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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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cute edition
need yandere gf
what are some good lol youtubers to binge watch
been watching old dunkey and tfw nobody could ever replace his lol content after he quit
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Man I love how we win a team fight, then Akshan appears to pick us all off, revives his whole team, and makes everything we just did useless.
How have the devs never removed Akshan's revive passive from the game yet?
Tobias Fate. His editors are amazing unironically.
yone ultimate animated splash art
>huge storm in the middle of the evening
>wake up and browse 4chan because it's impossible to sleep
>witness last thread
keep the cringe and mental illness levels to the minimum this thread, it's almost eu hours
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a ruined skin legendary would be perfect for this
If you pay attention to the image borders you can see that the "master elo" player cut out the imagine and eddited it into it.
Propably from youtube or something
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Remember to report all Briar players for playing a champ designed to run it down
"vg vs vg"
na server custom game
password "vidya"
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garen needs to be buffed, even a soraka hardcounters him
all three the same bpd girl btw
you dont have white skin
i love them all
3rd would be perfect for me, reminds me of my mom and I'm a mommas boy
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t. rumia attention seeking
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if anyone told me that kassadin hardcounters pantheon i'd propably call him an iron elo retard, but the statistics clearly say that kassadin wins against pantheon
guess im the retard
Kneel for your princess.
What you don't understand in the past , before Riot buffed Garen a million times on his W(Resistance, Damage reduction buffs) and his E (Spin scales absurdly now), it used to be a heavily favored Jax matchup.
You could Counterstrike Garens Q and run him down. But now this isn't possible anymore. The majority of Garens damage comes from his Spin nowadays. Garens build also completely changed, he isn't some frontliner that only can execute people with his ult anymore. He literally shits on a ton of matchups nowadays through his E and the absurd scaling on it.
You simply won't kill Garen fast enough as a Jax nowadays. It also doesn't help that his passive is a massive benefit in the matchup.
You are not allowed as a Jax to let him has his passive up, so you are forced to trade with him at all cost.
Because you lose the moment, he ever gets to regen his health and if he is smart he won't constantly trade with you like a retard.
Garen simply will shit on you post-6 the moment he is able to proc his passive. You can't out sustain him, because he will nuke you with his ult and the absurd damage reduction (30% btw) + shield is too much to handle.
Yeah, you can in theory kill Garen in the early game and snowball from there, but this isn't the case normally.
Garen shits on Jax ever since they heavily buffed his W and let his Spin scale with AD/AS/Crit , the matchup completely switched from a Jax favored matchup to a Garen favored Matchup.
You are just hard coping at this point. The data backs it up, my personal experience as someone who actually played the matchup in Master+ a ton, pre-Garen buffs and post Garen buffs.
Either you kill Garen pre-6 , or Garen will shit on you as a Jax nowadays.That matchup used to be free as fuck as Jax, but it completely changed because Riot buffed Garen over and over, so he can stay viable with 200 years champions.
bruh, you are silver elo at best, stop talking.
even the video where you showed me the winning garen - garen was actually hardlosing and jaxs entire team lost.
you suck at jax, thats all.

here, i will literally blow your mind right now:
You can use your q to gain distance from garen when he e's, and counterstrike his q.
Then garen will have 10 second cds on both his spell and cant deal dmg to you anymore.

will garen survive a jax hitting him for 10 seconds with navori?
the biggest cringe is how it even shows that in the video YOU posted
these were 3 different people?
ganked 5 times by fiddle
he might have died twice but i lost so my cs and exp and kill opportunities that its crazy
going to force myself to become a one trick
who will you one trick as anon?
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bets in case bellamy forgets
people hate garen being tanky and oneshotting you below 50% while being immune to cc and silencing you
i hate him because his build gives him 500 ms out of combat to the point you can never catch up and punish him
>troons v discucks game#3271
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Fuck, i just lost against volibear and reduced chos winrate. I think riot needs to buff cho gath so hes balanced.
Win lane, win game was how it works right?
Ok, I posted that hit Master twice in the last few years. Believe what you want, pick Jax into a Garen and think it is a good matchup nowadays.
Don't trust the stats, that show that Garen not only wins more games, but also solo kills Jax more often in lane in Master+.Don't trust me who hit Master with Jax in his champion pool in 2019 and 2022.
Continue picking Jax into Garen and think it is a Jax favoured. I am just a random silver, you are very smart.
>muh randomized stats
i rather watch the gameplays of the actual games that happened. and so far pretty much all show jax beating garen.
league isnt a 1v1 game, wheter you win or not isnt depended by which toplaner was stronger in a 1v1
you can erase your enemy top untill he ragequits and still lose a game 4v5
based teamdisparity
weird how my losses are always someone else's fault
*kneels down under her*
thank you for letting me serve you princess
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I just lost to a nocturne toplane as garen, i think garen needs to be buffed.
Cant even win a game against nocturne. I think nocturne has a 100% winrate against garen now
Jeeeesus this skin. 100% designed by a lolicon.
yeah.. i love dabs but she can be a a bit silly sometimes
mamma mia those milkers can feed me for decades atleast
supports with dmg items
is this the way to go as a soloq player? I'm on wild rift btw
But she's yapping even while you dream because she's a telepathic.
>Lose due to Inting Sion player
>If I try to deal with the fed MF, Sion just deletes the base
It's so fucking bullshit.
It's an old stereotype that women talk a lot but Sona is a mute; yet she will be worse than a normal girl because she can speak telepathically, so you'll hear here even in your dreams.
we're aram guys
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For me its jungle bitches
I want to stretch Nilah or Evelynn.
How many fucking games does the game require me to lose before I leave losers queue and get put on a win streak? I win 1 game, lose the next 3, rinse and repeat. It's so bullshit.
5 is the max loses
Why is it so that when a person receives tutoring, no matter on what account he plays, even those he subjectively assessed as being in the loser queue, he suddenly performs better?
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when im doing the slingshot i go for at least 10
The loss streak on twitch is broken
I preformed like shit and got carried but it is broken
Time to queue adc again
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Sona should be 8ft tall so her tits are directly at the height of my face.
another vg vs vg where the team with a 10k gold lead stacks as 5 in bushes for 30 mins rather than end the game
i am so bored of this stupid fear end concept lol
hit nexus and move on
new game coming up very soon
>its ok when i do it
*16k gold lead
>non majin vgs
i do not do this ever though lol i always either try to 1v5 or end the game when im winning
none of this "i need to gang up as 5 on the wukong support who sold all his items to pad my kda"
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what if camille but anime
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i had fun but now bedtime to continue the working struggle
what if camille just had normal thick thighs instead of fucking sword legs
>i hate him because his build gives him 500 ms out of combat to the point you can never catch up and punish him
depends on what champ you play i guess, that argument works for like 70% of the champool.
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it's okay babygirl, you know they were afraid of the true power levels of the wukong support and that's why they did it

just imagine for a second, being a 5/1 karma toplane getting run down by a bronze wukong support who's 2 levels beneath you as you run and flash and faceroll your keyboard just to survive. How embarrassing must've that felt
alright gg then ig
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we'll get em next time
vg vs vg place your bets
come on ravens
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bets 2 be safe
redside gets fucked on
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Who wins?
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>try zeri out
>having a blast for days now
>new upcoming zeri prestige during worlds event
irelia was trollpick for toplane for the entirety of s13
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>that blue team
uh oh
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I'll have you know that it's very hard to play sion correctly. It's not like you can just click down a side lane take eight years to die against a fed champ that does %MaxHP damage plus an item that does %MaxHP every second, while being 1/7 yourself.
That would be crazy if a champ could demand an insanely disproportionate amount of power to match their push even while insanely far behind wouldn't it?
>against a fed champ
>2 items, iceborn gauntlet and a shitty ap item, Hp item and movespeed shoes
If you want to deal damage you have to buy damage.
Sion doesnt do dmg either in the clip
>but i have 6 giant belts im supposed to 1shot a tank
Was the clip before the ap scaling nerf on q or after?
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tfw no duo
whats your personality? mbti?
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I'm surprised I'm not seeing Lissandra used more considering she's S+ and does so much damage. What should I build on her besides the core items?
intj i have no idea how to talk to people and i dont feel human
why would you be surprised
its the most boring thing in the game
its just a clunkier annie
So how is China going to receive the new season of Arcane with what we know of the leaks?
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why are you asking specifically
im asking bc i have like 20 billion accounts
vg vs vg results

