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Previous Thread: >>493268914

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
human sex
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Bnuuy love
My soulmate...
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I don't really mind last pot Blem
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Fair warning, there is NO device events after this one for the foreseeable future. So stock up on them now
>Wkeks mad
>Everyone getting Ela
>anti-Collabkeks seething
>good story
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He's getting beat up by a Durin...
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human females BAD
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thoughts on Ela?
wasnt frost a leaf? why does she look like a poojet in r6?
got a fat ass
Needs to have sex with bestial men
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Are you retarded? Chapter 14 is device farming “event”
Need her to sit on my face while she says "EAT THIS"
She's Chinese
Amiya's womb will be flooded.
IMAGINEbros, how can we recover from this?
sexo sfx
>can't auto the device stage with my limited newbie roster
50-ish pulls in total. Pretty good if I do say so myself.
These are 30+ year old women
I'm actually shocked how mediocre Ela is, I can't believe this is what you guys hyped up so hard for months.
I got her with the freebie and after E2ing her, I'm pretty glad I went all in on Ray instead because Ray is so much more fun, flexible and hits way harder. Plus Ray doesn't suffer from being Polish or having EN only dub.
Another /akg/ psyop taking a big, fat L. I should not be surprised at this point, same shit happened with Ash, Dorothy, Yato and a bunch of other FotM operators.
That's hot
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that's a lot of hair conditioner
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will the previous r6s ops rerun?
>try rolling
>get this
>roll 55 more
>get horn
>only 10 rolls left
Looks like I wait 7 days, this sucks
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>It's true
wtf is this the first material since rocks that are as efficient in chapters? Does ch14 add anymore that are as good?
bwo? did you forget your /akg/bwos were over 30 too?
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fully grown men being raped by small Durin women
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What are you talking about?
Yes, after this event.
The banner works just like this one, except you won't get 20 free rolls in total.
Ch14 has a special material droprate boost event.
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It's been a month since I've last logged into the game.
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I like green haired women, simple as.
I can't get on right now. Are the two free ten rolls just given or is it a login thing where I have to login every day for a while to work up to them?
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Why doesn't Ray get more lewds?
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What is the target audience?
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we're all rolling for Ascalon next right?
The first ten roll is immediate. The second ten roll is after 8 days.
>Ch14 has a special material droprate boost event
Oh so penguinstats droprate is just inflated from that? It's not actually better than device event once the special material boost event ends?
nyo, that's a skip
Will the first ten roll still be there then? I would rather not login until both are available.
Nobody here actually takes their meds, they wouldn't give a shit.
I killed all the artists who lewded her.
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even Porncircus?
>durin fucker
Dont have her yet.
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Make it a sound image
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You can adjust the timeframe of the stage droprates on penguin statts
I think it's same as regular device farming event efficiency-wise during the special chapter event.
I told you so
>every in good Japanese voice acting
>random polish women screaming EAT THIS
I forgot I how much I hated english voice acting, back on the bench you go with Ash
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Monie's obscene yet necessary spending on hair/fur products!
Why didn't we get another durin operator
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I have bad news...
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is this my new waifu?????
Pretty sure the 2nd ten roll you need to login for all 8 days.
Yeah but would you really want to go through the event without using the ops at all?
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Wait, WAIT, why is Catapult cute now?
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Who knows
doesnt Ela betray Rainbow
Why change anything when it's perfect the way it is?
She's kinda short... Based on her voicelines I would have thought she will be taller...
based asset securer
The horn adds another couple of inches.
So if no one is watching it's ok?
What a slut
That's hot
As if that second ten roll will give you anything but a 5* bag.
I'm actually rolling for the other R6 collab. I don't think I'll have anything left for Ascalon.
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Yes, pon birb is very cute and silly.
>A woman who can match my height
Sounds perfect to me.
If only she doesn't talk so much in her recruitment lines...
Anyone have the nyosmontis wack ass crystal prison image
jacket and tight pants is an elite combo
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>if you have dorothy you can just skip ela right?
>they're both trappers
e0 guides for ultra newshits that just finished rerolling, because you faggots are probably gonna need them if you are used to westoid moviegames
CR-3 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ox4y1r7Ac/
CR-4 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WC411p78B/
CR-5 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nr421W7YY/
CR-6 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ei421Z7rC/
CR-7 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hu4m1g7uP/
CR-8 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Y6421c78w/
just replace the meme kots with literally any source of aoe phys damage like shirayuki
hell the e0 damage is so fucking bad that an e1 firewatch should easily slot in and replace the kots
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somehow Iana becomes younger
I'm at roll 110 waiting
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i mean just look at her
her design isn't lewd at all
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Put Dorothy and Ela on the same squad, trust me
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Sexo image
All the porn tells me otherwise
Thank you
>You can adjust the timeframe of the stage droprates on penguin statts
Looking at it, outside the event boost ch14 stages don't have device drops. Ticking show available items only removes them. So it's only a temporary thing it appears, not a permanent device farm sadly..

No thanks
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What the FUCK are you talking about
Thanks but I'm not going to do that, guess I'll just get the one tenner. They can't force me to login daily with these wack collabs.
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But she does?
don't worry, this guy's pic doesn't include ch14 which has a device farming stage. It's a boss stage again but in three months your newbie roster will be much stronger.
made for footjobs
those boobies are extremely lewd
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>farming stage takes 50 eons to clear because of slow spawning enemies
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remember to get Jessikot mod1
>dorothy ela suzuran blue woman
how slow can you go?
