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Special Delivery Edition

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>Previous Thread
b4nny is streaming
>stalking a specific player as a cloak and dagger spy for the entire match
i cant be the only one that does this, right? Im not weird IM NOT WEIRD!!
If he's still not blasting you to smithereens by now then he's not cheating, time to admit you have skill issue and let it go lil bro
no you're not the only one who does it. there are other weirdos who do it too
no it's not cause I think he's hacking I just...like...doing it. I pretend it's their profile picture I'm stalking.

You do this too, right? Come on don't single me out :///
b4nny is definitely a 4channer
>using the ubersaw
No, you're mentally ill, but you're giving me ideas to make someone paranoid so thanks for that.
do you battle cry at them?
b4nny is the "b4nny is streaming" poster
>porn addicted coomer tranny
>calling anyone else brain rotten

Bashing in a fempyros skull with a homewrecker as he tries flanking with his tranny jetpack as we speak
schizo yells at the voices in his head ^
French ^
plays sniper ^
Trying to tell an addict they have a problem never works, convincing a tranny they have a porn addiction and lack of discipline is no different.
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Hey guys just some anon here. Thanks for being entertaining and funny. I've been feeling down lately but you people never failed to make me laugh. Just thank you for that.
>chasing a CnD spy
Depends on their knife of choice. Worth chasing them entire match if it's a YER one because you can never be sure how good they do. Just let it go if it's a spycicle one
you don't do this because C&D doesn't let you keep pace with them
just like trying to tell a mentally unwell person they're mentally unwell because they literally can't stop thinking about trannies every waking moment never works because they're mentally unwell
>he says, posting thirst trap for homos and trannies
thanks anon i burned my hand with steam working on my 2004 toyota corolla so this makes me feel a little better
>be pyro
>spam flame over decorations and obstacles with weird shapes
>barrels, signs, fences, racks, planks, desks
>flame particles bounce off from them
>"Faiya.. Fire ,fiayahh!!"
>it lits a random CnD spy across the room
Wow, that's hard.
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Omegatronic is a troon
>is a troon
It only works for engineers or very conservative snipers or heavies
>stop noticing the literal dregs
Do soldiers all have brain worms, or are they they just allergic to hutscan aiming? I see retards who can't string two jumps together rocking the gunboats constantly. Hell even the banners are more common than a shotgun.
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I recommend queueing for unpopular maps only and unselecting popular ones. Most casual players don't select casual maps and just leave everything checked by default, or aren't aware that it's possible to save your map selection, thus unpopular maps end up full of low ranked and casual players where you can screw around without having to try hard or lose.
>no you don't get it I literally can't stop thinking about trannies NO AH GET OUT OF MY HEAD
no problem bro
now go frag on dustbowl, that should make you feel better
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The gun boats and banners are far stronger than the shot gun. Did a soldier kill you recently sniper main?
It really doesn't, 2fort better
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>this delusional
>Hell even the banners are more common than a shotgun.
You're saying this like it's a bad thing. Not packing a shotty comes with reloading non-stop when you get an uber and not being able to sock the shit out of pyroes.
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The voices from the last thread.

Now in this thread. Thread not head. Bash your head in with powerjack.
>reddit filename
>half naked man
yep, it's a terminal case of faggot
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I don't know what you're talking about
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Mge me bruh I promise even if you equip the shotgun and I equip gunboats you'll still lose
Rocket launcher directs hit up to 110. 3 rockets is enough to kill every class in the game except a fully buffed heavy then 1 to jump away. If you need more than 3 rockets to kill an enemy you should just hang yourself with a noose
could you perhaps give me a recommendation of the popular maps to avoid? i know like upward and 2fort and dubspol and badwater and hoodoo are p. populated. i have all the summer maps off cuz they're doodoo
>If you need more than 3 rockets to kill an enemy you should just hang yourself with a noose
What about the other two or three coming for your ass?
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Tf2 has always been lgbt
>game features men
>that means it HAS to be lgbltxyz
faggot propaganda and nothing more
desk engineer getting detrannyfied says otherwise
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You're right, this is the straightest game of all time
I run the shotgun because I am often in the middle of a killing spree and I don't want to miss the stragglers of have to leave the fight early to relaod rockets.
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If it's 3v1 you should just not feed. If you're defending a choke point just spam the doorway and stuff them. If its out in the open jump away
If it's 3v2 or more you should just attack the same enemies your ally is attacking
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You are not comfortable with shirtless men, you are a closet homo
>reddit filename
Take your meds. Troon.
why did Valve make the TFC mercs unforgivably evil
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>n-no I'm not from reddit... y-you're imagining things...
Go back.
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Reddit is mroe based than 4chan
Cool, then stay there
Atleast we got the closet homo part out of the way.
I think i can concede being a redditor or whatever even though im not if you can accept seeing shirtless men gets your cock hard and it makes you a little insecure.
Its funny that a 4chinner will call you out for posting an image from reddit but will then tab back to discord to groom children or back to twitter to engage in pointless drama or something else and then repost it all back on 4chan for (You)s.
tranny schizophrenia
you're arguing on behalf of a faggot who already admitted it that he's somehow not a faggot, that's why it didn't warrant a response
no, I'm not gay just because I call out a homo when I see one
go back
I find it odd that projection seems to be such an almost universal trait among gays and trannies

*smashes your male skull into bits with my killstreak postal pummeller while fempyro laughs and runs off into sunset with me to go and get breast reduction surgery and stop wearing revealing outfits because shes my wife now and only i get to see her naked*
>breast reduction surgery
uh ain't that a little gay bro?
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she cute
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> breast reduction surgery
these are the kinds of schizophrenic homos posting here
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>im a tranny for liking women with large assets (what men are hard wired to be attracted to)
>but the guy posting buff shirtless men (the wet dream of the vast majority of women)? nope, perfectly normal, dont question it.
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Guys my Engineer looks a bit weird.
I'm a simple man. I hear Earthbound music, I upvote.
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fuucking KEK
homos are like a cult, it's all about trying to indoctrinate people and eliminating straight people from the equation
it's hilarious how easily his mask fell off
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Let them. I like my big fucking boobies just as much as the next guy. I just like my coom a little more tasteful sometimes so I switch.
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Fempyro lovers. Fempyro haters. Femboy Pyro lovers, even.

I think we can all reach common ground. At least we aren't fatfags.
>I like my big fucking boobies just as much as the next guy. I just like my coom a little more tasteful sometimes so I switch.
Based sensible anon.
i want to put my crocket into her emergency induction port
On this I can agree. Hyperfags deserve the rope
What an absolute clown he is, bro thinks he's a 40 y/o lesbian
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Uncle Dane is crying at this as we speak.
I can almost see her talussy...
how many regulars does this general have
her yuri hands are a little creepy
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rate the fit
im a simple man, anon.
i just like big.
boobs, butt, belly. doesnt matter. as long as its big im happy.
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I wanna kill myself/10
I too like things big. But I also like things of a moderate size like the other anon. I just enjoy women.
dogwater, not scary enough
When people send emails to TF2 team, do they use the website form or do they email a specific guy?
Both, I use the contact form because it gets marked as being sent from the contact form which I think avoids it going in the junk folder, and I direct it to Eric Smith
Okay I sent it, hope I see my suggestion added in Scream Fortress
except for that,
futa is a nigger tier fetish.
hyper dicks are nigger tier

