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Previous Thread: >>493303083

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
This is the thread
ah finally
less shad
This is the place
Get out of my vents
My soulmate...
1-7 solo list, I'm a lazy shit and haven't updated yet, Ela is in no stun next version. Post clears if you want something moved.
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Thank god, based ShirayukiChad saving the day.
Can we continue the tummyposting?
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So how good is she? I'm planning to roll for her to finally bench Catapult in horseknights.
Fuck off Elafag
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Yes, now you may proceed.
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she is good for dick
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Tacticool time.
Shirayuki's so cool...
Good enough for me.
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That's a cute stoat, I like stoats.
Since the other thread got shunned I'll ask here again.
I keep hearing people on here say that Exia is outclassed but who actually outclasses her as an Anti-air marksman?
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I want to have sex with Eureka so bad
When Ash came out, there were constant Exu vs Ash wars. In time people realized they both had their uses.
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Did we ever stop?
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Love this stoat i can trust
If we're talking strictly within her class, than no, nobody outclasses Exu. But outside of it there are a lot of better options nowadays.
not many
serious answer is no one still because wisadel can only hit air during her skill
everyone else has tiny niches for killing floaters or fliers
the only thing that holds exu back is needing a buffer for anything with armor
I'm putting traps in the vents and operators caught in them will be tied up under my desk and subjected to headpats at my leisure.
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I keep trying to put Ela mines on highground, module QOL when...
Settle down, Hedley

Technically no one did, but when was the last time you used Anti-Air Snipers specifically for Anti-Air? Any op fits the job when positioned right.
The whole archetype was outclassed. All AA-snipers are dead because there is no role for them in the game now. The other classes can do everything that AA snipers can do, but 10 times better.
Once she trusts you enough bro
nobody, but you rarely ever encounter drone stages except maybe some IS4 memes
>Reynell made NFTs of the main antagonist
I love this guy holy shit
How do you effectively use Ela?
In battle, not sex
How do you effectively use Dorothy?
There's your answer
They're still pretty good as far as hitting things fast goes, but that's about it.
If drones/aerial enemies were more present, then AA snipers would have more of a use. But Typhon does so much damage and has such good range that she can do their role anyway unless there is a drone rush.
Any modern 6* that can hit air will be better anyway even at the drone stage.
>put trap near enemy
>use skill on enemy
bada bing bada boom
>Press S3
>Drop mine on them
>Watch them explode
If ela herself doesn't have anything to hit you can just cancel her S3 to make it act like a mine reload, so you can continue using her mines elsewhere on the map
Anonymous poster H...
nope, plenty of snipers like typhon or ray would not keep up with some drone spam while exu would solo them
Mylnar, Silver Ash, Thorns, Rosmontis, Qiubai, Gladys, GoldenGlow
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..i-in VRchat, right? anon?!
If you ask me, Exu is still pretty good if a stage has hit-based mechanics
Guess I better up my Typhon then since I still use Exia as my go to marksman (along with Fia-nee-chan if I need more)
Word of advice, if you're dealing with fast flying enemies, Exu is still the go to. Typhon and Fia are both too slow to deal with them.
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Can Eureka overpower the R6 team?
Can Rosmos even hit aerials?
Dumbass fires 10 shots in a salvo. He charges Penance in 2 bursts, and then just kills himself on her S3
no she has the physical strength of a bowl of noodles
and a stinky pussy
They can't even beat Durin, let alone Eureka lmao
Once every two or three years, yeah.
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She said it, the thing.
Raping clones while the original watches
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~835 hours away
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It depends on what air you're trying to anti, but pretty much any DPS that can hit air. The major issue with the marksman class as a whole is that they don't deal with major air threats at all like UFOs or buttplugs while minor drones can be dealt with by nearly any operator with the ability to hit air. Then you have support classes like Tacticians and Trapmasters who perform like a basic AA sniper, but have utility on top.

>Better Snipers
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Don't mind me just posting the best Arknights song
Exu isn't outclassed by other marksmen, but she is outclassed by other snipers who provide bigger damage and more specialized kits for killing tougher enemies. Drones are a lot less common now days and even when they do appear you could just as easily clear a drone wave with Typhon S2 or Ray S2 which provide wider ranges while still having better kits for beefier enemies; Exu needs a buff army to counter high def enemies that Typhon or Ray can solo, and they even counter stronger drones like the withering seed towers due to their inherently higher damage output. Exu is better suited now for assisting with trash mobs and anything that needs to be attacked quickly or a set number of times.