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bwo what the fuck 184 cm is tall as hell what do you want a 224cm woman?
What's going on here
>Catapultfags existing after all these years
>No Sankta halos, and they don't look like Blacksteel either!
They DO look like Blacksteel though
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Tummy-core operator
>get the better ela
nah, they look leagues less slutty than blacksteel
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Oh poor Diaz her daughter turned out to be a goth!
It's absurd how much better our versions are, especially Iana and Frost
Newfag here. I got Shu & blazed through those stages life it was nothing.
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For me, it's being everyone's new 6 star.
I just realized Ela is a sniper that can't get fucked over by the no sniper risks in CC, yes I'm a retard
Tools and Barricade gimmicks are worthless
Pure unga is the way
bwo... your wuh....
Kick Ela in the pussy.
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How many metals are there?
she's also a "sniper" who can't get fucked over by a lack of high ground
It's just a phase!
>the Siege UI has a sanity gauge
Very cool
Maybe I've been spoiled by Ray, but Elas gameplay feels really dull
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2 normal and 1 secret
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Imagine jobbing to this lane
She is lewd in ways the uninitiated will not understand.
What do you mean? You can't deploy her on low ground
are we getting a ten pull? RS6 is huge in America right?
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I don't know about the skins bwos
I want to get them because of fomo but I don't like nor care about them at all
Iana is kinda cute though
bro her mojewel?
1-7 list, post clears if you want something moved. Fuze got autopassed since he's in one of the chosen classes.
the farm drops for the upcoming events so I know to farm devices or alloy
Blacksteel ops have BS logos on uniforms, "Black Steel" on equipment, and bright yellow id badges and strips.
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Forgot picture
they'll never come back again
get it now and cry later
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suddenly, we're in Leithanien
>anyone but the nips
>getting extra free pulls
What's the boss' gimmick?
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That's crazy
Bolivar was built by multiple countries
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Blacksteel looks like THIS!
What are the two normals? I know Fuze is the secret medal
Ela only feels mid cause we are missing her module which makes her OP
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I've got my Ela, bros
Wyell it's lore appropriate at least.
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Tecno lewds soon onegai
Probably complete CM on all the EX stages.
>bursting down the boss in CR-8 is not the correct solution
oh that explains things
Buffing crit rate to 50 is also huge deal
No go away you autist
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Doesn't look like that to me
Is that the famous twin empresses?
Literally reversed Jesselton. Nothing to write home about.
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Got a source for the cosplay, by chance? I haven't seen a Pallas one before.
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Blaze love!
Save for wuh
Has Red Cross sued him already or are they too busy shuttling combatants across warzones?
she has 100% crit rate when her mines are up it doesnt matter
Still not buying dumb tachanka skin.
Also it came back.
The new boss is piss easy wtf
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Guys. I need to confess something that I thought I would never have to confess...I don't know what the fuck is happening in this game story wise. Outside of the plots of the first 6 episodes (which even then is just because I watched the anime), I am completely lost about what is happening and why it's happening. I think this is mostly because I play towards the end of the day, and don't have the time to read 15 minutes of a VN anytime I do a level. And with me recently continuing the story past episode 7, I am wondering how you guys beat experience the story. Do you just put aside an evening to read the cutscenes, or do I just watch some ADD version summary?
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I disagree
I’m 195cm tall and i want a girl that absolutely mogs me, so yeah, 200+ sounds great
Ray fucks shotas.
>lost to ebenholz on the free first tenner but got ela on the next 10 rolls.
Makes up for failing to get ash years ago and having to go safety net for yato. I was beginning to think i was cursed on these collab limited banners
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>He wants to fuck this?!
It does matter because mindlessly wasting mines on full skill duration isn’t recommended and her normal attacks deal enough damage to not leak trash mob
I read a few stages at a time.
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I'm building this because I wanna fuck it
>event/story chapter comes out
>I sit down
>read it all in one sitting in 7-8 hours
As a Thighs Guy I give her an 8.5/10
This Bolivarian whore needs correctio
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Guys, my Ela looks funny...
>this wall of text
what does the boss do
I just hit him with the Mostima+Dorothy combo in the middle of the map
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They are critically missing in the bare leg and short skirt department.
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No they don't
R6 theme or Dungeon Meshi theme?
Digest stuff by event then as a whole, most stories are self contained with only foreshadowing of slight nods to other stuff.
That shota? Me
Whichever fits your assistant more
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>more people got Egg'd
Isn't this the cu
who do you give a 10/10?
an aiiiieeee for an aiiiieeee
fartooth for a tooth
Gif of Mya-Nee from Wataten! getting fucked with belly making movements that when cropped looks like an accordion
I like the boss theme how it uses explosions and gun sounds
Makes how fucking long it takes to auto less bad.
You can just watch summaries online, at least that saves you the time while also learning the most important parts.
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what is the significance of this...?
Doing a stage takes very little time unless I'm doing a restricted run so I usually have time to read the story as I go through the event. We usually get 2-3 weeks so that's more than enough time to read everything properly.
Summaries skip over characterization.
Oh nyo....
It's that famous taped banana "art".
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>pepe ruins the day for other people even in events she has no connection to
You don't got to worry everything outside the main story might as well be alternate universe because they aren't canon.
More like BACKsteel
Its a compromise you're gonna have to deal with then.
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qrd on Fuze? does he commit more war crimes than Dorothy?
I read this post about every new 6* operator. Every time someone can't believe how mediocre Shu, Degen, Typhon, Ray, Ela and so on are.
