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The fuck is this art style edition

30.2.3 Patch Notes: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/3023-patch-notes/134666
Check in to the In-Game Shop for Free Gifts!: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24116733/check-in-to-the-in-game-shop-for-free-gifts
Definition of Cement: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cemented
Declaration of Cement: https://x.com/Frodan/status/1230169123532894210

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes
https://hsbgguide.com/ - Battlegrounds

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
https://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previous cooked edition >>492698898
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First for non rigging Algo... who the fuck plays handlock in 2024 with no new cards
captcha GOAT X
Cutlass rogues need to die
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it's crazy to me that they find random people from Uzbekistan to make this crap
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Same energy
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>AI slop will never be goo-
the man knows what he likes, let him cook
Kinda funny the signature artwork gives her lush black latina hair.
Still an ugly rat.
She looks like she fucks human men
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my god, and people actually though the miniset would save rogue
Cutlass rogue on top
wait untill you encounter cutlass rogie with 20 attack weapon who gaslight into 1 cost cards and draw whole discount deck
cutless won't run a 4 mana do nothing or a 4 mana give your weapon 2 attack and, just for the sake of argument, if they did and the deck became viable it would immediately get shut down by people throwing a viper in their deck
Rogue and other rng based classes always get fucked by aggro, in wild at least they do
>4 mana
yes 4 mana, you're not wasting your scoundrel or prep on these worthless cards when you've got actual good targets to use them with instead
Could be worse

You could be Hunter.
ai generated
you get more for 1 mana cards from other classes... its worth spend extra (if you have luck and gaslighter in hand)
the 4 mana +2/+2 to weapon is going to mindbreak a good chunk of posters itt
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>hisses in your path
I dunno. It looks basically unplayable.
>suddenly your 4 mana 2/2 is 1 mana 4/4

Whomst even runs viper these days? Maybe in a ETC but not hard running it to counter a class that will probably barely see play.
4/1, you mean. You only get one swing because the weapons getting viper'd as soon as you pass turn.
No cutlass rogue is going to run a card that adds durability. Their durability comes from playing other class cards.
>all running 1 viper
>you have 2 cutlass in deck (maybe more vs dk)
Viper isn't legendary. You can run two in a deck.
maybe you won't have to depend on a bunch of random class cards and can still run a life steal weapon without being run down by aggro idk
thats why rogue is hard to play even if u have valeera and all the OP rogue cards
It is a 4 mana +2/+2. If it was cheaper, sure. But at 4 mana? You are overpaying when you can get +1 durability playing other class cards.
Now why the hell did they give Hunter a stand alone reveal in the middle of the night if it’s not a legendary tourist? What did Hunter do to deserve this suffering?
Should be a 3 mana card so it could work with Sonya and prep
For me, the issue is the hair.
Maybe make it more shaggy and messy, with a cute witch's hat on top.
Atleast Robocaller is adorable.
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Nice blow up retard....anyway let me finish you with your tools
works with the pirate that reduces by 3
why is its mouth and face so blurry
it looks like 2 seperate pieces of art that were mashed together at the last second
the concept art the artist posted amplifies that
>my yogg cast draw 7
>opponent yogg cast 15 armor
Easiest rig in HS
Still win because second copy casted wheel of death for him and im finish him on last turn with king crush ( sponsored by marin treasures) clown world
That is significantly worse than if it worked with prep.
>only some classes get a new tourist
this aggravates me
I won't reinstall, but I will say Robocaller is sexy.
at what rank does control warrior become playable? d5? theres nothing but counter matchups in gold
Mage should have had rogue tourist to begin with thoughover