my team a bit greasy and unwashed
better aatrox wins
GGs topdank
KatDog lane went well
I was starting to learn Azir but apparently they're gutting him because of pro-play. Are there champs that Riot never touches? I don't want my mains to get nerfed out of nowhere.
i thought trials was cracked did he really just get mogged by khadow first timing his champ in a mirror
they arent
hes good anyways
people that whine about that are just coping they are bad at him
another vg up soon?
trials got spam ganked the entire game
new lobby up vg vs vg pass vidya
wheres NEXT
>vgs are back
fuck yeah
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vg vs vg bets
They have all been dogshit stomps
You should know by now to avoid non majin lobbies
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Oh hey you saved my gens
I wonder where road-to-diamond-AnnieAnon is
which one is rumia
>singed jg
kino incoming
im 4/0/3 but my team is feeding a bit
shadowflamd bros we are gonna eat so good
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>Next champion is an old black woman
Riot does realize NO ONE will play her, yes? Ambessa is just leftover work from the fired employees like Arcane Season 2 and Clove from Valorant.
So did riot really stop perma banning people?
I would join these if you allowed bans. Why don't you?
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draft takes too long to pick and start, if someone isnt paying attention ( or is trolling ) then we need to start over

but you can just type in the lobby and say "tahm kench is banned" and people will usually play along
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Should I do It?
Anyone else feel like they're dying way more than they used to?
No, I feel alive.
Do not play this game. You will turn into a woman.
ur jungler ganks for a garen or ganks a garen
classic natards
yeah talon is probably the most unfair assassin to face as a marksman
at least leblanc and akali take some semblance of skill instead of e into flash into r a q oneshot in less than a second
shieldbow and barrier doesnt matter
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That's the plan.
Soraka! My Cute Wife!

Cute fish.
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cum and fart man too op
sorry boys, its been years since i last played that champ...
who were u
vg vs vg vidya up now
Why the old League animations had so much soul? What happened?
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why does the bbc spammer spam my stream and why did someone say he sees why people don’t like me
It wasn’t even me I’ve been busy all day ;_;
Missed mantheon’s stream too… champs for this feel???
the robo-bug...
holy shit kys you obnoxious attention seeking fuck
u did fine man
no he didnt he got gapped and threw the game for his team dont lie to people asshole
i also don't play jungle...
I want to know why he spams it kek
Anyways say that to my face not online
sometimes youre the dog and sometimes youre the tree
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top tier content bois
nah the lucian and teemo did fuckall
t. lucian nigger complaining all game
you were completely useless saga lol
She's black so they will keep her OP.
saga really out here losing vex into qiyana into flame his team combo holy
it was none of your fault
you all played good
i just played better than all of you and carried
thats how it goes
nothing to be mad about
next game ill probably go 0/10 as per usual
sometimes u are the dog and sometimes u are the tree
you're annoying steel
vg vs vg pass vidya need 2 niggers join fast
well i won and you didnt so hmmph!
warning, warning:
high concentration of discorders detected
discretion advised
steel is so sweet and cute though. he has immaculate rizz simply because he exudes the energy of a wet kitten
you didn't see what happened in blue team chat
but make it about yourself after getting a free win against an autofill shen main thats chill
>say nothing
>still flamed
you niggas got a micro penis
>say something
>people think it's someone else
>that someone else gets flamed
truly devious, who is saga?
thats not rizz
steel is passive, he gets rizzed he cant rizz anyone up
i am autofilled sup main and in my team chat everyone was telling me i carried
i feel personally attacked
hey, my kayn ganked for my garen and that made me carry the entire game
why shouldnt you bring your towerhitter and flanker online?
I have thousands more gold than him, spent on stats that my abilities scale off of. one of which kinda double scales.
I did over 200%MAX HP damage that fight. That's not including sheen procs, unenhanced autos, or Shen E.
And this was before Shen nerfs yeah. And DE was a really good item then lmfao, especially on Shen.
If anyone else matched him he'd shit on them, that's how he got the one kill he had.
Sion is for toddlers and he always will be.
animetroon rolerplayer
no hes a whiny cunt who sobs in all chat all game when his team is losing and rages about people moving as 5 yet when the situation is reversed he happily goes along with it and talks shit
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and pretty hot
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Meant grasp procs not sheen procs.
Ty I will not pursue
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I demoted tonight
It does not feel good but I have a negative winrate
I feel stuck
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the fuck kind of player are you? get the fuck back in bronze please
i definitely did not go along with it i went in 1v5 constantly that entire game lol
this also definitely wasnt a stomp, u guys had 7k gold lead on us almost the entire game ?
this was a very close game
ily steel
You buy tank items, realisticly you shouldnt deal any dmg at all.
>I have 2 heckin tank items and 0 armor or magic pen im supposed to kill a sion in 3 seconds!
Also, the issue is your clip is literally not even sion, but old-hullbreaker.
>I have thousands more gold than him
Doesnt matter, giant belt doesnt have a dmg stat, switft boots dont have a damage stat.
Your ap item does nothing because you dont have MR pen
I also dont get your argument about the embrace.
How much dmg did it do? 2% per second? Even if they changed it to true dmg, 2% would require 50 seconds to kill a champ, even longer on any champ with shield or heal.

Where is this retarded logic about "i burn 2% per second, im supposed to kill someone in 5 seconds" coming from
thanks ily2
yeah i have....
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>and prettyHot
How hot we're talking about here?
i love her
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>holy fuck split is about to end already fuck riot forcing so many splits
>win 1 single game
>emerald II 60 lp, 1 game out of 5
Is it feasible to get diamond before promos end or have they done any more gay shit to LP gains?
I really don't want to play this gay ass season any more than I have to
The other guy said it was a troon so which is it
Won a game on singed in honor of steel
Shen's damage goes up with health and AP the giants belt give more damage than buying AD on him.
I know you like to THINK tanks shouldn't do damage but the fact is that they do.
Even now with hullbreaker changed it just means he dies a few seconds sooner.

Fact of the matter is he's one of the few champs whose pressure he's able to apply does not change when he's behind, no matter how much.
But hey that's fine. People who are inherently bad at the game need SOMEONE to play else they would quit. So Riot has to put some of them in the roster.
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>call someone a retard
>insta muted
>haha now you need to win 3 normal games just to be able to go back to ranked

Just perma ban me already
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good job nonny
i dont want to say cuz it might embarass them
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Should I do it?
you have no idea what happened that game its just plain obnoxious how uppity you act after winning a single game out of your last 50 vgs
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make them embarrassed
make em feel shy!
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Should I do Itt?
why would i do that,,
tua mãe!
only if you want to have sex with me
hes brat
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How the absolute fuck do you fight a fed Draven? I was playing Trundle and couldn't do shit because Illaoi blocked all my splitpushing ability, Teemo blinds me, Amumu and Nunu CC me to death, and Draven just instakills everyone.
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excluding the new one, I already have every gwen skin, how many sex points do I get?
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very warm - like a coffee
>Have a 46% win rate and no longer even
How much longer til I go back to 50%?
do hapas really have brown nipples?
you go a little lower stomp and go back to losing every game
What good would that do
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Jesus. Either his dick is super long or it is just not attached to his body.
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I need some coffee.
rumia get on whatever account u have me added on
great! I'll get you some senpai!
You're already due
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in the middle of the night?
i'd hump her tummy
How much Ranked do I need to play to get the Sona skin?
Like 80-90 games
>the giants belt give more damage than buying AD on him.
No it doesnt. He only scales with health if you buy titanic hydra.
Otherwise his only damagespell that scales with health is his taunt which you use 1 time and not even adcs care about the dmg of your taunt.
>Ad items wouldnt do more dmg than demon embrace with no magic pen
Botrk does 10% per autohit, demonic 2% per second and propably 2% more on your q.
Means that everytime you use q you deal additional 6%
Means 1 single botrk autohit without q deals more than all your 3 ap q hits+3 seconds of demon burn
What Sona skin?
Isn't she the one getting a Victorious skin for this split?
would you like me to grab you a blanket senpai san?
Any tips for Shen? Plan on trying him out tomorrow.

