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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>493148557

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run: 9/6-9/8
• Grand Festival - Past vs Present vs Future: 9/12-9/15
• Version 9.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v900
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
Grinding conch shells only for 75% of them to be an EXP ticket of some kind, let's fucking go!
>amiibo by 3pm
Thank you Best Buy-san.
sniff sweaty woomy pits
U rike?
Lick sweaty woomy chest
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Tako stepped into the light
kiss sweaty woomy tum
No fatties allowed beyond this point
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Ooo, Spicy!
what the fuck gamestop why not both at same time
Youre only allowed to step on cocks noy dress like a slut
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I love Aori.
Cute fangs.
I already got the gear
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I have 99 exp tickets and the game keeps giving me more
hey so
we heard you guys like dynamo
so we added five more dynamos in splatoon 3
big swig and dread wringer are splat1 dynamo's inking with less damage but more mobility
decavitator and painbrush are splat1 dynamo hitboxes with less inking but more mobility
snipewriter is splat1 dynamo's role with less fun but more mobility
wellstring is just spla2n onwards dynamo with more power and more mobility
do you like all those mobile dynamos? good, splatoon 4 will be nothing but dynamos
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I'm 190 rolls away from my very first seasonal banner. I'm not even gonna think about trying to get it. (I have one like 500 rolls away on the normal shellout seed).
What do you get for silver and gold capsules now anyway?
Mmmm, vampire Callie.
No, Splatoon 4 will add six Range Blasters, because all other blasters clearly aren't working.
Also you listed six Dynamos.
How much is the shipping on these
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>oh boy i cant wait until i get my plastic!!
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Blah Blah I want to suck you dry anon.
anyone wanna open?
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Was $6.99 for me. Free if you order other shit over $50 total.
room's up
open 2/4 starting
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All they need to do for .52 is lower its firing speed but they won't ever do that
Not really, it should stay good at killing. The problem is ink efficiency and turfing power.
cute, more like drag out into streets and shoot
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Good day, /ink/!!
So what's new with all of you?
go away, busybody
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Inking of the Forbidden One
Intimidation of the Forbidden One
Unga Bunga of the Forbidden One
Playstyle of the Forbidden One
Dynamo, the Forbidden One initially wanted to do Face or Name of the Forbidden One but Exodia's core card is just EtFO

With these five cars in my deck, I summon Dynamo, the Forbidden One!
Dynamo, obliterate!
give it aerospray range
>callie jibanyan
i love you anon
Yeah what >>493274578, it threw me off but I guess it doesnt make sense to ship something free if the product is "free"
Aerospray has around the range tho, if we count arching bullets
Aerospray can outrange octobrush
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If something is "free", then you are the product.
I put it in quotation marks specifically because it was paid via points anon
Good tako
i wanted their armor as gear so badly.
This is what Alterna Callie should have given
About to eat lunch
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nah, .52 doesn't need anything beyond maybe efficiency nerf (but splattershot needs it too, it didn't deserve that buff it got).
it's not a particularly strong weapon, but it is an anti-bullshit weapon, no matter how bullshit the meta is it rises up to oppose it. the less bullshit the meta, the less .52 you see, the more bullshit, the more of them pop up. the one gun that could consistently stall out qrsj in splat1, the one gun that said "no you don't" to missile spam in spla2n, the one gun that can stand its own against cooler+zooka meta in 3, it's our swiss-neutral saviour whenever metagame becomes stupid.
then give 52 octobrush range
remove 52 from the game
keep 96
Get off my thread Nogami.
prove me wrong, would ya?
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Posting best yebs ITT
take the two weapons' stats and give us the average: the .74 Gal
Why the sudden .52 hate.... it's honest...
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Why do woomies like boxes as much as cats?
.52 has been making people salty since the first game. Hoes are perpetually mad
That's not BooyahBoy.
i wonder if they do
if i was a woomy, i'd love cooking pots, buckets, fishtanks and other large watertight implements
But thats not silly enough
fuck off ch*ra
banned so I'll stop here
You've got a ban Marx?
You're celebrating one of the most boring, braindead main weapons in the game. That it rises up when things get too retarded isn't a good thing, it just means it's its own kind of bullshit. It needs the efficiency nerf and a revert of the turfing buff it got in 2 if you want to keep it in the game.
I miss when stuff you got from the news appeared as a box in the plaza
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I’ve been playing since launch and havent had a gold or silver
GGs! We did not lose to someone named "estrogen", nice!
Yeah and even the rewards from singleplayer
So if you only played Alterna or Side Order and don't have NSO too bad you don't get to have your rewards
making the wall work on a short-ranged weapon without falling behind is more technical than spamming bombs until something happens. otherwise, it's just a 2-liner. it's got 2-liner inking, 2-liner efficiency, 2-liner range (duh), 2-liner accuracy, slightly faster ttk but ttks in this game are so fast that it doesn't matter that much, especially considering it doesn't combo into most damage so most fights for it are effectively 1v1.
if you want braindead, squeezer.
kill yourself
I thought reactions to the new scale capsules would be a lot more … reactive. I think getting one gold a day minimum is great and has made salmo so much more… rewarding
They are both retarded, don't try whataboutism on me.
are you a woomy pretending to be a human wondering what it would be like to be a woomy even though you know
Wait... Marx... you're RandomGuy! You can't fool me tehehe
I pretty much always stay with the squid sisters for my lobby but sometimes swap to splatsville because I feel bad for not using it… and off the hook because their splatfest run up lobby sounds great
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One little bit of shooter favoritism that I really hate is the falloff damage. Did you know that 52's falloff is min capped at 30 damage? And that 96 is 35? They both deal so much damage that their minimum is stronger than a lot of other shooters. Meanwhile, Gloogas and Hydra are just fucked by their falloff. It's been a huge problem for Gloogas even after the buff, and Hydra's ranged damage is pathetic because the devs didn't bother to give the 96 of splatlings some proper damage.