A board buffing mage with no access to any real big paladin spells while simultaneously pushing big mage what the FUCK is this team doing
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Would a 4mana +8/+8 see play in hunter I wonder.
The higher you go the more optimised the decks become.
Huh why would it become more viable. You're going to lose to fatigue meme priests in gold and then to turn 6 OTKs in Legend. Same shit really. It's lot like you're every going to verse someone you can out resource with your control tools then finish with your high cost cards. That hearthstone doesn't exist anymore.
I just now did it with a diaper dazzler deck
Did you control someone with your 4mana 15 damage and your endless 2mana deal 3.
Retuning player here, came back via phone because of insomnia, which of these are good to keep?
the priest deck is similar to a meta deck right now, zarimi priest, and is overall the best of the 6
paladin deck sucks but has some decent cards if you want to craft and play handbuff paladin like a degenerate
the rest are awful
>the rest are awful
I enjoyed the simplicity of the death knight deck, it's pretty fun
handbuff DK isn't the worst thing in existence, but this is a weird shitty attrition-oriented version of it
>ugh, I can't get the face right, I'll just use AI
>female Warcraft worgen face, furry, looking at viewer, smiling, masterpiece, ultra-detailed
>... what the fuck is that?
>whatever, uh... I'll fix the eyes and the hair, blur it a bit and uuuuh good enough
>4 mana +2/+2 to weapon
Am I missing something or this is absolute garbage? Warrior had +1/+1 for 1 mana.
It is.
let's say i wanna sped $50 on this game as a returning player - is it worth it? Will I have at least one semi-fine deck? Is this game even worth it in general?
Go buy another game. Balatro is fun.
you get a free deck if you haven't played in a long time
>Will I have at least one semi-fine deck?
you'll get that without paying anything
>Is this game even worth it in general?
depends on if you like the meta, it's currently decently diverse class-wise but also very aggressive
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Why you all forgot about last hunter card that will surely save us?
fried his brain on psychedelics. thinks the rapture is coming, yearns to communicate telepathically. possibly a heroin addict
tragic ending to a once blissful career
bazaar bros how we holding up
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>Get Brann + Murloc
>Don't roll a single primal fin the ENTIRE game
Holy fuck. Still ended 2nd cause Murlocs are broken but what the fuck.
There's just zero quality assurance...

I really want to bone wolf girls but this is just embarassing
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he's just christian and family-pilled
rest of that post is a large amount of fanfic
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>Action. Packtion. Packed. Perfection.Perfection.
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>try to pop off with this
>suddenly doomsayer and destroy any board i was attempting to build
not even the first time its happened
YOU FORGOT SOMETHING - manacheat lifesteal shadowstep
most likely 5 or 6 you need space for cards
and excess bananas dont matter because removals
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Turns out kurtrus hero in a cutlass rogue is preeeeeetty good.
fat fuck zeddy gave this card 5 (FIVE) stars
>chess general moved 200 posts today
>this general moved 5 posts today
so sad
>chess general
how many of those posts consisted of sucking each other over and inflating egos?
Chess general is just a circlejerk
We actually talk about the game
I hate Yogg so much bros.
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I miss Kripp
I miss Trump
I miss Kalento
But most of all I miss Reynad.
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these people arent your friends
they never were
Neither is Jackie Chan but I still love his movies.
What's your point?
Bro It's actually insane how much I miss being part of a scene that was alive.
>we are left with fat fuck zeddy and random ESL who makes a grift charging to tell you what cards to play over discord
very grim
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yeye I've heard this one before. I've never see anyone shedding a tear for jackie chan
Jackie is alive and well.
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he was never part of it
it was all in his head
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oh I like that weapon glad the priest tourist self damage is getting more support
Why are you so bitter and sad?
two cards are SUS
>more overstatted rush minions with bullshit deathrattles
no one plays big or control dh.... they throw bone
cant wait to see how aggroliters start abusing that card(s_)
why are you so homosexual?
usually dh have deathrattle draw weapon that deal way more fatique damage so new weapon not good
You first.
none of these cards fit into highlander. damn you team 5
Can I get away with playing pirate shaman without the titan until I have the dust for it?
you can play whatever you want, you are gods most beautiful creature. don't let anyone else ever tell you otherwise.
Please tell me this is fake.
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I don't know if its fake but this one happened 100%
>Druids get the most insane draws
This meta is so fucking stupid
I'm gonna do it then. Al’Akir welcome to the crew
congratulations on the transition
Pirate shaman runs the titan?
no one cares about chess other than gooning to alex and the jungle asian chick
you gotta just play and pull cards from packs.
you can paypig the new miniset for some legendaries or something if you want or a classic set I think but like, you don't have to at all.

