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We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
https://github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :


Last one: >>492885826
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Post builds NOW
Nth for shaders+DH
post fps
Not going to lie my friend. I have a 3 inch penis.
wtf same
Everything this man says is a lie.
I use photon usually and I don't pay attention to the fps normally but it seems to safely hug 60 or near enough to it.
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So he is going to lie, I'm not his friend, and... oh god!
You're embarrassing.
I balance my pack around my relationship with God.
You're based.
Me too.
No Blood Magic or Witchery for me.
>non-heretical modpack
>it's just botania
no fucking way am I learning the redstone flower mod
hi saar how do i mode
botania is druid magic
all magic is a no no in Abrahamic religions iirc so it'd be a purely techpack.

This has made me think, would create be the amish approved techmod?
better than wolves/BWM
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thou shalt not get 4 planks from one log
currently building a big stupid pigman farm to get big numbers on my sword
thou shalt not make rocks think and display images
>Abrahamic religions
Jews and Muslims got some weird shit going on

gt6 = holy
of course gt6 is holy

it's 5u that's satanic
>build this entire 10 chunk wide multiblock EXACTLY the way the middle schooler designed it
complete anti-thesis of modded minecraft. go back to posting shitty pvp webms zenigger.
that's just the Orange Catholics
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same, for me it's the ones that demand massive timesink with empty goals at the end.
you don't understand, they NEED to add another massive ugly multiblock made of the most retarded looking blocks you've ever seen in your life that they'll just throw in a super far away chunk that they'll never render so they can make the next tier of shitfuckium ingot to make another new ugly multiblock
no that's quite heretical actually
extremely based and dabbing on the premade retards (pretards, for short)
filtered at mv
I play real gregtech, not the vatnik knockoff headed by 12 year olds
filtered at highschool into a low paying job and shitposting online because you have no friends, trying to gather clout by reposting images from the gtnh discord because you have no life

go back to shitting up /dsg/ poopedro
every single one who is aware of your existence even remotely in here hates you and wishes you to stop posting
I wouldn't say I hate him, I just laugh at his sad existence
>three meme images in a row
a bit much don't you think
Those are all modded minecraft related images? I just like hot sauce with my minecraft, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Too much of a good thing can be bad for you, anon.
anon, we can all see the mustache man in the image
don't make the thread quality a casualty of your crusade
let him keep going, it's entertaining
You seem a bit unsettled anon, is insulting your precious grag mod too much?
>he who fights monsters
nhiggers have only one mode
full retard

behead those who insult gregtech new horizons
apt except he's been doing this since day 1
I'm sorry saar
I will suck dreammaster's cock right now saar
please don't smite me saar I will work on making the textures for the next 15x15 chunk UHV multiblock please no more lashings saar
there's a lot of things wrong with GTNH but the neutronium gigaforge is a pretty cool thing to rip off
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What do you enjoy the most about mexicraft outside of that?
I thought it was an mccreator mod.
>nigga's hopping ips out of pure seethe
lolololololololol look at this kid
I tried BTA but apparently there is a new bed recipe so you have to fight zombies in the dark to make the bed, but it took so long to find sheep I didn't have time to get coal for torches and can't see what I'm doing building in the dark
and when I try to sleep in the open it does the zombie spawn meme because it's b1.7
Probably pretty easy to just dig in spam blocks in the dark to seal off and then sleep, but I just quit the game instead

I want games to be fun and engaging not just cause eye strain forcing you to trip over their mechanics
>From unique species of animals, bizarre decorations to some of the most interesting urband legends. With MexiCraft installed, players will be able to experience all of that. Transform your entire town into Mexican style, eat their iconic Tacos and battle against wild west gunslingers. Furthermore, players can encounter a plethora of terrifying entities, which was based on many of mexican’s scary tales. Hunt for mexican’s artifacts, grow mexican’s crops. Everything is possible in MexiCraft.
That's extremely reductive, just because it's made in mccreator doesn't make it bad immediately, just by an inexperienced creator
it has soul!
stop feeding him please
all mc creator mods are literally terrible without any redeeming quality
>without any redeeming quality
no way
even just blocks with useful textures can be a redeeming quality
with a different skillset than coding
yeah, plus you can kill the ugly goblins
anything larger than a 3x3 multiblock is penis amputation tier
was he really set off by the op image this time?
where's the connection between big machine and trannies
what about the distillery tower
it's a 3x3x8
impotent (lol) poopedro rage
stop giving him attention
it's all so tiresome
>multiple people have been outsponen in showing their dislike for my antics
>clearly it's only one mentally unstable guy
stop replying to yourself
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looks cool
At least multiblocks in IE or even gregsex look interesting and coherent, this is just retarded
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you know, the funniest thing is how scared he gets about it
first he chimped out
the he started trying to be more subtle
now he's trying to say "please move it away from here guys" as if he's not the one bringing it here every single goddamn time because he knows he's outnumbered
you are a child
a retarded child crying and shitting himself because people are being mean to you because you keep shitposting on a board for autists
you keep putting your dick in a wasp nest and crying you're getting stung
you are the among the lowest life forms on this planet and you're genuinely too stupid and narcissistic to understand it
which is why we have to be relentless in whacking you on the head every single fucking time until you learn like a dog who keeps pissing the carpet

Anyway here's my minecraft base can you guys give me more tips on how to improve it please :)
What do you think it needs?
Support structure?
Gravitational stabilizers?
>don't make it a big huge thing straight out of gigastructural engineering
Don't kid yourself anon, this is a megagrindpack.
It's the kind of superstructure the people who like dildonics thinks looks cool.
I.E., clowns.
Just Farmer's Delight and More Slabs Stairs and Walls for this one I think
And I guess Amendments to place the moss carpet on the slabs
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But the Neutronium Gigaforge IS cool, if done right and in the right setting.
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Granted, #notallmultiblocks