>t. skipkek with poor reading comprehension skills
Is Iana for you?
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Oh no?
Imagine wasting rolls on this 3DPD westoid ubislop garbage
I got that Ela too
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everyone who's ever picked Fuze in R6S has picked him in a map with hostages and made a beeline for the hostages with the cluster charge out
The who won:

The ones who lost:
Shitposters are out in full motion today
Which of Ela's skills should I M3?
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Dungeon meshi one is completely unique to the others, and 15$ cheaper too
I wonder if it's deleted on sight on /vg/ as well
Degen, Typhon and Ray are literally some of the best damage dealers in the game, you dumb shitposter.
we literally just got the dungeon meshi collab which is the complete opposite of this
S2 is not bad skill but wouldn’t not recommend mastering unless you find it fun
Wrong. You're suppose to let the round play out until the last minute before you cluster charge the hostage. That way you waste everyone's time and piss them off as much as possible.
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I just read boring event stories in story reader
It's way faster than reading it in-game
they should have made her kazmierz horse skin
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Daddy Saria
I don't see any Dungeon Meshi collab in the global server, bro.
Reread my post again and try to understand its meaning, retard. This is exactly my point.
really doubt getting an op thats obsolete on arrival and only useful for is4 bots can be considered winning
this time around the 5*s are not even good
Is R6S woke?
fug does anyone have that phantom drinking the soup pic of this. i forgot to save it
Nigger, I would also read the stories word for word if it were not for the fact that I don't have that luxury anymore.
So are the old R6 Collab characters basically ones that if I wasn't there when they released, I ain't getting them again? I won't lie I feel a bit envious when I see the funny armor guy solo every mission in existence.
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Am I John Arknights's greatest paypig?
>obsolete on arrival
You don't even know what those words mean. Jimmy, pull up the tier lists.
I just fapped to that one Ela doujin so I was obligated to roll for her
>when I see the funny armor guy solo every mission in existence.
The old r6 characters are rerunning after this event
next event is supposed to be the originium dust rerun alongside the original cast banner
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Here's their latest operator
Is she good for anything? I wasn't paying much attention to the threads during her event.
Old R6 are rerunning after this event
Some one hand it's made by Ubisoft, so yes. On the other hand it balances out because they still make hot characters from time to time.
Dont worry bro, they will do a rerun in 2 more weeks (actual)
Can I run people over with the wheelchair though?
Ela's well embowed traps
>can shoot a woman in a wheelchair
what a glow up
>fully articulated combat robots that can perform anti terrorist and hostage rescue missions
>cant make anything for bad legs
Cross between horn+hoshi
Almost as tanky as hoshi while doing horn-tier damage. She's really good but doesn't do anything "flashy" so nobody really talks about her as much as others
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i have tried posting this fyuacking image three times
the durin deep state wont let me!
That would be the guy who has everyone maxed, but you're high tier nice job
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All those 10 rolls I have been saving up gone..
You don't use 5 stars, why are you even giving your worthless opinion on them?
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Okay, we REALLY need a function to turn off voice acting for specific operators.
CN doesn't have such a function yet?
The Dungeon Meshi collab has been a boon for Minimalist's self-confidence.

To Poz's detriment.
Let me guess, the thing sits in spawn and just controls the bots so you can't ever shoot her and her DEI chair.
It's heckin wholesome and inclusive, goy
Professor X?
Man, I'd rather get Egg dupe than Swire Alter dupe. Fucking cunt was fullpot and made me spark to get Eyjaberry, then got her today, too. I don't care for most pots since doubt I'd get a relevant pot (like Ines), but getting dupes of operators you despise is the worst.

At least Ela came in 70-ish pulls.
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what is even good about the 5*s this time around? even iana is a glorified stalker with zero damage and reveal powercrept by a 2 year old welfare
Tequila is for Rafaela.
At worst he'll just have to defend against Catapult in case she attacks.
dont bully him he actually has a wife and children unlike minimalist
ENgods won BIGLY. Weaboos can only cope and seethe.
Knowing Ubisoft, it's because they needed to include another checkmark on their list of inclusivity.
Heh. Nowack
>Tequila is for Rafaela.
But La Pluma is all over Doctor's dick?
yeah I've been out of those fucking things for a while thank god... Blaze-Saria-Skadance got this stage on lock
Not canon
No the robots are the actual operators
Bullying until she cries
She's a good defender
Polychads keep winning
I couldn't resist
An eye for an eye...
>with zero damage
she doesn't tho? she's often doing better damage than an ambusher. and has the best on demand stealth reveal outside ines
doc ignores a lot of def and can heal as a guard so stuff him behind someone laneholding to skip a medic there
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weird boss, fun stages though
Can you make it more pixelated? I can almost see whats happening.
Use https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter
Bro, just because you can build robot legs doesn't mean you should chop your legs off and replace them with robot ones
Why isn't this faster? Ela has a gun...
But even in her operator record, La Pluma wants Doctor to praise her?
why is your first idea to dismember yourself instead of making power armor around the legs
It's very nice
>got Saileach and Irene while pulling
should I bother building either of them? I have Myrtle and Degen built
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>He redeemed the Siege
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I used webm for retards, is yours better?
You're supposed to have E2 Phantom train her up to 32% of M1 and then switch to Irene.
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Shoulda let the local weird woman bear his children...
Hot children too
Doc needs that cash
what is the boss even supposed to do
he just died
but why though?
Glaucus must be smarter than that Professor X wannabe I guess
Dr. C____...
