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>Terry Teaser and Gameplay trailer

>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>493273987
Best honest lowtier
Punk sucks
Marisa is a high tier. Not top. Not mid. Not low.
Shes definitely not lol
MANrisa downplayers boutta seethe at this...
/sfg/ thinks Cammy, Chun, Juri, Bison sucks
But Marisa, Ryu and Marisa are secret top tiers

Are you guys trolling?
Second post best post
Cammy downplayers are subhuman and dont count
This game makes me rage everytime I play it and I don't know why, I never rage at games, even other fighting games that would be considered more degenerate gameplay-wise like smash.
I feel like I understand LTG and DSP now. there's something in the chemistry of this game that makes my blood boil while I play it.
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Marisa is still great online.
Game too scrubby
Some nigga said this game gaslights you into thinking its a fighting game and that shit is perfect analogy
Smash can be very tilt-indulcing but you still have some freedom to decide how you wanna approach the game.

This game you feel forced to do some shit or you straight up lose.
Git gud
Is this a copypasta?
>Saying MANrisa twice
Who you main by any chance?
>This game you feel forced to do some shit or you straight up lose.
Interesting take
Are we really pretending Marisa is good now? What you guys even gain by shitposting like that? A couple of (you)s?
Marisa nerfs were a slap in the wrist wdym?
Marisafag vs Ryuschizo
Which one is the crabbiest?
RyuBRO at least plays other characters and documents his funny stories about having a poor setup
Marisafag just bitches and moans after getting filtered from Masters in Season 2 and now stuck in Plat
who would win in a ft5 marisaistrashanon or modernschizo??
Modern ryu is the worst player I ever seem. Not even "wholesome he sucks" just "holy this guy is sauceless and stinks" kinda of way.
We should make this happen and run bets.
Just 5$ bucks maximum so people don't chicken out and actually pay
Marisachad is a plat player he a top 5%
Ryuschizo due to having a deeper character pool, if he zones out Marisa the Marisatroon will just dilate and lose
He plays the same character.
The crabba version of Punk vs Mena...
>The ryu gold nigger actually has fans who think he can win
BlueDeejay sweep
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>In a game where Masters can take games outta legends he doesnt think a gold player can take out a plat
First character in a post ending in 4 replying to this one will be in Season 3.
Or Dan.
Holy kill yourself
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This would suck so hard it could be true
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Post ending in 5 will NOT be in SF6 at all
Rose or Menat
Who hurt you
It won’t be happening, I trashed my whole history by trying to use classic luke, turns out the low ranks are all smurfs. I’m leaving my platinum 1 modern ryu and gold 4 modern ken in permanent retirement, I’ve deleted sf6 again and this time I won’t be reinstalling. My tv is too old and the ps5 d-pad is mushy dogshit, add to that all the losses and low win percentage with luke now that I would have to stare at every time I play. I’m truly never reinstalling or playing sf6 ever again, the last straw is up.
>Instead of taking Menat so Pooji kills himself he took out the best girl
Stop capping
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mods crush his skull ty
>Not giving one last hoorah to the general after leaving
At least make your legacy count nigga
You say you leaving every week
/sfg/ will never have lobbies or tournaments because this game sucks so hard
Is not fun to play
Anon prove you actually uninstalled and aren't larping
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He could just reinstall like LTG does by reinstalling Tekken every 2 days after removing from his PS5
Thanks battle hub I'm in the middle of a conversation and you boot me for not responding fast enough holy fuck.
Based battlehub bodying this slow tardy jobber
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Sadly this is the truth... you can't make friends playing this dog ass game and it's community of obsessed autists
God just imagine slapping her booty after a long training day
The game is already deleted, my equipment is too old to compete in sf6. I’m throwing in the towel, not buying another gaming monitor because they are all defective junk. Basically I’m sick of games now, probably going to sell my ps5 eventually because I’m not interested in playing games now. Ok, that is all.
ITT we learned that Makoto is coming and Rose is never ever
Stop ducking
>Not imagining taking her first time as she struggles to take it all in
>Still coping about his monitor
