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Duel Links Speed General #2473

ArcV redemption edition

The girls >>492842119

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
>Lulu-Rin unlock

Upcoming Events
>KC cup

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
Now and Yuri, Ray and Zarc. and Mieru
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Best couple. Best summon mechanic.
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Guess the canon interaction between Yuri and Serena, Konami seems to still remember Arc-V ending 6 so it must not be much different from this scene
RIP shippers.
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what the FUCK is her problem???
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Yuri broke her.
she's so heckin toxic... we should cancel her
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Based Synchrochad
>Yugo and Rin are Jack's fans
Would they be Yusei's fans instead of Jack's if he was in the Synchro dimension?
It depends what Yusei would be like in Arc-V. Rin seems more like she'd be a Shinji fan and would support his extremism (being a big opportunist) while Yugo would be hesitant (being gentler than her).
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I have a feeling it will go beyond that since they have been teasing at least some development.
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
Where is HIM
Hey dummy do you not know about the voice line feature
Gusto Pilika, why?
I just like discovering them on my own, no bully
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which uniform is the best
Serena is too retarded to be Obelisk blue, she will be Osiris Red until graduation like Judai
The one with the smallest skirt obviously(SEXal)
He was really excitedly talking to her, and then she whipped out her duel disk while he ducks but doesn't really seem bothered. I feel like they'd get along, if not for the psycho part
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I love Sora.
>In the English dub ver they censors Zexal uniforms and their skirts become longer
i will never forgive 4Kidz
Obelisk Blue, then Zexal, then DM then 5ds
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The sexo one
Didn't the whole skirt thing get 4kidz shut down?
>fusion parasite
I don't know but Eng sub Zexal has the worst censorship, they censored Rio/Merag's flashback just because of Incest ?
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all bracelet girls except Yuzu have voice lines for the parasite fusion
Fusion Parasite is in? And as a R card no less.
It makes sense, she was the only one who never actually dueled while under its influence.
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Decks for this feel?
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Decks for THIS feel?
>do you not know about the voice line feature
No I don't
I wouldn't know, what's the difference
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Decks for this feelorino?
You know you can go into the deck editor and filter by voice line cards right?
>gusto would have been a good fit for her and plumped up her voice track
>give her one and nothing else
Why do Zexal characters get full archetypes they didn’t play but no other world does?
What color panties do each of them wear?
Just try kogging before the new box comes out, I'm not sure if it'll be used or not but book of eclipse cucks the end board hard. Id also dig for exciton knight , he's won me games by himself by being my last resort maybe try doubling up on castel if you have another one instead of the link 2 till then she kinda clogs your field since you want the choice to rank up any ed monster you have.
No pan
White ones with a teddy bear on them
Black lacy ones
White lacy ones
Celina seems like the type to wear spats
When does new box drop?
Whenever the current sale ends so the 9th for me
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Porni's asshole....
Specifically tailored to accept Girag cock
Alito's bottom bitch only cares about fapping to furry racoon vore porn.
All of them wear white.
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No redemption. Only disappointment ahead.
What does the M stand for?
Fuck black wings they stole my autistic black gf from me
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Appreciate all the art the event has produced. I think ARC-V gets the most attention when it comes to events
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Mucho Grande Tacos.
Isn't that the girl that got mindbroken with the manga's end?
spats are not panties and not even comfortable as panties, your discharge will leak on it and you cant put lightday pads, but even if you forgoe them they will be gross and feel bad
spats, and by what you mean by that are probably girls boxers, which I think she would wear too or just also nopan
There's this cute autistic black girl that draws fan art of her oc and crow together.
>spats are not panties and not even comfortable as panties
What an odd thing to know off hand mind explaining how you know this?
i was born with an axe wound between my legs that bleeds once a month and was raised as a creature called a woman
Post birth certificate
No, what shut them down was the lawsuit for not using the proper orchestral score in DM
what happened to the last thread
who cares post yours first before i dox myself
how do i know youre not just a jealous woman, post your hand with a timestamp and your certificate too
what do you -
>all gone
Unsure what to say really
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based as always
I wish you a good weekend my friend in Sora.
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>Playing as Sora
>Get matched against Mokuba
post bobs and vagene
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saar you need to verify yourself first
holy shit you werent kidding
yumestacy, i fucking kneel
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My wife..... And her ugly 5head manlet husband. Why does she ntr me like this......
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She's celebrating his birthday tomorrow, and she constantly tweets every 5 minutes about crow. I never stood a chance
Finally, Rinrin.
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You know she's probably 200 pounds, right?
She's not your typical ghetto baboon there's a reason my heart went doki doki when I saw what she looked like. Besides I'm no prize either and I like them bigger so I wouldn't mind.
Is building Pendlum cheap and funny cause no one understands them?
didn't mean to quote oops
can someone post the lewd links rar?
the lewd links rar?
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mommy rin...
Is Yugo supposed to be a reverse Yusei?
Yusei was cool and respected by everyone while Yugo is a joke.
He's more like kaito mixed with orbital 7.
this is a arc v board now gaymaker
he's dumb as a bag of rocks but no one denies he's a great duelist and he has some yusei traits
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Lv 10 Yuya drops prismatics?
It's random no matter what level you duel them, level 10 scud dropped like 30 gems for me once
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Thanks friend, hope you have a great weekend as well!
how did I make it so long into this game without unlocking this little angel?
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annoying unlock condition
gonna buy the Immortal Phoenix Gearfried structure deck or cyberse deck that came out

really wanna KOG with this since I like it. Any advice guys
so which one do you want to kog with
Immortal Phoenix
it seems fun and has the ability to negate + suck up monsters.Seems fun. Do you have any advice for that deck. will buy later today

