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Previous: >>493180179

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
2nd for Irelia
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i would like to masturbate in front of annie while she gives me this disapointed look and cum for her
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Are you the Thanquol poster?
she's so hot
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What if Sona was 4ft 6?
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>Trailer shows Ekko with the Z-Drive
So how hard will they nerf it so that Ekko doesn't just remove all tension by being able to rewind constantly?
I wish I was Zoe's dog.
rito KNEW what they were doing
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Hope to see people make porn of Vi going through her emo phase.
Could see it being a skin they make for her when Arcane comes out. Just call it "Arcane 2 Vi"
where are all the yordles.
they're with me
they wanted a specific audience, they got it, and now i'm playing their game. it's not fair...
riot vi
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why would you ever want that?
All they have to do is give him rewind fatigue after x number of resets. Remember that his own body doesn't change at all when going back, so that's already an issue, and there's been no specific travel time-limit given outside of the game so they can go pretty low there, too.

Dunno specifics of his platformer game but it seemed like a pretty short rewind there, too.
got you right in their trap. i can't blame you however, just look at her
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Nothing beats OG Vi. If you remove her gross rat-tail, her splash art is easily the hottest chick in the game.
Shortstack sona would be hot
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Kinda funny how Jayce was basically completely gone from the trailer since he doesn't do much in the first few episodes and then comes back as a anti-hextech murder hobo.

Trailer was majority episodes 1-3, but it clearly had bits from 4-5 we saw in the leaks and some stuff we haven't seen so possibly up to 6 or more.
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all forms of vi are good
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Post canon couples
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yep its EU hours
It always makes me really happy when I see other anons talking about Vi. I doubt anyone in this general has more games played with her than I do, but I don't really get to play her anymore, so I'm glad someone still is.
please point to the posts containing erp
Loliposting is way worse during NA hours
yeeeep. great champ. league needs more butch women.
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there's a critical shortage
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Katarina is so fucking hot bros. If only she wasn't so shit and poorly designed in game.
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>Ambessa wielding some blades on chains shit against Piltover cops
So I guess at some point after she makes Caitlyn the fuhrer she gets out of hand and Ambessa/Noxus decides to just full on invade/attack?

Also wonder if Ambessa will have multiple weapons as a champ. In Season 1 she had that fist grip sword thing, and now we got her with this weird stuff.
cringe title drop
>Le screaming femoid
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call of the wild
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That's odd. I also want to do that.
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Tell me more anon
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She looks like a Jojo in that one.

Come to think of it, that'd make for a really good legendary for her. Give her some kind of stand shit where you see like a big monster/punch ghost charging up with her punch then going into her body for the dash. And you could do some really fun shit with her ult with a setup like that.
They've done stuff like it before with Spirit Guard Udyr. Would work well for Vi.
post opgg I need someone to look up to
do you guys have duos? if so how did you find them? I feel like playing with someone whos playstyle I know and someone who understand how I operate might be fun
I had a kaisa main duo that had forced me to learn nautilus and we had pretty decent winrates together...... met on quickplay...... then one day.... she logged off never to come back
oh my gourdon gracious our finnish hero is back
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>he's back
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From here and any other game that includes you interacting with other players since this game is that popular and you're likely to run into someone that plays it. I play both roles bot and priotirise playing with people that are fun to talk with and try to adapt to their playstyle accordingly
She's the one jungle champ I constantly pick and enjoy playing because I like target harassing certain players in this game and making them miserable sometimes. The fact that she has good damage, sustain, mobility and a great engage makes it for me. I need to get her warring kingdoms skin which is the only one I currently like (project is for pros).

Can't care less about this champ, just hoping Swain is shown somewhere, based on his dialogue encountering Singed in the game he recognises him so I'm guessing Swain is somewhere to be teased much like how Singed was in season 1.
>starts the video off with 3-5 minutes of inside jokes or some other shit that only his 3 regular viewers care about
Lopus Rufus: Vi Seinfeld, everyone. Enjoy and you're welcome.
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I just want to reach Diamond 4 then be done with ranked bros...
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Why? Because he FIGHTS to DIE for Ixtal! You're not a weak, puny loser right? Sign up today for a chance to meet me, General of the Ixtal Defense Force, Qiyana!
i think i can have sex with pictures because all the real women only go for stacy
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>Can't care less about this champ, just hoping Swain is shown somewhere, based on his dialogue encountering Singed in the game he recognises him so I'm guessing Swain is somewhere to be teased much like how Singed was in season 1.
If anything we may get a tease of him, but I doubt we'd see him.

This is presumably still Darkwill's Noxus, before the Ionian invasion. Swain knows Singed because he knows Singed made the chemical weapons they used on the Ionians. But he was just a soldier during that part of the war if I recall right.
Going by the leaks we very well may see Leblanc though. There's Black Rose shit going down in the leaked episodes.
Since the question keeps coming up
Against sett the most helping advice is to actually open league wikki and read his abilitys where they are described well.
He really just has a lot of shit going that you dont grasp just by fighting him:
Like that his e is not a stun, but a slow that only stuns if he pulls 2 targets together
His gapcloser only works if he has vision on you, so bushes and red trinket slow him down
His W is completely harmless if you dont overcharge (means his bar becomes red) and walk to the sides (which you can do if you dont get stuned by e)
His R is no knockup, but a surpression you can outplay with phaserush (i didnt try it in a while, but it used to work like that, correct me if im wrong)
His passive heal increases the lower hp he gets, so early shortrades are worth it till you get in execute range
He does % based dmg and gains attackspeed the more he hits you therefor reducing his attackspeed to slow down the attackspeed and items give you defensive stats without inflating your hp like frozen heart, eklipse, sk etc.

Always read the abilitys here: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sett/LoL
They describe them well while the riot client barely says anything about it, not even the scalings
I already know. I just want to see him in the show. End.
>september 5th 2024
>still waiting for them to revert Akali

Any day now!
They will never do that despite her previous looks and personality being superior.
the only counterplay you need against sett is sidestepping his W

it's licherally that shrimple
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With Jinx and Sevika working together in Arcane Season 2, do you think we'll get some porn of them?

Sevika's the bottom, right?
arcane/lore discussion is probably the third worst type of shit to be in the thread after the bbspam and soraka/nami
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>lore discussion is worse than gay furry spam
unironically yes
I'd rather look at iron 4 post game screenshots than to hear who sucked whose dick in zaun or whatever
>pedo complaining
But not better than Dunning-Kruger posting!
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beg to differ
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>riot adding endless amounts of new champs
>still the same amount of bans
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>7 patches left in the year
>Supposedly Sylas, Viktor and Vi will be getting their first legendary skins this year still
What order do you think it'll be? First one should be on PBE next week.
>vgs stop getting spammed
>bbc poster comes back
very convenient and not sus at all
dunning kruger is a term used to explain a situation where an inherently lower intelligence person who's lacking in self awareness fails to comprehend a higher intelligence discussion going on and assumes that the said discussion is incomprehensible due to the people discussing are below his intelligence when in fact the truth is the opposite

I really don't appreciate how pseuds like thineself misuse the term just because you think it makes you sound smarter
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oh nice my instant report did something, thanks mods
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ye, but you wont get out if you dont understand the E or put him to red with no countermeasures against the R surpression
arcane is at least on topic unlike the other two
i just had to tell someone to kill themselves...
at least /deafen so you can type whatever you want without anyone seeing it
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Sick jinx hairpin lad


