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# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #9 - Chapter3A and 4 delayed to create a proper gameplay/story transition between the chapters. Chapter4 (for now) confirmed to be only for Burial since it's Chapter3A overflow and could release together.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>493142509
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We are currently dealing with a known /vg/ troll. Do not reply to trolls under any circumstance. Endure his off-topic ERP and you'll find people who actually discuss the game occasionally while hanging around.
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Very based. I hope they lynch that guy!
Episode 3 never ever
Hi, anon.
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>Very based. I hope they lynch that guy!
Ugh, me too he’s been such a drag lately.
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You ain't from Michigan if you've never done this
Don't talk to me CREEP.
no jk you're alright
Thank you!
Hello anon!
They should hang him like they did with Mussolinni
Can we talk about nemleis other games ITT too or only coffin?
Yes all of Nemlei's games are welcome, thus the links to Nemlei's other games in the OP
Wow, epic drawing, but who’s that standing in the bottom left corner?
When it's this slow of course you can.
Especially since nobody gives a shit about devblogs anymore. Back in my day a devblog would get half a month of back and forth discussion. Now you get less than 24 hours.
All Nemlei's games are on topic here
>Ugh, me too he’s been such a drag lately.
The shotaphobe crossdress? That's lewd.
To be fair, lately devlogs all repeat the same stuff.
Lol, he’s such a contrarian that he’d dress up like Ashley if we told him that we hated it.
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A maybe punch him the face like how they did with Mussolinni kek

Crossdressing? Nah, he's just delicated.
Coffin is obviously the main subject of the thread, but NemNem's other games are always welcome discussion.

This latest devlog was really good however. I think the lack of discussion surrounding it comes down to it basically just confirming the shit everyone has been saying that Andrew knew about the voicemails and didn't care. Still, the confirmation of it opens the avenue for other discussion since that's no longer a point of contention and in fact canon in the same way haggots being retards is.
It’s worse than that, Nemlei is just releasing old assets that didn’t make it into the final cut of the game.
Sure, it'll be better than the blogposting and fetishposting at least
reverse psychology moment
This general has been an incest fetish general since day 1.
Incest ≠ molesting little boys
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Both are equally hot and based
There's a certain fetish that mysteriously makes up 10% of the posts but was never present during the episode 1 days for some reason
Imagine not filtering that shit, couldn't be me. It's gotten to the point where I almost never have to manually hide that shit.
Yes yes yes yes, we’ll have him dressed like >>493334209 in no time at all
Yes it is if you self insert as his older sister, boom your whole debate point has been destroyed!
>if you self insert as his older sister
I forget that I share this thread with unironic trannies.
Little brothers are very much incest too, retard.
The reason was that you hadn't sperged out about it yet so everyone didn't find it as fun to post about it.
Put him a collar with this name and voilà!
Shotaphobe would look so cute with a pink collar with a little bell on it, might even have to slap a set of cat ears on him.
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i like listening to music with calg
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We could fix him and make him the perfect boy.
That's one of my favorite drawings of yours that I've seen anon.
I love sharing music here even if no one else is listening to it. Keep sharing yours!
He already is perfect, I just need him in my basement.
Cute drawing.
This was my first post since thread ~230-ish, not everyone tired of your shit is the same person. I don't even have anything against loli/shota in a vacuum, but this isn't the time or place for it. Your fetish is completely unrelated to the contents of the game, and It's the same formulaic posts always derailing the thread.
yaaay :D i will sometimes
everyone tired of your epic posts is the same person, don’t listen to the discord moderator posing as a returning veteran.
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/calg/. Shit. I'm still only in /calg/.
Okay, but seriously: stop replying to him. He's never going to stop, the only hope is that he eventually gets bored of ERPing with himself and fuck off. Seriously, we were really good about this for a long time and I'd like the trend to continue. It's like arguing with the Terminator of autism, there is no bargaining or reasoning.
i feel like renee works as a nurse or in HR or some other stereotypical bitchy woman job
Based on her attire and general attitude, I would put her more in the line with disgruntled hotel lobby staff. Since she has pilfer money from her son, one can extrapolate that it's definitely not a job that pays reasonably well like middle-management or nursing.
No way she could afford a nursing degree. Andrew being the first university student in their whole bloodline seems more thematically fitting since he ultimately became a disappointment
i could see that, i could also see call center worker
Definitely possible, the only reason I lean more towards front-facing customer service oriented jobs like hotel staff is her business-casual attire. Too formal for something like a McJob, not a uniform that would match any of the uniformed professions, and something too casual for things like a fancy restaurant.
>first degree in their bloodline
>100% chance he went for something retarded based on poetry or writing
You are one of the most insufferable retards of the bunch, and if youre not the same nigger thats been making this awful joke for the past months, youre even more retarded for thinkings its fun enough to replicate. Biological women are funnier than this, kill yourself when convenient.
You know, as much as I rag on people for getting useless degrees I can strongly empathize with his position. There are parents who are less concerned that their children are happy and more concerned with their "success" measured by completely arbitrary bullshit.

>Biological women are funnier than this
Don’t you dare, take that back right now.
For the record, the other bait taker wasn't me.
I don't care. The universal rule from the fucking dawn of this site still remain in place: don't feed the fucking trolls. See an obnoxious post? Hit the little X button on the top right corner and go do something with your life instead of trying to mold a brick to the shape you want.
>I just need him in my basement.
You are literally my clone lmao
Love Andy
Love Kéfir
Love Bestie
Simple as
technically I could chisel that brick down...
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All of those words literally describe me!
I’ll be your sexy little brick, if you’ll be my Andrew Graves.
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O-m-g yeees bestie slay!
does Andrew build blocks and shit?
Okay, it’s time for me to go now, see you tomorrow!
So long as you talk about cute boys from Jack in the Castle.
See you! Goodnight and I hope you dream of Andy and Kéfir))
Love you xoxo
Best post in this thread
So was Julia afraid of Andrew deep down?
Probably to some degree. But she seems to have stockholme or she's at least very desperate so she's extremely naive and brushes everything off.
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thank you!!
also now that fag is gone i noticed a bunch of errors in the last pic so i fixed them.. ignore the last one it looks so bad in hindsight
she seems really anxious so id probably say shes afraid of everything kek
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I love your artstyle
Tal energy
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Just got back from watching football with my brother. He's so cool
Welcome back, homo.
Looked really good to me before, but I Immediately noticed the improvements. Great job!
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thank you buddy pals
Holy shit you retard what did we talk about last thread?
I really hope nemlei comes back to her old stuff and gives them the coffin treatment eventually. Or heck makes anything new at all after this game and doesn't just disappear with her millions...
They're going to do it one way or the other. It doesn't make a difference these days homie
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Very cute! I don't know what errors you made in comparison but great work fixing them.
Are plans on drawing them in the future?
Bro I think it's better for you to concentrate and keep making drawings
Just use your mind to filter them and pretent they don't exist
Really nice, what I like is how your art style is clearly inspired by TCOAAL but still distinct enough that it has a uniqueness to it!
thats not me...and you cant tell other people to "pretend they dont exist" when youre not doing that yourself
Owwww my eyes
I mean
>That guy leaves the thread
>Thread is quiet/normal
>Somehow they end up mention him
Like c'mon just why
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It's so nice of you fixing your art while thinking of me :-)
Ever consider making your own game? You got the art style down.
itd be fun, but honestly i have almost 0 ability to write, im just an illustrator. im kinda jealous of people like nemlei who can write AND draw
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What are they going to do to him?
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No stickposting.
Not even "stick together".
Just no.

