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MMO thread edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Previous thread >>493296478
Be kind. You have no idea what others may be going through :)
Its not looking good sisters... season 1 will have no players by the time it comes out
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I do this to doomers btw
You get soul-drained and turned into a flavorful energy drink
whats the wowg guild in moonguard called?
its in literally 5 days?
Lone wolf
Single hander
Survival hunter
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Mandatory anal creampies for Thalassian elves
>Ele Shaman got gutted
I have 4 days to get my Hunter from lvl 1 to ilvl 580, can I make it in time??
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

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The Windrunnner re-union in Midnight is going to take place in Anduin's bedchambers.
those changes are probably weeks and weeks away
Wouldn't that mean it's best to switch now before M+ and raiding starts so I won't have to play catch up on an alt?

Also, it looks like they're completely changing the Ele playstyle. I like shooting chain lightning not gay ass frost and lava shit.
>Rexxar is a ranged warrior
Now shut the fuck up
explicitly called a beastmaster you dumb nigger now kys

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>implying heroes of the storm is canon
>implying heroes of the storm takes precedent over WoW
wowg guild status?
someone should make one
<wowg guild status> imo
>Game made by the team that created Warcraft isn't canon
>Game made by homosexuals and women is canon
Lol ok man
>" the Mok’Nathal were secular and isolationist"

Rexxar is an atheist? Very cringe.
568 ilvl...help...I need to go up...how...
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>implying hearthstone is canon
>implying hearthstone takes precedent over WoW
It's recounting his warcraft lore not any hearthstone lore you collosal faggot
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>every single class i had at 80 got nerfed into oblivion
what do i do now?
Tbh.m he's right. Rexxar really is a beast master. Survival as implemented is kind of an original wow concept. Its nearest neighbor is....night elf sentinel? If you want to take that away from warriors and rogues i suppose since they can't use ranged now.
I think you're being too harsh and over confident
The wolves in Hellfire Ramparts are bugged and deal 250k+ damage to level 30 characters.
don't be a pussy and play the vidya?
congrats on your official victory, /wowg/
>Soddy on PTR with the new raid of BWL
>HC played by hundreds
>Cata bleeding harder than WoD
>era full of Felipes selling gold to Eternally Relapsed Addicts
>tfw don't know if i want to main ele or enhance
they're both fun
What the hell do I use artesian acuity for and soul sigil if I'm double gathering
What the fuck blixzatd
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Be the change you want to see.
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>Only 580 ilvl
Please don't kick me from your mythics anon
I went with Ele because being ranged is comfy and you don't have to jump through hoops to deal damage. Plus Stormstrike does shitty damage now which is cringe.
yeah you're right but with all the catchup stuff we have why not enjoy lightning ele until then?
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give me the deets wowg, im retarded
who won and who lost with the anniversary patch?
>Game made by the team that created Warcraft isn't canon
ah yes, we all fondly recall that time Jim Raynor teamed up with Anduin to take down Diablo
>Game made by homosexuals and women is canon
correct, the source material for your minigame is canon
How's globo fomo doing
WoW won.
WoW lost.
We're so back.
It's over.
I think something like 70% of my damage comes from sentinel bird or some shit
There's always an early meta and a mid to late meta.
The early meta always gets nerfed (except aug) then it leads to late meta being priest/mage+aug as usual. You should use your ele if it's still doing good damage now to get a lot of rio then you can swap.
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WoW won.
Asmon lost.
Hmm lets see
>retail gets an event
>retail gets past events back again (I.E. Korrak)
>retail gets fancy warcraft 3 callbacks
>retail gets T2 rehauls and even new ones for classes that didn't exist back there
>retail gets a BRD raid event
>retail gets timewalking for vanilla raids
Classic WoW players get
>Blackwing Lair plus
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>character restore still broken
What's up with the WQs this expac being so fucking annoying?

The guy who made Recovery Job deserves a bullet.
good. Fuck classicfags
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what does she taste like
I'm trying to farm GMOD from Mekkatorque in Battle for Dazar'alor and there isn't a skip outside of going straight to Jaina?
you need a fuckton of it for your knowledge points brother.
if anything, its the other way round. its fucked up how little gatherers get when we need it as much as crafters
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Man, dawnbreaker is fun but it really shows you just how RETARDED some people that play this game is.
>Killing the lieutenants before the second boss.
>On the one in the Inn.
>Playing and tank and I tend to do small pulls of the adds in the square because otherwise no matter what I fucking do some dumbass pulls everything and healer can't keep up.
>They fly directly at the guy and pull everything around.
Also unrelated but the shield schematics drop from normal mode, right?
How do I spend it
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Paladins won bigly. Apologize.

>Playing and tank
Playing as tank I mean...
in the artisan's consortium there are vendors who give books that give you knowledge points in exchange for artisan's acuity. costs a ridiculous amount though
Every single one of my Dawnbreaker experience is
>DK/DH tank pulls the second boss directly
>pull 3 other packs at the same time
>sends the shadow orb directly into the nearest wall
>entire team dies except for the tank
>tries soloing the boss for literally 10 minutes
>dies anyway
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>shamans have been asking for new ascendance forms for ten years
>they finally get it
>it looks worse
Can you explain why you would kill the lieutenants? Think about it; if the boss takes 3 minutes to kill with the lieutenants up, but if you take 3 minutes to kill all of them and then an extra 2 minutes to kill the boss.....
>56 year old women are the audience blizzard is now catering to
How does this make you feel Anon?
haven't played since 2013, do i need to know anything of the story to play War Within? is it fun?
Because everyone around me is retarded and can't move out of the way of stuff.
Better them that you reddit tourist wojak faggots.
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Yeah it's really fun.
Anything you need to know is in this 4 minute video:
is there any hope for warrior? numbers are good but arms feels like absolute crap to play and fury often feels unsatisfying
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Hello /wowg/
I've been a /wowcg/ regular but now that it finally died off and I've been playing more TWW than anything classic over the last 6 months (And having fun)
please accept my humble offering of the calmest classic wow only player in the world (we call them "Cryboomers")
saw a comment by someone crying how classic was getting all these new weapon models that don't exist in retail
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Try to use your words instead of just lashing out in an autistic fit of rage, sweaty.
hey thanks
i'm thinking of playing mage since i never had one maxed back in the day.
any fun caster recommendations welcome tho.
My most recent heroic Dawnbreaker experience
>Tank gets lost after the first boss
>Me, a frost DK, and a resto druid are waiting for the rest of the group to show up
>I say fuck it and pull the boss
>It does no damage because it's just a heroic and I easily kill it
Anyone claiming to struggle with or wipe in the Dawnbreak has to be a liar.
They disabled it because of Warbands.
Kino offering
Welcome back home brother
can an OCE nigga join the NA wowg guild?
Take your parasocial twitch streamer shit elsewhere; you're not welcome here
qrd on dali? is he wowcgs lolcow of choice?
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No problem bro
Mage is fun as fuck, especially Arcane. It got a revamp recently and is actually insanely powerful and fun. Don't play Fire mage, it's shit right now.
Shadow Priest is also pure kino.
Affliction and Demonology Warlocks also insanely cool
Pretty much most casters are feeling good I'll be honest with you
>implying half of this shit hole isn't twitch spam
don't gaslight
I play "solo" because I absolutely cannot be fucked scheduling for specific things in a video game anymore.
I just pug normal raid and pug to KSM then call it a day.
>other guy is shitting in the street so lets invite more street shitters in
they tend to cycle but he's the most persistent junkie
>poopoo poo
mutt hours overtime
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>that fourth clip
jesus christ
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is there any other way to farm this shitty legendary quest? i did another superbloom after i did the weekly one yesterday and i got only fucking 9 dreamleaf
i did this shit now like 5-6 times for 79/200
the fuck is this
now i play retail cause it's way too fun but
used to watch dali when i played classic
it's impressive how a man that has played the same game and has done the same content for about 10 years now can still fumble basic ass mechanics
>The Dawnbreaker
>final boss
>evoker dies because they get dismounted when they go to skyride for the second phase
>i die because my hunter's harpoon sends me through the floor
>our healer gets teleported into a random instance of The Stonevault when trying to teleport to the dungeon
>our dps is adamant on wiping it, so doesn't dps
>our tank is adamant on clearing it, so doesn't wipe it
>our tank finishes the boss after a fight that lasts 12 minutes and 37 seconds

what the fuck is this dungeon going to be like on m+
this is what you get for not playing dragonflight. I hope you learned a lesson
Sesbian lex
Cool picture.
i did play dragonflight, but i only the last few weeks of s4
>what the fuck is this dungeon going to be like on m+
Hilarious for a couple of runs then absolute agony I think.
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At least post his current visage.
>tfw predicted this years ago
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The Mazebreaker..
i havent got a clue what to name my character and its driving me nuts. might not play at all desu
>i die because my hunter's harpoon sends me through the floor
That got me too.
It's just a matter of shitty hitbox.
They better fix it, because that same boss then appears in the raid.
Oh fuck, I haven't checked in months. Didn't realize he finally caved.
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>BM and MM about to be usable again
oh fuck will razor fragments work with all those new Black Arrow talents? that would be sick
You fucked up hard, there's one quest you get by using an item on someone else that will boost your gain but also gives you 25 or so (weekly). Then you need to do superbloom epic for the boxes giving you 2-7 each + the last boss of the event for 10-15.
When I did in df, I used to change layer by joining groups to kill the last boss multiple times, clleared that quest in 7 superbloom.
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Are you gay or into k-pop? This guy looks metal af
Arms needs work but fury is amazing at the moment. I've played the class for many years and this version of fury is the best version we've had since legion. Bloodthirst is high priority and feels good to press as it should, raging blow feels good to press and is both a filler and high contributor, execute actually does some respectable damage, we have both bladestorm AND odyn's fury for the first time in history and both are doing huge damage, bladestorm feels amazing to use with unhinged, reckless abandon buffs both bloodthirst AND raging blow instead of one or the other and both do huge damage while rage flow being fast enough that you are using bloodbath and crushing blow far more than regular versions, charge gives sprint every time you use it.
We have both really good aoe AND single target damage, we do strong damage outside of our cooldowns.

