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Previous: >>493217924

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Me on the left
terrible art
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Is Lip the cutest girl in FGO?
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Me and Okitabro
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let her cook
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Post TM /mu/
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Oberon love!

Well, over half the Choco one is scanned, I should be done with the scan soon and then will take a bit to clean the pages up. All these Melusines I never knew about, it's neat.
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Kama Love!
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Me on the right
That’s great, bro! Thank you.
What are you planning to scan next if it’s not a secret?
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>muh glorious nippon folded 1000000 times steel
Feel the melu love. Grail her.
Can you do better?
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After this, it's Mochizuki's artbook, then Konoe's, then Redrop.

Maybe. I do have her NP2 after all and she came so quickly after I scanned the other artbooks. Funny how the curse works.
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I'm counting over a thousand for Rikyu on just Pixiv where are you getting those numbers?
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>Suddenly remembered Nickelback
I wonder what else will pop into my head... Though I can't remember name of that guy who was playing on ukulele. I think he was popular around 2010...
You should take a rest after that Melu doujin.
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USA wins again
purin doujin update?
Made for Hylaeus and Rhoecus
>Japanese "swords" when faced with the might of Diet Coke
I meant Melt.
Come on, even my pocket knife can do better against a full pressured from inside bottle. This shit is dull as fuck.
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Hello bro!
This one was obviously folded 999 times.
Shamefur dispray...
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>burgers woke up
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This is as annoying to me as it probably is to everyone who I tell that I'll scan it *soon*. Some of my other doujins are delayed too, usually this doesn't happen so maybe something is going on with their end.

I wanted to scan these in all honesty, so I'll probably take a tiny break after it. Oh, and Konoe has three Amakusas in there, one being a shota one oddly enough, but whatever.

Hello to you too Bobbro, hope you're doing well.
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Edisonbros, our status?
This place has been the blog of a few people for a while now. You should just accept that.
How do you have so much money to constantly do these scans?
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>hot dogs woke up
Have you had your morning burger yet?
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>direct current CHAD
>gets an ALTER
Explain this character assassination.
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Abby hasn't been relevant in this event and I don't like spamming her without any reason because that's dumb.
I have been posting Rikyu because she's relevant right now.
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Have you not seen how folded people who drink diet coke are?
There are no edisonfags. The fact that Edison posting was non-existant until a week ago proves it
turboautists can burn in their crippling ocd, watch and point as they suffer in their mind made hell
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>I don't like spamming her without any reason because that's dumb
You are not /alter/ core
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The upgrade is going to Ascension 1
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Next to no other expenses outside of things like food, rent and occasional alcohol. Thankfully it's much better with the latter these days. Probably also helps that the yen is down in the dumps and I'm used to norwegian pricing for things. Most artbooks and doujins are piss cheap for me. Still have limits on that though.
we can wait, thanks for the update bro
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More like a Can'tana
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I typeset the nopan doujin for this thread so I will remain /alter/core in my heart.
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I probably saw that shota. Someone made a photo of it on twitter. I think it's kid Amakusa, Jalter and... I forgot who else.
>Finally a break
Good to hear...
But they are going to work, isn't it mostly EU hours rn?
This except like one guy grailed him to 120 I think. Or was it only 100? But it's on the same level as some Japanese on twitter with 120 Geronimo.
>perfect Diarmuird
Is there another version of him hinted other than the Lancer and Saber ones?
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They are good fellas.
>Next to no other expenses outside of things like food, rent and occasional alcohol
Probably good amount of incomes and quantities. Men I want that.
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More like a Can'tana!
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The Cokechads are too strong
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In both the legend and in the Fate materials, Diarmuid is described as wielding Moralltach and Gae Dearg in the most dangerous of encounters.
Diarmuid is crippled by the servant system restricting him to dual wielding swords or spears but not both.
Theoretically if you summoned Diarmuid and gave him the real version of Moralltach or Gae Dearg his saint graph would reinforce like Saber was improved by Shirou giving her Avalon.
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okay what's next should i also piss on theM?
kiss both morgan and bob in the face
>samefagging already
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>Thankfully it's much better with the latter these days.
Happy to hear it bro, health is a precious thing.
In the face or on the lips?
I can always count on you to cheer me up in dire times. Thank you anytime.
>, isn't it mostly EU hours rn?
No wonder it's shit.
hehe... good one anytime!
>I typeset the nopan doujin for this thread
Big deal.
You new worlders go to sleep when the two autistic ruskis show up.
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Ah so it's a combination of both classes and weapons, interesting.
> the real version of Moralltach or Gae Dearg
Why, are the ones he wields as a servant imitations?
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>Use only green and yellow herbs
>Reds are useless
Literally RE experience there.
Shh, Americanbro, go to work.
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Traitorous bitch
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*blocks your path*
It's called being smart.
Compared to the average thread denizen, yeah he is.
Don't be jealous jannu. One day you'll crack up a joke as good as this one.
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I mean I did some others too but we're talking about Abby specifically here.
*has sex with her that leaves varying degree of burns on my body*
Nah, you're just not cursed with the Western European timezone.
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More like I've reached my destination.
stop having sex with fire elementals
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holy sex
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Yes, Amakusa, Jalter and santa lily. There's also anni art of him too. And just to mention since I didn't on the off chance he sees it, sorry bro, no cat in this one.

