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#6212 - Remember when they like banned Isolde 2 weeks later after printing glorified Infernoble support edition

Previous: >>493263136

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>red-eyes had the entire ED before blue-eyes
>no one even cared to remember because the synchro, rituals and links are complete utter dogshit
Visas lore would've been the best series if
>Visas has a runback through the remaining 2 worlds, fully controlled by Veda
>Fully reconciles the differences within his parts blahblahblah some jungian shit, gets Scareclaw as a dog, Kit wife, Kashtira bros
>Synchronizes with his ritual and pendulum counterparts, freeing them from Veda's control
>Confronts Veda, breaks the cycle, unifies all the realms
>Low IQ jeets seethe immensely when they realize what the lore was actually about
Veda being retrained as gemini pendulum that used different effects depending on if pendulum summoned or not would've been kino.
Unfortunately konami forgor to finish it.
the doomshitter is dead
called by killed him
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They're siblings though.
It didn't help that Red-Eyes synchro is tied to Zombie World lore
The entire reason Red-Eyes got that Zombie Synchro line was because it was butthurt after Balerdroch fucking destroyed it
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Official DMG and BE fumos incoming.
Im the one who found him
The synchros are pretty much only Red-Eyes in name, you could never mix Red-Eyes Zombie stuff with the rest of it.
World's post from Japs is showing up in my timeline. So is there anything worth caring about for worlds? Is there a chance they going to announce something? Will a single Jap be able to top without Max C and Fuwaross?
HE will save them
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>Ace monster level
>Ace monster stats
>Kino coolmonsterGAWD deck
That's my HERO.
Raye sisters... we are supposed to the face of the franchise...
>Rips Requiem from your ED
>Blanks 6 cards
Nothing personnel kid
Isn't Necroquip a better target?
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Lame fujobait deck and lame fujobait lore
Still waiting on the illusion ritual archetype.
Chimera immediately got boring after like 2 games.
If your pet deck needs floodgates to survive it deserves to be killed.
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Never forget that Yugioh is merely a card game.
Necroquip is second best target if you have Birth live. Engraver into Tract+discard fulfills the criteria for Birth on its own and cuts them off from the FS engine entirely with Requiem gone.
This but also Shifter and Mulcharmies.
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My petdeck needs RUM to survive
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My pet is the floodgate doe
And sometimes a board game, and many times a video game.
true i would also include negates in that
Nah, the Visas runback should be him going through the same run but he instead saves Reino from taking Kitkallos backshots (bonus points: It features Visas slapping Kitkallos in her face, leaving a damn scar), then Reino Reich and Visas pull up to the Kashtiras and then convince Riseheart to not be a chud, refuses so then all 3 do some NFL formation to tackle Riseheart into the Mannadium tree where Riumheart cuddles the incel out of him that by the time Riseheart decides to join the squad, the 5 of them pull up on Veda's dick throne while this starts blasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M6samPEMpM and you can see the minion factions (scareclaws, tearlaments and kashtiras) in bubbles watching the boyband defeat the 29yo femboy Veda.
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Is Eradicator a floodgate?
Nigger deck played by brown people
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But she already got hers or this is just a shitpost?
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Evil HERO's can't come soon enough.
I might actually start playing again (I won't)
Red-Eyes has a Link?
Please tell me this new support helps Flame Swordsman become a meta deck.
Yes, but that's the only thing wrong with your deck. Nem is sovl.
That's somehow worse than how Konami left it which is an achievement.
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>we're forgotten
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Yes a link 4 in fact
Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel
>but it's not a Red-Eyes
So is the new Link-1 of Blue-Eyes
lore has killed ygo
Idk, have you heard of Flame Swordsman being meta these last 8 months?
>Doesn't even have Red-Eyes in it's name
Lore more like BORE
member necroz
Support when? BB needs a fusion card that fuses from the deck.
>normal spell
>If your opponent's Extra Deck contains a Dragon monster: You can Fusion Summon 1 "Buster Blader" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by sending Fusion Materials from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, banish 1 Dragon monster from your opponent's Extra Deck.
this card is less dogshit than i remember
see >>493346723
flameswordsman is just worse azamina
it relies on too many garnets to be playable
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side the djinn
Nekrozfag and his consequences can still be felt in this general.
Soundwave above
Common below
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>A link 4 for a recovery effect and then the rest of the card text is dedicated to making the monster recovered as worthless as possible
What were they thinking
oh man I completely forgot how utterly unfuckingplayable synchro Judgment is
at least the other 4 have all seen varying amounts of meta relevance
I'm a returning player so I thought this was new support, sorry :(
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Diabellze from another series.
it was made in that awkward time after they printed the most fucking broken links ever so they were trying to keep it a bit down
What were they thinking with these cards?
Diaper girl Lucy.....
Watch the next RE support wave be about merging both decks.
the initial support wave wasn't great
it has a 1 card combo with way too many moving pieces to get to the big fusion which is just quick effect pop and nothing else
>Diabellze is a stolen gacha design
>Labrynth is a stolen gacha design
Makes you think
I think see that Trishula sometimes so it's not in the same tier with others
>Fusion Trish
It was VFD turbo in some decks
>Synchro JD
>Xyz DAD
Kash plan-C
>Pend CED
Dragon Link
>Link RE
No idea. I saw it in some funny Dino deck.
They came at the beginning of the year back in Maze of Memories. They're not very good sadly.
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The trishula is not the good card among those bro.
Pic rel actually saw meta play
>have to COUNT the number of DARK monsters in GY
pretty much all of the dragon retrains from that pack were missing the point of the originals
>fusion trish banishes almost nothing relevant and is basically a synchro still but with even stricter summoning requirements
>xyz DAD can't pop and attack which was the main selling point of the fucking thing that it could clear the board and push for game
>synchro JD is pretty much impossible to summon when the whole point of JD was its absurd comeback potential, and the new one is just unsummonable or incredibly telegraphed
>link doctor red is an extender that prevents you from extending and also needs what at the time was a ton of investment for it
>pend CED has a much harsher cost and can only remove from field, and only based on how many of your own cards it's nuked, which ALSO has counter synergy to pends which won't be sent to the GY by its effect
>Going second card
>Ignition effect
>Less payoff than Big Eye on average
I cut him for a second Shangri Ira t b desu
>the rank 7 that pops a card
the tidal rank7 will go hard
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You want to play it with infernoble but it's still not very good because it's a 2 card combo deck in a 1 card combo world
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I bring you the most popular ship from Branded lore.
Their fanarts are never stopping.
Aluber x Albaz is eternal
It wraps back around to being okay because nobody handtraps you in the right places because everyone forgot this stuff existed after PHNI.
Literally canon
>Whitoids le evil... Brownoids le good...
Maximus and Lee are the two most ludo level villains.
Every other villain has fallen flat.
25 years of Yugioh and we only got two quality villains out of it.
>Japan operates by my western idpol
Retarded Glue Eater.....
Maximus was just a Quem simp
Lee was just a power hungry femcel
Why can't they just fucking an actual starter for infernoble.
Ogier fucking sucks.
>If this flaming homo js summoned, add a flaming homo from deck to hand
Boom. Solved.
>Off-brand Airy from Bravely Default
>Generic ass JRPG villain that was betrayed and used by everyone around him
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Did you guys know that despite only making up 5% of the monster cards, Link cards make up 30% of the forbidden monsters? I thought that was interesting...
Tewart will print it and it will lock you to original NKs
>brown protagonist
>female protagonist
You now remember Maximus looked at Aluber and thought there was nothing wrong to let him do whatever he wanted
fire warriors have already a starter
>Level 3
No they don't
Yugioh, despite having over 10,000 cards, doesn't have a single nigger in it.
Albaz isn't a nigger.
Afroman doesn't count.
Cyber Commander?
He's a Kaiba card BTW.
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I want to plap plap plap Sunny's snatch btw.
Destiny HERO - Niggerman
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Stop... no more... my narrative...
what about all the Gravekeeper's and fucking Atem, Mana, Mahad
You can tell she's 6'8'' and she'll put that big palm on a white bunny boy (Droll) and push him to her chocolate thigh
Aki's boyfriend
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sunny's body is legitimately built for sex.
those thighs, that smug face, her tiny stature.
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>beats Ass Creed Shadows to the punch by 20 years
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here's the only CaC BB needs.
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>A literal black panther
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What did he do this time?
When did they remove the ability to derank yourself in master duel?
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She got a BBC too, a big black cunt. The kind that looks fat puffy and also slightly muscular, the pussy can talk and it can kiss back.
Avoid smurfing, also more gems to earn each month.
would this fix Infernity for the modern card game?
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>Scareclaw redo can get some new cards but plotwise is short because Reich retains his memories - Reich remains on Reichphobia for reasons to explain later
>Visas goes to Perlreino, goes right to Reino in order to try and reason with him but he does not have memories from the first loop
>Reino pulls his move to control the tears, instead of using "Fear" to break the brainwashing, Visas uses the "Joy" inside his heart, giving them hope and allowing him to absorb Reino peacefully. He brings the Tears along
>Reich protecting Reichphobia means that Wraitsoth can't convert it to Shangri-Ira, instead they try and make the weapon out of the second or third planet
>Kash and the new Ritual archetype fight and Visas intervenes
>in the conflict, Visas prioritizes coming to terms with Rise, empathizing with his desire for strength since now he knows that Rise wishes to fight Veda
>Rise joins with Visas which makes the planet being invaded by Kash turn on him and lead into that as the next boss fight, after fighting with the local Heart misunderstanding gets cleared up, Visas absorbs Ritual Heart
>with Visas' path going so differently and out of his control, Veda moves in and allies with the final Pendulum planet, convincing them that Visas is evil so he can seize control
>Visas going to the final planet seeks to determine Veda's motives, revealing that Astraloud was his original form and Veda has been seeking to enlighten Visas into breaking the cycle of reincarnation
>Veda demands that Visas ascend and leave the universe behind and achieve Moksha
>Visas' answer is no, the cycle of reincarnation may bring suffering but it is only through life that people can find meaning and he values those who he has met on his journey. Enlightenment holds no value if that is the end of his existence
>Visas Synchros with the six Hearts and achieves final form
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>Coolest Infirnity card
>Didn't even get printed
Clown company.
This will go to my Ultimate Slayer target.
Somehow it'll find its way as a package into another shell, link climbing away to dodge Nibiru
Nibiru is truly the great filter
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extremely aesthetic ludokino field.
god i love my deck.
much cringo gringo
what do we do about the vell problem
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3 Dominus Impulse or 2 Dominus Impulse + 1 Effect Veiler?
1 veiler since crossout
Thank you
>all this nib talk these past couple threads
isn't it bad this format?
and it doesn't look like it'll get any better with razeol on the horizon who can both set up a negate before it and extend past it
You do realize this card is infinite reborns, right?
Nib + handtrap has been good for quite some time, but Nib as a standalone has gotten better since the Apollousa ban because the only deck that’s feasibly beating it rn before summon 5 is Fiendslop Yubel
Shark also can dodge Nibiru
They have Toad in TCG
and ROTA support makes them better
Even more if Tewart decides to import Seventh Tachyon
Do you really expect a retard that doesn't even know the difference between "When" and "If", let alone what a Quick Effect is, to understand how his own shit works?
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>more packages from TCGPlayer got lost
I honestly hate how messy TCGPlayer is at times.
The checkpoints of a meta deck
>must be able to summon a monster negate in under 5 summons
>must be able to play under Shifter
>must be able to play through 3 handtraps
>must be able to run at least 15 handtraps
>must have at least 10 starters to enable 1 card combos

