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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5. On the otter hand, Project Caesar is /gsg/-approved kamige and you should preorder it now!

How fares your empire /gsg/?

Random Country Picker

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ Universalis 1A

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.3
https://pastebin.com/7ZBm2K3V (embed)

>>[V2] - Niggermod

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod Plus

>>[V2] - Ending Extension Mod

>>[V2] - Crimeamod

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V11.1

Previous thread: >>493198995
/gsg/ set entirely in (pre)dynastic Egypt when?
/gsg/ has fallen

trillions must join t.johan's discord channel
playing the prerelease version of aofe now...
there is a secret mission to piss against gsg/ for free thanemanna so here goes
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rate my new world
>ai sieging ramparted level 8 fort in glacial province with a 200k stack
>is at 0 manpower within the first few months of the war
that some wow pusci bro
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blue blue schlong has been mogging europe for centuries now. i wouldn't be surprised if the ai dismantles the hre. the 'only' set back it has had was losing it's two colonies (that became canada and usa)
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Mountain Jews cucked Sicilians from forming Italy
swiss allies are very weak they could take it if they want but ai is ai.
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now that is an ugly flag
Redbull me on project caesar
project caesar is stellari 2
I remember browsing /gsg/ like four years ago or something. What happened to this place? Back then everybody was playing licky with HPM. It was never this dead.
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he did the thing
/gsg/ has pretty much turned into the asshole of 4chan and it's been a matter of steady and inexorable decline.
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the revolution is spreading
>What happened to this place?
non-repliers happened
paradox interactive's stagnation and incompetence and greed happened
and then shitposting happened
and finally, tranny janny happened
fr no gov cap??
eu4baby here. did you offend me personally or nah coz imma report your ass if that's the case
when you get bored of throwing your little baby girl tantrum and leave this baby mode general i'll make a better /big/ on the gachalife forums and you won't be invited kiddie -___-
i wish i was an anime girl like konata from lucky star~u
funny how as soon as the thane step off gsg for half sec all your head spin tryna figure out how to discuss stellaris 2 dlc lmao
is this a map?
>it's not him putting the moves on some random woman, who happens to be a fraction of his age
>it's him putting the moves on his granddaughter, who happens to be a fraction of his age
glad the added incest makes it cool
Time to move to >>>/vst/
nuke that nigga up
keep baning anyone who posts here
blame it all on the thane
you can look at russian gymnasium poses all day long
and gsg will never be missed
that,s bobokrench
once wizzy boy turns vic into a gacha thisnplace is gona explode
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>The Italian Serie D football team Boreale Calcio has unveiled a kit dedicated to Rome/Byzantium and specifically to Constantine the Great.
strategic bump
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>Gau (territory)
>Gau (German: [ɡaʊ] ; Dutch: gouw [ɣʌu] ; West Frisian: gea [ɡJə] or goa [ɡoə]) is a Germanic term for a region within a country, often a former or current province.
>It was used in the Middle Ages, when it can be seen as roughly corresponding to an English shire.
All that to say it was also used in Ancient Egypt.
Reminder to try Katherina Engine!
she looks like she fucks half a legion and then washes it off with wine
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Parakikes fucked me out of my cheevo so we're back in the land of jeets.
>deeptech acquired
today i blob into china and japan to finish the silk road cheevo
hello mr. india which cheevo were you robbed of
honestly this general should die, im fed up with the non quoting autism
is someone forcing you to come here?
Who are you replying to?
i quote therefore i am
i don't give a shit about the non-replying but i agree with you this general should die
I have no problem with the noreplyfagging. What I really do hate, on the other hand, is the hanging prepositions every time someone asks "who are you replying to?" - it's bad form.
ok mr esl, explain to us how the language should work then
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America is gradually getting stronger than me.
i don't play hoi. when you conquer a land is there any interaction with the previous inhabitents of the land? like do you have rebel simulator like eu4 or events that pop related to it?
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I've basically won at this point.
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Thank you AI.
Project Caesar looks good
it looks bad
its ideas read bad also
I haven't looked too deeply into it, but why? At a glance, Vicky pop system and fairly detailed province map look good.
it is casual enough to deter autists (who are an increasingly irrelevant part of paradox's audience anyways) and complicated enough to mercilessly filter casuals
JFL at thinking the manababs who like stacking modifiers and clicking buttons for dopamine will be interested at "simulationism" or things like supply/demand
Tbh I expected it to be dumbed down even further relative to EU4 so I was pleasantly surprised to see a pop system at all.
But fair enough, I've already seen a few manababies crying about the simulationism as you put it.
oh boo hoo, autistis who like to take pride in understanding unintuitive systems and gate keep wont play the game what a shame.
boycotting this garbage website til they bring back the thane
let wiz know i playtested victoria iii and it sucked
why is the ai allergic to building good buildings
in fact why is the ai allergic to building buildings at all.
i'm here in japan in the 1750s and there's provinces with literally nothing on them.
also i find it funny how this one event doesn't scale and i have to pay an oh so terrible 100 ducets when i'm making over 6k a month
the country can rise up if you fail to stop the 'resistance' but it's a ticking bar. The bar goes down, and doesn't move, if you have guns and manpower to suppress the country. Certain countries, czechislovakia, poland, and france, have unique occupation events that change how they fundamentally join the allies or how they surrender, or in how their land is divided.
As long as it's good on launch, and not dogshit on the backend, I'll buy it. If they never add content, I'll mod the hell out of it. It's nice to see a game being made for ME and not for the people who randomly click buttons and giggle at infinite modifiers, and demand focus trees for sokoto, and also not for the people that buy every single NFL release because they're advertised heavily and that's it.
Mana is okay but your rulers (entirely random or semi random depending on your form of governments) stats determining how good your 'ruler' is, when your 'ruler' is literally you the player- and then that amount of mana determining how you rule your empire- is retarded.