I mean shit man, what more could you ask for really?
This guy got some hooters on him.
>i did this shit now like 5-6 times for 79/200
>the fuck is this
The results of cryboomers demanding legendaries to feel earned again, instead of being drops or quest loot. Now we're back in the era of Dragon Soul shard farming without the kino storyline to go with it.
Even better
it also happens on the final boss of the rookery if you dont disengage immediately after harpooning
not reading your faggot manifesto
have the last word because i command you to do so
>normal flying is safe but so slow and barely catch up with flying zep speed
>skyriding is fast enough but you run out of energy and it's over
I really hope the zepplins don't move in m+ or else the flying will kill a lot of group
What why what's happening?
There's nothing in the hotfixes?
>arms feels like absolute crap to play
What, you don't like that shitty ass channel or being forced into bladestorm and do no damage outside of it?
so guess im fucked
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Imagine the sex.
They should do shit like this with more dungeons.
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Sexo with Alleria, Sylvanas, Vereesa and Xal'atath
people crying about the new models expected them to have hoodies because hoodies were cool when you were 18
>>Ele Shaman got gutted
looks like something from an anime
>Be kind. You have no idea what others may be going through :)
what the fuck is this faggot shit?
I agree with this statement
total elf sex
>you can cosplay as alexstrasza
i'm not ready for this
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i fail to see the problem?
>do you think I have big mom energy achievement
my dick
That's a lot of outdated designs.
MoonGuard about to pop right the fuck off.
Imagine the ERP
what autism does to a man
>Do You Think I Have Big Mom Energy?
Don't let wow twitter know about this one. That fucking gnome or baal will have a cry about it objectifiying mothers or something.
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Bull fucking shit it does!
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costume emote
>Do You Think I Have Big Mom Energy
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Mom says it's my turn to raid Blackrock Depths.
Line's been in the game since DF, dunno why they'd take up issue with it now.
More like what twitter and discord troon bubble does to an autismo.
Holy fucking shit taverns are going to lag to death
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>shaman finally get a new laval burst visual effect that doesn't look like a meatball
>the unique casting animation lava burst had gets removed
christ dude
can shaman stop being monkey paw'd for one fucking patch
play prot
should i level fishing or cooking right now
Both at the same time.
>What news?
That's the only option kek
You got 0wned
>BM is on the bottom dps
>The following pet ability damage has been reduced by 35%:
Kill Command
Ty, found it in the meanwhile.
So survival is getting fucked, since they are nerfing the stuff everyone uses and only slightly buffing talents that nobody picks for obvious reasons.
I'm playing classic but am faced with the realization that I work full time and have little ability to commit to any serious raiding or pvp when I reach level 60.

Will I still be able to pug the hardest raids or obtain good PVP gear?
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>it's another "billion dollar company is so creatively bankrupt they are forced to steal ideas from other IPs" episode
yeah just ignore the rest of the changes, one being their pets no longer lose 35% damage when using talenting Animal Companion
what the hell are you even implying?
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It's funny how this guy is perfect diplomat, cunning warrior, wise and kind man, gets job done, is good husband, good father that deserves the throne of the Alliance way more than anyone else, if the bitch doesn't whisper in you ear that he is crazy racist and zealot.
Equally funny is that Blizzard are afraid of using him because he is just that good.
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>20th Anniversary PTR Development Notes - Patch 11.0.5 PTR
>Significant class changes and MAJOR hero talent reworks


Seriously wtf? Why isn't anyone talking about it here? Not even a month old and some classes are already getting a complete revamp of their talents (normie and hero)... What was the point of the 6-month beta?
Blizzard just don't want to use him, they have portrayed him in a positive light ever since he came back despite retarded screamers saying he is evil/racist/zealot etc.
>release expansion
>change everyones talents a week in
You guys don't have an 80 of each class yet?
>he is crazy racist and zealot.
Why do people even think that.
>turalyon turns up in game does nothing bad
>turalyon turns up again later, does nothing bad once more
>turalyon being skeptical of dragons due to past events in stormwind
>Why isn't anyone talking about it here?
previous thread. also people playing the game
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Paladin getting reworked is the craziest of all. They just got an entire rework in like the first major patch of dragonflight, then the adjustments from beta, now another rework.
That's a good thing, in the past the specs would be left that way for the entire expansion
so when are the arcane mage nerfs coming?
this patch is in 2 months
I only see people saying that here, i have no idea where it came from
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He was Metzen's self insert before he invented Thrall lol, I wouldn't worry about it.
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Is MM fun? I need to make an elf
>paladin tree got reworked in df
>got messed around with in prepatch
>ret used an old talent tree that got changed again 2 weeks later
>changes again next month
So is their new hobby "fiddle around with paladin"?
>outlaw is still a meme
>they even removed shadowstep from them
Some small buffs. No nerfs lmao

>Splinterstorm no longer applies Winter’s Chill.
Half to most of it here is ironic. It's unironic all the fuck over twitter and the forums. Hordelets there really hate him. Also the most onions Horde loving Alliance fags(see troons that wanna ERP with their Hordie friends in peace IE Maye).
i have warrior priest and shaman all at 80
what should i level next
Lol come on now
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uhhh high elf bros? are we fucking back?

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MMOC, reddit, twitter, wowhead comments
The long elaborate posts you read here are often just copypasted from those sites, because they are so retarded it's guaranteed (You)s
I know because I do it myself.
blizzards modus operandi for the longest time has been the classic "subverting le expectations" the latest example being lilith in d4 with "the heckin demons not being truly evil its le church thats evil!"
i think people just expect them to pull the same shit with turalyonn at this point
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>Fury warrior in my dungeon is called "Gårösh"
>his mog is identical to garrosh
>he does less damage than the healer
Nothing that relevant because she doesn't have an unique model + armor yet
>warrior main
>scroll for 10 years going through the class changes
>"oh man i hope they messed around with warrior because i find it really unfun now"
>see the warrior changes
>it's 3 lines and 1 of them is about an icon change
Just craft the best gear you can andor go for dungeon set 2. Make your own goalsto achieve
Most of classes buffs/nerfs will come next week after the normal raid data, then during mythic week there won't be any change unless major outliner like one class doing 20% more than second. There's will be one more adjustment after the world race first ends then there'll be nothing left until 0.5 patch.
They might do dungeons nerfs in between but there won't be any class change.
crafting in this game is pretty kino boys.

how the fuck do you get artisan's acuity and lots of it?
Cool so a minority of screamers who are chronically online
Danuser <The Subverter of Expectations Extraordinaire> is gone.
Hows Ret looking specifically for PvP? Im not reading that patchnote, mucho texto.
Paladin is apparently the most popular class in the game, the popular classes always tend to get special attention, good or bad (shaman is the exception)
True to his cosplay.
>tusks were fairly easy to get in remix
>90% chance every maghar warrior you see now is some alt coded to fuck garrosh clone
literally always has been for basically the entirity of the internet's existence desu
Paladin is the most played class by casuals, "reworking" it makes people come back every time they unsub.
Should I roll a Draenei or Lightforged Warlock if I want to roleplay corruption scenarios and make lore nerds uncomfortable?
He was probably jacking it, but didn't have MMO mouse, so he had to click the spells.
i dont understand why. it feels like absolute dogshit to play. combo/spender is gay. it has no mobility. i'd play it if it had a charge or leap like Warriors (the most fun class btw). and no the pony doesnt count its gay
What do you want them to change about warrior?
All 3 specs are strong
t. Warrior
Go Draenei. Too many Lightforged Draenei already RP that exact theme
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>guardian got 1 (one) [more than zero but less than two] change
>for the retarded catweaving spec
at least your class is fun, I'll just be pressing a macro for the rest of the expansion I guess
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Its actually the 4th long lost sister
>friends finally convinced me to play wotlkc after months of me refusing to try wow
>play fire mage
>god i fucking love living bomb
>button just feels good, good mobility, seeing entire trash packs explode in a chain reaction feels amazing
>play retail with said friends
>living bomb is gutted
>not even a button anymore
19.5% spellpower??? what the fuck? why haven't they fixed it and rebuffed it? the bug that was causing it to pop off was fixed years ago wasn't it?
Help. I just wanna use a the bow. I don't want a fucking pet
Your work table have "orders" tab. There npc orders that will give acuity.
Finally got pathfinder and damn did I miss regular flying
what classes do well with dps companion for delves?
BM hunters seem like some
They have already gave him Malfurion portrayal this expansion.
>Tyrande...oops... Alleria, wait! *proceeds to be kept behind for bullshit reasons*
His sole role now is to be a simp for heroic wife who has no time for him.
Hopefully they won't just murder him in a humiliating way in Midnight.
secret finders hunter channel has spent the last week circle jerking about their now untamable worm pets
today's hotfixes changed their pets to a generic snake lol. smug bastards were confident blizzard wouldn't touch them
Clearly they still have no idea how to balance the specs
They should be glad they didn't get fucking b&
Would a class with no specs work? Instead having a very wide open talent tree with tons of connections and branches
You can pick
>New Talent: Signature Spell – Choice node with Shifting Shards.
>Arcane: When Magi’s Spark explodes, you conjure 6 Arcane Splinters.
>Frost: Consuming Winter’s Chill with Glacial Spike conjures 2 additional Frost Splinters.
And no longer agro half of the dungeon with your shifting power. Thank god.
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>unique casting animation lava burst had gets removed
Why would they do this
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You should play arcane, they have touch of the magi.
So how are roguebros looking next patch? Idk what to make of these changes
>no one wants to tank
>it's by far the easiest role at every key level
>mage player
>fire player
>retard player
Like a pottery made of clockworks
Dude were you living under the rock. I regularly see retarded Turalyon is going to be a raid boss/villain/zealot comments both here, on mmo-c, wowhead, twitter since his resurfacing in Legion.
In BFA he and Alleria have tortured Sylvanas followers and while it was very nuanced scene some people took it as straight up he is an evil zealot hint.
Meanwhile dude saved Azeroth numerous times and fought for our survival for millenia.
>Hopefully they won't just murder him in a humiliating way in Midnight.
Yeah, that's the best we can hope for desu.
Probably going to end up retiring him like they did to Malfurion.
tank/healer anxiety is very real, i had it at the start until i realized i just have to stay alive by pressing mits
Niggeradin hands typed this
*kills you anyway even with shitty vulpera racials*
*uses [Foul Belly] on your corpse before you can release*
Actually I'm a retarded fire mage
>2 25 coffer shards world quests up on EU

based EU chads stay winning
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shaman has steadily losing animations with every patch since Dragonflight launch
there's something really fucked up going on with the game's code in such a way that shaman as a class is tied to some nonsense string of code that gets fucked around everytime they need to add something new
earth shock and healing wave both just lost their animations one day and no one seems to care
or maybe there's just someone working at blizzard intentionally removing things from shaman out of spite or something dude I don't fucking know
Dude... It's a warrior. It does damage and fun aspect directly correlates with how big are numbers and thematic flavor.
Damage is good, gameplay is simple and fast paced like it should be.
Want to cosplay as Grommash and Garrosh? You can look exactly like them, wield Gorehowl and spin to win as Arms Slayer. Want Muradin kind of warrior? Prot and Fury Mountain Thane. Want to be Varian? Colossus Arms is for you. Warrior now is at it's peak as a class.
Are those even useful? I feel like delves will never give gear more reliably than actual multiplayer content
umm sister? T8 delves next week give 603 gear... you want as many keys as you can get
>Thistle Tea now automatically triggers when energy is reduced below 50.
How is Ronnie doing though
You can be a keyboard drooling retard and pass as an dps.
If you die it doesn't matter most of the time.
A keyboard drooling tank will get lost in dungeon or pull too small or too much.
If a tank wipes the group wipes most of the time.
Stop pretending DPSissies aren't the bottom of the barrel of wow playerbase.
how hard is holy paladin to heal with?

