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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493209893
orewa takeshi...
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never forget
Veneto asked me to remove all canned pineapples from the base, needless to say I mating pressed her and then enforced her request
Never forget.
she will forever live in my wet dreams
Pure sexo since day 1
Improvement I say
Is that the DEEN FSN ending song?
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I'm aware it isnt happening anytime soon if ever but Playable Sirens please
Good op
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I like both to be honest. First one felt more meta, like she had been through some shit and looked pretty cool. Second one looks more Nagato, she still retains some cuteness and the thigh upgrade is very nice.
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Wifechorage raped me.
Since Bonnie finally broke into the branch it might be happening sooner than later.
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I'm really only upset about the face.
I wish she kept the different eye colour at least
That would make a huge difference, yeah.
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Renouncing one weird fruit is well worth that italian pussy
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Please explain...ive tried following the story but it's......convoluted to say the least. also have more siren. Did she actually get past Empress and Lovers?
>we can get -chan versions of adult botes
>but teen versions of cunny is not allowed
loli mafia will be the bane of this game
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I'm not really exactly sure how she got past them since I read a mtl version, but the arbiters are just gone? Not sure if she beat them or they left for some reason. Either way, yeah she is past them.
Shitty brain damaged bimbo
monkeys paw will dictate playable bonnie before playable sirens
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Huh....granted given that Helena meta and Compiler are blatantly actively working together as of the en anni.....
Still don't like her new face here
>Huh....granted given that Helena meta and Compiler are blatantly actively working together as of the en anni.....
Helena took compiler in Rondo and probably reprogrammed her
So next year's burger event is Bonnie + Sexington?
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Cue Helena just throwing Compiler at (you) next time we run into her as a *gift*
Watch it be Krauts
Azuru raino
lovely 150+ IQ cutie
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Someone should use this as the OP image for one of the threads during or right after the first day's stream just to fuck with the poor losers getting on here after waking up or getting off work.
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>keeps being best girl and getting the best skins
How does she do it?
>Keeps being best girl
Pretty sure even Ark doesn't think she's the best girl on base.
Forgot to mention that Helena also lassos Observer too
Scheer when? That’s the very last real iron blood ship
>before and after the nuclear tests
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Thanks for the info lad. On an unrelated note it's time for me to sleep. GN anon *Puts down can with string on the bottom*
Evidently never which I hate WSG's is very cute
Of course not, Ark isn't a destroyer. She does get to protect the best girl on base though.
>gets mentioned
>local schizo melts down instantly in sheer rage
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Can't believe I'm farming opsi again. Was perfectly happy ignoring that part of the game. Nagato was one of the few boats that I'd actually go back for and they did it.
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Pollnigger, poll for JP UR(s): https://poal.me/udv3vg

New poll, favorite sirens?: https://poal.me/hy3q8p
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Airship's tits were too much for the public.
I can still see them though.
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The pirates are great but I'm still waiting for my original tentacle wife.
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that'll be 8.60 plus tip
Just use it as a fruit rather than as a topping
Mogcel isn't real
Where from? I buy it 5euros from efood in Athens
>Censor them
>Censor is transparent so you can see them anyway
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I'm gonna commission her getting railed by shotas so hard
Retard, SKK is the only shota (and only male)
>in Athens
same but suburbs
it's more like 7.60
maybe BOX is ripping me off, idk
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If there is only one SKK (me), then who are you or the previous anon?
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what will fiume be like?
I am (You)
I'm in the mood for being spoiled by mature experienced italian milf
What, was he transformed back to a kid just for the other girls?
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Dark hair, underboob, battle autist
We did it /alg/ I finally got amagi! Its a christmas miracle!
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My body
My soul
My whole being belongs to MOGador
Skin when?
Based pornfried cumbrain
>flesh horns
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jej, it is. I am from the countryside, I just come here to get my last exams in for my undergrad and I mostly order fast food from efood.
Underboob. Nothing else matters.
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She'll be a little bit nervous about spotlights, night battles, and Bong royalty.
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How did you manage to forget Lovers but still put in her enforcers?
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i wasn't referring to him
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I will love and cherish Nagato META just like her original counterpart, even if she's fatter now
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Because I am retarded
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It do suck given you gotta do a map or two just to get enough analysis to do the boss raid twice and then pub it three times
How much do you even get per day?
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Just like how Manjuu did
Fiume sank on her own due to uncontrollable fires, Zara scuttled herself, regardless hundreds of *nglo BB shells couldn't even sink them
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Soon... we will witness massive amount of empty sheets during livestream... Soon...
She'll have brown hair and be even more sex crazed than Zara and Pola, also tits twice their size
Gordizia > the rest.
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I really hope that it isn't Amagi II, for me type 2 ships are like a second chance to like botes who got shit art on their original release *cough* Hao *cough*. The original Amagi already has pure sex art, so this feels like a wasted UR slot imo.
She needs a swimsuit to compete with her sisters
sniffing Mogador on daily basis
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>also tits twice their size
Need an extra slot for Nagacute Meta
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You heard me.
I don't think I'm prepared for Eiken proportions.
>tfw no fiery and feisty, dark-haired olive/light bronze skinned Italiam momgf who is not afraid to scold and threaten you with her big, heirloom wooden spoon but will also spoil you rotten if you behave
Milk time?
Next pasta UR
Pasta UR this December
I'm jerking off to the next bote {that I find attractive} that gets posted
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Amagi coming back was baited for years, since Shinano event at least. I agree though, doubt the new art will be an improvement unless they got Liduke back for this.
I need a wolf girl mommy pasta boat with huge milkers.
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I thought she was dead
I want to pinch that belly
Just wanna fuck a boat, lads. Is that too much to ask?
You'll get addicted to bote pussy bro
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Lovely fox
While she got some pretty good skins lately, I just can't get over Hao's man face. She need to get a type II for me to find her attractive
tits too small
What caused the fires on Fiume?
Why did Zara scuttle herself?
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Collab Soon
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Not a catastrophic explosion despute being showered with 15 shells unlike the single shell hit on hood, nor any sort of structural weakness, very simply.
This is an amusement park, why the fuck is Ark dressing like a whore?
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I like that they made her tits way bigger in her secret
shes pregnant with Lena
*15 inch shells, goes without saying
They dumped hundreds of shells on them without their hulls even losing integrity
How come nobody notices she is drawn by Nys? So much for getting fired.
Lena is level 100 already and came probably long before that thougheverbeit
Who cares?
There were entire threads of Nys shitstorms just for it not matter in the end.
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Me every night. Need my dose of bote bosom.
The new event will start on September 12th?
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Important anniversary stream poll.

