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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>493099521

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Stop spamming my LB, Koishi. You ugly gremlin nigger.
why is shiva like this?
Hey that’s me!
That's me too!
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Post your character
Post your character with a small animal or minion accessory
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my minheight wife!
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I love you and want to steal you away from the Mari poster...
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all my ngs money went to this
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Please post butt
Post your fat whore ass now.
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not even logged in atm so can't take new one
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A literal tranny lol
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T2 for this feel...?
me on the left!
Don't cry...
You look fabulous and super cute, keep doing yourself sweety.
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i don't know who either of you are...
post tribute
Thank you for your positive comment... Yes, I'll be doing myself alright if you know what I mean...
Are you really thinking about transitioning?
How can you tell when your minheight friends are in heat?
Worth becoming P-chan
if they're wearing actis...
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but I'm p-chan
Does the zipper extend to, "there"...?
I'm a crybaby...
*beats u up*
Shame, I'll tighten my hold on you even harder
and if I say "harder"?
Things don't end well when someone says "harder" with me around, especially when I love to lick tears...
how do I get people to like my minheight...
I'll be sure to add a "please" to it in that case.
put on actis
I'm already wearing it! It's over for me, isn't it?
my condolences
I already like it...
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And what if it does, anon?
Late reply but 10/10
this is your fault >>493299785
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That's like blaming the hooker for making him realize he's gay.
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I regret nothing.
Shots fired
Kill yourself
whats your face shape xyz please?
I was reading a /v/ gacha thread and now I'm horny...
You wont let me zip it that low anyway but good to know it does.
calm down...
no. end your worthless life
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T2 for this feel?
Nigga you blind? She clearly states that she's Kaho.
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gooning to kayou
Show pantsu
I really wish you had better taste in music. Every song you link is weak. We would never get along. Cute character at least.
Did you really have to post this?
>Wanting to befriend a lolcow in the first place
>Why does no one talk to me
>even his t2 looks like a tranny
You sliderlets never learn
What did you expect from someone whos entire personality is gooning and fap bait using 3rd party tools and has a melty the moment something dont go their way
But enough about blintrovert
Nah, his issue is hoyo brainrot
Yeah. You have trash taste in music. And your character has a soulless stare but would make for a good cock sleeve regardless.
With that description I thought you were talking about blintronigger or shitfingers
Only newfags like him
What sort of music do you like? I don't know much about music but I like upbeat stuff in general. Hip-hop, j-pop, k-pop, EDM and funky stuff. ALI, SOUL'd OUT/Diggy-Mo, BRADIO, etc.
One of my favorite songs ever. You're invincible while this song is playing. If you don't like this you don't have a soul.
Imagine liking Aiatar, what is this 2022 and you shoot your virgin load to him? Get real dudes pathetic
I want to shoot my virgin load inside of Aiater...
It wouldn't be a virgin load if you're already inside RETARD
Tell me more
Azrice calm down you incel
I want to shoot my first non-virgin load inside of Aiater...
Now this is a blast from the past. Pariah's getting uppity about Aiatar as if we're back in covid lockdown.
post butt
This is why you are based and transrice is a whiny bitch
post butt
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Old Rapi butt.
fuck off
Good morning pso2g :3
Hope you're having a good day!
*attempts to rape u*
New pariah same old melty
Can I plap?
Do any new anons have the rizz to pull this off anymore A*atar?
T3s always have a 50/50 chance to plap A
T1s always have 0
What about T2s?
Pick a number from 1 to 6.

No, anons are too chicken. A coward who has to ask anonymously will never get anywhere.
Nice fanfic transrice
Is posting nude but censored with accessories allowed? Or that belongs to the other thread? I don't want to get banned...
I hate CS that don't put their GP tree within eye sight of the teleporter. I ain't fucking exploring your shit ass fuck ass bitch ass shithole of a CS. I'm leaving if I can't see the GP Tree after I spawn in.
Just don't show areola
Just enter a CS that has a high kudos count. That usually indicates that the tree is easy to find.
im putting my gp tree right near spawn
surrounded by invisible bombs
dont forget to like it too
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Close but no luck. No plap for you.
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>Pick a number from 1 to 6.
Ahem, you're not supposed to reply to my random thirst posts. Luckily another anon showed up for it.
im adding my 1 to his 2
now go and plap him slut
What the fuck is this? Why do you gamble lewds?
Only luck gods can plap... Nobody is ever going to get to plap again...
So as long as it's not showing those parts it's fine? I guess I can post more of my creations then :3
>too new to know losing a gamble and posting in aco
>Aiatar is so brainrotted from gacha he gets excited over chance
Dunno I'm just keeping myself entertained while I decorate.
Can I walk in to your CS and ask for sex?
Can I watch...
Sure but it's set to alliance and friends.
How many anons have won?
None. The RNGods have no mercy on those poor souls.
Are you a virgin ingame?
>pso2g is a bunch of lucklets
Not surprised
This anon seems more fun than most of you. Why do you shitpost him again?
he won't let me fuck him
Once you get to know him you'll see why no one likes him. Go to his CS now
me fuck
so funny azrice isn’t even trying to act normal anymore
uh oh cracky woke back up
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It's thread pariahs that have never spoken to him and feel slighted in some way
>you have to dislike someone to funpost
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never forget
shut up crackhead
enough shitposting, concert time
is everian available
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This pretty much. Everyone talks in game to avoid the cliqued out pariahs, blint killed the gc by simply being in it
i like the angles but prefer verticals