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Getting raped by clones while the original watches
AA snipers are really only good if there aerial enemies and:
>there are a lot of them
>they need to be focused
>they're fast
The problem with their balance right now, is that other sub-classes can kill aerial enemies just as well if not better, which makes AA snipers not as useful. They are still very cheap, which is nice. Typhon will kill anything nowadays, but she still costs more DP and is slower.
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I got Ray on an impulse pull (14 rolls) and now she's my favorite op to use in the game.
How stinky are we talking?
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We can share some instant ramen after
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why are we getting so many for (you) operators nowadays?
Did he deserve it?
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They saw Girls Cuckline 2 implode and pivoted
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idk I skipped everything
Damn she really got me rock solid now.
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The only dedicated AA sniper I use nowadays is Meteor
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Based gator fucker and metal enjoyer
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Childbearing hips
Raping a clone thinking that it's the original, and then getting counter-raped by the original when the clone springs their trap.
Wrong, Dorothy and Ela only has the deployable gimmick of trapmasters in common, with Dorothy you spam her mines on the whole map to deal pseudo-global damage, with Ela you deploy the mine on a place you want someone dead because the mine doesn't deal damage but inflicts fragile, plus it gives ela an atk boost, imagine a *6 Frost.
Hello Lisa
They didn't need to add this line...
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My E170 Doc barely leaks a slug towards the end. If he was E2, he could definitely clear it no stun
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Aight thanks for all the info about Exia
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It's what the people want
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Whom is your wife?
do people unironically find ela hot?
>Ash makes a list of location to avoid for her teammates
>they deliberately go to those exact places to explore
Being Ash is suffering...
Are you gay
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>Doctor, this entire adventure has truly been a Tom Clancy's Rainbow six siege
Uhhh Hypergryph?
Sounds like she would get along with kal'tsit
>Tell doc and friends not go to somewhere
>They will go there
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Animefied Ela is hot but the real one isn't lmao
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You got her module, right /akg/?
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Holy shit
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You bought it... right?
Did you buy the new UI layout?
hmmm... nyo. It costs too much for a theme and I'll most likely stick to the OG like the autist I am.
Yes, too tempting
Does "Prestige" have special music too?
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It is pretty good.
no, one I like much more will come along
When did akg become infected with nyoposting
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Irene users can start m2 now
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Even Exu pot6 + Skadiva pot6 aren't enough to make her a real damage dealer in passive mode, unfortunately. She needs a real buffer.
No, the Dungeon Meshi one works better with my assitant
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more like Shiraqt
You get Siege as a main menu theme alongside the updated UI, which is the event menu theme
4 years ago
I'll just wait for Exualt
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Bossmontis' influence is growing
Based vigilochad, the best BGM
>oldfag who's been on monthly pack the whole time
>starting to run out of originite prime
dafuq? have I really bought that many skins...
But what about s3 Skadi?
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Which of these are still worth?
Place an abyssal hunter into Skadiva's range.
All of them except Toot, but Toot was never worth it in the first place
Schwarz is. Her DEF wall is higher than all the others and she has sniper utility of FRD and buffing w-alt just by existing
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I want to see an edit where the lasers evaporate and shatter a screenshot of /akg/ opposing nyoposting
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Kally Wally, can I keep them?
They're way cooler than our regular operators.
i hate change so i would not like it
given he has over 1k def its impressive she can take half his hp in the first place
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I love my wife bros
We know, Mostima
Check your Irene!
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Is that even a question? Of course she'll melt him.
This is probably the most cursed combination of random free ops I've ever gotten. The only silver lining is that Sideroca stops me from getting completely heal cucked early.
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spicy chicken breast...
Your gf
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Ooh a six star! I wonder which one it is?!
Grope her
I don't see a problem
Fake Skadidi STRONG
Wat do?
Croissant mentioned.
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Kroos feet!
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She tried her best and that's all that matters
Schwarz and Poz 100%. Their subclass has always been great. Fart is just too niche.... but she still is usable on the right staged.
bought what?
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I wish there was an IS2 themed UI. The IS3 one is great but I love the IS2 aesthetic more.
We'll get a stage thats 100 tiles long and Fartoot stocks will rise
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>She will never be able to spook me again
Heh. I will NEVER be blemished
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Iana is a bizarre woman...
*spooks your top op*
Sankta slasher films can't be that scary
what does AFJ stand for?
it seems to refer to an operator, but I can't find a single one with A, F, and J in their name except Eyja
but I doubt it's her because everyone just calls her Eyja, I have never heard anyone in my 4+ years of Arknights ever call her AFJ
she's cute and sexy and I used her to facefuck Andoain, I'm satisfied w/ my investment
Ash in your screenshot has almost full ammo. Someone else did the damage?