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Dish Win
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Love this gremlin so damn much.
>complaining about Frogs
You know the people complaining don't play the game just going off the pre-story for the event.
Personally I'm looking forward to a party dress for VV
To be honest in a perfect world I wouldn't want any of those. However I tagged 3 that I somewhat find entertaining.
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Fiume capsized and sank with 812 of her men going down with her after Warspite and Valiant blew off her rear turret and turned her into a burning wreck.

Zara took four broadsides from Warspite and five from Valiant in about five minutes. By then, she was crippled, but she also took torpedoes from multiple Bong DDs, including Jervis, before her scuttling was complete.

By night fall at Cape Matapan, Pola was dead in the water and had a crew that was scared shitless that they'd be sunk by a Bong ship.

All three were basically sitting ducks at night, and Pola was incapable of fighting no matter the time of day at that point. The Bong ships did what they had to do to eliminate their opponents before moving on to the next targets, and they could have done more if they needed to
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we know
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My sexcat (1 of 3)
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I just came inside of Amagi
>reddit spacing
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Most quality posters in the general use reddit thoughever
I wouldn't really call the local shitposter a "quality poster" but whatever floats your boat
>local shitposter
So you find that more local than the one who has a meltdown every time Mogador is mentioned.
You find that more local than the shittedscat banevading kiddie.
>no sexposting
shit poll
>find that more local
Ok so I started yesterday because of the mutsuki skin and I wanted to make sure of something. Is the story meant to be a little confusing/hard to order for newer players or am I just retarded?
Which part of the story?
If you mean the campaign, the only "canon" chapters are 1 to 4
Otherwise the story is told through events.
>I thought she was dead
She is in the canon timeline. That timeline in that scene is the ship waifu utopia where all the factions co-exist and are at peace.
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Neither Fiume nor Zara lost their hull integrity despite being hit point blank with hundreds of battleship caliber shells, Hood blew up for much less.
Pola was crippled by a lucky shot, not as surprising as say Prince of Wales, a BB who was immobilized by an aerial torpedo hit too to be later sunk.
Zara had already detonated her scuttling charges way earlier as the bong DDs scrambled to attempt claiming the kill that the battleships couldn't score.
Zara's structure was so strong she had even preserved some power after the deed was done to limp back home.
Fiume sank due to uncontrollable fires.
Neither of the three was detonated by high caliber guns.
Those three performed and held up much better than much larger ships like Hood or PoW.
Truth is, even when given the perfect conditions with overwhelming superiority the bongs can't do a clean job, and the prosecution of the war in and outside of the Mediterranean proved that.
get ready for her to job
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Has Ark always been so wide?
Bro, save some of that copium for the stream. Holy shit.
why does this game punish players that just want to use 1 faction per fleet?
Obviously she's adopting the diet of other bigger CVs hoping to attract more DDs to her side.
Reveal of Little Ark soon.
>"oh hey that's a good fanart of AL character from a japanese artist"
>check out the artist's twitter/pixiv page
>close tab
and then these japs started to wonder why western retards are turning against them
i dont understand this forced meme
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best fleets against nagmet?
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Weak damage control bro, very weak.
She's "tickling the dragon's tail" as they say.
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This is the first showdown META I've been in a position to get. Is there enough time to get her just off the three daily attempts?
I want her now
What damage control? The Brits BTFO'd the Italians at Matapan and could have done more damage if they really needed to. The Italian fleet was not equipped for night battles.
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>Shiranui's augment is the ancient meme's painted box
>If you mean the campaign, the only "canon" chapters are 1 to 4
Thanks, seems like I was being retarded.
You know who had weak damage control? The Italians at Cape Matapan.
Quit coping. The brits were given a golden opportunity of once in a lifetime and they fucked it up even believing they were approaching Veneto. They didn't stop Italian convoys or hastened the end of the War of the Mediterranean. Italy on the other hand with 6 frogmen removed any bong BB left in the Med.
Funny how you say that because it was world class damage control on the part of the Italians that allowed VV to repair her damage very quick and retreat to safety.
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Time to get fat
Any gameplaychamps in here? Does the new augment for the IB sub make wolfpacks again better than whatever weird meta was formed over the years later? Because I really don't like to bother with temprary niche stuff and kept using that wolf pack since it came out.
>One dude seriously arguing italians had a chance against bongs
excuse me?
Cope. Italy won the xconvoy war.
Yeah, basically after a short introduction it switches to War Archives.
You're supposed to read them pretty much in release order. Some of them are flashbacks/past events but those are pretty clear which one are.
Also, you're better off reading the archived stories outside of the game (like Youtube or the Koumakan wiki), because unless you want the Gold drop bote then it's a waste of oil to run them.
Not as far as I am aware, but honestly all the top submarine teams are close enough that it doesn't matter which one you have levelled up, only that you have one.
Its honestly a shame they stopped with the campaign chapter cutscenes, especially just so they could do a retard story
I for one am looking forward to interacting with 3D Sirius
It's more weird that the Chapter 4 cutscene is JP only imho.
>Ark already got dds swarming her with a free ticket
clever girl
Zara-class pussy overdose
Fair enough. I will stay like it was and use that augment as a slight boost then.
Why didn't he just kill himself after that, did he really want to go through the slow, irreversible and painful process of death by radiation poisoning?
I need Fiume badly
LOVE black panties
>Jobber botes energetically riding skk trying to convince him that they didn't lose that badly
Kinda hot and endearing
All Rides are free for me...
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You will never guess who that guy is
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>dressed like that holding the height sign so close to her
Does she want the DDs to sniff her cunt or something?
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Smoking kills…
Stop yapping and quit damage conning teabro, you have been taught enough for today.
Finally a bote confirms SKK is free use.
I'm not him, I'm more busy thinking about Akagi denying the 5 minutes of fate or Taihou giving up on fighting and wifemaxing
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Not really, its just the lottery on your body that kills you.
Taihou is an inexperienced and insecure fat bird who is only good for stuffing (as a turkey, by KGV)
No worries, you've been taught too
I dont speak amerinegro. What does it mean?
Isn't she supposed to be dead or something?
Port events are in the same time period as the main story events.
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Jobber means that you got your ass kicked, especially if you were hyped up to be strong, also I dont think its burger speak since I have only heard that term used on this website
see >>493287329
It's amerimutt lingo alright
It derived from american pro wrestling so there's that.
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I did. A lot.
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Did you get em pregnant?
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>american pro wrestling
The man drama one?
Sexposting is a constant and doesn't have much to do with the stream.
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i really hope they add Big Scav into the game.
He knows what it means, it's just that he can't accept his alt history of italy beating bongs as fiction
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Ngghhh Nice legs, cute feet
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Just let me oath and impregnated any version of her, dammit.
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Yumi a cutie~
Though today americans don't use the term much outside of 4chan, I saw them throwing around "fraud" and "merchant" way more often.
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>my favourite bote coming back is the culmination of a multiple months long event chain
being an Amagi enjoyer feels good
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It'd be great if we could get to that point soon.
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Which siren has the best body?
As much of hard-on as I have for Scavenger, I have to admit to Purrichi. See >>493296498
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>>Prillya Collab Soon
I feel it
skin when
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All valid points except cuckposting
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Come home, skk.
But are sirens strong enough to handle the legendary shikicock?
relax she isn't a dd
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>AL has been in constant decline since Formi
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I think the more pertinent question is if (You) can handle the siren suction.
Yep, she is THAT heavy
Bro, your Yorktown II?
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This pasta and her sisters do things to me
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That's some good slop for once
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Couldn't even tell it was slop at first desu.
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>changes her hairstyle (from lesbo shitter hairstyle to horny mommy hairstyle)
>instantly becomes 100000 times more attractive
First Ark Royal skin I actually like. A shame her personality is shit. I still might get the skin any because of pic related (she gained weight).
I'm still conflicted. On the one hand the final product we got better resembles normal Nagato. On the other hand, I like the original version because I prefer slim hebe bodies loli bodies.
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Akagi would honestly look better with jet black hair instead of brown.
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Improved. I like her now. She can join the exclusive club of META lolis along with Kasumi, meaning it's technically possible to make a META loli fleet now. Still a completely starved faction, though. Too many hags.
Akagi would look better dead.
SKK would look better dead.
I want to tell that slopping shitter what REAL "good" slop looks like
So why didn't you post good slop?
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>AL peaked with Formi
Checks out
yeah, feels like they didn't capitalize on it
What if there is a bittersweet ending to AL?
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>Only 3 skins after 5 years
Kugimiya must be expensive
She's popular among secondaries mainly, meaning ingame content does not mean much for her
I think it's worse the fact that her second skin took 2 years