The income is definitely alright, but nothing spectacular. I don't even spend money on gacha here, outside of the occasional GSSR. Just helps that there's such a discrepancy between living standards and how much what costs. I would definitely not be doing this to such an extent if I had more expenses going on.

Of course bro, you never know when it goes to the absolute shitter. Have my bad moments, but it's slowly getting better thankfully. At the very least it's my only real vice and not anything else in addition.
Anything less than 4 dozens is nothing.
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stop having sex with my servants
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But is Semiramis there? Especially both pictured together...
stop having sex
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Sorry to disappoint, but no. It's a bunch of Mo, some Astolfo, some Amakusa, then random servants like Alice, shrimploli and others.
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holy sex
>The income is definitely alright, but nothing spectacular.
Sounds better than where I live.
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I hate Konoe.
Is martha a sakuraface?
Reward for making WHAT?
no, she is not ugly
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How many servants have been crawling under your sheets at this point?
Is this Rikyu or Koma?
I don't have it right now. Maybe in the future. If I am very lucky. I could have gone for anyone, but I want, no, I need a specific person.
Koma is the one with black hair and the flower in her hair
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very cool anon
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Says tea right there.
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Albert needed another year to translate the game. A two years gap is not enough.
Neither are the sakuras
There has always been edisonfags. It's just that there isn't a lot of content worth posting compared to the rampant pornposting that apparently counts as "I'm a Lip/Bob/Morgan/Illya/BB/Kama/Liz/Abbybro!"
Never heard of that flavor of tea before. This game is so fucking shit it's unreal
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>puts blanket on her
>rips the juiciest fart
True JP experience
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I love her expressions when she turns on her vengeful wraith mode
All the weapons summoned with servants are imitations.
When you summon Saber, that's not the real Excalibur she's holding. That's part of the ghost liner.
Excalibur is resting in the lake.
The only servant using the real weapons is Gilgamesh, since his NP is summoning all the treasures of man. Also Saber after Shirou gives her the genuine Avalon.
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>Japanese event reward has Japanese date format
It's called soul
Is this a black lipstick I spotted?
I mean, I want to grail Edison but he's just been very elusive for me.
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>2 posts in 5 minutes
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m-more l-like ehe... *mumbles* umm... *mic feedback* -tana... sorry...
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No it's red lip makeup actually, very subtle due to in-game pic compression
Those posts?
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It's red like Rikyu's her mouth is just a gaping void sometimes.
is koma for (you)
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What would you do in this situation?
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Both of them are.
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Why does Sen no Rikyu have a servant with big black hands? I feel insecure.
Cute ghost Milly and witch Yui.
Does Rikyu do anal?
The same reason Nobu had a servant with a big black cock.
If Summer Lip was just an NPC, wouldn’t Wada already have posted her fullbody art and confirmed it? Pako posted Edison Alter’s art today but I don’t think Wada posted anything about Lip?
It's about time you go to work NAkek.
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honestly she kinda deserves it for not making any moves herself, if anything thats realistic
read her valentine
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>implying that Yasuke wasnt also genderbent due to this being fate
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are you for (me)?
too long
Shout out to my bro who MLB'd the event CE and put it on Skadi. You know who you are.
This fella is good people.
I can do that, but I don’t wanna tank my tea gains for some extra FP
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news? content?
Aoko sex, cream pied over 1000 times.
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sun goddess abs
What day do we get the 90++ node?
Hey it's the Resident Evil heal items
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I would request a full body art too please.
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How have you consumed this much fate but don't understand what a NP is?
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Mom farm the tea leafs.
Oh, thanks for reminding me, I should grind some Skadi bond for the append.
Login reset on the 8th
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ямaнaми пидap пpeдaтeль
We're in the middle of an event with 3 more events scheduled followed by a big story chapter
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Ok bros, this event has convinced me to take the tea pill. What am I in for and what should I look out for who likes coffee with cream?
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Tea sucks.
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>will fight and kill her inner demons telling her it was wrong
huh? when did that happen?
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зaнюхни зaбopиcтaгa