Anything else?
>at least 10 starters
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I try to avoid "when" and change it for "If" because of my lost timing trauma with Gustos.
>can be used as its own link material
>10 starters
lol no.
15 one card combos or bust.
>OCG limited THIS
are they retarded?
This is the only generic out for Imperm, Impulse, Evenly, DRNM and many more annoying shits
whats the math to draw 2 different handtraps in your first 5 cards in a 40 card deck?
>not a single opt or hopt even on the neg eff
I get that it's infernity but Jesus
>i finally start drawing fuwaross consistently
>Now fuckers feel like going blind second again all of a sudden
and most of the time it's not even tenpai
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That card also counters the OCG's favorite card so of course it's limited
Why are you even buying from TCG if you go to bigger locals?
>Arc-V and 5Ds got these before GX
They have Called by the Grave at 2 ffs
Limiting Crossout is unnecessary
Bastion bros, we are remembered!
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>can be used as its own material
>no HOPT on either effect
>can cycle itself endlessly from the GY
>writes Graveyard, but then GY later
>does not know what the fuck a Quick Effect is
>too retarded to copypaste literally any omni-negate text from an existing card
>GY effect is an omni-negate even with no cards in the hand
>negate effect doesn't even fucking work correctly because it's written as a Trigger instead of a Quick
>If instead of when for the negate
Thank God you don't work for Konami's R&D.
How the fuck do you even manage to dress yourself when you're this retarded? Holy shit.
Arc-V and 5D's are linked together.
with cards*
are we in a droll in main or droll in side format.
decks for this feel?
Droll in main if you have space for it
I don't and i'm already on 12 handtraps.
i think those 12 are locked in.
Fuwaross because it's the best HT next to like shifter.
Nib, and if i play nib i automatically have to play veiler and imperm to make sure it goes through.
if i'm gonna fit nib i'm gonna have to swap out one of the above for it.
P1 drops Maxx "C"
P2 chains Ash
P1 chains CBTG
P2 chains Crossout
P1 chains Crossout
if i'm gonna fit droll*
Is it 2 Nib, 2 veiler, 2 Imperm?
Or 3 Nib, 2 Imperm, 1 Veiler?
If it's the latter, you can swap 1 Nib for 1 Droll (as Crossout target)
Otherwise, don't bother
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3 of each.
3 of veiler because he works as a combo piece.
So you don't main Shifter
Yeah, I don't think you need Droll in main
Raye's not a nigger but she does fuck niggers
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cool, i thought so too, i just wanted a second opinion.
droll in side it is.
calm down, bro, it was just a joke.
I just copypasted Launcher and Barrier together in a Link 1 broken monster without much text revision.
I can guarantee, even with this, Infernity would still brick hard 70% of the times without an archetype ROTA or foolish burial like Gimmick Puppet or die for Called/Ash.
wtf? Roze is not a nigger.
do you think she'd get along with Aki?
Is Misawa really that much of a meme? I remember him being treated just fine in season 3.
i resolved fuwaros, drew 6 cards off it and drew only 1 handtrap.
i now understand the need to play 15 handtraps.

Bros... I love shiny card board... why OCG ultis are so much better than TCG's?
My locals will no longer have yugioh
>t.somewhere in Europe
It's over. This time for real.
>You can banish a total of 2 FIRE and/or Dragon monsters from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon this card from your GY, but return it to the Extra Deck when it leaves the field.
So, if we get an xyz version for at least 2 more dragon rulers, we get an easy turn 3 Bagger 288 for comeback.
he was a secret character in Duel Links with generic NPC duel music.
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Yoshida kino...
The G Gundam of YGO
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The bottom line should've been D/D/D
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What did you fix?
Why did the drop the ball so hard on the Six Samurai Fusion?
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Not a fair comparison. Jack is in denial and jean is a french stereotype joke.
>Sans titre
Ohhhhh, you’re trans!
made for Duel Links unironically
he removed the trans cards
we used to have better looking ultimate rares and ones that didnt curl
forgot the video https://youtu.be/MjxYxpIpbgI?t=128
But he’s trans???
If they ever give Blue-eyes a Pendulum monster I hope it's like NuCED where it's just another extender and not something you Pendulum summon with.
>Jack is in denial
Your ship sunk. Dropped by the rest of the series, Dropped by the manga and dropped by Arc-V and dropped
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jack isn't a one woman man.
I didn't even notice
Armed Dragon needs a Fusion/Synchro/Link version.
already have one
Agreed about Synchro and Link
Sky Striker needs a Branded Regained but for spells.
it entirely depends on how many handtraps are in your deck
Year of Fire was so fucking based, bros.
Year of Water is starting off slow, but I have high hopes it'll be just as good.
Do I invooost in Tenpai? The deck is actually kind of cheap for what it is.
Yes, Fuwaross and Dominus Impulse are coming
You're gonna dominating hard
>solid tier 2 deck
>quite affordable
>they ban isolde
>completely erased the deck from the game
>inb4 muh mikanko ftk
Fuck it hurts so much and no the mikanko ftk was only good as long as no one new about it that deck fell off hard once everyone saw it
tldr: they did infernoble and warriors as a whole dirty
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Based plapkanko it was actually exodia because konmai didn't want the retrain being overshadowed by the OG
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>qualify for Worlds
>get a McDonalds toy

What the fuck
hosting eu casual
That's Sanrio collab tho?
Burger got them very late compares to the rest of the world.
Raidraptor really can't compete in this environment
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ggs raid raptor dude.
Buster Blader Stronk
Just do what every R4nk coper does and play ryzeal.
It's the logical conclusion of all r4nk decks
Toon support doko
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someone add a Happy Meal to this picture LMAO
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>Will a single Jap be able to top without Max C and Fuwaross?

Why are you worried about Japan when Chia is going to be there
Tenpai is busted after rota but remember that ryzeol is coming, deadnader fucks them
What is the tcg:ocg ratio of worlds representation?
Tenpai is overrated.
everyone is pretending the sangen limit doesn't matter when it unironically does.
>but muh 20 handtraps
every meta deck is handtrap slop you're not special.
>the out to floodgates nobody used
turns out the real out to floodgates was just limiting all of them
Imo the combination of sangen and prosp does it. Tenpai is still overwhelmingly strong but if you can deal with the field then it's gone for good. Only problem are the charmies but they shouldn't have been printed in the first place. Tenpai will still main both charmies so here's hope we get rid of them asap.
I can only see Fuwaross going since its the Vanity's Emptiness to Maxx C's Royal Oppression.
At most you'll get a fuwaross limit in 2026
Wouldn't it be funny if komoney makes furwaross a qcsr only? Haha
The only reason Tenpai seems to be weaker after Ryzeal is because Tenpai started maining some outs for Ryzeal, weakening its handtrap arsenal
In theory, Tenpai IS stronger than Ryzeal.
In theory, Tenpai is mid.
In practice, tenpai is garbage.
I like mulchummies.
I like losing the coin toss and not having to mentally autoscoop because if I don't open nib + something else i get pseudo ftk'd (or even actual ftk'd).
>But it's unfair
The last thing going first players deserve is a fair shake
Why did they make dead namer not once per turn, again?
Vell what is that chuuni ass text in that image lmao
It's balanced because he's reactive to your opponent unlike Drident or Master Peace which could snipe at any time.
>The last thing going first players deserve is a fair shake
The way to fix the game isn't making going second stronger, its making going first weaker. Otherwise we just end up in the endless powercreep cycle as per usual
>but going first is weaker as a result of going second becoming stronger :^)
It's relatively weaker but not objectively weaker
Toon Banhammer
Normal Spell
Declare 1 card name; If either player possesses more than 1 copy of that card, banish those cards so that each player do not control more than 1. You can repeat this effect a number of times equal to the number of "Toon" cards you control.
Because we've spent almost a decade now making fun of targeted destruction. Turns out it's fine if you just have enough of it.
I'd like more viable going second decks so that you get to actively choose if you want to play a deck that goes first or second rather than giving generic tools for decks that optimally want to win the coin toss and go first
>archetypal materials
>entirely relies on the opponent's actions to be able to be used
>limited by the number of materials you have on him
Also you can just negate him? It's the same "out" as any regular negate
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Sure, whatever, you can sit around and wait for them to do that lmao.
But i see things for what they are, Konami *wants* tight 15 starter 1 card combo core + 20 Staples to be the Standard, and until that ceases to be the case, I'll be firmly a mulcharmy enjoyer.
i want going second decks that dont aim to otk
I just hate the game is in a state that the only viable going second focused deck's entire gameplan is to make your entire board completely immune and ignore the opponent's field and hit the opponent with so much damage you could quarter it and still kill them
I'd rather play a game ideally closer to amc, where handtraps, boss monsters and floodgates still exists but they're not overpowered af and too game warping
That's called beatdown and it's a dead deck type.
An example of beatdown would be BLS .
NA = 7
EU = 7
ASIA (Malaysia and Hong Kong) = 2
LATAM = 4 (Would have been 5 but Melffy Spright guy couldn't and got replaced by a guy in NA so NA gets as many players as EU)

TCG gets 20
OCG gets 8

Also last years champion can't attend due to health problems
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To this day I still don't understand what people actually mean when they say beatdown. Light beat remains the iconic version of it in my mind and it still runs counter to so many of the concepts I hear associated with beatdown.
Man even on a shared global scene does TCG really sell enough more than OCG to deserve 2.5x the slots
But Raidraptor is not a real rank 4 deck.
The only real conclusion to Raidraptor is to keep ranking up until they reach the highest rank possible
>inb4 another wash and koj changes the qualification rules
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I thought it would be more evenly spread
Desu China and Korea should get more spots to even things out
Pretty sure the OCG sells more than the TCG just straight up
Japan eclipses every single region by a ton which is why a sole country gets 4 spots.
Also don't kid yourself the amount of people that play in LATAM is very small and they can't afford meta decks so I don't think they bring that much money if at all.
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Thinking of what to add for tomorrow, I feel like I want to change S:P for Gravity Controller (Linking off Evil/Tierra if need be). The deck honestly feels mega solid, and I am getting my third Engraver today, but there's so many small and nuanced choices. I'm not even sure what most people are going to be playing on the WCC event either.
Beatdown is your main form of pressure being attacking with big ATK dudes rather than monster effects, typically monsters that don't require much investment to get on the board.