Fuck this game's balance, man.
Stuff like that falloff damage being 35 really doesn’t feel like “balance”. More like oversight
No it's completely intentional - they buffed to that specific number in the second game. For context, most shooters, dualies, and splatlings have min falloff around the 15 damage mark, Hydra included.
My amiibos aren't coming until tomorrow
Mine aren't until saturday
damage by itself doesn't really matter. overall firepower matters. 3-shot .52 is squelchies. 3-shot .96 is jet. both are pretty hard to hit because they are mildly inaccurate, slow velocity, slow fire rate weapons. bullet hoses like splatlings and lasers like splash and pro (and laser bullet hoses, hi naut) can consistently use falloff, but gals, even with the buffs, really can't.
i think there's exactly one other shooter that should get improved falloff, and it's h3. you should get rewarded for hitting harder shots. other than that, the extra falloff damage just brings gals a bit closer to the rest, since adding a shot tanks their damage output harder than anything else. splatlings can fire 3 shots in the span it takes .96 to fire one, so might as well make it only need one if it ever finds itself trying to use falloff.
gloogas are a fun case, them being nominally a bit shorter ranged than full 3-liners is fun to play around from both sides. they are plenty strong already.
for most shooters it's half of their regular damage. gals have the numbers a bit doctored to not fall down to 4-shot because 4-shot on both of them feels terrible.
Time to 5 star a weapon from turf? Is ranked faster? Can I get some numbers please and thanks anons
Ranked is faster
By how much? Haven’t touched rank since I got S+ at launch
Stuff like Knockouts give you lots of extra points
You also get more money, catalogue and general exp
But I don’t like ranked it raises my blood pressure
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mine aren't until monday...
Open is as serious as turd war.
Yes but at least when I lose im not lowering rank
Bravo Nogami!
The gains/losses from open are nowhere near as much as you gamble on series. If you're under S then it should be 8 points per win and 5 per loss, so rank changes are negligible. Also you lose freshness in turf which drives me up the wall.
that's good it makes you feel alive
Annoying japanese e-liter that never misses
*Annoying japanese e-liter that misses by a mile but it still kills you anyway
S is +8 win/-4 lose
S+ is +8/-5
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I'm glad it's over.
sorry nono my game died on me ow
but maybe its an act of god. we weren't doing too hot out there.
im nuclear
im woomyyy
i'm afraid it's been nine years...
Did you know?
Ah GGs
I need to eat soon anyway
Would have been cool if they did it earlier than at the very fucking end of the game's support
Anyone for a little Salmon?
Joey dabbing in reverence for the best yebs
What does it mean when this happens anyway?
yebs gotta support each other
fistbump = those two players got 3 gold medals and ended up next to each other on the result screen (and both are using emotes that are fistbump-compatible)
she didnt even open her eyes
Racist woomy.
woomer has an intense distaste for yebs
her loss
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kill yourself
Gurkan is Gurkan's biggest simp
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Does inking in salmon run count towards amiibo gear milestones?
kill yourself
no inkrails allowed
uhh.. no?
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Would anyone want to solm? Then head over to grizzco because I don't want to go in for my shift today.
Post a woomy
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>New amiibo package is different and doesn't show the Switch anymore
They must be futureproofing amiibos for Switch2 right? There's talks that Nintendo won't support amiibo on the next console but that sounds retarded
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i got this
step on me
Sex with this woomy
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a woomy
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I started with chocofest and mine have always been out in the 1k+ range. I hadn't thought to check yet because I figured it would be the same as usual but.
this is way closer than it's ever been. I dunno if I'll go for it, how bad would the grind be?
Fuck is the point of series then? I always played series. Open better?
I really like this pose
kill yourself
Series is the path to X. Series also is randomized and isn't full of pubstompers like Open is.
No idea. 3-4 pulls a day not considering any you’d would use money on.
>not collecting plastic butts
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fat weyyo butts
You have 10 days to do it, 12 rolls per day. Two per day are virtually free (first win of the day and 5k roll), so that's down 10/day.
I had to do 9/day last time to get my seasonal title, and I got it with days to spare.
Just make sure you're running 2x (if you have any) or at least 1.5x cash all the time and start grinding as many hours as you can. Don't spend money on anything else starting right now.
Grind Sheldon licenses if you can so you can exchange for shellout tokens.
Check how far of you are in a week, they do your maths and see how much money and/or tokens you need to get it.
It will be grindy, but it's possible.
By the way if you have 3540000 gold then you can just roll it right now and be done (but you shouldn't because it would be a waste of money).
>Series also is randomized and isn't full of pubstompers like Open is.
LMAO even.
dont money rolls and conch rolls have their own seed progressions?
I kind of agree with him now. My first ranked game since launch and there was an x rank badge in it. I’m only S.
I love my /v/ boyfriend for letting me use his NFC tags because the postal service fucked up!
And the next game every enemy has 3 different 5 star badges! What the fuck!
NTA but I feel like there are stronger players across the board now. There aren't as many players as there used to be in general and even the minimums required to reach silver in open is going up.
I had a dream where nintendo made their own hero shooter instead of splatoon
No, you have regular shellout machine with one seed, and Splatfest shellout machine with another seed. Doesn't matter what currency you use to roll (money, conches, tokens), it just progresses the current (normal or Splatfest) seed.
Also the shellout seeds don't reset from Splatfest to Splatfest, you can continue grinding whenever either seed is on.
id be okay if we got to play as idols and agents in it
the original sex woomy
Oh ok so open is if you just want to play and not rank up and series is for ranking. Never tried open
series is solo only, open is if you want to play with friends or get stomped by 4 stacks
If you play solo you have a certain chance to get placed in a 3 player group against a premade comp and this might or might not give you a hard time
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after you factor in big run, where I can't do a lot of this and get less catalog xp, I don't know if I'll make it. not a huge loss, I guess
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OK THATS WHATS happening. Every game the enemy was a coordinated x rank death squad and im only S. thought it was just me being a whiney bitch
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my wife's evolution line
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the butt that shaped the generation
statistically, you should still get more points than you lose in open if you care about that, but it sucks ass when you get matched up against big dicks
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Cute wife.
I like to think this woomy only became a whore after losing her floppers.
why is she white
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someone post the piranha pit grill pic
The game has definitely changed since launch. Just lost a series by 3 straight losses.
Seeds are both a blessing and a curse, but I wouldn't want a game without them.
I gave up on ever getting the banner, but somehow I got 3 seasonal titles in a row (as in one per season).
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I have every single seasonal title but no gold banners.
>mfw still at work for another 3 hours + commute
There is no such thing as forced loss because that implies there’s forced win and I just lost 7 games back to back
You're just in the FLAR queue.
The other team? FWAR.
But I haven’t played ranked since LAUNCH why am I in FLAR
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my veemo larps as an elite
there's no such thing as forced losses or forced wins
the only constant is you
Imma nick your parcel mate
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I was just gonna post more fits posing with all 7 of my fav idols(and I'm still gonna do that) but thought it'd be also cool to ask...
does /ink/ prefer Rollers or Chargers? I don't think I've seen a single charger guy in the pool...
>get forced losses and forced wins alternating every couple matches
>the only constant is me
sounds like the game is indeed forcing it, innit?
roller main here
unga to the bunga
I hate that the shit netcode eventually forces everyone to either main carbon or dynamo.
consistency close up, or consistency from afar.
fastest whack, or ink slinging from a safe distance.
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unga bunga is shitter now with changes to connectivity, you're more likely to die before you get your swing off
i main neither of these classes but i do prefer playing rollers over chargers
they're such good friends
splat roller had the most use of all roller before carbon got an nth buff
rollers ftw!! I just don't like the super slow stuff honestly.
I like the krak-on one!
fairrr. Chargers can get you cool clips tho.
tranny lesbian head canon
but I live that whack life.
roll into your base. take your girl. roll out.
get unga'd bunga'd
so I wont be changing mains, but I feel like I've noticed the connection change. I don't know if it's just confirmation bias because they SAID they'd do something. But it really feels like I'm losing more 1v1s
ive been winning more 1v1s or trading against rollers as splatbrella, the changes weren't in its favor
brown yebweyys go away
if the mid-ranged, mid-speed rollers get cucked, then people who enjoy winning are going to further migrate to the ends of the spectrum - increasing quick carbon sharks and dynamo painters. sort of sucks...
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Alright Callie had the best weapon pick. got it.
What about Dualies and Berllas tho?
I feel like I'm alone in this, but I genuenely cannot play dualies. maybe I just never learnt them right...
the undercover brella has my heart tho.
kill yourself
Played CDS and Kunder in 2, only play Dark Tetras sometimes in this game.
luv brellas
i just wish nintendo loved brellas too
still laughing at the fact that they just made a new brella instead of buffing vbrella back to its best damage from 2
and then gave the new one some incredibly awkward kits
I still love sorella brella though, it's very rewarding
recycled could be good if they would just buff it's nonexistant shield hp and give it a nice third kit
its kits are good
it only needs a bit more health on launched shield only
and a different meta
>looks that one up
>reefslider and autobomb
Yeah I think that's justified.
I just enjoy them(undercover) cuz it's like you have two lives! by the time they break your shield you'll have splaten them!
splatted? sploted.
Brellas and shields are bad for the game
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They've got no chance of winning, do they?
>t. shooterfag
Should I go with this shirt?
Nope, I just think shields make games slow and boring
one can only hope that they eke through on being the second most popular team (behind present) and getting second in a bunch of categories
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Don't worry anon your not alone I have also been playing since launch & never got a single gold either.
But I have got a few silvers
Or this?
Anyone down for a rotation at the top of the hour?
press Y on that shirt to make it 10x better!
I'd only switch the shoes maybe. these are good but I'm sure there's other ones that'd complement the outfit better...
chargers and splatlings do that more than brellas ever have
hey this used to be my main outfit when i first got the game! nice... tho i would use the octoglasses they go great with anything.
i like the tank more.
alright lmao
So far /ink/ likes rollers and has a weird toxic relationship with brellas. nice!
what about the franchise's newest weapons(and the slosher)?
Personally I'd die for the slosher! I love my bucket.
stringers can fuck off tho.
kill yourself
Splatanas are objectively one of the coolest new classes that wasn't in S1
Now I can! I just wanted to show off my fits.
but i do mean the thing with the slosher tho. I like to turn off my brain sometimes and not have to worry. This class lets me do just that 80% of the time.
the reef-lux is super fun, but i'd have to go with splatanas overall
easily the coolest class they've ever added in the series
Woomy is into ancient human dace of the river
It was translated by a woomy she thought ti sounded more silly this way
Splatanas are objectively one of the most harmfully implemented new classes that wasn't in S1.
if you need any evidence that nintendo is brain dead, they're it.
honestly yeah. It took me til the toothbrush one for me to realise that. I love charging them at people sm
it's funny really... Bows used to be the number one on weapon wishlists but now that we have em I don't really see people talk about them much.
Splatanas just stole the spotlight.
never had troubles fighting them 2bh
i need her to do this with me
>mfw it said 1-3 days its day #3 its still not here.
I'm starting to think that running anything other than a beakon weapon in turf war is just throwing. It's overwhelming broken for the mode.
Does shiver have the biggest tongue out of all the idols?
In the Splatlands it is already Friday and Shiver said she loves Friday because its Fryday
This image checks out
if you get pushed back into spawn you have no way of retaking other than specials
Anyways thanks for your inputs /ink/! I no longer feel bad neglecting dualies and chargers and stringers. Hope you liked my yeb tho.
Shiver has more girth but Frye seems to be longer actually. tho may just be the angles.
You have two ways
1) learn 2 aim
2) bombs away
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if you pick a beakon weapon you don't have bombs
>amiibos shipped
but on the other hand if you take an early lead, the enemy has to win 2 or 3 fights in a row just to retake mid, and that's assuming there wasn't some dickhead hiding for more super jumps anyway
Depends on what you mean by "biggest".
We've only seen Frye and Shiver's tongues, but as the other anon said Frye's is longer and pointy, whilst Shiver's is shorter but rounder, kind of like their ears.
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Judge for yourself
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>t. brazilianon
Big man's tongue and fin tips shouldve been yellow...
Yes you do hold down the trigger and rush the enemy while others throw bombs at you.
>in turf war
good luck with that
should be black. for maximum foxy.
and afro
Proof of length and pointiness?
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btw thanks for the anons yesterday giving me splatling tips.
Its not amazing nor flashy but it's more than id usually pull off playing this thing
I would like to passionately make out with either of them for at least an hour
I think Goo Tuber should have the same unaffected midair charge speed as Squiffer and REEF-LUX 450
read the thread.
hell, just skim it
Just mash 'This Way' and 'Booyah!' bro
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I lost my superfreshness on my main...
well get it back! you want help? I like turfing!
I should have refreshed before posting gomen
Happens when matchmaking gets mean
Do octoling players really think this looks good?
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Here, it's better shown on the story mode.
It's long and pointy.
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weyyo player here
it doesn't look good at all
no but if she pointed and laughed at me while smoking a cigarette id probably coom a lil
Big Man must gets the best rimming sessions holy shit
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this is gross please stop
Stop licking me you dumb cephs!
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transcending history and the world
a tale of sloms and splats
eternally rewoomed
Which shoes would you recommend?
>gayyo player here
We know
I want to empty my BALLS into her
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Anyone wanna fsh for a single king?
That is still the best OP song for a fighting game ever.
2/4 fsh starting
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knock knock
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on the one hand the changes to Marina's heels for this outfit are needless and bizarre. on the other hand I like how they look so much better. censoring the bikini is some fucking BULLSHIT, though
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penis woomies...
>making out with Shiver
>her large wet tongue easily fills your mouth
>lots of surface to rub against
>will lick your face