New Swain skin and content for wild rift looks like shit just like that infernal one, they should stop wasting their resources on poor design.
Honey, this tastes like dogfood and these are ketchup packets for crying out loud. At least you went out of your way to pour us glasses of 100% grape juice and none of that watery sugary crap. Next time you can try again to get us some wine.
Do you think there is any good way to give katarina more sticking power?
bro ekko is not cool
Looks like parmesan packets not ketchup
weak bait
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pick up daggers for e reset
is aphelios schizophrenic
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Goodnight /lolg/ :)
Speaking of Katarina, I had some good games on her today. Hopefully max mastery by tomorrow. She's a lot of fun when you finally get kills and get items but is pain beforehand when you do no damage. Enjoy your day/night.
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Look its Akali Qiqi and lil bro
Seraphine is the schizo champ
>my sistergf is very real ok shes just from another realm of existence
what's the appeal of arcane?
just got carried despite going 1/6
shitter gaming ez get flexed on nigga
good night darling, great work on the red haired assassin. hope you sleep well
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>have bad jungler
>have good jungler
its just that easy
just play jungle
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shove your lane
run into enemy jungler
harass him if he's there
ward and leave if not
rinse repeatado
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List of confirmed AI generated champions:
Qiqi love
>Jungler focuses top and mid
>Jungler focuses mid and bot
Grubs are the biggest bait I've ever seen. Dragons win games. Junglers are dumb.
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finally they're making actual intelligible emotes instead of making weird retarded shit that don't convey anything
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>14.18 is worlds patch
what the fuck?
are they trying to make splitpushing a viable strategy in pro?
is the world's patch really going to be the first patch of the next split?
what the fuck are they thinking?
>You've now entered losers queue
What is this
>everyone says jungle is OP
>no one wants to play it
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if you play sera ap bot I assume you want to get cocks in your bussy
How tall should she be then?
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you're probably right in hindsight but is that any better, really? I guess it beats the canned stuff
nicely done. Here is a reward for you. thanks to your picture we can now know for certain that a) I got one detail horribly wrong and b) it is NOT better than the canned stuff
Anyone want to play on NA?
>I will play lux support because im too much of a faggot to play her mid
>Weak frontline
>Low CC
>Low engage
>Good frontline
>Great dive
>Good siege
Blue wins if they arent braindead
Jungle requires a good game understanding to be strong and terribly boring
It's because it's the only role that constantly gets changed all the time and has too much pressure in terms of things going out of your control, it's also hard to come back if you get bullied off your jungle champs because the cs spawns but never in a linear fashion like the lanes. There's also a high chance people will blame you for everything because the entire game is based on optimal decision making which all vary on what players you roll on your side and enemy side. It can be overwhelming and stressful to some players.
People in this game act like such faggots sometimes, it's gotten to the point I already feel annoyed when I launch the game.
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easy. 6'4"
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*screencaps it and sends it to riot support*
enjoy ur perma sis
Why are lolgs like this
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She should be taller and her nipples at 6'
>from left to right
my top laner, my mid laner, my jungler
shitter assasin jungler with 0 obj decided to add me after the match instantly knew he wanted to flame me so I went first
having someone verbally abuse you must feel so good
W high value male move
the best defense is offense
ok steel
>he wanted to flame me
who starts their flaming with "hey"
u got cooked
>dogshit lol meta
>hs is about to release its most niggerlicious card in a decade
>weather is perfect
it's grass touching season it seems
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The only times people were ever mean to me were karthus players/mains. Genuinely feels weird.
i'm really good at it
hm oh yeah? prove it
fuck u
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I find enchanter players talk the most shit.
i didnt really feel anything
mightve been too weak for me, idk
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more like
>I'll play lux support because I'm too much of a retard to play an actual support like they were meant to be in s1-s3, that is an enchanter support
non enchanter supports (bar alistar and leona) deserve the r
Getting into Gwenn top atm. Few questions for you guys.
1) Riftmaker or Nashor first?
2) How do I get better at landing the full Q on moving targets? I still don’t understand whether I can move or not during Q.
3) Best skin?
4) Should I ever go Doran’s shield or will it be miserable in terms of mana
5) Who do I ban?
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idk u didnt really give me anything to go off of...maybe post ur opgg so i have somewhere to start
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They talk shit yeah but only in-game, outside in the client there's always people posting screencaps of those girls begging for skins, boost or whatever service from the person.
The only people who ever bothered to add me post game were Karthus players or mains who would do so and bm me in chat on the client and never really other players.
The friendlist says empty now.
1. Arthapsic does mainly Nashor first but also Riftmaker sometimes
2. You E forward right after pressing Q.
3. Soul Fighter
4. Dshield is fine into ranged
5. Garen
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now here's someone with taste. A bona fide cultured individual to be sure.
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Is the Tonkanator making a comeback?
I thought you only played arams anyway.
>Another coinflipped botlane
>Another fed Smolder
>Another 4 of his teammates that got shitted on and now play around him
>Another easy victory for that bastard dragon
I knew I should've splitpushed the whole game
Soraka! My Cute Wife!

>Karthus Mains
Karthus mains were fun. If you can nuke anyone anywhere, then yeah, you would talk a lot of shit too.
https://www.runeforge.io/post/prestige-crystal-rose-gwen-wildrift-port > Soulfighter > https://www.runeforge.io/post/chibi-gwen
Ring is picked majority of the time
Heimer, WW, Singed, Sett
I'm only going off of: https://lolalytics.com/lol/gwen/build/
The fun alternative is to play Gwungle, where she's really fun actually
I also play quickplay and used to play ranked. Though to be honest if it had happened post Aram that's be even more unhinged in terms of a coincidence and it being over a meme gamemode.
Why are mods not banning bbcspammer again?
hardstuck ugly loser
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this guy
post game score pussy
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this is the epic kraken garen gameplay I did where I backdoored the game into an EPIC victory

not the one I played with him though
silver soon mayhaps
>not the one I played with him though

yea thats what I thought, shitter
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silver... soon..... any day now........
hnnnnnngg more
nashor into rabadons every game. use your ult slow to land full q, you can r from range>e>q to land it almost guaranteed. all skins are good but I have a soft spot for cafe cuties. dshield is fine but as you get more confident you can go dring into most matchups. ban whatever you dont like going against i personally permaban darius just because cancer champ.

watch some of drututt gwen hes one of the best gwens ive seen.
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Aurora just made another tiktok saying how much she loves blacks
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reminder that Nami is cute
You'll get there soon daddy
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swainfag, it would be an honour and a privilege to have you on my friend's list. Sadly, I know that will never happen since you appear to practice decent opsec. Those of you on his list right now: count your lucky stars you faggots.
most of what I said goes for you, too, but for different reasons
When fighting Neeko, should I build a Zhonya, Banshee Veil, and a Scimitar? I always fucking lose to her.
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fucking feeding TRASH!
i dare you to queue up again so i can vs you and get my LP back after i stomp your worthless ass
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Stop @ing me you jewish ai psyop
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It might happen sooner or later. The problem is my orbital namedrops are my second account all the time, so I don't know who to trust.

Did Nami survive the night?
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When is Vi going to realize that if she wants to stop Jinx's rampage as cleanly as possible all she need to do is FINALLY eat that crazy girl out?
Like holy crap I know Vi is dumb but no one can mistake Jinx's obsession with Vi as "platonic".
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yeah, barely
Normal people don't type things like this.
To me their facial expressions in that pic says it all
>Vi: "Powder we're literally siblings what the actual fuck is wrong with you?"
>cursed games all day
>decide to lock in nunu mid one game
>5 people flame me in french
is it a national holiday there?
I have a league addict friend that said some mild shit in chat and got some automatic bot suspension where you get a prompt in the launcher and you're being gaslit into typing some gay shit like "I promise I wont do it again daddy" before you can play again. He got his roomate to go in and type it in for him instead.
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Why is she bleeding from her mouth?
i hate you so freaking much i wish i never got put into a fucking game with you
you are ADOPTED
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Holy shit she's not a blood magic golem. She's a giant yordle!

why is she so mean?
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She'll survive the next night too!

Riot is just being lazy with how they deal with toxic players. Bot is going to ding everyone and everything if it sounds like you're talking shit to someone else. You have to be around about with your insults if you don't want the bot coming knocking.
mantheon s-stop im starting to cry (more please)
You can play so many thing Support my guy you've got like three dozen choices
If you use the word toxic you're a bitchass faggot and should kys in a fire.
>have 3 cs per minute egirl seraphine apc botlaner
>midlaner flames me instead
monsieur mantheon isn't disingenuous enough to flame with no context, EVEN for sexual purposes
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>NA lobby
>everyone has chinese names
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here's ur egirl duo bro just add her and pick support ez
you are easily the worst player i have ever seen on this game
you couldn't PAY ME to carry your feeding ass
>win a teamfight
>ping allies to push while I solo drake
>all 4 of them go to drake
It's all so tiresome.
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does that mean more drinking?
Would you feel better if I said it like this "Toxic?"
the truly genius move is skipping next season and going into a time champber, also known as playing sc2 and osu instead of league
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fucking lulu.
she woke me up today, too.
wasn't even noon yet that high energy bitch.
that last bit about being adopted. Cuts deep. well done
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How do I get out of losers queue?
just keep playing nigga
>generic 2008 tier reddit flame
wish both ur mothers never taught u not to play in traffic as a kid
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stop flaming zaunite
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you gotta say it in the jordan peterson voice to stand a chance!
say it with me:
"Toxic femininity"
funny because he was gone for like a week and he just came back today
take us back...
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ezreal won
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When is Garen getting nerfed?
when he's done carrying me to silver
rengar thinks he can have sex with pictures
can words have sex...
sexy sexo sex sex!
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And eating!

