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Previous: >>493213141

>What is this?
Blue Archive with "Katanas" but officially has nothing to do with Blue Archive

>Where can I get it?
Not announced yet.
Comiket 105 might or might not have a VN and art books.


>Official Websites


>namu wiki

By posting in this thread you literally, unironically believe the following:
>Company bad, creator good
>Normie bad, otaku good
>Korea bad, Japan good

That's why we are supporting Project KV and there's nothing Nexonfags, BAfags, and Koreans can do about it.
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1 banner to unite them all
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>No bulge
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through dick unity
can you not make a shitpost op, thanks
God I can't wait to watch their night bath sword fights
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I can feel it, this is going to be the worst thread so far!
once shishou's design gets revealed we're gonna look back at this a say it's ntr
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shishou will simply be sensei with a haori and hakama
Alright I give in. Rec me a futa doujin so I can let it all out
>no discord link
you had one job
One might imagine that Kaoru would be smug about her "sword"'s superior size, but in fact she's quite embarrassed about it because it's too difficult for her to use without causing her partners pain. Because of this, she has a very sensitive vagina and usually prefers being treated as a woman by Shishou, though she sometimes enjoys teasing him by pointing out that he's smaller than a high school girl despite being an adult to get him to correct her.
>kv secondaries don't realize kv has its own arona trio
Was that OP's Image really necessary?
if you want futa on futa, look at stuff by "sella"
King fucking move let's be real most are gonna migrate to KV regardless when it actually becomes a thing, it's happened to so many franchises before. it's a nice gesture though for now
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>link deleted right away
sekret clubs like discords kill gens 100% of the time, fuck off discordnigger
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There shouldn't be a discord link but there also shouldn't be the retarded gacha war stuff either.
Don't really mind the pic though I would've used this one myself if nobody else baked.
That pic is just saying that people who are disputing about which one to play are retarded, just play both.
WHAAAAAAAAAT?! Even TamaRun joined in!
>gacha war stuff either
you're right, I should've removed "BAfags" from it
Nexon and Gooks can suck it tho
isn't our arona in a gameboy or something
which I really wish it wasn't
I really wish this took place in the taisho era
>gooks meme futashit like it’s a bad thing
>love futa so it’s a good thing for me
Jokes on you, shrimp dicks
What the fuck is this? Wrong thread? Shay?
make sure you do it right so you can keep the c/u/cks and troons out
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Why don't Koreans still realize?
brown girl dorm with shamshirs when
the closest we're getting is the okinawan dorm
Yeah but we still love our memories with the students of Kivotos, despite it doesn't have the power to maintain its identity anymore
>expecting anything other than japanese weapons
You will get another katana and you will like it
I severely doubt they'll pass up the opportunity to do more than just katanas, even if its restricted to japanese weapons
Misaki had the grenade launcher, so the students of KV will have any kind of melee weapons too, but mainly katana
I mean, but not every student in BA has an AR
it would be foolish to do so
koreans making any positive depiction of japan during the korean occupation is a pipe dream
i hate the game console part too
here's your futa student
yeah, having an arona clone hampers the possibility of taking BA's premise and going down a way different path with it. At the very least I hope its not some super AI that can protect us in real time
This general just show me that Futafags are worst than Furfags and c/u/cks
Any male on futa recom
I mean gachas always have an assistant to escort you through the game
futa on futa on futa is way better
>everything good about BA
Could only be the creatives
>everything bad about BA
Could only be Nexon

Simple as, when BA has bad writing it was clearly only Nexon's fault and when it had good writing Isakusa was clearly the only one responsible
This is IMO the worst part. Even the halos were okay because they have sort of their own style that makes them distinct from the super fancy BA halos, but an AI loli that you carry around with you is way too close
yeah but an *AI* assistant is pretty distinct
No? Halo had Cortana. And Halo was just aping off of older sci-fi conventions which people at the time recognized. the idea was already commonplace by then.
an AI assistant in a gacha game where you are an adult teaching something to a bunch of teenage girls is pretty distinct.
Basically what >>493349295 said
Cortana was a grown woman. And you didn't carry her around in a tablet/gameboy/portable device, she was just chipped into your suit of power armor. Quite different from Arona.
This time the assistants will actually manifest in the real world
my uncle works at D1 you can trust me
the halos and the arona expie and hina expie and all of that shit is absolutely a bad look but in the end it only matters if the story itself isn't good
it's entirely possible it'll just be a BA remake except worse because isakusan had some bad ideas that kim rightfully shut down, or because of localization problems. in that case i will drop it and that'll be that.
but for now i'm gonna be cautiously optimistic because that's more fun than being mad
>that op
Shitposting gen confirmed. I don't want to hear anyone complaining about shitposts again.
this would be cool, if shishou can fight and his shikigami which live in his gameboy can also fight that'd be a nice change
one single dipshit not waiting until page 10 so he could rush out a bad thread doesn't make it a shitposting gen. for all we know it could've been you just so you could make the same post you've been making for days now.
I really feel if they can't get a decent translator for the c105 vn this is going to be dead in the water. Japs we're already vocal about the quality of the PV and apology
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>open thread
>11 hidden posts
I wish it had gotten the OP as well, but beggars and choosers and so on.
The PV was fine, gook.
Not really. Pretty sure honkai 3rd had something extremely similar with that green haired assistant
It did. They even made her a playable character who is semi-important to an alternate timeline.
I ain't putting in that kind of effort just to shitpost. Im just here to laugh at (you)
so i am guessing d1 is the dev studio while alaya is the publisher/localiser (similar to yostar jp),
doing both on their on seems brave
also where is the rumor that trickal publisher is involved from?
Other way around I thought, where alaya is the dev studio and d1 is the publisher.
Its just a legal fiction for now anyway, both are one and the same and made up of the same tightly knit group of people.
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For all we know Blue Archive invented loli.
I wonder if we'll be on field to command students this time since we're technically capable combatants.
would be fun to explicitly order them around like pokemon, or like a servant
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while we wait for the game, let's watch the short version of LoTR.
>>That's why we are supporting Project KV and there's nothing Nexonfags, BAfags, and Koreans can do about it.
god damn this place really turned into gacha drama general LMAO
is this an elaborate shitpost or is there really a secret gameboy loli
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we've got these 3 who have an unknown purpose
the gameboy is real
are real
i'm just doing the math
>no halos
AIs or spirits
Animal citizens don't have halos in BA either. KV just steps up the rayciss rhetoric and doesn't consider 10% furries human.
my prediction for today is rei's character introduction
i'm least interested in her so i hope i'm wrong, i want to know about kohane's dormmates
What did you fucking expect. there is literally nothing to discuss about this "game"
Why isn't DynamisOne retweeting any of those futa illustrations? Don’t they want to show appreciation for the artwork their followers create?
gameplay doko?
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two more weeks, trust the plan
for me it's big swords
>2 more weeks
TGS?dobut they will show gameplay there
>slices cake in two
>"holy shit two cakes!"
they aren't retarded
Koreans zesty
BA mentioned multiple times in OP. Nothing of substance being discussed. No shit it's a drama "general".
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I hate you people so much.
It's happening https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/122184527
>Drops one cake on the floor
>the other isn't even in the oven yet
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did they rt futa art yet
>another day with no official art
just let this thread die
I know we're supposed to hate futa but I kinda make an exception for femsenseis getting fucked...
Bleach collab?
futa Soi Fon will be peak
This samefagging is a little too obvious
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>shitpost OP
>my flag edit as fpbp
>my embed file soon after
I'm not sure if i want to shitpost here or back home now
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you can run but you can't scape from AIslop
would be pretty funny if they temporary stopped with the character introductions because they are afraid of people drawing them with dicks
Doubt it. They probably asked a bunch of fanartists to make support illustrations but they're a bit slow.
Somehow this place gets worse everyday day
So this game is gonna be your typical softcore ecchi gacha game with loli and cunny?

