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>Scott's Twitter
>Official Site:
>Youtube Channel

https://youtube.com/watch?v=03E_hZdXqBE [Open]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lrgSbteWMC8 [Open]
>Help Wanted 2
>Five Laps at Freddy's
>Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit
>The Week Before

>Writing Archive:
https://justpaste/ dot it/5NAF_Writefag_Archive
>Voice Archive:
Wor happened?
if anyone is confused tldr:

Ban evading guy makes thread, gets banned, thread gets deleted, this one should be fine since I made it, but it's just something to deal with in this god forsaken general.
That's stupid but okay.
Never trust any thread with a Roxy op
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C'mon anons! Give Jackie a big ol' smoochie!
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Well, since we died, let's try it again. Tell which character in the franchise you would NOT fuck
>To be fair, the UCN lines could just be David Afton playing tricks. What Puppet, Ballora, Orville, etc.. say probably isn't what they would actually say if they were the real animatronics.
>Idk i feel like you cant just throw away the golden freddy thing as "idk lol" when he's the literal final cutscene in UCN for 50/20 mode.
Judging by one of Withered Bonnie's voice lines, it's not just Willy trapped in the UCN hell/purgatory, -everyone- is being held there.
>"What is this new prison? Is it me trapped, or is it you? Perhaps it is us both."
So the animatronics voice lines aren't just one dead kiddo talking through them, at least not all the time anyways. Yes there are some lines where you can audibly hear them being talked through, but all other voice lines are them talking normally.
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She's just so british
What if it was Friendly Fazbear and it was Five Nights at Friendly's and all the animatronics were nice to you and encouraged you while you were working your night shift, and told you what a good job you were doing
Scott Cawthon would be the nice old man working at the local Walmart
What would work be like at Friendless Fazbear?
All of the animatronics ignore you and avoid you.
No phone calls.
You don't even get paid.
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I am once again asking why a pdf for The Week Before remains so elusive despite the fact it's been out for some time now, don't make me pay for a book
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As yes Mimic tech in the stationary Jack-in-the-Box.
Proper for putting this on an actual crt tho, whoever made it
Before I forget, shouldn't the Mega link be deleted? There is nothing in there besides empty folders.
Didn't even notice the last thread got deleted. Went to check and saw it was on page 2 with the last post being two hours ago, lol.
I'll delete it next thread assuming the sperg doesn't make it before, which he might, but uh, sperg if you're reading this, please delete the mega link if you make the next thread, pretty please :)
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if you don't think she's beautiful then you don't have an eye for beauty
Also there are a LOT of cool redraws of the Yellow Rabbit scenes from the film, I love this style
She'll look scary in vr at least, I wouldn't want that thing in a room with me in the dark, thats for sure
>A technology rivaled by no one
How come afton is so good at making robots?
The power of being an abusive father
He had that robot autism before anyone else, wouldn't be shocked if the toy animatronics used stolen AI made by Afton. Or maybe they come from The Mimic's AI lol
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Last thread died? How? It wasn't even at max reply count.
I taught him
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Jackie really grown on me it's a sick design
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I imagine it wont but I hope Jackie's face just doesn't move, would be 100x creepier if it's just this blank umoving face that was sculpted to look funny coming out a box then going back in, and when you knock out the eyes you can just barely make out the glowing orange ones of The Mimic.
It won't
i forgot how terrible this sounded/looked like
Back before Dawko realized he had to put actual effort into singing and animation, cause my god that human model makes mine look decent by comparison.
that model reminds me of dream's music video
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I was actually thinking of Scott's old human models
this is proto Vanessa and Michael Afton
One could even say they're biblically accurate.
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>Clay Penis
>Average 30 year old British couple
>American Satire
Yep, cheks out.
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Fine, I'll make a fucking Jackie fan art folder you craven hyenas
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At this point everyone should have already come to an agreement, that there's but -one- man with every rights to her.
Wrong this is Yuri
alas, not just anyone can understand it yet. Truth is always hard to accept.
Jeez what happened to the last thread I was liking the Cassie x Gregory talk
Mimic report bombed OP
Mad at the true Gregory, like a typical faker. idk why I now just see stan but with mimic kek
Made by ban-evader. Typical stuff.
unfortunately, the fact of her being a female kills all the scare factor, because women aren't scary, and besides, all the coomers (ITT included) are going to simp and fap to her anyway.
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>drawing Baby
>accidentally make her terrifying
>every time
I don't see how you fuckers are "into" her
Given what we know from the demo descriptions, it really seems like the Mimic just wearing any animatronic suit/controlling it is inevitably going to be broken down just from it's prescence alone.
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it was simply too good for this sinful general i suppose, Gregory x Cassie is the most christpilled of ships
She's tall, She's chunkier than a filled fridge and she has the voice of a siren, she is Sex incarnate
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Oops wrong pic
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Never trust any op in general
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She's so sexy bros
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>it was simply too good for this sinful general i suppose, Gregory x Cassie is the most christpilled of ships
Come the fuck on, you seriously come to this place to look for that kind of thing? Then you should know that we here only celebrate the vilest, unhealthiest and most depraved stuff to find ever. Go search for the "wholesome content" somewhere else, you don't belong in /5n@f/.
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I need this giant yellow demon bunny to hold me right now.
mimic got jealous
better human models definitely came out of this general lol
the chin one should aspire for.
What are you talking about? Can you word it in a more proper way?
Apparently the longer the demo goes on, the more fucked up Jackie gets. She starts out like the prop, then to the teaser trailer, complete with orange eyes, and then there's an even further deteriorated version of her after that.
Maybe the suit just gets more and more worn out from the Mimic's raging around trying to get to the player, and eventually damaging it irreparably.
Here's a game for you.
Pick up to 4 animatronics from throughout the FNAF franchise. Describe how you'd use them to protect your pizzeria from five nights of evil.
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Are you chinmaxxing yet, /5n@f/?
Who is this Jackie character that I am seeing being posted now?
That's ain't no human
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You gotta have very specific god-tier tastes to truly appreciate the beauty of Circus Baby.
Also post your work.
Damn skippy.
They're so cute
the new clown/Jack-in-the-box animatronic character (she/her), introduced for the new game in the series, Secret Of The Mimic.
New antagonist in the upcoming Secret of the Mimic game.
Jack-in-the-box style suit worn by the Mimic while chasing the player.
Seems like she's a proto-Ennard.
Gigachad chin.
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It can be bitter it can be sweet. Made me realize maybe you are right and that's why most of the fandom outside of here hates it and would rather shit beckory not even cassidy x gregory or c.c x gregory. Tony becker I had to remember who that even was lol, but guess can't expect to much straight stuff from the fandom.
Sometimes we can and should try to be better, but yeah you are not wrong. But most of Gregory Cassie is either hilariously or incredibly fucked up. Like remember the Gregory and Cassie are YouTubers greens?
Typical mimic, when will he learn
>no fuckhuge chin
Why even bother? That's an extremely prominent part of her design
Just draw Baby at that point.
Still, nice art.
That's the point, I tried to bishoujo-fy/make her as cute and waifu as possible, of course it ended up looking absolutely nothing like her lmao. Maybe I'll work further on that sketch, make some alterations, you know.