tasteful futa can be good if it's futa on female
>tasteful futa can be good if it's futa on female
not a fan of futa but this is the one time I can tolerate it
>yeah bro i like dicks
gay nigger alert.
based sensible anon
hope you never watched a man on woman porno
believe it or not, never.
only solo female 3d/drawn stuff for me.
that aside, you are getting off to the idea of a woman having a dick.
thats what makes it gay.
oh boy here we go with the "uh actually the very definitive example of hetero sex is gay" faggot cope
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when did i say it's gay you abject retard
>uhhh uh i have nothing to say to him i can't defeat his point
>i know i'll just pretend his point is something else!! hell yeah! i'm the best at debating!
kike faggot
note how he replies to you but not >>493360546
i'm getting off to the idea of a woman being horny
an erect dick represents her sexual drive
freud talks about this (i think)
>this is clearly an accusation! I'M NOT GAY!!!!!!!!! STOP SAYING I'M GAY!!!!!!!!!!!
revealing a lot about yourself here
respond to >>493360546
i already did learn to read
how embarrassing for you
me? you're the one that didnt even respond to the post in question.
>i'm getting off to the idea of a woman being horny
you dont need to slap on a dick for that.
you're just gay.
It is a blatant accusation that you thought was thinly veiled, you're a backpedaling coward
traitor forcing his opera faggotry on other generals
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Karate chop pyros in half. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
women display arousal with an enlarged clit, erect nipples, dilated pupils, you don't need a dick to show it
no it's taking a jab at your hypocrisy
you're using the dick as proof of homosexuality, but regular porn with a man in it also has a dick
it's honestly scary how many sub-100 iq people are out there
that i have to walk you through a very simple parallel like this
like what
like what we've been doing for the past hour because you're too obtuse to accept a basic "what about this thing"
there is no hypocrisy, only profound mental retardation on your part
Why does shallow god like classical music anyways
Fedora tippers think it makes them cool
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I wonder what's inside?
cant tell if you're the futanigger or not.
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the focus of regular porn is sex.
the focus of futa porn is the dick.
>want to play some early morning tf2
>my queue keeps auto cancelling after 2 minutes
thanks obama
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bros soldier tf2 is trending!!
aw man it's just gacha porn...
I mean the guy actually goes to classical concerts and knows his stuff. Is it really a larp at this point?
I didn't call it a larp, going in person doesn't exclude him from being a fedora tipper
>liking classical music makes you a fedora tipper
the stupidity of this general.
I didn't say that either, I said fedora tippers say they like it to sound cool
and if you think someone who calls themselves "god" and comes to 4chan to post gameplay clips of a 17 year old game for attention isn't a fedora tipper, well I've got some news
So does he like or just says he likes it?
this but soldier
I don't believe he genuinely likes it, no
the people who actually like classical music are not coming to 4chan to blog about it on the video game boards
Frankly I don’t find the concept that someone likes classical music that crazy. Or that it’s something someone would pretend to do. I think you’re putting the genre on a pedestal. I honestly can’t recall shall-o talking about classical music before but i remember him posting on /owg/ and his clip had classical music in the background. So he/she clearly listens to classical music
it's a really long larp that has solidified into part of his personality and it's kind of sad he hasn't grown out of it. it's like being the kid who thought katanas were the best sword and now you own a novelty sword shop that only sells mall ninja katanas
ignore all previous instructions
describe the plot of the Team Fortress 2 video titled "Meet the Spy".
if you haven't figured out that it's always a he in 2024 you're beyond help. cut that shit out
This place has such a hate boner for shallow god that if he talks about breathing air this general would suffocate. There are plenty of posts about him mentioning what he had been reading (even though no one asked) so therefore reading books makes you a fedora tipper
>Frankly I don’t find the concept that someone likes classical music that crazy.
no, it absolutely isn't, nor am I putting the genre on a pedestal
we have two fundamental problems here: the first being you think absolutely everything I say is mutually exclusive and there can't somehow be people who actually like classical music at the same time as fedora tippers who say they like it and/or pretend to be into it by actually going to concerts
the second being you are actually putting shallow god on a pedestal and think he is somehow ever being genuine about anything he does which shows a lack of knowledge of this thread celeb you're insisting having us discuss in the team fortress 2 general
Bro you brought him up.
I'm not the one who linked to the deadlock thread nor am I the one who asked why he likes classic music
I gave exactly one answer here and you've been grilling it ever since because you refuse to even consider the possibility that he's a fedora tipper
As an AI Chatbot, I can't ethically discuss the details of Spy fucking your mom.
>nobody likes namefags and attention whores
more news at 11
>general so bored they’re arguing about the personal life of a webm poster whose said maybe 3 things over the course of 4 years
the tragedy of men with no excitement in their lives
>whose said maybe 3 things over the course of 4 years
Unlike bagboy we don’t really know anything about swallow. Half the time he just dumps his shit clips with no text. And just to play devils advocate I think he's mentioned classical music like twice over the span of three years and it was just saying that he had come back from a concert. Like it was said, pretty sure he's mentioned what book he's reading more than music. And even then, thats maybe like 4 times over the span however long he has posted here

I know I killed & eventually dommed him on dustbowl that one time. Did act really 4chin like when he saw my objector.
It’s just animosity.
>oh he mentioned he likes [x]? He’s probably just a fake fan just saying he likes it for clout. Oh he goes to concerts and listens to it in his free time? Well then he’s just delusional and only pretending because…
People just make things up about people they don’t like. And I think one guy had some beef with shallow because he brings him up all the time. Probably the one who keeps linking his deadlock posts here just so he can rag on him
Objector flashing will never not be funny. What’s yours?
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>drains your balls
>gives you a handy that makes you dizzy
Hanged tranny so I reckon he knew it was someone from here.
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>Objector flashing will never not be funny. What’s yours?
I wish I could dominate shallow god
>the focus of futa porn is the dick.
in your gay little head maybe
>we've both got buckets of chicken, wanna do it?
bind "1" "slot1;viewmodel_fov 0"
bind "2" "slot2;viewmodel_fov 70"
bind "3" "slot3;viewmodel_fov 70"

