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"Apex eSports brought /AXG/ back to life. Sadly, it won't last long."- edition



>Current map

>/AXG/ Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/groups/vgaxg

Previous- >>492716696
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Oh Lord... Looks like porn serves as a stress relief for you. That fucking sucks because of how much stress there's in the modern life. Chill the fuck out, nigga. Why are you always nuts?
I feel your disappointment, bruv. Got nothing to add.
I need a witch gf so bad.
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>tfw no EU NEET friends to pex with
The old thread has 30 posts to go until bump limit wtf are you playing at
are you sure about that?
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I just don't enjoy playing District at all no matter how open minded I trying to approach it. It's simply not fun. For starters everything looks the same and I still have no idea where I am every single game. Way too many buildings with no color separation between ground and skybox makes everything way too busy to look at. I often getting shot at despite looking/running at enemy direction. Bullets just flying from completely randoms spots is what it feels like most of the time. Fights don't flow well either. Some areas way too open and empty so you just getting fucked like a still target at shooting range. Others feels like playing call of duty map or something where you can't get any damage unless you jump right into someone's face. As someone who doesn't like Olympus they somehow managed to make even worse map. I just can't play it at all I think. Hands down.
I haven't had a kill in 10 games following a 15 kill game
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I don't see your point of view, but others have complained about the "sameness". I'm still on the fence about it, but I don't feel animosity toward it like I did with Broken Troon 1.0, or even Stormpoint 1.0. Maybe they'll tweak it a bit eventually and you'll have something to like about it. You know, a crater somewhere to break up the sameness, or some sort of town take over.
I bet creepto is subbed to r/asianmasculinity
why make this thread lol
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Found this funny old screenshot lying around.
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Have you joined the/AXG/ Steam community? We could play together someday.
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You better be a fag or tranny or i aint boosting your ass.
How many trannies are there in axg?
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>JM lands hot and deals 0 damage
>team wipes in under 20 seconds
It took us three days to get into that quads match. THREE DAYS.
ask fusechud
not enough
>get a default skin 380-something level (3rd prestige level) Lifeline in my team
>pings Terraformer but my other teammie and I try to start a fight with the closest team just 100 meters away
>calls us noobs
>they escape to Terraformer
>we follow them just to get inside and get in a fight with 3 other teams
>lifeline takes her time to type in chat "Shit team" and "noob team" in the middle of a fight
>check the damage dealt by her
Every. Fucking. Time.
ay yo we finna pexx
Literally everyone except me and all those who quit this dogshit game is a tranny. I mean, just look at this dumb nigger >>493350884 he's bumping a to-be-dead thread with his usual spam.
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When are (You) going to quit this thread, though? (You) should be doing something productive right now instead of rageposting in every AXG thread.
snake got snaked and now hes crying
Rageposting? Dumbfuck. I post once a thread, you should be worried about yourself.
I quit apex around the Destroyer2009 hacks. Interested this new season is it worth popping back in for?

Are there still hackers? Is EOMM still shit?

How different is the meta now?
>type in chat
Get him banned lol
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Protecting much? Maybe it's you who has to be worried about his unhealthy obsession with a hate object of yours? From your previous posts I wouldn't say you're a healthy individual.
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>/axg/ nigga talking about mental health
I know it's fucking hilarious.
thats because you're an anime-brained fag
best season in a while
I don't like this new map. Everyone just hides
Your eomm is now just dogshit+1 grats
>no color separation between ground and skybox
about the only valid complaint you have, which i personally dont find to be an issue

I hate some maps too, based on vague feelings, the vibe of the map, aswell as how well i do on them. But in the end, there's always the team that wins, and whatever they did to win you can too.
What im trying to say is that you simply have skill issues, more than me. You could overcome them, or simply keep skipping the map every time.

>I still have no idea where I am every single game
Try to memorize stuff better. Look at the minimap often. Set it to Static if you haven't yet
>I often get shot at despite looking/running at enemy direction
1. Develop the habit of running properly. That is - next to cover as much as possible. Never in the middle of the road, always to the side, etc. This and good reaction time (basic FPS skill) will help you take only between 20 and 80 damage in situations like these.
2. Maybe look for ways to see better. I use the Reshade mod with settings like contrast tuned up. Honestly can't tell for sure how much it helps, but it wasnt a malus. This is the kind of experiments you should run.
>Some areas way too open and empty. Others feels like playing call of duty map
Go there only if you're prepared, or prepare yourself if you are going there.
This might sound extreme. Pros who are really good at simply hitting their shots definitely dont have to do this. But you can, especially if you're playing ranked. You're not pros!
Side notes:
1. This advice becomes VERY good and relevant once you reach final rings. If you've been running a sniper the entire game, best pick up something for close range. There is often an opportunity to swap guns in form of a graveyard of deathboxes.
2. Its best if either no one runs snipers, or 2-3 people do. One sniper rifle is mostly a waste of a gun slot, the sniper will likely not be able to secure any knocks he makes. All he can do is farm some EVO for himself
everybody is too busy playing pexx to post
I wage slavvin
Now I've lost it
I know I can kill
The truth exists beyond the roller
plat 3 to plat 1 today
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>Thread before last got archived early
>Get boosted by the tourney
>Some retard makes an early thread
>Gets the last thread archived before bump limit again
>Meanwhile a game I play with barely over 500 daily players hasn't had a thread archive in months
Put Quads ranked in the game. ez pred for axg chads
Ranked duos would be good, too
finished the pass
got to plat
now i can rest for a couple weeks
you need to get diamond
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Every character except Mirage needs a nerf