Nice stuff anon, so wait that clown was actually a girl? weird if it is and not just coomer cope, because why would you not make the clown girl animatronic at least look feminine? Even baby has many things that makes her read female it's just she's also a giant death machine, so she had to be build like a brick.
I have an underbite that gives me a gigachad jawline. So yes.
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She's such a bad bitch though.
No keep doing what you are doing anon please
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fuck my stupid mimic life
C.C can't be a girl because then we'd never forgive Micheal. The idea of a older brother literally bullying his little crying sister to death would instantly put him on most peoples fuck you top 10s list.
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I love the Jr's ghost so much
He uses remnant and faz goo powers
State Of Play hype train it is then let's go
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Reminder that Glamrocks aren't programed as themselves and insted are conditioned into certian behaviour from a pre-programed base that copies human imputs.
Ergo, Pizzaplex runs on mimic program
Mating press.
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I love how dystopian the pizzaplex is when you look past its facade, it's kinda tragic that the glamrocks were given so much sentience when all they were expected to do was play their roles forever. it's really no wonder they started developing personality disorders
>Robot grooming
If I didn't know better, I would think this is incisive commentary on LLMs and how big corporations use them to cheap out on as many costs as possible.
Top 10 things William Afton put his dick in
the fact Scott wrote a story about the chairman firing the pizzaplex's creative team in favor of installing an AI "storyteller" machine years ago is fucking insane
They replaces all the human workers with StaffBots that are barely functional. I'm honestly not sure I'd want to go to the pizzaplex if all the guards were robots, feels like they could be easily subdued which is a safety risk versus having a lot of actually trained people walking around.
1. Spring Bonnie
2. Mrs. Afton
3. Circus Baby (pre-Lizzie)
4. Henry
5. Ballora
6. Toy Chica
7. Funtime Chica
8. Funtime Foxy
9. Cassidy (she didn't give him a choice)
10. Toy Bonnie
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Scoddeo Cawjima accurately predicted the development of technological advancements in corporate America.
Truly a genius that has made tales of pizza plex the most relevant cultural experience of our time
In that order?
not as much of a safety risk as locking fire exits behind vip passes lol, I 100% believe the true big bad of FNAF is Faz Ent. itself and that all the more actively malicious threats only happen because the company's negligence facilitates it
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Guess we can say that Roxy x Freddy is canon now thanks to Pax, right?
Vanny and who?
Someone should draw a comic about Mimic getting jealous over Cassie being shipped with Greg and whatever hilarious ensues of that.
Number one isn't even a joke, he actually puts his entire body into that Spring Bonnie suit and that includes his penis.
There's a fanart where they fuck?
They are the parents who only get together because their kids kinda like each other
That'd actually be funny. I still stand by my Mimic as Stan writing a diss poem to gregory
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I want to fuck that clown.
No, that fanart was drawn by hadink/hijiki.
Til the mimic watching cassie gregory making out while he satys in the corner seething
i've seen various hentai starting like this
I was raped as a child by the founder of fazbear entertainment. AMA
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Nah. He already knows that she belongs to whoever has the force to get what’s rightfully his.
>humanfag spamposting itt
Kill yourself. The only reason any of us like this series is because of the robots.
Is it? Doesn't look like it.
Artstyle looks similar but i've been following the twitter spergout about hiji's drawings, and she spawned a lot of copycats, and i'm 99% sure this is one.
I meant the OTHER fanart you mentioned was drawn by her. What I posted is definitely made by a different artist.
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Monty Hex plush revealed
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Look at this absolute creature.
Do you know what you love most of all?
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This image is pure agony.
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Haha. Freddy in Space kinda hinted at the two being a thing anyways haha.
You don’t know shit about real agony.
Nah, thats just how MXES was programmed to deal with the Mimic. Thats not love, its the kiss of death.
Why is Blueycapsules Elizabeth so hot?
The title here reminds me of a Mario and Luigi game and imagining that with those two is really silly and cute
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qrd on what blueycapsules is?
i've seen it pop up from time to time a year ago, and from my non-existant research it looks like an faux-undertale-like AU
more importantly is cassidy there
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Gregory x Cassie is a ship that is based upon two characters that have shown the strongest connection out of everyone in the series, from what we know Gregory was the only person who went to Cassie's birthday and was there for her when no one else was and in turn Cassie is willing to delve into an abandoned ruin that is filled with dangerous robots who are trying to kill her on the slightest hint that she will find him after possibly years of no contact, its very Ethan Winters-esq, in turn Gregory who had left the pizzaplex behind due to it being the place where he trapped his tormentor and no doubt suffered himself as his autonomy was robbed from him, all to try and save someone who was misguided and just wanted to save him. that is a kind of wholesome love that is oft anathema to places like this, there is also the aspect of tragedy, Cassie at the end of ruins most likely ending is seemingly betrayed by Gregory (i believe it is the mimic who dropped the elevator) and now Gregory must descend into the pizzaplex in order to rescue Cassie from the clutches of the very Robot that tortured him and Vanessa, he must also work to regain the trust of Cassie and respark that relationship and love is made all the more potent by adversity
its truly an ascendant ship
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What's she looking at
>(i believe it is the mimic who dropped the elevator)
I mean it's your opinion, but that would be kind of a lame answer.
It's more tragic when you realize Gregory had to potentially pretty much kill this poor girl who had such a connection to him and just wanted to save him, because there was a high probability, in his mind, that the Cassie he was speaking to was just the Mimic, pleading for him to get out, and his friend was already dead. For all he knew, one misstep and he could unleash this beast onto the surface, and get himself and vanessa killed, and that wasn't a chance he was willing to take, even if it meant killing the girl that he grew so close to, after all that she endured to even get down to the sinkhole in the first place.
Cassie had it really fucking rough. People are too busy sperging about the mimic to really see the beauty and care that went into this DLC.
I almost mentioned you in my reply to him, I knew you'd come out when mimic's true cuck nature was revealed
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Well it's pretty hard to make Elizabeth not attractive
Why did she go up to Circus Baby when William told her not to? Is she stupid? Also how did she mistake Mike for William is she actually just autistic or something
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>Why did she go up to Circus Baby when William told her not to?
She really wanted some of that Circussy
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The beast looks dumb as fuck
Never let me draw either of these like this ever again.
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Awwww this is really cute, nice work!
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What's she trying to tell me?
Don't all of the animatronics mistake Mike for William? That seems to imply that William hasn't been at the facility in a long time so they can't recall what he looks and/or sounds like exactly, Mike grows up looking like a splitting image of his father, or both.
>Mike grows up and he either looks like Dave Miller from the novels or Matthew Lillard
take your pick
maybe Mike looks a lot like William
which, according to the SL ending, would mean that both Mike and William at some point in their lives looked uncannily like Rick Astley.
Damn now you've made them sound like a tragic friendship/lover situation lol. But also now kind of makes me simp harder for the vannyfied or clown girl(since next game is a circus) cassie.