>Jessica's module lore is about her vandalizing her grandfather's national award
A fucking jerboa
Am I missing something in the UI or are there no medals or conditional clears to complete?
Yes they can
There is nothing a Sarkaz Movie Director is greater at than selling fear of the Sankta
Nigga are you serious?
She starts at almost full SP and can charge fast enough for a second magdump, nyodule helps.
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The only medals are acquiring Fuze and beating all the story stages
Your free 10 roll next week will have a nice surprise in it.
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Using Vivi plus Ela's mines made quick work of the boss' first phase, his second phase was a bit of a clusterfuck though because of how many enemies came with him. I also had to retreat her and redeploy her on the bottom lane to take care of that last big fella. It was fun using the R6 ops and a few others I don't use as much, though I felt like a lot of these stages were just a bunch of waiting around because of the invisible snipers.
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>that's a sick NFT bro, mind if I screenshot?
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She may be useless but you cannot sexcreep Vivi
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How the fuck is his suit supposed to work
Did this man just invent nfts or bitcoin
Certified woman moment. Soon she'll be going by Jecka.
You could ask the same thing to 3/4 of RI operators
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No, but she is very very cute.
was story worth reading?
This was the first event where I used no 6* for any stage as I try to get into 5*knights
I hope I can beat the ex stages too
Looks like a regular suit just with decorations wrapped around the waist
>Add ops to detect invisible
>Put invisible enemies in a big area of undeployable tiles
This is how I imagine stealthcreep to be. Made even more ubiquitous now that sentinels can detect stealth too.
Shirt, Suitjacket with fancy front frays, and a sash that has a buttcape
It was fun
It's fun
I'm liking Tecno more than I thought I would. When is she getting out of NPC jail?
Holy based brainrot
Fucking nft nerds
you mean what has happened here and there since launch due to SA existing?
>AI generated suit
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When is Tequila going to put his big boy pants on and take over Dossoles and then the rest of Bolivar?
Same with Gavial to Acahualla.
I call your bluff
It's ogre
Exusiai and Ash are pretty tied because they each have things they do better than the answer.
The obvious answer is Meteor because she's hot though.
Anon, I know it has existed before, but it's just going to be much more common going forward.
Mr. Tater Tot is a 4 star
I haven't gotten to whatever map you're talking about since I just started the event, but he should be able to help you
To anyone who got and raised Ela, how strong is she?
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>my grandpa's a big deal in Kazdel
lmao even
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Never ever
This event was genuinely kino and funny as fuck.
Kazdel got btfo by a >>>>>>>>>feline of all races.
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I never thought a moose could be so beautiful, elegant, and sexy all at once.
My dad is a big shot in MS too
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So seeing as there's a chance for a part three who are you guys hoping for next? Personally my ideal lineup would be
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people have said that by scene
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Heed the warning.
Trust the Arts Guard nyodules
It's not difficult, it's just a minor annoyance, really, like the Viviposter said, a lot of waiting for them to get into range and all.
Operators that give others big lifesteal when
the problem is just her s3 being actual garbage
she's unironically really good with s2, its literally just s3 but better
My grandpa is in fact a bigshot in Kazdel, the biggest of shots even.
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Very strong words
Whoever that op was infamous for leaving the building to harass attackers outside.
Thanks for sharing, Maria.
That's like 6 different operators bro.
Scene's detection range is so tiny though.
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My shitter squad will carry me to victory.
Even though I already had SilverAsh and Elysium, I still rushed to e2 Totter as soon as he was released. I hate invisible enemies.
>not getting Ines
Elysium detexts invisible?
How many free rolls does Wuh2's banner have?
Elysium's s2 makes invisible enemies visible, but he can't attack with his skill active. So you need someone else to hit them while he illuminates them.
audible laugh
Have you ever tried to read his skills?
Based no 6* enjoyer.
Did you manage to clear A15?
24: 1 per day its up + 10 at the start
Your Scene?
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Here you go bwyo
Horn S1 + Stainless S3 also illuminates in a pinch
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I have zero knowledge about most R6S characters but for the sake of team building I would hope that they introduce a vanguard and a proper medic to the squad. Isn't Dokkaebi a popular R6S op? She seems like she'd make for a good 6-star option to bait people, could her R6S kit translate over to Arknights well?
mmmmm delicioso
Iana is... fun.
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Event is peak
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Cute gaytors
No I play yugioh
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I could see her being a good option, her big thing is she makes people's phones go off, and if someone dies she can steal their phone to get into defender cams. They could probably give her a global slow or something. As for medics doc was probably the best we'll get.
Not sure who we'd get for vanguards unless they give us Skopos as Mumu's subclass.