"Oh you got a 0;0;0 this year! Tough luck! Better just... NOT PLAY THE GAME FOR 2 REAL LIFE HOURS!" or reload a save.
eu4 encourages scumming with it's terrible rng being masked as 'replayability' .
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the blobluck empire reigns supreme from gibraltar to kyoto. since the christain powers couldn't knock france down a peg or two, i will take it upon myself to knock him back to the stone age.
italy declined the call to arms LOOOL. i'll deal with you later.
mission trees is the most retarded game design of all time and the ytbers/redditors who praise it so much always make me puke
yeah they're busted as all hell. you want huge over powered modifiers? here's a mission. you want a free pu over a strong nation? here's a mission. you want free perma claims over an entire region? here you go.
playing a custom nation or a nation that got left on the cutting room floor really shows how insane they are.
mission trees are okay if you're trying to use them to tell a story and forcibly activate them in the same way as hoi4 focuses can be bypassed, and use them to show what paths the player can go down in a heavily modded scenario.

The focus trees in their current state are just dumb because the AI doesn't understand them. They will literally never build 5 manufactories.
I'd also like to say- obviously I think they're dumb for other reasons too, but it's supposed to be a sandbox game and 99% of the sandbox not using any of the features developed in the last 5 years of devcycles is horrendous.
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got poland in as a meat shield. nearly 1m dead already from ai lobbing it's death stacks towards the east
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lmao, now this is epic.
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All that land just to leave your cores ungaurded
I guess you WON'T be going after Italy then.
still can. if i draw out the war enough to exhaust them then truce break it should be an easy mop up
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first major loss. can keep them stalemated here at least while at this very moment paris burns. i didn't think they'd hit poland as hard so most of the army is carpeting his heart land.
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>1948, the Germans took Stalin Grad in 1943
>This has been a 5 year stalemate.
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the one time the ai doesn't over stack lol cya poland buddy
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and yes i know i have too many cannons
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and as the over 2 million men from both sides grind each other into paste in the east, the west enjoys a leisurely stroll into the low countries. frogs are going to be in for a surprise when i hit them from behind.
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if only they put as much effort into fighting on the sea. thank poland for the 1 trade ship that really turned the tide of the battle
rare decent thanefag spam
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glad i can click my religion button and get a free 300k manpower lol. with quantity ideas on top of all his other shit he's still not hemorrhaging manpower.
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seems the french are done bleeding in polish lands and want to bully the italians instead. will take this opportunity to gain some ground.
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uh oh it's rebel time. you alright lil bro? seems you've dropped to medium enthusiasm. sadly, i'm not peacing out until every euro province is sieged down so buckle up.
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meanwhile in the world, revolutionary dogs spreading their rabies.
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noramlly i'd burn it to the ground but professionalism is worth a lot more than the ducets i'm already hard capped at anyways lol
dude weed
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'huh, i should try and get my capitol back' - france, probably.
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you might still have manpower, but you will not be able to feed them soon enough
>bro ck3 is more of a rpg anyway because it has 10 thousand character events pop up every second making the grand strategy part completely unplayable