I feel definitely cassie and Gregory are our new main characters. As the books gave 2 gregory perspectives/potential connections and the last game HW2 gave us a peak into cassie's story more and potentially her father if theories are to be believed. I do like the idea of her thinking she was betrayed and mix of the AI messing with her brain, can we save her from the faznet or will we have to burn her with the rest of the next location?
I mean I kind of see both sides of this, but feels more realistic and tragic if Gregory didn't do it. Really just makes him fit the more Sociopath/killer gregory idea no real reason for him to have done it and everything makes it pretty much feel like it wasn't him.

Well now I also like this idea, most only think about it from Cassie perspective and hate on Gregory but yeah mimic could have killed her and stolen her voice to trick gregory. I liked the Dlc and was their really a lot of simping for mimic thought it was all memes? But yeah I definitely feel gregory x cassie doesn't get the love it deserves. makes me want to draw more of the two
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Considering Scott's human models, he would probably look like this
>This is the man loved by the entire neighborhood in SL
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Just realised he actually looks like pinkypill's Michael Afton
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>those ears
like father like son
I like the theory that omc is michael but would that make any sense for him to be there during fnaf world?
thanks for saying this lol, i've seen Gregory fanatics argue he couldn't have done it until they're blue in the face but him being the one responsible would simply be more interesting. it doesn't have to mean he's a psycho killer or whatever, the mere fact they went through all that effort to prevent Mimic from escaping probably means they weren't willing to let him escape at any cost

plus it'd add more depth to Cassie in the (likely) event she returns as Vannie, im sure she'd have a hell of a grudge. like her dad's dead and nobody cared about her except the boy who later left her for dead, that's a villain origin story right there
Fnaf World (before the funny update) takes place in CC's brain and is Charlie or Cassidy trying to put together his memories to set up the fnaf 3 minigames for Mike or whoever else to do in the real world, so wouldn't make much sense. I think he's unironically just Satan or some sort of demon that guides lost spirits to the afterlife, but can't due to the kids being trapped in the animatronics.
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She's the best
>Mike grows up looking like a splitting image of his father
I always assumed this to be the case.
Blueycapsules was a fnaf fancomic meant to be a more "comical" retelling of the story, but it got more serious as time went on. And yes, she's in it (see picrel)
I myself like both versions but always saw it as more other ending as a sociopath gregory version he only thinks for himself. But you both have added a lot of depth and deeper thought to this version.

Yeah definitely feel all of the cassie lore is leading to her being a temporary antagonist, I kind of hope they don't age them up to much. But feel they should at least be teens in the next game, cause I mean creepy lolis are cool but I'm not scared of a girl with a knife I can just punt. I guess if gregory is also a kid then it adds a level of danger. But yeah really is a villain origin hopefully it has a good ending for the two but it's FNAF so sadly it won't bet her books following the next game if they do vanny/clown cassie will be tragic.
I think the Cassie Vanny thing just wont happen especially when we still have Vanessa running around as Vanny in modern day, and she would beat the fuck out of Cassie in a one-on-one. Maybe if Roxy is with her, but I doubt Cassie is gonna go around stabbing anybody. I think what might happen is a new strand of the Mimic1 virus at a new location gets made by Faz Ent, and it's gonna get corrupted as we play the game by The Mimic, and likely we'll be playing as Gregory, or Vanessa or whoever trying to shut it down before it's too late, with maybe a Cassie based subplot?
I think if HW2 ever gets DLC, they're gonna do something Cassie related though, strange The Mimic doesn't show up in that game, like at all.
Why not both? :3

