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Previous Thread: >>493238664

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

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Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 16 | New Coalition Unit: Alina - Narciss
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Aug. 15 - Sep. 12 | New Coalition Unit: Gager (VWV Model)
[Current] Aug. 29 - Sep. 12 | Theater Season 13 (MTR: L9A1)

[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | New Major Event: [Singularity Immemorial]
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | External Search - [Seeking Stars] (Xinghuan)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]
More:https://pastebin.com/tku9zdRz (embed)

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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All you need
i dont like the feelings this image gives
>malkira fucking dies
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You are going back in time
New chink
sploinky sound effect
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Trust your bodyguard, SKK
Why is there a splitsecond dark frame that makes it "blink". FFS
did you finish your reception?
Where are you, what are you doing! you dumb bitch your friends are dying!!
Smooch, but only after she cleans up the motor oil and panel liner on her face.
heating up KJ's frozen dinner
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You know why I am here.
You should absolutely lust after evil women.
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Fool, that's part of her charm.
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How very brave of UMP45. Body positivity is great look for the cafe.
Okay Malkira
All women are evil so...yeah?
Dolls for this feel?
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if YZ didn't want us to lust after evil women why does he keep making them erotic biomechanical horrors with disproportionately long legs
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hmmm nyo
Cute UMP9 with her brother
Show me an evil woman I should lust over, because I can't remember any in this franchise that I'd lose my mind over.
>Demiurge is a derivative, a sibling of sorts, of Malkira
>Demiurge was created by a rogue researcher to have infinite resurrection and disguised as a generic high rank Entropic
>Eosphorous found her and locked her in Copley to be researched and used as leverage over Malkira
>Malkira sent Odile to free and cripple Demiurge where she would be killed and be reborn as the Diminutive Entropic for the Exiles to collect and eventually return to Tartarus
>12 unused oath rings by now
I kinda regret that I can't reward some of my other loyal and dear T-Dolls but I'm not going to come back to someone who waited for me for years and then go and oath a bunch of other girls.
Did you quit at level 1?
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Play with niggerman?
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Sorry, I can't. My wife doesn't let me lust after other women.
Level 182.
I hate evil women, BUT
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Yes the one of the right, I would like to kidnap her and rape her until she could no longer smile like that ever again.
I didn't see the PV get posted yet
Does that mean that Eosphorous was the one that put the Rewrite Code on Taranum? Christ, my hatred for him grows ever stronger.
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6 hour long Russian breeding sessions.
I want the one on the left. I wanna mutually squeeze her with hugs.
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This but with canon wife
Dummies included
How long until it is confirmed SKK and Groza had sex during those 10 years?
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>rogue researcher
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When are we getting canonical kids with Kalina?
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It would be natural.
>a bath
I don't see her offering dinner or herself
god i would love that
Unknown, that researcher was referred to using "he" so it's probably one of the original 42lab researchers
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Stop bullying your sister
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it's a triple special, one after another
click the arrows beside the HOC icon to access the vehicle quests
42Lab doesn't seem like a very nice place to work at. Mad scientists, unethical experiments and even minor labs deemed unimportant still coming under the scrutiny of others trying to take advantage of it.
Svarog doesn't treat their dolls very nicely either. Cyber Media pushes them out to be used and discarded...
I think I can understand better why the dolls latch onto SKK.
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holy shit thank you
I respect the URNC's reclamation efforts and acknowledge that technologically complex mega-projects on such a scale do indeed require huge political entities to sustain, but personally I'd rather just move to Keetmanshoop.
havel. he did it as a joke.
Lovefibers turned into a nigger?
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Stop staring at her tits
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What beer would each German dispense from her breasts?
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cute and funny
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bring more jews into the world
It's not like she has a lot to look at.
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There is no greater pleasure than impregnating a Prince.
Medium, perky breasts are miles better than flatties or cow udders.
What's the verdict for Dark Sol? Is she meta?
That goes without saying, the question is who does she replace?
Obviously, she provides huge burst damage and survivability to the pyro team, which is what her default self wishes it could do.
why that mp40 squished
That would be either Fresnel or Croque, no? Just stack 3 pyro warriors, there's no need for other class
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Fresnel was never an active pyro member, she's exclusively backline with her AI3
Croque is replaceable by her or Shale, yes.
So good that her team only hold her back and she cannot use her full potential
Well she’s my wife, so I can stare at whatever I want
One thing that's particularly bothering me about this is how even on CN there's still no sound replacement for Dushy.
She's great, don't get me wrong, but it's just that so many teams rely on her for buffs that you'd struggle in events where one team's components get locked and you have to sortie another.
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>Since you have chosen me, let it be natural for you to fall into the darkness with me, and we will roam and mingle in the dream, you inside of me, and I inside of you
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>>>>>based on asanagi
I can't fix her
That's thanks to trademark micateam enemy stat inflation, meaning her armor debuff scales very hard with no upper limit, and hash generally has very strong functions and synergies.
HK433 is all I need
She doesn't need to be fixed
persicaria don't leave me. don't leave me kot.... no....
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One of each flavor
You will leave them anyway, best get used to it
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LPbros status? I hope you are watching it with your shining STAR, because we are so back
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Seeing she can still smile with joy genuinely makes me happy.
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I ain't dissing whoever the new guy is, but Chester is just irreplacable.
what difficulty is it recommended to RC on
I'm not great at SRPGS but I did get up to Cydonia in OG XCom on genius difficulty and not beat it
STAR will never come back after fucking up her biggest moment
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Hardest or bust.
Same as it ever was
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Don't do challenge+ all it does is restrict your ability to save and is for NG+ where you already know the maps
I know but is kinda nice seeing them come back with a new direction, I guess is just getting used to her
Just play on normal or challenge, depending if you want to savescum or not
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challenge first
if its too much then downgrade
Dolls for this feel?
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It's a love and hope game, you're supposed to suffer with Jefuty.
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Even when the game cheats hard for you it's still a chore to win
That's nyto propaganda, STAR never did anything wrong of fucked up anything. She is an elite doll
>Girls Frontline Line
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Sol is just that bad of a unit
Did The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.3 release already? cant find anything except 2 pics, timed video where they talk about it