uhh i think you’re a dude but zamn do you have the menhera agp disease if not can i put it in you
post butt
What the fuck does this even mean? Just go for a Menhera that has AGP, cracky.
L rizz
what are you saying
kill yourself
Brady there isn't a man woman or troon alive that would let you put anything in them. Besides your mom she let you put her in the supplement hospital
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That was certainly the post of all fucking time.
Jesus christ, dude.
Cracky how the fuck do you find new ways of posting L rizz?
Playing on the other server I hate how I'm always around when the thread is very quiet.. ᗜˬᗜ
Have you tried saying something? I haven't even left
>source: i made it up
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>covered up alt account or possibly just self posting in a dead channel so nobody can tell nobody actually posted it
>no dates
Shut up mother beater.
I believe it desu that guy exposed himself as a massive schizo during the syber war
I come back from smoking a bowl to see the crackhead still trying to convince everyone he's not a massive faggot LMAO
i got some stuff on
looking for more.
we already know, there's no need to announce it here
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hey (with ress)
who the fuck are these fucking faggot normies you all keep mentioning here. who the fuck cares
post butt
I love you...
He's about to start tweaking in a4 isn't he
>only drama Brady knows is normie drama
Wish you could OD on weed
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why was this one deleted but the others weren't?
>ALL the normie namedropping random shit is just emv
>he's just writing his own discord screencaps, takes pictures of them, posts them here
>replies to himself
really wish he'd just fuck off
he's greened out a few times by the looks of his retarded rants some nights desu
post butt please..
You'd be more believeable if you don't censor out everything but have fun schizo-ing on your own
playing this game makes me really wish I had a boyfriend
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Have this one because you asked nicely.
Hello (with negative rizz)
>have a boyfriend
>he never gives me any love
Both of you are gay
Already more rizz than chudrice...
Stop wanting relationships and just fuck for fun you absolute retards
Someone mentioned Leche rikka leaks like two threads ago. Where are those?
So Rikka is a pedo simp for shartwiz and SA's people and gwiz gave mod to pedophiles like Asuna and Doof but Rikka was removed because he posted Twitter sex pics which breaks tos but when gwiz breaks tos it's ok. good to know being a pedo in a position of power is not tos breaking whew
Chuuni wife...
>Gwiz gave mod to fellow trannies who sucks his dick

Wow what a surprise!
people are still mad about gwiz? hasn't it been years since she was fired?
Nice dubs
Fuck off axewoundofthesharts, didn't ask and ywnbarw
i wouldn't call cracky "people"
Of course. He single handedly destroyed the global community. He encourages witch hunts. He defends pedophiles. He accused RB without proof. He lies about everything. He just lied the other day about how blocking works. For no reason other than his impulsive nature. Anyone who talks back is transphobic and problematic. He tells people who erp to seek therapy. He hangs out in Balmung. His entire life is based on seeking out the validation and attention of others. He can't not be the center of attention. He can't not be the victim. He defends sexual predators and gives them positions of power. He has a discord server exclusively for discord mods and his friends that are partnered creators. everything you see is orchestrated by a group of mentally ill men larping and roleplaying as women
>people really saying Global is better than JP when GWiz is their representative

