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NO BHC Edition

/wowg/ guild IS UP edition
<Clover Crusade>
US servers (based on Kel'thuzad but cross-realm)
remember to select all filters if you don't find it

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event
[YouTube] 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast (embed)

Previous: >>493239556
>[YouTube] 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast (embed)
Come on now
I will play a naga in Midnight
I'll never understand why allowing a warrior to not wear plate is so bad.
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Why are people so autistic about making gold? I've just been playing casually and I have enough WoW tokens for the next 3 months, and I don't see any other uses for gold.
>the queen spider is gay for The Widow
BROS... I thought China protected us!
lying ass nigger
>servers dead for a few hours
what the FUCK do i play
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>Everyday has 5+ hour maintenance
Seriously fuck this goddamn company
You had Tuesday to do it and now you are doing it again
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
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losing it
losing my mind
im going nutty
Has Xal'athath been acting out like she has so far solely because she wanted to get dicked down by a BHC?
What if the Brutosaur pops up in the black market and I don't have at least 50mil!?
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first for dwarf supremacy
What are you even farming?
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>people slaving away for hours and hours collecting herbs or some shit to pay for a wow token so they can slave away for hours and hours more collecting herbs or some shit
lmao. dont you guys have jobs?
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
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the bids cap at 9,999,999.99
Thank you for betatesting.
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All crazy bitches just need a good horsecock to fix them, yep
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Dungeon Fighter Online released a new update. Its a dungeon/raidspam game with no social or roleplay elements at all but you might like it if you are the type to spam M+ or only log in for WoW raids.
No. Nobody will hire me since I graduated university 6 years ago. I'm immensely depressed and use WoW and other mmos as desperate escapism
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NA /wowg/ guild is finally up btw.
Clover Crusade
US servers (cross realm)
It also has a community group if you are horde so you can join there and ask for invites.
(pic is from previous OP thread, i'm not the GM or that anon)
There was no maintenance tuesday
unfortunately, i've sworn off korean games a long time ago
I can't pump at work but I can pump while farming herbs
Yeah that'd be the problem
Instead of doing it then they do it now like fags
Post memefox
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These motherfuckers always looked cool as fuck to me, but I just cant justify making one because of how shit their racials are
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>dont you guys have jobs?
stop baiting your own posts
Which /wowg/ guild between NA & EU will clear normal first? no pug allowed
neither will clear anything
youre a retard then
people just don't respect their time. if paying 20 bucks can prevent me from slaving away HOURS of menial tasks, i'll gladly trade money for extra time in my day.
Ruined by the weird constipated face their new model makes when in combat
How do you guys cope with the feel when you've leveled all your alts and have to face the facts that there is absolutely nothing to do at max level?
All the futa anons will clear my throat.
EU guilds will never work. Deep down we have a hatred for each other and speak in broken English.
you look at your characters face in combat?
omg I love updated music in old locations in cata
"finally, i can visit my backlog"
Time is literally free. I'll never understand people who say this. Playing the game and not paying is already a huge victory for me. I think its an ego thing where people think they're so valuable their time is worth money. It's insane. Like..
The fuck else is there to do in this shitty world. We play WoW because life is so boring
i have a flawless burger accent though
>servers down
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As you wish
<BLT> will clear first
Well fuck you, sleeper agent.
should I just quit whenver i get loot in a heroic dungeon? how likely am i to get two drops?
why did the they make Lothar's descendant an amputee nigress?
Its literally the first thing you see in character creation
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Explain how Guild Wars 2 has never taken their servers offline once, yet WoW needs a 2+ hr maintenance every time their intern breaks something.
black loving thots?
>Time is literally free. I'll never understand people who say this.
>a finite resource

>The fuck else is there to do in this shitty world. We play WoW because life is so boring
stop projecting, you clown. i play wow because i like variety in the games i play
Why did Blizzard forget Muradin exists?
HIs entire fucking family is present in TWW exist him like what the actual fuck
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we are not the same.
I play tank and Stone Form is too good to pass up
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What if you avatarfag as a fat ugly bastard KT male?
Is there a way to see your threat level? Or do I need to download an addon for it?
As I understand it she's not even from his line, she's from another branch of the Lothar family. They're probably only very distantly related. Really they only share the same last name.
The allahu ackbar racial should divine shield 4 nearby allies for 3 seconds.
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let me play please
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*dabs on you're shit dead game*
you got the full art for this?
>he says, posting a character from a game that went end of service last year
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Talk about slavery
whichever can get 10 or more members first
Go to Interface, Display, tick the Show Aggro Percentages box
I fucking hate Muradin's half breed mixed twink dwarf grandson and I hope he fucking dies.
That is part of the Dark Iron's sordid past. With Moira and Dagran in charge now there is no mroe dneed of it. DONT TALK ABOUT IT ANYMORE
Its free. I don't get it. This seems like some internet cult stuff
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Bros... please keep me safe, she is evolving
Wow, that easy. I think I'm actually retarded.
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What is the eu one again? Elysian, but I see three guilds with that name. I assume the one with five members, yeah?
Does the m0 daily lockout change affect old dungeons retroactively? Can I farm BFA mythic dungeon mounts daily?
dunno you should test it and let me know
All good bro
Lets say I want to rename a char into a name another of my char has, do I have to buy TWO name changes?
thanks Im going to jack off to it. pretty much anything in a whitemane outfit and my dick is good to go.
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What non-playable race do you desperately want to play?
So EU wowg guild exists or not. This Elysian shit is not even responding. Should I make a guild
Guild Wars 2 has 0 players so the servers are already essentially offline
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Naga, I'm a basic bitch.
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War Within IS a paladin expansion

NOT so fast warcucks
Ethereals, Ogres. The hope for void mummies would be in Midnight but it's an elf expansion
whichever makes my dick the most likely to go BOIOIOIOING
danuser must die
From what you can read here, the guy who created never gave authorization to anyone else to invite and he barely plays the game himself so no one here can invite.
What would be the name of your guild if you create one?
>male human
You say this now but by 13.1 you'll be thinking of him as your beloved little brother.
Let Metzen cook.
its a:
>human paladin
>dwarf warrior
>goblin hunter
Metzen has already killed him
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Not even Portergauge is saying this so it's not true
What's the most kino race/gender/class combination?
>do first giga pull in stonevault
>0 kicks so i get chain feared and die
what the fuck
>notice my party has two rets
ah thats why
it's a warlock expansion
but if there was actual dark elves and a class that represented menzoberranzan it would definitely be that because azj-kahet is 1000% more important to the story than anduin getting magical negro pussy
Came back to play after years since the 20th anniversary is coming but I feel like shit playing Spriest and I need advice. Mainly PvP, I get shit on in war mode and I get shit on in arena but I want that rep from this week's honor quest. BGs are a mixed bag. Tell me anons, how do I get good? Is it just a matter of not having the pvp gear to raise my ilvl?
He's going to be everyone's favorite when he finally grows a beard. Thats literally the only thing people dislike
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playing the AH/professions are the only fun things you can do in wowowawa right now besides pvp

>there are "people" ITT who actually bothered spamming random heroics to """"""""""""gear up""""""""""""
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fun dps specs?
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I was holding out hope that TWW's plot would be Cata/MoP/WoD tier of bad but I can see with the 5/5 campaign cutscene we're sticking with Shadowlands tier of bad.
It's what I get for daring to hope for a better future in a Blizzard game.

Why did they even bother including Turalyon in a cutscene? If the situation was not so bad that the Arathi could spare Faerin to run off with Anduin and us then there's no fucking way Turalyon is letting Alleria run off to fight the big bad alone when he's right there and she's not travelling through the void. Don't forget. Turalyon/Alleria experienced time dilation bullshittery when they were away with the Army of the Light, they were fighting the Legion together for over a thousand years.