Jeez thanks, I've completely forgot about the Rick Astley silhouette. Here, have this image I just made for reminding me of that against my will.
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It's a powerful trait.
Very naisu
Friendly reminder we never play as William in any game.
Not in Midnight Motorist (that's the father of one of the MCI, most likely Cassidy)
And not in UCN (that's Michael)
I'm curious, could you give me your reasoning?
>we never play as William in any game.
Erm, in FLAP, we can literally play as Springtrap, checkmate atheist.
Vanessa isn't Vanny anymore remember they imply that in the last 3 games. Vanny/Glitchtrap is gone but now we have the mimic/potentially tiger rock ai. In my head she'd be like her dad some form of mechanic/like sid from TS making make shift murderous abominations and while we dismantled the bots she probably repairs and modified the old glamrock bots. So a reverse of last game, she has a bot sidekick/support net plus control of the place while we are defenseless(though I'm just saying give me a fazglock kek)

I think you hit the nail on the head, maybe it's in vain of old horror explorer/mystery games. You have Vanessa who might be able to axe/shoot the bots and has her own story as a ex brainwash victim and Gregory who maybe has the Cassie and kid related plot with the ghost and killings. Though a co op fnaf sounds fun too, also idk if we'll get HW2 DLC felt a bit to small scale and like one of those in between games.

Twas weird but as the other anon said people overhyped mimic when Tiger rock is the more interesting of the two ai split. Also still believe in the Tiger Rock esque ai helping us like helpy then reveal it's the one manipulating us and cassie and conflicted between killing and helping.
Cute but it goes against my headcanon that they're enemies.
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umm... cute!
Cute, it goes in line with my headcanon that they're lovers
How would the fans take it if Secret of the the Mimic revealed that the Mimic either killed the MCI and framed Afton, or brainwashed him to do it like Vanny?
>And not in UCN (that's Michael)
Erm, source?
Me (the fans) would fucking hate it.
I know right?
sorry but I don't entertain scenarios that are beyond the realms of possibility
Built for big William cock
Wasn't there some drama with bluey capsules that caused it to be canceled? Or am I confusing it with something else
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Steel Wool group photo at Pax featuring the cursed Cassie doll
Most Californian looking people imaginable
The guy in the middle looks like me but 70 years older
As a midwesterner I've seen people that look like everyone in the picture.
I'm gonna pretend I didn't read such retardation.
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I love how the Cassie doll became a meme in the Steel Wool company.
I can imagine that the last employee to leave the office just places her in the most random spots every day to the bewilderment of his co-workers
Isn't that a bootleg?
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So how's kandyland doing?
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>fnaf is going back all the way to the 1970s
So when do we get the 1940s game with the Betty Boop expy?

who is to Baby as Fredbear is to Freddy
Yeah, way back in 2022.
why does everyone portray cassidy is a girl when ucn refers to cassidy as a him
>So when do we get the 1940s game with the Betty Boop expy?
That's Bendy and the Ink Machine.
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1. Girls are hot
2. She's a girl in the graphic novel
pic related
3. Ever since the gt video, the consensus is that "him" refers to golden freddy, not his spirit
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Should th fnaf movie have been animated instead of live-action?
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What was Roxy's programming like I wonder? Why choose to make her an egomaniac with a huge self esteem issue if not to give kids the confidence they need to succeed in life? Also anyone who says Security Breach isn't scary are full of crap when the endos in that game exist and moon takes Freddy and you gotta find and repair him.
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I'm just writing what i see and the potential i see in the pair, its just a matter of the games achieving that peak, i hope it does
i think Gregory doing it is the stupid answer, it doesn't make sense to lead her to an elevator only to drop it, it doesn't make sense for him to not know its her because there is a camera in that lift, it doesn't even make sense for him to even be able to drop it since he isn't even in the building vs The Mimic who is standing right where the power box is, while there could be some good tragedy
shit forgot to finish my sentence, it could be good tragedy but its founded on multiple things being incredibly retarded
Wouldn't really hit the same.
Part of the appeal of the movie was seeing these real life game-accurate animatronics interacting with real people on the big screen.
What's Scott's fetishes? Like most Christian men, he probably has a bunch of weird fetishes.
Like, does he have a mindbreak, corruption and hypnosis fetish "It's essential that a cute busty blonde 20 year old, gets hypnotised to wear a skintight bunny suit" or maybe a NTR fetish "It's part of the lore that a agony creature disguises itself as Oswald's dad, which his wife fucks regularly, cucking her real husband."
>What's Scott's fetishes?
impreg springtrap
Robo-furry with a breeding fetish, as evidenced by all his god damn kids.
He has an Mpreg fetish alright, that’s for certain.
He told them to put in giant Vanny in Help Wanted 2, not for plot reasons, lets just say.
Robots, sci-fi in general, furries (mostly rabbits), clowns, pregnancy (both sexes), lactation, mind-break, possession, and bad writing.
Remember seeing some post where it says he has a foot fetish because in one of the book, a woman being bare foot was considered attractive
Many horror and fetish concepts simply overlap, I don't think many of the things we see in FNAF necessarily mean they're Scott's fetish.
That's what they tell you to hide their fetishes. Don't trust Scott, he's already invaded the youths minds with FURRIES, next he's trying again with Clowns because Baby wasn't successful enough (and he's tried, he tried to make her sexy in TFC and with Eleanor).
Yeah, that's what Scott said in the interview with dawko about In the Flesh. It sounded spooky on his head, but looking from afar it's just weird
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Would this image be an example?
Think about it, the animatronics stealing your balls could make for either fetish content or horror
This series' animatronics have been stealing innocent peoples' seed for ten years now.
Glitchtrap after searching, "How to induce compliance in human subjects"
All he needs now is to wear the dress.
His "Vanny" persona is just him wearing Elizabeth's outfit and nobody ever questions it.
You should write more anon lol, be the change you want to see make a green about these two.