From TL anons doc:
"The page count is out of control!"

"Well, if there's too much content we can always release an Artbook 4."

"We hope our players will be able to better understand their dorks through the artbooks."

can you change in an existing save? might as well then
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Eh, I dig it. Maybe they realize it's pointless trying to find a guy who sounds as close to Chester as possible, so might as well get someone who is that much different.
Like many other games, you can only downgrade difficulty if you pussy out
You can go down but not back up because normal and babby have EXP sims to grind levels
You can go lower, not up.
>have EXP sims to grind levels
is there a respec if i fuck up my characters?
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>Did The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.3 release already?
Not yet I think
Yes but it is limited. Although you get more than enough to last the campaign.
Why is Debiru so thirsty?
Thanks bro I appreciate it
What's wrong with her eye?
ping-sama's femKJ has had multiple nearly lethal encounters with Betty's claws.
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Piston guns are over gassed.
wheres the rimming
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Your flow-through suppressor?
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Wait for me, KJ
>after Sol Alter corners KJ in a cavern, he reveals his intention to order the Rossum cannon to blast her, forcing her to take cover, knocking him out where he is guided by the revived Loliurge to meet Malkira in her mental space
>Persicaria finds KJ and battles Sol Alter, trying and failing to return her to Sol
>Persicaria slays Sol Alter, but to her horror, Sol Alter revives like Malkira, leading Persicaria to postulate she is linked to Malkira much like Eosphorous
>Sol Alter resumes her attack but is stopped by Loliurge, but then turns her attention to KJ
>before the killing blow, Sol appears, having been summoned from a neural fragment she stored in her vial
>Sol only has enough operands to remain for a short duration, but duels her alter who suffers an existential crisis
>Sol defeats her alter, encouraging her alter to become her own person and refusing to reclaim her core
>before Sol expires, Sol Alter transfers a large amount of operands to stop Sol's fragment from expiring so they can have a rematch later
>Persicaria explains to Sol Alter that they went to Tartarus on Malkira's invitation, thus shouldn't be counted as intruders
>Sol Alter is confused, but everyone agrees that Malkira owes everyone an explanation
>playing continuum turbulence for the first time
>Ump45 is flirting with you as you're in the interrogation room
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This is an Elid hunter
she looks stupid
That's a man baby
>Captcha JRKYS
If you've chosen any other difficulty, you haven't cleared the game.
Go full monhun or fuck off.

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The game can't EOS before this bitch is out
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>There was a frag in the vial
Holy fucking shit
i dont play pnc, what is that operand thing, how can sol alter transfer it to sol and why do they need it?
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>Live2D model isn't out yet
Still waiting
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PNC babs please explain?
it won't, she's coming out the 26
Operands are just 1s and 0s, data, that acts like a building block/lifeforce to everything
If I asked Kuro to dress up as another doll, would she do it?
Wouldn't ask that stupid bitch anything
two of them
also fuck jannies
Only if you pay pigged.
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mmm NEET Engineer scent. Just fucking imagine
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Every time I hear that song I expect cursed fami to cut it shor -- IT GOT CUT SHORT AGAINNN
I don't really mind. It makes me want to play Ace Combat 2 again
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I didn't know we have a gakumas collab
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>Wake up!!
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Is it Friday yet?
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Soon, family, soon. Have patience, and stay hydrated.
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Very well. Until then, hail hydration...
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That's the last straw, family...
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>He consumed the famipede
Foolish fish...Do you not realize what you've done? Soon you will become that which you've destroyed.
Who's the gyaruest gfl?
>Girls Frontline Line
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>Rumor has it that he is hiding in Southeast Asia and that all the accounts he uses on the CN network are purchased.