I was holding out hope that Xal'atath's speech to Alleria inside the Priory was going somewhere but no she says the most generic shit and then had a meltie when Alleria shoots her mcguffin. Khadgar appearing/being fine is expected I'm not bothered by that.
I think the only possible way for TWW to be salvaged now is for Khadgar to still be trapped somewhere and the Khadgar we have with us now sitting in a wheelchair is just Xal'atath disguised doing the same shit she did at Dalaran's destruction.
his model is shit but he has BY FAR the best VA in the whole of worlo
There's currently 6 other officers.
>we will never get the version of Legion where the Apexis were part of the Army of the Light
it's not fair bros
Though I'd send Blizzard a ticket maybe they'll let you do it with one?
it does exist, i have no idea why people start /wowg/ guilds and then never post about them though. speaking of

Join <Clover Crusade> on Kel Thuzad and all NA realms. why be in a lbgt friendly reddit guild when you can hang out with the boys from /wowg/
Who will be the delve companions in 11.1 and 11.2?
One will definitely be a horde rep
ur a big guy
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I mean the same could be said for Thrall or the Horde as a whole, there was no reason for them to be involved at all besides for the player's sake.
I miss Varian and Garrosh..
I really like him and I expect Metzen to develop his character through the whole trilogy.
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Which Windrunner sister do you guys think most prefers to get it up her ass?
My vote is on Alleria since she's the freaky voidgirl
Jesus Christ I hate Reddit and I know the same faggots that post here are the fucking retards making the same bullshit no effort memes over on Reddit. At least here I can call you retarded.

Just have ONE original thought you fucking losers.
Hey. Like shutup, man.
Isn't the usual first move to invite your own alts and give them officer roles?
I dont mind him. I have always hated his cunt of a mother though.
Shit taste
The quest with him and Magni in the spooky earthen miner town was kino
women like that arent real
Shit name for a guild anyway, make a new one
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As a Horde player I never minded Moira simply because I never had anything to do with her, but now we're apparently best friends.
One of their racials should be a passive that increases your chance to catch battle pets as a reference to their history of enslavement.
I reinstalled Epic Seven.
Sylvanas because shes the only one without any kids
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Alleria likes butt stuff
Sylvanas likes to suck cock and worship balls
Vereesa likes non-penetration, giving titfucks, handjobs, footjobs, etc

All 3 of them are submissive futas btw
Either Orc
Fem Nelf
Either Kt human

Female Tauren
Either Forsaken
Fem Panda
Fem Goblin
Fem Worgen
Either Troll
Fem Orc
Fem Panda
I don't like him because he's very well written.
By that I mean that he's 100% perfectly portrayed as a male raised by a single mother.
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I'm getting the wow itch bad
I havent played retail wow since shadowlands 1st season
I ignored DF since it had way too many faggots
Is TWW worth buying and coming into?
This is /xivg/ tier
Is anyone going to talk about atiesh?
its good so far
Yes, it's good now with kino story and gameplay
No annoying faggots or trans disabled otherkin that have been found yet afaik
Sethrakk obviously
Yeah it's unironically better than SL, BFA and DF so far
Literally 0 faggots other than Flynn in the quests too, and I don't even consider Flynn gay because twitter troons got them to do it, despite him saying he has one night stands with women in BFA
because someone wanted to turn the games story into dunguser and dragons instead of warcraft
that's why we got a shitty Planescape (SL), Council of Wyrms (DF), and Forgotten Realms (TWW)
>kino story
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so boomkin top tier?
Im in the same position as you. TWW has pretty been pretty solid so far, nothing amazing but generally enjoyable. The only major cons are the extreme timegating (we cant even play mythic0 dungeons yet) and how PvP is way fucking worse than it used to be because Blizz decided to give every spec absurd self-healing.
in your emerald dreams perhaps LOOOOOOOOOOOL
see >>493268694
but without the futafaggotry
It's good so far, also the zones and music are much better than anything since MoP and maybe a couple in BFA
I'm surprised that I'm still not sick of the zone music yet and haven't muted it, DF I was sick of it by the 2nd day
malfurion BTFO'd
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elune spec guardian druid does more AoE dps than boomkin. just let that sink in for a moment. if i see a boomkin apply to my M+ runs i am instantly declining them.
server status....
Even though the end cutscene was pretty disappointing I thought the main outline of the story was fine so for. What I think is really wild is that they still have the flappy lip cutscenes. I mean come the fuck on.
Cutscenes were made too far in advance for Metzen to save them from Danuser's taint. Hence why we have in-game quest text where Alleria realizes she can't just face Xalatath alone and needs to rely on her family and friends immediately followed by a cinematic where she confronts and bests Xalatath by herself.
If Metzen was at the wheel we'd have had some kino where Turalyon and Alleria combine their powers to create a netherlight arrow or something to save Khadgar, together.
I wish I knew what to do in this game. I have no friends. I'm level 80. I have 560 ilvl. Idk what to do. My class sucks. I have never done any tww dungeons.
why did they rename "scenarios" into "delves"?
>30 people doing the same quests
>respawns are still slow as fuck
ah, just like back in the day
A lot of great men in history, leaders, inventors, philosophers, were queer
It really makes no sense every big figure in WoW is straight, its unironically unrealistic
>I have never done any tww dungeons.
Then start there?
It feels pointless
>I have no friends.
Hello me.
>I'm level 80.
Hello me.
>I have 560 ilvl.
Hello not me.
alright then. Guess I will main destro lock instead
Yeah I've run into a number of quests like that kek.
There's honestly not much point in doing dungeons until Mythic 0 comes out. Working on professions is the most important thing right now, you can level alchemy or tailoring to 25 and spec into transmutation or duskweave for guaranteed gold every day. Maybe level an alt as well and see if you like that class more.
my wishlist:
- darkened high elves, with cool dark old-god themed badass skins
- "reverse demon hunters", draenei with holy skin and yellow tattoos
- cyborg gnomes, normal gnomes that augmented themselves with tech
- big muscly humans like the farmer from wotlk valiance keep
- dark iron dwarves with different racials
- "azerite earthen" dwarves like magni
- "thin drakonid" an elite supersoldier drakonid created by nefarians experiments. they should be built like female worgen, lithe and quick.
because theyre solo. scenarios required you to deal with 2 retards
>A lot of great men in history, leaders, inventors, philosophers, were queer
Name three
Have Turalyon and Anduin interacted much so far?
SHITzard wants you to play multiple characters this expansion so they gave people a lot of time to level alts
I don't do alts and I don't do crafting. I looked around for world quests worth my time and couldn't find any after finishing my weekly dornogol.
Nintendo, hire this man!
lol. lmao.
I think they may have glanced at each other in the campaign once, but never spoken a single time.
Anons, I kinda just wanna come back and do some pet battles.
Is that cringe? I never even learned how to play pet battles properly, I don't know anything about pokemon besides wanting to fuck all the clone girls, either.
plato, thomas edison, sir david bowe
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><GLOBO FOMO> won with twice the amount of votes
>force your own guild name anyways
inb4 hurr durr the poll was LE RIGGED
no lol
you would think he would be the perfect person to help anduin regain his faith in the light but danuser thought otherwise
trying to siphon the Path of Exile audience
>all these reddit replies for races no one will actually play
For solo players since it was found that something like 60% of their subscribers do not do any group content unless its through LFG/LFR. Delves allow these players to actually get decent loot.
at last I truly see, Ion I'm sorry for doubting you...
<GLOBO FOMO> is really good why didn't it get made
David Bowie was completely heterosexual, the amibiguous sexuality thing is literally just performative.
EU has at least 18 people rn
Leonardo da Vinci, Turing, Tchaikovsky
what an intelligent observation
Hang on let me get out my modern day american highschool history book.
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>all men
Yeah that has nothing to do with their sexuality I'm afraid, In fact most men who were celibate from women did great things like Tesla
Women who like anal?
Pretty sure they exist but won't admit it to you unless you have a big dick.
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wait, m0 isn't playable? now i feel less bad dragging my ass through the story
The white flag/icon with /wowg/ in it's description.
Uther was right fucking there.
I think vrykul should be in the game, but I don't want to play as one. I want to group with a vrykul player and pog every time I say a vrykul dude, or coom every time I see a shieldmaiden.
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goblin eat good
read a fucking book, he basically calls all homosex and pederasty a moral sin in Laws
and Thomas Edison is a thief
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Desto is also in a very bad spot atm. Pick anything that isn't Feral/Balance/Destro
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so if i spend all these im bricked?
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or fire mage. feral is fine tho, it has average dps.
Multiple aspects are being time gated. Really you're better off just getting shitty dungeon/delve/world quest gear and upgrading it with the shitty currency until everything else release. At least that's what I'm doing.
Why is there 4 hour maintenance on Thursday’s.. there’s still so much broken stuff.
I'm not joining cringe crusade while the retard who made a poll, but then scrappd it for his favorite is running it
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who is this
Is that supposed to be the same person.
if this post ends in 9, on god t-dubs is bussin (no cap)
Is affliction ass?
>and Thomas Edison is a thief
Shadowlands made Uther into a faithless smurf cunt.
CHRIST imagine bringing UTHER the LIGHTBRINGER back and then making it about Sylvanas. I am .... I am actually angry, what the fuck? Wow Lore Doesn't Matter Wow Lore Doesn't Matter Wow Lore Doesn't MATTER DANUSER I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU
both mmos are terrible to get into it, I'd suggest a single player game instead.
wow forces you to play with other people even if you'd prefer not to.
How much more expensive is wow?
Ok NOW name THREE famous great women who were queer
Are they adding something to do with this 4 hour maintenance?
He's cool, fuck off.
They're sisters
Or hunter in general avoid that too
A blizz-employee oc
>specialise on crafting axes
>one of the craftable three axes, charged slicer, is incorrectly classed as a sword so I can't craft it at r5
Very cool
No you should spend, only the next tiers matter which drop in m0s and up
I don't know about that, he hasn't stolen anything yet has he?
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People who respond with retarded meme answers like "huuurrr gimme naga durrrrrr give me murlocs" are subhuman. Nobody wants to play dumbass beast races that wouldn't even be able to wear armor. Look at evoker, least played class/race.
This is from before the latest hotfix, so stuff like Frost DK probably dropped a ranking or two.
is the 20th bullshit even live on retail?
Joan of Arc
Catherine the Great
>they arent queer
ALL women are bisexual
I'm going to be honest I don't understand any of these new systems or currencies and they're so scary I don't want to touch any of them can I just get gear the normal way and not upgrade
An okay expansion with the middest of mids story coming after a shit expansion, but really good gameplay innovation, making the world feel far more alive from a gameplay perspective and adding dragon flying which was a really good fucking addition to world exploration.
>War Within
A good expansion with so far really good story (because they fired the terrible fucking writers) that takes what was good about Dragonflight gameplay-wise and expands on it while removing all the annoying shit (stuff like the thousand different fucking items that increase your reputation now just replaced with immediate reputation gains)