Take him to my room. That's why there is no stickposting: he is busy with me.
Have to go for a run tonight but I feel so damn tired :(
Could always put out a casting call and work with a writer?
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>two Collector posts in 24 hours
I think I got an A in creative writing back in high school. I could prolly write a game or something
What a madlad. I respect his dedication.
Yule is a terrible husband. It should have been me.
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I do wish Ivy would've gotten into more shenanigans.
t. Ivy
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maybeeee....someday, would be fun
you can do it!
One must remain in optimal shape for sister seduc... cuddling.
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niiice very nice
Nice webm
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Listening to love songs and thinking about Julia
hi wnat to kiss
>It was Monday morning, and Ashley was happily making breakfast for her family. Her brotherhusband sat at the table and read the news.
>Just as she was plating scrambled eggs and handmade sausages from a mysterious meat source, she heard her daughter enter the kitchen.
>"Good morning, hon-" was as far as Ashley got while turning to her offspring. She stopped dead.
>"You are NOT going to school dressed like that, young lady!"
>Amber Graves, 16, stood in the doorway with a defiant expression. She wore a long-sleeved white blouse that left everything below her chin to the imagination, a pleated gray skirt that brushed the floor, and thick-rimmed glasses. In her arms was a stack of schoolbooks.
>"Yes, I am! This is who I am, Mom. I want to be a careerwoman. I don't want to do satanic rituals, or kill people, or drop out of school!"
>Andrew looked shocked and disappointed, but his sisterwife was boiling with rage.
> "No daughter of mine is going to dress like a... like a...!" Ashley almost couldn't bear to say it, but in the end, she spit out the slur with venom. "A POINDEXTER!"
>Tears streamed down Amber's face. "You've never understood me! Why can't you love me for me?! It's not a phase!"
>"Amber, don't speak to your mother like that," Andrew interjected with quiet anger.
>"And you know what?!"
>"Don't you dare..." her father rumbled.
>"I don't want to fuck my brother! Incest is wrong!"
>"Where did I go so wrong?!" her mother wailed. "What happened to my precious little demon spawn? You used to be so cute and evil!"
>"Amber Graves, go to your room right now!" Andrew shouted. He stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "You're grounded for the rest of the week. You're not going to school until you apologize and realize what you've done wrong."
>"Fine!" she sniffed. "I need to catch up on my studying, anyway."
>Ashley whipped her head around and glowered. "Don't you dare. You're going to play violent video games and sacrifice one of the neighbor's pets, or else!"
you take noelle i take yule
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I'm from Michigan and have no siblings to midwest wincest with. My purpose is to suffer.
make one
I don't have any siblings either and I have fucked up everything in my life. Might kill myself.
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How? HOW?! TELL ME!!!!
But my parents aren't hot!
I'd rather swallow glass
unattractive sex and unattractive sibling to have sex with or no unattractive sex and unattractive sibling to have unattractive sex with… you choose……
Life is so hard... Fine. Time to get the lube. It'll all be worth it to have my own daughtersister.
Wasn't gonna do it, but if you insist I can, I have to. ;P
r those ur plushiies
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teen andrew smoking..,.,. teenage..,,,. teen smmmoking.. boy…. boyss smoking..,.., ouughhfhf,. boys smoking…miuht teen boys smoking…, ouruuhuhhhgh
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(S)he will bury meeeeeeeeeeee
(S)he will bury meeeeeeeeeeee
What are the chances we'll meet Julia's older sister?
probably considering where this game is going and the majority of the fanbase
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one more doodle before bed idk how i drew so much today
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Crackpot theory: Andrew is purposefully making himself impotent so he physically can't fuck Ashley, meaning he'll never have to face his true desires and can live in copeland for the rest of his life
what an evil mastermind
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oh my god his piercings hothothothothothothothtot HOT
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>1000 a day
Guess it's been a slow week for him
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Reminder that oniichans fuck 50 hussies per weekend, and that's in AVERAGE.
>Be attractive
>Be brooding
>Never open up
>Figure the rest out
thats what ive been saying, man
You're forgetting the most important part: a Big Brother Cock
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You're speaking my language
It's up to sisters to keep their brothers pure and orderly!
And to mass genocide the harlots who want to defile their brothers!
Goes without saying.
Alright /calg/ it's time for you to sleep. idc what timezone you're in.
ok daddy
fujo meltdown in progress, please stay at a safe distance
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I only woke up 13 hours ago but I'm already going to go to bed because I've totally lost control of my life
I need to drive to work in 10 minutes!
im there for you… ALWAYS.
You don't need a job! You have me!
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Sleep while you drive
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don't make me start counting.
I'll sleep when I crash. I'm too lonely.
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Counting how many times you're going to spank me for being a naughty anon?
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Go make some chocolate pudding
ok, wait, you have to tuck my plushie and i in first
please. please. please. please. please
then sing me a sweet lullaby. lull me to sleep!
you are the smartest person alive
You're too much effort, you know that?
fine... I'll do it, but you're only getting HALF a lullaby. I need to sleep. I've got a busy day of doing nothing tomorrow.
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Okay, get under the covers and lay your head down. Comfy? I will sing you the song of my people to lull you to sleep.
>Rack rack city, bitch
>Rack rack rack city, bitch
>Rack, rack rack city, bitch
>Mustard on the beat
>Rack city bitch, rack rack city, bitch
>Ten ten ten twenty on yo titties, bitch
>100 deep VIP, no guest list
>T-Raw, you don't know who you fuckin' with
>Got my other bitch fuckin' wit' my other bitch
Sweet dreams!
Thanks anon. That always gets em to sleep.
I actually did this once. Turned out fine but a speed bump or something jolted me awake.
That wasn't a speed bump! That was me, you asshole, and I'm crippled for life!
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oh lol
…do you still love me, even if im too much effort? :(
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of course
Such pinchable cheeks
based, wish I knew someone like that
Memories unlocked
God, I fucking hate that song but it's really goddam catchy
she primcess :]
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Thank you for that...
He gets pegged by at least 80% of them
cute anon, please moar
Will Burialdrew stop smoking for Ashley?
I don't think occasional nagging from her will change his mind.
I think if Andrew finally accepts his feelings for Ashley and commits 100% he won't need to feel stressed from hiding his love so he probably won't need to smoke anymore. He'll probably have withdrawals but some good ol sister cuddling will take care of that
But cigs taste very good though, they're an acquired taste for sure just like black coffee but once you enjoy them the occasional cig will really hit the spot.
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>the occasional cig
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We know she used to cut herself so she most likely ticks the depression box and has no self-esteem. Just how fucked up is Julia? I wonder if she looked up to Ashley of all people back in high school.
No good
Okay mom!
>black coffee
Why are men like this?
>I wonder if she looked up to Ashley of all people back in high school.
You know I was actually thinking about that a while ago. I remember in one of the flashbacks Julia seems happy that Andrew said Ashley considers her a friend(he's lying of course)so it made me think, does Julia actually like Ashley and maybe look up to her? They're both loners with no friends but Ashley doesn't seem to give a shit and does whatever she wants anyway. Maybe Julia respects her for that and wishes she could be like her in that regard.
What's wrong with black coffee?
but men with a need for nicotine are hot :(
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Don't sexualize our drug dependency you whore!
based queen
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cry about it
You'll be the one crying when he's dying of lung cancer
burn my wrist with a cigarette as a punishment for being A GROSS EVIL WHORE, and maybe ill learn to stop!!! :D
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Ey that's kinda hot!
get it? cus cigarettes are hot!
I was gonna bait but it was too low effort. I'll do better another time.
why must beekeepers fight can we take a break for a day or two
You know what also tastes good?
Sister lips
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My nose, you do the math
Pits aren't hairy enough
hot take: Andrew actually loved Julia
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After 300 millienia, I have awakened from my slumber. Has the full game released yet?
Boobs slightly too small.
I learnt many years ago that Episode 3 is never coming out.
That is a hot take because we know it's not true.
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How so? Kindness, pity and mutual wish fulfilment. All symptoms of love.
Also symptoms of being a customer service representative
Death to mothers, fuck your brothers!
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How do I get my brother to sniff my pits?
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Death to sisters, grope hussy love handles
when he's sitting down pretend some dumb thing he said annoyed you and try to "angrily" grapple his head in your pit and talk about how you're gonna kill him
Tell him you want to wrestle. If he refuses, do it anyway. Shove your pit in his face. Smile and giggle afterwards.
What's he going to do about it? Call the police?
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I love to imagine that this is Andrew teasing Julia about not losing the baby-weight after having a child.
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>Andrew and Julia having a child together.