It doesnt have to be beat down, just a deck that can reliable crack boards, and then sets up its own strategy rather than swinging for game like tempai.
So like Sky Striker?
Is oceania the most spots-per-person region?
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after showing you this image do you like them now?
The thing is that it promotes going first to get more 1 card combos, huge recursion when your board gets cracked so you can do everything again. And honestly, trident dragion is tenpais' biggest offender when it comes to otk'ing. Like 90% of decks can otk anyway under the right circumstances or put you at so much disadvantage that you die after you pass.
Sky Strikers is probably the closest thing but it still tends to want to go first to set up smoothly. Conceptually we''re probably really looking for something that functions as a "turn 4 deck" the way that so many TOSS decks are referred to as turn 3 decks.

It's hard not to incentivize just going for the kill if you can break boards though. If the deck can't do it naturally, you'd start looking towards Accesscode or something naturally.
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>i enjoy the mulcharmy cards they really help going second decks and make going first weaker
the going first decks
Is this the most well designed card in modern ygo?
No because we move into maxx c territory where the first thing you do in deck building, without even thinking twice, is to put in charmies and its counters and then you get to build your actual deck. You play your mandatory cards under any circumstance rather than looking at the meta and potential meta threats to counter it. You auto lose deck space.
Closest thing to a playable beatdown deck is mekk knights.
You crack your opponents board and then your wincon is preventing them from rebuilding so you can finish what you started next turn.
Sky striker doesn't qualify because they're all attacklets
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Some of the things I also considered;
Very bricky, even in 60 cards. Not being on a "real" Snake-Eye deck makes him potentially awful.
>Slash Draw
Not an amazing card, but does have the benefit of sculpting my GY better while also being recursion.
Very weak, but lets me essentially "search" what I need.
>Blue Tears
Just a normal package with it, would let me set up Void Feast on my turn if I wanted to, or any normal trap flood.
Pretty much just "decent card" tier, Reasoning/Monster Gate/Beatrice fodder.
>Fiendsmith in Paradise
Kind of a meme card, but somewhat useful. Mill fodder that nets you more burn (Lacrima) or a disrupt with removal (Desirae). Field effect would likely not ever come up, but isn't bad.
If Dark Fusion wasn't my only real way into this, it would be rather solid. He's a LIGHT Fiend, nets a draw and a pop. ED is kinda tight tho, still. Likely skipped, but interesting for the future.
>Pilgrim Reaper
Also a meme, but this deck can and do want to mill some, but I am not sure how much it ACTUALLY benefits me.

God do I love to sit and theorycraft/decide on builds like this, I get to fucking dig deep into weird ass cards or meme strategies.
they literally could think of anything better to do to fix the power creep they started in power of the elements than reprint maxx c twice.
Ancient Warriors
I do not mind mulcharmies because my deck doesn't job to them. Simple as. At most you'll get an upstart, but I'll go out of my way to give you nothing
>The thing is that it promotes going first to get more 1 card combos
The way around that is to simply make the strategy and effects of the cards depend on breaking a board or your opponent already having cards on field. the Multcharmy cards are an example of cards that would be better going first, but have a restriction to prevent that.
Mulcharmy and Dominus are both just them realizing that it'd been over a year since the last time they printed a super stable to make money and uping the power because Thrust didn't even become universal enough to force everyone to play it. They simply ran out of pots.
This card outs practically all the "unoutable boards" people like to come up with. They'd have to run 2 copies of the same floodgate on the board
i am predicting a new broken pot card in a 6months
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Why in the actual fuck did they make the mulcharmies 2 per turn?? man this is such bs
I'm still convinced that ocg should just ban maxx c and the charmies and put pog to 1 like fuck it pog won't make things worse than they already are
Ash me if you dare.
Erm, so you can't activate 3????
To stop people have 3 Multcharmy effects active at once.
That said, I liked the idea some people had when Purulia was first revealed, that being that Mulcharmies would be stronger handtraps but if you run too many you shut them all off with 2 uses.
But the Mulcharmies are all Maxx Cs that you were never going to run 9 of so what the fuck
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so your turn gets skipped and your opponent OTKs you with a single one card starter and the TCG is going to have 6 cards that turn skip now be legal when ROTA is out.
Imagine losing a ycs final because of that
The only redeemable thing about this cancer is that not every single deck can play it. Regardless, shifter will get the axe someday.
how about an anti-turnskip card
>if it is not turn 1 and you did not successfully resolve a card effect in your previous turn (quick effect): discard this card; it becomes the end phase.
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Kneel before me, plebs.
I like how vomit horse didn't do anything in the end
Fiendsmith will win world
His name will be remembered before being TRAPPED and BETRAYED by the TCG
I'm more of a fan in the forced going first/second variance
>During the Standby Phase, if it is the first turn of the Duel (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; it becomes the End Phase of this turn, also, skip the Draw Phase and Battle Phase of the next turn. Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's effect.
Force people to build their decks to go first and second, because even winning the dice roll wouldn't be enough to guarantee you get what you want. That and it can put a spanner in the works of some stuff like forcing a going second deck to go first to basically autowin
Will we ever see his/her/xir face? Will they ever remove the hood?
100% this card would be run in go first decks with 1 card combos primarily go improve their odds on the coin flip.
this is literally a turnskip
Dimensional Morganite
Can be used from the hand during either players turn.
For the rest of the game, whenever a card is sent to the graveyard by either player, the next card that is sent there is banished instead

Then you keep alternating between graveyard banished.
Wish people made Yugioh clones like they do Magic clones. I might just do a jank ass TTS clone one of these days simply for my kitchen group to play
And it would also be included in every other deck too. That way they can improve their coin flip chances too.
It adds a nice spice to the metagame. Going first decks would run it incase they lose the flip and go second but people would also run it to stop the going first deck from going first when they win the flip too
The problem is that a go second deck already wants to go second through a go first decks set up. Many of struggle being forced to go first. They're not incentivized to run the card in this case because it puts them in first with one less card to play with, not being able to battle phase.

In addition, because it reads as playing with one less card, it favors decks that can run smaller engine and more hand trap. Weaker decks may still opt out of it because that consistent start hurts their ceiling too much, while all the best decks become stronger. SE and Ryzeal would be the absolute best abusers of a card like this
People don't make Yugioh clones because Yugioh is a poorly designed game. I've even had my own attempt at making a card game and at most avenues, I've gone in the opposite direction of Yugioh.
It's honestly a fucking miracle Yugioh has lasted as long as it has because it feels like Konami make every bad decision in the book and people just accept it. Yugioh has a lot of tools at its disposal it just never uses, and it has a lot of potential tools they could use but simply don't.
How does Millenium plays?
Every Magic clone removes lands because lands are fucking stupid and drop the quality of the game simply by existing. Yugioh has more fundamental issues than Magic does but a lot of simple design changes can go a long way on the foundation of execution focused play with high resource availability.

Even without substantial core changes, I think there's a niche audience for "goat with support" or "toss but dynamic".
>Every Magic clone removes lands because lands are fucking stupid and drop the quality of the game simply by existing.
And curiously, they all fucking go through insane powercreep and die while MtG keeps on trucking. Ain’t that something.
Summon big idiot, protect it with trap raigeki duster, Millenium BEWD in the yard and handtraps, if they manage to kill it summon it again next turn.
When does the stream start?
Snake eyes is literally the only meta deck that gives a fuck about shifter
what stream?
That's just bad card design than bad game design. Lands are a fundamentally retarded concept and WotC spend an unreasonable number of cards every single set to solve the issue they started.
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What is the Siege Rhino of YGO
MtG is a legacy game like Yugioh that continues to survive despite insane power creep. And Magic itself has seen insane power creep despite being a rotation game. Commander is broken as hell these days.

I'm baffled anyone posting in /dng/ could possibly have any long familiarity with Magic while still respecting it.
I miss the time fucking Rhino was considered peak powercreep.
in like 4 hours
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lol lmao
and 1 day
>getting hit by PoY still turns this off
Which retard thought printing this motherfucker was a good idea?
I'd say a lot of Yugioh's problems come from their game design philosophy AND card design philosophy.
From a game perspective, Yugioh simply does not try to help players understand the game and the core rules aren't intuitive enough to understand quickly. You could solve a lot of these issues by simply adjusting the information a card gives you (i.e. making it so monsters tell you which Deck they are meant to be in somehow), but Konami values uniformity over ease of access.
From a card design perspective, Konami is just far too fast and loose for a game that has next to no restrictions, and it isn't the occasional fuckup either. Konami prints a bonkers retarded card or two every year and instead of banning it and trying to better themselves, they just raise the power of everything around it like trying to slowly boil a crab so the bonkers retarded cards are just cards.
Yugioh is a game that is fundamentally flawed if you consider average card designers who will not give a shit about balance. You could certainly fix up the game mechanically and make it something easier to access and better to understand, but it needs a good captain to steer the ship.
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is there any way to mod the mobile UI into the steam version of master duel? it's pretty comfy playing on steam deck but I can't see shit in the deck editor with the pc UI
Siege Rhino was broken on reveal. Oko slipped under most radars for awhile and could be picked up cheap for like a week despite ending up way more busted. In hindsight it's hard to believe he was underestimated but his effects were unconventional so WotC probably just missed it
The link has absolutely nothing to do with red-eyes and doesn't count
when is reveal season starting again? i miss new cards
7th with the promo
Then Tuesday onwards for main set/terminal world
>terminal world
Are they doing another one
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I can feel it in my bones. Orcust and Thunder Dragon support is on the horizon.
It really feels like Orcust would be easy to make relevant again. Like one good card would fix it instead of a full wave
God please no don't give me thundra support i can't handle my baby colossus being banned again please i beg of you let me play thundra in peace
They gave TD two Colossus recently so I can see it happening.
Wasn't there supposedly a leak a few months ago which said we would get TD support but then everyone thought it was that garbage filler unrelated thunder mushroom card and then just dropped the idea?
>Orcust without Knightmares and Halq
>Thundra without Buster Lock and Bystials
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The BROKEN 27-headed Lernaean hydra Thunder Dragon CaC-bandaid soon.
Yes, we know 2 of the 4 themes are Fabled and Jurrrac
So the set is dead on arrival?
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opinion on this artwork for Mobius the Frost Monarch
AI slop
Least obvious attempt to keep Fiendsmith relevant by KoJ
Looks great.
Yugioh would be just flat better if we could use equivalent Rush cards in OCG builds
What the fuck
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damn those are big
Looks ugly
the effect is not the same between rush mobius and ocg/tcg mobius
Then just say "use the latest errata/the database", its not like cards that don't say what they currently do don't exist
The Legend support cards took an interesting angle and just made it super fucking boring.
90% of the wave are just regular cards that all say that they are treated as Legends which makes all the effects where you reveal Legends or interact with Legends basically guarantees. That's boring as fuck and ruins the point of having Legend support in the first place
why does he have 2 left hands
because Konami artists can fuck up
>play going first deck
>run this
>open it
>immediately pass turn
>discard this card
>your turn again, but you're allowed to use the battle phase
Why is his effect an ignition effect of all things.
dark world unironically does this but nobody ever focuses on that aspect of the deck, grapha/reign beaux are both massive bodies and its very easy to get multiples of them onto the field. I wish they somehow banned the handloop aspect of the deck (mainly by removing sillva ) and then gave them like 3 or 4 modern support cards to let you play it as a consistent aggro deck instead
Malefic bros, they're forgotten...
he's a clock
a lazy retarded archetype
The real question is, are his eyes in the clock face or on the gear on top of his head?
At least you got newer support
Why play a deck that summon beatsticks with no good effects when every other deck can summon even bigger beatsticks with strong effects.
>to support Malefics, they made them play how they did in the movie
Support to turn Cubics into quick effect summons when?
The eternal ygo problem.
modern yugioh everyone has 3K attatck and negate
>to support Malefics, they made them play how they did in the movie
Not even that
In the movie, the Malefic mill from Deck/Extra Deck to summon themselves.
The TCG/OCG version is still a straight downgrade even with Territory CaC bandaid
Ready for VASM's xth wave?
war rocks
I get that Konami was paranoid of there being a way to mill 3 Cyber End Dragons to push for 12K damage on turn 2 but they definitely overcorrected hard with Malefics.

