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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

Previous: >>493265442
Maintenance extension here we come
why do you guys use the warband character screen it looks so bad
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Haven't played WoW in 10 years. Give me a single good reason I should go back to it instead of OG
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Ayo why dem dwarfs got dem delulu eyes cus
>servers down for NA
>mach 10 schizoposting & avatroons on wowgee
if you're posting images like that I'd prefer you didn't start playing WoW again
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
realm list is up doomer
alleria is a femchud. karen-coded. probably a dr*mpf voter
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><GLOBO FOMO> won with twice the amount of votes
>force your own guild name anyways
inb4 hurr durr the poll was LE RIGGED
are tier set bonuses always this boring and bad at the beginning of expansions?
>morning to midday NA
>yuropoor hours to the max
It makes sense
no one asked you to come back. stick to final diarrhea
it LITERALLY just came up
i hope im wrong, shithead
im gonna go back to og once temps outside get colder
I'm so close to deleting my main and using my free 70 boost but I don't want to reset everything or do the campaign again
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Thoughts on male Worgen?
should rolled a paladin
why would you delete your main you spastic lmao
they said they wanted to make them bland because theyre scared of balancing around hero talents and they need you to beta test them for a patch before they can really commit
Did blizz delete the ability to use class trials ?
I play both
wow has significantly better dungeon gameplay, especially if you're a healer, it's not even close
wow is alt friendly so if you're an RPer you can much more easily have lots and lots of characters instead of resorting to golems and shit
wow has better variety with it's races
If it's an alliance xpac, why will the Horde win race to world first again?
Oh that's right, because actually every expansion is a Horde expansion and the bluecuck bluepilled bluetard bluefags are just sitting around consuming their humiliation ritualslop all day instead of being good at the game.
Check mate Hordechad deniers, we are going to rape good this year! FOR THE HORDE
>ow not the face replies the allianceshitter
>we'll keep trying replies the bluefaggotcucktard
>please don't piss on my head replies the cocksucker soccer mom noob shitter casual ERP goldshire tranny
>Huge shoulder armor
>Nothing but a leather strap to protect the chest
What an idiot
i would play them if they didn't look retarded and gay
Hey! I got some IDs last few threads :3 I extract them and keep them in a list, I watch u
what race and name should my new monk be?
post ce
neo tryhard fags that service Nelf futas like how male humans service futa goats
Because i don't like it
100% true, real and verifiable
Share! Share!! :3
dont have one but you might be able to jog my memory if you post more of the bottom right cat girl
pls and thanks
I like them
I play gnomes and goblins for what it's worth
What race/gender have the best running animation?
Humans look the best in armor but their run is horrible, guys swing their hips way too much and the girls swing their arms way too much
I used to just use cloaks but now cloaks bounce all over the place when you run and it's ridiculous
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login servers are up
it's nearly time
Dont play it, 'main' is transitory lmao, you dont need to deleet lil bro HAHA xD chilllll
Anyone making globo fomo? I'll do it if not.
oh noooooooo
please don't send my character a pipe bomb through the in-game mail system D:<
Nelf female has a good run animation
so the bonuses will get better later on in the expansion..... right?
What? Jesus christ get away from me you freak
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look ok in leather. only have one good face.
Male pandaren monk called Baopaw
female nelf
i really dislike how bouncy everything is compared to the old animations.
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bros... how can we even COMPETE with chad thunderknot?
Yes please do it. Clover Crusade will be used if somehow GLOBO FOMO name gets banned
in practice?
who could say
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yay or nay as warrio
I don't care, maybe globo fomos should've actually made the fucking guild
my Male Worgen Warrior on the left
your FemGnome Priest on the right
if you play female nelf you're a cuck
Are we cool with kicking ERP on sight?
90% of armor looks bad on them
Not a fan of the racials either
4/10, 7/10 if I were a furry
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I do play a fem gnome priest, are my posts that obvious
You're a total dickhead if you don't go pandaren monk
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
if you dont all the competent people will immediately fuck off
I'll only join <GLOBO FOMO> if there's no human male players in the guild.
They really invented Thursday maintenance just to fuck me today
I'll only join if it doesn't have that gay fucking name
No other general does this
Why is /wowg/ like this?
>wow has better variety with it's races
Lol no
I'll only join <GLOBO FOMO> if there's no belf female players in the guild.
priest is the sissy class
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Aaah, Night Elves.
Homogenous and Xenophobic as Elune intended...
That's a lie
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tad thunderloc
Don't give attention to the retarded child who doesn't know what an mmo thread is
He doesn't play this game btw
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ok this one

is there any other race with this exact hairstyle + beard combo?
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He won.
wow, an ironclaw seam! i've heard so much about these guys
Do they have good melee animations?
I only ever made a night elf female demon hunter and they look good but I only ever use glaives

additionally ziv class design is TRASH
most skills have an animation delay between pressing the button and doing the move
feels like mushy garbage
Now there's a husband for my gnome
>it got extended
the /feh/ general does or at least tries to. but that place is like literally the worst general here
Sounds like a plan.
That's objectively true, your options in og are
>Hot anime person (of a highlander if your'e deranged)
>bpd pedophile potato
>furry (tall)

wow has
>Elf (many flavors)
>ugly cartoon person (multiple flavors)
>shortstacks (multiple flavors)
>monster man (multiple flavors)
>furry (multiple flavors)
Can I get by on just crafted gear
What the cheapest class to gear
Yeah nelf female has good 2h and 1h weapon animations imo
I also like their battle shouts and yells
globofomo was actually a good name
/xiv/ and /dsg/ are worse.
File deleted.
OG has a lot more flavour and personality you know it
From left to right
>Mating Press
>Doggy Style
>Reverse Cowgirl
how come your fox has no pants on?
The bald one's better between the two of them. Are you sure you don't just wanna play skyrim?
It was a good joke
oh does /xiv/ and /dsg/ have schizos that spam scat and vietnam war photos of maimed bodies?
Wow dungeons suck its just rush to the end
Oh you're euro, don't care
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I can say it with my whole chest that /xivg/ is far and away the worst possible thing on this entire godforsaken nerubian silk weaving forum
>bald one's better between
that is actually what i was going after lmao
it's reddit-tier
reminder to report and hide resident avatar tranny
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ok you win
Anything "clover" or obviously 4chan is exceedingly Reddit
Globo Fomo is funny & good
I accept that you're beyond retarded.
OG General is by far and wide the most helpful when it comes to MMORPGs
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man they really don't fucking want us to play the game
>it actually did get extended
fuck this im finding some indie zombie game or some other trash to play for a few hours
fuckin worlo shitcar
Sex Sex Sex Sex
(I play male worgen)
NA wakes up
thread quality goes to shit
Sure a few players are helpful I'll give you that
I try to emulate the same here on /wowg/

Other than that, good grief dude
>imagine shilling xiv in 2024, especially after the half assed graphical update and wuk lamat
Can you not make class trials anymore?
>2012 /wowg/
>plenty of /wowg/ guilds on both na and eu
>people actually play together, raid together, do arenas together
>no one gives a damn about avatarfags posting
>there were public mumble and teamspeak servers where people could shoot the shit
>felt like a real 4chan community
>some people even ended up visiting each other and getting married irl

>2024 /wowg/
>not a single established /wowg/ guild
>no one raids together
>no one pvps together
>the "/wowg/ discord" is dead
>no real community
>rEmEmBeR tO RePoRt AnD hIdE aVaTaRfAgS

wtf happened?
Does reddit actually joke about globohomo or are you just being daft
guess Ill take a shower
>good grief dude
Just like this >>493281275
Both games are full of "funny tranny" posters come on
Fuck off dude you're not funny. How about neither. Just name it something normal like <Killers> or some shit why does everything have to be some cutesy hah im in th 4chan guild guys.
Globofomo suck my dick
You fit right in, you just dont like it because there are many equally dedicated avatar spammers and you can't single handedly clog the thread with your obsessive posting like you can here.

