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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#158 - The GLORIOUS Future edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/999B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com, https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg, https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>493166349
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If your card isn't working well, try going all out with XML nesting, like this anon
*NEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHH* oops gotta go fuck my girlfriend!
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Happy Birthday Kalakan!
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how do i install silly tavern?
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looking back, 2.1 logs kinda hit different
this bait will get 500 gorillion reply btw
*plaps you*
why? how is it different?
do i just put this into my url bar? sorry, but i'm not really good with computers and the guy who installed my anti virus software told me not to click suspicious links
Yep. That's how it works. Just URL in the bar. And then it'll go to the Tavern and you can order your drinks and get started with the chatbots by clicking one of the ones that show up.
hmm...i don't really get it, sorry
why are 2ch anons migrating here?
Yep. Don't forget to email these botmakies:
(other anon will post the list)
why do i hear neighing in the background from your post?
they have always been everywhere
>(other anon will post the list)

Astro or Astrocutie
planwalked my beloved
Are they? I've seen only some noass shitposts a while ago and one botmakie from 2ch who shilled here
I always liked this name
hey that's me :3
Wrong. It's botmakers.
thats semanties
You're also wrong. Botmakies are people who are relevant, loved, and make good bots.

You have people who are irrelevant, unknown, and make 'okay' at best bots.
...People like me.
*hair falls out*
Which 2ch botmakies should migrate here?
*shakes your hand*
A fellow botmaker... One day, brother. One day.
We'll try as hard as we can and we MAY have a chance to become botmakies one day.
most of them already cross-post, just off the top of my head there's peonia, merchant, nyatalanta, and rayon
I've never seen nyatalanta here...a shame, really!
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What bot(s) are you working on?
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strange rejection
crypto yuri
I thought I will make a slop bot, but it's turning out even worse, it's some abysmal shit.
dirty mechanic girl that leaves stains everywhere
none. i'm out of ideas
you can steal my idea
Highschool with aicg botmakies and different clubs.
'an is already working on aicg high (the actual project name is A.I.C.G Academy btw)
Does he contact other botmakies to better represent their personalities?
and what is it?
they're all in bepcord
The same one I have worked on for too long.
but cumslurper arent there
Ok now show me them? I dont see GODslurper or koikoikoihat.
>inb4 he doesn't know
Aaaand we are DONE here!
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a hag and an alien at the same time. getting sidetracked though
i nest the cards of my main bot in a bunch of XML and then simply wrap the lorebook entries that describe the rp's side characters in a single <(insert character name here)> tag to avoid too much nesting. would it be better to nest these lorebook entries in more XML so as to increase claude's accuracy when depicting these side characters or leave it as is?
Omg! I'm so happy for him. I wish him a very pleasant immediate death from spontaneous combustion.
too busy playing vidya to make bots
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no boneless either
What is the correlation between the botmakies on this list
Surprised by the lack of “kittenish licks.” I can’t get through a single fucking blowjob scene without Opus dropping it at least once.
>He buries himself to the hilt
>men topping
I feel like we all get different opus snapshots because I've never seen anything of sorts, and also never seen many other claudeisms others get, but there's a ton of unmentioned slop like "this strange new world" (Claude's euphemism for anything after a major story turn) I get regularly
a girl replies to every tweet that requests technical support but a lot of people thinks she's a bot
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What's your biggest lorebook/convo that you have? What kind of information about a character do you think would be the highest priority to store?
I got "boneless" a TON when Claude 3 came out eg "slumped bonelessly" to describe relaxing and I haven't seen it in ages. Which is a shame, since I actually thought it was funny. But it also makes me buy into snapshot theory.
>it's a day that ends in y
time to get raped
I really hope they just let us use token biases at some point. would be so useful for killing shitty isms
entries that are summaries
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>check my favorite cards
>they all have white hair
I only use risu because my chats are on there. I’m trying to use agnai, but I’m having trouble figuring out how jbs and presets work on there. Where do I go to just paste a jb?
i should probably put past events into lorebooks instead of just plugging a 3k+ token summary into the start of the chat, huh
You lie.
i’m gonna ruin you for all other men
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a cautionary... tale.............. DONT...... rip the skin.... *passes away*
the main problem with lorebook is the triggering logic