>she's often doing better damage than an ambusher.
Maybe Kirara, Manti s1, and Ethan but only single target.
>and has the best on demand stealth reveal outside ines
Elysium, SA, Scene?
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>Some weird idol video playing in the corner of the screen
What the fuck are you doing, take your ADHD meds
they likely already cut their dick off, please understand
at that point whats another limb or two?
Why not? Though, I really use Saileach for the s3 since its a really good source of fragile and having another burst operator sounds cool.
any max pot Ela? those 10 pulls arent going to earn themselves on global
>WebM for Retards
The one I linked is the continuation of webm for retards, named webm for lazys because github is a cocksucker.
i still got all 3 despite losing more then i thought i would
i bet my akg friends can get her and use her as support hmm nyes!
we don't pull for westslop
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>fifteen gold certs
This is a ripoff, do you want my liver too? Fucking street scammers.
thats not really any different from Iana tho
But what about Logos?
All of them die on dangerous places, Ela is great because clone has invis and also has better rotation than Ely
>have to spend 87 rocks to get all the skins
It hurts...
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Is Iana's S1 global...? I might actually master it, sounds funny
You think the Durin mesugaki will become playable?
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And yes, its miles better, handles vp9 (4chin supports it for a while now) and has better compression quality ratio too.
There is so much wrong with this post
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Here's a memento.
your Sailpipi skin bro?
If there's a god on this bitch of an earth then yes
Only the name is wrong
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post humans
It's Dr Krolik
it's Emily
is Ela Jewish?
>70 Rolls
>1Mlynar(Second) 1(Saileach) 4 Iana, 1 Doc and Ela came to my landship only as an act of pity
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have you thought about Rosmontis today?
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My will demands it
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>Hes gone schizo
Polish so probably yes
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nyes of course
That's Ash
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Doberman (NPC)
>get iana for free
>may as well raise her because why not
>her damage is actual unironic dogshit with 800 damage instances, with skill
this is almost spuria s1 levels of bad holy shit
why would anyone waste their chips on this?
It is
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What did they do wrong?
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Arknightsbros... how do we recover from this?
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I wish I knew
nevermind, I only had to not kill the boss too soon
Always has been
Elf whores cannot compare with the tightness and power of a human pussy. You don't want a slut who splashes everywhere, you want someone you can leave a memento in their womb.
P1 from rolling for Iana pots and a skin is all you're gonna get
Exoskeleton can lead to some gruesome injuries.
Extra weight is an issue as well as extra volume on the sides making you get stuck on shit.
Since the legs would be basically pulled along by the machine, you'd have some nasty bruising which can be problematic even if your legs are non functional.
Motor failure or applying too much force? Enjoy having your meat sticks bleeding out and broken in the middle of a battlefield.
Running and walking upright is actually a really hard task to achieve and human body would possibly lose balance more easily due to the differences between brain and machine interface.
Invisible reveal
does the story have overlap from the other r6 event? I havent done that one
Whats the mostima dorothy combo?
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Arkn-ACK
Imagine the sex
Ch14 doesn’t have one device map rate up but multiple
Ash being the only one to get a skin based on Terran races (a cat girl no less) always feels really funny to me
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The only constant thing in this unstable turbulent world is that Eyja can't kill shit lmao
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>he skips this
>Invisible reveal
just use scene
literally needs the hologram to be attacked
I'm not too far but the beginning mentions the area from the first story causing them to teleport as they are looking for team ash
I debated it, ask again in a week.
I'd like the talent pots at least
Go back to Originium, Priestess
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It's not the worst in recent times
>Magic that can do anything in world
>You cast summon wheelchair instead of fixing your legs
Looks great
I feel bad for non weebs. Even our dudes look better.
Is this how retards unironically play the game?
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85% of a modern bosses HP is pretty good, that's Degen levels of power, pretty good job for a day 1 operator, it'll be back up when he spawns on the other side too no reposition needed
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Fuze's S2 sounds like a colossal meme, how many stages can you even use it on?
I dont like english voices in my weeb games
>almost invincible
>free damage amp and invisible reveal you can set and forget
She's great, she's utility and not pure damage
>using a 5 target aoe on single target
Your brain is rotted
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Which operators would rim the Doctor if he asked?
I'm sorry but I need the Alloy. Whenever I'm short on something guess what, it's fucking Alloy.
>literally needs the hologram to be attacked
It's worse than that actually, the hologram is separate from the actual dollkek substitute.
The hologram is pretty much her base version without the substitute, THAT needs to be attacked.
Meaning if you manually pop S2 it will not work.
You have to let S2 automatically pop and even then it will only work on one guy.
You are literally better off using another DPS than using her for the fragile.
Same but I like their ingame art and I want them to collection.
Based retarded Eyjaschizo
A lot, but you will probably forget to do it.
Is there any way to check my gacha history? Why is this game so backwards?
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Cringe and biopilled
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She's so fucking sexo it's crazy.
30 year old women are made for passionate sex
Your standard history? No sadly. It's why I keep a notepad of how many I am since my last 6*
Limited banners like collabs/anniversary all have their own history pity so nothing prior matters
Is Ak even considered a weeb game? This isn't even JP leaning
She's so hot
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>85% of a modern bosses HP is pretty good
mateo has only 50 res btw
>this is what they took from us in the durin event
never forget
How good are the old R6 ops? I was thinking of building them to do an R6 run in IS for fun, they seem like they're all built around stun synergy which seems useful. Though I imagine Frost is probably overshadowed by Ela's S2.