if you don't wanna have to worry about legendaries as much I'd say standard has less of that.
bring steamcleaner back already holy shit
you mustve dyslexia'd the numbers here
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>it's trash
kek they pushing aggro priest ? TWO MANA 4/4 ???? with upside
>not a pirate
>not demon
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unless you play it with pic rel for some shitty ass 7 mana combo its 2 mana discard a card
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this one seems a bit less shit than the others
>its 2 mana discard a card
it's actually worse than that, it's 2 mana skip your next draw if you have anything in hand
losing a draw can be worse than discarding a card because sometimes you draw into something as good or better than what you discarded
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5 mana 8/6
>priest isn't allowed to be good because little timmy finds it unfun when the enemy can restore health to keep minions and himself alive
>but 80 health 20 armor DK that drags the game to turn 30 is okay
dont forget dk has access to a 2 mana 4/4 with no downside
For 5 mana you can play envoy to get rid of an expensive brick and then play overplanner to shuffle it out of your top deck.

Will Reno priest still be an awful deck? Absolutely. That said, Im still gonna try it out there.
Priest is still good but there sure are a lot of *delete the board while ignoring deathrattle* cards these days
unless your highest mana cost is 3
neat card
There are absolutely no "little timmies" playing hearthstone in this day and age.
I know a mini set won’t be enough to address its issues but I miss when dragon priest actually had a variety of things to play to make the archetype fun to play even after a good while. Dragon Druid seems to have the right idea but still not quite right either. I guess because of Zarimi they just can’t risk handing priest more dragons but even so, whatever happened to making none dragon cards that cared about dragons? Are we too far gone with modern HS that we can’t have cleric of the scales type cards?
Card design is extremely political. The are two groups in the HS-community. Blizzards target audience and everybody else. The target audience is served. Others are just wallpaper.
There are 3 winconditions discernable regardless of expansions: a. Burn, burn,burn. b. spam-buff-go face and c. OTK. It is euphemistically called faced paced. Those wincons serve the target audience. If that crowd gets mad they nerve. All others may suffer.. and those start complaining here.

Ever wonder why a class like Priest never consistently is and was a Tier one? Yes dragon Priest is well known. Because Priest is not an target audience class. Imagine Priest to be consistently oppressive as Paladin, Mage, Hunter, Rogue.....all hell would break loose.
The problem of Hearthstone is the problem of its developers. The non-target audience community are the second class citizens in the Hearthstone realm. And they feel it. It raises much contempt and complain. The lack of balance, the lack of wincon diversity, too steep RPS are all condusive to a mindless aggressive gameplay of the target audience.
Little Timmy might be in his 30s now but he never grew out of his entitled manchild attitude. If Timmy cannot have fun, nobody else should.
Least unhinged controddler
I came back from a several year hiatus in july and it hurts me so much to see what they did to my favorite class. All the cool priest cards are no longer standard and the stuff just doesn't make me excited to play the class. I ended up playing dragon druid but like you said it is missing that something. It's just a bunch of solid cards that also happen to be dragon. I want something like Duskbreaker or our favorite secret agent
Your justifications could be said of Druid, that its some lame niche non-target audience class or whatever. Except it doesn't apply to druids because they still dominate
No Druid has ever fucked me in the ass. Except that one time in Wild.
i just installed the game why does it crash on startup
Did you only start playing after the innervate nerf
Stop living in the past, old man.
its trying to save you from yourself
Step into the noose
I think this game needs a stronger computer than you would believe. My menus are very laggy and the game tends to crash. I'm gonna see if I can upgrade my CPU and GPU for it I only have a 3600x and 2080TI it's getting old this hardware
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Oh, you're playing a slow lategame deck basically built on wasting my time?
Cool, I'll just wait until the very last millisecond of the rope each and every turn to waste your time too, since that's what you want.
Enjoy your 30 minute game you fucking retard. Are you having fun?
Yeah. And I'll be sure to send you a friend request after I win.
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>bro I just distilled 2 kg of fentanyl and coke in a bathtub like a bathbomb and drank all the water, you know what's a good idea? how about a cards that increases your max hp by 10, and increases your deck size by 10?? yeah we felt like games should either be 10 seconds or 10 hours long
>Gems of war decade old jpeg gacha deckbuilder
>Run smooth on any platform
>have power saving mode
>made on Unity
>1gb storage 400mb RAM