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>3 more events scheduled
Ati post the 90++ comps for this event
>3x Yamanami
>3x of the good illya 4* CE so I can MLB it now
Eh, still kinda bummed I didn't get Rikyu.
you suck! my pinis
>Caffeine free
I cringed.
Recently played and streamed it for my bros and it was a blast. All these years I skipped it because I was too scared to play it and a youngin.
Chink Liz halloween
Fae knight cup
Are they good?
Wtf? His nose is bigger than his cock
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Here you go bro.
Not really but both have god tier art
you know the answer
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This is what I will be doing.
I guess the part where they that curse that affected Iyo and co went after them and Nobu saw right through them and killed them
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>merchant tea
I drink tea because I used to drink coffee but then I one day I was dumping chocolate powder and whipped cream and shit into it to make it not bitter when I realized "maybe I don't like coffee." And switched to tea.
What if I don't have Summer Ibuki?
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Congrats. Probably one of the best games of those times and one that I replay once or twice a year. RE4R was fun, but original is still better. And spooky a little in the laboratory.
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Use the welfare and Castoria.
sex the childs?
>So many defensive bufs you actually just tank Mahapralaya
nta but you can replace her with Iyo, you need to spend 2 turns on the first wave though
>What am I in for and what should I look out for who likes coffee with cream?
Try tea with milk, fruit blends and just sweeter stuff in general. I like the bitter stuff but that's me
They only have 2
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Rose tea is amazing on it's own I reccomend it, standard black tea with milk is really good with some rich tea biscuits but I don't know if they sell them outside the UK.
Green tea is just generally nice to relax with, JP have good taste there.
Okay thanks! I 4T farmed Summer 90++ anyways
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>this entire farm
Iyo just 2 turns this
Why lie?
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thinking about it, someone with independent manifestation would have also been able to shut down his fuck off time rewind right?
What I'm looking for is a comp that doesn't use a non-support Castoria or Oberon. I think there was one with gong but I can't remember.
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Me? Linden tea master race ofcourse.
How does SEX with Tiamat feels like when she is in her giant form
Hotdog in a hallway
Not him but any brand or stores I should look out for?
Not 6ce and without card rng
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>How does SEX with Tiamat feels like when she is in her giant form
Kinda horny.
It depends on RNG, if you get a bad roll and hand it's not guaranteed
You're not supposed to add anything to green tea, right?
Tighter than medb
Not how it works
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So it begins, the cleanup. I admit, it's disappointing for me because quite a few of the pages are dedicated to just Choco shenanigans. I'll have to translate it for myself later to understand what's going on.
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I'm a bong and half of our tea is specific local stuff (that we stole from china like a hundred years ago) so I wouldn't be able to give you advice there honestly.
I drink green tea as is but I know some people (who are insane) who put sugar or cream in it and you can drink it that way if you have no fucking taste
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I tried green tea before and didn't like it. It's weird but I keep expecting to drink something that tastes like a broth when I do. I think I just gotta get used to the "bitterness" but I usually like sweeter stuff though not overly sweet. This chamomile blend has been really nice on it's own so far though. I'm just trying to break into tea because of health benefits, getting old sucks.
Horns... horny... get it?
I get it now, haha
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Now, this is the page that goes right after the 7th. I may as well post it because I don't think I've seen anyone else do it. Maybe this provides context. Who knows.
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I still gotta get RE4R and I missed my chance with that huge bundle sale of the RE games a few months ago. Played RE5 with a bro and we gotta finish RE6 this October.
It's not about taste, gaylord-sama. Sometimes you just want something sweet but not to eat but drink but not something like Cola but a tea. Catch my drift there? Especially true when I habe headaches.
What if I don't have rulervinci
your not supposed to put sugar in tea? I always liked drinking mine with 5 spoonfuls of it
Thanks bro. I am happy you like that pun.
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Fellow bong here, what would you recommend?
Would you cuck your younger self if given the chance?
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>Don't need any of the mats
>Not gonna bend myself into a pretzel for scrub embers either
Ruthlessly efficient tea maker extraordinaire here.
It will not affect my ability to loop.
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Cute little girls
>Chaldea Melusine looking disgusted as her past self
Is this how it normally feels? When you look at your old posts, comments and hopes and you feel the need to just punch yourself?
huh, why is the 2dn Melu having vietnam flashbacks?
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How about NP2?
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Mama these jars of milk
Grats on your normal nodes farmer.