Eyja is old busted, we know
70% of a bosses HP is pretty good, don't even have to redeploy for the next phase either, can probably finish that off with the rest of the team / a fast deploy pretty easily
>How good are the old R6 ops?
Not really good but still usable.
I need Blitz for a single reason: WAO.
>he still has fake webms
Is Lemuen inclusive though?
blitz still is relevant due to literal helicope stun and silence that hits air, that's literally it
everyone else is unusable shit
They're all at least serviceable. I'm sure an R6 only IS run would be very doable on medium ascension at least. Sounds sovl
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>bolivia? but bolivia doesnt have a sea!
Is this old demo built?
>A skill designed to hit multiple enemies at the same time
>Lets test it's damage against a single target!
>Single target damage dealer specifically designed to kill bosses is better at killing bosses
>retards trying to kill bosses enemies in one go without buffing and debuffing as intended
And this is why players have a disjointed view on how to play this game.
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A tale as old as time
Lemuen is peak woke
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I guess Bolivia annexed chilean land in the R6 universe. Alternatively, poles can't even point at South America on a map.
is this event pre or post kristen space program, timewise
so you're telling me carnelian is the best arts dps in the game due to having theoretically infinite damage against infinite targets?
Just a few more hours
so was the last one with shu
Yes. I'm pretty sure they're not releasing anything new until ch14 gets here, which is in November.
>Ejyaschizo is here again
It's been 4 years and you still let her live free with air conditioner on in your head, that's impressive lmao
*takes off hat*
Post Dossoles event
Yes that's the case for anyone that haas true AOE
I wouldn't mind Eyja living rent free on my bed desusenpai
so you admit tierlists are wrong then?
I was wondering why he brought up Eyja vs Frostnova yesterday, that did seem oddly specific
...yes her value goes up the more things she's hitting. Fucking insane, right?
Unfortunately we don't get rushes of 20 shieldguards at once so it's not that impressive of a stat.
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Eyja being the strongest caster until a few months ago and eyjaberry being the best medic probably completely buckbroke him.
This boss is the new jobber like jesselton you know.
Why are eyjakeks so fragile?
>casters are not bad guys just have them get carried by much better classes
That squad is a bit overkill innit?
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>Muh tierlist
Doing 70-80% of a bosses HP solo is not even remotely bad, trying to frame it as bad is hiliarious, you may as well say you hate playing the game and only want to use operators that instant-kill bosses
Is it worth pulling for these collab units? I didn't pull the first time that the r6s event was up
He even used royal caster tokens on her to prove that talent upgrade and +ATK pot won't save her, I respect that kind of dedication.
casters arent bad, eyja is shit and everyone got gaslit into thinking shes the best caster akshually
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Too bad he's a collab boss so we won't get to see him job again in a future CC. Then again, we still have some MonHun enemies around.
Should I roll Ela if I already have Ray?
Iana is a very interesting and unusual operator.
>Doing 70-80% of a bosses HP solo is not even remotely bad
It is when this boss is easier than jobberton.
Pull for operators you plan to use, not because they're limited.
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>log in
>get my free R6 10x pull
>bag full of blues and one Kafka dupe
>close the game
See ya later, bros.
Wake me up when Walter's banner goes live.
I'm not going to waste my pulls on somebody that's barely better than Ray or Typhoon.
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These baits are so old I'm not even motivated to reply to them anymore....
When will we get new shitposters with more creativity...
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My wife? The strongest in theory!
Yes she's better
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I suppose they stepped on a mine.
I kinda want the rerun ones for the base skills, do the new ones offer anything like that?
Maybe he just came back to /akg/ because of the collab?
>Wfag doesn't even play the game
Most likely
No, Ela is just overrated due to being limited. She's midtier at best
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why dont Ela mines do any damage?
i just want to see how much I spent on the R6 banner, I forgot to note down my stash before rolling
bait used to be believable
Translating the tierlist for non japanese speakers:
>Lots of sex
>Big sex
>Moderate sex
>Don't sex, they're all dudes plus a child (Irene), a hag (Penance) and your daughter (Kal)
You're welcome, EO friends.
We still saw r6s enemies for a long time
When we ditch /vg/ and make our home in /vmg/
This place is a toilet, and the bacteria on one side of the turd have declared war and constantly raid those on the other side. /vg/ is /b/ without the porn
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It did, will you try saying Wis'adel is balanced next?
Because she's not really a trapper per say. She's more of an AA sniper with no air prio and free Thrm-ex fragile.
>skipping Penance
Muy retardo.
/vmg/ is worse than this place, its full of chink shitposters who shit on anything non mihoyo
And now we have the Wigger throwing another tantrum because nobody talked about his roach for more than 5 minutes. It's all so tiresome.
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>She's midtier
>Nothing but happy perversion
>If anything, I want to be happy and lewd.
>I want to make you happy, but unhappy perversion is the only choice
>I want to see the ultimate catastrophe where all the important things they've built up are destroyed.
I really doubt that
He didn't even mention W though
Autos copy RNG, right?
Then why is the enemy pathing messed up in my autos in the last bit? Sure, I foolproofed it in case of fuckery, but it then takes longer to complete.
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>Autos copy RNG, right?
No lol, if you have any change to your operator stats (like with trust) it changes
>unironically wanting to live under the deranged thumb of /vgm/ gooky jannies
I want to have a lot of sex with this sad kot
Would be better if he used his baits sparingly, but every day, every thread for multiple hours he just goes "X operator is shit, convince me otherwise" and nuh uhs every reply. It's not fun
I fail to see the difference?
