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Mikuframe edition

Previous thread >>493171657

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>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
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Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: Check back later
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Which frames are hags?
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
come to my orbiter (incarnon form)
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tldr + mesa is better
they're better together
>megan is shrinking
Titania mains are winning
I will buy plat if zach shaves his ugly mustache
Megan, are you wearing a wig? Do you have Cancer? The False God cometh wearing petroleum byproducts!
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why is this bitch topless
hag prime > helen > dani > megan
If only
not found
I'm waiting to send Megan my skins
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going to need that pit shot plox
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mogs me
any porn look alike for megan? asking for my buddy
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my grineer queen..
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>Megan embracing her inner hag

I'm not gonna make it long boys.
I'm about to GOON.
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>ONE (singular) nightwave cred
Thanks Meg
We're saved!
I remember when they did that with Ducats
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i might let loose bros
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she cant keep getting away with it
What is the dev stream actually talking about?
reminder that nova is fat
>dev stream
it's not
I wonder what the actual holokey drop rate is.
around 37% according to what DE publishes for droprates
It's better to not think about it.
You'll only hurt yourself.
>ywn drink megan's lake piss
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why is she starring at my bulge?
I can't tell if the simping is ironic or not
I suspect there's at least one DE shill involved and at least one unironic 4chan simp involved, separately
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It's Reb and she's here to get off to being called a Hag
shut up reb you old hag bend me over and strap me already
why the fuck would Reb waste her time here? I have better things to do
DE are liars.
this place has valuable feedback, you cunt.
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I need to get me a DE_Girl
>Sarah is stuck on Soulflop
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then why aren't there 100 new enemies instead of 100 new warframes
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My favorite DE girl
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penny mogs me
if thats a woman, my nyx is excalibur prime
small studio
We need a sports themed frame
L U N A R O should remain buried and forgotten and I will literally never touch it
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>she caught herself and didnt go all the way up
meg just let go
Protea, Atlas, Gauss
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>DE releases brutal time waste RNG bullshit against a fucking timer
What the actual fuck is wrong with Canadians?
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do people who weren't here for that season even know who these people are?
Maybe. DE did rerun the bosses for those during the anniversary.
>fail first sortie because some retard actually got stuck on the hacking minigame and we couldn't kick him off it to do it
One day everything in Warframe is just going to not work because something broke down or someone changed something where they have no idea what broke what, and the game is going to be a total loss simply because of how far the spaghetti code extends.
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The boss doesn't involve these guys. These guys were early random events during Arlo's nightwave, who held the lamp, and revived and assisted tenno mid missions sometimes. They were then replaced with a unique kill squad, never to be seen helping a tenno again.
>go to railjack
>stab lich and kill the fucker
>get post mission rewards
>still alive
>no weapon sent
You sure it was your lich?
Thanks for the stream Meg
That's what version rollbacks are for, dumdum.

Kind of impressed Warframe's technical debt didn't kill the game yet.
i wouldn't be able to vanquish otherwise so
ugh aids, gotta do this shit again, waste of time
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yes thank you for the stream, meg. i heard some other voices but idk where they were coming from.
should've hosted
NTA BUT HOW it never works for me
Click the globe thingy next to your name in top left and pick "Solo".
How are you not already playing Solo? the only value to playing pubs is to carry or be carried.
i dont like railjack
I miss when this wasn't true, now every frame has to be able to play every role at the same time
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Stop crying and grind some decent gear.
The only roles that exist are killing and not dying.
Neither does a majority of the playerbase, aside from that one Anon here who loves it. I feel robbed of a gamemode desu.
The terrible cycle of powercreep dictates that every frame is capable of Soloing all content. But this makes players less reliant on cooperative play. On one hand, I hate relying on other players since the majority are filthy lobotomites and I don't get the glory of getting 11,000 kills in 40 minutes. On the other, it's an entire angle completely wiped out. I hope they bring back raids with large enemies with billions of EHP and mechanics
no, I don't think I will
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did you go to the dojo or another mission to properly finish the mission? Because if you just quit after getting back to the railjack and seeing the completed scroll it considers it as a quit mission, you have to have another loading screen for it to actually count and give you rewards.

Yes this is dumb
No they probably wont fix it
>wah, I hate SP
>no, I'm not going to max Serration or potato my guns
Skill issue + (you) problem.
I hope DE never makes another boss fight because there new strategy with bosses is "just make it impossible to kill them fast."
I hope they rework The Sargent and Hyena Pack, because rushers hate actually playing the game, and decide to make their misery everyone else's problem.
>not bothering solo, because of railjack
>brings up regular game play

learn to read
That's a real nuisance within itself. Been playing BL3 recently and that's what they do. It completely undermines a players effort to have squads built to the highest possible extent and be gated with bullshit invulnerability phases to break the momentum
got it, next boss will be a giant synthesis target with 100 scan points
Grinding Railjack and grinding regular game play is exactly the same - you get your ass beat, until you get and max some upgrades, at which point you become untouchable. And you're just a whiny shitter that forgot what it was like starting from the bottom.
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>It is the players' fault low health enemies die fast.
I hope every new boss is just an upscaled normal enemy who dies in one shot to jaded vets cruising by at 9001 km/h in the wrong lane
Bosses that are just reskined mobs are bad, and should be replaced ASAP. And miseryguts bitches like you whine about literally every single thing in Warframe that isn't Fissure Capture, Sabotage or Extermination. and takes skill or coordination. Fuck you.
hey man fuck you I just want to go fast
Fuck jaded vets. I am already preparing clapbacks for faggots that WILL whine about 1999 being another open world content island.
thppppt get off my lawn newfag
i love the sergeant, he's a joke and devs knows it
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"I just want to go fast". Post a fucking Tribes: Ascend meme. List all the racing games you play.
I haven't really played since before the fallen empire legion days and oldschool starsiege tribes/tribes 2, also burnout paradise is the best racing game ever made and nothing will ever beat it
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you might have a point if drop tables didn't necessitate running everything dozens of times. rushing is how you avoid spending an entire fucking day playing the same mission
Let's be honest it probably will. But, content islands aren't necessarily bad considering everyone will attack it as quickly or as slowly as they can. For vets, I presume it'd take approx 2 weeks post launch and for casuals it'd take more than 2 weeks. The last thing they should do is cater to vets since we're an outlier on a graph and not worth the effort to extend content that will only be longer for everyone else.
Running missions over and over to grind one specific thing is actual personal MMORPG hell. STOP FUCKING DOING IT. And avoid it consciously, because the game wasn't designed to prevent you from turning it into your own personal hell.
Maybe my experience is different because I started recently but I like (non corpus) railjack mishes. I wish the scale was bigger, as in mission scale, and there were more reasons to archwing
that's the fucking game, retard. grind or buy plat
No, they shouldn't cater to the vets, because the vets in literally every single MMO are perpetually unhappy, and don't understand that filling bars in an MMO won't bring them happiness, and it's not the game's or the dev's fault, it's just physically impossible.
>buy plat
you didnt play the game
your opinion is irrelevant because you'll drop the game within a year
>or the dev's fault
I can truly say that not having anything to do is their fault and not mine
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Haven't dropped it in... let me check... six years, if you don't count the break in the middle, where I would just collect login rewards.
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What loadout if i want to play as picrel
Oh and I wish there were hotkeys for changing the 3 NPC crew's assignments to avoid opening the menu everytime. I don't like that part.
That and the pilot NPC just breaking sometimes when you're on board doing objectives and being unable to shoot the other one.
>Why aren't people respecting normal enemies disguised as bosses?
The Sargent has the same voice lines as every regular corpus enemy.
How many hours a day do you play? Because if you play it like a full time job, then, yes, it is.
Maybe in aspects unrelated to scale, but I do wish there were more opportunities and advantages equal to using your frame and more opportunities to do so. Also, if this is where you're hanging out as a starting player, stop. Jaded players are contagious and you don't want to catch any of this. It takes the magic of experience out of playing a game.
Very true. Why would you cater to an outlier? It doesn't make sense. Personally, I wish they did. I wouldn't be complaining and actually playing the game if they did, but they don't. That's okay.
Not even 1 because there nothing to do

