note, its very odd that Mualani's 50/50 winrate is lower than Lyney's despite the addition of a new mechanic that should bring it up to 55%
I never believe any of this sales data shit anyway but they're either doing something wrong, lying or it's being rigged by outside influence uploading false data that hasn't accounted for this change.
Arlecchino's story quest unlocks a weekly boss whose materials are used to upgrade some of the recently released characters' talents in case that's of any importance to you
Wrong, It's because I'm white I can realize that even with seemingly perfect genes you can never escape true, evil to the core, human nature.
I unironically want to add my gig sisters but too many schizos here stopping that
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She's doing a lot better than Lyney though. Here are Lyney's numbers few days after his banner ended.
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>Alpedo that low
It's true, white men do not play Genshin anymore...
I love fat bitches
Don't you fucks get tired of seething over the same shit over and over again every single day
Why not just stay in your fucking lane post yer damn coom and only comment on the ones you like
Life is hard enough as it is outside I don't need to come home to more mental illness
>hmm yes the same thing spammed over and over
>let's try to reason with it
you don't need to do quests to do weekly bosses now
Arlecchino, Chiori and Clorinde’s are good
Haven’t done Emilie’s yet
Mualani would love it
you can quick start weekly bosses now without doing their quest
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>first 3 patches was homo after homo, some of them looking like male prostitutes
>the most broken homo that let you skip combat altogether was released in fontaine
You have to be joking
Waifufags really exposed themselves as broke screechers
boring shit, but short
fuck me it was forgettable i dont even know
long as mf filler quest...but imo the best or least shit companion quest that came out of Fontaine
same tier as Emilie, but i like it cus i get to hear her jp VA more.
Yes, they need to be called out every single time for their stupidity.
Yeah somethings wrong. The data aggregates for Star Rail do confirm a loosely 57% 50/50 win rate but the adjustment just... didn't do anything according to genshin's data.

It might just have been lies. Like, the 5% chance for a loss conversion was factored into the 50% base chance or some shit.
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4464068 pulls / 77108 users = 57.8 pulls per user
4899725 pulls / 104635 users = 46.8 pulls per user
What can we glean from this? A case of Natlan throwing out more gems or more people rolling for constellations?
when the purge happens none of these ppl are gonna make it
also they're all vaxxed
just a matter of time
Strangely enough not that many, usually every character released after a weekly boss needs its mats, in this case it's just a few.
Nah, world quests are mediocre as fuck, puzzles are easy as fuck, and are mostly tied to saurians.
Arrows and colors are everywhere so you wouldn't have to think at all.
Saurians themself have stupid limitations like Dendro one can't sprint while you see them running all around.
The main city looks like geto with acidic graffiti all over the place.
If anything it's bearly better than Fountain if not worse. Melusine village, Book of Esoteric Revelations, Narzissenkreuz Kingdom, reading Renes notes, fish swarm, and even accidentally ending up in the ship graveyard were more memorable than most of the Natlan. Sure there are a few good locations like Shadow Pins, Temple, and Island in the main world quest.
There is this but it isn't sorted by gender of the voters. I think I remember now the poll wasn't done by Favonius Messenger but it was shilled on Traveling Mimo or something and had a lot of votes. It's hard to find because it was made by some random certified creator.
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Childe SOON
>Whole thread is just one mentally ill spammer samefagging and the same idiots biting into it over and over
I'll go back to playing co-op
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I can't understand her appeal. She's not pretty, she's not smart, kinda autistic and lives in the middle of nowhere to do dumb tasks under a furry. She idolizes Amber, who is so dumb that no one can take her seriously in Mondstadt. Nope, I can't understand.
Mualani should have been Cryo
She should have been a Melt Ganyu upgrade/sidegrade that is a bit tankier/doesn't need the interrupt resist/shield
not Hydro Hu Tao/yet another hydro damage dealer that scales with HP
I still love her but reverse melt would have been more unique than forward vape while keeping her mostly the same
maybe it doesnt fit the aesthetic though
that's just men. necrophiles, the lot of you.
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When Snezchnaya arrives with it's Delusion Gimmick, they will rework Childe's kit and then rerun him again
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/gig/ fighting while I'm playing the best ever game made in all of humankind
Huh, I had no idea. Has this always been the case?
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> New Male is a Useless 4 Star
> B-but why is our game dying?