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Whoa bro, seems you clicked the wrong general. You're looking for >>>/vg/fgog/ No worries though, just a mistake on your part.
Do not fuck evil women, I repeat, DO NOT fuck evil women.
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>Saber - Roland, with the steal of durendal in 2024
>Archer - Napoléon, with the auction of this guns in 2024
>Lancer - Enkidu, with the epic of Gil found in 2024
>Caster - Tamamo, when her seal got broken in 2021
>Rider - Ozymandias, and his sacrophagus in 2024
>Assassin - Brutus and his coin in 2023
>Berserker - Asterios and his Labyrinth in 2024
>??? - Nero and his personal theater found in 2024
It's time
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Yorkshire and PG tips are both extremely normalfag tier black tea but they're also extremely fucking good so they earned it, for Rose Tea I reccomend either Yogi or just going to a chinese shop and getting one of their local brands, Green Tea is a MUST to get from a CN/JP shop because the general stores selection SUCKS.
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Is OC3 over yet? Who is welfare?
I know you already do a lot for this shithole but a translation would be much appreciated, unless you know a trustworthy place that does good MTL of mangas.
Don't you think there would either be mass-lipper suicide or mass-lipper celebration if we knew?
If Kazuradrop doesn't have a banner then she is the welfare
Why do people want Kazuradrop again? This feels forced as fuck
pedokeks taking anything they can get
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Seeing as the stolen Durendal was a fake, what would a replica summon if anything? A Renaissance servant since that was the era it was created in? Another faker?
What banner are we supposed to get anyway.
You mean that Summer 9 didn't have any loli servants? But the summer is already over, so why bother
Where are the Swimsuit Wu comps I was promised, you people told me np5 Wu would be handy for this node
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I need all the mats except the gold ones and lanterns.
The plot suggests that she will come
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>got betrayed by the guy known for betraying and ended up betraying his old boss
>Nobody had a plan B incase we were betrayed
Summer was already over since nasu went full sperg like halloween and wanted to end it
Your best friend
Wtf I thought people liked the structure of OC3
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>That WAS plan B!
Also that list is in no way exhaustive.
The best plans come when things are in chaos.
Don't worry Yamanami said the secret code word to Saito to let him know it's all part of the plan
Okita alter didnt obey my command to kill everything as im going to die anyway.
No more smooches for her.
Hijikata just went to said "That bastard". Okita was missing, and Saito will just sigh and laugh about it.
It's actually the opposite
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Wu chu
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What are the odds we'll get this a week early or so?
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Is raising his NP level past 1 important? This particular rateup is Super Orion’s last ever
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Do you think it's worth it?
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I'm still pissed off there wasn't a shoot to kill option for Nobu when monkey's pet started mouthing off.
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Chokita appreciate thread. Post your Chokitas.
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I'm tempted to grab one copy of him but I'm out of SQ so I'd have to use THAT...
amazing. did you draw this?
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>people like sakura
>tm makes 10 flavors of sakura
>sakura fans want all the flavors
There you go.
If you want to kill 1M+ HP non-Saber bosses with him then yes, otherwise no.
Super cute
>np2 only a 6.6% increase in damage output
>those nerd arms
Truly, faes from avalon are built different
Aurora is so cute...
Why would Nobu of all people just not kill that guy on the spot, also is he a girl? He has boobs.
I doubt people like them all the same
For example there are more popular ones like Melt and less popular ones like Lip, the question is which one is Kazuradrop
No, I don’t post my drawings here
>sakura fans want all the flavors
Guess I'm not a sakurafag after all.
It's not about liking one more than the other though, it's about liking the group and wanting them all.
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I know, right, she even said it afterwards which just pissed me off more.
Is it though?
Why not?
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Sorry anon but after having played CCC and Umineko recently plus this event running I have concluded that Evil Women will ALWAYS be best girl.
>"But Nobunag-"
THE MOST DANGEROUS SERVANT *cuts her before it's too late*
Based Kiarabro.
You are CRAZY!
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I was talking about Tamamo actually...
Yes, and?
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Why doesn't Edmond pop out of your shadow more often?
I can think of a few times our back was against the wall and we were out of servants that he should've shown up.
Like against Oberon for instance
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You dont say
He means BB. If you read Umineko and CCC, you'd understand
god I love using double summer skadi to loop, what a slut she is for dressing like that
Are you interested in hand drawings in my notebook which are nothing special?
Post your grails
Yamataikoku has the best women
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>He has boobs.
That's his right shoulder you're seeing, not boobs. He's a bishounen.
BB wasn't evil, Kiara was evil.
Servants for this feeling??