I like how reika's reactors look. Despite them being as performant as looking at an eclipse with sunglasses.
How's progress on reactorcraft on the serb btw?
what mod for the framed stained glass panes
okay, we can still be friends
personally not on the serb
I'm going to play through chromaticraft (eventually) in my toymy before I do the dragon pack, then cheat the research stuff in to the new pack
looks like a layer of microblocks on top
one day I'll play reikashit
but the fact it's literally incompatible with NHEI irks me to no end
I can't even imagine going back to oldschool NEI after using it for half my life it's such a fucking downgrade
and that's without all the other issues
definitely won't play a reikapack because good god we've seen how buggy those POS are
Probably should've made it with a different color palette and added another ring or two. It's already too big to fit in anything but a skyblock voidbase so a little more can't hurt.
that thing Is literally a chinese addon (twisted spess) brought into mainside 5u.
It's embarrassing to look at and especially the fact they're using those people's designs as inspiration.
Then again 5u is an embarrassing mod made by embarrassing people.
what does it being huge have anything to do with grinding? they just order everything in 1 click with ae2 and place it all at once with the blueprint (which now connects to ae2 also)
so... what's the difference between that and a singleblock machine?
gives a visual sense of scale
>"it looks cool"
But empirically, people build these in void worlds/space and keep them chunkloaded to reduce TPS lag that comes from already having a base capable of crafting something like that.
well yes
but the idea (implanted when you build it and watch it spin up for the first time) that you've got one of these going is something
and you do have to interact with it sometimes for upgrades
they post a screenshot of them making it on discord then never look at it again
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>I am going to make this gigantic animated multiblock structure to stick it in a corner in a void world outside of render distance that I'll never see while I check numbers go up in my ae2 system and I will never interact with it outside of once every 500 hours when I need to change wires

...So it's a glorified singleblock machine.
I'm not sure you know this, but you're looking at monitor right now
also there's an upgrade tree which makes you look at it more often than once every 500 hours
yes, what isn't?
is this anime pic a girl or a boy
its a man
3x3x3 multiblock machines, which are an example of big cubes of single blocks into a multiblock, as god intended.
it is essentially just a cube, but bigger
it is meant to represent something intuitively, this machine is slightly bigger but it's still a cube, it does more things or different things

everything in gtnh now is a giant ass "fucking doodle whatever the fuck you want and we'll render it sure I don't care" because their dopamine receptors get fried thousands of hours in
>everything in gtnh now is a giant ass "fucking doodle whatever the fuck you want and we'll render it sure I don't care" because their dopamine receptors get fried thousands of hours in
yes but all machines still serve the same purpose
oh so you don't like non-cube or non-voxel models
that sort of autism
I see
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the double ring doughnut is done
play shincolle
I installed GTNH and I have block lag in singleplayer.
It can't be my PC cause I'm running 5800X with 32GB of ram.
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Congrats on trying to put a label on me because you simply disagree with my views, very mature of you.

That's how minecraft mods have always been outside of IE models.
IE models get a pass because they actually look cool, that's the mod's whole point.
GTNH's multiblocks are dull, uninspired and factory mass produced. They are literally made of the same kind of textureless uniform color blocks over and over that are interchangable within eachother. They are ugly by default and they serve no purpose.

If you're going to try and make a multiblock, at least go the IE route.

But no, gtnh decided to go the "YOU GET A MULTIBLOCK AND YOU GET A MULTIBLOCK AND YOU GET A MULTIBLOCK EVERYONE GETS A MULTIBLOCK" and since they don't have a dedicated sprite artist, they stuck to soulless textureless fullcolor blocks that you're supposed to pretend are somehow better.

What you get are balls of fucking ugly all over your base you have to hide. At least when I play IE I'm proud to display and frame my machine, instead of trying to put them in a void world or in a corner...
>They are literally made of the same kind of textureless uniform color blocks over and over that are interchangable within eachother.
didn't read lol also filtered my mv
>deathblowing gregfags in a gregthread
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I'm a gregfag myself (I play gt6 mostly, gt5 never really caught my interest other than infitech 2 and ever that was kinda not my style, even when I tried to make my own version of it by cutting off some junk and updating some mods) and I obsess about aesthetics in general.
I try to make my builds look good while still incorporating GT blocks. Which is why I try to do my own spritework and piggyback on other texturepacks.
I can understand the idea that "greg = ugly" because god damn, the vanilla textures of every greg version are just super utilitarian, but gt5u really goes above and beyond with its multiblock fetish in ways that I'll never understand, and it's been going on the wrong fucking way, full speed, for the last 5 fucking years or so.
This is a silly old project I did ages ago where I tried to mask the distillery with a hellboy face, with the horns, eyes and everything. It's very much not the best, and I even used ae2 cells fluid tanks to try and make the byproduct look okayish I made by gt6 crucible autosmelter into a dragon face and my (temporary) ore dust setup into a snake with ender eyes on the last two blocks and a forked tongue. I like playing around doing dumb shit like that.
Their approach is sloppy and more of a "let's hammer the triangle into the square hole until it fits" in my opinion.
I prefer something you can have fun with. GT6 adds covers that actually look pretty decent to even try to smooth out the ugliness of its blocks, and a built-in chisel option where you can even make the covers look different by chiseling them.
>Congrats on trying to put a label on me because you simply disagree with my views, very mature of you.
nigga is crying

stop replying to yourself
you stop replying to me nigger i aint him
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>gt5u fan
>"lol no u also stop replying to urself lole"
>gt6 enjoyer
>elaborate reply with images and screenshots explaining his arguments every step of the way that people interact with
and people wonder why people dunk on greggers so much
im gonna use n-word if you dont sthap
please understand, there's a loud minority of gtnh posters in this thread who are not really people in the strict sense of the thing. They're living, breathing basedjacks. You learn to ignore them.
>mirrored fluid tanks
kinda cool ngl
what's the cumtank for
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>in a chunk divided void base
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Lube! Soulsand oil was making so much it actually overflowed and I had to mirror the setup because I wanted to have a second set of tanks, it actually was just distributed differently before. I later found out about GT6's multiblock tanks, but I kept that one because it looked neat. The overflow just went under the platform into the tanks, or in the case of lube, I mostly just voided it.
You know, I should probably try to use lube to drown maids one of these days. The leggy beverly model ones.
I haven't been able to play much of my toymy lately, too busy with work.