The original Daiyan dramaschizo is wasting their own money on this shit and currently running away from the government
no fucking way
no jewish girl will be in gfl2
>Girls Frontline Line 2
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I want all of it. Either your life is worth more than three shekels, or it's not worth living.
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No! Fuckoff! I want DEagle and Negev! GFL2 needs those!
The quartz fag that NGAschizo loves to share links of.
There's no way he doesn't only do it for free, he's actually paying for it.
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Your will is our command, CursedFami. We will deal with the blasphemer...
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I want RO to give me daily hugs
I'm feeling it, this time I'll beat the tanks at 3-6...
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What build do I need for my mech to kill bosses in Gray Zones?
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That's a pentagram...
You have already failed, but try your best~
>>493326230 can't drown a fish dumbass
negev will be the last one considered
Shield spam skills, minirailgun for grey, and shoot the boss until she dies
Negev is the one to make it in, but she won't have any david stars on her clothing.
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Every family life taken will be repaid in the deaths of thousands. You will rue the day you chose to oppose us. The fish will not drown, but love water far more than it ever could after it's transformation has begun. You fight a losing battle. Give up
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Ahahahah, you're very amusing, Anonymous >>493328041
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>I fucked up again
oh no!! she dropped the star of david for a menorah!!!1 such a travesty
This concern trolling is gay and you should kys
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SMOOCH your STAR on family friday
No way faggot.
I hope they drop the jewish imagery and make her a full blown 135cm tall oppai loli mesugaki made for standing titjobs.
Bros a mosquito entered my eye and I think It went to the back to the eye.
Girls Frontline
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>durr watur scurry
I've killed more jacking off than you have with your empty threats
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>KJ, Persicaria and the two Sols confront Malkira in the depths of Tartarus, who attacks the group
>Photoluminescence ends as KJ receives news of Hesperus' sacrifice, and Malkira taunts them
>Malkira is suppressed using some tools prepared by Antonina, allowing her to feel pain and in her ecstasy falls onto Persicaria's sword
>Malkira respawns and goes for KJ, dragging him into her level 2 space again
>this time, she reveals her true objective of the freedom she wants: sweet death
>in order to free her from respawning. someone else must become the Lich K- leader of the Entropics, and Malkira makes an offer KJ can't refuse, lest his group be trapped in Tartarus with her forever
>KJ agrees to the offer, but is intercepted by Persicaria who accepts the mantle, damning herself to Tartarus in place of KJ who is needed by Oasis
>Malkira laughs and gives KJ and Persicaria some time to say goodbye
>Persicaria apologizes for keeping secrets and reveals she has permissions of Irida and Persica, which let her do stuff regular dolls and agents can't, and also become the Entropic Queen
>KJ and Persicaria privately bid each other farewell as they are ejected from Malkira's space to the Sols' relief
>Malkira declares that Sol Alter is free as she herself is, and KJ decides there's no point finishing Malkira off
>Sol Alter decides to join Oasis and is dubbed Inferno Sol, or Sunna, to differentiate herself from the original, whom she will keep alive with operands
>the group leaves Tartarus without Persicaria, and Malkira warns the group of Eosphorous' next step in his revenge against humanity, and that she gave permanent command of his Entropic forces to him for a reason
>as the clock ticks down, KJ has no choice but to rush to the Invertower to confront Eosphorous
>Malkira and Loliurge leave Tartarus at last, witnessing the sun as they earn their freedom by dissipating into particles, a failsafe for should she ever leave