I think we can have both but I see your points in this as well. We shall see in 2025 I suppose either way it'll be a tragedy, from both sides. Sure he didn't want to if he did unless it's sociopath gregory
>Pov of a friendless loser
I like how even though the errors in these things aren't as immediately obvious anymore, you can still pretty much always tell right away just from the same vibe they give off
Ai just has that same soulless look thats easy to note when it's not doing something with an anime artstyle upon initial glance.
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Is Elizabeth just an evil Asuka expy?
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First thing I thought when I saw this.
Lol nice starchy but is this a reference to something or?
The Brazil ending in a nutshell.
That's fucking amazing.
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What was your reaction upon seeing this for the first time?
gregory made the rational call betraying cassie
there was no way for him to know he wasn't talking to the mimic, for all he knew cassie had already died
>Roxy but she's 40 pounds heavier
Me when Vanny
AI art just naturally gives off a feeling of hollowness.
she looks like vanellope from wreck-it-ralph
>Oof lol anyway let's avoid that fate

little did I know
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Wonder if it's always unhinged or it also becomes safe and docile around the rug rats
>the Mimic repeating what he said for David (or whoever) over and over in an unhinged loop after being woke up from being beaten by his creator
God I love this, people calling it generic don't get context, it's SO GOOD.
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Jackie is for Funtime Freddy.
Funtime Freddy is so cool.
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at this rate im gonna be looking like her by the time a pdf of the week before makes its way online
She's sexier that way.
Sexual corruption?
How unholy would a birthday party with these two in the same place and time be?
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did this happen
Roxy... I remember your waste being thinner
Now I'm not saying it's his fetish, but maybe he just found fear fart gas funny
no, maybe Roxy with Classic Freddy though. unless that was a false imposter Roxy.
Surely that's not just where it ends and she dies like that.
surely she and Roxy will be back. r-right
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I would treat her right
She doesn't die, she likely just has a major head injury, I'm sure the dirty grimy elevator will help with that.
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alls im saying is that if I were in the FNAF movie when this happened i'd epicly announce my presence with "hey buddy, leave the girl alone", startled William would turn the knife on me but i'd block it with my two hands like a freaking ninja, toss it to the side, and finish him off with a swift kick to the balls. as he writes in pain i'd extend a gentlemanly hand to Vanessa, and then we get married right there in the pizzeria
>"surely the photo of springtrap surviving in the ending of 3 means he'll be back?"
>we get scraptrap
>"surely ennard escaping means he'll be back?"
>we get molten freddy and then the blob
>"surely glitchtrap bodysnatching us means he'll be back?"
>we get burntrap and then the mimic
Every time a loose end like that exists, it comes back in a different and unexpected form.
Which means that Cassie and possibly Roxy will come back as something completely unpredictable.
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erm, what I MEANT to say was "writhes in pain"....siiiiiiiigh sorry for making it cringe you guyssss :/
Jack stauber and lemon demon have that same ephemeral poppy but depressing vibe. Maybe they should make a Fnaf song lol
Very bad lawsuits galore
anybody else remember when the movie pizzeria logo dropped and there were people convinced they were giving live action Freddy white gloves, funny times
And then Afton would say, "YEOWCH, right in the Springlocks!" before Abby says, "Erm... well that just happened."
now that? peak. AWESOMESAUCE.
that's a hard one. excluding the children because obvious, i think i'd have to go with funtime foxy.
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>"Holy shit I think I'm in love"
The love never left
I want to have intense (not)gay sex with Chica and Roxy
Roxy canonically loves Freddy, but I guess she has sloppy tippy sex with Chica too.
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Classic Freddy, though. Glam Freddy is a fag for Glam Bonnie.
Willy’s Wonderland > The FNAF Movie
I think they're both great. I should rewatch Willy's and draw something for it soon.
Banana Splits movie > FNaF movie
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Fatty fat wolf
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that's whatever as I can understand why one would personally find Willy's Wonderland more enjoyable, but it's dumbfounding to me that the average professional film critic agreed with this sentiment when the reviews for the FNAF movie were coming out. like they were seriously trashing the movie purely on the basis that they went in expecting a dumb fun schlockfest because of the precedent set by movies that aped FNAF before the actual FNAF movie could release