Their support is literally about turning them into vanillas to get rid of their restrictions.
If not even this ridiculous CaC could save them you should have just thrown the towel
I don't know why you fags want the game to be slower. All the data literally pointed out that people prefer explosive, fast-paced hobbies from the get go in this society. Take light novel for example: People meme about novels with weird long titles, but objectively, those things have a higher chance to catch the eyes of the audience. Similarly, if your novel can't have an explosive plot in the first chapter, people simply won't read it. It is not like 20 years ago where you could write a book with a short title that revealed nothing about what was in it, or spend chapters setting things up. Any person who claims to have experience in game design or writing and yet advocates for slow-paced products is either lying or is a fucking failure at their job
Yugioh accelerationism.
I'd imagine it's from how absolutely fucking abhorrent the current format is, although part of that is probably more from infinity handtraps than "SE combo too fast :()
>"why do want the game to be different when some people like it now?"
Because I don't like it now and liked an earlier version of the game?
>just play time wizard
I want new content, but old philosophies about what a card or deck should be allowed to do
What other decks got CaC tier support but still flopped?
The issue isnt necessarily that the game is fast paced, but that the powerlevel combined with the luck factor is so skewed that its way too easy to end up in unwinnable situations especially with two players who actually know how to perform remotely optimally.

It also often doesnt even get to the point where it feels "fast paced" or "explosive". Id say two very strong decks building complex chains with a combination of engine/ nonengine is when the game feels explosive and tactical. It feels laughably slow when someone just builds their full board for 5+ minutes and then you draw your nib for turn and stare at their nightmare throne&pain+phantom+desirae+varudras+little knight with squirmer/spirit/yubel in grave
>Just play time wizard
>Wait why is this card banned?
>Wait why is this card limited?
>Wait, has Konami ALWAYS been this stupid with new support
>Why didn't they hit trap dustshoot earlier?

Every Time Wizard format has the fingerprints of konami's stupidity on it and I hate it.
there's nothing cac about this card it sucks ass, it's just an attempt to fix malefics that didn't work
For me it is the fast pace of the game. Power level is fine on a per card basis but when so many cards are in play and doing different things all in a single turn, it becomes ridiculous. It's why so many people got turned off of Master Duel despite having an incredible burst of popularity at the start
Master Duel has 20K players daily
Earthbounds and Malefics need a CaC that nullifies their stupid dependance on field spells.
>when so many cards are in play and doing different things all in a single turn, it becomes ridiculous
thats a good thing though. the problem is when one or more of those cards just flat out deny the opponent from doing anything (like apo, baronne, savage) which are all thankfully banned now, immediately followed by massively oppressive floodgates (also thankfully being addressed but the worst of them all is still legal, shifter)

Negates like desirae are the absolute strongest that this game should ever have in the form of monsters, and ideally they would be slightly weaker/ have bigger costs to getting into them (such as archetypal bosses like chixiao) who targeting 1:1 negate for cost and only specific types of cards. Spright should be the peak powerlevel of "negate"slop and even that might be ever so slightly too high, but at least that deck isnt as good at grinding/ at problem solving in a flexible toolbox fashion to my knowledge at least

The main issue with negation isnt that its impossible to play around (although in some cases it legitimately is) but when its paired with decks that can actually recur/ recycle their resources it becomes insanely oppressive, since the second player wastes their own push to get past often MULTIPLE flat out denials of whatever they attempt to do, and then they somehow still need to flat out OTK through or the opponent just builds the exact same board back (while you now have 1 card in hand max) or they kill you instead on turn 3. Once again, at least something like spright isnt as godlike at infinitely recycling their resources once you crack the egg for good
>they need a CaC to negate their own lore
And started off with 162,000 trying it, getting overwhelmed and the 20k that remain are the ones who stuck through the first few months.
>162k in January 2022
>87k in February 2022
>49k in March 2022
>36.6k in April 2022
>35.7k in May 2022
Then every single month after has been ~25k or lower permanently. Konami fumbled getting lots of people into Yugioh by having the meta be dogshit and the game impossible to get into as a result
>thats a good thing though
That's subjective. From a pure accessibility standpoint, having so many cards combo in and out of each other, each also having an additional effect or two that you must pay attention to and your only interactivity during the opponent's gameplay being handtraps leaves a lot of situations where people just stop giving a shit about the game and only assessing whether the game is playable or not post-turn.
How many times has the anecdote of seeing someone combo off so you go and do something else for a while and come back and they still aren't done been thrown around? That sort of gameplay would still exist even with the removal of the "one or more cards" that deny the opponent doing anything
It's so funny seeing the game getting beter in every way while also getting less fun everytime.
If you think 20K players on a daily basis for a almost 3 year old game is fumbled then you are delusional. If anything it's impressive master duel held up so well, especially considering that everyone in the community screams yugioh is dying since forever.
>Drop people in the middle of Zoo Tribrigade with VFD legal meta
>People leave
Not that surprising IMO
Tomorrow is worlds, where is the hype?
>Have havnis and fenrir in hard
What do i do?
And yet it's at it lowest long after vfd is gone... maybe vfd wasn't the problem after all haha...
It's an absolute fumble to lose the sheer amount of potential players they have.
Even ignoring that, Master Duel is pulling less numbers than people playing modded Terraria on Steam. For a free-to-play simulator of one of the most popular card games in the world thats absolutely fucking embarassing
25k for a Gacha game is incredible. Most games like that don't survive past 1 year. Yes, the game sucks, but expecting it to keep its launch playerbase, or even half of it, is stupid.
It is not just a gacha game. If your trading card game can't go digital, it won't survive in the future. They should have put more effort in making the playerbase happy
>literally rewrites the effect of existing cards
>nothing cac like
Real cac would give them new effects instead of just removing what they had.
The playerbase is fine. I would rather to keep those 20k players with modern yugioh than to have 200k of yugiboomers who cream themselves playing goat control mirrors for 20 years straight.
this is just removing bad effects that shouldn't even exist in the first place
this doesn't add anything meaningful
we're in 2024 where people play 50 omninegates and disrupts, this is literally garbage
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Bluff exodia
T-set passers, I fucking kneel...
It's unfortunate that Imperm (and Veiler) are non-OPT field negates because otherwise being able to resolve something like Yuanba after getting Maxx Ced/Multcharmied and deck your opponent would be a real (and hilarious) possibility
Worse part is that maxx c is so retarded that you might just turn skip your opponent then open your 1 card combo and OTK
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Hey hey hey, don't mess with goatGODS. They do not play around.
What's the cheapest deck I can win with? Doesn't have to be OTK. I can't craft UR, have no gems and barely any SR..
What does "I can win with" mean? You can reach Master 1 with basically any deck.
Gamble you will win.
in MD the ninja SD is fairly competent
armed dragon literally has 2 fusions already
Something that can keep up with the meta
Thanks I totally forgot the SDs even existed. the ninjas are cool.
When is it OK to go over 40 cards?
swordsouls by getting the free sd pack I guess
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Gonna use these in my Exodia deck.
Think anybody would give a fuck?
When your deck has the consistency to open well and extra bodies are just extenders.
when it increases your consistency rather than hurting it

autistically adhering to 40 is a retarded meme spouted by untalented unintelligent special ED kids who cant think of themselves. In fact with the way modern archetypes function its often beneficial to try to bury your searchable one ofs deeper into a larger pile. Most of my decks hover around the 42-47 range
It can statistically help prevent you from bricking if you build deliberately even if you don't run a Garnet but if you do have a Garnet it makes it less likely to draw into one.
Spright is a good example of this. Playing more than 40 cards can minimize your odds of opening Angler, Double cross, or doubles of hand traps.
When you have garnets and the additions don't hurt your consistency.
Sticking to 40 is a good idea, but it generally increases your odds of opening garnets too.
If your 40 card deck with a garnet can go to 45 with 5 additional consistency cards, then you lower the amount of times you open the garnet on the whole but don't sacrifice access
Admittedly the "minimizing deck size" thing might have mattered during Hoban's time, but like that shit hasn't been the case in years. Fitting your deck with as many draw spells to "find engine" has about as much relevance to modern Yugioh as GOAT deckbuilding philosophy
>Even Konami knows how busted Sage is and pushes for coooombo
Tistina OCG support when?
almost always, the only play 40 cards rule of thumb hasn't applied for like half a decade, maybe more
Swordsouls, Ninjas, Salads, maybe Blackwings.
>Admittedly the "minimizing deck size" thing might have mattered during Hoban's time
it can still matter, depending on your deck and its goals. I think the OCG for example (and maybe where the TCG is headed) wants to stick close to 40, because you absolutely want to see your answer to draw effects (ash or called by) in your opening 5. This is what sticking to 40 achieves, just like it maximized your chances of opening your other best cards back in the day

In modern deckbuilding youre actually more concerned with ratios to minimize bricking, and usually the luck of the draw mainly affects your nonengine whereas engine side has been designed to consistently get to similar results/ problem solving capability even when you open vastly different starters/ searchers. This is when you get into deckbuilding that is entirely concerned with ratios and brickiness rather than deck size, and a perfect example would be something like branded. Aluber is probably your best normal summon, but you still dont even necessarily want to run him at 3 copies (I certainly dont) because you have so many ways to access Aluber and his function that its more dangerous to brick on a shitload of normal summons than it gives you value to open Aluber. In fact id much rather open...branded opening