The skin management has been definitely mishandled in such an unexplainable and baffling way.
they don't capitalize on the botes that took off back when in general aside from a small handful
Many such cases
I really doubt it since any elements that could lead to bittersweet have been removed or are in the process of getting removed
not to do it with a bote who was the peak in the game's life seems particularly strange though
>for once
it's just a character you like, plenty of good slop has been posted already
meant for >>493304262
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Brem is one of the few cases of a boat popular both among primaries and secondaries.
post trieste
Yeah her popularity is actually crazy
Did she show up on the most oathed botes for the annis?
Deserves way more skins including a swimsuit
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Perseus, Theseus and Sao Martinho combined wingjob
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Currently thinking about how much I want to empty my balls inside Nagato.
but her default is pretty much a swimsuit
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What do we think about Essex?
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So what do they actually do during the JP anni stream that makes it so long? I've never watched before since I'd just get my game updates from twitter
need a child in her womb
The best year was when they all made stargazy pie and tried to eat it.
>Lord Uther. My father sent me here in hopes of learning from you.
>It's a father's right to dream isn't it?
Not as far as I am aware
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Little Aunt when?
They made historically correct eroge history wallpaper
>first skin is still the best one (Oath not included)
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Every nine months. She's ready.
most of the time its them just doing whatever, sometimes its interesting but for the majority of the stream its them doing absolute rando shit thats not really related to the game barring one or two things, actual relevant news happens at the end
also they replicate japanese TV program but with VAs
They host a live event at some venue and stream the various talks with voice actors, other fans, some members of the staff, etc.
The relevant part of the stream is at the usual 18:00 JST like for those streams before UR events on December/February UR, the minor (but big) events on Golden Week/Mid summer or the collabs at November.
I hate that so much
Yeah forgot about all the clutter of the jp stream, i think i'm just gonna tune in for the news
on the bright side, the past few JP annis have been them cutting out the clutter, we are thankfully done with the days of shit like the 24 hour and twelve hour stream of them doing random shit
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grope Niimi
Wise decision, the schedule is something like
>stream starts
>recap of 2023-2024
>quiz about azur lane
>phone calls from commanders
>staff talk
>pamiat segment
>actual game news
>orchestra playing azur lane music
and there are dead periods lasting 15 to 30 minutes between each part
My hands are sore.
I cannot bear phonecall moment
your hand won't be sore when you start groping
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I am NOT putting her down
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
You need to stretch. You can do that while groping Niimi.
I shall persevere.
>TGW no daughter-niece to give uppies
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Who knew that all it took was some food to make her happy?
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I knew.
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I like the before better, but the after definitely fits Nagato better.
Either way, I'm hard enough to smash a diamond apart so I'm forced to approve.
>AI slop
Her VA is 50 y/o
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Is there a particular reason why they're afraid of making a META good? It seems that Nagato META isn't very good.
Kugimiya and Tanaka are 60+
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*pat pat*
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Little Roon stream.
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None of the META's are particularly good and require a lot of investment, idk they sink so much time into them
What was the last decent to "almost" UR tier good META? The 2nd car div, QE Meta, Vestal meta (early days for me, I liked her extra ammo skill for grinding) Helena Meta? Jintsuu?
Would Veneto cum just from headpats?
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I think that annoys me the most. They require too much investment only for them to be shit. What's the problem that they can't make them worth the effort?
I think the only good METAs were QE and Helena Meta. I can't think of others.
If I remember correctly she's a PvP bote.
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Scienceman did a good job on Kasumi Meta. Very good at making her look dark/creepy.
>Nagato gets pregnant
>METAfication cancelled
was always this simple?
Man, I can't be bothered to do Op. Siren. It seems like it takes way to long to do, and gearing 4 fleets is a pain.
Yeah it's trash and there is more trash to come like the useless 3d dorm no one asked for
any comprehensive list/guide of what gear to chuck onto botes?
I wanna finalize in a way so I don't have to constantly switch gear around
Horny for small bunny. Need more small-chested downblouse in this thread.
Hiryuu META is also good due to her guts skill for pvp. I think the Ugly sisters have useable generic BB meta versions, though nothing particular to write home about
>useless 3d dorm no one asked for
things like this is what the game needs, aka more bote interactions
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metas are both somehow over shilled by manjuu and over neglected by manjuu, they insist on having multiple of them, insist they play a major role in an already overbloated plot, yet they never commit to making any of them good with only a handful being decent and said handfuls are just side grades to already powerful botes that people just use the og version, and that was before they were also power creeped making said metas even more pointless, the worse part being all the resources they put into metas could have gone to something like retros
Yeah other than just being the first loli META I also liked how she looked, design wise.
The metas are a somewhat similar concept to the PR botes: you don't have to "roll" for them, and there's even less prerequisites for them for relatively new players, but it's a killer grind to max them out.
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Bet/vit is the same letterword, in hebrew, for house/room/tent and also, something like spirit/soul, though not entirely (what it has to do with + - and how some kabalists use it, is still something of a mystery to me); as the room/house is considered a fingerprint of the soul.
>What was the last decent to "almost" UR tier good META?
Most OS METAs are "decent" = average gacha SSR released in the same year, the problem is that the players that have an easy time farming them aren't interested in "decent" gameplaywise and the newfags that may have a use for their level, won't be able to reach 25k if they start later than halfway through the "season".
>to something like retros
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The cutest in all of totality
Yeah this. I won't say release UR tier of a meta, but hell, make the juice worth the squeeze.
The difference is that 6/10 PRs are top tier boats, 3/10 they're decent but not the best, and only 1/10 are they garbage. You're almost never losing out by using a PR/DR boat, and in the rare times that a PR/DR is underpowered for what manjuu wants, they'll buff them once or twice. METAs on the other hand are 5/10 garbage and 5/10 mediocre, nothing stellar.
at least with PR botes they at worst are at the same tier as teh decent metas, and the DR ones pack a punch that makes its feel like you made a decent investment, even ones like drake who is conisdered the worst dr is pretty good and makes you feel like you made a worthwhile investment
Yeah, it's a trap, a bait, a catch-22, minus Helena and QE so far. When Ark meta was first released people were first excited because that was pre Strasser and Pre AvP iirc so another good slow CV was very appreciated.
Is this a good time to start?
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Yes, obviously. Shipgirls are made to be hot, not smart.
Sometimes I can point to a META design and say "Yeah I like her", like with META Nagato, but that's not really helping the balance issue. Design's a separate problem. The only real issue with META as a design (once you understand the design theme is edge, and accept that this may or may not be to your tastes) is their horrible habit of aging up boats when they make them META. Poor QE is a victim of this sin.
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Yeah. It'll take a month or several before you can beat all the optional bosses but it's not like doing that is super important in a game about cute girls doing cute things.
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>oops wrong picture