>he hasn't gooned to the gwiz gifs
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Working on a lively face. I think it's going ... okay?
you can tell when a character is piloted by a man based on the nails and makeup alone
based truthchad
You can call every single T2 a man and you'd be at least 95% right
Rate the rest based on makeup and nails.
who is on the 5% list?
not me i'm a guy
guys dont exist on the internet post cube with timestamp or ur lying
JP has always been better. But the people here play Global so they will always be biased towards their server.
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Why are you never online at the same time as me...
Do you just want me to log in now so you can say hi?
I usually am but just not on NGS because it just doesn't have much to do...
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i've changed my mind, here...
H O L Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck it's so big...
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what colors do I dye this
post the back...
In bed already but I appreciate the offer. Just log in more...
post rear
Just..message me on discord or send me a kudos next time, okay? I'll reply.
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it's just the same colors on the back though
>feel horribly lonely and worthless without a BF
>feel neglected and unloved with a BF
there really is no winning, is there?
wanna what
Interesting, mind sharing your wasit sliders?
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here you go
Sweet, thanks! Studying...
Anon, there is nothing hard about max everything lmao
I hate this game. I wish I didn't but Sega's just fucking useless and can't get out of this hole they dug. I wish there was a reason to play.
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Kys boxy/moira/emv
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no csl...
None of those three are robotfuckers
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blood and THUNDER!
Anon no one here actually approaches someone
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Good night /pso2g/
literally me
why won't he love me back?
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Sleep well
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Goodnight my cute and cool and wonderful and amazingly cheerful friendly and lovable dorky wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet who I love and adore!!!!
I hope you have a nice day!
I’ve had a few people approach and I respect them heavily for it.
I think I might quit. The state of the game is so shit and the more I talk to people the more annoyed I get and the less I want to play. Unfortunately I'm a nobody, so you guys won't be rid of the insipid cunts like EMV or Boxy, and I guess will instead have a greater ratio of moron-to-normal posts as a result. Sorry about that. We'll see how things go with the next Headline I guess. Good luck our there anons. Maybe we'll run into each other on Clementine or Ephinea.
Minor spelling mistake
NICE casl!
If you had a best bro you met on NGS and for 3 years you thought he was a bro and had the best bro conversations with him but eventually found out he was actually a woman the entire time, would you still want to be friends?
It depends but someone is bound to be weird about it.
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it hurts a lot when he starts liking you after you move on from being ignored and rejected, hoping it won't be the same for you
I don't see the problem
It's happened before with my friend I play mahjong with a few years ago and I don't really give a shit.
Nobody cares
There are probably a few in there. I'm laying in bed and don't have my glasses on. The drive is gone.
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Gonna goon to this
I approach when I'm autistic enough and only at certain hours
My wife
Just quit. I don't know why people try to no life this game and then get mad when the way it handles content should tell you it's not a game you can truly no life. Go play XIV.
>Go play XIV.
The entire reason I play online games is to play with people. That game respects my time less than NGS does. I'm not sitting through 500 hours of a shitty story just to play with my friends.
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Ah this is one of those afk lobby grinders, they want a video game but without the game. I bet you if NGS rains content these bitches would complain. You are the problem
>would you still want to be friends?
Maybe until she keeps bringing up the fact she's a women talking about women topics and subjects where you can't relate or have no knowledge of to the point of annoyance.
well I smash all my bros so if she won't let me smash she can go suck it
based brosmasher
I wouldn't approach either of these
are you gay?
I would and have approached all of these
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I think what anon meant is that he wants a MULTIPLAYER game.
XIV is not an mmo, I got baited by that shit when NGS released and everyone went to XIV instead with their existing accounts. I expected to be able to play with my mates and quest together, but instead I quickly found out that xiv is a 300 or something hour long singleplayer game and then, and only then can you do multiplayer stuff with your friends
>but roule-
Yeah, 15 minutes of content once every week after the headache of trying to group people together for applicable roulettes because you're suddenly being cucked by progression. That doesn't make for a good MULTIPLAYER experience.
In that regards, xiv is even worse than NGS.
Don't get me wrong, I actually like XIV story, but telling someone to pick the game up because they want to play with their friends is the most misleading and outright harmful thing you can do for their impression on the game.
I dont recognize these creatures as women therfore desire to approach is null.
This dude is making things up and you can tell they are not ok in the head
People complain about not having shit to do in NGS. That's why people recommend XIV. If the goal is primarily to play with friends. You have games like Monster Hunter, GranBlue ReLink, and even Elden Ring..
XIV is soulless play once per patch themepark SHIT.

NGS is soulless play final patch only or get ripped off chore simulator SHIT.

Your favorite gacha is for shit eating goycattle and it's SHIT.