I don't know what he sounds like.
why is the thread so dead lately

are you guys finally getting employed..
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eating's fine, Nami's liver can handle anymore drinks for now
you’re a disgusting subhuman freak
please uninstall the game so I never have to experience the displeasure of seeing you on my team again
you are the literal most dogshit player I’ve ever seen in my entire life
You will never climb
Do us all a favor and uninstall either in game or irl
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I lurk but I'm waiting for vgs to come back. Majin just went out for some cigarettes and milk again.
Also it's BBC hours
hey man can i tell you something but dont get mad at me?
we were finally having good threads when this retard wasnt around
think a lot of anons are just gonna wait for his next shift at micky ds
cola still fucks your liver though
Which flame do you prefer? Mine or Pantheon’s
Why do the kda skins attract all the blacked fetishists to them?
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This is too addicting
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I love Lissandra!
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K'poop whores love rap music and fuck k'poops thats why theres so much KDA K'porn

thumbnail looks like essyweel roping himself XD
how can u even like this shit its the most boring uncreative cliche faggot attempt at being ""mean""
even pretending these million times repeated lines are anything but some fucked up demented shut ins final desperate attempt at courting vaguely feminine attention from gross niggers like u is a sure sign of brain damage
get off 4chan quickly this place has rotten whatever was left of the psyche uncle hammer didn't fuck out of u in childhood
yes daddy be more mean
ezreal clears
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Essyweel is chinese cause the haircut
Pure bred aryan males don't have hair
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>having 80% of players being silver is good because..... uhhh.......
Mindbroken by ezreal xD
you already wasted enough of my time by being born
why would i let you keep wasting more
you can't even play a 12 year old game at a none bronze level
and you want me to find the right words to make you want to do better?
seriously kys and give up on anything you find enjoyable
you are a HORRIBLE person
and also absolutely terrible at all video games
fuck you feeding fucking retard
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>tfw never even got the privilege of being jellyrolled
means there's still hope nigga
>enemy team drafts yone
thats fine, 15 was an acceptable outcome!
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>teamfight happening in mid
>tp topside
>take T2, inhib turret, inhib, left nexus turret
>get badonkadonka killed
>teamfight happening in mid
>tp botside
>take T2, inhib turret, inhib
>get badonkadonka killed
>teamfight happening baron
>run down mid
>take T2, inhib turret, inhib, right nexus turret, nexus
ha ha HA
You gonna stream? Can be up for a game.
a lickle bit anxious rn...
All good, do what you like and goodluck.
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>Hi team, I was having connection issues so I'm queueing up anyway to see what happens
>10 minutes later still on the load screen
Thanks, man. This is truly how I wanted to spend my afternoon.
Good job mantheon <3
thanku my anonymous nr1 fan whose never duo'd with me... thanks........
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>Pick Nasus
>Opponent chooses Teemo
>Just sit under turret the entire laning phase and get what CS I can
>Moment I see Teemo appear, I just run back under my turret and wait for the wave
>Teemo gets super pissed off in chat and reports me for "trolling"
I got reported for not letting him poke me.
Would be pretty based if the studio did use blender for most of their pipeline lol.
y no ban teemor?
Because Aurora is more broken
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Now that I think we are all in the clear for Vanguard to be safe and I am reinstalling, I fully expect there to be some massive vulnerability found in the next week or so, so please look forward to it.
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>BBC anon disappears for a whole week
>Week passes and he's spamming this shit again
He's finally getting 1 week bans. Please ban him some more and ban the rest of the avatarfags who make this general hell. If NSFW was allowed, this whole general would just be porn and ERPing. That's how bad /lolg/ is.
the hitbox of his w is also at his model so you have to go properly behind it to completely dodge the damage fyi
>everything forcused around women
>have to include ugly niggers for no reason
Yep, it's woke
Should I do this every time a fight starts happening?
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I just post league of legends pictures that I like.
fuck you then
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DAMN this is kino
i just watched akira time to play sion and int 5 times just like in the movie
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It's mutual.
Thats just because all the guys got blown up in an explosion theyll be back
nashor unless the matchup is unplayable and nashor is almost every case (I was memed for nearly an entire split so trust me this is the way)
you can e at any time during q to adjust it in any direction, remember that the last snip deals the most damage and is most important to hit
your e range is also adjustable so you can just slightly adjust it finely or adjust it a fair bit
e'ing backwards while q'ing to trade is good
e q'ing forward does have its place but can often be stupid since you can no longer get out
space groove is the best with chromas
dorans ring helps so much with mana that i'd only ever take shield into teemo, ryze, cassio or something where you can survive without shield
many champs are worth a ban, don't ban champs while learning her and once you are good ban what you often face but are bad at
maybe you see more of darius, maybe you see more of aatrox
it depends on your elo
rush ap and not defensives
vi is kaneda and jinx is tetsuo
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
if vi was kaneda id main her but she is fucking lame compared to him
Someone answer me?
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Qiqi is the ultimate AI generated champ?
Look at this

What kind of men is Qiqi attracted to?

Qiqi true damage return?
Probably someone slightly cool. Since she is a little bit of a hotty.
everyone will blame jg no matter whay you do. you can solve world hunger but top will still run it down because you couldn't make time to camp their losing lane
The only reason why Mantheon wins via splitpush is because he can 1v1 the spare enemy player who's backed to defend (this is typically because of the exhaust ignite combo that evens out the soaked damage since in low elo people tend to go all in ride or die).
The tp stuff I haven't been able to see it but there are good openings time to time when low elo enemies have a severe case of tunnel vision and love araming throughout the game causing them to forget the minion creeps pushing towards their base passively (they see the minions in mid but forget how that's like 3 waves before it's close to the base and if the creeps are pushing the caster minions will stack up and wipe faster), this can make tping a good strat since backing can be delayed by your team or enemies are forced to teamfight because it's a 4v5 now and they think they can sweep and all in the base.
Split pushing doesn't always work however and isn't really something you should do every time. If the enemies are smart they typically all see who's pushing alone to 5v1 and then teamfight 4v5 or have an upperhand to gather jungle objectives or manage their minion waves so that it buys them time to teamfight.
ngl i spawned in with a build to rule this world
I thought the mods took care of this mental midget.
>ahrisinger anon singing aic
>qiqi singing rolling stones
FINALLY some good fucking music
Who is this... "we".
Are you seeing shit, retard?
Yo is it me or is this general more dead than usual at this time? Does this mean a bunch of posters actually went back to school?

for free
people leave when spammer shows up
New players hardly pick up this game, most of the "new" players are old players relapsing or trying to make new accounts to stomp on lower elo people.
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Err, Nicki Minaj is african thoughbeitever
>Split almost over
>LP Monkeys all start spamming Amumu for Freelo
If you have a champion that can split push really well like:
>traditional splitpushers (mostly bruisers)
>non traditional splitpushers
1.Twisted Fate (global ultimate,great waveclear and sheen user)
2.Kayle ( AA-Reset,waveclear and sheen user)
3.Rengar ( melts towers with high AD and AA-Resets, also can ult away)
4.Shen (Global ultimate, you can always join fights and split as much as you want)
5.Quinn (ultimate lets you join teamfights , or split insanely fast)

It is beneficial a lot of the times to ignore your team and simply go for towers.
Lets say you have tp and a fight is happening. Ask yourself these questions.

>Will I arrive in time to impact the fight ?
This is a debate you have to make with yourself, you have to calculate a lot of factors. Can you flank and kill a priority target ? Do you have ultimate ? Who has flash ?
>Is my team losing the fight ?
Just teleport to sidelane and get farm and towergold, don't fall for the bait and die aswell.
>Is my team is winning without me anayways?
Teleport and apply pressure on a lane.