You can see this in Evangelion, where Rei's house is completely metal, empty, and filled with trash; as a reflection of her soul's state.

What data is being mined from how people decide to make these houses/rooms is a very interesting question; as it could very much be a utilized magically through assigning letter/word value points, similar to how hebrew therorists theorize; with program value analysis producing a number of point vector analysis of the "room" that people build far faster than kabalistic and theological numerologists could do conventionally.
the thing is that manjuu doesn't even make any money off METAs, they don't get skins and they don't even cost dock space anymore
Right before an event is going to feel like the worst time to start, but Azur Lane always reruns content and makes it permanent eventually after that. So while you might feel sad if you don't manage to get all the upcoming event's boats, the best time to start Azur Lane is pretty much always right now.
Anyway the most recent "useful" META was Kirov because she ended up being useful for the META fight released right after
Wichita seems like a solid addition for PVP or other META fights too imo
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
That's where most of your gold plates come from.
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Is she any good? I just got her to drop right now.
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like >>493318435 said, you can pretty much start at anytime but you'll probably miss the new boats, UR ships (highest rarity) require 400 of the cubes (gacha currency) to guarantee unless if you luckgod. The content of this game is not really that hard and most fleet comps will work until you reach later on in the campaign. Also starting now will allow you to get some of the free shit they give out for these big events.
metas were ruined the moment they decided to make more than four or five of them
she is fairly decent and I have seen people make use out of her for high level stages for gimmick fleets, that being said you probably also have far better options by this point as well
How do I stop thinking about sex with botes?
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I dont really. I just got my first wyvern today too and am stuck on 14-3. So I decided to grind for her instead.