We'll see if they keep it up.
Why is there so much shrilling for something lesbian to happen between Alleria and Xal'atath, as if it were a second coming of Killing Eve?
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>trusting icy veins
no retardgod
Vrykul for horde
Are you a retard or just a zoomer? Get crests, go to the item upgrades guy, click the button. Fucking hell.
pretty much desu
I made this post
Catherine II of Russia
Dodo of Carthago
Probably that chinese woman who was insane
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>Joan of Arc
>Schizophrenic mascot that ended up getting burned at the stake by her own people.
I miss the mist Vrykul or whateverthefuck those were called.
I wish I made a warrior instead of a hunter.
why not
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Mogu, but no before Ogres.
Why the horde are getting Earthen and Not getting Ogres is beyond me.
he was literally a patent thief
he even admitted to being one and basically said "that's just business"
Sure because we need more (not) Elves and (not) Humans. I'm not a fan of all of the beast races either but at least they're unique for once I'll give them that.
Xal'atath raping Alleria would be pretty hot desu.
But only if I can get my dick in between the two.
What else is there? The UGG tier list is blatantly incorrect, listing Ret Pally as a top 3 DPS. The other tier lists are outdated.
>really good story

Do people honestly believe this? It was terrible.
>dude heckin Tesla invented cloning and solar power and light bulbs and the time machine I fucking love science
Boadicea was a fucking jobber
Joan of Arc was the Messenger of God, she was his sainted voice and she HATED loose women, even broke her sword spanking some of them, and she was going to start a crusade against the godless bohemians. She was not queer.
This list is absolute dogshit btw

Do not trust icyveins
>upgrade the wrong thing
>fucked over
>have to waste a ton of time and money on any crafting profession
>will always be behind the people whos started before you
>investment so heavy you're locked into your profession for the rest of the expansion
Fuck that. I'm just gonna fish
anub'arak wouldve never let this happen
>What non-playable race do you desperately want to play?
>>Use your post to hungrily jerk off other men and remind everyone they're not servicing men with their answer
gay cvck
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>ALL women are bisexual
nice meme but in real life even dykes don't want to fuck you, xis
who are you quoting?
Kryian Afterlives was a masterwork in the field of bait-and-switch.
I was asking for an EU guild u mongo
Idk the elusian people made a community or someshit and they're dumb. I have made a guild ill post it shortly
Nothing because there is no ranking as of yet because there are no raids yet
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y'all called me crazy for pointing out that the edible gems werent edible.

now you're eating a 4 hour maintenance over it. haha, eat that
>Fuck that. I'm just gonna fish
that'll be 400 Artisan's Acuity + tip
Male Worgen Warrior. Their warrior stance is very menacing.
Yeah, spot on breakdown. Dragonflight was fun to play, but I rolled my eyes countless times at the story or side quests. The gameplay elements and features were fun as hell though.

TWW takes that already fun gameplay and just sticks a damn good story with good cinematics and voice acting onto it. And just like that, it's a much better game.
So it's not about the complexity of the systems but you having anxiety disorder and freaking out over the possibility of upgrading a piece you replace
The first crests you get are shit tier you can waste them freely
Ok history nerds no one cares
>Male Worgen Warrior
okay whats the real list then?
>Schizophrenic mascot that ended up getting burned at the stake by her own people.
tfw no schizo tomboy GF
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Tyrande needs to join us here in Khaz Algar.
doesn't cost crests if you're upgrading something lower than you already had
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For the Alliance
>lists 3 non-queers
>"LE ALL WAMEN ARE BISEXUAL just like In the yuri anime I consoooooooooom!
Touch grass
exactly right, the game is pointless. go out and make actual friends and invest your time in something that isn't worthless after a new patch.
>history revisionist needs
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It was very rushed but nowhere as bad as Sneedlands, or bland and filled with woke shit as Trannyflight (Aside the comfy Azure Span storyline)
gemmy :)
Join the EU guild <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> (nerubian was too long) on AD Alliance. I think all guilds are cross realm/faction now anyway?