Most traditional split pushers are bad at teamfights, so it is often better to sidelane and apply pressure and crack their base. You give yourself and your team more gold by simply splitting. Also people are forced to deal with you and most splitpushers are exceptional in a 1v1, so you can often simply 1v1, or even 1vs2 if you are fed enough.
As a split pusher, you mostly want to flank a team fight and be somewhat of a cleanup crew after most CDs are used.
It's been dead since before he got here GAME ALIVE?
This general is shit.
Steel afked in lolg and Stuey flamed him for playing from NA
>RenTheCat vs LilliaButtWiggle
LBW erps and Ren calls him a fat balding incel
>Majin vs Lyra
Lyra called Majin a washed up hasbeen
>Doja Yuumi vs JellyFishSloth
Doja made a webm of killing Jelly while calling her a troon
>Mochi Lamb vs UR PP SMALL
Mochi sperged out on PP after PP put Mochi's name on a list, they still hate each other
>Aurae vs Lyra
Lyra calls Aurae by her deadname "Boozam"
>Steel Mental vs Lyra
Broke up in their e-relationship now Steel stalks Lyra and Lyra thinks Steel is a creep
>Lyra vs Throwmatic
Lyra called throwmatic 24/7 AGP coomer
>Lyra vs Arya
Lyra called Arya a subhuman when Arya defended Throwmatic from Lyra. Arya responded by calling Lyra an unpassable man.
>Lyra vs Taebak/Orphan
Lyra photoshopped a dm between them to make it look like Orphan was begging to ERP with him and then leaked the dms into the thread
>Taebak vs Rabbit King
Rabbit banned Taebak from EU vg vs vg for defending B3llamy almost resulting in taebak himself being banned from NA vgs
>Lyra vs tazmir phd
Calls tazmir a shitty zed main after he posted a webm of their duel, ever since then they only ever play zed mirrors in vg vs vg
>Lyra vs Sorc Shoes
Call Sorc Shoes for being miserable to play with and how he single handedly ruins vg vs vgs.
>Mochi Lamb vs Arya
Mochi Lamb won against Arya's Gwen as Warwick in the vgs started allchating some smack. Arya won't forgive him for trash talking with a "counter".
>Admiral Arya vs Rabbit King
Rabbit King banned Arya's Gwen from vgs
>Rabbit King vs Majin
Rabbit King succeeded where Majin failed at; hosting alive lobbies
>Doja vs Wiggums
Wiggums hated Steel so he AFKed and took jungle camps, meanwhile Doja was sweating like it's her promos. They flamed each other in the thread
>Doja vs Rabbit King
Yo thanks for all the True Damage spamming btw I forgot how much I liked that track
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>tfw opening /lolg/
Is this the new Journal of Justice.
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nu-lolg is soulless
nice blog (not reading that)
Bring back the lists
more like update it
No Lyra no lists
simple as
>bratty arrogant bitches who need to be brought down a peg by having their cheeks battered until they're black and blue

>good sissies who don't necessarily deserve to be punished per se but would definitely enjoy a good spanking
Drowqueen Traxex
Azuma Minami
I, TAZMIR-CHAN, JOBBER of /lolg/ humbly kneel to:

Pony-sama, King of all /lolg/ and my master.

MJF-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Wiggums-sama, who my daddy warned me about.

Majin-sama, who easily manhandled me in his Super rape form.

King Grey-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Doja-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to regular men.

Steel-sama, whose incomparabily forceful punches crushed my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear King Grey-sama's children anymore like I wished to....
I want to inject cerber with crystal meth so she stays conscious and feels everything as I chop off her arms and legs with a meat cleaver!
nah u wish

ur nigger cope script reading prevented me from going to school this year so you wish all of u arent going to be dcing off coooldown for "school"

rape urself niggers none of u will go anywhere in life stop trying and come play leauge fags
>Additional Azir nerfs:
- W base damage per lvl changed from 2 - 77 (starts at lvl 10) to 5 - 45.
- Its +3 damage at 10, 11, 12, 13 and -4, -11, -18, -25, -32 at 14 to 18
- W AP ratio reduced from 55% flat to 35% - 55%
- R nerfs still in
>Additional Corki nerfs:
- R base damage reduced from 80 - 280 to 80 - 240
- Q nerfs still in
>Additional Jax changes:
- R on-hit base damage changed from 60 - 180 to 70 - 170 (60 - 160 live)
- R armor per target hit changes from 15 - 80 to 25 - 75 (15 - 65 live)
>Additional Maokai nerfs:
- Q base damage reduced from 65 - 265 to 65 - 245
- E nerfs still in
>Additional Smolder nerfs:
- Base health reduced from 605 to 575
- Q and W nerfs still in
i'm not bratty
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>people care to remember my ignite exhaust combo
you guys are gonna make me cry
>Firstpick garen top
>My jungle picks nunu
>Enemy lastpick top picks yasuo top??????
>He beats me early till i get tiamat or stride and then i cant lose anymore.
>Engages me anyway keeps dying 10 times
>Ends up 1/10 and crys about how broken garen is
Emerald 1 yasuo btw
I am but I got put in the second list
Dude I've watched your from beginning to end like twice now.
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Sorry I'm watching a movie and playing game at the same time.
is mantheon gay
are you gonna log in or what bitch
yes, all gymcels are
we swing both ways in this house
xth for stuffing maggots up Jellyfishsloth's cunt and stapling it shut
Imagine being such a loser in real life that you have to avatarfag for efame on a mongolian basket weaving forum. All the while putting on this persona of false positivity that helps no one and only serves to inflate your own ego until your fat head is as large as your behemoth gut.

jellytrash i know you're reading this. No one likes you, here or anywhere else. Stop posting.
He's bisexual, he will do anything as long as they're not two faced and are ok making do in terms of life and improvements instead of holding on to baggage and dragging things down. Or that is what I read anyways.
idgi she's always nice to people though how is that fake
least mentally ill general HOLY
Jelly if I met you walking down the street near a dark alley I would warn you that it is dangerous to be walking around these parts alone at night and calmly suggest to you that you should hurry home quickly
>doesn't even escort her home safely
wow what a hero you are what such chad gentleman
>she doesnt even give me the time of day on league
I give back what I get man idk
>if i met this lolg person irl i would-
no you wouldn't you don't know what they look like so you wouldn't even know if you'd met them
Would add
>cheese splitpushers
>good lastpick splitpusher
>game winning splitpusher
>technical splitpusher (force enemy to defend top and then ult to create 5v4 situations for your team rather than tower unga bunga)
pantheon, nocturne

these are also the first you should learn when going for some splitpush strategie.
unless you know what you're doing (which is chance to be the case when you need to be told whats good at splitting) champs like jax and fiora will break you
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Actually I am Garen
sometimes i genuinely wonder if some of the people who post here deserve to live at all or not
unironically im getting convinced that muzzies have a point and i should go back to being a muslim not even kidding
the sheer mental illness that you westerners have has me baffled
wrong antischizo nigger less responses please
you guys don't give him the credit but wukong is a good split pusher, demolisher + hullbreaker + berserker boots, E > W > Q (on turret) will allow you to double proc hullbreaker thanks to your clone and you can just take a turret down in less than 10 seconds
I've never won lane against Heimerdinger in iron or bronze, the fuck can you do? He just pushes your shit in and pokes you down
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don't let him poke you down

sit under ur turret until 6 and scrape what little cs you're allowed, then at 6 u either get strong all in combo to kill him or just stop playing that dogshit champion entirely from that match on
just sit your ass under turret and farm cs
Yeah, I missed a couple of splitpushers, I just tried to list some example out off the top of my head.
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kinda feel bad for being mean to lyra now tbqfh
If he misses his rockets and stun you can go in sometimes
Otherwise jack off under tower until ganks
But I have to make plays because my team is feeding their ass off
you ain't not doing shit against heimerdingus nigga

that nigga fuck yo shit up from first minute with his 3 little chimpanzees shooting pew pew at u if u tryna cs

then that nigga lock yo ass down undaneef yo turret while you tryna get 2 cs as he spams his shit up

by the time you even see sunlight he's gonna have an 800 gold advantage over you nigga fuck u gon do nigga? try and kill him give him 300 more? don't be krayze
need to have sex with jelly lyra or vouivre fast bros...
idk we couldve played together and stuff couldve been fun be nice...
all my personas btw
lyra is a perfect sweetheart and you chuds bullied her away
Did lyra leave lolg? Again?
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Champ for this feel?
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here u go bro
it's different with lesbians
gays (as in gay men) can't be incels because they're mostly hypersexual so no matter how fat, ugly, etc you are you can find a gay man who wants you
Anons can't fatham friendliness.
what is it like to play with lyra?
she doesn't even last hit wards so you can get them
she's THAT nice
Lyra's nice if you're a high value male like myself but if you don't offer much to her she'll chew you up and spit you out and flame you for missing kills and ksing her
>will support you