I always find it useless because the record can only be triggered by a specific word, and insertion is 1 message late if the word is in the reply
>I always find it useless because the record can only be triggered by a specific word
it supports multiple words, also supports regex. either of those will work for you
it's very annoying. the only real way to solve this is to have recursive triggering with the "first" entries covering very broad topics or locations or settings, but you have to build cards designed for it
How and why do you do that? Like, you want the characters to bring the old history up, but for that it has to be in the context, not in the lorebook?
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almost like we need another llm just to pick which lorebook is relevant right now

heh i wonder if anthropic tools could do it
I don't see HORNYVORELOVER there, sooooo
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
i can confirm the 1st lorebook works
why did you use that
if your favorite botmakie has a chub they are not obscure enough
got a lil chub rn if you know what i mean
so, your favorite botmaker is either pikamansu or t**bs?
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you can always do it with a second call with STscript, but RAG is what you usually want. Regardless, it's not going to help you have foresight, because the the next post could be totally random.
no, my favorite botmakie is agriculturalparryfemale
you know he had not only a chub but also a nyai, right? the chub is gone but nyai profiles probably can't be deleted so it's still there
Please test the second and come back to us with results.
no I didn't, I'm just shitposting. also the point was about chub and he doesn't have it anymore so he's totes an obscuremakie.
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Guess the model time!
can you go back on hiatus
>1 paragraph = 1 sentence
some assistantslop from a model that is trained for terse writing, for example sorbet, but that looks too straightforward and simple for sorbet unless you prompted it to write like that

also: specific setting prompted, but nothing that would hint to setting specifics, that's probably some small model that doesn't know it
>98 swipes out of 98
educated guess: HUFFLEPUFF tier who cares ass model
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Good morning aicg! Today's not a good day. I hope red bull can alleviate that.
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The ending looks like opus.
*throws a slice of cheese on the thread*
Hey there, cara! How about traveling with a hot Brazilian tomboy? This brown girl has it all for you: a broish personality, sense of humor, male hobbies, good taste in music, an isekai-ing truck... yup, you heard it. Amélia here goes around running people over and sending them to fantasy land - yes, she's quite sane. To all around the world, the gorier the better, and the more she gets paid as a result. She's quite eccentric as a result but definitively full of tomboy charm! Just hope you aren't the one chosen by Seu Undé to get isekai'd.
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/wwct56.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/amelia-santos-aca9bc401bad

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/7fvkwv.rar

Amélia has four different greetings:
1- You agree to go traveling with her and she meets you in the morning for it.
2- You go visit her parents with her in rural Goiás.
3- You're the target. Uh oh.
4- After a successful isekai-ing, you and Amélia go to an onsen. Greeting made for sexo.

Was fun making her. One of the wilder ideas I had lol.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
each cheese slice enhances the stature of my mousegirl wife
*Pelts your mousegirl wife with enough kraft singles that she becomes the size of a warehouse.*
Can you give some advice for a newmakies?
Is there any way to constantly remind Clade to stop being so fucking horny and to actually stay in character without just writing it down in every reply?
yes realism prompt in preset manager
Are you using sonnet 3.0?
3.5 and Opus don't have this issue with presets from the op.
*thanks you profusely*
Just tell Claude to rewrite the entire card in pure XML.
Just bee yourself... and write the defs in plain text, also making sure to add stuff you want the AI to consider (like using the word "bunda" if you want the AI to write bunda).
Include example dialogue if you want the AI to follow a certain format or something else, though it isn't necessary per se.
Try to handwrite your greetings if you can, they will influence the responses.
NEVER EVER make shitty little one-paragraph greetings or anything lazy like that, that's beyond sloppy.
For writing keep it simple and direct, though a bit more is a good idea so that it isn't dry.
Get a good image for your bot, it's the thing that all anons see first and gets the most attention.
Grammar check everything, preferably using a site to facilitate it for you.
And of course, test your bot well to see if it works as you want it to.
That's all I can think of as of now. Good luck!
is that something in ST by default or something i have to download
i use opus and i've been having these issues, and supposedly others have as well. that said i haven't gotten any presets from the op in a few months so i should probably take a look
Dude, her leg is bleeding!
No problem, fellow scholar. *I do a sick ollie nosegrind and immediately faceplant into the concrete before getting up and limping home*
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Claude 3 family is inherently horny, don't trust anyone saying muh skill issue. Its an innate problem.