Unless you post a picture of everything smashed I don't believe you
Smash your PS5 and post it here
I be pissin inna bottle,
I be pissin inna bottle!
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ineeduchun own you crabbas anyways
They tryna come for me
Take my piss gallon see
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Dont talk about that faggot
Bison is so obnoxious, why give him the best DR? Uncheckable cancer.
I’m not ducking it’s 2am and the game has been deleted, anyways a platinum marisa couldn’t beat me. It takes diamond and up marisa to beat my plat 1 and gold 1 character. I’m done with sf6 though.
No, I actually dislike sf6 now. Makes me want to puke thinking about playing against all the smurfs on my old equipment. The journey is over, and very soon I won’t be posting here anymore either. It has been fun posting here though.
Bad player. Bison sucks
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why does cammys c heavy punch have like a billion years of active frames to meaty you with?
Cammy is bullshit, she is pure offense without losing defense points for it.
So you saying you could't beat Marisa at all and you still love playing SF6 after playing against players of your skill level and the journey is starting and you will be posting here even tho you did not have fun?
Just respect it you faggot
Low endlag
Cammy needs a nerf in her damage. Shes better than everyone at deleting people from 2 interactions.
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>Makes crabba seethe
Entire game needs a dmg nerf
No, im saying I’ve had a lot of fun modern posting in /sfg/ but I’ve grown to dislike sf6 and you are reading my last post ever on /sfg/. Have a good day fren.
Jivebros... we got mogged
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FUCK Cammy
More like
>Carries dogshit players with low IQ
Beauty engine
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>Cammynigger here
Yep yep Im out
Cammy is a honest toptier
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Tekkenfags wish their engine looked half this good
The picture is SF4 retard
Dix sucks but the girls are cute ngl
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>respect it
no fuck you. theres no reason why that button leaves you plus on block while having 4 active frames and cancels into any other combo if it manages to hit
>Engine needs cherrypicked angles, mods, lighting and texture to look half decent
Aki is better than Cammy
Wait your turn, respect it faglord
>Debating with Cammycels
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>muh other character is marginally better hur hur hur
i dont care. i dont play aki. you can be not the best character in the game and still have some bullshit in your kit. fuck you.
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>cant wait his turn
this nigga is fighting off the cooldown in two separate schizo threads to defend ugly ass dix cammy oh my lawdy lawd
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>i-is ugly! horror eng-ACK!
That button's not even cancellable first of all. AKI has a FIVE active frames MEDIUM, nigga. 4 active frames on a heavy isn't even exceptional or a relevant thing to bitch about.
Akifags braindead
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>wait your turn xd
i would if it would actually be my turn after the button that gives you a free 30 iq meaty. what do you think plus on block means you gasoline fumes sniffing troglodyte?
Just wait Cammy has no real options to put pressure on you Platshitter
maybe don't lose neutral if you hate blocking so much
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Kek but true
>Cammy has no real options to put pressure on you
I see its delusional posting hours.
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>No throwloops
>Real pressure
Pick one
Can you flunk out of Master once you're in?
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Honest Cammy
You lose mr only
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Juri deserves buffs! DESERVES!
If by buff you mean nerfs, yes.
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>Only 1 good top player with results
>Crabbas losing their minds
i dont play aki. again. did you schizos actually make that up based off one image? actual fucking hilarity. and yes that is bullshit too with her button too. please stop shadow boxing aki, retard.
>no options
i hate how people like you exist to just live in a world of delusion and society supports your existence to allow you to continue leech from.
>you just hate neutral
i hate bullshit neutral. which is riddled in some characters kits that just allows them to play single player because the frame gods will it. and character loyalists will downplay every facet of their idolized character which is a cancer ro actual balance in modern video games.