I know, I was learning, I scrapped that design forever ago, that's a 4 year old picture and I used to have a crappy laptop that worked best in a completely isolated setup. Nowadays I try to go for floating islands and give them character. I'm testing out this new metaworld preset to work out something that isn't only sky islands.
Ironically the most wojak thing of all is to write paragraphs crying that other people playing video game versions you don't like. Grow up.
>stop having opinions that is so cringe vgh
>why don't you have my same opinion, like everyone else in the discord servers I hang out with
maybe you should go out of your comfort zone a bit more, anon. This is an anonymous webforum, after all. People are bound to have different opinions than you. If you think that's scary, or weird, maybe you should... go back to your safe space :^)
I'm not the one tweaking about "nhiggers" and "new hormones" daily
oh lawdie nigga's straight up roasting
...I have no idea what you're talking about. I come here every few months to check on the thread and I saw people talking back and forth about new horizons' new multiblock forge and decided to add my five cents. Are you doing alright?
protip: you're both faggots and should post builds or go back
he's the thread's obsessed schizo
ignore him, everyone who says bad things about gaytech new hormones is his sworn enemy lmao
Ah, that cements >>493375602 I guess.
well, nice to have a chat with you guys again, you've been mostly civil. I wonder if the guy who was playing his gt6 run still uploads on youtube, he was cool. I'll have to check.
totally normal behavior

>mostly civil
>meanwhile, totally not deranged behavior
you're obsessed mentally unstable and and unwell please get help bottom feeders like you can't grandstand for shit
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Please just ignore the thread lolcow
Together we can rise beyond his retardation, he's already cowering in shame and hiding his name, he can't help being born like this and giving him more attention will only make it worse
he'll go back to /dsg/ eventually
holy fucking autism
All of these posts are made by one poster, presumably
If that's you, seek help.
Haven't touched reactorcraft yet. I've been focusing on the magic side of things since tech without ae2 is pure pain
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it gets so much worse

this guy cannot be reasoned with, he is beyond retarded
you have been given /vg/'s hardest battle, it's up to you to be /vg/'s strongest warriors
stay strong, love from /erg/
i really don't care about any of this man
Keep posting about it, I'm sure that's going to help!
I do, it's like lifting up a carpet because you smell something bad and realize you have a black mold infestation

it's important to know who you're talking to so you absolutely and categorically ignore everything it might say and never take it seriously
I'm afraid ignoring the problem can only go so far in these cases
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okay THIS is epic
and I guess I didn't need to farm all of those pigmen because the craft just takes (or in this case combines) the stats into the next sword
I remember enjoying thaumcraft a ton when i messed around with it in Blightfall.
I heard GTNH has it as well, will it be different or is the experience going to be as good?
>obsessing this much about a fat, ugly narcissistic NEET who spends his life wasting his time shitposting on 4 different /vg/ threads
Slashblade autism is the best autism.
Are you having a stroke or did you misquote?
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refined 87 times for .5~ damage
i accidentally crafted the sword I was using and then realised that I could transfer everything that way which was pretty neat
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You should stop doing this every thread. I just want to play minecraft.
>Are you having a stroke or did you misquote?
that's him falseflagging horribly. Also see >>493379793

This is why you can't simply ignore the retard. When ignored, he makes a problem. In his tiny little brain, trying to blame the slashblade anon playing 1.12 is somehow going to fix his problems, because he believes everyone is going to be confused by his extreme strategist cunning. You can see how he's reverse searched the dude's skin as well.
It's like watching a toddler play chess and drool all over the pieces, moving them in the wrong place, and say checkmate.
Let me reiterate >>493355953
god you're so fucking stupid zenovis of course you play gtnh and souls games UGH
no im not your obsese shut upp
I just want to play minecraft. Stop name dropping and shit stirring. I've ignored all of your posts until now, but it's clear you're one of the retards that keeps starting this shit every thread.
Follow your advice and shut up. I'm playing minecraft.
>times I have been annoyed by "zenovis"'s posts: 0 (he plays minecraft)
>times I have been annoyed at your posts: every time (you don't play minecraft)
I haven't uploaded in a while cuz of life stuff (baby on the way), but I'll post again sometime soon. I'm nearly at the end either way; the only stuff left is high-level fission reactors and then fusion. Not sure if I'll continue after that. If anything I would just improve my builds because my current ones are atrociously ugly and purely functional
To his credit he actually does, it's the other guy (there's two of them) that doesn't play minecraft.
Ok well I like the one that plays minecraft. I don't care which one it is, I don't keep track
>baby on the way
Congratulations anon, super glad for you. Glad to hear your're still going on with your project, too! I've learned a few tips and tricks along the way watching you play.
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>STILL fucking arguing
best poster
Yeah. Happens to all threads, we've had worse.
gtnh bros is it just me or does vanilla sugar cane grow slow af
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where is she from
I like the one that doesn't shit up half the thread just by existing
Remember hermitcraftspam anon who had a script to repost from the archive? Nothing will beat that.
it doesn't
Really appreciate the comparison.
Thanks man, glad to hear that I was able to share some knowledge along the way. There's tons of little GT6 quirks that you don't realize until you just test it in creative, so I've spent probably too much time just messing around testing random interactions. Maybe it'd be worth documenting some things if I get the motivation. I'm tempted to go for a megabase project as well since it's easy to just bang out some stuff on the side while I'm "working" as well
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1.7 port WHEN
Harvest Festival mod
i mined some calcite and fluorite ores but that's it
gonna have time to play for the rest of september finally
reika has never made anything that looks even remotely good, let alone something that works in the Minecraft style
is that pylon made from chisels&bits?
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why does it say that?
lol, lmao
i had trouble connecting to a nuversions LAN server too
You can't play pirated multiplayer in GTNH