i hate reddit
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really down bad when the noble catholic super power needs hand outs from animist filipinos lol.
God I can't believe how fucking awful EU4 province borders are even after all that DLC over the years
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the poster boy of the revolution is in my hands to do with what i will. redirecting the bulk of the army for one last blood bath in the balkans. i'll give him credit, he fought hard. but i have as many soldiers as there are grains of sand in my deserts. there is none that oppose the absolute rule of the blobluks.
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aww now ain't that just tragic.
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the french empire dies with you, maurice de boissieu. and zara will be its tomb. i'll be sure to ship gaston du fournay's body here once i rip him out of paris.
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Revolution dismantled and his nation in ruins. Nicolas-Henri I de Foix, emperor of a burning trash heap. No heir as well, maybe poland pu's this as well kek. Fun way to cap off the run. I cba eating italy, i forgot how fucking slow late game wars can be.
Fucking Paradox and their fucking launcher...
Really wish I could play their modern games without having to use it.
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kek, getting a taste of his own medicine. have fun with that one buddy.
anyways, i'm done for now. time to think of a new campaign while i run the clock down on this. might clean up the borders in china and india.
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they declared punitive war on france LMAOOOOO.
glad i could help, euros. do well to remember the power of the almighty sultan
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better map mode. the last remains of germans finally growing their balls back after i blew his back out of course.
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brazil joining the free colonial nation club
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they are still fighting this war lmao...
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and stay out, you dogs.
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oh, bankruptcy is only 5 years? i thought it was 10. no wonder they're winning the russia and coalition war. wonder if the anglo can make a dent lol.
welp, the germs tried and failed. was basically a white peace. i doubt they'll get another opportunity especially since russia got slapped back as well.
big blue cock dont fuck around when he owns most of western europe
climate mapmode is proof that paradox can make a good map but just choose to make playdoh for some retarded reason
>climate mapmode
post the image
i'm phoneposting
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i gotch you bro
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weather map mode is cool as well.
ugly as shit
it's useful info for early game optimizing but only if you're really juicing . climate affects dev cost and supply limit for instance. monsoons can have different severities of negative movement speed modifiers in the province. etc.
ur ugly as shit
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main problem with how bad eu4 looks are the giant playdoh-shaped provinces, thats why terrain map, being an overlay jpeg, looks fine
Is CK3 any good yet?
in fact, it never will be
stop questioning things chud
should I play eu4 in 2024? i played it a few years ago as france and uninstalled the game after a few hours
memes aside it's a fun game. lots of features to play with these days and it's never been easier to play certain nations with the mission system holding your hand.
Random thoughts on gs

Imperator-EU: Will always be unrealistic. Greatest problem with this era was that LoC was limited to horseback. So if you had a battle in Dover, and you were ruling in Edingburgh, you wanted hear about the results until days or weeks later. And if you had colonies across the Atlantic, gonna be hard to command from London so you had to delegate. In these map painters you have global view so you rule less like a King but some kind of omniscient God.
Stellaris: Without some fuel system being simulated I genuinely wonder what these ships are running on when you can send them from one end of the galaxy to the other.

