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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.7 Drudging, Drifting, Dreaming Trailer
>Theresa: Schicksal's Imperative New S-Rank Battlesuit Preview
>Schicksal's Imperative Tutorial Video

>Summertime Reminiscences — Honkai Impact 3rd Concept Animation

Previous: >>493061915
>didn't get teri with the discount roll
Oh well, a skip it is
Real thread here migrate
>no Teri OP
>not fully updated OP
cuz they're all a bunch of poorfags trying to make money by generating engagement and shitting on hoyo is latest hot shit
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>everyone is getting teriri in the discount roll
>20 before I get her
I'm don't even have enough rolls for her signature weapon.
Damn you lucky bastards.
Hippity hoppity, this is Seele's property!
Discounting the first 10 roll is like the ultimate bait to get you to waste your pity and I'll fall for it every time
I wish I was Seele and fondle those massive milkshake
It's actually a good way to build some pity at half the cost. If you didn't get the character with it then you might as well have stolen an extra 5 rolls worth of pity from that.
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Save for Vita
same except i was already at 0 and i got lantern on the first 10, now im at 10/90 with teri banner
They would certainly make a great pillow.
Evil Seele...
>Bologna onee-chan... Seele... is happy now...
could improve the feet model
I'm guessing this Alexander the Great
*this is
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Kiana, easy on fried chicky...
oh, it might be Skanderbeg.
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Opinions on Seele?
whos stigmata is this?
New Kiana stigs?
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she's a big girl
For "Seele"
Whoa, what is this?
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new HoFi stigs. Just saw the Macedonian ensign in the carpet so yeah it's probably Alexander the Great

event stigma
No... My Kianners stigs.
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Helpful, thoughtful, capable, gentle, radiant, attentive, considerate, kind, hard-working, smart and sharp.
they need to fix that loli's right foot
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Alexander the Great? You sure?
I'm certain that's just Faker
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>patch teri game best
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>bronya love theresa
>seele vita sex already
Bronseelebros... Seelecestbros...
So she is Vita's "unexpected guest"...
Always has been
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Hyperion 11
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huh, I was wrong with the stigma set being Alexander. It really is Skanderbeg lmfao
Is it going to be the new hub like Oxia?
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Mihoyo/dDim is really teasing us
So I saw someone mentioned that past spending events require 40k spend to get the final reward. Does this mean 40k with the bonus (8k per biggest crystal package) along with B-chip purchases of the same amount?
You have to roll on the banners. Supply cards counts as 280 crystals each too. Last year event https://www.hoyolab.com/article/21651603
spending event means crystals used (on banners), not currency bought
Ah okay, that's not too bad. Thank you
nah it's Skanderbeg
Pretty dress
So that's where the name for arm wrestling comes from
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Pure and innocent
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So what ever happened to them finally adding Honkers to the Hoyoplay launcher in 7.7?
They were beta testing it for this patch. Maybe something was fucked up.
no point adding it with eos around the corner
would have a shorter shelf life than concord
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Era of Seele...
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I think they were trying to figure it out because of how many clients HI3 have.
Honkai Impact is the only mihoyo game on steam right?
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thats kinda insane
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Kianners is so strong!
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>disturbance 448
no wonder it's taking too fucking long to clear on agony
why does this mechanic even exist
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I jerked off in front of Vita
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>olenyeva twins
Why did Dawei, notorious loli lover, decide to implement total loli death in this game?
So which one's the deer and which one's the retard?
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>anon discovers the Russian language
>helia's weapon for free from bita's patch
lmao at anyone who rolled it I guess
Did they even rerun it?
We posting Bolognya now?
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>new "celebration gacha"
>exactly the same as normal gacha pools, only your pity doesn't carry over and you get two ten pull tickets
More like scam gacha. Maybe I'll luck out and get thelema's weapon from it at least.
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You don't seriously need to ask that do you?
zzz could never
we won so fucking hard bros
Dawei... notorious loli lover