Man fuck this game I'm leaving for good : )
Mihoyo gave out a ton of gems because of the anniversary/new region exploration/etc
God Lyney is so sexy
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im not afraid of schizos
truly popular characters get schizo writefags slurping them up so unless you got one of those you're not considered as such desu
I seriously doubt they'd risk lying to the chinks
It explicitly says that all factored in it's a 55% chance to win the 'coinflip' now in the details
Definitely sketchy data if you ask me, a 10% increase in likelyhood to win is no joke and it's not just not seen in the paimon figures but it somehow goes down
This game looks like fucking ass. No one is envious of you playing this ugly looking shit I don't even know why you posted a screenshot as if anyone cares. Fuck off
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>i can't stop getting baited from posts I've seen a million times in gig.
>the replies are even expected copy paste, and i still keep giving them (You)s.
Genshin for this feel?
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Genes? LOL. You think our people had that excuse before Darwin? https://files.catbox.moe/0px1nr.mp4

This conflict is far longer than you and I, I only have a greater grasp on history. As Hitler did.
what the fuck thats my uid
All males should be useless 4 stars
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Hey there!
*blows your brains out with an umbrella*
>Humans are evil beings!!!
then why dont you start with killing yourself
>runescape in 2024
What server
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Genshin is on a constant life/death cycle depending on when he appears on the scene, it will live again when we reach his home... Snezhnaya
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For me, Its Fischl!
zoom zoom zoooooooom
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she went from bitter hateful edgelord to the leader of amber's fan club which is really cute
>Not pretty
The moral of the story is that you shouldn't put both genders in the same game.
Second moral is to release more fujo gachas cause waifu gachas are oversaturated.
I'm male and I love being a cheldfag.
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I only like her because she's rapebait.
I tried to get into it but man, it's just too african. Mihoyo needed to europeanize the region to make it palatable desu
>arlefuri troon has found a new meme ship to spam ugly westranny art of
/gig/ samsara
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Based heterosexual male cheldfag who is secure in his sexuality
yep, Xilonen is too ugly and haggish
i'll make an exception for Mavuika for meta reasons and she doesn't have as much cake up on her face
For me it’s StaleFarts
it's not uncommon to see posts there about kids talking about not being able to talk about genshin at school because they'd get bullied
yea my skin is just too white to enjoy this area. im experiencing culture shock. I REALLY need them to add more cucking back so i can feel at home
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>The Spina di Rosula's salute is a preemptive celebration of the successful conclusion of our negotiations and is fired just before talks begin. Don't misunderstand, it isn't in any way, shape, or form some kind of threat.

>Aims cannons at you
So, I'm thinking we should start at 50 mora a kilogram for the next shipment? Care to make a counter offer?
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im the voice in your head
the first is NA the 2nd is EU, i have 2 accounts
C0 kuki with instructors and iron sting
coom GAWD...
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Based, I like you
nobody cares about your brazilian prostitute
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I only want to perform oral sex to futas
RuneScape will outlast gayshit impact
this climbing shit only works in natlan? or nah
>mexican yui
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I want Navia to blow my brains out if you know what I mean
Based fontaine girl enjoyer. Come to france, we have a lot of girls with big dicks!
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mualafloppers scrambling to find some excuses
>0 tiktok hours
>#8 in JP
>lost fanarts number to jane doe
now they are resorting to a third-party website lol
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your game is subsidized by the small hats
you lost
you can use it everywhere but i imagine the duration is seriously fucked elsewhere
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imagine being the autistic manchild that has been posting the same thing for 4 years just to get and give the same responses from and to you
you're helping him maintain his organised daily structure and thats the only thing stopping him from becoming a school shooter so you're probably doing the world a favour
>downloading and installing resources
oh huh... bros what's going on?
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My ruthless mafia leader can't be this cute!
Back off I saw her first
>Xilonen throws her coat away when she enters skill
Technically a stripper, so tuck that away in your mind.
Works everywhere but the duration is neutered due to not having a phlogiston bar.
Well futas aren't real so this is as close as you'll get. You won't get cumflated, and it won't be 2 feet long with balls the size of watermelons, but you have to take what you can get.
There are more africans in your town than Natlan
Is there chest that not on any interactive map because I 100% that map all the puzzle all the chest, monetoo time trial everything and I'm 3 chest short
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based i want to add every cheldbro
EM Raiden best friend
if you keep chaining nightsoul transmissions between xilonen and kachina, can you just keep climbing forever?
scapebros what in the god damn happened
I thought that game was ugly as shit even back in the early 2000's. It's why I played Ragnarok Online instead.
Ok so
>geo characters = climbing
>dendro characters = swinging
>hydro characters = surfing
What about other elements?
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i just like that her zip goes all the way down
dont usually like tall females, i think shenhe is the only one i've rolled actually, but i wanna wonder about that zip, plus i like rolling for the archons
Post UIDs
straight men audience is gone thanks to the year of homoflops
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9s c0 11s c1, that's c1 and not using the fire stuff