>making out with Frye
>surprsingly long and you can feel the pointiness
>she likes to wrap her tongue around yours like an eel
>likes it when you suck on it
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i like the way she looks at me
make it so
what would happen if woomy
Very based. Marina dresses like a whore, we shouldn't encourage it.
marina dresses like a marina
Marina is a whore
Pearl makes her do it.
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I still don't get this shit. Is it CERO? Why are the tako armors, old marina amiibo top and now the broken hero suit perfectly fine but the shiver, frye and new marina ones have to do this?
they reached their slutting out 14 year olds quota for the game with the new hero suit amiibo gear
So marina's bikini got axxed.
ggs quickfsh
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GGs fsh!
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hmmmm...Black seahorses, Navy enperials, Orca Woven, Tuffle canvas hi-tops, Onyx o1sters, Annaki strappy sandals, Buckle-down boots, Annaki arancho boots... hmmm maybe Gold Hi-hirses? try stuff out and tell me if anything fits your style.
>14 year olds
that was *maybe* accurate in the first fucking game, but if you legitimately think that sexualizing the cephs is wrong then why are you still supporting Nintendo?
I don't really care lol
tho this third generation of ceph is 16 by now isnt it? dang time flies...
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splat1 inklings were
14 in splatoon 1
16 in splatoon 2
21 in the start of splatoon 3 and 23 in the end of splatoon 3... wooms from splaton 1 are all hags by now
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Hosting a Concord SR lobby on item shop rotation on the hour.
Host: SS