Any SR equips I should get or UR?
the deck is pretty expensive
isn't it just 2 structure decks + `1000 gems ready to go?
Got a bunch of solfachord cards while pulling for Shooting Quasar, what's a good deck for these musical fairies?
No, you need the infernoble knights package with sherry's skill to make it playable, if only the op tranny would let HIS site in the op then maybe youd have the knowledge to make the deck alas she has quite a bit of sand up her axe wound so it's not meant to be.
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Good lord she's hot.
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Trvth nvke
If you were forced at gunpoint to fuck Yuzu, Lulu or Rin, who would you choose? (Celina belongs to me only btw)
Id choose the bullet because none of them are mieru-chan
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Lazy Yuya
Do I need 3 Reis for Sky Striker in Duel Links?
It looks like every box is more support for her and I only have 1 copy.
At least her box have some interesting cards, but still
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You can get away with 2 and rota but 3 is better
He's more like Leo, if Leo's sister wasn't biologically his sister and they wanted to fuck each other.
>hyper doofus
>very affectionate
>most significant female is polite to almost everyone else but chews him out regularly
>adores Jack
>plays a luck-based Synchro deck designed like a bunch of toys and gadgets
He's basically Leo
Fuck sky sissies. If only agents weren't ultra retarded, that would have sealed the sky sissies forever
Like the other anon said, you can run two Raye and ROTA, but Terraforming is better than ROTA.
Sky Striker is based. No need for pussy ass Skills, can literally just win Duels without clicking a single yellow button.
Tomboy, retard
Stern mommy
Gentle girl
I think Celina not knowing what "going out" means is meant to recall Jaden's denseness in a way
She's the archetype of a girl who's known nothing but battle so she's dense when it comes to most interactions outside of battle
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>and they wanted to fuck each other
Bros who to pick on prediction campaign
I'm back bitches
Go back to your containment thread quantumpoo
Yu-Gi-Oh love twincest
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however long duel links goes shueisha will make it worse.
Sounds more like she is just an autism to me
She's just like me...........
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Is really no one talking about how toxic book of eclipse will be? I feel like it's gonna be the new hey trunade
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Pfft... Crowcucks? Your boy simps for this behemoth ebon whale? Oh no no no no
>Serena is Judai but male
>Yuri is Yubel but not intersex
BLACKED wings...
Short of Sky Kiker getting a Skill that makes her mandatory, can somebody explain why the shit anyone would even use their new maindeck whore? Aren't three bodies enough? I feel retarded just reading her. Her effect isn't even as good.
Unlocking that flower arranger girl when?
Right after Cathy and Mieru
If they treated Zexal world like DM world then she would be already in.
yea it seems kinda shit in speed duels I expected it to be an SR. don't know how the fuck they justify it being an UR
at least you can play against her in tag force
More like Fag Force
She's not fat(sadly) thoughbiet
Zexal needed it more the whole series revolved around turbo summoning your boss monster it's why Quinton only ever summoned like 3 monsters besides Dyson sphere which he sat on for the entire duel.
Is that a real character? I might have to watch 5Ds after all.....
read the thread.
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box tonight?
can't read twitter posts
also I should've known that 5ds couldn't be that based
serena wife
No retard, it's when the current sale ends
a hue monkey i see.
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crow would simp for any girl who would give him the time of day. but none do.
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Why did Dark Magician steal Gaia?
DM stole his Dragon and lance
Dm tax, sorry chudia the cuckknight
They don't call him BLACK magician for no reason.
When does the Speed WCS begin?
Roze is just a one-of at most anyway so her being a UR isn't that big of a deal. And you especially don't need her when all we have are the link 1s to begin with. They should have put Zeke in this box to give it a better value proposition.
You illiterate niggers really need to learn how to read the notifications
it tells you the exact time and date in game
What is that creature that Sora is clinging to?
>she even made her OCs earrings irl to wear
Why can’t I find an autism girl
New box when???????
why do you even want the new box it's total ass cheeks
You're gonna cry so hard in two weeks when you're getting direct attacked by a bird every other game
Roze's ass cheeks...
Gold rank bro...
Get flipped, idiot.
I want to have sex with birds
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His sister from the manga.
I kogged already though :3
>Draw the un searchable out
There are already birds in the game with big boobs and whips what more could you want
when are they going to release the natural energy archetype??
Who even played this in the anime?
Riley akaba
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Not even in her dreams
has anyone seen the good rule 34 on this?
on what?
You guys all have your Sapphire Swallows and Chimes by now right?
I don't give two shits about wind witches but I have three copies of the bird slut already
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I picked zaidking because they played geists
I was going to support quantumcubes but then he got exposed as a fucking pajeet
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I finally realized why Ruris/Bracelet girls are so good, its because they're all the H word
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so i've been playing for 7 days now
when is it I am actually meant to start building a serious deck?
after you've been saving for a couple of months
uhh marge these gems expire in 30 days
make a cheap deck then
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I dated a woman like this and it can be crushing.
They legit cannot love you as much as whoever they fixate on.
I was like that towards my first two gf's they knew they couldn't be number one in my heart when my waifu was there front and center.
Just strap a picture of her husbando's face onto yours when you get it on.
I want to have sex with Ghost Girl...
ghost girl's avatar isn't a raccoon fursona though.
She has little pig ears that's good enough for him
Enter this code and you'll get a Blue-Eyes Structure box with 3x Melody of Awakening Dragon, 3x White Stone of Ancients, 3x Floodgate Trap Hole and 1x each of the Synchros. Swap out Protector with BE Alt then pull for Successor Soul and you've got a deck that can carry you to Legend without thinking because of Skills.
>begging for gems
I got both copies of that deck, so I have the 2 dragon spirits of whites, the fusions and the synchros
you'd think think that there would be more NTR fanart with Girag then there really is considering that whole spell of the anime where he went around hypnotizing people, including Cathy and Kotori
There's barely any straight porn of ygo as it is ,this is a fujo dominated series.
That's because Girag is Alito's bottom boyfriend.
Alito would never insult anyone by having them be the bottom, he'd have an honorable man to man sword fight like a true duelist.
faggotry doesn't exist in yugioh. It's all just headcanons
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>faggotry doesn't exist in yugioh
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>faggotry doesn't exist in yugioh
game is lagging fucking hard, vagabond was taking ages to decide and now i've just got the spinning yellow circle
lines of code can't experience love, only imitate it
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>faggotry doesn't exist in yugioh
damn it's happening to me too
>Joey dreams about being kaiba's slave while wearing a furry costume
>Jaden is a fag for a Twink Texan and a parasitic alien troon
>Bruno and yusei
>Alito having fantasies about Yuma
>Ai groomed a vacuum cleaner
>all the ruris got their own theme
>they are all great and even share the same leitmotif.
I was certain that both Ruri and Rin were either going to share a theme or reuse Yuzu and Serena's theme.
Remember the days we had to deal with everyother character having this theme?
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It's funny how many years pass yet the BIG 4 still remain straight. No confirmed homosexuality. Although i think Digimon had some gay shit going on in one game
>Big 4
>Beyblade and digimon are there
>Ygo is arguable at best thanks to flush
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How? i remember the good boy version of yuri from the manga flirting with yuzu
>Bruno and yusei
The only thing gay about this was that weird moment where Yusei touches his ass for no reason
The 4 franchises still survive the passing of time with new anime every 3 or so years
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>Judai: "Gotcha!"/"Get your game on"
>Yusei (dub): "Let's rev it up!"
>Yuma: "Kattobingu/hi-five the sky"
>Yuya: "Otanoshimi korekara da!"/"Swing into action"
>Yusaku: DAMARE