You've been having a melty for a week now. Do you really have nothing better to do with your life?
it works outside natlan but not for nearly as long.
>tfw the year is 2030
>Genshin is dead and EOS
>Runescape is somehow still alive and running
>fujo game
>being surprised that female characters do not sell.
Just wait for HIM sister.
clorinde's SQ is the best overall. among the best in the game. aside from the d&d nerdery it spices things up with a new interface for the SQ and is worth checking out just for that
imagine if this really mattered
I enjoy playing with her and your opinion is of no importance to me bwo
gig is legit the only board where it's hella scuffed every time zone of the day
Usually on most board it's burger hours and euro/sea are the comfy ones despite the burgers screeching about sea being nigs while they're the actual annoying fucks.
But not here. It's euro hours and yet the place is still shitting itself. When burgerhours arrive it will shit itself as well.
why are you falseflagging and samefagging your own bait
Its no wonder. A lot of people got Neuvilette and dont need another hydro dps. They probably also have Childe and/or Ayato as well. Not to mention people always save for archons.

Trying to drive some narrative (I have no idea what) by posting some arbitary sales numbers is schizo behaviour as fuck tho. What are you trying to accomplish? Im genuinely curious.
Do you think people who got Mualani care what she sold?
Anemo = fly
electro = run fast
Why are you transphobic?
> Genshin fans not beating mentally ill and violent allegations
Anemo will probably be flying, Electro fast movement on the ground, and Cryo I have no idea.
Lucio's skating in Overwatch felt more smooth but this is acceptable
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Favorite songs in the Natlan OST so far?
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjG3TAF1rZQ&list=PLCL72sECN1K91eovA1IWwRkJIE9El1EBp&index=14
Its kinda funny seeing how desperate they’ve gotten
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Tiffany’s passion project.
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cryo = skating?
anemo = flying
pyro = ???
electro = *teleports behind u*
The cc I'm in has an Indian dude raging at Americans so I'm dying
Better than gig for sure
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Why is Kuchina such a jobber?
I'm not sure what's your point now, of course people before Darwin were evil trash as well, and they did even less effort to pretend they are not
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seethe faggot
made for wet sloppy pantyplay
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Did you noticed how much they've cranked up the "sucking off traveler at any given time" knob?
Or it always was like that before fontaine experiment?
You are replying to the mindbroken femcel who has been trolling and salesposting since the cut down on male banners
She is obviously gonna ride a motorcycle
people from dead gacha generals(blue archive/wuwa/etc) are getting more and more angry at genshin
>With EM Raiden
i sure hope not
some nonbinary freaks started working at jagex cause jagex fancies itself a silicon valley tech company when its actually an irrelevant little lab from cambridge uk
they shill the nonbinary shit in the new one too but its not like the sky is falling
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>he rolled on an anemo twink male to fly high/mobility
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>sensortower didn't have chink data during wanderer's banner
They did have it, but that specific site didn't track it yet. Here is another source that shows that CN iOS was $43m, so with the 1.75x Android multiplier, it would be $43m (iOS) + $75.25m (Android) = $118.25m (Total CN)
>anemo = flying
uhh blunderertroons? your oshi is now useless...
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I hope I get a C1 jean at some point. Her succ is a little anemic at base level.
>Will this help us properly portray our tall female ocelot themed woman as a blacksmith?
They’re putting so much value on a self-reporting third party app while ignoring hard cold numbers kek
Damn, I'm glad I stopped playing this shortly after they made Armadyl gay and then had the nerve to not have Bandos kill him.
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how would fagcels and femcels react if Alhaitham turns out to have a second life with a wife and multiple kids?
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... is that... the EXACT SAME sales bait I've seen posted 50 times already?
oh god i cant help myself.... im gonna... im gonna REPLYYYY
Navia is a slut that fucks random people
Clorinde is forever virgin
hate kachina
>why are so many people tired of jews pushing woke gay tranny feminist shit in all media
gee I wonder why...
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mfw I backread and realize that I share the thread with unwhites
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i enjoyed this quest
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They will likely be worse than blunderer outside natlan
The constant trashing Traveler got in 4.x clearly received negative reception in China, so this is Mihomo's response to it.
NO SHIT. We're getting more and more famous canonically as we save the fucking world. It would be fucking weird if NPC's DIDN'T suck us off after how much shit we've done.
I'm not gonna post my best post on a thread that is almost dead.
guys, tiktok hours no longer count because...... uh because the female banners are all flopping
They've added it in 4.5 or 4.6 I guess, what pisses me off is that skippers have better experience accessing weekly bosses, you don't have to teleport to its location you just start the battle wherever you are and teleport back once finished
Are you too retarded to know game-i also counts as third party web or what
Mualani is the most pious of them all, she is pure and never has a single sexual thought in her head
Iansan is secretly stronger than Mavuika, right? They're not being subtle about it.
Holy shit it's all the same guy just mad at genshin.
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tan lines aaaaaaa
she's so SEXO i am having a sexual emergency saaarrrs
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but she's actually passionate non-stop baby-making sex bait