Invites will be sent to pool, open to all. Going for Dailies and 1 slain King Salmon.
ngl callie and marie look super ugly in these which hurts me to say
Pearl and Marina's mid air jump is kino tho
go on
So based! im sitll seething they never added amiibo stuff to new horizons bringing back the splatoon crossover stuff....
I think Shiver, Frye and Big man would've been, bird, bunny and bear villagers btw
Marie's brella is also not even all around. It bumps on her head but I guess it's to be expected. It's not like its a scale fig or anything. The crown barely on Pearl's head really make her more dynamic.
yeah pearl and marina's side order amiibos are some of the more dynamic amiibos since small fry
Hey anon I just wanted to check if you heard. Yeah my woomy shoved your woomy into a locker and roughed her up a bit, but it's just some horsing around is all. Hey I bet it wouldn't have happened if your woomy wasn't such a whimp hah! Nah I'm just messing around but seriously it's all cool no need to get the school board involved. They're just that age yknow, woomies will be woomies as they say. Glad you understand buddy alright have a good one
Sounds good I was thinking about fishing anyway
It's ok the weyyo janitor touched your woomy inappropriately and threatened to blackmail her about the bullying if she tried to resist or tell anyone.
She's been this weyyo's little squid slut for the whole year
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24 hours remain
How did a weyyo got a job in a all wooms school? that's asking for trouble
>going to be out of town for the final fest
fuck me
I thought it was at the hour, wait no final fest is next week
how could he use that as blackmail when the anon already knew she was picking fights with others
shit story
Unrealistic, no one would employ some octo as a janitor. It's a jelly job
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good night /ink/
how and why? you can't allow that to happen anon!
surely you can do something right?
You just know nono wrote that shit
Favorite annaki shirt?
the ripped sleeves one
Reminder jellies control inkopolis. They far outnumber all other sea folks.
Turf war and ranked modes are merely entertainment for the jellies. Your ceph is a circus animal
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i wish there were more shirts with chokers
Red Hula Punk with Tie
ggs f
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Polpo-pic Tee will always hold a special place in my ceph's hearts.
GGs K.
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Add me back to your friendlists or I'm going to cry and rub my snoots all over the pool until it's all slimy
>lost 3 placement CBs
>last one was in OT
>map change
boo hoo little bitch
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You can do it!
Have you tried being normal and having some self-awareness for a day?
I didn't even say who it was
kill yourself
im bored of turfing. anyone got a salmon room going?
If you add me back I will consider it
>he lied as naturally as he breathes
kold mentioned it in the secret server youre not in
That anon will blame K for the economy.
>t. "promises" not to rape your ceph
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kold add him back. that was me not him yesterday. i thought it was be funny
What team are you on?
>activate windows
GGs Gw for turf, I see you prefer to turf alone it's ok
put the stamper down
>bending the knee to the mentally ill
don't add him. starve him of attention, it's for his own good.
Damn. Was going to dedicate a 100x/333x win if I got one to you but I'm Team Past
I'll probably play some anyway, I just don't have high hopes for hotel wifi
What's wrong with being mentally ill? If you're harmless...
ggs fsh
cant you squiggas keep this shit on your discord
Either way good luck out there anon
>suddenly 3v1
I fucking hate this map
Why are you guys leaving nono behind when all of you played with him all the time just one year ago?
Because he wasn't an insufferable faggot back then?
It's just one guy shitposting in two separate threads. Ignore him.
He became more of a pest over time.
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porl looks adorable
His annoying as hell behavior only intensified over time.
>be yourself
>be kind, light hearted and funny
>be hated
I wish they gave you the crown without the ugly glasses
This world loves to shit on good people
>be kind, light hearted and funny
no you're not
thats what makes him the lovable nono we all knowknow
i've known nono for 2 days now.
he is fun! he plays the game and wins the matches and loses the ones against me
thats good for me
I'm playing like shit tonight but thanks
I hope you did not see those reegsliding fails
You poor innocent soul... soon you will learn.
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And people ask why nobody want their names shared around here. Jeez.
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GGs SR Crew, adequate fishing, seems like we got the golden rotation early.
I'll be hosting a Big Run room when it starts, going for 999 so bring your X Game.
add nono back. or else!
>constantly using racial slurs
you're garbage at salmon run
Literally the opposite, some people just aren't supposed to be friends with everyone they meet. He pretended to be "kind, light hearted and funny" then when he started to feel comfortable with the lies he made about who he was just so he could fit in his real safe came to the surface and that's when he became hated

This happens to a lot of people here and on the internet in general, too many people want to be liked and try way too hard that they completely changed who they are just to be accepted but eventually slip into their normal state and their true selves come to light for all to see