To be continued
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heavy weapon and light weapon with shield generations, then add another light weapon for extra dps.
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Thanks for the summary but I'll read the event myself
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Managed to kill the tanks, now moving to regroup the penguin eaters...
Fucking mosquitoes I swear. Good luck, anon.
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Ahhh, yesssss. Even you too are going through the metamorphosis. Becoming another form of NEW FAMILY! Soon you will join our ranks and do our bidding....yesssss...
I will never forgive Japan for what they did to the anime
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Same. SOP is a very lucky dork.
Specifically, the part that's redacted in part 5 of her profile is supposed to state that she has much elevated, human level authority, which she did not use in her early days where she was being a pussy, and being with KJ gave her the confidence to finally use it.
...eh? uhh, 'twas acceptable conclusion, perhaps?
I'm just going by what they did to her in the anime.
Consider that now it's an even worse global climate.
They did what to Healing/Madness?
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I should watch it at some point.
Don't remember her stars getting removed in Madness
And you conveniently left out all the inaccuracies from that anime.
Firebird Studio should've been the ones to do the anime proper
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Dropped PNC on the Dohna Dohna event, should I re-download it to read the story?
Because I'm pretty sure I'll never download PNC after Exilium releases, lol
I just ignored the tanks. Past a certain range they can't lazer you, and you can cope with the missiles no problem.
Sure. The story is fun and pretty easy to read.
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Fucked up map... used all my rockets and now I can't remove the snow
Kk, hope the dolls I have will be enough to clear new story
no, not worth it to return to NC, you'd have better time playing something else or not playing anything at all
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Negev is built for big white uncircumcised cock
Next time read carefully the unit's page. It shows you all you need to know about their skills and actions
But they already did? We're just waiting for the sequel
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My wife Malkira.... is not fair...
They probably will be. At worst, you can just lower the difficulty.
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Too late.
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anon... they have sniped Jefuty using the beam thrice by this point
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what's up with you /bag/got tourist in here? i've seen you quite frequently, are you perhaps a refugee?
Wow. Finale my ass. The story isn't over yet it seems
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lol, of all the outfits https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122068530
Project KV probably broke their minds and had to seek refuge here
For one, it's only part 1 of GF, the second part drops at the end of the month.
Eh maybe
Uhhh yes!! Game shit I want to play GFL2 drama instead!
That's from honkai, no?
I recognize her because of the KK models.
Sir that's a star rail nigger
meant to reply to
Insider status?
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X95 in Girl Friend 2 doko
Apparently that mongoloid spamming his shit everywhere has gotten at least a few people interested in gf2.
Congolese, Nigerian, Ugandan, all same shit
Even BA characters aren't that badly designed, anon.
It's clearly a Mihoyo character.
my mistakes. when i saw that fox mask, i thought she was from brushnigger character, mind you i never play railnigger
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Mika is a nice girl
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Use your EMPs and rush that right side
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All flowers would be properly watered
Uhhhh, thanks i guess? Remember to lurk before posting and all that
i like how her child skin makes her look like shes wearing see through clothing with pubes
>nice girl
That's the issue, BAgger artists can't design anything else, even when they try to go for "cool" they end up making generic "nice girl"
more like an elid fucker
She's the dumb bitch of that game
Can't say I blame them, BA isn't a story about love and hope after all, it's all about protecting those students
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That has to be intentional, I can even see her inner thighs
enjoy your suffering time in the side game then
Anything gets boring without variety.
It's their job to come up with a way to create and rationalize existence of interesting designs, complacent nature of the design team will only bring SEA people into the game.
>Anything gets boring without variety.
Thus Project KV happened?
Surely relief package in form of Exilium EN will come soon enough so I don't get bored by autochess.
Maybe they shouldn't have hired swordies and told them swords are gay haha
>Anything gets boring without variety
I'm pretty sure a lot of anons complained about how inconsistent GF designs are. No uniformity and just design for fancy sake and not utilities
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Ah yes, girls cuckline the dead as fuck game
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Yet it will still outlive your kusoge
When are these girls coming out?
I mean, even DYJ dolls have different vibe, despite the sameface.
Next week on CN, unknown on EN which is also behind 1 batch
frankly, you'll soon get bored quickly enough with autochess gameplay
For CN, next week
For EN? hmmm if we're lucky December or early June
What's the contrasted dumb bitch our game has, Ange in Germany?
Looks like kot got a few kills on the way, that's cool.. Unfortunate what happened to her but I doubt it's the end
Where is the cuckshit though?
I mean January
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Tsun bun bending me over and breeding me with her futaforce...
wasn't those new bitches appeared on the recently finished angular gyrus event?
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Make it happen Yuzhong
Yes they are the dolls that showed up in Lunasia event, and now they're getting released
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Keep crying, each tear adds a year
Yes, wouldn't really stop them from launching early. The Stevens launched in CN on December last year and they only showed up in Summer Garden 4 months later.
Imagine Ange but with AK-15 strength.
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Obviously it won't be the end because bleeding heart kyojew will try find a way to save her once he's done stopping Eosphorous' dastardly plan
Of all those four, I liked SIG Cross design just because I finally can have not-Saori in GF1.
If KJ's last moments with kot who sacrificed herself for him is to just say bye without even some intimate skinship beforehand is so bad, fucking gacha relationships, man.
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>I'm pretty sure a lot of anons complained about how inconsistent GF designs are.
They are faggots
>become queen of pozz
>intimate skinship