You can’t do anything else for atleast 3 hours
takes about 2-3 hours
Yeah. I actually just wanted to use the thread as an alternative to twitch chat since this is the first stream.
TNW is exceedingly mediocre but because it’s a story in a video game it’s treated like king shit
Warframe will forever live in the shadow of The Expanse and no 5/10 story quests will ever change that
PRESS SPACE TO wait that's later it's literally nothing you just need a basic railjack and necramech setup and it takes a while with a lot of mandatory slowness
I would like them to redesign all specter/NPC behaviour to a simplified control system instead of relying on archaic AI. Why does my Volt get permanently repositioned from the spot I asked it to stay in? The AI is retarded, this is why. I also hate the way that most systems are designed to prevent AFK playstyles, simply to control the economy and therefore pushing people to buying platinum.
Nope, it's a 2 hour commitment. Come back and do it in one go or you don't get the full experience. Pretty cool considering it introduces a bunch of systems which I'd assume are teasers for the future.
Fair enough
you'll love what you need the necramech for
The best 45 seconds of the mission no question
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>I get to play as a grineer grunt with a grakata
nevermind this is pure kino
it even demonstrates what necramechs do best right at the end
>6 years of slow
now THAT sounds like hell
I wish DE sold a voice pack that replaced Lotus with other character.
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fo rizzle
I'd use an Alad V voice pack
I just want this UI this shit is good. Fuck why can't the corpus vs grineer starchart invasion missions be you actually picking a side like this and playing as them
I'd use the RJ Cephalon. That dude sounds so good in comparison to Lotus' feeble attempts to be assertive. Cy wants me to genocide a Grineer family of 4? Ill bat for you, Cy!
>He doesn’t know
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choose your fighter
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because they haven't been reworked yet
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I would like jordas and feel he would have become a fan favorite if he came out during peak millennial humor
I've been saying ever since they first showed off Kahl and Veso
Scrap cuckclave, literally just make Battle Front 2: Grineer vs Corpus
instead of unlocking jedi or sith to play as you'd get to switch to your warframe and kick ass.
Hell, interception is already half way to this
And you know what? The Free Market has dictated that we (I) enjoy this persons' work and therefore wouldn't mind if they were employed for a further extent of time to have voice lines that were similar to the Lotus'. Also https://www.emmamartello.com

He would be such a quirky chungus who would greedily scoff down le reddit gold with all of xim's voicelines
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xe xi xo ZIM
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the game basically doesn't improve beyond this does it

I love this idea, conclave is fucking dogshit ping battles anyway might as well make everybody move slow as hell
if "emma" doesn't lose their range through voice training or vocal surgery or something and keeps voicing a cool character with the same attitude I just don't terribly care
things keep escalating, plot twists and such. There is always more added.
>the game basically doesn't improve beyond this does it
gotta wait and see
Look unless I get to play more joe average shitgrunts it won't get much better. They're the SOUL of the game.
Grineer vs Corpus Battlefront gameplay sounds awesome honestly. I don't know how it'd be balanced, but heavy guns, Sentient invasions PvPvE gameplay 3 Capture points 20 a Side with an independent but factional dependent cache of weapons sounds baller
I personally hate this idea but also my biggest complaint with warframe's pvp is its biggest upside, the raw speed, doesn't work with the game's netcode so... DE pls, use this to replace the old dark sector conflicts
Jumping into someone's head while sliding midair to do a slide attack sounds interesting. I think it would make more sense to make a grounded attritional battle between Grineer and Corpus to play out this perpetual fight outside of the Tenno like the lore always speculates. Could be the foundation of more Lore as well.
Outgooned again
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Stop memeing and click yes, fren.
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I would if she posted tits but she hasn't so I won't
She has but I'm not risking a ban
Fren I've seen all and know all
She hasn't posted tits
that bitch still didnt get me my credits for watching the stream

at least i got the cool necramech statue
But we've seen them, I mean she also posted that picture not too long ago with the nipslip before she took it down. But I get what you mean, at least we have her doppelganger
>muh diminishing returns
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that's why you still get to play as warframes
let people experience the raw terror one of them brings to the battlefield
when do i do in this game
Maybe two hours from now.
present day (heh)
It bothers me that there's a standard mod setup in which the majority of your eight mod slots will be filled up with the same mods, for every weapon.
I'd bring Hildryn and have my gaggle of Kahls' gather around for some buffs, or an Oberon to not die
Stat squishing is the only option
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As much as I would love it I can already tell they would either have them nerfed them down to conclave levels or immediately fuck over my favorite aug (again) and accidentally make it unusable while never fixing it.
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welp, that settles it. Time to play something else till the next update
Kullervo and anything that makes your guns passively reload like Synth mods
delete alchemy
only good part of this fuck ass quest
in 3 seconds, Kahl is more compelling than every single other character
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Yep, I was right.
the teshin and drifter sections suck ass compared to the soul of grineer retard and corpus lackey