or are we finally getting replacement for I am Magicami whom was lost and ended
This gen is just pathetic now
canon sensei will be a woman
They will let you choose either male or female but neither will have a penis.
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If KV team listens to the chimping gook Nexon serfs which is over 90% of their popular opinion, it is the dumbest move and will seal its demise by that moment. The slaves will rejoice and Nexon will be satisfied, crushing down artistic independent spirit with their abysmal consumerism and slavish devotion to the corporate feudalism. The world outside of gookland is counting on this new project with goodwill, so I hope they don't do anything stupid.
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Baggots finally got some content but someone already posted Kanna futa lmao
kek who is on the left?
neither will penetrate anything*
more likely the actual criticisms like the localization got to them
but yeah i'm fine with letting it die if they're not even doing a daily tweet anymore
I wouldn't mind if we come back only when we get a name. Project KV is still a bit awkward.
Rei obviously
This artist is good and mostly draws male on futa
stop using futa arts i want pantsu RIEEE
What's wrong with a good dick girl every now and again?
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can't this just be a slower gen? we don't have to be as fast as /bag/
there's gens that have gone 5+ years without new content and they're perfectly fine
I don't think I would call /ksg/ "perfectly fine"
yeah but they have past content to post off of
we currently have minor info on four dorms and four girls, two designs with no info on them, and some very basic premise info.
this general was started ahead of the site reveal, which gave us less info then expected, and was kept alive off the assumption that they'd dripfeed more info, which they haven't been.
between the release of the vn and the 2 years for the actual game? yeah we could probably sustain a general off of the vn. but if we're going multiple days with nothing when we already have barely anything to work with, we're better off waiting until later.
hopefully people like >>493382864 will be bored by then and not come back too
Link to full OP pic?
Hot off the presses
>The image that started it all
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>Game ends up just being a spin-off of BA that's in the same verse
>Sensei and Shishou are the same person but in alt realities like phrenapates
>The KV in Project KV is in actuality Kivotos, but the players will only find out in C105
>Both games will interact and connect in one of the big BA story chapters
>Both games will collab often
>The whole "BA devs left to make Dynamis One" was all orchestrated by NATgames/Nexon to create this situation we are currently in, and they just left temporarily to work on the new Project
>Devs/artists like Mx2j/Doremi will stay working on Project KV for some time, to assure it has the same feel/quality of BA, and so they can have a break from drawing ALTs nonstop.
>BA will get new devs/artists to diversify the current student roster
Dumb Chise
Too based for Nexon to do, sadly.
Get well soon, anon
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>isakusan was already planning project kv during 2.5 anni
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>isakusan leaves
>suddenly ShigNodo, HanaKoha, HinaUi
Yuribros I'm worried isakusan left because Nexon forced him to make HoshHina canon, and KV won't be the more yuri of the two games
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mfw pikaoji pulled the plug on the kv twitter cuz he saw the futas
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shishou win?
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She killed billions...
>game isn’t even out yet
>general is a schizophrenic shithole
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That's a good thing
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>Here is the reporter's analysis:
>KV is in a bind as they are unable to resolve the dispute with Nexon.
>The current silence from Dynamis One is due to behind-the-scenes negotiations with Nexon.
>Within Nexon there is a lot of disappointment in the humanity of the KV side.
>Legal action is still pending
guy is claiming we have official confirmation that RX is a BA sequel
Kohane is the classic protagonist with massive untapped potential but unskilled so she can only go a few strokes at first
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>still up
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futamod blessed
Bros... looks like we're not gonna get our futagame after all...
>No dick
>Left Nexon on good terms, which changed after the PV released
Makes you wonder why they left in the first place
So Blue Archive is basically splitting into KV and RX because different opinions?
Poach a bunch of gamedevs and call it a company. Do they even have a legal team?
>reporter's analysis
fancy words for making it the fuck up
Where would they have the money for that?
you talking about her sperms?
I'm guessing Nexon wanted BA to expand or change significantly to get a bigger audience.
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Lawless lands
Chinpo doko?
>to get a bigger audience
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that's the guy is claiming to have objectively heard in the stream which is now privated
it's public info that they want to greatly expand the BA ip
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Ladies know how to tuck it in
>no i don't like your direction i don't want to be with you anymore we split
artists do this shit all the times
look at beatles
>no halos
>no gameboy arona
it was literally just this easy
i don't understand how they never had a conversation "okay so how do we make this appeal to ba players without it literally just being a remake"
did it not occur to a single person that the game shouldn't be identical?
Fair, though this also makes me much more curious as to what direction we'll see from Nexon that would have caused such a reaction
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>implying that’s a bad thing
>Makes you wonder why they left in the first place
sooner or later, we will see what the direction was with RX
>Investors-sama please pay for our legal fees!
Just continue shitposting till Dec. Not hard
nexon and nexon's investors want to expand blue archive verse
like how mihoyo expanded honkai 3rd into honkai star rail to reach to the bigger audience base (= more money for happy investors)

so project rx will be still around kivotos, but they will add male students
>but they will add male students
Nah. It'll be yuri.
2022-23 yuri was trendy and popular (licoris recoil/gundam witch) and they think BA can get a slice of that market.
Did those idiots really think they wouldn't trigger some type of non-compete clause by poaching all the leads and creating an identical competing product?
so far nexon is failing to prosecute even darker and darker which uses the same assets
that won't get enough fujo money tho
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>KV is in a bind
His headcanon. The only presumable official fact is Nexon and D1 are on contact, everything he said after that was his speculation. Nexon's emotional tantrum is all meaningless, especially after Nexon ripped off Bomberman and got away with that. Hell, even the world of BA was created by Isakusan. They also shitted on Genshin when it came out saying it is ripoff of Zelda but who cares now? Narrative building through sellout media is the only thing Nexon can do.
The only thing jewxon is good at is scamming their customers for a decade with manipulated rates
You don't know what you are talking about.
Even if they are in the clear, they have done enough to be buried under civil claims. All this is time and money they can't afford.
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Legal battles are just a ploy to drain money from 2 parties and give them all to the lawyers. The only real winner is the one that can afford it.
>no case under kr law
>just run the clock on the small indie devs
man nexon feels the good guy here
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what did femsei mean by this?
I hope some fugaGOD investors will pick it up and the futa game becomes real
While the legal attack did fail, it's hard to say it did not negatively affect Dark and Darker for a time with it causing the removal of the game for a time from storefronts like Steam. So it's likely that even if Nexon doesn't win it would bite into funds like >>493392112 says
The real winner is the hifumiposter
i definitely lost interest in d&d while that shit was going on
but i at least followed kv's twitter and the vn should help get me to care in the long run, unless it sucks
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>legal battle
KV will win without any difficulty if they didn't actually take BA's assets