You can just set B:fixNetHandlerLoginServerOfflineMode to false in the server's hodgepodge.cfg.
best nuversion pack? looking for 1.20 or 1.21, just played aof7, lots of empty goals and overlap. magic mods are gay, also.
How am I supposed to get into tech mods? I want to play them but I don't want to spend hours reading shit just to learn how to do anything.
then tech mods are not for you
Aw shucks
Guess I'll stick to Create.
create and other tech mods require the same amount of reading up on
Create is easier to understand though
It simply explains everything to you. I mean more complex mods like whatever is in the OP image. Or Gregtech and what-have-you.
pondering is a great mechanic yes, but if you were able to learn create you can learn whatever else there is
Gregtech is hardly all that difficult, it just has a load of different materials and processing lines. You only have like 30 machines total with varying tiers which only change power requirement and processing speed. It's more complex than deep
besides, nobody is saying you have to start with GT
Good point.
whats the difference between multimc and polymc
only if you're christian
how is gregtech hard? you just have 1 giant dildo that spurts out items
There are a lot of words.
polymc is the quilt to multimc's fabric
hey, FUCKER! post your nature builds and farms
how do i get good at building
you kind of just have to keep doing it, and you'll slowly improve over the course of months and years.
Playing around and testing out builds in creative is a good way to fast track improvement, because it lets you ignore the other aspects of minecraft that aren't related to building.
I guess bears do shit in the woods.
go play factorio first, once you realize "tech mods" are all just importing factory builder game mechanics it'll make sense.
I refuse.
Intel uhd graphics 630
Intel i5-8400 cpu
12gb ram
what servers can i play?
cool yard full of junk anon
>spend hours downloading mods
>spend hours fixing compatibility issues
>spend hours reading up on how each mod functions
>create world
>punch tree
>get bored
>close game
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If you have a 3x3 square (or more) of the same block, swap some of them out for blocks of a similar texture or color (sometimes you need to think of blocks more as colors and textures than what they actually are for this)
Depth is also extremely important, even something as simple as pushing your walls in one block
The 2 biggest cheat codes though are to have a superflat testing world to experiment and plan your builds, and to look at other people's builds for inspiration. Hobbling together bits and pieces you've knicked from other builds until you fundamentally understand building really is a decent way to get started (just don't ever directly copy a build, because that won't actually teach you anything)
if you're just hosting it'll be fine on whatever you want
>>spend hours reading up on how each mod functions
found your problem, your choices in mods are to complex if you need to read up on how they function at all, much less for hours at a time
you get bored playing minecraft because you're not looking to play minecraft. you want to play your factory/tech mods, but you have to play minecraft to get to them.
this is why every now and then you have to play some vanilla+ or at least play with a minimalist modlist
i got no experience in hosting, although it would be an easy task if i did so
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I have now named them all
How will you be able to tell Harrison and Costanza apart
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the beatles are orange the seinfelds are green and the apostles are grey
this is great stuff
It wasn't a request, gregtard
the thing about create is that cogs and gears are miles beyond pipes and blocks when it comes to new player understanding. it's all visual, and every part of whatever machine you build has animated work it engages in, letting you see what is and isn't working without ever clicking into a GUI. the devs also seem to actively try and avoid the nested recipe hell that most tech mods become. it's pretty neat.
Is it ever bad to have too much memory allocated?
I just opened a modpack and it told me I have over the recommended maximum, which is 10000 MB (I have 32000 MB out of 64000 MB total allocated)
iirc giving the game too much ram can make garbage collection take long enough to affect your performance
don't give it more than like 6-8 gigs
garbage collection happens constantly and it's only slowed down by actual allocated memory. I allocate all the ram on my pc.
Why do you have a cane Grandma?
uhhh anon i think you mean that factorio has imported tech mod builder game mechanics
Thoughts on mccaws?
What launcher should I use? I'm currently on MultiMC.
not poorly made, just way too modern for my tastes. i only like rustic and medieval decoration mods
it just does all i need it to (particularly browsing and downloading mods from within the launcher), and i never had an issue with it
what decoration mods do you like?
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>reika pack playing nigga was a tranny all along
dusty decorations and handcrafted are decent
farmer's delight is pretty good for decoration too though that's not the purpose of the mod
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>february 2020
It has been 4 fucking years already?
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What's a good RPG modpack? I seriously can't decide.
I really enjoyed MCRPG Oedipus Unleashed
nta but that sounded awesome and now i'm sad that it doesn't exist
When you start a modpack for the first time, how do you decide what modded content to get into? Without a questbook to tell me what's in the pack, I usually just stick to what I know from vanilla progression. Are you supposed to just look at the list of mods and research every individual one before playing?
I usually start with the Oedipus content first
I gather some resources, see what I can now craft using whatever recipe mod is installed, if something looks neat or weird I start to work towards it while looking up a bit of what the mod it's from is about.
i reckon next year's april fools snapshot will have minecraft movie stuff in it
What mod are those lights from? The ones on the left look like ProjectRed, but the rest look ever so slightly different.
look around JEI for whatever mod seems the most overtuned. usually mekanism and some storage mod.
Is Tekkit any good?
It's complete crap due to having the equivalent of exchange, but at the time there was no choice. On the other hand you can just not use this mod.
Are you eastern european?
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I don't want half my base blowing up because I messed up a wire...
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make proper fence
pick different shader
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my barn and chicken coop already have proper fences i need some variety
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what this
>already have proper fences
doesn't it make sense to build everything in the same style?
they're stiles, which function like putting a carpet on top of a fence, letting the player jump over but not mobs
there's a difference between building in the same style and everything looking identical
Mojang in SHAMBLES. This should be in the game.
>using shaders
how does that even
>newfag shit his pants
You'll never be og
genuine hearty kek
unironically true
what's wrong with equivalent of exchange
mawpc but unironically(unironically)
i have no clue what mawpc means because i'm new here
knowledge issue
it (relatively) quickly and easily turns into an infinite resource printer
tell me what it means
Means your pc can't run it
Might As Well Play Creative.
minecraft feels dull without shaders now that i've used them
Shaders are like having a prolapse
reduces most items in the game to a number(emc) and lets the player generate an infinite amount of emc with the only real tech upgrades being
-it generates more EMC or
-it can hold more EMC
as the mod has been updated, forked and ported over the years the list of things you can convert through emc got longer (it was already bad when it was just vanilla stuff and ingots) to the point where you can pull out fresh machines from your transmutation tablet but those fresh machines are pointless because the process you need them for is unnecessary as you can just pull out the resource you were going to make instead but why do you need that resource when you can just pull out the thing that you were going to craft with that resource etc etc etc until you realise that there's no reason to interact with 90% of the systems in the game
I agree, especially since it's been a long time since the overexposure crap has turned into a decent composition.
so >>493450128 was correct all along
unless you're a smooth-brained monkey
obviously i cannot compare to your vast intellect, but i'm guessing you meant to use the word "if" instead of "unless"? please forgive my insolence for correcting one as great as you.
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What is the point of those tech mods where you gather a bunch of resources? You have the autominer, you have the sorting, you have the thing crafting other things and then sorting those things, and then what?
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Noob house with chicken farm from the start of a world. Believe it or not, this is modded.
then you use the thing that crafts other things to craft more autominers to gather more resources to craft more things that craft other things to craft even more autominers to gather even more resources to
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>minecraft movie announcement
>thread is starting to fill up with stupid questions
you're not welcome here
what does this gif mean
the thing that carries blood through the body and back to the heart, yes
I still don't get the usage of it in this post
that's because minecraft is running a lighting engine from 2010. it took years for shadows to be added. shaders + sodium + iris are mandatory if you aren't running on a 10 year old craptop
don't care i'm gonna ask questions whether you like it or not
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That ain't it
Would there be any interest in a mod that makes the new music more closely resemble c418's style instead of outright removing them
sure, sounds cool
Its the jugluar and its one of the biggest arteries that carries blood from the head/brain back to the heart, generally when you cut the jugular you are also cutting the common carotid artery, which is one of the biggest arteries in your body and contributes to why people bleed out and die so quick when its cut. Blood is draining from your head and your heart simultaneously
...And what does this have to do with thread filling up with stupid people from the minecraft movie announcement?
>Its the jugluar and its one of the biggest arteries
Its one of the biggest veins*
It isn't an artery.
Well, I suck at getting a bed early on so I spend the first couple of nights in a hobbit hole where I don't have much to do so I poke around in NEI/JEI and see what's available. I also press R or U on various items I come across to see if they have some hidden mod interaction that leads me down a rabbit hole. Most major content mods also have starter guides that give you a quick rundown on what the mod offers. Trying to follow vanilla progression and exploring will also make you run into various mods too.
>In an autistic game general
>shocked autism is in the general
New I see.
Making elegant solutions to complex problems tickles my dopamine receptors. It's like building a big castle. You know you'll never get a real use out of it, but the process of making one is fun and the end result is always a wonder to wander through
why do modders refuse to do anything interesting with potions
its always just a bunch of useless or broken effects (no in between) and nothing else
i want to grind shit up with a mortar and pestle, i want to mix ingredients in a roiling cauldron, i want to explore the world to find rare and exotic ingredients
basically i want farmer's delight but for alchemy/brewing
IMO it's because they don't stack by default
Stop playing trash packs on ancient versions.
what happens to me when I read stupid questions, like yours.
>i want
just make an addon with kubejs or use Mcreator faggot
I just wanted to trick someone into defending it so I could talk about it without (You) interfering
I have no interest in modern trooncraft
Hunger and sprinting were fucking mistakes
Item bloat is retarded just in vanilla let alone mods
people prefer permanent buffs via baubles
why this general so toxic?
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Retard intolerance.
What's toxic about it?
its honestly very tame compared to the rest of the board
/tesg/ had some deranged guy post loli in their thread for 2 days because someone posted a cartoon dog or mentioned trannies or something.
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I haven't play the mine game in like a week, is it over?
i'm not going to learn how to code just to make a minecraft mod