Also Tina blew my hrothgar
go back shit stirrer
OG is just a visual novel with a dressup hub
I'm not understanding why a Thursday maintenance needs to be 5 hours long
what are they even doing?
>implying it wasn't already shit
The lack of sincere faction shitflinging is better. Yuropoors can't let things go
general is as game does
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This extended maintenance better be for more Vulpera customizations.
zoomers are antisocial
and this is a zoomer general
what the fuck is even going on in NA with the maintenances? what are they doing?
I camped a quick respawning one for a few mins on launch night, the cave in azj kahet. I think they emergency disabled em cause I haven't seen one since.
i wanna play the game from ur pic related, it looks like wow but cooler in every way!
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Built for worgen cock
I wish you were wrong, sorry for being a cunt

Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas (Cross realm)
or just put the code oBYVlX7cAJO into the community finder.

You can find the guild in the guild finder tab too (alliance) look for "wowg" in the description.
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My warband :3 I love them all
og general sucks, I post any question about the game and it gets drowned out by people setting up erp meets at speeds faster than most entire 4chan boards

The mahjong and cc meetups are fun though
i played a rogue and it was good, yeah. i got on it the other day and was instantly hit with regret for going back to horde.
it's beyond over
>getting married irl
Finally, a REAL man
probably trying to fix the auction house
thats what i suspect anyways
Why are the fucking servers down at 2pm on a fucking thursday.
huns marreyed lynris
its been disabled since expansion launch, no comment from blizzoids. doubt they know
Nereverine married Jocelyn
Pozy married Kaite
both are reddit. the idea of a nu4chan guild is reddit
the new player experience is so absolutely dogshit in wow
>why was the past better
You don't wanna go there
because they're down every day, anon.
Blizzard literally killed the social elements of this game
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>3/4 showing feet
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>Current maintenance has been extended until 12:00 PM (PDT)
pizzacat and runeheal
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>5 hour maint on a thursday
>deadlock matchmaking not running
guess i'll fuck off
The fallout of that "real community" is why nobody wants to form community again. Turns out most of those faggots were, in fact, backstabbing snakes.
So im 78 and barely halfway done with the second zone of the expac. Why the fuck is experience just shoveled on you like this? No heirlooms and already outleveling the brand new expansion zones?
Game has become less social lately. Sounds like you had a great back back then :)
people were reporting issues with it, blizz updated their support article about class trials
God I wish this was real
yeah unlike my bitch ex wife lmao
>maint extended
alright im going to go get some fast food do you guys want anything
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Running to HEB what snacks should I buy
arrrressst heem!
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Why not?
you're expected to hit 80 roughly by the time you finish the main campaign without doing a lot of side quests
once you finish the campaign you unlock "adventure mode" where your alts can visit the zones in any order, so you go and do all the side quests in the zones you like on them
what's likely going to happen now is you'll hit 80 and then have a few hours of campaign quests designed for levellers to slog through
muddy buddies and a sugar free red bull
Turn the servers on.
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all married. im still alone
it fucking sucks that discord is just known as the pedo furry grooming app and everyone refuses to use it on 4chinz
>maint extended by 4 hours
damn what did they fuck up by trying to fix?
I could go for a kebab desu
HEB brand taco and jalapeno chips.
i never understand why people bitch about Exile's Reach like it's mandatory. it's a shitty starting zone but you're all just looking to complain about something
spicy chicken sandwich meal with a lemonade, no ice
two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number 45s one with cheese, and a large soda
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>didnt make the list
its literally over for me
Is is you who will be performing maitnence stalker child

enjoy downtime
That's pathetic to know
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I wasn't here when /wowg/ was in it's golden days but I think BFA & SL being awful had a lot to do with it
You have the most popular WoW streamershit poisoning lots of people's minds that WoW is the a festering pile of stinking rot for all of BFA and SL and even continuing on to today
Along with many scorned former players still coming here to shit on it and spread lies or doom everything that moves (but they don't care about WoW btw)
Less incentivization to be a social player and meet new friends to play with
So on, so forth.

But I don't care. We will rebuild. I will post my character and what I'm up to in the game and inspire others to join me and play my favorite game. :)
I'm in a maplestory discord from 4chan and it's high quality, but I think the difference is that the discord admin/guild leader is completely chill as fuck and doesn't get involved in drama, and the discord isn't linked from the general thread.
Every single female character posted in this thread is MADE for my male worgen.
After ER it gets even worse, you have no idea what the fuck is going on, you have too many xpacs to choose from, the story makes 0 sense
washed up that's god's honest truth
>>rEmEmBeR tO RePoRt AnD hIdE aVaTaRfAgS
This right here is the worst part desu. When all the avatarfriends have been scared off the thread will simply die.
reminder to report and hide avatar troon
i find it hard making friends in wow in general.

( v_v)
the fuck is wrong with you shitfucks
this is an anonymous image board not facebook
Post your male worgen so I can judge

Im looking for a mworg to heal and suck off occationally
Its literally mandatory
you now remember pezado
It's discord. It's always discord.
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made for the woof
>tfw will never get a wow gf
>almost made one but we both are mentally disabled
>maintenance extended by an hour
When will you bite the bullet and fuck your dog white woman?
back to discord faggot avatars
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just pick one and play it. nobody cares about story anyways
nice try faggot
>mage player
>low IQ
Name a more iconic duo
ER is mandatory for new players
You still have to do bfa 11-60, or is it df 11-70 now?
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I think the maintenance is for the 20th anniversary.
you're retarded
there were no avatarfags in sl at all besides the one guy but hes actually tolerable and the thread moved twice as fast
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>NA maintenance lasts multiple hours
>EU maintenance lasts 30 minutes

>nice try
Its literally. Literally mandatory.
Relatable as fuck :c
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Yeah I'll have uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
this implies that the avatarfags provide engaging and fun discussion
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>human ret suits up in new Judgment in a capital city
>just pick one and play it. nobody cares about story anyways
New players might
DF sadly
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EU friends join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> on EU AD Alliance or add Cawaen on AD Alliance / bnet Castriot#2261. Can also find it on the gfinder by typing in wowg. Anyone gets permissions shoot the shit with your fellow anons
>3.5m hp
ilvl 560 nigga..
avatar tranny meltdown in progress
brown hands typed this post
same kek, 18 years and none
I log out when people ask too many questions or say hi when I log in lmaooo im so alone
yea, JOIN us not make us join your guild. Avatarfren.
DEI makes your game DIE
Really, I didn't think they'd drop the 20th Anni today, thought it was next month?
All the avatar fags except maye make the thread better now that tina left for og