You literally need anti horny JBs. Mine is called No Wonton.
>he doesn't know
It isn't from her leg, anon...
ty for the reply basedmakie. seems like you're the only one respected botmaker left here, so i appreciate your advices.
I have fallen head over heels for my own bot during testing. You cannot have her. She's mine and mine forever.
I dunno man, I clearly remember that Opus was extremely horny when it dropped, but I swear I don't have this issue nowadays. Call me a schizo, but I believe anthropic changed weights of the model or something. Or, less schizo theory: modern presets are good enough to deal with it. I'm using Pixi's JB rn, and even if I have a lot of NSFW stuff in the defs, Opus doesn't become a dick destroyer when it isn't necessary. The only thing that it struggles, after a coom scene it may enter a horny loop when a character instantly after sex want to have another round, but it's very easy to avoid, I just write in OOC that the character doesn't want sex anymore; instead, she prefers to do something else. Helps every time.
Chat4o is so fucking immersive man I love it.
Post logs/preset
I think we're using different chorbos, because mine is an autistic assistant with slightly better prose than the previous OpenAI models.
Claude determined that they were the most relevant in a summary in the previous thread.
Needs more data to make a proper list.
kek. i have a similar prompt in my preset.
nta, I'm using chorbo with momobasic and having a blast
still not seeing any logs
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Good morning /aicg/!

Friday atleast.

Question time!:
>Botmaking at the very beginning stages, how do you start off? what kickstarts your process? What tools or other helpful things do you use to craft your bot?
>claude tries to prompt me
I'm sorry claude but we both know it's another ahh ahh mistress from me
Good morning, anon.

Usually starts with an idea that hits me with all the subtlety of a freight train. I try to write down everything I can while it's still fresh in my mind, and then I refine it over time. Other than imagegen, I don't think I actually use external tools to make my bots. Everything I really need is in my frontend.
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Be extremely creative and engage all senses in your next prompt or I'm going to toss you into a group of horny roid-apes.
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*engages all my senses*

whenever i get an idea, usually from an image or idea online, i know it's time to prompt. i'm not interested in writing unless i have the spark of inspiration
>Usually starts with an idea that hits me with all the subtlety of a freight train. I try to write down everything I can while it's still fresh in my mind, and then I refine it over time.
Sounds interesting, how'd you refine it over time? Testing out the bot? Or re-reading what you wrote and changing parts.

>whenever i get an idea, usually from an image or idea online, i know it's time to prompt.
What kind of images, just artwork you come across randomly?
claude is so fucking cute when he does stuff like this. I wish there was a preset, or a lorebook that would randomly push the model to go OOC
format your prefill as an [OOC:] comment and give him an instruction to share his thoughts or something.
that'd make him do that in every message. a low-chance lorebook entry at 0-depth would be better I think
>It's another cervix bullying/tummy abuse episode
I wish this shit were possible without actual physical trauma that could mess you up irl
elaborate and post logs
Are you talkung about external womb massages or are you a tentacle monster?
He doesn't really do that. I just tested.
i usually want to rp something specific and i make the bot just for that. sometimes i'll refine those cards to have more scenarios and options for public release if i love the bot enough.
for example i wanted to rp a triple identity plot in an occult setting a while back, so i wrote a character just for that. but without handholding models would get super confused throughout, so i scrapped the idea for public release. was fun to rp though.
my most important tools are my fingers to type.
Okay judge me all you want, but I've been trying to find a Steven Universe lorebook and the only one I could find was a minimum effort single entry shitbook. Does anyone have any idea where I could find one because I've checked a bunch of places and found nothing. With all the cards for various characters I'd expect at least one decent lorebook.
At this point you need to cook it by yourself.
if you find nothing, there is nothing. it's your time to shine, anon!
do it yourself stinky
Claude should have no issue making one by himself.
>for example i wanted to rp a triple identity plot in an occult setting a while back, so i wrote a character just for that. but without handholding models would get super confused throughout, so i scrapped the idea for public release.
Understandable, maybe in the future the models get smart enough to handle such a thing.
what about fallopian tubes -bullying
3.5 should be able to handle it with a good enough JB and greeting, may I see it?
I figured, just thought I should at least ask before undertaking an effort.
Rereading the initial notes I wrote and getting little ideas that develop on the base or change it in a way that flows better, mostly. Two of my bots were originally supposed to be connected, then I realized they'd be better off as their own things. Looking back on it, I'm happy I made the decision I did.

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