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demo day is imminent edition

>Demo Days
NOW: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>493292238
All bocchi posters ITT will make it
*scrambles to bost pocchi*
It is genuinely fun to dev but its easy for me to fall into negative thinking about how bad and stupid everything is and that it won't be successful and is a waste of time and then I don't enjoy it. how do I stop worrying so I can just focus on enjoying the deving without caring about how it will be received
i just wanna go to bed but have to stay up to submit, what donkey decided that DDs should be catered to europoors
pretend you're going to sell it for free, then don't think about it
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I will submit on the weekend, sorry lads.
I'm a bad 2d artist. a decent pixeller. You need 2d prowess to texture well. It's over.
>3d is le easier than 2d
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if you quit it just means you lost the mandate of heaven
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I'm going to make it
What would a tasteful, artistic right wing game look like?
If you want to do handpainted textures then yes. If you want to do realistic stuff or even some types of stylized you don't need that at all. substance painter/designer is just about being creative and smart at layering stuff together or using nodes
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If you could have an aggy daggy girl (from an anon's game) which one would you take for yourself?

For me it's either jojo (from ferarum). Big fat juicy tits and a schizo, youthful pretty face too.
what about the following, what do they require?
>anime style
>skyrim style
Happy Birthday anon. What wizard powers did you get? I haven't gotten any. Am 31.
thats because you didnt make a wizard game (yet)
90 minutes to DD but I'm crashing hard. Fuck this euro-centric timing.
To whoever drew the splash image that got added to AGDG Demo Day 58, thank you for including my game despite me not posting much in a while.
and also canonically ran through by a whole government department. good choice anon!
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>first iteration of the first level even though tutorial one is finished
Jesus fuck, well I be damned.
>eric buying shoes
>thinking about how many packets of ramen he could get with the money before remembering he's a multimillionaire
does punching restore health?
ultrakill and it's consequences has been a disaster for boomer shooters
You realize how much ramen he'll buy after his chocolate game?
It will sell on principle alone
there is probably not a single game dev that is more successful than eric
and he didn't use godot
weekly stats:
>5 x headache with dizziness
>4 x vision blackouts
>2 x sharp tearing pain in chest lasting over a minute
>2 x waking up in a panic feeling like heartbeat + breathing stopped
should have been deving instead
indie dev. gabe is worth 5.5 billion and didn't use godot either.
Drink more fluids. If that doesn't work and you can afford it see a doctor.
you have anxiety disorder. how stressful is your daily life?
>2 x waking up in a panic feeling like heartbeat + breathing stopped
you're fat and have sleep apnea.
I do too.
it also causes headaches, difficulty to concentrate/study and tiredness.
god, i need external gratification
i nedd positive reinforcement
i need validation
DD is for that, partly
You know what?
Fuck it. I still have a couple of things to fix but I'm sick of the crunch.
I love you all, have a good one.
drop the burger fatty, food ain't worth dying for
I'm going to make a game so grim and so shocking and so evil that nobody can turn away from it.
I drink like 6 glasses of water a day
not stressful at all, I'm unemployed
>you're fat
I'm like 5'11" and 180 pounds, granted it's more flab than muscle but I feel like that's not quite "health issues" fat yet
Welcome to the evil side...
Welcome to tragedy and suffering and pain. I'll share it all in my games.
Angst angst and extra angst. No space for positivity and happy things in life. The evil side is always waiting. Tragedy, and anguish is the emotions I want to evoke most in my games. I've always taken a liking to edgy stuff, not edgy in the bigoted sense but rather edginess in the form of grimness and seriousness.
If that sounds like its interesting, then let me tell you how many games with those themes I've made.
I just got my game's hit detection running in Godot with zero bugs/glitches AMA
>Last time I posted was 39

Ah hell, the passage of time.
I want to he as shocking and visceral in my imagery as possible, to inspire as much pain and emotion as possible. Optimism has no place in my game.
Well my other choices include
>Girl from Panic Floor, nice fat butt with good thighs and narrow upper body is hot
>Eva the pretty succubi
>Elsa the busty brown haired lass from Marmoreal
>Anna the tall busty gal from Edengrall
...okay I find a lot of them attractive okay maybe I'm just easy please unlike when I see the average woman irl.
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>there are anons older than even me(37)
do you even know how to make a game
People enjoy warhammer games so there must be a place for games like mine.
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I downloaded a model from Sketchfab for my game a couple of months ago.
I just checked the page and it isn't there anymore with no traces of the author left.
I'm gonna keep it in my game though, I hope he doesn't mind.
how did you solve tunneling?
My mistake, I mean my last Demo posting was DD39. My first one was during DD9.
Gdevelop, free asset packs, etc. Its not hard, and besides, my games aren't intended to really have complex systems in them either.
What, do you think just because I'm an edgelord means that I must be incompetent? You insult me.
people enjoy fries from Five Guy's so there must be a place for games like mine
What do you think about the Joker movie?
aaaah, I haven't shilled my game prototype here. I've been to busy working on it.
I'm gonna get called a whodev on DD.

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I want to make a game about my personal experience with the tomboy > futa > trap > femboy > twink > gay pipeline of porn addiction but I'm not sure the world is ready for that yet
>111 Joined
Easy-Peasy Method: The Video Game.
>What, do you think just because I'm an edgelord means that I must be incompetent?
throwing around ambitious ideas with no screenshot/webm is a bad look, at least put together a title screen or concept art for a character, anything.
Yeah and then spoil my secret stuff? No way.
there were never any pipeline, the gay was rigged from the start
another demo day comes and i'm once again not submitting. it's in a terrible state for a demo.

pls don't remind me ;_; why didn't i ask for her name and number, she was literally and blatantly hitting on me in the checkout lane
worrying about an idea being stolen is the #1 sign of being NGMI.
ideas don't mean shit, any wannabe gamedev has dozens of them a day. all that matters is the skill and talent to execute them well. you can make a good game out of nearly any idea if you're a good developer.
if you're worrying about someone taking your idea, it means:
-the idea is the only thing of value you have, no skills or talent
-you know that it'd be trivial for anyone with skill and talent to take your idea and make a game of it before you even get started
Godot 4.3's minimum export size is 20 mb higher than 4.2. Soon these project sizes will overtake Unreal.
>t. will start worrying once he becomes one of the devs who has a rival
WTF its true!! quick, make your submissions before the coomdevs notice!
I already have "rivals", there's at least 3 other anons in this thread making boat games. I'm not especially worried about it
>If that doesn't work and you can afford it see a doctor.
Peak America

1. do a complete blood count
2. go to a doctor
>10 minutes before DD
>thread is dead
my bad reading comprehension, I read "I posted I was"
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4 other anons actually, just remembered this nigga
stfu I'm triple checking everything
how are they rivals? it's not like some boatgame enjoyer will stumble across all three boatgames and force themselves to choose a single one to enjoy
I am ready to receive lots of fan art this DD. sharpen your stylus
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I missed Demo Day again.
nigga it's just starting
Does your game have cute characters?
weekly stats
>1 x first date followed by a precipitous drop in messages sent by her
>finally back to 20 pull-ups
>in a fit of charity, free content update for my game
>still haven't decided which prototype to move forward with, they all get very few likes, I'm thinking they're all different flavors of shit
>180lbs at 5'11
>25.1 BMI
yeah, lose some weight, lay off the diet coke, flavored popcorn, and snacking, cut down to 135 - 150lbs

overweight IS enough to experience health issues, it just gets MUCH worse when you reach obese, but overweight isn't much better

>t. 120 at 5'6, used to be 175, felt terrible existing
>-you know that it'd be trivial for anyone with skill and talent to take your idea and make a game of it before you even get started
That's because I am working part-part time on it. 5 years of dev = 6 months full time
Americans are asleep and Euros are leaving for work, whoever chose the DD timing is just retarded.
you can interpret them as cute
The guy who makes the jam is Brazilian.
9 minutes
It was set to start at 11 p.m. EST but then /they/ got it postponed so /they/ could have more time to fix bugs. I think the same thing happened last DD.
Yeah but it starts at 12am PST, which isn't a timezone in Brazil.
Submission is open for 3 whole days though, there's plenty of bugfixing time if you submit a little late.
who the fuck let a macaco make the next 40 DDs, the hell happened to SStrandberg
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Blimp game reporting in

Patch notes here: https://pastebin.com/3qQEHmXk
I bought a package bundle course. It comes with two courses:
>Game Math

Which should I do first? I'm an amateur coming from web dev
probably math as shaders are somewhat reliant on math at times
>buying courses
The sad truth is, nobody cares about late arrivals, especially with how many submissions has been there lately.
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added a last minute menu option for the bones
i made the same point last thread. the only people available are neets.

t. neet in america
nah it’s just the super late ones hours before submission end that don’t get any attention, because for some reason anons don’t review/play anything after submission end
I don't think this is true. Most people who do streams wait until the submission window closes
2 minutes to make a game and upload it. ngmi... I need a better workflow
this. any good enough game will likely get cloners much sooner than in the past.
Tankgame is ready for DD, way less progress than I hoped to achieve since last DD and performance is still not great in the last level.
There's 2 new weapons, a new level one that's hopefully easy enough this time and placeholder 3D models for the infantrymen enemies.
Here's the changelog for this version: https://gorridev.itch.io/tankgame/devlog/794637/dd-58-changelog
I'm not sure. There aren't that many lolis to pick from. Any recommendation?
Or you could just wake up at 3 am and then go back to sleep
>in a split second
>solitaire battle submitted
>alchemickal submitted
>artifical heart submitted
>mistwood nights submitted
Cool, looking forward to check it out.

*drops mic*
happy demo day
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And the demo day is here.
I'll be streaming games in 8 hours, 3PM UTC/10AM CDT.
If you'd like to see your game streamed - I'd be glad to do it, as long as you let me know and it is SFW and has a Win/Mac build
40 minutes per game.