what quest is that?
Why are blonde hags like this?
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You can have sex with and cuddle with a slut and they may even go as far as doing handholding.
A virgin will just babble about her K/D ratio and probably never even take of her gloves for physical contact.
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>literally a worldwide famous superhero (and soon to be an Archon)
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post hand and prove you are white
Wanderer already got explorationcrept by Xianyun
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NPC's have always done that since Sumeru
>always makes women into "body type 2"
so woke! we love women here!
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>Gacha players' number one go-to response to people saying mobile games are predatory is 'yeah but I have self control'
>They literally and physically cannot stop themselves from replying to bait every time it's posted
>posts a picture of a nonwhite person to describe himself
Dumbo the context matters. Pyro Archon is a despot there and they know you're her buddy. He better grovel or she'll send his ass and half of his tribe to the next hunger games.
No she's a pantyplay gooner
World famous jobber LMAO
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I don't feel bad for these guys. I can't pick a mushroom without one of them jumping my ass.
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My point is that instinct rules all nature and that white male instinct results in the most order among the chaos. If you want to kill White(and East Asian) men then you want to kill any civilization beyond mud huts and rape.

You're crazy if you think us white men will stay back forever though.
What the fuck do you know youre just a got damn cat
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no feminism or faggotry? 10 million sales
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Honestly she looks alright but the eyes and the face looks kinda annoying. 6/10 female.
Why does her skating look so stiff and the jumping so awkward
>non white
My womb trembles everytime I think of Kinich.
>not having identity crisis

Wanderer won…
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B is boring to play, he will never be part of any of my teams.
between pledge and forgettance series
you explore a temple with your baby nugget (the useful one not the flying one)
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The shonenfags have been absent since capitano's jobbing
>DAE notice that after 4 years more people know traveler now than when traveler had just arrived on the world and not met anyone!!!!!
>This is a homosexual conspiracy theory connected to real world politics!
Porkrinde should lose some weight
that happens before
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I think the tier list this is from implied all bloom reactions and Nilou's bountiful core has leaves.
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The chart they are spamming isn't even anything but made up numbers

>Archon of the jobber element
You can't make this stuff up
i cannot wait until you faggots get your comeuppance for shitting all over women and the most basic truths of being human
Barely any humans at all in that game from what I've seen so it kinda sidesteps the issues.
Mualanisis, make sure to carry spare panties around...
i suppose its to be expected
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Koultbro... not like this...
Its just 100th example I've noticed, even before archon stuff that afro niga from first tribe sucked us dry after reading our names
Funny how quick their tune changes
I added you in EU, always looking for powerful /gig/ers to lend me characters for IT. So far I've added 3 players from here and they have all been helpful.