You can't keep up the facade forever
He can lie as much as he wants as long as he keeps giving me these Ws
it's not that bad. also i didnt notice you were in the other team until like the end of the match lol
Name one bad thing he did and not apologize for
This is 4channel
We havent fished in a while
kold needs to add nono back
Nah it's terrible for my usual play standards. It's 3am and I'm not feeling really motivated. I'm playing because I wanna play not because I feel like playing if you know what I mean
inkers... why cant we be friends
I'm not friends with pedophiles.
bc no one has invited me into the cord
Frankly it just looks like Kold's scrambling to make excuses
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Less than 24 hours remain until Big Run. Are (You) prepared, /ink/?
May he who is without sin, fresh! the first ceph.
it doesnt but thats whatevs! hope you snap out of it soon!
i'm too busy playing the game to care about whatever retarded drama is going on right now
It's been a week I drag myself to play. Maybe I need a break but it's the big events right now
>I'm too busy
But you're doing it right now
>1500 Power
>Rank 1500
Prepared to go manmenmi and woomy all over the stupid fish.
>too busy with the game
>posts immediately
>also stole ss's clothes while in the pool while people discuss k being a shitty person
add nono back!
I've been thinking..
I think I've finally got a name I'm not just gonna change 30 days later so don't leak it in the thread please and thanks
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If you think about it this is the Salmonids' own Grand Festival, except for them it's a great big vore convention
My woomy keeps on eating her slopsuits
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>This is what pastfags are fighting for
Why are the salmon doing this?
why now and why THERE?
It's nowhere near their area... its just desert and was recently built
what made them go for there?
You're damn right
How many hours left till big run? 23ish?
Its going on right now
22 hours
also nono imma take a break for a few mins dont wait for me GG
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Stop sending letters
Letters always get burned
It's not like the movies
They fed us on little white lies
3/4ths of ink want kold to add nono back
You've gotta stop that negative self-talk, it's unhealthy
first they removed nono from their friends list and i said nothing
wow it's literally me
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Being French.
>had to go to archives to see what it was
lmao seething jannoid
He deleted it himself not the first time either
what was it anyways?
I don't care anymore, never did
making fun of the average playerbase. couldve been a direct blow to nono though
yeah seems kinda fast for a janny to delete if he got offended by it
>kold and fantasy are on
>nono and sneaksnake are on, 2 /ink/ers that kold and fantasy hate for some reason
>the exact same usual shitposts of attacking them then getting deleted so they avoid getting banned
its so blantant its kold and fantasy
you're not fooling anyone, ballin'
bro what the fuck is even happening? anyone in this thread smoke seaweed?
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This but Deep Cut
>french are... le bad
Explain this then?
The usual nono friendlist drama, happens lnce in a while
One name you mentioned has been caught multiple times stirring drama often times to make people take pity on them and they don't start with k, f or s
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What about woomy?
Cute woomy.
Woomy lips look weird
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but I'm out until big run
>X Power: 1400
i never seen x power this low how fucking bad do you have to be to have x power that low?
Go to bed Nono
Nono would never attack F
Late ggs fish
are they... committing sewer slide?
id wife that frye
Yes I shall perpare my veemdiver suit and dive into battle. For the music
>Still wish they had W-3 on a flying platform circling the battle area playing a version each idols songs.
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spotted this extra good woomer iin the wild
you need nintendo funmoney for the wrist straps?
Yes its the only way to get them

Your right that is a very good woomer
/ink/ probably isn't even going to post pics of their screen showing their ceph while they hold up their controller with their splatfest wrist band on
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Good evening good sir, it is not yebby hours, might I please have a yebby? Thank you very much.
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youre right, we arent reddit.
also you already know some schizos would run with some of those pics and ruin it
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that's a woomy
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yepy slep
That's Orange-chan you baka
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So, for those of you that have been playing for 9 years, have you stayed fresh?
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Excellent yibi, he should be smooched on the lips...
Noooo, who's going to play TC/SZ with me now...
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I've got yeb/weyy
I've got weyy/weyy
but I don't think I've got any yeb/yeb
I want woomy/woomy/woomy/Weyy/woomy/woomy/woomy
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that poor weyy...
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Yebweyy is the perfect one for me, thank you kindly, anon.
Sentenced to Death by Snu Snu with woomies
Hundred wooomies raping gay yeb/weyys until they become straight
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Not as fresh as Callie and Marie.
I want Marie in my life
What happened this time...
She's not real you stupid fucking retard.
kill yourself
You wouldn't be real had your mother used a coat hanger
Shame your mother failed when using hers
hey artfags remember to NOT draw me for the grandfest
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She's real in my dreams
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>he doesn't know
too late I already remote hacked your pc to view your ceph
granny's still got it!
I'm bad at drawing so you don't have to worry about getting a drawing from me
you should worry about the big fish
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Big Run is the perfect time, I'll be waiting.
>hackerling easily handling EVP while having full conversations.
>me, struggling in Profresh +2 with freelancers while putting all of my attention into the game.
I thought you said streamers were le bad. And that GRILL GAMERS were even worse?
from what I've seen she's good at the game but loses pretty often due to half paying attention
Pretty cool action pose, I wish more anons would post cephs with cool angles.
Everyone is just takes pictures straight on and it makes them boring to look at.
>people who have multiple gold special badges
I literally don't even have 3k wins total and I've been playing since launch
Why is this woomy sad listening to Squideo head
so? play at your own pace anon.
I've been playing since cryptid fest, and I still have yet to touch ranked mode.
turf and slammo are good enough for me.
for people who have been playing since S1, I imagine they god bored of turf by 2.
But I'm a Splat3n bab.
Only level 68.
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The only way to be good in sr is playing it many times.
I think I only have like 10 king kills
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Auto play
I think she used to be a salmon-run only streamer.
I don't know. I only know her tangentially through binyot. And I only watch VODs. I don't see the point in twitch.
But for being able to talk so casually while playing at high hazard levels, she'd have to be good.
Then again, I'm comparing her to (me), and I'm Profresh +2 material.
I started with 2
After a while of both games I just gave up on ranked and now only play turf and salmon
Man I forgot how aids turf war is
Just want to try some gear/kit combos and keep getting teammates who just friendly or suck even worse than normal
those are the modes I play. and tableturf
oddly, I haven't touched side order since completing all of the palettes.
I want to eventually beat it with zero hacks. (not even the 'all or nothing' pearlz one) for true rogue-lite difficulty.
Is 999 the cap or can you go over
I feel so mediocre and worthless. This game is all I have left and I'm not even good at it.
I don't know why you're hoarding them when you have cards to buy.
and then upgrade two times each.
I just randomly decided to check after getting a card pack. And since I've never it again after it was released