decks for this feel?
he was flirting with his mom?
No wonder Japanese elementary school children today are more obsessed with Kimetsu no Yaiba than those new generations
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Digimon had the Appmon spinoff where the protag enters this extremely close friendship with another boy that was gay to the point where the voice actress of the actual heroine said she felt cucked.
Until they made Goh a character
You haven't seen what's going on in Rush
Can't speak for this as know nothing about it
All the Yu-boys flirt with Yuzu in the manga, Yuya even groped Yuzu's breasts, It seems like they didn't know that Yuzu was their mother before fighting the final boss, Yugo also called Yuzu Yuya's girlfriend.
Yes, because the Arc-V manga was an awful piece of trash that should be forgotten.
Damn, Go Rush character designs is so Ugly
I was in vp long enough to know that everyone thought that little brown boy with long eyelashes next to ash was tomboy they also had a bunch of scenes together i think but i memory holed anything pokemon related after like gen 6
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Ruri won't drop the fucking thick bird loli, I only got the guaranteed one from event points. Now I'm waiting until the level 50 chars shows up before I try again.
Also Digimon is a fucking joke now they're trying so hard to nostalgia fag it's not even funny , tri fucking sucked and the new series where they re-envisioned the season one was a hot fucking mess that no one liked pretty sure they busted out omnimon in episode one that was stupid .
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I have a full set of Swallows and just got a second Chimes drop, so I only need the last one from hitting the point threshold.
this is my first time seeing a standard duelist use a proper deck or something approximating one
I like Sabyuas.
He reminds me of something out of Saint Seiya
Wait till you duel the plunder deck
Plunder? that deck isn't even available to us
Npc's have cards we don't get for awhile it's always been like this , live twins came a year after vrains was released despite the NPC's having access to the cards at vrains launch same with plunder.
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Explain it to Serena like she's 5, /dlsg/
What does "Going out" mean?
honestly it seems like yuto and ruri are the only ones who are actually going out
You know that hole where you pee from ? Well the one directly above that one is where I'm going to stick my fingers tongue and penis in. What's a penis you ask? Well it's this thing between my legs that's 4 inches long and don't ask other guys about theirs every man on earth especially the black ones is ashamed that mine is bigger than theirs.
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Like this
it means mating press leg lock nakadashi
Ai was a metaphor for his inner darkness. you know like atem or yubel or z-arc.
>dead in bronze because some unchained paypiggy wipes the entire field on a single turn
>in rush
that was a mirage and they're robots.
>It's time to Duel!
>Get your game on!
>Let's rev it up!

>I'm feeling the flow
>My deck's gonna put a smile on your face
>i created rush duel so we can both have a great time
why is nu-gi-oh so soi?
Rev it up and get your game on sound gay too I can't remember what Jaden says in the sub but it sounds better
His catchphrase is “gotcha” in JP which is fucking stupid
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So what deck is winning this weekend? I have my money on either sky striker or unchained
I don't care I just hope quantumpoo loses
Holy kino. Let's see if they put this much effort in the MD app
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Last time they had a whole duel field on top of the usual didnt they?
Sleepy thread
I've waited 2 days for them to say "I love duels"
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>his extra deck contains no fusion monsters
I'm not a war criminal
too bad for you I am!
>don’t ask the other guys about theirs
Can do
>immediately goes to the other girls and brags how her man has a “huge” 4 inch penis
>they attempt to stifle their laughter but they can not
>celina demands an explanation and they break the reality to her
What’s the next step in your master plan?
Claim that girls from this dimension are jealous lying whores and they want me all to themselves and propose that I duel the lying harlots till they admit my pp is big then i apologize and tell them that Celina is the only for me.
After losing two KOG Rank Ups in a row, I at last secured a W for XYZians. Now to hang back and wait for the KC Cup.
>Sky SiShark
Jesas fucking christ.
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Yugobros... she just can't keep Jack-sama's name out of her mouth....
That’s not the only thing of Jack’s that she can keep out of her mouth
>liking females
Someone didn't watch 5D's
That must be you i guess
This was a cool moment, she was fresh off a kill and looking for more
what if you lose
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A penile shrinking penalty game
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RIP. BE cucks.
Tag force world...
they cover your penis with honey, sprinkle it with birdseed and let the birds peck at your pecker until it shrinks or you die of bloodloss whatever is their mood at the moment.
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>let the birds peck at your pecker
that doesn't sound that bad
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World Tournament begins in half an hour. May our boy win