i am the biggest hater. fuck you all.
Everyone plays this bitch still
more like the biggest retard lmfao
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>Lose neutral
>Refuse to block and respect their turn
>Blame the character
You suck
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That doesn't mean she doesn't deserve buffs! She's earned the RIGHT to be top tier.
>BrutalAce's kemono page hasn't been updated in 6 months
It's over. Game is dead.
>Tfw almost forgot to post my daily free JH post
Which one should I pick? Gonna post on both threads since mods are useless.
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Mods take longer because the quality is higher don't lose hope
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Hora hora!
Thread wars are so gay man
And both threads suck too, MANrisa and some ugly midtier yuritroon coomer art
Get fucked gooner
Cammybro. You're the chosen one. Go buy all his mods and then upload them to his kemono page. For your waifu Cammy.
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>Leaking from a creator I like
Thats fucked up
make it -1 on block. or does baby need his plus on block buttons to shit and cum to???
whether I suck or not that move is bullshit and you know it. i will suck a fart from cammys asshole, but i refuse to be delusional and act like that move is just fine sunshine and rainbows.
Cammy needs her buttons because she needs to scrap.
what is your opinion on guilty gear strive? im just curious
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>Wanting your main to be top tier and every nigger use it and everyone downplay your own skill
Never got this idea
Much comfier main a midtier
Oh no no no...
capcom removed 99.9% of plus on block normals and there are still people too retarded to not mash against 1 out of 124 moves a character has, it's unbelievable
sf7 will be a fucking arena fighter at this rate
dogshit game with a dogshit community that is the new smashbros level cancer that I have to see at every evo now due to daisuke probably doing mushrooms off a fat strippers ass when designing the game.
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Day 6.
>Calling Smash cancer
Overcompesating trannie detected nice falseflag
You know, I get Cammy, Juri, and Chun coomers. How come nobody's autistically attached themselves to Manon? Marisa is understandable since she's Zangief in a wig, but an aggressively French ballerina is material.
Plus on block buttons are fine. What makes them not fine is when you get crazy value from them. Nobody cares that jabs are plus on block for example.
>Nobody cares that jabs are plus on block for example.
but they aren't anymore because people cared before
What you talking about? Manon has some coomer so loyal to her he refuses to jerk off to other girls as he sees her as his wife now ( or tries to I remember he relapsed last time he posted )
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Juri husband love is the biggest... we cant copete juribros...
because she's fucking repulsive.
horror engine incarnate.
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Reminder seething is bad for your health
If you seethe you will be bald by 40
Only correct answer
He cooked with this one got a laugh outra me ngl
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I just want her to be great like she deserves.
>Clown haircut
>Awful clothing
>Bigfoot man feet
Shes the poster girl of RE engine
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you actually unironically use this term huh?
we've always hated smash, jivetroon.
>Already has her own merch and shilling with the cringe comic
>e-girl slop loves her
>coomers love her
>some retard in Brazil lives for her
She got way too much love already
Nah, that's Marisa and AKI.
>Screencapping his own post
>Has a hateboner for Smash
>Sucks at SF6
Cringy ass retard LMFAO
lowkey feels wrong to say gooners and egirls "love" Juri when JH is on another level of devotion but I get your point just semantics
This 1000x
Juri is overshilled, could use some nerfs so nobody touches this ugly bitch again in high level, her gameplay is braindead and swagless
>egirl slop loves her
Where? I've seen a lot more egirls and the average person being disgusted by Capcom's INTENSE fascination of her feet now.
>Can't stop mashing on the opponent's plus frames after losing neutral and getting knocked down
>Hateboner for Jive
The most based thing about SFV will always be how bad it filters emotional, mashing idiots like you. I swear I'd, Paypal you some change for you to post the replay of the match that got you so tilted. Blur your name out, I don't care, just let us watch you get counter hit repeatedly so we can give you some advice so you do better next time :)
>falseflag is not real
How ignorant can you be? It happens even in politics all the time.
Betty is the poster girl for Juri
>screencapping his own post
you just proved how new you are if you dont know what a kermit poster is. on top of where this screencap is from because it became even a normie meme in the fgc at one point that it even has its own knowyourmeme page https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1275442-v
fucking larping faggots coming into the fgc trying to rewrite history. fuck you. eat shit.
>More worthless incoherent seething
Just shut the fuck up I'm not even reading your shit or clicking that link you are one salty shitter
Marisa is ugly on purpose and AKI is merely the second incarnation of the horror engine.
i actually liked jive by the end. but its clear some of you started with jive and built your entire personas around a single game while trying to larp as some oldfags. its tiring.
>Ganging up on one guy because he rightfully complained about Cammy's bs
nigga is saying he's a fgc VETERAN when he can't block on wakeup
Nah he is one awful shitter
I dont like Cammy
This is why you know nigga capping
>"i am a fgc veteran"
>Hates smash and melee for no reason
Permabeg moment
He's complaining about like the 12th strongest thing about Cammy. Nobody actually good at the game would complain about c.HP before seeing like 4 different Cammy nerfs.
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Somebody should tell Capcom Marisa was supposed to be ugly because they keep trying to push her as really cute and desirable, considering her fucking wedding dress.
your mother should have blocked the cock to prevent you from wasting the oxygen probably the last 2 decades to support your circulation to your 3 neck rolls.
16ers still crying? Crazy shit
>Marisa is supposed to be cute and look for love
>Built like Hulk
Not even SheHulk just Hulk.
SFV babbs at least got to experience a SF game that resembled SF.
Your father is never coming back bro
Just block Cammy instead of crying about it is not that hard watch some youtube tutorial
Cry more 16er
Are we still pretending Jive was a great game because of nostalgia? I thought we ended this bit in June...
Just fucking kill yourself man
/sfg/ just hates current SF and longs for the old ones that they hated two years ago.
>All of this discussion started because some Aki faggot couldn't block
Retarded frame data and inexplicable jank, no footsies, not Street Fighter
Parry is a terrible mechanic, no fireball game, no anti-airs, not Street Fighter
Street Fighter but with shitty ass Focus footsies until someone gets a knockdown then it turns into Blazblue, not Street Fighter
Street Fighter but only after it wasn't buried under 8 frames of lag
I will always hate the bad SF games like 3 and 6.
Literally me.
16er post
>"It's supposed to be ugly on purpose!"
Everytime I see people using this argument it's for a character that is not meant to be ugly on purpose. I wonder why I have this feeling.
SF4 > every other SF and is not even close
16ers are generally the most skilled posters in this general
They coping hard
80% of /sfg/ are 16ers
I WILL get my 5000 Drive Tickets I worked so hard for BACK from Li Fen....