your grails
Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
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I may have been talking about Tama but I agree that BB is second best girl.
For umi Beato a best to the end of time.
>like the KotRT
>want aggravain
>like the tamamo nine
>want tardmamo
>like the sakura five
>want kazuradrop
...yes. Are you autistic or something? Generally speaking when someone likes a specific group of characters they will want the ones that are not already in the game to be added to the game.
The longsword took more damage though
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It doesn't make the story better. It's that shrimple. Similarly, Mash will get written out of the story if possible, like... right now. In GudaGuda.
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Yeah. Any other place where you upload them? I would follow
we are so white
>a single nick is more damage than being bent in half
Because that would mean more Sakurai writing.
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I don’t use social media
Didn't another old man betray us over some tea in a gudaguda event some years ago? I'm surprised nobody expected this
4chan is a social media
>naming the class Pretender
>not just "Liar"
Kinda lame.
Post white haired evil women with big tits that are actually huge dorks
Enemies can't fuck up your plan if you have no plan.
it's a foo fighters reference
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If a class doesn't end in -er it's fucking soulless.
Alright then
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Japanese people can't pronounce Liar
Drove behind a car with the license plate UBW today.
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Unknown Broken Wheels?
You clearly couldn't keep up with it
This anons posts don’t exist anymore
You're one of those "Saver" apologists, aren't you?
Hokusai betrayed us
Bakin betrayed us
Rikyu betrayed us
Kama was just an outright villain so there that outlier