/outboy/ Zenzoh, yeah.
Speed Duel matches

unchained is one of the most f2p honest decks being played in DL right now shitter-kun
>My goat Air in the stream
Prizes for the winners
Always such a joke.
That's the kind of prize that should be given in tournaments at locals.
looks like they got the intern to stop by the dollar store on the way to the event
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Post dicc.
Is it just the evolzar and nightmare set up?
good. there shouldn't be monetary rewards for toy card games like yugioh or one piece or lorcana or pokemon.
>1 (one) chronomaly vimana vs turn 2 infernoble fleur
why did i vote for ryosuke
Based ghost of Takahashi
kys nigger
every other TCG/esport gives cash prizes
Jack is the straightest man in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh series.
I don't think pokemon does
you fucking faggot
Greed is bad
>1440 players watching in game :O
Bait on the hook to waste money, people should know these games as toys and nothing else.
You did vote for a rush player too right anons? Surely you didn't give up potential gems over a petty "protest"
of course rushsister
cool runner up prizes. what are the prizes for the winner?
I voted one of them at random. I hope he wins.
damn trader won't give me where arf thou
Here you go
>Is it just the evolzar and nightmare set up?
I don't play that version of the deck anymore.
sex with your waifu
i forgot to vote at all
it's in the regular inventory
oh I see, thanks.
>paper/Master Duel stream is just Snake-Eyes/Yubel players endlessly jerking themselves off
>Duel Links stream is just the 24/7 CN Tower Network.
Wow that prize lineup has to be worth at least $50
That’s just the cover prize. The REAL prize is access to Konami’s secret solid vision room where you are allowed to summon ONE(1) monster to have sex with.

Which one would you summon?
I would summon HIM.
Centaur Mina. I like what I like ok?
Icejade Aegirine
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I activate my Marriage Ritual spell
Come on, fags. You commemt fucking Quantum tournaments but want comment Worlds??
There's nothing to comment on when its being DDoS'd
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if you wanna watch some rotating shots of Seattle all day, be our guest.
I wont touch that shit because they're switching back and forth from Speed to Flush. At least Quantum keeps them separated to their own days.
Bros, he doesn't even acknowledge us anymore...
He won't stain his hands by touching Flush shit.
HE unironically fucked DL like some dumb slut for years and left
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>Pokemon TCG: Nice World Championship suckers
Anon he dropped DL without looking back long before Rush even leaked into the game. It was always just a cash grab
>Backed the wrong autism horse
Oh well I hate the Pokemon TCG anyway but I'm autistic enough to do vgc with how easy it is to get competitive pokemon in gen 9
he acts like a clown on stream to an audience of kids I don't see why not
kids don't care about modern competitive yugioh
>you comment
No, Quantumpoo brings a bunch of shills here to fake engagement. None of us give a shit
>a turkroach is holding the event hostage
>is making a gargantuan demand of $35
That like a million dollars over there don't bully
>HE said a Turkish chad is holding the Duel Links WCS hostage in protest of Flush Duels
>the chad wants $35 USD to let the tournament continue
Is this true?
>some dude in Turkey is DDoSing the Duel Links servers and demanding Konami pay him $35 to stop
My sides
how do you guys know?
Yall know what this means? Apologems time
It happened in Grand and Quantum's tournaments before. Its the same fucking retard
you mean the same fucking CHAD
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BASED Turkish chad dunking on flush duel crap and teaching Komoney a lesson
Just pay the schizo the $35 Konami
There’s a difference between doing it to some retarded streamer and to a billion dollar company. Which really just makes Konami look bad
What's your turn 1?
Never negotiate. Next time he will want $40
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roachbros we fucking won
Based TURKGOD shitting on Flush.
I can't fucking believe he can take down a konami server and only ask for 35 bucks
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Konami doesn't negotiate with terrorists
what's the significance of $35. is that how much krokodil is
Apparently, he has been taken down. There's a thread in /pol/
Both Rush and Speed are affected
Link it or fuck off. I am not about to dig through that shit board
Collateral damage. He's still doing it to protest Flush slowly taking over the game.
>Fucks over World Tournament
>Demands for $35 AND for a Discord Mod of DL to be his girlfriend
Damn, this guy ain't playing around
>Quantum outted the turkish ddos-er to the Konami Devs stationed at Worlds
>Konami called the police for an investigation there
>Duels are scheduled to possibly be continuing in some 20 minutes from now for both Speed and Rush
>Damaging Speed Duel is "collateral"
I hope I dont have to express how retarded downplaying damage to one of the biggest tournaments of the year for this format is. No amount of Rush seething is worth this display for such an event, even if its on Konami having shit security for their servers
Snitches get stitches, Quantum.
who actually cares
>the schizo wants money and a whore
He's just like me fr
What's the worst that could happen? This shit game getting axed earlier than expected?
>The company hosting it
>The hacker who saw fit to do it in the first place
>The casters
>The competitors having to deal with this shit
>The streamers and their audience who want to see it
A lot of people, apparently - especially if >>493561997 is right and law enforcement's getting involved
I hope Quantem didn't actually squeal on /dlsg/'s official new hero Mustafa or else...
I hope this becomes Sony PS3 hack levels of seriousness and Konami is forced to shut DL down early so we get Duel Links 2 sooner.
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>flush is causing a ddos attacked on the game for their biggest tournament
Fucking KEK, what a dogshit format
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Who is strong enough to duel him and save the championship?
He's done it to multiple speed tournaments (Grand's specifically) and this is holding up both format's proceedings since the servers are totally fucked
I dont think this guy cares who's affected as long as his demands are heard
>save the championship
From what? If anything he's SAVING Yugioh. Making those faggots know how the actual canvases hates Flush.
It was in preparation for this, most likely.
Wait, so its affecting both sides?
How the fuck did they mess up this badly on server security
Komoney is a small indie company, pls understand
>the actual canvases
the actual fanbase*
Nice Worlds Meta btw
yes, both Rush and Speed got fucked over. The whole event is in shambles till they get their shit together
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It's hard to target just one format I guess. Or just making his message as loud and clear as possible.
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Holy fucking pigs. Did they build all these decks with their own money pre-WCS or do they get helped to fill the slots. Imagine TCG/OCG forcing you to build 5 separate decks.
The anti-riushfag is really mentally ill, how do you guys even put up with him?
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>The anti-riushfag
LMAO, you lost flush faggot. Nobody likes your dead format
>everyone who hates Flush is 1 person retard forgot to take his meds again.
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>Not worshipping a greddy garbage company=mental illness
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Your entire personality is built around nonstop seething over an alternate format of a trading card game for literal children.