Return to old school runescape
please share full body sliders
he speaks the truth and your comment will now be considered high treason in the e-court of MMORPGs
how do u plea foul heretic?
not hetero is what you plea I sentence you to 500000000000000 years of gay jail u filthy gay man
NGS is fun. I run farm groups nearly every day, chat and befriend anyone with decent gear so I can invite more for my grinds. The game is fun to play and kill baddies in. Almost every class and weapon is fun and different. I only wish there was any story at all.
Imagine being a lobby rat or erper.
>friend collector
kys i want meaningful friendships only
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any nameless city enjoyers in the chat tonight?
If you have good gear I'll grind with you, but you aren't my friend so get that idea out your head.
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The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
I'll find you and I will invite you to my grind and befriend you. Count your last days of friendlessness, I'm gonna getcha.
The inner machinations of your womb should be our baby
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>anons mind
Do you give kisses to minheights?
I can already tell you're insufferable to be around. So I'll pass.
every pso2g is a friend collector, dont fool yourself, schizo and attention seekers that wither away the day they get 0
I'm not! Everyone I have on my friends list has added me. I don't even approach people.
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Only the deepest of kot thoughts here!
His faggot crackhead ass will try to deny it but pso2g mindbroke him into getting triggered every time he comes across the word crack and it is hilarious to see.
This sounds vaguely Castlevania-esque and I swear I've heard it before.
going to breed these c@ts together to make a whole litter of cuties
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Damn you have a boring personality!
please please please post lol
gg sorry idk how to link to older messages i guess
please stop and leave the poor man alone
oh i figured it out, and no lol why the hell should i or anyone stop bullying the bully?
>my look book ratio is below 70%
its never been more over and im convinced someone is botting views on me...
all me
sorry I keep opening it to jerk off
supposedly it's people jerking off to it
what the fuck...
N*m i want to plap..
I believe this is UNIRONICALLY true. Known sluts like Mokku, Doppel, Wakaba, Andesi and Aiatar have around- or below a 70% ratio, while joke characters like Gyro and Melissa sit at 80%. People are opening the lookbooks of actually good looking ones to goon to them or give them multiple "likes" every day, except only one like per day counts while the view counter resets hourly.
>only one like per day counts while the view counter resets hourly.
no fucking way this is real thats too retarded and makes the system pointless
Welcome to NGS
>sitting on an unusually low 62%
I'm gonna make it...
I send 2 cutes if i like your lookbook and 3 cutes if im horny
xevel has no alliance again lol whats up with that
bro lol
>he didnt know
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You know exactly what~
I will never forgive him for killing Daicon
I like knowing someone open and closes my lookbook everytime I notice it I start singing mariah careys obsessed outloud.
That's how we trolled shitten.
>joke character
but gyro whole style is cooler than 90% of you stupid fucks
thats a boy...
Minheight T1s are basically T2s...
Gyro is 100% a joke character. He's intentionally hideous because he thinks the reactions are funny.
Gyro is 100% cute
Yes is it a hetero boy? asking for a friend of course
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Gyro if he were a boss:
>i got a bone to pick with you!
the eyebrows, eyelashes, irises, face shape, and makeup dont have any coherency or matches each other
its a fucking mess and distractingly ugly
wet back up this early?
real women have eyebrows like that you just watch to much anime extremely thin eyebrows are abnormal
genuinely cute
>replying to yourself
lol WD at it again
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>Spent years making fun of erpers and e-daters.
>Kept exclaiming very loudly that e-daters are mentally ill people, and should not be taken seriously.
>Flooded Daicon with erpers and refuse.
>Showed EMV what /vg/ is and how to use it
>Even invited EMV to Daicord for a short while
>Then went on to kill Daicon ingame completely.
>Broke the golden rule of "Don't fall in love with a slut"
>One of the biggest sluts, even.
>Goes full emoboy and vanishes over getting cucked.
>Does this thrice.
Xevel is the most unreasonably based retard in all of pso2g.
holy fuck no LOL go outsdie
no but at least fifty anons look better than gyro
>real women have eyebrows like that
>harry potter thunder stamp and thicker than the eye size
>on an anime face
you guys are mentally ill
kim k eyebrows are ugly af, sorry ladies but that shit has gotta go
You pick the strangest music titles but I like them
>men who have zero contact with actual women
Opinions discarded
Finally someone says that thin eyebrows look retarded.
He’s not hideous tho. He looks like a stylized anime dog and it works overall.
LOL its not fucking stylized it looks fucking retarded, its incoherent, none of the things work with each other
deeg nutz on yo forehead are stylized
>ears dont match hair dont match eyebrows dont match eyelashes dont match eye shape dont match irises dont match face shape dont match makeup dont match
its obviously a joke character
Ig you’re just mad ppl would rather speak positively of gyro than you. Oh well. I’m gonna ask gyro to take ss.
not really, its blatant that youre shitposting for giggles knowing full well that gyro is disgusting to look at haha so funny
>people jealous of gyro of all people
>toble defense force comes out at 4am california time to defend furry blint
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Gyro is cute, cool even.
>incel thinks women have ant tier anime eyebrows
I like normal eyebrows but gyro has his at a retarded anime angle.
>retard thinks women have eyebrows thicker than their eye sockets with thunderbolt shapes sitting three eyesizes above the eyes
>thinks it even makes sense on an anime face
what the fuck ever ive explained five times why that face is repulsive now but go ahead and stay ugly you fucking retards holy shit
I am rather indifferent on gyro. I do not think he is ugly, but I don't think he stands out either.
There are far worse.
>thin eyebrows
>heavy makeup
>long nails
gyro crimson melissa squishy jiggu andesi kouwa finchy gpof are all objectively ugly top to bottom, if you think even one of them looks good you need a therapist
>slim eyebrows
Woman knows basic hygiene and fashion
>thick misshapen eyebrows like gyro
Some retard that doesn't care about their image
who did he piss off?
>you need a therapist
Which one is a message therapist?
>anons think that this looks normal or attractive
wet back is illogical and shitposts anyone
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Since you fags are being catty again, /pso2g/ for this feel?
>no rizz
>no 4090
>thinks anime is real life
Doesn't exist, every pso2g character is male coded
you dont know fundamental reading comprehension lol
doesn't exist because we don't have nearly enough accessory slots/points and makeup slots
He also hung out in a sex cult hosted right in the middle of central city. 10 years in the joint made him a fucking pussy. Maybe the only reason global exists is to contain the worst trannies from entering jp.
>look through PYC posts
>only 3 have larger than Manonica Eyebrows sized eyebrows
Ugly as fuck
Manonica Eyebrows are the best/arguably only good eyebrows in the game
>they sit lower and closer to the eyes than most eyebrows which is a must without lowering the face slider which gives you immediately noticeable wrinkles
>they arent too slim or too thick, they look like what a real woman/a model would stylize, fits every face type
>they bend well for expressions
>they can look very different depending on thickness slider, customizeable