>will int you

>will carry you

>will groom you

>will afk as yuumi on you
she's really good at the game and really focused on teamwork plays
like she LIVES for mid jg 2v2s
It's very fun playing with her but a bit nerve-wracking if you're used to a solo queue greedy Playstyle, but you get used to it and it's so fun to play with her
lyra is an asshole and he's super creepy at times, too. he's fine if you mute him.
why so mean
>high value male like myself
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You've kind of oversold this player lol. Unironically interested in seeing one of these games if anyone ever streams/records them.
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she plays like once a month me thinks
i would play a couple of norms with lyra if they're apparently this fun to play with
play vg vs vg
get in line chud
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Why does ezreal make him seethe?
Bratty, smug princess loli
ezreal has blonde hair/blue eyes and the fin is obsessed with melanin.
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It's how I used to Jungle with my duo way back when before I started solo-queuing only, which was such a negative experience after duo-queuing. It's so nice to accelerate your pace and aggression because you have one person with macro understanding and map presence able to match you. Then you yolo-queue and want to pull your fucking fingernails out.
lolg harrassed him out of lolg and suddenly start misding them. same with lbw
i believe i can have sex with pictures
>rewriting history
Lyra is MID tier according to majin, a mere 3.0
The top tier of lolg outclasses her in every way
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I love you Anon
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If you read the context detail note you would know lyra is a 3.0 because when she tries she's a 5 but oftentimes she would intentionally feed so it must be averaged out
Yes and no. It's pointless to afk till your team is 0/30, but sometimes its just better if you dont force yourself into stupid situations, just stomach it and try to not tilt through the "teammate died" announcers.
Even if they feed their ass off, you're chance of winning is higher when you end up strong rather than you tossing aswell.
A scaled splitting fiora, jax or trynd can turn a game

Either way, heimer is a niggerchamp and shouldnt be allowed to be top, or atleast rework him.
The best toplaners against him is nasus, fiora and mundo.
With nasus you learn e lvl 2 at 3 and start with dorans ring. Just press E on him and his turrets. (runes: comet/phaserush, manaflow, scorch, absolute focuse with second inspiration: future tonic and manacookies.), but buy spirit visage and no ap items.

With other champs just lifesteal, engage on him, bait his ult out, disengage imediatly after ult and then go for kill while his ult is on cd.
never stay and fight in the turret

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is this (You) irl?
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>tfw entered this thread to do some light troleing, a dabble of tormenting, instigate a bit of strife, since wannabe leaguefags are killing my game
>skim thread
>realise there is literally no way conceivable I could make this worse for anyone here
I actually feel genuine pity for you guys now. What a 180.
Why are you all even still here?
why are white cats like this
why is rengar into lolis?
shes not on lthe lidst
ctrl F Rumia
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Actually you dont love the incel phenotype :D You rejected the low testosterone white manlet remember?


Why is esyweeler male into hand pumping?
Unironically waiting for this game to die, I'd like to be there when it does.
>caitlyn as catra
i will now watch your season 2
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>Doja and 4 niggers on one team
Ezreal bros...
>Doja and 4 niggers
kog is worse than all other 4 champs combined
>against gourdon lyra and novo
I kneel...
Funny my no name smurf is rated low and I play the exact same way every game
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playing some kat today :3
He was mid
Well, on both our behalves, I hope you find relief soon.
the down bad lobby
Same, nasus can also be played mid, and so does mundo.
Low hp heimer cant deal with nasus e spamm.
You poke him down while the e kills the turrets at the same time
So what's the mental gymnastics for this headcanon I've been seeing?
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star guardian mostly.
should i try and pick up riven, i heard she can proxy and stuff
E max stormrazer rush ahri support will be insanely gigabusted on 14.18.
i guess i should ask about riven later, she seems pretty fun though, i wonder if she could go assasin since bruisers suck, though probably still eclipse since it is just a really really big stat stick that seems to synergize well with her
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Assassin riven is best riven
The only bruiser items you should ever buy are eclipse and sundered sky (passive can crit lol)
Never buy cleaver
I wanna squeeze her till her eyes pop out
just play what seems fun to you. why do you desperately look for a new toplaner anyway?
>The only bruiser items you should ever buy are eclipse
I hate how it has become common practice to call eklipse a bruiser item
i dont know maybe theres something wrong with me, theres also not really any champs in league i really strongly identify with, so i kind of just flip flop around aimlessly all the time, it probably wont change sadly, i do that with everything in life
ogey ill try assasin till they buff bruiser items after worlds
do i still go conq? or do i do somethin else and maybe run like gathering storm or somethin, i heard riven really likes ability haste
Ad items without lethality are generally counted i think, eclipse also improves survivability with the shield and also gives you ah which is only really useful if you plan to use abilities more than once vs an assasin who just wants to shit out damage then leave
uh why wouldn't it?
>loads with a stupid question instead of answering
why are gooners this stupid? brain damage?
the gay one
your question was stupid in the first place
>no u
70 iq
which explains why you're so incoherent
uh ok
u stack conqueror too fast to justify not using it
I know how busted eklipse is, i just hate the idea of bruisers running profane hydra and eklipse, so i'd prefer they get removed from toplane instead of people starting to accept them as bruiser items
I want to look like samira
only rich sluts
this general is what happens when you don't beat your kids
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profane is solidly an assasin item with the lethality and the sizeable extra burst the cleave gives, its just an assasin item for champs with bad waveclear, eclipse is a bruiser item because assasins dont really take it usually, if you were gonna one shot the enemy you wouldnt need the shield, also please stop typing like you have some weird c > k homestuck character type shit goin on
youre probably right she does do a billion attacks
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This game's community has to be the most toxic of any game. I've been playing overwatch again recently and it's crazy just how little people mental boom in ow compared to league.
So just push eklipse back to become an assasin item like it originally used to be.
For bruisers they might just remove the tooltip and replace it with:
>Win lane, lose game
And the only counterplay to eklipse is to build eklipse
>Caitlyn is the dominant one in bed
Dare I say, kino?
Hey what are your thoughts on caitlyn toplane?
aren't OW matches also much shorter?
I wish more people would play it, i want more free matchups for stridebreaker deadmans plate garen
Voice comms help a lot despite what people think
what about the big monster whats his name guy that eats people, is he good into garen?
ummm no chud you see, in order to reach the largest possible audience rajot games need to have all chat disabled by default, have 28 different algorithms working at all times in case you dare insult any of their precious customers and dish out 2 week long mutes for those that hurt the audience

and you think they'd let toxic DOGs like you have voice cums? yikes. think again sweaty
my lolg crush...
cho and tahm? both counter garen
if this match goes good I'll stream the next if it goes bad I uninstall + coinflip decide if I kms or not
okay so what is with you calling eclipse "eklipse"
if shiv can statikk he can eklipse, leave him alone you bully
reminder that no force on this earth or otherwise will compel me to vocally communicate with these animals
read that out loud and post vocaroo
what do you mean, eklipse is eklipse
its spelled eclipse, like a solar eclipse in real life
Who's gaming rn
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eklipse is eklipse
A few days ago one of the Luxposters said she loved Ezreal players the most. I think it actually snapped something in his brain.
dont kys youre so sexy haha
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if u kys u cant breed me haha
if i make a new account will i get put into smurf jail?
im bronze btw
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I might do a bit of war gaming
lmao I see I see, so he got cucked by the EzrealCHADS
Did the immortal ahri boycott do anything or was it all a waste and simps spent a bunch of money on it?
you will play in your own mmr just like in ranked.
if you have 30% winrate in quickplay you play against bronze, if you have 70% you play against master and chall
your mmr also decides your starting rank. currently highest is start is gold
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why am I on probation?
mental illness
ok thanks now i need a new summoner name
>Actually playing this game
nothing is worse than seeing some na kid play jungle
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I didnt understand why people disliked you, but now I do
is this considered the worst video game of all time when you look at low elo?
low elo is based
yea true love everyone
kys fucking faggot
this is garnet. back together.
>60% of playerbase is low elo
>we're going to balance around proplay
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sir this is /lolg/
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Which is correct. Games should never pander to crybabys that dont want to improve, but instead be balanced.
the only reason riot doesn't have voic com is that it costs money to host that large bandwidth of audio traffic
bro I ain't even not gonna ngl bruh if I was working at riot games llc hq indie games co. tm and I looked at this game I'm DEVVing on and be like "damn 65% of these niggas ain't never get past silver bruh" I'd be like "damn maybe we suck at making this game bruh ionno"

knowmsayin onah?
>you have to balance around people who don't even know what they are doing
>not balancing around the people who can actually play and that can actual pilot their champions
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league it is then.