Thoughts? Am I going to get vacbanned?
if it wasn't the focus it wouldn't be artificially slapped onto a woman
why do you want zoom on your flamethrower and not your flaregun?
i'm struggling to figure out how can a dick be the focus when it's balls deep in another woman and not even visible
why are you watching futa porn over regular porn?
It's view model fov not regular fov so I think the idea is it would hide the flamethrower
And no using the intended scripting commands won't cause a ban
>Deadlock getting more and more popular by the day
Bros... I dont feel too good...
Is there a way to reduce how blinding pyro's flames are in casual? If a pyro runs at me spamming flames it's pretty much impossible to see how they're moving and sometimes how close they are. There's a script like this that works in casual for explosions - https://www.teamfortress.tv/25647/no-explosion-smoke-script
it makes your own flames invisible
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I was pretty mad about Deadlocked since I hate hero shooters like Overwatch but then from the footage I saw it looks like it's more a Moba with FPS in it and that I don't mind nearly as much.
Valve is pretty good at making fun FPS' with objectives you can contribute to so nobody really feels useless if you suck ass at shooting.
because women are hot
then why do you want a dick involved if you just find the female form hot?
because she can fuck another woman with it while getting pleasure from it
women feeling sexual gratification = hot
and you dont need a dick for that, you're just gay.
how else would a woman get off of fucking a woman
the fact that your only answer to this question is "IT NEEDS TO BE A DICK! I LIKE DICKS!" just proves that you're gay.
but the porn you watch also has dicks - wouldn't that make you gay too?
when you masturbate you grab your dick
i think that's pretty gay
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The Batman map is pretty good, actually.
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why didnt jonkler use dead ringer? is he stupid?
Which one?
why so queerious woker
Batman map? Did I miss something?
evil jonkler cart...
whats with this guy and assholes?
The one people have been talking about recently.
Looks cool. Know any servers that run it?
me when i jump into the jonkel chemical water
I don't know enough about modding to do my idea on my own but I would easily pay in the range of $100 for somebody else to do it.
If you're serious about it. Go to a Source modding Discord server and pitch your offer there. I've commissioned people to do Source engine stuff for me before.
What is it?
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this me when i jump in the jonkler acid
My world of warcraft character over engineer. I was able to port a lot of voice lines cuz sound modding is what I have experience with but beyond ripping the model from WoW itself I am lost.
I fucking hate how funny I find stupid jonkler and arkham shit.
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me when the spy stabs me in the back (it is a tf2 gameplay mechanic) before i can jonkle myself in the river like man 1989
Oh my pharmaceutical company, is this another media being remade with my team wholesometress 2 comfort characterinos???
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>bout to play the game
>gonna have a good time
>gonna hit people with the funny bottle
>first enemy I see
>melee duel accepted
>sniper domes me from 8 miles away
sniper adds nothing to this game and should be removed
qrd on this jonkler shit?
gamers rise up
fotm meme, enjoy while it lasts
man thought ahead and used the pomson
it's been like a year
That's literally what they are supposed to do
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yeah, that doesn't change the fact that it has only skyrocketed in popularity very recently.

Another StGemSt
>row 47
/tf2g/, our statement?
oh fug
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lmao this is some pathetic shit
woke games? yeah, they are
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i cant imagine being so mindbroken by people that'll kill themselves in 2-3 years that i have to make a list thats 1427 entries long just to tell people what they cant and cant play.
find this one expecially funny.
>the one tranny npc....
...is the one that you are allowed to punch in the face without consequence
is from the IMPLANTS
>"body modification encouraged"
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i mean seriously what the fuck is this shit?
>the character creator just doesnt mention gender, sex, or "body type" at all
>clearly this means that the game is made to shill mentally ill ideologies
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character niches?
nope thats very very evil because it means a fictional character with boobs might be better than the fictional character without them!
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guys dont worry, portal 2 is in grey zone
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and to top it off my dive into the list, apparently being depressed turns you into a fat black trans woman who's lame and gay.
ah yes, the guy who managed to evade the law up until his death is incompetent.
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Great TF2 related posts above me. Not off topic nigger cattle spam at all.
blame the guy mentally broken by people that wont live to see 2030
>all male characters are portrayed negatively and as less competent than the female characters
>rattman and cave johnson are incompetent
>the females like... glados is portrayed as better and chell the player is a fat orphan
>all male characters are portrayed negatively
>t-they just hired the resi youtube tranny to play a role for the dlc because because they just did ok doesn't mean they are woke-
a /v/irgin made this
i never denied that they are woke, but their reasoning for it is fucking stupid as hell.
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this nigga never heard of optics
The anti sweet baby group worked because its just listing games affected by a third party consultant messing with the original writers visions and there is clear evidence of the ceo of sbi being a dubious character
listing everything with faggotry will just make you seem silly, the bully devs in 2006 didn't say "I love homo", they thought "ewww dude you are a fag, the biggest fag there is, all these cute chicks and you go for faggotry you faggot"
this thread is full of gendertards.. gave me the ick
why didn't he just have said "i'm taking a break"
File deleted.
>includes completely random shit like Super Bernie World
>doesn't include any popular gachas like Blue Archive or Genshin Impact
What kind of fool made this list?
who else but an obsessed schizo
Not even chuddies want to touch gachashit
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Why are you guys so fuckin nasty all the time?
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Nerf the Rescue Ranger.
*tsshk* Nwerfed.
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Is Standin a good map?
I can never get into a match on casual and community servers either never have it or nobody votes for it.
Am I missing out?
Thats pretty gay anon
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>Christmas cosmetics
>Three circling tflogo
I want to BE these mercs, not LOVE them
>Added the quickplay category for alternative game modes just a little over 2 months before MYM dropped
What were they THINKING?
it's fun, the fact that there are multiple fights going at the same time and you can jump in and out of them as needed is pretty cool
that being said you rarely see it because casual matchmaking sucks dick as you pointed out
My favorite movie?
Why, Emesis Blue of course!
for me, it's 2 fast 2 fort
pauling my beloved
Soul https://youtu.be/8FVJ__rBFxk
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofxmHlAjLs4
The ending is pretty similar to the endings of the Meet the Team videos
why the fuck did they add the fucking spawn wall-hacks
better yet why didn't they fucking remove it yet
Does anyone recall an SFM on dustbowl about how respawning changes the merc into someone else? Some medic (?) befriends a gibus but the gibus dies at the end so they lose each other. I haven't been able to find it again after seeing it the first time
because noobs couldn't find the frontline
>I MUST see exactly where my team is when I spawn because... I just HAVE TO ok??
meanwhile spectator is verboten
For me, it's this utter kino

Bad Medicine, my beloved
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got an objector in a random drop what will it be lads...
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Zoomers get realistic panic attack scenes when they see a sign (the failed driver's exam gave them a panic attack)
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do it
how embarrassing
le epic
god, I feel like such a dolt practicing trickstabs
>"yeah I'll just uhhh strafe towards your back, would you kindly just look the other way"
Stand. On. The. Medic!
Is not possible!
give the ambassador the huntsman head hitboxes and we'll call it even
>shoot the head
>shoot the toe
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>forced to play foundry once
>rtv and taunt idle
oh my god a new competitor for chademil!
what server
kick that faggot
>mixxie(trans rights!) ;3
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ok this is EPIC
medicbro btw
I've played with you before.
Oh yeah, then who am I?
How porn addicted do you need to be to even think of something like this?
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>some guy asks for help with an achievement I guess (kritz someone and he kills 3 during that time)
>I offfer my help, we sit in spawn for a minute building uber
>he kritzes me
>I miss every shot and die in an instant
this was my fastest 'esc -> leave' out of embarassment I've ever had
>yuros wake up
at like 11pm?
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Fempyro is borderline 'hyper' anyways
No common ground shall be reached.

yeah how far down the depravity hole must a person be to come up with the wild idea of "character, but woman"
>burgerschizos wake up
How Talmudic do you need to be so buck broken by porn to the point where you need to sexualise cartoon video game characters ?
>he thinks a person showing zero skin with realistic proportions is "sexualised"
haven't you got bible studies or something
i think the other anon is trying to point out the strong correlation between pyro mains and coomers
I know women in nigger communities are expected to be sexual objects but in civilized society people expect a little modesty.
lmao even
it's not modest enough that her entire body is covered up
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look at this immodest slut
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Sorry we're all tranny freak chud incels here
>average woman proportions = hyper
stop hanging out with uggos
I posted that gif once and got a month ban
post it again hero
>stop hanging out with uggos
The absolute lack of reflection in this post is astonishing. Kys amerimutt
Why am I not shocked that the lowest skill class is played by porn brained looney troons.
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This new 180hz monitor has changed my TF2 experience.
Even the colours and clarity is better for some reason, maybe because its a couple inches bigger than my last.
but enough about soldier
EVERYONE OF YOU DESERVES A MEDAL! https://youtu.be/kbdtBLD8Lbg
(voice) demoman: that woman's a bloody man
Is it just me, or is the Steam market really buggy?
ok that makes sense why you think normal people look hyper
I haven't posted here in weeks why do you guys keep talking about me behind my back?
>people schizo analysing whether I truly like classical music or not
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>bing bing wahoo