Everyone gets officer, join to shoot the shit with fellow EU anons
Nah I don't have whatever you said I just don't want to go hunting for npcs or upgrading junk I just wanna play the game. I'm not gonna grind out crests and west's and bests and vests and jests and whatever. That stuff is dumb. There's just too much
It was perfectly competent, it's not the highest brow shit but pretty good heroic fantasy.
I don't read any quest text or pay attention, can anyone explain to me what the point of curse of flesh was if the earthern is easily corrupted by the void no problem in the new Rookery dungeon?
Question for wowg:

If I haven't take my meds for a while and am now confronted with a soulcrushing and terrible world, yet all these things are very evidently true and real, what does that tell me about my meds?
idk man I'm enjoying aff lock standing still and beating every single melee in the game 1v1 while having better burst than destro
Catherine II was so sapphic that even the Russians admit she was probably lesbian
they don't want to admit she was just a whore that slept with about 500 men as part of her political intrigues, none of which were her husband that actually got her the imperatrix crown in the first place lmao PETER III now that was a cuck
Keep Carved, it might be useful to upgrade your m0 / normal loot but weathered is useless so you can dump it into upgrade now.
Weathered goes until 493 which is starting normal AND m0 loot.
please fuck off
Can somebody do a Globo Fomo one? i would join too the name is too kino. Just ask again for invites ig
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World of Warcraft?
I'm level 80 finished the campaign and got earthen. But my quest log is still full and packed. Every fucking quest npcs vomits out 3 quests when I do 1. Should I just abandon all these quests it all feels like junk where I get like 25 gold.
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<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> on AD alliance or add Cawaen for an invite. should be able to apply in guild finder if u look for wowg or just the name of the guild
Prove those things are true and real and you're not seeing them just because you've been neglecting your meds, asod if0r or2 påe l3keok2 rk2m mrfew 11e eeo3o2r 2r4+t2 t4m4tp,5 950tmsqwq23t+.
Faerin while still hillariously ugly and ridicolously looking is also not a manly Mary Sue. Indeed its states shes rather incompetent as a warrior but acts more as a "spiritual nurse" to turn back Alduin into a chad. Its a femmine role you wouldnt expect in modern vidya
If you want completion mounts you will eventually have to do them anyways.
>tednie post attacked by mountain lions
no.... no....
y'all worlo worling?!
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It's over...
It must be burger hours. Inbred yuros know what heterochromia is
I don't care about mounts at all
Is this how a married woman should be behaving.
i forgot to add: EU guild EU guild EU guild EU guil
<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> AD Alliance
>icyveins tier list
Literally done by a bald eastern europe streamer called Petko, he plays 1(UNO) m+ (on beta) and now heroics or worse, doesn't even play it then make his tier list on that.
She wouldn't even be that ugly if they changed her wack-ass fucking haircut. And it's still only one character I have any real issues with.
what an ugly character
alright so it wasn't 4 hours but I'm still annoyed
at least I can get back to getting loremaster now
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Kindly asking for NAbros to make GLOBO HOMO guild once it's back. Doesn't matter the realm since guilds are cross realm now and even cross faction.
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For the King.
I want to rape female goblins
if they were real everyone would need the meds you take
the fact that they don't is proof that you're the freak here
taken as fact by 99% of the community so doesn't really matter
Ret or Fury??
If you have to rape them it means that they are not attracted to you.
I didn't vote for him.
Then you can not do them.
the meds don't stop me from seeing things, the meds stop me from killing myself.
That is a pretty good name.
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cant believe this dude gave his oc donut steel a 50 year old midwestern woman cut
and commissions art for it
Have faith, Mezten will gradually retcon everything regarding Shadowlands as some fake Titan alternative to the After Life and entirely dissolvere as a dimension during TLT
>>493272202 (me)
fuck i meant GLOBO FOMO kek
>It must be burger hours
nigger it's 9AM on a thursday in burgerland
everyone is at their jobs right now, meanwhile it's 5PM in europe, all of the europeans just got off work and are shitposting from their comfy houses (that they can afford)
we already made Clover Crusade because spergs were wanting globo fomo reported and banned
warrior is nerf immune and both the best tank and the best melee
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>bully tries to bully me in school
>walk up to him in corridor
>I say " you will regret that. if you continuing to bully me ."
>he laughs and says "what will you do about it, have big boobs?"
>"wrong answer."
>he tries to fight me
>block all his punches with my tit's
>he tries to run
>all the kids gathering round cheering
>"go on gunther, use your finishing move!" (my name is gunther)
>do a pretend yawn and pull a remote control out my pocket
>press the big red button
>tits detach from my chest and seek the bully like missiles
>he does a sharp turn to avoid them
>they follow him round the corner, arc high into the air
>crash down on him and explode just as he gets out the main entrance
>kills him
>get arrested and go to jail for life for killing him
guess I won hehe
>the globo fomo fag samefagging for hours desperately asking someone to make the guild
embarrassing. nobody liked the name
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NERUB SILKWEAVING FORUM eu anons join!! (or message Cawaen on AD Alliance)
Says who? You? You get to tell me what to do now? I only listen to 2 people. God and my raid leader. Who the fuck are you fucking shitto anorak bender,
Just keep Denathrius and we're golden.
Are you white?
If yes, fury.
If no, ret
furry ret when???
Fury has to wear leather.
what's reportable about the guild name <GLOBO FOMO>? neither of the words are explicit
Damn that good?
How about arms?
That'd be sick
all of these should be race locked classes
okay and?
doesn't matter Im still cumming inside them
this. just make it fuuuck we have clover crusade as backup
<Terror Troupe> mogs <GLOBO FOMO> into the dirt
It's a shit name anyway
vanillabro?! wrong thread
She really dosent fit the persona in the promotional cinematic. I think Metzen or some of his guys take a drastic change to her writing. Probably originally It was a boring body aggressive warrior woman Who couldnt do any wrong, like Daniser usually wrote his femoids
>t. <Cringe Crusade>
Not funny there was just a shooting.
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based and correct, he was the only decent thing to come out of that god forsaken expansion. I liked seeing Kael again but they bastardized his story once again.
I like the name good job, i dont want to play with you faggots tho
how many characters do you guys actively play with and keep geared?
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And proud of it! :D
<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> Is really fucking funny. That's a banger name
There are anons ITT who actively look for things to get mad about just to log into the game and spam reports on them
It is strange behavior
reminder to report and hide avatar troons
Possibly, give her a better haircut now and she will be kind of cute.
american moment
>still no playable San’Kahn
Defend this. Blizzard is literally throwing away money by not making playable vampires.
>>Anniversary Event
>[YouTube] 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast (embed)
OP is a faggot
Anyone try sun herald ret? I’ve been playing templar since unlocking hero talents so I have no clue
I'm not American
One. I always have "plans" to do multiple but in the end I can't be assed.
>another unscheduled maintenance
how do I know this isn't some sort of goverment honey pot trap?
>tfw no cute committed dracthyr bf to make out and play worlo wawa with
It's over