I win from this standpoint alone.
If you are the king of games then you should be able to wield any deck perfectly and have the money for it
>hates the diaper format
>likes bingtendo
where's the sense in that
How many of these are gonna get chewed up by the banlist?
Limit 3 takes Engage out of the deck
>Fleur, Star Seraph, Borrel
Skill change maybe?
>Sacred Beast
>Sky Striker
Limit 1 to take terraforming out
Just ignore them.
>3 posts in a row
I made it mad again
Kaiba would unironically shit on Flush duel, same as Dkyed did.
I meant that they behave like the poketroon consumer retards.
Kaibaman exists in Rush Duel, so I think he'd be fine with it.
Is IT in the room with us righ now, anon?
He'd probably laugh at it and then get super serious and be the best somehow like he did over Duel Monsters
Then he'd try to monopolize it for Kaiba Corp as a part of his ever expanding gaming empire
That's why we love HIM.
>Konami said so, so it's fine, let's but their new amazing product!! Positive attitude!!!
>flushpedo seething
KEK Nobody will ever care about your doshit format, you forever lost flush troon
>using a reaction pic means you loves shitendo now
cope and seeth
Holy fucking flush cope

Do you understand how deranged you sound right now?
I'm just happy my performages are safe.
I don't think Kaiba was into diapers.
>has a thread only made for them
>needs to keep going here to shill flush because no one plays their shitty format or post anything on their dead thread
Flush is like a virus or a parasite to Yugioh
games are back on
You're the only one talking about Rush
Konami stocks are down by how much now? I hope it crashes.
This disaster for Flush's very 1st Worlds Event is great. I'm laughing my arse off.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep on ig bring it because they weren't smart enough to keep the different formats to different days.
>pretending to be retarded when this was posted >>493565079
You guys truly are a virus
Me too, at least we can laugh at this joke format
you can just not watch the format you prefer and ignore the one you don't
I hope this stuff happens every official Flush tournament.
I didn't talk about Rush, I talked about your schizo ass seething about it nonstop and ruining the threads
*just watch*
I checked and they seemed to be jumping from one to the other, how am I to supposed to know when they are back to Speed duels if I'm ignoring it.
>All his posts are exactly a minute apart
Dude, at least attempt to make it convincing.
>nooo it's YOU that are ruining the threads, not the Flush duel pedos crying and seething about their dead format when they already have their own thread
Fuck you disingenuous cunt
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Ahh, what a great day. I couldn't have asked for more.
how do you even brick like this on a deck with a skill that craps out XYZ bodies like its nothing?
Meant for >>493567579
How did they even happen? Doesn't the skill allow them so pull 3 level 4 from their deck for free each turn?
Good job minimod, I'm sure you'll be a good janny one day.
sky striker doesn't need a hit, just change the -raze skills so you have to commit more of the extra deck to one attribute. The only times I haven't been able to beat them was because of their inflated lifepoint value giving them just enough to survive because their boards aren't that threatening. It's only if the go second or they make it to turn 3 where the deck feels strong.
>sky striker doesn't need a hit
>3 unironic PoG
>quick spell Fiendish chain+Econ without the need for tribute
>buch of other unfair bullshit
And they still end on widow anchor, maybe a shark cannon, Shizuku pass.
>flush pedo is now resorting to a schizo "you wanna be a janny" argument
Nobody likes your dirty ass format faggot. Glad this turkish chad is showing how much your format is hated
I hope star seraph doesn't job just so konami completely guts that no skill niggerdeck
lmao dude lost to time before swinging for game.
as much as I hate Star Seraph, this is some serious bullshit too.
get clowned on
>Dumon making the "It's Over" face
Fucking maximum keks
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it's over
I dont think it outright needs to die (ie, getting a limit 2 or 3) but taking Terraforming out wont kill it. I only brought up a limit 3 for Sharks specifically to take out Engage so Shark-Striker doesn't happen
>Nobody likes your dirty ass format faggot
We're not talking about Cross Duel here
>losing to your own ace card
playmaker bros....
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Kaiba was into some really weird shit
>flush pedo cope
It gets even more funny when you know Cross Duel had Flush cards and that just made the game flop even harder. Flush will forever be the dead format of yugioh
So who you guys think would advance to the finals?
who cares, the hacker should have just destroyed the entire event
Cross is literally a dead format though, it sucked so much it died, while Rush is still going strong.
Are you so obsessed with your narrative you're ignoring basic facts?
>Discord Mod of DL to be his girlfriend
If it's me, i'd demand that she wears the tour guide uniform before presenting her to me as offering.
>beating tier 1 deck
>on Worlds
>going strong
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>Rush is still going strong.
Flush pedo cope when
>Flopped in Cross Duel
>Flopped in not 1, but 2 Switch games
>Flopped in Duel Links
>Will never be ported to TCG
>Will never have a MD type of game
>Anime is also a flop in the west
>Flopped in 4chin with your Dead thread
Now keep crying here while you keep proving my point Flush pedo
Are you still pretending Go Rush world isn't coming and pushing the Monster World meme?
it didn't matter because the seraph player had droplet but this guy just sat on their exciton knight and let him make an unrespondable delteros.
cope and seeth
>Didn't answer my question
It's afraid
don't need when this was already posted >>493572241
Now cope and seeth flush faggot
Nothing about that post mentions Go Rush world, because that destroys your entire narrative.
You spent an entire year saying Rush bombed and we'd be getting Monster World, but you've been suspiciously quiet since the leaks dropped.
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>Flush is going strong
My sides lmao
Well meme'd my friend
cope and seeth flush pedo, your game is a flop
12 more years of Rush anime and 4 more Rush themed worlds
>Always a minute apart
Konami shitting out more of that garbage doesn't mean it's going strong, retard.
You keep ignoring Go Rush world, why won't you admit it? You were wrong and now you're seething. You'd rather just ignore reality.