Trust me bro, I have over 5000 hours of anime in my hard drive. That practically makes me an expert in japanese.
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>who shit on anything non mihoyo
No... dont tell me thats true... Sounds worse than hell
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Are these two worth leveling?
As far as I know it doesnt because I started during that fish event and every other auto failed
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it doesnt copy RNG, its why GG autos always fuck up somewhere
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>make a ranged tile
>make it undeployable
for what purpose...?
It'll copy rng as long as literally nothing about your squad's stats change. Levels, Trust, Skills or anything can break it
I thought Ela could be deployed on melee tiles, or is it E2 locked?
Any change, be it upgrading an op or getting higher trust thus increasing their stats, a crit, a framedrop on your phone/emulator that makes an enemy spawn 0.2s later or whatever other reason can and will break your auto.
Lol no
Eyja is worth leveling and M3ing S2, probably not the other one
It's with her module.
>Shitxas in t0
Tierlist instantly invalidated
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they do
Eyja is for sure
M6ing too, s2 and S3
Nyodule locked
Assuming this isn't bait, Eyja yes, Ho'ol no probably not
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carnelian a best
>Shoe that high
>Jean D' Arknights that high
>Sharmy that high
>fucking SilverAsh on the same tier as Ling
lmao, what?
this tierlist is full of shit.
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How do I get a jessicat gf?
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Bro invented NFT.
I'll assume that an operator gaining trust changed Gummy stun chance which escalates in the boss moving a pixel outside caster range.
Alright, I'll switch her with someone else.
I mean /vg/ is literally the same but it's /bag/ AND /gig/ at the same time
>keeping your deadweight legs that don't work anymore instead of chopping them and getting fully working cybernetics
>fucking SilverAsh on the same tier as Ling
Lord module unironically saved him shitposter-kun. I know you've been gone awhile but try to keep up.
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Nice Dusk showcase!
>This was the last banner before blemi is sent to the kernel banner with ascalon release
Based Nearl avoiding falling into irrelevancy
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Tierlists are for fags who don't know how to have fun with what they're given.
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>have 200 yellow certs
>could buy schwarz since I never bothered to get her and I lack a true boss killer heavy sniper (don't think pozemka and poka count as one)
>ooooor could go all out trying to get ella and burn all my resources
Why must I be presented with such impossible decisions?
why did you skip Ray?
Be assertive around girls with self-inflated egos from middle and high class families. You can literally grab them by the neck and hips.
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No baits here, here is my castor list
How can Silverash be soo strong...
now that Ela won
Exu is dead?
You can get Schwarz later tho
A lot of low tier shit isn't fun unless you like having fun via stuff being shit
>going ALL OUT before day 8 pull tickets
>all my favorite ops are tier 3.5
lmao what the fuck am I looking at
>Got Ela with my free ten pull
I'm worried it'll take a full spark for Wisadel.
She has been dead for years.
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Mine isn't even on the list
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Or... You could just hold your gold certs and save them for Wisandel's banner.
You know, the character that makes Schwartz and Pozz look like 4* operators.
Incestfags on suicide watch
In that case, Eyja will buff your GG and Ceobe, even easier if you build her module.
If you feel like you need more arts damage, Eyja is a great idea to build since it'll be a bunch of arts damage plus making your other casters stronger.
ulpipi is good!?
wait people use the kernel banner?
Father-daughter shopping day out
Damn, speccy fell off HARD...
>10% arts damage on attacks
>15% more attack from talent
>15% bonus damage to elites and bosses
>All filtered through TSS tripling his attack
His module damage bonus is fucking cracked.
yeah as long as you bring his baby sitter.
godamn iana is so fun to use
NTA but what's the issue retard? Are you just being antagonistic on purpose? I should slap your ass.
Updated tier list
Bro there's no shot this list isn't bait.
Or... You could just kill yourself
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That time of the day again?
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so is Exusiai just dogshit now?
FUCK Lin in particular, that's why
for the longest time i thought this was 2 docs discussing the pride flag until someone pointed out it was supposed to be the tierlist kek
>Narantuya powercreept both Ray and Typhon
What's the point of getting a non-W sniper if its going to be obsolete the moment the next one comea around?
Is ash good now that she has her second module?
>retards can't comprehend using T0 and T4 operators together
Every single one of you fags should consider playing 5*, make them work together, and only THEN would you appreciate your retarded crutch operators.
It's better than her first but I wouldn't call her "good" per se.
There isn't a need because the gap between the top one is too big, hell Narantuya didn't even get into the Standard tier so she's disappointing too
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There's a reason we call it tierlistfaggotry
I like using a bunch of shitters with skadi alter just to see what the stats do for them
Memelists always conveniently forget speccy is consistently core in max risks
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Man all these stages are PRTS proof
You can look at the bottom 4 tiers of any of the tierlists posted above and pick out a bunch of fun operators. They're low because some joyless idiots out there only think about how long they take to kill some arbitrary bosses instead of how well they can handle the vast majority of the game.
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>gor ela and doc from free 10 pull
>banner says next 5* is Iana guaranteed so I can wait for the next free 10 pull
>0 resources spent total
that means I'll be able to pull a bit in the Ash rerun!
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>this isn't a lewd design according to anon
Vigil is actually very good with a Skadi on him and the wolves.
Better but she still loses to all the new-gen snipers. And is still reliant on the enemy being stunnable so that excludes a lot of bosses
Yup YUP....!