>toble defense force comes out to defend one of their own but turns into targeted shitposting once that person leaves the alliance
Tobletroons need to get Gwiz'd again. We need more permabanned Tobledrones.
Thin eyebrows are ok on more stylized/anime type faces but faces going for a more realistic look like a good sylphid face shapes better with more natural thick eyebrows.
glad we agree that gyro has no fucking idea how to use eyebrows
Blint apologist hands wrote this post
>have moderately thick eyebrows
>natural makeup
>trimmed nails
>still get called ugly
Too many porn addicts
Yeah no this does not look good.
No I think her eyebrows are fine, nothing is definitive and both thin and thick eyebrows can look great with any of the faces.
>character is supposed to be a minheight loli
>has none of the face features that you would associate with a loli
it makes me think of the "it looks like grandma the fucking thing" meme
If we were to be somehow be able to see the IPs of the replies to this post, how many do you think would be from the same person?
1 each and many more 1s to come
No one actually likes Gyro lol
Porn addiction looking motherfucker
>he doesnt use the IPviewer extension to see IPs and post I.Ds
It's 2 people at most who calls everyone shit. It's a SEA nigger too
what did this dog do to wet cuck to make him seethe so much? another failed grooming target?
No one who likes porn would be interested in that gremlin, it's objectively unattractive
wet back couldn't groom anyone if they gave up for him.
>tranny dog looking motherfucker
More like fuck off
damn he’s really mad today
I have thick eyebrows irl and I'm about to login if anyone wants to play together.
Nogxy hours
>log in
>open tsuna’s lookbook
>goon for hours to her fat bubble butt
>log out
I hate this game
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>pso2g sliders
/la barf
yeah would cuddle with both
stay mad, WD
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>pso2g sliders
You'll never find intentionally ugly motherfuckers like that in the JP server, only on Global.
Absolutely hideous. There is no style or coherency, they MUST be crafted to be ugly on purpose, I don't believe amything else.
>shitposting on cooldown
you think after all these years he would learn how to be a little less obvious
I don't think he cares. Neither does most of the other pariahs. They just aim to shit up the thread as much as humanly possible.
I have no idea how they can get any satisfaction out of it.
Goodnight /pso2g/!
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Someone's son woke up one day and said "damn, I am gonna be a tranny dog looking retard"
holy shit gyro is seething on cooldown
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Post about me instead
finally some funposts keep it up
my wife...
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>pso2g be like "HOLY SEEEEX" to these two abominations
learn to make proper characters, faggots.
>no one will ever come out to call me cute when I get shitposted
this thread is basically a room full of bitchy high school girls gossiping and talking shit about each other except none of you are hot or at least bangable
I love u *kissu*
No matter how far you zoom in on the dogs I would still rather fuck them than you WD.
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>"pso2g can easily dominate twitter if we wanted to"
>makes horrible monstrosities like these
holy fuck
top 3 bangable pso2gs
Why is blint freaking out?
>don't involve self with drama
>don't be a shitty person
>be cute and fashionable
it's that shrimple
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These two makes Nym and Kisa super bangable in comparison.
So the opposites of Gyro, got it
>closing on the house today
>need to start moving my + the wife + the kids stuff in next week
>no time to grind
It sucks getting old
fall won
This thread is what the ugly nerd girls friend group looks like. The undesirables talking shit about the popular girls
GOD I want to MATING PRESS Koishi into submission and turn her into my personal onahole cumdump.
Who are the LEAST fuckable pso2gs
I'm going to do this to my wife (male)!
>too poor to hire movers to do it for you
LVM alert
Pick one. Other than Aiatar, everyone else is a literal who uglykek here.
Yomiki is the only pso2g on this list.
In the early 2000's we talked about how hot spike spigel and chino marino were
moreno* I'm retarded
I'm so horny...
If I don't get a minheight to bounce on my cube today I will die...
bounce as in jump all over it like a trampoline?
with stilettos?
yomiki isn't allowed in toble so he's not pso2g
Why isn't Yomiki allowed in Toble?
>Targeted shitposting is real
Toblerone sends its regards.
It's top list regards. Still mad brady?
being ex JP player + on old pso2g
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For anyone not logged in right now, there's a concert currently playing and ending soon.
stella, shine, doppel, nym all look better
>pso2g has no twitter
>is a litteral who
>no band of followers that worship them
how can we tell if those three are better if we cannot quantify it?
Just use your eyes, look at their lookbooks?
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>pso2g insists something looks good
>the character that looks good:
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yup, looks good
I have a twitter but I have no content on it, you would hate it.
nah, unless those three magically gets a twitter with a sizeable number of followers and high number of likes/retweets per post, then they will continue to be inferior to Aiatar. These three are only good-looking in pso2g but unknown to everyone else outside their clique so it is irrelevant. I can make up a random name on the spot and insist that character looks good but in the end it is still a literal who outside of this general.
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I like her eyes
>I like the worst part about her
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Unique villainous style to them
How does one person make so many pariahs seethe
What? That face and body are ugly as fuck and the eye shape is the worst offender.
literally nobody cares about you doppel
I don't think she's ugly at all
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All pretty characters
>blint still cant get a single compliment without samefagging
holy kekeroni
blint is like a rancid fart that just hangs around and never leaves
That isn't fair, he's left like eight times now. He just keeps wafting back in.
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I'm not blint
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peak t2 face
Looks like a literal troon
>ugly sliders
>shit dps
Was there anything he could do well?
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>500m focal length
no, that's why he has quit for the 8th time
petite goddess
Why are you lying? I don't give a fuck about his sliders but he had acceptable dps.
make others feel better about themselves because they aren't him I guess
For all the shit he talked not being top dps is the same as shit
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It's just Nogxy coping cause he failed to clear yet another boss
Cute horsie
>acceptable dps
he kept bragging about being a high level player and making fun of people who were running around with subpar gear like most of the losers in this game do to cope with the fact that they have 0 accolades after spending all their life savings on a virtual 3d chat game
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>claim to be better than everyone in /vg/
>still try hard to be accepted by them
they still have the same aesthetic just cuter
If he was so good why was he always playing with noobs?
doing a mating press on these two sluts to clean the thread up
wetblacked is still going? How many hours has it been now?
how do you weirdos remember everyone's names & characters? you all rook same
>We'll see how things go with the next Headline I guess.
People have been saying things like this for the past 3 years. The game is not going to get any better and you might as well drop it now if you're having thoughts of quitting.
i just read up and saw it and was commenting