upgrading cards I didnt know that was a thing
yeah, you can make your favourites holofoil.
I'd convert them into all of the cards first, for the badges.
>The maximum number of card bits a player can have at one time is 999, after which, any card bits acquired will not be added to the total and will disappear.
From Inkipedia. 999 Bits is the maximum amount that can be held. You are better off spending a few on new cards or upgrades before you reach the limit.
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kill yourself
1400 x power kek
Cute woomy toes
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>using rapid fire on the lux of all weapons
what a fucking shitter
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the nefarious salmonids:
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Thinking about the weyyos again.
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why are you so short
>t. Furret
Does anyone else find the visuals of this game really distracting at times. Weird thing to complain about, but still. Like, I've legitimately had my vision blocked by stuff like Inkstrike, Killer Wail, and even a Super Jump notification.
for me, as someone who plays exclusively in tabletop, if I switch to playing on my flatscreen, the FOV and movement makes me dizzy and I can't do as well.
Also the graphics look better, because the dock has some processing umph in it. That's the technical term. A little extra umph.
Aside from that, fizz bangs are distracting, but I think that's the point. And they're only available during fests. So, not a big deal I guess.
I'm not short, I'm compact
>t.little buddy
whatever fish breath
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Sure wish we could get our wins for the amiibo gifts through Salmon Run. Oh well.
who salmn
Time to jack off and forget I'm khv
kingdom hearts 5?
Octo players are so fucking worthless
anon is cute
Fuck off dumb ass femcel. Terrible gaming franchise
Just pay a veemo to do it for you
That's even worse
That's not true love
Didn't know fish posted on /vg/, get well soon anon.
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>boot up my copy of pokemon blue for a giggle
>"The file data has been destroyed!"
i'm old...
>flux was a very strong weapon balanced by appropriately big weaknesses
>doesn't see use outside turf because it doesn't have meta-compatible kits, and also the deliberately overtuned swords are just as good except easier to use
>gets horizontals buffed to be pretty much parallel and jump charge buffed to full speed, stripping all of the weaknesses, nuance and identity from the weapon and making it just a super-sword
>turns out taking weaknesses from a main balanced around weaknesses makes a really fucking strong gun, it's lowkey a top 5 main right now and absolutely obnoxious to fight when you find a good user because every state is an advantage state for it (as opposed to before where it was a coward gun like bamboozler and nova except also strong at cuddle range)
>people still don't use it because kits are ass and the perception around it is still "this is a hard gun, i should pick something i'll be consistent with", so mission failed
>squeezer is still overall stronger than it because nogami endorses juvenile arthritis
stupid fucking idiots thinking that things that don't get used are not balanced, not realising that difficult weapons by default have low usage
but no, buff it until it's either easy or/and broken
unless they kick the entire balancing team, prospects for 4 are fucking grim
>grim is never coming back because they gave burst bomb to assblast thinking it's an appropriate substitute
even grimmer, they don't even understand how the things in the game they've made themselves work
wow that took forev
still there?
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Reeflux is just a decent main weapon.
Range Blaster is an unbalanced abomination, and I'm glad Grim isn't coming back.
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Kill yourself
I spawn camp and I'm proud of it
Skill issue
flux is an insane main weapon, its only weakness is very short range paint only, which it partially compensates for by having net output, mobility and ranged threat level strong enough to still compete with the best of the best like mini.
range is a balanced abomination. it's the kind of gun that finds a place no matter the meta and regardless of its own strength because it simply does its own thing. it just found too much place in a ridiculously fast meta with unconditional quick respawn. even with devs introducing like half a dozen new god-tier inkers to seemingly try to compensate for both bigger more open maps and breakneck pace of cooler meta, it's still a low turf meta, and range thrives in these. kill cooler and you'll kill range, it'll still be good because it's fundamentally good but it won't be anywhere near as oppressive.
grim was always a second rate range, by the way, too extreme for its own good. that's what made it fun, a super strong gun with super bad weaknesses.
on flux- it's squiffer with partials and self-sustain. squiffer is already a very oppressive main, despite being very limited and team-dependent. now take that, make it faster in every way, let it shred people down point blank, give it quick close range splats, give it reward for missing a bit, and let it paint for itself. squiffer almost feels like a grandfathered in legacy weapon that exists solely because someone will complain if it's gone. but so do a lot of the old weapons really, left behind by new ridiculous options. it's even sadder when the new option started balanced and then became ridiculous.
I've never understood this mind set, if we get pushed back this far I don't expect the enemy team to let up. It could be that we just got unlucky and they flipped the momentum on us, if they gave us a chance we could push them back to the same spot and that's not how competitive games work. Never give your opponents the opportunity to turn the tide, no matter what. That whining is literally asking for the other team to hand them the win, why? Take a single loss as it is, if you get spawn camped you deserve it because the game - despite most of the maps being shit - gives you the high ground and protection to take back your spawn and push forward to mid

If you can't do that then it's just a "they're better than us" round and you should deal with it, not cry that you're not winning 100% of your matches in fucking turf war. I've seen kids do this to adults before, some 10 year olds are better than 90% of the players here. Using the "think of the kids!" excuse is pathetic, I bet that person isn't a child so why should the other team assume you are?
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pt. 2
This always bothered me because they never considered was that it was kids spawn camping. Kids are always good at video games.
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I got my amiibos eariler after I was finished with work. Hours later I still haven't used them im still tired out.
>paper label is damaged
At least you're opening it.
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Yeah they got crushed apprently... At least they gave me the less damage one... Yeah I do plan on opening it and put them in my amiibo drawer on my desk.
GGs mik
very fun thanks for joinn!!
GG's Boy!
The blue bracelet tee. It's a really nice shade of blue and wrist cuffs are hot.
>tfw the big run isn't an attack at all
>The salmon just wanted to see the big concert and enjoy the music
>Grizz uses it as an excuse to sic the woomies on them and stuff his belly with eggs
>Top 1k
Should I go Tentatek or Takoroka
Which one is easier to climb
can the fish just get here already, please?
>that was me
What are you talking about?
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>Tiny, short squid girl with a big head
>Could be cute or lewd, cheery and peppy, etc.
>Instead, she's the complete opposite
>Personality is unflappable, confidence and assertiveness dialed to max
>Dresses like a gaudy rich person, barely ever shows skin or wears tight clothes
>Doesn't really have any female traits at all
>Her only cute factor is that she wears oversized clothes, but they're not cute or girly in the least
Such an oddly-designed character. She could be a boy and nothing would really change.
that's just how rappers present themselves in general
what are you talking about, her default idol outfit is a tiara and a girly dress
I'm happy her personality isn't spoiled rich girly girl because that would get old fast
and callie is already enough of a girly girl for all the idols
This is why coomers should not be allowed to design characters.
>Reeflux is overpowered
I don't see it. It's a shorter range weapon with a charge time that holds it back in close quarters, low rate of fire and accuracy requirement. A design like that will always be held back by player input and mistakes, nobody can be perfect all the time and the cost of making a mistake is much higher than nearly every other weapon in its range bracket.