>NU Hearthstone jpeg gacha deckbuilder(lol no)
>LAGS on Laptop LAGS on desctop WONT run on old mobile
>10gb 2gb RAM
>Unity engine
Really makes me think about nu HS devs....
I have yet to have anyone regarding of rng add me after a game desu, except for 1 guy who was confused about some mechanic. People used to add me all the time after games and talk shit back in the day.
I don't look at the screen when it's not my turn; you can do whatever you like.
I remember back when jailer making all your minions immune meant pic related was an absolute menace for the opponent in standard, dunno if you'd still run him with new priest card for a extra board clear combo though
The cards these days have some insane value compared to when i remember. Chillwind Yeti 4 mana 4/5 used to be a really decent card with high winrate when picked in arena. These days are pretty crazy
im gonna try to get to plat tonight in wild
im at gold 5 currently
that's a somewhat viable method to concede-bait.
doesn't the rope just go fast if you do this?
i would add people and talk shit but i value my account too much at this point
I just pulled Guff but I haven't gotten a good deck for him yet
>last place because shit rolls on trinkets and minions
>have to place 3rd 3 games in a row to get back my rank
love the new trinker system
start streaming to get blizzard favour
>pick tess
>pick automaton
>4 players mech
>never met them
Holy rigged....
Are mechs the meta in battlegrounds right now?Came back to the game recently and they seem very centralizing so far.
lobby rotating each game.... anon....
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>i lost
never mind...
all mech self discovered
it's all luck, sorry you deluded yourself into thinking you had any semblance of skill
>that reddit video with quickdraw otk
sure buddy
This is not a priest card.
This is a demon hunter card they printed to enable the DH tourist.
Murlocs and Mechs are the 2 strongest tribes because of how good buffing the tavern is. Then Demon and Quillboar. Beast has one OP comp but everything else is meh unless you luck into slammer. The worst comps are pirate and dragon. Everything else is in between
I feel like demons are way stronger than murlocs in every regard.
Demons almost always lose to murloc as demons counter is poisonous. I feel Murlocs are stronger but according to Jeef who is 15k. They are equal.
Well what were they supposed to do, just keep reprinting yeti and boulder fist ogre? no but you're right, the power level is through the roof which was something that was supposed to be addressed in a new standard rotation and a clean slate but they keep making more and more cards that are extreme outliers amongst a reasonably balanced game

imo discover keyword is much more unhealthy for the game and needs reigned in and some limits put on them
Aggro priest bros.........
We won
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hate this nigger so much unbelievable
Yes that's kinda the flavor of the expansion if you didn't notice.
if it's "all luck" why are there people who win consistently retard
you're just shit and coping hard
>decided change my priest to reno
>first game reno rogue
>burn my reno via generated mukla
>generate druid egg from ass
been a while since I've seen t4 helya into t5 corpse bride + 8/8, not long enough though
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Bring him back
i just died to mech rogue on d2..... wtf....
Are you one of them? No?
Then it's all luck.
nice cope sweaty, still shit though
>people who win consistently
you need to define what this actually means for it to have any validity
as a vague statement it is meaningless. does getting to legend consistently qualify as "winning consistently"? if so, that can be done with low skill
does it mean "they avoid ever going on losing streaks"? if so, that is not true
i could go on but point being, a large % of outcomes in this game are determined by luck and if you think skill plays a major role you are delusional. skill is a factor but it is a minor one
nta btw
read the fucking reply chain before you start bitching at me you goddamn mouthbreather
>play morgaine in arena
>rogue somehow generate 50+ heals
>generate 10 taunts
>cant finish him
fucking discover clown fiesta i wish they ban all discovers in arena ( or at least from other classes)
I think everyone wants consistent decks especially when farming, so you try to work the cards in ur favor as much as u can.