looks like something i would have done back when i still cared about being rejected by everyone. holy fuck my thread wife is a jealous cunt
Why does he have melties about anons he has never spoken to?
wet dreams looks better than everyone here

that’s the best part and why he gets away with it
even WD’s shitpost memes of his character look better than my character
Real and true tbhngl can't even argue against it when you have undesirables like buttons/b1-ng0 and moira
I just love how blint is literally everyone's go-to when they need a punching bag
we have to bully Blint and shitpost him to get into Toblerone now?

as initiation lol
Ruined kehks reputation too. No one played with him after that
Post Buttons character files
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based normies
kekd and based
omg lmao
don't forget he's black
>There's people who still get namedropped even after they stopped posting here and stopped playing
How do I get that popular...?
Raise the jaw slider, it doesn't looo anine round it looks misshapen
Trigger the Pariah's some how and you'll get name dropped for life.
Literally make friends or enemies with one of the pariahs who live here. Boxy was samefag shilling Maru for months before someone finally made a poll that revealed no one actually cared about her.
NGS should have a marriage system
Same shitposts
Same retarded screenshots being reposted
Same old mean girl tranny shtick
Same old dog shit poop game
Claim your pso2g wife, first come first served
Who would you get married to, anon?
My caseal wife
>all the anons with multiple alts
>marring their own characters for bonuses
that’s wetcuck behavior, I’m not plapping my alts
I so badly want to do a giant post somewhere about why this game is dildos, but it will never get to anyone who might care and the only places there is even the slightest chance of it happening are so full of apologist bootlicking fucks that there's no point. How's JP doing these days? Are people up in arms over there? Or is it just empty?
Wetcuck with such L rizz he ruined plapping clones for everyone.
That'd be super original bro nobody ever says this game is dildos
What are you talking about everyone says this game is ass?
If the Japanese were up in arms about the state of the game there would've been meaningful change by now. They were harsher in surveys than global was but they still bought AC.
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I've had enough of the bullying! Some of you are cool, don't come to pso2g tomorrow...
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forgot the tune
your eternioath bro?
You've never been on the official discord, have you?
Are they perhaps up in arms while still buying AC? Did their player count also get reduced by like 90%?
>Are people up in arms over there? Or is it just empty?
It's empty
>Did their player count also get reduced by like 90%?
Pretty much
This one single place meanwhile everywhere? Utter ass
You can't be up in arms while still buying AC. As a consumer the only arms you have to wield against a corporation is the threat of not giving them your money. If you complain about the state of the game and still hand over your money Sega sees no reason to change anything. It's funny to see the character creator that people praise so much be the source of the game's downfall.
the game's downfall is there not being more work put into the creator. the past few scratches have also been absolute dogcrap
Source? :^)
How is the character creator part of the games downfall? Do you really think people aren’t playing this because of the sphere beasts on block 1? They are not the reason the game crashed and burned, they are the result of the crashing and burning; only the most depraved people find merit in this shit heap of a game.
NGS has more people that care about character customization than the gameplay. These people are the ones funneling money into Sega's pockets and have dictated the game's future. It's scratches as far as the eye can see with gameplay sprinkled here and there because the data says that's what people want.
>iT's tHe cHaRaCtEr CrEaToRs fAuLt
most sane himwiz apologist
I can't refresh my alliance mag buff, anyone else?
The state of the game is what it is because they don’t know how to make a live service game, not the character creation. The scratches just keep the lights on, the game would have been dead long ago otherwise.
Character creation and fashion carried PSO2. It's gameplay is good, but there are much better games out on the market for action combat. It's just none of them have the same extent of character customization.
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I don't think it's a solely a matter of incompetence. Sega sees NGS as nothing more than a cash cow that helps contribute to their other projects and if it's still pulling in money despite the little effort that goes into non-scratch related content they don't see a reason to improve the gameplay aspect. Incompetence is definitely an aspect considering Hamazaki is still has a job there and is recreating his Episode 5 garbage (Dark Blast -> MARS) but a large part of the problem is Sega's refusal to see NGS as a game.
>The scratches just keep the lights on, the game would have been dead long ago otherwise.
I have to agree with this now that I remember the fate of PSO and PSU. People scratching for outfits in spite of the game's state are not to blame, this is wholly on Sega.
fall won
What's the point of posting a poll 7 people voted on are you retarded
7 people shitposting on cooldown lmao
the general's 7 crackheads
Remember that pso2g popularity isn't worth shit unless you can also achieve popularity on twitter like Aiatar.
list them
>wanting to be popular
perfectly happy plapping my wallflower wife in peace
This list:
You all are brown hands IRL also SEA asian dorks.
Nym crying about a tranny popularity poll is the most hilarious shit ever. If his sliders were any good, he could easily rock twitter but sadly we all know he's too ugly to make it there.
Who are you talking to?
I'm talking to /pso2g/
I imagine every NGS player here as Keroppi. Skinny asian fuckboi that spends too much time playing games where you play as an asian girl.
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>Kaiju no.8 collab on the 18th
It wont save the game or the manga but at least it isn't another isekai
Bebop collab doko
Nym, now fuck off with your poor attempt to deflect.
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Post all /pso2g/ if they were a boss fight.
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Can't believe Kritten left Ship 2.
Post without pants please.
gonna mofumofu that fluffy tail
big if true
Post with as few clothes as possible.
Where is the butt pic your promised?
My crush...
/aco/? captcha: NTR
The sugary mouse couldn't be repositioned, but thankfully this rappy thing can still save me from you degenerates!
Why are there beads coming out of you... you know what?
an.. beads
Holy crap Kay...
cute butt
Thank god we still get a few cute T2s who aren't afraid to lewd post.
Nobody ever asks me...
Just a matter of time until eatmoremeth and nigtrovert scare them off, enjoy them while you can
Yawn how boring, you can tell the thread is toble controlled when it's pegi 12
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We'll get some cute outfits eventually, right?
Did you watch the headline r*tard
Why aren't you posting your characters butt in the thread?
I am not a r*tard! And I said cute! CUTE!!
Nobody asked me to.
Post butt!
Because I haven't taken new pics in a long time
because I am not allowed to share it!
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So obedient.
tell me about the legendary CHAD Mondo
He's a bit of a creep really.
>retard gacha friend tells me blue archive might die soon
>look it up
>there is some gacha war going on
Why can't NGS be this interesting? It will die and none will care.
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Have an oldie.
Mkay byeee
Would be rude to ignore a request.
i know that mod...
I have so many nudes with my wife using that mod
i already did
I got another request for you.
why wont tsuna (the sexiest pso2g) post pyc anymore...
lol no.