i've heard its very positioning dependent and single target focused. am i going to have a bad time in 5 man pug content with it? can it be talented to be EZ mode?

im not entirely new to healing, i've healed up to heroics and m0 on my shaman, but looking over the holy paladin toolkit it is very different from shaman with holy power generation, cone heals, looks like i have to melee to heal?
Isn't that what m+ will give as well?
I'm honestly surprised they didn't cap the keys you can have on you.
post io so I can have a laff
A ret player trying to play the latest fotm
It's great. One less button to press.
You can solo M+?
How many millions or billions of gold would I have to hoard on 1 character and then delete that character to have an effect on the economy
Holy paladin is pretty easy to play, lots of instant globals. Yes you have to be in melee.
Most of the classes will not be able to clear +8 delve ever lmao
You think tier 8 delves is easier than a +6 key?
it's such jank i really wonder how it's possible anyone greenlit this at all
just rework the talent completely
still trying to sell that bland alien comic of his, stubbornly refusing to go back to WHOMP!
I want to be the worst tank
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there are bots with entire accounts gold capped. you will never hoard enough to dent it. the only thing that could actually effect it is one of the big bot farms getting completely erased. would wipe trillions of gold and that might put a dent in it for a day or two
Mistweaver bros, are we finally going to be able to play as range healer? I see CJL AoE dps option and new range AoE button, on top of Master of Harmony double tea charge for more range AoE.
At least it's not Otaku Dad
How hard is healer evoker?
I've only played holy priest which is basically babies first healer. I did played it to m+10 so I'm not that green.

Can you formulate what the problem exactly is?
How do I make my holy paladin look like a priest and can I wear cloth because plate repair costs suck
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RIP my bro, dragonflying really made you obsolete
the problem is randomly automatically getting 100 energy when it comes off cd
+ some of which is absolutely going to go to waste
+ the multiple charges mean fuck all in most scenarios now since you can't save it up for a giga burst window
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>paladin players
>You cast Blessing of Sacrifice automatically on a target with low HP
>your main mitigation spell with 2m CD

Sometimes it feels like some drooling janitor at Blizzard sneaks into devs PC and add some dumb shit into class updates. Like some changes make no sense.
Based knower
I did it on beta as ret/prot pally and also surv hunter.
You couldn't overgear it because tehy hard set our ilvl
Which also means that obviously, you won't likely will be farming it day one, which makes perfect sense.
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So with the craft order system, I just provide the mats and the spark thing, and the NPC makes me the weapon/armor? And if I provide the higher rank of mats, it gives a higher ilvl item?
They should make it a dragonriding mechanic so that people would chase each other and have dogfights
I see what you did there
It's not an npc, those orders go to players
unless it's patron orders, in that case its npc
real OGs remember Hardened Shell
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Did you just discover the garrison?
Ehhh so how hard it is?
You make shit FOR patrons.
NPCs can't make shit for (You).
He's talking about placing a new order not filling one
Average WoW player is such a low IQ retard holy shit.
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there must always be... a fox king
Be honest how brutal is it to have a crafting profession without its corresponding gathering one. Like having just alchemy
I'd genuinely fuck that
*no one wants to tank for pugs
Completely unprofitable. It's hard to make a coin even with a gathering.
>Queue for Arena
>Fury warrior & MM hunter in every lobby
I've been getting people with it constantly in ringing deeps though.
if you have money it's not brutal also reagent prices are going down super fast due to being region wide
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What did they mean by this?
You're good then
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Why is Xal so perfect bros?
just another mason psyop
Conduit of the celestials looks fun probably it's not fun
Last night, the prices were reasonable, so I just bought a pile of herbs (despite having herbalism) and shat out a bunch of truesight phials.
Made about 7k thanks to the spillover and shit.
Not much considering the quantity, but still profit.
You know, I don't even care if the game sucks, I'll just buy it. The fuck am I gonna do, play a flavor of the month twitch tranny marketing scam?
My guild told me I can read with them if I trade them any drops I get. What's the best robe I can craft then?
Besides AU draenor is there any precedent for light worshipping orcs? I had the idea to RP an orc who's gone totally batshit and wants to join the scarlet crusade. Everytime he tries to join he gets attacked and he thinks it's a test.
Cool concept.
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This is a paladin expansion
Lightbros... we won
humiliation ritual
Only the ones in the Argent Dawn.
Otherwise the Priests may or may not be the same as Tauren sun worshippers, or just taunt from the Mag'har refugees that may have been forced to learn how to Light.
Anon...tww IS twitch tranny marketing scam flavor of the month
Im having fun with my prot paladin. Im pretty much immortal in the open world.
Yeah but Herald of the Sun fucking sucks, I genuinely hope they rework it and give us some DBZ aura that melts everything around us then whatever this gay tether shit is, Templar is cool and fun as fuck but I was hoping Sun shit would've been kino
It doesn't suck now though?
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I feel pity for shaman mains...
And they'd feel pity for you for not thinking thats some sick shit.
Why isn't comp stomp and timewalking just active all the time?
I just wish there were race specific versions.
>dead set on maining priest disc
>hit 580+ ilvl
>almost have both crafting profs maxxed out
>urge to swap to orc shaman hit me like a truck

Wtf is wrong with me
Worst mastery in the game?
I say Preservation Evoker. Healing done to allies is increased by 14.0% while their health percentage is lower than your own. What even is this.
>can literally turn into an iron maiden album cover
>so sad.. pitiful..
for whatever reason you are able to use quilen/the rock bears from sneedolands as survival if you have one out as bm and swap to survival. i wish they'd just get rid of exotics
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I completely distate this update. You know what it looks like? Picrel. There is nothing elemental/nature/shamanistic about the new look.
>10 HC dungeons
>1 piece of loot
What the fuck were they thinking with this dogshit system?
Reminded me more of the Pandaria reskin of this but cba looking it up for pic.
i agree, they look WAY too much like banshees. It should have just been your character model enlarged and turned into fire/lightning/rock or water
Every mastery that is just a second version of vers.
Those mobs make the horniest sounds
They for some reason used the banshees in Throne of Thunder as a base. Very odd choice.
>leveling my alt
>start dungeon finder
>suddenly a ton of new dungeons

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guess my class
Elf dildo
can you collect tendies if you are lvl 70?
>ptr patchnotes
>500 lines of shaman/pala notes
>rogue (the diaper gnome of classes): nothing

It looks like a Mayan/Aztec Fire God, except more stormy than fire.
Which really only matches for Zandalari.
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Hi I'm thinking of returning for the first time since early SL and I just have a few questions.

1. Are professions actually purposeful? Hearing mixed opinions on this
2. How long does it take to get through DF story? I thought it looked horribly ghey and would prefer to skip it.
3. Redpill me on delves and if they will be hated a couple months from now
4. I'd like to juggle a few alts. Is that doable in this expansion?
5. Give me the current rundown on fury war/enhance sham/demo lock/unholy DK
Death knight
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Holy God in heaven I'm on the toilet and this shit will NOT come out
It's actively battling me
Recalcitrant diarrhea poo
My tummy hurts but I know by the time I get back to WoW I'll get the urge to shit again
but it's not coming out
Whats up with this retard forcing his ugly ass oc in every op?
You should probably take something or go some kind of clinic, sea dog.
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wish we could preview these... my rogue... hungers...
It looks like undead ghost with some elemental shit added.
Very weird choice of the theme.
Its very Bwomsandi coded.
Fits Zandalari and maybe Darkspear Trolls but not other shaman races.
Too wide for trolls I feel. Maybe if he was taller and skinner.
gimme the qrd on warriors and hunters of the ptr patch
How do you track atonement in 5 mans? I cant find any decent weakauras on that wagio site.
warrior is the same
dark ranger got a total rework
Trantyhr can now be locks and warriors?
But they still fight in the shit form?

What class is the most racist? This will decide my main.
Professions are same as ever since they removed the unique bonuses which made some meta and some garbage.
Now you use them to either make money, or at least save them, to make shit for yourself.
Most stuff is now account wide, the only exception are the upgrade stones and soulbound gear you drop in instances.
Which doesn't mean you can just stack rep though, a quest that awards rep does so only for the first character you complete it with, next one gets no rep.
balance druid, the niggers of azeroth
I think its time for Blizzard to make Atonement passive like they did with monk's Ancient Teachings in 11.0.5 PTR.
So you always heal teammates passively with damage and use Shield/FH/Radiance to boost that healing on ST/AOE.
ret paladin
mm hunter
arms warrior
arcane mage
disc priest

all extremely racist specs for their classes, all good options imo
so dr is now bm bis?
I just look at their bars and see the buff on them, wish it was larger and easier to see imo. Im having a great time with disc but it is a lot weaker than in DF imo and there are some rooms on even heroic that fuck me up. Last pack before stormvault final room is rough with all the knock backs fucking up all my casts
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Game's improved significantly since SL. Not once in all of DF was there a forced mandatory grind like SL or BFA.
DF was fun gameplay with a gayass story.