Now this is what I call a columbian clearance sale. Grab em while they are available.
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I won
Calls back to OD-8 which was PRTS's greatest fuckening
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>banner says next 5* is Iana guaranteed so I can wait for the next free 10 pull
Next on-banner 5*, you can still get Tsukinogi'd
Oh right there's THAT.
When's her event anyways? This month or the next?
oh that's kinda fun, I never built him but now I wanna
Try january
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>green hair in special forces
Only poles would allow it
>you can still get Tsukinogi'd
she's welcome as I don't have her yet
We skipping Whu and rolling for Pepe, right?
Someone posted that like an hour or two ago and it's living rent free in his mind or something
Grats bro
im using THAT
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your gf
Rolling for logos only and skipping everything else but ulpipi maybe
Skip both for LappGOD.
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Now YOU are the spewer
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Kroos feet!
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God damn that's a cool upgraded version of UTG stonk
How can a JK be soo fucking fat?
I only see one foot
I look like this irl
>grass colored hair
You'd understand if you ever touched it
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she was originally blonde
>using siege
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Have a fat cock.
Serious question, why roll for Assclown when I have Spalter?
I need to smell Ray's feet so much
Because the wolves hit 3 times at max charges, the attack buff that skadi gives them is tripled and with the increased def and regen she gives you can keep them up.
This paired with Vigil itself doing 50% more damage to things blocked by wolves because of the trait, I was surprised how well he was doing even with just S1.
how does utage NOT have lowered redeploy time
My favorite part of the event is spending the last 3 months gaslighting everyone on the supah pisscord that ela is gamebreaking and a must roll.
Now they are starting to seethe she's useless and everyone else is calling them retards because they need to have her masteries and nyodule first, all without my input.
One retard even sacrificed his w2 300 roll guarantee for ela.
Feels good man.
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chiken users, which Fiammeta module do you suggest unlocking?
Because they do different things, retard.
They aren't for the same things for one, not that you should
I don't remember posting this
Mating press
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Huh is this the first confirmation that Earth's gun isn't that deadly to Terran?
what about them
Top one if you want to do stage 3
Bottom one if you only want to do stage 1
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is this slut any useful?
You know it's true. Tierlistfaggotry is usally accompanied by a webm of [Operator currently being shitposted about] getting smacked by Patriot or FrostNova.
Post hand
Thorns is better than Qiubai right
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Humanbros... out gun is less powerful than an Originium Slug...
Specters slow is a meme
60% with tiny range is a joke and it’s temporary
Only for her body
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You're joking right?
Look at this >>493297120
Asky wasky is tier 1.5 and spalshit is tier 3 and also fishit
A Long Journey
The damage on block one sounds exponentially better on paper but when doing >math, it ends up turning out both are about the same with the block one only winning out by like 150 damage on blocked enemies.
And that's without considering the extra aspd is pretty good too, especially when revving up S3.
Assclown attaches individual spalters to enemies that walk through her range while slowing air and murder elite/normal enemy crowds.
bros... why is he called.... doc? am i getting keked?
They both aren't specialist that deal aoe arts damage and makes enemies slow?
You could make some good money off her depending on the rate
Are you one of the footfags?
A long journey
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I mean, we knew it from the very first cutscene.
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I, for one, enjoy instructor guards
Don’t call her a slut, she’s a good girl
>fgo alter lingo
>is a complete retard
every single time
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Man you are so fucking stupid it hurts
He's retarded. She'll late October at the earliest. January is Pepe anniversary
Swire my love
easy sollution gentlemen
keep shooting until you are sure they are dead
>shooting to incapacitate
>full shotgun blast at point-blank range
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Nyo, Spalter is a 2 block guard most of the time.
shes actually really good
but snipers aere in a crowded space with w alter coming
the bunny is niche due to being able to change where she can target outside her normal range which lets her hit stuff snipers would have trouble hitting. if you have limited resources u can skip
Fuze is Russian
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I want pot3 Pepe at least so if rolls are low I'll skip w2.
she has nice feet
Wait, Doc's an Instructor?
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Y is my choice.
We knew it from the first cutscene in R6 1.
AP rounds barely did anything to meme metal crabs.
Spalter only does it for a short while, in a smaller area, after being reduced to zero hp. Asky doesn't have block count or invincibility. They role are completely different.
>look at this highly incorrect tierlist
No, you "bottom tiers are fun too" fag like to ignore shit like high tier ops having genuinely intresting flexibility for shit like "Vigil is just as good as mountain with s3" as mountain tosses around a dozen enemies with s3.
What's incorrect about it? Are you able to put your emotions to words?
Huh. I wasn't around for that. Honestly I'm surprised they're rerunning R6-1 AFTER R6-2.
All you need is mantiCORE as your stalker
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your gf
Being born with no soul must be tough.
For afking, QB has multitarget and utility if you're willing to activate her abilities.
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Based Columbian-Sarkaz director fucking with the Sankta in Wrankwood.
Ethan is better. He IS better.
I regret rolling Kirin Yato
she's not that good at all and has no utility
only good for killing rows of slugs
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Emphasis on stalker
specter alters job is to delay heavy hitters with her body, sometimes long enough that enemies have to rekill her again
with the correct module the dot isnt trivial.
Post sluts
Fuck off Dr. D
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not the same role, thats a laneholder that post nyodule can melt most elites too vs one of the best burst arts dps ops post nyodule
>Ela is way higher than Ray
But Sir /akg/ told me Ray is better?