Also, skipping Cosmic Storms.
>play eu4 in 2024
>"oh cool, i got a PU with bayreuth"
>actually this is a scripted event connected with the mission system
>because i didn't manage to conquer 8 provinces surrounding my exclave PU partner within 5 years for no reason, i lose the PU and get 15 infamy
>the "meta" is either to refuse the PU or to play around accepting it and taking this massive investment in exchange for a permanent modifier buff

eu4 always used to be bad, but in the past it had potential for some mindless fun. now it's just a bloatfest carcinoma on life support
it's incredible to have seen paradox go from "patching/dlc will fix this" into "patching/dlc will ruin the game" within a few years
>my actions have consequences noooo
certified who are you quoting nigga moment
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hell man... To Form Sardinia-Piedmont, i have to beat all the Naval Powerhouses at Once...
only option i see would be to take maritime and get my flagship + tech7 dip. it would be glorious

but fucking Seamight ideas man... after Sardinia i form two sicilys
Literally el blobbo
Die Otterreich
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not el blobbo blackhead, i only went into naples for the trve italian experience
taking more than 3 provinces in pre 1500 italy is literally blobbing hard
Savoy was excommunicado. counterattacked venice and Polen at truce so they wont join the coalition
exactly the AE discount was only for one province that's why you're blobbing out of control and got into a coalition
do you piss like an aryan or do you leak against the sids of the bowl like a jewish rat
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auf nach polen.. kastilienkrieg beginnt in 2 Jahren
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don't know if you're still here mr anon saaar but the achievement was
>the sun never sets on the indian empire
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they made this way harder than it needed to be
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>It's a surprise tool that will helps us later
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know your place
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Seamight wins
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What are natural borders of the Yosemite Park?
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I could take over the Valley and perhaps even conquer the entire Cali, but this will take a while. I can get unique bloodline, if I take over the Jefferson up north.
to be fair that is the single worst event chain in the entire game, and it's one out of one thousand something nations- but brandenburg is THE premier country to play as in eu4.
There's just really no excuse to have the 'premier' country be absolutely awful to play. If you get the wrong set of rivals, and it's not conducive to taking land around ansbach and bayreuth- your run is over. Restart.
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>bloatfest carcinoma on life support
grim if true
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now fuck off
you could just... reject the union?
>oh no I didn't get a thing for free! how will I ever proceed in exactly the same condition that I already was??? my run is ruined because nothing has changed about my geopolitical position!
One, there's a massive penalty for doing that, and two, it doesn't tell you that trying to conquer the land needed to keep bayreuth ansbach is only very situationally doable, and is near impossible for 80%~ of players.
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how does this make you feel
>massive penalty
my guy it is a hit of 10 prestige and 1 stab
that is not a "massive penalty", that is on par with a myriad of bad events, including plenty of other nation-specific ones
you sound like someone who is upset that you can get events that don't suck your dick
>it doesn't tell you that trying to conquer the land needed to keep bayreuth ansbach is only very situationally doable, and is near impossible for 80%~ of players.
it shouldn't have to. you should have the level of coherence needed to check the situation down there and judge if it is possible. this is an especially stupid complaint when you're making it to a crowd known for autistically demanding more realism - do you think historical rulers got pop-ups advising them on the difficulty of the things that they were about to embark on?
what is the point of your posts
oh wait I read the one event wrong
There is no penalty for doing that, unless you mean "waaaah I didn't get the union (which I didn't have to begin with)"
if paradox has one fan i'm one of them
if paradox has two fans i'm both of them
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>Stalin is pushing back in 1949
I guess I am going in on the Axis, and will have to walk through the USSR for victory.
moderately aroused
are you defending the design of nu paradox interactive? fr?
consider suicide
did paradox pay off grey eminence to delay their game until after eu5
nobody paid grey eminence devs
grey eminence was always a patreonscam
/gsg/ called it since day 0
any reason I shouldn't be excited for espiocracy? alot of these 'grand strategy' games that released to rival paradox were dogshit- terra invicta, grey eminence, etc- from the start, but espiocracy looks pretty good.
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We're back.
this /gsg/ character sounds like a cool dude
i better not see you posting your grey eminence campaigns in 2027 then
is that hoi1? jesus
>any reason I shouldn't be excited for espiocracy?
it's the twisted mind child of someone that names his game espiocracy
there is no hoi1 paradox starts their series in 2 or 3 to help with marketing
That's why it's Stellaris 2?
not a series
How would they know that they are starting a series. You don't make X3 if X2 loses a billion dollars.
>you dont make X3 if X2 loses a billion dollars
who not
to buy hoi 4 is 250 dollars
but i just got it for free hehehe
Just don't buy if you don't want it?
mom gave me 250 dollars to buy hoi4 but i donated it to the menopausal vtuber
it uses godot
in ck3, how do you guys decide who to marry?
I usually just marry whoever has the highest stewardship to help me with manage domain, the bonus to the domain limit is always nice
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nice bump retard
uh oh melty
we need a new term 'bump' seems a bit violent
bring me alex grandi...
bros im playing ck2 with the elder kings mod
im emperor now (pretender to the ruby throne though)
how do fuck do i start elder council law voting these cunts wont even let me join their secret society because i'm an emperor and i want my rights to appoint my own council back
How does EU5 handle AE?
anti blobbing mechanics will obviously be more abstracted or retarded if you will
I love men
men make things happen
men have the spirit
how can women compete?
ayyyy thanks for coming out
It's one of the best designed missions precisely because it's not just unga bunga bonus. You can take a PU but then you have to deal with the consequences of said PU which aren't just "you get free stuff for free with no risk". The fact that OP complains about that is hilarious.
Glad you admit you're just trolling. The consequences of the PU is that you lose the PU because it's impossible to take that much land in the HRE by game design with invoking a 100 nation coalition, and then you ALSO take a stability penalty for losing the personal union.