1 - 3 support
4 - 7 some kind of faggy tank
8 - 0 irelslop
I think people are confusing high elo with proplay for some reason
>Implying pros are good
There's a reason they can only play 2 champions per patch and refuse to deviate or experiment. They are essentially 1-2tricks. If someone said that the game should be balanced around 1tricks you'd get laughed at, but apparently it's perfectly fine if that 1trick is a "pro". Clown.
what's with NPC's that unironically defend champs like nasus and garen
they're boring to play and so fucking boring to play against just delete them tbqhwy
What it would it take for Garen to be played as a bruiser/juggernaut again instead of as an assassin?
What's wrong with garen OR nasus?
are you actually streaming or not faggot
they're boring to pIay and so fucking boring to play against just delete them tbqhwy
i can't imagine if you could actually type to these bot like players on this game
seraphine in serapanties
i wish qkm would stream...
its the bbcspammer falseflagging
all the items are absolute worthless trash
nasus is fun as fuck stop the retarded revisionism yeah hes terribly designed and needs a rework but he is fun to play
if you dont find nasus fun you probably only play enchanters
you have 12 minutes before I make radical decisions and erratical actions
People to stop being dumb tiktok users.
Stridebreaker/trinity into deadmans plate is still the better overall build
Just like sunfire cape etc. is better than heartsteel.

Its just more fun to play that way, therefor the solution is to stop allowing fun
it's the spammer
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Where are the buffs
everything reminds me of him...
in that case here's a REAL skream
Which one? Ekko?
Got a full build for bruiser Garen, than? I actually prefer to play him that way but I worry I'll get bitched at for not going the meta.
>I dont personally enjoy a champ, so he shouldnt exist
I dont think theres a single person that enjoys playing against shoverlon on mid, so just delete talon from the game
Why dont you try to just get 1 champ out of bronze
I'd say that 99% of the players will thank you for not being a retard like me that runs fullcrit garen.
Stridebreaker/trinity -> deadmans plate -> Black cleaver --> jaksho
this game is horrible to play
she must be jelly cause jam dont jiggle like that
Being an esports bootlicker outs you as a low elo shitter that's never actually played with them. If you did you'd be disillusioned instantly.
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>3 of my teammates have like 17 deaths each
time for a break
i mean there's not enjoying a champ and there's champs made for 5 year olds with down syndrome
Smoulder can literally clear a wave by himself with zero lane interaction. That Champion is more than fine.
>people at the highest possible elo are not good at the game
>i only lose my bronze elo matchups because of forced 30% blindpick
>not dellusional at all
i go 20/0 against jax players in your elo, but the first time i played against hashinshins jax i went 0/12
get yourself a gold account on ebay for 5 dollars and show me how you beat people above your bronze elo
where are you
imagine you buy an iron acc
i would end it at that point
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>hit bronze
>"just CS bro!"
>my opponent has 9cs/min
>+1m mastery score
Makes you think huh. Why am I facing these nolifers in B4?
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>played against this for the first time
holy fuck what were they smoking?
Does he have cooldowns? He didnt stop casting once.
I throw a rock every like 10 seconds as a malphite.
Not to mention he just ignores my ult which is like 80% of my kit.
Fucking monkey nigger pandering shit.
I can only imagine how this place looked when he came out.
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Whats the matter? d4s arent better than iron elo players, they just main champions.
Smurfing shouldnt be a problem for you if the people arent good.
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Qiyana anon
I'll prob be done by tm
but I might be done by midnight ilyk
good progress though, I think you'll like
youre fighting the nerfed version btw he used to be 10x worse.
>Citing hashinshin as a "pro"
>And even losing to him
All you're doing is is further proving you're some barely diamond shitter. The only times I've run into he was struggling in masters 0 lp or something so you're most likely some diamond peaker actually typing to me. Keep licking those boots though, I'm sure at some point you're broken hands will eventually be able to use those OP 10x nerfed champs!
I bet.
They didnt do enough.
Yeah yeah I know you resist arrest.
>d4s arent better than iron elo players

You never played in master if you think that pros are bad at the game.
Not even in diamond if you think the gap between d4 and high challenger isnt as wide as iron and emerald
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You don't just leave it as Rune Page 5, right anon?
Its what the guy is saying.
>pro players arent good at the game
Yet he crys about smurfing. Surely he can just beat the smurfs if they arent good
>d4s arent better than iron elo players, they just main champions
I understand what you're trying to say, but it isn't true, almost the opposite even. Even more people are OTPing and maining champions in low elo, and you'll even see a few who definitely have a decent grasp of their champs mechanics, but they're braindead retarded in other aspects of the game. I'd bet my life savings on any D4 player who isn't a support player to absolute take over any game that's like G3 or lower given with little resistance if put on a champ they've never played.

I peaked 200 LP Masters, like 2 seasons ago (haven't played much since).
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>neeko says annie is a bad champ
>im chat limited, cant say anything back or else i'd have said nigger
>illaoi defends annie support because stun
>starts saying based things throughout the game and talking shit to neeko.
>neeko talks about reporting in broken english
>illoai says he doesnt care oh no two week chat ban (very based)

I'd like to think i made neeeko believe that annie is based because i have an epic kd.
everyone in the lobby played like adolescent retards horrible nigger mechanics that made me scream.

also illao's name looks like a b3llamy alt account
Bronze players regularly outplay challenger players, just watch chill naece
would you plap bellamy?
Read >>493324929
This guy claims >>493321417
But also crys about smurfs
annie is a bad champ
Hashinshin has the mechanical skill of a proplayer, he just has an iq of 70
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why is this game full of mentally ill weirdos
How do I become as knowledgable about league as him?
toxic lux...
>There's a reason they can only play 2 champions per patch
So they're playing the most meta handful of champions in a role per patch? The patches that make changes every two weeks? Depending on meta volatility a high elo metaslave is easily rotating between double digits amounts of champions in a season?

That really doesn't sound like maining or one-tricking to me. It's just metaslaving and adapting. Happens in every game.
First drop the dunning krueger and then you learn
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Why do they make all the cheap but cool skins unpurchasable
I am too stupid for WOTR
I started on core and gave up at the maze
Now I play league
Its honestly hilarious when you play an older champ against a newer/reworked one.
You are just playing different games with different rules.
>having to time and strategically use your basic skills because of cooldowns and high mana costs? i have no cooldowns and no mana, i am supposed to cast everything on cooldown all the time
>tankiness, damage, or mobility? what do you mean 'or', dont you have all of them?
>cc other than slows only being on ult? what are you, just a minion?
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Why are there so many no lifes with thousands of hours of league in bronze? Are you shitting me?
late reply but do you have the edit of jayce shooting that kid over and over from arcane
Some of us are chilling
I get that I am stupid. The problem is that thinking about the game and my actions doesn't help because my reasoning is stupid. And I can't learn from others because I misunderstand and apply it wrong if I even remember it. Law school was easier than learning league
>characters build themselves
Simple as anon, build around the weapon they use be it rays, swords or kukris
This general is so shit during NA hours that its actually absurd
It makes me want to fix my sleep schedule
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tbf they're probably just content to play the game for the sake of playing the game
But I have so few spell slots a day at the start. How am I supposed to use them when I don't know what is ahead and I run out in 1 fight?
I restarted fights over and over for perfect movement and no damage until I got tired at left. Can you rest for free at the start by leaving the maze and going back to the mongrel village?
Garen will be played at worlds but keep coping I guess
Leblanc got fucking confirmed in Arcane S2 today

I now care about it
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at least i don't call my jungler a slur for not ganking my lane
oh that maze, post it in the crpg thread and people will help you
Oh yeah, this happened last night.
>enemy locks in Annie cucking e out of Yone
>do well
>Vayne will not stop doom typing while feeding
>begs to trade me which I agree to
>when he starts getting his ass kicked by Annie
>"well great, not I have to lane vs an Annie that Zed fed"
And then he proceeds to blame me for the rest of the game for him going 2/9.
Woh! small lux
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Lucky Diana....
every masters+ player plays 500 matches a day on their 10 alt accounts and that's why I'm hardstuck silver.
>im just going to make another new account so that you don't have to deal with me anymore
just want to say that i'm pretty sure 90% of the reason i never see you in lobbies is because you keep changing accounts every time something happens. i think i have like 4 of your accounts added at this point that you abandoned
noooooooo lyra please I wanted to play together
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guys how do i climb out of plat
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>Average bronzie 4 in my games has 200h+ put in this year
>averages +600h total

second lowest rank. I literally just installed and I have to play against THESE people?
bpd baby behavior
Farm better. Literally all you have to do.
you should thank riot for giving you easy cannon fodder to climb over
sundered overlord titanic

kek or cringe?
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i'm a support tho
ward better then babygirl
zaunites x vladfag is over?
>in plat
After your first reset run to mid to fish for a kill.
real men run to mid before their first reset
LYRAAAAAAA GET BACK HERE you emotional dramatic bitch
>10% kill participation
Why are Vayne top abusers like this?
that's lyra not zaunites
>tfw no dommy support bf
it's over
It has nothing to do with intelligence, league isnt that hard to understand.
You have a champion that deals magic damage and a stat that gives you magic resist.
If you dont get better its usually an EGO problem, not an iq problem
how do i know when im allowed to roam
It's hard to believe when they're so damn toxic.... I'm B4 and they think I should play like faker and have my penis cam pressed into the map 24/7 so I know they're coming to gank or need saving...
Ping me you slut
vayne toplane takes 3100 gold to become partially online, she's not as le hecking awpee chonkers like you retarded 2 iq 1 brancell melee toplaners think

you play vayne toplane, give your opponent one single fucking kill? it's over, it's le hecking over. you lose your turret, you lose your cs, your wife, your life, the lane, the game. done. gg kid, you're trash go next.