You easily say it will just bomb anyway, but you're not, because you're seething so hard you can't even let the thought into your head that the world is coming.
Link? I just woke up.
the only interesting part is how your flush pedo format is a flop. Just like your flush dead thread
the replays are in the game
Both posts also have text. How suspicious as well...
Konami is one of the scummiest greedy companies out there. They killed Cross Duel the moment it started showing low numbers. Rush Duel most being doing pretty well for Konami to keep it going so long.
>You'd rather just ignore reality.
Ironic coming from the flush pedo format that flopped everywhere like this >>493572241
Now cope and seeth
As I said, 12 more years.
And then you'll still be seething about Rush when Konami decides to make something new.
even if it wasn't doing well, what would they do? just remove a world from the game?
Its almost been a year since the general split how are you still mad
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>more flush cope
Damn it must feel bad knowing your game is trash and flopped that hard
If it's a flop why is Go Rush world coming?
I never watched the post-5ds shows how close are we to running out of anime content? there would be nothing to look forward too after Go Rush world comes out.
>another flop world format that everyone will ignore just like they ignore flush duels right now
Oh the irony when you keep dodging the fact this game keeps flopping everywhere and will never reach the TCG
Konami barely puts effort into DL the way it is, if they didn't like it they wouldn't go as far as giving the Rush characters not only completely original themes for each character, but unique victory themes among other special treatment the world is getting.
based Rush duels seems to have set off the DLM troon army sent here to shill QuantumJeet again
>Cross Duel
Died due to its terrible monetization that bad enough to make Duel Links look free to play
>Switch games
They did fine in Japan, but had no advertising in the west, on top of the worst timing for release during 2020
Go Rush Saikyou Battle Royale actually sold pretty well too
>Duel Links
Dunno. It must be doing well enough to still be supported, but I think people are miffed about the resources being shared between formats more than actually disliking Rush. Its hard to "like" a product when you cant indulge in it without losing out on the other thing you already enjoy
>Will never be ported to the TCG
I doubt they will *never* do it, but they can just send it over as is with such a (comparatively) small cardpool
>Never have an MD game
Again, we never know what the future holds for anything they decide to do. Making such a claim is just as baseless as the first
>Anime is a flop in the west
Every Yugioh Anime that wasn't DM or early GX doesn't pull numbers
Sure, I can give you that, but this place isn't the end-all-be-all for most niche things either
We're getting there steadily.
>DM, 5Ds and GX
basically done (except GX has Season 4 but refuse to do it for some reason?)
Has a few more Barians and their final boss waiting
Has one more Yuya clone and their final boss to do
Depends on where they take things, but has at least 4-5 characters
Has a few characters left depending on how long they wanna stall things out
Will you be saying this when the Yugioh 9 world gets in 3 years from now?
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>Flush pedo wall of text cope
KEK. Now keep crying and seething when your dogshit format flopped everywhere
>basically done (except GX has Season 4 but refuse to do it for some reason?)
Trueman, as well as most of Fujiwara and Darkness' cards haven't been printed (Fujiwara only just got his cards) so what would they even be able to do with season 4?
Zexal has one more barian then the big bad we might get number 96 in between them though
Arc v has Yuri Yuma's dad Zarc bare minimum it has a lot of characters they could add since the cast is so big so even after it's "finished" it'll keep getting characters since the devs seem to like it the most for some reason must be some bitter writers that were there during arc vs run or something.
Vrains is kinda fucked? The amount of decks that are anime only that belong to important duelist is kinda big . We know we're getting Aoi's brother "human" Ai earth and aqua too(maybe?) and roboppi.
If they ever let Rush characters play speed format I'd make sure to exclusively use Rush characters for the small chance I'll play against this schizo.
>cope headcanon
It will never reach the TCG, it will never be popular and you lost
Did Trueman even have a main deck? I know he used multiple.
>It will never reach the TCG, it will never be popular and you lost
You know what it will make it into though?
Duel Links. And you will continue to cry as it gets supported. and that's the most important thing of all.
I only came back to these threads because of Ruri and Rin. Funny to see that the exact same spamming guy from back then is still seething at the existence of Rush to this day and keeps bringing it up out of nowhere like an obsessed tsundere, lmao.
Fujiwara Yusuke I understand since those are his cards specifically, but I could see Trueman getting an archetype given to him if they were really desperate to push it + lines for the cards of those he possessed
>Aoi's brother "human" Ai earth and aqua too(maybe?) and roboppi.
Those should be the bare minimum since they all have printed archetypes
I kinda wonder how they'll do Aqua specifically though, since that has a tie in with Blue Angel specifically
>ESL confirmed
Trueman will probably be a standard duelist if he ever shows up.
They'll probably just both use marincess can't really think of an archetype that only aqua could use
>keeps coping and seething when no one plays his dogshit format, even in duel links
>it will never be on the tcg
He didn't have a dedicated archetype despite his ace being called "Dark Archetype"
He would have lines for Volcanics as he used it in a mirror against O'Brien
Don't care if it does. I only play Duel Links anymore, so it getting to tcg doesn't affect my in anyway.
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>but, but i don't care
LMAO sure thing flush pedo. Now keep crying, it's funny
Speaking of Konami supported cardgames, what happened to Speed Duels in the west?
>literally won't have a stream for day 2
this man might be the first based turk ever
it died
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Is this true? If so, holy fucking BASED
>Rush isn't even out yet and it still couldn't compete with it
Sad, RushGODS win again.
For all the boomerbait and nostalgiafagging it had, most tcg players only looked at it as a means to get cards they didnt have copies of really cheaply or as a "fun side thing" to do for youtube clicks
It still had a place as a side event at bigger tournaments but attendance was always struggling and even Remote Duels weren't that big once the coof era ended
DL's basically the only echo of that format left and Konami's probably fine with it.Gachas will always print way more money monthly than a physical product
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>Speed Duels
>Rush Duels
>Turbo Duels
>Swift Duels
>Quickie Duels
>Fasty Duels
>Nimble Duels
>Accelerated Duels
>Posthaste Duels
>Lickety-split Duels
>todays Go Rush announcement delayed because of the Turkchad
He did it bros
Konami kept releasing the same cards over and over and killed it
>Announcement that was always going to be made at TGS isn't going to be made today
Rushsisters... we lost
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A delay doesn't mean much if we know its still gonna happen anyway
I wanna believe that it woke them up from just vomiting DM/Battle City over and over to push product
It probably didnt but I wanna think that anyway
Yeah it's on a official "hiatus" them just pushing out nostalgia slop every new set didn't help. They probably just shelved it through dl still makes them money and at less of a cost than the physical card game.
>I wanna believe that it woke them up from just vomiting DM/Battle City over and over to push product
They'll never do it because that's the only series nostalgiafags know, just like how DM/BE gets support every few sets to pander
like the other anon said, no ygo anime pulls numbers like DM and some GX did. It took forever for people to even acknowledge 5Ds and to this day people doubt ZeXal
dont even ask about the later series, they basically dont exist to those outside of the fandom
>few more Barians
Only one left is Vector
Why even waste the money? They aren’t updating SD rosters
They accelerated its power level too fast then started just nostalgia pandering every set and killed it

