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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

Anniversary Edition
Last Thread: >>491853316

- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, available now on the Switch, is coming to PC and mobile on September 11th.
- Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi and Dragon Quest Champions officially ended their service on July 31st, 2024.
- Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Steam, and Windows, and will release on November 14th.
- Dragon Quest Builders is now available on Steam, including all QoL that the mobile port had.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest X is available in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


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Thanks, DQG.
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>another year closer to death
We died. We fucking died.
Wait, what happened?
No one bumped the last thread. Died 700 posts in.
Posting for Maya and Meena
That's like dying in the front gate of the last dungeon.
me on the right
what the fuck is puar from dragon ball doing there lmao
Sorry, chat. This was me. >>493338803
I guess the power of the unemployed was too much for you all.
>Get tons of bangin' news
>Get regularly Thwacked
How did this happen?
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What's up bitches? :3
Only 69 sleepies until DQ3HD.
Skill issue
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qrd on dq3 hd
Watch one of the multiple previews or trailers
2dhd remake of dq3. one new class, character creator allows for different heads and hair colors, an expanded story with focus on ortega, and at least 1 new boss
Good remake of a timeless classic.
There you go.
dragon quest is dead. square enix fucked up by drinking the cool aid and censoring the hot warrior girl. nobody will buy it just like concord. dq 12 never. its dead jim.
i still don't get what was wrong with concord. I read "it's unappealing" but idk to me they all look like shit, i'm evidently missing the finesse intrinsic to this genre cause i decided to brush them all off but i'm having a real "out of the crowd casual" moment here. I'm glad it died though, here's hoping more will follow
The real problem with FemWarrior's redesign is that it even looks censored. They should've done a proper redesign instead. Giving her a metal skirt would've looked SO much better than adding those shorts.
They should've consulted with the original artist and had him come up with a new design.

Yes, because despite the game being in development for years, they only just now did the character design in the final months of production.
This makes perfect sense.
Anlucia casts Kazing!
But it failed!
Well, if he did come up with those designs, that just means he was lazy with or just didn't care about the censored designs and that is understandable. I can understand why someone would put no effort into making adjustments for the fictitious modern audience. I personally would want the adjustments to be something that would look good enough that it would hopefully be inoffensive to the old audience and not look bad/weird to the potential new audience.
I very much doubt he came up with them, but he probably did approve them. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
I don't think the spats could ever not look wrong, but I'm something a fan of how Stars, Terry's Wonderland 3D, etc handled the top. A smaller, black tanktop that fits with armor more. But obviously I'd prefer the original design overall.
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People behind it suck, bad character design, bad gameplay, $40 to play+MTX.
oh nvm I thought you were talking about dq3 not concord, sorry LMAO
I was confused and thought you said DQ3 was bad
you say that as if it's any different for any of those games out there, they all suck shit like that. Like i thought that was the point, they suck but people like them so they keep doing them, idk
like the only difference is that it's not freemium (aka free to play but most stuff you have to pay for)? maybe? Again i just can't tell what's so different about this one, everything you listed is in my limited view also applicable to shit like overwatch and whatnot (again imho)
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Chekhov's Gun
Why is she British?
I would never hate on DQ3 even if HD2D had tons of issues
which dragonquest is the best one?
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My character really is just gohan now huh
All of them, even 2
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Beat v3.
And so, the Ethenian who had cheated death cheated death once again, and Astoltia was forever changed.
The “best” Dragon Quest game can be subjective and often depends on personal preferences. However, some titles are frequently highlighted by fans and critics alike:

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age - This game is often praised for its beautiful graphics, engaging story, and refined gameplay mechanics. The Definitive Edition adds even more content and quality-of-life improvements1.
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - Known for its charming characters, expansive world, and compelling narrative, this game is a favorite for many long-time fans23.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride - This entry is beloved for its emotional story and unique gameplay elements, such as the ability to recruit monsters to your party4.
Each game has its own strengths, so it might be worth trying a few to see which one resonates most with you. Have you played any Dragon Quest games before? If so, which ones did you enjoy?
I suspect killing machines are posting here now.
I have a confession to make: Only DQs I've played are 3, 4, 8, 10 and 11, and I only beat 4 and the first 3 major versions of 10.
Did AI type this
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>Did AI type this
That is 100% Chat Gippity writing.
So i know the Warrior's "new" spats are a hot button issue.
just saw this piece of fan art (https://x.com/momo_nei/status/1832087407526899792) And it got me thinking, would a slight redesign be better than just beige/skintone spats?
Honestly, I don't care too much about the change as is because its already happened before OVER A DECADE AGO but people still act like this is something new despite the fact that people have been expecting it since the remake was confirmed and that we have outright known about since her sprites were first shown. Hell, it was even apparent in those stupid acrylic things with the collectors edition. (https://www.realmofdarkness.net/dq/wp-content/img/hd2d/dq3/collectors/3.jpg)

Also, I went to the archive to compare to see if this was some new image for the Collectors edition. Turns out it's not, people just didn't point out the change to the Warrior OR the Priest then. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/486808868/#487075764
So you like the change?
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>it's another culture fag episode
No, I just expected it. There's nothing that me getting angry about a change to a character will do. Even if hundreds of thousands of people were to bitch about it Square still wouldn't change it back. I'll just take solace in fact that the game looks like it's going to be really good and eat this L.
Besides, most fan artists will continue to draw her in her classic outfit anyways so there will still be that. Also here's her back sprite where it was more apparent. https://www.realmofdarkness.net/dq/wp-content/img/hd2d/dq3/collectors/4.jpg
Instant improvement.
The impression I got was that people were focused more on the battle sprite, where the spats didn't seem to be as apparent. Plus I don't think many people were looking at such high resolution images of the stands, just low res ones allowed the spats to blend in with her skin more, especially on the rear where it looks like her ass could be darkened from shadow.
The skirt's alright but wearing something under a bra will never not look stupid, they should just commit and give her a breastplace at that point
Should be noted that I'm talking about the first week or so after the first new trailer dropped.
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onto v4
Oh my god! Gohan! A bomb!
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Traveling through time and trying to prevent the end of the world? What is this, some sort of Chrono Trigger?
Looks like a cocoon to me.
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i haven't played any which is why i asked
Play the SNES version of 1. Start from the beginning.
Great question! The Dragon Quest series has many fantastic entries, and the best one to start with can depend on what you’re looking for in a game. Here are a few recommendations:

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age - This is often recommended for newcomers because it’s the most recent game in the series and is readily available on modern platforms. It offers a well-rounded experience with beautiful graphics, a compelling story, and classic gameplay mechanics1.
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - Another popular choice, especially if you enjoy a more traditional JRPG experience. It’s known for its charming characters, engaging story, and vibrant world2.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride - If you’re interested in a strong narrative, this game is highly praised for its emotional story and character development3.
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation - For those who want to experience the roots of the series, this game is a classic and introduces many elements that became staples in later games4.
Each of these games has its own unique charm, so you can’t go wrong with any of them. Do you have a preference for modern graphics or classic gameplay?
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DQX offline when
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cute and funny
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>vibrant world2.
thanks for the uhh help, mister chat gpt user
play them all in order though
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But don't expect it to have all the content of the online version and be an actual palliative for it
Personally, it just made me want to play the mmo, and I guess that was the point
Some DQ fangames
>Dragon Quest: Shadow of the Sinful Sorcerer
A fangame inspired by the first three Dragon Quest games.
>Loto the Avatar
An Ultima/Dragon Quest crossover demake
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I want to FUCK Dragon Quest series!
Imagine DQ7 would be the best one. Fucking DQ7 would feel like an endless, life spanning gooning session. And when you finally start cumming, it would be messy and all over the place. Sex with DQ7 would leave you an entirely different person.
DQV sex, on the contrary, would be short and sweet. But you can always come back and try something different.
But my personal favourite has to be DQ4 sex. Holy fucking shit. Just when you think you're about to cum, it starts all over again. Until you reach the point of no return and, holy shit, it lasts longer than all the previous false-starts combined.
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i have a sort of schadenfreude-adjacent confusion cause everywhere i look people go like "designs are bad cause females are not naked enough, also fat people are there". It feels like opposite world given on "our" end we get stuff like the covered up warrior, basically goes to show how people are barely tolerating these designs and going to the logical end of said designs is what concord did, which apparently no one liked (you'd think the loud minority of fags applauding these changes would have, but as we all know they don't actually play videogames)
Bros I'm having dreams about DQX again
Arold's so lucky...
It's weird how the ogres in this game are basically onis, the dwarves tiny shreks, and the elves supreme kais. But I guess that's part of Toriyama's magic. He turned a D&D slime into a fucking hershey's kiss and made one of the most iconic yet simplistic character designs in gaming ever after all.
When you think about it, Pukus are the Moogles or Nopons of DQX
dreaming of playing on a private server with all of my /dqg/ guild friends
Imagine the fun
We'd be invincible
I’m sick of culture warrior faggots on /v/ who don’t give a fuck about dragon quest using it to push their agenda and be annoying. I fucking hate that shit hole.
Are these culture war faggots in the room with us now?
No they’re posting twitter screenshots about games they don’t play on /v/.
I mean, true, they're faggots.
But i kinda hate this censorship too. Not to the point of declaring that i won't buy the game, but it sucks,
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Quard's had enough
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That shit happens all the time, but the people using Toriyama's death as a tool to spread bullshit is another level of fucked up
I'm sad DQ got thrown into the culture war. The Sugiyama stuff finally simmered down after his death and now this.
Stop pointing at me you smelly whore
Uh oh I've read enough to know where this is heading
Anni in 3 days.
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what an evil bitch
She doesn't seem any more evil than your average woman
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We're so fucked!
Damn, woman. Quit thinking about Fiveo
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I warned you about cocoons, bro! ...kyu.
>Have wanted DQX to come to the west for over a decade now
>Even if it did theres a extremely high chance it will get pozzed to death for our version
we live in the worse reality
They both look very happy. Almost too happy.
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i love the jokes in these games so much
Had to get the twins to level 10 and buy out the best equipment available to beat Balzack, and Meena still died during the fight.
Did you put oojam first in line
No, because I am an idiot.
put him first in line and you'll have an easier time. party members that are earlier in the lineup are more likely to get attacked
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will try
New Sage fanart. I do so enjoy an old school Dragon Ball parody, especially when it happens to involve DQ or Chrono Trigger girls.
The art because I am an idiot.
It's so unfair, why do girls get a natural storage solution and men don't
Cute embarrassed Cleric!
im playing dq3, what's the canon name?
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I don't know shit about this Monster Wrangler class other than they use monster attacks. Do they learn the skills of monsters like blue mages in FFV? Or do they "wrangle" monsters to release in battle and have them execute their attacks like beastmasters in FFV?
Nothing special. They just learn a set of skills on levelling up or spending points in a skill tree in the games that have them, like any other class.
In some games they can recruit a defeated monster into the party at the end of battle. Something tells me that won't be the case for 3make.
Men can store items in their foreskin so it’s fair.
You've never heard of nature's pocket, ie up your butt? Good place for a watch.
See, I'd be happy with this redesign. https://x.com/ajpp6/status/1831721200059609358
If they were going to make four different looks per sex anyways, why not make four different armors for the female warrior? Keep the original and the redesigns they've made over the years.
I hope I get the sore loser personality again in III

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