Git gud.
what how did all those games suddenly push them back except for solitaire dev? seems the popularity does carry over from outside a jam, that rather lame. should be popularity in said jam not the whole site
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>Vampire Survivors but good
any good games?
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How do I enter my game into Demo Day? I have an early access top-down action/strategy/tower defense game I've been working on since November 2021 and I just made a thread about it on /v/ and everybody was really nice about it to the point where I got emotional. I haven't tried to showcase my game much and I'm curious if this is a good way to do it.

What are the rules? What platform is it on? Am I locked into releasing my game on the platform if I enter demo day or some shit?

I'm tempted to scrap 90% of my game and turn it into a Brotato clone.
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>Mein fuhrer... Steiner... has submitted to Demo Day.
>What are the rules?
just like make game
>Der Angriff blorb ist nicht erfolgt.
Nevermind I think I figured out how to find all this out
Create an itch account, upload your game to your itch account and create a page for it. Join the demo day and you can select your game from a drop down list.
if anyone plays Solitaire Battle, please press spacebar on the title screen to unlock the full game's content
>seems the popularity does carry over from outside a jam
you're right
there are some not bad games
would love to stick around and play some demos but some retard decided to open DDs at 3am. another time
welcome to the crab bucket
Nta but I suck at game dev so make it part-part time but at half efficiency. 5 years of dev = 1 year 3 months full time but because i'm at half efficiency that time for a normal efficiency dev is 7.5 months full time.
>More backgrounds for different zones.
At long last my anonymous feedback was taken.
>not living in straya
hello brano
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Definitely messy but hopefully it isn't too buggy. Was scrapping together a bunch of menus + the last boss up until the last second

Looking forward to playing all the other games
check this now
it's brawndo
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>10 demo days
>All that time makes this
More devs should be like Dingo, accept their ideas are bad, and do early releases
Thank you!
FUCK you, you stupid nodev piece of shit
now a bunch of worthless shithead /v/faggots are going to infest DD
>porn addiction
big meme. you're just gay
this is called promoting your product u dunkass
Addicted to gay porn.
DD is not for "promoting a product", dumb nigger
Hopefully I get crabbed to death and have an excuse to start a new project
you don't have to, it promotes itself now
I put all the ideas I wanted to see in a 2D game, which unfortunately made it overly complex. It has Darkwood's lighting system, Rune Factory's item pick up system, a farming system, a card-picking powerup system, a completely unique combat/damage system, a tower defense system, etc. This is also the first mechanics-based game I made.
>browser version now runs a handcrafted mission
>fixed FPS issues in browser [this time for real] except in Firefox
Nice. There's a concerning lack of shmups in this thread.
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>be here for years
>read mentions of /agdg/ discord but never any link
>assume it's just a troll to make newfags people feel like they're missing out
>it's real
people avoid posting it in the thread to prevent an influx of the retard newfag teenagers who post here, every once in a while some faggot thinks he's clever for finding the link and decides to put it in the thread
there are actually like 6 or 7 different spinoff servers but that is the main one

if you are agreeable and not a dirty crab you may get invited to some of the other ones
>people avoid posting it in the thread to prevent an influx of the retard newfag teenagers who post here
For the best
if you downloaded sklime I accidentally left the debug controls in, the correct version is up now
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here's to 51 DDs of Ctesiphon
Tower of Kalemonvo is such a bad name. Both hard to pronounce and write.
moron if people wanted to join it they would, you not bothering to post in the thread isn't changing anything
normal people dont want to join your secret troon club
I'm not gonna install jewish botnet to be monitored and have my data harvested
>he doesn't just call it ToK (pronounced tock)
I'm 41
it makes googling the game very easy.
>I'm not gonna install jewish botnet to be monitored and have my data harvested
>downloads DD games anyways

hmmmmm ...
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I drew another enemy today but im not feeling it.
I feel like this looks more like a octopus than a plant.
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>not renaming it Capes of Kalemonvo
I want to play other peoples' games during DD too and this is my main concern. Is it safe to say any game that is clearly high effort is safe to play?
looks like a butterfly. I find it wholesome.
I hope not, at last count this is my 16th submission.
I think I left on the welcome message for DD57. Oh well.
Fair point, I will NOT download nor play any Unity and Unreal game
I think it looks pretty plant-y. If you're self-conscious maybe redesign the tentacles and/or put some thin vines with clear leaves woven into the design or something.
>been here for years
>didnt know that the /agdg/ discord link is on the DD until they removed it
?????????????????? why are you a lying faggot
anything could be harmful to your machine
there is some form of risk
games that have been in multiple demo day iterations are just as likely to be traps as games that are not
are you a bad enough dude to finish all the demos?
in some countries citizens have a maximum number of boat games they can own. called the "Steinberg's Boat Game Law" by economists but you won't find this info online about this because it's very secretive
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Finally posted again on DD. This time I will play as many demos as I can.
where are da LOLIGAEMS?
plants have leaves at the end or roots
tranny post, do not reply
>only 3 games support macos
Embarrassing. Why are wintoddlers like this?
why do have tim cook's cock in your mouth?
>PAT is really in DD58
See you fucks next DD. I'm not submitting this time.
Why are you Indian? Only pajeets use Windows
the embarrassing thing is that it’s nigh impossible to cross-compile to macos, so you kinda have to spend hundreds on a mac-mini or figure out some cloud bs to build for it
relax nodev
>dude just like upload a version of the game you didn't playtest because you can't and know if it works at all
>any post I don't like is by a nodev
only nodevs say this
isn't this a non-issue if you use Godot. Also if you don't own a Mac computer system you are poor
yet half of those games have loonix builds... curious
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I decided to submit it to Demo Day because I feel like a lot of you don't feel like using Newgrounds. I still can't believe it's the game's last demo day, kinda crazy. Anyways I can't wait to try out everyone's stuff! That shmup looks especially interesting.
Building on a local Mac is the best experience, if you don't use CI/CD. You can cross-compile to every other platform, and x86/aarch64
>you are poor
half this general is ruled by third worlders who are better game devs than you.
windows has WSL now, you can switch into unix easily
the only people who use crapple are retarded consoomer drones
is PAT the only transwoman-developed game this Demo Day or are there other queer creators I can support?
>Left wing agdg discord
>Right wing agdg discord
>Centrist agdg discord that has trannies
>Centrist agdg discord that has normal dudes
>/biz/ tier stock market/crypto market half and half talk agdg discord
>failed bokudev agdg discord that was abandoned
>Super secret VINE far leftist califorinan dev click cool kids club only a selected OG agdg members allowed but also far leftist.

Boring. Discord was a mistake im glad I just made my own discord just to have my games in it and no one elses because fuck the MESS we should just have the thread at this point.
didnt think anyone here was retarded enough to use macos
We have at least 3.
DD is such a cool concept. I hope everyone ignores the shitters that are overly negative and shit on everything. I bet a lot of mentally ill people post on 4chan. Probably not severely mentally ill because they'd have to pass the CAPTCHA or buy a 4chan pass, but ill enough that they feel the need to shit on everything. I can understand hate for certain unacceptable things but I just want to see everyone having a good time and helping spread eachothers creative projects, unless your project is some pedo shit or something really gay.
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look at a vine
>Right wing agdg discord
how do I join this one? I want to say racial slurs without discord trannies throwing a pissbaby tantrum about it
Crabs tend to stay in the thread, DD feedback is usually productive
>unless your project is some pedo shit
so much for inclusivity
Rich people use MacOS because there simply is no better choice if you want a reliable and powerful machine. Midwits spends hours fiddling and tinkering with Linux to achieve 5% of the functionality of a Mac and pajeets use Windows because their brain runs at a slower speed than Windows itself so they don't notice how shit it is.
yeah I can cross-compile *from* MAC but how much do I have to pay for a 32-core MAC system? - _ -
>if you don't own a Mac computer system you are poor
newsflash bozo, rich people aren't rich because they throw away their money at any shiny toy, I've been trained in ways to save as much money as I can to retire early and happily live from my savings on passive income. I bought a flat that I'm renting right now and I'm sitting on $100k in bonds, and I got here because I learnt to save my money.
>what are you, poor?
is the most successful psyop jewish agents did on US citizens and it's not even close.
I'm all for getting along and not starting problems with the pedoshit people, but I mean come on where are we supposed to draw the line? If you warped your brain with pornography or are retarded enough to be into pedo shit there's clearly something very wrong with you and the rest of us normal people absolutely should not fully tolerate it. You can't expect people to be cool with that shit, I don't give a fuck.
peak consoomer drone
I am retarded enough to do it since I'm too much of a coward to use linux
I'm not going to translate my game to Polish and I am also gonna sell it for 5 euros more in Poland than the rest of the Europe.
peak chuddie incel
have sex