That would totally work out
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>but also a jungle
Who's the target audience of this skin?
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But Saori is already AK-15 with a hat
Men of culture, like myself
I never see Saori as AK-15 with a baseball cap in the first place.
We might get the next batch next month or November because Colt Navy BP is coming
It just means SIG Cross is a bootleg of a bootleg
Saori is more like pre allahu akbar STAR.
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Hasten cutest colt
Lunasia is my precious student
I'm not really surprised or concerned too much about the layoffs, sounds like normal company procedure to downsize operations and I'm pretty sure they were hiring just last year too.
Stop it, you aren't supposed to think critically on how they are no longer developing like 3 new games at once. You are supposed to doom.
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I can't believe mica is laying off the entire GFL PNCL team
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>Sep 5th
Wheres the kaboom? I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
if you breed one you must breed them all
It's coming, the leaker's dog just decided to shit on his hard drive and the leaker is eating the dog right now
2 more weeks
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It's already 6th in Asia
>ngatranny version
Insider got his info illegally, and since the genshit leaker was arrested his insider is scared.
He needs more time to make shit up.
ngatranny tummy hurt he can't post right now
China knows where you live quartz..
How much hours since the last time he said we lost?
China knows where EVERYONE in this /gfg/ lives
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dolls for this feel?
MDR's avatar
that's a man
She weighs 27510000 kg, the fatty
Please keep western shit away, it disturbs out chinese overlords
i unironically like only this design out of the game because of how angry it would make me to die to it. The rest are just boring as shit.
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Leave my dork alone
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family! :3
it's hopping at the buc
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good kot plays with fambily
>Just noticed my steam friend that I've never talked to since the late 2010s change their pfp to sv-98
Show yourself, dork!
>literally nothingburger
I'm not even gonna report it, I want that pathetic display of shitposting to stay up.
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It's OK..Fami is cool
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Oh I haven't seen that one before. I love looking back on those webms of that cute kitty.
hey ngafag go find those leaks chop chop
I never thought he could get more pathetic than when he asked for addresses to personally 1v1 anons then pussied out yet here we are.
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didn't read
>schizo wall
you lost
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>/gfg/ - Girls' Frontline Line 1, 2, Neural Cloud, Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Glitchland, Marfusha, VA-11 Hall-A, Gunslinger Girl, Blazeblue, The Division, Cod Mobile, DJ Max Respect, Dropkick on My Devil, Steins;Gate, Valkyria Chronicles, United Nations general
>still got nothing
You forgot dork in the shell newfag
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Smartest nyto
That's it? I've never been this disappointed since the last Nintendo direct.
Lmao you lost troon
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never forget that ngafag has no dignity or morals. And yes ngafag, NOTHING is in fact not ntrshit
>asked for 1v1s
>never delivered
>september 5th cuckpocalyspe
>still waiting
No wonder this guy is so angry. He is all talk and when it comes time to put up he can't get it up. No wonder his mom let us run a train on her.
>Some of the materials are from parallel universes. Strictly speaking, they were obtained through [abnormal means], so they cannot be made public. If you want to see them, you can stop now.
Literally "dog ate my homework" excuse tier lmao
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Kraut Bunny!
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Y-You wouldn't know her! My girlfriend goes too a different school!
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>>Some of the materials are from parallel universes
>>If you want to see them, you can stop now.
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Thank you MDR you are my greatest ally
Looks like the reeducation is a success
ngafag lost the evidence after getting lost in the steins;gate collab
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Collab soon
>SKK will be in charge of defeating both the gov and the robots
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You make it hard to not be smug about your incompetence, bro.
Honestly like this one the most. It's simple
I can't believe someone on the internet made something up. I am shocked and appalled.
Did anyone draw Jefuty wearing a baker's outfit?
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Giving a dork or a nygger glasses doesn't actually make them smarter or cooler. Tardeus will still pull your doors off their hinges.
I remember somebody drawing her with bread, but no baker's outfit
Did he forget about 416?
Why did you forget about me
Because you are shit we don't need.
she wasn't all he needed
He realized Dier was an actual character from the previous game and not a simple Mr. Raymond bait. This is a character development for NGAfag.
SKK did too.
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Imagine Dier watching 416 going bonkers sending 1000 messages a day to you.
>damn, glad im not a mentally ill doll huh
>starts rp'ing as a girl in his mmorpg
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everyone played as a female for free mesos in maplestory
but how many rp'ed as a girl?
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Surely, Dier has aged enough to grow out of that. Surely.
Getting a lot of milage out of that image aren't you?
Should I get another?
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anybody have that one chart of the amount of words per event?
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2000 dorm coins, 5 skin. YZ blessing
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Now post more sharkitecht
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Female priests are the cutest characters in Ragnarok
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That's just Thugnificent