Damn, I'll have to get into ranked sooner than I had hoped if that's the case.
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How come anons never ask for Qiyana tips anymore
Just copy whatever this guy does.
you got cleared too much in the vgs
Hmm Golden Bikini Zozo...
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Do it yordlebro
Golden Bikini... everybody.
Why is it so good.
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I know, right?
saying gg in allchat should be an auto ban and i mean that completely and entirely without irony
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Gold goes with skin too great
+ side-tie string bikinis too sexy
double whammy of sex
ok now lets see ur rank
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Side-tie string bikinis will END MY LIFE
We're entering the golden mini-arc...
What tips do you have?
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sounds like graveyard shift
best supports
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I dont care about what anyone bellow diamond says
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I keep losing ahahahahahqhhahahbagahahababahbabahahahahahahha
It never got better it’s only getting worse
are vgs still going?
no, should they be? Would you play?
uhh okay? sure
but what happened to >>493353136
it didn't fill up :[
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Surely I'll go on a 4 game win streak so I can hit diamond and be done with this split r-right... ?
>167 wins
yikes, took me 30 games to hit d4 and that was with my friend trolling every game and leaving me with a negative winrate
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Proud of you. It's always important to remember that comparison is the thief of joy !
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It's good to press Profane during the E animation but before hitting Q so that you either don't break your stealth or you make sure you don't miss the critical earth damage, you can still get the auto-target Q if you time it right.
I dunno anything specific you want to know?
we need new lists
Would Iceborne Gauntlet be good on Lissandra?
Because a bunch of dunning kruger faggots have taken this general hostage for a while and they will actively parasite any actual discussion about the game. If you ask me, those "people" are way more detrimental than the spammer.
yeah convince me this champ is balanced
Nah, nothing specific, just cool to know stuff
Daily reminder riot games actually want their game to play like this. This is the pinnacle of their design's philosophy.
Why so many fags on here?
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The ease of access is too eroi
its vision gap gg
i live if im on qiqi btw
>just spend 3250 gold to not get oneshot once every 120s bro! trust me it will change everything on top of being so cheap! Especially when talon literally has no cd on his walljump!

...thanks for the invaluable insight, anon.

E'ing out off of a minion, you mean? It could have been enough to avoid E2 at best... But perhaps...
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I wish I was good enough to play Qiyana
You should do a talon flip from the balkony you wasted 10 iq subhuman
There's only one way to become worthy of her... and that is by practicing her... wagmi... one day we'll make her proud...
as a mage choosing not to buy zhonyas vs assassins is an ego move...
you are declaring you are good enough at the game that you don't need it and will simply outposition and outmaneuver the enemy teams assassin, and never let him get on top of you
you dont get to cry foul if you decide you don't want to buy zhonyas
you're the one who thinks you're the better player
you're the one who got proven wrong
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It feels like she's either played by people who main her and already know all the tech and the bugs and they study beifeng VODs - or completely clueless people.
Sure sucks seeing a qiyana not make a realization that since E is a fixed distance dash when a melee champion gets on top of you and you want to run it's best to actually take a little step backwards and E through them to "slingshot" yourself forward. Fizz and yasuo players tend to be very aware of this - and yet I really don't see qiyanas doing it unless they're onetricks.

Personally I enjoy xPetu's content a lot because he goes over both the mechanical aspects (optimizing spacing and trading as much as possible) and the thought process behind the fairly unique decisionmaking on his champion. It's interesting watching him make such a great use of shen's earlygame fighting power and translate it into playing for the team past a certain point.
and thats an ego move i basically always make
i pretty much never buy zhonyas on mages
and sometimes? that makes me lose games that i couldve won if i was willing to buy it. but im not. and thats my OWN CHOICE TO MAKE
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Oneshots are kino imho tbqh
E behind Talon - profane kills and then E2 misses I live ez pz
im iron level skill and i join the custom games and attentionwhore
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Katarina max mastery now. Yay. That's one more there.
post your pussy
You can join custom games but you'll have to state you are low elo so that the guy making the vg's balance out the team by spreading out equal ranks.
You can get your attention from vg screencaps and posting your games here more with igns uncensored mainly with the narrative of "how to climb" or blogposting your games of the climb.
Nobody is balancing these games
>5 vgs
>0 good games
I try when I host but I kinda don't want to host rn
It's too stressful
Everyone's too mad
There are too many ppl who will freak out if same team
Well the a good host should, no wonder you people keep arguing all the time or have some bitter grudge.
You should play Jinx and cosplay her cutie
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Azakana is this true?
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Zhonya is a good item, it's also an obvious buy, I'm not denying it. On the contrary, it's so obvious that stating it just sounds... let's not get there.
Now the question is where do you slide zhonya in your build pathing... You obviously need your core lost chapter item on zoe to waveclear, waveclearing is like the number 1 priority mid to have any agency and serve your primary purpose as a midlaner... then you probably want to have a damaging second item, whichever you pick, for actual damage since without kill potential your mage is just easy to ignore and defenseless, unable to retaliate, only then can you, on a 3rd item, get zhonya.

Now about zhonya specifically, well Talon played a dangerous game here, diving with 400 hp and hoping he will get a oneshot. It paid off nicely in this case. Though what can a mage do when talon jumps on them? Press zhonya yeah, but in a 1v1 situation where talon can freely rush in and run out at any time, one party can easily delay their spells when the other has to press zhonya. And even if Zoe was to press zhonya and save herself from this, even if Talon died there and got executed, then what? She would die next time talon's R is up, without any cdr that's 60s level 3. So he can use it twice before zhonya gets available again.

Again, I'm not denying zhonya's benefits but talon is just way too braindead and free and zhonya, rather than being a tool of dueling, is a free jail card that you use if you fuck up, since as a sniper like Zoe you should never get in range of anything... she has no escape after all, her spells are pretty slow, her sleep is not easy to hit in melee and she got nothing beyond that...
Though I do appreciate Talon conceptually, sneaking in through the holes in enemy vision to strike the target in one swift oneshot, that's a good way to characterize what an assassin should look like, but he has too many things going for him, the no cd on wall being one of them, the insane wavelear is another.
great its so easy so when r u starting
>a good host
I made the last vg in EuW if I can recall correctly, it was 2 arams and 2 norms, they all had their fun and the games were alright. It did take about 45 minutes to fill.
grats queen
I think I've fapped to Katarina the most out of all league characters
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I wish laning phase was longer, lol stops being fun at 13 minute mark just before plates fall off
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You can do it anon
All it takes is practice
She isn't actually that hard it's kinda just knowing how to press buttons without wasting damage
and knowing how to hit ult
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Yeah that's correct... had you had a good enough time reaction, and I know you do, on top of Qiyana having one of the best hp scaling per level in the game, it would have worked most likely. Qiyana is so powerful after all...

Also, very cool webm. Hitting a combo from stealth is so satisfying...