The dew was truly with me because it was only a 2 day grind.
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Hard for these subs..
whats a good fleet comp for world 14?
Thank you Right now I am only looking forward to get Queen Elizabeth somehow, I don't know much about the game to worry about missing current things
>400 cubes
you mean 800. Because its 400 pulls to hit pity, or is it 200 pulls for non permenant UR pity?
>Prince of Wales when Queen of Wales walks in
Oh you too, sorry...
>He likes the queen chimp
You're lucky, she's in the plot a lot.
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200 pulls to reach pity, event botes cost 2 cubes per pull so 400 cube for pity
Queen Elizabeth can be obtained from farming stages in the campaign (assuming you mean the non META faction one) so you can get her easily
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She is almost impossible to miss and her edgelord version is always available through the meta lab.
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she drops as early as 5-2
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> I don't know much about the game
Johnston doko.
I distinctly remember being new, looking up this guide and not understanding a word I'm reading.
If there's one thing I'd point out as extremely newfag unfriendly, it's equipment.
>that's a destroyer guy
>oh buy it also goes on battleships and BC, but you don't want to do that
>unless maybe some bote prefers that so maybe you do
>oh also maybe your destroyer can also use a CL gun
>so why the fuck is it called a destroyer gun if it goes on everything and half the time I don't even want it on my destroyer?
>oh historic reasons or whatever
Actually suicide inducing until you get a wide enough knowledge base to understand every major bote individually. And then you get to the air damage formula and give up.
I need a bote that needs me. I want to feel needed, indispensable even. Which bote is for me?
maybe someone here should write a non retarded beginner guide
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>destroyer guy
>oh buy
It's late and I'm retarded, I mean destroyer gun, but it also goes on battleships.
The game is overly complicated in some details, and analysis paralysis due to new info overload is unavoidable. Unironically, don't sweat over too many things at the start outside of not wasting gems and lvling up decently fast
Implacable, Pittsburgh, Alsace, Yorktown
Is she the most beautiful DD?
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I would like to formally remind everyone that I love Roon, she is amazing and wonderful.
That is all for today, good night.
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Very difficult call.
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for me its Dewey.
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That's Essex
I am once again reminded of how cute my wife Allen is.
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I would like to informally tell everyone that I love Roon. She is bodacious and sometimes a little scary, and I love that.
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Start thinking about how, if the Germans had focused on actually completing their CV conversion program, with Hitler giving a mandate that after Pearl Harbor, that a CV fleet be ready to raid convoys in the arctic, no later than 1 year later, december 1942, that, considering the partial conversion of Ise and Hyuga only took 7 to 8 months, that they likely could have had a CV fleet consisting of Jade, Weser, Graf Zepplin, Europa, and Elbe; One "Full" CV (meaning minimal armor; the passenger liner conversion Europa), with a compliment of 80 to 100 aircraft, a fleet CV with Zepplin, 1 CVL, and two CVEs, for a strike group similar to what either side used at the battle of Midway, to try sink any convoys that took the arctic route; and that, if the British mounted an attempt to break the blockaid, using their CVs, a carrier fleet battle would have happened in the arctic ocean, the size of Midway; and that had the Germans won, the Northern route for lend/lease would likely have been completely ceased to be utilized after the first or second convoy to be sent was completely sunk; with all sorts of logistical backup and increased deployment time being the result, at the Persian inport path, and the path from Vladivistok, a huge advantage to the germans for 1943, with the US essex class not coming online in sufficient quantites until late 43, to even attempt to break the blockaid.

That the Germans failed to seize Iceland when they had they opportunity, however, would mean that this carrier fleet would be unable to make a break for the Atlantic, without being seen by aircraft stationed on Iceland; with it being rather easy to use the island to cutoff all access of surface forces to the US/Britan convoy area; with only a lack of aircraft being stationed there, being the only way a raid using the carriers could possibly occur.
Cute, extremely attractive, useful in sortie. Great girl.
take your meds thornberry
>cookie cutter surrendermonkey knightslop
Most generic maybe, I guess Bayard has her beat in that
She is up there for sure.
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Tell us how Brits beat Italians to a pulp, coffee bro.
Best legs I've seen in a while at least. Give her that.
She is very mediocre
I don't even know who that is supposed to be
The absolute state of this schizo hahahahaha
Sirius's big boobs in 3D
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Weser is sex.
Italy fucked Britain in the ass though
I'm sure you'll get plenty of that tomorrow
Feels tryhard to me. Like a wallflower trying too hard with makeup and slutty dress. Weser always felt like an odd one out from the Hipper class
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>Order Amidst Amusement

>Commander! Here to enjoy yourself? Me, I'm working tirelessly on keeping order around the amusement park!
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Still sex.
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I'm pretty sure the Mafia adultured the mixture on the firing powder for the Italian navy; explaining why their shots were all so far off the mark when compared to where they should have been landing according to their optical and analogue rangefinders; taking a cut off the profits when they mix 10 to 20% of cheaper ingredients on all powder deliveries, and completely throwing off all their shots.
Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about the glory of sardegna.
>keep order
>dressed like that
not even the non dds are safe anymore, ark is going to rape everybody
I prefer this one for her
So it seems, coffee bro.
They didn't have any chance any how even with mafia interference
>explaining why their shots were all so far off the mark when compared to where they should have been landing according to their optical and analogue rangefinders
Wasn't this deboonked years ago?
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One wonders how much the "turtleback" design on her would have helped had she been caught by a destroyer or two, or even a light crusier, similar to both Taffy and Glorious. A heavy crusier would probably too much for her, with her 5 pairs of 105mm; though even then, one wonders how much damage she would have inflicted vs taken during the firefight, in each matchup.