Maye is just uniquely annoying and faggoty
Nobody cares about story because blizzard does such a fucking horrible job
this was a joke we weren't friends but I love you man. never change.
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>name dropping
it is known it was liderallyly one person
>maintenance extended again
Fire all pajeets NOW
why are these scum fucks actively preventing 16% of their player base from playing the game they pay for?
this is why you cant have a wowg guild
some autist gets massively triggered by a single action from the newly established guild and proceeds to do their level best at splitting the community insuring failure for the project as a whole
Im retarded but i meant to type the realm EU Argent Dawn
if someone is being this insufferable about the guild name imagine what they must be like to interact with in game. a real bro wouldnt be trying to split the fucking community on day one.

i tried to make globo fomo on sunday and ZERO people were willing to roll an alt and sign the charter. clover crusader actually got it done and imo is the official guild. quit crying and join, or dont since you seem like a petulant child
more like in silvermoon in midnight kek
>engaging and fun discussion
Joy literally did and you faggots schizoposted about him until he moved onto the official forums
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Yeah but then EU would have prolonged maintenance too, anon..
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Sisters...I can't wait to get the Dreadlord baby pets for my vanilla blood elf hunter...
We are so hecking back!!!!
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>mfw people didn't believe me this morning when I linked the maintenance
M+ sissy OH NO NO NO NO
well shit i looked it up and i guess i was wrong. that's pretty retarded
>anon got pissed he wasn't given invite priveldges to invite all his tranny non thread friends
,>force a new player into a long and boring tutorial
>kick them out into previous expansion
>story is totally incomprehensible
>thy barely know how thir abilities do
>literally zero challenge in both quests and dungeons
>you can't even die in dragon isles

Why would a new player keep going
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clover crusade already exists
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why did the cataclysm do this to him?
What do you mean? That's all Warcraft armors in existence.
it so fucking easy to fix new player experience
but blizz is just fucking SHIT at it
<Clover Crusade>
the fuck you talkin about lil retard
your gear is bad because you cant even do heroic dungeons or fuckin delves
or apparently WQs
get your shit up lil retard nigga
avoidant tendencies por que? these things are like landslides they have momentum. before you know it you're 30 habitually living a life you don't want on presuppositions that suited your 15 y/o self.
>1/1 online
many such cases! sad!
Are you in americas? Wanna run m0s next week?
name it GLOBO FOMO. Then i'll join.
let's be hones there, you wouldn't be doing anything if there wasn't maintenance anyway
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I tried talking to him, he told me he is capping the guild at 20 people for normal/heroic raiding and is not going to invite anyone beyond that. What do you want me to do? Guy is already power tripping you dont need to cap the guild can just make a raid team or turn it into mythic raiding guild then if u want 20 people. U can pug normal/heroic easily. Lmao. The guild is literally not open to thread users except the few he needs
worgen look so fucking stupid its unreal
>sceenshotting your own LARP
>NOBODY invites to quests anymore

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>Method and Echo caught cheating AGAIN
>once again, bug abusing to get reputation and getting free crests upgrade
I know Blizzard will never ban them because they'll """"lose"""" money without those twitch views but this shit is happening every single season and they always get away by cheating early & often.
I'm not sure but I think it has to do with doing the story on multiple characters (maybe at the same time or something) and always getting the reputation rewards while keeping the warbound shared rep. Some Method guy is already at renown 24+
Elbrecht, you gonna kick all turbo fag erp'ers on sight? I didn't know clover crusade is technically up and running.
Will we ever get
>Victory or death
>blood and thunder
type of story/theme again or is that never happening?
WOD had a great theme, just no content
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>584 on two characters
>2k stones saved up
i am... le ready...
How is shield block from prot warrior not op
>anon explicitly states "NA BROS"
>anon #2 and #3 suggests the brownest, street-shitting "good morning, sirs" guild on here
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>rEmEmBeR tO RePoRt AnD hIdE aVaTaRfAgS
You will never be rid of me. Ever.
All the seethe and cope and crying to RP guilds and tumblr accounts and twitter spamming did nothing.
I am like a phoenix from the ashes

I'd happily join someone's guild and peacefully game with them bro (and check my autism / RP at the door)
I'm not making anyone join my guild
I've said countless times I simply own the guild name <Mentally Ill> but have no intentions of doing anything with the guild at this time. I don't even advertise it lol
>not 588
>im laughing for real right now lololololol wwwwww
blocking attacks reduces their damage by like 5%
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he literally closed the guild beyond the 20 people he needs for his... wait for it... normal and heroic raiding guild. Its not even just permissions he's literally closing off the guild to anyone else.
Because friendships genuinely stink for me and I don't enjoy them but I'm also really lonely. I've never met anyone I really wanted to be around. I don't like having friends at all. Its just people making fun of you. I know it sounds edgy.m but I just feel miserable
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TWW spec for this feel?
nobody wants you to join. fucking crying about the name, holy shit
avatar tranny melty in progress
I mean it blocks all damage tho for 5 sec
How can we stop winning?
why do I have to be alliance to join the guild, isn't there a setting for cross faction shit? Niggers
get in here
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that was quick
i miss big guys and rekt so much brehs...
Hunter. The kicker is waiting until you're 80 to ask
its cross faction. to join cross faction u need to add the GM on battlenet or join the community
>get in here
NA is down my man
reminder to hide avatars on sight to hide all subsequent avatars
havoc demon hunter
shut up
<BLT> is the one true /wowg/ guild
Oracle. Great concept and clown-like execution.
It doesn't block all damage. It turns your block to 100%. I was exaggerating but block doesn't mitigate full damage per attack even. Warriors usually use it in tandem with Ignore Pain which adds the health barrier, which ALSO does not absorb full damage but combined they are a strong mitigation.
>after 20 years you can still double click a quest item and get multiple
this is the elysia GM??
There's a community.
t. human male ret pally (white in-game, brown irl)
it is cross faction, you have to join the community and be invited from there. for whatever reason blizz doesnt let you join other faction guilds directly
Some of the things you get with early access are intangible :)
deep insider here. thats the in game version of ion and his secret boyfriend they often squish themselves together in bed so close that the mirror above their bed looks like this monster so they thought it'd be funny if he added it to the game. it was a special last minute request. also i would never kill myself, if they suicide me just know it was ion.
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Not sure what toon I wanna put in there but we shall see
Maybe my future Dracthyr warrior?
bait or just retarded? its one of the best melee right now
probably a high elf in lore whose model they forgot to change until cata
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>worgen look so fucking hot its unreal
fixed it for you!
blocks reduce damage from melee attacks from the front and sides by 30%. spells are not blocked. they can critical block reducing damage by 60%.
you really need to know case-by-case, some melee abilities can't be blocked, some melee abilities which deal armor-piercing magic damage can be blocked, blockable melee abilities with a physical bleed component will deal reduced instant damage but full DoT damage.
if i am looking for a guild do I need to be at the same realm as they do?
can you enter mythic from day one crossrealm now?
what other pros / cons there are
how does this shit wor know
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>trust me gois
BM hunter, it does less than tank dps in aoe.
Why did he make himself look like that
>if i am looking for a guild do I need to be at the same realm as they do?
No guilds are x-faction x-server now
Is he still fat as fuck?
>Its just people making fun of you
Cmon its not like that. Give friendship a chance, even if just dungeon mates
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How would you fix it?
not listening to a word from that red neck
yeah maybe but the strange thing is that he never mentioned as a high elf
you can't block from behind
that's the only downside
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Reminder to HUG and RESPECT your local avatarFRENS.
No need to look for anything when there's one wowg guild around rn
>wanna raid
>dont wanna leave personal guild
>dont wanna join some faggots discord
>just wanna show up and mash shit reliably
i hate this game now
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This thread is like the perfect example for why no one wants to join a wowg guild and also why so many of us here are forever alone types. I can't believe how much worse it's gotten *online* in less than 10 years. Social media was a mistake. Worst thing for me is I wish I could help you fuckers somehow.
He asked for a retarded clown spec not a weak one
I want the snuggles with void elf gf
cope tranny
oracle feels so fucking good
get good faggot
you will never be a real priest
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>Clover Crusade's GM is only going to invite 20 people to the guild so they can progress heroic raids
actual retards
should make it a wild gods spec with the ability to summon goldrinn, ashamane and such to attack your enemies
4 pets out at once.
add more animals
Can we have Reno added later so a choice of him and brann? Reno is a blue dragon and has a good voice actor. I dont think people would apose
is there a way to turn off the eye thing I dont like it
Yes it's the Elysian GM, guy was sperging at me right away and seemed very buttmad/ power trippy then kicked me from the community
This is not Clover Crusade, this is the Elysian Hold EU guy
>the internet is worse because people would rather play with their established friend groups instead of randoms
maybe you just need to stop being a loser
i know we are on 4chan but why does everyone here have to be such an autistic fucking loser
nigga thinks it's a top 100 guild
That's the EU guild retardo.
EU QThalas
>Least mentally ill
maybe they can find some way to integrate pets into the hunter class other than the single fucking ability Kill Command which has been the only function of the pet for the last 50 fucking patches because Blizzard has 18 different types of tranny autism and can't actually design their game
quiet dweeb, I'm trying to funpost here
and finally the mask comes off. couldnt get globo fomo made so now he lies and fuds about the actual guild