No more free damage abilities

No more free scan abilities

No more free movement abilities

Mkay fuseshitter
No one wants to play this game
>tfw no PATG catalyst main gf to play babex with
I do I think it's fun
>hero shooter that is popular after 5 years where many other hero shooters were not even after 1 month post release
I beg to differ.
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>tfw you one tap a vantagoid with kwaber
pretty bs that vantage get threat vision at any scope
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>about the only valid complaint you have
Maybe I didn't communicate my issues with it properly. Let me try again in a bit more visual manner. Here's comparison between what I think are 2 best maps in the game and District.

>Gradual height increase with low/mid/high ground
>Lots of natural terrain with variable elevation which turns empty space into playable space with opportunity to find good angles without fully exposing yourself
>Lots of rocks of different shapes and sizes you can use for improvised cover
>Challenging rotations with limited "bunker" opportunities

>Entire map is flat hard surface with almost "binary" height differences. You either on the ground or straight up above everyone else on top of the roof.
>Everything is cramped with way too many walls, buildings, roofs and default boxes/containers which basically again offers "binary" kind of play around them. You either stand behind it or full body peeking.
>Practically no spacing between POIs and even if there is some it's basically same kind of busy space with too many cover making rotations way to safe
>Everything is a bunker opportunity making late game just teams camping it out to the final ring or piling onto third party train

I think this kind of design just doesn't fit the game well. OG designers who made both WE and SP left the company right after SP release so yeah definitely whoever works on map design now has different ideas about it.
>OG designers who made both WE and SP left the company right after SP release
That would explain something for sure
>For starters everything looks the same and I still have no idea where I am every single game
Yeh, compared to the other maps theres nothing really standing out as landmarks or the kind of memorizable landscapes you would see on a non urban map (okay maybe im wrong because i havent played a ton of the new map)
link it please
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What he saying
plat to diamond is such a slog i cant be bothered
>kek, what a bitch
Ok nvm i found out, i can breed easy now

Should have options on what to say
>revive mode with retarded french duo
p20s really suck, can't hit anything
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>OG designers who made both WE and SP left the company right after SP release
Both WE and SP are bad map designs compared to S0 Kings Canyon.
The real OG ones got pulled off the project after Apex released, leaving behind a retarded maintenance team that are barely able to keep the game running.
he has a few lines and they're all great
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feel like pure shit just want mummy back
>those graphics
>get beamed
>loots without moving
Genuinely tired of rollertrannies
>alter picks up her second pistol with the tail
cute but shows you how these akimbos were supposed to be last season and theyre very behind in content
this happens once every day now
genuinely just play smarter. use cover, make them empty mags and then return fire, use your abilities as hard as you can. just dont aim duel people unless youre a demon
How did we lose Hardecki and Noko? Some of the biggest names in the scene leaving for Deadlock. A game that isn’t even released.
It happens twice in a row
I loot without moving when I kill tryhards to piss them off
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>S0 Kings Canyon
Nostalgia speaking. In S0 no one knew how to play the game so obviously any design flaws weren't as apparent. There's a reason ALGS played only on WE and SP.
S0 Kings Canyon was so bad you had to run get out of jail free classes like S0 Wraith to enjoy yourself
the skulltown tdm map is proof enough s0 kings canyon sucks dick
No you didn't. Real Pathchads and Gaschads remember.
Pathfinder had a broken hitbox and could grapple like after 7 seconds
Bangalore was very viable just that no one except shiv (real ones remember) played him. Even lifeline had the rez shield. Gibby was a bullet magnet but he was buffed quickly and since there were no other defensive characters like we have today (newcastle, rampfart and shart, catalyst etc) he was very much viable. You're just remembering the ttv sweats who made montages.
They must be desperate to move on from apex. Deadlock UI is atrocious, it looks liek that meme overloaded UI pic but there's a chance it'll still take off
anyone here remember a long time ago when apex first released and there was a guy who would play bloodhound and go "sicko mode"
yeah, he's a pedophile now
lifeline was lowkey busted because of the 25% healing speed passive and being the 2nd smallest hitbox
I managed to sneak a battery off mid-fight so many times just by ducking/bhopping for 2 seconds
reminder that respawn said aim assist is for accessibility which means using a roller is explicitly admitting you are retarded
how is deadlock?
old lifeline was cringe new lifeline has the gyatt rizz
Pretty fun. Has movement like Apex and even just added wall bouncing.
why would you want to play a moba
>use cover
>move behind cover
>get shot behind cover
the only winning move is to close the game when eomm decides you have 500 ping.
EA has stated out loud that it envisions Apex as a 6-8year title. That remains to be seen, but I'm sure many streamers know Apex is a dying brand.