Ashley is going to lose her shit.
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Keep imagining. Andrew doesn't love Julia
Nah, Andrew 100% loves Julia.
Remember he's *stuck* with Ashley but chose Julia.
while pretending Ashley was there the entire time
Imagine what a great aunt Ashley would make
Having an incest fetish doesn't invalidate one's relationship.
imagining she's someone else invalidates one's relationship
Because couples never role play in the bedroom. Suuuure.
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Lol, good one!
Yeah it does. This is a sad cope
That's way different. This is sad just stop
So, is Julia actually Jewish? Have you guys figured that out after a year of arguing?
You're Julia and jewish? Yuck!
Seems the same to me.
I mistyped "Is" as "i" so I have to delete my comment.
Sister Neettoes
I'd do it discretely at first when snuggling, eventually I'm just going to tell you smell good. Really good.
Andrew... it's okay to love your sister.
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No, it isn't and you're coping, Juliafag
I'm a sistertitty extremist, but sisterpits are entirely compatible with Paislam, for who among us that loves sistertitty cannot admit that having more angles with which to appreciate aforementioned jiggly melons is preferable?
Is Julia Jewish?
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Ashley farts in the bathtub
Haha, you’re quite a feisty little artist! Keep it up I think it’s really cute personality trait. So for the changes all that I notice is a line gone from Andy’s shirt and you fixed Leyley’s nose. Also, for the record I’m straight.
Yes and so are Andrew and Ashley. They all have black hair in Northern Europe which is a dead giveaway.
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A sign of fertility. If my wife kept the baby weight on, I'd get her pregnant again immediately
She's too kind and caring for that.
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Amen to that. Anyone have that edited picture where they have 4 children?
Milf Julia
Fuck off
Yeah, keep being feisty, you know it gets me going.
It's not roleplay. Andrew is insane and is trying to use Julia as a medium to commune with Ashley. He only accepts Julia's existence insofar as it does not interfere with his sisterly immersionq
Why are you like this? Legitimately asking
To get replies and troll the thread, stop replying retard
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Best I can do is /u/
How the hell did female homosexual reproduction produce two boys?
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Just messing with you a little bit, I love your art lol. Was I right about the changes you made or was there more done to the piece?
I just really want to know what causes someone to become such an insufferable faggot. Like, I have nothing against shota/loli shit but when the thread becomes literally nothing but shotafagging and erping and the same posts day by day, it gets annoying. Can they literally talk about anything else?
Okay, but that shouldn't produce any males due to a lack of male sex chromosomes among the parents
stop being a nerd
nta Andrew's very sane and solution pilled
It's one serb subhuman named gorki, all he does is write incredibly cringeworthy ESL trashfics on his embarrassing AO3 profile.
It’s not the only thing I talk about, I talk about plenty of other things in the thread.
The guy hasn't even played the game so he can't talk about anything but his fetish lol
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Shut up dork
He is too hot for his own good.
All the middle aged hussies will want his dick.
Your mistake was assuming that they use the XY sex determination system, when Julia is clearly avian in her features.
There's more than just him. He's just the most insufferable out of them
>nothing about humans
Nope, all me
Nope, all me(You)
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With true love, ANYTHING is possible
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Mpreg is this evolutionarily superior as the XY configuration of males allows for both male and female offspring! I like to imagine that if the siblings ever met Yule and Noelle, Yule would totally assrape Andrew (Andrew is moaning) and use his imp magic to imboygnate Andrew's boypucci. This wouldn't be the first time Noelle had to put up with adultery from Yule, so she'd scold Yule and act distant towards him until he manages to seduce her. Noelle's attempts to connect with Ashley would be in vain as Ashley would naturally call her a skank and of course call Andrew a pig and bawl her eyes out over Andrew refusing the warmth of a woman and instead giving himself up to another man. Ashley would threaten to kill herself if Andrew didn't get an aboytion, but Andrew, wanting to cope that he's normal, larps as a conservative Christian and says aboytions go against the Bible. This is when Ashley would devise a plan to ram a coathanger into Andrew's boyterus while he sleeps. I can't believe Nemlei is delaying Episode 3 to fully flesh out the mpreg arc and give us the epic story we deserve. Thank you, Nemlei.
I think it might just be him and his tranny e-gf from back when he was a nuisance in one of the coffin discord.
Assuming his tranny e-sex buddy didn't kill ximself yet.
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Ah, shitcord drama, eh?
I'm so fucking glad I avoid discord communities
Stop pretending to be me!
>No actual life was made
So nothing?
trust the chinese scientists
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I just got on, what am I getting blamed for now? The Nuremberg trials were falsified, I swear.
No idea, but today the anti-andy posters are being extra rambunctious.
Which Nemleiverse character has the largest cock
Mr Graves canonically.
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Total Julia abuse
Putting Nina over my knee and spanking her butt
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>We train young gamers to headshot and tbag people but the normies won't allow them to add INCEST to their favorite list because it's obscene.
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Ashley is a fake Hello Kitty fan. Hello Kitty doesn't like knives or blood or any of that stuff. She likes apple pie and spending time with her friends and that's that!
Nina sex
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Mother/daughter > brother/sister >>>>> father/daughter > outcest
found the tranny!
Easily the least common type of incest
found the straight!