It’s legacy will be it got to be the first English prints for a handful of vanillas that never got imported
Shark and Rio might get their barian form at the same time in a double event similar to Rin and Lulu shame about the gems though there's no way they get to be separate characters.
They will likely get their Barian skills during one of the duelist road anime retelling events
>muh gems
Time not wasted doing them as a separate characters means we can do different characters. Zero gems are lost
>konami is cancelling all the celebration gifts due to the cyber attack
I was only two days away from my SR ticket...
Maybe this will teach the community not to celebrate a turkroach troublemaker
>It's real
where does it say this?
I got my Sr dream ticket today though, it went towards finishing my starry knight deck, now I just need two more of them to complete a set of both srs and in done.
New nib counter just dropped its shit and only tributes the token nib shat out on your board so you get to pop nib afterwards.
it's taken me days to realise I can farm the event gate at lv10 for 3x rewards for levelling chars
just tell Konami to release Gamma
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people clinging to the idea Konami of all companies has some sunk-cost fallacy with Rush is always fucking hilarious
it was implemented last year back in yugo's release
You WERE present at the 2007 World Championship, right?
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Over 200 new posts since yesterday and all of it about dunking/defending Rush, Jesus.
you can't prove that I wasn't
Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha Thunder-King is a shit, situational counter. This is both a counter to and extender for Nib.
The real shit is Heavy Poly. Divine Neos, Quintet Magician, Master Diamond, Leo Dancer and anything with 3+ materials puts materials in your ED. But everyone knows the real play is fusing an ED full of Machines into Chimeratech Overdragon to attack 15 times per turn with 12k ATK (14 ED Machines + Mandatory CyDra name).
It was about the attack on the championship though. Not our fault that the attacker was protesting against Flush.
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>he's in
No one cares.
Stop telling your shills to promote you in HIS stream you keep getting ignored anyway
God, why did they hire that woman? Her commentary is so cringeeee
>jannying for his twitch daddy's stream for free
how often is it that someone who browses these places make it to this sort of thing
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I think this is the first time. Funnily enough, the dude he is dueling is basically Reddit's Guy
Guys if i win worlds stop calling me quantumpoos, deal?
this thread never actually needs to be instigated into talking about a format they supposedly don't want here though
My beautiful birds! Dance above the battlefield!
It's Konami. They have consistenly proven themselves to be retarded when it comes to PR-stunts and hiring the right people for the job.
Stop being browner than my morning piss and I'll think about it
Why is Serena like this bros? Is it because she was a child soldier?
Drink some water, fatass.
Why is HE getting shit on for sharing decklist from the faggots at worlds? This puts everyone on an even playing field pokemon does this too officially as an example in both TCG and vgc.
Why punish the fans when your game has an ass of cybersecurity? Maybe they should have started with that instead of vomiting flush worlds.
I actually only drink water it accounts for 90% of my liquid intake for about 10ish years now I don't drink soda and instead drink cranberry juice which I water down over time with water or seltzer to make it taste like sangria if I ever eat something that needs a little flavor. I just like using that term because it's one of the many phrases I've heard over my years spent at /dbs/ and I think it's silly.
Based as fuck mein neger
go make a thread about it on his scamsite perhaps
i look like this
>Verification not required.
I don't use master duel meta so I doubt anyone at duel links meta would care , it's just a silly thing to get upset at when HE'S making it available to all the competitors and not just a few
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>Repeatedly purchasing the Vagrant actually increases his EXP drop percentage
Holy shit, I wondered why he went from $2.29 to $3.39. His highest EXP drop jumped from 20x to 30x and the lowest went from 5x to 7x
>spending money to plunder your finite gems instead of just buying the card you need
I hope they catch hacker-kun him being silly possibly delayed the box
Shut up nigger, you just don't understand my motivation.
I MUST get Lulu to Lvl 35 that way I can OTK retards with her new Lyrilusc deck, her main box hasnt even dropped and we only have like 4 of her cards and already she's BTFOing retards on the ladder. I MUST KOG with her.
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>release 2 new characters but no new box to play them with