a film landing around 30% on rotten tomatoes over trying to tell a meaningful story is genuinely unfair imo, what's worse is how they unironically thought they were speaking for FNAF fans when they said "nobody wants plot in a silly killer robot movie"
Yeah that’s just retarded, but that’s nothing new when it comes to “professional” critics.
I mean it also depends if they are just using the elevator as red herring and they hit us with the Scooping ending being canon.
>that review
That's so incredibly retarded what the fuck
The more I read this the more I remind myself that there are people whose job it is to write about stuff they literally do not know jack shit about.
Willy's Wonderland probably landed better with critics because it knew exactly what it wanted to be while the FNAF movie crams in ideas from a bunch of different games, and, apparently, different scripts.
>over trying to tell a meaningful story is genuinely unfair imo, what's worse is how they unironically thought they were speaking for FNAF fans when they said "nobody wants plot in a silly killer robot movie"
Mike barely does his job in the movie. When the core concept of fending off killer robots falls by the wayside, I'm not surprised to see it get docked for that. Maybe Mike should've smashed Foxy with a urinal.
"And then everyone died".
The end
I fucking love this pic.
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Can’t wait for SOTM to finally come out so we can finally start Jackieposting, and that autistic fucking literally who endoskeleton fuck from the retarded books can finally be forgotten.
thats nice but consider this
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>Can't wait for Secret of the Mimic
>So the Mimic can be forgotten
I've got some bad news for you
But god I wish I could forget
Hangin' out with grandma!
Would you spend a night with him?
is fat
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I don't sympathise with either Gregory or Cassie. How dare they sympathize with the animatronics, which are Always Chaotic Evil even in real life?
Indeed, she's a fat wolf
If that did happen, I would expect some autist to start screeching about it a la chris chan and blue arms sonic.
>Can’t wait for SOTM to finally come out so we can finally start Jackieposting
So mimicposting you mean, right
Would bang that mimic
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Lore autists, give me the current year run down on these
>Who is Golden Freddy possessed by?
>What year does FNAF 4 take place
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
>What is the Crying Child's name?
>Who is Golden Freddy possessed by?
Cassidy and Bite Victim possessing it together like a Pacific Rim mech.
>What year does FNAF 4 take place
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
Some fucking faggot ass kid from the books who I do not like.
>What is the Crying Child's name?
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
>Some fucking faggot ass kid from the books who I do not like.
Bitch if it's a dude (not Cassidy), is someone William killed (not Bite Victim doing some uber complex and roundabout "haha daddy your robot bit me I'm blaming you"), and the books imply it's Andrew (I fucking hate him) trapping William in a mental hell, then yeah, it's probably Andrew.
>Who is Golden Freddy possessed by?
>What year does FNAF 4 take place
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
William (and we play as Henry in UCN)
>What is the Crying Child's name?
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Also, expansion pack to these questions
>Who is Evan
>Who is Andrew
>Who is David
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i wanna say i'll always hate UCN fredbear because his design does not mesh with spring bonnie's at all
doesn't even have five fingers
imagine if funtime foxy just looked like a fixed version of mangle from FNAF 2 and didn't gel with the rest of the funtimes at all
>Who is Golden Freddy possessed by?
Theorists generally think Crying Child shares control of the ghost with an obscure, random character whose existence is only hinted at in a book. Whether it's Andrew or Cassidy really doesn't matter because they both pull the same "secret dedkid that is William's super real arch-enemy who you have to discover outside of the games" card.
>What year does FNAF 4 take place
1983 but if you ask some theorists they'll tell you the whole game is actually Michael in the 1990's.
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
Apparently Andrew or Cassidy, and not the son that William killed through neglect.
>What is the Crying Child's name?
Crying Child Afton. William wasn't very creative on that one.
Isn't Cassidy a unisex name?
Also Andrew doesn't fit anywhere, he fits in the books, not in the fucking games, specially with all the other dead kids.
>What is the Crying Child's name?
The most recent theory is that he's called Dave.
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I wanna feed her pizza and watch her get fatter desu.
>Who is Golden Freddy possessed by?
Supposedly 2 people
>What year does FNAF 4 take place
The lor minigames in 1983, the actual game/night sections people suppose it's another year
>Who is The One You Should Not Have Killed
A cute kid that's either Andrew or Cassidy
>What is the Crying Child's name?
UCN Fredbear's design makes the most sense to me if it's not what the Fredbear springsuit actually looked like and was just Golden Freddy coming up with an appearance for himself, like how Shadow Bonnie isn't a literal animatronic that existed but something else.
It's also easier to headcanon that with Golden Freddy looking different between FNAF 1 and 2.
>Who is Andrew
Some bitch ass kid from the books, he's violent, angry and vengeful towards William, torturing him like in UCN, and for some reason that's enough for some people to think that he actually is the one torturing him in the games even though we've never heard of him before and we have characters that fit better.
Also he possesses pic related with another kid, Jake, who isn't vengeful like him.
tl;dr: Character from the books that is a parallel to a character from the games and some people think he actually is that character.
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>Also he possesses pic related with another kid
Meant to post this lmao, the Stitchwraith is possessed by Andrew and Jake, two souls in one body, like how some people theorize Golden Freddy to be possessed.
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>What is the Crying Child's name?
Dave "Crying Child" Afton.
What's the opinion on concept of Evil/Brainwashed Cassie in the next game?
I like it.
this thing looks like it could be a tumblr sexyman, if it were depicted in anything other than a novel
>Who is possessing Golden Freddy
Ralph and the two kids he's forced to babysit for the rest of eternity.
Do you think Ralph watches when the kids are having sex?
Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel it could be a fun and tragic story, and it seems we'll be getting more human elements as the last game. The books do imply there are followers of Afton or those who want to use his work without caring about the outcomes.

Plus an young killer could be fun, depending on how they do it
Would that imply that she HAS been MIMIC’D, after all?
>Who is Evan
He's me
>Who is David
He's also me
He joins in to show them how it's done.
The suspected name of the Crying Child, but it was never fully accepted because of the N, so someone recently came back and changed that N for a D, got Evad, reflected that in a mirror and came to the conclusion that Dave is the Crying Child's name.
Vengeful Spirit from the books.
Friend of the Mimic in the books, he fucking dies but the Mimic keeps mimicking him.
Probably not as we know mimic is most likely the more juvenile AI. That's why he wanted to kill cassie it seems. While probably Tiger rock or glitchtrap would want a usable body/slave and easier to control as they are getting her so young.
Sadly can't take it seriously, Cassie is a little baby, she can't be a threatening killer
I kind of see her as being the dark inverse of Gregory if she's in the next game. Basically following in her father's footstep in a horrific way, becoming a mechanic for the damaged glamrocks and maybe using them like Gregory used Freddy. Controlling them and maybe riding on/in them. Also could just be like Vanny where she can glitch you out can't do much if you can't see. See her more as the first boss/sub-antagonist until the true one appears.
Boring. Vanessa is still around as Vanny, Cassie isn't threatening and there are more interesting things to do with her character than "Vanny 2: Chocolate Edition"
>there are more interesting things to do
Name 3
I mean is that required? We've seen Vanny, we've seen how Vanny affects Vanessa in the therapy tapes and emails in Fnaf AR, Vanessa is again, still around, so we can get more on how she felt, the entire "Arc" from Help Wanted to Security Breach (more like to HW2 really) was Vanessa overcoming the Vanny persona after being brainwashed. We've seen the story before, why do it again with Cassie?
To just spitball one thing though, you have Cassie trapped in a dark underground with a creature that Mimic's voices, likely KNOWS the voice of her father since he worked at the Pizzaplex, imagine the psychological horror type shit of Cassie having to wander around in the dark with Roxy, hearing the voices of her only family member and former friend taunting her as she makes her way through a refurbished Sister Location or something (whatever the scooper ending is). Then, whenever she gets out, which she will, because I doubt Steel Wool's gonna kill a child on screen, she's traumatized, likely pissed at Gregory, and wants to find answers, find him, and making her a more active and interesting part of the narrative as opposed to:
>I'm Vanny 2 :)
Also Glitchtrap is dead why would The Mimic or Helpi make Vanny again when the Glitchtrap persona is gone? The Mimic would make her like, a tiger or some shit, maybe that'd be cool.
Is anybody other than SOTM seems to give nearly every animatronic a backstory?
>Proto Baby/Ennard/Puppet/Paper Pals with Jackie
>Proto staffbot (you know, the animatronics implied to be the most recent, yet were there since the beginning)
>Early versions of the mediocre melodies
>An early version of Monty (rumoured)
>Hell, even an early version of number 1 crate (apparently number 1 crate is a slapped together replica of an animatronic from the 80s)
It feels like an unnecessary retcon, why can't the characters be thought up on the fly?
No she isn't? where do people get that idea from she literally is canon fixed why she's in ruin as a helper and we see vanny deleting glitchtrap. He's gone for good at least from vanessa
Well because Vanessa's was more half assed and we didn't have a deep connection to her as a character. She just kind of appeared in breach. Also yeah I think that's a fine version for Cassie just a fun tragic vibe where she wants revenge on Gregory, also never said she's fully vanny but we know she has the AR ai in her brain and it could trick her. So maybe we go less the brainwashed and more gaslit and using her trauma to make her an unwitting follower