I'm already excited for the Sanrio x Junji Ito stuff, Hello Kitty x TCOAAL is a cherry on top
hello kitty fans are such a joke zoomers make memes about them
Andrew and Ashley in real life
The Andrew and Ashley in question:
>implying I care what zoomers say
Reject the concerns of others and find yourself a freer man
From the bottom of my heart,
thank you for this post,
Finally, some real mental illness
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Do you think Andrew and Ashley popped each other's pimples when they were teenagers?
but what else did they do?
They helped each other masturbate, purely platonically of course.
Andrew helped Ashley's period cramps by giving her tummy massages
goon siblings
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the reason calg started a war against OCs
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I don't see the problem personally
Hussies and hoodlums???
Total outbreeder death
what porn does Ashley like?
I think she likes hardcore rape stuff
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Andrew has made countless single mothers and does not plan on stopping any time soon
What the fuck is this abomination
Honestly? Kinda cute. Still wouldn't want her anywhere near Andrew.
Nah not even close, she's the type who doesn't watch porn and schlicks like once a months
this is pretty common in women
Not accurate, they didn't start making out halfway through
Me after a long day of playing in an abandoned charcoal factory.
how boring
Andrews over there is jerking it to real life incest vids in their shared bedroom every night and Ashley just sleeps through it
Is this picrew?
She loves yaoi
i like to think she recommends her favorite yaoi stuff to Andrew to piss him off
Please anon, suppress your memes immediately. If someone dedicated and competent gets the idea to make a Coffin-themed Picrew, we'll never hear the end of it.
obviously out of these two Andrew is the hornier one, he is a man after all
>he doesn't know
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I bet she look for guys who look just like Andrew, then shows it to him.
Popped each other's cherries
I guess that's the advantage of driving stick
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Not only does Andrew masturbate multiple times per day, but he's also the kind of man to become completely immersed in his fantasies and always ends up loudly moaning all the way through.
Even worse, he genuinely doesn't realize he's doing it because everyone around him has just grown to ignore it instead of confronting him.
I want Ashley to wiggle her toes in my face
Imagine if Andrew jammed his fingers deeper into her every time they drove over a speed bump.
I guess the topic of the day is jerking off.
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>Anon is just jerking his shit dry
not a problem if you're not chopped
>Andrew moaning like a pornstar while Ashley listens from the closet and grinds on a pair of his boxers
That art is unbelievably erotic. I demand more images of Andrew jacking off in a castle.
>his parents loved him enough to not mutilate him
How's it feel being lucky
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>Andrew fingering Ashley and then using her grool to masturbate
Has such a thing ever been tried?
Man I need a nap
Can I join you?
Sure anon
>there's straight guys who moan while jerking off
most guys don't moan even when they're fucking
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>Terminate the hussy with extreme prejudice.
Me grunt.
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Why the fuck not? Are you not enjoying it enough to moan? Do you hate having sex because your sister is weird and ugly and you hate her and wish she was dead?! HUH?!?
women just feel more pleasure from sex then men. it's even worse for mutilated men
The best thing you can do is play dead and hope they get bored enough to wander off.
And yet Andrew had sex while Ashley is a virgin
Then why do men (who aren't virgins) still crave sex?
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very true, men are whoreeesss
Even me? :(
Especially you
um um um well...
Let’s goon
Only if we do it together.
It's okay anon, you can say it...
I'm a ho ;-;
but I'm your ho
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>why do men crave things that don't make them happy?
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Jesus Christ Andrew! Calm down!
>tfw no slutty Andrew bf
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Any last words, hussy? I don't care. Time for soup.
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I have drank Red Bull for the first time. Is this how ToxiSoda makes you feel?
ToxiSoda gives you wiiiiiings (heart palpitations)
Andrew will defend me!
Here's the B side to an older green.
>Be Ashley
>Be stuck at home with my Andy for the past few weeks
>No hussies!
>No distractions!
>No food.
>That's not good
>Wait, where's Andrew going?
>He's just shuffling out of the bedroom, towards our parents' room
>Pop up behind him
>I swear he jumped
>But he didn't turn around at all
>"Where are you going?"
>"What are you looking for?"
>"What is that?"
>He's ignoring my questions, but he's a little red in the face from picking up something from their closet
>A bucket?
>He finally replies, "It's not nutritious, but at least it's got calories. It's alcohol though, and given that we don't have..."
>Whatever, something that might have more flavor than saltwater
>Dip in a cup and take a deep sip
>Tilt my head up, a raspy gagging noise coming from my throat
>My eyes burn
>"This is terrible! It just burns!"
>He starts to explain that "It's just alcohol water. It looks like the stuff that this guy brought to this party-"
>Snap my head back down to stare at him, my eyes feeling like they're burning for another reason
>"-that, uh, kind of just happened at this slam poetry event on campus. You know the crazy artist type, it was terrible but I had to see how it was." he finishes
>I know he's full of shit, but I can't prove it.
>He starts lecturing me about "not drinking too much"
>Take a seat, because I'm feeling it, my legs feel like static
>Keep drinking though, because it beats the alternatives
>"The first thing with flavor I've had in two days and it's this, how cruel can the world be?" I say with an exaggerated swoon
>I think being indoors with Andrew reading all fucking day is getting to me
>But it caught him off guard, he laughed while braced to chug
>And now he's retching a little
>Start laughing at him