In that same line of thought, one wonders how both the Lexington and Saratoga, with their 8 inch guns and G.Zepplin would have done vs a heavy crusier had they run into one.
>talking real history with coffeeberry
Coffeeberry is less delusional than you
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No idea; however, the history book I read on the battles of the Italian navy with the British, a number of years ago stated the shots being wildly inaccurate, compared to where they should have landed, as fact, for what it's worth.
What book was it?
All I know is, Regia Marina never had the makings of a varsity artillerymen.
If the RN did something worthy of note in WW2 it's because Italy pushed their shit in, you should be grateful for that
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Personally; when one looks at the price of the Hipper class, and that the Soviets apparently paid twice the building cost of Tellinn to acquire her, in her partially completed state (honestly they should have just had the Germans finish her prior to delivery; why they didn't I don't know), I find myself asking if the Soviets managed to inflict the equivalent of 150 million Reichsmarks during the siege, and breakout, of Leningrad and how much equipment and manpower was lost to her shorebombardment and whether any crucial offensives, or tank/infantry pushes, which otherwise would have succeeded were thwarted, with her being the difference between success and failure of managing to take Leningrad.

>Know what they say.... know Tell'inn!
Clock on my cock!

I honestly don't remember. I've read many books on WW2; but none in the past decade.
Huh sure, whatever, this book is very good if you want to start learning about Italian gunnery and the battle of the Mediterranean
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What's with the clock/time reference with her anyway?
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Obviously, since the Brits didn't take massive amounts of damage from the shells the Italians fired.... because most of them missed.

The only question is why.

Why don't you just quote the part you have in mind?
>Obviously, since the Brits didn't take massive amounts of damage from the shells the Italians fired.
I'll turn the question the opposite way and ask you when an Italian cruiser or smaller took massive amounts of damage from the shells the Brits fired during a proper gunnery duel and not very specific point blank situations? Does that make Brit guns trash? The Littorios never fired against enemy BBs or CVs so that's the fair comparison.
In fact Littorio landed a hit on HMS Kingston during second Sirte, I don't think there's an equivalent of that for bongs, so that would make Italian gunnery better.
Even better, Italian cruisers hold world records for the longest range hits in their categories, all hits against Brit ships.
>Why don't you just quote the part you have in mind?
I think you should read it to educate yourself, I don't want to spoil your fun. Once you are done I have other reads to suggest you.
You know, Tone, the wine is making you emotional
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Food for thought: Blucher is only a two letter phonetic letter structure inversion with "Blunder".

In old norse; it means to flash and burn.
"to shine, flash, burn," also "shining white."

But then, I suppose the question with her is, if she would have survived the torpedo and shell hits if she didn't have all that extra army ammunition and shells, improperly stored, on her deck.
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Bel love.
Bel-chan love.
nta but all of these are not related to the question he gave you, do you know why they missed or not? just answer that
>to flash
Yeah it's fucking weird really. Why are they so shilled but they are never worth making with the exception of maybe two of them?
lRL Aircraft Carrier B's construction was halted and then scrapped because krauts decided to prioritize U-boats due to budget and time constraints. This is just my personal schizo interpretation, but I guess it reflected on her personality too, making her obsessed with being as efficient as possible with whatever time and resources she has, now that she was given second life as Kansen.
They didn't miss any more or any less than the bongs or anyone else in the war, if you want the short answer.
meant for
Cute mother and daughter, seems like bel had the dominant genes lol
>Shikikan having Mutsuki and ARK ROYAL go together in a virtual amusement park
I know it's not real, but the shit I've seen in VRChat makes me think this can only end in disaster.
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I know how to reward my lovely ddcon husband (female)
You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.
so you don't know then and ultimately the italians fumbled so i don't think there's much use to throw in just their few highlights
face is a downgrade
>ignores context analysis, factual proof and historical data and asks to cut to the chase
>is given the short answer
>"y-you don't know then"
I accept your concession, retarded as you are, peace out
Data not related to the question but anyways, you can run away now.
>you can run away now
just like his ancestors did when Allies landed in Sicily lmaoooooo
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original didn't look like nagato so it's whatever
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Ark isn't a creepy groomer tranny so it's all good.
Ark is a creepy groomer dyke, not much of an improvement.
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Your post reads funny, familiar even.
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Super Idol 105°C
Thought bongs had better damage control ngl
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>o lightless creature
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i wonder who could it be
Don't you dare calling me a b*ng ever again, nigger.
>tfw no creepy groomer dyke gf
>SKKiro: Botes sink twice
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If you want to do a simple comparision of the Italian navy, of classes engaged in surface engagement; and compare the shell/hit ratio with number of shells fired vs hit, by all means do so; but given the number of shells the Japanese fired to sink a single destroyer, and the number of shells they fired at Taffy 3 to negligable results, it might not reveal much about Italian gunnery percent hit ratios... or it might. It depends on what the shit/hit ratio is for every navy of the time period.