it's not about the buffs it's about the flavor
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If I hadn't known that CustomNPC was ported to nu-versions, I would have picked this up just because.
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I don't know if it's Terralith or Towns and Towers that generated this but I fucking love it. Best of all there's a free room with bed and chest in the castle and 3 forges with materials throughout town.
I just use the C4Music resourcepack.
I recently got back into the game after a year long break.
>CustomNPC was ported to nu-versions
No it isn't. Is it? Last I check nobody made an actual attempt at a port.
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Made this in blockbench, added it as an item in mcreator and here's how it turned out. The tutorial I followed used horse armour and something like CIT, I just made my own item. Do I have to use a helmet? I don't think my textures and model file would translate properly.

Looks good.
Must be Terralith since I don't have Towns and taverns installed but still sometimes find these villages. But yeah they're great finds.
It's on the official CustomNPC discord. Some dude went ham and started porting it with Noppes' approval, but is considered unofficial.
Versions are 1.19.1, and 1.20.1~ forge/fabric with some fixes here and there.

It seems like everything I made in 1.18 I was able to bring forward.
why is it always pisscord
>build a large build from pneumaticraft
>has safety valve and security upgrades on everything
>works fine for hours
>exit game
>load up the game
>everything just starts blowing up
This mod is ass. They need to stop adding this shit to packs.
FUck. I guess I'm not in too much of a rush so I'll wait for whenever it's released. Or just play on my older packs.
works on my machine.
>start to build base
>tear it all down because it looks fucking ugly
>start to build base
>tear it all down because it looks fucking ugly
>start to build base
>tear it all down because it looks fucking ugly
at this point im just about ready to give up and make it entirely out of fucking smooth stone
inside of you there are two wolves
one is a lawnbasechad
there isn't another one I lied actually
Just make ugly builds dude, its not the end of the world. Sometimes is to build something and then work with it later, see it as a challenge rather than a failure.
Is your system hooked up to a pressure vessel? It makes it smooth out any fluctuations in the system pressure, which helps on world load, especially if you have a potato
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Its okay, I also make mods using Mcreator.
mizuno's, catpeople, or we don't scratch?
Yeah, good point. Mostly, as the other guy said, it's because so many other mods add various fairly easily accessible ways of getting buffs. I've thought about it before, really, and I think one of the times was due to considering Witchery/Bewitchment, which I consider to be really great mods: You could get a lot more out of "magic" mods (as well as vanilla Minecraft magic mechanics, like enchanting and potion making) by slowing down the progression of various mods. (I.e. making it so that beginning with technological mods is hard, and can't be done until you have a lot of resources.) Sadly, most players don't really want to wait, and most mod makers can't be bothered to plan for their mod being meant for one certain part of a common established game meta-progression. Hence, most mods naturally end up being stuff you can get started with fairly early, including most magic mods. This quickly makes potion effects tedious and unnecessary.
But holy fuck, yeah, I'd love for a TFC-like modpack that tried to be as realistic as possible while also including lots of magic mods. I think it would be easy to make potions a viable fairly early-game source of power.
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Got it. Followed this tutorial, more or less.
What exactly makes a multi block, a "multi block"?
I was reading the thread and saw you guys arguing that gt5u's (gtnh specifically) multiblocks are just scaled up single blocks.
Fuck off.
Mizuno 16's download links 404, can someone please catbox it?
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Finally a good use for AI, getting answers when Reika won't
What is the most tedious minecraft modpack out there? It can't be GTNH, it's been out for way too long for someone to NOT look at it and try to out-tedium it.
Hold on blin, how did you ask it that
probably sevtech since that was designed to be tedious
I just pasted the entire crystalgeodegenerator.class since I figured this might be what I was looking for, then told gpt it was a minecraft mod and I was looking for the geode
Ok so whats the honest deal with reterraforged? I think the terrain looks gorgeous but the number of other factors make me wonder if I shouldn't just use another terrain gen mod. The way I see, the issues with reterraforged are:
-Indefinite development, they version chase and the 1.20+ versions will never be totally finished since they will just hop as soon as the new version is out, asfaik there is no full release currently
-I see a lot of screenshots of beautiful mountains, forests and plains, but I've actually never seen a desert, swamp or snow region, does reterraforged even have the full list of biomes?
-How are caves in the mod? I also have never seen anyone share cave screenshots

Can any anon give some insight?
based, I use AI for documentation regularly
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i like that in vanilla for renewable gravel/obsidian/etc you need to genocide the zombie pigmen and then sell the gold back to the regular pigmen
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MCA is a weird mod.
Last I played this there is no cooldown for reprocreate, so that gets me thinking if you can just spam it to get unlimited steak?
Ever wanted to play Minecraft in the rings of J1407b? Well, now you can.
>that fps
>rings are square
kinda based
>-I see a lot of screenshots of beautiful mountains, forests and plains, but I've actually never seen a desert, swamp or snow region, does reterraforged even have the full list of biomes?
This is my main problem with it too. Plains/forests/mountains/rivers look amazing, but there is no terrain variation when it comes to other climates, making it extremely boring to play on.