>"Stuff sucks, doesn't it?"
>"Yeah, but at least it's something," he replies, looking in the bucket again
>Look inside
>It's empty now
>He gets up to leave, his face looks concerned
>Is he going to be sick?
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Uhh... yeah, sure... totally. I will until my sister tells me to stop.
The last time I had an energy drink, it made me want to want to run through a wall. I'm sticking with coffee
>Right at his first step, he stops, grabs the table, and then turns to walk into the living room instead, spinning a little too fast
>He's drunk
>He goes into the living room and turns on the TV
>Slowly walk up around the couch
>Or at least, that was the goal
>I stopped halfway, I didn't realize my shirt felt like this
>Absentmindedly move my sleeve back and forth, looking at the back of Andrew's head
>Wait, Andrew, that's right
>Quietly continue my quest around the couch
>He's not even watching the TV
>He's just lying there
>With his head back
>His hair's longer than usual
>It's just falling back
>He looks almost like the paintings that they use on the covers of some of his books
>He looks good
>Holy shit he looks good
>Ease beside him on the couch
>My nose is almost against his cheek, I can't resist
>"Hiiiiii Andyyyyyy"
>He doesn't move
>So I don't move
>Come on
>Notice me
>He really won't crack
>"Fine, Andrew. Stop ignoring me," I say, poking his face, he can't ignore me forever, right?
>Right, given that he opens his eyes and finally glances at me
>He just put his arm around me and pulled me close
>He put his arm around me and pulled me close?
>My hand ends up on his forearm, end up just rubbing my thumb against it
>It feels so tingly
>Especially with his hand on my shoulder, rubbing me too
Andy noooooo!
>"Everything feels so funny," I say, maybe I can egg him into talking about what's going on
>Is he, you know? Does he finally understand?
>"Shit, I'm drunk," he replies after what feels like an eternity
>Whatever, I'll just keep being patient, I'll enjoy this at least
>Lean down to put my head in his lap
>Obviously I'd cradle my head in my hand, that's comfortable, right?
>I'm totally not just gripping his thigh
>Ok, maybe a little
>But his hand is doing way more, he's working his way down to start rubbing my back
>I'm torn between trying to focus on that and the odd feeling of the muscles in the back of my hand tense against my face as I rub his thigh
>Brace myself to prop myself up
>It took more effort than I was hoping, I had to brace myself on both of his thighs, but I did it
>Andrew's making some sort of stupid face
>Guess the alcohol's really hitting him too
>"My face feels funny when I touch it, how does it feel to have someone else touch your face?" I ask, blinking slowly as I stare at him and squeeze his cheeks
>"Fummy," he replies
>His hair's fallen down just a little thanks to him tilting his head to look at me
>But a few slow blinks later, and neither of us is actually looking at the other
>We're still touching, at least
>Run my hands up to his hair and lean against him, balancing is too much work
>He grips my waist, is he worried about me falling over?
>Feel him pull me a little bit
>That is NOT how you keep me balanced, he is moving me
>Well, I'm not saying no
>But given that he's not exactly being forward, I'll only grind back a little
>Holy shit is he hard
>He's warm
>He feels so good
>Keep running my hands through his hair
>It feels so good, he's hitting the seam on my shorts
>Lean forward a little more
>Keep at it for what feels like forever
>But I don't think it was more than a few seconds before his head rocked forward against my shoulder
>Give him a gentle nudge
>Out cold
>We were so close!
CUTE! Blueballed again at the end, but the rest is great. I remember the original.
>Be Ashley
>Be stuck at home with my Andy
stopped reading there
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It gave me stomach-ache, headache and dizziness all together. Be smarter than me anon. Don't drink it.
It's not about that. They're adults. Keep reading.
Nice green, compliments the original
>Blueballed again at the end
Well, given that it's two perspectives of the same event, I think the only way it could end without being blueballed is if she keeps grinding against unconscious Andrew
Thanks, I opened the original to make sure it matched up
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That was uncalled for anon...
so true
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gonna cry? lmao
Illustrating the point that she is in fact fixable–and cute–and that everything bad about her is a direct result of her fuckawful parents.
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>page 9
dead game dead thread
im going to bump this thread (my sister's bare crotch) with this post (my bare crotch)
Bros, I just found out that Nemlei is my sister. What do?
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Sorry had to rest my eyes for a bit. Back on shift.
Shut up Kit9
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furball is 100% lurking here
>bringing more Reddit drama here
That's not how you make these threads live
>bringing more Reddit drama here
This is exactly how you make these threads live
Literally who?
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just the most hated person in tcoaal community
Take your eceleb drama elsewhere.
Natural Born Killers was released in 1994. Do you think Andrew and Ashley would have enjoyed the movie?
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I hate absolutely everybody
She recognizes the problems but doesn't do anything about it.
It's easier to blame everyone else! She's just like Andrew.
Can someone explain to me that Kit9 studio owning the game thing? I haven't visited these threads nor anything related to the game since the beginning of the year.
but im cute :[
Kit9 Studio is the company made by her and her brotherhusband. Logically it's probably for tax purposes.
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Just a nice simple jiggie. No weird games this time.
>just the most hated person in tcoaal community
I through that was inkyink
Kit9 Studio is a company with a several year long history of having exactly 2 developers. Nemlei and Kit9. The game was transferred to it most likely for tax reasons. Nemlei is still the creative lead. Kit9 was already involved with the game at least since during Episode 2's development, since one of the dev log's from back in the day by Nemlei mention puzzles being designed by "someone smarter than her".