Though the mask and fact Vanny seems to be a new staple, Vanny 2 electric boogaloo isn't far off kek. I really just want evil/angry cassie chasing or fucking with Gregory so I'll be happy either way honestly.
In Ruin you have Vanny graffiti over the pizzaplex that's specifically OVER older graffiti, meaning somebody made it recently, which would be AFTER Vanessa was freed in SB. You have Vanny crushing Glitchtrap instead of Vanessa, you have Scott saying "we haven't seen the last of Vanny" in the interview, you have MXES being a rabbit and likely being set up in some form by Vanessa, so she likely has some sort of affinity for Rabbit's, it makes sense.
I agree Vanny was half-assed, but we don't need to redo plot elements over and over just because something didn't work, even if the Vanni mask proper stays around. Scott clearly wants to move on with the story and not dwell in the past by repeating plotpoints we've seen, I think it's going to be used but I doubt the end result will be Vanny again, maybe something Fnaf World tier with Cassie being trapped in a fake world she has to escape, and make the Brazil ending canon because that'd be funny.
Easy answer.
Henry has no money and is in his late 60's lol. In fnaf 6 Henry is broke as fuck and barely hanging on to the brand, he can't just think of 20+ new designs off the top of his head, so he reuses old shit, but cheaper, he'd still own the designs, as he owns Fazbears, but he doesn't have enough money to actually make them so he re-does them. Then with the modern characters, Fazbear Entertainment is CHEAP, they want to expand as fast as they can so they reuse old designs (Monty and the STAFF Bots), old circuit boards (Le Mimic), and older characters while updating them to be more modern. It explains that aspect and adds more to the context and character of both without touching them directly. Monty's backstory in Ruin is now more literal because he WAS a nobody (being a mediocre melody like Mr. Hippo and the others) but was given a chance to be more, as an example.
...what is Roxy doing on top of Freddy?
Why I said Vanny is Cassie same mask and everything. Also wouldn't make sense to be Vanessa as she had 2 games dedicated to breaking the glitchtrap possession. She wouldn't be helping Gregory either, but I mean, maybe I'm wrong. I just felt more like I meant that there will be another Vannys. It's called the Vanny mask, and all, though maybe it's the twin/clone theory. But I'd rather a Vanny Cassie 100 more than clones cause we have evidence of potential glitch trapping Cassie, which isn't that uncommon and was said to be a thing in HW.