but why?
I see a nip!
No you don't!
post on aco...
but why
My future wife is too pure for that...
we want to fap to your character...
Join the discord already
Don't join the discord, post on /aco/ instead.
>one of those nights where all the different times my wife has hurt me just starts replaying in my head
why am I like this
>joining a discord with Gp*f in it
You deserve it
I clearly do.
because he's fucking ugly
do it again
whats wrong with her?

she is polite
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gpof unironically won
he never did
how could Oya have been saved?
Become blind!
I goon to her twitter honestly
i miss poppy
I wish someone would say this about me.....
What is it?
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>which is currently in popular service
>2500-3900 consistently on steam
>49,732 on PS4-5
>972,420 on xbox
>581,350 on microsoft store front
and this is global numbers alone, the game is doing extremely well which is why we just got a massive update of an entire GIGANTIC city region aka nameless city
doomsayers btfo as usual
the daily poppy streams on the cord are so good
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It's always in top sellers on JP
i miss chu
she plays world of warcraft now
/v/ told me visions of mana flopped
New releases will generally be in top sellers, that doesn't mean much
Question is how long can it stay there
Said no one ever
clips of japanese players quoting lamar from GTA5 are so hilarious
I cucked him by accident one time
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This piece of shit hasn't averaged 2000 on steam since December of last year.
you have to add up the players on all platforms steam only shows steam so yes the game has over a million players on global at the moment which is why it makes sega so much money
Kick the Gs before the cliques left
Ah right, explains why blocks are fucking dead, those million and half console players must be playing in the main menu.
so why did oya really die?
don't care, retard. they probably quit because NGS is shit
sisters.... Dr disrespect did nothing wrong...
He's lying
>iT wAs rEaL iN mY MiNd
based truthchad
I miss my dead wife who never spoke to me...
Rance didn't do any leading. People left. That's really it
The most numerous? Console players.
And who's the most frivolous with money? Console players.
>PC underage b&s still think PC is majority
A tale of lies and projections, eternally retold...
Games like The First Descendant prove that only a fucking minority give a shit about dress up and gameplay with bootycheeks out is the main target of the audience.