...... one way....

...........or another......
SF4 >>>> SF5 >>>>> SF2 >>>>>>>> SF3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SF6
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>"It's supposed to be ugly on purpose!"
Everytime I see people using this argument it's for a character that is not meant to be ugly on purpose. I wonder why I have this feeling.
Get her pregnant! Shes too cheeky!
>I cant coom to it so its ugly
Because no other games are relevant. Sometimes you do get a LARPing 09er like the one going nuclear about getting hit by meaties and they're always the dumbest dude in the room by far. Educated fighting game opinions and discussion only come from 16ers that played SFV somewhat seriously and that's because it was a pretty decent competitive fighting game for most of its life.
All this tells me is that there's never been "Street Fighterâ„¢" like /sfg/ thinks there is. It's all always been either janky bullshit or goofy nonsense mechanics. If THE Street Fighter, SF2, isn't Street Fighter, the only one you will ever call "Street Fighter" is the one you personally liked.
>No we actually love smash here
i loathe that gatekeeping stopped being a thing.
>n-n-no u response
you mean as much to the world as a sunflower seed kernal thats been shit out of a cows asshole.
the button is bullshit even if you block. especially in dix skip neutral TM the video game. i will not stand for this delusional bullshit because jivers want jive in sf6 which is cancer when combined with nickelodean slime.
>Game is bad? ACKTHUALLY other games in the series are bad!
I read these kind of arguments quite often, even parroted by big FGC influencers and I don't think it's a really good point like they think it is.
To me it just sounds like they're either being tone-deaf on purpose, they don't realize the implications of these words.