Minimizing brickyness can be achieved by running functionally identical cards that actually arent the same card, to offset hopt. This is why something like terraforming+nightmare throne is a blatantly better hand than 2 nightmare throne, since one actually does have the ability to function as bait in that scenario

Types of decks should build differently. Combo for example should 100% focus on opening as much "redundant" but versatile engine to push through disruption, whereas something midrange like snake eyes (lol) definitely wants to open 2 engine and 3 nonengine
>I think the OCG for example (and maybe where the TCG is headed) wants to stick close to 40, because you absolutely want to see your answer to draw effects
this is correct, for OCG it's important to start near 40 because of le buge (and now mulcharmies)
when we get the actually good mulcharmy the same will probably happen to us and 40-card will once agaun be the forced norm, becayse drawing your own mulcharmy/anti-mulcharmy card will be just THAT important
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>dub card frame
>Japanese art
Yes, they'll call you out on your absolute dogshit taste and mismatching
>he asked for no pickles
>dub frame
>japanese art
>rounded edges more akin to an MTG card
The edges alone would be cheating
That doesn't bother me at all.
I'm not spending $60 for the official LART pieces.
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>Third Engraver did actually come in time
Oh yeahhhh. We're gonna NOID tomorrow.
Draw phase, activate Shifter.
Chain MST, response?
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>Just draw the 2of
nice mat, best dmaid
From which site did you made this cac
Next jump promo, it has that same effect.
what support does DM need? I see them getting a rank 8 xyz that can summon itself from a rank 7 magician xyz so that they can still use the old xyz
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Luv' House Dragonmaid. Girls with shorter hair is always the best, and I can't lie, black hair + glasses is a kino combo.

2of with the Worlds banlist. :^)
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>Missing me desperately trying to spark conversation about my deck and annoyingly talking about a Worlds celebration event
Nah nigga that's on you.

Wtf I thought /dng/ was the ebin heckin' petdeck central???
They need everything
They need consistent payoff
What you just described does not sound like what they need. DM can't even consistently make a rank 7 and you've giving them a cheatyz for a monster you're not gonna make unless you're on an outside engine.
Shit dude, they may as well just run horus to make that rank 8.
One card starter that gets circle+eternal soul+fusion out, forget about the Xyz and let it spam its actually decent fusion monsters.
>petdeck central
Beyond the diaperfag and Vell who in the fuck is a petdecker here?
You're not talking about your deck, you're just showing your pig acquisitions here because you don't have anything that can be called a friend group to do that with. Funny thing is that you still try acting high and mighty calling this place "shitters, unplayers, brownoids, [...]" when you treat it like a blog.
all of our namefags
How do you define petdecker? Because I've seen people define it as playing only 1 deck but also as playing any number of decks but only because you specifically like how them for non-competitive reasons
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Me, nigguh.

>You're not talking about your deck
Hoeh? HAEH? Mogojyan I think this fool is WHACK.
just limit the xyz r8 to magicians and make it an omni or disrupt
and obviously add more main deck support to make xyz easier, done dm is as good as be
>Anyone in /dng/ qualifying for worlds
Hysterical. Now kys.
>fiendsmith snake eyes cope
Chaos thunderslop is a petdeck.
A very based petdeck.
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I am the greatest player in the world, I just don't play.
Petdecks can only be bottom of the barrel trash decks, sorry i don't make the rules
>Full of metafags
My petdeck? Kashtira.
>meta engine cope
>pisstyals + colossus cope
Extremely homosexual post
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My petdeck? Ryzeal.
dark magician will remain trash, cope yugitards
why is there barely any hype for worlds?
usually this would be a big event in other games...
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Unplayer to the point of forgetting the Worlds Celebration event exist. :skull:

Nah bro, we're playing some incredibly BASED Infernoids. Funny enough I never realized that Sequence was a GENERIC FUSION FOR FIENDS until I played around a bit, which honestly makes going into Tierra a lot easier.
Banter aside, Noids ain't my petdeck. I love the deck, but it's more of my brothers petdeck. Just tryna make him proud.
Cant wait to see Snake Eyes win in 2 different formats.
We already know what deck is going to win, why would we be excited?
it was actually legit hype seeing dragon link win in 3 different formats the fucking TCG finals was swordsoul vs dragonlink idk how we went from that to fucking snake eyes fiendsmith.
>imaginary banlist which dissolves literally after worlds ends
>can't even live spectate at the venue
Worlds is just for the players who qualified and no one else
>why is there barely any hype for worlds
Because it's a literal 3 deck tournament only between Fiendsmith SE, Tenpai and Yubel?
Only Konami would be incompetent enough to host a World Wide Tournament in the middle of a fucking tier 0 format
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this was worlds last year
calling it now: neither SE, fiendsmith, nor yubel will win worlds
it'll either be tenpai or some meme shit like memento, ritual beasts, white forest or voiceless
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What's his pet deck?
Make your bro proud then nigga
yall talking like there was any hype for worlds in any other format
A full on "Just stack any spell/trap lol" effect to abuse with The Dark Magicians
/dng/ I'm gonna be home by 8 pm. I want lasagna for dinner and I'm gonna need you to bleach your ass for me.
>What's his pet deck?
Purrely, Buster Blader and Ursarctic
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I need a combined form of rat, cat, and fox mikankos
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It's time.
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No, but there's always anti-hype. It's a constant reminder how we'll never be a real card game like pokemon.
Reminder the only reason they don't stream worlds is because they know it's an embarassing event
I'll probably check it out but the hype died instantly when they announced it was going to be a closed off event. Stuff like Worlds is generally a good way to meet people, KoA is cheap.
Deck you've been playing for at least 2 years
you're hard for havnis and fenrir?
They knew if it was open for viewers that jerome would need a bullet proof vest
non tiered deck that doesn't use tier0 engine cope
Do you guys still believe that /dng/ is the best place to talk about yugioh? (I do)
>metagame entirely stale and Konami has deliberately manufactured the meta in both TCG and OCG so it is stale as fuck at Worlds
>spectators are banned from Worlds, only participants are allowed
>prizes are some illegal cards and a trophy, so its not like seeing someone win life-changing money with a ton of the line
>TCG and OCG are separate formats and so we are watching a gimped version of both formats that isn't representative of the actual game in either region
>We actually know fuck all about what else is happening aside from the games themselves (i.e. reveals, new games, new updates to games etc.)
The better question is, why SHOULD we be hyped?
you don't?
>Pretend to be a cute innocent girl who did nothing wrong
>Everyone falls for it
That easy huh.
There was hype last year when there were multiple decks running for the tittle
>implying pokemon gives a shit about it's card game and most revenue isn't from merchandise
Retarded shill
You don't
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Last year was also the first one in 4 years and MD brought in new people.
Well it's in Seattle so it would more than likely be a target for Antifa given how anti-tranny Yu-Gi-Oh players tend to be. People were cheering for Benjica's departure after all.
Why do Ryzealfags keep trying to gaslight me into believing the deck is fair and doesn’t involve a 1 card combo that is also a board breaker backed by 20 handtraps? I’m not falling for it.
>Jerome haters are violent, subhuman and carrying weapons in private events
Pendcucks never gonna beat the nigger allegations LMAO
geek boy will fix her
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>An afterthought sideproduct for the pokemon IP is doing leagues and bounds better than yugiohs main product
Damn you sure defended yugioh right there!
when big tiddy pomelo mikanko
who isn't hard for Fenrir?
Imagine fenrir violently wrecking your womb and then leaves you as a steamy hot mess
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>product is losing to [literally the biggest franchise in the world]
>haha it means it's shit
What kind of retatded gotcha is this?
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So when will they try actually fixing the deck instead of printing random bricks no one asked for every 2 years
Next year.
homosexual intercourse with Black luster Soldier
But enough about Lorcana dabbing on yugioh..
A pend player would try assembling a Goldberg contraption on the spot and cry when they forgot the glue
Arahime is a SAINT
Mayakashi support?
Another double attacker Ritual monster coming right up!
>biggest franchise
Are you retarded?
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>Fagcana shill
Next year.
New envoy retrain that's 5 times worse than envoy coming right up!
you do know pokemon is the literal biggest franchise in the world, right? lorcana is a combination of the franchises of the biggest media company in the world instead
well, second biggest, comcast lol
The (real) Gaia x BLS crossover archetype.
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>faggot disney shill can't even shitpost right
Back to your diaper twitter you go faggot
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It's a more profitable TCG but I get the impression in the sphere of autistic nerds more people know things like Pot of Greed, the Pendulum Mechanic or the story of fucking Gagagigo than even the effects most iconic meta relevant Pokemon cards.
>opponent goes first
>spends 10 minutes turning their 5 card hand into a full field with 4 extra deck boss monsters and stacked back row
>ends turn
>now i have to spend half my turn reading the encyclopedia of a field to determine what cards i play will get negated, banished, or sent to gy immediately
>even if i find a valid play, chances are high that something in their hand will shut down whatever i do

Seriously, fuck this game. It only gets worse and worse. If you aren't playing a top-tier meta deck that you copy pasted from somewhere, you don't stand a chance.

I haven't played on paper since 2003 when Toys-R-Us held locals. I cannot imagine playing that way now. Way too much shit to read and weird effects from the GY or Extra Deck to try and remember that you can trigger.
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yugioh competes with
>the strongest franchise in the world
>the strongest media company in the world
>the strongest manga in the world
>the strongest and first card game of history
>also digimon is there too i guess
and still wins btw
>diaper posting begins
>Son appears
He really did find his soulmate didn't he? Diaper, tranny and european
>opponent plays his turn
>now I have to play yugioh to beat him
Are you serious nigga
Boohoo nigga don't like it leave
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NTA but
>now I have to play yugioh to beat him
to more like
>now I have to try to play yugioh to beat him
The entire point of going first at this point is to deny as much gameplay as humanly possible. Do that well enough and their gameplay should be entirely over.
you should already know what all their cards do
if you dont, that means they're playing a bad deck you've never seen and shouldnt have a problem cracking the board
>nooooooooo wdym i have to know my opponents cards
>noooooooooo i don't want to read them i just want to do my thing and win
I mean i get the other part you're complaining but you sure as hell have to do your home work playground time is long long over
My friend, have you heard about a card called dimension shifter? It does wonders.
Yeah but like, why *should* my opponent be allowed to play. They are literally a lower caste of human being than me, they should feel privileged i allow them to watch me combo into turn skip/lock/ftk
My favorite thing is people that do all this shit, set up a board with 15k ATK, and then proceed to don’t read that if you try and slap a Mikanko’s tiddies, you’ll be slapping your own tiddies
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>not relevant?