you see two archetypes the 30 card rush combo deck
or 40 card long battle deck
what decks are you guys using?
Pirate DH. Either I win by turn 4-5 or I load up the next game. Most effortless grind
found fucker who ruin my cutlass rogue and burgle paladin games... now i know your IP adress
post your deck?
I might try pirate rogue again
I auto concede against all rogues because I hate playing the class so it's not me for sure
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Am using the returning player deck to grind out my last couple of ranked wins to golden paladin. Really annoyed i can't edit the trial decks or much neededly remove deputy aura from it. Deputy aura is literally a dead draw for that deck every single time but otherwise the rest of it works fine. Usually know by turn 4 or 5 if i win orherwise i just out and requeue
beached whale bros we finally got our combo all we need is 12 mana
ah yes 12 mana only druid can make it..... oh wait....
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and then it summons more with hydration station
the moby dickening is upon us
>naxx in the background
was it supposed to be a deathknight tourist card at some point and they just didnät bother to change the artwork at all?
why would a death knight go on vacation in naxx
that's like a dwarf going on vacation in ironforge
actually death knight starting area is Archeus


its not in Northrend so this is plausible
and this may not be Naxx there is many Ziggurats in wow
anon... the death knight hero is the lich king
not happy hippie horde / alliance death knights
still naxx dont have connections to Lich King directly he just moved it to Northrend
Kel'Thuzad main dude here Lich King main citadel is Ice Crown
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>naxx dont have connections to Lich King
Yes... they need filler raid for WOTLK and they pulled Naxx from Classic lirerally copy but with casual mechanics Im Talking about naxx dungeon not characters like KT
please stop acting like you know anything about lore
and learn to speak english
what decks u guys using?
reno dh/warrior/priest, earthen, cutlass, mech warrior, big demon warlock
soon amalgam rogue if the new give lifesteal card is worth a shit
this card goes great with uhhh... mmh... *walks away*
>turns (plural)
probably means it keeps summoning it every turn so long as its still alive
So just once then
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Why do they keep doing this shit?
>make le epic reference to a meta-defining card from back when this game was actually good (ie. back when minions weren't glorified spells with stats attached)
>insist on giving the reprint the same stats and cost as the original
>add some bullshit condition that completely ruins the point of the likely already underpowered card to destroy its chances of ever seeing play
Why? What's the point of making these cards if you know for a fact they're going to be bad? Cubelock was a deck from 2017, how could they possibly be afraid of a card's power level from 7 years ago in the today's meta? They already made a 3 mana pseudo-Cube last year with Ravenous Kraken that still sees no play because it has nothing to synergize with.
i miss duels bros....
>ddiq makes a ddiq argument
>ddiq gets called out for her bad argument
>ddiq has a bpd meltdown and screams about how other person is less intelligent than her
>doesn't like it when someone else does some retard tier mana cheat and concedes bullshit
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we can't even get cute art in this game anymore...
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Some broken bullshit.
even more ways to ramp
It's time for the 1 mana ramp.
It keeps happening.
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we literally just got one of the cutest pieces of art in the game that is also very high quality and fits the original hearthstone aesthetic
you wouldn't fuck a telephone right guys? haha
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Do people even know what a rotary phone is
built for aural
>play ramp
Ack this rope burning again... nigga should play BGHs instead of trogg doomkin and extra swipe
>fits the original hearthstone aesthetic
no it doesn't. it actually perfectly encapsulates how hearthstone takes things that are somewhat relevant to wow lore and adding a bunch of extra bullshit to it that no one asked for. goblin and gnome engineers never made uwu qtpie sex doll telephones. someone on the hs dev team decided "well, they made machines, and our hiki fanbase would probably like a sex doll waifu, so let's just add it to the lore"
> 8 holes
imagine gangbangs....
okay i take it back that's really cute
good one
But Zeddy says there’s no other card game that looks better than Heartshtone! You saying Zeddy is wrong??!?! :^O
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
Strip durak with russia prostiture 16yo teens
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Elements guide you friend
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>why aren't you guys playing locations? hello??
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Too Slow.
These would have been bad 8 years ago, is this the worst expansion ever? The power level is retardedly low
Horizon's Edge is the only good one currently. You wouldn't even cut a card for this anyways.
I am gonna have nightmares about these animal artworks
If she’d have me
too slow for aggro-litestone? you don't say
you fail to see that it's intended to use with ryecleaver for le epic board flood