Yeah, kinda. But you can also ignore them and just buy whatever crafts you need.
Every player will need 2 "Embellished" crafted items which are like super mini-legendaries only easier to craft
>DF Story
You can just blaze through it with Dragonriding flying everywhere quickly, that's what I did from the minute the expac dropped
They honestly seem really good, and not Torghast 2.0. They're just short solo dungeons or you can do them with a couple friends to get loot. If it turns out they suck then I SINCERELY doubt they'll become mandatory
Easier than ever before I shit you not
You can now much more easily send gear to other alts with Warband bank. You can even send item upgrade materials to them which is insanely helpful
I used to be a one-character pony but DF was so alt-friendly I had like 5 fully geared alts and TWW is making it even easier
>Fury Warr
Unga bunga smash buttons fast OR unga bunga smash buttons slow but for bigger hits
Idk about the other classes
The day arms is not a pvp only spec ima play it
Survival got fucked. No reason to play it now.
>Are professions actually purposeful?
If you mean the ones that can create a useful item for you it's the usual - TL, LW, BS, ENG. (3 item lvl lower than Mythic apparently).
>Redpill me on delves and if they will be hated a couple months from now
They'll turn on hard delves after the next reset so it's hard to tell. Delves can provide Heroic level gear so people will probably do them it's hard to tell.
>I'd like to juggle a few alts. Is that doable in this expansion?
Yes. Leveling is very fast and alts get 5% bonus to exp for each lvl 80 char up to 25%. Reputation is warbandwide (multiple character). You can send honor from one character to another.
>Give me the current rundown on fury war/enhance sham/demo lock/unholy DK
Fury strong in pvp and strongest melee in pvp (together with assa rogue)
enh - some enchs say it's literally best gameplay ever for ench.
demo lock - worse than other two specs numberswise, average gameplaywise
unholy DK - strong in both pve and pvp but not op
>2. How long does it take to get through DF story?
You don't need to do DF story?

> Is that doable in this expansion?
Warbands made this easier. Yes.
that was meant for you
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What the fuck are you smoking?

Literally just change your rotation. FotE only has a 45 second CD anyway you retard; the reset on KC added up, yeah, but you'll still have it up with CDs every single time. All our CDs are like 60 seconds anyways.

You retarded nigger, you spooked me and made me read a bunch of changes that basically amount to:

>We changed butchery and you'll have to alter the order you push buttons in
>Too much shit reset the cooldowns of shit. We nerfed the RNG and gave you more targeted damage.
>Also KC cleaves at an additional 50% damage which basically vaporizes the nerfs to pack leader as long as you don't fuck up your button order.

Honestly I am cautiously optimistic about butchery causing 'heavy' AoE bleed damage. If it's not bullshit I'll enjoy watching the numbers go brrr when I spank the button with all my CDs up.
Warrior and Paladins, Mages due to natural reasons.
Old Horde that invaded Azeroth mainly consisted of the regular Grunts who are warriors. Their goal was to genocide Azeroth's natives.
Here came Paladins created with the goal to genocide Orcs.
And Azshara's Empire were Elven Supremacists, and mainly consisted of mages.
These three classes are the most racist.
>1. Are professions actually purposeful? Hearing mixed opinions on this
they would be if bots didnt destroy the market and it wasnt so easy to make wrong choices with crafting specialization

>2. How long does it take to get through DF story? I thought it looked horribly ghey and would prefer to skip it.
you can just dungeon spam or do a different x-pac with time walking to level. 1-70 usually takes about a day or two, leveling is trivial now

>3. Redpill me on delves and if they will be hated a couple months from now
they are fun as long as you dont spam run them. there are enough (and some of them have multiple scenarios per delve) that you can run them more than once without getting bored, but if you try to chain run delves it will get stale quickly, same as if you tried spam running the same dungeon over and over

>4. I'd like to juggle a few alts. Is that doable in this expansion?
the rep grinding and item trading is more alt friendly now, though you'll probably still want a main to funnel everything to and upgrade first, upgrades and keys are the bottleneck for power right now and its a lot of work to get enough to gear multiple alts, though alts can farm materials and rep to upgrade your main, so more alt friendly than it was, but probably still not as much as something like 14

>5. Give me the current rundown on fury war/enhance sham/demo lock/unholy DK
unholy is good, especially with rider. true minion master melee/spell hybrid. enhance is still too bloated, trying to cram 12 buttons with 5 second cooldowns into a competing rotation with 15 different procs. nearly impossible to play well, and ease of play talents that reduce keybinds also drastically reduce power. fury warrior is basically enhancement shaman with a realistic number of keybinds so you can actually press everything, but it has ZERO downtime, if you miss a single GCD you crater your dps. highly uptime and APM reliant. demo is aight, clunky with 100% hard casts but good flavor
warlocks are literally about enslaving lesser creatures

Many talents have changed locations.

1. Just do gathering or alch and specialize in flasks so that you are raid ready
2.Skip DF. Holy fuck is it the gayest story in wow. I did the last patch to get the night elf heritage recolor and i felt ILL at how bad it was. It felt like i was watching a low budget disney childrens show color pallet at all. TWW is 100000x better
3.Jury is still out. I liked them on my DK, hated them on my priest.
4.its the most alt friendly the game has ever been in the history of wow
5. All specs/classes you listed are S-A tier and the best they have been in a long time
>New Talent: Eye for an Eye – Melee and ranged attackers receive Holy damage each time they strike you during Ardent Defender or Divine Protection and Divine Shield.

hahahahhaa making paladin even more op

They buffed paladin back to nr 1
Holy shit
Chris Metzen!
Summary based on Paladin discord reactions.
>Prot - nice additions but not really changing meta standings.
>Ret - nice additions but not really changing much.
>Holy - nice additions, potentially powerful buffs to Lightsmith and overall utility side, AC nerf.
Non-cosmetic class restricted gear can now have its appearance collected by other classes. This change will be retroactive to any gear currently your bank or inventory.
When quests are completed, all appearances from non-cosmetic item rewards will now be granted, regardless of if that particular class can see or choose them or not. This should apply retroactively to all quests previously completed.

If you want the Hallowfall tmog set for a different armor type, do you have to do the entire levelling campaign again on a diff armor type character, or just the campaign that unlocks at max level?
EU friends play with anons <Nerub Silkweaver Form> EU argent dawn alliance
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how do i turn this shit off? i didn't see anything about the covenant campaign skip so i can go to korthia
I did the questchain to get the cooking recipe "Beledar's Bounty" on my main, who doesn't have cooking.
Now, it's literally impossible to obtain it on my alt, who has cooking. Why did Blizzard do this to me?
>>Ret - nice additions but not really changing much.
need to talk to bolvar in oribos iirc to skip all that garbage
FotE is ass and they're forcing it now.
Butchery is 15s CD instead of 9s CD with 3 charges and no longer makes Raptor Strike hit 3 targets, which means you can no longer spread Serpent Sting without talenting for it, and also the no-charge and longer CD makes the talent that makes Butchery reduce CD on Wildfire Bomb less useful. Guess you can put that now in FotE since someone at blizz obviously needs everyone to play it.
>start fresh after years of not playing
ok uhm
what is going on?
where do i go after the tutorial island?
danuser must die
Goku blanco con elementos...
Or you can just by it from renown vendors.
Otherwise you need to do the quests that reward it. Iirc not all of them are campaign, some I think were side quests.
ok i did that but now it wont let me mount up still in the maw
metzen already killed him
The game should direct you to where to go next
What is on your map or quest log
you can so clearly pinpoint the shit they had to salvage left by Danuser and stuff brought by Metzen
>Harronir, Faerin and other gay shit was done by Danuser
>Here comes Metzen, shoveling in Anduin, Thrall and Titan lore.
so why hasn't vanessa been arrested? she's literally a terrorist
>list of .5 changes
>no changes to rogue hero talents or even fixes to the ones that straight up don't work
>paladins get 21 new talents
it's all so very tiresome
UH is the best raid DPS btw
i like the harronir, i hope theyre the next allied race after earthen
talk to chromie
she helped in the human heritage quest and I cant even remember why
don't worry she exploded together with dalaran
america bobo sleepy time
Then go talk to Chromie
do you just dump all your HP into word of glory for heals?
You can count them on fingers of your hands.
Just like the number of quests they appear in.
>>paladins get 21 new talents
I mean we ARE the hero class after all bruf
now that the dust has settled

did anyone ever find a trans character in TWW? is wow finally back
I haven't seen any raids anon.
>using HP for WoG
Who does that, you use the free WoG that not only procs all the time, but also reduced CD on your armaments.
Unless you play Templar, in which instance the big hammer heals you.
they'll be in patch cucktent
every expansion has a trans character. it is you, the player
>Not once in all of DF was there a forced mandatory grind like SL or BFA.
You're forgetting Legion, a highly overrated grindfest expansion.
Legion, BfA and SL were all attempts to make a grind system that the playerbase would stomach and every single one failed and they almost killed the game.
People give Legion a pass because it came after WoD and dangled a bunch of fanservice in people's faces with various characters and artifact weapons that they forget RNG legendaries, artifact power killing your ability to easily switch specs until the mechanic was bypassed with catchup.
I only enjoyed Legion when I played with others but I still spit on that expansion like BfA and SL, I might even say that BfA was better because the Corruption system was so broken it just became fun due to being so absurd.
I think there was one dancing gay couple maybe in a tavern upstairs but thats about it. Every story couple/ quest has been straight. No trans at all. I think the worst offender has been Faerins design which really clashes with her voice and the over used trope of replacing a corrupt/retiring male leader with a new female one. It happens 4-5 times in the expansion.
>first zone gryphon dude
>second zone claw lady
>a few side quests
>gryphon storm rider quest at the very end
>thought I would finish the Legion campaign on some classes I didn't get to before
>instantly hit with the table where all you do is click a button and wait for an hour nine
Guess I'll be not doing it after all.
i got no clue what to choose
As the protagonist, it makes sense for paladins to receive a buff. You are but a paladin's side character never forget that.
How is MM hunter? I want to play a good but comfy range dps class without pets.
oh I should prolly spam that shit then
>Legion, a highly overrated grindfest expansion.
it was ony a grindfest if you were retarded enough to farm legos and AP like crazy
Do you care about story or just wanna level?
Cata timeline gives "classic" leveling if you just wanna hit up regions. Should be familiar while also leveling you at a decent pace
Light is good, Life is good, Titans are good
Void is bad, Necromancy is bad, The Burning Legion is bad
simple as
this kills the danuser
that character reeks of donutsteelness
Why the fuck does she have that armor? Everyone else uses the same style, be it a common soldier or a commander.
She's one of many Lamplighters, why then.
And why does she have a fucking jousting lance as a melee weapon she uses on foot. She doesn't use it to cast spells or something.
You can tell it was designed by a woman, an extremely dumb self centered white obese one, probably with dyed hair, bunch of stupid tattoos and probably a nose ring as well.
>How is MM hunter?
nobody knows because raids, m+, arenas don't work. from what i've heard not great not terrible
Wait til the 20th patch. It is ass
Only one of those things is good. Light and Titans are too up their own ass to realize it
the thistle tea change really highlights that whoever is in charge of rogue dev has no fucking idea about the class
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>Paladins are the main ch-ACK!
i've abandoned the thought of wows story
so just fastest leveling i guess
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>play Legion
>play a certain spec
>"hmm I'm not sure I like the gameplay now that I've unlocked all the class functionality tied to artifact power"
>switch spec
>have to regrind just to be able to play your spec
>at any time ypu could get a completely random legendary from any loot source
>it might be Bis
>it might also be a worthless statstick "legendary"
Legion was inexcusable and I didn't even grind, I dropped it after a while until the catchup mechanics salvaged it
>flavorful as fuck hero talents
>talent rework right off the bat
>updated T2 set
I was in Dalaran and found a goblin chick named Halfstack in the lower level sitting seductively on a sofa
Hear me out:

At the end of the TWW trilogy azeroth will explode
Our hero and some story npcs will use some portal to travel to another dimension
That other dimension is gonna be the revamp of wow in ~2030

Screencap this post
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Just pick Classic and spam dungeons
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maybe because paladin changes impact nearly 4x as many players as rogue. the only thing less popular than rogue is the brand new single race/class psuedo class that is literal transmog hell

rogue is the least popular of the old classes and has been forever. thats not new to TWW. its also been overdesigned into the ground with unfun mechanics that make every single spec laborious and cumbersome to play and difficult to track and perform with, weather its juggling 10 dots or juggling 10 buffs half of which are random dice rolls.

the whole class needs a ground up reset
>show retarded change that you don't intend to implement
>players aren't happy
>remove it in the end of PTR
>players are happy for free
I love classic dungeons
did you smash or finna crash out
(Dark Ranger) Hunter sisters... we're so back
>Legion 10 to 20
>Region leveling in cata timeline 20 to 50
>Drainor 50 to 70
Decent pace if you're committed. There's also just spamming dungeons but that's a crapshoot most days
Why is rogue so unpopular?
Other classes are just better?
i doubt
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What landmass is that?
Wait they cucked human racials and now they dont get bonus 10% rep? The fuck? I was playing my human main assuming it still works like always
lots of effort for little reward
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im really loving light smith prot. reminds me of the guild wars 2 guardian
>brand new single race/class psuedo class that is literal transmog hell
But hey! They can now be awarrior or hunter or l´warlock!
>this made gen-Xers shit and piss and barf with laughter
>so much it's been made into a LoL skin
requesting the "it's like looking into a dark mirror" image of him
>still barely below rogue
On the same character how many times a day/week can I get loot from the theatre troupe? I really want the bs recipe.
Why not? The icon for the last expac literally looks like the wow logo is exploding
You could have changed your loot to a certain spec for lego, I leveled up 3 artefacts in a chill mode; there was so much AP I stopped doing daylies with small AP rewards.
>I dropped it after a while until the catchup mechanics salvaged it
understandable thank you very much
Not him but I can see us losing but not that badly, though I would be happy to see a world revamp.
But like if there are obvious good and evil you cant really tell a good story, its too predictable and there is no intrigue or spice.
Back in the day you could, but now it just feels dated and uninspired. Thats why Dune is gaining popularity.
anyways survival hunter velf yay or nay?
NOT doing professions NOR gathering
I buy the wow token SIMPLE as EASY as
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Given the new profession system, how many characters have (You) permanently bricked, and why?
You also forget that a lot of classes played like shit in Legion so rerolling was a very real possibility
You brought this on yourself
It's a pvp class.
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what are the odds we will have playable harronir next month?
way more effort involved than pretty much any other dps spec for similar results
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>willingly plays a velf hunter
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what's with this retarded take being spammed nonstop? assassination is absolute top tier in m+, RBGs, 3s, and raid. It's the only spec that can challenge preservation for being the best spec in the game
what happened to the wowo wawa wagonflight poster
did he not come back for TWW?
It's clear from how the expacs are named that Midnight is when "things are at their worst".
complicated and finnicky to play, incredibly difficult solo content compared to other classes with very little self sustain or defensive tools that dont involve running away and resetting the fight, intricate and very easy to fuck up combat rotations, and each spec is its own special version of hell.

assassination involves dot tracking on multiple dots which require careful management to get the most out of in tight rotation windows and refreshing too early or too late destroys dps

outlaw revolves around wild RNG procs, like 5 different finishers, and stacking multiple random buffs and having to recognize, capitolize on, and maintain those buffs

and subtlety has been hyper focused around narrow burst windows and damage outside of those burst windows is negligible, and if you mess up a burst window or let your cooldowns drift your DPS drops to near zero.

each spec has been flanderized into the most extreme and overdesigned version of its tropes that they've all become torturous to play compared to almost any class, and for the trouble you are rewarded with middling DPS. its basically only worth it as a pvp class, half of its utility such as the constant disappearing and teleporting is useless or highly situational in pve
you can tell he has at least 100 different pandaren girlfriends
you're stupid
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How do you call this aesthetic? The goku at home?
actually life is bad as well
see au draenor before the titans
it has too many buttons for people. ret can do nearly the same dps with 4 buttons
the game is mostly played by dad gamers with arthritis, they cant play rogue
i thought its named midnight because it will be patch 12.0
bravo metzen
And it will get nerfed, a rogue spec being good temporarily doesn't mean rogue will become popular, all 3 specs need to be good and fun for rogue to be popular
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>And its just TWW
>Midnight is considered Paladin expansion as well

We have won.
>a lot of classes played like shit in Legion
Which classes are those? I leveled up lock, dk, mage - played them more or less often, also leveled up Rogue, War, DH, Monk and Shaman for professions. Thought they were alright.
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I bricked my acuity by spending it on recipes and knowledge points that weren't necessary this early. It's so joever.
>ummm it's currently got good numbers so that means you don't get to complain
that's all the class dev knows to do, they can't design rogue well so occasionally they throw us an aura buff to keep people happy
I liked rogue in classic and tbc because the game design being so different made it stand out even when not used in pvp. Pickpocketing and sneaking past meant something but now you can just go ultra instinct unless you are a rogue because of how squishy you are. The only other class or more specificly spec that feels like it got lost to time is Demology warlock after it started throwing demons around instead of powering the pets themselves up so you could have something else than felguard. Its like a bastardization that outlaw went through but in a more subtle manner. Maybe it is not the class but gameplay style that has been lost to time.
the assa nerfs are coming
otherwise the inner circle guilds would level more rogues
Ouch! That's a tough one anon, probably time to level a new alt!
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I am gone GOONFORM into Tyrande and Alex!

Thats right.
At Blizzcon panel Metzen quite clearly said that Void is bad and we will stand with the Light to bunish it forever.
Best day to post mats onto the AH? Is it still right after the Tuesday maintenance?
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Just log in every day for a week, check the AH and then click on price history in auctionator. Easy.
>can't pick up companion exp treasures while in combat
>get permanently stuck in combat bugged
>cast greater invis and try to loot it
>instantly get back in combat again
fuck you nigger
>earthen get like 10 different heritage sets

Warrior played like shit and Fury needed a Nighthold trinket just to function, even in Antorus
DK specs were flanderized and just purely became their specs, frost was only frost etc, unholy became extremely gimmicky
Most specs were turned into builder/spender specs akin to paladin holy power, leaving everything feeling samey
Most dps specs felt like they barely did damage outside of spender abilities.
Tank balance was all over the place with Guardian druids or blood DKs being godlike compared to the other tanks
I could probably go on but these are at the top of my head.
Point being, classes in Legion were fucking atrocious.
idk if they announced its removal or what but I just ran spider 17 times in a row until I got the sac and didn't get the leaver penalty nor queue cooldown even once
Such is the privilege of being either massively popular (human) or utter shit they have to compensate for it (earthen).
All the midwit races get btfo'd
but human has the best heritage armor?
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ill survive, we're playing the long game with this one
>post mats
Regionwide guys don't sleep and will try to correct the price all the time. Most people buy stuff on the first day (US Tuesday, EU Wednesday) of the raiding week and on Saturday and Sunday (more people online in these days). People will buy current mats anyway; imagine having demand from all servers; you need to constantly repost them though.
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>list auction
>instantly sells
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>wanna find a guild for raiding
>everyone just recruits for mythic + guilds
When should I offload augment runes?
That's exactly my point.
raid difficulties should be removed
Reminds me of the blurry pictures of Big Foot.
Starting to regret being Tauren for my Paladin
>rogue crimson vial
>20 energy, heals 20% OVER 4 seconds, 30s cd
>warrior impending victory
>10 rage, does damage, instantly heals 30%, 25s cd and resets on kills
I feel bad for rogues, they need better survivability, I don't care that people are still stuck in the past, rogues are squishy as hell and need something like Recuperate back
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any skinjeets in
>pick up leatherworking thinking I'll be able to make myself a set of armor
>impossible due to lack of sparks and most recipes being RNG drops and some not being available until raid
yea it's either mythic prog or m+ on my server, but I'm trying to just do norm/heroic with mediocre dadgamers
i would, but i bricked my skinning by going for lures first, so my character is permanently broken.
They regen shit in stealth.
Getting sick of these fuckers proccing their automatic can't die passive, vanishing while chugging the vial, only to open on me like nothing's happened with 80% health back.
I'm on my second character and brann is trying to get to me pick a part of the scouting map to "help out", is he just baiting me to start quests that I have already done on my other character? I don't want to do any quests on this second character.
yeah i did some research and went sharpening or whatever it is called for the x3 sharpen knife
>crimson vial can heal you in stealth mode
>impending victory can't
When will rogues stop crying?
Any friend of Greymane is a friend of mine.
a friend of sneed is a friend of chuck
more like gaymane lol
You can just ignore it.
earthen isnt shit, its one of the best races they've added in a long time. cool city, cool lore, old school wow race, good customization, good racials (now that they're fixed).