> bought a flat that I'm renting right now and I'm sitting on $100k in bonds
All of that and you could have just bought Bitcoin at $100 or Ethereum at $5 and you'd be a multi-millionaire today.
why do people trying to larp as wealthy on 4chan always out themselves by spewing some retarded /pol/tard shit that no one over the age of 16 would ever believe
deadnet is really good
Linux is an operating system for closeted homosexuals
And MacOS is for open faggots
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>I've been trained in ways to save as much money as I can
How much would you pay for a ~30 minute horror game? Would $2 be a fair price? Assuming the game is good and is worth playing, and isn't a low effort cash grab.
I don't like playing long games, I like games that I can beat in one sitting, like the anomaly games that are popular recently.
I don't want people to be upset at the short length of the game. The game will be engaging throughout, but short in duration.
Would $2 be a fair price for this? What would you be willing to pay?
Think of a game like Exit 8, for example. I know it's an anomaly, it did extremely well, but the game is short in duration, and people seem to be fine with that, because it's only $4.
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sure, lemme just get back in my time machine and buy it all back in 2007
>why [headcanon]
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I guess I have to race to make my game's HUD a bit more tolerable. Someone on /v/ suggested squeezing most of the HUD elements into one place and I was like fuck that's genius. As soon as I have the HUD looking okay I'm gonna upload my game for Demo Day.
post your HUD?
I'll give it about 15 of download time from the first torrent I find
15 what? seconds? minutes? hours? days?
I paused my deving to play (you)r game. It better be worth it.
up to 3 dollars is throw away money tier
there'll be refunds but you will never avoid that with a short game. it's fine icehelm.
It's shit. I'm sorry.
Is 10£ for a 4-8 hour Early Access game that's going to add more hours of content later down the line fine?
and windows is a for goycattle and feds
what's your point?
how about making a good game
Answer my question bitch.
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I posted.
Hopefully it will be my final DD before I start something new.
days since nobody's gonna seed some random steam throwaway horror slop
It won't be. I'm not sorry.
>blxck womxn
I will now not play your game
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Anyone that's going to try out Valoria, don't continue right of the screen by jumping over the cave. It hardlocks the game
omw to do this now, thanks for letting me know
you're right, back to back sucky games
it's always been like this, I think it's because midnight PST
vine is american
I don't buy indie slop that's not on sale so yeah it's fine because the sale will push the price down
4chan is a Big Apple site, Commiefornians get out.
Guess there's always the next demo day...
every demo day banner on your page is a badge of honor
it's a shining beacon of progress
a reminder of the fruits of your hard work and efforts
Marmoreal collected a lot of those 'badges', and look where it got him.
The inverse is true: the more DD badges, the worse the release. The most successful /agdg/ games only submitted once or not at all.
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My potato can't run (a)woken.
hot potato is more fun than awokewn could ever be
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its over..
playing amazing cube game
i'm sorry...
i hoped that upgrading to 4.3 stable could have fixed some of the issues it has on W7 and intel integrated GPUs
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my game will feature a loli protag which is why it will be a success
doubt it, people who like that filth are losers.
and losers don't have money to send you.
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the maker of Nobeta is a trillionaire now
>t. cargo cult retard
whatever helps you cope with the fact that lolicons make money
>t. poorfag rotting somewhere in the ditch
everyone in the world is a loser cuck
earth's history is literally this:
>god makes the world tell man to no sin
>man sins
>man uses his daughter's to trap angels on earth
>niphilim race runs amuck of god's creation
>god floods the world
>god saves "the pious"
>pious produce more sinners
>god sends his only son to save us
>man kills son of god
>man cuts off his genitals can calls himself a woman
>mxn worships banks and debt as god
>mxn spends money on loli game
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Coming back to report that I finished the HUD changes way ahead of schedule. Gonna give my game one last thorough testing and then upload it for Demo Day! I hope anyone who plays it genuinely enjoys it, the game's called Hellbirther, look for it while you're browsing for games! I've spent at least 1200 hours developing it, whether that's always apparent or not.
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It begins
Ok here's my million dollar game idea: Maids + DRPG
>million dollar game
disgaea but without hags
what is a Derp RPG?
You and a handful of others constantly repeat the mantra that lolis are good and popular so much that you end up believing your own retarded propaganda. It's like a microcosm of what happens on discord servers full of troons grooming lonely individuals to also become troons. You've still psyopped yourself into full irreversible brain damage.

>made by an actual company
>in Asia where they're all pedos anyway
>with a publisher
>voiced by popular vtubers
>with professional art
>the protagonist isn't wearing a microbikini
Generally I'd hope that anyone making a game does better market research than this.
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made fanart for a game im excited to play
it means dragon rpg
im doing a JP release
also my character is wearing a loincloth not a microbikini
shes classy

besides youre replying seriously to what was half a joke anyway

its at least SOME form of attention grabbing but obviously not the best as it also deters some
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you're excited to play yet another Vampire Survivors-like #1743?
yeah, and i am not excited to play your game.
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Everyone is always saying how their game is going to save gaming but which one has a game strong enough to destroy gaming?
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Stop giving Vampire Slayer credit, they're REELISM-LIKES.
>im doing a JP release
With that art? Really?
>besides youre replying seriously to what was half a joke anyway
It's not half a joke if you're actually making a game with lolis in it and reaching for examples of games that have succeeded with lolis. It's what you actually believe.
>its at least SOME form of attention grabbing but obviously not the best as it also deters some
I wouldn't be proud of getting a few (You)s in this thread, they're not usually an indication that you're doing something right.
never fails to make me laugh how upset redditards get over lolis

My first ever game project Hellbirther is now submitted for Demo Day. Enjoy! Don't be afraid to leave comments/suggestions/ideas! Been working on it pretty steadily for almost 3 years.
what is that, a squad leader for ants?
Never fails to make me laugh how literal degenerate filth have permanently destroyed their brains and made their chances of finding a partner precisely 0.
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If you don't submit on the first day you might as well not submit at all
My own, of course.
My game is meant to heal, not destroy.
Too bad I'm submitting on the last day every time and there's nothing you can do about it.
Literally came here to ask what happened to her? I miss that beautiful schizo bitch and the dev hasn't updated in months.
my dead shit game is a turd
you can stop talking about your fetish now
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ok it's submitted, game balance is whack but at least it's playable
you call yourself a progchad? name 5 underrateds prog songs.
help me in 8 hours, thanks
Onwards by Yes, Lonely Wind by Kansas, Different Strings by Rush, Atom Heart Mother Suite by Pink Floyd and for #5 I'll say 46 and 2 by Tool. And by underrated I mean not nearly as popular as I believe they should be.
You guys aren’t downloading demo day games onto your main dev machine right? I hope you have backups of your game on a separate PC so you don’t lose everything from the malware embedded in about 1/10th of the games submitted
I will only be trying out games I see from posts here where it's clear that the dev cares about their game. Hard to fake that shit.
>pink floyd
Probably a safe bet to only try ones you’ve seen mentioned here before often like landsword, or ToK
i would never do that
Certain songs sure. Most people only know 1/3 of the Dark Side of the Moon album max, maybe 1/3 of Wish You Were Here and maybe a few songs here and there. Then there are hipsters saying the early albums are the greatest shit ever but beyond that most people only know about Syd Barrett and the beef between Roger and David.
It's up
Why isn’t marmoreal uploaded to demo day? Where is nolgorb? Bokube?
Do any /agdg/ devs even know how to write malware for Linux?
>bash commands are le heccin more complex to script than cmd commands
Retard. Consumer linux malware isn’t popular because it’s used by .0001% as many people as windows
why isn't Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm uploaded to demo day? oh, you think you're so much better than us Hopoo, don't you?
Oh maybe people would know 3 or 4 songs from The Wall (specifically Mother, Hey You, Comfortably Numb and of course Another Brick In The Wall 2)
Do not underestimate the importance of comfortable footwear on your health
>another bitch claiming umaguma is underrated masterpiece
I WILLL fucking kill every single one of you vapid hipster leftover hoe sucking bitch ass cunts
>never posted before
>unknown name
>no gameplay
This is the exact type of game that will be hosting malware, so be cautious. Run it in a virtual machine first with a debugger attached
randy bobandy has NEVER posted here and therefore is a whodev and cant submit
That's a common myth. Avoiding malware on Linux is literally just not executing unknown programs as root. You have to go extra far in order infect a Unix system.
>it’s le impossible to privesc from standard user to root
Tell me how I know you’re retarded
>t. 10 years working in offensive security btw
You don't have a game, fuck off
I wasn't saying that, if that's what you're implying. Otherwise I feel you, but at the same time us progressive fans need to stick together as much as possible and try to build our genre back up to greatness.
Dumb newfag
Do you not have anything better to do with your time than bait on 4chin?
The seethe generated by protecting people from malware distributors is crazy
eating coconut to cope
Personally, I can't even get my game to run.
my game doesnt work on a VM and windows defender for some reason says its a RAT but still play it please
Have you tried writing a 600 line long series of if statements?
I'm playing all the games with cute grills
Yeahhh average agdg tard. There were 5 malware games last DD
One time someone I know ran my game from inside of its .zip file with their bullshit anti-virus program running on full tits mode. Their computer took a massive shit, their desktop wallpaper turned black, their desktop icons all disappeared, and their computer went from looking like Windows 10 to looking like Windows XP. No fucking clue what happened but thankfully when he restarted the computer everything went back to normal.
I like different strings and atom heart mother but am more about technical complexity and instrumentals than lyrics.
the biggest malware is Windows itself
>tfw you’re so bad at making games, your game is more dangerous than actual malware
I like both, I really enjoy thoughtful or pretty-sounding lyrics with a good flow and an interesting chord progression, but at the same time La Villa Strangiato by Rush is one of my favourite songs.
Listening to the lyrics in songs has to be the most brain dead NPC behavior I’ve ever observed. Song lyrics are typically written at a 1st grade reading level “yeah yeah yeah I drove my car yeah yeah go to the bar yeah yeah yeah” and you unironic retards will hear this and think “he just like me!!!!”
A game about rats?
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>run executable from inside of a .zip file with strict anti-virus blocking all .exes
>surprised when shit hits the fan
damn thats craazy
>My eyes convinced, eclipsed with the younger moon attained with love
>It changed as almost strained amidst clear manna from above
>I crucified my hate and held the word within my hand
>There's you, the time, the logic, or the reasons we don't understand

Stop listening to shitty music. Progressive rock lyrics can be incredibly well thought-out to the point of absurdity and emotion-inducing as fuck.
Weird I have every type of monitoring you could have on an OS including my own custom security software and my game builds have never caused anything like that. Might be time to consider getting treatment for your extensive brain damage and also picking a new hobby
“I’m 14 and this is deep” type shit for real
Yes lyrics aren't supposed to be deep, they're supposed to be pretty words arranged together in a unique and beautiful way. If you want serious lyrics, listen to Kansas or Genesis or even Pink Floyd.
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important tenets of a good game in my personal subjective opinion
>variety and no repetition
>player forced to be creative and not fall into optimal meta-play
>experimentation, discovery, emergent gameplay
>brain turned on at every moment
are you guys done i need to shill my demo and i dont want it to get lost in people using this thread as a chatroom!
I've literally had similar shit happen trying to mod games before. Windows likely used a safeguard when the anti-virus freaked out. The problem was 100% Windows and the guy's anti-virus, because I can successfully run my game from a .zip file but I don't have anti-virus installed.
>crying over grown men reciting middle school tier poetry
To each their own but no thanks, lyrics are 0% of my enjoyment from a song, a woman with a pretty voice is pleasant but the words she’s saying are irrelevant
holy fuck, those shoes would cost some of the anons here an entire day's worth of wages
ridiculous. he's not our guy anymore.
4chan incels trying to write female characters despite never having touched a female before is genuinely the funniest thing “sure bud” so natural, so real, so true to life. Lmao!
What kind of dumbass take are you trying to make right now? There isn't a single song where the lyrics are worth paying attention to? Okay dumbass, thanks for outing yourself as a faggot listening to gay ass rap or some other dumbass genre for fucking peasant retards. Why don't you post the music you listen to? You won't because I'm a multi-instrumentalist and I'm going to laugh at you for being a faggot.
This really only applies to mass-produced music where the lyrics are made by a team of old men trying to guess what will cause the maximum dopamine hit in the brain of teenagers.
Awww gonna cry? Did I hurt your poorly held together excuse for an ego Mr. “Multi instrumentalist”? LMAO
Why does demo day attract annoying schizos like this
You're not making any headway here dude, you're literally just making yourself look miserable and uncultured as fuck. It's genuinely pathetic but keep going.