That's just M4 with a blue stripe
You retards seriously think there's going to be a pre-registration announcement this month???
I never did, I just played and dealt with the hardships like a real man
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wasn't that line deleted after ubisoft demanded the patch?
No, I'm tired of trying to be hopeful.
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EN scripts up to SS
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>leaked script of her saying I love you and SKK reciprocating her feelings
>datamined icons called "Farewell, My Love"
Lunasia won.
Won nothing lol
That looks like Selcky's art
oh yeah, I'm trusting the plan
and he meltied everywhere. Again. And didn't change the copypasta for /lcg/. Always makes me laugh, he actually believes they're the same as this general
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I have added the longest legged doroo to my collection as of tonight. HK was ridiculously fast shipping her here. S&W took damn near 3 months to ship me my shield and HK literally did it in 4 days. But seriously why the fuck are the compact handgun's legs longer then M200 is tall?
what the fuck a nigger
did I miss a deleted post?
Almost as if he decided to one up your post he reposted the guy saying "I won't share it since I got it illegally but I already submitted it"
would some agent please supress the ngafag abnormality?
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Is that the full size, It looks a little squished for some reason. Also which version did you get? My LGS has this Russian cutie but it's been a week so I'm not sure if she's still there. Hopefully I can take her home.
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I've heard from somewhere they ragebait this hard just so they can sell some tea
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Its more fun to see him lose it every time
He posted a thread earlier where the "leaker" said exactly that.
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That would be a waste of both time and manpower, manager. We chose to contain it in a janitor's closet for a reason.
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>looks nothing like a chink
>blue vs gray hair
I'm sure he took inspiration from his relationship for the writing....but all authors take inspiration from things in real life this isn't groundbreaking news.
I chuckled at the idea of drawing a closet vibrating while agents simply walked around, chatting and ignoring it, ending in a "He'll enter the close himself after a while, ignore it"
The black kot...
What about the rest of the nygs?
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Space rerun
OL 2 rerun doko...
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The fuck are you looking at?
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>uses dande's body, which is originally nimogen's, which is a nyto
>fusion lunasia somehow looks like m4
That's a distortion
You, the latest addition to my harem.
She can swap eye colors based on who's using the body. And I don't think a harcut is that hard for Lunasia to get
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So was the feminism spergout him activating his EGO? His ngafag the Phillip of /gfg/?
I'm more interested on how Nimogen's flat As become M4's D's when Lunasia is in control
What is this shit?
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never played a limbus game, I don't really understand the differences in terms
why is ange such a retard?
That's Recollapse at work for you
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Isn't it really weird that she shares ro's eyes? What are the implications of this?
Lunasia's Ashkenazi milkers...
imagine RO's giant milkers in GF2 bouncing
Is RO also a lunasia?
roro would is probably a cult leader by 2EX
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Cease thinking.
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>hit emotional low point
>bitch named Carmen starts whispering /gfg/ plot discussion to you
>two options
>keep shit together and tell her "no way fag"
>manifest EGO and become a filter boss in Ruina
>aka engage chad mode, kick ass and take names
>lose your shit to despair and parrot /gfg/ spewed garbage
>turn into a monster and become a piss easy boss fight in Ruina
>aka engage bitch mode, fuck everything up and get fucked up in turn
Since the usual data miner is not extracting the assets, here are my recording of LTLX live2D
Normal https://litter.catbox.moe/fqar47.mp4
Damaged https://litter.catbox.moe/7ch7sy.mp4
Well guys have a good night, it's time to go to bed. Have a cute Ameli for guaranteed sweet and blessed dreams.
Happy to go back home tomorrow and eager to do draw something for the drawpile this time.
my beloved
Damn mica and their footlust.
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>good girl
>commanders want to do all sorts of nasty things to her and turn her into a bad girl

>bad girl
>commanders want to do all sorts of nice things with her to create happy memories and turn her into a good girl