I have a feeling women controlled by men are just out to get us
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You just don't understand Nasu's maiden heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ8WlA2GXbk
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When's the next 2x EXP leveling event? I'm quite low on xp mats, and I have a few S-SR servants that are sitting on lvl 1 now.
Are those just reserved for Anni or Summer events?
Is the works in Unlimited Blade Works a noun or a verb?
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Noun like in steelworks

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Don't post chinkslop shits
>archer - uses archery
>lancer - uses lances
>caster - casts
>rider - rides
>berserker - goes berserk
>avenger - avenges
Good class names.

>assassin - is ass
>saber - is swords
Bad class names.
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You clearly couldn't keep up with it
wasnt that some psycho foreigner bullshit about doing it for our sake and the alternative would have been an outer god popping in? or am i thinking of a different servant
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working out with my dog
>Hokusai betrayed us
Jannu, tailgating is bad! What is wrong with you?
Should have been Killer and Fencer
Imaginary Scramble
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It has been like forever, but wasnt the real Hokusai obsessed with his outer god to the point he wanted to sacrifice us?
i live there
Oui is with us
Reminder this happened
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bro thats an old man
Get out of the way, fatty, I want the cutie behind you!
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Your point?
Omichi is as well
Dont know about Koma
Imagine being a himikolet
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Love her
Sex Shonagoon
Imagine being a burger
Would you suck her toes?
Chink Chong nop nog to you too
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No, she would suck mine
The first
What the hell are you talking about, weirdos? Toes are gross better to suck her nipples
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If you don’t want to suck your favourite’s toes then you don’t love her
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honestly the betrayal thing would be a bigger dealbreaker to me than the two-people-in-one-body deal
Do you suck your mama's toes?
Melt don't have toes
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Explain this
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IS when she admits that there was so much drawing space for her to mess around. And yeah that was the main reason if I recall since she could go all out drawing a lot in the bottom of the sea.
Thank you for proving the point.
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Melu cute
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she was being a bad girl, got corrected
Nobbu no Nobbu...
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She would never associate with a church like that. Who drew this shit?
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A little backstabbing before the relationship cements is to be expected with best girls.
Thought in Battler's case he betrayed her first
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Debating whether or not I should blow my SQ on more Big Nobbu copies...
aoko bondage sex
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That's only there for neglectplay.
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Yesterday's Meltkeks are tomorrow Melukeks
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>enforces rules, isn't a literal Ruler that governs
Wouldn't "Arbiter" be more appropriate?
melubro btw
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Come on bro, you need at least NP3 120, 2k/2k to 6CE the illyacup's 3rd term next year, do it.
why is she reading naruto?
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Everyone read Naruto.
I never read Naruto.
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I have 20 tickets, I'll throw those at her rate up and see what I get. My guess is maybe an event CE, my gacha luck has been terrible this year.
id rather die
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Cute feet spotted!
You're not missing much really.
The war arc ruined Naruto
tried paid sq roll
got artemis
fuck this game
Yes we know you coordinate your shitposting no need to announce it to the thread
No, the whole "chosen one" prophecy horse shit ruined Naruto, completely. It totally 180'd his entire character arc.
the ending ruined naruto
then boruto ruined the memory of pre-ending naruto
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nobu there looking like shes about to groom master
Artemis is cute and well written. Fuck you.
But anon, chosen one are good lores
Sure, but that shit was pushed in the hard in the war arc. It was also mentioned in the Pain arc, no? It didn't feel shit and retconed like it was later
Sex with Nobbu and Cleo
why does he look like jojo?
you are cute and well written
It was first mentioned early in the Pain Arc, and at that point I considered Naruto completely shit for having totally abandoned its original premise and characters. I wish I had dropped it to spare myself the tedium of the war arc.
Nobbufags are manly
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baoban shit
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what are you doing medea
Liking Morgan is soul
Liking Barghest is pure
Liking Bob is cute
Liking Melu is sad
Liking Oberon is based
Liking Melt is gangsta if you know what I mean
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this late in the game Guda should have gotten some asspull power like Jotaro ages ago desu
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oberon is cringe
he is literally redit personification
Yare yare daze...
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We turned into a Goat that one time.
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I thought that she is showing her nips for a second
>aru + morgan
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>google lens search
>get firefly as a result
FGO is truly finished
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Granblue got something like that but Nasu won't let us be cool...
Bro? Our anti demon god pillar conceptual power?
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gacha games need to have more similar looking white haired girls desu
(you) just like pancakes
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Based and true
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nurse looks a little weird here
How do we feel about this one, Nagetorachuds
me on the right
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Why the fuck did you download my support?
>betrays everyone
Is he the revolver ocelot of the shinsengumi?
>Uses google
>Gets gay shit for niggers
Seems like it's working as intended.
who do u want to see in extella?
i want to see sigurd :)
I don't want to see extella at all.
eric bloodaxe
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What if I told you that it's mine
>he actually wants thus franchise to be card battler forever
me on the left
The tenth anniversary servant to go with the remake of her vn…
I want a game that's not musou slop
Give me a kino soulslike instead
im pissed. google lens used to be such a convenient tool to translate images in 3 clicks.
rightclick, search with google lens, translate.
boom. done. read the image.
recently they fucked it up so it google searches the text in the sidebar instead of overlaying the translation over the original image like it did before. massive downgrade. piece of shit.
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Then you would be lying
>in a franchise where everyone canonically moves at like Mach 3
Gets the noggin joggin
Must be nice to walk around holding hands with your bro...
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>he unironically wants generic musou #3268951
You're bald.
Is Arcueid considered a bimbo?
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WHO are you calling a piece of shit, boy?
I want Titty Monk with extra jiggle physics.
Shishou's jiggling was exceptional in Link.