Picrel is Nexon's former game called BnB, Hudson of course sued but Korean court ruled that this is not a rip-off of Bomberman
>we're technically capable combatants
Where is this said?
It wasn't but it'd be real stupid if we're a shishou and also a weak piece of shit
It's possible we'll just be a regular swordmaster while girls can break their halos to get shonen powers though, in which case we can't keep up in fights anyway until that one badass scene where we take out a villain anyway
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Nexon won the lawsuit that was about their Bomberman ripoff game, Nintendo didn't even try that to Mihoyo for Zelda because it is too stupid, and Nexon already knows it can't do anything on this. That is why they keep kvetching, stomping on their feet.
Cute Rio...
All they had to do was not use halos in the characters and the sky. If the designs were good, they'd stand out even without the halos
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Another Nexon's former game called Kart Rider.
People just instantly knew it's the rip off of Mario Kart but Nintendo didn't sue.
so the point is that d1 guys just knew nexon won't sue and even if they sue, they will win
of course this does not mean people won't hyper blame d1 for low morality tho
They have to worry about possibly getting rejected by Comiket and now they have a lawsuit in their hands???
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>futa shitposting by koreans actually would laid groundwork for futa gacha potential
>dynamis one taps into it
>it becomes successful due to comically large amount of futafags out of nowhere
>may even simultaneously sit on yuri and futa dicks at the same time
imagine how retarded it would be if it turns out to be like this
>spiritual successor
>with original creative
I already know how this goes.
>official twitter radio silent for 3 days
mighty no 9?
Nexon ninjas got them
The Callisto Protocol?
Back 4 Blood?
They're redrawing new girls to have bulge
Stay patient
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Which is good.
Don't really care about the drama, just wanted to drop the latest futa art.
>no case
not what I said but go on.
Explain to me the futa meme
missing comiket isn't a big deal they can just sell it online (like they would have anyway)
it just sucks since they're nerds and wanted to go to comiket
>KV will win without any difficulty
lol. lmao.
Copyright and/or patent infringement is the least of D1's worries if a lawsuit takes place.
lol what the fuck
then what's the problem?
I said as much earlier. They might have violated come non-complete clause they might fuck them in the ass. And judging from the amount of people that left and then came together again to make a competing product, this makes it the most likely legal issue.
And before some ignorant fuck tries to tell me non-competes are illegal, not all are. There are legitimate instances of non-compete agreements and it's not hard to imagine D1 breaking them.
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>now they have a lawsuit in their hands
Not really, and even if they do, they will win the "Ring over the head" case no sweat. They will be working on creating juicy VN right now, hope it contains enough smut.
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Huh. So Isakusan and company considered it more sensible to leave BA and make their own clone than work on whatever thing Nexon is planning with their sequel to BA.
There will be EOS announcement in the VN.
100% Project RX will be Megalia pozzed.
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>MiGhT HaVe you ignorant CUNT
Keep dreaming and counting on your dead as a doornail RX project.
You know how we're always talking about how they should make a Payday game where we rob banks with Shiroko while trying to evade prefects and shit?
They're not making that, they're making an Apex clone or a Valorant clone except you play as Blue Archive students. Isakusan gets nothing out of working on that, same with 2D artists like doremi or mx2j.
I said might have because I don't have a copy of they employment contracts you doofus. But it's a mega corp, they would have one.
But sure, revel in your ignorance.
/bag/ is utterly mindbroken about Blue Archive's sequel and are in full denial/cope mode that their game isn't suffering from it. It's a pretty funny read.
it can't be helped
i remember being in a certain gacha general on /vg/ where the sequel was just announced
shit just hit the fan
it makes sense if the project rx has male students
Anyone aware of Nexon's tricks could have seen it coming. One just that to wonder the levels of garbage they've got in store that made all the core members to leave and make their own ripoff.
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I'm gonna be sad if Doremi ends up being homeless over this. Mxsj and pikachuman were the only real rats here...
>MiGhT HaVe you ignorant CUNT
So as much evidence as people saying nexon started interfering with what made BA so great to begin with and the devs over the years fought with them?
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i want to fucking strangle these gooks over this shit its actually really fucking fun but they just never released it globally after doing an open beta like 15 years ago and they are shutting down the (admittedly pretty shit) sequel which was global in february
yeah they killed it for its extra shitty sequel
but it's nexon's job
>Within Nexon there is a lot of disappointment in the humanity of the KV side.
This can't be real
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We can judge that when KV and RX come out. And Nexon is not comfortable when the former core devs went out, they are assmad butthurt seething and that speaks volume. If they were confident enough this tantrum wouldn't have happened.
Well if you, a guy, and some others started an idea, then the guy left and basically said the idea was all him it might cause some friction
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>We can judge that when KV come out
A fucking megacorp has no ground to stand on when it comes to "humanity", they are as inhuman as it gets, a bunch of asshole creatives full of ego and pride are still a billion times more human
Former coworkers aren't human and have no right to be upset because they're working for Nexon?
now i just want to witness both kv and rx happening

>kv fandom vs rx fandom war
pubebros we are winning
Where's the cock?
do not talk about ba
all ba talks belong to /bag/
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Nta but time will tell. This is basically a civil war and you must prove yourself. Just sit and watch, there will be a true successor to BA.
>Nexon is assmad butthurt seething
huh? Didn't they leave on good terms. Isakusan is the one that is acting like a jilted girlfriend.
Nexon will win because isakusan is officially earn more than everyone. Officially written in the report.
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You type like a nigger.
taiga has a way bigger cock
she's a grower
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Does sword size matters?
anyone telling you otherwise is a coping cuck
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>Isakusan is just focusing on his wonderful next VN with Doremi and Mx2j without any comments now
>Nexon and its "Blind" is stirring shit up regurgitating endless kvetching curses on Isakusan and his small, semi-doujin group
did sakurai see the kv drama and whip up this video about not burning bridges lmao
Holy head canon. Meds, now.
Yes. >>493382471
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Fyi this is "Trust me bro" wiki and has the most pathetic, NPC world view including this case. Extremely pro-Nexon, pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine etc.
it will be a pure legend if they really go full futanari
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I believe in the happy ending.
>hifumi's asshole after she takes the big "katana"
Yeah bro. We should totally trust you instead.
sirachi needs to jump on this game
Most of the points have links to their source if people want to check them. It is bias in some areas but if you look at just the facts and not reporter opinions it's all correct
I have no opinion on the drama, just bringing you guys the lastest and greatest.
I want 3D models bros
Chibis are nice but...
i don't get it
why is kaoru so famous
Her fat cock
Fat tits and a fat cock
Secondaries always gravitate toward big tits. Doesn't mean she'll be popular when the game releases.
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She's not even that far ahead
I hope its not chibis. If they aren't gonna do full models then the most stylized I want them to go is Elsword.
There's extreme power in full-sized models, especially when you do it right, like uma musume, GF2, or what you just posted
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they keep trying to cuck the students by drawing kaoru with femsei
I'll say her jerking off to femsei is very cute
They'll need a big budget for that
And a bigger team
then they should get on that
probabilities that this game will be actually out?
i think 50%
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At this point. Probably less than 30%. There A LOT to do before an actual game becomes a thing. They aren't even close.
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Well she does seem to be shaping up to be the jobber
>koito acts tough but loses and gets raped constantly
Stop trying to get me to fap to chicks with dicks
>page 9
it's dead
so, now that nexon has confirmed they plan to poz BA or at the very least its sequel
will you apologize to isakusan?
only if he actually writes futa
i think this is one of those things that is best only tacitly approved by the devs
how many dick jokes can you put in a sfw game before it turns into the tranny dei game?
Is it true that isakusan hates self-insert MCs?
I'm hoping that KV is the initials for the real title and the real title will be Katana Virgins.
The opposite. He is one of the people that pushed the most for making Sensei totally ambiguous so "anyone can be Sensei".
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Fuck I hate that ambiguous shit. I guess none of the students in this game will call me "Onii-chan" either.
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>katana virgins
based if true
If this keeps going this general might surpass /gig/ as the worst one
yeah, because they gave us nothing new to discuss for multiple days
despite what the shitposters claimed this was never some anti-/bag/ general being fueled by spite
>this was never some anti-/bag/ general being fueled by spite
go check the OP
notice how that wasn't in the previous threads
notice how the op image is an anti-kv shitpost
shut the fuck up
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Michiru predicted Project KV before it were a thing
>I-It d-doesn't count!!!
>anti-kv shitpost
gatekept nigger
that doujin was announced way before the word futa even passed through the gooks pea brains which are somehow smaller than their dicks
>final bond story involves kissing the girl and an ecchi CG
>fades to black with an implied sex scene and leads straight to a pillow talk scene
>when the bond story ends the screen flashes with congratulatory text saying "VIRGINITY LOST" and the girl's stats get boosted by 5%
The best part is its girls with huge cocks instead of guys, that makes it like super straight!
i wonder how the people working on this shit feel about all of this. their game being branded yuri futa game, getting almost a whole nations hatred. lmao it must be stressful
This but unironically
unusable, I hope there's no news tomorrow too so this place can just die until launch
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There's no room for a penis on Koito. She's 100% vagina and 100% sex.
The best always know how to tuck well
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This place is not going to die unless mods decide to close the playground
Speaking of things that should die
off-model bullshit, she is much more masculine in game, stop coping
We don't need news of any kind to keep this going. I, alone, will be able to make this thread stay ALIVE for at least THREE MORE YEARS.
Why does Mika hate Gehenna so much?
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How many threads will we reach until Project KV release?
A Gehenner bullied her in the playground when she was loli.
General will die around 30 because any actual game news about KV are literally years away.
Why does sensei hate Mika?
Because he is a Hinawanker
Why does doremi keep retweeting the enemy?
This place hasn't need news for the past 8 thread. It won't need it till the game comes out
>Why does artist keep loving his creations
You just don't get it
>thinking this "game" will get news while having to deal with legal shit
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i know we should talk about kv in the kv thread!
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>turns into
BA fan here. We need to expand the BA franchise to blockbuster levels. So let's add male students and watch them fuck our student wives.