Blitz Eximus should be aborted. Why do they do so much damage? What justifies making Rolling Guard a requirement?
no U, bitch
Nobody would play it. Nobody would play it. It'd be more side content shuffled into obscurity.
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this is making me want to boot up the game but it's 12am and i just got off work. I have tomorrow off, maybe I should just go to bed.
and I remain cowboy hatless
pretty shitty drifter if you ask me
This has made me go and /profile a bunch of keystone terms as usernames "69, 420" etc. can't look at Rebs profile. I presume that figures within the community have a "Do not Disturb" or private mode on
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sorry, you're stuck with this forever
volume warning. https://litter.catbox.moe/py7g9m.mp4
zenith, azima, or zenistar?
Anything but Azima
>can't look at Rebs profile
what did you type in?
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Just built Inaros Prime after not using the original in years. I want some sort of desert palette for him, can anyone post their own if they do a similar idea
"/profile [DE]Reb" is the only thing I know her profile as. Not aware of anything else. Should scour for a past primetime and watch for invites or something to see if I can get in or not.
she con my clave
Was retarded, it's "[DE]Rebecca" not Reb
Nikana Incarnon Genesis
hag erotic
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>delete alchemy
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Too much water but the idea works if you cook it like a spaghetti all'assassina.
>volt is a gay arab nerd now
reb game design everyone!
Why do you think he's gay?
well, we found another faggot
Answer the question
>faggot looking playersexual char isn't a faggot in a game with customizable PChars
sister you need to try harder
Now explain why he looks like a faggot to you? You seem to be projecting.
>he hasn't developed the survival skill of being able to tell who's a gay pedo predator and who isn't.
It's something you develop in childhood.
So you were molested as a child. My condolences.
you're projecting
You literally just said you developed being accustomed to faggots at childhood. There's no shame in hiding it.
why would you admit to being gay?
Yeah, no wonder he's gay and defending other gays.
Average Russian childhood
the russchizo lore has expanded
>fake scenario
real scenario
Anyone figured out how to get around the razorback armada bossroom? If the boss stays alive and enemies keep spawning, could be used as resource farming room
good bump!
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just how fucking long will I have to wait for this shit
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is this worth anything
5p + a kiss on the cheek
that's my final offer
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>the game made me wait 3 days + grind time to get the mats just for that walking scene
Holy shit steve really wanted that plat.
volt is indian though, and not gay. Take off your hate-filled goggles before looking at stuff
>volt is indian though
what's the difference? he's not white
Don't bother, /wfg/ is a woke hivemind.
>russchizo was buttfucked by his uncle as a kid
Now it makes sense
lol I was about to post that
>faggots dreaming aboit dedovshchina again
fastest street shitter in the west. faster than a wet wipe, quicker than a skidmark, he is fartning!
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missed prime time, someone give me a qrd pls
zenistar is probably the one with most "real" applications, zenith was/is good for profit-taker and that's about it and azima is a joke
megan pits
fuck they're stingy with the LRs, you should at least start getting +1000 standing cap each LR
post more dogfugger pits
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I beat EDA with this amazing endgame build
but /wfg/ keeps telling me that EDA is hard
what champ + weapons combo did you use?
Why did people enjoy this? It's slow and boring.
retards enjoy simple things
If you can't appreciate the POV of a determined grunt with a grakata, I feel bad for you.
Everything after that was pretty mediocre I will admit.
Mesa and Tonkor
I had to uncheck gear restriction to use healers cause pubs are totally useless at keeping the mirror def objective alive
Previous week Ive used un-potatoed MAG and shes actually great - her 4 restores shields to the def objective while other skills dont
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>EDA is easy guys!
>Mesa and Tonkor
I caved in and bought Nautilus with plat
I dont mind RJ but the drop rates are terrible
Ok cutie! :)
I wanted that but then I played Veilbreaker and I no longer want that.
is it primed disappointment day today?
>inb4 its dante or carried by dante/frost
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is that poo poo in a can?
Yeah, those are bumps
So soon? I still have like 900 forma left from the last one.
I love BUMPS!
Baro and his stock is literally wfg and its posts. Mostly bumps.
Boiled condensed milk
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If you ever have surplus forma then you aren't truly living
No, those are poopies! Because you are russchizo!
sounds kino, i will try it
I dont play warframe actually. 900 is my theorycraft number IF i actually played it.
Be careful when boiling, can may explode.
is there a way to turn off the forma tracker on the things your forma? like on frames, weapons, etc.
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I see.
Well that's probably more exciting than the process of actually doing so.
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Huh? All
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nick gurr
Had no revenant or anyone with overguard but yeah having good Frost it would be much easier

Useless mesa with no reactor and negative duration modifier
This week is real cancer for all the modifiers - alchemy half the units are immune and not dropping vials and mirror def not healing, so I had to use spectres to save it and no operators/mechs
This fucking bumper, soulless clockwork automaton.
Just go enlist?
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>need to feed Wisp to Helminth
>pic related
Do I craft new one just for this or invest everything once again?
whatever happened there?
>need to bump
Blah blah blah
it doesn't matter much but I prefer to just make a new frame and feed it, keep my old ones that I actually invested on
a couple times I've only been able to fit a build I wanted to try on an old forma layout for the base frame
The only problem here I think is Duviri, mode force prime over normal warframe which is silly.
>have max invested Wisp
>game show me prime Wisp with no investment
How do I farm wukong bp?
Mods actually enforcing site rules consistently for once.
i dont
My Warframe Is Strong.
>eu hours
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>3 months getting bothered by some dipshit fucking lich
>finally kill his ass
>reward: magnetic kuva quartakk