What does the commander want? Good girls or bad girls? Pick one and stick to it damn it!
She's already the leader of the cult shikkican
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chu of them
Cult leader with an attack dog named Soppo!
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Are you doing this shit on purpose to get (You)s because you know your rubbish post won't get any otherwise?
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you can’t
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the sex ticket
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Please understand, mica really needs money.
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Pink ravioli!
Why is her Lycan Sanctuary vote colored pink?
sir, that's a condom
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My doctor told me that safe sex is important and I trust her. We used to play a lotta Runescape together back in the day.
start of distortion, slowly progressing before full manifestation
Kill yourself blognigger
SKK seems the kind of guy that liks raw embraces, both through hugs and vaginas during seggs, dumb hugslut
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Agnes Blackyon
Good night bro
Go back to discord seanigger
Cute who!
Are you sure that's an USP C and not a full size?
Well I for one think RO sucks!
RO is just m4 but with bigger boobs
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What's the matter? Can't handle the sight of a strong beautiful black woman?
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Why yes, I am in favor of colonialism.
Not when shes a gold digger, I prefer Maggie since shes tanned instead
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>I prefer Maggie over Maggie
I don't like the eyes on the Lunasia cat...
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This frame, MAN. Pulling the spot where her mole located
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says USPv1 on the box and a 4.3 inch barrel. For some reason the camera kept making the barrel look shorter.
I was kinda annoyed because i stopped into work early so i could pick it up and shoot a little before working the closing shift. Naturally the manager took their sweet ass time finishing the paperwork and the extra 45 minutes i had turned into 2 minutes before my shift started
Post oath.
She's not even in Lycan Sanctuary despite having a summer costume
what makes MP40 so popular?
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>not 20
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I take my time raising my oath level intimiacy and dont need to force it
he still alive? i thought he is the guy who committed sudoku on Livestream.
Useful skill + Certified good girl
was posting on twitter yesterday. Hasn't posted much GF art in a while sadly. Im sad that 2025 deadline of his is rapidly approaching. At least he said he'll still do commissions
That's empty. I'm referring to this guy x.com/Selcky1
Fair enough.
Serious question. Do you guys think kalina is bi or something? There is a ton of moments in the story where she basically gushes over cute dolls.
every girl is bi then
>serious question
>the question isn't serious
>girls frontline
> the girls aren't in the frontline
This ain't complicated you idiot. If SKK is male then Kalina is straight, if SKK is female then Kalina is gae.
Serious question. Do we have enough cat dolls on base? It feels like we could use more.
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Need more dog dolls
oh so this guy is the origin of M4 poster is mentally ill
we have enough dolls at base, I need more vehicles and heavy ordinance
I want more tanks
definitely not enough foxes
What we need are owls.
Digimon collab when
Five Star Stories collab when
I don't think Selcky has gone on a meltdown other than that not making GF art anymore. You're thinking of DGkamikaze or probably some other mentally ill SEAnigger artist over at twitter
dumb tourist
I wonder what they were planning with the unarmored vehicles like the atv and the kettenkrad. Would they be a way to deliver supplies, or would they offer move move points than the mech?
*more* move points ffs. It's time for bed, good night fellow dorks.
Considering they can't even give us some of the promised tank skins yet, I don't see either of those making it in.
>Five Star Stories collab
Good luck with that. The creator is a huge control freak with his IP
Well considering five star stories is a rip off from an anime he and tomino worked on together it's surprising why he's very protective of it.
>canon condom and aerola
what the hell, how did this get past the great firewall censorship??
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We have dolls of multiple types like: cats, dogs, birds, ayy lmaos, knights, dragons, a horse, human, elf, and sharks.
We need to go stupider: like a time traveler, zombie, or a bee.
What where?
right when she slips her left bra
truth is, one could mistake that brown shading as a form of areola
Hear me out: either believes she's human like Para but reanimated, or is pseudo-zombie being made from other doll parts.
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>or is pseudo-zombie being made from other doll parts
That's more of a Frankenstein's Monster thing which I wouldn't really call a zombie but I suppose that's a YMMV thing.
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bro, your MAC.
I'm pretty sure Fatimas and T-Dolls would ber along well, and a few of the 5SS characters can dimension-hop or throw other characters into other dimensions so the kids background is there.
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Is it ethical to rape my PoW
I remember hearing stories (not sure if it's true or not) that Terada wants to add FSS to SRW, but Nagano went like "My mech is so strong it can beat everything. Don't you make my mech lose in the game" or something like that. That's how crazy he is.
I also remember he made an anime called "Gothicmade" and it's only for limited random showing and he refuses to release the movie on home media or streaming. That's how protective he is with his creations
Scan that book
He also founded his own company in the US to translate the FSS manga into English.
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thats huge areola pancake
>brown nipples
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Friday soon...activate it...
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Anon the uncensored stuff comes from the TW server, mainlanders always get censored and AFAIK don't even get damaged CGs anymore.
the CN censorship has already uplifted, anon
at least most of damaged CG
no womb having bitch
that old news buddy, keep up with the time
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When the fuck did that happen, I'm here every day
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Like a couple years ago? I dunno, the CCP seems more concerned about hiding the fact their shit is exploding constantly than kneecapping one of the few successful industries they've got left which is remarkably sane of them.
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The commander is the type of loser who would tell the dolls he is having sex with to get pregnant even though he knows that dolls can't get pregnant for him hahahaa!
CCP radars aren't gonna tell you that they didn't last long after the last couple of censor waves from
>BSL rats
>AK faggots
>That one faggot game that reported AL
its shit