its for priest one (puppet for 2 also early game )
I see puppet so little I forgot about it for a moment. Better for that at least.
priest also runs the 1 mana location so its not that good
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give it reborn or a tribe tag and it will see play. no one is running this shit
This might be the worst miniset and that’s saying something when audiopocalyse and Booms workshop exist.
you play 1 mana loc on t1 then Peon trade it and you have 2 mana puppet good for doomkin/boomboss niggs
Also 5/5 that copy location better now
Anyway that info is useless because your dead on turn 5
location rogue maybe ? they love scam giants and this is good 2 drop before big turn
>just play the 1 mana location beforehand
my god anon! youre a genius!
taunt warrior bros...
I backtraced your IP and stole it all
I'm placed in some shit called "apprentecishep" all of a sudden and lost all my cards and gold
Do I get it back after I complete this ?
Why am I placed in this bullshit I am not a new player what the fuck is this shit why is it only happening to me
are you sure you didnt switch regions? go check
paladin cards
ultimate infestation: woke edition
I think im gonna use my 2k gold on packs instead and gamble for actual cards
Is there a way to earn gold outside of the daily quest? I'm not even halfway to the 2K I need for miniset I won't make it in time
yeah but you're too stupid to set it up so I wont even try explaining it to you
I've been playing for like 3 weeks give me a chance please
Yeah they put me in a diff region idk why
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don't worry bro, just whitemane this board, i'm sure it'll help you counter it! :)
>download LDPlayer & thonny
>install hs on ldplayer
>record macro
>run macro through the python script
>run your newly generated macro in ldplayer
>get ~80g a day doing nothing
the doc was written by an imbecile so some parts don't add up
AGGRO and useless shit.... paladin just new hunter
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BGGods you were right all along. I cant believe i wasted so many years believing that stanturd could get better. I kneel to you and declare you victorious as a former standardchud!
Should have preordered the mini set
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4 mana
>restore 4 health
>summon 3 silver hand recruits
>draw 2
HOLY fucking kino imagine discovering this
I'm reporting this to Blizzard
forgot to tell u guys what I play
wild only
lately been playing fatigue druid(finally pulled guff), big priest (rush deck), grimestreet/dragon paladin, thief rogue, boar priest, demon lock
I basically only use weird gimmick decks and I'd probably win a lot more if I just had a bunch of minions and board clear spells
80 gold per day?! omg give me the malware NOW!!
>no holy tag
Sad. Stop doing this blizzard.
MarkMcKz, is that you?
im coming back tp the game wtf are those wooden doors on the board
Slap it down, "activate" it for the effect and it stays closed until the turn after next. Some of them can open earlier if you satisfy their conditions.
cora's creation and they're here to STAY!
I swear there used to be a heartstone card with a female voice saying "you are not HIM" but I can't fucking find it
its better than old cube in a few scenarios, ie you dont have the mana to trigger its deathrattle.
Void caller on 4, kill it on 5, summon a big demon, cube it and get a copy and potentially summon more. big highroll stats.
I like the potential, and if nothing else i get to run 4 cubes in my big warlock wild deck which is always fun
Locations are honestly some of the LEAST offensive newer shit in the game
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free spells
its still shit that you can't interact with outside of one horrible tech card
they could make locations take 1 damage at a time (-1 charge per hit), or give them a large health pool
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Holy cancer. Do these faggots unironically enjoy playing the slot machine every turn?
Just play around it bro
You know...this is unironically one of blizzards legitimate deck "types" for mage. It's why the class fucking sucks.
420 praise the Light.
Why I've been conceding T1 to mage for years now. Rather lose and win two more games than play this bullshit. At least now they have Elemental which plays normally but if I see they're not playing it I load up the next game
yeah yeah we know highroll poster.... post some creative like epic fails
I learned big neptulon priest from a chinese player, it's now one of my top decks. I talked to him in chinese thru google translate
>actual talk
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>heal to full
>have big board
>still dies tnx to double pupil crecendo
They nerf it right ? right ????
I never fail. Except one time earlier today where I missed legal and lost.
furries really replaced all the straight men on the team, huh
are these out yet?
no, 2 more days
>miniset this week and people are too busy theorycrafting to post

haha we are literally thriving
i dunno anon. we didn't have the early release for streamers to theorycraft for us :\
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>the miniset is going to ruin the first genuinely fun meta we've had in years
i just want to win
>no dr boom skin
>no grommash skin
>no antonidas skin
>no velen skin
>no cenarius skin
>no tirion skin
>no al’akir skin
thank god we got avocado toast anduin though

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