Oh wait, I get it now. You watched that one video where Sam Hyde said that all rock lyrics are about getting pussy and now you're basing your entire perception of music off of either that or some other equally gay bullshit. Drink bleach.
theyre always here fella
I didn’t mean to give you a full blown mental breakdown, maybe listen to some old men recite grade school poetry it will cheer you up. They might even say something le heccin deep about the light and the dark and the paradigm shift between realities wooooaaaahhh mannnn!!!
You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about and I highly doubt you have any music experience or anything that would make your opinion worth listening to.
>implying I ever leave
My dad literally works for Nintendo, retard
>They might even say something le heccin deep about the light and the dark and the paradigm shift between realities wooooaaaahhh mannnn!!!
kek this is like 99% of deep lyrics to be fair
I'm talking about the newfag spammer who thought The Eastern Flower was a first-time submission.
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>an entire day's
Try a week, or two
>Eastern flower
Sounds like gay Chinese poetry, probably has malware inside it
Granted, there's a tonne of lyrics that people consider amazing but they're actually bullshit. Yellow by Coldplay is a good example because the songwriter literally said he was writing nonsense but people think it's the most lyrically genius shit ever. There are plenty of other examples, including songs by The Beatles and all kinds of shit. However to say that the lyrics in Lonely Wind by Kansas are bullshit with no meaning is an absolute atrocity and people who even hint at that shit should be ostracized and considered retarded by the majority of people.
Ugly ass shoes thougheverbeit, thankfully I make that much money in just 2 hours of waging
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I met Concerned Ape. He seemed really down that day. I wonder if he was going through something. Pic is us
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do you like these slime monsters?
theyre going to be quite easy to animate since theyre slimes and all
>admitting the Beatles are overrated trash
Ok we can be friends now
Hello my dear and to be giving for number having telephone and message for to be needfully love sex?
cool idea, thanks
I have zero desire to make a game longer than 20 minutes.
I just used AI to convert these pictures into fully animated 3D models, game is releasing on steam in 3 days. Thank you!
He was disappointed there were no chocolate babes at Pax
>I wonder if he was going through something
He did release a blogpost saying he's going trough some stuff so he can't focus on haunted chocolatier, didn't he?
the brain needs a bit of repetition and moments of rest, a game like that would be too exhausting to play, no song or story should be all climax
I disagree, the lyrics are very sophisticated.
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i played games like those
you just havent heard GOOD song lyrics
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isn't 2 hours considered the bare minimum
Is using "Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_A)" and "Input.is_joy_button_pressed(0, JOY_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT):" so bad in godot? Is the downside just that it would be hard to implement the ability to change mapping?
>millionaire with hundreds of thousands of loyal fans
>can't even be bothered to spellcheck his post as he writes them an apology
Is this based or cringe?
the background asian singing is pretty god tier
>have you ever had sex with a pharaoh? I put the pussy in a sarcophagus
they say your game needs to be longer than 2 hours so the player can't refund it
but i've refunded multiple games after playing 2+ hours by exaggerating in my refund request
and most people realize a game is worth refunding before 2 hours passes
it's ultimately about the player enjoying the game experience
nothing else matters
Based because it means he's writing from the heart.
typing all that shit on a phone probably took him 3 hours tbf
My game is like this AND its original AND its a shartformer :)
Post Game?
Maybe they are intentional typos so people feel bad and think "damn he must be really going through it"
Uh wtf can someone quickly jump into a mission in my game and tell me if the HUD elements are moving inappropriately? Every single HUD element during actual gameplay is supposed to be firmly stuck in its correct position, which it is for me and my roommate, but someone from the Demo Day just told me their HUD was moving around while they moved. I don't even know how the fuck to fix this if there's a problem, but is anyone down to quickly test it?

Sorry not downloading your malware
I dont wanna spoil. have only showed it to 1 person irl and they say its dog ass
They were right, thougheverbeit!
a platformer does not qualify for any of these criteria, usually
maybe variety, a little bit, but not much

It's not Malware it's just GameMaker slop according to nodevs from here
really pathetic lineup this Demo day. I hope you're not serious
Theres going to be some repetition cause its a game, but it has no optimal way to play it, you have to change your playstyle regularly depending on the terrain, you need to discover mechanics and experiment with them to progress and if your brain isnt turned on 90% of the time you can potentially lose minutes of progress
you say that every DD.
Sick song anon, I gotta listen to more Genesis they're the one major progressive band that I've neglected the most.
sorry my next sidegame will be better i promise
this is the best the thread has been in about a month
Agreed I'm having fun even though RETARDS keep telling me that ROCK AND ROLL LYRICS HAVE NO MEANING
>leaked his name in the executable and all the sound files
My bad, didn't join this time.
>”yah yeah the lightness but darkerrrr yeah yeah and the reality of the supersonic meteor Yeahh yeah and the waves of the ocean yah yeah ohhhh reality hyper bending simulation yeahhh”
nigga I'm boutta CRACK
(Verse 1)
I’m running down this empty road,
Chasing dreams I’ll never know,
The city lights, they fade away,
But I’ll keep fighting, come what may.

Oh, I’ve been searching for so long,
Trying to find where I belong,
But every step just feels the same,
Caught in this never-ending game.

I’m lost in the night, under the stars,
Looking for answers in the dark,
Holding on, but I’m falling apart,
You were my light, now you’re so far.
I’m lost in the night, can’t find my way,
Trying to escape the price I pay,
But I’ll keep going, come what may,
I’m lost in the night, lost in the night.

(Verse 2)
The echoes of your voice still ring,
A shadow of what we used to sing,
I’m drowning in this empty sound,
But I’ll keep pushing, breaking down.

I’ve been running for so long,
Trying to find where I went wrong,
But every road just feels the same,
Trapped in this everlasting flame.

I’m lost in the night, under the stars,
Looking for answers in the dark,
Holding on, but I’m falling apart,
You were my light, now you’re so far.
I’m lost in the night, can’t find my way,
Trying to escape the price I pay,
But I’ll keep going, come what may,
I’m lost in the night, lost in the night.

The thunder rolls inside my soul,
I’m breaking free but losing control,
But I won’t give up, I won’t back down,
I’ll find my way out of this town.

I’m lost in the night, under the stars,
Looking for answers in the dark,
Holding on, but I’m falling apart,
You were my light, now you’re so far.
I’m lost in the night, can’t find my way,
Trying to escape the price I pay,
But I’ll keep going, come what may,
I’m lost in the night, lost in the night.

Lost in the night, oh-oh,
Lost in the night, yeah…
But I’ll keep going, come what may,
I’m lost in the night, lost in the night…
Fixed a lot of problems with the build scripts that didn't show up on the local builds
One of the problems that took a while to figure out was due to the Windows version of std::filesystem::path using std::wstring when the one on linux used std::string so implicit conversion to some other types was working by default and I had no idea what was going on when it stopped working on the crosscompilation.
Found a problem with my plans that I hadn't thought of before: When cross compiling the resource converter gets cross compiled and so it ends up being in the format of the target machine, but it is actually supposed to run on the host machine, so I will have to restructure the repository and build scripts a bit to allow the converter to be built for the host machine at the same time the engine and game are built for the target.
Although the compilation was successful, the viewer crashed on initialization on Windows.
I will work on other things and see if the crash gets fixed along the way, if not I will focus on investigating it.
duuuuuuude this is like freaking deeeeeep broooo
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>pre-demoday anxiety
>3 days of demoday panic
>post-demoday depression
I don't know who came up with this shit but it's the best thing ever to keep my competition occupied while I work on my game. A toast to you my friend.
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I really don't know what garbage music you're listening to where you can make these grandiose assumptions. Are you feeling okay? Did you take your meds today?
insanely based lmao
>spent like 3 hours doing updates for the game I would've had to do anyway
>uploading to DD was painless and quick, had fun setting up the page and customizing
>no anxiety, maybe a slight amount when the first comment came in and it had multiple critiques but they were fair critiques if what they were saying was true and the guy said he liked the game at the end of his comment

Honestly it's just cool finally seeing random people try the game, and I always get extremely valuable feedback when new eyes reach the game and they give me input.
>he took my crab suggestions as legitimate and will now implement the new features into his game that will objectively make it worse
Mission accomplished
Very funny anon. For real though the guy just mentioned a specific glitch that could have easily happened and said some of the art could use some TLC
I concur, why do I need feedback when I know whats best?
Just watched a stream. Dude played games so bad it had to be a joke. Games so bad it was offensive. I wish streamers would focus on like, the top 5 games.
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>write a review on every game saying its shit
forgot mine
How complicated would it be to make a game like factorio really, it's just sprites that need 3 other sprites then you slap a timer on it and it makes a new sprite. Why couldn't there be skellies instead of drones and you make a phylactery instead of launch a rocket and there's adventurer's instead of biters?
Yours isn't shit.
Phylactery-kun, just like make game...
Damn, I kinda like that idea, I might take that
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cool it with the antisemitism
replying so your future posts get caught in my recursive filtering, thanks hun
at least the schizo will give me (You)s even when no one else will.
Moot banned them and it's against the rules, they aren't allowed here. If we cede ground to them where does it end? This is the perfected means of social interaction but it's the only well populated site like it in the west.
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i just quit my cagie!!! ! thanks for reading my blog
Nice anon congrats. I hope you aren't fucked as a result. Now you can be a full time nodev and leave nasty comments about everybody's games.
wow im sure you'll be.. lmao... deving quite a lot... LOL
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I can give you a (you), only if you want of course
always thought i was lazy until i found out i was 'essential'
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remember Roody

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Can you control this through Steamworks? Can I select a region to block and not sell my game in?
Hypothetically speaking...
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I'm commander Azurdev and healed to death is my favorite game of this Demo Day.