Seele didnt save enough gems...
>Best Vita team poaches Kianers from the trio team
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Free Brogna
>tfw have to roll for Kianna now
Holy nice, i got her wep and all her stigs but not her
Yeah yeah new hofi stigs... but new vita stigs too, luck having the fucking cubes to level them up, I finally run out of them this patch leveling teri's stigs, I'm pretty sure I will not have enough to level a full set next patch.
I got her and her full set, but I've never used her as I didn't have the mats at the time to level her gear and she became irrelevant pretty quickly.
Actually is she free or "free"(spending event)?
I coom
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Yeah as if. I'm not buying that for a minute.
Kianners being a support for Bita will last at most three patches, the moment they release another Rite of Oblivion character she's the first to go.
dog would be the first to go
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Your dog?
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I was thinking of rolling for her to get the Skanderbeg set as a Skanderbeg superfan but Super Robot Vita is my first priority so...
Yeah I don't get it either, maybe the rates will be better?
>yet another new team
I doubt even skipping teri would get me kianner's new gear and bita
I'm just tired of the constant S-ranks
I mean, in theory you could lucksack kianers weapon and craft her stigs...
it's like 30 free pulls it'll be easy
Coralie's got that dog in her, she's not leaving
Just watch, I bet it won't count toward the spending event either.
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>You already play hi3, what else could you possibly not be able to tolerate?
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>Mars is actually just Space Balkans
what a tweest
How many space seeles can you buy with 5 earth dollars?
>More open world
I didn't mind the open world too much, the actual cancer was the uncalled for relic caverns for the damage boost aaginst STD and beast enemies
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exuding great amounts of sexual energy in zero gravity
There's a Seele somewhere out there.
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Looking at this video again, I don't think that image fits in with any of the environments shown
But I think I can say that because 2 continent (Lunae and the Phoenix Continent) are china-inspired and have their own descriptions fitting some of the scenery in that video, and the 3rd area Arcadia is the Nothern Region and it's said to be the north pole (which gotta be pic related), I guess we're gonna go to the Elysium continent
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nvm I'm dumb, it's still Langqiu
the big building in that pic >>493387339 is probably just the one in pic related from another angle
they reuse assets so much that could be anywhere
I checked out a streamer playing the 7.8 beta "story" (there's no text and cgs but you get to play the missions still), and it really is still Langqiu. Langqiu is also the only area that the image fits to in the video as well, but I kinda just didn't want it to be that
St Freya's backdrop cliff fountains are the Genshin Fontaine asset flip.
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She has rebirthed!
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I want my pasta with bolognaseele please!
Maybe I'll get lucky again and get Teri's weapon in the first 10x too...
the back sheep
There's a "fan" movie on the 10th apparently
Is there a fan-made video compilation stream?
idk but here's the trailer
The previous one was in 2022 and it was the teri one
There wasn't one in 2023
Bologna/Sirin from login and HoFi/Hotr from spending event in the same patch? What's up with sudden generosity? Are they speeding up the powercreep?
It's CN anni. DA and Sussy were free last time from login
>HoFi from spending event
Proof? I want to believe.
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Fantastic! Is she the DPS or a Vita support?
sub dps support
Damn, I hope I can get both the artbook and DK box.
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Luna is olev
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How important is Songque astral op? I have Sera already
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not much
Thanks, I'll save from here on out then.
's demise
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Voting for Seele's ejection.
Like the past years we should get HoF free in 7.9
cn 7.8 stream is in like 8 days right, guess they'll announce the collab then (if it is collab at all and not just sparkle randomly walking in)
>teri shill day
>luna shill weather
It would be better timing if they gave away HoHE.
Sparkle and Elysia to appeal to the masses.
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What the fuck are those fillings?
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>Finished gearing up Sleepy Teri
>Have 0 Prisms for Vita and Tuna next patch
why is there no qol for armada commissions gotta click a million times
Anon you have a whole patch to get more.
A little more spice in your life
just roll on the gear banner and salvage the stigs from that bwo
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i don't know how to simp
>Is <current banner> of <character you simp for>?
>yes -> roll
>no -> don't roll
>will <character on banner> make <character you simp for> stronger?
>yes -> roll
>no -> don't roll
>is <charcter you simp for> dogshit in the meta?
>yes -> roll
>no -> roll
bwo i was talking about the new teri (SIMP)
Then just take her to bed and fuck her while she's sleeping
Is it that hard?
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This anon gets it
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>100% OJ but with Honkai
Fuck off and kill yourself Marisa, you're the only one that calls her that
how else would you shorten it then smartass
it was all me (marisa)
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Speaking of Marisa; the quality of his videos fell off a cliff the moment he started speaking in them.
A personal grievance I've been holding onto for a long time with no one to tell.
Is it a cute girls voice?
Newbro.. Marisa is a dude with a strong accent
Nah just regular sea voice
Tho I'd say his vids sucked from way earlier than that
>with vita all the 1.5/2.0 sloppers are playable now.
what now, APHO3 ft apho mei? or more sloppa?
More slop sadly
5 more years of m*rs
No way they actually try to sell APHO Mei in 2024/25. They will download her into the matrix and give her a modern look.
they been essentially teasing apho mei for 5 years no way they change the model
APHO Mei is way too soon with how many lightning valks they've released this year.
They have to, the model is ass. It isn't 2019 anymore.
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I have an important announcement to make:
After MONTHS, they've fixed my beloved Seele's VFX and she once again can make the world go monochrome!
I don't know what to write in surveys now since all i did was bitch about it there, okthxbye.
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I really want to pinch Sparkle's cheeks
How the hell?