Okay I wanna play Qiyana again... I don't really play the game at all lately but those webms really get my blood going...
i feel bad
thats way too many words for me to respond to
i read all of it but i dont have the energy to type a detailed response
especially since we are specifically talking about zoe. which is a weird champ and i do not play her nor do i know how she really functions
all the mages i play kill talon there 100 percent [mainly syndra, annie, and lux]
Someone answer me?
She has low wr
It's not.
no, she definitely doesnt? its 53 percent in emerald and it just goes higher the higher rank u look
Can we have a discussion of the season without shipfagging?
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Damnn thats a great webm qkm
I gotta say the bot wall ult hitbox is always bigger than I think
Something about the angle makes me always misjudge how big the explosion will be, nice play
Ok now thats not true an afk cat could play talon well
Cait gets to eat Vi's crotch, i'm just a little jealous, sorry.
i need a lillia mommy to console me lillia definitely has the best mommy mode she would definitely stroke my head the softest and smile so earnestly while whispering me to comfortable dreams very mommy like
a womans son wrote this
why won't she get on
I need my daily dose
I'm sorry, what are you asking?
>Maddie's crotch
I'm the exact opposite. The laning phase is the most unfun part for me. But that's mostly because I have to fight lame champs all the time.
Also, well zoe kills there too it's just I wasted my q and lichbane active on the waveclear
If i just held the lichbane and hit profane auto it woudlve killed it was pretty good timing from sunshine
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I was saying they should bring back frozen mallet for your Yone.
Wonder if this item is as op as it sounds. Looks like even red form Kayn could build it.
Will there be another magma
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>They buffed Jax
Champs for the sad realization that u only really want to talk to one person and they don't even like u
It literally gave Ashe's passive of slowing each AA, it was so good at annoying people, I built it so many times on Teemo in the toplane especially back when mobility was rare. I was fun slowly bleeding and kiting enemies to death.
I miss this NIGGA so much
I miss Frozen Mallet, I miss Stopwatch, I miss Everfrost. Boo hoo boo hoo.
said no one
Literally said it. Riot should just come fourth and say they hate blue items because they're fun (for me) but annoying (for everyone else).
Its scheduled for three weeks from now rn
Can start a new one whenever if there's a lot of demand though
Stopwatch still exists? Zhonyas?
Said mage abusers only. It could come back as long as they add a lethality version with mr on it seeing as how mages have a op version of maw(seraph's embrace) too WITH also having zhonyas.
Duskblade.... My beloved
You guys say you wants this and an ad version of majai's until you play against it. You think you're going to be the only person playing an assassin if that were to happen.
I miss Frozen Mallet Senna so much bros...
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When will there be a worlds event pass?
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It doesn't exist anymore. Zhonyas also feels terrible to build atm because of the needlessly large rod one of purchase which costs a lot. Overall building the item feels like shit, it costs more and I think the cooldown to use it again is larger.

Jokes on you I also liked Duskblade with the chain invis so they can bring it on too.
>Jokes on you I also liked Duskblade with the chain invis so they can bring it on too.
Lame, I missed the original duskblade that Jhin ruined. It had a passive called "nightfall".
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Why isn't this item in SR
Taric is not allowed to have an item catered to him in Rift
>sword of the occult granted attack speed when fully stacked
I don't think you guys want that item in the game. If you think you do, i'd like you to imagine a Yone or Yasuo on enemy team with it fully stacked.
I want to be her footstool so badly...
to everyone i've hurt, i'm sorry
to everyone who loved me, thank you
goodbye /lolg/
i'll remember you forever
seeya in a few
but plz add me on your secret account...
she needs rape bad
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a womans son wrote this
you need rape bad
That's hot to hear
>get frenchoid on team
>get turkroach on team
>get spaniard arab rapebaby on team
>get slav on team
why are they like this?
>make up random reason for why Im stuck at low elo
God she's so fucking BUILT for . . .
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should I continue to climb diamond and try to get masters or just boost egirls? I'm kinda feeling social but solo queue isnt helping.
..my small white cock
to everyone whos hurt me, i'm sorry
to everyone who didnt loved me, fuck you
goodnight /lolg/
i'll remember you during my fap
wanna make out in normals?
>enchanter senna item
ive never fapped to lolg before... maybe i should try
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little late on this but here you go sweetie
absolutely terrifying
bitch looks like a demon keep your slop to yourself
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im eating cookies and cream ice cream right now
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I just want Hubris to have statues back
Why the fuck did they remove that shit terrible move
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you dont like my extra fingers or are you jealous that I didn't make my special coffee for you? I can make you some if you're nice
Will the worlds pass be at the next patch?
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goodnight, /lolg/
I want to make an account where I only play Zoe and Annie. What should the name be?
Massage Enjoyer#JEE
Anthony Weiner#NYC
TheCunnyCriminal #RAP3
btn by a lil grl#MSGK
I miss you...
I don't get these
This is a good contender
What does msgk mean?
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>What does msgk mean?
Have fun...
I got a boner after looking it up, thanks
Shaco players are so fucking useless. Stop picking this garbage in Arena.
Overall it's a Senna item whether she's an enchanter or crit/lethality. It's also a Taric, Renata, and Milio item.
Why does Rito hate having fun items ? No Banner of Command, or Twin Shadow...
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your response
im so hyped for arcane s2 bros it's gonna be so good
this but unironically
actually loved s1
viktor going full cybertroon will be kino
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next time try playing with humans
Okay if I make this cunny account, can someone gift me an annie skin thx
why did you chuds bully her
if I say you won't care anymore
good morning league nation
>get a latvian on team
>epic win
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can you guys please stop the loliposts before i go into my ep 19 ryuuko arc
shut yo bitch ass nigga latvian mouth right about now
>insane aram loby with op champs and synergies
>someone dodges
>get into new lobby with cmplete trash and I can only play supports
its ogre
nobody remembered that show 1 year after it aired let alone 10 years later
Turks are the biggest subhuman you can get on EuW.
Not only do they constantly speak to you in their roach language, similar to the French refusing to speak English, they also often transfer Elos from their containment server.
I remember a few years ago one of these subhumans freshly transferred from D1 to EuW, to ruin my Master promo.
They also constantly talk in all chat when they are butthurt.
humanity girl
why do turks love zed so much btw
Welp I had a miserable day and league did not make it any better. Good night.
what about her
i had a dream a few days ago that katarina was sucking me off but then she killed me after
I miss her already
I love it.. it was a pretty popular anime yknow
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>Opponent wants to poke me to death
>Just sit under turret and get the minions that come under the turret
>Opponent leaves
>Start to slow push
>See opponent appear
>Walk back to my turret and wait for the wave to come
You guys have no idea how relaxing this is, I get to farm freely and wait for my opponent to make a stupid mistake that results in them being near death or them actually dying. Bonus points if Jungler capitalizes on this and goes for a gank.
i want to look like a girl
how do i slow push?
this is why I play seraphine mid. just farm waves and press r during teamfights. gg wp.
>hurrur I miss some randon IGN
Yes. Fuck you chud
how do I cope with my teammates always feeding in bronze? Like straight inting? Do I just take the FF or adopt some sigma grindset carry mentality?
touch grass
let the wave crash under your tower so your minions get stalled under your tower for a bit, that way your wave will get to the minions first so your minions will win and slowly push out
want to hang out
mid is unplayable without a yasuo yone zed ban
Yeah it's def currently not a mage meta. For sure.
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I love mage metas because mages are cute and AD champs are gross
zed is legit a free won lane unless you're gapped
Arent you mean to be in school rn lil timmies ?
no it isnt
zed can scale for free, cant be killed unless he goes full retard, and if you mess up he can 100-0 as soon as he has dirk
and he can one shot waves and roam if you cant follow with hydra
why do zedfags always try to downplay how broken this cringe champ is? does it actually fool anyone ever?
You can't really pull the underage card when one of our oldest senior citizens here mains one of those champs.
I don't know the weird lolg culture or people but you can add me on stealfy #NA
aw, well I'll wait 30 mins and then if not see you tomorrow
>scale for free
just outscale him
>why do zedfags always try to downplay how broken this cringe champ is?
i don't play zed
Yuno Gasai skin when and for who
She's got such a fat ass though.
I did it bros !
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zed is shit lol just buy zhonyas

every time i play against zed i rush zhonyas and poke him, it's freelo
any eune superserver chads here?
Stop, i'm older than him and now you're making me feel bad about myself.
Nobody bans leblanc in low elo
being young doesn't make you good at league
I'm probably the youngest here and I'm terrible
hey congrats man. what champs are you playing?
zhonyas not even needed
i am 18 years old
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I pop in there sometimes. Rarely as of late.