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>People have already found a way to make an OTK deck with Nightingale
I've been winning some with just the lyriluscs cards we have so far.
I had one Battle Chronicle retard crash his Dragon Master Knight into my Recital Starling.
>unchained is one of the most f2p honest decks being played in DL right now shitter-kun
Not him, but what do you mean by honest? Unless you're playing one of the tier'd decks, you don't stand a chance against them in many cases. Are people being retarded again and forgetting Unchained was Tier 1 before it got pushed under the current momsaid Tier 1 decks? If you removed those two, Unchained would be the top deck again. Can anyone even deny that with a straight face? It's that good.
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Celina is so fucking sexy bros
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I want to FUCK a dog
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This was a fun loop. I know Darklords lose a lot these days but the rare times I can get the loop out feels so satisfying.
Honest means it doesn't use/need a mom said skill to prop it up. It's not a hard deal to beat either the plays are pretty predictable too when you know the deck so just learn the match up shitter.
>Honest means nothing, it's just a buzzword used by people coping about their losses
I just explained what it was nigger unchained aren't a problem deck stop crying about them
But like I said in the most you replied to, Unchained was Tier 1 before it got replaced by momsaid skill decks. It's only not the top because the current two BS decks are stronger than it. It's retard logic to use the fact that it's F2P friendly or the fact that it doesn't use a skill to say it's fair. Salads on release didn't need a skill but still dominated. Tachyan Galaxy's deck was super F2P friendly at the time it ran wild too. There's been plenty of times in DL where decks were too good without a skill. Unchained was a top tournament deck last year in the TCG/OCG.
What deck did you reach KOG with.
This month ? Sky striker
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Apparently the retard who was bitching about it was sponsored by the app in question.
He ended the sponsorship today so ignore that part. you know damn well he was gonna use it and keep the lists to himself
Retard here, what's untapped
>I ended it
or he lost it for being retarded publicly on social media, while being outed for having one. It's a bad look.
Box announcement in 16 minutes unless it got delayed due to what happened today
i dont follow anything from this slop ass game, what is the history tldr on this turkish ddos guy?
I haven’t play the game in years and I’ve recently seen they make banlist changes when box come out now.
Why the fucks are the retards running this game still afraid of cards that change battle positions when Links are now a fucking thing?
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Not every deck can/will link summon esl-kun, out of the 8 tiered decks currently only 4 of them link summon.
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to keep stall fags in check
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Basically a retard turkish incel decided to start ddosing konami servers to disrupt GrandHarrier's speed tournaments and that of other streamers one day out of the blue in a bid to get attention.
When he did get their notice, he started making demands that were flat out ignored (ie, the first place prizing of that day's tournament and one of the mods as a GF) and got banned by GH and others

He then went to go bother Quantum, Ghiran and others during their tournaments (either speed or rush, it was irrelevant since it all uses the same servers) and do the same shit, so they also banned him. Other Tournament organizers learned of this and banned his twitch accounts, his alts and Duelist ID, effectively shutting him out of the tournament scene
He also harassed GH with spamming him in DMs with goreshit while begging Quantum and others to be unbanned or allowed back into the community (with obvious results) and even posted a lot of his own personal information that proves he had done this

This shit at Worlds was just his latest nonsense. Iirc, GH had emailed the evidence to Konami when this first started, but Konami didnt respond to him. Supposedly, Quantum and/or others was able to explain this situation some Konami officials who was involved at Worlds today and they made some calls to deal with him before getting the tournament back on track, since his DDoS affected both Speed and Rush events simultaneously
what a King
clean your mouth first Xis (You) still have his dick stench inside your mouth
Sounds based wtf
damn he really buck broke QuantumJeets army of troon shills pretty hard huh
Quantumpoo xisters our response?
What a Sneaky "C"
sunny's "C"...
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holy fuck. the hero YGO needed finally arrived.

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