I regret using Mesa to turn my first Larvling and I also regret not figuring out farming the requiem mods until that motherfucker got to LV5
Where do I farm endo if I'm solo?
t4 t5 zariman exterminate bounties
thanks anon
If you have at least one friend, Railjack is great for endo + credits (endo comes from the massive amounts of spare ship parts and weapon you get).
Magnetic is 2nd best on kuva/tenet
I mean, being able to destroy shields is nice, but doesn't only the corpus and some of the narmer/sentient and corrupted enemies use 'em?
It really depends on the weapon and Radiation is the better combined element generally
you forgot about overguard
>Radiation is the better combined element generally
Your secondary fortifier?
Oh fuck, that's a great point, I forgot it works on overguard too...
Since it already deals it innately, then I can combine it with corrosive too, right?
aura disruption in small amounts that don't really disrupt proc weight, adds to CO
it's slightly less relevant if you're using the newer rad mods for some reason
Anyone use tonkor? What element should I try to get for it?
This thread sucks, disable the hags
This thread is top, spammers get the rope
toxin for PCR as it has low rof aoe
used to play on standie
switched to steam and almost all of my achievements aren't unlocking
what do?
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am I retarded or did I get shafted out of the gear
I can't find it in my primary or secondary slots
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>he bricked his account
the Grimoire is a secondary, anon. Check again, are you sure it's not there?
Maybe it's in the forge because your weapon storage is full? I think it might happen, since my Lich's weapon was in the forge after my armory was full
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Oh I see, it came pre-maxed and I had my list set to sort by rank so I assumed it would be at the bottom.
I need baro's bp in my life.
they should make this a thing
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>Disable Transference Distortion if it's up
>If you ever lose your shields switch to operator until they regen so you won't die
>Find a PC
>Obliterate everything with the Necramech
Wow so hard.
I literally just put bunch of survival mods and arcanes on a shitframe that exist only for MR that doesn't have the reactor, that's literally all you need when simply finding Necramech PC is a "I win" button.
The only time this is hairy is during survival due to limited time to find a PC but even then it's managable.
This is how I did SP netracell before they removed it
Nicholas Gurr
>euro hours
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Not even the good kind of clown makeup
>10+ beauty filters to hide the HAG
>actually using the cursed content that is necramech
shitter status confirmed
>not appreciating necramechs
>not liking the giant skull-headed gundams
Someone should steal something out of your house
I'm going shopping
when I'm back there better be Primed Redirection waiting for me at Baro
corn pop was a good friend
how do we fix
Weight sliders
Be the change you wish to see in the world, Anon.
If you wish to change others...
...you must first start with yourself.
armpit sliders
Ahem... I like railjack.
Bbws will take over the world
I really hated it at first but once I got a crew and better parts it's pretty enjoyable
Wish corpus missions weren't glorified taxi missions
im tired of getting incarnons every week... what should i do
Just buy the clan weapons and shield and you are set for high adventure. No need to start rough.
Hello /wfg/
So, if I kill a larvling WITHOUT using the Parazon, then it just dies and its weapon is removed from the lich drop list, right? But does it restart after I spawn and kill a lich?
For instance, let's say i kill a lich normally without my Parazon, and he has a Kuva Zarr. Then I kill another Larvling, this time with parazon, and I end up killing the subsequent lich. Will any larvlings spawned AFTER I kill this lich spawn with the Zarr or do I need to cycle through them all to get it again?
shitty baroo ngl
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I love railjack but its so underdeveloped (every mission type is essentially skirmish and then a regular mission). I honestly wish they'd drop all planned updates for a year and just make expansions to railjack gameplay and mission types, the potential for this mode is practically endless.
>escort missions involving the railjack
>high level survival in the railjack requiring full crew with Seeker Volleys and perfect rolled crew to even withstand the onslaught of fighters
>more enemy ship types
>AI crew that can man and use artillery in relative sync with the pilot
>mission involving multiple railjacks (i.e railjack style raids)
>promised squad link, let cetus and other open world parties get some bonus rewards by matching up with high level railjack crews and doing objectives that need to be somewhat coordinated between multiple squads
Of course none of this will ever happen since it would prevent dumb solo faggots from enjoying it fully, and it violates the principle of how every shallow content island added to the game has to be immediately abandoned so Steve or some other faggot can fuck with the lighting or make a concept demo for their Dark Souls at home pet project.
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Is there any way to farm thumpers? Just fly to the one corner by the water over and over again? Do you have to start a bounty before hand?
I bought sekhara, primed regen and primed rubedo, pretty cool
That's it! I'm calling in the niggers!
How about calling some real posters?
wow, primed rubedo is a huge damage upgrade
I am disappoint
The Second Dream was a shitty twist born of DE chasing modern narrative trends and actually did nothing but detract from the game they were building. There were more than a dozen major updates after it purely trying to justify that decision, and all they did was detract from the fun of the game and dilute the premise.
DE are kept alive by player mercy.
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What is the twist?
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>need 1000 more ducats to buy prisma grakata and machete
off to the fissures
don't get spoiled and play it
Any joke answer I could respond with frustrates me less than the reality.
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>slash dash makes you invulnerable and therefore immune to knockdown for as long as you're chaining hits
I'm glad I gave this cunt a second chance.
i think he means le epic operators are behind warframes and everything since then is about le epic space children and void instead of fucking fun frames and guns
Where are my missing 74 cred DE!? You said you would fix it!
koumei confirmed female which we already knew
nova deluxe leak confirmed
megan's armpits confirmed
Bail from this thread immediately.
You didn't need the second dream for that the Hunhow awakening before the second dream already suggested as much.
Excalibur is fucking great
With furious javelin and a crowd you can just shit out melee damage like it's nothing, and that includes Slash Dash
i demand booba
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>Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel
I should start using my necra more
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the problem with railjack is the retarded players once again
>pilot just stays at the spawn killing stuff and not flying people to the objectives and blastin radiators etc
99,9999999999999999999999999999% of the time it's this shit or others just manning turrets and afking
what's the fucking point even playing if you're just a retarded mouthbreather and afk the missions? this isn't afk hero
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Consider Mesa
>pilot just stays at the spawn killing stuff
I haven't done much co-op railjack. But, at least solo that's the fastest way to clean up fighters and crewships due to them spawning directly at spawn for skirmish missions.
Going directly to the objective adds on average for me at least 1-2 minutes in comparison. Taking storm skirmish from 4 minutes sometimes up to 7. And that's no bueno.
Me on the left
If I want to go full CHUD with flamethrowers what is the next step after Ignis Wraith?
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Don't fogret to have a MAGnificent friday /wfg/!
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more like HAGnificient, am I right?
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free plat
don't huh here, speak clearly
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I'll rape you in your sleep
Crewships are another example of a half-assed mechanic in RJ. To have every mission revolve around killing 3-4 of them when the artillery mechanic is generally the most unfun shit ever (sit in artillery seat and do nothing 90% of the time while anticipating the schizo steering of the often retarded pilot) and its way too time consuming to blow it up manually with your warframe.
You just know that things leave concepting at DE way too soon, they probably all just gather around, smoke a joint and then go with whatever bullshit they just spewed onto a whiteboard. Whereas any idiot could tell them that a much more fun dynamic would be to have crewships be way bigger, require a bit more sabotage (possibly combined with one or two well placed artillery shots), but only require you to destroy one per mission at most. Also have them be way more of a threat, perhaps continually launching swarms of fighters or ramsleds.
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>Heavy Caliber
it's shit
>spent yesterday solo-running dragon key vaults
I'm missing like 4 corrupted mods and I've been running 3 corrupted vaults per day
I guess I will stop and just wait, maybe there will be an alert for them
Ready: Saryn, Octavia, Mirage, Wisp, Revenant
Ready but dogshit frames: Banshee, Rhino, Chroma, Mesa, Trinity, Nekros
Meme tier: Titania
I should get Dante and Khora next and I will be pretty much guaranteed ready for any random cancerous content like DA or Circuit right?
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>nothing I'm missing
back to Horend
You forgot the most important part.
>railjack pvp
We guns of icarus now.
What am I picking up for myself? Rubedo-lined barrel? Is anything worth picking up for selling later, aside from a second rubedo-lined barrel?
desu I only ever but 3 things from baro
>primed mods because you can't get them any other way
>prisma or other weapons you can't get any other way
>rare relics like odanata prime or volt prime ones
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How do I grind grineer derelicts in Veil for spectral vandal? I re-enter Veil skirmish missions over and over again but there is no derelict mark
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rebb post titties now!
you DO have the intristic, right?
I'm holding them hostage
skill issue then
I'm doing the same thing right now just grinding for holokeys and they're spawning for me
Which mission and they are not 100% like in other missions?
>half my foundry is kuva weapons waiting to be picked up but I don't have forma to max them
I haven't played since around beta and introduction of mutalist alad v so around that time frame, all my weapons feel kinda shit past level 50 mobs.
What's a good entry level weapon for these level 80-100ish missions?
post what you have
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that glass is full of my cum
Laetum is all you need. Do quests to unlock faction that sell this weapon
no plague star this year, confirmed during prime time yesterday
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>already grinded all easily available shit
pain begins
Nobody's buying my stuff even when I put it up for 1P!
nsu, now h-2. I'm getting derelicts every time
>tainted shell, depleted reload, heavy caliber, magnum force
>"This is a breezy way to enhance your Arsenal to help prepare for Warframe: 1999 this winter"
Is DE trying to get the noobs killed?
>Play with a really good player
>They are even friendly
>Doesn't use meta shit
>They have their friend request, and even Gifts disabled