Anyone else feel like they really went 0-100 with the Sarkaz=Jews stuff?
>el Capitan Molesto
She's the 2nd best sniper in the game
Speccy holding off tekaaz bvlls with her body...
If you see a handsome G*ul man around these areas, do not fall for him.
>inb4 Ascalon webm
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Cutter is better you retard faggot niggers
I still use blue poison
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Ray's kit is a ton of fun to use with her range extension and it's satisfying to watch her punch holes through the enemies. I don't know how relevant she'll be for niche scenarios in future content like CC but I've made good use of her extra range to snipe enemies that were out of range for everyone else, which helps to clear some annoying ranged units early. If you're a metafag or brainlet you can skip building her but I enjoy using her a lot, she's so fun.
I mean they got Closure saying stuff in Hebrew before...
The Sniper holocaust doesn't affect Ela as much.
Arguably better than wuh2 against single target due to an exponentially better rotation while having identical DPS.
>listening to unhinged rayschizo
ChatGPT will give you better advices than him
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Stop using anything but top tier 6*s.
don't look up the origin of Ascalon's name
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Guess I'll go with the aspd module for now
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Eurekabros... they are slandering our girl..
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being in denial is not a good thing bwo
especially no when CNcucks got proven to be utter dogshit at the game by being filtered by RA to the point they needed easy modo to be created for them
*mumuclones a Juggernaut on ranged tile* heh nothing personnel event mechanic
I use Eunectes for every boss and she still gets the job done in most of them.
Post askek max risks
Speak of the devil
people that ague against older tier 0 units live in a vacccum trying to justify not having said unit.
Its funny because roll chads have all units and tye discussion is irrelevant.
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>finally got Ela
>80 rolls in
>after a spook from intj
I'll never recover from this
Man why even get involved if you're not also trying to stir shit
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Anon, there's fertile then there's fat. These two are too sporty to get fat.
the legendary spic that buckbroke wuh metacucks...
>Implying Global shitters (who job against tutorials) are any better.
Reed is a slut
Aggressively flashing her butthole to everyone at the beach hoping to turn her exit into an entrance
/vmg/ is shitting on Genshit though after it's revealed Genshit characters are devs self-inserts.
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I know Ela is supposed to be a lot like an AA sniper, but what the fuck is this
She’s quite literally better Manticore so any max risk with her is Ascalon’s max risk
>Surtr at T0
>Silvercuck at T0.5
>Hagpipe on the same tier as Ines
>Qiuwho at T1
>Pozy and Typhon on the same tier
Just from first glance.
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Average Sankta warcrimes...
Look I know we didn't bring home a single max risk last CC, but this next one we'll do one even CN couldn't manage, for sure. Watch
That's a bird(cat).
When's Walter coming out?
>Look I know we didn't bring home a single max risk last CC
the only ccs /akg/ max risked were piss easy ones like pine soot
and even then nobody max risked manfred
Why is size difference so hot? What benefit does the monkey brain think this has?
>"imagine non-existent clears bro"
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Nobody can escape the Rhodes cafeteria
the legendary catbird queen.
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Melon operator when
given the current schedule, around the start of November, they might give us a dead week after CC but everything else is back to back for now
Sorry people can’t time travel and optimize clears with her
post fat ladies
he just needed your sodium chloride
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a bird and a cat
A catbird!
Cheeto love
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You asked for it, now suffer.
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He'll be in charge of Utage alter
>Muh tierlists
>Muhx risks
I sleep.
my HERO finally a 5 star I actually want to keep on support
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>Tie me to a rocket and launch me to Kazdel
>I'm ready
Aight, hopefully my orundum recovers till then
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Hello handsome ~~~ :3
Has anybody made a crop of Doc’s sacre dieu?
I accept your concession
Utage's artist is already perfect, I want him to do a completely new op with his own design
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Sleepy moose skin when?
I don't want to be that guy but, what exactly are our chances of that?
/akg/ is filled with inbred retards
I dont even attempt CC
The best we'll do is someone who can copy the ones CN uploaded. JP theoretically could since they did once back in Pyrite I think but probably not
So what did we learn today?
Cumtingency Cumtract
Some anon are pretty good at what they are doing not that's far from enough
CN CC groups are basically wow guilds trying to solve HG's bullshits 24/7 during CC
Most global pros are regulars in the /akg/cord, so if we count their clears as ours, it's very likely.
Rayschizo still has a negative IQ
i learned that ignpring permanent modes is best for sanity
Pinch out Operation. AKA: POO
Donald Trump is called Cheeto
Archetto is called Cheeto

Archetto is Trump's illegitimate daughter!!!!
Pyrite was interested because Yostar fucked with the banners so we didn't have the Weedster like CN for it which caused people to loose their shit since it was impossible to copy CN runs for that CC (which IMO made it the best CC since Globabl actually had to come up with their own solutions)
>CN CC groups are basically wow guilds trying to solve HG's bullshits 24/7 during CC
Source on this? I always felt this was absolute bullshit and cope because JP and global players are intellectually inferior to CN players.
doesn't count
CN CC vid credit roll or vid's description
Kill yourself nigga
>Source on this?
Most of them have credits on their videos for it.
Actually laughed, good job
Pinch Out a POO
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is there a point in getting these since there's no rerun
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Technically speaking it's harder to bullshit out an original clear on global since whatever the easiest/most obvious one is has already been done.
Do you not want free goldCerts?
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>there's no rerun
This must be this world’s version of rampage aka le people must rise up *kills the people who he is talking about*

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