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Isn't there a new wave that's affecting the Snoggers because they can't shut their mouth? And now they're preparing to retaliate by ratting the other games to the censorship board?
That alone makes me doubtful. Those fags are all talk.
But she's battle crazy, not a mishmash of dolls
Unless those faggots have intense fanservice, I doubt they're gonna repeat history. Unless they're that dumb.
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new GF2 mod?!
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pan and instant zoom to blackhole
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They get better every day
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The gravity pull was too powerful for SKK
God the skumizu esque underside is just perfect
Mmm canon ass cheeks
I really need Sabrina mods...
Wait wait wait hold the fuck up
Since Persicaria took Malkira's place as the Entropy Queen, that means Wisdom could actually come back! Alcyone and Eucharist too!
What's the gist of GFL Line 2's story so far?
You think the Entropized Persica will be still the same Persica of Oasis we know? I highly doubt it, too nutty.
>Girls Frontline Line Line 2
Literal non issues compared to the fact that Oasis' 2nd in command is an unkillable being trapped in Tartarus and forced to fight the Sanctifiers, and if those come back they'd be nothing more than blank slates anyway.
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Devil milk.
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How to defeat Tareus's mech
That's a generic PMC mech called a Titan
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With a sniper fairy and G36c tanking it?
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Sorry not a mutt, I don't like fat bitches
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This game is terrible for my health. Reminds me how much I want dolls to be real
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Keep hydrating and everything will be fine.
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I better see a prereg date between now and the 8th. Or Family gets it.
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>family will never score so we'll never hear this goalhorn
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Do you guys remember this reading
>Here's the results, the first card is the item being read, second is short term future, third is long term future
>>Upright Fool
>GF2 is the fool, this symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities as well as naivety
>>Upright Chariot
>Bravery and success
>>Upright Lovers
>Unity, both of values and of parties
>According to the cards, we're gonna make it
Now that Kurry Kai resurrected GF2 do you believe this reading to be accurate?
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Don't even think about it, buster. She's one of the few things combating Vepley and her constantly delays. You take her out, and you take out what little hope this general has. Trust me, you won't like me when I have nothing left to lose.
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the outcome was never really in doubt, but...
>UN Collab
what did they mean by this...
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We are so back.
STUR is so cool...
Let's celebrate STUR getting four more stripes on her kill streak
you are such a nerd
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>416 was the lovers all along
Always was
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The gimme character who rides your dick as soon as the game starts?
>>Unity, both of values and of parties
the gacha cartel is real....
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>Actively aggressive unless you do her social link
>Yeah you're right there she's ready for (Yu)
>Unironic best girl in the game with canon biggest tits
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All I Need...
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peg me mommy
That arm animation looks so bad.
>Merry Christmas, you filthy animal
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>he smooched
I know i suggested this back then, quite surprise you pick up this cupless bra and crotchless panties. Here are my pick/suggestion for this type of apparel design, these are what I think appeal to me when I look for this theme, have fun
I am not sure why this link https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/617281 got pasted
This is the correct one https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6172815
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I'm not just gonna get threatened by a burger filling.
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My thread no- oh yeah...it already is mine...
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>OG Sol can only stay alive via periodic operand infusions
That's another hope of saving Entropy victims dashed.
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I hateit when cute girls cry
Good thing I don't see any in that picture
shut up
you are no longer a dork
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rare serb
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JP is getting this soon
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Seems like latest GF2 event has a fanart contest going on
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Why is she a diver?
Translate it, Huaweis
Marine Belly.
Mostly used by US navy special forces and crayon eaters
>literal minded personality that can't read between the lines, who will always attempt to get to the bottom of things she's unsure of
>loves the ocean and marine life, has a habit of praying, and usually gives those she's close to nicknames as endearment, usually after marine life
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"Mk18, reporting to you... You seem well-suited to be a sailor, can I call you 'Nautilus'?""

The sea, diving, I wonder if the newcomer likes to drink oolong tea?

she cute
why did they attach a pussy and tits to my boy yanny
>literal minded personality that can't read between the lines
Oh, so they made her autistic, as a joke.
Gave her the personality of your average doll and called it a day.
Marriage material.
Time to core Beowulf.
She's very cute! Finally a new, good doll.
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ew you rude, lind
a thousand hands, maybe more
>13 hour thread
>might even be 15 hours
What went wrong?
You wanted us to slow down. This is what you got, dork
NTA, I'm not complaining
I still didn't get spoonfed all the bunny suit reveals.
>only 200 posts since I went to sleep
Finally, comfy is back.
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My wife is so pretty it's unreal
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Pull points
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Our promised future
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Back to being a social media addict and knowing soundly that no post escaped me
The thread speed obsessed shitskins need to be publicly executed, snowjeet tier behavior
Anyone has a clean png of Berias patch?
the list of different groups of people that anon wants executed is bigger than than the amount of people who even post in /gfg/ anymore
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Oh no no no
Oh yes Yes YES
Finally they can turn her into a whore that will rape you like Eos.

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