But why?
they are based
sometimes you just get fucking done with people, doesn't mean you can't have your friendly public interactions
Evangelion is a “modern narrative trend?” Cuz that’s all it is. Shinji Tenno getting in the robot.
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>endo sortie reward
Can't post a screenshot but here is some of the "decent", or at least I thought they were weapons/frames I have

Burston Prime
Paris Prime
Latron Prime
Arca Plasmor
Vaykor Hek
Snipertron Vandal

Frames I got
Rhino P
Mirage P
Nova P
Mesa P cooking

And some random shit that doesn't have forma or reactor/catalyst. I have some decent crit mods and all the status/ele mods and a few primed mods.
Uhhhhh I think spawning a lich resets it
>cutie is doing sorties
because every time I exist I am bombarded with things I don't need from people who could give it to someone who isn't me
taking gifts makes me feel bad
I don't have anything disabled but I won't accept anything either unless you talk first
>play game
>one of the guy send friend request after few map together
>it have "yo" as message
sorry but no
I'll never be able to get a Prime anything, even as a welfare from DE.
just run some void fissures lol
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>it have "yo" as message
>sorry but no

so true, gaijin media is always just copying my animes
That just gives me random parts that I can't build.
just play with the luckiest people alive (like me), you'll get sevagoth prime in no time
Eventually with enough random parts you can build something
Rhino & Vaykor Hek will easily carry you until early SP
The best way would be getting into trading.
I just made a brand new account for fun and played it for a week. I made about 600p in just one week of playing and I was limited by 3-4 daily trades because of my MR.

Register on warframe.market and sell prime parts that you don't want. Use the platinum to get the parts you want. It's really that simple.
What's the best kuva element for archguns? Does it even matter?
>and its way too time consuming to blow it up manually with your warframe.
honestly if it wasn't for shatter burst it'd break even against shield crewships as you'd have to at least shoot/maneuver to pop them. As it is you can shatter burst while charging your forward artillery making it just 4 seconds to kill one.

Where as leaping from ship to ship, even if you optimize it to within an inch of your life and use protea for the rewind, you'll still clock like 3-7 seconds a ship. Doubled if the next crewship is a good ways away from the one you just blew up and corpus crewships always taking too much time due to the invulnerability period the reactor gets while it's raising out of the floor.
impact for bigger impact
at this point just farm plat for forma
im trying to build all frames and weapons to not gauge my eyes every week in circuit and it would take me 3 months
Oh Parvos, the low thief will never know the cool caress of your cro
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>see this
>block player without ever talking to them
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would you fren me?
how's that?
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am I good enough for you?
what amp should i go with for a general use 147 or 747?
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sneeda kavat
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When's the prime come out?
>ee this
>>block player with
Isn't Itzal dead and Amesha is the new king?
Of course WU-KANG is there
Why is Wukang so chubby?
He's dad-bod to the max.
itzal's been dead since they gave every archwing a blink but for a lot of players it was basically that or your standard odonata for years and years
go with 147
747s are known to randomly crash or fall apart mid-flight
>all my weapons feel kinda shit past level 50 mobs
This is a modding problem, not a gun problem. For now, try a mod config along the lines of
>Split Chamber
>Critical Delay/Point Strike
>Vital Sense
>Rime Rounds/Cryo Rounds
>Malignance/Infected Clip

If you're tight on forma or endo, Shred is optional and the cold and toxin mods can be left unupgraded for now.
>Kitgun primaries
I was looking into something off-beat to get into and remembered these. I thus also remembered how disappointing the were.
Really, what the hell were DE thinking making everything a rucking shotgun/rifle?
You have weird alien tech and everything's a fucking AR/shotgun.
Could've been energy-arrow bows
Could've been spearguns
Could've been armcannons
But no, they're fucking ARs and shotties.
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>koumei (female)
What did DE mean by this?
Sorry for the useless quote-link, just clicked for fast reply and forgot to clean up after I was done ranting. My bad.
Because parasites exists and you quickly get tired of being used and abused by retards that thinks you're their personal on-call carry.
That animeposters are retarded faggots.
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man I just made Tombfinger secondary as my first kitgun, and the thing feels great to shoot but it's so fucking power crept. I can't believe how tedious that shit is to farm given where they're supposed to fit into player progression. I dunno if bows work with the rest of the framework of kitguns, but spearguns and arm cannons would have been cool. Did they exist when kitguns were introduced?
>Accepted any friend request for years
>Look at friend list
>I don't remember any of these people and never talked to them.
Why even send friend requests? Was I supposed to keep in touch with you?
did you use haymaker/splat? give it the primed crit mods and some status and it rapes face, and more faces after that if you give it pax seeker
Sorry, but I'm out of room for Warframes. I'll have to bribe DE for the plat to unlock more slots.
ign and i'll send a slot
I more meant "subversion of expectations".
>Oh, the Tenno are an ancient warrior clan that has recently reawakened in a system wrought with chaos and the doubt of an uncertain future.
I miss killing myself with Javlok. I wish they released a new variant of it.

>Did they exist when kitguns were introduced?
Yes, spearguns are quite old and arm cannons were introduced after Fortuna but before Deimos' primary kitgun components.
I sharted :(
>it's so fucking power crept
>Weapons you enjoy weren't optimal for level 9999 content, but they did sorties just fine
>level bloat
>hp bloat
>Weapons you enjoy barely tickle enemies
Thanks, DE. I hated using what I enjoyed.
/v/ is talking about Reb
show me
>US hours
I don't think I'll ever get into high-level content, because I just can't seem to roll the parts I need for crafting the OP void weapons.
go to bed, thirdie
you do not and will never need primed gear to comfortably clear anything in the game
EU hours >>493359407
why isnt she nude
The gear I do have deals chip damage on SP, even the strongest one I have (the bow from The New War).
pedophile alert
How do you look for people to do RJ Veil Fissure grind, which word people usually filter for such activity?
well, what are you using? are you open to grinding for incarnons or kuva/tenet weapons or working toward being able to if you can't yet? just look at where you're struggling and start browsing the available options in a category of weapon that seems fun, interesting, or effective to you and I promise you can either find an upgrade or just see where your current options are relative to the alternatives as far as base stats and work on your build

you can also lean more heavily on frames to buff up your damage or do the killing for you, which again doesn't mean you need prime stuff, but either way it's not like your account or current equipment are bricked and can't improve to be able to do everything
>Um, why are you even talking to an 18 year old? She's practically a child! 20's just too young, they're just figuring out who they want to be when then grow up! I mean, 22's BARELY even an adult, what kinda dumb fuck would think a 24 year old can consent when they're lacking so much experience? I mean, okay it's legal, but 26 year olds are just taking their first steps into adulthood, you really shouldn't be grooming them.