I'm not particularly going for a no 6* run, I just enjoy taking the random squad and generally have to grab a couple cope picks to not die horribly instantly.
For me it's WAmiya
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I'm trying to read the story but I can't stop looking at Ela's thighs they're so distracting
Same. I keep trying to tilt my head to stare at her ass, but the image remains 2D...
Ela asks if she can have a go at it, as she has ample experience with heavy machinery.
Any of the R6 5 stars worth using the insta E2 on?
thoughts on this ritualpost?
Listening to all the early OST in Spotify is kinda fun. Makes one realize all songs extended well beyond their in-game runtime. Also some of the battle themes actually blend into each other instead of being separate, it's weird.
Same effect as Gladiia in sea events
Iana is fun
Yeah, my always always drift to THAT spot on Gladiia.
Can we NOT get a fucking 3rd R6S collab jesus christ stop
There's so many collabs we could do why do they keep doing R6S. Dungeon meshi has proven others are just as soulful, so any collab will be good
anal is fun
For me, it's terrible.
Eh... Blitz has always been a really good defender. Meta in defender knights, even.
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I don't know shit about R6, but I bet there will be one with Alchemist subclass. That subclass are screaming for an R6 rep
quick question lads
is the 10-roll you get from logins compatible with ash's banner?
and we're not getting daily free rolls, right?
Collabs aren't soulful
I’m going to E2 her the normal way since her mats don’t look bad at all.
Tachanka goes really well with buffs
Kaplan and Smoke
no and no
extra 10 roll in a week
>why do they keep doing R6S
Negro it was 2 times and they're 3 years apart, you act as if this is a recurring thing.
Grabbing the mask is objectively correct, but grabbing the file with first class squad is objectively fun.
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I think picrel would be perfect for Alchemist. He puts down little cameras that shoot lasers at people.
fuck, so that means no rolling for a week
Lion, from Siege. So he can meet Siege, the lion.
>tfw La Pluma comes up just short with only Isharmla S3
Sadly needed to AH Skadi to just push her over the edge.
Cuz WAmiya is terrible.
Look up and read the thread discussing who should be in the 3rd R6S collab
Considering he and Doc fucking HATE eachother that'd be funny. Also since he's a turbo christfag it'd be funny if he woke up in laternao.
If you want to be optimal, yeah, wait the 7 days. You'll save yourself 10 rolls in the worst outcome.
She still did it
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god's speed bird fucker
how come she gets to have two guns?
Cuz anything involving Wuh is terrible
BUILT FOR shipping with Podenco
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Is it worth it to go to sleep if I have to wake up in 3 hours? Arknights
Spiritually it feels like seeing your daughter come with a black guy.
thoughts on Logos x Amiya?
I remember a podencofag used to exist like
what 2 or 3 years ago
Yep, you'll be tired in 2 hours and wish you had in 3 if you don't
On that note, do the instant promotion tickets ever expire? I feel like there's plenty of upcoming 6-stars that would be worthy of it. But if it's going to expire before their banners then screw it.
Get in bed and relax your mind and body you dumbass
Not really interested
what¿s wrong with that?
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t. former all-nighter regretter
kot lov suop
My grandpa can eat your grandpa
I don't know what it does.
I kinda want to try her healthy meals...
Might still be around. One 4*fag gets easily drowned out by the newest and largest-fanbase ops
Gives her bigger tits.
Jesus is Fartooth really THAT bad?
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3 hour nap is great compared to just staying up. I used to work overnights, and I'd take any sleep I could get before a shift.
Come to bed.
what's so important in 3 hours huh?
>Trait: Stealth reveal
>Mod3 Talent: 60% chance to restore extra SP when attacked
So she has 60% chance to get 3SP whenever she gets hit instead of 2
I can't believe they beheaded Daft and Punk.
Oh not bad. Yeah I might grab it alongside her skin.
I will lift her skirt
Maybe she could be a ranged unit that reveals invisible units, with the pretense that she has to kill a unit first or worse, be offensive recovery, that plays decently well into a camera spy kit.
Save the insta E2 for someone with annoying materials like needing 10x rocks
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thanks anon, that sucks
I wanted to soul-clear the story with ela
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Halp me
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Man bros.. I'm scared
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Turn your green and white books into it. Surely you have thousands of them, right?
>put of gels for Ela M2
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Rolling for the banner op in every event is a luxury. It was the same case with Shu... as technically anyone who wanted Shu and wanted to be optimal with rolls, should have waited until they got all 24 of their free rolls before using their saved rolls, which means one would have to wait 2 weeks to get Shu if they wanted to get and use her for the event.