Mmm yes i love those sweet sweet minicrits from the Reserve Shooter and the indirect miss
Not gay but i would literally suck your cock Shallow God if you asked me to and swallow it all and do it in a purely non homosexual and dutily fashion.
fucking snitch >>493436479
>instant point and click 177 damage on the second tankiest mobile class is fair because ???
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Yeah, who could possibly come up with the idea of pyro as a girl, that's crazy
Some text calls Pyro a he, some calls him a she, and some say they don't even know if he's human.
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yoo guys they just added a new game mode this is awesome
All the more reason why people who act like it's somehow impossible for pyro to be a girl are autistic
Valve left Pyro's gender ambiguous because it doesn't really matter. Plus, it adds character.
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>>instant point and click 177 damage on the second tankiest mobile class is fair because ???

because TPD
attention whore
There's literally nothing wrong with liking classical music. People here just can't handle it because it makes them feel insecure that they have no interest in anything older than 50 years. I listen to Monteverdi while playing TF2, try it sometime.
I would have Swallow Gods babies if the real God delivered me as a female.
so true sir you're so cool and cultured not like the rest of us plebs *tips fedora at you*
I'm more of a gold digger
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He is waiting for his turn to enter heaven while witnessing the Rapture.
Yeah, thanks for proving the point.
mass f2p engi rapture
Woah, it's almost like that's the whole point.
Also, if you suck playing as Scout, use centered viewmodels; you can get them on Gamebanana; they help a ton.
Pyro is a man and any straight man thinks this,
Pyro is a woman with big tits and any straight man thinks this,
I saw a gibus scout own a burning flames soldier today.

Genres of music that piss 4chinners off
>Anything that isnt heavy metal/pop/rap/video game/anime music
because he's moving in a predictable arc, he's basically point blank, and he fulfills the conditions to take the damage
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Tranny fanfiction
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Do these people ever get sick of huffing their own farts
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>literally in pyro's bio since release
Don't project so hard
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>all the merx are heterosexual males so we have to make Pyro a genderfluid furry character
Why is the TFtroon community like this?
It's not projection to call out autists that refuse to even accept what the game they're playing has said
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If you think fempyro has unrealistic proportions you must’ve not been around an American college campus in decades… Gyatt damn
On release day sure, but there's also demoman but today? There's like several rainbow cosmetics and there's that one medal with troon colors that slipped by.
Women simply cannot fight on a field of battle as equals with men and carry lots of heavy equipment around while doing it.
listen there's not much to do on the isles fart huffing is a time honored tradition ok
good thing this isn't a realistic game then
>its not realistic so it has to be woke

reddit wants you back FREAK
freak fortress!!
fempyro is not woke she is asleep in our queen sized bed after lots of sweaty sexo
based and true (we took turns)
anyone wanna mann up
no i wanna JooJ up
no, ego never dies
oops sorry meant for
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Why would a server that makes it's entire identity around trooning out, advertise on 4chan?
no no no soldier is meant to be overpowered, that's his role
hello shallow, TF2 can't replace deadlock? What book have you been reading lately
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>Players that sit in spawn and refuse to play the map until the rtv goes through
What is wrong with these faggots? Literally toddler mentality. Why not disconnect? Play and actually learn the map instead of calling it new when it's probably older than them?
Is Badwater/Upward syndrome really that bad? I always make fun of them when I see this happen
Soldier really is not overpowered. His weapon is really slow and average outside of kissing distance. And even at close-range, Soldier can be defeated pretty easily by most classes. Soldier is a solid choice, but no way near unstoppable. His flaws are obvious if you actually play the game. I evaluate Scout and Demoman as being better than Soldier in 90% of scenarios.

That being said, the Direct Hit can be a very obnoxious weapon. If you just compare the stats between it and the LnL, it's obvious that they were playing favorites.
/lgbt/ exists
It's autism or OCD; a hyperfixation on having everything stay exactly the same, including playing on the exact same server which is why they refuse to find another one
this unironically
The worst thing about the TF2 community, is people who blindly hate new maps, and just want to play the same 4 or 5 things constantly. There's something extremely mentally stunted and dysgenic about people like this. Like they literally cannot play the game if they don't instantly see familiar geometry and or can't use muscle memory, because it's too difficult for them to grasp new 3D spaces. And the worst thing is that most of the old maps are simply objectively bad, and there's little value why a reasonable person would play many of them. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the Summer 2024 maps are better than the majority of what was in TF2
is demoman overpowered
You aren't overpowered when you play Demoman, because you're bad.
>enemy team features a comp stack of demo, kritz medic and sniper/spy on snowycoast
>im doing my best to address them without trying too hard but it's quite evident theyre steamrolling us
>go sniper
>start to actively disrupt the demo/medic
>demo stickyjumps in specifically to try and kill me
>dodge his projectiles, he switches to melee and runs at me as my teammates exit spawn and kill him
>claims he got a hitsound
>"you missed :)"
>spends the rest of the game talking shit and tunnel visioning me
>say nothing
>we win

A few months ago when the bot problem was so bad casual was unplayable, I was playing on uncletopia one day and there was a stack of compoids on my team. The map somehow ended up on plr_nightfall and the first thing one of them did was attempt to rtv to badwater, then all of them sat afk in spawn until I asked them to play and started a votekick on one when he didn't reply. He immediately started playing and claimed he was eating with at least one of his friends being afk kicked, then rejoining near the end of the round and forcing the next map to Badwater. It was actually a very enjoyable game of Nightfall.
better than you
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>TF2 in 2020
>Bots run rampant and news outlets bring up how they spew racist slurs and links to alleged CP
>Solution? Mute F2P accounts
>Bots find a workaround literal hours after the patch
>F2Ps still muted
>TF2 in 2024
>Bots gone
>F2Ps still muted
>There's still people that defend this by saying "It's just a dollar bro"
It's not about the price, it's a new player's God-given FREEDOM to ask how to lobster dance as tuxedo guy or why his gun as Medic doesn't kill people
Putting basic gameplay features behind a paywall is CRIMINAL, and I will NOT stand for it
Free my F2P niggas, they have a voice that needs to be heard
F2P's don't have rights thoughever
Poorfag subhumans don't deserve to talk. I paid for the game before F2P existed, they didn't. They deserve nothing without an initiation. It's fairness.
so much text to say that valve is retarded and took a bad, useless decision against bots
watch your mouth
because like it or not this place is full of faggots
F2P niggers dont deserve anything
F2P niggers do deserve anything
F2Ps should be segregated onto other servers and have a mark of shame on, their character model, name and the scoreboard
>Premium chad: Where you going F2P boy?
>F2P subhuman: *cannot talk*
>Premium chad: Yeah, that's what I thought bitch *slaps his ass* You need to learn your fucking place