More players = better
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This is peak character design
you can't put a dick joke into a game without confirming that the pussy is there, otherwise its a troon
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That will happen with project RX
Facts. I'm going to be so disappointed when the story isn't Kohanewank from start to finish and she gets tossed aside after her arc.
BA wanks Hoshino more than Shiroko so don't get your hopes up.
You know what's more pathetic than spending 3 years in a gacha general? 3 years in an unreleased gacha general. This is you guys.
When the game finally releases there is going to be a civil war between the pre-game circlejerkers and the newfags who started playing when the game came out.
Despite being the poster girl she's not a Shiroko anyway, she's Hifumi, and not just from design. She's the "normal" girl who gets wrapped up in a lot of bullshit that's over her head. And Hifumiwank was real and a good thing and should have never ended.
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We will stay alive until the shitposter will get bored of making threads then we wait for news
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You know what's even more pathetic? You being here, right now, seething about it.
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>turns into
so far no official word on futas
ironically what you posted that might be the best nod they can give us: a skit with the girls holding the swords between their legs and sparring that way

dick confirmation is much easier than cunt confirmation without stripping our students and checking the goods
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Can we drop the futa shit please
That shit is gross
futa game
futa gen
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close that mouth before something goes in it by mistake
This but unironically. Goddamn parasites.
I wish we still had IP counts.
I wasn't being ironic.
This is how you get trannies in your community before the game even fucking launches.
Too late already
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a bit late for that, don't you think?
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100% (she)male archive
yeah its over
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Now that is a nice cock
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>8 hidden posts in a row
Christ almighty you gotta stop this shit.
His Koyuki is peak
too late lmao, every disgusting futa artist is jumoing on this game, with their tranny audience following them
Where's that image on an anon giving a QRD on why the staff broke off from BA?
Love seeing cute girls expressions melt like this while receiving penile pleasure
you mean the fake one?
It pisses me off even more because this was made to appeal to ME, with loli ENF as one of the earlier celebratory images.
Now I have to see these gross trannies trying to take over.
Nta but duh, this is the drama gen
The real one
I don't get it. Why even make this place if you don't have the game yet?
to talk about it? has no general ever existed before release day?
Talk about what? The 40 second trailer?
>meanwhile zzz threads months before actual release
So how far is this release out?
wakarimasen lol
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>0 gameplay
>0 actual discussion
>7 headcanon being made
I hate Nexon and they've ruined a lot of other games I've played growing up, but unless Project KV does something significantly different, or offers something better like being way lewder, this is one of the most pointless studio splits ever. It's almost shameless how much they're """""inspired""""" by BA down to the halos and the setting is really boring and uninspired at a glance, it's literally just Japan and the different schools/clubs have little to differentiate them besides the color of their school uniforms.
headcanon, also known as speculation, is a lot more fun than hoyoslop where there's nothing to guess about or hope for because people told you everything a year ahead of time
Nevermind doremi retweeted it. Yuri is back on the menu.
>sees koharu
He's a simple man
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Insider here. Big announcement tomorrow.
Jp futa artist don't have much if any real trannies following them since they more often than not draw futas with a pussy while western artist avoid drawning the pussy on their "futas" so it's not too late, plus a couple of lewd loli scene will be enough to get rid of them
I just wish most futa artists weren't so mean to smaller penises.
just because the futa has a big penis doesn't mean they have to be mean to the guys with smaller ones :*(.
Kek even the Plebbit sub of this is full of BA-antis
So they post concept art of a handful of female swordfighters and people are now saying this is the next coming of Senran Kagura?
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Project KV-related community has been taken over by BA users.
They think that by spreading the futa meme, they can damage the game's image and make the developers angry.
>Therefore, they do their best to spread the futa meme and hope to get the response they want.
That's what this has been since the beginning. There is literally nothing else to talk about but drama in a gen for this "game".
And if a bunch of people can blindly simp for a game for basically no reason, they can hate on another for none as well. So many people wishing BA ill "out-of-spite", wtf has BA even done lmao.
Gooks are players of BA but nothing to do with BA, it's all tribal faggotry.
i wish ill to baggots
The game is fine
You can say that but you just need to take a look around to see not everyone thinks that.
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>some dipshit telling me I hate BA right as I open up the game to plap my students since they need me every three hours
I will teach both schoolsgirls with swords and schoolgirls with guns and nobody can stop me.
BA is fine. I'm still playing it and will continue to unless it really shits the fan down the road. BA fans are annoying as fuck though and I'll welcome any serious competition that makes them shit themselves and knocks them off their high horse.
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>GW tomorrow
>No time for my retarded students
Nyit's owable
It's not really BA's fault though, it's nexon's fault. Literally always is. They do the same shit to every game they touch and always piss everyone off in the process. /bag/gots and that gook script schizo who unironically defend nexon are the most offensive aspect of the whole thing.
>No bulge
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Are you the stalker anon
I knew it wouldn't be safe to join the discord
Anyone defending jewxon genuinely feel like a newfag, likely part of the hoyoslop generation
Yes, but i'm not in shitcord
And you're also way too fingerprintable+i know your timezone
Someone post this from this guy's Fanbox
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Those are some nice veins
>still falling for the GW meme in 1999.9999999 + 24
With your guidance those students won't even learn how to use a whetstone.
Wtf is there even to defend Nexon from?! What are you guys saying Nexon did?! lmao
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It's dirt so i can't not autismo it
My students will learn dedication and loyalty from me
>dedication and loyalty
>after this past year
Couldn't be me. Cygames doesn't deserve what we've given them.
Since KMR left I don't play GBF that much anymore.
Meant the ele
Not disagreeing about saige, i already had plans for this GW and will likely sidege grub until iOS afterwards.
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Stop worrying so much.
The second the games comes out it will drown out every "artist" trying to shit on it.
This happens literally every time someone tries to boycott a game.
cute foom
Same dude, can't wait for Concord to show those haters what they're really missing
Yeah the real worry is the translation
Or the story just sucking because isakusan had an editor before but is unleashed now
You have to be an unironic retard to compare fucking Concord with KV.
Elaborate, I actually want to see you try.
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Kohane wishes she could look this good.
nta but i too would make fun of a guy saying "people boycott/hating a game? lol, it's going to be great and no one will listen to them"
Concord didn't fail because people boycotted it, it failed because no one gave a flying fuck about it. Those are different things.
Even on twitter, Concord posts don't even reach 1/20 of the engagement KV has (expect the ones about closing the servers), 4 months before anything about the game even releases.
Based bully
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What did she mean by this?
There's that one CoD pic, there's literally every modern Mihoyo game.
If it comes out and is good people will play it because there is demand for a game like it.
There was never any demand for Concord outside of the suits who wanted a GaaS to print billions of dollars for them.
new pic doko...
>artistic independent spirit
>come out exactly the same
I'm not sure I follow you anon
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vns for this feel?
Thought I was on /vn/ for a second
Where is her other sword?
wicked sick
she's not a dual wielder like the blonde one I think.
its more like a wakizashi, but yes the artist forgot to draw it
Where's the dick?
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>no bulge
Yuruyakatou’s work is technically male on male but his femboys look like dick girls with a cups (not flat)
Impeccable taste anon
Koito owes me sex
Ty anon
Sex owes me Koitus
>Uhhh...mind if I borrow your hoodie?
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The Blue Archive shitstorm TLDR is that
>Nexon fiscal report came out
>Blue Archive revenue is higher than expected
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist ask Nexon for more creative control and more budget
>Nexon says no
>Nexon actually did the opposite and reduced the budget while increasing revenue projections for next year
>even the monetary bonus that employees were supposed to get for reaching the expected revenue was reduced 20% by Nexon
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist decided to officially quit
>they took with them more than half of the software developers
>they also took with them more than half of the artists
>also took with them the main OST composer
and then
>they used all their money and funded a new studio
>they are developing a new game
>they released a trailer 3 days ago
>it's literally a copypasta of BA but with katanas instead of guns
>girls even have halos and are schoolgirls and theres a sensei
as result
>Nexon is on damage control
>they are mass hiring to refill positions in all departments
>they are stalling in-game with 4 weeks event reruns
>this started a civil war among the playerbase
>theres divide between the players that hate nexon but like BA but also want to support the devs that were abused but don't want to quit and move to the clone game
It is a huge shitstorm that could kill the game

>"Do you think all the futa art for KV is hurting them, helps them or nobody really gives a fuck besides shitposters?"