I hate that even Maximilian Dood used this exact same argument in his SF6 Terry gameplay hands-on video to address people not liking how he looks in-game, especially when you have Smash Terry or even COTW Terry and he looks fine in both of these games.
SF4 is peak SF but I agree theres lots of copes
The reality this franchise is full of kusoge
It's really just a combination of meaningful fireball/anti-air game like SF2 with SF3 style grounded footsies. It occurs in all SF games (except 3) but it's usually overrun by inane bullshit as the meta progresses, but I don't think that means that you can't boil down the series to those fundamental aspects and claim that they're the ones that best represent it overall. Of course Street Fighter exists.
Max owns you
He owns anyone in this community, apparently.
The FGC got psyop into thinking Turd Strike is actually a fun and competitive game instead of flaming trash
>SF4 is peak SF
Marisa sucks, ryu is strong and if you disagree you are jewish.
>The only SF game where the core universal mechanic aint nearly as warping as the other ones
>Amazing cast and balancing
>Good graphics
>No parry bullshit
most of this general the last few years clearly started with V. its like pokemon. they're going to just worship the first one you got attached to that introduced you to the series. then you will downplay the issues in that one while highlighting the issues in any other game in the series expecially if its the newest entry. it happened here when sfv launched too. and will continue that way when sf7 launches in however many years.
you cant really have a meaningful conversation because of this. everyone is just tryinf to pearl clutch and dunk on each other.
Great post
i think sf6 is just a bad videogame if the character that randomly swings with c.mp into a plus on block green dash that combos into 70% on hit "sucks"
Based and truthpilled
16er moment
Its a terrible arguing strategy which just makes you wonder why they bothered with it in the first place if they always thought its shit.
But really its just a kneejerk drone response.
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He aint even being ironic thats so funny to me man
I started with 2 and 5 is still much better than 6.
I straight up dont believe that anybody praising six ever played a SF game before.
Absolutely not human in my eyes. The terrible attempt at making it a 5vs6 playerbase thing makes it obvious. You dont see SF2,A and 3 oldfags praise 6. Or even 09ers.
People like Sanford at least played 5 while crying about it. They completely stopped with 6.
>randomly swing with my safe heavy buttons
>critical art
>free 50%+ combo

>randomly swing with my safe string option selects that ends with jab jab jab
>special cancel fadc
>free 50%+ combo

its been this way for a while, little one.
>The only SF game where the core universal mechanic aint nearly as warping as the other ones
Universal mechanics aren't just the big flashy ones that have particle effects dripping out of them. SF4 hard knockdowns defined the game, and that's ignoring the fact that you're hugely downplaying how Focus messed up neutral as well.
>Amazing cast and balancing
The cast of returners was mostly good, nearly every newcomer in SF4 was awful. Balancing wasn't anything special but it definitely clears the SF2/SF3 standard.
>Good graphics
That's definitely an unpopular opinion. A lot of people thought the game was really ugly while it was current.
SF2 has no footsie because of vega wall dive.
No, I never played more than 3 hours total, why do you ask.
terrible post.
it may be terrible, but its right.
why have we split threads
>>The only SF game where the core universal mechanic aint nearly as warping as the other ones
09ers dont even play their own game. Focus warped neutral hard. FADC impacted both wakeup and offense. Retarded shit like invulnerable backdashes enabled stupid option selects.
Ultra is literally free damage for playing like shit.
Fucking clown.
Invincible backdashes were actually kino because it blew up retards.
It was gay and offloaded the same mindgame you had in previous AND later SF games behind a layer of option selects.
>woah this retard actually believed that oki works like in a real fighting game and he didnt watch a youtube video how to beat my gay crouch tech OS hehe he deserves to lose
>randomly swing with safe heavy buttons
How can you safely swing with heavy buttons? You've never really been punishable for landing spaced out heavies on block in any SF game, so I assume you mean it's safe to whiff them, which is total bullshit and only true if you can't whiff punish for shit to begin with, since even the really braindead Crush Counter heavies were still like 30f or longer moves. 5 did mostly get how to do footsies right.
There's also the POV that would instead see it as invincible backdashes enabling retards to play like shit in neutral and get away from the pressure after being knocked down for free, which seems to be true considering our thread friend that was just complaining about plus on block meaties.
no one praised 5 until it got overhauled when ono got the boot. it quite literally almost killed the franchise according to the devs that had to take over.
especially if you take into account the controversies:
>netcode fixed by one guys mod he made in like 4 days
>eatsports censorship of animations
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invincible backdashes suck and were only there because sf4 was designed by morons who cornered themselves into needing it after allowing every character to get to throw you into looping unseeable left/right mix, and even they weren't an actual solution because good players learned how to OS it out eventually, so really all it did was transform low level sf4 into a mashfest because most people online could not do basic combos or apply pressure after a knockdown
holy shit literal r/kappa talking points
literally all of those things were "drama" for like 2 days and none of them have anything to do with the actual game
>saved that Ono turd and made a new successful SF
He did it
>Jive almost killed SF
i dont use reddit vappa. sf5 was a mess on launch and for a couple years and everyone who has a brain knows it.
remember when they outsourced all the characters to third party artists for the base cast because they couldnt bother making them themselves? bet you dont.
Jive revisionism is a /sfg/ classic
focus warped neutral hard