you want an example of a bad race look at shit like dracthyr (dragon scaly, cant transmog 80% of slots, 1 class for the first 4 years), vulpera (who? also furry) or kul tiran humans (only like 6 options each for hairstyle, beard, face, and no extra customization features), or mechagnomes (cant transmog 1/2 the slots, literal diaper babies)
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What are you complaining about nigger?
You can get most patterns from the prof talent tree.
All mats are pretty cheap or you can farm them quickly as skinner.
Meanwhile all epic blacksmith recipes need 4-6 of these shitboxes that have less than 1% drop rate from world mobs and chest.
Druids do the exact same and more, rogues are inferior to feral druids overall and assassination being overtuned right now doesn't change that
oh neat, they added the level 80 dungeons to the leveling rotation
more like grey name
Druids can heal while stealthed and also have a passive that automatically prevents them from dying and have an ability to instantly go restealth while in combat?
goalposts weigh roughly 500lbs, if you need some help moving it lmk
>Warriors abilities are better than rogues abilities.
>Druids abilities are better than rogues abilities
When will rogues stop crying?
Just spam the Nightfall Sanctum delve, you get like 2-3 of em per hour at minimum, triple that if you're lucky
could someone explain to me why on some characters my hearthstone has a 0 second cd, but on others its 15 mins?
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turned on warmode to gank the retard paladins who all wear that shitty hallowfall set
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That's a free 6k gold every time it drops from a random treasure.
I still cycling between paladin and dk godfuckingdamnit
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>humiliation gnome
Is this a meme?
I did 3 of them on tier 3 difficulty and found none.
he looks like he steals ore from unsuspecting earthen during night time
tank or DPS? I just dropped DK for warrior but feel like I'm going to regret it next week in solo shuffle rbgs and blood being able to manage wipe prevention by literally soloing bosses in m0/+ is always extremely comfy and based.
>absolutely wanna get runebear if I'm to play guardian
>Mage tower is overtuned a shit
>drop rate from DF wb is low as fuck
I would do unspeakable things for a blood elf footjob
>Tank or dps
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It's definitely RNG, but I've seen no difference between doing it on tier 1 or 3, and you can spam t1 much faster, so I end up getting a decent amount
iktf, I keep cycling between Paladin and Priest
I can't pin myself down to one even though I want to
>level fishing to 100
>think wow that was fast
>it goes to 300 now
ouchie owie my fingie has a splinter in it
>rogue below monk
jesus that is grim
>mage tower is overtuned a shit
come back when you have more gear, was the same in legion
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pallies are the only tank I've needed to be healed this expansion thus far but I'm sure they'll get some buffs thrown their way before m+ launches, that holy power dump from whatever eye of tyr flips too feels super bad though. actually both hero trees feel incredibly bad on pally to me. Armaments could be cool if it wasn't on the GCD
fishing level had always varied and your bait caught me
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woah there anon let's not pretend feral isn't a shit designed mess as well right now
got baited by the same bug, even used the 10 skill point books to go from 70-100 kek. also internet told me you could stack the fisherline and tool enchant and you certainly can't
yet again, early access chuds get fucked over
Aparently Hunter is shit
What class should I roll instead?

does anyone know if you can get prof knowledge from dmf?
armaments is just wildly underwhelming on both of the specs stuck with it
humans get 2 charges of hearthstone use now that's probably what you're getting confused with
I'm looking forward to being Emperor Palpatine but you're picking up a million Rising Sun Kick synergies on the way so no. Mistweaver is a melee spec. If you want to stand in the back doing nothing pick another healer.
nah, the scaling is fucked, you can beat it but you need TBC gear with gems and shit to cheese it
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>doesnt send reinforcements
>blocks off all tunnels instead
>Mistweaver bros, are we finally going to be able to play as range healer?
god i hope not
yea you can, don't forget to bring parchment/moon water or w.e your profs need with you
she has a human husband 100%

Orejogger is his name
I am once again asking for your troop contribution
And retri is a hybrid dps and not that fun, it was fun only in legion and mop remix for me
why TBC gear for legion content?
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that was a neat little bit
>tfw no cuddly tauren tradwife
>holy pally has always been my favorite healer
>but I've always hated how ret played
life is struggle
I just want to find a healer where I like the DPS stuck to it
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what a cunt
did you know that 'sneed' stopped for some time until a particular faggot created a discord group and they all spammed 'sneed' for a couple of years after becoming assblasted nonstop? now faggots like you post it as an attempt to fit in? did you know that?
they could have at least given deathstalker the old death from above animation for the capstone
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>Evokers nerfed
So it begins...
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what was she supposed to do, send a contingent to get slaughtered on the other side of the world? kill the lich king herself? lmao
man moe always fucking cracked me up, and apu being beyond reasonable all the time but getting fucked over
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And it's terrific!
My only gripe is the fishing pole equipment is the same model as Dragonflights. It was a cute idea from the Mechagnomes, but god damn it, give me something that looks like a goddamn fishing pole!
I went to the official forums and the horde are such crybabies, it's fuckin' ridiculous.
and yet you're here crying about horde
sounds pretty rent free to me

what happened?
but its on my dark iron dwarf as well
oh then I dunno bro
are you using your garrison or dalaran hearths maybe
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fun dps specs?
The Horde is crying because they have to play with Alliance characters in the story. I think the Horde should go into a separate game created by Steve Danuser where he will further write his Sylvanas fanfics that they enjoy so much.
is the EU guild dead?
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how did i get a veteran piece already?
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>I think the Horde should go into a separate game created by Steve Danuser where he will further write his Sylvanas fanfics that they enjoy so much.
I feel a little more annoyed by this than I probably should be just because... they're fucking spiders. Not ants or bees or whatever. Most spiders just kill and eat their mates if they get the chance. A 'King' seemed more thematically appropriate for a notable strong dude among them that fucked all the bitches and spawned a lot cause whoever he mates with likely couldn't kill him in the process if they tried.
Now that just seems undermined for no reason. Along with taking away from how the scaling of the 'War of the Spider' sounded to give Anub'arak his big 'Traitor King' reputation.
Cool, so I have to wait until the end of November to play my class?
You can get multiple veteran pieces.
Depends, what for?
Not destro
How tough is Holy Paladin? The idea of a melee healer kinda spooks me
nevermind im a certified retard its 480
This guy has had fairly reliable takes over the past couple of expansions
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>Why don't people who specifically play Horde to escape the extremely heavy Alliance-driven narrative of the past several expansions written by obviously bias writers as well as their cancerous playerbase want to have to deal with whiny Allincel characters crying over stubbing their toe???
Can't possibly fathom why. Almost like the Alliance are fucking insufferable and always lead to further trooning of the game whenever they're the main focus.
I've got 3 level 80s at 584 ilvl. My survival hunter is performing the best in dungeons out of all 3 of them, whoever told you hunter is shit is lying.
it was awesome in df s1 and s2
now its a shitty clunky melee caster
which one?
elysian is alive
the one made out of spite to compete probably not
> heal while stealthed
>instantly go restealth while in combat?

almost zero impact on PVE, and in some situations actively harmful when restealthing resets the mob.

like everyone has said, rogue is a PVP class, it is strictly worse than other offerings for PVE
>>493373342 - another horde crybaby
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I accept your concession.
Between having to avoid melee mechanics, having a secondary resource (holy power) and being reliant on cooldowns - It requires a lot of brain ram
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I went to bed but then I started reading scary true crime stories on my phone... I fucked up /wowg/
Now the chair with my favorite hoodie on it looks like a scary monster
This happens to you guys right? What the heck do I do, should I put on Classic WoW videos until I fall asleep lmao
>no u
stop crying hordie
Suck this dick to feel better
This is so fucking funny
The guy said about horde crying all the time
And guess what they do? STATYS CRYING IN HIS REPLIES
I can't
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Says the one that came to this thread just to throw an absolute unadulterated shit-fit over something he could easily ignore
my time has come..
goodbye wowg...
I'm afraid of small things
i sound like this
aww poor baby, cuddle with your favorite plush
imagine the bad dragon collab
blizzard will never
bro just can't stop crying
the consequences of playing for the basedrde
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has anyone made this joke yet about the new ascendence shaman forms?
brown hands typed this
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What is your mount bound to /wowg/

Mine is Shift+Tab
you know wow is back when we’re back to vapid faction shit flinging
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Impressive digits.
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shift+m (I have big hands)
shift + space as well
how the fuck do you shift + tab comfortably
To be fair, the scourge isn't something that is defeated by just throwing soldiers at it.
That and they accidentally unearthed old god shit so they were being slaughtered on two fronts.
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Mine is right alt+T, but I have swapped caps lock with right alt.
Nothing because I'd have to burn 4 keybinds for something that doesn't matter if I click them.
show feet
i click the icon on my hotbar
I don't know what specs to pick for mining/herb bros.....im sitting on like 30 knowledge points
<elysian> is pretty alive and chill
beeline for gathering while mounted
shift + the button above tab
I don't give a fuck if it's """inefficient""" or whatever but I always beeline for gathering while mounted.
you can skip the gathering while mounted for herbalism by just using a sky golem
Mounted gathering.
but all my friends are playing 2-4 and it's giving me fomo, and I'm not even sure why
all previous seasons my alts were nothing but goldsinks, doing +8 keys for vault so that I could put bis enchants and craft bis gear at max ilvl for no real reason
maybe I should just level a herb/mine alt and use it as a second character that I put no effort into
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Metzen didn't just put together the Sons of Lothar for nothing. There's more to come. Trust the plan.
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only person that plays WoW
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kek, obliterated
12.0 will be kino
it will be the first xpac fully under metzen control since cata
and cata was amazing! cant wait for more go'el
for mining, max out mining fundamentals first node so you can mine while mounted
For years no one cared about Vereesa because she was just a satellite character to Rhonin and Jaina. But now everyone is mad that she is not in TWW. Why?
yes and ?>>493373370
>top DPS in st
>incredible cleave
Playing other character now is easier than ever, as much as it sounds like a headline or an advert.
The fact that you can't get bonus rep from the same quests on multiple characters and that most of the checkboxes are on weekly basis (or in case of world quests, they last 3 days) makes it great to just dedicate one day to one character, different day to another and so on, instead of hectically juggling character on hourly basis.
I fucking love it.
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I click the button???
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You guys mount via keyboard? weirdos...
I use my right side mount bar.
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.