It only "hurts" /bag/ specifically (and fuels the tribalism). Don't know if they realised, but Nipponland is fetish central, for all kinds of degeneracy. The "students" obviously aren't actually going to be dickgirls in the actual game, but they're ultimately an auxiliary crowd, much the same way unsavouries also get mixed into BA's playerbase by virtue of being popular. Futa is just the easy low hanging fruit to go for in KV because "haha swords"
faggot tourist
hmm yes very interesting i definitely read all of that and appreciate it very much
Everyone here is a tourist, none of us play KV
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Good effort post. Appreciated anon
it's going to take 6-8 years to come out and the genre will be stale or have too much competition when it does
>Effort post
This is from /alter/ three days ago, it's also inaccurate as fuck
I wonder how many actually believe in Project KV and not joined here out: drama > every Nexon game in existance.

I wonder if you guys unironically hate both KV and Nexon cus its the right thing to do? Like legit hating things cus its the ethical thing to do?
Infinitely better than n*mu wiki. Thanks anon
hate nexon
love BA
will probably love KV
Sane approach but gooks won't get that.
What killed the hype?
Anit-gook schizo from /a/
no tweets
Like anons post explaining a situation im not vested in.
Enjoy ba
Excited for kv
>You must only be here for drama. You’re trying to destroy nexon
You’re schizo maxxing and need to focus on something else anon
Man, I can't wait for my second cake.
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haven't you heard the news, we are getting a THIRD cake with Project RX
cakeCHADS we are eating so good in 4 years
Funniest part is there's a legitimate chance RX will come out first before KV.
isn't that the gay wedding cake a director resigned from nexon instead of making?
and then one year later half the BA team resigned too because they didn't want to have to deal with it either
>gay wedding cake
Yuribros, we getting 2 cakes with KV and now RX
I googled that and only bikes and gundam came up
KYH (BA director) revealed that nexon put him to work in "Project RX" for a while but returned to Blue Archive. Apparently he was replacing the former director who was also from BA but resigned.
Nexon recently had a presentation that said that BA had "blockbuster potential" and want to expand the IP, that's why doomposters speculate that Project RX is the DEI flavored sequel. We don't even know if its BA related yet.
Nexon said that BA outperformed all expectations so they're working on a sequel that will propel into the main stream. They are calling it the next blockbuster franchise. They want to add male students so that normal people can feel welcome in the BA fandom, not just pedophiles.
did anyone even find the gook interviewer whose video was privated?
jap summary of it said it was a sequel to BA
That's pretty retarded. Nexon is vile but it's not a western company. It's just gonna a fuck ton more jewish that'll make your average Mihomo game blush.
>ctrl+f "futa"
>47 instances
It's like I'm really in /tnm/. The sword meme has been passed down.
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Every single smallcap nigger post is a shitpost.
Noticing and acting!
its interesting how Phoneposting has really come around in the past few years.
thanks for the phoneposting filter
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sup /kvg/!
Swords are just another kind of penis, in the end. It's only natural that this happened.
The villain of /akg/...
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The more things change yada yada yada
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hello fellow futagen!
love chocomint
Uhh, is this real? If so, I'm so sorry for Exuposter's behaviour.
His wish came true.
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/kvg/'s Seia
True or not, I'm saving this to make sure no one ever forgets.
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Looks like /bag/ right now is seething not because of Project KV, but Project RX of all of things. Quite ironic, isn't it?
Cool threadshitting
What the fuck is Project RX?
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ligma balls
Presumable BA sequel.
>poster can't source the interview of the supposed forced executive event
BA, but its like Apex or Fortnite, idk
Nobody knows. Everybody is assuming BA sequel since Kim was leading it. But as much as with anything, it's practically all just speculation for drama.
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>/kvg/ - Project KV General #8
Please tweet something.
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Ohnonono /bag/, looks like you got a bit of /kvg/ on you.
We're not gonna stop! Not until this site dies!
>that's why doomposters speculate that Project RX is the DEI flavored sequel. We don't even know if its BA related yet.
nothing wrong with this just look at Girls Frontline Neural Cloud and Post Genshin games from Mihoyo
Good thing that Manjuu CHAD didn't follow the trend trying to appeal to DEI faggots and keep Azur Promilia from maleshits
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There will be reasons why the former main devs didn't participate in this RX project and kickstarted their new spiritual successor of BA on their own, most likely because of creative dispute. Anyway RX won't have its original essence of BA just like there won't be any in Disco Elysium sequel without Robert and his gang.
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that reason is nexon not wanting futacock in their BA sequel
I can't wait for the future of BA to suck, RX to suck, and KV to suck and end up with zero cakes.
Based commiebro
Long live Marx and Engels
the future of lolis is looking grim...
>Good thing that Manjuu CHAD didn't follow the trend trying to appeal to DEI faggots and keep Azur Promilia from maleshits
Except they did actually try that and Chinese incels attacked them for it?
If RX sucks I trust they'll continue investing in BA. If nothing else, those Nexon fucks at least know how to follow the money. See MapleStory 2.
The leaked NPC design? They're not playable and some CN Schizos believed that they're playable male character which doesn't exist on any of their promotions and trailers so far
They simply followed with the statement later to deny the playable male rumors
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When did project KV become a futage?
Gonna play AP as the female protag and post nonstop about how she's superior so just a heads up if you were hoping to enjoy that general.
when they decided to make a game with swords
When a girl puts the entire hilt of their blade into their pussy, it becomes a cock. I don't make the rules bro
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The current team of developer for BA including the ones that left for KV also made this abomination
This is the last mobile game from NatGames before they changed their name to NexonGames following BA success.
Project RX will probably be some Korean Mobile MMO shit with anime girls, no wonder Project KV devs ended up leaving
Sex with Io
>these guys made Kiki HIT 2
holy shit no wonder she makes my dick unbelievably hard
>people were hoping for KV to have 3D models
totally forgot how korean 3D games look like
here's to hoping they get jap devs to hop on their team after comiket
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i heard this is a futa game?
Korean 3D games also look like Elsword and Lost Saga and, you guessed it, Blue Archive
I don't think there's much to worry about, just make sure you don't get an autistic designer trying to shoot for semirealism without figuring out why it keeps working for final fantasy (when its done properly)
traditional gook 3d games would clash with the aesthetic of the existing visuals, I think we're safe in that regard
chicks with dicks aplenty
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who told you that?
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Granblue was the real futa game tho
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Way too big
Hot as fuck, I want to fuck her while giving her a reach around and making her cum real good
This only shows Koreans can make good products when they copy the japanese, the majority of their music, manhwas, games, etc. feel soulless in comparison.
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big dicks are nice and all. but where are the cute dicks
All of my disciples have cute feminine penises, Kaoru's is bigger than average but it's not a massive monstrosity that it's usually portrayed as
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>second one
Cute Koitus
I'll give them credit for the music in the DJMax series, but the pretty graphics MMOs (riddled with P2W up the ass and shitty combat) are pure trash and make budget japslop look like GOTY material.
Goodness gracious
>conforms to my head canon
The most accurate account of what is actually going on! Thanks anon!
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Apparently there's some visual novel that isakusan wrote 18 years ago? I can't find the game itself, but the gooks and japs were digging up images of it. There was definitely always some Fate influence.
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I couldn't find much more since I'm an EOP.
KVbros we won so fucking hard
>It actually will be a yuri futage
>surmount in the despair
>never completed
just like blue archive...
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I can’t see shit captain
>However, the evaluation was not good due to the plagiarism problem of Moonlight Talk
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I assume the text wasn't the point, but a dude groping the supposed lesbian.
But this is a /gbfg/ colony so we're fine with yuris who fuck men
it was another vampire story that strongly reminds tsukihime and hellsing
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Isakusan, when he was a 22-year-old Nasu enjoyer. This shroom is still his endearing star, albeit BA isn't any similar to Nasuverse.
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>raping yuri couples until they're straight
i didn't know pikaoji could be this based
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>Moonlight Talk
You can completely disregard the details from the shithole called n*mu wiki, it is obviously influenced by Tsukihime. The writing style and the concept
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>Tsukihime mentioned
They will post something soon...right?
people will never know how big tsukihime was in korean otaku society
it was a culture shock and explains why there so many kroean typemoonfags

www.typemoon.com is official
www.typemoon.net is korean fan site
Someone post this on arca/naver:

Korea is worthless. They are only good for cloning Japanese things. They are like inferior versions of Japanese people, but still smart enough to succeed if assimilated into Japanese thought and culture.
better hope for dogeza about halos monday
at it would mean they reached an agreement with nexon
Quite nostalgic, still remember 20 years ago and the otaku-doujin world as a whole was conquered by Nasu alone. The 2000s was literally the age of the shroom lol
post the one in her skimpy outfit I lost my gif somehow
Jesus, Koreanshit looks so soulless when not aping Japanese cartoon art styles
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The Blue Archive shitstorm TLDR is that
>Nexon fiscal report came out
>Blue Archive revenue is higher than expected
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist ask Nexon for more creative control and more budget
>Nexon says no
>Nexon actually did the opposite and reduced the budget while increasing revenue projections for next year
>even the monetary bonus that employees were supposed to get for reaching the expected revenue was reduced 20% by Nexon
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist decided to officially quit
>they took with them more than half of the software developers
>they also took with them more than half of the artists
>also took with them the main OST composer
and then
>they used all their money and funded a new studio
>they are developing a new game
>they released a trailer 3 days ago
>it's literally a copypasta of BA but with katanas instead of guns
>girls even have halos and are schoolgirls and theres a sensei
as result
>Nexon is on damage control
>they are mass hiring to refill positions in all departments
>they are stalling in-game with 4 weeks event reruns
>this started a civil war among the playerbase
>theres divide between the players that hate nexon but like BA but also want to support the devs that were abused but don't want to quit and move to the clone game
It is a huge shitstorm that could kill the game

>"Do you think all the futa art for KV is hurting them, helps them or nobody really gives a fuck besides shitposters?"

It only "hurts" /bag/ specifically (and fuels the tribalism). Don't know if they realised, but Nipponland is fetish central, for all kinds of degeneracy. The "students" obviously aren't actually going to be dickgirls in the actual game, but they're ultimately an auxiliary crowd, much the same way unsavouries also get mixed into BA's playerbase by virtue of being popular. Futa is just the easy low hanging fruit to go for in KV because "haha swords"
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I couldn't imagine Blue Archive without Mitsukiyo, so this is a great new overall.
If that's really what happened then Nexon deserves the employee exodus. I just hope BA continues to be good, I enjoyed a lot of the recent events and some of the remaining artists are really good like the Niyaniya one.
Isn't Mitsukiyo the only one not getting shitposted? I thought everyone knows that music guys just hop from one game to another.
Made up bullshit or truth? Idk i just want drama.
guy is a freelancer, nexon decides if they want to keep working with him
>i don't want to be identified
>i made the promotional materials a long time ago while working at mx

>no new info, only saying the atmosphere is grim
fake or not it has no substance
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>Get a card and take a picture
I don't get it. If BA is such a cashcow for Nexon, why not invest in it? Why not give more resources to the developers to work with so that it can make more cash for them later? Cutting their budget and giving them higher expectations is just such a comical way to shoot yourself in the foot. Could they not afford to give them more budget because of other projects? If so surely they could have come to some sort of compromise that isn't literally cutting their budget. Or do they not have faith the BA will be their cashcow for another year and felt that giving it money would be a waste of time?
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Guys how do I beat 13-5? The difficulty ramp went vertical holy shit
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Honestly, some of the latest BA OSTs have been extremely mid compared to the older works. Maybe they're pulling another mx2j?
Korean nerds don't like getting harassed. Who knew.
stop pushing this retarded narrative from fgo fags who don't even play the game
I am a humble man, simply delivering the most recent futas
thx delivery man
believing anything on the internet should be the sole purpose of fun
this is not fun
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which one?
>salty koreans forced futa memes on project kv
>they say it's project kv's fault who retweeted almost r18 arts
All of them. Give me the mega link
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>let me take care of that condom for you
how would she react? what about after shishou leaves with the condom?
>everyone attacking kv for making him say this
kaoru should have bigger tits, her tits should be at least as big as her head
>>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist ask Nexon for more creative control and more budget
>>Nexon says no
this is rumored without proof
>>Nexon actually did the opposite and reduced the budget while increasing revenue projections for next year
>>even the monetary bonus that employees were supposed to get for reaching the expected revenue was reduced 20% by Nexon
Again this is unverified. As if you could easily get information like what the budgeting is. The "sources" of all this are "previous nexon employees or sold nexon accounts" and in the first place good luck actually being allowed to know the scope of a project's budget without a managerial or executive position.

>>they took with them more than half of the software developers
Also not verified.
>also took with them the main OST composer
Funnily, this one was directly disproven by said composer. Shocking.

>>Nexon is on damage control
? They haven't made a single statement. At most the producer retweeted "KV != BA" and that was it
>>they are mass hiring to refill positions in all departments
Haven't they been in hiring for over a year?
>>they are stalling in-game with 4 weeks event reruns
I can only imagine that if you wrote this sincerely, you do not play BA because this has been the way of things for almost 4 years now. Good luck getting Nexon to actually make new content for BA at a frequent pace
>>this started a civil war among the playerbase
No. Koreans basically universally hate it and most others don't give a shit.
her tits could be suppressed under her costume though
Someone tell me how to defeat the monkey niggers in the event challenge
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For me, it's the right Himecut girl
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>? They haven't made a single statement. At most the producer retweeted "KV != BA" and that was it
All the shitflingings from the Blind and Nexon Games employees there are just nothingburgers? They are spreading this almost daily basis now. Just name a single case that any noise came from the Blind with a D1 employee. Yeah there is nothing.
Umbrella is nice, especially if it's a trick weapon
but she's too tall. Why should I move from Hag Archive to Hag Archive 2?
>Just name a single case that any noise came from the Blind with a D1 employee
D1 doesn't even have a company email to register with yet lmao.
>All the shitflingings from the Blind and Nexon Games employees there are just nothingburgers?
Yeah probably.

Anyone who has ever held a position at a company has access to Blind, from what I understood it in a Japanese breakdown of the situation. Nexon is one of the biggest companies out there with a long history of "being shit". You believe that the likelihood of people spiteful toward the company spreading false information after leaving the company is low?
Just last year we had a big mess involving ex-Nexon employees insisting they had done nothing wrong after literally stealing code from Nexon
bro manyoshu clearly is a hag dorm
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>that hair
Holy basedGOD
A lot of game companies do the same shit believe it or not
There's a new leak from a project KV insider making the rounds on twitter. Was verified with business card. They said the atmosphere at DO was gloomy, Doremi doesn't seem to be thinking much, president often away from desk, and they regret joining. If it's that grim, we probably aren't getting that second cake even if their marketing has generated some hype.
we were talking about that for hours
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>Currently every kind of pro-Nexon hail Mary attack on D1 from Blind is ongoing, it is almost on every online daily newspaper and the cattle are buying it
>But hey, it is because some people want to make Nexon look bad!
I don't think you need to try hard to make Nexon look bad. It's a bad company in a lot of ways.
But I am not retarded enough to just believe what people say on the internet, sorry. And yeah, I don't know if you didn't realize it or something but Koreans hate in a particular, dedicated, and honestly intense way that makes me say yeah, I'm not going to put it past some Koreans persistently making claims.
They have done it before, they'll do it again, they have a lot of seethe and a golden opportunity. Even without "insider information" (/laughs) the Koreans were immediately extraordinarily negative toward KV and calling anyone involved with it a traitor.
Another three futapics has hit the DynamisOne office!
ever heard of target audience?
BA already reached to almost all its target audience already:
male young otakus

why invest more when they already caught the target fish they can milk?