In effect, nothing fucking happened.

Yes, tax reasons. The doxxing happened only after the game's Steam listing was changed to include Kit9 Studio's name, so the timeline wouldn't make sense if it was the reason.
I see, thanks anons.
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There really needs to be more Ashley x Renee. It's pretty hot
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This thread is dead as fuck today, holy shit
is it because the shotafan lovebirds aren't ERPing?
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If you solved by stacking, you didn't really solve the jiggie
Seems to be the case. Also there's really nothing much to discuss
>Also there's really nothing much to discuss
that's never stopped us before
I'll stack your jiggie, bitch!
It's Friday afternoon in burgerstan, all of the semi-functional adults are probably going grocery shopping for the weekend and shit like that.

I wish death upon every retard that perpetuates this.
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If you really want me to post Andy I will, but I’m honestly a bit busy today.
22 posts per hour is close to peak /calg/. Only newfags and shitposters want it to be any faster
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Same. Just relaxing and playing fallout 4. It's nice to take a break sometimes.
Several months ago threads would last almost three days with a very consistent average of ~200 posts per day. The only exception to this was on days certain individuals decided to be active, which is a really convincing refutation to the argument that certain individuals discuss other topics as well.

Slow is preferable.
Agreed, /calg/ is more comfy like this.
Sounds like fun.
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Ugh. I was so proud of myself for waking up early but now I'm bored and tired. I wanna go back to bed
>Alone on a Friday night? God, you're pathetic
You do have friends, right anon?
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>Several months ago threads would last almost three days with a very consistent average of ~200 posts per day.
A year ago there were about two /calg/ threads per month. But kids these days would never understand that. To them, they've gotta spam something all the time, quality be damned
>certain individuals
Could you please be more specific anon?
jiggie dot fun
Great job anons :)
Assembling the top right corner was the greatest moment of my life
I'm proud to say that I built Ashley's leg AND Andrew's crotch almost all by myself
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>Sounds like fun.
It is, especially with a clusterfuck of mods lol.
Still got to make a few tweaks before trying to see if the sexo mods work. Maybe I'll try and make Renee and see if I can get a kid follower and get him to look like Andy but that's for later.

In fact, how would the siblings fair in Fallout's wasteland?
>Vault Shota Andy.png
Did you seriously make that edit just for this thread lol? Also it would be cool to see a coffin themed mod for fallout
Do you hope that Chapter 3a starts from Andrew's perspective or Ashley's?
Ashley's. She's cute and the more interesting character. Also cute.
i am so proud of you anon i wannt to give you a treat and pet you on the head
>tfw you can edit the age of the Vault Dweller down to 12 or something but it doesn't reflect in the model or dialogue
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just got rejected by a fujoshi
it's over
i can't live without fujo pussy
How does this relate to The Coffin of Andy and Leyley or any other game by Nemlei?
That's an oddly specific post to level this at considering.
Specificity is key in life; the uncoordinated and almost aleatory life of a commoner is forgotten to the annals of history. The specific, intentional life is the only way to truly live and to ensure that you never truly die; this is the life that lets artists see beauty in the world, and the life that lets great men live forever in history.
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I used to.
they either grew distant or died.
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>Did you seriously make that edit just for this thread
Nah, I made this like 3-4 months back. But since you're interested, let me know what you think of my attempt at making Renee.
>or died.
ill stay with you tonight, anon…
So what are you guys having for dinner? I cooked up some stir fry. is alright.
waffles or strawberries
wtf I want waffles.
want to trade?
I order bizza for my imouto and myself on fridays.
Sounds sweet. Hope it's good!
She looks too kind to be Renee.
>3 answers, each one different
Shocked the thread's so perfectly balanced desu
absolutely not, but i wouldnt mind just making them for you!!! do you want chocolate chips in them?
I honestly can't get any eyebags + the right hair. To get THAT specific combo, I'd have to look for hours and it would most likely be in a fucking loverslab pack somewhere.
That’s what you get for being straight.
Nemlei is a fujo, and her next game will be a graphic 3D immersive yaoi bathhouse simulator.
Of course I do!! Only problem is you'll have to ship em to me and they'll probably be soggy by the time they get here :/
If you do get her figured out, post her here, I would love to see a three dimensional Renee.
Meant to reply to >>493443472
um, maybe we can wait until teleportation devices come out…?
Steak with eggs or fries.
Suppose we could! Well whenever that happens, I can't wait to try them. I'm sure they'll be awesome.
Guess I'll just make do with frozen waffles until then...
Sounds good!
Julia's perspective comes with Andrew interaction. It's probably a memory sequence for him from her perspective, like Moms, and needs demon involvement.
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sometimes i do this with my hand irl now
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Julia is the protagonist of Episode 3
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That's funny. I've been doing this a lot lately. Not as much the past couple days, at least
same but it's okay, I'm used to being let down
I didn't order groceries yesterday and I don't have the energy or care enough to order any tonight. I'm not having dinner again. I don't care.
based thinspo anon
do you want waffles too
why are you ordering groceries
As long as it doesn't bother you, no harm in that.
ive been doing this everday!!!!!!
Because I'm fucking dying, I'm weak, I cannot walk 15 miles with groceries and no car/bike, I'm in debt, I'm tired, I need help

If someone cooked for me rn I'd marry them
I'm right there with you buddy. This was the first real meal I've had in days.
In my case I'm fine, but if you're that bad right now, maybe good to a food pantry or something man? You can get free food all over the place especially in your situation.
fuck i made a tpo im going to kill myself now
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Thiu stop pretending to be Leyley. We all know its you. Just go and start fucking yourself or something
Actually you got away with it, didn't even notice until you pointed it out.

The pantries around here are running low

NO NO I'LL STOP BITCHING NOW, hunger really does turn me into a feral person
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I wanna fuck myself but I'm too tired, hot, and lazy. I FUCKING HATE SUMMER!!!!!! FUCK YOU SUMMER FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP BEING HOT!!!!!!!!
You’ve reminded me that I need to keep starving myself to achieve the peak Andrew graves aesthetic.
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skinny boys that smoke
mmmmmmmhmmhhhhmmtththghtmt tmgtttgh
God dammit don’t make those weird noises, and you had better not be a fujo.
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I've already been wanting smokes the past few days, don't make me pick that back up anon.
Only cool people smoke, so I’m glad that you’re not with us anymore.
Andrew likes food, he didnt willingly starve himself when given the option haha.

'There are too many Andrew's in here. You can't see them because of all the smoke.'

Please do not slide wasps into my penishole this is not /z/
I start and stop when I please. Don't do it so much after my grandma died of lung cancer a couple years back.
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Too late, I won’t stop until I look like him.
i want to suck on andrew’s hipbones and press into the gaps in between his ribs!!! i want to rip out his vertebrae then shove them in my no no hole!!! skinny boys are justice!!!!!! eat skinny boys!!!
My grandmother is still kicking I believe, and refuses to stop chain smoking. She's...made of something stronger than any human.

If I order groceries can you promise to not starve yourself to look like me this is not how I want to twinmax
You really know all the right things to say.
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i miss the bugley poster
I want to do the thing that skinny Chinese women do where they put water in the sunken area by their collarbone and let a fish swim around in it.
Order all the food you want fatty, you can’t make me eat.
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Unrelated but man I really love how unlike most other rpgmaker games, all the levels are contained in just a small area, and the rest is a black void. Really makes you focus on the area you're in, instead a bunch of filler on the sides. Can't think of a lot of other games that do that, only recent one i can think of was crow country.
Don't even watch his videos. Flopamine and Copium-115 are the only good coaalTubers
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This is a no meep zone.
fuckin hell why am I dizzy
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Fucking meepers.
You're going to get your ass meeped if you keep up that attitude.
Sat down too long? Still awake more than 2x as long as you last slept? Too much energy drink? Chugged pedialyte?
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Eww don't touch me you filthy meeper.
When does the dizziness occur? If it's constant, then do seek medical attention.
Otherwise, my best guess might be benign paroxysomal positional vertigo.