>Plundercraft (lot of bug)
>Eastern flower(still a technical demo, love the infantery)
>Dead sector (how do I make the gun work)
>Healed to death (FLASH HEAL)

What next?
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t-technically i didn't miss yet ANOTHER demoday...
i still have almost 3 days!
Panic Floor
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not super hard to get started, but can get tricky to optimize for massive amounts of items
it's a fucking reddit post my guy
what, you expect him to sign his post and provide ID as well?
bam bam bawuuuuuuuu vr vr vr vr dan dan
>a game about religion-hating socialist basedboi
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>i'm not schizo
True, you are an attention whore who thinks himself hilarious for shitposting like this when nobody is actually amused
download my demo, more has changed than it appears
please, im begging you, i need to know why half my steam players still keep keeping stuck in the tutorial
not downloading your malware executable, literally an unsigned untrusted binary trying to make remote connections on my pc lol
Stream in 90 minutes (roughly)
Will stream (in no particular order, mostly picked the ones I didn't play during previous streams, from bottom to top of the default itch order)
1: Blast Heroes (early proof of concept) - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2952604
2: To Ash & Ember - DemoDayEntry [58] - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2952710
3: DEADNET - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/693063
4: ROLLING BALL GAME DX: Director's Cut - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2899365
5: Metrokolia - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2943972
6: Hellbirther - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2953648
7: Vampire Survivors But Good - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2953070
8: FIENDRISE - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2953198
9: Monster Freaks! - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2933614
10: Remote Access [working title] - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2953239
11: Poke ALL Toads - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/871535
12: Jenny Jeungman's Birthday Bash - https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2904221

I will go for nobledark setting
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bro lmao
I'll be watching (my game is in this list and I am so fucking excited holy shit)
howd you manage to scan my file without downloading it
i truly hope my game wont crash
What would a grimbright setting look like? The universe itself is pretty stable and bountiful but everyone is an asshat anyway? Oh shit that's just irl or like cyberpunk settings, meh.
Don't download Hellbirther yet! I have an update coming out real quick to fix things that an anon pointed out to me on the DD comments, should be done in like 20 minutes
i want to stream galduen tonight, will you be around in bout 6 to 7 hours
No, it's a twitter announcement
Anon you had time. Your game will be judged as is.
No problem, I'll download your game closer to when the stream starts.
I'm certain mine will, or will at least showstop. In fact, I'm fairly confident the 'exit game' button doesn't work because I didn't check it worked.
At least Quit to Main Menu works.
It's a playable build, though, which is more than the game's had the last six months (technically 1yr+8mos).
>we get to watch anon get hacked in realtime
Thank you!!!
Hellbirther is updating right now, should be like 2 minutes max until it's ready.
Feel free to download whenever you want. Thank you so much for waiting a little bit, the update makes the HUD stand out a bit more and also adds button highlights to the options buttons.
won't be as entertaining as him almost burning alive last dd
will marnigs participate ?
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>crabs are now resorting to spreading fake news about AGDG games having malware
New low, even for crabs.
Anon shut the fuck up. Holy fuck. I don't know who this devs are other than one made Stardew Valley. Why are you accusing the creator of Stardew Valley of anything you fucking faggot.
yes, fake, really fake and wrong please download my demo those were lies
what's your game?
nigga you don't even have a game
Sure, link your demo
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Shanghai Gold reporting in, fashionably late.
>couldn’t spend 5 seconds adding a noise texture to add variation to the obviously ugly tiling boat texture
I will not play your game, lazy faggot
Stuck at work for the next 8 hours. I sure hope my game doesn't have any gamebreaking bugs. ;-;
worth just as much
Damn! But you're gonna miss out on all the default material visuals!
Don't worry anon, even if the game crashes or softlocks we are still behind you 100%. Mistakes and oversights happen, especially with something as complicated as developing an entire game without a whole team.
Meanwhile, in bizarro world /agdg/: >>493390062
Thank you for fully understanding what I was trying to do
>he doesn't run all agdg games in a virtual machine just to be safe
i run them on someone elses machine and that someone else also plays them for me
Get a new job ASAP
Don't be like me, I stayed out of the wage cage for too long and now I can't even get an interview, presumably because of my poor employment history and lack of recent references. It's literally ruined my life.
Couldn't someone run some basic security protocols to sweep through the Demo Day uploads and find stuff that's making strange network connections or accessing weird parts of your hard drive? I feel like with one or two people doing moderation the malware thing wouldn't even be worthy of discussion. That being said, I think it's safe to say 99% of the games uploaded will not have anything shady going on, and I would guess that the games that obviously have more love put into them are safer to play than the rest.
how do i add a custom filter to 4chanx that hides any post where the ratio of the number of quoted posts to non-quote text is too high or something
or not filter... i know javascript but idk how to write a userscript
I know it's possible to filter that shit but I've never done it before. Good luck trying to find out
oh boy, i can't wait to see all the new updates in Wholesome Monster Girl Academia!
>wont someone with expert level understanding of malware analysis perform free labor for me just because I said so?
I charge $200 per hour for security consultations and have a full list of clients today, maybe some other time champ
itch is already scanning uploads but keep shitting your pants
How do you reflect the player's character or maybe character's collectively making better decisions using common knowledge game play wise in a way that's elegant and simple?
>he didn't set up a limited liability company when he went on his neet stint so he could plausibly say he'd been working for himself during the employment gap
You need one for tax reasons if you publish a game anyway. Set one up, idiots.
Why are you believing what a shitposter says? None of the DD games have malware.
please when you click on my demo day submission be sure to download the file
you can delete it afterwards but i need you to download it so i join the inner circle
I feel you dude, but surely someone here has enough money to hire someone for a few hours at the end of the games being uploaded, or maybe someone would volunteer if they like Demo Day or something. I'm just saying it's technically possible to have peace of mind with this stuff, I'm sure with not much learning I could do basic checks for ports and connections being opened at the very least.
Yeah that's utterly deranged.

btw why are some of you keeping personal photos and documents in your home folder right next to your downloads folder? Just asking
Couldn't someone run some basic asylum protocols to sweep through the aggy-daggy posts and find posters that are making strange schitzo posts or accessing weird parts of the crab bucket? I feel like with one or two people doing moderation the schitzo thing wouldn't even be worthy of discussion. That being said, I think it's safe to say 99% of the messages posted will not have anything schitzophrenic going on, and I would guess that posts that obviously have more love put into them are safer to read than the rest.
Well said, stranger.
That's the default windows folder scheme retard
If you’re super paranoid just run the games in a VM or even drop the binary into an automated sandbox analysis like any run or joes sandbox, but memes aside I doubt people are uploading malware in their games
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>> Progress
If a player now goes back without buying / choosing anything, the doctrine results will shuffle if they make another purchase.

Algorithm is now done as well. Pretty close to O(1), very low overhead and aside from building the node tree, all functions are called only when they are needed (eg. assigning neighbours etc.).

I'm going to try daily uploads again. Some big projects coming up, but I'll see how I go.

> Couldn't get a job after the military, even after thousands of applications
> fuck it, I'll get another degree
> study computer science
> final year
> lecturer really likes me games
> offers me a tutoring position
> 1 year later -> offers me a research assistant position
> 1 year later -> offers me PhD opportunity

Still tutoring and doing small environments / games / whatever PhD students / university clients need. Starting PhD soon. I don't really want a 9-5 job, this suits me just fine. When my game releases / when I finish my PhD, I'll probably try to get tenure so I can become a professor.
oh you're back.
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There's "provide the player with more common knowledge to make good decisions with" but how do I represent every point of that on a scale of 0 to 3000? Does wisdom have breakpoints? Can one be too wise?
Damn that's a really nice lecturer you met, couldn't imagine any of that happening with the ones I had.
Your Military -> University Teacher -> Gamedev career path, as well as autistic game about military reminds me a lot about the guy who's making Road to Vostok, have you seen his videos?
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sad day reading devs telling other devs to do basic things like run software inside a VM or use a VPN, or use version control or other basic things. People think IT is too competitive but it's just overcrowded with morons.
>he fell for the nordic VPN meme
>use version control
Fuck off back to /g/ and never return, faggot
I did set up a company, I still have it and earn gamedev money though it. Still, no interviews. Do you think HR sees it as a plus when you run your own company and then look for a job? I did get 2 interviews (which I didn't go to) when I made up my work history so while that's not a big sample, I assume not having had an actual salaried job is what's repelling them.
Games run like ass inside VMs. I have a special Windows install on a separate hard drive which I use to run pirated games on.
I just call it Kalemongoose
I noticed and I don't mind, it shouldn't be a big deal.
I'm glad it's over.
>not putting your name in the credits
I shiggy diggy.
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This is probably going to get buried because of demo day, but I'll try anyway.
I'm making a rogue-like (e.g. NetHack) in Godot and I'm wondering how I should avoid OOP inheritance hell and/or having a huge god class.
For example, I want to make an object on a tile that can be picked up (like an item) has value (like an item) but it can also take damage (like terrain/a prop).
I'm not using nodes (the composition approach with nodes is clunky, IMO), just Godot Objects. I think the overhead and implications of the scene tree is unnecessary.
You're very smart.
godot approach is solid.