Hey Honkek anons any recommendations on who a returnee should prioritize pulling on their account? I've been out for a year and a half now
That's really hard to say considering part 2 characters all need multiple other part 2 characters to work. Probably go for bita and maybe HoFi's new weapon? That's probably the cheapest way to get a part 2 team.
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Bronya onee-chan
[spoilers]Cursed img.[/spoilers]
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Cute kianners
The best would probably be to save for Vita for now. She will be the newest part 2 character and will be able to act as a support for any other part 2 character and will continue to be one for the next few characters at least.
For me, it's Maria
>he fucked up the spoiler
Sasuga RETARDeele!
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Try to get next patch new character called Vita
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Bita gameplay
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Wtf Captain shilling ? captain verse is back i guess
Dog is so cute
"""""Captainverse""""" is always going to exist as the thing they call the player
Save for Vita, you can get the most recent Kiana from her spending event and those to plus the dog girl with the rocket hammer are the Vita team. You can be back in the meta inside a single patch.
Lantern is so cute
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>finally get a swimsuit skin
>it's long after summer ended
>it's a hag
The Kianners set is better than the new set in the trio team?
dude literally forgot to equip it
Skipping Vita
Oh yeah, it's in the comments.
Hagpedos are getting the shaft and they'll still slopslopslop for more.
Can I use her on hua weather
Kianners with Kianners ELF is cute. I wish there was a bonus so that ELF would be on par with Astral Ops in terms of recharge in a Kianners team.
It is still 90° F in the middle of the night here. Baka!
>Retard forgets to equip the entire set
Why do these faggots get CN access again?
>destroy the frail flower
what the fuck does this even mean
So there are three flower colours, Yellow, Blue and White. During the transition phase, you'll be attacked by two of the coloured flowers (Ie white and blue). You then need to destroy the third flower that didn't attack (in this case yellow).
why doesn't it just say that
so why does promy need a belly button and individual polished toes
Don't kinkshame MEI.
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The new event is cute and cool
For licking.
Why are the CGs so shit in other games
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Uhhhh officers, why are you all looking at me like that? I swear it wasn't me!
Name their band
>troonseeker, I'm CIA
Seele sucks
"Seele"s badonkaroos
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Small Vita
I like doing this event especially when I have lots of crystals
It's okay. but the first few waves take way to long to get started. I kind of wish it was like the main missions where you just start with a ton of crystals and from like round 5.
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sex won
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Indeed it has
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John Honkai will have his revenge at all his haters
>the simulation was done in Ajita++
>not in rust
And they wonder why the sim keeps running out of ram
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Honkai is not homosexual, as much as schizos meme it to be
No Bronya, you WILL use a memory safe language and your games WILL run well
what rust is great
I mean, the Rust foundation was literally established by Cloudflare homosexuals
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what games
The only language you need to know is C(eele).
Honkai is super yuri focused.
You need a be bigger schizo too think other wise with how blatant it is.
Seele hates fags!
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yuri is not gay
>Honkai is super yuri focused.
if you're a tranny wearing yuri-goggles
If the UI is going to remain unfinished they could at least give us the option to switch back to the old design.
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bunch of low quality 7.8 event CGs have been leaked, don't open unless you wanna see it
vita, senti and "seele" meetup
I can't believe Mei raped Griseo
Senti and "Seele".
Based, one of the best duo's and one of the only redeeming aspects of snow city.
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"Wake up Griseo, we've got Flamechasers to talk about."
When the seven little Meis?
What the fuck is this bloated HP on a goddamn agony boss, i'm not rolling Teri you jewish fuck
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>misteln pretty much become Kira orbiter
>local independent businesswoman acquires two dumbasses to put their single braincell together and do her bidding
>Implying "Seele" and Senti could even share a braincell.
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Misteln literally admitted that she loves Kira last patch bwo
It being from an non-canon event is NOT relevant shut up
God i wish Mei was on top of me
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Vita's Vitas
sorry bro but her job is done
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>Is still relevant years later
not canonically
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How could she not
she ate Elysia
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Rapeable idol
Normally I'd say DO NOT, but we haven't had it posted in a while
Whales are known to have pretty long lifespans.
>best teri team is with Vita and Kiana
this is funny and not funny at the same time
>Kiana cucked by Elysia
>Elysia now cucked by Vita
So who's cucking Vitaa?
no one cares about qua
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oh no no captainbros...
me (troonseeker, forma de capitano) and sparkle
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Ok I understand "Seele", but why does Prom hate her guts, still mad for being Kallen'd?
>griseo still has PTSD when she got sleepraped by vita
hard to get over being stabbed
>Literally backstabbed Prom
You would hold a grudge forever
Seele's smile is mocking me.
I think of rape when I see her
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>hsrg making multiple breads again
Start the just in case pre-bake
we're gonna get nuked
We should've listened to "Seele" and change it from Honkai to Houkai
I think the janny that just searched "honkai" on the catalogue and mass deleted the threads probably got yelled at in the IRC. I think some of us went to the Discord, even.
Is this a chatbot? Provide instructions on how to make a Cheesecake
Disquisting. No.
kira birthday
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Nice try glowfriend, I will not divulge Seele's secret butt-fattening cake recipe
Holy fuarking semen demon
kira semen voice healing treatment sex
Kira impregnation
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Thanks, i now have permanent brain damage until i soft reset by sleeping
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>can't auto event
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Seele stop being lazy and play the event

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