Yea he was based. But i would prefer for half of the Natherzim to remain daemons loyal to the Legion, After thousands of years under fel juice it would make sense only part of the race is still loyal to the original master
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Metzen is partly to blame for the Death (Shadowlands) and Life (Dragonflight) expansions, if he had made this the cosmological chart instead none of that would have happened.
Speaking of which, notice how we are 8 years later and Decay is still not a prominent element despite being on that shit chronicles chart, it's almost like Decay was never a good idea and was only put on the chart because of autism to have as many elements as there are cosmic forces, wow who could've realised it would be stupid to write lore about shit that doesn't even exist in game.
Check previous thread for context bro.
this goes against the narrative
All of Shadowlands would be more tolerable if he was actually the main villain, because I can at least believe that this guy actually manipulated others instead of Cuckval
name is too sovl for it to be the govt
Best Alliance Race for Warrior?
its fine but very boring. templar is much more fun
why can this dogshit trillion dollar company not afford to keep their faggot servers up during off hours on a weekday?
It's a government honey trap. Now join faggot whats the worse thats going to happen ur already being watched by blizzard
Why the fuck would I want to time +15s when +10s give the highest ilvl items and a portal?
Welp back to EVE online
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>You will never be a human female chained up in Denathrius plap-dungeon
mechagnome or NE depending on what you do
sorry, I'm not gay so I don't play Dracthyr or kiss men
I'm this close to just subbing on EU and playing there since EU frogs seem to have more fun than NA frogs... I vill play handsome dracthyr man when they let me play warrior dragon.
I wont
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so clean
wow i fucking love paying a sub to never be able to actually play the game because the servers are constantly offline
One. And when I get KSM for the season, I unsub until there's a good patch or the next expansion releases.
thursday has been scheduled since tuesday
>keep their faggot servers up during off hours
you have never worked in IT
>12 (twelve) days until m+
what were they thinking?
might even do a cum tribute to the high def T2 set on my pally when it comes out
My King! You have returned!
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Nemesis and Dragonstalker are cooler and more interesting sets than Judgement.
this is not as good as the monk and the dk armor
the low part killed it
>mechagnome or NE
Serious answers please
the mexican LARPing as a nigger has unearthed lesbian spiders
Why don't they just do maintenance at 4AM
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if it wasnt neon pink maybe
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>Doomjeets will attempt to convince themselves that this looks bad in their desperation
Typical wowg shit, infighting about names and we'll end up deleting clover and remaking and lose any steam
I dunno that seems like a rough existence. He'd just turn you into a baby factory never giving you a moments rest at any hour of the day while he sucks your anima dry.
He will return. They noticed he was much more popular as a villain than the bald janitor and for this reason they changed last minute his boss fight to have him imprisoned in the sword, instead of being killed as originally planned.

Dont have much expectation to see him back before the end of the Final Saga tho. Probably to be kept as a familiar enemy for the future post TLT content
There are none
Something about this looks off
I honestly prefer the current T2
>wearing a dress
lol you are gay
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enh shammy tempésto new model needs work
>old form except below the pecs is replaced with a tornado
>double jump gust of wind for the duration
>bounces up and down a lot
I beg
the one and only
male human paladin of the retribution-Templar variety
unironically sovlless
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Pffft nice skirt homosexual
good morning sar
>supporting cast NPC seething that he will never be the main character
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So I just made <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> on EU AD Alliance. I'm being told theres another wowg guild Elysian Hold but i cant tell if its actually only wowg anons or not any people complaining about permissions. Not sure what to do now not trying to powergrab idgaf will just give everyone all permissions
Male human warrior
The guild should be <Clover Foamer>
The only set that looked good was Druid
Everything else was was the definition of soulless
>anime pic
post hidden and filtered
>What 99% of Paladins in the game will trasmog for years (the Arathi humans do have some pretty cool alternatives tho)
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All right /wowg/

<GLOBO FOMO> or <Terror Troupe>
sorry anon it's actually [Insert race (You) want to hear] and NOT the objectively best DPS race like I said before. Sorry for trying to pull one over on you!
Shame that not all ashbringer variants have a matching color scheme
Clover Power
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>squadron talent ONLY for trannytier
Globo Fomo
The transmog will be the new set with the old helm
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Probably cause he's poor lol
Hood shit isn't just a single mother issue.
White and maybe Asian single mother boys either turn tranny or turn into slightly effeminate autists.
GLOBO FOMO and it's not even close
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what is this
><Clover Crusade>
wait, my suggestion won out? lmao i haven't even been in these since that thread
Sure just make Nerzhul a dreadlord and it works.
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>go out of the AH in Dornogal
>see this
Which flavor?
what color is his grimoire?
Knock the shit off retard, the guild exists already
>won out
It didn't. GM got ass mad about something and decided to crash and burn
you're getting replaced already it seems
Clover Foamer
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>there is a drac in my group
>constantly see dragons randomly flyby while in combat
female dwarves with beards look fucking stupid
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why is ion looking a bit more evil lately?
and people are saying nobody is playing the fag race
I dig it. If he'd just shave his head I'd happily suck his dick.
I'm the interim GM, I'm not mad, I just picked something I didn't think would get me banned and went with it. No one else was doing anything
Why is arms not good for pve ??
goblin visage please
Anduin left THIS for fucking FAERIN?
>Dracthyr now have more flavour in their passives
Metzensovl. You wouldn't get it loonie.
just make one ffs
but answering the question: GLOBO FOMO
The beards don't attach to their face right
bro you get a discount for upgrades you made on previous gear
you morons always complain about shit you never even did in the game
big adam sessler energy
you'll get a free rename if it's too edgy but not hateful :3 make it GLOBO HOMO nerd
isn't she supposed to be his personal cock sleave?
where the fuck is she?
>Blizzard finally makes a pure support spec like people were asking for
>no one plays it
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Erm, actually, the real /wowg/ guild has already existed since the inception of /vg/ over 12 years ago

We waiting you
It's already made and I don't really give a fuck to change it
because it's stuck on the worst race ever made
no one was asking for it THOUGH
no? I know you guys are obsessing with anduin fucking random people but this is just ridiculous
anduin needed a thick black qwueen not a skinny whyte bitch
Shitty looking dragons only.
>EU has 18 ppl already
because it LOOKS LIKE SHIT
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>receive direct IV of Microsoft money
>still cant afford to keep servers up for 24 hours
Playing strip Hearthstone with Millhouse Manastorm in Dornogal
No, I am not memeing
Blizzard will never read this but whatever: once we will travel in the Neo Arathi Empire continent (i suppose 6+ years after the current arc) they should base their aesthetics over the Byzantine Empire.

>Original Arathor was the "Warcraft" Rome
>Half of it eventually fractured into various kingdoms (Eastern Kingdom)
>A remote offshot far from the original empire heartlands instead continue the imperial identity but with a much expanded religious autismo (Byzantines with Christianity and the Neo Arathorians with their Light)
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he knows what's good
Because it's tied to the gayest, objectively worst race in the game. The troondragon faggots.
It's my main and the fact that no one plays it makes me feel like a special snowflake main character
>Been in the game for 2 years
>They're part of the anniversary celebration
I see
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Does they dps show up yet?
>random people
retard, she is literally his personal body guard
people do play it, but it's only m+ shit pushers.
and they should have slavery
All races are gay, please unlock nerubians. Anub body type or I quit the game forever
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you got your 2h judgement hammer from MoP remix right?
imagine if they turned ret into a support specc and all those retards would suddenly be useful
Of course I never did it. I don't understand it
>What sword
He shouldn't taunt the doomies like this.
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again no one cares about your autistic obsession

yes but the legion artifact is better
>give ret Lightsmith and take armaments off the gcd
holy shit I saved wow
shaman ascendancy forms
The cocaine. He's doing more than one bump
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>Be Anduin
>Plap all 3 Windrunner sisters, Valeera AND Jaina
It's just not fucking FAIR bros...
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The Byzantine aesthetics even fit the Light aesthetics. Imagine the Emprah here but with a Naaru instead of Christ at the top of his head
Because he won.
>no servers available
rat shit bat shit dirty old twat!
you can admit you didn't know who she was retard and stop coping
so who's in charge of Stormwind right now?
is the throne just vacant?
Waiting for the Tactician spec.
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Your response?
where did his eyebrows go
*ding* :)
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hot lesbian elf sex
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This got me thinking: What is "Decay"? Obviously Undeath, Necromancy, and Death exist in the game.
Death can be viewed as the antithesis of Life, but Necromancy and Undeath are actually more like Life domains, because they restore Life to Death.

irl, "Decay" can be viewed in two ways: Entropy (Disorder/Fel) and Consumption by Others (Life/Nature)
Buildings "decay" because the elements slowly wear them down and their ordered forms fall into disorder due to the laws of thermodynamics.
Living things "decay" because other living things consume them and their ordered forms are violently reconfigured into new ordered forms that suit the predators or bacteria or other life forms that have used their nutrients to sustain themselves.