>who said that?


>who decided that?

>the only one who gets to decide...

>...is me.
>more euro diaperfags doxxed
>still no leak of our apparent femboy diaperfag Sora
Man why is it always Europeans
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Bystials are literally peak yugioh thoughbeit.
> >also digimon is there too i guess
This is actually how Bandai feels about their own IP. They hate Digimon.
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When they make a card that mimics this skill
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>now i have to spend half my turn reading the encyclopedia of a field to determine what cards i play will get negated, banished, or sent to gy immediately
kill yourself retarded faggot or play literally any other 1vs1 multiplayer game to shatter the illusion of you deserving to win at literally anything

yugioh having the illusion of time being frozen/ being turn based (at the base level) fosters such mongoloid retardation that its actually unbelievable
damn I want to be that pony...
Duel Links Skills have gotten so fucking stupid. I miss when Tea's Holy Guard and Yugi's Destiny Draw were considered broken skills.
We know Son
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>We know Son
im not your boyfriend
Why are you guys so mad?
Still doesn't make bls playable LOL
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than going second in yugioh. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are building, practicing, sleeving and buying a deck for at least 500 bucks solely so it can go and get ravaged by another guy. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little deck - reading its cards, adjusting the ratios, doing the combo lines, ordering cards, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: to lose to the cointoss.

Raised the perfect deck? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, maybe you can discard an ash blossom and then lose anyway.

As a man who plays yugioh, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to build a deck then helplessly watch the other guy play with his own d*ck for 20 minutes while you pretend to have nib in hand. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
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>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than going second in yugioh
go get your buckteeth fixed faggot virgin
I recognise that pasta
Yugioh is a great game because it filters the weak and doesn't offer any timewasting illusions that you're still in the game after you've mechanically lost like Pokemon does, nor does it waste your time with landdrops and ramps like MtG does where you pretend you're playing before your opponent drops their combo and deletes you.
Based and boardbreaker-pilled.
charmy's artist has to be the same as prankids
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Why would we be hype for glorified locals?
No Grass?
The game gets easier once you learn what cards are actually important and realize what cards are just filler to get them to the good cards.
That said there are plenty of ""simple"" decks that are just as if not more obnoxious than the combo shit
>don't get handtrapped
>Make a 5 negates board + buster lock

>Get hit with fuwaross/ maxx "C"
>Pass on buster lock and a bunch of set cards and handtraps while giving them NOTHING you don't even get to flip into an upstart
God it feels so good not giving a fuck
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Ayo what the fuck?
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Vomit horse did nothing wrong
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>Not the kaiba one
Well it didn't do anything right either. It did nothing. This meme got ran into the ground hard.
>they all fucking go through insane powercreep
Like MtG doesn't? It's more gradual and harder to conceptualize because it's a slow creep in numbers and amount of things cards can do at once, but MtG has some of the absolute worst powercreep on the market. People tend to forget how hard Mirrodin pushed the game, but even before that you had Urza's massively changing the scope and power of the game. Since then, the game has leapt up by great measure in power and every few sets introduces some new busted set of mistake mechanics that drastically alter the game on a fundamental level. People just accept it because MtG is full clown shoes in its array of formats, with Commander being the most popular format built on the idea of wacky things in a deck of 1-ofs.
MtG exists purely on the basis of preying on an indentured line of dedicated consumers who see the game more as a lifestyle product that is ingrained in "nerd culture" as a given fixed element. WotC sells the game primarily as a product, not a game, and that is evident in the constant shiny, splashy new cards and crossover products that cater to people obsessed with cheap pop culture references. The product release schedule itself also means that the average MtG buyer has a near-constant stream of new products to consume and many of them do partake out of habit.
Yeah but Dimension Shifter shits on any attempt to create the Buster Lock.
I wish konami would just cut all the filler shit entirely and go back to each card having a real use individually
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I have the ultimate dragon monster and a final ace up my sleeve in case of shifter
>MtGfags when they hear about Yugioh having a lot of cards on the banlist and acting like rotation means they don't have a big banlist
>ignoring that rotation is nothing more than a blanket banlist over 90% of the cards in the game
In an ideal world every deck is designed like Kashtira where most monsters have their own utility outside of being combo pieces (hopefully with less cancer effects)
Did Master Duel threads finally get banned off /v/?
No, they’d just being sneaky. The current one has a Chaotic image as the OP.
>drop one of my cheap boulder deck boxes
>somehow nailed a fly in midair and violently removed it's body from its head
Well shit, need to find a nearby bathroom to clean this thing. Hate flies.
That's the other thing. People tend to forget about just how many broken things were covered up by rotation in Standard or other formats having cutoffs. Vintage and Legacy don't see much play nowadays due to pricing and Modern is a wasteland because of Modern Horizons sets, but the advent of Commander as the most played format showed people that Standard was only covering the game's mistakes. When Standard was the most played, people just bought their new cards every however many months and experienced small, incremental amounts of powercreep because it felt more gradual to them with the loss of the extended card pool. Modern was the second most played format, and it lacked the powerful enablers of Legacy/Vintage. All of the non-rotational formats have sizable banlists though, which exposes much of the problem. Commander being the most played format and also singleton means that people don't see as much of the bullshit there either, but the fact Commander is still busted as fuck and has a sizable banlist while also being a format of 1-of cards is indicative of the larger balance issue in the game.
I need a playmat
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mogged lol
Im an idiot, I just missed it I guess.
Did you forget to change your diaper Lola? I'm sure Son would be happy to change you.
Is tearlament considered a petdeck?
>but the fact Commander is still busted as fuck and has a sizable banlist while also being a format of 1-of cards is indicative of the larger balance issue in the game
Commander actually has too small of a banlist, mostly because Commander is more casual-oriented and its deemed more proper to have discussions around power levels than actually have someone balance the format.
It's retarded on both sides, both the fact that most players don't really play at a high enough level for the banlist to matter and also the sheer idea of just not giving a shit because you can just not play against people playing strong stuff.
Like imagine if instead of releasing banlists to kill Snake-Eyes and such, Konami just said "lol if you hate Snake-Eyes so much just refuse to play against your opponent?" and dropped a "No hits" banlist every few months for the last 3 years
I don't know hieratic (honestly does anyone?), are all those spheres their various monsters in orb form or are they MYSTERY NIGGAS
Not a single past meta deck can be called a petdeck. I don't care if you play fucking altergeist, salad, swordsoul in the present day, none can be considered a petdeck due to their previous crimes against the game.
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How come you never see kids at yugioh events?
Because the only way kids can play fairly is Dragon Duels
still topping https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/fiendsmith-horus-tearlaments-525075
I've heard some people say
>if someone brings a good deck to commander the other players can dogpile him lmao
Like that's a good mindset to have.
>Like imagine if instead of releasing banlists to kill Snake-Eyes and such, Konami just said "lol if you hate Snake-Eyes so much just refuse to play against your opponent?" and dropped a "No hits" banlist every few months for the last 3 years
This isn't even an exaggeration. The last banlist change in Commander was in September 2021, 3 years ago in which exactly this card was banned. To put it into perspective, Universes Beyond (a concept where other IPs can have MTG cards) was formalized and started getting shat out after that change in October 2021 with the Stranger Things Secret Lair. All that talk about MTG becoming Fortnite (and also actually getting Fornite cards)? All of that shit happened AFTER the latest Commander ban
What about blue eyes?
It's a 4 player one for all format retard, of course it's a viable strategy
That's partially because, officially, Commander is not directly handled by WotC. They support it and can influence its development, but the rules committee is in charge of the format and they believe in the casual credo of self-policing and only directly intervening when there are extreme cases. It does have a relatively small banlist, which is why turbo combo turn 1 wins are still very possible, but it's because they just expect individual casual playgroups to handle their own power level issues. If it was a format that had larger official events, you know that WotC would want to assume direct control. As is, they choose to shape it with product releases instead. Direct-to-Commander products (and the shift to the name Commander rather than EDH) were all a bid to exert a form of control via powercreep.
Drones archetype from the ygo anime
Need it
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that's funny
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I told you niggas yugi is the tranny diaper game in Europe, you wouldn't listen...
s the yugioh community mentally ill?
I can only imagine the amount of seethe that was exhaling from the body of the person who drew this
eternal petdeck Labrynth...
Literally this:
Yugi became an abomination and no one can convince me otherwise.
Come to mtg instead.
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horse game
horse general
Worlds list has Grass at 1. That said, for normal play I have a Grass I can borrow off of a buddy until I buy mine.
Becuase there's really no way for kids to join an event, even super casual ones, effectively.
Its not like pokemon, lorcana or even MtG where you can give a kid 4 packs and they can make a semi-functional deck and play the game on the spot. You ain't building anything REMOTELY playable with yugioh sealed unless you're buying a structure

So its a feedback loop
>kid goes into shop
>has no way to play yugioh
>does not play yugioh
>never starts playing yugioh

No kid or parent is going to go out of their way to buy singles, its just not going to happen.
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>Yugi became an abomination and no one can convince me otherwise.
>Come to mtg instead.
Grass at 0, hurr durr.
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Dude, that is literally how normal ousiders perceive yugi.
Modern yugi is not salvagable anymore...
nah that's not a normal person whoever drew that is severely mentally ill
Sorry Xir, you're banned.
a literal indian
Kids played ygo because they saw DM and GX on TV. Even something as terrible as Vrains on Arc-V might still be entertaining enough for a child to want to own the cards and play. We don't have that anymore because Konami insist on Rush instead.
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I activate my copy of question ;)
Why if i identify as a iguana?
If I weren't so lazy, I'd start posting stuff like Shark Typhoon and Massacre Wurm in response to this.
Rush is appealing enough to Japanese kids, it's just that in the West kids nowadays don't watch TV or play video games or the like, the only popular "kids' media" afaik is streamer/Tiktok brainrot.
You are disconnect from reality if you think yugi isn't in the state pic related.
>Come to mtg instead.
Fuck off tranny
Yes, the anime was obviously a big deal but back in the day most of the card were generic and the extra deck was non-existent
So you could buy 5 packs and be able to build a deck. It was easier to just pick up and play the game from a casual view point.