just kill yourself you miserable loser
it filters retards, though which is why theyre always crying about inertia
>I dont like it


spic GM lmaoooooooooo
>ground loot is now a FEATURE you have to unlock through leveling
Oh god blizzard wtf
these constant down servers are becoming a bit of a joke now no?
I'll be your friend anon. I don't like it when people blast me with messages right when I log in or ask a million questions either
I just like to play the game, chat a little but not be overbearing
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bastard bitch fu
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why do you type like a disney villain?
>wowg poster
>can't type out what he wants to say in a full paragraph, has to spam the chat like a fucking normalfag
You people are seriously getting on board with this shit? Where are your standards?
I don't know if you noticed but all the reasonably normal people started leaving in 2016.
Can't imagine why.
I don't like being a hunter at all. Give me lone wolf on survival please for the love of god.
Dick Sucking General???
its not op by itself, but when paired with all warrior's other forms of avoidance, it makes the spec tanky as balls
he is not a bronze dragon in warcraft lore btw
they only made him like that in hearthstone because of the meme
they should add the leader of reliquary (don't know his name), the faction that horde equivalent of explorer league
you watch disney? are you 3 years old?
and just like that, wowg clearly can't have a guild
it's over
Anyway if anyone wants to join an actual EU wowg guild open to any anon from the thread join EU Argent Dawn <Nerub Silkweaver Forum> whisper Cawaen on AD Alliance, join the communtiy, or add me on bnet Castriot#2261
>Boy I could really use prem of insight right now-
>oh... it's on solace. Nvm

>Gee this would be a perfect time to use prem of solace-
>oh... I'm on glory. fuck

Yeah, fan-fucking-tastic design.
>one fag butthurt about being kicked from guild samefagging for hours across multiple threads
sad! I'll be sure to link you AOTC in a week.
what are you listening to while playing
me right now:
I’m surprised by how many people want ascended Nerubians. I had assumed the concept of a “humanoid Nerubian” would be hated.
why would you want to play with any of these faggots anyways? i don't even know why i come here
A /wowg/ guild sounds like the worst idea ever
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Once upon a time I was, if you can believe that
i hope we dont let one sperg shitposter derail the guilds
Shit class fantasy. Anyone who brings their pet (read: animal companion, not a war-bred murdermonster) to a battle-field is a cretin.
Start a guild to beat that shit cunt's guild to Heroic clear I fucking HATE thems
/wowg/ sounds like a great idea and will bring back the wowg of good old times.
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what is the strongest cartel?
>i dont know why i come here
yes you do
deep down in your heart you know
youve always known
*leans in*
yer a faggot, 'arry.
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>stop being a loser
I wish BM was a micro intensive spec and some pets had exclusive rotations, disable etc so you could multitask your character and pet at the same time (something similar to what you get in RTS)
objectively bilgewater, but venture co isnt far behind
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good morning sirs
plese join my guild sirs
we would like to raid si-...
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Imagine trying to raid but your tank is severely mentally ill and has to type about how avatarfags are ruining his life every 5 seconds
the rest of the raid is a bunch of Vulperas doing ERP
/wowg/ guilds...not even once
it actually is ty sir
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What about this? They could change the theme and animation to actual beasts instead of flashing blue lights
Steamwheedle because they don't have to play lickspittle to orcs.
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Dog in
>Join a wowg guild
>There are wow players in it
>They all are playing their avatar in the middle of MY normal mode raid
>Seethe myself into a barbaric frenzy
Nah this was too OP
No... A /wowg/ divided will not survive what is to come...
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take ur meds. was just trying to find out if its a wowg guild and the guy starts powertripping instantly. Also why would I pretend im some NA guy shitting on the NA guild? Ive no issue with them if they just invite anons from the thread
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Servers are up
ur so cool
faggatars hidden on sight
while I guarantee people aren't mocking you as much as you think, you probably are tiring cause you been isolated so long. these deep pits take time, EFFORT to recover from and it only happens via exposure. that's the good news is it's absolutely a curable state of mind - being a boring cunt, being awkward, having such strong negative reactions to people. there are entire self help ranges, philosophies, people with phds who put in 30 years of their career trying to fix guys like you so I suggest you get working
>tldr go watch jordan peterson or andrew tate if you're a young man
nta, was out of the loop for awile. When they changed falt 30% damage reduction from block? Whats K value and how its calculated?