But on the chart, Decay is presented as the opposite of Spirit.
And there is a third type of Decay that is not physical, but metaphysical: Spiritual Decay.
Imo, Spirit is basically Faith. The reason even Blood Knights and Undead Priests can channel the light is because of Faith. Anduin lost his connection with the Light because he lost his Faith. Thrall lost his connection with the Elements because he lost his Faith.

This seems to be well-represented in the game, and arguably The Maw is almost a plane of Spiritual Decay.
I think I like the idea of viewing "Decay" as "Hopelessness" or "Faithlessness". In that context, Decay is suddenly one of the most prominent elemental forces in the Warcraft Universe. Rewatch the BfA opening cinematic and it's about both armies being overcome by Decay and rallying their Spirits to overcome it.
goes hard
whoa is this real?
How long before Alleria starts calling him little lion as well?
No, Affliction is in a very nice spot atm, Demo isn't too far behind it if you prefer its gameplay.
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Truthfully how does this image make you feel?
The name is a lot better. I've no idea if Elysian Hold is even a 4chan guild or just posted here
Somebody's got to run Ironforge. What're they gonna do, let Falstad be in charge?
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Don't forget his old flame Yrel too.
>1 main to do M+ and raids with
>half a dozen alts that are for casual PvP and world quests only, maybe some delve later too

What are you buying with that
number 1 target for nerfs before the tuning pass is not a "good spot" fotmfren
jesus that price crashed hard
>Uldir is a giant virus lab
>Theres a blood plague leaking out, oh noes!
>Which means mushrooms and fungus everywhere.
i dont think the writers understand virology.
or mushrooms.
I think it would be really funny if they extended the server downtime
lol no there's at least 5 specs ahead of affli that will get the nerf bat if Blizzard decide to whip it out
It's for RP reasons. Guildmaster needs it to organise a few things OOC.
DoomTITANS won
I just know.
>t. knower
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He got promoted to VP so he's evolving to his final form
Demo also have one of the best heroic spec that fits the spec identity in the game (Diablolist) that is also very strong AND idiotproof (just do your regular rotation and you will be rewarded with super-demons taking turn in helping raping your opponents)
I bought a $13000 vacuum last week anon I could not even possibly care less
Anon we're talking about affliction not sin rogue
fuck this shit i'm playing vampire survivors
SEX WITH ALLERIA RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
h-how do you know?
Fungus has always been wow shorthand for virus and plague
Globo Fomo is funny, the other one is generic.
>I bought a $13000 vacuum last week
holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goooood!!!!!
is that a euphemism for spending money on your partner
trannies uppity at doomsissies as usual
It's a brainless spec, the only really fun support skill is Rescue, everything else is just sort of passive or baked into your rotation. I want a support spec where you actually make meaningful plays depending on the mechanics in play.
Example; I see a far off soak swirly being ignored and use a lengthy cd to spawn a short-lived player token inside of it.
Xal calm down
does it suck your dick good and hard?
>Anduin is caked in dirt and sticky with sweat and everyone in the entire army STILL wants to choke on his (average) cock.
Why even live? Reality is painful.
how in the hell does a vacuum costs 13000 dollars?
raid next week
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I agree with this statement.
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aye dios mio.... la cucaracha...
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>autistic paypigs rather pay 20€ to buy wow tokens for gold instead of spending a few minutes to grind some gold
grim that such people exist
>inb4 muh time
you faggots still spend 24/7 gooning to fucking futanari and r34 porn of this game so dont' fucking talk about consuming time
>>no one plays it
>Everyone actually plays it
>Extremely popular in M+
>Popular in Raids and high end group content
Why is /wowg/ like this.
Fucking kys.
Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Spirit have in-game and in-lore presence as elements. Decay doesn't.
it already has the most utility of any DPS spec in the game, and retardins never use it except on themselves
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>raid next week
>/wowg/ still deciding name
>30 min CD
>"Hold the fuck up, nigga"
>Pauses mobs/spells being cast/spells in transit/etc for 5 seconds
>Players can still move freely but damage/healing is not counted
rate my cool 100% balanced idea blizz hire me
Damn that's like 3 hours of work for me
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it annoys me that Caelid in Elden Ring is also like this
Is there any reason to make a wow guild instead of a community?
Given the fact that timewarped badges are now account wide, will i be able to do the weekly (500 badge) quest on all my alts and get ultra stacked on badges? Or, can it only be run once per account?
why can't I add this shirt to my appearances collection
I added all of the other ones from this vendor but not this one
na it's one of those house-integrated ones with various houses in the walls to reach anywhere
because Evoker is locked to dracthyr. and likely will be forever. the class isnt the problem its the only race that can be one.
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you can do it with every character
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if you have two darkmoon trinkets you're not getting invited to my pogchamp groups
I would love to be able to choose Harranir body type for fem Belf
I want to munch on cute girl belly chub
mark of honor.
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G'huun was a fun minor villain but still, i dont see the point of him existing.