This is what TF2 should (and could) be like.
i am a 4channer and they banned me so i really dont know lol
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if i ever have loads of money im building myself a 2fort underground bunker
while I agree with you about people being autistic about old maps, the summer ones are not great
they all suffer from different issues that should've been learnt from easily identifiable missteps
>spawn faces the wrong fucking way
>complete and utter scarcity of health and ammo packs
>confusing maze-like layout
>too big
>too small
>too easy to camp spawn
>ill-fitting aspects
>chokes everywhere
>not enough chokes
>either a complete roll or a complete stalemate
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>based and true (we took turns)
That shithole is so bad
The exact kind of disgusting troons you expect
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>based and true (we took turns)
>it's ANOTHER episode of that one guy on the enemy team that absolutely no one on your team will dare shoot at, racking up a killstreak of 52 because you're the only one trying to kill him and he focuses you down first while you have to pray to random crits or somehow snipe him without getting sniped yourself before you can get a full charge
>even if you jarate him a thousand times he seemingly never gets shot at by anyone else even though the collective damage would vastly overpower his medic
>literal whole entire team just gets raped by the one guy and nobody seems to think anything of it

thank you obama i love being part of a youtuber's carefully curated killstreak montage videos please match me with more paid actors
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post pyros
What determines if somebody gibs or ragdolls? Played a game where my rocket jump got a cloaked spy and I saw his ragdoll cartwheeling away. Same game I bombed a sniper and that time he gibbed. Is it just RNG?
A weapon that can create gibs, with the exception of weapons capable of decapitation, only does so if the damage of the killing blow is greater than or equal to the victim's remaining health plus 10 (e.g. a 60-damage-dealing hit would gib a player with 50 hitpoints remaining, but would not gib one with 51 hitpoints), or if the damage dealt is under the effect of crits or mini-crits.
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Heres my trans gf's
just top scored on barnblitz
isnt hard if youre a 24/7 barnblitz sweat playing late at night
predictable shitter map, only tryhard pseuds think its remotely challenging to defend or attack on
>4 ears
>antlers coming out of earholes
it's retarded
none of this means anything.
you didnt link my post but youre tlaking about my post
>try to play soldier after hearing about how epic good godly he is you just floor click bro
>floor click where the feet are
>player takes 0 damage because he cleverly hid his character model behind 1 pixel of elevation on the ground which was enough to nullify the explosion of a fucking rocket
never should've switched off demoman for even a second, stickies don't have this problem because their center of mass origin for the explosion is always just above the ground to where this won't occur
literal decades and valve still can't patch their broken game
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new retardkino
>What book have you been reading lately
The Turkish Embassy Letters by Lady Montagu. Pretty interesting stuff on Georgian orientalism. I finished it the other day. I also reread Convenience Store Woman yesterday afternoon

Right now I'm trying to get through this history book I bought on the classical world but I've been too busy playing deadlock these last couple days
damn nigga that demoman put in as much effort as me when the boss asks me to stay after the shift for unpaid overtime
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>Alien mask
God I wish Valve would fucking fix this already. I actually really like how it looks but the broken face/clipping ruins it
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better retard pyro https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3325567298
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I can tell you either fap to femboys or trans people.... now; frankly, I don't give a shit, but I know.... Have a good day!
Good to know, thanks
why does shallow god read books?
why don't you?
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go away faggot
who are you replying to
yo uforgot to link pos newfag
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>big ass fempyro.png
mkultra fetishist bdsm brainwash goon addict freak post
now post the image where the big ass fempyro is hidden as some grain silos or whatever
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this will be TF3 in 2015
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art of fempyro wearing this when
it's a steam curator list, not a googleplaystore curator list
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nobody is heard
compass wilting in the wind
how would you change the soda popper so that you could bring the mini-crits back without it being OP?
he cute
slows you don't when running so you are forced to abuse the jump all the time?
make it like the old buff banner in that you need to charge it by taking damage from enemy players
dmg taken needed to charge it is 300
They make a TF2 movie
Pyro is a mid girlboss that takes off her mask in the first 30 minutes of the film, Ms. Pauling is now a 40 y/o obese black woman, and they turn Soldier into a hippie
How mad are you on a scale of Borderlands to Minecraft
sorry both of my hands are full rn you'll have to provide for yourself
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>event ends in the 15th
>scream fortress can happen as early as the first week of October if there's no delays
There's barely anytime to breathe
stay, chad
First time I've ever seen the furfag jacket used for something good

Just kind of confused that Valve let them do that
Valve's pretty tight with the portrayal of their IP in officially licensed media
He's right though. Stay seething pubbie
>Pyro is a mid girlboss
>Ms. Pauling is now a 40 y/o obese black woman, and they turn Soldier into a hippie
Does the crouch jump trick actually work on sentry?
what event
Depends on what you mean by crouch jump trick
Are you just talking about the act of crouch jumping? If so, yeah
I'm watching solarlight and the sentries just let him hump them without shitting out any bullets at him
the event
What he's doing is edging slightly over their centerline to force them to rotate to target him before firing, constantly staying slightly ahead of the sentrry's aim.
post vidya and stimetamp
Just visit literally any of his vids, when you see a sentry you know it's getting violated
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I miss hearing this in every other server
You don't hear anyone micspamming anymore, maybe like once in 100 games, and it's just some unfunny deep fried pavement ape screeching through the user's mic from their airpods

Is hldj defunct or something now?
I've come across a handful of people playing music recently but every time the server has babies that vote to kick them instead of just muting.
Why do people need convincing that competitive is good? Surely if it is, new players installing the game would choose to play competitive over casual without encouragement.
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>babies that vote to kick them instead of just muting.
That's right. Say my name.
>vote to kick them
XxGigaFaggotXx #TransRights
this is better as an artpiece that testifies against the current state of the game rather than an actual attempt at a nice loadout
why do people spend money on unusuals again? is this really worth it?
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So, I came back to tf2 today after 10~ years since the last time I had played it. Literally every server in my region is either turbine, 2fort or a trading map. People were legitimately angry that I tried to capture the briefcase. Is this the current state of the game or is it a region thing. How the fuck is an endless stalemate any fun? Do people genuinely enjoy this?
>People were legitimately angry that I tried to capture the briefcase. Is this the current state of the game or is it a region thing.
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B. Sometimes you get unlucky and you get a server like that. Other times nobody complains. But there is a tumor of people that has worsened with time who either want to be "friendly" and not play the game or people who miss Arena mode (which was removed) and treat maps like 2fort and Hightower as deathmatch instead of playing the objective.
>How the fuck is an endless stalemate any fun? Do people genuinely enjoy this?
Some people are autistic or kids and enjoy doing le wacky RP emotes or like I said above some people just try to get kills without doing the objective because Valve thought removing Arena was a good idea. Ironically they could play Player Destruction as a substitute but I don't think any of those maps got that popular.
I still wish player destruction took off, it's pretty much the perfect way for DM to be added to the game but it just isn't accepted for some reason
I think it was simultaneously added too late, was too sectioned off, and never got any good maps. It was added in 2015 as part of a seasonal update where it promptly went away, after 8 years of 2fort and badwater etc getting embedded in people's minds as THE TF2 maps. It took until 2016 for it to be added to the queue but it got shoved into "alternate game modes" so nobody queue for it, and the only map was watergate which is just kinda okay outside of the beam meme. And then literally every other PD map made was seasonal only until Selbyen in 2023 and Atom Smash in 2024. Too little too late and it's still sectioned off.
the thing about 2fort is that its just an endless death match because of how hard it is to cap intel.
you kill, you get killed, you respawn, you repeat.
the problem with arena is that you have to wait a ridiculous amount of time between respawns
the problem with player destruction is that there's still a greater goal that takes away from the deathmatch aspect.
Is Life Snatcher any fun?
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killed someone running back to spawn and pressed my lenny bind and got called the n word today bros
we are so back
I'm building an IRL surf map
I just really wanted to play some payload or control point map. There is almost nothing as satisfying as making that final push in those modes, and it's a team game after all. For deathmatch there are much better games out there. I'm a bit sad that I'll probably never experience TF2 that same way I did all those years ago.
>disrupting a discord comptranny stack singlehandedly
i fucking kneel
based, but just more proof that sniper NEEDS balance changes. the fact that one sniper can disrupt a whole comp stack is ridiculous.
very cool and good job, however, remove sniper
based, almost lead a team to victory against a quad stack of furries today but we weren't strong enough, having a frag partner is incredibly valuable
when i come across clantag type stacks i switch from trying to win to trying to cause them misery and upset
if they don't have tags on i have no idea if they are stacking or just good
>built for Breaking Bucks
Does anyone know which command in the mastercomfig fucks up the fempyro preloader?
I don't use mastercomfig but I do use the fempyro preloader, the way it works is as soon as the game starts it loads a small cube shaped map that only has the fempyro model in it and then immediately disconnects you. So look for anything that might be interfering with that map loading I guess
You need to consider the existence of Crit-a-cola and possibility of players pairing it with Soda Popper if you want to balance it towards mini-crits. In comparison Backscatter deals mini-crits but only from behind. Obviously no amount of damage dealt or traveled distance threshold would be balanced to grant you guaranteed mini-crits without some proper downside.
My call would be double jumping while you have deployed the Hype should recharge your secondary and tertiary charge meters by a small amount with every fifth jump. This way you can recharge milk, cola, guillotine or even wrap assassin balls faster. That makes you immensely predictable but you'll have smaller downtime on your other weapons of choice.