Diagnosis is simple.
Sit on a flat surface with ample space behind you. Turn your head to the left by 45°. Keeping your head fixed, lay down on your back suddenly. Maintain position for a while. Sit back up. Repeat with your head turned to the right.

If this manoeuvre causes dizziness on either side, then you are suffering from BPPV on that specific side.
also there's a 75% chance you're female because for some reason women will let themselves get dehydrated all the time without the slightest sense of self-awareness
awww thank you
Jesus christ anons I'm fine. I've just been feeling weird all day today. Think I didn't sleep that great. That's all.
don't care, drink water anyway
drink a full glass and see if it helps
So what, yea or nah?
you can't do that
No. FUCK water
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I'm going to meep you whether you like it or not.
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i am NOT asking.
drink water.
sip sip sip
Ok water drank. Happy?
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good girl!
I actually composed a piece inspired by the game, considering it doesn't have an original soundtrack. Is it worth it to try to get Nemlei to give it a listen? I mean, not like she ever will, but...
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You should try to flirt with Nemlei when she does listen to it.
Never hurts to try anon.
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Calm the fuck down! You don't even know what I mean by meeping. It could mean anything.
Yeah they said that about meth but here we are.
Hey, people wouldn't get addicted to meth if it wasn't a good time.
meep is my thing, y'all are just copycats
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>"*hic* So all I gotta do is sign thi-*hic*s and you'll buy my bum kids?"
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too late! Meep is my thing now
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A good time indeed.
God damn, Marcie draws girls who look like they smell so good
>sister made a joke about being trans
>felt like I'd been shot in the chest
>instantly think of how we won't be able to grow old and happy together
I think this place has had an impact on me
you can't do that
Hmm? Somebody say something?
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i didnt really draw today because my family got a new puppy earlier (hes very cute and tiny)
I wish Andrew and Ashley had a cute little puppy, so they could have killed and eaten it.
Fun Fact: he is Nemlei's ancestor.
>my family got a new puppy earlier
what breed?
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nooo D:
fluffy chihuahua
I did. MEEP
>fluffy chihuahua
Yum, probably tastes like big cuy
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If there is ANYTHING I hate as much as hags...
My parents had this chubby chihuahua who'd snort like a lil pig. She was sweet.
Mrs. Graves being a homuculus would partially explain why she's so evil
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Nems give it up, we all know you're over 30...
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just googled cuy
Nice age for a cat. Probably pisses pure blood by now though. All cats contract kidney failure eventually.
she doesnt deserve that!!! so cruel >:[
You're welcome for the knowledge, but really cuy doesn't hold a candle to blockade mutton
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Fine, no meeping. I´ll just rape her then
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Hey Nem's, looks at this: https://files.catbox.moe/6ezsn9.mp4
wow it's trash
I actually feel a little queasy after looking at that, this is terrible
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NO, dont do that either, IDIOT!!!
Oh, ok, that's fine then
Why can't people put this much effort in making cool stuff instead?
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>shilling haggot delusion fanfic mod
>posting Lobotomy Simulator anime
>September 2024
Someone tell them that's today
He and Lectryn have been going around impersonating Kit9 and filing false copyright strikes on most Coffin content on YouTube so that they can have a monopoly over discussion. They're also the ones who uploaded the game's "original soundtrack" to YouTube Music and Spotify.
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Their better be a sex scene in that mod
Should I get a TCOAAL tattoo? send suggestions sisterfuckers.
Just get "SISTER FUCKER" written on your upper arm. I think that's a pretty subtle reference.
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that bleeding heart thats a steam emote
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i would advise against it lol
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Why are these people allowed to make decisions for themselves?
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Then what do you mean?
Fuck you I think its beautiful
I would prefer that on my face, but a strong choice
That's what I was thinking, but it's kind of basic.
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bunnies would actually be pretty charming and subtle
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Bless you. I really don't want to make decisions for myself either.
Now THAT'S more like it
We yakuza now
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Please don't get a game tattoo...
I got that food, Anons. I feel better :)
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how about a tattoo of this?
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>Please don't get a game tattoo...
I do like the bunny idea. If you give it a little grittiness, you could probably pull it off.
Can you marry me?
I'm looking at it right now in photoshop, it's hard to find a picture of them in a high enough resolution to not look awful scaled to the size I might want
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I have a specific idea in my head for what I think could work. Maybe I can sketch it if I get a chance.
Please do!
that would be awesome sauce
No thanks.
Mhm, how to go about it?
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Forgive the quality. Just roughed something out in 5 mins. I think the cleaver should be bigger and the green bunny should be angled outwards but this is sorta what I had in mind.
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Other masterpiece for the collection.
Glad you like it :)
i want green and pink bunny plushies
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I am happy to sacrifice another Korean if it means we can get merch. Hell, I'll sacrifice them by the bus load
heeheggehehehe wtf is that gif
and just make your own merch!!!
>what breed?
me? sisters personally, but i think that depends on your taste
>peruvian/bolivian detected
Oh yeah, time to get racist.
I knew you were still out there somewhere Leslie.
Oh you KNOW im playing this shit out of morbid curiosity.
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>sister loses her contacts
>has to wear her dork loser glasses until she gets new ones
I should convince her to just abandon the idea of contacts altogether.
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reminds me of andrew kinda https://youtu.be/JZ0MoWajrQ8?si=GrNRBU9ANOZ5aJ4L
I wish I could convince her that you resent having to look after her so she starts to rely on you less and less
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pretty nice
You lack the true power of hateanon for you are nothing but a mere imposter
I'm the same anon. But maybe I really am just pretending to be myself
We're all just pretending to be ourselves when you like... really think about it...
i want to eat them
Send Nemlei to the hyperbolic time chamber NOW
Its too dangerous anon! She will come out with the strenght to fuck a thousand brothers!
The raw power of this drawing by Nems is unbelievable. Just looking upon it makes my knee bend by itself and my body bow in respect. I bet eating that cake would grant you mystic sibling-fucking powers.
Are we trapping and betraying her too?
I'm 98.7% sure that Andrew is a virgin.
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Riding him was sooooo much fun. He was so shy that he had to close his eyes. He whimpered and quietly mumbeled something while I bounced up and down on his cock~
Do any of you remember any particular scene or moment that really made you fall in love with Ashley or Andrew? Or was it more of a gradual thing?
S-stop... Andrew would never.
Literally the first time Ashley is on screen. It's not even a fucking question. Nemlei created the perfect 2D woman.
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All useeeeed up! Ashley will never be able to rob him of his viginity~
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>it was "I love you so much, Ashley..."