But honestly... it's worth it if that's really fun for you, that's what I did with Shu. Just go in for Ela now and consider the 10 roll in 7 days to just be "maybe I'll get a pot with it" sort of bonus.
why is she huge here
Of what? I assure you whatever you're thinking we'll do to you is far from the truth
>There are doctors ITT that don't know the taste of launch burgers
your LaCooma? your old hippogryph?
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30 rolls bros.
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Waiting for a week vs waiting for the last day of the banner is different though
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Its just the artist
we need more big women
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...your tall ice mommy?
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It could be arranged...
Should have been over 2 meters
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As bad as she is, the webm is a bit disingenuous since she's in unfavorable position there.
Why did we only get one drink if it's a meal meant for two? Do they want to spread mono?
Good artist.
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>Tip of my penis randomly starts hurting
Hmmm... Who could that be biting my dick beneath my desk...
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That's more like it
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Is it blue?
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To this day I am disappointed that the full doujin was exclusively Amiya sex. Not because it wasn't great, but because that one page + the next panel is still one of the hottest drawings of Closure around.
I love cute W, wish she actually had a secret side to her.
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a shame indeed
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>he didn't stop at 110 pulls and wait for the ticket next week
That's 6k orudums you're never getting back, you impatient faggot
>eating only one burger
What are you a woman?
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Your bigger ice mommy?
That's like all the defender ops bro
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>he needed more than the free 10 roll
>He is so poor he needs to rely on 10 pity rolls
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Sex both her and the other mountain
Do I even dare to ask how well would Humus do in that situation. Also Doesn't she also get 12+ aspd from shu?
Known to swallow men whole...
I want to pick her up and just find new and exciting things to bend her over and fuck her on.
>Planned to stop at 110 and wait until next week
>Get Ela on my 110th pull
Everything else is bonus now.
You should only roll on the last hour of a banner
its a paper cut
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Imagine the heft...
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Which one of the 4 birdbrains gets the promotion first?
You should only roll on the last minute of a banner
like grab all the medals?
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Pinecone. Very fun with S1
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when was the last time you used Mudrock?
Save for walter
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I sometimes do
In RA2 like 4 minutes ago
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why's he gotta kinkshame us..
Any chance we are getting her in oct or is it going to be late nov?
LOL oh Blitz, what a ham
We get the real anniversary in November usually
Firewhistle is unironically fun, AoE ground degen that does arts damage, deployed from a Fortress range. Very cute pyromaniac
Should be nov. Global/jp anniversaries end up being the CN summer events

>Pepe for our 5th anni
Are the R6 ops canon?
I got Jessicat the Tacticool's module
It says can use an "even stronger tactical shield"
How exactly is it stronger?
Actual anniversary is in January, which is the summer event. We celebrate summer the Rim Billy way here.
is that a hue insult or an spic one
Neither actually, Bolivar uses Chilean insults.
spic. it's mexican
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Reminder that your semen is only compatible with the rainbow team girls.
Fuck off Elafag
Fuck on Elafag
haven't read any of the stories, but how do the rainbow six operators and the doctor react to meeting each other, fellow humans?
Nothing to suggest thats true
In fact considering they arent even from this universe and doctor isnt human they have the highest chance of being incompatable i would think
The term humans has been used to describe all kinds of inhabitants of Terra. They're not monster girls.
>how do the rainbow six operators and the doctor react to meeting each other, fellow humans?
It's never mentioned anywhere, by all accounts they're inter-dimensional aliens
Eh, I didn't even notice until you pointed it out.
whatever CC was manfred
Earlier today.
Her guns shadow looks like a penis.
I really hate how East Asian media just seems to put human/ningen/whatever as a catchall term for mortal
Haha how big is Ela's cock...
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I like the event theme, very arknightsy
It really has been years for us hasn't it. Why am I cutting onions...
>get told to look at non-existent thighs
>Notice penis shadow
Around elves... watch yourselves.
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I got Ela...
this was a nice, quick event
already done in less than an hour
well bros?
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a good girl
Were you Elated?
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Operators likely to rub your penis?
are kazemaru and specter schizos?
I like easy, straightforward bosses without bullshit
I didn't even have to bring surtr or chen for this one
just ol' fashioned ifrit and jessica
None of them because I don't have one.
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Neither of them are schizos
Quercus on the other hand...
Only Specter
Microscopic, but her balls are massive
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>Quercus S1 lets her the medic voice in her head take over
Insane cat
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I wanted doc...
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The forced convergence of lifeforms is a pretty major theme in arknights.
You got any rolls? Easier to get the 2 5*s on this banner than normal
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My wife isn't insane! (Yet)
Susie Glitter?!