Actually fake world cassie sounds kind of fun, though that'd mean her body is somewhere and again leads to the brainwashed thing. I just feel at this point Cassie being a follower of the Afton evil is kind of most likely. She's pretty fucked up, implied the mask thing was planned, they called her specifically and lured her to where the old glitchtrap was and put a ai/ar in her brain and one ending made her see a fantasy without her having any control.
Gregory wishes cassie would do that to him
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For real though. Why did she do it? Why did she kiss Freddy and what are the canonical implications of such events? Does this mean Roxy truly is the best and will continue the Fazbear bloodline?
Roxy likes older men, Freddy and Bonnie are faggots, Chica is a raging Lesbian, the pizzaplex is a representation of Society and social commentary by Scott Cawthon
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Why are people saying saying that classic Freddy is Glamrock Freddy's dad?
He's more like his great great great great great great great great grandad, there's several generations in between them.
It just makes the punchline easier, though technically the lineage is
>Glamrock Freddy
>Rockstar Freddy
>Funtime Freddy
>Toy Freddy
>Fnaf 1 Freddy
So he'd be his Great, Great, Grandfather? Counting the animatronics that are real anyways, Fredbear precedes all of them.
On Topic of Rockstar Freddy i love all the personality the Rockstars have in UCN, they have really neat voices
OG Fredbear-Freddy's Dad
Toy Freddy- 1st Son
Withered Freddy- that point in his life when he was fent addict
Nightmare Freddy- Brother
Funtime Freddy- Estranged 2nd son born out of wedlock
Rockstar Freddy -3rd Son
Nedd bear- Weird Uncle
Glamrock Freddy- ???
A granddad is still a dad.
>that's a hard one
Does that mean you would fuck anyone else? You're very based for that
What about Lefty and Carnie?
Lefty's is Rockstar Freddy's cousin, Carnie is his twin brother.
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Adult, killer Cassie……….
What about Monty?
We need more bad end Cassie, though I prefer more teen Cassie myself.
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Damn, now I want to make a whole family tree for the animatronics.
But I'm not sure about some connections. For example, would I list the originals as siblings as being created under William and Henry or would that be too incestious? Or would Roxy be a niece or would she be Foxy's daughter? What about recolors, would I count them as brothers?
Mating press.
Bigots deserve death, I guess.
Withereds are band before they went to rehab(pre fnaf 1)
Funtimes are Will's kids
Rockstar's are Henry's kids
Recolor are twins
Helpy x Chica made rockstar foxy's Parrot.
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where do the phantoms fit in all this
Why did they make chica less fat in subsequent incarnations?
What about the Cupcakes? How do we classify those? Pets?
She has an eating disorder
Unrealistic body standards.
They are meringue's children
She went bulimic.
people might get the wrong idea and think pizzas aren't nutritious
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What comes to your mind when seeing this image?
>"Children should wear more clothes to prevent uncouth pedophiles from sneaking photos."
Endless child-creating sex!!! Yes!!!
Mating press.
"I wonder how Baby's doing."
Mike Schmidt
William Afton
Michael Afton
>Gregory haven't you hurt her enough you MONSTER!
alternatively, Glamrock Freddy, Mimic, then Molten Freddy
What are some specific people from this community you dislike?
You specifically
the series going from having the main villain be an undead serial killer in a fursuit to a robot that mimics people reminds me of how they tried rebooting child's play and instead of being a serial killer's ghost in the body of a doll they made chucky into a robot that was tampered with to be evil by some fucking vietnamese factory worker
Full nelson
I'd agree if there was any possession in the current story, the main villain is an AI because the main plot is AI becoming sentient like Glamrock Freddy and Roxy
We desperately need to bring back ghosts possessing robots and child murder into the series.
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We have the child murder its just not the main focus cause steel wool fucked up SB, but hopefully future games touch on it (play as the parent of one of the missing kids from SB maybe). We'll get some child death in Sotm when they reveal his backstory, but likely just more normal murder, no need to repeat the whole Happiest Day plot again.
I wonder if this was something Steel Wool just put in like Burntrap actually, since it's never been brought up again, though I guess the VIP interactive novel (which has no contradictions) could kinda hint towards something like it with kids going missing at the Pizzaplex.
we technically do have child murder in SW era but it's only vaguely implied with one ending in SB showing missing kids and gregory vaguely talking about how there will be "more disappearances" at the exit of the pizzaplex
Also zombies.
Bring back zombie cyborgs.
I feel like FNAF's identity was kinda rooted in haunted robots though. If you take most of that away barring the Mimic taking in Edwin's agony and becoming evil then it's just another evil robot story.
If they do wanna do AI they could do something where one character IS possessed but at the same time has to share a body with the built-in AI already inside of it.
and you
Genius, give it 6 seasons and a movie.
I don't pay enough attention to the community outside of here, so I'm just gonna say (you).
I feel like Agony is just a way to have haunting without having to tie a ghost to it desu, otherwise you just have a billion dead kids running around in every damn robot, or like EVERY nightmare staffbot is a dead staff member from the pizzaplex, it's basically the same thing in Scott's mind i feel which is why he uses it so much because its the same effect at the end of the day but with much more freedom with how you can do it. The Mimic is mainly agony fueled because of this, but technically it wouldn't be any different if he was the spirit of a kid that was beat by his dad, only that agony makes it more freeform in writing since you dont have to tie it all to dead children.
Cassie's dad can get turned into a staffbot in one of the endings to HW2, but
>he could be haunting it but he could also be a cyborg with his brain plugged into it instead
>it's unclear if the ending is actually canon and the Staffbot could just have some other guy's brain while Cassie's dad is perfectly safe at home
Aren't all the endings in HW2 canon? Like in a sense? Cassie's dad gets jumped and put into Mask Bot, then while his brain in in the pizzaplex system the PQ4 stuff happens, and he helps Vanny expunge Glitchtrap? Unlike other fnaf games these dont feel mutually exclusive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfhLYOIVOuo Any of you guys watched Family Comes First? I think it works pretty well as an epilogue to UCN.
Can animatronics get pregnant?
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Very cool, here's my opinion on this piece of art.

[SPOILER]I will fuck the shit out Jackie. First I will jack my schlong dong all over her bukkake box until my balls turn blue. Then I'm stretching her innards out and making that Mimic pussy look like a new trail tunnel was constructed. Lastly, I'll grab the clownslut by her pigtails and make her choke on my cock till she swallow my children whole. I won't fear Jackie, Jackie will fear me.[/spoiler]

That was all. Have a nice day.
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I don't know, but I'm sure as hell gonna try.
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What amazes me is I just got into FNAF this year, I never bothered playing the games until now after trying Security Breach on a whim because it has Roxy. I was instantly sucked into this franchise and its lore immediately after that. Now for the part that really amazes me...I never knew about Springtrap or William Afton or Springlock suits until this year despite being aware of this franchises existence since it first came out in 2014. I knew about Chica, Foxy, Freddy, Mangle, Toy Chica, and of course all the Glamrocks but Springtrap and his origins came as a surprise. Springtrap is peak fnaf, absolute horror, a rotting walking corpse contained within a springlocked trap of his own design. Its metal as fuck.
I also think brainwashed Cassie is just plain retarded. Vanny can be done as some sort of heroine now through Vanessa. She's in control now. Vanny can be the puppet equivalent of this era instead of just repeating the tiresome concept of the bunny characters being the villains.

What will most likely happen is that Cassie (and Roxy) were saved by Tangle to get revenge on the Mimic since both are victims of him. It's also confirmed it was watching Cassie through Ruin.
Do you guys like the name "Tangle" or "The Blob" better?
Blob cause Tangle is an enemy in FNAF World.
Tangle would have made sense if Blob's head was Mangle
Blob, it just sounds cooler.
Tangle's a Mangle recolor from FNAF World.
Inaccurate. That bear only has eyes for Glam Bonnie.
I refuse to call it tangle, and I hope everyone calls him blob forever.
>Molten Freddy comes back
>uses the Funtime Freddy face AGAIN
>Molten Freddy comes back
this did not happen
Most nu fnaf tubers that spawned after security breach
Such as?
Uhyeah, Bizabow to mention a few

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