so then how do you not give your opponent a single fucking kill? lube up hard, sit on that turret. don't contest grub, don't contest herald, don't go trying to help your jungler screeching like a dog because he got caught enemy jungle topside. you let your turret slide in and you keep it in there until you can afford kraken and bb boots.
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but a streamer told me that wards are a noob trap

tru i need to roam more

yeah it's kinda sad how people like that still get emotional over the game
based on wave state. If you clear a wave quickly, you have time to roam and return to lane while missing the least amount of creeps
what was the post??
I stream too for my 7 viewers from lolg and I'm telling you to ward better
Not him but how much CS is lost per roam? I could probably test it myself but going bot or top from mid seems like it would take awfully long
where do you buy NA accounts?
looking for gold-plat
im done playing against level 30s ruining every single game. im going to ruin yours too.
When is Garen getting nerfed? As well as ADC items?
add me on ur new acc pls >.> Don't leave me behind
Level 30s are playing in the Gold-Plat games though. As that is the 50% winrate ELO.
be my gf? support me for life? yuumi attach to me irl?
>ahri gets the kit kat emote instead of kat
so emerald then?
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ok dad

the cycle continues...

best i can do is meow
It depends on your champion and the situation.
>seems like it would take awfully long
It shouldn't be taking that long unless you are actually getting into an engagement. A part of roaming is simply being off the visible map to pressure opponents. You can run half-way down the river and back and you won't lose a single CS.
She's a lesbian and he's gay, anon
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good girl
>the cycle continues
ive put 5000 hours into this game to get turbo inted and smurfed on every single game. i love this game but i despise the people who play it. i never get to have fun ever.
but running down people a higher rank than me? that sounds pretty fun.
cmon baby, I'll make ya the happiest girl on lolg
vladfag is gay?
im not a girl
>gank top and mid to the point theyre both 4/0
>they still throw and lose
What else do you want from me
you post like one
Has he said this or something
I'll treat you like one
Do poke champs actually get angry when I don't let them poke me down and just sit under turret the whole laning phase? Because I had a Teemo get extremely pissed off that I just sat under turret as Nasus and didn't once come out to try and CS.
They won.
sion mains probably enjoy being called a good girl though so
you fuckin leeches always try to jump in when I'm rizzing up lolgs
What's the build order for burn build Nasus? Where most of the damage just comes from E. Do I build Blackfire first?
yeah cuz u rizzing down nigga

the fuck kinda "rizz" responds
>I'm not a girl
>you type like one
that how you treat a fellow lolg sissy nigga?
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yeah bitch you don't know where I was headed with that
you ain't got it, you punks always bite my bits
Lyra you were always nice to me
I think youre a good person at heart
I think she's a manipulative disgusting snake and that's the main reason I'm taking an interest tb.h
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Did Riot stop with perma ban? Back in 2023 I got 1 year chat ban, ended april 2024, today I asked my mid if he was a retard and got insta muted (that one that shows in chat for everyone in ur team that u said something and got muted)
After the game I got 60 days chat restriction
Shut up you dumb retard, she has multiple matchups like Nig'sante,Singed,Garen,Ornn,Illaoi, Morde or Mundo that you can farm for free, if you are above gold.
She is absolutely not hard to play against those champion at all and you shit on them at all stages of the game.
One of the worst counterpicks in the game, what are you talking about.
>All these guys fighting for scraps when I already have the best lolg
gurgle hurghle you are uber cunter pick because you are have 375 extra attack ranjj

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thats true
I was so close to the best lolg
but I blew it
like a fucking loser
Because he has been absurdly overbuffed over the years.In fact he has been buffed so hard over the years, that some countermatchups of him, have turned into hard winning ones.
Jax used to shit on Garen and now he is legit one of the worst champions you can pick into Garen.
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Somebody explain to me why they're nerfing Corki and Smolder, they're not even good.
some guy in proplay propaply (heh) did some anal prolapse trickshot with corki so now he get nerf
>tumble and condem don't exist
You literally can't reach her on these picks, she shits on these pick at all stages of the game.
you can tumble 5 and condemn like 2 and a half times before running out of mana you niggarded idiot

vayne pre items does not deal damage
Im gatekeeping my lolg forever
Pantheon is allowed to have an instant cast, 150 damage aka 20% to 25% most champs HP, with just doran's blade, no mana cost, and a 4 second cd, and his passive makes every second one do nearly 200 damage haha.

Truly a fun champ
its a skillshot sis
t. retard who never played vayne
you use e once and you're out of mana until the next recall
how do you gatekeep a person
demolisher hullbreaker > bezeker graves stridebreaker (double breaker secret combo) > overlord's > sterACK > sexperimental hexplate > zephyr

kek or cringe?
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Stay po-*cough* positive /lolg/!
why is there hair in your mouth..
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The only thing that makes him beatable is the fact that the people who play him are clinically retarded.
If you can't get in a position to punish them not just somewhat but HEAVILY before they just mash their keyboard to get away, then there's nothing you can do.
>egobloated shen nigga started posting again
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I'd have no issues with Panth players if they were belittled like Garen or Malphite players are but for some reason this preconceived idea of them being gigachads exists like their champ isn't completely brainless
So is Nautilus E by that standard
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ok give me $99999999 rn


be the bigger man anon, you can do it. don't stoop to their level.
thought he had 4 arms for a second, now i'm disappointed
its so cringe when you see a jungler go to finish off someone who is 1 hp and u can see in the junglers movement hes mortified hes somehow gonna lose a 1v1 while full health
jgs are the worst players cuz they only take free fights
>be the bigger man
not taking advice from an attention seeking avatarfag. kill yourself, please
>inb4 snarky "comeback"
there is nothing you can say to relieve the fact that you are a failure. i feel sorry for your dad
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draven players are the highest pedigree of adc players. previous game my jinx adc just ran it down on purpose since she didnt get a conventional support ended 0/10. ran under their tower.

flickerblade on irelia gives her a 0 second Q cooldown. gonna look into that.
t. retard who never took manaflow band
please just report and ignore, it works
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why would i give a snarky comeback? i'm not against you. sounds like you just gotta take a break from this game anon.
just like silver elo players gatekeep you in bronze?
>ultimate skin
>drop the ball insanely hard on depicting his face
It looks absolutely nothing like Yone and I hate it. Good thing this is Wild Rift exclusive.
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>Master +
>66% winrate against Yorick
>63% winrate against Ornn
>61% winrate against Illaoi
>56% winrate against Morde
>56% winrate against Aatrox (Number 1 Toplaner in Master+)
>56% winrate against K'sante
>55% winrate against Garen (Number 5 Toplaner in Master+)
She even has a 61% winrate against Aatrox in Korean Master+ btw.
my jax vs garen stats are propably 3 lose/90 win
well at least it takes no skill whatsoever
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The 4 man gank squad Bottom left the game after they couldn't shut us down. Xerath/Lux Bottom is so lame, especially when you lose lane.
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Shen is a bad champion for climbing though. Dogshit for climbing in fact.
I can see him being decent for climbing with a duo. But duo in general already inflates you by itself regardless of who you play.
Hell that Alois guy made it to my peak with Shen and quit for a reason.
you're not master you bitch niggafaggot, you're not master nor korean nor korean master nor korean master+

you're timmy the turdeater stuck in iron, please stop speaking, you're embarrassing yourself.
i hope that one day you realize getting guys to jerk off to your 4chan posts was a waste of your youth and you deeply regret it.
i dont know if youre a woman or just a rp'ing faggot. either way i hate people like you for destroying any chance of real discussion.
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What's currently the best champion in mid lane to crawl out of Bronze with? Lissandra?
you're the one crying right now
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>spending a large amount of your free time bbc posting in a video game general on 4chan
I've been in enough generals to know ritual shitposters are common stance, but usually its tangentially on-topic.
Obviously the content is simply 'ragebait', but as to the source, I can only speculate;
>lazy to the point of simply picking the lowest effort fruit
>popular game therefore larger general (in theory) therefore lowest common denominator of posters therefore lowest common denominator of shitposters
I only pass through this general on occasion, so its not like I have much vested interest, other than a personal study of 4chan culture in action.
>A tier 51% winrate champion
>Free tp into teamfight while also shielding an ally
>he do the jax naenae and block auto attack both for himself and allies
>per sand health damage on Q
nah you just trash
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What's your summoner level? Mine is currently 745
low T ED having ass no sex drive nu-male post by some faggoted dude who can't enjoy luggsposting
464 and bronze
did I ask for your rank
Well yeah, the best way to climb is to pick the best Champion and pick the role with the most responsibility.