These days half the cards in the pack are locked to archetypes whose good cards are all rarity bumped so they're useless or there are hyper specific extra deck cards that are also useless. Or its legacy support that you needed cards printed 10 years ago to function properly. Even if there was an anime airing, you literally cannot play the game without buying singles unless you are INSANELY lucky.
Is sim still the only way to play RUSH in the west?
I believe the switch game died off.
No u. There are no trannies in Mtg Europe unlike yugi :)
You know this is shit when not even the faggots from here like it
Duel Links added a rush mode with rush cards
Yeah, that's exactly what DM needs, more extra deck bloat.
The diaper shit is global. JP, NA and EU have their diapers as a common fetish among Yu-Gi-Oh players which makes sense given the playerbase are people who can't let go of their childhood. The tranny shit is exclusive to Europe given how pozzed the EU is and the "hate speech" laws they have in place.
>in Europe
Why is everything worse when it's European? Think about it. Japanese diaperfags just draw diaper Waifus, the NA diaperfags as far as ours is concerned is a paperfag that buys too much shit but the European ones? We got one confirmed tranny, the tranny chaser with a Yusei fetish, shitposters galore and unplayers. Why is Europe so fucking shit?
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The design failure of hand traps is that they cost nothing but themselves. If they had carried some kind of cost, 1000 LP, 2000 LP, they couldn't be so effortlessly spammed and relied upon, and more thought would be required as to when to use them or not.
enter the Dominus handtraps
No one would play them because of the time rules
Play GOAT format
>No u. There are no trannies in Mtg Europe unlike yugi :)
It has its own Benjica
Handtraps are usually hard OPT and are prone to causing bricks. The problem is that they've warped the game to the point where they revolve around them and Konami refuses to fix the powerlevel
One of the issues is less they cost nothing and more that Konami decided to design around them instead of balancing out the game. For example, we had very little In-archtype searchers before Ash Blossom.
>they limited Gorz for being lucksacky
>they limited Honest for being lucksacky
>they banned Maxx "C" for being lucksacky
>they limited Tragoedia for being lucksacky
>they won't limit Ash for being lucksacky
>we had very little In-archtype searchers before Ash Blossom.
Nekroz, PePe, Monarch etc all came before Ash
>diapers as a common fetish among Yu-Gi-Oh players
>who identifies as transfeminine non-binary
Uhh what. So it identifies with a binary system but claims it's not part of the binary? Why are trannies so fucking retarded?
It's undeniable that Ash has had a totally negative impact on the game. For reference Spellbooks used to be considered the gold standard for consistency but where are they now? Even Judgement folds to Ash.
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>For example, we had very little In-archtype searchers before Ash Blossom.
Why are always the retarded unplayers the ones that dilate over Ash so much?
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Uh Handtrapbros?
Yes. Now every set has a field spell Rota. Also, all those sets came out during the beginning of the handtrap era of Yugioh. Ghost Ogre came out in Crossed Souls, 3 months after Secret Forces which the Nekroz were in. If we think Konami is like a normal company and doing R&D years in advance, odds are Nekroz, Pepe, Monarch and so on were all being prototyped against Ash, Ghost Belle, and Ogre stand ins.
>Even Judgement folds to Ash.
> a card that summons a gay floodgate and can ploos six dies to Ash
>this is a bad thing somehow
Holy shit is that a nigger!?
>If we think Konami is like a normal company and doing R&D years in advance, odds are Nekroz, Pepe, Monarch and so on were all being prototyped against Ash, Ghost Belle, and Ogre stand ins.

Tribute the Rat.
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>If we think Konami is like a normal company and doing R&D years in advance
If you could nominate one namefag to be in charge of yugioh game balance and design for 1 year, who would you pick?
(You can pick yourself)
Hmm ok you got me there. On normal yugi locals there are still more trannies present...
I mean, thats not a bad thing, that entire archetype felt like it was made 5 years early. But now we have so much searching that Ash blossom's impact is negligible without follow up.
Europe in general has more trannies because your fucking countries defend them to hell and back. The entire EU and UK will arrest you for insulting them or misgendering them online. Why do you think they're an issue in Europe and have had reps in both games while LATAM, NA and Asia don't?
I never said they were competent, just that they most likely R&D years in advance to make sure everything works. Balanced? No, but "works" none the less.

>They had to emergency errata Lightpulsar Dragon to prevent loops with REDMD
>Hieratics were a flop because somehow they never understood why they caused so much bricks
>Noble Knights were a massive flop, it took Isolde and Infernoble Knights to salvage the deck
>Tribute the Rat
>Kosmos were also a flop despite their massive push
>Kaijus were so poorly designed that their legacy is being Wallmart Lava Golems
>letting PePe exist
>The entire Link Era
You forgot
>Clown Gas
>just that they most likely R&D years in advance to make sure everything works.
They clearly don't and you're coping
Tewart has been pumping that since Secret Forces. Look at the prices for Nekroz
I'm also 100% positive they did not consider the implications of tearlaments and ishizu
"Works" not works. I'm saying theres obvious signs of them making chase cards and bad cards. Its also obvious they're A-okay with field spell rotas because Ash blossom exists. They see her as a justification for them existing as much as they do. Which, as I said before, is the main issue I have with handtraps. The game has evolved to be designed around them.
>we had very little In-archtype searchers before Ash Blossom
Go be a newfag elsewhere.
I'm convinced those cards were designed by two completely different groups which had zero contact with each other.
I'd like to add summoner monk into summoner monk into rescue cat to that list.
>casually makes splashable mill 10 cards right after a tier 1 archetype that does everything when milled
nah it was the most blatant and shameless shilling konami had done in years
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Imagine if you could use ash,belle and the rest of sisters on field like ghost ogre and was also a psychic
That one was just for money. Smart move from a sales standpoint. MAMA sold out pretty fast.
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The problem with hand traps is the lack of rock-paper-scissors style deck construction.
Regardless of whether or not they eat paint, stunfags don't really care about the opponent's hand traps because the hand traps don't hurt their deck.
Different deck types and different monster categories get uneven support which makes power creep ramp up unevenly. If there were a large amount of decks that did not care about the GY then Shifter would not be a problem, it'd go in and out of formats.
Pic is somewhat related, what you would expect in a game is that you give each deck a specific area where it wins and loses which means you can print stuff that directly counters it and the meta naturally develops by making people play less streamlined decks since they need to counter multiple different play styles. But Konami's preferred method of power creep is to let people cram in their entire strategy in fewer cards and make those cards do everything so the only practical way to counter them is to just not let them play.
Ogre doesn't negate effects though. It's game mechanics which state that field spells, continuous spells and traps need to stay face-up to resolve their effects and Ogre took advantage of that.
The fact that this came from the same set as Ishizu cards is fucking funny to me
>Regardless of whether or not they eat paint, stunfags don't really care about the opponent's hand traps because the hand traps don't hurt their deck.
That's incorrect. Stun wants to resolve nadir servant and Ecclesia or their pots. Furthermore imperm is disastrous for your game plan.
Well not too far fetched considering Japan is one of the more active playerbases and dng.
You have Son, Sora, Lolalulalooby and the nameless ones who have posted their diapers here.
One of its top searched fetishes is diapers alongside shit like Vomit and Piss. Add to the fact that it's one of the biggest consumer of adult diapers and just use the logic of population to playerbase and there has to be a good chunk of them in the OCG.
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>you can only use 1 effect and only once
>The Fusion spell which doesn't mention "Fusion" in the card name
Why do they do this?
>You have Son, Sora, Lolalulalooby and the nameless ones who have posted their diapers here.
You just listed 1 person.
Ishizu cards read like they were made by someone who only saw Exchange of the Spirit and was told to make it viable in a deck but had no other context about the game.
Every effect they have makes SENSE in the context of Ishizu.dek specifically but they're so cancerous for the entire game it's ridiculous that they got greenlit with zero restrictions.
>Son, Sora and Lola are the same person
You know I've been thinking this at times too but at least from what I've seen other califags seem to know what Sorafag talks about so at the very least he's probably real.
Ishizu cards were no worse than Runick. The problem was Tears existing to turn them into an insane engine which also messes with the opponent's deck and GY.
If tear didn't do it then something else. The millers are busted to no end and would've been banned regardless sooner or later.
>You just listed 1 person.
you have under 70 IQ for sure
I would wager NA has more trannies, since the whole movement comes from there.
Sure we Europeans also have to deal with that shit that swept from America but it's much more contained in certain countries and cities ofc if you visit bigger events (even locally) you encounter more trannies...
At least Ishizu sent your shit to the GY which meant it could enable your combos to fight back. We had to deal with Kashtira Mind Hacker and Runick moving your deck to the banished pile.
Competitive play has been irrelevant to me since MR4.
Also Jewnami always manages to make featured duels look lame and gay as humanly possible.
You could try to use your GY effects but the Ishizu cards also had Quick Effect D.D. Crow for 6 that dodges most forms of interaction.
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>TCG premiere card
>was censored before it even came out
They used to at least pretend that the premiere cards were made by the tcg
post our version
They try so hard to replicate Dark Magician Girl only to fail everytime.
>reference arts for TCG premiers are written in Japanese
Really makes you think...
Me thinks you are obsessed
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Man... Krishnerd witch is so fucking megasexo.
The TCG gets to come up with and does the first draft of the world premiere archetype, the OCG gets to do the art, nerf the TCG exclusive archetype into the ground and does the rest of the tcg exclusives.
Are the tits smaller? I am also shocked that they kept the legs the same.
Every time I read this card I feel like they left a line out of its effect or something.
>Blue Eyes can't be a petdeck it won worlds
Less cleavage
So who should I blame for materiactors never becoming a real archetype. I blame the TCG for giving the expectation that there would be more, and the OCG for being a troll and giving such a shit support card as a bandaid
>They had to emergency errata Lightpulsar Dragon to prevent loops with REDMD
they did the same thing to Stardust Warrior because it floated into itself btw
Why would little Timmy play a game for autistic battered housewives when he could be watching/playing Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, or gachaslop?
Probably the OCG. You can have all the concept in the world but if the man doesn't give you the money to bring it out the paper what can you do at that point?
>Superheavy Samurai can no longer be a petdeck after 2023
>Demise can no longer be a petdeck because it was budget meta in 2006
>Zombies is not a petdeck because it was meta in GX
>My shitdeck won't be a petdeck once it gets shill support and becomes meta for 2 months before fading back into obscurity
>not for battered housewives
>even popular with timmy excluding Genshit Impact
SHS is a super shitty example by the way because SHS was literally nobodies petdeck before it was meta and its promptly fallen off the map again the moment is wasn't meta.