You've literally never played eu4 before. cope.
eu4 babs melty
I have done the mission before successfully, you can also just decline it if you aren't up for the a challenge. Something being difficult (for you) isn't bad design
nice try cia
My first ruler died as brandenburg and nothing happened. Didn't get the ansbach event. did I fuck it up?
dunno but i'm pretty sure it's tied tot he anbach ruler's death not yours
Ansbachs ruler just died, way after mine did- still didn't get the event lmfao. Think they replaced their heir or something. I already have the provinces, guess I can just force a PU.
My king died *after* their king died, and that didn't do it either. But a new ruler inheriting after the regency council did.
Well- no. I got Dispositio Achillea- Which is SUPPOSEDLY only triggered by the event 'Franconian Hohenzollerns" which did not trigger at all in the first place.
And so the lands of our family are reunited!
Set country flag accepted_ANS_union_flag
Forms a Personal union.png personal union over Flag of Ansbach Ansbach
This will also result in a personal union over Bayreuth if they are in a union under Ansbach.
Hidden effect: Gets the Msg event.png event "Dispositio Achillea" in 5 years
Well, that's the last year of my game then. I'm going to finish this war I'm in, take 2 provinces, and call it there. Ironman with lucky nations off. I *had* all the required provinces by the time the event ticked.

Show off your save, cmon big shot. Prove you can get the 25 power projection from an event that- at the very least- was bugged for me.
Here's my save
Go ahead, do better. Someone get that 25 power project in ironman. Prove it's not paraslop
rootkit ip grabber remote data access malware trojan, do not download
File: -_-.png (2.73 MB, 1596x898)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB PNG
quantity in the hre?
all those words sounds really scary i don't think i want to download your file

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