>Globo Fomo community if you're horde so you can ask for invites

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay
Good, encouraged even.

shift g, shift h for my YAK
When was the last time anyone ingame called him that?
can we go one expansion without the windrunner whores taking the spotlight

no one cares about these bland bimbos except for danuser
I just shit myself
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>perfect diplomat
mining while mounted is a trap
>there must always be a lich king
>there's no lich king anymore
>nothing happened and everything is fine
WoD i think
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>1060 6GB + i5 6500
this is so fucking cool.
Danuserslop isn't canon
just ate an entire tub of ben n jerry's chocolate fudge brownie
class and race for this feel?
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panda poomancer
i've seen youtube comments saying globo homo that are years old posts. i have no doubt ifunny and 9gag have globo homo shitposts too. your trashy guild will never work because nobody wants to join it. consistent normalfag bullshit is guaranteed to fail. every guild you try to make will fail because it's not in the name. it's just you. nobody likes you.
he's a war veteran, fought his first wars against orc invaders, i don't think he'll ever be diplomatic towards orcs
Is it possible to fish bot without getting banned these days
People are talking about her now because she was one of the main characters associatged with Dalaran who was just completely absent when it was destroyed.
i think you can train a neural network to detect the bobbler easily using an optical method rather than memory reading (have a camera pointed at the screen) and thus 100% avoid detection for that
automating the mouse clicks might be a problem for detection but i assume it can be done
sounds like the doomers have mindbroken you
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t. lorelet
We just had one - DF.
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>"I play solo, I'm a 56 or old woman who played yrs ago when my sons were young. I just came back and played MOP, and love it so much, but I'm such a noob so I like playing solo so no one yells at me . I enjoy questing and doing the Delves...."
it's cute. they're not asking to be pandered to, they're just enjoying the content the game has to offer for them. this is miles better than emplussers, for example, who shit blood every time they're told they have to actually play the whole game and not JUST their minigame.
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>perfect diplomat, cunning warrior, wise and kind man, gets job done
That's the problem, because all this is Anduin's shtick. Anduin makes Turalyon absolute because they are essentially the same. Even visually. The only difference is that Turalyon is old, has a wife and a child, but that's it.

And since Anduin is more popular and is now basically the protag of WoW, the writers will use him instead of Turalyon.
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The horde and the alliance should work on a joint operation to promote interracial breeding between factions, this is the only way to promote true lasting peace.
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There's no way metzen wrote this shit
They must be using him as a front for somebody else
the entire market was is with cheap botted mats so i assume that yes
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>the entire market was is with cheap botted mats
somehow i wrote is instead of flooded
truly a wow player moment
Do you also have a problem with staying regular?
The writers use Anduin because he’s on a journey, his character is constantly shifting and moving forward. Turalyon’s arc is already done, he’s completely static. His only value as a character currently is being Alleria’s husband, besides that you could replace him with any generic stormwind officer.
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>patron work order
>wants to me to spend 5000g of my own mats
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i thought the patch wasnt out yet?
patron orders are strictly for knowledge and acuity not for money
i poop every day
Don't do what I did and put all your alchemy points into this transmute shit
the truly retarded profession altfags will lose money in the coming months. still profitable if they worked had, but a loss for some time until later season 2
so what happens when assassin gets nerfed and it still has all the bugs and design issues? what about outlaw and sub who suffer from those bugs and design issues while also being much lower on the meters? do you think just because a single spec is currently overtuned that the class doesn't need work? do you maybe realise that the rogue dev has no fucking idea how to modernise the class and just goes "uhhh 20% aura buff GO" every other season?
>that image
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watching scalecommander dracthyr doing flybys is pretty cool
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what's the most fun class/spec right now? hunters seem trash, assassination rogues are pretty mid, fire mages are trash, frost mages seem great, retripalas are and have always been trash except during TBC pre-WotLK patch

god i miss the weird fire mage from cataclysm
that was after the Thursday maintenance
i wish they would stop asking me for rank 3 flasks and cauldrons
I hate this shit blizzard does where the player character knows something and just doesn't share information with the major NPCs they're working with.
Yes it was the fucking world soul talking to magni. We've known this since like 7.3 why are we pretending this is new information
Anniversary boss list.
1. Lord Roccor
2. Bael'Gar
3. Lord Incendius
4. Golem Lord Argelmach
5. The Seven
6. General Angerforge
7. Ambassador Flamelash
8. Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
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>Dawnbreaker pugs
who is this nubian goddess
DPS specs are never fun.
Healers are now in a great spot.
I meet this people a lot and you can tell when you find them in the wild, they're clueless but extremely polite and when they do decide to dabble in group content if they meet someone who is nice to them they become attached to you like a lost puppy
I always feel bad when I quit after meeting a few of them they brighten up everytime you login and immediately chat you up
I want this brown elf to call me a handsome wizard
really enjoying unholy!!
i read that as
>nerubian goddess
i got spoodrs on my mind

An avid asmon enjoyer
When does the anniversary shit start?
Choco Elves..
i haven;t even seen the dungeon but i can't wait to be the dumbass that doesn't know. it;s probably just like nokhud with some spice and retards ae going crazy over it
trying to pick between ret pally, dps dh or ele shaman. what do i choose
holy basado
i enjoy him as a lolcow. him burning his mom alive was peak content, truly the best moment in wow history
the most cancer shit about this dungeons that some abilities just disappear into the fucking void when you use them
using spriest shadow crash on the packs on the two flying boats just doesn't work sometimes and now you have to waste ten gazillion GCDs to dot the adds because this game is dogshit
havoc dh is always fun
Starts sometime October, going by the 8 week patch cycle, we can assume October 22nd-26th.
Then lasts a few months

Fucking beyond retarded and need to seek immediate medical help
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Resto Shaman status?
i dont get it. If faerin looked like this i think this vg would have exploded. Hell i kinda wish the Arathi Empire had a bit more of a Middle Eastern Arabic flair to them to counter the Stormwind European stuff/ head canon reason why so many of npcs are black
I'm gonna assume it's content intended for Level 80's? I honestly haven't even bought the expansion yet, but want to come back for that at least.
*casts flame buffet on you*
nothing personal, kiddo
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class for this feel?
do not play havoc it gets shoehorned into a shit auto attack build
Turalyon & Alleria as Scott & Jean makes perfect sense
is she going to have her dark phoenix moment?
is he going to father notcable with sylvy?
>Earthen can level to 70 solely by exploring
Kino. I'm already
Faerin would be great without the fucking strong black female video game character designed by a white woman haircut

like it would be better if she was outright bald than that fucking fat lesbian/10 year old boy cute
Looks to be running the usual seasonal event reward rules.
MMOChampion has a few items such as 20th Anniversary Raid Caches from LFR, Normal and Heroic locked to level 80, with a celebration goodie bag requiring level 10.
Then there's Chromie's Goodie Bags that require level 10 to open
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I'm enjoying Unholy DK, and Blood feels pretty enjoyable too when I want to swap over to tank for a bit. Frost is fine too, but it doesn't feel as fun as Unholy. It just feels smooth to play, and with haste each spec gets even more enjoyable.
clogged shitter just like the tier shoulders
Why do you care so much about hair? Are you a woman?
its honestly the worst aspect about her. I really want to see mods give her better hair, just keep everything the same and a different hair cut and she would jump up 200% in attractiveness. They really did her dirty because aside from the reading a book to orphans moment, i really liked her but her design sucked. Also using a lance and not being mounted hurts my brain
The people who pay attention to WoW's story are disproportionately women and faggots
Faerin is made to look unthreatening, Alleria is made to be the middle aged "I am old but still got it" self insert
Xalatath is the evil Stacy (watch any movie aimed at a female audience)
you will not survive The Mazebreaker.
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I will never forgive Blizzard for making Faerin a disgusting ape orc pitbull hybrid. That trailer killed her character for me.

i JUST exploded to this
the game is mostly made by womyn now anyway
just listen to max and pretend that every character is a grey blob. stop caring about the story and just farm gear
i genuinely thought she was a Maghar Orc the first time I watched the trailer. I wonder what happened in production for them to completely change her look
It's not even that it's hard, it just isn't a hallway so nobody knows where to go
holy shit it's naleidea rivergleam!
I would quite literally rather shit my own dick than be obligated to play wow on a specific schedule and have to plan real life around raid times
the what? and why?
Turns out that void elf Alleria is a void clone of high elf Alleria, who is still trapped in the Nether. High elf Alleria will return and bring the High Elves as an Allied Race.
It's a shame too because it feels more racist by giving every black girl in video games these kinds of ugly designs instead of giving them actual hair and making them pretty. You see so many retarded fucking designs like this all over video games that it feels like it's just someone attempting to be inclusive but really it feels like this is just how video game developers exclusively see black people.

It's like they can't understand that having a pretty character in a fantasy setting is completely okay.
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same, she confused me just that Hearthstone chick.
is this meant to be a generic nerd (female)?
feral druid before they made them too complex
What shaman specc is the most fun?
What's up with Blizzard turning black women into plaladins?
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>give draggies the ability to be other classes
>you only see transmog in non combat situation
Are they nerfing their racials?
Do they get the quirky new transformation?
all of them can stay visage form
except evokers because the furry in the office had a melty

enhance is fun, but I haven't played it yet in this expansion
everyone says it's the most fun it's ever been though
Non-evokers get the option to stay in visage form during combat. But yeah, dracthyr are an unfinished race and blizzard needs to get off their ass and make the geosets.
Dracthyr perfectly encompass everything wrong with dragonflight.
>visually awful
>tone completely off, their animations are all on purpose goofy and silly
>very gay. They look like deviant art fetish fuel and not warcraft dragons
>cant wear armor. They shipped a class that cant wear armor visually in an mmo where collecting armor is EVERYTHING
>visage form has so many options that are wasted because they were lazy and limited it to reskin human and male belf
>actual class evoker is...fun. Well built, solid, op even. Simple and elegent.