These "people" don't care about the decks they play, they just want to win.
As much as gachafaggots deserve all the shit they get, at the very least they get to look at cute anime girls with big tiddies. Jewart on the other hand doesn't even let you have an exposed tummy half the time.
>has more
Unlikely as the continent of Europe has twice the population of the US.
>since the whole movement comes from there.
And wrong again. The modern identity politics of the left which include the Transgender movement can find their origin in Germany from the Frankfurt School which then spread to French Academics who then propagated the idea to US Academia. The US is just the current global center of the world so ideas propagate faster thru it than the EU. The only issue with the US and EU is the US has free speech laws baked into itself so dissent can't be squashed and is a reason people in the Americas are turning their back on the ideology unlike Europe outside of fringe cases like Italy and Poland.
Will arrest you for badmouthing trannies, will pay for gender affirming care and unlike the US willingly takes in sand niggers to kill it's society. Remember if you need someone to blame you blame Germany.
I don't click youtube links and I assume you do not have the intelligence to defend your own argument by posting a video hoping it defends your argument for you

Concession accepted.
>Playing garbage is caring about the deck
>People are incapable of caring about anything that isn't trash
Please keep going, I love hearing lines of reasoning people like you use to arrive at these conclusions.
>y-you're retarded!
That's it?
I'll take your concession too
No, don't stop, tell us exactly what makes a deck sovlfvl and what makes a deck meta-slop so we can all be true duelists like you!
>please give me another angle to win the argument, I cannot refute your current one!
>can you at least make a typo so I can cry ESL????
No, I don't fhink I can do that
Second concession.
I wanted to learn from the sovlfvl sensei but xir's too busy accepting concessions to dispense their wisdom.
>Nobody mentioned ESL
KaibaCHADS, MaiCHADS, IshizuCHADS, JadenCHADS, ZaneCHADS, AsterCHADS, YubelCHADS, CrowCHADS, QuattroCHADs, YuyaCHADS, ReijiCHADS, GongCHADS, SerenaCHADS, RinCHADS, RuriCHADS, YusakuCHADS, Blue AngelCHADS, RevolverCHADS, SoulburnerCHADS, EmmaCHADS won
AIChads we caught people lacking Kaijus in certain events
>has to resort to throwing wokeshit like xir into the equation to make a point (a point so blunt it may as well be a marshmallow)
Wow, you're REALLY grasping at straws here.
Third concession
Three strikes, no more (you)'s for you.
Enjoy your malding into the abyss
Are kaijus a petdeck?
But sensei, are Kaijus a petdeck? 3 is slop, 6 is sludge, but are 12+ field spell sovl? Teach me sensei!
Asking the real questions
Ignister has never been the same ever since Underworld Goddess of the Closed World permafemdoms Arrival.
Arrival hasn't really been relevant for a while, most people on ignisters are just making firewalls
I found it really funny that Arrival turbo stole that one regional last year in Fire King format just because all of nobody in the room had any mained or sided outs for it after people stopped boarding kaijus after the Purrely hits. A very funny meta blindspot to exploit that works exactly once before being adapted to.
>people arguing what makes something a petdeck
The fact that none of you know is sad. I can give you the criteria
>"bro I loved Superheavy Samurai"
>"Really? What would you end on?"
>"Baronne, Apo, Borreload, Naturia Beast, Regulus"
I'll give it to ya straight
If you don't have 20+ variants of your petdeck, its probably not your petdeck.
wait where's Yugi
>"Baronne, Apo, Borreload, Naturia Beast, Regulus"
I do this.
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Any deck can be a petdeck. It's not an issue of power but of time. A petdeck is the one deck you have stuck by thru thick or thin. It's a deck you'll always give your attention to regardless of new decks you have made. The only thing that stops a deck from being considered a petdeck is if it's new aka it hasn't been out long enough for the test of time to apply to those who picked it up and call it their favorite. It's why /dng/'s only true petdeckers are Vell and Sorafag.
Prior to this banlist, you could easily calamity lock with Branded with just Cartesia+BraFus+any dark if you got bored of puppet locking people, but it wasn't very good and used too much ED space.
I wouldn't say all 20+ variants are made equal, even though I agree with the overall sentiment towards experimentation and developing a higher understanding of how your petdeck(s) works.
Vell easily has a dozen lists for buster blader. He's a true petdecker, he's constantly tinkering and experimenting. That's a true petdecker.

You're acting like someone can netdeck a list, never change it or experiment with it and suddenly its their petdeck.
why wouldn't it be? they have a few decks built around them and stuff, like kaiju graydle and kaiju luna, and they make use of the gimmicks of the kaiju cards to a good extent. it's a petdeck in my book.
Trucel vs fakecel discussion but for how shitty your petdeck is
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if you didn't make at least like 10 variations (not just like a few tech or ratio changes but whole fundamental differences) of the same deck and played them all for a reasonable amount of games then it's not your petdeck
i've made literal dozens of variations of my fav decks
When are we getting new graydle support.
Why have they forsaken the ayylmaos.
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New Dinomorphia autism dropped
How in the fuck did you read this
>It's a deck you'll always give your attention to regardless of new decks you have made
and assume it means it applies to people who just netdeck. What do you think giving attention to the deck implies? Again it's why only Vell and Sorafag are /dng/'s true petdeckers. They've stuck to their one specific deck respectively and seemingly modify them all the time. Again any deck can be a petdeck regardless of power, it's just a matter of time and dedication to that one specific deck.
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>Tfw made about 70 different iterations of my Machina deck and played at least 4 hours worth of test hands with all of them
>Some was even about 100+ hours
That shit ain't a pet, dawg. That shit is a curse.
Yes, and?
Cyber Dragons are very cool as far as OTK decks go.
Support when?
>i've made literal dozens of variations of my fav decks
Oh yeah? Name them then.
Upgraded from pet to offspring.
Tell me about it, still waiting on that Alien-Evol crossover support Konami
Very good points didn't knew bout that despite living in Germoney, but what about this sentence?
The Frankfurt School social theorists fled Germany to escape the Nazi regime in the years leading up to WWII and came to America where they took leadership roles in American universities. This explains why the US (ironically, since we fought and won the cold war against the USSR) has become one of the strongest centers of Marxism in the world today. The Social Sciences and Humanities departments of American (and other Western) universities are rife with soft Marxism.

If I read that, this shit still comes from the US. In fact every trend does arrive in Europe some years later, so for us the US is always to blame.
rota has a packfiller that can pop ayys, i just know they made it with graydles in mind. it's not direct support but beggars can't be choosers. i really like "take control" mechanics, i wish they would get some support cause the deck is pretty slow for today's standards, our rota is on the ep and we get hit real hard by many handtraps
okay, what's the deal with this shit? is a ((())) promoting it or what?
this guy, all names are water
what an unit
Do you meta sheeps got nothing better to do than step into our petdeck territory? Can you just fuck off back to your orc hole
Eeeh...its not really what I'm looking for.
There's no end to cards that can pop graydles, they need some kind of direct support like a graydle rota card or something because right now sometimes you can be playing graydles and just...never see your graydles because your searcher is end phase and then you just lose the game at that point.
blue eyes gods are both now
>If I read that, this shit still comes from the US
That's pretty much a cope as it is European in origin and most of its original propagation was thru the French Academia for Europe which had already grabbed a hold of EU politics. It's why EU laws are significantly more advanced in regards to these policies and why the US is splintered when it comes to these topics. Remember EU is the birthplace of Communism and all it's subsequent children like Socialism and Fascism. The IdPol is just another one of Germany's retarded ideas that infected the world.
The Reign of Terror and Karl Marx have done irreversible damage to western society
Don't blame Germany and Germans for the machinations of (((Germans))). Keep sight of who the enemy is and reject D&C rhetoric or any more brotherwar instigation.
But when are we getting Darkpulsar and Lightflare Dragon
us is literally the country of troons and of DEI that ruined series and videogames, faggot
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>Global jewry banking packed up shop from London and moved to the US following the second world war
>Ford and Mcarthy tried to warn people but nobody listened
It really do be like that.
member when people thought voiceless would be good
We know what (((Karl Marx))) is but he was born in Germany.

Weimar Germany had plenty of degenerate troon shit before frauds on par with Thunder Dragons and Kozmo showed up
Anyone with half a brain could tell it was a deck that functioned well in bugeland because it only special summoned twice for full combo and got up a neg to protect their own maxx C going off.
i really miss this era. getting my board wiped with 1 card in hand left, topdecking apocralyph to take redmd from grave and bounce back was a peak moment back then.
the deck had gas for days
....so it should be good again once we get our own buge?
Powercreep do be a bitch don't it?
AI sloppa
I'm gay.
How does that maje you feel? I bet you feel very stupid for bullying me right now.
lol nice typo lol
When exactly did kaijus get powercrept?
I haven't seen gamerseal in months, maybe almost a year
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>I'm gay.
So is half of /dng/. You're nothing special.
make a new thread otherwise i will vandalize the op
you have 5 minutes
The only thing even remotely approaching arousal I'll ever feel from another man is satisfaction from bullying you.
They come back into play when Towers or Towers-likes are seeing play. When Purrely was at full power they were regularly boarded. Kaijus are a response to specific meta trends, not generic boardbreakers themselves.
relax Yusei
They eat up space that could have been hand traps.
If you're not running hand traps its very easy to get locked out of the game or hand ripped.
A single kaiju just doesn't cut it anymore
towers don't even matter, purrely is just ending on a single monster so if you kaiju it they're screwed
if someone gets a tower and multiple negates like raidraptor nobody is running kaijus
Nigga what
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Next time don't type while holding a dick, fag.
post boipussy
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Guys we got a stage with a greenscreen....
Please tune in tomorrow.......
It will be really cool we promise.....
Do it faggot.
Hieratics weren't a flop, it's just the TCG support Hieratics were all dogshit. They even got on the banlist back then.
t. played Hieratics over a decade ago
who even cares about this, I will be hanging out with friends tomorrow, fuck this shit
I'm doing something over the weekend, I'll just check when it's over so I can laugh if the japs manage to not make it to the top 8 again
>Japanese not winning world's?
>print more maxx cs
look at how dusty/moldy the ceiling is
I play floo anyways, let them print the grave/banish mulcharmy
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My new wife is so cute
>buster blader/destruction sword
pure (2015 pre-release first bosh wave)
pure (with TDIL support)
pure (with MACR support)
pure (link vrains support)
with magician pendulum (2015 BOSH)
with red-eyes (BOSH)
with blue-eyes (2016 SHVI support)
with odd-eyes magician (2017-2018)
with linkslop spam (2018-2019)
+ cyber-stein into exterio (when it was unbanned)
+ serket into exterio
+ mekk-knight (2020)
+ zefra
+ ursarctic
1-axis (2020-2022)
+ snake-eyes
+ millennium (2024)
+ blue-eyes advent SD support (2024)
pure (first wave pre-departure reveal)
pure (first wave)
ursatron turbo (BODE)
with drytron (with ursatron)
pure (BACH support)
pure (DUNE support)
+ icejade
+ vennu
+ atlantean
+ kashtira
+ crystal beasts
+ kashtira and crystal beasts
+ koa'ki
+ snake-eyes
+ adventurer
+ gishki (PHHY)
pure (pre-noir)
pure (first wave)
pure (CYAC support)
pure (DUNE support)
+ shaddoll
+ snake-eyes
+ whelp
+ adventurer
+ lyrilusc
+ diviner
pure blind second
>nu-Reign-Beaux, when revealed, had the box promo pic show it as lv7, showing that there was a time before Konami decided to stop it looping itself

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