The deco kit seems like it'd do a good job of covering for its vulnerable downtime. Can you explain what makes reeflux so overpowered, because I don't see it.
I think this is an SR Bamboo situation, where shitters think a decently strong weapon is weaker than it is, and people leap to overcorrect and claim it to be INSANELY powerful.
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GGs turf
ggs i hope you liked my love taps
sr bamboo is the shittest weapon in sr though
you can theory craft all you want, but where are the results? japs are willing to grind to an insane degree so I don't think the weapon being hard to master is a sufficient explanation for its rarity
as far as I know it only shows up in their turf war tournies
reeflux is just a squiffer that shits paint
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GGs also sorry for being awful... Still tired out from work.
so when are the sisters getting some gear
been waiting 3 games
yeb sip.
better subs though. god i love curling bomb reeflux for the mobility. miss it on baboo and goob. fizzy just doesn't do it for me.
bros just finished raiding the cum factory
Which team is this hime choosing?
i miss port. sadly it's in rotation starting right now in 2, but it's way too late.
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aw ty for the pic let's play more soon!
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what's up with her recent smiles
what have they done to her
she's aged past trying to look snarky
she's just genuinely happy now
what are they talking about?
activating cheats and win trading.
>a shorter range weapon with a charge time that holds it back in close quarters
it is 3.5 lines at full charge and longer with elevation, which is only 34 frames to charge (compare that to squiffer's 45). you can partial charge it less and less the closer you are. at splattershot's max range, it only takes 32 frames from the start of the charge to hitting with all 3 shots. at sploosh range you can kill in like 10 frames. it also has the lightweight speed bonus and can store charges, unlike the other bows. it's sort of like the h-3 but better because the aim only has to release right, not follow the enemy during the burst. if you can aim with it, they die fast and from pretty far.
this is a matchup that definitely nobody other than me cares about but fighting bloblobbers as zimi is fucking annoying
you are meant to take them out of the box and scan them for new pixels to appear on your bing bing wahoo machine, they're not just figurines fatanon
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tastes like ink
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i would use nfc tags as to not destroy their houses
people are still buying gear and making loadouts?
nigga might as well download jpegs
it's not like there's anything else to do that isn't grinding for impossibly high scale requirement salmon items or grinding for X rank (which most of us can't do successfully anyway)
If you knew you were #1 of all idols in the world you'd be smiling too
yeb sex
she saw the callie orgy
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Well these are abit dented... As well I had some of their packaging just flat out fucked with one seller with S2 octoling amiibo... One JP seller who just threw it in a flimsy bag packaging lol. Pic related.
thats no way of treating a veemo
10 minutes until acht and octavio are revealed
>grinding for X rank (which most of us can't do successfully anyway)
wait so Im actually good?
if you're capable of winning often enough for your x power to rise consistently instead of stagnating or toiling in the sub 2ks, yeah
the top ranks are decided by grinding more so than they are by pure ability because they changed the system such the game doesn't try that hard to match people with close x powers, since the player base isn't big enough to facilitate that
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Maybe they'll announce third kits tonight, and reveal them over the course of the big run, in time for the grand fest. Can something nice happen for once
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not idea what the average is here but in JP land the X average is 1800, could be much lower in ttek. So relatively, being better than average is easy. But these are ancient and before the mandatory minimums so who the hell knows.

That and actually playing is admirable, most people here burned out.
maybe they'll use the money we put into NSO to improve their service, increase the tick rate and fix the netcode.
maybe they'll add more floors to SO.
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it's not like the higher tick rate is something that costs more money, they picked the low one on purpose
good night /ink/, i hope my night terrors at least involve (You) this time
veemos are very tough she will be fine
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She's fine though inside the package and that's what really matters!
>side order
lol, lmao even
If I had to find a reason it's probably because the switch is portable and the wifi chip is notoriously ass.
But they really shouldn't be planning for the 0.002% of people that play out of their dock and ethernet.
I want a cool veemo girlfriend from the underground and I can teach her about the beauty of the world on the surface and she can tell me about her time in the octo military.
she's gay, sorry
Also my yebby is a scientist and his tako girlfriend's name is skyla please draw me.
>the 0.002% of people that play out of their dock and ethernet.
it's the opposite
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how do you even fuck up this badly?
How would you rate tri-color as a mode?
dumb fun/10
but when the map sucks it's miserable
splatoon 3 in a nutshell
stop making 12 year olds cry
do you feel good about yourself anon? winning 4v3 against children makes you feel powerful huh
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children don't threestack tw with gold aeros
kill yourself
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single-handedly made splatfests much more tolerable
the three team dynamic is very fun and exclusive to it
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i love these
discord bad or good?
Im not reading all that but say
Why the fuck do we not have this colour combo anymore?
In general why don't we have these nicer colours back in splatoon 3 anyways?
Feels like everymatch is pink/green, purple/green, red/cyan, orange/blue, yellow/purple.
Where's the pink/yellow or the green/blue or the cyan/yellow so on
if you want friends then it's eventually going to lead to discord and you'll come to like it