So like dragonflight, the engine was decent, everything else was ass
>hate Dwarves
are earthens at least a bit taller than every other dwarves?
holy shit is that boxxy
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>because the furry in the office had a melty
>good gameplay
>but everything else is gay and lame
modern worlo in a nutshell
Bullshit, you could say the exact same about Alleria
They don't use Turalyon because they don't want to and probably want to focus more on Anduin since he's been in the game since launch and they're somewhat similar only Turalyon is far more heroic.
Both are priests/warriors of a kind, both suddenly lost their idol and mentor, forcing them to step up, only Turalyon did it instantly by fighting his mentor's killer while Anduin's story has been painfully slow with him still not shaping up to fill his father's footsteps.
Anduin being written as a plated priest and not a warrior like Varian nor a paladin is baffling, he could and should've become a strong paladin with his father's, Velen's morals.
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>have to wait for 2 months until my spec is playable
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we need a "save character for later" feature honestly
Should I buy a new pc for this? I think I'm getting like 30-40 fps in raids and sometimes dungeons if there's a lot of stuff going on with my current laptop, but I also don't know longterm how much I'll be playing this game and don't really play much else. Can someone make the decision for me? I'm really indecisive.
ermmmm just play one of the other 12 alts you levelled during mop remix.
you DID level alts during mop remix right?
>have to wait 2 months to see if my spec gets gutted
not a fan of the gems. looks like warts or something to me
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Their run animation looks like fucking Minecraft
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i can't unsee it now
dracthyr gameplay is dogshit THOUGH
gemmies. notbad.jpeg
much nicer
>all of them can stay visage form
the only "people" who would do that are those who want to roleplay as drag queen storytellers
everyone else will stick to playing human/blood elf [class]
>Do arakara
>First boss dies
>Entire party leaves
the racials are really good for melee in m+
>female character
Tranny moment
i wanna play as her
you realize you're in wowg?
Faerin seriously surprised me, I expected a know-it-all snarky bitch based on her terrible appearance but she's actually a very nice and decent character, definitely one of the better ones we've had added to WoW, nice voice acting too.
Her awful appearance really killed her chances of popularity, I guarantee she'd be a fan favorite if she was just attractive and not a half blind amputee black woman with a shitty haircut.
>Draenei cheering and burying their dead simultaneously in the background
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uh huh yeah just like all these panda women who use paralysing palm
wod was better than bfa, sl and df, last expansion that felt manly
we got a winner
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gemmy :)
Why are there no hot coco girls like this?
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>hero track warbound gear from BRD on PTR right now
holy moly. though i doubt it will stay that way. would be cool though
a knock up and back on 3 min cd + double jump isnt enough to make people play as >>493377990
it's literally drag queen story hour and even the scalie form is better
unironically even with the comedic boob window, she looks 10x better. Like youd be seeing art of her pop up on here.
sure if you want to play with 180-250ms ping all the time. though it might be better that way, to be a subgroup of people within a big guild than try to run a 4chan OCE guild.
4 years of garrisons was not good anon, no matter how manly you think it was
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Dractrans get THE MOST hairstyle colors options in the whole game
>make hideously ugly character on purpose
imagine saying humans look awful because you can give them a pink handlebar mustache
i hate to say it but bellutard said it best. they did dracthyr well, but they did the wrong thing. not to say there aren't fans of it, but i'm 100% sure that if that effort were to go into those big chonky drakonids we've had since vanilla, they would've been praised to the moon and back
But then they can't do androgynous models for twitter likes
tell me *ahem*

it's incredible because non-furries and furries alike both mostly don't like the twink geckos and wanted the buff drakonids instead
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there's so many ppl playing earthen
it had the best cinematic but WoD literally was 30% finished. It -could- have been the best expansion which is so sad.

>cut garrisons
>make karabor and blade spire main hubs
>Tanaan jungle included from the start with hell fire dungeons (pre legion invasion)
>dont kill garrosh in a shit cutscene
>second patch is blackrock again, keep as is
>third patch is Taking of shatrath, raid where we fight grom at the end, maybe a father son duo fight with garrosh where he dies but grom gets kidnapped by the legion
>hellfire raid and lead up into legion
>scrap ashran for more resources to other things
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>search "Faerin" on rule 34
>0 results

>search "Condord"
>25 results
honestly makes me very sad cause it could been best expansion ever made
>normal dwarves
the term cis-dwarves is more inclusive
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until you can fully get rid of pic related because not all hair styles can hide it there is 0 reason to play this as a normal human and until you can make the scale pattern cover the entire body and face there is 0 reason to play it as a scaliefag
s i s
Reminder that kul tiran females exist and their faces don't have expressions, they're always staring blankly and it's been like this since BfA
One of the easiest healers. Very tanky and the hardest to die despite being melee healer. Btw, you can still be in range and do respectful healing if you have to. Just spam HS/HL/WoG.
Unlike other healers he has very few healing buttons but they do shitload of healing.
So basically you just spam HS and CS on CD and spend holy power with WoG, occasionally casting HL if needed.
Utility and CD usage will come with experience.
yes they are
kul tiran males teleport in the air with their death animation
xir look stunning and brave
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I honestly just wish they had real transmog, having only 3 slots be visible is super limiting and most of the barbershop stuff looks ass
it's fine. you're usually better off with a pet in the world for the laziness of it and grouped things bounce back and forth because of classes without bloodlust.
Kul Tirans deserve new models and much more customizations.
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>Shit cutscene
Garrosh yelling YOU MADE ME WHAT I AM and pummeling the fuck out of Thrall was kino
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i just click on it manually
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got faster version of that gif?
Him dying in a shitty quest with Thrall fucking cheating to do so is just disrespectful towards the character.
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I can't believe they didn't AT LEAST make evoker tier sets fully visible on dragonform. Like only evokers can wear it anyway so what's the problem wtf. They don't even have different male/female models.
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Bell or Hammer for pve stuff?
barafag opinions are worthless but I agree you should be able to make them big as well as twinky but more importantly the females should have big lizzard venom sacs without nipples or anything covering them
it's not like armor not fitting all bodies is something to worry about lol
You have to understand, watching garrosh punch the shit out of thrall was the highlight. The Horde i loved back in Warcraft 3 and even early WoW died with Garrosh, i was told that blood and thunder was bad and now its all elves so this cutscene is the death of that faction
>world of le whacky and quirky gnomerinos tinkering with potions whoops what a clutz its gone out the window haha it looks volatile i bet it will turn the heckin humanerino dancing on the mailbox (HAHA REMEMBER THAT IN STORMWIND DANCING ON THE MAILBOX I PLAYED VANILLA BACK IN THE DAY HAHA) into a polymorphed sheep or maybe even something whackier zoinks its the cheese shop owner with his wheel of cheese but of course we cant forget mr dwarf mcbeard dwarf with his rifle wow he's just like me i drink dwarven ale and use manscaped products haha so le quirky
and then there's knight sheeboon of the order of the welfare hand(outs)
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kek thanks king
i think blizzard has some sort of problem with their asset creation pipeline, probably cant hire quality talent due to the high cost of living in irvine and the low salary blizzard offers
Her pussy is too precious.
>race (fel)
just start making the new armor painted on an invisible 3d piece instead of the body itself
me beating up metz*n after he fucks up midnight like he fucked up cata
blizzard and disney both have the exact same problem. They attract a lot of talent but dont pay as well as somewhere else and due to being in socal the most expensive place to live globally almost the talent goes elsewhere OR hangs out at those companies for a hot second, get a resume boost and dip
>The Horde i loved back in Warcraft 3 and even early WoW died with Garrosh, i was told that blood and thunder was bad and now its all elves so this cutscene is the death of that faction
feels bad man
can you do this even if you popped the map toy?
My best guess is that engine limitations forced them to choose between letting them wear gear and giving them so many customisations. Like maybe some of their features like wings, talons etc are taking up 'slots' normally used for armour.
Or maybe theyre just fucking lazy and mechagnomes had already lowered the bar for playable races to the sea bottom
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She is dating white human male btw
>forced to live in your car to make the one of the most profitable games of all time
I would hate the game and playerbase too
>get a resume boost and dip
this used to be the way blizzard attarcted people. but it seems to no longer be effective, perhaps not seen as prestigious anymore
the map toy will fill in the map but you can still earn the xp by manually visiting the zones. the map toy wont give you any xp but it also doesnt break the ability to get xp from exploring.

but it will make it nearly impossible to tell what parts of the map you have and have not collected the XP for
You still get the xp, you just don't know where you've been or not on the account of everything being exposed.
blackcel bros… why do we lose all the good ones…
>ride caroussel
>not getting the buff
??? im lvl 76
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>No Paladin

thank you Chris
there is no place for trannies in our ranks, we are full on retards already
oh god
i have no button to get off the ride
ya that is also annoying as fuck
that guy plays wow. ran into him because he reacted to the war within cinematic and his video blew up
you're on it forever lmao
there is no red arrow
its literally nowhere
holy fuck im getting dizzy man
Candle King sounds exactly like Blackhand, same voice actor?
I work at disneyland and thats how it is there.
>work for the most profitable tourist attraction in all of california, the entire surrounding cities all exist because of it
>cant live anywhere near it and they historically under pay and abuse their staff
>just today they announced that they are cutting the college tuition programs they have been doing for years
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nelf paladins when
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enjoy the ride buddy
i am legit gonna puke
oh yeah same actor
Just alt f4 the fucking game you absolute brainlet
Im surprised that isnt a thing yet. If they can make them Warlocks then make them Pali's
asshole die in a fire
>Give Holy Paladins 2H Weapon
>Elegant solution - just slap +Armor onto it, no one cares anyway
>Expansions later 2H weapon are still in our loot table, but dont give +Armor and doesnt work with Shield of the Righteous, making them useless

Im still mad. Is it that hard to fix that shit? You already had the solution for gods sake.
no u
>they can make them Warlocks
the fuck??
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Woman moment.
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at least you are not single minded fury anon
>Blizzard, can we use 1h weapon?
>design half of the tree for 1h weapon instead of just spending 5 mins to make 2h weapon transmoggable into 1h weapon
DX 11 or 12 on a 3080 ?
i dont think anyone in blizzard plays the game anymore
case in point, ion hasnt logged in to this orc for so long that he no longer shows up in armory
(all of them are the wrong one)
wouldn't surprise me if he switched name cause of people writing stupid shit to him
nah, he didn't play for the entiretry of DF as well. also barely played through SL
last time he actually played this game, based on his reps, was in mop
>See herb
>literally disappears 3feet infront of me
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it doesn't matter at all besides the initial leveling, all the crafting orders you'll receive will be done using the client's mats and if you are crafting r5 equipment you can stack max resourcefulness so when it procs you get extra gold from selling the r3 mats in the AH
white bros.. never give up hope
you too can make it with a kween and live happily ever after
gold sinks hardly matter at all when players have the money printer in world quests. things revolve around what people are willing to grind and passive accumulation where people know the game has their back for 5-10k or whatever if they really need it. you can't really do anything about it. you could do what happens around launches to a small degree where there's a temporary deflation but that doesn't really change the economy as much as it's simply numerical. the value of gold goes up through trade demand to get the newest shit but all the income on everything but the new shit goes down since all that is being dumped for gold too. it's just a bubble where you'd be helping botters' gold value and people who don't have any idea what to even do with their gold and not be a structural change beyond changing the rmt gold market numbers a little. you can fly for a short while but it doesn't change the gravity of player's view of gold generation and destruction controlled largely through blizzard's tuning. you're stuck with their systems and human behavior dictating what's fun.
It actually doesn't look so bad
>best thread we've had in months
>avatarfag op
Really makes you think.
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It's almost like the reputation of them gets blown way out of proportion or something.

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