Personally, I use Lithosphere, which features similar shapes and slopes as RTF, but on a smaller, more playable scale. It also has similar river generation, and it works well with all biomes. I use Wilder Wild, Continents+, and Stony Cliffs Are Cool with it.
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Just a bit more.
this is the ugliest shit I've seen in minecraft
what's a good projectE modpack? hate grinding
whats ugly about it? looks fine to me
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>start getting into late-game create mod stuff
>have The Factory Must Grow installed because moving from steam power to electricity sounds cool
>random things dont work from TFMG
>upgrade to newer version of TFMG
>different random things dont work and server times out heavily at random
How is there not a single good electricity addon for create
its steampunk for a reason anon
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Yeah, I know.
But something about setting the server era right around the turn of the century with the dawn of electricity just feels right.
Making factories to produce menial stuff like bricks so you can build bigger factories, or charcoal so you can feed the always hungry steam engine to generate power so everything stays running.
It has potential as a thematic collection of mods, I feel. Just the right amount of tech.
what server
private one I run with a couple friends on the weekends when we're all out off work
>big lumbering gearbox machines and giant gears spinning with steam locomotives and conveyors
>giant boxes of bullshit electricity with soulless teleport pipes and wires
steampunk forever mate
As much as it pains me to say this, but Project Architect 2 is actually pretty good, it's on 1.20.1. If your looking for something on 1.12.2 A Trip to Avartia is pretty fun.
what are the specs? I want to do the same, and it seems I will run about the same amount of mods.
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I don't have any teleport pipes, everything still has to be moved around physically. For example:
Logs are harvested via a machine at the town (seen in the image above). They are sorted by log type into vaults and each stack is split in half. Half goes to our reserve (for building or materials or whatever), the other half gets sent to a vault that unloads when a train comes by. The train travels 4km and through a mountain to get to the main city I started as a side project since I made an automatic charcoal factory there (>>493516595 left building, right building is the powerplant).
Logs are run along a series of belts and bulk blasted into charcoal. Half goes to the power plant there for fuel, the other half goes in a vault that is set to empty from 70% down to 30% with a threshold switch into the hopper cars seen in the right of that image. Those hopper cars travel back to the main town to drop off charcoal. One car is sent to the local power plant, one car is sent into storage, one car is sent to be compacted into regular coal so it can be sent elsewhere to be turned into coke for steel.
There's still belts and cogs everywhere in each factory or building, it just means not every building needs its own SU generator.
its on my old parts. R5 3600, 32GB DDR4 3200, server is run off some cheap m.2. I had a brief issue with connection loss that turned out to be industrial iron blocks, so dont use those things they fuck with chunk loading for some reason.
>industrial iron blocks
from what mod?
which makes you either blind or retarded
i wish i had friends that weren't vanillafaggots
not him but pretty sure it's either create or create:decor
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Just the regular create blocks of industrial iron.
I built a big rail network that pings back and forth between some of the major locations on the map so people can get around (the longest one takes a good 8 minutes between stops). Naturally, it required I make some bridges. Since the city near this one is a little more "advanced" than some of the other towns I wanted to build a slightly more modern bridge, build lots of components out of blocks of industrial iron.
Problem was that whenever anyone went near the bridge their ping would skyrocket from the usual 65ms or so up to well over 1000ms. Couldn't figure out what it was - removed all copycat blocks, removed all framed blocks, checked for broken or invisible entities. The only thing that fixed it was removing every single piece of industrial iron. I was even able to keep any framed blocks or copycats.
Now you roll right on by all these bridges without a single care and I still cant figure out for the life of me why a single fucking building block would cause that many problems.
bugreport it
the only reasonable explanation i can think of is some retardation with wrench-pickup code
but andesite casings and stuff can also be wrenched to pickup and i haven't seen them cause lag
I'm still waiting for a Steampunk Create addon.
>you must use circuit assembling line or the circuits cost 6x!!!
>look at the recipe
>only 6x the circuit boards are needed
What a meme, these are cheap af
Does anyone do mekanism?

Im pretty lost right now.

I made a 7x7x7 fission reactor.
I was wondering how big I would have to make a turbine with the saturating condensers to make it a self fulfilling loop.
is there an /mmcg/ discord?
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No. Also kill yourself.
I made one just now
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Shut the fuck up, retard.
1.18.2 or 1.20.1?
why do gay people come to 4chan of all places?
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1.8 or 1.12
Indev or Beta?
Full mod list?
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Xbox 360 or PE?
>the rings of J1407b
Doesn't exist.
is this an /r/mmcg fallback forum?
>log into my server
>""play"" for 2 minutes (I just order some stuff on my AE2 system)
>log out
>2 weeks later, I receive a mail that my crafts are finished
gtnh is so easy bros, I finished it in less than 1000 hours!
this but it's a bot that takes a screenshot and posts it anonymously to the mmcg thread on 4chan board vg
>Project Architect 2
You know what, might as well try it
pesky greggers will never learn
Do I have mental issues if I get immensely bothered by Create railroads coexisting with vanilla railroads?
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No, you're just autistic (based).
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>I want to write an addon for sending an e-mail when a large job(probably takes a day) finishes