You turn nodes into a hierarchy of what you need.
I don't get the hostility.

Version control is a save point and backup system for your project. You make a commit and then you can embark on a messy rewrite or tidy-up knowing that you're not going to accidentally brick your project in the process.

And you can push it up to a remote repo so when an agdg game randsomwares your PC you won't lose your project
My problem was I didn't outright fail at anything. When I quit my programming job at 27 I started a company and it was doing well to begin with but then it got gradually worse over the years. Then I started gamedev and that started off okay too but same thing, money just keeps dwindling. Now I'm 12 years out of employment with a high school education and almost 40. I must have been doing something right because I could support myself doing more or less my dream job, but now I'm looking at 30+ years of having to survive while being more or less unemployable.
So when I tell anons to not go neet it's so they don't end up the way I'm most likely to.
Eagerly awaiting this stream!!
I don't get why you fags don't stay in your containment board
I used git for a few apps I made for clients but it was a pain in the ass. Now I just password-zip my files and copy them to dropbox or wherever.
Takeability component and destructible component
They might be scared you're overqualified if you've run a company before.
>hey guys let me into the company :)
>wow that's a nice company I'll take notes :)
>okay bye back to running my own company :)
>I know the right solution to my problem, but I don't want to do it, so someone suggest me a worse solution
bros do you make what people want or what you want? just thinking i would get twice as many likes for things i was experimenting with before than what i am doing now. but you have to do what you want and then eventually you'll cultivate an audience right? thinking about the audience first would lead to disaster
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>isn't streaming my game
>because I didn't upload it
I just like... make game
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I expect you to make it so the doctrine you select will play some animation, such as lingering for a moment after you select it while the others go away, or flying into a different part of the UI to show where you can find it.
Those things are not mutually exclusive. Make what people similar to you want.
>setup a keylogger using a fake demoday game
>log everyone here's code and steal it to my my real game
and none of you would be the wiser
>back up project using git (git is not a backup btw)
>work on something
>don't end up liking it but like some part of what you worked on
>reset project to some commit
>all of your changes are gone, both the good and bad ones

this problem simply wouldn't exist if you just commented blocks in and out, enterprise devs are so fucking stupid
you can have my source code, anon, it’s not that great
>he doesn't know that this is the containment thread
How are you smart enough to get paying clients but too dumb to use VC?
pretty sure things you like are normie shit millions of normies love.
youre supposed to manipulate and trick people into thinking they also want what you want
>he doesn't know how to stage/discard chunks
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The problem also wouldn't exist if you knew what a branch was. Then all your commits would still exist and you could switch between them or cherrypick the changes you wanted from the feature branch back into master.
That could be it, but maybe not. Tim Cain made a video where he was interviewing at Valve I think in 2011 and they were giving him coding tests like he was applying for a codemonkey job. And this is a guy who ran a studio that shipped 3 games and made Fallout before that and worked at Carbine, but they didn't give a shit.
I guess maybe when there's so many programmers, companies don't bother with anyone who has any apparent downsides like ambitions to go into business for themselves for example.
All Azzies should be put down like animals
>just never making mistakes and if you do, just rolling with it and not using cheat buttons
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Yeah, but is there a different approach to making ( 4 * (however many objects there are) ) nodes? I don't think nodes fit here because I don't really need all of the features of nodes. And having to worry about scene tree/node management on top of that sounds like a pain in the ass.

How would you do it?
you're so fucking mentally deranged and dull
if i knew what normies wanted, i would be a millionaire selling them $100 socks or what ever stupid shit they buy
To be fair, Valve has a flat structure and everyone is expected to produce results. Being the head of a studio doesn't really translate to anything in there. But that's a single exception to your theory.
when you realize godot tree of nodes and component systems are just visual diferences, you'll finally make it.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "going to try to make the titties even bigger"

That's literally it? Right? Never had to bring up the memory card and choose a save to reload so not sure if that's hard.
It’s quite interesting, at my last job, small company that was just starting, we hired a guy who was really awesome. Super motivated, productive, big ownership. But honestly his grind was so hard I got annoyed to work with him, for variety of reasons, idk, and eventually quit. I’m a similar type myself, maybe there just wasn’t enough room for so many highly motivated people. In any case that made me think whether in the future I would vote for employing a guy like him; and maybe it’s also a reason why my own attempts at getting a job are currently unsuccessful.
Nice argument. Just admit that you've been filtered by VC and move on.
Personally I would never-ever get into making my own node types. I would find one that works, and then have all of them use inheritance in their attached scripts.

IE: When I made a roguelike project, items were all Sprite2D's that extended my base_item class in their scripts.
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>gets filtered by version control software used as standard by every professional programmer
>impotently lashes out
proof that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I hope you don't get nolgorb'd one day anon.
there's nothing i can say that will fix the rotted mind of an enterprise software dev

what are you going to defend next, scrum meetings?
neck yourself
>How are you smart enough to get paying clients but too dumb to use VC?
It's a pain in the ass. You have to log into some thing so but sometimes you don't. Will my code be on the internet? What if there's some breach? And if I use local git but my hard drive dies, how do I protect from that? And there's some files you need to exclude and I need to know what merges pull requests and branches are.
I'll figure it out when someone pays me, otherwise I'll just zip the things and use my brain power on my game instead.
two trolls arguing with each other, I hope you guys are having fun at least
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you're not dostoyesky, tolkien, jodorodowsky, moore, miyazaki, follin.

So you wont make some original shit never seen before.
Pretty sure you have normie tastes in anime and games.


You will never make shit like holy mountain, because 99.9% of agdg retards never watch anything but capeshit and animeshit.

So don't worry, your issue is lack of skill, not that is too "niche".
Haven't you heard that 7.5 hours of your 8 work hours make you heccin productive???
Probably the same troll playing 'both sides of the chessboard' because they have no life.
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It's not that you don't know what normies want. It's pretty obvious that normies want the easiest and most recognizable thing, but what it takes to reach that is selling out a little bit and putting a lot of work into spreading your own name. People are afraid of success. Most people don't have what it takes to be in the spotlight in a major way like a movie actor or a hugely successful game developer. Even just a little bit of success scares people, the same way failure scares people. I know so many bands that have been "grinding" for years but they never get more than 1000 views on a song and it's purely because they need to git gud at marketing, networking, and applying the artistic aspects in a fresh and exciting way that genuinely gets interest.
I'm not making Nodes at all, just Objects, so they live purely in the scripts and are simpler/easier to work with. Although I should probably make them resources for inspector functionality.
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Haven't watched his videos, but I've heard of him. I watched SplatterCat play his game. Not really my thing, but wish him all the best.

Always have a backup skillset. I'm not betting everything on game dev. If it fails, I still have my teaching to fall back on.

Yeah, I'm trying to balance snappy gameplay with juice. I was thinking of just having the doctrine come up on the side, like a little window with an image and a little description. Just so the player knows he bought the thing.
Ah ok you are doing exactly what I said then. I have dabbled in resources, and while they are useful, doing things like overrides can be a massive pain.
I'd rather not re-write my game when I inevitably hit performance issues (in a rogue-like lmao) from having gorillions of nodes and destroying/creating them constantly.
Imagine being so filtered by git that you have to create boogeymen to project onto. Lol. Lmao.
if your pc can handle a godot shmup, then your roguelike wont be an issue.
put my demo on demo day even though i released my game.
Going live!

You always post this shit. You're just a fucking idiot.
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>Never had to bring up the memory card and choose a save to reload so not sure if that's hard.

>git log
This will show a list of previous commits and their hashes
pic related, lets use 25eee4cae as an example, you can use the first few characters you don't need to type in the whole hash
q to go back to terminal because it's vim
>git checkout 25eee4cae
now you've loaded a save, but your current progress still exists
>git checkout -b old-state 25eee4cae
now you've made a branch based on your old save and can freely switch to and work on it
>git revert --no-commit 25eee4cae..HEAD
>git commit
now you've discarded everything you've done since the save point
>allocation of resources
just use of pool of objects, like how every fucking shmup does.

Your issue is something that is solved in literally any game programming book.
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zcrpg when
Your opinion means less than nothing to me. If I save even one anon from my fate, all my posts will have been worth it.
>Repeat Punch Monkey
>Repeat Nolgorb
Pixel platformers didn't subject us to this
>in a rogue-like
>from trying to use nodes for everything
documentation itself says nodes arent the answer to everything, this wouldnt be an issue if they finally did something good to gdscript for once and added traits/mixins
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just use a GUI like git extensions, theres no reason to use command line for this shit in current year
I stand by what I said, there's nothing more required of you.
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>We are now living in the post-marmoreal era
I use GitHub Desktop and have never been happier.
I like how the only arguments against version control are "I can't understand it" and "you're bad for understanding it go back to /g/ nerd"
why do you need a pool system for a roguelike?

Are you making a minecraft clone?

Any critical performance shit in godot is written in C++ using GDNative.
VC, especially GIT, is so easy it's unbelievable. It's like the most basic plumbing. 1 Pipe brings water from a tank. 1 Pipe sends water to the tank. That's source control. "PAY ME TO FIGURE IT OUT!" That guy is a fucking RETARD.
If you want to use a gui go ahead but I don't have a problem with memorizing 5 terminal commands. If I need a gui to sift through commits I can just use the one on github or gitlab or wherever I pushed my code to
I'm not arguing against version control, I just explained why I'm not using it. I didn't see any benefits when I did use it so I didn't make any effort to understand more than the basics.
you misread, im saying he doesnt need a pooling system for a roguelike
Happy demo day from an RPGmaker dev
you may need pooling if your roguelike is spawning a lot of enemies
pools are the most normie old school trick if you need a lot of allocation and deallocation.