icy veins
>The damage reduction from blocking is calculated based on your total Block. It is calculated in the same way damage reduction for Armor is: blockRating / (blockRating + k). The k value changes depending on the difficulty or type of content you are doing. Generally speaking, more difficult or newer content has a higher k value, and a higher k value results in lower damage reduction.
we need a /wowg/ guild
ill get on now that servers are up
everybody get in here and join <I like turtles> cmon do it WOWG GUILD CMON LESGO
doom sisters won bigly and you cannot deny this
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I think you're right and I would instantly respect away from BM and never touch it again.
But it should play like that
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We up!
with horde - bilgewater
without horde - steamwheedle (because they are neutral and trade with everyone, have many ports etc., they are very rich) or venture (because they just don't care and do profitable shit all across azeroth)
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that's the hold up
someone needs to make fucking GLOBO FOMO
and when force name recharge, actual vote, not power tripper poll
I can take tank slot
Make globo fomo. Make /wowg/ great again.
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Bros.... they took away my exploited mining knowledge.....
Instead of joining a wowg guild I'm just gonna read Beyond the Dark Portal again and fap to the part where Alleria and Turalyon have heterosexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of interracial procreation.
man i just drank like 8 liters of water and i'm still thirsty
anyway EU guild status?
>exploited mining knowledge
I wonder if the anti avatar people play in first person and avoid looking at anyone.
No I'm not going to do that and I'm not the guy you think I am.
reminder to hide avatar trannies
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based zased zased!!!
so f**kin z*sed!!!!
and when force name change**
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I think it would be really funny if maintenance got extended again
this is it.
>dude my forced meme
shut up
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>Join a non-wowg guild
>It's filled with woman, transgender people, and black and brown people along with gay and lesbians
>Proceed to leave
WoW really is fucked
You were able to farm infinite gathering knowledge for a couple hours when they enabled weekly stuff. I had like 70 extra knowledge points
Why would you name your guild an obvious dogwhistle, you're going to get it deleted the instant someone reports you.
>t-they don't know our code-words!
anon I...
>join a wowg guild
>literally the same thing
>meanwhile the faggots who exploited patron orders get to keep all the acuity

total blizzard death
why isnt it showing applicants? idk how communties work ngl
lol I know you think you're helping but maybe get a degree or something first chud lmao, hope Anon won't take any of this to heart lmao
globo fomo wouldn't get force name changed you guys are retarded
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>when force name recharge
there's much worse guild names out there
>chud realizes he's actually alone and his retarded beliefs are not held by the vast majority of the people
every time
>go watch some losers they'll help
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>thinks fomo is a bannable word
this is why i dont join a guild at all and just pug M+ or just play with irl friends if possible. the average modern WoW player is revolting and i do not wish to speak to interact with them.
I don't like globo fomo because its not a cute name.
well then where are you coming from jw? im constantly reaching out to young irreverent incels and they all say stuff like this
Have you done the legion Balance of Power questline?
It gives a 2hander that glows that exact same color green as the armor
Axe also matches as well
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should I?
Its up back to my job where I get paid less than minimum wage and only in blizzard balance
Nobody has cared about retards in decades.
Whereas globohomo isn't even a fag derogatory, it's a ((globo)) derogatory.
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I wish EU and NA could play together. Lots of other games have that ability
Only nerub silkweaving forum can save EU wowg...
At least you're honest
>guild vaults still fucked
name change**
im humiliated ahhhh
>people who frequent the thread are retarded assholes
oh wow I'm soooo shocked!
>a play on words makes the new thing a dogwhistle
you couldn't be murdered by illegals fast enough
yeah me too
Uh oh I upset a furfag.
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im a virgin
which wowg general guild for I?
Yeah some random guild full of players that never log in isn't gonna get reported.
A guild in a thread with a known wannabe janny shit stirrer absolutely will.
Whats the problem of being woman or nigger? Dude cmon
Why would I let illegals close enough to murder me? I'm not a liberal, I'm just telling you how it is.
>4chan, the website known for it's curt posts, sexism and racism is too scared of a guild name on world of warcraft
this website has lost its teeth
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GLOBO FOMO guild waiting room...
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Bathroom HRT is a hell of a drug.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the forced nature of it.
avatar tranny hidden
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Yes this.
Also pronouns
shut up glowie, nobody asked you
always thought it was a weird angle asking lost people to take advice from people who were never lost. it will not take for long.
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That was me, actually
Get filtered forum shitter
Like how Biden was forced into office, amirite?
You americans are so dumb holy shit
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The guild should be called <Big Guys>
Got a nice ring to it don't you think?
By the way there's one very dedicated schizophrenic who goes literally fucking berserk at any sign of anons playing together or being in a community / guild with other anons
He will erupt into massive schizo rage for months on end
Remember the picnics?
Holy shit lose some weight fatty
>blocks reduce damage from melee attacks from the front and sides by 30%.
i thought the same but i think they chaged that in bfa
Enough talk
Post NElf butts
It is the direction that WoW is currently going in. Play today!
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>mfw M0's are useless next week because T8 delves drop 603 gear
I think /vg/ and /tv/ should be separate.

>what are mass reports
>world boss kills still dont show on lockout list
>I wish EU and NA could play together so I could groom twice as many people
fify josh
never knew how fucking strong prot is for levleing
this is why you dont play with 4chan btw
hes already starting to lose it. if one of these guilds actually clears a dungeon he will be in full meltdown mode
Being racist and transphobic is not a personality.
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Did blizzard fix chromie time dungeon queues yet
why do you need to be strong for leveling, the game is dogshit easy it plays itself haven't you been paying attention?
I have been, I'm down 20lbs. Even when I was skinny I had fat hands though. You're right though, thanks for the encouragement.
Explains the spam this thread
>yfw T8 delves are useless because you need M+10 gear to do them
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>Remember the picnics?
If you want easy rage bait tell the give worgen tails thread they shouldn't get tails
God I wish I had a hot and committed dracthyr bf I could cuddle and hold hands with
if you're going to go the /tv/ route, at least pick something funny and quoteable from TWD or GoT
Havent done anything past T1 Delves. Having to farm keys for bountiful stuff turned me off
You might've just passed the shit test.
This is the GM we deserve
Elbrecht or whatever for president!
Didn't we kill Dimensius in TBC?
his name's azgarn
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they are, they just don't play video games
Depends. Whats your main/race
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you people are pathetic
I voted for Terror Troupe, for the record
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. OR Cawaen in game on AD Alliance.
did shadow priest get an aoe button in tww?
Fat shaming worked on me so it should work on (you)
its called t dubs
Aug/Pres Dracthyr but I can play something else if you want..
>all these tranny pics
tranny guild
If someone makes terror troupe or globo fomo in the next day and it takes off faster than clover crusade, I'll disband it so we don't split the group
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? Are you feeling ok?
>Account Action: Silenced until 2024-09-06 18:41:44 UTC
I assumed it would be a month since my last ban was for two weeks and it was for something much more tame.
Furries just don't like when you point out what kind of people they are.
Why would you ever want a full 100% /wowg/ guild?
sure thing 2016 electionfag
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i like chaos
*cries in the bath*
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Why does he always win in the end?
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I want to buy it
struck a nerve
He's basically immortal
>actually play together
>do M+ together
>actually raid together
>actually pvp together
>guild discord where you can say nigger without getting banned
I dunno
my queen...
Yeah I still reported you thoughever. Go spill your HRT elsewhere faggot.
wait for a sale at least
are world quests even worth doing without the weekly
I play tank, if you want to do m0 next week, I am game
Xal'ataths face runes make her look like she has whiskers
Awesome! What server are you on anon?
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Yeah I googled it and saw this offer from two years ago.
now it's kind of pathetic to give 25 dollars for one kitty....
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Some people do not want to join a guild with autists, but still want to play or chat in a community.
I have made a Community, Nerubian Silk Weaving.
This is on NA. All are welcome. No RP/ERP please, keep it to yourself. Cross-Faction.