this is what newhalvers actually need
>one PR triggered xer
>make fun of something
you sound like the triggered one here, sister
yes because Minecraft is older than sim city. shut the fuck up, you sound so fucking stupid it's unreal.
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>goblin's pose
I know it's running, but at first I thought it looked like pic related
I bet she wears nothing under that loin cloth
Mom! The Harris voters are being snarky to each other again!
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Is there a way to manually set up a MCA Reborn building? My Inn keeps turning into a storage room because of my lecterns.
Based server and build. I've wanted to do similar, but I inevitably fall back on the convenience of putting everything in one place
is there a mod that makes the world generate all around you more
i want to use distant horizons but i don't want to load all the chunks by going around to make it work
Just pregenerate them with chunky
Anon, DH has a distant generator.
fucking oculus 1.7.0 why don't they update it already it keeps crashing my game, even by itself
Are there no good Thaumcraft packs other than Blightfall and GTNH?
and now i can't find a version of rubidium that will work fuck this used to be easy
fucking finally i fixed it by downloading old ass versions from a year ago. do these people just not test their shit before updating it? and why did they call it fucking oculus? why not make up a new name instead of using the name of a super popular vr headset?
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she's all natural, baby
>good thaumcraft pack
might as well put infitech in there while you're at it and all the old gt5u packs with thaumcraft in it that were the inspiration for gtnh in the first place
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Botania done
Once you taste CREATE you cannot go back to other tech mods.
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Recommend me some optimized packs (like CreateAstral, as in playable with less than 4gb ram)
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lock that bitch Gaia in an infinite mob grinder for me
why does it seem like more and more threads on 4chan just has a dedicated ai spammer now
Is her mod something unique? I think I tried it in a modpack. I think it was called "Farming Valley" which was an attempt to make Minecraft more farming focused like Harvest Moon. I don't think I have ever tried her mod as a stand-alone.
Harvest Festival is her mod. It revamps it closer to Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley. Namely went unfinished and got split up in nuversions to also go unfinished. Most modpacks with it just drag and dropped it but its tweakable in the legacy version so there's potential, which is the basis for my TOYMY.
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any fun military/gun themed modpacks? I only know of Guns RPG
>ME Wireless Connector
what does that mean
the best pack
gregtech: new horizons
There's no report option for it, other than extremely low quality
levelz; mawpc or not?
>unfinished and got split up in nuversions to also go unfinished
Ah fuck. Such is life.
What are some lightweight vanilla/vanilla+ mods?
Currently i have tectonic and terralith. using fabric for muh performance
Well there's that Battlefield mod overhaul. But I think it's mostly a multiplayer thing. I DON't know many modpacks except maybe The Last Days of Humanity. It's a zombie survival and even has Team Fortress 2 npcs spawn. But I found it too hard without tweaking settings and never really played too much of it.
I'd recommend Tinkers' Construct (best mod ever btw) but since you're a fabriccuck you're better off using Hephaestus, which is a fabric port of it.
the one you make yourself
it is a shame, but some of the divided mods are pretty good on their own, but it looks like they're dead in 1.16.5. it is the mod that brought the world Serene Seasons fork
Could you please use a tripcode? Your posts are so good we want a way to identify that it's you.
What's the best modpack that adds literally every mod I want and has no mods that I don't want?
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tripcodes are for fags
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friends and foes is the obvious answer since it's just the mobs that lost their mob vote
farmer's delight actually makes farming and cooking fun somehow and could probably just be implemented into vanilla as it's own update
dungeons and taverns, and explorify both add some vanilla friendly structures to make exploring more fun
antique atlas isn't the most feature rich map mod but makes up for it by being kind of gorgeous and very immersive (picrel)
visuality, particular, and fresh animations all make the game look much nicer without resorting to sovlless shaders
You could also just use any name, or have some sort of pattern in your filenames. Just so I can use an automated system to figure out which posts are yours.
just filter each image individually, you whiner.
holy shit these are all great, exactly what im looking for!!! thank you!@!!!
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even if I did that for you, I know you'll still click the hidden message to see what it is
the problem with avatarfags who use AI is that they have a limitless amount of pictures to spam the thread with.
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right click with slab on a slope and you can put a smooth slab over the entire thing.
Blew my mind when I first saw it.
I think LMFT might not be necessary but I have it there just in case. Create love and war used to have issues with material tags but the more modern version has fixed it.
>natures compass
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Explain, I haven't used it much but I know someone who has for exploring for specific biomes since they're collecting all the biome-specific uniques and putting them into a museum.
I love the challenge that the improved mountains bring for building railways. This one particular range spans an entire north/south band on the continent so we had to blast through a mountain to get across.
tectonic+terralith, increased world height, large biomes
one of those mods that make ore deposits enormous but incredibly spaced out
whatever the abrivation is
i did it
i made my own modpack
with gregtech modern and crossroads at the base of it all
dividing ore processing into 4-5 different mods
and continuing to try to unite all those mods
i feel like a god of shit