if you want to stay forever alone then just stay on the thread and you'll never get closer to the people you have fun playing with
I have no one to teehee with...
bro just move slightly?
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*throws another*
*throws another*
*uses chumps*
*throws another*
*throws another*
*throws another*
those colors are ingame anon
>autobomb circles and chases you
>(if able) move to it to make it stop moving and detonate early
>(option b) move away
Autobomb also takes like half of your ink tank so they really arent able to spam it that much
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I made one but then realized I had no ceph to put her with so I stopped
what a lewd pose
sniff sniff sniff
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We already know there's a big run, why is this new statement written like this is new information?
they ran out of new news
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>7 locations
this is for emphasising the number 7, which links back to a past events in the dead sea scrolls
>I'll also prepare myself for that day.
Mr.grizz is going to show up during boss waves and have a kaiju battle.
Players will have to help by nailing down the king salmonids health with eggs.
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shut the fuck up
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I wish I had a gf to take a photo with...
you deserve loneliness
Ok, everyone organize in pairs for this teehee, you better not be a whore and show up in multiple photos.
the official /ink/ ships were already posted a couple threads ago
they are not correct
you guys are gay as fuck
we just wanna fish
Can't be helped, both male and female octolings are too sexy.
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you're not going anywhere with that attitude anon
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ugly ass pixel art
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Just b urself.
oh i thought it was a plushie
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I need a woomy wife
I need you to get more golden eggs
i need callie
would you truly love and support her or is she just a fantasy for you?
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12 hours remain
list me all good and bad inkers
i love rainy!!!
good: you
bad: me
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Hi anon
anyone wanna play some open?
I played this game purely for the UOH factor
Was in a game, just opened a lobby
better than shifty stations but some of the maps need to be balanced better
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i like it when the maps are good
the mahi-mahi one was my favourite
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You seem excited
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My yeb and my weyyo who are squid sisters fans, wearing off the hook's gear and on Deep cut's team
tentatek is impossible to climb because you'll never have enough players
go takoroka
Gaijins should have never been able to get into takoroka
Woomy is now broke
She now can no longer woomy because she can't afford the $350 fine
Her favorite splatling was confiscated to make up for the balance
She is nothing without her favorite splatling
Woomy should have signed up for squid insurance.
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I actually think the NA version reads better as a company announcement, but for some stupid reason they left out "Mr. Grizz" saying he'd be getting involved. Didn't they also leave out any reference to the electromagnetic disturbance in a previous announcement, too?
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Does agent one look familiar to anyone else?
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What's an agent one? It's not nice to take pictures of celebrities without their consent, nobody likes paparazzo.
is mr grizz in space or not?
he was sent there in the end of the story mode but ever since the nessie vs alien vs big foot splatfest I'm lead to believe he may have fallen back into earth since big man mentions him as if he was the big foot despite the fact he knew grizz was a bear and only seen him once
He is either already on earth and is gonna help you or he is doing some crazy maths to fall back on earth exactly on that spot exactly on top of the salmon like a big fuzzy asteroid....
I like that part being kept actually cuz if anything does happen it will be a bigger surprise for the folk that only saw it in english
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I swear to cod there's something more wrong with the matchmaking system than usual. I basically NEVER get coolers on my team, but as soon as I start using heavy edit I'm suddenly guaranteed to get at least one
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It's younger sister day in Japan, apparently.
They're cousins.
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Yeah well technically.
aren’t callie and marie the same age?
callie is still the older one
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Callie is about 50 days older. 5/05, 6/21.
These are technically the VA's birthdays but they mostly fit aside from making Marie 16 for the first month of S1.
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I saw a lookalike a while back. Reminded me of her.
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Millions must overfish
looks cute. anyone wanna translate it for me?
>VA's birthdays
Pretty sure Splatune said that Marie was at least 17 in S1
Isn't it amazing game design how taking back the tower in overtime is literally impossible if the enemy team has tri-strike, booyah bomb, inkstorm, splashdown...
TC has always been trash, breaking news.
theyre the same age but callie is still older
its why she is agent 1 and marie is agent 2
also i like to think thats why she is always picking on marie for her grey hair
>you. me. coffee.
if that wasn't a woomy i'd say that sounds a bit cringe
Dont ever count on winning in overtime unless its the enemy team doing it then theyre able to for some reason
>you. me. coffee.
I read that in the inkantation melody ngl
so what food menus have you planned for the grand fest /ink/
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Who would like to play open/turf?
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I'd like to terf, haven't done so in a while
Turf room is up.
waiting for my callie to be delivered
Going to mangle this but something along the lines of:

M: Captain was a fan of ABXY, right? Hotlantis, Have you been?
3: I went!
3: The person I saw only on stage, in front of me, talking to me, I felt so lucky.
C&M: Captain?
C&M: Sea o' Colors, too, weren't you a fan?
3: Sea o' Colors are right in front of me!!
3: I love them...
C: Right?
M: Right?
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What? I won't be eating, sleeping or going to the bathroom at all during the 72 hours of splatfest, anon.
what else is there to do
Sour patch kids
circus peanuts
peanut m&ms
Two years later and I still don't have the Squid Sisters title. I don't want to just be a Callie Fan.
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>circus peanuts
>Not enough players!
>Not enough players!
>Not enough players!
sister proshippers in my general... no...
squid brothers
squid sissies
There must be some better circus peanuts out there because all the ones I've seen are hard as a brick.
squid sussies
holy shit 0.1%
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imaginary woomy
Please join X. I've been queuing for 30 minutes and have only gotten one match.
thank you for the reminder anon
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Your shirt arrived.
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eating sucks. i will be playing all the time
Everyone got demoted to S sorry
Try again in one week
Even the "good" ones are still just weird-tasting marshmallows. You may as well be eating orange-painted packing peanuts.
nobody plays X at the start of seasons, they usually wait until the last couple weeks
Solyanka and wine.
dumb choco woomer can't read the room
stop fisting everyone you encounter
We can play one more and go for one king in SR.
*blocks permanently*
So is he gonna come down and kill us all or..?
fuck off
wearing the cosby sweater should be a bannable offense
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well /ink/, are your cephs ready to indulge their natural urge to commit war crimes tonight?
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GGs turf comrades! Can go for SR if anyone wants to.
get dabbed on
GGs turfers!
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One game every thirty minutes is not fun.
two fugly faggots
tentatek league problems
>teammates play so good and end the game early that it makes my stats look bad
why is it white
Since the big run is happening at the grand fest venue (where the idols will already peform for you in battle) Yknow what would be cool?

>Callie, Pearl, Marie and Marina in the background out of the reach of the player but visible
>using grizzco variants of their mains
>in a looping animation of them attacking salmonids
You can't really see them attacking them and it doesnt count towards your score but it implies that

But then Frye Shiver and Big Man could pull a Princess Dearies and when the battle calls for it they send one player in your team their own specials
>Frye gives you a frye of eels that work sorta like mega burst bombs
>Shiver sends you Master Mega and it works basically like a lesser ranged reef slider
>Big Man gives you some of his shadowmantas that are basically like the giant curling bombs
All are supposed to be a hail-mary-type of weaponry
Doubt this will happen but just saying... would be hyper cool.
Weird, it was on page 10 but went back to to 9? Seems some threads got pruned.

i humbly ask for a goblin op within the next 365 days
Great now I'll have to repost that thing like a retard :(
wimy in teh shade
y did they murder pearl like that
When will we get a chance to commit false flags and blame them on salmons?

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