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the bunny is offering her schizo medicine but she wont take it
thinking about eratobro...
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she's just different okay!?
My roll limit was reached and no longer can afford rolling anymore to get other banners down the line.
It's funny seeing all the ela posters coping by posting ugly westoid softcore porn
I love this kot, for two reasons... two BIG reasons...
Hopefully he comes with the later ten roll then
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They do it every inspection day.
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silly faces
Pretty sure the real elf is hiding in your room.
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Damn these gators are really going at it.
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Why is a Mumu always tripping?
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Two large bouncy reasons.
I bet Gavial's cock is huge...
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>only 3 Lana dupes(wanted to max her)
>maxed Doc twice over
>120 tickets
>500 yellow rocks
>70000 red rocks
>for pic related
>still have the free roll to come, and at worst the free IS tokens to max pot.
My real life affinity and success with Polish women has betrayed me... my stash is dead... millions must limited FOMO... feel free to laugh btw.

I SHAN'T be doing the feline(fake) jew though.
m-....mommy... milk...
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I still want doc to take off his coat
its funni
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It's just a fuckboi
mating press mating press mating press mating press mating press
It's just (you), or maybe an ideal version of (you).
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>finish last stage
>finally notice i can use tactical gear
this kills the doc (very painfully)
I have no clue what even unlocks them
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i do wonder what the general opinion would be if hg ever settled on that white hair grey eye design
"Oh, neat"
A few people would be angry, but no one would be surprised.
Pretty sure people were generally positive of that idea no?
Plenty of fanartists settled on it as the default doctor at the very least i think.
Doing the stages unlocks it.
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We told you senpai. Watch yourself.
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The K-san depiction is all I know of her.
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holy fuck run for it
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all you need
Wait... is Mumu sex?
Funny you mention that, but it unironically feels late after mhy did it 1.5 times and R199 has a similar mc color scheme. But then again Wuwu's mc has the same color scheme as endpipi.
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I have never seen this.
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Mumu has a "balanced" figure
Sadly only in fanart.
>snek domming other women
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Oh wait
The first R6S event being rerun after the second one can be framed as Ash's team telling Ela's about what happened
That's pretty cool
everyone would just shrug it off like when they started using default Robin for smash, and every other media from then on. before that people would often use their own customized versions for fanarts, and stopped entirely after
Always has been
The gray hair is not the worst possible.
I would be quite disappointed if his face is just "protagonist #3541"
I would prefer the reanimated jacket.
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Thorns? Is that you?
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stinky neet, my beloved...
>We met this doctor fellow
>He kept losing to the essence of evolution
>Screaming how his autos kept leaking
>He wasn't very good at commanding you see
Doesn't anime doc already have that design?
i dont particularly think its an issue especially considering as >>493340036 said people seemed relatively receptive to the idea of doctor with white hair and grey eyes with deep bags

seeing as doctor very rarely exposes his face i also doubt this would be a major issue, but then again i feel like i dont really grasp what you mean by
>if his face is just "protagonist #3541"
My wife mating pressed me.
Rape the aliens
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Oh no. I think I'm gonna raise the elf.
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Have fun
I should... M6... Mumu.
yeah thats why i said if hg settled on it since technically that doctors design isnt canon since the anime director said its not
then again HG did go with a similar/the same voice as the canon one going off the audio tapes doctor left behind for the other precursor project leads in the ARG
mandy impregnatio hajimaru
380 HP and 79 armor at mod 3. You can check it on aceship (the new fork in the OP) or the wiki.
>it since technically that doctors design isnt canon since the anime director said its not
Yeah, but that's also the design Nori used two years before hand.
Blaze when she's in heat...
wait is it?
dont think i've ever seen it.
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The fashion promo Doc with the plant
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>Spend 700 AP farming CR-8
>Only at 29 devices now
This is going to be a long two weeks...
OH that
didnt realise that was Nori
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Sex with Perros...
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bros Ela and the R6 squad is turning me into a humanphile...
I'm developing an adult woman fetish...
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Blaze love!
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Roll economy shambles.
Dr.G Collect your kot!
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Tecno is the best part of this event.
you have dogs at home
I noticed there wasn’t a ton of anons going bald from failing to roll Ela, as opposed to the activity during Ray and Shu’s releases. Ela is nice for showing up to everyone’s rolls…
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I thought she was just going to be an unlikable brat but she won me over.
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smacky wacky!
isn't it like 50% on average tho? So you seem to be on phase.
Also you only need 120 to spark her
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damn elves get outta our general!