im a little happy my friends enjoy (ed playing it for 2 weeks)
but they want to come back to it and give me some more feedback

always wanted to try to make a proper modpack
>new vanilla gen is shit
>installed mod that turns everything into boring flat fields
in that case you could just play superflat
nice job anon
wait... people are actually making their own modpacks?
if you don't make your own modpacks you're not doing it right. i've made 12 on multimc and haven't played any of them for more than 1 hour. I'm better than all of you.
Have been since 1.7.10 probably. Ran a server for my dorm floor back in university.
Arguably, its the best way to enjoy a minecraft modpack since you can tweak and tune everything to your liking, or add things that people don't usually mix together.
Back in 1.7.10 the three way path we had was in Tinkers construct, Ars Magicka 2, and Thaumcraft. You had 3 different ways of becoming extremely powerful.
i think it's very cool that mojang releases genuinely nice looking mountains but ruins them by spamming ancient cities under them
>died at 1.19.2
i've literally never played a modpack that i didn't make (unless you include using fabulously optimized as a base for my own mod list)
how do i get jenny mod
tell me how i get jenny mod
may God have mercy on your soul you weak little man
that page reads like it was ai generated
wow i was just messing around with a mod that adds the enchantment system from dungeons and it's honestly so much more kino than what we got, i think i found a new permanent addition to my mod list bros
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The official website is https://fapcraft.org
That web site is not an official source.

The mod is not that great though.
that only starts at LuV or something, and yeah they become mandatory. You need loads of them.
yea I was hoping the retard got a virus
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[Good News] The GTNH team is constantly working to improve your experience
>gut stinkers
>still several gregtech alloys and materials only used ONCE for a meme side recipe
How is create fabric? Close to parity with create forge?
is there an actual list of what they removed
To my knowledge it is (note: I have never played on fabric)
Why does PolyMC exist? Should I use it instead of MultiMC?
rape tough tool rods
discord drama. stick to multi.
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i think i like this mechanic
well, it is GPL-3.0
so someone could fork it
I've played 130 hours of atm9 and never touched gregtech.
>Tinkers' Construct
>MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
Swagger Epic Gaming Time.
>BoP without BiblioCraft
>Gayfish fartichure mod
People like you make this world a worse place. Shame on you.
not my fault people get addicted to shitty mods
>nearing the end of the game, probably about to fight the ender dragon
>find a bunch of mods i really like and want to use
>too autistic to just add them to my current save, have to start over
its so over for me, im never getting my shulker boxes
what's wrong with tinkers' construct, BoP (without bibliocraft), and MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod?
stinkers is too centralizing. It has its uses but pretty much makes other modded tools useless unless you go about tweaking constantly. BoP is fine but GayFish is janky furniture, while Bibliocraft both adds compatibility for most mods it can and has some very nice furniture. fuckin ai
what's the best furniture mod, then?
i already said it you chatgpt fork
ermmm i forgot bilblocraft did furniture
gotta be mekanism
god i fucking miss being young
What happened? Did all your hairs fall off?
multimc hasnt had a release in years
polymc is a fork that is updated
you should use it instead of multimc.
>multimc hasnt had a release in years
works on my machine
why should I replace it with trannyware?
download and update mods and modpacks from curseforge and modrinth
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Looks mint.
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i still use technic launcher
oh i think i remember trying to use that like 12 years ago ... looked old even back then
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Why isn't it possible?
>using create and aether together
That's your problem.
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I love needlessly complex minecraft world maps
>40k by 20k
>12gb map
>took 7 hours to export
gtnh serb...

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