I agree I missread your shit.

But I think godot solution while not perfect is really good.
>pre-demo day depression
>post-demo day depression

these 3 days are the only days where i can feel happy...
I genuinely cannot decide on how to deal with ammo for my fps
>unlimited ammo, no reloading
>unlimited ammo, reloading
>limited ammo
>1. pipe brings water from a tank
>2. pipe sends water to the tank
I don't have a home so why do I need to know about pipes. Turn on faucet, water come out. Turn off faucet, water stops.
in the context of a roguelike his issue probably wouldnt be allocation/deallocation but rather traversing and manipulating the scene tree.
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Make and test all 3 variants.
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>be FPS
>run out of ammo
>now just a FP

The tilemap information is gotten using the tilemap node.

You could use a 2D array to store the map node references.
And then use another 2D array to store the objects.

I have made a 2D roguelike and 2D board games in godot without any issue.
lurker here
all this demo day talk has given me hope that maybe I too could end up being a dev
Why should you know about pipes lol. Anon if you’re white understanding pipes and flow is something you’re born with. Not something you go to college for you fucking sub human animal.
Three different characters; two default, one unlockable?
Version control is useful when multiple people work on a project but overkill for solo devs. It's good to know but if I'm going to choose between spending 2 days learning and setting up version control vs spending 2 days making prettier rain for my game, that's a very easy choice to make.
lets gooo
Git is NOT easy I need to do like 10 minutes of googling weird commands whenever I want to do anything. Easy things are the ones you can do without googling at all.
Look at all the demos anon. They are all shit. It should freighten you to see how difficult game dev is.
While you were learning about pipes and version control and having 1 person scrums twice a week, I shipped my game and I'm working on my next game.
i'll tell you why i hate git
fucking enterprise niggers want you to dox yourself with mandatory name and email field
i don't give a fuck if i can write anything in them when working alone, the mere fact it asks for your name and email is offensive
when we had a group project in uni our retard instructor made us do retarded squash everything and they would throw a shit fit if after doing bullshit like squashing the commits made by different teammates weren't in the right chronological order so the history "doesn't look nice" they also actually FORCED us to use real names (so the history looks nice!) and to use github which actually could have compromised my privacy if i ran the wrong commands

that was the day i understood how brainrotted and anti-privacy bureaucrat enterprise jew devs are like and also the day i decided to never work for a company i don't own

i asked my buddy who actually works for a jew corp and he said he has never had to use squash or half the arbitrary bullshit our instructor made us do "so the history would look nice!"

version control represents the worst type of retard bureaucrat enterprise developer that browses orange reddit and owns a mug that says "i turn coffee into code" so i refuse to use it out of principle
git init then use Github Desktop. You're 100% retarded if it takes you two days to learn version control
It’s one less thing to worry about though. Your code is hosted somewhere so you don’t need to worry about multiple back ups. Hard drives actually have a pretty high failure rate.

Idk what someone can possibly do that’s easier than just hooking GIT up, especially with visual studio. Then it’s just pressing push and pull.
Ok you’re a baby who can’t handle an ounce of friction. What the fuck is with you people. You should take a month off programming and just read Plutarch’s Lives and the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Change your fucking perspective. Also squash and merge makes sense, nobody needs to see 80 commit actions.
you may be retarded if you cant surpass the average level of agdg demos.
>i don't give a fuck if i can write anything in them when working alone, the mere fact it asks for your name and email is offensive
Finally, someone who gets it.
You are always collaborating with your future self.
What are branches? what's a pull request? what kind of merges are there? how do I know which files to exclude? how do I set up a local git server? how can I back up and restore contents of that server?
Console commands are not the problem, the problem is I don't see why I need version control. I've never in my life needed to roll back to a previous version of my code. All I need is a safeguard if my hard drive dies and zipping the directory is good enough for that.
If I ever had a game it's going to be fully text based
or somekind 2D map painter
no 3D ,no animations
nah fuck that, i make individual commits for a reason
That’s actually true. You can fuck something up yourself and sometimes it’s a lot easier just clicking “undo”. If there’s not version control clicking undo might be a lot more work.
oh you shipped a game anon congrats! it must have been very successful and had many thousands of reviews, right? Right anon?
Not going to FUCKING make it.
>one guy commits and merges things like "fixed typo" so he gets good goy points when his activity monitor lights up like a christmas tree
>other guy works in his own branch and it all gets squashed into one activity blip when he merges it into mast- uh oh that's racist, i meant main!
oh... i failed...
Ya I’m sure your “can’t handle git” brain produced fucking magic.
Niggas why do you hide your webapps behind a password are you gay or do you have some sort of checkbox adhd
The irony
lol exactly.
Actually hundreds. Low hundreds. But my game's success had little to do with whether I used version control or not. It had much more to do with my lousy art skills.
>yeah I'd like a tool that treats my codebase like the spacetime continuum with 5 dimensions and alternate timelines where I can freely travel between and manipulate those timelines at will
>but I also want it to be very intuitive and easy to understand without me having to watch a 15 minute youtube video to understand the basics

>fucking enterprise niggers want you to dox yourself with mandatory name and email field
you can put anything in that field you troglodyte. And you can host your own remote repo somewhere so you don't have to rely on corpos like github or bitbucket

>when we had a group project in uni our retard instructor made us do retarded squash everything and they would throw a shit fit if after doing bullshit like squashing the commits made by different teammates weren't in the right chronological order so the history "doesn't look nice"
Your professor being retarded doesn't mean you have to be retarded. Squashing is rewriting your git history and not a requirement for using version control.

>version control represents the worst type of retard bureaucrat enterprise developer that browses orange reddit and owns a mug that says "i turn coffee into code" so i refuse to use it out of principle
And yet you'll still use Windows and a host of other corpo enterprise reddit software. But watching you try to rationalist being a retard while hamstringing yourself is interesting.
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The game is centered around weapon customization and upgrading, I am currently leaning towards the second option
wow nice job, thats more reviews than literally anyone on agdg, can you share the steam page? I'm always curious to see successful games and help understand the market a bit more
>you can put anything in that field you troglodyte.
you missed "i don't give a fuck if i can write anything in them when working alone, the mere fact it asks for your name and email is offensive" that was literally on the row below what you replied to
i have exactly one piece of proprietary software on my computer and that is steam (and all the games)
Where did I say I wanted it to be easy? You're the deranged one making up stuff I didn't say.
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every time i make a geniune attempt at using godot i always end up getting put off and frustrated by all the weird design decisions and tech debt
i WANT to like it but "wow thats obtuse" moments happen too often
You forgot:
>limited ammo in a big pool and the bullets magically arrange themselves into magazines for you
>limited ammo but the magazines you have remember how many bullets they have in them so if you reload early you're stuck carrying around a bunch of mags with a few rounds in them, but maybe you can stop to repack them
How do we deplatform pedodevs?
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My mind has been shattered.
You are always sabotaging your future self*
what sparked this melty
If you think version control would be useful to you, use it.
If you don't see the point, don't use it.
If you regret it, you'll have learned a valuable lesson. If you don't regret it, you'll have saved yourself time and effort.
I used git for a while then a few years ago I stopped and I can't be bothered to set it up again.
This is the weakest demo day in a long while
Sorry, I didn't make it in time. I will try to be ready for DD60.
i'll admit, i chuckeld
So so so sorry...
If you were there would not be so many DD57 demos that move 1 crate and then call itself a new demo
I just don't like uploading my stuff since no matter what they say they'll probably use your code as they want msybe even say they can legally take it for themselves and if you disagree it is all instantly deleted before you can download it as a backup.
Wow that's crazy
Add Marnix on the list, he said on stream that he would make a porn game if he had an artist but he doesn't.
Explain, why is it "weak"? You mean in terms of thread enthusiasm regarding demo day?
Ya the execs at GIT desperately want awful indie dev code shitting up their AI.
I use git a lot in my game development workflow.
Because the games are unimpressive. Retard.
It takes a while, but once it clicks, you love godot nodes.
I'm still wrapping up my loli game submission, give me a sec
I don't use git. I also don't use debuggers, breakpoints, profilers or unit tests. I print everything in the console.
>reached #1
>reached #2
>if you're reading this fix this fix this!!!
>reached #3, angle=151.2888
Ahh yes the executives at GIT want to just let you upload your code for safekeeping completely free, out of the kindness of their hearts....
You are not important. But honestly your game is probably like, 2 weeks of work for me. So ya, not too much of a loss if you lose all the code. So keep on making your fucking slop. Who cares.
Right click, copy, paste
Simple as
Dont need me no megacorp claiming to protect my game for free
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how do i make it click
please, PLEASE tell me
Imagine that godot nodes are simply a tree version of unity component system.
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Look at how eco-friendly we are.
The new to old ratio gets worse with every DDay
hey they changed the color of one of the pieces of text in the game, thats enough to require new playtesters
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>billion side projects good
>finishing game bad
I don't understand what this is supposed to mean and I've been here for more than a year
You mean the variety of games? Yeah, for 100 games it doesnt feel like a lot. Idk how to describe it maybe it's cause a lot lack the right touch "oh this game again" like being shilled Rust on steam for the 1 millonth time.
What happened to horbror? I didn't play his game last DD because I had some technical issues so I was planning to do it this time around.
>14 demo days to make a platformer that'll join 5 other platformers in the dump
Some anons need to accept that an adult body means adult responsibilities. You can't live in /agdg/'s basement forever.
Making games take a lot of time.