But that only applies to Solo/Duo Queue. Or in low elo. Once you hit Masters+ people won't let you solo carry the game like that. Because League of Legends is a team game, and no one person should be able to win the game alone. The team with the most people playing t0 their roles should be the ones that win.
why are you always mean to me
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>defending masturbating to what it most likely a guy pretending to be a girl larp and post drawings of a video game character on a taiwanese basket weaving forum
>minimizing real discussion in favor of multiple guys "rizzing" up these fags
>thinking this is any position to be calling people low T
you guys are the reason why onlyfans is a thing, get a fucking girlfriend god damn
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If anyone tells me it's a mistake to have hope, well then, I'll just tell them, they're wrong.
And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes.
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try not to smile: level impossible
projecting hard
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Oh, I am not master ? I could swear the last season I actively played ranked I was. Pic related btw.

Silver Elo ? I don't think so pal. Wanna make a screenshot of your last ranked season ?
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>destroying any chance of real discussion
I see luxfag discuss the game in depth all the time albeit
>minimizing real discussion in favor of multiple guys "rizzing" up these fags
not true actually, the only thing that directly impacts thread traffic is when we have the bbspammer driving people away. erpsissies help keep the horny anons posting the thread who (in between ERPing and jacking off) reply to on-topic discussion if they find it interesting/interactive
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>He has no push or clear so he's always at his tower in the most popular champion matchups so IF he ults he actively loses his lane by ulting to a soloQ teammate and HOPING they do something with the gold he gives them
>He's got a worse Jax E on a longer cooldown
>He does have per sand health damage I'll give you that one nobody else top lane does damage
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doin some manly work for some nerdy hobbys today boys>
holy fuck this goon is defending gay erp'ing on a video game general ahahahahahaha
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>Get held hostage in a losing game
nice bought account pal
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>someone actually hacked the bbcuck's 2007 DELL laptop
check them out, you might learn something out of it.
>Shen is a bad champ for climbing until you get to the top 1%
Damn my bad guess he's good

That 1% isn't even accurate because there's tons of high elo players who have multiple accounts up there. I'd actually be interested to see what the actual numbers are but I've got no clue how they would be able to get tthose.
why did you chuds bully humanity girl
she gets off on it bro trust
you can just cringe at how desperate it feels and then ignore it like the rest of us
That doesn't mean it's okay
There is nothing to check out because the Matchup is heavily Garen favored nowadays. Jax has 40% winrate against Garen in NA Challenger and a 0% winrate in EuW, globally it is 44% in Challenger.

What ever helps you cope.
>"lolg getting "bullied"" incident nr#4529315
>alleged bullying victim seemingly refuses to interact with anyone that's nice to them while constantly staying around said "bullies"
so true
That's not true
oh so now you start quoting challenger winrates since you got called out on your masters bullshit??
>i used to be master 2 years ago but i dont actively play anymore, heres my take on current matchups
boosted, and dropped
ok explain why lyra doesn't queue with me then??
because you're wh*te
there is something to check out, content of challenger players going 10/0/10 against challenger garen players.
i dont give a rats ass about random winrates about a 1v1 matchup in a 5v5 game
a teemo can 1v1 a lot of toplaners despite having worse winrate aswell
What are you talking about ? Garen has positive win rate against Jax and it is not a small marging like 51%. He has way bigger winrate in Master+, Grandmaster+ and Challenger in Korea.

It is not a good matchup for Jax you retard.
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at level 16 it gives a 0 second cooldown to q which means you can build it 3rd item.

if you need to you can also build crit. because Q can apply crit.

build flickerblade on irelia from now on.
>>>>>>>>>>W:125 L:172
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>first strike
>What kind of men is Qiqi attracted to?
Sociopathic native bitch x Oppoturnistic white explorer, classic pairing
i checked 10 different sites and they all give different results.
i rather check out gameplay where i can see what happened in the matches that got checked.
all i see are millions of challenger gameplay videos where jax goes 10/0 against garen
try it, maybee you learn how to win against garen.
it's because of losers queue
vg vs vg na pw vidya
I had never understood why others like cosplay until I watched the teaser for Arcane season 2. When I saw my favorite champions vibrant, alive, their essence and spirit captured in those stunning visuals then suddenly it clicked. I felt a surge of excitement, a connection that transcended the screen. In that moment, I understood the allure of cosplay—the joy of embodying a beloved character, of bringing them to life through creativity and passion. It was more than just dressing up; it was about celebrating something deeply cherished, and I finally felt the pull of that world.
I think the fact that 40% of challenger matches result in either team surrendering just shows there's some complete dogshit wrong with the core game design or something but idk

just from the perspective like "oh hey here's the top 0.05% of our all players who are the very best at the game, please feel free to spectate any of their games so they just surrender at 15"
>Cho'Gath wins against Varus 52.62% of the time which is 2.47% higher against Varus than the average opponent.
does this mean that everytime when enemy picks varus i should go cho gath?
i could swear last time i played cho against varus top i went 0/10 because he blatantly oneshot me
apparently tanks are a hardcounter to varus
nothing wrong with that at all, the games are fast paced and decisive at the highest level
no one wants to watch (or play) 50 minute scaling farming cringe
still other competitor games no have as much surrender at top level me thinks
of course i dont see this till AFTER i start an ARAM
vg vs vg + 4
pass vidya
someone stream some bronze games i want to see how you handle the teams you get
"vg vs vg" custom game
password "vidya"
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Is Seraphine support still freelo? I like playing Sera but enchanter build is so snooze. But I'm desperate for LP.

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quotation marks to help the stupid niggas out
post another vocaroo lyra i want to hear you crying
im early but its gonna be a shit game where like 4-6 people go 3/19 and 4 people are sweating their asses off waveclearing for 50 minutes.
don't be a meanie
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dos mios, how does that even work?
so i just pick sona toplane against draven top and i win 100%?
didnt know that sona 1v1s a draven Tbh
what are some lolg crackships that could be cute? which anon could fix lyra?
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How many neekos do you have?
me I could 100% fix that retarded bitch because I myself am bpd
dumb neeker
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Rank 9 on EuW going 5/0/5 against Jax, check it out maybe you learn something.

>Garen in NA Challenger going 14/4/6
Do you see how retarded your approach is ? It is a fact that Garen is a bad matchup for Jax, the data backs this up on every major region and in every Master+ Elo, regardless if you search for Master/Gmaster/Challenger only, or you use Master/Gmaster+ as a metric.

I also got boosted in 2019 btw. Yawn...
I have a crush on her
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talon confirmed hardcounter for dr mundo, mundo really needs to be buffed
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I could see some deredere loving anon turn her into a tradwife like kg, vbl, or azakana
none of those are even close to deredere lol
vg vs vg
place your bets
>teamfight nearby
>if you stay your team loses the fight and drag/grubs/herald/towers
>if you go the enemy top runs it from full health top tower to inhib
what are you supposed to do again??
>Rank 9 on EuW going 5/0/5 against Jax, check it out maybe you learn something.
i did actually.
if you watch the video you posted you see garen losing 90% of the game to jax.
jaxes team went 0/10 and he got dove by ahri while his own midlane is 0/2
and despite ahri towerdiving jax into a bad position jax is still beating up garen
so even rank 9 garen cant beat a random jax player?
2 morgs...
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Qiqi love! Kino! Cinema... Qiqi nachos?...
yes, basicly for a garen to beat jax you just need jungle gap, mid gap and bottom gap at the same time and your team needs to hardwin while you towerhug and lose every trade
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I only need one.
all of those are deredere
i lost lane. and by lost lane i mean their jungler was human and dabs is playing single player league of legends cheers. 1 gank okay i dont expect you to be einstien
2 ganks. ok youre a little slow its fine.

3, hes ulting me under tower? youre a stupid nigger enjoy your vgs i really dont need to sit through this shit ill go back to arena
based teamdisparity letting me abort that game

new lobby up in 1 minute
vg vs vg
pw vidya
annie sej irelia qiyana wukong and vayne play like shit
panth and sion trying their absolute brains out to make the game as unfun as possible

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