Trolls already had an iconic "evil good that spread players related to blood" in the form of Hakkar. Back in BFA it was even stated a lot of G'huun servants like the Blood Trolls were originally servants od f Halkar.
Why not just using him as the Zandalar main villain then?
Story mode not till the 17th...
i don't know why we dont have an eu wow community
i can't leave my guild but i would love to join a thread community
Because we already dunked hakkar twice, because blizzard is retarded about reusing things poorly.
the only time imo they got it right was ragnaros 2.0
too slow.
breeding this femboy dragon
because Titans BAD so it had to be their fault somehow
Everyone literally plays it, though.
Augmentation is considered S+ tier in high end content and most serious PvE groups have an Evoker in them.
because you're fucking gay and retarded and smell like shit
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<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> AD Alliance or /w Cawaen, or add me on bnet Castriot#2261, have about 5 anons rn
>Still no pause button in m+
Uhh Blizzard my uber eats delivery?
I hate my main. I hate my bricked account. I hate it. I hate all the achievements and mounts and pets this shit game throws at me. It's all fucking soulbound
Just set Brannon to healer
It's a fantasy universe, retards.
A virus or a bacterium being the cause of disease is too scientific. The next closest tiny object is a spore, and fungi - spores are therefore the cause of disease.
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post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
When is the danuser influence in WoW gonna be finally gone?
>anime pic
>post hidden
The fungus creates the slave race for the rot dynasty.
what was the purpose of caverns of time in vanilla wow?
Autistic people shouldn't be allowed to think they're funny
the next good expansion
if the expansions are bad its still danuser
trust the plan
metzen be praised
I mean yeah. They're already behind the burning legion, it's just boring they're trying to cash in on blood plague nostalgia
Midnight most likely. But i can already see Metzen hands in many ways in the TWW launch state.
The first big patch will be likely mostly Danuser-free
Never, because the damage is already done. You'd have to make a completely new setting, one that is specifically based on the principle of being hairy sweaty ripped men as a core of the setting.
When will blizzard redo Troll lines? I don't like that they are black caricature. It's like those 1950s cartoons. Very racist. Sad!
it just felt so out of place, suddenly his light power stop working because the writers hated him because he was fully made by metzen?
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is that why you're so straight-faced, princess?
After Legion there was a change of writers and the new ones immediately set about trying to 'outdo' the old lore.
servers are up!
I hope MOP remix will come back
I didnt play the game when it was up
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>season hasn't even started
>both NA & EU guilds are imploding
>one because of the name
>the other because the leader has gone missing
How many guilds is there? 2 or 3 for each region? this general has like 100 players, only 15/20 willing to join your guilds and yet you are trying to split them
It didn't really exist, you could glitch your way inside and look around like in Karazhan but there was nothing to do
None. It was a zone added but unused, like Karazhan or Hyjal.
Metzen got cucked by his daughter. Simply being born is enough time for a woman to cuck a man. They are such monsters. We should drown them all, right now.
why lie?
<Terror Troupe> sounds better to me, and you can tell it's 1 guy shilling <GLOBO FOMO> hard, shit does not sound good at all.
What an autistic response lmao
already gone non-verbal on me
>its fucking nothing
delves are a scam so far unless they get really good at like level 10 or some shit im thinking its another dead feature
hes european
theyve all been liars since '45
WoW was always supposed to be Post apocalyptic zombie vs demon apocalypse aftermath puppet race war with Heavy Metal playing on the background. Anything that is not this is fucking boring.
now that this expansions over, i cant wait for midnight. only 2 more years.
None of what you said has happened and nobody has even made a single guild yet. What the fuck are you saying
Finally paladins will return to their dress.
the concept is cool
if they would incorporate some randomness or something
but the rewards are ass
Sorry for the atrocious grammar of my Hakkar-related post btw pal. Im a ESL and phoneposting too
who needs a guild anymore
you just need a discord 4 other shutin failsons and some bathtub HRT
toot toot M+ here we GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~
So what’s the play for getting geared quickly next week? Immediately get into delves to spend the keys and then try to get into a decent normal raid pug?
Yeah it's really that simple. As ass rogue I haven't had any issues at all with the highest tier available right now and with my Bran leveled up and set as healer.
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I dont get this ability
>20 years of WoW
>Devs only bring people back to content that was actually good which was all pre cata
So, basically, you better make it GLOBO FOMO, or we're going to create a GLOBO HOMO and shit all over your cute lil ERP 'troupe' ok sister?
probably around 18 months
they are done with fated
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If you're not geared by then it's already over
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Now let me play the zones pre cata without having to start classic wow. I want to level my alts
holy DOOMGODS can't stop winning
>look at /wowg/
>people are actually finding the expansion alright compared to other blunders despite la creatura de lothar
So, do you think they'll completely shit the bed in future patches?
>bathtub HRT
computer generate sally whitemane getting bred by dogs and horses and pigs.
I play wow to do massive big dick damage i want fat crits on MY screen, not to help other people do that. Also the dragons are gay
its a once a minute port only usable in the dragon isles, try it out and youll see how it works. you can teleport pretty far with it. for example you lay down your port in the middle of the map on to of a mountain. and you fly away half way across the map. want to go back to the top of the mountain? it ports you back
what UI addons do i get if i like edit mode but hate elvui faggotry
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mandela effect. more than 3 goblin cartels didn't exist.
>delves instead of m0 into normal raid

When are they going to rerun the blood troll armor set on the trading post?
some retarded brazilian or other SA shithole resident was making horse piss HRT in their bathroom.
people were buying and using it.
well, "people".
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/wowg/ Is waiting for the LFR release
The Danuser Soul Saga will be canceled.
Microsoft will tell them to rework Midnight to be a Realm Reborn/EndWalker like expansion based on Classic WoW.

the Legion++++ shit Ion has been doing since BFA will be completely stripped out of the game. Remember Ion was the one in Shadowlands that said all the systems they added were integral part of the game that could not be removed. Microsoft is gonna bring a new lead.
>only usable in the dragon isles
Welp discarded then thank u
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He doesn't seem retarded if he was making mad money tricking trannies
wtf I love Australia now
The last bastion of the Alliance, you're welcome CUNT
she's a step in the right direction. they confined the ugliness quota to 1 character. that's relatable, many people in the first world suffer indignities for money which they otherwise wouldn't.
maybe if you bend over with your tail raised
those 6% horde are abos
When is the raid day? fuck I wish we could raid with NA, so I could raid with both my normal guild and them without schedule conflict
what specs are absolutely cooked in arena right now? what specs for rbg?
thinking about coming back but I'm a pvp player mostly
this "man" plays a female blood elf btw
prevokers are actually unkillable in pvp
Funny how during Legion Ion was the one in the office saying Legendaries acquisition could not be changed then they changed it in 7.2 and the players all came in droves. Then in BFA he said azerite acquisition could not be changed and borrowed power will have to be an integral part of the game. Shadowlands was the results of that, but even during shadowlands he was arrogant and said these systems could not be removed. He only listened when like 99% of the playter base just stopped logging in.
false i play a male orc
>check streamer
>18 on severed threads
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>$180 worth of tokens
retard, you could have gotten 4,300,000 gold for that amount instead of 2,664,000 gold
That was my first post here in years actually, I got curious after seeing 2 acquaintances of mine actually returning to wow and claiming that it was surprisingly decent after shitting on it for the last 3 expansions they avoided.
This is my second post here. Honest!
ngl, they could give the gay dragon a one shot button with 100% uptime and I wouldn't play it
I remember destroying the wowg guild ran by that pandaren who had videos of them jerking off back in legion
>He only listened when like 99% of the playter base just stopped logging in.
I genuinely thought 9.1 was going to kill the game, it was that bad.
Fuck. You.
i miss my paladin buff spells anons
but its fucking useless since your saved location gets erased when you dismount
Is buying the 584 Reputation Cheat + Headpiece worth it or will they be replaced quickly?
you forgot to mention that he was giving it literal pedo tranime packaging
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just wait alliance sisters it's not going to be "your" game much longer, change is coming.
DPS PVE Tier list?
>borrowed power will have to be an integral part of the game
It went below 200k on NA the other day
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>ngl, they could give the gay dragon a one shot button with 100% uptime and I wouldn't play it
that spell actually exists
was it ralph
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>fatass, hero of the horde
fucking kek
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Last night, I finished the quest which plays the animated video about the spider queen and her daughter.
I did not get the impression from it that would result in the two NPCs' responses saying she's the chained monster
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this is you paypig scum
all the devs are horde, just look at the heritage quests but the narrative must be alliance oriented or they shit their pants
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>Guildmaster needs it to organise a few things OOC.
Imagine holy shit IMAGINE
>Finish quest
>Screen goes black
Never watched a cut scene, is my character in them? Are they gay? Do they talk?
How much gold would a token be if it wasn't set by blizzard
all i know is dont roll a shaman, it fucking sucks
I'm not surprised
but there's a reason it's the class with the least players
nigga delves are like 10 mins
yeah I had that same issue, I figured t his was going to be some revelation about Ansurek murdering her mother, which they didn't know at that point, but her being the mutant thing had nothing at all to do with that cutscene
Sounds right. Explains why those mutts seethe when rets are shitcanned
last i checked it still doesn't work if you dismount so it's mostly useless. i flew out and bought some vendor recipes a few times then snapped back to the crafting table and that was it for all of df. you could maybe to return a long distance from the flag planting quests, restart a gathering route, and maybe do a few run over and talk to the npc quests/turnins while mounted and save a few seconds but i don't think there's much else. even the tuskaar rep scrolls are inside so that's fucked.
ASS, sub, feral, frost, and pres is like a mile ahead of disc priest which is the next best healer
lock is always good, this patch it will be aff
fury is good but bad into mage which will be popular
uh is good but bad into fury which will also be overplayed
ww also good and deals with mages slightly better than fury because images cant get ccd anymore
mistweaver is good in rbgs but rbgs are for fags
All worgen itt report to me when the servers come back up for inspection
>delves are like 10 mins
and we dont know how many you have to do to get gear worth a fuck
one piece at a time
from the weekly vault
>dont just do M0 and get gear
>do delves and wait a weak for just one maybe upgrade
man yea i see what you mean that guys fucking -retarded-
I play on Fr*stmourne and have never seen people seethe about retcels getting shit on, what are you even talking about?
us frost dks are ass as always
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EU works!
they should let us buy blizzard (microsoft?) stock with wow gold and wow tokens
That's almost respectable. Reminds me of the early 2000s when putting PSA's into tv shows or cartoons was literally just
>sorry guys, but we need the bag. here watch this snoozefest
I mean is putting one overwatch character into your wow expansion really any different than this post's sponsor being Raid: Shadow Legends, the ultimate new pvp pve pvz pvd mobile phone video game you can play on your way to the daily humiliation ritual?
Read the whole post maybe? You stupid ass retard fuck
I said run delves to spend the keys, that’s only 8 to get rid of and then you move on
maintenance extended, prepare your butts
the VO is so bad in english
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this was such a bad cutscene wtf
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is this ghuuns brother?
Sometimes your character is in them and your character never talks.
okay now the servers are back up for real this time
youve got one comp, tough luck bud
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I'll report to who I please.
It's all old black men trying to sound like they have gravitas and office women trying to sound like fantasy characters and it sounds like such shit.