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Nah. Neko-arc is.
I would
Cute teen mom.
>look up this "cosplayer"
I instantly regret it
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Jannu's into some weird shit...
She is into getting raped
She's a schizo incel so...
We fought her in Summer 6 because she wanted to draw something but I think that was mind control or corruption.
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i've never understood the appeal of giving yourself lips that look like they've been stung by two hundred wasps, how do people find that attractive
BB is ABSOLUTELY considered a bimbo
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When's the next 2x EXP leveling event? I'm quite low on xp mats, and I have a few S-SR servants that are sitting on lvl 1 now.
Are those just reserved for Anni or Summer events?
Doesn’t Shiki die if he rapes her in the original?
how is ea.gg not a website yet?
Nobody does. People who do that shit to themselves are addicted to surgery and not mentally well.
They don't. They put up with it because it signifies the woman is clinically brain dead and puts out on "hello".
it looks like they're made for sucking dick
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stop it
How about you stop posting sluts and post pure maidens who save their virginity for marriage?
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I don't have pictures of you saved bro
The next 2x is during LB7 pre-campaign, but only if you completed LB6 prologue. We are however getting a 3x one in New Years so it's better to wait for that.
Suit stays on.
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She's kinda cute ngl
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fuck you, i'll find a good man someday
i have time
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Would but would immediately regret it but then would again
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Pretty much. But not something to have permanently, becomes off putting after a while
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Fact: there's never been a good post attached to a pic of BB.
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Least horny alterego
I am drinking alcohol because of you /alter/. Better take responsibility
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ew this one looks too much like Melt
saggy titties are not hot come on
>the two spammers are spamming bb images again
Only if you do it while driving on the highway.
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Nah, it's actually just me posting from my phone and PC.
Do me a favor and complain about 3d instead of 2d.
one of them was confirmed to be the bobkek btw
remove him
Why not both?
i thought that melt likes black
Bro...We can't both fill the same niche, it'll be too awkward...
Now picture how this will look like in real life
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Another good Kama doujinshi
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Why would I do that?
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post something lust provoking
Ereshbros, how do we feel about BB's each independent ascension having more art than Summer Eresh's ascensions combined?
It's not looking good...
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>I was talking about Tamamo actually...
Welcome to the club.
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This image really activates my thought keys.
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time to shave?
Eresh is a fraud
BB is the real Anniversary servant
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>forced to use kekita
>does no damage and has terrible np gain
why do people like her
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beta ereshfags "waahhh why is this eresh from the servantverse, I wanted 3 swimsuits wahhhhh"
chad BBbros "holy kino it's BB in a spacesuit"
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? Worked on my machine.
Why do people call Arc shit again?
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bros.... I don't feel so good....
Post a pure maiden
3rd asc gonna be servantverse bb
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Dont shave
Medusa's pussy is perfect as it is
Impregnate is the real thing to do there
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>Time for the big battle with the enemy army
>Okita slept in
>Lyo jobbed to the weakest shinsengumi despite supposedly being a big deal
>Nobu jobbed to a tea seller
>Okita almost was doing alright but then gave up
>Everyone sucks, no one thought of even a slight plan, they just let Yamazaki trick them into thinking they had a plan
That isn’t tea, but mysterious food x.
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get a room
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I made this one
Good times
I don’t care about any of these sluts, I only have love for Jalter!
Post more bimbos
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What is the appeal of this ascension?
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Its cute
Whats the appeal of you?
And that's it? We have tons of cute servants already
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Not as cute as BB!
my own hot take as a proud owner of an np5 120 arc:
>no fucking crit skils
>extremely reliant on either supports (buster looping) or multicore bullshit like what you're doing there
>all three of her ascensions despite being different are pretty much the same outfit
>doesn't even have a costume you can unlock to give her any of her outfits (OG would be better but even the new one would be fine)
>1/3 ascensions are actually her
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It's for anyone whose soul isn't weighed down by gravity.
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>multicore bullshit like what you're doing there
And thats good. I can pick support with MLB CEs I need without stressing over getting the meta support in my search. Its comfy till 90++ drops
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I just received 3 quartz
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sisters satisfy yourselves before posting
Red Hare has thoughts and feelings
He's not just your horse shaped dildo sis
Poseidon raped that
Who knows...
raptor thighs are hot af
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That just makes her Drake's woman.
Why is there no Drake/Shinji /ss/
Japs have shit taste.
>good taste
pick 1
Ponder this jack
Definitely not Kagetora.
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It's funny because it's Shinji
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Holy Based
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You can use the lotto coming up in a couple months. Actually, even in this event you can trade XP with the teas that are latter unlocked.
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I finally forced myself to skim through Tunguska using atlas academy and holy shit everything about it was so stupid. It's like they couldn't bring themselves to commit to anything about Vitch so they half-assed it to the end and left her an inconsistent mess.
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>the exact moment when you know the story is not worth reading
That was kinda based though.
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you just know
low test
I can't believe Nikitich gave that dragon STDs...
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I still like you bb-chan...
>back to spamming bb again
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I hope she gives them to me next
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Isn't it a little unhealthy to eat two of those so quickly?
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Maybe Jannu did gain a few pounds...
alter is my harem
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No we're not.
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>But I have a penis!!
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her voice on the tea is extremely cute
Bro its tea
Now you just slob the knob.
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>Sex with your favorite servant
>you get super-AIDS and die in a week