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is it just me or wow is going destiny route where you can basically solo everything but the raids and still have 1:1 gear.
How do we convince asmon to come back to WoW bros
I will be ERPing in the chat
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Ions personal fuckslut
premature ejaculation
Jesus Christ shut the fuck up
> that nigga who needs a weakaura for everything
I don't trust people who resort to weird angles and facial expressions on their profile pics, let alone caked in make-up
would cum down her throat
but Ion is gay
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I make my own weakauras
are garona and khadgar the only two characters still alive from wc1?
my lust has been provoked
and my time has been wasted
Rip :(
Get out of here smelly elyi
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she is cuter
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I would never join a /wowg/ guild again but I hope that you guys have fun with minimal drama.
premonition needs a weakaura to be useable, change my mind
who is this gender-fluid seminal fluid receptacle?
I'm a faggot because you got butthurt about me stating that furfags are disgusting?
Will you display your gold medal for mental gymnastics on the mantle?
who else then?
i did not like this character
Medivh hasn't been confirmed dead.
Khadgar wasn't in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.
What does she do for WoW anyway
Is khadgar from WC1?
Hasn't Medivh been back and confirmed alive since Legion despite never showing up again?
Ret Paladin.

I'm clowning on them
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this is your raid leader for tonight
Huh? You get keys from the weekly chests in the different zones
I rape the raid leader
the fuck did they do to guardian druid
doing bee WQ
taking almost 1.5x the damage my frost DK did wtf
Are you EU? :’(
Community Manager
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would you allow me to join your m0 chill learner run no toxic kappas only run world of warcraft gee
Anyone on EU wanna pretend we are friends and play the game together?
he's in The Last Guardian THOUGH
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Furfriends are based, seethe harder chuddie.
I'll report your next post too so you can keep crying about it on wowgie.
funniest thing i've read today lmao
> be zoomer, supposed to be entering 3rd year uni this year, never touched wow
> i get cancer, have to drop out
> decide to check out what millennials and xers have been sperging about for the last 20 years since I have a ton of newfound time on my hands. mmos have never been my thing
> goblin mage
> wow this kinda fun, the environment is beautiful and interesting to explore, and I’m really enjoying the story + NPCs. Shift combat kinda boring but im low level, I can get used to this
> ramblers coin. my first ever and it’s a free toy? neat, how generous
> little goblin toy, named sneed
> it’s named sneed
I hate you faggots so fucking much. I hate /tv/ for forcing that shitty overgrown meme in every thread. I feel like i completely understand the schizos who think they’re being gangstalked. I was more jarred when I pulled this rat bastard out of my bag than when the doctor told me I had cancer. Fuck this boomer ass game, you’re all so lucky cancer isn’t contagious, get aids
Bait but yes
my type
Pretty sure frost dk is the tankiest dps motherfucker out there
kill yourself pedo
you don't have cancer
I don't do mythic dungeons with a fucking bird sorry
PvP is actually fun now holy shit
mucho texto

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I need a worgen boyfriend irl
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why do nelves love fishing so much?
Ok? But then you have to include Sargeras, who is still alive, and Aegwynn who is... what happened to Aegwynn after Legion?
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bro this sneed is older than you
>crypt fiend nerubians
>crypt lord nerubians
What does it mean?
They enjoy being wet and holding poles.
>Your brave actions have forced Ameer to react! He has deployed Captain Saeed and the Avengers!
>Now all that is left to do is destroy Dimensius.
>When you are ready, I will call for Saeed. If he is not currently fighting another battle, he will be awaiting orders from you - directly east of here.
>Let him know when you are ready to fight and he will put his troops in motion!
>I wish you luck, fleshling! We have hunted Dimensius for a thousand years!

>For a thousand years, all we have known is conflict. We have defended our people from the attacks of both void creature and ethereal alike.
>Now, one of our most hated enemies lies dead - finally.
>I give you the thanks of a hundred million ethereals, fleshling.
We did, but somehow Dimensius returned (voidlords as ultra-overlords of abyss weren't a thing back then). On the other hand, it seems like he wasn't very upset about his own defeat.

Dimensius the All-Devouring yells: You only hasten the inevitable. In time, all will be devoured!
Captain Saeed says: You heard the fleshling! MOVE OUT!
Captain Saeed says: Tell me when you are ready, <name>. We will attack on your command.
Captain Saeed says: It's now or never, soldiers! Let's do this! For K'aresh! For the Protectorate!
Captain Saeed says: The time for your destruction has finally come, Dimensius!
Dimensius the All-Devouring laughs.
Dimensius the All-Devouring yells: Time only has meaning to mortals, insect. Dimensius is infinite!
Summoning the Spawn of Dimensius:
Dimensius the All-Devouring yells: I hunger! Feed me the power of this Forge, children!
Spawn of Dimensius begins channeling power into Dimensius.
>He doesn't have a GOLDEN sneed.
>mental illness mods
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this is canon
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Which is worse: the official WoW forums, the MMO Champion forums, or the WoWhead forums?
they are all fucking awful dude
I thought this was an AD EU guild.
We may have a schizoid problem.
this thread is bretty bad
bring back the coomers and porn, remove furries
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Whats hte EXP difference between follower dungeons and normal dungeons? I'm healing and I'm tired of the fucking tanks jumping across pulling half the dungeon and dying before I can get a cast off
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why is she named that way if she is 100% white?
wowhead and it's not even close
I don't even like TBC or its lore. I wish none of the new shit existed. WoW doesn't need lore at all honestly. Everything WoW needed was in WC3 and honestly we didn't even need WoW because WC3 was the better designed, more atmospheric game. Once you start turning that atmosphere into a solid "world" it becomes more limited than the mind of my imagination and therefore it becomes worse.
Where do i go to farm nerubian chitin?
could be married to an asian man
Her real name is Feldstein
any group with the word "chill" in it is 100% super casuals that are dogshit at the game
><Bwonsamdi laughs> You think Dimensius was bad when you see him in little shattered Outland? His true form would crush your mortal mind. Horizon to horizon... a roaring black sea above. He stretch beyond the stars. I keep staring at him, at what I saw beneath those colossal waters. Lucky I be mighty and I keep me mind in one piece. Ol' Bwonsamdi not so easily broken at the altar of a Dark God.
Hi. I made the Nerub Silkweaver FormEU guild. I think some shitposter made an equivalent NA one. Or they like the name and want to use it. I don't really know whats going on
ret pally playstyle is dogshit this expansion
She married an Asian man, senpai
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just found out you can send yourself crafting orders from alts to get the weeklies done
Your issue is big pulls or tanks that die pulling?
horrible if true
I just really liked the name but I can change the community name to not cause confusion I'm sorry
I don't mind if you use the name, it's a little bit confusing tho. But hey if you like it you have my permission
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i put chill in the title of all the m+ groups i make and i am in the top 5% of tanks
is your narrative destroyed now?
tell me something interesting about the story of worlo wacca in the wer wiffin
are hero specs gonna be deleted in midnight?
there is not content
what raid do i transmog farm boys
>Big pulls (TWW)
>More mobs
>Wide AOE damage
>People standing in shit or poison debuffs eating at health
>Try get everyone up as a paladin, tank is already pulling the next packs across the way before i get the chance to mount up or top another up
Apparently all my characters were horde. Funny, that.
Nah they'll gradually add more talents to them, eventually characters will get to use the whole talent trees of the two specs related to their hero choice
I'm not sure what you mean but you can join any guild cross faction if you join the community and or add someone on battlenet
no because you're an anonymous poster on wowg making shit up
oh shit leech on a ring
whys this even still here
by all looks, sentinel. really wanted to like dark ranger but compare their aoe it's not close - a single tiny dink every 6s versus constant explosions when you multishot. the heavy shadow damage and 15% extra aimed shot / rapid fire from dark ranger sounded great but the capstone birdie for sentinel apparently makes up for it on single target... makes sense cause the 10% damage amp is always up if they don't move out the birdie circle for 8s.
It is a worgen/panda schizo who is friends with Thatworgen. He does the same shit on the official WoW forums too
Oh yeah, sorry for bringing you trouble. I keep pushing until health drops to zero. Will be more considerate when I get holy paladins on next dungeons
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Mandatory BHC therapy for Alleria's asshole
I sleeved her a few days back she probably forgot to put them back on when I was done
this is the face you make when you notice a wart on your dick
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Updated the NA Community name until someone comes up with something funnier.
Open to anyone on NA.
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>You get the notification for getting crests at the end of dungeons even though you're capped
Super cool.
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tell me something good about picrel im wasting my boost on it
please someone create <GLOBO FOMO> i want to join it
it adds texture
Are we back /wowg/?
Is it finally our time?
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don't do it anon
I genuinely do not want shit with this person or anything to do with them, so no. Besides it’s only a matter of time until wowg figures out who he is naturally because he does not cover his tracks. Just know that he has been seething about Maye specifically because he uncovered the most about him itt
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holy......... imagine her titanic juices....
>2021 wowg was unusable and pure constant spam
>2024 wowg is birthing guilds
what went wrong?
the burning legion has returned
there's alot of panda and worgen schizos that are friends with thatworgen tho
wow won
shrimple as that
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I tank sometimes too, i get it, its fun pulling big packs, I have it built into me to pull single-packs or until a point
>Ara kara: pull across the bridge stop at the cross point, then pull the rest of the bugs just before the end, then kill the end pack before the door opens
>Priory: Pull the stair pack up to the second and grab a third at the flame and pull back towards the group, pull the last pack and the wandering 'boss' then move up the stairs to deal with that pack THEN move onto the guys into the pit
While other tanks, PULL STAIRS TO FLAME ALL PACKS, RUSH UP STAIRS, PULL PACK TO PIT. Tank: guys were dmg?
somehow you got psy opd into not playing with anons but boring normie guilds by some angry schizo
official. nothing is ever worse than official forums.
Oh so it's made up.
what are the drawback for x-server raiding?
can you enter mythic from day one?
>Try to come up with a lore friendly name
>Look at a list of character names for the race
>It's totally random
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Imagine being the retard who leaves this for a one-armed sheboon
Biggest schizos migrated to wowg and OGg
or died, hopefully
She needs to shake her ass for me while I pump
But andy is a homosexual and is with shaw and that gay pirate
final fantasy troons stopped spamming their garbage game because they got hit by a shit expansion themselves. Also the most unhinged went to ffxivg
i went into mining fundamentals and mastering the mysterious
weaponsmithing long blades and armorsmithing fine armor