This xpac feels the lowest budget of all time
i switched back to german
I've seen a lot of praise for mm with their new hero and that it has good burst, is it just mid comps?
devastation does embarrassingly bad damage, disintegrate is a meme and feels and looks awful
they were talking about worgen MEN and their musky KNOTS
As it should be.
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nice bait
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Servers are up!!
If Common is Latin then what is Orcish
>using delve keys at level 8 (max loot): ilvl 606
>m0: 593

Same, that guys just a jealous noshoes amerimutt
What guild you in ausbro?
>inb4 germanic
Respond to anything I actually said you stupid bitch.
Don't just whine and cry if you don't like what was said. Nobody cares about your autistic meltdown. If you don't have shit to say then keep your retarded mouth shut.

Let's be super fucking clear: You're an idiot with an IQ lower than room temperature.
You can't handle big words or thoughtfulness. You can't comprehend complex ideas or concepts. AND THAT'S NOW OUR PROBLEM. That is solely YOUR problem.

So sit down and shut up instead of crying at us about it. If you're too stupid for a topic JUST DON'T REPLY. It's not that hard! Instead of contributing a net negative to the thread, just CONTRIBUTE NOTHING. You're not forced to reply just because something triggered your retarded snowflake ass.
server list still isnt up and they have 16 minutes
its getting extended and i dont need to wait on a twitter post to inform me of that
Is there ANY incentive for me to get to lvl 80 fast
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Blizzard's taking the money and running
I'm hedging my bets across the pond!!!
>Make a worgen
>Give her red eyes
just /wowg/ things
*smacks lips*
>4 horde expansions followed by 1 alliance expansion followed by 4 horde expansions
So buisness as usual?
lmao bro, thats your warband?
>but there's a reason it's the class with the least players
the reason is no transmog and the class is grossly underpowered aside from augmentation
>get the same item 8 times
>no more keys
what now white boy?
What the hell is Ion Hazzikosta's FUCKING problem? I've never seen such an incomprehensible WoW dev. Ghostcrawler and Tigole had their own issues but what literally got stuck in Ion's asshole that he makes the decisions he makes?
You can't even tell me it's about grinding the hype-doom cycle for predictable stocks gambling in Activision's shareholder cocaine snorting lobbies or whatever the fuck venture capitalism did to Blizzard, the machine almost stopped because of his game design.
>want to play horde
>its another alliance xpac

I want to wake up in bed with my worgen partner and see their eyes staring at me in the dark as they contemplate raping me in my sleep
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UMMM asckually this is my warband.
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its decent, feral is very good so that increases jungles marketshare
they got a shitload of extra defensive capability but they're still trainable
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I actually switched my tabard to something less sinful. Still can't unsee it, though.

That's none of your business, anon!
>thinking he'll do delve 8's without 620 ilvl because blizzard fucking shit up scalingwise
Actually my character is gay
like YOU are!
best warrior animations race?
reminder to hide resident avatroon
get wrecked hordcel
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Unbelievably based
Human female
Nelf female
Undead male
Alliance can HAVE chromie
Horde deserve Morchie
you fucking LOSERS, Morchie chads eternal
>Nelf female
4 real?
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I miss class trials... time to level every one to 80 to see which ones I like... ha ha ha ...........
>Her heart is an empty crater, we have filled it
anon I think the lack of response is because hyper fixation on the cosmic diagram is what burned people out in danuser era. it was a cool drawing for the opener of the wow enthusiast compendium, man decides the picture on the first page is now the lore bible and everything on the pages that follow can suck a fuck.
>No vulperas found
Why are you Chinese?
oh i should add also that anytime mage is over represented hunters value skyrockets too
I fucking hate finding the new worgen models almost cute.
I think that I'm pozzed. Good thing they still sniff like dirty animals
Built for sharing a tauren man
He's literally just not a game designer. He doesn't think about fun he thinks about engagement
i will easily solo it as a bearchad
Yeah this was jarring, you can clearly see Metzen cut down Danuser's original plotlines
Same with the Earthen suddenly being like "FUCK THE TITANS WE WANT TO BE FREE" which had 0 forewarning. I dunno how the male dwarf in charge of Dornogal was willing choose this for his people, when he always was neutral towards the titans and put his people first, and only a select few story NPCs wanted it. It came out of no where and had no prequest where they talk about it with the council before smashing the device
I was like you bro
But I've come to see the light. Femworgs can be pretty cute.
90% of the people playing them are utterly insane though
If it's an alliance xpac, why will the Horde win race to world first again?
Oh that's right, because actually every expansion is a Horde expansion and the bluecuck bluepilled bluetard bluefags are just sitting around consuming their humiliation ritualslop all day instead of being good at the game.
Check mate Hordechad deniers, we are going to rape good this year! FOR THE HORDE
>ow not the face replies the allianceshitter
>we'll keep trying replies the bluefaggotcucktard
>please don't piss on my replies the cocksucker soccer mom noob shitter casual ERP goldshire tranny
they are all dwarves so they are not a horde guild but an alliance guild now
you can start coping now
>if its trolls related it should be hakkar
nah, enough of that guy
i have a job and i literally pretend that wow tokens dont exist so my farming is enjoyable and has meaning in my unpolluted head canon version of the game. if you havent legitimately farmed at least 500k by now, what are you even doing?
-t filthy casual

>have to wait 60s to even see the captcha
cancer aids everywhere
*plays a class with a tank spec*
yeah that was easy, you can even bring friends
The only "hard" achieve will be doing the zek whatever boss on 11 solo since it will require like level 100 Brann to beat the dps check

That's one less Item I need from M0s
Also the chance of that happening is low as fuck, and I'm bringing friends so we can trade the loot around
This >>493278220
is literally you
You can quit trying so hard. It gives away your alliance love
I pet the doggy and pet the doggy and pet the doggy
>disc priest which is the next best healer
the shit people spout on this site is unreal, dont believe anything you read here
whats your list then shithead
you dont shit bitch
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Ok EUbros Elysian Hold guy is a massive retard that wants to cap the EU guild at max 20 anons for normal/hc raiding. I tried to talk to him but he just got mad and kicked me from the community. If anyone wants to join Nerub Silkweaving Forum on AD Alliance I'll invite anyone and give perms.
they nerfed the orc and troll racials chuddie, hordesissies have NOTHING now
This is entirely made up btw
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pray tell whats not true about it. Imagine capping the guild membership for fucking normal raiding. 20 isnt even the number people use for flex. actual retardation
what site? im curious to see balances on other realms
>vtranny picture

I'm joining Elysian Hold instead.
ive just been using random pics from an image dump, i dont watch vtubers and have no idea thats one. my bad i guess

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