>make incredibly scuffed clear of CR-8
>try to shore up the obvious problems
>it's even worse now
Holy shit I'm bad at this game. Guess I'll keep my original auto deploy
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post elf sex
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>No Ash rerun
You guys lied to me...
After this event you dumb dog
unfathomably based
It's immediately after you fucking dumb hyena
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actually is her hair one or two pieces?

its with the r6 rerun that we get next
I rape elves
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Holy cosmic retard
The banner rerun
comes during
the event rerun
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I love my dumb cat
put ash rerun after in the OP. only for them to not read it anyway
*is her hair piece one or two pieces
can you stop being retarded
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Why is /akg/ so mean these days?
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Nyiddle nye nyis Nyatman. Nyhat nyace nyis nyall, nyuscular, nygressive, nyumb nyand nyommits nyone nyundred nyorcent nyof nyrimes nyagainst Nyankta?
*knocks you into a hole
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hmm.... nyes
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cant wait to hire her...
Sorry, people have been asking this all day
Kot + Elf = ?
Because you are either dummy and or a illiterate.
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*takes you to the vet
*euthanizes you
This is elf, vulpo, and pengu sex
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>actually is her hair one or two pieces?
Her hair thing is one piece linked by a chain at the back according to her sprite.
I hate how little effort it took for my brain to perfectly read this back in regular English...
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ah thanks my dude
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Too many good toons coming out these days. I want to roll for every toon releasing from now until Nymph...
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The wrong elf got the witch costume
didn't nymph fall off? she was hyped up at the start of IS5 but i've heard nothing of her ever since IS5 was found out to be a complete joke
reminder that Tecno is a full adult durin
All elves are the wrong elf
Toons? Bro is rolling for daffy duck or some such. Get you ass outta here Pegasus with you millennial eye.
Im honestly fine with it though i do wish mulesyse had recieved a different skin
Also kinda sad the DM collab didnt bring back the rhodes kitchen skin line
...so why is there a chihuahua statue there?
>she was hyped up at the start of IS5
No, she wasn't? She can still do the niche s2 looping, but her direct damage always suffered from being reliant on others.
Those gloves look uncomfortable.
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Typically typical.
Nymph is still great for her s2 since nobody is immune to it yet and her damage isnt too shabby with some help.
Thats terra jesus
I just had Schwarz kill phase 1 and Viviana, Saileach and Coura facetank phase 2.
It looks cool.
pipi's are disposable. you're not meant to keep them around
I thought this artist stopped drawing, neat.
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Sadly likely never.

>pipi's are disposable.
Not to me.
Specifically I love the one in Meteor's oprecs.
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her tail...
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here is some pure elf sex, bro
why are rodents so sex...
the next female operator image posted locks Doctor in the closet.
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may be worth researching with her
It's kind of wild to me just how many AK artists forget to draw the tails. The kemonomimi is like half the appeal of the game, how can you forget something so central to it?
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That's the devil himself. Terra Jesus is pic rel.
>Terra Jesus is pic rel
That's a random saint
animal video to explain this
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Blasphemy. Federico, please shoot this man.
He isnt wrong though...
Asky's so close...
This leggy rat can't keep getting away with this.
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this is technically, probably the only jesus on Terra, as she is probably the only one that officially came back from being dead. Unless you count sharing dreams and shit.
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post jerboa sex
It's not the same. She "came back from the dead" through a scientific means, not divine.
Isn't the Lion king the Jesus Analog being called the King of Kings and endlessly dying to save Terra?
science is magic if you are amazed enough by it
some dead guy
maybe it's the 'tism, but that bothers me probably more than it should
Also being the Origin of BC and AC in the setting.
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I'll just post this and be done since i dont want to spam or anything
Kal has a warehouse of bodies for when her current android one breaks, she downloads into a new one
I'm not debating religion with you bro
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>no tail again
Holy shit you're right
The sankta are pretty shitty as a Christianity analog, where's their attempts to retake the holy land?
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He says as he posts a tailless jerb
No need to, they already have their holy land where their God resides.
I have a need to breed
>Computer cube neets leaving their room
On the other hand, the Sarkaz are trying to rebuild their promised land...
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His last speech also takes cues from some of Jesus's points during the last super. Maybe Lowlight watched too much Narnia.
Oh the nacho king will NOT be happy with this post
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bros, i'm just starting RA2, be honest with me, is it better than the previous one? i did the last one with the same base and only killing the first 2 bosses, tutorial made it look kinda easy but i have trust issues after my bases got destroyed and i had to start from 0
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It's time for science
The furniture in her room are watching btw
Was this event drawn by Nori?
I enjoyed it more
Dont need to worry about the base stuff too much since you should be intercepting enemies outside your base
Just be sure to switch off challenge mode before you get into it since it starts you on challenge
Unless you want that...