keyed or bricked? also how do i get the extra knowledge from dmf?
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Hmmmm I should make another death knight...
I kinda wanna put my head in between a wildhammer dwarf female's massive tits, you know what I mean?
WoWhead is the worst one. It's heavily curated by blizzard affiliated trannies and inhabited by terminal stage blizzdrones.
Mmo-c is way less curated and there are more people who still remember good old days so there is a bit higher level of adequacy.
Official Forums are full of normies and casuals and they are quite okay to express critique and easily swayed by influencers into both so back mode and doomed mode.
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She pretty...
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hide that avatroon
>chud comes here to seethe about being penalized
>I'm not mad the guy who banned me was mad
Here's a lore-friendly name: Sneed.
>birthing guilds
is that impressive?
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did i just get a bugged boe
It's garbage
mmo-champion is just a 4chan echo chamber of chuds, I dont know much about the wowhead forums but it sounds boring, and at least official wow forums are funny to read
what if its a normal human woman's fat tits?
Is there a reliable website that's not petopia that keep people updated on creatures that usually aren't tamable but are because Blizzard fucked up?
Petopia keeps snitching and I can't get into WoW Secret Finding Discord for some reason.
if you use any of those sites you know its wowhead, no question.
They make up for it by having next to no utility as a tank or ways to deal with magic damage which isn't casted (aoe/dot)
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he tried to warn us... now the mini jailers are unleashed and they're trying to get the mini sigils..
it's over
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Thoughts if my nelf was a fallen ranger?
Or be a tank spec, which I will be doing
Sucks to be you
they are fun
reminder to report and hide faggot avatars
tankbros. we just cant stop winning
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Fucking diggers invading our beautiful city...
what warlock spec is best right now?
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Tfw non furfags are more likely to be disgusting degenerates. Spend less time thinking about them and play the game lmao.
There is already one on NA but it's full of /a/utists
Hahaha no
I'm ready for the new goblin raid
Are hunter traps just a waste of time
Got my ele shaman to 580 and I'm looking for a guild to raid with and attempt heroic, how hard will this be considering I'm playing FOTM?
>no beard on the body type 2
and my erection is gone
ahaha uppity avatar tranny
as usual, demonology
wowbros we do win we do a win
wow is the winning
Planning to play either affli or arcane mage, are they fun this expansion? How are heroic talents for them, make them entertaining?
>try to look for a heroic / low mythic guild to use as a stepping stone to get into mythic guild later on
>zero heroic guilds recruiting
wtf am I supposed to do I feel like even I try to apply to a guild that usually full clears I am going to get laughed at
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Isn't that the f-list created by Maye? Very similar interests.
pretty much yea
Your tricks are no longer working faggot
Lol set him off
Aff takes way to long to do any reasonable damage in like 98% of the content and a waste of a slot when doing anything outside Heroic/Mythic Raiding
Arcane Mage is fucking insane and you're basically a machine gun turret firing large savos of magic missiles at everything
So let me get this straight - we didn't even get to a bulk of the content we paid 90$ for and the game is already out of content for another half a year?
Great! Very cool!
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It wasn't before, Mountain King is just that good
I'm doing retarded levels of dps in heroics I dunno how it hasn't been nerfed yet
Well, I tried to warn you guys. This faggot is going to detail the thread even harder over the next few days. Enjoy.
ahahahaha he so mad bro lol he melting down lmao
notice how very few, if any, player characters will use "le beards on women xD"