Congrats dude. You also get to say it wasn't done through sennchanter abuse at peak power. You have proof you played that build before riot buffed it into relevance and it seems pretty balanced now.
i'm 30 and i'm pushing for masters. is it over?
I'm. A bit older
no dude I'm gold stuck with negative winrate
age has nothing to do with skill or elo
Dekar is late 30s and he has one of the best laning(can't bring myself to call it miscro) in NA.
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how do i rizz her up?
lolgs queen
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Unironically, I only played Sennchanter the week or so before 14.16 to test it out. I hate Sennchanter now !
Thanks m8s !
nvm i just realized xir has the lgbt icon equipped gg
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I love you Anon
r u gonna log on..
I both hate this but it also makes me horny...
Poor anon knows size matters
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Hello?? /lolg/?? Do you still rember your sister rules??
I just played yasuo for the first time and holy shit he is easy to play and get infinite value on. No wonder why so many people play him. How is this champ not nerfed into the ground?
Because he dies in 2 seconds the moment he goes in in 90% of actual game scenarios
bleh goodnight
goodnight anon
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I would /mute all but I kinda like seeing the meltdowns in chat
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what is it about this game that makes people gay? i thought league players being gay was just a meme but a lot of the people from my games that ive interacted with are unironically genuinely homosexual
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It ain't worth it. It's only a matter of time before that same person turns on you. Even the funny meltdowns affect my mentality somehow.
>pov you flashed in front of Lux but you're pretty big
Abuse as a child or porn addiction generally
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see you tomorrow then
EUW.... home....
>play sion
>be carrying team
>my bot and mid are both feeding their asses off while blaming me for them feeding
just another game is bronze i guess
Some kid ended up mutilating another due to a video game dispute. This was in Brazil, but its Germany 2024, might as well be Brazil.
I feel so fucking awful when someone honors me after a match and I didn't honor them, I hate this fucking system so fucking much, it actually makes me want to quit the game it's so fucking dumb
>Bot lane never helps keep vision on drag
>Bot lane never leaves their lane
>Bot lane complains when we don't get drags
lmao why? they probably dont even think about it
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that senna build you posted the other day was great. Easy S in pisslo despite my teammate's best efforts. Kudos to you and congratulations on acquiring the bigger dick pixels
gank us and help us push the wave so we can set up vision and have mid shove and rotate
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Feel like I need to clean up the minor word salad mess. anyway, you contributed to this
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Lulu is a pretty good support champ
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oops did I just nuke your wave?
guillable lolg gf
slept for the past 8 hours
gonna sleep for the next 8
and the 8 after that
never playing this game or posting here again
sometimes i look in the mirror
and ask myself am i really scared of passing away?
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Good job mate !
I've switched to Solstice Sleigh overall now, it's a lot better than people think. African American Cleaver + Bloodsong is almost standard too, it just depends on if you're playing for more damage, or enchanter and utility.
You can drop Moonstone third item for Zeal -> RFC if you're ahead or if you want more damage, and to also proc your 10 stacks of JoAT faster.
I highly suggest armour boots unless like 4/5 of the enemy team is magic damage. Armour boots and a Refillable pot early will help you trade the enemy adchud easier, and better, which in turn will allow you to win lane, and then game a lot more.
ok maybe I'll play a couple matches to try out that one funny build I thought about but that's IT
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>queue adc
>my xerath supp is nuking minions because he's bored and cant hit enemy champs
>i get 4 manned 3 ( three ) times
>my jungler types to me just play safe as i go 2 for 2 in a 2v4
>enemy team trying to talk shit in all chat to me and to me only while im raping them 1v50
but if i drop a SINGLE racial slur in chat im the toxic piece of shit nigger cunt that should be hardware banned. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
she doesn't wear a bra D:
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Is it too late to download this shit and give it a go?
It's all I hear people talking about online but I don't want to get assraped 24/7 because I'm late to the party.
don't do it
nah this game is more new player friendly than ever
assrape is not optional though at least until the game decides you're not a smurf
I recently installed and it's pretty newbie friendly outside of inters/bots/etc non humans at lower ranks. It's fun to click things
>Die two different times because the enemy team leaves their lane, help each other out and I end up in 1v3s while my teammates refuse to leave lane and help me
>They are surprised when I decide to just afk farm the jungle and refuse to leave
you'll get assraped initially but you can easily learn the game and be better than shitters who have played for 10 years.
>rank1 in riot tag
>is platinum
why do people do this
nobody can recommend league to a new player in current year, i think you are like 12 years late already
if you don't live and breathe this game 24/7 and turbo grind, you are basically never going to make it even on a casual level

there are also no real new players, you just gonna lose through hundreds of games by the time you reach level30 on your acc
when i came back to the game after 10 years of not playing i had 17% winrate until lvl30 so i could finally play ranked and have 50-60% winrate
do you think new players would go through less than 20% winrate where succes is so minimal it might aswell not exist? lot of those wins are from enemies going afk too
I constantly brain gap smurfs even though I only play 1 year or so, but u need to feel the timings of other characters to outsmart a player whos micro is better than yours
I finally dropped enchanter supports and oh my god.. I can't believe how fucking easy engage tanks are. They should cap your elo to silver or something if you OTP shit like Leona/Nautilus. It always goes like this
>go in
>adc fails to go in with you
>no problem you just walk it out
>go in
>adc goes in with you
>win because you have 5000 cc spells+ locket+ knights vow + ignite
don't even have to worry about checking bushes or warding enemy jgl because if they see you they run away from you.
don't have to worry about spacing in lane because you can absorb much more than they can by pushing into them.
can literally intimidate them by just existing no matter how far behind you are.
I think we deserve an apology from scrotes who say we only play enchanters because they're easy. You have to be incredibly stupid to think naut is harder to play than soraka or nami (atleast optimally)
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>Soraka is only fun in lane, but gets boring outside of lane
I need a new support to learn... Or is it time to play and learn adchud for the rest of the split ?

As long as you don't take the game too serious, and only play4fun, there's no downside into getting into League.
Yeah you'll lose a lot as you learn if you're not familiar with MOBAs, but that's the fun part of it, then eventually you learn to be a good player and begin stomping games yourself.
The only tip I can give you is, do not fall into the meme of playing support first to "learn" the game. You will shoot yourself in both feet, and your head.
if I ever saw that "dawt" dude irl walking down the street?
I'd be like "oh hey man how's it go-" then BAM roundhouse kick his fucking teeth in.
Yeah. That's right. and you know I'd do it, I'm black belt in jew jitsu. You watch your fucking back kid don't show up in my vgs again.
I've always said these CC machines were never designed to be balanced in a 1shot meta. When any character dies in 2 seconds, then the value of a character that has 2 seconds of cc skyrockets in value. They've never addressed this and likely never will. More ADC nerfs and more splits will save the game I think, next year they'll be able to get 10k viewers for LCS for sure.
This game is literally the most enjoyable when you're ignorant and bad, the moment you're good and can see/understand every little stupid fuck up your retarded teammates are making it becomes hell on earth
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>enchanter sissy shits on engage supports
>meanwhile avg enchanter gameplay; press q to boost ally damage, w to heal, e to run fast, r to stun
this riven champion sucks ass
she doesnt even do any damage how is this supposed to be an assasin..
today will be the day
she can assasinate by choking you out with her big ass
midbeast is in brazil
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>he fell for the high-skilled champ meme
riven's longest dash is 250 units what makes you think she's an assassin
i don't play support but i will queue a game of it in gold kankerlow to see if it's as easy as people say it is
you need to watch 12 year old riven guides and grind combos for hours in practice tool to do damage


the braindead adKEKS here think "le support is le eazy" because all they ever fucking get for supports are mispositioned enchanters who afk while watching lgbt documentaries on netflix and they just start thinking that's what you should expect from a support
i went 2/15 vs sion and my two chinese teammates yelled at me in broken english
i can play yasuo just fine and like dunk on toplaners why would riven be any harder
baus played her as an assasin and won
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>brings up baus
sorry man I didn't realize you were mentally retarded
hardest to easiest supps in soloq:
offmeta > enchanters > mages >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>engage
>hover rakan
>adc instahovers xayah
i'm sure they're a xayah main and aren't just playing it because of the funny synergy combo
i pretend to be a girl on league of legends :3
As opposed to just hit a hook and hope it lands, and if it doesn't hit it's okay because you have 3 other stuns ? not to mention gameplay is much more than just using your abilties. Not having to worry about your spacing or warding or getting caught? Congrats for playing champs made to accomodate people with disabilities. Not a disgusting sissy either.
Playing jungler is the worst shit ever. Laners constantly push and cry for le ganks after they feed their opponent 0/5
it don't not matter if mage support is harder than engage, every single adkek absofruitly hates mage/assassin supports because they provide zero functional supporting throughout the game
good girl
ok. thanks for sharing i guess
>As opposed to just hit a hook and hope it lands, and if it doesn't hit it's okay because you have 3 other stuns ?
yeah that's probably how it goes in your iron 3 matches pal

just hit a hook and hope it lands, and if it doesn't? enemy botlane is going to use their 2 combined braincells to realize you're no longer a threat unless they literally walk up to your melee range, so they start kiting you for the next 12 seconds or you simply get zoned off. getting zoned off means you give up your positioning and there are about 4 decent spots in the entirety of botlane where you can actually pressure with the threat of a hook