Regardless; even if it is only a "myth" and is disproven by the gunnery shot/hit ratio of every respective nation in the naval war, it still dosen't change that
1. It's a generally accepted premise that the Italian navy performed poorly
2. That people love looking for excuses, and blaming it on the Mafia is both funny and plausible
3. I'm here partially because I enjoy fun and funny
1. Most
It's just bong as in the side you are defending, I guess not being a bong makes it even sadder
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botes are so cool bros
Augustus Sex
Has anyone tested the dps of wichita meta?
no pastas getting dunked by bongs of all people makes it even funnier
I think Bong botes and Pasta botes should kiss each other, on the lips, while lactating
>It's a generally accepted premise that the Italian navy performed poorly
>most daytime large naval battles are Italian victories or draws
>Italy won the convoy war against Britain
>is the one reason why the North African campaign could exist
>Italy blockaded allied passage through the med for 3+ years, being one of the leading causes of the fall of the British Empire
If you want a navy that actually performed poorly look no farther than the KM, and I'm not counting Russia and France in for obvious reasons
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Calm your tits Littorio
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The two main carrier scenarios I've seen, for the Germans are her and Zepplin finishing in 40/41 and sorting during the phase before the US entered the war, and Zepplin sailing with the CV conversions in late 42 early 43.

The most they could have had, easily, is those two, with the conversions; which is only one Zepplin class additional; but still, of course an additional CV would matter in a Midway style confrontation between the British and Germans in the Arctic.

It's interesting to conjecture the most they could have accomplished, because the most they could have accomplished might have been a complete blockaid of Britian in 40 or 41, had they a complete commitment to, and won, the carrier war.

The other Scenario, of course, being that the US and Britian challenge the Germans to two to three different carrier battles, over convoy escort duty, in the Arctic, with the Germans, managing to win and send significant quantities of Lendlease materials end up on the bottom of the Arctic dramatically changing the course of the war in Russia.

But that's the stuff blueprint girls, along with Tirpitz and Zepplin, spend their time thinking about;
Veneto and Lusty threesone is unironically my favourite threesome
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Nobody cares
Fuck off dingleberry
>he's even worse, he is —may allah forgive me for uttering these words— an anglo bootlicker
We care, continue coffeeberry.
This is the only way.
Based and canon
Is this too much lust?
This but my dick is between their tits and lips
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Hang on a second- milk?
>But that's the stuff blueprint girls, along with Tirpitz and Zepplin, spend their time thinking about
The only thing they spend their time thinking about is my cock.
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My mind says no but my dick says yes to this thread
I usually don't reply to p**** related posts until >he goes to sleep, some you have no idea who you are entertaining.
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Dangerously erotic succubus
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Huge tiddies succubus
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The major operation that was required of the surface Navy, necessary for the Germans to secure deliveries of Iron Ore, from Sweden, for the rest of the war, was the invasion and occupation of Norway, which, despite being at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage to the Royal Navy, they managed to successfully pull off, while losing Blucher, and 10 destroyers in a Fjord when they were cornered without additional assistance....

There would be no repeat of the first world war for Germany, where iron shortages literally caused a level of desperation for the Germans where they gathered and melted church bells, hundreds of years old. That one operation insured that they had deliveries of ore right up until they surrendered in 45, and was literally one of the greatest strategic successes in naval history; pulling off an amphibious invasion in the face of overwhelming enemy naval superiority due entirely to a combination of secrecy, expediency, and boldness.

The only other things that could have been asked of the operation, aside from the completely acceptable levels of damage, given the operation were:

1. The survival of Blucher, with the seizure of both the Royal Family and Gold Reserves of Norway; the addition Hipper class heavy crusier being utilized for whatever purposes in the rest of the war.
2. The survival of the 10 destroyers that were trapped by a British Battleship and sunk in the Fjord; going off memory, the pocket battleships, along with Scharnhorst and Gnisenau were all too far away to possibly trap the BB in question between the destroyers in the Fjord and the exit.

Given that, they succesfully pulled off the one strategic operation where the entire navy was involved, before not only being completely neglected, but literally disgraced, humiliated and basically left to rot; I'd say the surface navy, in the strategic advantage it provided Germany, was OVERWHELMINGLY successful and more than worth what was invested in it before the war began.
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I love her hair
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Sparviero fucking WHEN, Manjuu?
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coco and vanilla milk
Stream doko?!
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I love her faces
Littorio is a genius thus her ideas are worth considering
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Fuck you.
Your thoughts on Raimi's spiderman?
I thought Impero was the genious
the entire Littorio class are geniuses
I will smell the feet of the next bote that is posted, whether she likes it or not
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Rape is now banned on the base
Has wikibro added meta nagato to the site? I want to read her lines
When will we fight Zero or Aoste with a kino ost?
I'm tired of botes and their bullshit.
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I hate it so much, that I'd rather kill myself than live in this disgusting state. Tell the masons I hate them and their disgusting kafkaeque metamorphsis bullshit.
Oh no...
*rapes you anyway*
>I'd rather kill myself
godspeed turdberry
LMAO retard
My dick says yes
But my brain says no
What? Take your meds
I-is this the start of a porn movie
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I dunno why, but my prostate feels in danger!
I hate my stupid bitch wife Honolulu. Marrying her is my greatest regret.
People State of Essex
People Republic of Essex
He knows how to draw tits?
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When you go to Azur Lane, the most important thing in your life will be booty. The commander's butt. Booty-- Getting some booty is more important than eating food. It's more important than drinking water.
I'm super drunk at the dock bar and about to get raped
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Botes are now free to proposition me for sex I didn't know I wanted at any time.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY: Except when I'm doing important commander stuff related to Azur Lane and the port but directly after is fine.
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>Get in the car Shikikan, we're here to take you home.
based power bottom skk
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What is this?
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Every SKK is a power bottom. Botes are simply on another level, physically. (You)'re just lucky they love and adore you so much.
My wishlist for JP anniversary:

Day 1:
New cute and lovely Gyaru
Soyuz skin
First vodka oath skin
3D dorm with someone else besides Sirius at launch
Some in-game awards for TB mode
Ryza collab rerun announcement
New cool collab announcement
Rogue-like mode news