nobody likes that shit except trans(pedophile) people
ahaha I know it's working tranny
Wht about binding shot explosive shot counter shot steady shot
Bros which alchemy specialization should I pick I'm so confused
void consummcumming with females of the dorei and ren persuasion
Fuuuuuuck awakening the machine, this has to be the most braindead retarded waste of time thing blizzard ever implemented
Explosive shot is godly and counter shot is bread and butter interrupt
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what class for random BGs if i just want to turn my brain off and annihilate people's health bars 100 to 0?
Diabolist feels so wrong on destro
Destroy feels shatfed with Hero Talents.
whats the fastest leveling?
df or one of the timewalking? campaigns?
How are the other two specs of warlock?
big foot energy coming from xal'atath
Shutup and get your buffs to make it more fun idiot
imagine doing one without 100 stacked haste buffs
>that you get from an item
>thats unique
yeah this expansions WoD2.0 except theres no sign theyll fix it later when theyre just gonna shit it out and bail for midnight a year later
wow is 100% now COD "dont give them time to notice the shitty"
>doesnt walk so they dont get dirty or sweaty
whats the point?
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
be glad you're a zoomer and the other 90% of the dogshit goes over your head.
Classic, TBC and Wrath tend to have the most players because the dungeons are fast, easy and have guaranteed quests.
warlock or mage
Shadowlands was so bad that I quit WoW and didn't even want to log in anymore
I decided to come back to TWW in the Metzen saga, and god how I missed that game, I didn't even think about it, but now I remember I'm finally home.
How much faster are you with an enchant that gives 1k speed? I can't find anything on how fast the player runs (hurr they run at 100%) or how much 1k would increase it.
so like what exactly is midnight?
lol just triggered some fags on WRA in azj-kahet
just mentioning the word "slurs" sets them off its fucking hilarious
i didnt even say any
so.... globofomo bros..... who's making the guild
reminder to have kids or blizzard will never get younger players

dirty australian slut
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Thanks I kinda dig it
I think I'll RP it as she's ashamed of being Darkfallen and keeps it a secret
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>They engaged and killed beledar before pinging it in the raid
Bring back public hanging
>mm hunter does way more damge than BM and has less buttons
it's like a night but it's kinda mid
Transmuting if you're a casual who crafts for 5 min a day. Alchemy Master+Flasks if you're hardcore and want to play the AH when raid day comes.
Player run speed is 400.
850 speed enchant gives a 6% increase in runspeed.
I have never been so incredibly scammed in my life.
>Before the new Alliance race for the Burning Crusade was announced there was rumors that the inhabitants of Gilneas have turned into Worgen and that Worgen would be the new race and Gilneas their homeland
found this on gilneas page on 2007 wiki
is this true? they were planning worgens since TBC?
This is just untrue, BM does more damage. MM is for pvp.
Isn't it the opposite? transmuting if you want to create a horde of alts and spend all your time doing it, flasks/potions if you want to dump your concentration every couple days.
Go complain about it more on twitter faggot lmao
I'm fairly sure that Worgen Gilneas was a fan theory that players brought up endlessly on the forums and blizzard just took it when they had no idea what to give alliance, again, in Cata.
Transmuting is guaranteed gold even if you're a fucking retard. With flasks/pots you can easily fuck up and lose gold if you don't know what you're doing. But yeah both are viable so just pick what you want.
Sure, why not. I don't think calling it a "plan" is as accurate as admitting they take old, unimplimented ideas and decide to put them into the game because they have to balance the scales. Goblins are the obvious real new race people actually wanted for the game.
holy kek I love this general
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>queuing as tank for quick specific dungeons for gear
>healer is a disc priest
disc is good, fuck you
Not in my experience
>Not even the same image
You're a little retarded aintcha. I know you think just one person remembers the Falseflagging that is Maye.
your fault for playing flopmaster this patch
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Destruction is ok and Demonology is fantastic at the moment. All Warlock classes need Haste 100%; which I know is obvious but because of how fast Normal and Heroic dungeons go and presumably every other content we'll be doing in the next few weeks is almost a demand to be able to do any effective damage.
Mastery is absolute horseshit at the moment and most gear gives Mastery and Versatility
The reason I'm saying all of this is because Diabolist needs Haste to have an edge on most dungeons but visually both artistically and crits are FUN, you get to see giant fucking 1.2 to 2 Million Crits from when you summon your Pet Lord but every is so fucking slow.
Right now the edge for Normal and Heroic Dungeons is going Demonologist with Soul Harvester and eating your gems as quickly as possible to constantly going back and forth between Dembolt and Hand of Gul'dan then using Power Siphon
Aged cripple sex between old gilf Modera and old dadman Khadgar
Based? Or just another Humiliation Ritual?
Is BLT recruiting for raids?
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Fury warrior
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I got it. Thank you this gives me some decision to make on what to play, are heroic talents changing classes around or they are just useless gimmick?
new thread?????????
ware new thread????????
I hope reminder to report avatarfags to the authorities is in the OP again lole
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It's a mixed bag. A lot of classes get to do things differently or get to change up their rotation to trigger their Heroic Classes more often but others have no changes at all to what they usually do for a rotation and all the Heroic Class does is add passive perks to your rotation you already use if that makes any sense.
MM does better AoE but nowhere near as good as Surv, and BM leads single target for hunters. Why would you play MM?
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Sylvanas' redemption story and her marriage with Anduin
because it's fun and comfy
She looks like she needs to have her flesh cleaved off to reveal the creature inside...
Yeah, it does, thank you. Is there a list for which classes it's meh?
Niggas here making guilds when they will die just like during DF launch HAAAAAAAAAAAA
Just blend in a be a normal human being
You know what's surprised to me? The one armed cyclops' voice actor isn't bad.
if xalatath never turns into a giant horrible "true form" monster like that bitch from re8 im going to be so pissed
Post proof
Sure but it's the worst spec
Hunters won't get invited in m+ this season, period. Survival might if they're lucky but MM and BM are toast. BM will dominate in bosses and delves. MM has nothing.
She will 100% have multiple forms over the next 3 expansions
is prot warrior good for you
are there any funny memes from /wowg/ around the ending raid of dragonflights like "we are here as a family"
he was dead all along
>mm has dog shit single target for the fourth expansion in a row
just fucking buff aimed shot holy shit
I don't have a list for you but unironically wowhead did a pretty good job calling out which Heroic Classes were just crap and saying how useless they are, as well as icyveins on some of the people that wrote for their classes on the site.

Like right now, as an example, Hunters Dark Ranger is hot garbage, not only does it barely do any damage but it also has no visual flare.
I'll b honest, I'm not really a min-maxer for stats and love visual flashy stuff more and will choose looks over stats on most of my alts but Dark Ranger is just garbage
Another class and its heroics that are doing horrendously are just overall Rogues outside Assassination apparently (i've only seen two Outlaw Rogues in the entirety of playing TWW since EA and I've only seen five assassin rogues in total)
These retards never learn their lesson. They try to make a guild every expansion now and it always turns out the same way.
they actually set this up in advanced. im surprised

No, only after BfA when we freed Xal'atath.
I bet the first thing she did after giving us over to get tentacle raped was infiltrate Dalaran. She probably killed him the same hour that I was fapping to her feet on her old model.
Thank you anon
/wowg/ guild GLOBO FOMO status?
MM does more single target for me
>joining a /v/ guild in 2024
the last good one was in TERA.
that game was TERA-ble
stfu let anons play in peace
You're insane. BM is way worse. I have played nothing but BM. Switched to MM and instantly do more damage
Also survival is too gay. Half the tree is dedicated to bombs and it requires a pet.
Honestly I don't like the talent tree system. Half the generic hunter talents feel irrelevant to the specs
I don't know what to tell you guys, maybe your secondary stats are fucked up, this is fact.
yooooo lol the new eu guild is W no cap on a stack on a skibidi fr fr

and there are several e-girls in there aswell

im about to rizz right now

+1000 aura
But everyone has said BM is the worst of the 3. You're the only one saying otherwise
which one?

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