>Not having to worry about your spacing or warding or getting caught?
absolutely delulu. warding isn't built solely into your serasissy kit, getting caught is only really "not an issue" if you managed to stomp out the laning phase and already have two items, and "spacing" (what I assume is meant to be positioning written by an illiterate eurocuck) is more important of a thing than it is for enchantersissies BECAUSE of that hook that you whine about, that shit doesn't go through minions
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>Be enchanter and go against the all in supports
>Disrespect them in lane
>Win game
I think it depends on the mentality of both the enemies. In soloq, all in supports are kind of meme, and easily removed from the game.
The only "scary" supports are Blitz, and Thresh because those two can change the game with one pick. Naut, not really because he can still get blown up when he goes in.
You'll get punished a lot more if your adchuds play too passive too.
These are the reasons why I no longer play Rakan at least. All supports are easy though, nobody is saying they're hard. The only hard support is Pyke. Literally a feast or famine champion.

Supports are deceitfully "easy."
Funny meme Dantes vidya, when he had to play Support - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R91i55Dnnuc
>Playing Lucian
>Passively farming bot while dodging skill shots from Ashe and Senna
>12 mins pass
>Millio screams at me in caps asking why I'm not fighting
>Ask if he wants me to play aggressive
>Says yes
>Get 2 kills under my belt
I would have gotten more if I knew beforehand that Millio increases my damage and if Akali and Xin Zhao didn't constantly gank bot resulting in both Kayn and Katarina coming to the rescue.
>I knew beforehand that Millio increases my damage
Skill issue, nigger.
meanwhile in reality
>engabab gameplay 30% of the time
>engabab gameplay 70% of the time
>my adcuck picked a weak early game champion that has zero synergy with me and now I have to babysit him so the enemy draven doesn't naenae on his ass
>my adcuck is a caitlyn that's permashoving the lane and I am now rendered completely useless for the first 15 minutes of the game. oh also we're gonna get ganked 48 times because we're constantly shoved out
>my adcuck is a low t beta cuck soimale faggot (80% of all adcs btw) so he's not gonna follow up my engage, let me die and type in chat "em play pasif please me need cs"

also enchantersissies can't protect their carries, as YOU yourself stated they're the squishiest most immobile class in the game
damn. tankgroids dont even know what autospacing is. sad!
>Anivia's 8 unstoppable dashes while in her ult
>Anivia's true damage on autos after hitting level 3
>Anivia's max percent health damage on empowered Q
>Anivia's permanent ghosting because "she's a bird that can fly"
>Anivia's passive that slows everyone behind her
Oh shut up I never play with Milio in the first place
>walking in and out of attack range is complicated enough for the enchantersissy he made up a word for it
>also enchantersissies can't protect their carries
Enchanters have the best peel out of any supports retard. They don't protect by bodyblocking, they protect by using their shields/heals and cc. ADC got R'd by Zed? Np I put Soraka silence zone at his feet and then heal him 4k health.
Whats a tanktard going to do? Oooh I stun him for 0.5 seconds! Whoops adc died anyway
enchanter sissies are cuter so I side with them
>Come back to /lolg/
>It's botlaners fighting over whose boyfriend is better
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>Enchanters have the best peel out of any supports retard
is that why you complain about hooks nonstop
someone post that iron senna webm that shit was too funny
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>also enchantersissies can't protect their carries,
If you aren't standing in front of your adchud as an enchanter against certain matchups (Zeri, Ez, etc), you're playing the game wrong. There's no reason to not be using your health as a resource as an enchanter.
Milio is one of the most aggressive and safest supports. You definitely want to be fighting almost constantly if his mana allows it.
Cool DoTA 2 clip.
They also expect you to solo objectives while the enemy team is constantly roaming and trying to 2v1/3v1 you
why does everyone make fun of me when i post all the time, i have no friends and youre all so cruel
This new crate system sucks nigger ass. It literally only benefits the spergiest of one-tricks. Any chance they'll revert this shit?
Enchanter vs hook is fine as long as its the ADC getting hooked not the enchanter. With the exception of Blitz who shreds shields
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>If you aren't standing in front of your adchud as an enchanter against certain matchups (Zeri, Ez, etc), you're playing the game wrong
imagine. IMAGINE. imagine

for a SECOND imagine that you feel obliged to bodyblock for your adcuck because the moron doesn't understand the simple concept of "me stay behind minjon". and then you turn around, this is the best part, you turn around and say "I-I-I-m n-not a s-sissy uwu"

brother I could have 15k hp with 28 thousand resistances and I will not for the life of me bodyblock for a faggot, if people can't dodge a line skillshot they deserve to die and they deserve to lose the game
>why does everyone make fun of me when i post all the time, i have no friends and youre all so cruel
who are you
is this a lee reference
you dont need to know
do you play terraria?
No, I'm not gay.
Well that's just wrong they can't all in you unless they're also playing engage because you still have more spells. you can always just leona Q the adc and turn it around or walk it away, and you'll almost always survive the kiting because of the armor and HP u have as long as your adc doesn't shit himself and get caught.
>Leona E does go through minions, that's what I've been playing recently and she's S+ tier. Just deward the bushes and watch them stay under their tower all game you don't even have to try lol.
>Amumu Q
doesn't but you have 2 charges, but just one Q gets you close enough to R them or Q2 on one of them.
>Naut Q
also gets you closer to auto them
>thresh Q
useless champ that's on you
>blitz Q
literally just run away
I want to know
adcs need to bother learning their lane partner's kits the same way supports bother learning their adc's kit. milio is a hyper aggressive lane to play with
>is this a lee reference
Lee Sin?
As I said, against certain matchups. All hookers are to be dodged no matter what. It's whoever gets hooked was mispositioned, or an idiot. After hooks though, standing in front of your adchud normally helps win fights, even if it's at the cost of you dying for a 1 for 2.
Body blocking as Senna, and Janna has been some of the most fun shenanigans I've gotten into recently, after I saw a Sona literally 1v4 botlane by standing in front of either my Ez, or a Zeri, then win the fight for them.
no like the barneyfag guy, idk it just reminded me of his posts
>barneyfag guy
The who?
how new are you lol?
>enchanters should frontline
>Leona E does go through minions, that's what I've been playing recently and she's S+ tier. Just deward the bushes and watch them stay under their tower all game you don't even have to try lol.
you do realize "keeping the enemy under tower all game lol" is objectively the furthest you can get away from winning a lane, right? on avg, people lose more cs in neutral wavestate than a shove because it's inhumanely easy to cs under turret while people still miss out one or two cs here and there when both minion waves are fighting each other

on top of that, you get completely cucked out as an engage support once the enemy starts hugging their turret, your job is to snowball botlane during the laning phase because you're expected to buy some of the most expensive items in the game to be a functional tank.
>b-buh I buy locket and knight's vow first items?
then you're retarded