Intelligent women... imagine your wife being smarter than you.
You were drawn by Nori
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Thats fine
Actually what field does Olivia specialize in again?
Originium/oripathy research
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oh, i'll just start in normal mode first, didn't notice it starts on challenge mode, thank you!
Nori missing in action for 6 months now.. No activity..
Oh shit maybe doc can show her a thing or two then
That's my dick last night
He did a shit ton of art for chapter 14
joint research with olivia!
The only acceptable skin I want for Muelsyse is bride skin, Lowlight
I know you browse here you piece of shit
Also tell YellowRiver to get his shit together, this boss is fucking piss easy
They want to make the boss easy for the newcuties from R6, please understand
oh just seen nothing on their twitter since march..
Most CN artists don't post on Twitter much because their audience is all on weibo
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>little suzu leaning on, and having her legs spread by future suzu, easing her into her first time
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I've always loved the concept of
>girl 1 assisting with girl 2's first time
RUA's protege after he left Arknights for Endfield.
Forever mogged by Messi...
Dungeon Messi
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What is the equivalent of Messi for Zero Sanoldo?
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Especially when it's oyakadon
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Saria teaching Ifrit how to masturbate until Ifrit squirts in a straight line against the wall...
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they already live in paradise with their toaster god, why look elsewhere
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Watching mooks kill themselves on Penance is pretty fun.
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This but Eblana and Reed pls
Zero Sanitini
Zeronel Sassi
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oh gosh...
This with Penance and Luna
This with BP and Glauc
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actually now that you bring her up i dont think ive ever seen porn of luna
penances oprec isnt on global yet is it?
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Researching the flexibility of Olivia's joints!
bp helping glaucus with her useless legs...
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Operators for this feel?
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Slapping Penance on the ass but my hand shatters immediately because her S3 was active
In this case Glaucus isn't shy, she just has trouble moving her legs
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wifey :3
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Death penalty.
chubby latina
cute burr wife
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This but pic related
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newbwo here, is ela is must pull
Wife's will be posted next thread.
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Doc clears it successfully
mumu on my dick
ho'ol on my face
This Doctor says Y'all unironically.
Not must, but probably won't rerun or rerun in a long time.
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muelsyse helping ho'ol...

it was just a statement that i havent seen any porn of luna, not that i was looking for it
post your home screen
>Fat bitch sitting on your face
You will die...
Dumb umaruposter
Iana seems really fun to use
The fear of death will ensure the elf is breed.
i can tank it
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>walk in
>pick up Istina
This but the other way around
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I'm ready
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Why does Ela bring her cat to the battlefield
You fuckers always make Ho'ol and Muelsyse antagonize each other but you would gladly get played upon by these same women together.
Make up your mind you fucks.
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The Doctor does it all the time, why can't Ela?
I wouldn't fuck Ho'ol with a 10 ft pole.
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Does delta module or alpha module Eben deal more damage to an enemy when he is fully charged? Just on that one fully charged shot
Competitive sex is hot
I mean anyone that actually knows their characters would know that muelsyse actually wants doctor and her to have a decent relationship with Ho'ol
To stop the whole atagonistic thing they have going on
I'd fuck her with my 11 ft pole though
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I think Delta does more on the big hit, I don't have anything to back it up but it feels right.
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Offense to Mumu, she's a doormat.
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She's not the only one
Jordi would not have a vlog channel
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My first time versing boss 4 but I have literal exodia so I should be fine
If you would not have sex with every female in this game, then you are homosexual. Yes even Suzuran. Yes that means Shamare too.
>what ab-
YES YES YES... especially Catapult.
what about bubble
Even Kestrel?!
Mizuki would not commit cannibalism for content
Even Bena?
Beware of global range NL snipers
YES Bubble too, no exceptions.

10 times Kestrel. 50 times Kestrel. 100 times Kestrel.

...you should know the answer.
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I would choose Ho'ol. She is cuter.
Is it just me, or do AK events have a lot of singing?
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i just used 88 OP to buy all the siege skins, i'm such a slave for collab stuff
I would never fuck a furry like Waaifu
>only way to get the BG/UI is the $26 pack
Well I got kinda raped. The left boss died instantly but the right boss didn't take any damage
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Siege has like one paid skin. You must be lion to us.
Mizuki is a boy.
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squeeee! good paypiggy
I wonder how often Tequila and Catapult did "that"?
Migrate when ready.
I dont really think catapult is into weapons proliferation
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Lowlight made music an integral part of the setting's magic system because he likes music so much, so it shouldn't be suprising.

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