That being said, deadlock is fucking gay and so are those two dweebs
creepy chinkcel, fucking stupid how he counters Wattson's entire kit in one ability
Do you think they'll stealth drop pex 2?
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Is big tdm just lmgs and fucking akimbo mozams?! Nerf stupid ass mozams and no one wants lmgs.
They need to give akimbo actual aim spread
It's fucking stupid that the non-akimbo version of the gun actually has wider hipfire inaccuracy
Kill neostrafing octanes. Behead neostrafing octanes. Roundhouse kick a neostrafing octanes into the concrete. Slam dunk a neostrafing octanes into the trashcan. Crucify filthy neostrafing octanes. Defecate in a neostrafing octanes food. Launch neostrafing octanes into the Purple Sun. Stir fry neostrafing octanes in a wok. Toss neostrafing octanes into active volcanoes. Urinate on neostrafing octanes warp stone. Judo throw neostrafing octanes into a wood chipper. Twist neostrafing octanes heads off. Report neostrafing octanes to the Witch hunters. Karate chop neostrafing octanes in half. Curb stomp pregnant neostrafing octanes. Trap neostrafing octanes in quicksand. Crush neostrafing octanes in the trash compactor. Liquefy neostrafing octanes in a vat of acid. EAT neostrafing octanes. Dissect neostrafing octanes. Exterminate neostrafing octanes in the gas chamber. Stomp neostrafing octanes skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate neostrafing octanes in the oven. Lobotomize neostrafing octanes. Mandatory abortions for neostrafing octanes. Grind neostrafing octanes fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown neostrafing octanes in fried chicken grease. Vaporize neostrafing octanes with the Sunmaker rocket battery. Kick old neostrafing octanes down the stairs. Feed neostrafing octanes to kroxigors. Slice neostrafing octanes with a axe.
yes it's lmg akimbos for max rizz
rizz bump
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What does that mean? I think they may have a year or two before they move on. Then again Fortnite is about 1 or 2 years older than apex and isnt that still the same
For some reason i cant find p20s anymore, now that i want to pick them up and try them out more.
Apex had no marketing before release, they just dropped the game.
>They'll go where i tell them to go
>My fences will herd you, like cattle
Maybe she was evil from the start
>Deadlock UI is atrocious
apex niggers when they realize a game in its alpha stage is not perfect
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It's weird because we were doing well and killing enemies but then half way through when we had to fight actual trios that played as a team we choked.
Its like my teammates had okay game sense but couldn't hold a fight
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Oh damn i never though about combining these.
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Found my new favourite loadout
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It's every game now, the same ratio. Im not even saying im playing much better but wtf.

>wipe squad that arent cohesive
>come up against handholding squad
>we fall apart because we push at different times even though we get knocks
Just depressing.
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I always wondered why the game picks Wattson for me everytime someone picks my selected character. Is it just because its my most played legend?
That method would make the most sense to me
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>Teammate stands in front of AMP Wall and gets shot twice and goes down
*mic blair8 "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!"
welcome to apex
i think its either that or the one you have most kills on
Rollersissies, our response?
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Tis saturday. Please post your hottest Apex ladies for my pleasure!
/Our Guhrl/ is live. Sirs, please go wish her a happy birthday
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They're still typing the response on their rollers...
I mostly enjoy celinegc
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Fucking kek when was the last time someone posted this mid bitch since she got fired from casting or whatever
Remember she used to get posted all the time here
why does revenant exist
Watching zach mazer play cod with xynew. He failed to mention this comment...
Huge downgrade from Phony if so. Phony has the aim of an m&k player but he's way more flexible than Mazer.
for real niggas who dont want to play as women or brown people
only pedophiles play revenant
i'm gonna go play csgo
that's why you play ballistic so you can overheat and then shove your gold havoc up his ass

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