please stop typing, it's obvious you started playing this game last week and quite embarrassing that you have the audacity to waste my time with your low elo room temp iq takes
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Does he have any other names he goes by?
some "guy" (theorized to be a bot) who responds to shitty threads on /r9k/ or /b/ (I forgot) with a 60 something reply flood that keeps posting barney related images with weird incoherent babble copypasta
it just works
i dont really remember any, i think he died or somethin i havent seen him spam a thread in aaggeesss
you could figure it out probably.. i just wish i could play riven and not suck but i just get yelled at every game..
itd be a nice break from our usual guy to be honest
what are you even bodyblocking there? draven's E? walking into range to poke back while jhin takes the walk of shame?
wait you can post the ponies on other boards now? last I heard it was a ban
Who is?
>"our" guy
unironically mindbroken
>pressure enemy to stay backwhile my adc freezes
>if they step up they get hooked/stunned
>they lose out on xp and cs
>you get R faster and start to setup for the easiest dives ever
>that's somehow bad
No, lol.
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>while my adc freezes
mine doesn't..
so how do i actually win trades as riven and not just like immediately die and int
>E in
>auto + Q
>disengage with the rest of ur Q casts
You save an ability. :)
>on top of that, you get completely cucked out as an engage support once the enemy starts hugging their turret
roam nigga
Is this the niggerlover?
ohh okay ill try this, i was trying to disengage with my dash lol
hmm maybe i should be buyin boots first too so im faster
eh i believe it
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Using your health as a resource is good.
Trying to draw aggro from your adchud to you so you can soak up autos, abilities, and ults is even better.
Your health, experience, levels, and kda do not matter after level 6. As much as I hate majority of my adchuds, you still have to play for them and not for yourself.
Body blocking is unironically a very fun skill to get into.
I unironically don't have any body blocking shenanigans webms because they're not memorable enough to me, I'll try to get some over the next few days !
Uh oh, the country of Finland is looking at the thread.
>The Avengers
Finland, ban this man.
gotta love the caitlyn soraka lane going 1/10/3 by 15 minutes, doing good enough to keep us in the game til 31 minutes only to lose anyway with our smolder top still not having his fucking stacks yet
You have to spam ping them and tell them what to do anon. They might not like to hear it from you but most will still do what you say.
>ivern makes a bush so the enemy can walk out safely
avg iverntard experience
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>Stay positive, /lolg/!
I don't care anymore.
I don't care what people think.
I think yordles are fucking hot now.
Finland will NOT let you post this.
yordle pubes
>ADCs when they finally get their meta
fuck i love annie
i love fucking annie
she could use a good raping
ill try another riven game but itll never fill the gap in my soul..
annie would be the one raping you though not the other way around
I love anime.
>decide to watch a baus video for the first time to see what all his shit is about
>completely fumbles the laning phase
>proxies into giving several free kills
>gets carried
wtf is this shi
he does this and is still challenger which is what's funny
i made a NA account and im at 200 ping constantly wtf
how is there no valorant general
zoomer game 18+ website
this shit is fucking unplayable, any ways to reduce ping?
there used to be but there is not enough to talk about so it died
Ye, move the NA.
Hope I helped, please upboat!
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Bronze here, with Ahri buffs and this dropping from a box should I unlock her? She seems to deal a lot of damage
>no $500 skin
you will never be a real ahri player unless you own this
When is there going to be a female Chinese champ that will fart on my dick?
then why cant u fix yourself bitch
how can I fail upwards like baus-sama?
ahri is always good
because being a bpd moron who gets overly attached and emotional over my fp is a fun experience no matter how bad it hurts in the end

next question
I need a bpd gf to lovebomb... I'm adhd and slightly narcisistic so it would be the perfect match
any league streamers that don't constantly bitch/whine and actually enjoy the game?
be good at macro and always pick champions that are good for your team comp
The lower viewer ones. People want to watch lolcows.
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What did Lux mean by this?
thebausffs when he is not playing sion
sc2 players are starting to play league i used to be one too i was in master but nothing from that game translates to league except maybe precise clicking so im bronze in league.

well actually no i started league in 2011 but at the time there was a lot of hype around starcraft 2 and it was very elitist and everyone said its harder than league so i wanted to be a special snowflake so i bought it, so from around 2013-2017 i played a lot of it and came to the conclusion that its so much easier than league they will say how you only control 1 character in league and you have 200 units in sc but 80 of those are drones that just mine and then you have main army and small groups that defend runbys/marine drops. its actually hilarious how undiverse(?) that game is because of the meta you just build the same buildings at the same time every game and the same units and just do the same thing until meta changes and then you still build the same buildings but at a slightly different time lmao. the way i got to master is i just got good at managing income and spending it and then scouting what my enemy is doing to do, i had no real game sense i just had a bigger army faster and won like that, i hit that plateau because my opponents were even better at managing their economies and had bigger armies faster, but in league i have to play my champs vs like 200 other possible champs that are controlled by other players and i have to understand what theyre trying to do and i mostly have no clue every game just feels like a 50/50 coin toss where we are gonna win/lose fights in lanes and then teamfights and as adc its like you get fucking blitz hooked in your own jungle and then somehow 3 of them are there and they kill you or maybe you get noct ulted etc its fucked up
i dont fucking care nigga
tldr nigga shut the fuck up
do girls actually dress like this around their brothers?
my sister used to walk around in just panties and tshirt
Same reason there's no CSGO general. FPS games are so basic and shallow that there's quite literally nothing about them to discuss.
and why are you sharing this information with sexually degenerated coomers of the 4 chin
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New account. Thoughts?
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I love Lissandra!
cringe as with all the on-the-nose edgy "jokes"
would've respected "annie's boyfriend" or smth more
its not a joke tho
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are you admitting to the fact that your username "bratty cunny" is not a cunnyism joke but a mere statement of your own identity, meaning that you're a female child under the age of 18 who's posting on 4chan in which the rules clearly state that you must be 18 years or older to post here?
i bought 1000 rp on ebay i was on shrooms needless to say
okay after another riven game ive decided this champ kind of sucks ass, i can easily 100-0 people as like yasuo in 2-3 seconds but riven takes like 2 years to kill people yet doesnt have the tankiness a tank has who can also do that, what gives? also barely any mobility
you're playing one of the sweatiest champions known to man who's entire kit is based on the idea of being unnecessarily complicated all while performing as average as it gets

stop typing
but that doesn make any sense.. i thought yasuo was like the sweaty tryhard champ and hes baby easy
is riven like a proplay jailed champ like azir/aphelios or somethin where they like actively make the champ unplayable to shake up chinkplay
>is riven like a proplay jailed champ like azir/aphelios or somethin where they like actively make the champ unplayable to shake up chinkplay
basically yeah
it's not as much proplay jail as it is just "you need to play this champion 99% better than any other in the game just because it can be extremely strong in 1% of all the situations"
oh, that's a shame, so much for an actually fun toplaner who's a girl i guess.. back to man and monster champ jail i go...
You sound bronze or lower. if enemy is in your jungle then you have literally zero pressure on the map.
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>be adc
>support goes afk
>get perma dived 1v3 botlane
>completely taken out of the game
>enemy botlane is diamond duo(ex master adc)
>decide to just play macro
>win by macro
>post game yasuo talks about how he doesn't understand why i had as much gold as him
>in reality he was just farming the 2-19 yi jungler so he wasn't getting gold from it
>he wasn't getting towers or CS either
>calls me dogshit for this reason

once again the evil adc is responsible for all the negative experiences you get in life/game
afk support had nothing to do with this miserable game,nah
or the fact that the support(lux) sold his support item so we couldn't get any vision and he started denying CS from the team
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>Want a new support to play
Why doesn't the playbase want Enchanter Rakan to be a thing? Riot has repeatedly buffed his AP ratios to be absolutely bonkers.
I'm going to main Rakan for the next month as an Enchanter only!
Okay I'm already bored of this account. It's not the same when I don't have any skins on it.
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in 4 days we will get a peek at league of phreaks
what are your expectations, hopes and dredds?
I miss this Rito, full of incel bros
sorry nerd im the only one who can rock the #msgk tag
awww you're that one cute lethality anon
>Rakan to be a thing?
ugly stank furry me no play
someone recommended me riven because she's edgy and a girl and can do lotsa damage, im glad you remember anon..
no1 cares you fucking faggot
nobody will show up to your funeral
mute chat when you play adc
you will never see the same shitlord ever again unless you get them again right after that game so just mute them and dont let them negatively affect you
keep it pma keep it bsj
i will not write you another story, the one you got for free was enough
what about irelia cutie?
So mad over nothing. Would hate to be you.
The worst part btw is that Riven was slated to get a slight rework to remove all the autistic animation cancelling so they could buff her for actual humans to play but rivencels had a meltdown over it so they pulled it.
new lyra just dropped
>will not write you another story, the one you got for free was enough
this rakan deserved better
>watch any tyler1 video released during the past entire year
>plays karthus, brand, (honorary) draven, garen, illaoi
>over and over and over and over and over
has this man truly fallen off
do you want to get fucking dropped? keep talking and your funeral will end up sooner than expected
hmm i do kind of like irelia but i heard shes more of a bruiser and cant do lethality or proxy super well..
irelia has a buncha attack speed right? me thinks after buying the vampiric scepter or a lickle it of lifesteal she could proxy