pso2 niggers are loners who want a friend... a close friends

everyone else just want waifus and gameplay
first descendant has shit gameplay though so obviously a majority are there for the incel half naked designs
so just like ngs?
I want a boyfriend so badly...
Isn't First Descendant just asses out Warframe?
yeah what happened to that retard and toble since he was part of the old 4man CM group that was almost always in the top rankings before the game started reclining
try ur luck on grindr
4090 gaming?
if that was true TFD would be dead and only warframe would exist
>go to first descendant screenshot section on steam
>90% of the screenshots are from behind wearing summer skins
------> >>493451905
nobody new even visits this general, who are you lying to?
>talk to lewd anon
>have sex with anon
>it's so good he falls in love with me
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So I did the math and like, it cost us $200 million to remake the game and we’re sellin’ it for $0 with azz microtransactions but we only got like 600 or so players and I don’t think we gonna make any of this back unless we get maybe like a couple dozen more people playing or something.
>the doomsayer lets out a death rattle as he is utterly crushed by the official sega released census facts
yare yare daze.....
>over 100,000k player
it's obvious only old gay men care about mmo relationships and that's why ngs will never be successful. if ngs removed the MMO parts, make the whole game like wuwa and genshin, and make the scratches a waifu collector it would succeed
>bald headed tranny thinks his shit opinion makes for good game design
wew 2 the laddy
>waifu collector
Retard detected. Opinion disregarded.
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fall won
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Oh nonono look what sega just just dropped!!! It's over for us sisters!
Who the fuck even is Shine?
whered you get this from?
the real question is, how did toble survive such a crappy game?
Some of the best personalities are in there.
Good morning anons!
Hope you have a good weekend :3
Lol. They have cucks, whores, bitches, backstabbing, hags, furfags, and tryhards.
accepting people's flaws and being friends with all kinds of people is a positive
who the fuck are these people and what have they contributed to the greater community besides being meat toilets?
And they still have the best personalities. Don't hate on success just be better.
Chart fags don't matter they're just shitposts.
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Plap or Pass : How many times edition
pass looks like xevel
pass too trashy
Pass. That face is just not cute at all.
plap for the sole purpose of procreation
Easy pass. Rework everything from scratch.
anon I don't think she has any eggs left
Shader could be better and I'd help you out with sliders because you're a sylphid so we can have s*x all night long
>log in
>open doppels lookbook
>edge and goon for hours
>cum while screaming her name
>close doppels lookbook without leaving a like
>turn off ngs
>play counter strike 2
pass, not my wife
I'm not really good with presets/shaders and it was a quick adjustment since I reinstalled.

Though I'm planning to take a wedding dress pic, just thinking of what color. Black/white gets boring quick

How do you plan to help me then?
Either helping you step by step or being boring and asking for a whole slider file but the 2nd option is more subjective as I would do it in my style and what I like in terms of faces.
Plap. You're getting put into a wheelchair for a few days
yea right sure you do
How do I get T1s to talk to me like this?
For body I already have someone that helps me, for face it's generally something I'd like to customize on my own.

But I want opinion on what kind of vibe I should bring out more, and maybe give me some picture for idea so I can try to adjust.

Outfit ideas also appreciated, and the coloring
The moment someone does you'll give him the Azrice treatment
don't call it that...
Before I get ahead of myself, what's the age range you want to display? I feel you want a young adult so 21-24~?
Yep around that age The prime plap age
choukai already trying to groom the newfag
I'm not at my PC sadly I saved a pic of a cute sylphid some weeks ago it'd be great if you could look like her when I get a hold of it.
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>prime plap age
Your inexperience is showing.
I could go for some weebsex
Sorry for not going for the ~18
Is that a bad thing?
Serious question, what makes people here not wanting to go JP?
yes most likely unless krackaragi has changed
Why would you ever go to JP when you can't even speak the language? As someone that invades Japanese online kusoges you'd be surprised how much they hate gaijins
It's just cracky nvm
Ill as you this. Do you want to be treated like a BR but 10 times worse?
>Cope responses
JP is 100x better than whatever shitshow Global is.
Don't forget to keep posting in Global thread
No good reason to start over there. Language barrier isn't even an issue for me, I've played a fair bunch of games with Japanese people so I know how to behave around them.
Minimum height? Irrelevant to me, I don't play a loli character.
Economy? It's bad everywhere but I still can afford anything I want.
Fashion? New stuff is released on both versions and I don't want to lose everything I already own. I can live without JP only event stuff too.
Skilled players? It's not the end of the world if pugs are a bit slow sometimes. I mostly play with my alliance and friends in any case.
Bigger population? I only interact with my alliance and friends, everyone else might as well not exist or be a faceless NPC.
EoS? Will come to both versions sooner or later. All things must end.
Krackaragi will never change.
>says the guy who is hated by everyone and has been asked to leave for four years
why would i restart on jp now?
only fucking faggots and losers hate emv
sure whatever you want to tell yourself cracky
was gonna ask if you really wanna do this again but who am i kidding, of course you do
anybody wanna try dfd tonight wif mėon sheep too?
>He's actually angryturfing now
i’m reddy to go u stupid pso2g retards
you manage to badmouth people who try befriending you even harder than those who block on sight, so no thanks
who fuck off idiot you’re miserable nobody wants your stupid ass yous either fucking loser
trip back on
that's exactly what we've been telling you all this time
give me some money maybe i will
>not only does he beg for donations and prime he now has to beg for money on basket weaving forums
emv hates himself who you fooling?
>Every insult is just things we tell him
Unreal projection. Go talk to your alliance instead oh wait...
y’all are stupid cringe and don’t matter anyway
Cope cracky you killed your alliance again.
Uh oh Krackaragi melty
i sleep in peace knowing i take good care of my family elders, can you say the same?
I don't think hitting your mother with a cellphone charger counts as "taking care of my elders"
>trying to pin his actions on someone else
concession accepted
room doko?
>dead alliance
>no DFD clear
>criminal record
>no viewer or subs on twitch
How do you even sleep at night knowing you're this much of a failure?
What's the Azrice treatment?
Friendzoned, called out, called a creep
everyone likes azrice though
not enough to let him hit it
Nuh uh
man emv still bitching? gg touch grass

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