I do not engage in ERP or any degenerate stuff, I just like playing this beautiful game. Feel free to add me if you want, my name changes depending on the zone I'm exploring. Currently doing Sumeru so it's hindi.
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Anyone wanna add me (NA server)
>So many people
Actually less than 1% of population called the far right extremists
No it doesn't
the mere ABSENCE of big nosed DEI shit is good enough for its success
imagine if she spends an entire day gooning in her panties only to hand them over to (You) at the end
haha I wish that happened haha
Wow, 3 things that do not matter.
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Mualani is my sugarmommy
>Anemo characters have lost someone and/or yearn for freedom of some kind
>Geo characters are hard workers, tenacious and hotheaded
>Electro characters are weirdos that don't fit the bunch
>Dendro characters are moved by curiosity and knowledge towards the world
>Hydro characters are either performers and/or keikaku dooris shouldering great responsibility
>Pyro characters are Mary Sues?
>Feel free to add me if you want, my name changes depending on the zone I'm exploring. Currently doing Sumeru so it's hindi.
Holy soul
I'll add later on
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Accept my request
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>I do not engage in ERP or any degenerate stuff
neither do i, i just like to coop with my gig friends
you can add me >>493254660
>waifuflopper actually flopped
>This is a homosexual conspiracy theory connected to real world politics!
genuinely can't tell where you got this from, but get well
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.When will we be free of Paimon?
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did I miss a cake or we just went past Fontaine too fast?
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You might as well have posted genshinlabs. Nice cope though
very few people here like that shit but spamming about it all day is tiresome when its not even pushed in genshin because its a chink game
spamming about it in other games is just retarded offtopic shitposting and the indication that male characters are inherently gay and therefore proof that the jews run china and 'mihomo' is pushing it on kids is just schizophrenic mental gymnastics
the fact that most people that shitpost about the game being gay also seem to despise women and get angry at female players existing is just bizarre and makes me think its trolling but its probably just schizophrenic anger because no troll does this day in day out for 4 full years
genshin 2
She will be the protagonist of Genshin Impact 2: Paimonal Fury.
once we enter celestia
>hot headed
your next cake should be from Fontaine
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i will make passionate love with every barbaraposter
itto kept trying to pick a fight with yelan like every other second
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>fontaine was so trash that they didn't even gave that anon a cake
LMAO your excuse fontrannies?
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>app store & iOS estimates
>multiplier that has no way of matching up with real sales figure held by the actual company
>doesn't take non-mobile platforms into account
Salesposters are inherently dishonest
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I haven't seen anyone receiving Fontaine cake yet
It's autism.
Not a single day has gone by on /gig/ since it's inception that the same retard complaining about all male characters or trannies
It's a ritual for him because he has severe autism. My ex gf in secondary school had a brother with severe autism and the way they NEED to do the same thing every single day like clockwork is very real.
>Meanwhile Concord is scrapped barelt a week after release
Go woke, go broke.
>very few people here like that shit but spamming about it all day is tiresome when its not even pushed in genshin because its a chink game
many people play these gacha games precisely because there's no dei jewish influence in them
> the indication that male characters are inherently gay and therefore proof that the jews run china and 'mihomo' is pushing it on kids is just schizophrenic mental gymnastics
never have I said this
so blatatnly wrong. BRICS and the jewish western empire are at odds with each other. your eyes are so closed
>the fact that most people that shitpost about the game being gay also seem to despise women and get angry at female players existing is just bizarre and makes me think its trolling but its probably just schizophrenic anger because no troll does this day in day out for 4 full years
I am not like the /wuwa/jeet homo posting about charts and tiktok hours 24/7
Did you figure out the lyre thing, Barbara?
It's ok you can shoot I am ready...

Well actually... One last peek under your skirt before death? Tiny pantsu gazing? Lil pantyhose contemplating? O-onegai...
Iansan is the electro sovereign
Hotheaded and headstrong/stubborn are not the same thing.
Hotheaded is mostly being a retard with a short fuse.
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Why is Furina looking at me like that?
>tfw missed the Inazuma cake forever
>on two accounts


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