fiora is pretty stronge as well but am not so shore about her proxying strength. she REALLY is strong though I've seen some fiora players that get stomped out in the lane but still regain later on
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>forced to play with retards in 4 days or less
What if Riven shit?
if you want to play riven optimally, she is argubly one of the hardest champions to play. You can do basic shit yes, but there are a bunch of niche combos to remember that are preferable in certain situations and if you don't know that you might miss out on kills you could have gotten, or deaths you could have narrowly escaped.
tl;dr lots of combos for lots of scenarios you need to dedicate brainspace for
This is what ranked does to your brain.
Doesn't decay just affect your visible rank, but not your hidden rank (mmr)?
Wish Katarina shit herself there.
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Found the "dont worry i will scale" duo
File deleted.
Lendo used to make fun of champions like making riven a hobo, Lucian having a weeb wife pillow back when his wife was in threshs lantern, jarvan riding shyvana, Janna being perma single and lux having a special relationship with her big brother. There is a comic where a bunch of characters are doing sibling therapy with mog Kayle, Nasus renek and lux Garen that further make a gag about it.
you know we can track you down by your rank number right?
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>explains the first picture
>posts picrel which once again has no relation to the discussion
Ok I'm sorry. I was in the wrong. I'll shut up now.
I checked rank 2955 on every single region and none of them was 6 lp master
Post them all. Sounds fun.
skill issue
no im not gonna elaborate how to do that, idc about him i just wanted him to know its doable
Nothing angers me more than an unwinnable match. It makes me want to go do something awful.
>Nothing angers me more than an unwinnable match
winnable match thrown by tantrum having teammates
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>Syndra and Kat
Weird pair.
But I'm probably one of the few person in existence whose top 5 favorite champs involve them.
Here: https://soraka.blogspot.com/?m=1
What ever happened to this guy? Did he just disappear never to be seen again?
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The ladder in masters is constantly being updated. It doesn't show my current rank in any website.
Lolicons are too tryhard nowadays. You don't have to wear the fact you like children on your sleeve for everyone to see
lyra would physically abuse you then instantly lovebomb you so you don't detach from her
>our kayn jg fed his ass off from forced failed invades
>he doesn't even have form yet
>team tells him to gank a lane for once
>he has 2 winning lanes but asks how can he gank anyway
>he's told to just do something at least
>he gets mad at this and afk farms
>the rest of us are so ahead that we don't even need him for drags. we get it ourselves after killing them all
>after seeing how we don't need him, he goes back to playing the game normally
I hate kaynfags so much it's unreal
she'd play into your mommy issues
or give you mommy issues if you don't have already
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We're going to see Jax backdooring vs a Shen at Worlds.
>Jax backdooring
A child?
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why tho
Anyone can take a picture like yours and larp as a high elo player faggot
worlds patch
oh i love that!
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>lyra would physically abuse you then instantly lovebomb you so you don't detach from her
>she'd play into your mommy issues
>or give you mommy issues if you don't have already
If riot is nerfing fleet footwork for ranged champs this much i am just going to take grasp
>grasp gets nerfed even harder for ranged champs
now what chud
still would
>no u
fucking epic burn, sure showed him
NO WAY.........
grasp vayne toplane is actually really funny
not because it's viable or strong or anything but retard toplaners start tweaking the fuck out every time they see your green funny vfx pop off
didn't she post a vocaroo saying "hi jelly" a while ago though
Remove Hail of Blades desu. It's another bandage rune like Lethal Tempo that just completely makes up for any intentional weakness in a kit.
rework runes again but with actual proper gameplay design this time

the current ones are so fucking random with everything all over the place
holy based
you bought shitty s14 bruiser items like eclipse into sundered sky didnt you(not riven items)
eklipse isn't a bruiser item
I know the only options cunnychads have are Annie and Zoe, but which one is the best? Which one takes the cupcake as the best LoL cunny?
theoretically zoe but she has a fucking wonky eye
I've got 3 keys and no chests. How do I get more chests?
git gud
She can change it at will though
rivens a midlaner nowadays not a toplaner
Quickplay spam champs you're close to getting chests in terms of progression or atleast the ones you've got an s grade on since getting a b or c is easy.
why are they indirectly buffing meleechuds this much?
yes lore reasons etc doesn't fucking change the fact that her in game model has a wonky fucking eye does it
You don't. The new system is AIDs.
yes that happened. their voice is cute
She’s cute either way
yah.. i dunno though it felt like i basically couldnt win trades vs this chogath, id go in e aa q1 w and hed auto attack me like once and have more hp, is riven not supposed to buy eclipse into sundered sky?
what is it then cause it sure as fuck isnt an assassin item anymore
>what is it then
nu-sustain for cucked champs that aren't proper fighters nor bruisers nor assassins who have to poke their opponent a couple rotations before having kill pressure
no those are poopy overnerfed items you should take a hydra item first(ravenous into chogath to match his lane sustain) then grab some actual damage items like shojin or cleaver.
Le brooser.
pick any champ you haven't played yet and get a C score minimum
you didn't reach diamond
we had this discussion last night, it is literally a bruiser item, cdr is a bruiser stat
but desu i like this definition because eclipse and sundered sky both feel so cucked (which is why i dont play poppy)
why not profane hydra, ravenous is such a boring item to use because it's like the nothing ever happens item
>be riven
>rush eclipse
>kill in three rotations with 0 oneshot potential with a full combo
>be riven
>rush profane
>kill in one rotation and onetap anything you touch that didnt rush an armor item
where were you when she needed you
sundered was intended to be sustain for the unsustained, alas, it only serves to oversustain those who already have self heal
Doesn't give you a chest.
okaaaaaayyy ill try riven again without the baby cuck items
you pick your hydra item based on the matchup. if u go profane into chogath/other tanks you trade him and he sustains the trade and you dont sustain the trade so you lose
I tried reaching out to that bitch A MONTH AGO, she ignored it FOR A MONTH, then I didn't even notice she added me so I was just being mean and now it's all weird and awkward I GUESS
hmm okay, i can get behind this, i will never go the hp hydra though because it is cucked and dumb
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>Wait two minutes in queue
>Queue pops and I get my role but someone else gets filled jungle so they dodge
>Another two minutes pass
>Queue pops
>I get filled jungle
>I hate jungle and I don't want to play it
>Locked out for 12 hours

Everyone at Riot should burn in hell for one trillion years.

>18% manasteal
>unique passive: convert the mana received from manasteal in excess of maximum mana into a manashield
Riven is supposed to buy both.
Riven is just hard to play and requires a lot of experience.
Unless you dont do your animation canceling correct and use your passive you wont deal dmg to anyone with any build
faggot orbiters slit wrists irl thx
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kek, why would I ever want to larp as a low masters?
babe wake up new ryze item dropped
That's pretty cool, Anon!
le spammer has arrived
in minecraft tho
What about gay comets?
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Post ass first.
Yes I did ! Says so right there !
But what if it builds from tear?
Sounds like the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh! card...
How does this work? Do you have to kleep that open for 12 hours or does it go down even when you're logged off?
*Kisses you.*
Is Irelia a femcel?
>Still no newn
>instead of crying why not make it yourself??? ezreal iq status?!?
Why no u
Then you will die here...
make a thread now or i'll make a seraqueen thread
Make a Seraqueen thread but with this image
real picture of the spammers mother
Women can't be incels
Neither can men. A lot of women missed out on being someones first so there are a lot of sluts who'll line up to be your first
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i think this riven champ just sucks desu i played ravenous but i was vs a garen so at some point i just started not being able to get near the wave and that was about level 6
Riven is underpowered right now, yes.
can confirm riven is in fact dog shit asss top lane
who even plays this champ? why do they have to make all the cute girl champs so fucking hard, im not an autistic transbian i want an EASY champ
>autistic transbian
I am NOT making the new thread
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>who even plays this champ
uh noone anymore desu
im not either one of those things, thats just the only person whod ever be willing to learn this shit champion
Cope, skilllet.
sorry but you are literally autistic if you like riven
It was actually, "good night jelly"...

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