for nexon, the money is more efficiently used as a company when they just develop a new game tat can reach to larger target audience

guess why mihoyo keeps making games for both male and female audiences despite being called mihomo
I agree that the authenticity of the information from Blind is mostly shit, but it seems to be obvious Nexon is using it for narrative war, and I think they will do this till the end and will blame KV for their utter failure of RX. Easily predictable.
I don't know about that, given most of the Blind stuff I see paints Nexon negatively as well.
I don't get the drama. It's like mehomo tribadism except the gooks are actually seething irl.
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We already knew something like this was going to happen the moment BA came out and had nexon attached to it, it was just a matter of time really. That's why it baffles me the amount of ignorant retards that still tide with nexon of all things, a company with such a rich history of ruining IPs.
>another day with no new tweeth
Sorry we are busy looking for lawyers
>no news
its so over
>Saturday 6pm
>no new tweet
futabros it's over
I kneel
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so where's the anything?
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gooks are analyzing the card material in the images
>business card shenanigans
holy fuck just like american psycho
Remember, ONLY corpos are allowed to decide on a creative vision and shape cultural influences for entire generations
Let this be a lesson
All hail capitalism
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The kamifutage I've always wanted...
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Not so fast
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too true fr fr
Impressive you guys turned this place into a futa porn bin already.
KYH, 9ml, and the three composers for the game are enough to count as original creators of BA and they're still around.
>you guys turned
>you guys
you mean gooks lol
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>thinking they won't leave for project KV too once their contract with nexon expires
holy fuck
this is the next level battle scene
Mitsukiyo is on both teams, he doesn't give a shit as long as he makes money
What else do you have left in your bag of cope?
4chan is a bootleg fanfiction of futaba channel with that logic
Gooks noticed that the people defending KV were seanigs and started calling them bananapickers
Gooks still forcing futanari memes on KV
lawsuit + no game
If artists are drawing it voluntarily, is it even forcing?

>immediately on the trash can if it's a korea article or some rando on twitter

i swear ya'll love to stir up shit just for the sake of it
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No but it's a revolution.
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>STILL no Tweets or even just RTs
Well that's one way of killing your momentum.
It'd be weird to keep advertising a product that will never be released yeah?
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they're on emergency meeting now talking about making the futa cannon. trust the plan
>futa cannon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>some korean really like characters especially kaoru but he knows the game won't happen
>he posted that BA should buy out these girls and making as a BA character
>all other gooks say no because she is already futa so she will bring futanari to Blue Archive
Just move to Japan and learn Japanese and never release in Korea. Maybe in North Korea they're based.
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The fact is that KV is becoming healthier.
something tells me D1's business literacy is too low to get an investor AND write a contract that preserves their creative independence
just ask some Arabian Prince to fund them like SNK
They need to start by hiring a good KR->JP translator
holy shit now those are some good old /int/ bantz, fucking seaniggers
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futa game sounds haram to me
Is this some /lat/ meme I missed? Haven't been to /int/ since 2016 or so.
I'm completely out of the loop, why is everyone pretending that the girls have dicks? Did a famous artist draw futa of one of them?
gook agenda
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We only have the designs of a handful of girls and they all look boring af, maybe the game doesn't flop but no one's gonna migrate from BA for this shit
Do these anons not understand that this will create a massive divide between the actual game and what the community os portraying it as if they just keep "embracing the meme"? Eventually they'll just be posting about a game that only exists in their heads
I'm impressed by how we know nothing about this game and this general is already insufferable

That, my friend, is called toxic positivity.
>Anything and everything that is happening to thing I like is good actually. Get owned chuds.
Funny that I guessed that these people were mostly seamonkies. Apparently the gooks reached the same conclusion.
People said the exact same thing about kancolle when it absorbed a shit ton of touhou artists, saying things like
>why the fuck would anyone draw a bunch of the same looking schoolgirls wearing the same sailor uniforms instead of the more varied youkai/folklore/gothic lolita chara designs, shits retarded
And of course the rest was history and kancolle ate 2hu alive at the time.
Never make the mistake thinking that what you find boring isn't what japan finds boring.
Fair enough, japan has notoriously shit taste
I'm still bitter about the kunoichi tsubaki anime doing so bad that yamamoto just ended the manga so he could work on his other two identical school romcom series
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Imagine playing something called project futa dick HAHAHAHAHAHA
This might actually be the gayest general in /vg/
This place has been insufferable since thread #1, don't kid yourself. All we know about this thing is a 1 minute trailer and 3 girls because we don't even know the official name for this but somehow managed to fill eight threads filled with pure shitposting, spite and playing victim because everyone's just jealous and trying to shit on the next BA killer genshin killer that will take over the world.
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and yet you cannot stop posting in it
I've actually only made 3 posts on this thread, this going to be my fourth and last. Not everyone's mentally ill like you.
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how do you even go about negating the futa narrative within the canon setting of a SFW game?
even with the implying implications people are hyped about, you wouldn't be explicitly mentioning the girls' genitals
futa is literally free advertising and can only be reflected in the fandom having fun with it
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The one sane poster here
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>wake up
>still alive
Wait how? How fucking computer illiterate do you have to be to not be able to set up an email?
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it's a shitpost
Corpos and their ever increasing greed for market share is something that needs to be studied.
BA is kind of fine as it is as an IP it earns them good stable money, all they have to do is keep the game fresh, not invest massively into shit that might flop or might make BA into some slop.
KWAB, the funny part is he's right.
What i was saying is that it's a game about highschool girls with swords, but the community will keep talking about girls with dicks, which is something that only exists in their head
You're essentially creating a community that isn't actually talking about the game, but rather a parody of it that was born from malicious shitpost. Which will be hell for actual fans of the game to see discourse and "fan" content of their beloved product be raped by retards on the internet that will impose their headcanons on it
you negate it by snuffing out with actual content and being normal
all of the futatrolls will be ostracized as more and more artists come in who refuse to draw that shit and would rather draw shishou dicking his disciples.
that sinensian fag will likely be the last one left but people aren't into hyper shit like that so he'll get ostracized too.
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>>Do these anons not understand that this will create a massive divide between the actual game and what the community os portraying it as if they just keep "embracing the meme"? Eventually they'll just be posting about a game that only exists in their heads
That's every successful franchise.
I wish baggots learned to filter on panda instead of complaining and voting down decent stuff
of course that doujin was made by a woman
also I guarantee you zero ichikafags have touched that shit with a ten foot pole
>literal cuckoldry being the japs' fetish of the year or close to it in the recent years
wouldn't bet on it
japs need to be wrangled, what else is new
is this why fgo is the way it is?
cuckoldry is not spiteful sabotage but a genuine marketing move?
That's what i hope
Going by that sc of 4chan posts i assumed this was something that already took root and was going to be the norm going forward
>This might actually be the gayest general in /vg/
Nah, not even Top 5
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sinensian is still at it
You don't know her height. Most tall looking girls in BA tend to turn out to be much shorter than guys anyways. You can count the "tall as a dude" characters on one hand. And no student is actually tall- the tallest one is only 5'11. BA doesn't have a single big girl. It's all illusions.
The plain-ness/subtlety of their designs are appealing in their own way. They make my dick diamonds in ways that much fancier looking BA girls don't.
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also people equating the PD that left to kaya is pretty funny
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non-MTL translation by a gook
fucking read the thread you are like 5th guy on this thread with the same info
>except Doremi
He's Manifesting Project KV all on his own
Have you guys seen this yet? Have you heard about this?
Futa being an official topic of concern/discussion is absolute fucking comedy. What a time to be alive.
Sorry, when i said boring i didn't mean plain, i meant lacking in detail
My problem is not so much with the designs themselves (which desu they ARE really boring and they probably could have made them nicer without making them overly complicated) but with the art
Take Hifumi and Kohane, they're the similar kind of "plain girl" character except hifumi looks much better. Not because she has a lot of accessories or a nicer uniform but because it's just a better quality drawing. Things like hair strands, color/light shading and overall detail are just not present in the KV sprites (except for the white haired girl), it's a very barebones art "style" that obviously comes from a lack of talent/experience or just plain effort
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>stop browsing for a few days
>come back to this
what the fuck happened?
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>work so bad people assumed you were doing it on purpose
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>Literal rando from an anonymous website
>Trust me bro. Hail Nexon, death to the traitors!
>That twitter tranny keeps delivering this narrative
Shitstorm lying clusterfuck. It only severs D-1 and Nexon more but gook drones truly believe this can bring KV team to their knees, so moronic.
Hopefully he takes a step back to reevaluated his art and improve, or at least go back to how he was before
>still no tweets
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Don't worry, he finally fixed his screen with his nexonbucks.
Willing to bet doremi is the whistleblower.
That would be funny but its unlikely
Doremi only thinks about panties
>Doremi seems to be thinking about nothing from an outside perspective
What does that mean? Genuinely don't understand
>investment situation
qrd? No idea what it's referring to
>KV's official HP was outsourced
So the have ONE (1) programmer and he can't even make a basic website? BA sisters...we're done for...
Hence he's achieved Zen.
This general is pretty comfy
>Literal rando
Did you not look at the business cards
Doremi is purely thinking about cunny, he is more a beast controlled by his natural impulses than a man
It just means Doremi isn't frustrated by anything, while the other staff are. Either way though, it's not good news if they're almost all down in the dumps, or busy dealing with Nexon. Chances of KV materializing seem low.
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Everyone should learn from him
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It's over
what the fuck? High chance Isakusan and friends were too hasty if so.
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Enjoy it while it lasts
rooting for the underdogs
rooting for kim yongha
Rooting for playable Seia when
rooting for vagina
rooting for iroha cake and koito cake
what does that even mean
>this kind of snitch are going to have control over BA's content