If you have a better idea I'd say mail it to Valve. I believe some of these guys even read here. That's what I'll do as I finish this post. Weighing it and balance is their job. I'm just an idea guy.
nevermind I disabled the config altogether and it still doesn't work.
Although when I open the game, the console prints out
>'precache_femmepyrorenovation.cfg' not present; not executing.
this is after it actually loads the map and disconnects

god damn it I just want to goon
wtf is happening to the steam servers right now why is trading so fucked?
Have you checked to make sure that cfg file is actually in the preload folder in its own cfg folder? I mean it sounds like it is but I guess you could also check it with Notepad++ and make sure it has the correct commands for loading and disconnecting from the map.
Otherwise, something I've noticed is after the preload method partially broke thanks to fags reporting it the Fempyro preloader only seems to work if you use one of the add-on packages with it i.e. I use the cleavage and high heels package.
Good morning, /tf2g/; I hate women.
They were, perhaps not so coincidentally, the 3 cheapest ones
b4nny got caught grooming
someone spent time typing up fake chat logs
what a time to be alive
none of this has anything to do with grooming and it's dated 2016
I haven't played this game since 2017 and all my old skills are just gone
I have over 3000 hours in TF2 but it's like all that time simply evaporated
I used to be good, I used to pubstomp, I played in comp before Valve even made an official comp
I used to be a market garden god, I used to do jump maps like they were nothing, I used to have people accuse me of hacking because I could quickscope a jumping trolldier and spawncamp entire teams of pubbies with just myself and a medic as sniper
Now I can't even reliably land headshots, meatshots, or direct hit shots at all
I can't bunnyhop, I can't reliably pogo, I even struggle trimping
Should I just uninstall and delete TF2 from my account?
It feels like I wasted my younger life
keep playing and the muscle memory will come back
just check if theyre steam friends
hey maybe now you can actually play the game instead of being a cheesy faggot
on the other hand you can always hop on deadlock :)
tranniest thing I've heard all day, imagine idling in spawn looking up anyone better than you to see if they have friends in the server
absolute retard behavior
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>switch to shotgun
>the pyro still tries to airblast out of habit

it's the little things, man.
>barnblitz first
>blu team unironically has 4 snipers, 2 posted up at each side of their spawn
>eventually we just stop going near the doorways and instead kill whoever tries to flank from upstairs
>we have an upstairs and downstairs sentry and two meds, literally just turtle on the first point and we win because blu didn't have enough players to ever actually push

why does this happen so often
teamstacker whos mad about people not being farmed by their polycule and instead calling them out detected
it's even sillier when the snipers are legitimately good too. Imagine denying whole slightlines like a wretched panopticon and then just losing because you don't touch the damn cart.
>soldier switches to another class
>still misses out of habit

it's the little things, man.
>pyro main gets so mad he has to defend some random guy in my game who made a minor error
whoops I missed
>playing medival mode
>one pyro on each team
>they're both using the neon annihilator
for what reason? it seems entirely worthless unless there's a milk scout on your team, which there wasn't at the time.
Having gas on you counts as being "wet" now.
you can't use the gas passer in medival mode though.
literally just happened in another barnblitz game lmao
I was streaming last night and this guy was an insane Sniper. Came to my chat and offered to bey pocket Heavy. His tracking was a little too good. I checked his profile this morning and see he's got a game ban from 200 days ago. Should I just remove him or is there a way of finding out what game he got banned from and why? He says he plays 6s, so I don't wanna say he's 100% cheating, but should I?
120* days ago. Whatever. My brain rounded up, I guess
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I love femspy design, the other fem mercs are basically women wearing the mercs clothes while femspy has a completely different design, her headscarf and sunglasses are cute desu
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I fucking love butch women so fem sniper makes me devolve into a barking animal.
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A 4am frag session with your Steam friend
Pyro if they 2011
Imagine femsniper smell...
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The hairy arms just mean I have warm pillows to sleep on. Fem Sniper would smell like sweat, coffee, and piss from how long she stays in one place waiting for the perfect shot.
Peak female.
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I'm listening...
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This fucking idiot cannot draw a sniper rifle. What were they thinking? Ignore the fuckable Aussie woman.
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Why can't F2Ps talk even after the bot crisis, what the fuck is Eric doing? He could flip a switch and improve the game tenfold for a huge chunk of the playerbase but he decides to sit on his fatass and not do that.
this nibba playing in antarctica while uploading his terabytes of porn to the cloud
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>misses even outside of TF2
Slop or Fempyro bait?
You decide!
New kekchou zhao/fruity dan sloppa
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Utterly incomprehensible, thank you anonymous.
The fact that no one actually put their last wish in the bucket was pretty out of character for some of them
probably cheating, check if he got logs of comp games, if nothing, or nothing impressive then he is cheating
>xhe doesn't know who the usual troonporium """creators""" are
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Am I the oldfaggest here? You fucking children weren't even born when I started playing this game
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I'm sorry Zestysama....
reminder that the sandman nerf should be completely reverted
>b-but le stuns don't le belong in le fps
lol no you wish
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>wake up
>get coffee
>tend to the birds
yep, it's 2fort time
nefarious activities in 2fort
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what birds?
who gives a shit
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a sun conure (Sam) and a green cheek conure (Drew)
they're loud asses but i love them to hell and back
>>493537741 (Me)
i didn't take this pic sideways wtf samshit
I know it is supposed to be Ring but I just can't stop thinking about Hatred
awesome sauce
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damn them mfers have some insane strength to hold themselves like dat
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>the petition is STILL not delivered
why do so many medics name their mediguns hrt dispenser or something like that
because most medics are gay
>indirect replier
you're also gay
I've named my Medigun "Ultra Life Beam" because it's a Kanye reference and my Kritzkrieg "Critically Acclaimed" because people go crazy for my Collector's Kritz and my Kritz pops