I wrote this for a laugh, but then I considered how people might be taken aback by, say, 20 year olds starting a family for being 'so young' and... it seems like the sentiment is a bit more plausible than it should be.
what are the meta valence elements for kuva/tenet weapons broskies?
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have you gooned today?
I load into dojo to ensure I pilot my own maxed out ship, select the node, and point the ship at crewships so the random on the artillery can do their job
heat/toxin for primaries
magnetic for status hoses
firstly didn't ask
secondly r*ddit spacing
thirdly meds
oh and I forgot
cold for melees
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thanks chief
you don't. play solo for comfy or open pubs and hope someone joins
What a limp-dicked post.
Get hard, anon. Post something with some virility in it.
>sp circuit
>maxed out laetum rolled
>i can neither charge or use incarnon mode
haven't played circuit since january did they mess with incarnon activation in the mode to make it harder?
My warframe is steong
>he built for incarnon mode
My warframe is strange...
My warframe is straight...
My warframe is flexible.
What weapons do you use on your railjack? Im using pulsar as the main weapon so i dont have to aim and apoc for the gunner turrets.
honestly no idea
gunner evaporates everything in sight
beam weapons like Photor go through the corpus crewship shields so if you do the corpus missions they are recommended for main guns
I heard that before but the damage on the photor seemed pretty low so i never used it. I just circle strafe the crewships to kill them.
>circle strafe
No, it's more advanced than that, you're sphere strafing them
Yeah, haymaker+splat. I'm gonna try Killstream instead of Haymaker when I make the rest of them for mastery, cause I reload any time I think there's the slightest pause in combat. This is where I stopped on Tombfinger before I decided it's probably not worth the investment. Maybe the problem is I'm using Cascadia Flare with only 35% final status chance over Merciless or Deadhead, but I think popular endgame guns are just stronger now. Like, I have Sentient Surge and every incarnon. I didn't expect Tombfinger to be on that level, but the way everyone talks about kitguns I thought this would be like a cute tier 2 gun or something.

>Galvanized Chamber/Split Chamber
>Critical Delay/Point Strike
>Vital Sense
>Rime Rounds/Cryo Rounds
>Malignance/Infected Rounds
>whatever fire rate mod you're most comfortable with
>when you have good arcanes, you can replace Serration if you want
You're welcome
How do you deal with boarders? My defender with maxed out stat and with my best weapon barely tickle the fucking enemies, i always have to kill them myself.
>My defender with maxed out stat and with my best weapon barely tickle the fucking enemies
That should be an engineer, not a defender, and steal the mod config(s) from >>493419619
Don't give them explosive weapons that have a minimum travel time for the detonation, mainly thinking of Acceltra. I don't think they know to back away from enemies to get explosions from it.
My engineer basically defends everything on his own, he doesn't give a fuck
Also my gunner is usually on defense too, my pilot's squatting in the gunner seat unless I need him to pilot if I'm absent
I don't think I've ever seen both die, ever
>This is where I stopped on Tombfinger before I decided it's probably not worth the investment.
I've got a similar setup going just with more flat damage and hemorrhage worked in, you could try deadhead and hornet strike for some more upfront damage and headshot bonus (and again pax seeker is a nice addition since it's got no innate multi-target outside of the little aoe) and it should be able to clean up basic mobs in one or two shots at standard SP levels

it's not nearly as well-suited as other options imo to all these newfangled conditional mods/arcanes replacing your stock standard base damage increase especially when you're struggling to meet those conditions consistently but still holds up with its upfront damage just stacking on some heat and viral procs for heavies
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how do i farm plastids?
what element do I want on Kuva Seer or Kuva Brakk?
Magnetic is obvious on Kuva Nukor but honeslty I don't know what do I want on other secondaries
I have Hemorrhage on config B. Does Tombfinger's AOE interfere with any headshot stuff? I'm also wondering if Cannonade might be okay, but also then I've heard that punch through and aoe don't always play nice together.

If you don't know what you want to do on your Kuva weapon, default to magnetic or radiation until you actually have a plan. IMO magnetic is better because it's boosted damage while radiation's CC is IMO unreliable, but maybe your experience will be different. Heat is strong on everything, but it locks you out of viral+elec if that's something you're interested in.
Mag if you're planning on using gunCO
Heat if you want more damage and the gun allows for it, meaning decent status chance and fire rate
>Does Tombfinger's AOE interfere with any headshot stuff?
nope, in fact in my experience it only enhances it letting you tag groups of heads or hit around corners and stuff, provided you aim well and avoid things like cannonade unfortunately because
>punch through and aoe don't always play nice together
is absolutely true with the projectile on the tombfinger, you'll basically tickle or bypass your target entirely and blast the wall or if you're lucky the guy behind him (same issue the grimoire faces)

it's basically the only secondary I use and I really like the way it feels to shoot with so I am a biased source
>keep forgetting to open up twitch for when there is twitch drops
I guess my orbiter will just be in Ki'teer domestic drone purgatory because I cant fucking manage to ever get the free shit they give out
Redpill me on the Corinth Prime while I wait for it to build.
>I really like the way it feels to shoot
yeah dude, I put a potato and two forma into it without even thinking cause it just feels nice to shoot. Then I was leveling it up in incursions and realized my setup does no fucking damage. I assumed that my current status chance and elemental weighting combined with an aoe was enough for Cascadia Flare, but I guess not. It's a cool gun but I don't think it's worth continuing to forma it to make it better.
>join omnia fissure
>crack open one relic
>"sorry guys I got to go my dog is on fire"
every fucking time like why even join an endless fissure?
>sorry guys I got to go my dog is on fire
havent heard that one in a while
i join public omnia fissures to test stuff then bail after the first round. eat my shorts.
Since the safety-adverts of the 2015s, much fewer owners let their dogs play with matchsticks, so it happens less often.

Putting that aside, what's a frame that was bad, god good, but it getting good made you lose interest in playing around with it?
Sevagoth's a recent example. His augments make a brain dead build.
In my case it's hydroid. Tried to make him work for years off and on. Then he got a fix. He does stuff now, but I'm just not even interested in playing him anymore.
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What's the best heat tenet weapon to farm if I want to get the heat ephemera
What's the best bump to bump if I want to bump
I think people who complain about bumpers are actually just bumpers.
half of it is ironic bumping to trigger the schizo, the other half is the schizo double-ironic anti-bumping
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is complaining about meta-discussion of incessantly calling out typical gen behavior as bumps a bump?
oh dude tenet ferrox for sure
its alt fire is crazy when built for blast after the status changes
Any, if you already have many of whatever element you can just add the % and keep their element implying they arent at 60%
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you first, faggot
And this is why I enjoy seeing videos of Grineer killing themselves
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I <3
Smegma Kavat.
rebb we need booba asap
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Ferox is a korbokey weapon
Cycron, maybe
>try to play emo goat's cave explorer
>pubs die off and disconnect one by one before we even get to the vault
>last one is hosting and too far away for me to get back to and revive
>host migraine
>remaining mobs deaggro and stay where they were at the bathysphere while no enemies ever spawn again
thanks, DE, I should have expected this when you said you fixed something related to netracell spawns
man fuck you, that guy could have been stuck in the fucking granum void for hours looking for a stick that isnt there.
but oh no mr white knight over gotta be a fucking nerd and "ackchually you need HOLO-keys for that"
you illiterate, slackjawed, mouthbreathing, smoothbrain, special olympics retard.
why dont you shove your wifes boyfriends cock in your mouth next time and let the rest of us have some fun.
i hope you find a small sharp rock in your shoe everyday for the rest of your life.
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get hype wfg
i've never played this game before and i have no idea what it's about