its fucking over for BA....
>These random unsourced rumors are true because... He made a red card that anyone can make!
link to kyh's personal account?
True or not, all this drama is definitely affecting the game's image and I am willing to bet morale is not high at the office. Honestly, the only thing that can turn things around is someway, somehow, let people know WHY they left the way they did. Press release, tweet, "leaks", do something. And it better be a damn good reason.
It would be the easiest thing for D1 to just say the card is fake and to not believe everything you read.
>it better be a damn good reason.
anon this is literally just the kaya plotline in real life
D1 got banned...
oh, did they delete the retweet of the fanart with the loincloth
nah their RT of this is still there
didnt read
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>Oh no people are mad about our project
>Realize it's just the fanatic gooks
>Morale is normal again
So breast envy is involved?
isakusan is envious of kyh's manboobs yep
Breast envy is hot.
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>breast envy
lol. lmao even.
NDA's would fuck their ass raw
Make one then? It was only revealed a day prior what it looks like
Screencapping this post so when everything is confirmed to be true i can post it and laugh
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Fasten your seatbelt
raids and trannies shitposting spitefully
I wonder if the mod issued me a warning for the Gookland or Shattistan part of my post.
I'm sure all that art was done out of spite too
It's not a lot, so yes
So you're challenging me to a mexican standoff huh? Fine, if /kvg/ dies it will take place in /bag/ instead
Good luck cowboy
Must open.
I finally get it
It's all coming together now
I fucking hate pubic hair fags so much
Why would you want body hair on a WOMAN
It's fine if it's pubic hair. Body hair anywhere else is bad, though.
Hair anywhere outside the scalp, eyes and nose is a MASCULINE trait
Anon i'm afraid to tell you but you're gay
what now?
lmfao if it's true it's just kemono friends all over again
With project RX, the pieces all fall into place. I can completely believe Nexon wanted full control over the future of the IP.
wth is project rx
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Nexon does it again/10
The mx2j line makes this more believable than a card anyone can make. The hate for his recent designs has been retarded.
shhh don't say project rx on /bag/ because that will trigger them
this game needs more lewds
If it wasn't a game it wouldn't have a general in /vg/
the fact you're defending him makes you retarded
holy shit you weren't kidding, this took maybe a minute
>wtf my shitpost question is treated as a shitpost, how can this be
maybe just post 'wth is project rx' instead of intentionally antagonizing them
You got the proper answer that no one really knows. It's a reasonable answer and if you think that's "being triggered" then your'e a fucking seanigger.
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Italian? Mamma mia
he fumbled the art and if it wasnt done on purpose then he was just a funking hack half-assing the job
I don't understand how he made all those ugly desaturated sprites for BA but then when it came to drawing Koito and Kaoru suddenly he's competent again at coloring his characters.
maybe someone fucked with his monitor at nexon?
go back to kneeling to abos aussiecuck
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>Fuck the creators! This is NEXON's, especially the executive's IP, not yours!
Just as everyone expected, and servile Yongha sided Nexon. And you know what? That fucking BA fanatic board has deleted OP by force because it didn't fit into their narrative. They just keep spamming futa memes hoping to destroy the KV project.
Ask questions
Question gets answered in a totally normal and manner
>Holy shit guys! Check out these baggots chimping out!
You retards really are something else. /bag/ has largely moved on and you guys still let them stay rent free
So according to this Isakusan left Nexon because he didn't like the factional infighting and he couldn't take it anymore. When he went to Dynamis One to work on KV did he not foresee that fans and former fans of his work would devolve into tribalism? Is this why the other post said he was feeling bitter?
aren't writefags supposed to be smart? how could he not foresee this?
Yurifags are extremely sensible about /bag/ winning at anything since it has largely dunk on them again and again
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>I was only 18 years old
>I loved Blue Archive so much, I had all the merchandise and limiteds
>I pray to Nexon every night before bed, thanking him for the pink envelopes I’ve been given
>"Nexon is love" I say; “Nexon is life”
>My appa hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my plat collection
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Kim Yongha
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “Player experience is very important to us.”
>He grabs me with his powerful chaebol hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Kim
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Kim Yongha
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Kim
>Kim roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My appa walks in
>Kim looks him straight in the eyes and says “See you over at Project RX.”
>Kim leaves through my window
>Nexon is love. Nexon is life.
Depending on his age, it could just be inexperience in working with a team. I used to be a part of an indie dev team about ten years ago and we made almost all of the same mistakes I'm seeing here because we were all immature, lacked direction, and had clashing egos.
It's starting to feel like a competition between Nexon and Dynamis on who is better at shooting themselves in the foot
D1 is just incompetent, Nexon is being Nexon.
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It was right that the original artists were disregarded by Nexon, and the minions are still not getting wind of anything. It is a civil war and and we will see which is the TRUE Blue Archive. The main writer, artists and fronliners vs KYH who was a proven sellout for Nexon executives, let the game begin.
Not a drama general btw
i know /bag/, serious questions never get answered, and you dont need to spend that much time on 4ching to realize people mask their anger with ironic shitpost. so yeah they were malding, not that i meant to provoke them
also yeah, i don't know why >>493549610 this retard went through the trouble of looking through timetables to try and locate me for an epic own when he could have just looked at the filename but it's pretty funny
Insisting that your imagined opponents must be angry so you "win" is probably the dumbest part of internet arguments desu
This one looks decent enough
What the fuck are you babbling about.
>Q: what is rx
>A: we don't know
You need help. Fucking seamonkies man
isn't meru a dyke? i dont read the story but i know she draws other students mashing clams
It's bananapickers now
She was more of a coomer in her first appearances, the type to draw smut of anyone. But in her event, momos and L2D, they apparently did not continue with that
Because that's the art direction Nexon wanted him to go with. Everyone looks the fucking same now including mx2j's characters.
KV gave him more freedom so he took advantage of it.
Bullshit, S.Kanna, S.Fubuki and S.Kirino had none of the problems Mx2j's sprites had
the KV characters look even worse than what nexon was """forcing""" him to do
>heterosexual male likes sexy images
Boring old news spread by braindead twittards

The insider source said "KHY only retweets R18 art on his personal account, these KV motherfuckers retweet it on their official account, they're so unprofessional"
You can see the underlying assumption that everyone would retweet R18 art on their personal account, which is obviously true.
But these people pretend like it's some shocking revelation.
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I think he doesn't trust the claim anymore

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