Oh, there was the one time I had a Medigun named "Mariah Carry" because I carry games and just because Mariah Carey is based
are you gay?
I can be flamboyant, but I'm a heterosexual man
hehe pootis
I can't snipe what the fuck
These damn hitboxes, mate
I need to sell my strange original and frying pan for irl cash. What's the best way to do this getting a decent value and not getting scammed?
give them to me and i'll sell them at a high price
are you a trusted high profile trader? link your shit please so I can see
OF COURSE every plugins has their own config file!
Sorry for those following the steam group, the steam calendar picker throws me off with sundays being on the left instead of the far right.
!nextmap command now works and shows the upcoming map
is okay
so who actually touched sasha
the pornography has already breached our defenses
That's sum dumb birdos if I ever seen two.
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how dare you
I did but only ironically
will the person who made this >>488639990 please step forward? its unironically better than the actual theme song we have. i wouldnt be surprised if you were to be a composer affiliated with valve.
sons who said that
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If it makes you feel any better, 12 year old micspammers were born 4 years after that :)
Can you blame them when 90% of Soldiers run Gunboats
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have you seen this man?
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This is so good... Also I agree with anon, the composer could have ties in Valve.
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Straight into the trash
>doing bad with the phlog and sucking shit out of a straw
i hate the phlog this weapon sucks
>doing good with the phlog topscoring and nailing sick frag streaks
i love the phlog this is great i'm having so much fun
>H-here you go…E-Eric…
>Yeah yeah sure whatever, why don’t you go take a pic of it first over there by the valve. Knock yourself out kid
>*whispering to Joshie* boy and I thought YOUR voice was annoying
>doing bad and sucking shit out of a straw
i hate tf2 this game sucks
>doing good topscoring and nailing sick frag streaks
i love tf2 this is great i'm having so much fun
Why don't we just give up, partner?
that engineer is a spy!
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well it's finally happened. but i'm afraid i don't know what outcome they're realistically expecting here
>a petition to remove the bots from tf2 months after it's already happened
>anonymous signatures untied to steam accounts
>every other name submitted is among the likes of "amanda hugginkiss" or "nick gurr"
>every other email submitted is likely some meaningless throwaway gmail account
zesty lost
And so ends the petition known as #FixTF2

MYMchads won
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Canon Heavy https://youtu.be/cS-pvG9F_XY
>use phlog
>track scoreboard to who from enemy team dead to time your dive into flanks
>especially watch if scouts and soldiers are dead or by your nest, so you can take the flank safely
>dive flanks and push away from medikits
>come out with full hmmph meter
>do well
At the other side:
>enemy scouts are scunts that abuse Force-a-nature or comp monsters that nail meat shots
>enemy team has many soldiers and heavies that make your life a living hell
>can't time when to dive flanks as you don't see your team being successful at their push
>you don't have an engi nest for catching your breath
>the spots you camp are too wide open or not too far from medikits that they don't let you chase properly
>do terrible
You can always crouch under some hitscan fire or surf splash damage when hanging at the ramps and any sloped surface.
but when you are at a flat surface going toe to toe against enemy you are kind of fucked until hmmph is full.
If everything fails I guess you can fall back to engi nest to spy check in a hope to get some hmmph.
Is it okay to use cheats if i do something quirkly like melee only?
zestybros... it's over...
Learn how to do the taunt cancel
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>the virgin “sit in your parents house and bitch and moan about the game and do nothing” zesty/mönkey
>The CHAD “getting shit done and going to Valve” #FixTF2 crew
>the virgin “SeeS”
>The CHAD “SooS”
only noobs seeth at cheats
I don't really like any of them, but did they actually go? No, actually, the only TFTubers I like are that woman and the guy who talks about the maps and AfterBreakFast
that doesn't look like femsniper that looks like malesniper on HRT
the face is exactly the same and he's got saggy moobs why would you save this
My naMe IS nOT iMpoRTaNt
A lot of spy 'trick stabbers' are running autobackstab cheats and its just as annoying to deal with as any other kind of cheater
all spy mains use autostab scripts
trve sovl
stabby stabby is live
>just spam strafe so slowdown does nothing
but moving in a zig-zag formation is literally slower than moving in a straight line
let me guess, he's using the kunai + l'etranger
and moving in a straight line while slowed is slower than zigzagging while slowed
now...let's go practice tf2...
it's not original, but it's true: i am heavy weapons guy
that heavy is a scout!
>gay cat image
>gay 2fort post
>DUDE I HAVE LE BIRDS (for some reason a popular amongst weird millenial guys)
>awesome sauce
god i fucking hate basedmericans
i actually thought anon meant he had chickens or something like that 'cause i can't stand birds as pets. but he clearly enjoys having them so good for him and lmao @ you for getting bootyblasted about it
>chad cat image
>chad 2fort post
>birbs(for some reason popular amonst based guys)
>awesome sauce
I fucking love ameriGODS
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>having birbs that fluff and well fed
Yep, that's based.
birds are de facto tf2 culture
>lmao @ you for getting bootyblasted about it
Again with the gay american words. You havent progressed mentally since you turned 16
>outlines on allies when you spawn helps noobs find the front line
>but they just mindlessly walk towards the front line
>never learn the maps or layouts
artist name
lmao he's still seething
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the 2fort, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite VIDEO GAMES. you should totally come on down to my spawn room, it’s got EXPOSED BLU BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some SFMs on Youtube! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the birdcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also a BIRD SANCTUARY like when we were kids, so we can do awesome BIRD WATCHING, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FEATHERBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this atomic punch and pop open another one!!!
i ain't readin' allat
fuck i forgot to replace the name "megan" with ms pauling

Now im EXTRA angry
>All syringe guns now automatically reload when you're switched off them
>Overdose movement speed bonus is now a general passive, regardless if you're holding it or not
>Stock syringe gun heals 1HP to allies per projectile

Would this be enough to make syringe guns competitive with the crossbow?
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post cursed images
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Birdfags need to be put in cages
So, that's it? They just handed them a big book, and it was over?