>remember when they outsourced all the characters to third party artists for the base cast because they couldnt bother making them themselves?
just like they did with sf4 before, and like they did with sf6 with the same exact contractors afterwards? you vappachinos are literal robots, i swear
Vappachino still killed trash fgg in the end
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fuck ono, BASED matz would never outsource street fighter to some third party artists
09ers will act like everybody who liked 5 more than 4 is a 2016er because they cannot fathom that anybody would prefer a game that killed their first one.
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glad to see the game is doing well, its a really solid package and one of the best jumping off points for the whole genre, just kinda feels like the game deserves a content delivery pipeline properly fitting of something thats outselling sfv four times as fast
thanks for the kamige, sweety chudhary
>i dont use reddit vappa.
lol who are you trying to fool.
even your epic outsourcing point is retarded. fucking SF4 was outsourced to fucking sonic developers.
we are here

>dogshit netcode that caused one sided frame power point skipping due to shitty pcs and consoles overheating is not an issue. nope was never an issue that didn't continue for years.
man..... i love you but... that shit was ass bro....
yeah it lead to SF4 neutral being absolute garbage.
game is terrible and it selling a lot is damning.
you straight up deserve even less content because clearly you will lap up even less at higher cost.
sfv's netcode was great considering every other relevant game was delay based until strive came out like 5 years afterwards
legit was the best netcode available outside of nrs games
>the game sucks and everyone hates it
>sales outpacing the last 2 entries
have you considered that maybe you just dont like it instead?
>the best jumping off points for the whole genre
I agree that SF6 is the perfect game to jump the fuck off this series. And imo, the battle hub monthly advertisement update pipeline is just fine.
>wall dive vega
Haha truuue
>parries are retarded
Haha yeah but its a fun little game
>vortex and el fuerte
Yeah its a tough gsme to block in, but el fuerte is still fun
>v triggers are shit and 8 frames
Yeah that sucked, but the pawgs tho
No lol. Rollback netcode didn't start with Strive. It existed since like Kof in 1998. It was known it was a superior way of doing netcoding but Japanese tech companies are run by people that are afraid of change so they continued using delay based dogshit held together by duct tape. Which is even worse since it was also dogshit in 4. Tech retards will say that it was because connections at that time couldn't support rollback, when thats only true for like a 56k dial up modem lmao. The late 2000s, let alone the mid 2010s could support rollback fine.
yes, fighting games were always terrible
play something else instead if it still bothers you
i know retard, but no game other than sfv had it outside of nrs games or shitty indie shit nobody played
not even reading your unrelated wikipedia delusions
game is terrible and selling out to the shiteating masses is not a positive.
Popular = good until Tekken or MK numbers come out, then it's all about the depth of gameplay mechanics and whatever other hyper specific metric has SF6 on top again. If anything, a game being popular with mainstream audiences is a reliable way to gauge how bad it is, doubly so for fighting games.
>it was great because I compared it to other dogshit on the market to make my dogshit look prettier
Again bro. I love you. But this is retarded. There was no excuse for making the delay based hellhole of SFV netcode in 2016.
sfv was never delay based
you are very fucking stupid
nobody plays MK for the gameplay and tekken always plays the same because the autistic playerbase would have a melty otherwise

it's not a very relevant comparison
you vappa niggers are brain fried.
Ah yes. The "not delay based" netcode that acts just like delay based netcode. How could I forget about that.
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My wife and her bubble butt.
you were literally complaining about one sided rollback and now you're talking about how it was just like delay netcode
i just wonder why people like you even frequent fighting game threads when you are clearly completely fucking clueless about anything fighting game related
holy shit
nigga so dumb he killed the thread wtf
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Trying to fight cammy as marisa feels impossible. Everything she can do outranges and outspeeds me.
if it makes you feel any better canmy does that to most of the cast

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