>Sex with your second choice
>you turn into a demi-servant and get superhuman strength and agility
>your favorite servant finds out and leaves Chaldea and never speaks to you again

Well /alter/, do you love her enough to get her super-AIDS?
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Lip love!
What's the downsides of the first one?
I do not choose. I'm sure my waifu wouldn't want me to get super aids so instead of fucking someone else I abstain.
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My only desire is to fuck every other girl in Chaldea in front of Mash.
Breeding sex with the big Nobbu...
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>Get super-AIDS
>Die and be freed from my human vessel
>Get to become a Forina due to all my contact with them or just generally have Abby drag my soul to space with her
You give up your awesome wizard powers for a goon (true).
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>see some nip reading seraph
>check the archive to show him a cool line
>remember everything melt did
UWAAAAAAAS Meltryllisis ;_;
>Kazuradrop fans
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Lip love!
>lipbros returns
/alter/ is healing...
Entirely too many erotic bellies in this game.
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>Sex with Kama and I get taken into her universe where every second is an eternity
>go on dream adventures and have sex with her forever
>This particular rateup is Super Orion’s last ever
That's a lot of servants. Who will be replacing them?
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My desire is to fuck Mash relentlessly in private. All my other servants will know that I dump all my love and lust into her nightly, and while I love all my servants, it is purely platonic and they know it is pointless to even try to steer me from my faithfulness to Mash.
That's not the lippa you're thinking of.
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Lip love will save /alter/.
I was always here. I've just been too busy to post lately. I'll never leave my bros.
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Lip will return!
>t. Mash
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Ah no, I'm quite aware of the imitation that goes as far as the summoning system and Noble Phantasm reproduction is concerned. I thought perhaps there was another type of imitation specified on the profiles, like something similar to Scathach's Gae Bolg which is stated to not be the Gae Bolg of legend but an older prototype. Basically another version or a copy explicitly mentioned rather than an implied one derived by the summoning system.

Didn't occur to me the performance enhancement that may happen when you reunite a servant with the possibly still existing artifact or weapon that relates to their legend, like in Saber's case. Incredibly rare case, as most of such belongings are lost to legend or history, or possibly destroyed.
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Kuroha isn't a servant so it should be fine.
im pregnant
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No, I am Gudao, Master of Chaldea.
No you just need exercise
Good night, bros.
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Holy based
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All my bros are here.
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good ice cream
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Hi Pregnant, i'm Morgan! But you can call me anytime!
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but your name is kuroha
cute jalter
Yeah but it would be cool, right?
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Night night
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Did someone just say ice cream
Hey stop that!
Stop what?
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Any chance the Thanksgiving Special will be good? The last one spammed a bunch of popular units. I was just thinking of skipping 1 or 2 SSRs if that's the case, but it might be too risky.
I think today I'll jerk off to Mash, recommend me your best Mash doujin.
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I like his dangerous beast one and the BB one more but they're all good.
wtf I love Mash now.
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That would be easy because my favorite is not even top five servants I want to fuck the most.

There are servants I like because I like them as characters, servants that I like because I think they are cool, and characters that I like because I want to fuck them

My favorite is my favorite because she is a bit of all of those things.

By "wanting to fuck" factor only my favorite doesn't rate that high
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Very much so.
Raikou sexo

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