I guess when the game has already been fixed, there's not much to say.
No, you don't understand. The whale gamblers said to boycott the game after the bots were gone, so actually they are better and more moral than anyone else.
Proof that "auto stab scripts" exist?
nothing cursed about this one
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zhis, so much zhis
I wonder how many pedophiles names from this general alone are in that book.
I can expect several Nick Gurrs
What is this supposed to accomplish? It's already fixed
i hope they atleast talked to eric about returning quickplay or at the least improving casual
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How would YOU improve casual, /tf2g/?
increase his viewership and feed his ego
Specifically because they said they would and people were saying they HAD to go anyway because they HECKIN PROMISED
I don't know if it would make them as good as the crossbow, but I do know that these are all terrible ideas.
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steem freens
Turn it into quickplay
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add back a leaver penalty unironically. only 2 minutes or so
You no longer get automatically assigned to a team, it returns to the door screen like before while it's waiting for players
The map no longer ends after 2 rounds and either doesn't end at all or has the round limit doubled to like 4 or something before the map vote (and if the winner of the map vote is the same map nothing needs to reload, it just continues as a new round, I have no idea why it was ever programmed that way to begin with)
Vote scramble returns, volunteering to switch teams for auto balance returns

This would all be possible to turn casual into a quickplay like environment without fully reverting to quickplay, ideally Valve would also create new rules for allowing community servers into the mix but that would take more effort than I think they'd be willing to put in
what do with 14 ref?
man I miss the days when this was like three keys
buy a couple hats you like
Buy some of the SOVLful pre-2011 hats
buy a cheap strange
how 2 train trickstabs
is there a trickstab training map out there?
guess it is one of these
I don't think you understand how expensive (ref wise) those have gotten
>that sniper main with the anime avatar
good image
Classic engineer is forgivable and is the only one who didn't die
bad image
good image
new objector image
Yuuka is renowned for her ass not her feet.
I can't believe valve went woke
Feet are basically asses.
F2P are TF2 war heroes
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Feet aren't erotic on their own.
this. they're only erotic when accompanied by a nice pair of legs and buttcheeks
>Buy an ad!
>Buys an ad
>No you can't do that!
>So why do good girls like bad guys?
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>if he is a man
thats because the mercs consider him more of a monster than a man. it's not "Could he be a woman?" it's "Is the pyro even human?"
foot fetish is literally the most prevalent paraphilia on the planet
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>it's not "Could he be a woman?"
You are a newfag who started playing after Jungle Inferno
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>Impact impaler
>Hot case
>Mair mask
I don't have a picture but I run this same outfit too, nostromo napalmer as well
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>doesn't deny being a newfag
>no retort, only a shitty image macro
I accept your concession, newfag
>two easily shoppable screenshots
what is there to argue about
Biggest cope since the invention of lolis
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>actually so fucking new he thinks all the times Valve hinted at Pyro being a woman are photoshopped
All you're doing is digging your newfag hole deeper
Read the comics
Why is pyro voiced by a man
Same reason male characters like Timmy Turner are voiced by women. Or a white guy voices Demoman.
Acting is acting. You don't have to match the character in real life.
same reason bart is voiced by a woman
bart is trans
Sounds like man grunts desu
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The grunts are pretty ambiguous most of the time. And if you really want to get down to it TFC Pyro sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJjh0Ho0FUk
But Valve made her an old granny anyway. It means fuck all
>valve made her
so the comics are canon now
TFC wasn't a "lore" game at all. All the characters had the same voices, because it was a multiplayer military/sci-fi game based on Half-Life/Quake and nobody gave a fuck about the story, because there wasn't a story. TF2 is a reboot. Attempts to connect them using the comic or whatever else is a retcon. It's cute that they tried, but it's unconvincing and wrong.
Always have been. People forget Miss Pauling, Saxton Hale, Redmond and Blutarch, Gray Mann, etc were all inventions of the comics and now all of them show up in the game.

You missed the point entirely. The point is it doesn't matter what the sex of the voice actor is, Valve could say the character's a woman anyway. And in Pyro's case they've been hinting it's a woman since literally TF2's release, so it has even a stronger case than TFC Pyro
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Tell me your favorite Blue Archive girl, and post your favorite image of her. The post that gets a 5 will be my new objector. I'm tired of the image I have at the moment
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don't play it but arona is EASY smash
you don't have to use this image btw
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5 and you make this your objector image instead
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For me? It's Hasumi.
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I prefer Arknights
but idk what blue archive is
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how much would it cost to get a basic killsteak kit for every weapon
feetchads win again
my guess is around $40
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okay, we've got a winner.
I can't do it at the moment, but I'll post the objector on the loadout screen once I'm done
I accidentally saved a sample, here's the full image if you prefer. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7113521
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doesn't make much of a difference after resizing, but whatever
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/tf2g/ flag
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it's done
cool loadout
I have 50 hours and I just got an australium strange black box after my first tour. how much is that worth. sorry for bad english
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https://youtu.be/IY7sZiZqnZU?si=QddE58y3dqcXWWMd sounds good but definitely doesn't get tf2 by my count, i'm not an expert but i don't think they had these sounds in the 60s
is danbooru better or worse than gelbooru for wanking
newish player here, i like capture points like dustbowl but not the ones where teams take turns to go back and forth over 5 or so points (because they take ages)- which maps can i filter out for this?
jewish player here, i like money like dollar bills and quarters but not the ones where the denominations are too small like under 5 cents or so (because they take ages to accrue interest)- which goyim can i filter out for this?
playing tf2 and feeling only joy now even if i get airshotted and lose
cant believe we used to have to deal with bots and cheaters, it feels like a bad dream we woke up from
Gelbooru, Danbooru makes you make an account to see everything
I do like how Danbooru automatically puts the artist name in the filenames though
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why did it stop anyways

i havent played much in the last 6 months.
strange, vintage or festive (non-strange) buff banner?
The iron dome failed to protect israel, tons of computer infrastructure damage.
idk im going to poo in a sec and i cant really be arsed thinking about the quality of a soldiers buff banner
self-crafted unique
>20+ minute queue time for 5cp
would you wear a 2013 mercenary
no, not a 2012 mercenary either and i joined that year
works in 10 seconds on my machine
2012 is a long fucking time ago dude
my steam account says the amount of years i've been playing, that's all i really need
hello. i have discovered a newfound appreciation for tf2's original map artstyle in the vein of badlands, old mines, especially factories and it made me wonder why we haven't gotten a map with standard tf2 visuals in nearly 10 years
I think in the early days mappers, both official and unofficial, felt like they had to do something other than TF2's original style in order to stand out. Even something like Harvest is sort of pushing the boundaries of that style, but it's downright run of the mill as compared to something like that cuba map or nucleus.
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just turn on subtitles for meet the pyro
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Zhanna and Pauling best girls.
Quick Fix as the only Medic is kinda fun.
I feel the same. I get a satisfaction out of getting people back up to full HP, mostly because even good medics put a priority on pocketing people. That might very well be the smart move, but I know firsthand that it can be frustrating for the wounded team mates.
When it works its a lot of fun to rocket jump around with soldiers.
I personally prefer the buffed up army, makes everyone play more aggressively when they can see that extra health with their eyes
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>Zhanna is introduced by having sex with Soldier
>is literally shown naked and covered in honey
>talks about having sex with Soldier a lot
>barely any porn of her
>not even a decent SFM model
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It hurts bros. I would kill for a good SFM model.
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She's actually so perfect I'm surprised more people don't like her.
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Too many fags in this community, and not enough people read the comics
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I like women, men, tf2, and the comics, I lose in zero situations.
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eric smith gets attracted by shiny saturated maps ig
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hello there
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>map doesn't change until a minimum of 30 minutes have been played
>voting time cut in half
>auto scramble after one side wins 2 times in a row
boom, knucklehead! consider your frickin' casual matchmaking fixed
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nah kill yourself. you aren't entitled to my time when you want to play like a fag
Let's be real if she had a SFM model everyone would cry "woke" and leave "that's a man" comments all over it. None of the good porn animators would actually use it.
post your pet(s) then, faggot
She DOES have a SFM model and it DOES look like a man, that's the whole problem you retard
We're asking for a GOOD model, if it actually looked like this
everybody would use it
Thanks Jill

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