Day 2:
New figures announcements and prototypes for botes I care about.
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Can't spell alive without AL
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>Rogue-like mode news
if you're talking about that weird card mode thing they tested like a year ago i hope they scrapped that shit
was janky and dumb
manually playing feels better than whatever the fuck that was
That was just a part of rogue-like mode. I want to hear something about the full one.
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I'm going to tell Clevie that her femininity makes me hard.
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Same energy
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>molesting mog cause ark to refine her dd love craft
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It would be alright if they made it more traditional. I feel like they were trying to make it more 'interactive' but the manual aspect of the game doesn't lend itself well to the format. You shouldn't be juggling between card picks and positioning. Each of those should be their own phases. Not happening at the same time.
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Chirp Chirp
Veneto hours long sloppy blowjob edging session immediately followed by full body nuru massage with creampie finish penis stays inside until it goes flaccid
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Cyberpunk Collab when?
cleve is so cool
Taihou caught me in a naughty situation with one of her clones (I thought it was Taihou)
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Imagine Cleveland with a Sandevistan, and being able to jerk you off in seconds without you knowing.
Clevie made me realize I'm gay for tomboytes
This is the cutest bird
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Body made solely for sex
its not gay if its with a bote bro
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That's not August Von Parseval.
Is she built different though
Can she use a sandy without going insane or getting a brain hemorrhage
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I NEED more pasta submarines, I know they had them where are they!?
slapping her across the face before inserting into her ass raw without lube
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Oh she's definitely built different.
of course she is, cleve is a bote
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I bet she's commando in that pic
>where are they!?
This December
Trust me
Broke: using a Sandy
Woke: BEING Sandy
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>Commando, can clearly see bowstring pantsu...

one day a manic pixie dream Cleveland will come knocking on my door and save me and fix me
Lots of botes are built very sexually attractive though.
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some guy asked for this.
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She'll come dont worry.
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Anchorage won bigly
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Imagine walking up to Cleveland after a sortie and slapping her ass, saying Good Job!
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Delete this....
Bote for this feel?
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imagine cleve cornering you in a dark alleyway, with her bote bros (female)
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Enty when she has to put you out of your misery after you take x into yourself to destroy it
Essex-bearing hips
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Sorry bache, I'm busy in kivotos
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roll for vanguard
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>hey SKK
>i want to tell you something
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Chesha feet erotic
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What if I told you I'm a sexposter?
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crawling into bels womb
>the fat ugly old man I sold the account to:
commander level 100
I had sex with Ark Royal, but she kept yelling out Mutsuki's name. What did she mean by this?
no one asked
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Anon. You just got used as a flesh dildo
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Nice tits on that Shima.
of course I did, my job is to be a flesh dildo
You don’t understand, she was USING you to stimulate her love for Mutsuki
the worst show on television
Stop shilling Sirius to me
I want Belfast
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Dunno if anyone noticed, but the perspective on the newest skin makes Ark look 2+ meters tall
that makes it even better
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ark is like 240 meter, retard.
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I was told I could pick up short stack botes, but all the short stack botes tower over me
What's botemom doing?
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hope the lines are more focused on skk and less about the destroyers with an outfit like that
a little destroyer simping is fine though
Mom stop embarrassing me infront of my botes...
well that would be ooc for Ark
Setting the standard for her offspring
translation, doko
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Wholesome pervs
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>tallest loli on the height chart is at standing cunnilingus range
She won't rape SKK, me, because Ark respects me as her superior
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You'll be happy then.
shut up rape toy and go back to arks rape dungeon
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Sorry not sorry
Merry Christmas Kaga!
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whats the source
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I can't share it, it's interracial.
my lovely tree
>built botes for you
>fuck her instead of botes
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I'm black
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i appreciate you can keep your dogshit taste to yourself
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Tried to line it up a bit better.
Tis the season!
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found it
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>Why is my sister like this?
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thanks for posting my wife
>it's interracial
That's even better just it bro
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Of course, of course
A horse is a horse of course of course
And no one can have sex with a horse, of course
Best way to get Shimakaze naked?
if you like horses you can try uma musume
Already tried. Not interested. I prefer Daisen.
Anyone can have sex with a horse, of course.
Tell me about something i should care about?
this is the final thread
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oh!! cute yuri!!

Cute yuri
translation, doko
Zuihou's rolling on Ayanami's gacha and hit the jackpot because "sharing good luck" and shit
>two girls in the same comic is yuri
>even ayanami is playing blue archive
I wonder if Zuihou wears pasties
>two girls
It is
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Horse pussy…
you're talking to a shitposter
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good morning!!!
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Good morning sir
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My lovely wife Soyuz holding the North Pole.
Looking at previous drawings, it's obvious that that anon lied (like usual)
Good morning
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>No Antoniotto
Another watermelon smashed until they add her.
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>monarch i’m bored i’m gonna kill you
Very cool
monarch should sit on richards face
>gremlin still seething
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Sex proposal
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Heck of a orgy. I really only need Reno and Hornet though.

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That one has a dick.
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>useless suicidal shitter
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And how are you certain?
Those are at least H cups
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Brothers, help! I'm too young to be mogged! I still need to
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imagine the smell
Shitty brain damaged bimbo
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imagine the smell
This is how you start your day every morning? yikes
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>they downgraded the servers because AL isn't making enough money anymore
RIP. EOS soon.
Looks like shit
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getting pelted by volley balls from Sirius
Cry harder pierre
meant to quote
Coffeeberry having actual schizophrenia is more likeable than antifrogschizo even while posting about his beloved p*****, just incredible really.
>he hasn't recieved the news
Kek you got the frogschizo
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Can't spell ALive without AL
>dingleberry brought up out of nowhere
Kamiwasher saves azur lane once again
Godwasher... I kneel...
Can't wait for his URs this anni
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Sex with pinks
She needs to take a bath
I'm going to give her a thorough showering
I'd get help from maids if I have to
i prefer blues
based kamiwasher
Do I need to max limit break meta ships to get the level 120 fleet tech bonus?
yes and spend cog chips too

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