And it's not like any of you actually play the newly submitted games. All the old timers always get more comments and feedback than new submissions.
>put my blood soul and tears and sweat into my demo
>nothin' NO RESPECT
Yeah, that's the life we choose as devs
its just stupid not to use it, you can do the most basic setup of just committing everything straight to master and its good enough and would take no time at all to do. its like pressing ctrl+s part way through writing a word doc
then you can easily go back through the tree and see what you did last week when you inevitably forget
The really long-running entries literally get only 1-2 comments per DD because everyone else can’t be bothered anymore
in my game you can dab (the ~2016 meme gesture)
I bet it sucks lmao
What if instead of wisdom there was a luck stat?
AFAIK there's no built in way to "get" a "component", already making it a step clunkier
after almost a decade of exclusively drawing lolis I am going to have to face the facts and draw men (male) for my game

I dont know if I can cope
have any of them changed significantly? or changed at all?
why am I so negative
>streamer plays for over 40 mins each game
My demo doesn't have 40 mins of content thoughowever
add an RNG gated door with a low chance of opening that on average takes 30 minutes to open
easy fix
nigativity is like an addiction
>what are groups
E.g. takeability: melee_dmg, price
destructibility: health, max_health, regen_rate
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TOKdev fix your game. Also fireball is shit, replace by shocking discharge.
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Years ago when I made an iOS app, Xcode kept bugging me to commit my changes every time. So I did. I assume those changes were saved somewhere (locally or on some server?) but I wouldn't know how to go through them or why I'd want to.
When I got a new Mac, I just copied the project folder over. I don't know if I copied those git files or file or whatever it is?
it probably has a .git folder in there so should do
>that xkcd
theres a bunch of easy gui's to use, no need to use shell commands unless you actually want to
All of your 3 downloads? That's me (didn't even play the game).
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For anyone who watched Hellbirther on that guy's stream, that guy's computer must be ass or something because I just loaded up Hellbirther 4 different times on my computer and all 4 games ran at 90fps (the minimum framerate for the game to be proper speed). My PC isn't even good I have a 3060 and an old ass i5 with 16GB of RAM. On the stream the game ran at like 30 fps and half speed even in the tutorial which is the least performance intensive level in the game. Also even the cutscenes were lagging for him, and level assets and math aren't even loaded/happening in the cutscenes. That was his setup causing that NOT Hellbirther. I've seen my game play at a steady framerate on shitty laptops and every other PC I've seen it tested on.
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it's too late for damage control
for those 3 people first impression of your game is ruined forever
just let it go bro it's over
What devs are actually active in these threads. I don't want to do some fanart of a whodev's games.
i actually have 3 downloads so this confirms you're stalking me
People submitting every demoday for some imaginary consecutive login bonus are kinda missing the point. Use demoday once or twice to get a pair of fresh eyes on your game at various points in development, but if you try to keep all the new content you add tested and polished constantly it's like having all the downsides of releasing your game in early access with none of the benefits (actual paying customers and steam visibility).
Well the dopamine addicts who probably only do this for views and comments are just going to ignore this and end up like you know who.
Joke’s on you I only have 2

It may be you only tested on Geforce and it actually sucks on AMD, or vice versa.
how did it happen? any idea?
i wont buff fireball
No idea
The tutorial literally runs at 10,000 fps on my computer, but somehow crawled to 30 fps on that guy's stream. And then he rated the game poorly based on the "pacing" which was totally fucked up by his computer being dogshit.
were you fighting enemies when this happened? were you just walking and suddenly you cant do anything?
i'll try and find out what happened now
I agree with you but like you said, they don't really care they just enjoy the attention.
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which features did you guys fail to get done for this DD?
>wanted to add a better battle map
>wanted a basic logo to the main screen
oh well buds hope you guys have a good DD. just making my linux build now fml
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It works fine on both, for AMD+NVIDIA CPU's+GPU's. The guy was missing drivers or something was fucked up, I have no clue. His Windows looked like it was in power save mode based on the UI graphics.
I was fighting and spaming my wand.
Reloading unfucked the game so I guess It is an animation bug. (and erased the corpse, bouhououou Tokdev)
Oh cool, visual code has all the git stuff built in and a little side bar GUI. Doesn't have as a cool a graph as yours but I see now that when I want to try something out I make a new branch and if it works I just merge it back with the main branch. Now I'm devving.
That's a better situation than me: 3 hours of content and apparently no one plays past the first 20 minutes.
how about you create fanart of a game youre a fan of instead of trying to lick someones boots you pathetic weasel
same but 5 minutes for me!
i'll try and find out what caused this. probably a wand bug.
fireballs get better, just find another book
theres probably an extension for that
Monster Freaks! is running fine though. Must be a (You) issue
It was going to be a compilation of characters from game. But yes, my favorites will be in there.

Dont' insult people.
Oh god you're talking about me, aren't you?
Sorry, I'm a full wisdom build for ton of wand damage for 0 mana.
>He paid for his spell
Shocking dischage is the only good spell I use as it solve the swarn of melee (and faceless shit) problem. Fireball is just no worth it.
Wanted to fix the issue where too many units are sluggish to react when ordered to move away while they are attacking something; but I forgot and now I kinda don’t wanna change it because replay compatibility yadda yadda, I would basically break the score boards for those (few) people that have downloaded the game so far. By the way nobody except me ever looked at those scoreboards so far in 3 months.
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The Punch Monkey soundtrack is finally up, now you can listen to it without all the flash compression
find your amulet namesake and you will be undefeatable
>Soundtrack shilling
>Plush shilling
>Sequel shilling
>Twitter shilling
Go home, you’re an adult with a released game.
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>Total mobiledev collapse
Time to polish my resume I guess
Working on some final things for a chapter 2 preview, probably gonna upload tomorrow.
also, could you please send me the debug text files? it's where your saves are, C:\Users\you\AppData\LocalLow\osur\Tower of Kalemonvo
i couldn't find anything when testing so hopefully its in the logfile
thanks again for playing
>Icespike spell
Buff the slow so you can use it for kitting or escaping
Bug the damage or give it an AOE
>Shocking ball torture
>The flask of cold grease
Buff the slow

Magic is underwhelming
Don't worry this is the last bit of Punch Monkey progress/shilling/whatever. I'm gonna go into hibernation soon, possibly to work on more games. But given it's the best part of the game, I figured people wanted to check out the uncompressed soundtrack.
here, polish soundtrack for you
I use linux
i'll give it a try this weekend. icefloor is def the weakest of the bunch
what determines the order of games on the submissions page?

w-why is my game so low...
Another demoday, another spot in the middling middle.
bro take it easy, gameplay looked very good and fun imo. Technical issues happen. Personal opinion, I'd improve the UI and font.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

total itch access
popularity, as determined by the itch.io algorithm
By default it sorts by itch's popularity ranking. "Popularity" calculation is kept secret to prevent people from gaming it, but it is known to correlate positively with views, payments, downloads, and browser plays, and inversely with age.

It's also calculated globally for the entire itch website, without any filters for specific jams (in itch's defense, trying to define a "jam only" view/play/download would end up being pretty inaccurate), so because the average itch user only uses itch for porn, the porn games always end up at the top.
right, sorry. try here:
~/.config/unity3d/osur/Tower of Kalemonvo/Player.log

send it over on itch if you are able
>40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
How many of these are fully fleshed out games like the ones that become successful and how many are rpgmaker trash with the lenght of 2 hours made in a whole afternoon by someone very bored
>rpgmaker trash with the lenght of 2 hours made in a whole afternoon
100.00% nodev take
A 2 hour long rpgmaker game was the best game of 2023
which was what
Baldurs Gate
Okay but were those 2 very good hours or something hastily thrown together is my point?
Because it's not even a take, it's a shitty example
The take is that there are not 50 quality games released each day
Are the games that have been in a bunch of DDs naturally more popular? I always see the same ones near the top.
I'll do it
You'll see
Well naturally they have already accumulated some views and plays
a lot of them dont use new submissions so they appear higher, which makes them get more downloads
Coffin of Andy and Leyley. I had a "what the fuck am I even doing" moment and considered just giving up gamedev completely after playing it, and that was back when I first played it after seeing it randomly on itch, weeks before 4chan found it and pushed its creator to put it on Steam.
I forgot it was demo day
that... no fuck you
Pretty retarded system if it accounts for old views outside of the jam itself.
Older games have accumulated more views and plays. Age of game supposedly correlates inversely with popularity calculation, but regular updates seem to decrease your "age" score.
it used to be random, no idea why they changed it
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Good afternoon AGDG! I am hung over so I don't foresee progress today. Sorry to report the bad news.
Trying to define a "jam only" view/play/download would mean imposing a lot more data tracking on users, and be wildly inaccurate anyways.
Yume Nikki is an RPGMaker game lasts about 30 minutes and has literally zero combat, dialogue, story, or meaning, and it's still better and has a bigger following than 90% of the shit that shows up on Steam.
I don't see how. Each game has a jam-specific-page, just base the popularity on that
The jam creator can decide the initial sorting, blame bluefairy.
>inner circle decides to use system to benefits them
Yep another day another shocking fact.
Then want to advertise the best games to players, they (and most players) don't care about whether they're in the jam or not, they just want to see good games and global popularity is a good indicator of that.
There's still a client-side setting to show them in random order.
>and it's still better
So, even you agree with my point without realizing it
That 90% of games is not some very good gems never found by the public, it's mostly trash with a few exceptions of games that did deserve success but didn't get it
A shining example of having the right style and being released at the right time.
Honestly, itch.io jams just seem half-baked. Like there's a way to rate submissions but not really. Honestly they should just remove the popularity ranking in jams.
thank you bluefairy for not using a retarded method of sorting submissions
>there's a way to rate submissions but not really
There's a way of rating submissions it just has to be enabled
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Girlfriend has been replacing all of my AI card art with her custom kino artwork.
soul acquired
By "GF" are you talking about your right hand?
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Zero days.
wish I had a GF who could draw..
Make this the next OP image please
>game nearly done
>feedback: you can still improve your game's issue since it's still very early in development.
at least you're getting feedback.
wish i had a dream,,, gamedev is just escapism
Look at the bright side, it's realitively productive escapism
Even if you don't make money you can learn a lot of skills
Be sure to report any submissions by whodevs!
inner circle bros...
Is your girlfriend in kindergarten?
Lolidevs have went too far...

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