should i play it
this has better be about onboarding and removing early speed bumps
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titty season is officially over
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dude fuck this game concord is where its at
gameplay is addicting, lore is fragmented but really good (ignore people with 8yo level of reading comprehension), and can run on a fucking potato
expect grind from grindy game
the best f2p model on the market right now
It's a hero shooter with relatively little challenge, just mindless killing.
If you're the kind of player who likes having a "main" and not play anything else, avoid this game.
If you're the collector type who likes trying out every weapon in the game, this game is for you.
There isn't really much endgame, no difficult boss fights (there are some boss fights, but they are mostly trivial). The entire game can be soloed, but you can also play with others in random matchmaking. The whole game is mostly about "grinding" your next warframe or next weapon to try out and level up.
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i'm just here to say your director is fine as hell
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I am filled with mild envy
this kills the russian
give it a try and see if the basic movement and shooting grab you because it's an endless hamster wheel where that's your bread and butter, grinding to grind better
and unlike other game company employees
she doesnt need to steal breastmilk
>If you're the kind of player who likes having a "main" and not play anything else, avoid this game.
this is terrible and incorrect advice
t. does not swap away from wisp
dont people just solo slamkong to get this shit outta the way in like 5 min
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balatro collab when
thrown secondary deck of cards, you don't mod it but build a deck and reach insane multipliers
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My Wisp got feet!
gross, I'm sure "people" do but I play this game in part for the random interactions with pubs (so I guess I got what I deserved anyway)
post tits and i'll give you attention
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>If you're the kind of player who likes having a "main" and not play anything else, avoid this game.
this is terrible and incorrect advice
t. does not swap away from Hildryn
I die of boredom if I play the same warframe for more than a few hours and feel forced to play anything else
stupid sexy womanlet
I want to carry her around on my shoulders
Based TDEP enjoyer
No one plays Hildryn
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its coming and so am i
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say it to my face not online see what happens
>Go, child! Run! Don't look back! Don't—
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so fucking based
Dios mio...
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A shame her deluxe skin is so bad
based. do/did you also play normal hildryn? what % do you have on her?
Bros Reb is on the front page of /v/
I don't have base HIldryn because I'm allergic to Orb Valis
I'm waiting for resource booster so I can farm exploiter orb and be done with it forever
wow it's true
maybe later
why are you going to /v/
to shill warframe
Guys how do you farm hydrolyst solo? My lures keep dying or Vomvalysts walk up and start raping me before I even get to summon the hydrolyst
I do tridolons once a year when nightwave asks me to by taking wisp/amesha to a pub bounty and flying around keeping everything alive
1. Have decent amp
2. Use madurai for void strike
3. Use the arcane that gives immunity to magnetic status
4. Bring Trin
I have no idea what the meta weapons are these days but I use the Lanka. Should take about 10 minutes solo to do a tridolon run. Most of your time will be spent trying to find voms to charge the first lure.
So I should leech off of public lobbies
bro your Dante?
if you're having any trouble at all or aren't familiar with the run (like me), absolutely yes

protip you can just jam him in a basic specter to have pocket OG
it doesn't work on lures I think
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classic cat behavior
Is this the promised Tribute rework? I am apprehensive.
this is actually a really fascinating screenshot once you look past the butt and see there's a broken UI behind/defined by it
show us how many frames youve mastered
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problem is i can't look past the butt
i think it happens if you roll and enter the arsenal at the same time, though it doesn't always happen so idk
Why cold for melees?
I'm just so curious what that layer you're exposing is, like what that 99 number is or maybe was in whatever version or layer of the UI it represents because I remember seeing something similar in ancient sleek screenshots
im so unlucky with relics recently idk
i kinda want to go back to buying the weekly resource boost to farm traces and steel essence since there isnt a lot to do otherwise but holy shit every relic is just garbage and im gonna run out of relics too eventualy
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exactly half of them
I'm only in danger of running out of axi relics, I'm in the last 100 or so range with stacks of 1 to 7 or 8 max
being forced to run lua disruption genuinely scares me
I did that a couple times and decided nah, if this is the most efficient it gets I'm just not gonna, so I just keep blowing steel essence and rep cap on relic packs
Wondering if I should bother buying a Nikana Prime when I have Galatine Prime.
Plan is Electric Gas Melee Influence, talk me into or away one way or the other.
no matter how hard i think about it i just cannot come up with an explanation.
could be a debug feature used to show which slot is in use and the 99 is just there not to confuse the other devs what their meaning is. maybe the 99 is an arbitrary number. i have no clue.
thats essentially the loop
relic pacs from teshin -> survival steel path fissure -> traces -> rares for plat -> kuva -> booster
and repeat forever
i stopped even doing radshares because its so fucking incredibly hard to find them and then there is always 1 mrlet using intact and wasting everyone 5minutes
yeah I mean I figure it might be some initialization for the slot without any graphic and an old reference to a mod card count somehow but who knows

btw this kind of shit always being there and being drawn on single-thread-CPU-bound adobe motherfucking flash based Scaleform garbage is why the game runs like shit for no reason when you're in the menus or just at a baseline uses more CPU than it should and pins out a single thread/core while chugging randomly when it really shouldn't
Warframe menus are objects in the game, not just screen overlays. I've had it happen a few times, most recently just this past week, where I pause at the right time as a mission is ending and the pause menu follows my warframe into the landing craft.