At least it was too quiet to hear.
This falsehood pops up so often I might just make an image compilation to refute it
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This scene
H-he's lying! He just said that so that his sister didn't think he was a loser.
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Imagine Julia meekly riding you because it makes her feel like a dirty girl
i want to beat this fake shitty manwhore with a plank so bad
The bridge scene was what really did it for me
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This scene probably sealed the deal but the whole intro was pretty good at getting me invested.
Where's the uncensored pic?
New disappearance of ashley graves
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Doesn't exist. Drawing genitals is hard
why does thinking about how julia and andrew canonly fucked make me feel genuinely kinda sad
Anon you can't blueball me like that...
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Because Julia was probably coping the whole time like she is in the preview and Andrew's psych the line was so blurred he refused to acknowledge it was her/Julia until the aftermath and he felt overwhelming shame about what he keeps doing, but can't help himself but string it along because it would otherwise mean addressing things he really doesn't want to confront.
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I'm serious. It was a /calg/ drawfag who made that image and he said that he didn't draw the rest because it was hard to do.
Frens, realistically, virginity is not that important... R-right?
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This honestly. Ashley is perfection
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It's over.
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How the hell does a simple art post of the mom from a tiny artist on Twitter get 58k likes in 2 days?

Maybe it is true that the mom has INSTANT appeal in her design.
Three parts to it probably.
Ashley's sitting by alone waiting for Andrew to come home, unable to find love through anyone else while he abandons her.
Julia purely wants to find love in another and mistakenly thinks Andrew can provide that.
Andrew is using Julia as an object and has no real attachment to her beyond what he feels he can't get through Ashley.
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I was sold on both of them when Andrew clapped warden cheeks and Ashley deescalating effortlessly. From physical aggression to guilt tripping, appealing to his sense of obligation towards her, reassuring him that she's not actually a loose cannon and then removing the lingering awkwardness with a little joke. Beautiful.
For some reason this image makes me think of the Oblongs
Because it's NTR.
>b-but Ashley doesn't want to fuck Andrew
Still feels like a betrayal, emotional NTR.
her moaning andy
oh boy
nemlei broke my heart...
>b-but Ashley doesn't want to fuck Andrew
I refuse to believe that there are people who still say this shit...
>Julia calling Andrew 'Andy'
I feel like if she did that he'd snap and kill her on the spot
I'm sorry :(
It's much more subtle than the Andrew stuff so they are more vocal about it.
You'd be surprised
the 302 fight scene made me love ashley. she just like me frfr
for andrew it was the first time i saw him—hes just LOL
She's just not a horndog but in current year that probably makes her a demi-flippo-romantico-sexual or whatever.
No, fuck em both.
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its ok i love (fictional) angst thats why im here
Is there any other character that you do love and have a particular scene where that happened?
how do you mistype "hot" as "lol" lol
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The only character I can vaguely relate to is the dad.
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no i completely left the word out; i forgot to type it. i dont know HOW I FORGOT TO TYPE IT
I typed "go" as "good" earlier and I have no clue how or why. Doing this all the time just gives you brainrot.
I've only seen flamboyant faggots do that pose
pfft cmon who would want to marry me

cute af, thank you for the food

Car scene jumps out from ep2, Andrew's backhand joke from ep1, him being a degenerate in denial (but also his reaction to little things like the shelf falling near Ashley)
lmfao I do that too I'm sorry
That's fair. I can't say I don't get angsty, but it's mostly just fun to play up here too lol.
Ashley no... W-w-we can't... Please, Ashley...

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hiiiii :3
i need him on a leash I NEED TO PEG HIM
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pegging me would be straight but I won´t compain about a gowd buttfucking :3
Can't believe that all it takes is a choker for someone to turn into a whore.
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>In her late 30s
>Still had a rocking bod
>Is a superfreak in bed
>Can cook
>Had a job

I'm legitimately curious what was Nem's reaction to the mom's popularity after chapter 2 dropped. Because she really is one of the most appealing character designs I've seen and I'm 90% certain Nem's hates the bitch.
>twitter screencap
The cope gets more and more advanced each time
I need Andrew with gyno
Nemlei just hates moms.
>Nope! We're spending money on BubblyPoply, I want to try it.
Sister rimming
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Is bedtime.
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I will NOT lick your disgusting butthole
Haggots again making up headcanons about Nemlei because the game doesn't cater to their fetish.
i want to be andrews mother
You’d probably be a better mother.
Almost anyone would.
A man can't be a mom.
>Women over 30 are having more children than ever
Those poor downy babies...
Ashley's tight pink butthole...
Same color as her eyes
40+ is the downy range, 28+ is the autism range. Trust me I'd know.
im going to touch him.
That’s still objectively better than selling his organs and he might be into it.
No... no he wouldn't...
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I dont know why but I feel those two things are equally fucked.
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It all returns to nothing
im going to touch you.
Realistically it would be a minecraft shirt since their kid would likely be born in the early-mid 2000s
>tfw a good amount of the posters here (including me) are young enough to be their kids
don't use the share links
they have trackers in them
use the address bar link if you must link things
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At this point is it even a Coffin image anymore? It's like all the onceler deviations
Their would be playing in a Wii
Where is chubby ashley
Thiu is such a retard he's cool though
can u come to my house and kill me anon
Ikr? It looks nothing like Andrew
looks like degrees of lewdity fa
What? Is this real?
It looks more like green hex maniac if anything. ...Given the content it would probably be better suited as an image of her anyways.
That's what the si= is for
any idea for next op image?
Nigga the tracker is literally right after the question mark in that link
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>after merge ending thiu goes back to being an incel
>becomes radicalised on incels.me
>goes on a shooting spree inpired by elliot rodgers
When I think of Ashley everything feels lighter and a pleasant feeling washes over me. Why is this?
I was looking for one of those drawn by him but I immediately ADHD'd and lost track.
I'll make it whenever I'm done this game match.
NTA but how am I supposed to know what those letters mean?
you put on some rainbow "coder" socks and the knowledge comes naturally
>elliot rodgers
A name I haven't heard in years, what a based gentleman he was.
ok thiu
you like her! she makes you feel warm and safe, just like how i do. :)
You're in my head aren't you? :) haha please let me free
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Excellent work as always, we watch your career with great interest
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Let's get married, Anon.

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