That guy is fucking with you. Melees should be electric for Melee Influence. In general, if you're undecided on an element make the weapon either magnetic or radiation and just change the element later. Heat also works if you know you aren't interested in viral+elec, and primaries can use toxin to save a slot on viral+HM builds.
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>Warframe menus are objects in the game, not just screen overlays
wow how very D I E G E T I C
>Electric Gas Melee Influence
pros: it looks cool in simulacrum videos
cons: it's garbage for other content
I'm open to being spoonfed on common melee builds. If I had it my way, I'd grab Cleaving Whirlwind, hold W and E, and call it a day, if it wasn't for that silly stagger "attack" at the end.
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>Warframe menus are objects in the game, not just screen overlays
that's likely because it was easier to achieve a "3D effect" so it's more immersive. remember when the inbox wasn't a boring 2D menu? i miss it dearly
Do you enjoy constantly having to group enemies for your procs to deal decent damage? Gas only kinda gets good if you do that but I'm personally more of a Grugplayer, I don't want to think about shit like that. If you want to go MI just go with as much electric damage as possible, shit's incredibly strong already, and, well, just going for electric instead of electric/gas means more procs
>I'm open to being spoonfed on common melee builds.
slide attack all the way
You can glitch with the menu too, open the menu and transfer with the transfer being barely slower than the menu and your frame will keep doing idle animations while you're in patato mode
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>spend 1 hour in SP circuit
>only get to like level 3k
How long does it take to hit level cap?
gib decree build pls i get shitted on by level 700
I would but I don't know how to build her. If I look for a youtube one it's the most insane thing I've seen to set up for red crits
>pineapple to sweeten the taste
Checks out
revenant buffs
You see "melee" you pick it. Now you can easily kill level cap enemies.
simpler times...
>everyone went to the reb thread
nah, fuck YOU
do i need a custom build with CO on every melee i have wtf
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sorry reb pls don't cry... the spacemom award during new years or christmas crying on stream made me cry...
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that warframe thread on /v/... Jesaaaaas
Make 3 properly built Warframes that can handle their own without weapons and hope to god it shows up.
Mesa and Titania are good choices. I have a Protea who works, too. My last properly built Warframe is Equinox, who can't do damage but Gloom and Maim helps make it easier for the pubs who carry me.
Wait, so Stalker is just:
>Ash's Teleport and Invisibility
>Marked for Death
>And Nyx's 4
All in an Excalibur body?
welcome to 2013
>Becca thread on /v/ is gonna hit the bump limit
fucking kek
I've decided to stop gooning until the hag drops Plague Star.
I will not goon to someone who won't even give me free forma.
no plague star this year, enjoy blue balls
i might grind out 1000 forma and dump them all into a single frame the next time plague star happens
god save my sanity
I have finally reached tech level: forma and am no longer as horrifically incompetent
if I give you forma will you goon to me?
Reb I need it
stop picking skins for weapons no one uses
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a corpus harrow would be cool but that one looks like ass
I am now mr10 ^^
Volt really needs Rolling Guard, doesn't he?
I'm fucking tired of dying to toxin procs.
Are all god rolls more or less the same? CD/MS/damage???

What about for the torid?
a godroll is whatever you can convince someone in trade chat it is
what would convince you that my torid riven is a god roll
2 and a half rotations, so 15 rounds.
me? personally? idk I don't use the torid and I think most incarnons are fucking gay
You can also try Wyrm's overpriced precept mod from Simaris, but it might let you down. It's also exempt from Manifold Bond's cooldown reduction, probably because it's cooldown is attached to a warframe debuff and not on the companion itself, which is weird.
that doesn't even look like Harrow
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sad trombone
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lets play 'help the retard'
No stupid, help me decide which one is better.
right and 19p
left 300p
i think right is better. you can get a magazine capacity mod
Anon, that includes the full companion rework.
Fine work in /v/
baro time
it's shit I haven't even looked yet, lol
there's a new emblem I won't ever use
thanks, rolled a few more times but got shit and im out of kuva, will just run around with this mod for now
>about to hit 300 rolls on acceltra riven
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one singular fucking survival please
sit on the fucking pod, tenno
he's supposed to suggest religious/specifically Catholic iconography, usually a mitre. you posted a skullet with headphones
You want a survival? come to my orbiter
I stand with the prod
would be better themed after the Prophet of Profit, give him that rich corpus drip and let him worship the one true god.
the graxx skin already departs from that theme
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Anyone got the video link of the community manager in her red dress?
Benedictine monk hood
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>/v/ thread hit 500+ replies
is this the power of rebb?
somewhere in here around 2016-2018 IIRC
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if only you knew how bad things really are
nice, she gets up around 36:20 and then... a MYSTERIOUS cut at 45:56 or so!
it's number 69 cant make this up
Cool. Cheers for that.

Sucks that it's 720p so there isn't going to be a major increase in fidelity.
I found it
she makes this little sound after steve say it's real gold and it just breaks my heart
Reb has that sister energy where I want to protect her, and so I feel sad seeing her sad.
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This is the best I can get it.
I think I prefer my first edit.
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>Another day of being HAGLESS
>off-center in the wrong way
>centered, head takes up more space
objectively better
TSD/TWW/Chains&Sac were the only good warframe narrative since Gradivus, and the only ones since; besides maybe Entrati before they turned his life into a sitcom
im only getting 5 steel essences per acolyte, im missing something crucial right?
smeeta doesnt want to proc
>im missing something crucial right?
Wtf!? How is that possible? I have done 10-12 rounds multiple times and it was not even close to level cap.
Do levels just increase exponentially or something?
Is the Felarx good?
>Do levels just increase exponentially or something?
are you good?
This pops into my head from time to time, the lack of rent income is made up for by the chuckle
Threadly reminder that if you're the host, and you're the first to leave an endless mission, you're officially a little bitch.
It's enjoyable but not as excellent as the rifle
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I like to imagine a whole sitcom with them as roommates and hunnhow commenting on stalker's incessant need to put the heads of his enemies on random spikes around the lair
>Hunhow is totally alone now
just like me irl fr tho
Right is 100x better, right?
Help me out bros. 3 forma, 4 weapon slots, or 3 exilus adapters?
if you have to ask, slots
I kick a kuaka so hard it explodes and the guy just goes "oops"
>The 4 corrupted mods being given for alerts are for MRlets to be ready for 1999
Only Heavy Caliber and Magnum Force + Stratos Emblem are the only worth thing

Whatever the fuck you need
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>skirting having to spend another day on rank 4 entrati by a minute and 5 tokens
an okay day.
>the standing refresh hunting me down
I was personally leaning towards forma since a forma bundle costs more plat than 4 weapon slots, but I'm uncomfortably low on weapon slots and 3 forma is a few relics away.
you get it, weapon slots don't drop from evergreen sources like forma do
Is Son a fucking faggot?
I don't hate playing him like I do Trinity, but he's never been fun for me. I don't understand his popularity because of this. What do you really get out of him?
Putting that aside, holy shit, now there's a showcase of old design vs new.
did he reject you? lol faggot
He's greek
Women actually like that wishy washy BS more than men ever will
Embarrassed myself in front of the MRlets by dying to toxin in Arbitration. The operative died immediately after and we failed at wave 19. I wonder if they blame me for it.
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I felt no shame dying multiple times in front of the MRlets I also had to res a couple times during EDA today, it was a mostly painless run and I received multiple tauforged so I was grateful and simply did not care that I had displayed weakness to my objective lessers
>a thread about Becca on /v/ hit the bump limit in like 2 hours
>Not just doing survival
Goon powers
mrlets have better and more meta setups than me lr4
>mentally retarded player summons necramech during EDA even when it's established the group is struggling with them
>defense objective gets nuked
Everyone struggles with them because they have retarded damage attenuation
>summon a necramech in EDA
>mentally retarded teammates tard out and forget to defend the objective
>retarded damage attenuation
What's the solution?
Just let players hit the necramech with weapons the players enjoy using them instead of forcing them into using bullet-hoses like the super-cool new powercreep incarnons?
That's silly, anon. You're a silly person!
I seent a single 'mech wipe a whole squad of LRlets stripped of their panic buttons
how do you defend the objective from the necramech laser aoe?
wat's eda?
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right there with you friendo I'm at MR27 with a foundry full of archweapons. I'd rather just keep grinding plat for vaulted items
last I checked you can't craft weapon slots in your foundry

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